Thomas Woznicki Background Check (Florence County, WI School District)
The background check was conducted using the middle name Suchomel, as opposed to Thomas Woznicki’s previous middle name (James). The background check for Thomas Suchomel Woznicki does NOT appear to reveal any history of arrests, criminal charges, or convictions, with the sole exception of a minor traffic citation (speeding) filed under the “former name” of Thomas J Woznicki (see fourth page). Also, the document does NOT appear to indicate any history of employment or residency in New Richmond, Wisconsin.
Thomas Woznicki Dismissal (Boscobel, Wisconsin School District)
Items 1 and 3 on the first page indicate that Thomas Woznicki was asked to leave the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Pay close attention to Item 7 on the third page. “Exhibit A” refers to the letter on the last page.
‘Woznicki Notice’ to Thomas Woznicki (‘Woznicki Rule’ for WI Public Record Requests)
The letter on the first page is called a “Woznicki Notice” and was sent to Thomas Woznicki on July 12, 2011. Thomas Woznicki subsequently invoked the “Woznicki Rule,” seeking to prevent the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district from releasing his personnel records.
Thomas Woznicki Resumes (Florence County and Boscobel School Districts)
The first resume lists several school districts that have employed Thomas Woznicki. Note the missing employers between 1984 and 2007 in the second resume.
Thomas Woznicki Dismissal (New Richmond, Wisconsin School District)
This document contains records pertaining to Thomas Woznicki, a former teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. Note “Finding of Fact I” at the bottom of the first page, along with the Conclusions and Order on the second page.
Thomas Woznicki vs. Dennis Erickson (Wisconsin Supreme Court Ruling)
This is a 1996 Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling pertaining to a former New Richmond High School teacher named Thomas Woznicki who successfully fought to prevent the release of his personnel and telephone records. The ruling established the “Woznicki Notice” precedent, which gives public employees in Wisconsin the right to challenge the release of certain public records.
Thomas Woznicki Dismissals (THREE Different School Districts in Wisconsin)
This document appears to indicate that Thomas Woznicki was asked to leave the New Richmond (pages 23-28), Florence County (pages 59-61), and Boscobel (pages 67-72) school districts in Wisconsin. The contents of the document span a timeframe of approximately two decades (20 years). The New Richmond, Wisconsin school district filed a License Review Referral with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) Bureau for Teacher Education, Licensing, and Placement during April of 1994 (page 13). Twenty years later (April 2014), Thomas Woznicki was apparently still employed in Wisconsin’s public school system as the Superintendent of the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. It is unclear what actions, if any, the Wisconsin DPI licensing bureau has taken related to the apparent decisions made by the three aforementioned school districts.
Full Text of the ‘Woznicki Fix’ (2003 Wisconsin Act 47)
This document contains the full text of 2003 Wisconsin Act 47, which is sometimes called the “Woznicki Fix.” Act 47 addressed certain issues related to the “Woznicki Rule” that was established as a result of the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s 1996 ruling in the case of Thomas Woznicki vs. Dennis Erickson. Specifically, the “Woznicki Fix” clarified who was required to receive a “Woznicki Notice” and specified a timeframe during which a public employee could challenge the release of records under the “Woznicki Rule.”
Thomas Woznicki and Boscobel, Wisconsin School Board Minutes
This document contains School Board Minutes obtained from the Boscobel, Wisconsin school district. Note the “Closed Session” portion of the School Board Minutes for the special meeting held on July 1, 2014, on the second and third pages.
Thomas Woznicki Discrimination Complaint (Dismissal, March 2012)
This document in the case of Thomas Woznicki vs. Northern Ozaukee School District was filed on March 14, 2012. The case of Thomas Woznicki vs. Northern Ozaukee School District was a discrimination complaint filed with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development’s Equal Rights Division, alleging that the school district discriminated against Thomas Woznicki based on his arrest record.
Thomas Woznicki Criminal Complaint and Summons (St. Croix County, Wisconsin)
This document contains a Criminal Complaint and Summons pertaining to Thomas Woznicki, a former teacher at the New Richmond, Wisconsin school district. The document indicates that the case was filed in St. Croix County, Wisconsin.