
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Milestone 5 Release README

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IBM Tivoli Monitoring Milestone 5 Release README
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Milestone 5 Release README
This document describes new functions available in the beta release of IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring. In addition, lists of defects encountered and enhancement requests opened during the beta program have
been included.
Read this document prior to installing the milestone code.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 1
1. General image and installation information ................................................................................. 2
2. Software Requirements ................................................................................................................. 3
3. New features available in Milestone 5 .......................................................................................... 4
4. New features available in Milestone 4 .......................................................................................... 5
5. New features available in Milestone 3 .......................................................................................... 6
6. New features available in Milestone 2 .......................................................................................... 7
7. New features available in Milestone 1 .......................................................................................... 9
8. Special Instructions for the OSLC-PM service provider ............................................................... 11
9. Known problems and workarounds ............................................................................................ 14
Resolved problems ................................................................................................................. 15
Trademarks ............................................................................................................................. 17
© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2005, 2013. All Rights Reserved.
1. General image and installation information
There is no upgrade support between beta milestones.
Previous beta milestones must be uninstalled fully before the latest beta milestone is installed. Appendix H. of the Installation and Setup Guide has details on uninstalling IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM).
There is a section in the Installation and Setup Guide in Chapter 8 that discusses backing up your Tivoli
environment and then continues with backing up your portal server and the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
If you have an existing IBM Tivoli Monitoring (v6.1.x, v6.2.x or v6.3.x) environment that you are using to
test the migration to this IBM Tivoli Monitoring beta milestone, you must back it up so that you can retest the migration on each beta milestone driver, if that is one of your test objectives. You may directly
upgrade from an existing ITM v6.1.x, v6.2.x or v6.3.x environment to this milestone driver.
A z/OS image will be not provided in this beta milestone.
There are various points where the product may be referred by a specific version number. This term
does not imply any commitment by IBM to ship this code or release the code with that version as the
final version number of this release.
Please note, when functional updates to current function are provided, an update for that will be provided in the latest beta driver notes section. Former sections will not be updated to reflect these changes.
2. Software Requirements
Access the IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports to view the latest software requirements for IBM Tivoli Monitoring:
You may also refer to the Hardware and Software requirements section in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more details.
3. New features available in Milestone 5
Plan Item 343: As an Admin/Analyst/Consumer, I want WPA to produce historical data in CSV
format, so that I can utilize the data with my analytics tool.
Plan Item 347: As an Administrator, I want ability to specify unique historical collection, frequency and retention settings for Managed System Groups, so that I can selectively collect/maintain historical data for different groups of managed systems AND do not have to manage large quantities of historical collected for ALL managed systems of an agent type.
Plan Item 405: As an administrator I need to create an empty managed system list using TEP and
CLI so that I may organize and plan my deployments and populate with actual systems at a later
Plan Item 503: As a data warehouse consumer, I want faster uploads to TDW so that I can support my analytics use cases.
RFE 29243: Alignment AIX memory attributes to NMON utility
Added two attributes to the UNIX Memory table:
 Percent Real Memory Process
 Percent Real Memory System
 These attributes map the values showed by nmon ‘MEMNEW’ view (m option)
for ‘Process%’ and ‘System%’ (other nmon values (‘Free%’,FScache%...) were in
the table already)
Added a new table, AIX Memory per Pages with:
 Memory Frames (numframes)
 Free Frames (numfrb)
 Client Frames (numclient)
 Compressed Frames (numcompr)
 Non Working Frames (numperm)
 Zero Frames Per Sec (zerofills)
 Paged In Pages from Page Space per Sec (pgspins)
 Paged Out Pages from Page Space per Sec (pgspouts)
 Page Scans by Clock per Sec (scans)
 Page Steals per Sec (pgsteals)
 These attributes map the values showed by nmon ‘MEMPAGES*’ view (M option), one row per page size.
All metrics are reported in MB
4. New features available in Milestone 4
Plan Item 266: As an ITM Administrator, I need the Dashboard Data Provider to improve Self
Describing Agent (SDA) support so that I can reduce cost of ownership by not having to recycle the TEPS to access data after a self-describing agent has been installed or upgraded
Plan Item 273: As Tivoli Administrator I want to have out of box WPAR usage reports so that
I'm able to get performance and availability historical reporting for System p. This milestone
enables a report of top “n” percent usage by CPU
Plan Item 275: As ITM Administrator I want to get from the UNIX OS agent some metrics
currently available in the AIX SystemP Premium agent attributes group so that I may uninstall the AIX System P Premium agent and reduce the Total Cost Of Ownership for monitoring AIX.
Plan Item 318: As an ITM administrator I want to use configuration tools to configure ipv6
connection for agents and server components so I easy configure and use ITM on infrastructure where communication requires IPv6 format. This milestone enables the configuration
of different host names for IPv6 and IPv4 addresses
As a Tivoli Administrator, I want to monitory my hot standby Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure
by using linked data so that I can work seamlessly across the OSLC enabled monitoring
products in my production environment.
Plan Item 317: As a government consumer or a security conscious administrator of ITM, I
may enable within the ITM infrastructure an NIST SP800-131a mode of operation or an NSA
Suite B mode of operation so that the cryptography used in Tivoli Monitoring will meet the
new U.S. Government Federal guidelines. This milestone strengthens the key strength in
the automatically generated self-signed certificates installed with ITM.
As a Tivoli Administrator, I want to specify a command line switch to the ITM Installer on
Linux/UNIX (install.sh) that causes the installer to skip updating OS startup scripts so that I
no longer have to post modify these scripts to comply with my company’s policies preventing services from being automatically started along with the operating system.
Plan Item 345: As an ITM administrator I want to verify before installation if system meets
ITM requirements, so later I can avoid installation failure because of missing prerequisites.
For this milestone, prerquisite checking has been enabled for the IBM Installation Manager
install for tivcmd.
As an ITM administrator, I want to be able to quickly lookup error messages displayed on
the IBM Installation Manager install by a unique message id in the Messages Guide publications so that I may perform problem determination.
5. New features available in Milestone 3
Plan Item 273: As Tivoli Administrator I want to have out of box WPAR usage reports so that I'm
able to get performance and availability historical reporting for System p.
Plan Item 318: As an ITM administrator I want to use configuration tools to configure ipv6 connection for agents and server components so I easy configure and use ITM on infrastructure
where communication requires IPv6 format.
Plan Item 346: As an ITM administrator, I want the components installed with IBM Installation
Manager (IM) to be installed with private data location and inside ITM home, so that no folders
or components outside of ITM are impacted
Plan Item 344: As an ITM administrator, I want to install a fix pack level of ITM that contains the
latest levels of embedded componentry so I can insure my production environment is protected
from security threats.
Plan Item TBD: As an IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator, I want to have OS Agents more efficiently evaluate MISSING situations on the PROCESS attribute group so that I can identify missing processes with greater granularity and faster response time.
Plan Item 278: The Server details pages of the Server Dashboards have been updated with the
following capabilities:
 Properties tabs added for Unix
 Historical views added on Network tab for Linux, Unix and Windows
 Historical views added on CPU tab for Unix
 Historical views added on Memory tab for Linux, Unix and Windows
To use the historical views, historical collection must be enabled in ITM for the attribute groups
corresponding to the dashboard views. To see historical data in the dashboards, modify the
dropdown time selection button on the Disk tab to something other than “Real time”. You have
several options in the dropdown (“nn hours”) or you can set a custom time range. The data will
be retrieved from ITM and the views will be changed to support historical data.
6. New features available in Milestone 2
Plan Item 281: As ITM Administrator I want to detect the current status of the data collectors
underlying the Unix OS agent, so that I can monitor the health of my agent and not lose data
due to failures in the monitoring agent
Plan Item 269: As ITM/TCR Administrator I want the option to use the report Utilization Details
for Single Resource selecting the OS resource sections to be displayed so I can see what I'm really interested on.
Plan Item 273: As Tivoli Administrator I want to have out of box WPAR usage reports so that I'm
able to get performance and availability historical reporting for System p.
Plan Item 276: As an ITM operator responsible for IBM i systems, I would like to monitor the
number of messages on a data queue, so that I can determine bottlenecks that may be occurring on the system.
Plan Item 343: As an Admin/Analyst/Consumer, I want WPA to produce historical data in CSV
format, so that I can utilize the data with my analytics tool.
Plan Item 318: As an ITM administrator I want to use configuration tools to configure ipv6 connection for agents and server components so I easy configure and use ITM on infrastructure
where communication requires IPv6 format.
Plan Item 345: As an ITM administrator I want to verify before installation if system meets ITM
requirements, so later I can avoid installation failure because of missing prerequisites.
The Server details pages of the Server Dashboards have been updated with the following capabilities:
 Properties tabs added for Linux, Unix and Windows
 Historical views added on Disk tab for Linux, Unix and Windows
 Historical views added on CPU tab for Linux and Windows
To use the historical views, historical collection must be enabled in ITM for the attribute groups
corresponding to the dashboard views. To see historical data in the dashboards, modify the
dropdown time selection button on the Disk tab to something other than “Real time”. You have
several options in the dropdown (“nn hours”) or you can set a custom time range. The data will
be retrieved from ITM and the views will be changed to support historical data.
The same pre-requisites apply to Milestone 2 and Milestone 1. See the notes from Milestone 1
for references to the installation documentation and for usage notes.
The Tivoli Enterprise Portal now supports multi-monitor configurations. A TEP workspace window can be positioned on a secondary monitor and all subsequent dialogs, menus, tooltips, and
popup windows will also be displayed on that same monitor
Plan Item 274: Optimizations to the OSLC-PM Service Provider resulting in CPU utilization reduction during initial resource registration at startup and agent re-drive. Reduction in CPU utilization enables more threads configured for processing resulting in reduced elapsed registration
7. New features available in Milestone 1
The released versions of ITM 6.3 Fix Pack 1 infrastructure and agent media are available for this
Updated Server Dashboards with additional key metrics for the Windows, Linux and UNIX operating system agents have been added. Dashboard tabs have been added to the system detail
pages for the following key areas:
Please note: There is some capability that appears in the dashboards that is not ready for test
at this time because further development work is needed. Please do not test the Properties
tabs. Also, although time selection is available on the tabs, the views in the charts and tables
will not change if a new time is selected.
To install the Server Dashboards, please refer to the ITM 6.3 Installation and Configuration guide
on the Information Center here: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v61r1/index.jsp
o The server dashboards require IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub (DASH) (previously known as TIP) v3.1 which is available as part of Jazz for Service Management
(JazzSM). JazzSM 1.1 GA or later must be used and JazzSM milestone drivers are also
o The Server Dashboards require the ITM dashboard data provider to be enabled in the
TEPS. Please see the TEPS configuration instructions for how to enable the ITM dashboard data provider. The TEPS should be upgraded to the ITM 6.3 Fixpack 1 level for use
with this milestone driver of the Server Dashboards.
Publication references:
o Install the Server Dashboards using the ITM Installation Guide. Note that the Server
Dashboards IIM installation assumes that DASH is already present.
o Before you configure the connection between DASH and the ITM dashboard data provider at the TEPS, read Chapter 3 of the ITM Administration Guide for guidance about
the types of authentication and authorization available in ITM 6.3 and the necessary
setup and configuration for using these capabilities.
o Configure the connection between DASH and the ITM dashboard data provider on the
TEPS using the instructions in Chapter 3 of the ITM Administrator’s Guide. Remember to
modify the default Provider ID to ITMSD. If you are using authorization policies, be sure
to select the checkbox “Use the credentials of the user”.
Usage reminders:
o To start the Server Dashboards in DASH, click on the stethoscope icon in the DASH navigation representing “Server Status and Health” and select Server Dashboards.
To access the individual OS pages, and see the new metrics, select a group on the “Managed System Groups Overview” page, then select a managed system on the “Managed
System Group Overview” page.
To see all of the charts that have been added for a metric area, select the small arrows
on the upper left and right of each chart to flip to additional charts.
If you see no data in either the “Managed System Groups Overview” page or the “Situation Events” page, check the Connection definition in DASH to be sure the Provider ID
was changed to “ITMSD”. If it was not changed, delete the connection and define it
8. Special Instructions for the OSLC-PM service provider
The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Automation Server component contains the Open Services Lifecycle
Collaboration Performance Monitoring (OSLC-PM) service provider and is installed on the same system
as your Hub Tivoli Monitoring Enterprise Server. For this milestone, the service provider will register
these resource types with the Registry Services component of the IBM Jazz for Service Management
open service delivery platform:
 ComputerSystem resources for the Windows OS agents, Linux OS agents, UNIX OS agents,
and IBM i OS agents
 IPAddress resources for Windows OS agents, Linux OS agents, UNIX OS agents, IBM i OS
agents, ITCAM for DB2 agents, and ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agents
 ServerAccessPoint resources for ITCAM for DB2 agents and ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agents
 SoftwareModule resources for ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agents and IT
CAM for WebSphere MQ agents
SoftwareServer resources for ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agents, ITCAM for
DB2 agents, ITCAM for Extended Oracle agents, and ITCAM for WebSphere MQ agents
Database resources for ITCAM for DB2 agents and ITCAM for Extended Oracle agents
The resources are defined by the Common IT Resource Type Vocabulary (CRTV) and the OSLC Reconciliation working group.
OSLC consumers such as Tivoli Business Services Manager can learn about resources and their OSLC
providers from Registry Services and then send HTTP requests to the OSLC-PM provider to request
health metrics for a registered resource. The following resource types provide health metrics:
The health metrics are compliant with the OSLC Performance Monitoring Specification and the ITM vocabulary.
Monitoring agents provide OSLC template files that describes how to map their attribute group data to
CRTV resources and health metrics. The resource registration occurs when the agents come online at
the Hub TEMS. The supported agent versions are:
1. Windows OS agents version 6.2.2 or later
2. Linux OS agents version 6.2.2 or later are supported on Intel based computer systems. If you
have a Power PC based computer system or a zLinux system, the Linux OS agent must be version
6.3 or later.
3. UNIX OS agents version 6.2.2 or later
4. IBM i OS agents version 6.3 or later
5. ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agents version 7.2 or later
6. ITCAM for DB2 agents version 6.2.2 or later
7. ITCAM for WebSphere MQ agents version 7.1.0 or later
8. ITCAM for Extended Oracle agents version 6.3.1 or later
The OSLC templates are included in the OS agents' application support for the monitoring server.
The OSLC templates for the ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agent, the ITCAM for DB2 agent,
the ITCAM for Extended Oracle agent, and the ITCAM for WebSphere MQ agent are available in the Files
section of the ITM v.Next Beta page or on the Integrated Service Management Library. Each agent has a
separate zip file that contains a readme.txt file and the template files. The readme.txt files describe
where to copy the templates files and indicate that the automation server must be restarted. The .zip
files for each agent are listed below:
 ITCAM for WebSphere Application Server agent: itcam-websphere-oslc.zip
 ITCAM for DB2 agent: itcam-db2-oslc.zip
 ITCAM for WebSphere MQ agent: itcam-mq-oslc.zip
 ITCAM for Extended Oracle agent: itcam-oracle-oslc.zip
See these topics in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring information center for more information about OSLC and
ITM’s role in OSLC integration:
Components of the monitoring architecture
Performance Monitoring service provider
Required software and memory requirements for using the OSLC Performance Monitoring service provider
Scenarios supported with this milestone driver
With this milestone driver, you can test these scenarios using the OSLC-PM provider:
1. If you have Tivoli Business Service Manager (TBSM) 6.1.1 or its latest milestone driver, the TBSM
dashboard server can display a UI preview dialog showing health metrics from monitoring
agents and configuration and change history information from Tivoli Application Dependency
Discovery Manager (TADDM) for resources in the TBSM service tree. The goal for this scenario is
to provide Business Service Management (BSM) users with information about their managed
services and applications that will help them isolate, diagnose, and route problems without having to launch other applications such as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or TADDM UI. For more on
this scenario, see the Cross Product Integration wiki.
2. IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management (APM) leverages OSLC integration to
present the application structure in the APM UI with the purpose of detecting, isolating, and diagnosing application performance problems. If you have TADDM in your environment and have
used TADDM to define business applications, TADDM can register the business application with
Registry Services. Then the APM UI can learn about the application structure from Registry Services so that you do not have to re-define it. For more on this scenario, see the Cross Product Integration wiki.
3. Create your own OSLC service provider or client applications that work with resources that IBM
Tivoli Monitoring and other service providers are registering. See the Getting Started with Registry Services page for more details on creating your own applications.
9. Known problems and workarounds
No significant problems are known in this driver.
10. Resolved problems
The following issues affected previous beta releases but are now resolved.
32022: Memory leak in client browser when left open at Situation Events page
Description: If the user’s browser is left open on the Server Dashboards Situation Events page, there is a
memory leak on the browser machine.
Workaround: Do not leave the browser open for long periods on the Situation Events page of the Server Dashboards. Navigate away from this Server Dashboards page if the browser needs to stay open in
the Server Dashboards for longer periods of time (over night, for example).
33125: Carousel does not display on return via breadcrumb when browser maximized
Problem: Sometimes the managed system group icons do not appear. At other times, they seem to
be overlaid on each other. Has sometimes occurred when the browser is not maximized.
Workaround: resize the browser window slightly to force the page to be redrawn.
32925: Windows Historical Disk chart x axis data points seem outside of requested range
Problem: The times displayed seem to be outside the requested range. This is due to the discrepancies between the browser time, the hub time and the agent time for historical data.
Workaround: Select time range based on the time at the hub.
33389: Table columns missing sort controls, unable to sort on historical pages
Problem: Cannot sort historical tables due to missing sort controls in the header
Workaround: None, will be fixed in next driver.
33564: If more than 8 selections are made in the instance tables on the historical views, cannot distinguish the instances in the charts.
Problem: Line colors are re-used after 8 selections have been made, so selections 1 and 9 will be
represented in the charts with lines of the same color.
Workaround: Limit instance selections to 8 instances.
32797: MetricsTable widget total rows counter not updated correctly
Problem: Row count in tables may be incorrect when switching between MSNs.
Workaround: None, will be fixed in next driver.
33757: Using filters on instance tables does not interact properly with lines on historical charts
Problem: Adding a filter to reduce the visible table rows does not remove the lines for any hidden
but selected rows from the charts.
Workaround: None, will be fixed in next driver.
40074: The embedded Websphere Application Server package will not upgrade for the TEPS when
upgrading from ITM 6.3 GA or ITM 6.3 Fix Pack 1.
Problem: The upgrade paths from ITM 6.2.x to this milestone are different than the upgrade paths
from 6.3 or 6.3 Fp1. There are defects when upgrading from 6.3 or 6.3 FP1. eWAS will remain at the
pre-milestone level.
Resolved in milestone 5.
11. Trademarks
AIX, Candle, IBM, the IBM logo, i5/OS, OMEGAMON, OS/400, Tivoli, Tivoli Enterprise Console, and the
Tivoli logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in
the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at
“Copyright and trademark information” at www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml.
Solaris, Java, and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Oracle in the United States, other
countries, or both.
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both.
Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries.
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