
how tony anthony is answering those who want to know the truth

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how tony anthony is answering those who want to know the truth
In November 2112, the Evangelical Alliance in the UK, which is the UK’s largest and most well respected
governing body, approached Avanti Ministries (the name of Tony’s ministry) and asked them if they could
together investigate all the accusations which had been flying around about Tony.
They wanted to put the mountain of controversy surrounding Tony to bed, one way or the other.
That is to say, the sheer volume and seriousness of the accusations against Tony necessitated a serious
To cut a long story short, the EA UK and Avanti agreed to kick off an investigation.
A panel of three people, including a highly respected lawyer, John Langlois OBE (at
right) chaired the panel. The panelists were agreed up by both Avanti and the EA. They
were people with a long record of absolute integrity.
Unfortunately, they signed off on a legal agreement at the start that only an executive
summary of the findings would be made public, whatever they concluded, unless both
parties agree to make the FULL details public.
The EA UK signed off on this clause in the agreement because they never for a moment anticipated that Tony
would not make public the full findings of the investigation.
The investigation took three months.
The panel worked 40 hours a week on this case, so they were very thorough.
Both sides were invited to submit evidence - Tony to support the claims in his book, and his critics their claims
and supporting evidence.
In other words, the investigation was fair, professional, lengthy, and completely impartial. Both sides of the
story were heard. Often people say “Oh, there are always two sides to a story” which, of course, is true.
This is why the EA investigation went to every length possible to ensure both sides were able to tell their side
of the story.
The findings were conclusive, irrefutable, and damning.
Here is a brief summary published by lawyer John Langlois OBE on www.crosswire.org.uk.
“I can say that from the clear evidence of the Research Group and other third parties, including
documentary evidence which corroborated it, and without reference to any information submitted
to us by Avanti or Tony Anthony, I concluded that:
Tony Anthony never went to China as a child as claimed,
He was never involved in Kung Fu as claimed, and
He was never involved in Close Protection as claimed.
I am of the opinion that Tony Anthony had a normal childhood in the London area, attending
Holy Trinity Church of England Primary School, Eagans Close, Market Place, East Finchley, London
N2 8GA as a child, which was followed by secondary education at Christ’s College, Finchley.
anyone doubts this they can simply contact the school or have this confirmed by Tony Anthony’s
To download the report of lawyer John Langlois where this summary came from, please click
Anyone who reads this report carefully and prayerfully will see that the evidence against Tony is overwhelming
and conclusive.
The reason John Langlois has had to expunge (delete) Tony’s answers from the report is that the John risks
being sued by Tony Anthony if he published Tony’s answers.
My question to you is this - why would Tony threaten legal action against the EA UK for publishing his answers
to the panel?
Surely, if Tony was who he says he was in his book, and is who he says he is today, and the all the details in his
book are the truth, Tony would have been dead keen to publish the findings of the report far and wide. His
answers and evidence could clear his name and vindicate him.
The truth? Tony presented NO evidence to the investigators to support the claims he makes in his book.
That is to say, Tony was given opportunity to disprove all the accusations brought against him.
For example, one accusation brought against Tony was that he was in school in England in the 4th to 12th year
of his life. Tony claimed in his book that he was in China. Tony could not disprove the clear evidence that was
presented to him that he was at school in England all those years.
How is Tony responding to this?
Tony is telling everyone everywhere “show me the nitty gritty evidence upon which the EA came to
it’s conclusion. Produce the evidence. There is none!”
His associate and tour organiser in NZ, Lyn Rule of Botany Elim Church in Auckland, when people cancel
their appointment with Tony writes “It’s a shame about the allegations against Tony. That’s all they
are 100% allegation. 0% proof.”
The reason Tony is taking this tack (and drilling Lyn to do the same) is that he has not banked on John Langlois
having the guts and courage the release the report as you now have it (if you downloaded it).
John has risked legal action against himself from Tony, but as he says in the report ‘he will not be constrained
by a gagging order’. John Langlois is a hero for risking legal action against himself in order that the truth
might prevail.
Anyone with any discernment will quickly see that when Tony cries “show me the nitty gritty evidence
upon which the EA came to it’s conclusion. Produce the evidence. There is none!” he is playing games
with the Church.
The reason that Tony does not want his answers to the panel’s questions to be published is that people like you
and I would then be able to see that Tony has absolutely no evidence to support his claims AND no evidence
to counter all the allegations brought against him.
Lyn Rule has been groomed by Tony and has been taken in by him hook, line, and sinker. In the NZ Herald
she was quoted as saying “I know the whole story.”
This is simply bluffing. How do we know?
She cannot have seen the report released by lawyer John Langlois.
If she had, she would not have organised the tour.
No thinking, prayerful, genuine believer would be promoting Tony in any way whatsoever if they were familiar
with the content of the report lawyer John Langlois has released.
Anyone who sympathises with Tony (like Lyn Rule) without having first read this report plays right into his
hands, which is exactly where he wants them.
Sadly, many many people have been duped by Tony.
Along with his strategy of crying “Show me the evidence! There is none!” Tony plays the “I am being
persecuted for the gospel” card and quotes lots of scriptures.
But really, this is simply a strategy to sound spiritual, attract sympathy, and divert attention away from the real
Furthermore, the few supporters Tony’s has left have been heard to cry “Yes, but look at the fruit of his
ministry! People are being saved!” What are we to make of this?
First, God promises to work savingly through His Word, no matter who delivers it (eg. Isaiah 55:10-11; Mark
4:26-29; Hebrews 4:12 etc).
Secondly, when souls are saved through a man’s ministry, this fruit is only one aspect of the truth about
‘spiritual fruit’.
Let me explain.
I want you to consider the concept of Christian fruit from God’s perspective, who knows all and sees all.
We only see souls being won in a meeting, or over a series of meetings. God too sees all this, and rejoices, but
He sees much more. He sees the whole. He sees what happens over years, even decades, or the whole life of a
man’s life. He sees deep into the heart and into the seat of motives. He sees what a man does when no one else
is watching. He sees the hidden things.
Eventually, ‘the fruit’ of a man’s life comes out, just like the fruit of an orange tree appear on the tree.
What fruit has come out on the tree of Tony’s life? Persistent, serious, on-going / continuous premeditated
deceit, lies, fraud, causing division in the church, obtaining money by false pretences, slander, intimidation,
plagiarism, preying on the ill-informed, gross abuse of trust, exploiting the vulnerable, playing games with
people, putting on a Christian front, gross and persistent exaggeration of facts concerning the size and influence
of his ministry, just to name a few.
Are these these fruits of a genuine believer? Paul, and all the Apostles experienced God using them to win
souls, but never were their lives marked by the fruit Tony’s life is exhibiting. Really, are these the fruits of a
genuine believer? You know the answer.
Of course, this is why Tony does not want anyone to see the report lawyer John Langlois has released because
it’s in this report that the full details and hard evidence of the existence of this fruit in Tony’s life is detailed and
proven beyond any doubt.
In the meantime, and not aware lawyer John Langlois has released the report, Tony is busy pitting people
against each other, wasting everyone’s time and money, deceiving, lying, stealing, plagiarising, fooling the kind
hearted, duping the trusting, preying upon and exploiting the ill-informed, and playing games.
Whoever you are reading this, I am asking you to quickly come up to speed with the issues by carefully and
prayerfully reading lawyer John Langlois’ released report and associated links.
Once fully informed, you can become part of a team trying to stop any further damage being done to the
Church in your country by Tony Anthony and whoever is working with him or whoever is helping to organize
his itinerary.
If you ever get to meet Tony ask him these three key questions:
1. “Tony, why don’t you release the FULL EA UK report so we all see the answers you gave to
the panels questions when they were put to you?”
1. “Tony, why don’t you release the FULL EA UK report so we all see the answers you didn’t give
to the panels questions put to you?”
2. “Why are you perverting the course of justice (again) by not releasing your answers and the
answers put to the Avanti Board members? ”
Then watch for the deception in his replies.
Pray for Tony to be convicted by the Holy Spirit to come out and come clean once and for all.
For more detail about Tony and the investigation carried out by the EA UK, please click on the link below:
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