LAMPIRAN 1 PERHITUNGAN DOSIS Perhitungan dosis asetosal Dosis asetosal 30 mg / 100 g BB tikus (Wahjoedi, Yun Astuti N., B. Nuratmi, 1997) Faktor konversi dari tikus yang beratnya ± 200 g ke mencit yang beratnya ± 20 g adalah 0.14 Mencit yang digunakan dalam penelitian beratnya ± 22 g Volume lambung mencit ± 0.5 ml Perhitungan : Dosis asetosal = 30 mg / 100 g BB tikus = 60 mg / 200g BB tikus Dosis asetosal untuk mencit = 60 mg x 0.14 = 8.4 mg / 20 g BB = 9.24 mg / 22 g BB Jadi dosis mencit = 9.24 mg / 22 g BB = 0.42 g / Kg BB Dosis asetosal diberikan 9.24 mg / 0.5 ml (volume lambung mencit) 184.8 mg asetosal dilarutkan dalam 10 ml CMC 1%. Perhitungan dosis ekstrak etanol bunga cengkeh (EEBC) (Caryophylli flos) Dosis efektif pada mencit = 28 mg / 20 g BB (Fitria Sholihah, 2004) Mencit yang digunakan dalam penelitian beratnya ± 23.7 g Volume lambung mencit ± 0.5 ml Perhitungan : Dosis yang digunakan : EEBC-1 = 28 mg / 20 g = 1.4 g / Kg BB mencit EEBC-2 = 56 mg / 20 g = 2.8 g / Kg BB mencit EEBC-3 = 84 mg / 20 g = 4.2 g / Kg BB mencit Perhitungan dosis 1: EEBC-1 = 28 mg / 20 g BB mencit = 33.18 mg / 23.7 g BB mencit Dosis 1 diberikan 33.18 mg / 0.5 ml (volume lambung mencit) 663.6 mg dilarutkan dalam 10 ml CMC 1% Perhitungan dosis 2: EEBC-2 = 56 mg / 20 g BB mencit = 66.36 mg / 23.7 g BB mencit Dosis 2 diberikan 66.36 mg / 0.5 ml (volume lambung mencit) 1327.2 mg EEBC dilarutkan dalam 10 ml CMC 1% Perhitungan dosis 3: EEBC-3 = 84 mg / 20 g BB mencit = 99.54 mg / 23.7 g BB mencit Dosis 3 diberikan 99.54 mg / 0.5 ml (volume lambung mencit) 1990.8 mg EEBC dilarutkan dalam 10 ml CMC 1% LAMPIRAN 2 PROSEDUR EKSTRAKSI BUNGA CENGKEH Bunga cengkeh yang sudah waktunya panen dikeringkan. Simplisia cengkeh (bahan yang sudah digiling halus) dimasukan ke dalam wadah simplisia pada alat ekstraksi (mesin ekstraktor) dengan perbandingan 1:3 w/v dalam 50 % etanol, prosesnya dilakukan secara kontinyu sehingga semua senyawa dalam simplisanya telah terekstraksi sempurna selama 5 jam, kemudian diperoleh ekstrak cair. Ekstrak cair tersebut diambil kemudian dimasukanke dalam lemari pengering atau oven selama 48 jam dengan suhu 500C hingga diperoleh ekstrak kering. Ekstrak tersebut kemudian digiling sampai halus. LAMPIRAN 3 DATA KASAR PENELITIAN PENGARUH ANALGESIK EKSTRAK ETANOL BUNGA CENGKEH Tabel 3.1 Waktu reaksi mencit setelah perlakuan Kelompok ( n=5) 10’ 20’ 30’ 45’ 60’ 90’ 5.17 5.80 4.55 6.49 4.87 3.88 I 6.53 6.74 3.61 3.71 4.66 5.72 7.26 3.92 4.48 5.49 4.63 4.02 Rerata 4.15 4.55 5.53 4.95 4.63 5.21 4.00 3.33 3.99 6.74 5.88 5.66 6.13 4.81 5.02 4.52 3.80 4.39 6.24 6.11 6.03 3.99 3.24 6.81 3.59 5.14 4.82 5.09 3.49 5.06 5.99 5.93 5.63 5.15 5.54 5.85 6.01 3.32 4.92 3.54 4.46 3.07 6.13 5.59 5.63 5.23 6.36 5.55 4.21 4.40 5.49 4.44 4.24 5.01 4.92 5.30 5.73 7.24 6.74 5.42 3.78 5.47 5.66 5.61 5.96 5.45 4.43 5.43 5.72 5.69 7.26 5.29 4.36 6.09 6.45 6.76 7.04 6.55 7.74 5.05 6.27 5.71 6.94 6.10 9.54 6.97 4.77 6.35 6.68 5.88 8.85 4.20 1.80 8.38 5.20 3.09 6.17 2.19 3.26 2.07 3.49 5.29 5.85 4.77 7.27 4.37 4.15 6.62 2.98 4.63 5.29 2.65 5.55 3.97 3.58 5.49 4.14 3.99 4.64 4.45 4.49 4.39 4.62 4.60 4.31 4.66 6.15 4.10 6.27 2.70 8.94 7.04 7.13 9.53 4.81 6.59 6.24 3.54 4.09 7.19 9.00 5.40 4.31 7.98 9.91 6.47 4.97 5.62 5.36 11.42 6.63 6.78 10.13 7.48 5.72 6.15 4.37 4.94 4.33 5.84 4.15 6.83 II Rerata III Rerata IV Rerata V Rerata LAMPIRAN 4 UJI STATISTIK 4. 1 Waktu Reaksi 10 Menit Sebelum Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 10 menit sebelum perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation EEBC -1 5 4.9060 .85284 .38140 3.8471 5.9649 3.53 5.64 EEBC -2 5 4.6620 1.06013 .47410 3.3457 5.9783 3.30 5.59 EEBC -3 5 4.3240 .96645 .43221 3.1240 5.5240 3.20 5.49 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.5980 .90842 .40626 3.4701 5.7259 3.02 5.16 Kontrol Pembanding 5 3.6980 .51572 .23064 3.0576 4.3384 3.10 4.32 25 4.4376 .90790 .18158 4.0628 4.8124 3.02 5.64 Total Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 10 menit sebelum perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1.144 4 20 .365 ANOVA waktu reaksi 10 menit sebelum perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 4.277 4 1.069 1.379 .277 Within Groups 15.506 20 .775 Total 19.783 24 Between Groups Max Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 10 menit sebelum perlakuan Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval (I) Kelompok Pelakuan (J) Kelompok Pelakuan Mean Difference (I-J) EEBC -1 EEBC -2 .24400 .55688 .992 -1.4224 1.9104 EEBC -3 .58200 .55688 .831 -1.0844 2.2484 Kontrol Negatif EEBC -2 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound .30800 .55688 .980 -1.3584 1.9744 Kontrol Pembanding 1.20800 .55688 .231 -.4584 2.8744 EEBC -1 -.24400 .55688 .992 -1.9104 1.4224 EEBC -3 .33800 .55688 .972 -1.3284 2.0044 Kontrol Negatif .06400 .55688 1.000 -1.6024 1.7304 Kontrol Pembanding .96400 .55688 .439 -.7024 2.6304 EEBC -1 -.58200 .55688 .831 -2.2484 1.0844 EEBC -2 -.33800 .55688 .972 -2.0044 1.3284 Kontrol Negatif -.27400 .55688 .987 -1.9404 1.3924 Kontrol Pembanding .62600 .55688 .792 -1.0404 2.2924 EEBC -1 -.30800 .55688 .980 -1.9744 1.3584 EEBC -2 -.06400 .55688 1.000 -1.7304 1.6024 EEBC -3 .27400 .55688 .987 -1.3924 1.9404 .90000 .55688 .505 -.7664 2.5664 EEBC -1 -1.20800 .55688 .231 -2.8744 .4584 EEBC -2 -.96400 .55688 .439 -2.6304 .7024 EEBC -3 -.62600 .55688 .792 -2.2924 1.0404 Kontrol Negatif -.90000 .55688 .505 -2.5664 .7664 Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Std. Error Homogeneous Subsets waktu reaksi 10 menit sebelum perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 Kontrol Pembanding 5 3.6980 EEBC -3 5 4.3240 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.5980 EEBC -2 5 4.6620 EEBC -1 5 4.9060 Sig. .231 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.2 Waktu Reaksi 10 Menit Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 10 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min Max EEBC -1 5 5.5320 1.32167 .59107 3.8909 7.1731 4.15 7.26 EEBC -2 5 5.5920 1.12366 .50252 4.1968 6.9872 3.59 6.24 EEBC -3 5 5.0460 1.55935 .69736 3.1098 6.9822 3.78 7.74 Kontrol Negatif 5 5.4860 2.33611 1.0447 2.5853 8.3867 2.98 8.85 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.7820 2.09612 .93741 4.1793 9.3847 4.09 9.91 Total 25 5.6876 1.70276 .34055 4.9847 6.3905 2.98 9.91 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 10 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic .642 df1 4 df2 20 Sig. .639 ANOVA waktu reaksi 10 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 8.417 4 2.104 .688 .609 61.169 20 3.058 Between Groups Within Groups Total 69.585 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 10 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD (I) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 -.06000 1.10606 1.000 -3.3698 3.2498 EEBC -3 .48600 1.10606 .992 -2.8238 3.7958 Kontrol Negatif .04600 1.10606 1.000 -3.2638 3.3558 -1.25000 1.10606 .789 -4.5598 2.0598 .06000 1.10606 1.000 -3.2498 3.3698 EEBC -3 .54600 1.10606 .987 -2.7638 3.8558 Kontrol Negatif .10600 1.10606 1.000 -3.2038 3.4158 Kontrol Pembanding -1.19000 1.10606 .817 -4.4998 2.1198 EEBC -1 -.48600 1.10606 .992 -3.7958 2.8238 EEBC -2 -.54600 1.10606 .987 -3.8558 2.7638 Kontrol Negatif -.44000 1.10606 .994 -3.7498 2.8698 Kontrol Pembanding -1.73600 1.10606 .532 -5.0458 1.5738 EEBC -1 -.04600 1.10606 1.000 -3.3558 3.2638 EEBC -2 -.10600 1.10606 1.000 -3.4158 3.2038 EEBC -3 .44000 1.10606 .994 -2.8698 3.7498 Kontrol Pembanding -1.29600 1.10606 .767 -4.6058 2.0138 EEBC -1 1.25000 1.10606 .789 -2.0598 4.5598 EEBC -2 1.19000 1.10606 .817 -2.1198 4.4998 EEBC -3 1.73600 1.10606 .532 -1.5738 5.0458 Kontrol Negatif 1.29600 1.10606 .767 -2.0138 4.6058 (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -2 95% Confidence Interval EEBC -1 EEBC -2 EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Homogeneous Subsets waktu reaksi 10 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 EEBC -3 5 5.0460 Kontrol Negatif 5 5.4860 EEBC -1 5 5.5320 EEBC -2 5 5.5920 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.7820 Sig. .532 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.3 Waktu Reaksi 20 Menit Setelah Percobaan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 20 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min Max EEBC -1 5 5.2080 1.09054 .48770 3.8539 6.5621 3.92 6.74 EEBC -2 5 5.2260 1.12700 .50401 3.8266 6.6254 3.32 6.11 EEBC -3 5 5.7120 .43649 .19520 5.1700 6.2540 5.30 6.27 Kontrol Negatif 5 3.9860 1.03977 .46500 2.6950 5.2770 2.19 4.77 Kontrol Pembanding 5 7.4840 2.43688 1.08981 4.4582 10.5098 4.10 10.13 Total 25 5.5232 1.71796 .34359 4.8141 6.2323 10.13 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 20 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.895 4 20 .048 2.19 ANOVA waktu reaksi 20 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total df Mean Square F Sig. 32.155 4 8.039 4.157 .013 38.678 20 1.934 70.833 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 20 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD (I) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -2 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 -.01800 .87952 1.000 -2.6499 2.6139 EEBC -3 -.50400 .87952 .978 -3.1359 2.1279 Kontrol Negatif 1.22200 .87952 .641 -1.4099 3.8539 Kontrol Pembanding -2.27600 .87952 .111 -4.9079 .3559 .01800 .87952 1.000 -2.6139 2.6499 EEBC -3 -.48600 .87952 .980 -3.1179 2.1459 Kontrol Negatif 1.24000 .87952 .629 -1.3919 3.8719 Kontrol Pembanding (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -1 EEBC -2 EEBC -3 -2.25800 .87952 .115 -4.8899 .3739 EEBC -1 .50400 .87952 .978 -2.1279 3.1359 EEBC -2 .48600 .87952 .980 -2.1459 3.1179 Kontrol Negatif 1.72600 .87952 .319 -.9059 4.3579 Kontrol Pembanding -1.77200 .87952 .295 -4.4039 .8599 EEBC -1 -1.22200 .87952 .641 -3.8539 1.4099 EEBC -2 -1.24000 .87952 .629 -3.8719 1.3919 EEBC -3 -1.72600 .87952 .319 -4.3579 .9059 Kontrol Pembanding -3.49800* .87952 .006 -6.1299 -.8661 EEBC -1 2.27600 .87952 .111 -.3559 4.9079 EEBC -2 2.25800 .87952 .115 -.3739 4.8899 EEBC -3 1.77200 .87952 .295 -.8599 4.4039 Kontrol Negatif 3.49800* .87952 .006 .8661 6.1299 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Homogenous Subsets waktu reaksi 20 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 2 Kontrol Negatif 5 3.9860 EEBC -1 5 5.2080 5.2080 EEBC -2 5 5.2260 5.2260 EEBC -3 5 5.7120 5.7120 Kontrol Pembanding 5 7.4840 Sig. .319 .111 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.4 Waktu Reaksi 30 Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 30 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviatio n Min Max EEBC -1 5 3.9940 .53238 .23809 3.3330 4.6550 3.33 4.55 EEBC -2 5 5.5520 .67503 .30188 4.7138 6.3902 4.82 6.36 EEBC -3 5 6.1000 .57075 .25524 5.3913 6.8087 5.66 6.94 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.4520 2.06958 .92555 1.8823 7.0217 1.80 7.27 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.1540 1.69630 .75861 4.0478 8.2602 4.81 9.00 Total 25 5.2504 1.47377 .29475 4.6421 5.8587 1.80 9.00 Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 30 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 2.371 4 20 .087 ANOVA waktu reaksi 30 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 19.226 4 4.807 2.922 .047 Within Groups 32.902 20 1.645 Total 52.128 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 30 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 -1.55800 .81119 .339 -3.9854 .8694 EEBC -3 -2.10600 .81119 .109 -4.5334 .3214 Kontrol Negatif -.45800 .81119 .979 -2.8854 1.9694 Kontrol Pembanding -2.16000 .81119 .096 -4.5874 .2674 EEBC -1 1.55800 .81119 .339 -.8694 3.9854 EEBC -3 -.54800 .81119 .959 -2.9754 1.8794 Kontrol Negatif 1.10000 .81119 .661 -1.3274 3.5274 Kontrol Pembanding -.60200 .81119 .944 -3.0294 1.8254 EEBC -1 2.10600 .81119 .109 -.3214 4.5334 EEBC -2 .54800 .81119 .959 -1.8794 2.9754 Kontrol Negatif 1.64800 .81119 .288 -.7794 4.0754 Kontrol Pembanding -.05400 .81119 1.000 -2.4814 2.3734 EEBC -1 .45800 .81119 .979 -1.9694 2.8854 EEBC -2 -1.10000 .81119 .661 -3.5274 1.3274 EEBC -3 -1.64800 .81119 .288 -4.0754 .7794 Kontrol Pembanding -1.70200 .81119 .259 -4.1294 .7254 EEBC -1 2.16000 .81119 .096 -.2674 4.5874 EEBC -2 .60200 .81119 .944 -1.8254 3.0294 EEBC -3 .05400 .81119 1.000 -2.3734 2.4814 Kontrol Negatif 1.70200 .81119 .259 -.7254 4.1294 (I) Kelompok Pelakuan (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -1 EEBC -2 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (I-J) EEBC -2 EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Homogenous Subsets waktu reaksi 30 menit setelah perlakuan a Tukey HSD Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 EEBC -1 5 3.9940 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.4520 EEBC -2 5 5.5520 EEBC -3 5 6.1000 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.1540 Sig. .096 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.5 Waktu Reaksi 45 Menit Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 45 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min Max EEBC -1 5 5.6620 1.19740 .53549 4.1752 7.1488 3.71 6.74 EEBC -2 5 4.3960 .70397 .31483 3.5219 5.2701 3.54 5.15 EEBC -3 5 6.9680 1.59765 .71449 4.9843 8.9517 5.61 9.54 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.3920 2.46680 1.10319 1.3291 7.4549 2.07 8.38 Kontrol Pembanding 5 4.9360 1.47808 .66102 3.1007 6.7713 2.70 6.59 Total 25 5.2708 1.76095 .35219 4.5439 5.9977 2.07 9.54 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 45 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. .784 4 20 .549 ANOVA waktu reaksi 45 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 23.416 4 5.854 2.295 .095 Within Groups 51.007 20 2.550 Total 74.423 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 45 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD (I) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -2 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 1.26600 1.01002 .721 -1.7563 4.2883 EEBC -3 -1.30600 1.01002 .698 -4.3283 1.7163 Kontrol Negatif 1.27000 1.01002 .719 -1.7523 4.2923 Kontrol Pembanding .72600 1.01002 .950 -2.2963 3.7483 -1.26600 1.01002 .721 -4.2883 1.7563 -2.57200 1.01002 .120 -5.5943 .4503 Kontrol Negatif .00400 1.01002 1.000 -3.0183 3.0263 Kontrol Pembanding -.54000 1.01002 .983 -3.5623 2.4823 EEBC -1 1.30600 1.01002 .698 -1.7163 4.3283 EEBC -2 2.57200 1.01002 .120 -.4503 5.5943 -.4463 5.5983 (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -1 EEBC -2 EEBC -3 EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif 2.57600 1.01002 .119 Kontrol Pembanding 2.03200 1.01002 .296 -.9903 5.0543 EEBC -1 -1.27000 1.01002 .719 -4.2923 1.7523 EEBC -2 -.00400 1.01002 1.000 -3.0263 3.0183 EEBC -3 -2.57600 1.01002 .119 -5.5983 .4463 Kontrol Pembanding -.54400 1.01002 .982 -3.5663 2.4783 EEBC -1 -.72600 1.01002 .950 -3.7483 2.2963 EEBC -2 .54000 1.01002 .983 -2.4823 3.5623 EEBC -3 -2.03200 1.01002 .296 -5.0543 .9903 .54400 1.01002 .982 -2.4783 3.5663 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Homogenous Subsets waktu reaksi 45 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.3920 EEBC -2 5 4.3960 Kontrol Pembanding 5 4.9360 EEBC -1 5 5.6620 EEBC -3 5 6.9680 Sig. .119 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.6 Waktu Reaksi 60 Menit Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 60 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -1 5 5.0200 .62857 .28110 4.2395 5.8005 4.63 6.13 EEBC -2 5 4.4440 1.07881 .48246 3.1045 5.7835 3.24 5.54 EEBC -3 5 6.3540 1.01301 .45303 5.0962 7.6118 4.77 7.26 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.6020 .82120 .36725 3.5823 5.6217 3.49 5.55 Kontrol Pembanding 5 5.8360 1.91189 .85502 3.4621 8.2099 4.31 8.94 Total 25 5.2512 1.30835 .26167 4.7111 5.7913 3.24 8.94 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 60 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1.627 4 20 .206 Min Max ANOVA waktu reaksi 60 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square Between Groups 13.423 4 3.356 Within Groups 27.659 20 1.383 Total 41.082 24 F Sig. 2.427 .082 Post HocTests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 60 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD (I) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 .57600 .74376 .935 -1.6496 2.8016 EEBC -3 -1.33400 .74376 .404 -3.5596 .8916 .41800 .74376 .979 -1.8076 2.6436 -.81600 .74376 .806 -3.0416 1.4096 -.57600 .74376 .935 -2.8016 1.6496 EEBC -3 -1.91000 .74376 .115 -4.1356 .3156 Kontrol Negatif -.15800 .74376 1.000 -2.3836 2.0676 -1.39200 .74376 .363 -3.6176 .8336 EEBC -1 1.33400 .74376 .404 -.8916 3.5596 EEBC -2 1.91000 .74376 .115 -.3156 4.1356 1.75200 .74376 .169 -.4736 3.9776 .51800 .74376 .955 -1.7076 2.7436 EEBC -1 -.41800 .74376 .979 -2.6436 1.8076 EEBC -2 .15800 .74376 1.000 -2.0676 2.3836 EEBC -3 -1.75200 .74376 .169 -3.9776 .4736 -1.23400 .74376 .480 -3.4596 .9916 EEBC -1 .81600 .74376 .806 -1.4096 3.0416 EEBC -2 1.39200 .74376 .363 -.8336 3.6176 EEBC -3 -.51800 .74376 .955 -2.7436 1.7076 Kontrol Negatif 1.23400 .74376 .480 -.9916 3.4596 (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -2 95% Confidence Interval Mean Difference (I-J) EEBC -1 EEBC -2 Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Homogeneous Subsets waktu reaksi 60 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 EEBC -2 5 4.4440 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.6020 EEBC -1 5 5.0200 Kontrol Pembanding 5 5.8360 EEBC -3 5 6.3540 Sig. .115 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.7 Waktu Reaksi 90 Menit Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi 90 menit setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min EEBC -1 5 4.3880 .79544 .35573 3.4003 5.3757 3.80 5.72 EEBC -2 5 5.0060 1.44088 .64438 3.2169 6.7951 3.07 6.81 EEBC -3 5 5.8780 .67703 .30278 5.0374 6.7186 5.29 6.68 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.6560 1.35110 .60423 2.9784 6.3336 3.09 6.62 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.8260 3.17967 1.42199 2.8779 10.7741 3.54 11.4 Total 25 5.3508 1.82946 .36589 4.5956 6.1060 3.07 11.4 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi 90 menit setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 3.144 4 20 .037 Max ANOVA waktu reaksi 90 menit setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1.648 .201 Between Groups 19.914 4 4.978 Within Groups 60.412 20 3.021 Total 80.326 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi 90 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD 95% Confidence Interval (I) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Mean Differenc e (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound EEBC -2 -.61800 1.09920 .979 -3.9072 2.6712 EEBC -3 -1.49000 1.09920 .661 -4.7792 1.7992 Kontrol Negatif -.26800 1.09920 .999 -3.5572 3.0212 -2.43800 1.09920 .214 -5.7272 .8512 .61800 1.09920 .979 -2.6712 3.9072 EEBC -3 -.87200 1.09920 .930 -4.1612 2.4172 Kontrol Negatif .35000 1.09920 .998 -2.9392 3.6392 -1.82000 1.09920 .482 -5.1092 1.4692 EEBC -1 1.49000 1.09920 .661 -1.7992 4.7792 EEBC -2 .87200 1.09920 .930 -2.4172 4.1612 1.22200 1.09920 .799 -2.0672 4.5112 -.94800 1.09920 .907 -4.2372 2.3412 EEBC -1 .26800 1.09920 .999 -3.0212 3.5572 EEBC -2 -.35000 1.09920 .998 -3.6392 2.9392 EEBC -3 -1.22200 1.09920 .799 -4.5112 2.0672 -2.17000 1.09920 .313 -5.4592 1.1192 EEBC -1 2.43800 1.09920 .214 -.8512 5.7272 EEBC -2 1.82000 1.09920 .482 -1.4692 5.1092 EEBC -3 .94800 1.09920 .907 -2.3412 4.2372 Kontrol Negatif 2.17000 1.09920 .313 -1.1192 5.4592 (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -2 EEBC -1 EEBC -2 Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding Homogeneous Subsets waktu reaksi 90 menit setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD a Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan N 1 EEBC -1 5 4.3880 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.6560 EEBC -2 5 5.0060 EEBC -3 5 5.8780 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.8260 Sig. .214 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. 4.8 Waktu Reaksi Rerata Setelah Perlakuan Oneway Descriptives waktu reaksi rata-rata setelah perlakuan 95% Confidence Interval for Mean N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Min EEBC -1 5 4.9673 .27140 .12137 4.6303 5.3043 4.50 5.16 EEBC -2 5 5.0360 .62580 .27986 4.2590 5.8130 4.22 5.68 EEBC -3 5 6.0097 .63775 .28521 5.2178 6.8015 5.32 6.99 Kontrol Negatif 5 4.5957 .74944 .33516 3.6651 5.5262 3.75 5.51 Kontrol Pembanding 5 6.3363 .57769 .25835 5.6190 7.0536 5.87 7.29 Total 25 5.3890 .86943 .17389 5.0301 5.7479 3.75 7.29 Test of Homogeneity of Variances waktu reaksi rata-rata setelah perlakuan Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig. 1.638 4 20 .204 Max ANOVA waktu reaksi rata-rata setelah perlakuan Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 7.831 .001 Between Groups 11.072 4 2.768 Within Groups 7.070 20 .353 Total 18.142 24 Post Hoc Tests Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: waktu reaksi rata-rata setelah perlakuan Tukey HSD (I) Kelompok Pelakuan (J) Kelompok Pelakuan EEBC -1 EEBC -1 Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound 1.0565 EEBC -2 -.06867 .37602 1.000 -1.1939 EEBC -3 -1.04233 .37602 .078 -2.1675 .0829 .37167 .37602 .857 -.7535 1.4969 -1.36900* .37602 .013 -2.4942 -.2438 .06867 .37602 1.000 -1.0565 1.1939 EEBC -3 -.97367 .37602 .110 -2.0989 .1515 Kontrol Negatif .44033 .37602 .767 -.6849 1.5655 Kontrol Pembanding -1.30033* .37602 .019 -2.4255 -.1751 EEBC -1 1.04233 .37602 .078 -.0829 2.1675 EEBC -2 .97367 .37602 .110 -.1515 2.0989 Kontrol Negatif 1.41400* .37602 .010 .2888 2.5392 Kontrol Pembanding -.32667 .37602 .905 -1.4519 .7985 EEBC -1 -.37167 .37602 .857 -1.4969 .7535 EEBC -2 -.44033 .37602 .767 -1.5655 .6849 EEBC -3 -1.41400* .37602 .010 -2.5392 -.2888 Kontrol Pembanding -1.74067* .37602 .001 -2.8659 -.6155 EEBC -1 1.36900* .37602 .013 .2438 2.4942 EEBC -2 1.30033* .37602 .019 .1751 2.4255 EEBC -3 .32667 .37602 .905 -.7985 1.4519 Kontrol Negatif 1.74067* .37602 .001 .6155 2.8659 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding EEBC -2 Mean Difference (I-J) 95% Confidence Interval EEBC -1 EEBC -2 EEBC -3 EEBC -3 Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Negatif Kontrol Pembanding Kontrol Pembanding *. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Homogeneous Subsets waktu reaksi rata-rata setelah perlakuan a Tukey HSD Subset for alpha = .05 Kelompok Pelakuan Kontrol Negatif N 1 5 4.5957 EEBC -1 5 4.9673 4.9673 EEBC -2 5 5.0360 5.0360 EEBC -3 5 Kontrol Pembanding 5 Sig. 2 6.0097 3 6.0097 6.3363 .767 .078 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000. .905