
Document 1021926

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Document 1021926
IBM Software Group
ITCAM for Applica/ons vNext -­‐ ITCAM Siebel CRM Agent vNext Beta Customer Educa=on (Beta Drop 1) 2013/05
© IBM Corporation
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
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IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Content for ITCAM for Apps: Siebel CRM vNext Beta Drop 1 §  Windows Cluster Support for the Gateway server and Siebel servers •  Previous versions of the Siebel Agent, when monitoring Siebel CRM on MicrosoH Windows, did not consistently return availability data when running in MicrosoH Cluster based environments §  Updated to ITM 6.2.3 FP3 Codebase •  Latest IBM Java, TEMA / ITM Framework §  New PlaMorm Support •  Windows 2012 §  Siebel Currency •  Support latest Siebel CRM 8.0.x, 8.1.x and 8.2.x product releases
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Content for ITCAM for Apps: Siebel CRM vNext Beta Drop 2 §  Agent Serviceability •  Bundled Agent Diagnostic script
•  More attribute group specific error messages in Performance Object Enumeration
•  More descriptive logging of agent interactions with underlying Siebel CLIs
§  Enhanced Repor/ng •  Builds upon the Siebel CRM v71 Agent TCR Reports
•  Addition of “What If?” type Cognos-based TCR Reports §  Siebel Applica/on Server Management Query Time Tracking §  Deeper monitoring of the Siebel special purpose files-­‐system via enhanced and new aTribute groups, workspaces, and situa/ons §  Improved Agent Self-Monitoring capabilities
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Addi/onal (Extended) items under considera/on for Beta Drop 2 §  Basic HTTP/HTTPS availability monitoring of Siebel web front-­‐ends §  Remote Siebel Enterprise Monitoring •  Visibility into the Siebel Enterprise including the Gateway server and Applica=ons Servers without requiring local agent installa=on •  Provides a “rolled up” view of the Siebel environment to complement the deeper per server monitoring that already §  Siebel centric APM UI Dashboard §  Incorpora/on of APARs / Fixes reported since Siebel CRM Agent v7.1 5
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Siebel CRM Agent vNext Beta Schedule Time Event May 2013 Beta Drop 1 July 2013 Beta Drop 2 4Q 2013 GA 6
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Ques/ons ? 7
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Backup 8
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
Prerequisites 9
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
OS Support 10
IBM Software Group | Tivoli software
PlaMorm Support §  Siebel CRM •  v8.0.x •  v8.1.x •  v8.2x §  Opera/ng System Support •  Windows 2003, 2008 (Intel 32-­‐bit) •  Windows 2008 (Intel 64-­‐bit) •  Solaris 9, 10 (64-­‐bit only) •  AIX 5.3, 6.1 (64-­‐bit only) •  Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, 5 (32-­‐bit x86) •  Novell SLES 9, 10 (32-­‐bit x86) 11
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