
Fiberlink Achieves 25 percent annual growth rate with cloud-based endpoint management solution

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Fiberlink Achieves 25 percent annual growth rate with cloud-based endpoint management solution
Computer Services
IBM Software
Achieves 25 percent annual growth rate with
cloud-based endpoint management solution
The need
Blue Bell, PA
Solution components:
• IBM® Tivoli® Endpoint Manager,
built on BigFix® technology
In 2003, Fiberlink saw a new opportunity to simplify mobile security and
endpoint management. The company, an innovator in voice, data and
IP networking solutions, watched as corporations struggled to track and
manage a growing number of laptop computers used by employees. In
response, Fiberlink created MaaS360—a cloud-based, always-on mobile
device management platform. With MaaS360, administrators can
instantly track inventory, assess vulnerabilities, deploy software
upgrades and security patches, and manage power usage for mobile
devices—all from a single web portal. Dashboard icons change from
green to red if the system detects a laptop computer out of compliance.
IT administrators can click on the icon to view the reason of the
compliance violation in their local language, and can take action to
bring the laptop back into compliance. MaaS360 can also automatically
remediate issues based on the company’s security policies. As a true
Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, information is available on-demand
for compliance reporting, vulnerability assessment, hardware and software
inventory status, and remediation of outstanding issues.
“When an organization logs on to MaaS360, it can take the actions based
on the information presented,” says Chuck Brown, director, Product
Management, Fiberlink. “The reports come back instantaneously and
clients can review their mobile endpoints within 30 minutes to an hour
of signing up.”
The solution
To build its cloud-based solution, Fiberlink needed endpoint management
technology that could manage hundreds of thousands of endpoints
across hundreds of customers regardless of location, connection type,
status or operating system—all without impacting end user productivity.
According to Brown, IBM® Tivoli® Endpoint Manager, built on BigFix®
technology, provides Fiberlink with the single, centralized point of control
for automating patch management, lifecycle management, security and
compliance, and power management functions for laptops. More than
500,000 endpoints are currently managed on MaaS360 with Tivoli
Endpoint Manager.
“The real-time visibility, control, scalability and
extensibility of Tivoli Endpoint Manager provides
significant differentiators in delivering our endpoint
management solution.”
—Chuck Brown, Director, Product Management, Fiberlink
With the product’s scalability and multi-tenant capabilities, Fiberlink’s solution
requires no on-premise hardware—giving it a significant cost advantage over
competitors. “With Tivoli Endpoint Manager, we can support multiple companies
from our cloud-based platform,” says Brown. “That gives us greater economies of
scale while enabling us to rapidly introduce new services.”
Fiberlink has also leveraged Tivoli Endpoint Manager to deliver its own extended
solutions, such as USB device management, data leak prevention and encryption.
The Tivoli Endpoint Manager client compliance API also has enabled Fiberlink to
offer a mobile network admission control (NAC) capability that allows companies
to exclude an out-of-compliance laptop from their network.
The benefit
By leveraging BigFix technology, now Tivoli Endpoint Manager, Fiberlink took
a significant competitive lead in endpoint management services, delivering six
new solutions in just 18 months (a new solution every three months). “Our main
competitor was constantly looking over our shoulders,” says Brown. “We were able
to make very big inroads acquiring customers and presenting more capabilities.
This contributed to our more than 25 percent annual growth rate over the past
five years.”
For Fiberlink’s customers, the benefits include reduced costs and improved IT
security. For example, one U.S. government agency using MaaS360 expects to
save nearly $500,000 a year from improved power management alone. “We used
Tivoli Endpoint Manager to create a power scheme that would shut down
systems not in use overnight and manage transient profiles during the day,” says
Brown. “The CIO can now track for each building how much is being spent and
how much is being saved and we expect that they’ll save in the mid-six figures.”
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For more information
To learn more about IBM Tivoli Endpoint Manager, built on BigFix technology,
please contact your IBM sales representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit
the following website: ibm.com/tivoli/endpoint
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