
Business Service and Application Performance Management Solution Stack Upgrade Report from the

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Business Service and Application Performance Management Solution Stack Upgrade Report from the
Business Service and Application
Performance Management
Solution Stack
Upgrade Report from the
First Quarter 2012 to the Third Quarter 2012
Published October 2012
Prepared by the Project Bedrock Team
Note: Before using this information and the products it supports, read the information in
October 2012
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Table of Contents
Intended Audience..........................................................................................................................4
This document is intended for the administrators familiar with the business service and application
performance management solution software, who are responsible for the upgrade and
configuration of the solution stack...................................................................................................4
Business Service Management solution overview...........................................................................4
Application Performance Management solution overview...............................................................4
Project Bedrock overview................................................................................................................5
Project Bedrock test environment...................................................................................................8
Product levels used in the business service and application performance management solution
Outstanding functional or time-to-value issues remaining in the business service and application
performance management stack...................................................................................................11
Procedures used to upgrade to the third quarter 2012 business service management solution
Known issues: Defects, APARs, and enhancements encountered during the upgrade to the third
quarter 2012 business service and application management solution stack.................................18
Defects, APARs, and enhancements that have been delivered or resolved since the second
quarter 2012 quarterly report.........................................................................................................22
Solutions created or verified from the Bedrock test environment..................................................26
Tips and Hints...............................................................................................................................29
Locations for downloading the products and fix packs..................................................................47
Questions and comments.............................................................................................................47
Intended Audience
This document is intended for the administrators familiar with the business service and application
performance management solution software, who are responsible for the upgrade and
configuration of the solution stack.
Business Service Management solution overview
The IBM® business service management solutions help the business and operations staff of IBM
clients understand the complex relationships between business services and the supporting
technology infrastructure. These solutions provide real-time service, visibility, health indicators,
and business context to support response prioritization. The solutions also provide much more
closely aligned line-of-business operations and IT operations, which allows for collaborative and
holistic management of services and dynamic infrastructures such as cloud technology.
A growing list of best practices that exemplify the business service management solutions can be
found on the IBM developerWorks® Service Management Connect blog entry Best Practices for
Business Service Management. An example of available solutions includes specific business
service management solutions helping to manage PeopleSoft, IBM Lotus® Domino®, SAP,
networking, and storage environments.
Application Performance Management solution
Today's IT environments continue to grow in complexity while the customer user-base demands
the ability to execute transactions faster with an expectation of an expanded level of overall
service and functionality. This increase in demand is challenged by the reality of our economy that
forces most IT Managers to deliver within ever tightening budget constraints. Effective application
performance management is the only way to meet customer expectations and demands while
working within the reality of today's financial constraints.
A growing list of best practices that exemplify the application performance management solutions
can be found on the IBM developerWorks Service Management Connect blog entry Best
Practices for Application Performance Management. An example of available solutions includes
specific application performance management solutions that you use to manage SAP
transactions, agentless transaction tracking, and tracking transactions on IBM z/OS® systems.
Project Bedrock overview
As part of IBM's commitment to quality and continuous improvement, the Tivoli® Project Bedrock
testing team was established. The team consists of cross-product test representatives from IBM
Software Group and IBM Systems and Technology Group hardware divisions. Project Bedrock
enhances the way IBM performs tests by doing scenario-based testing on a business service and
application performance management solution stack consisting of multiple Tivoli products,
middleware, operating systems, and hardware. By using scenario-based testing, the
maintainability and upgrade ability of the solution is enhanced.
Project Bedrock was created to address scenario-based testing to ensure that the maintenance
levels are installed, configured, and tested together as a solution stack reflecting a customer-like
business service and application performance management solution. The reader can follow a
well-documented path to move from one level of the solution stack to the next using this report
and subsequent reports. The Bedrock project name was chosen to portray the end goal of
delivering a solid foundation of products working together on which the business service and
application performance management solution run.
Solution stack testing advantages
Project Bedrock uses solution stack testing to discover and address issues in the maintenance
levels before they are made generally available. The path from one version of the stack to the
next is made as easy to follow as possible. This report describes the path IBM testers followed
and the outstanding issues found during testing that were not resolved before the maintenance
levels were delivered. You can use this report as a guide to follow while adapting to your specific
environment. Your environment and applications are likely to differ in many ways. Therefore, your
results might be different than in the IBM environment. You must remember to thoroughly test the
maintenance levels, including testing in an environment that simulates your specific production
The Project Bedrock test environment is designed differently from one that is used in typical IBM
product testing. Typical product testing includes a matrix of supported platforms, databases, and
middleware to ensure coverage of the matrix of available client environments. For Project
Bedrock, a customer-like production system is simulated that incorporates real-world constraints.
The Tivoli team worked with the IBM Systems and Technology Group to create an environment
where the Tivoli testers are given user-level access to the systems and must escalate privileges
when more access is needed. Products are configured with a shared LDAP and DB2® server.
Optional security options such as secure sockets layer (SSL) and single
signon are enabled. By using this method, Tivoli testers achieved a very in-depth level of solution
testing in a single environment without the overhead of maintaining multiple test environments.
In the test environment, a full IBM stack of products is used. The Tivoli management software,
middleware, operating system, and server hardware are all IBM products. In this way, control is
maintained over IBM's ability to address all elements in the test environment.
Project Bedrock has two solution stack streams. One test stream is used for new code and
updates, and the other is used as the production environment for the IBM Software Technology
Group platform team. The role of each solution stack stream is flipped at the end of each quarter.
When you flip the environments, the production configuration is moved in a change window over
to the newly upgraded stack that completed testing. The upgrade procedure is then applied to the
previous production stack.
This report describes the upgrade procedure for moving from the first quarter 2012 solution stack
to the third quarter 2012 solution stack.
Products included in the business service and
application performance management solution stack
The business service and application performance management solution stack includes the
following products grouped by capability:
IBM Systems Director
IBM Tivoli Directory Server
IBM DB2® Universal Database™
IBM WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment
Manager of Managers
◦ IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager (TBSM)
◦ IBM Tivoli Netcool® OMNIbus
◦ IBM Tivoli Netcool Web GUI
◦ IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM)
◦ IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management UI (newly added)
Application Monitoring
◦ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Transactions
◦ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA
Middleware Monitoring
◦ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Application Diagnostics
◦ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager (ITCAM) for Applications (newly added)
◦ IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Agent for DB2
Infrastructure Monitoring
◦ IBM Tivoli Monitoring
◦ IBM Tivoli Network Manager for IP Networks
◦ IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
◦ IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments
Supporting Components
◦ IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
◦ IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
◦ IBM Tivoli Netcool Impact
◦ IBM Solutions for Business Service Management (newly added)
Project Bedrock test environment
The following table includes a description of the Project Bedrock test environment:
SAN Disk
SVC 2145-8G4
Microcode at Driver 67L + MCL bundle 54a
• 1 z/VM 5.4 Image Service level 1002
◦ 12 General Processors
◦ 131072 MB of Central Storage
◦ 4096 MB of Expanded Storage
• 17 z/VM Guests running Red Hat Enterprise Linux for
System z 6.2
Microcode at 2.12.0
1 Enterprise Storage Server 800 ( Shark )
Microcode at
1 Enterprise Storage Server DS8300
Microcode at
2 SVC Nodes. Microcode level is
DS4800 1815-88A
1 DS4800 Controller. Microcode level is
2 EXP810 Drawers. Microcode level is 98D0
LAN attached
TCP/IP using multiple 1 GB OSA links managed by redundant
Product levels used in the business service and
application performance management solution stack
The following table lists the products that were installed in the first quarter 2012 business service
management solution stack. This information is provided as a reference to confirm that you are
starting at these levels. Procedures for how to get to these levels are provided in the first quarter
2012 Bedrock report.
IBM Systems Director
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Oracle JRE
Mozilla Fire fox
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for Virtual
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for Transactions
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for Application
IBM Tivoli Application
Dependency Discovery Manager
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus core
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
IBM Tivoli Netcool Impact
IBM Tivoli Business Service
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for SOA
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager Agent for DB2
IBM DB2 Universal Database
IBM Tivoli Directory Server
1Q2012 - Starting
Maintenance level
3Q2012 - Maintenance level
upgraded to
V6.3.1.1 (new installation)
Remained the same
V10.0.7 ESR
V7.1 Fix Pack 14
V6.2.3 Interim Fix 1
V6.2.3 Fix Pack 25
V7.3 Fix Pack 1
V7.1 Fix Pack 2
V7.1 Fix Pack 3
V7.2.1 Fix Pack 2
V7.2.1 Fix Pack 3
V7.3 Fix Pack 3
V7.3.1 Fix Pack 3
V7.3.1 Fix Pack 4
V7.3.1 Fix Pack 4
V6.1 Interim Fix 1
V6.1 Fix Pack 16
V6.1 Fix Pack 1
V2.2 Fix Pack 3
V3.9 Fix Pack 1
Remained the same
V2.1.1 IF0006
V3.9 Fix Pack 2
V7.1.1 Fix Pack 3
Remained the same
V6.2.2 Fix Pack 1
V9.5 Fix Pack 5
V6.3.0 Fix Pack 9
TL0 Service Pack 3
oslevel 7100-00-03-1115
V9.7 Fix Pack 5
Remained the same
TL0 Service Pack 4
oslevel 7100-01-04-1216
1 Installed on clients outside of the data center and used to run product Uis.
2 Installed on clients outside of the data center and used to run product UIs.
3 Installed on clients outside of the data center and used to run product UIs. IBM Tivoli
Monitoring supports Firefox V3.5
4 Fix Pack 1 is only applicable to the dashboard component and not the monitoring agents which
stayed at V7.1.
5 As of the publication of this report, IBM Tivoli Monitoring Fix Pack 2 has not been released for
general availability.
6 The IBM Tivoli Netcool Impact is bundled with IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V6.1 and
was not independently installed.
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for Applications
IBM Solutions for Business
Service Management
IBM SmartCloud Application
Performance Management UI
V7.1 (newly added (.NET
V1.1.0 (newly added)
V7.5 (newly added)
Outstanding functional or time-to-value issues
remaining in the business service and application
performance management stack
The issues listed in the following table represent the problems that the Project Bedrock team
encountered that affect the product functionality or time-to-value for the solution. These testing
scenarios are not intended to replace the regular service procedure. If you encounter a problem
with the product code, report the problem to IBM Software Support.
NOTE: The defect numbers shown are IBM internal tracking numbers. These numbers should be
treated as reference numbers only, when referring to these issues. Once resolved, some of these
numbers may be listed in fix pack documentation for correlation.
IBM Tivoli Application
Dependency Manager
Problem description
Defect 44536
When using inventory summary filters any starting date criteria set
will not be set in the “observed-since” field of the subsequent
displayed summary pages. The objects displayed however do
honor the criteria.
Defect 44597
When the IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
BIRT Sensor Metrics report is running outside of IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager, it is displayed with
some fields not filled in. The report does show the core data
Defect 38891
Monitoring coverage IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager BIRT report fails with this error CM-SYS-5027 when you
attempt to click any of the links displayed. There is no known work
Defect 42465
Missing documentation for embedded IBM Tivoli Network
Manager IP Edition report for IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager V7.2.1 Fix Pack 2 and higher releases. This
report functions but is not covered by supplied product
Defect 37115
A user cannot view an access collection they created. A user with
view access can see collection objects in inventory but not in the
cart. This problem only occurs if your using datalevel security in
TADDM and there is no known work around.
Defect 37211
The IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
monitoring agent situation events cannot automatically be
correlated in IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager. If using the
TADDM agent the BSM_Identities of TADDM situation events do
not match BSM Identities created out of the box for the same
systems via Discovery or ITM Discovery Library Adapter. For
critical situations you will need to manually create a matching BSM
Defect 38567
If datalevel security is enabled, the user can only see groups
which are in their explicit access collections in the grouping
composer UI. However, these groups may be visible from
Inventory and the Tree which is inconsistent with other object
types. There is no known work around.
Defect 38573
The BusinessServiceLifecyle program attribute range is not
validated. If using this capability to control the flow of objects to
TBSM, the script does not check that all values are within the
defined range of values. The user can avoid issue by only
assigning defined values.
Defect 38890
The IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager BIRT
reports (for example, Monitoring Coverage) are not delivered as
Cognos® Business Intelligence reports. Some reports available in
BIRT are not also available in Cognos format.
Defect 38892
When entering a string in the attribute filter for a custom query, the
GUI attempts to complete the text, which makes it difficult for the
user to enter a complete filter string. There is no known work
Defect 39030
Duplicate business application objects loaded from DLA sources
will appear empty and might not be able to be edited by the
grouping composer. We recommend these be deleted.
Defect 39193
The monitoring coverage BIRT report for OS types should only list
the total number of unknown OS types, but not include them in the
graphs. The graphs should include only known types for clarity,
there is no known work around.
Defect 42617
Launch in context with single sign-on from IBM Tivoli Business
Service Manager into IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager allows the bypass of data-level security
allowing the operator to see data they are not authorized to see .
Defect 42766
Data consistency issues between the Cognos Fiber Channel
Network Reports and the native IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager BIRT Reports. Different totals and
categories are shown, there is no known work around.
Defect 42787
Grouping Composer hangs on deletion of IBM Tivoli Business
Service Manager DLA imported business application or service
objects. This may only occur with particular browser or browser
versions. If you exit and return to the Grouping Composer list it
should be correct.
Defect 42753
Data inconsistency between IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager Cognos Report for Sensor Events in Tivoli
Integrated Portal and native IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager BIRT reports. There is no known work
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
Deleted users maintain their roles when re-added creating a
potential security exposure. This occurs on the Tivoli Integrated
Portal user interface after a user is removed and then re-added,
there is no known work around.
After applying assigned roles cannot be unassigned from a
The space requirement listed in the README file might not be
sufficient for your environment depending upon the products that
are installed in the IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal.
The prerequisites checking done during the installation procedure
might not be sufficient for your environment depending on the
products that are installed in the IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal.
After importing the exported IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
dashboard data, the links for 'WebSphere Administrative Console',
'Catalogs', 'Export Wizard', and 'Connections' are no longer
available in the Tivoli Integrated Portal GUI.
Tivoli Integrated Portal V2.2 information center has no information
on configuring startup pages.
A Tivoli Integrated Portal user cannot set up a startup
page/homepage for another user.
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
The IBM Tivoli Common Reporting stopTCRserver.sh script
causes a Java core when stopping the server on a AIX system.
A fix for this issue has been verified internally. Contact IBM
support for this fix.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments
Defect 172357
Reports display an error message indicating that historical tables
are missing even though they exist.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Defect 178733
After applying Fix Pack 1, access to Change Log Level Details in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal embedded IBM WebSphere
Application Server receives 'ADMN0022E: Access is denied'
error, to fix the error issue 'iscdeploy -restoreProfiles' .
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus
OMNIbus tivoli_eif_taddm.rules file needs modifications
to handle IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
change event values containing quotation marks.
See Tips and Hints for file changes.
IBM Tivoli Application
Dependency Manager
Problem description
Enhancement 33497
Need grouping composer objects added to datamover.sh script
for save and restore. When transferring data from one TADDM to
another, or from a test to production TADDM, the grouping
composer created objects currently cannot be moved.
Enhancement 23158
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager does not
display the Common Data Model (CDM) classes that are needed
for integration with other Tivoli products. The TADDM details pane
could show the related CDM classes which would aid in defining
TBSM filters and with other integrations.
Enhancement 34463
Enhancement for the data management portal CART to
save/globalize entries for other users to save time in using the
CART in the next session. There is no capability to save CART
entries created from one session to another or from one user to
another. Saved CART entries would improve response time for
gathering information on critical business configuration items.
Enhancement 22543
Enhance self-monitoring agent by including the bulkloader KPIs.
TADDM does not store or expose the IDML books it loads or the
number of Configuration Items accepted or rejected, the same is
true for relationships.
Enhancement 35951
Enhance comparison function to allow for grouping composer
object to be compared. Currently there is no way to do direct
comparison of Group Composer created objects showing
differences in composition and content.
Enhancement 12715
Need topology tear-offs and topology save feature to enhance
usability and comparability of topologies in the data management
portal. As an example, it is somewhat time consuming to prepare
a topology with explore and extend, after such a topology is built
there is no way to save it so it can be re-displayed at a later time.
Enhancement 33612
Utilization Sensor does not detect corrupted or missing cron
entries. No updates are detected and as a result the sensor just
rereads the same static data with no warnings that it is in fact
IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact
Enhancement 18735
Add multi-file upload support for importing policy files to save time.
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
Enhancement 30240
The Discovery Library Toolkit requires a utils command to pick up
rules file changes without requiring a Discovery Library Toolkit
restart after get/put artifact for updated rule and template files.
Enhancement 17892
Search instance capability is needed on service editor delete
instance page to improve ability of users to quickly locate the
service name when there are numerous entries.
Enhancement 18680
Missing the remove or delete function for metric metadata in the
rad_radshell command; the inability to remove means outdated
collections cannot be stopped.
Enhancement 15166
For ease of deployment of TBSM in a cloud environment scripts or
a documented procedure is needed. The for mentioned would
cover the changing of hostnames and IP addresses of the
database and server components. This would improve
deployment times from test into production or when deploying into
cloud based systems.
Enhancement 17752
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager logging changes require
restart of IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager data server.
Logging changes should be dynamic to enable problem resolution
and serviceability.
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition
Enhancement 15523
Require a documented procedure for changing the host name and
IP address of server components for quick deployment of servers
from development into production.
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
Enhancement 11497
Enhancement for IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal to support LDAP
password change policy that enforces users to supply the prior
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments
Enhancement 21822
If the warehouse database is not tuned per documented
instructions, then the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual
Environments installer might fail with a SQL error.
Procedures used to upgrade to the third quarter 2012
business service management solution stack
The following procedures were used to complete the installation of the Bedrock test environment.
Upgrading infrastructure monitoring
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus core to V7.3.1 Fix Pack 4
Upgrading the non-Tivoli Integrated Portal components
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager V7.2.1 Fix Pack 2 to
V7.2.1 Fix Pack 3 on the primary storage server, secondary storage server and two
discovery servers.
Upgrading event management
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitor and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
support files for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions to V7.3 Fix
Pack 1
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Monitor and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
support files for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Diagnostics to V7.1 Fix
Pack 3
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions agents to V7.3
Fix Pack1
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Diagnostics MS to V7.1 Fix
Pack 3
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Diagnostics WebSphere
agents to V7.1 Fix Pack 3
Upgrading storage and discovery servers
Upgraded the IBM Composite Application Manager for Applications DB2 agent to V7.1
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Data Warehouse and Summarization and Pruning
agents to V6.2.3 Fix Pack 2
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Monitoring hub monitoring server to V6.2.3 Fix Pack 2
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Monitoring remote monitoring server to V6.2.3 Fix Pack 2
Upgraded the IBM Tivoli Monitoring portal server to V6.2.3 Fix Pack 2
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Monitoring OS Agents on the core IBM Tivoli Monitoring systems to
Fix Pack V6.2.3 Fix Pack 2
Installing application performance management
Before installing or upgrading, always follow the prerequisite steps as documented by
the installation documentation provided with the product version.
For any new or upgraded IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent, the corresponding support files
were installed manually.
All prerequisite rpm requirements were installed based on product documentation.
After all products were initially installed, customized configurations were done prior to
upgrading the products.
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 Fix Pack 2 core components
Migrated the IBM DB2 universal database server instances from IBM DB2 universal
database server V9.5 Fix Pack 5 to IBM DB2 universal database server V9.7 Fix Pack 5
Upgrading shared Tivoli Integrated Portal components for business
service management, IP discovery, and virtual environments
Installing shared Tivoli Integrated Portal components for business
service management, IP discovery, and virtual environments
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal to V2.2.0.7
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V6.1 Fix Pack 1
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus WebGUI in the shared Tivoli Integrated Portal
server to V7.3.1 Fix Pack 4
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Common Reporting V2.1.1 to IF0006 on the shared IBM Tivoli
Integrated Portal server
Reconfigured the IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal to enable the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Rest
provider service.
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition V3.9 Fix Pack 2 dashboard
component in the shared IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal server.
Modified the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server eWAS server's maximumHeapSize to
1792 as described here: http://ibm.co/Qu3cjE
Upgraded IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal with IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual
Environments V7.1 Fix Pack 1
Upgraded Cognos Reports with IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments V7.1 Fix
Pack 1
Created an 'apmadmin' user in LDAP repository.
Installed IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Manager User Interface V7.5 into
the shared IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal server
Prior to running the 'IBM Solutions for Business Service Management' installation,
verified that the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager default users and groups are
created in LDAP and removed from the File Based repository as described in the online
documentation here: http://bit.ly/Sig1ht.
Installed the IBM Solutions for Business Service Management into the shared Tivoli
Integrated Portal server
The following reports were installed into Tivoli Common Reporting for
IBM Tivoli Capacity Analytics Reports
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager History Agent
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments Reports V7.1 Fix Pack 1
IBM Tivoli Monitoring OS Agents Reports
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions (Analytics)
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions (Query)
IBM Tivoli Netcool Omnibus
IBM Tivoli Network Manager
IBM Tivoli Products (folder)
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager V6.1
Known issues: Defects, APARs, and enhancements
encountered during the upgrade to the third quarter
2012 business service and application management
solution stack
The issues listed in the following table represent the problems that the Project Bedrock team
encountered. The testing scenarios are not intended to replace the regular service procedure. If a
problem is encountered with the product code, report the problem to IBM Software Support.
NOTE: The defect numbers shown are IBM internal tracking numbers. These numbers should be
treated as reference numbers only, when referring to these issues. Once resolved, some of these
numbers may be listed in fix pack documentation for correlation.
Product defect
Defect descriptions
IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management User
Defect 24307
Defect 25456
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting reports no longer run
after installation of the IBM SmartCloud Application
Performance Management User Interface.
The work around is to stop, then restart the IBM Tivoli
Integrated Portal server using the stopTCRserver.sh
and startTCRserver.sh scripts.
After the IBM SmartCloud Application Performance
Management User Interface installation has completed,
the link in the Tivoli Integrated Portal for the IBM
Solutions for Business Service Management 'Business
Service Health' page is removed.
by the
The problem occurs when apmadmin user creation fails
during the installation when the IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal is configured for LDAP.
Defect 25467
Enhancement 26029
Defect 24385
The work around is to create the apmadmin user in
LDAP, prior to running the IBM SmartCloud Application
Performance Management User Interface installation.
The IBM SmartCloud Application Performance
Management User Interface stops retrieving data from
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring REST service after a period of
time, so no data is displayed in the User Interface.
Work around: Delete and recreate the IBM Tivoli
Monitoring REST service connection.
The function allowing the user to turn up tracing for the
IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management
User Interface product within the Websphere
Administration console, does not exist.
IBM SmartCloud Application Performance Management
User Interface does not support HTTPS connection to
the IBM Tivoli Monitoring REST service.
Defect 25566
After configuring the data provider and creating an
application, in the IBM SmartCloud Application
Performance Management User Interface, the
Websphere Application Server widgets within the
application are not showing data. The error message
states there is an issue with the data provider.
However, widgets for DB2 and the HTTP are d data, and
the problem is only with the Websphere Application
Server widgets.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments
PMR 18483,999,000
PMR 22703,999,000
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments upgrade
documentation do not explain what to do with the
converted UTF-8 database.
The database credentials that go in the runDbScript
configuration panels are missing from the readme file for
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions
PMR 33096,999,000
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for
Response Time agent and Transaction Tracking agent
data does not show up in the Application Management
Console in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
PTR 24198
When selecting a page with existing Tivoli Integrated
Portal charts, an 'OSGI Framework OSGI null' error is
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Defect 13631
IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
configuration needs to ask for both federated repository
base entries.
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
APAR IV27294
PMR 51173 004 000
PMR 35464,999,000
If using the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager DLA to
import IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager defined
services and objects into IBM TADDM, the DLA creates
IDML which incorrectly uses cdm:Name for business
applications and services. This results in duplicate
objects in the IBM TADDM User Interface after the
loadidml import of the DLA.
The work around to avoid this is to manually edit the
IDML file prior to import, editing each cdm:Name
attribute by removing the GUID and IBM Tivoli Business
Service Manager component type information and
leaving only the short name of the instance as seen in
The IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager History Agent
reports fail to run because of a 'failed in
createRouteRequest' error generated by the Monitoring
Agent for Business Service Manager.
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
Defect 46184
Defect 46206
Defect 45679
Defect 46537
Defect 46535
Defect 46562
Defect 46563
Defect 46564
Defect 46604
If using the IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager Cognos reports in an
environment where the IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager database schema name is set to
a value other than db2inst1, you must use the procedure
documented here to manually augment the reports hard
coded schema name: http://tinyurl.com/9kx8cco.
When using certain levels of IE, it is possible when a
grouping composer entry is deleted the list of remaining
groups might not be returned after the delete is
processed. Reopen the grouping composer pane after
switching to another view or restart the data
management portal to see the list again.
When using explore/extend topology functions in IBM
Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager for
WebSphere Node Agent components, the GIF/icon
displayed is a red x and not the expected icon.
There is no work around.
If attempting to configure discovery profile sensor
configuration for the Weblogic launcher sensor, the user
will find the domain parameter cannot be edited. The
documentation indicates you can alter this value. There
is no known work around.
If using the WeblogicLauncher Sensor, the sensor will
fail if the configDirectory is not actually set to the default
value. The osgi plugin properties configDirectory and
configFileName in the config.xml file are currently
ignored by the sensor.
Launch in context from IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP
to IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager configuration requires the use of the api.sh
command to place all ComputerSystems output into a
file for further processing. To do this, you must have the
amount of swap space set equal to the amount of RAM
on your system. Also, some swap space appears to be
held which can cause subsequent api commands to fail.
You might need to recycle IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency Manager to free swap space
until this issue is corrected.
If using IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager for inventory of z/OS components there are
currently inconsistencies in the number, type and
placement of z/OS computer systems and ZVMGuest
objects shown in the component tree, and the inventory.
The number of objects listed in the tree and inventory
might not match each other or your environment totals.
Objects denoted as z/OS computer systems in the IBM
Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
component tree which are actually ZVMGuest objects
will not offer the documented specialized topology
entitled "ZOS Topology" option under actions. There is
no work around.
Certain z/OS objects show different counts when viewed
from the OS Inventory BIRT report and the IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager Inventory
Page found under the Analytics tab. This occurs for
Computer Systems types of SysPlexes and Z Coupling
Facilities instances. There is no work around.
Defect 46791
Enhancement 26254
If IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager is configured to send OMP events for
configuration file changes, please note these events
contain no references to the containing (source) system.
This impacts the value of such events and currently
there is no work around.
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
topologies display instances of configuration items as
boxes and relationships between these instances as
connecting lines. The user can click and get more
details for any instance but currently cannot click to
ascertain any details about the relationships/links. There
is no work around.
IBM Solutions for Business Service Management
PMR 7430,004,000
APAR IV26028
PMR 39251,004,000
APAR IV29042
PMR 38571,004,000
PMR 38569,004,000
APAR IV26323
Documentation: IBM Tivoli Monitoring APAR IV20293 is
not listed as a prerequisite for installation.
Cannot deploy the automated DLA portion. Deployment
of this component requires the Transaction Reporter
agent and Composite Application Manager for
Transaction Tracking Robotic Response Time
integration package be installed on the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal Server. Documentation to be updated with this
Documentation lists incorrect SQL syntax and other
missing information. See Tips and Hints section for
Defects, APARs, and enhancements that have been
delivered or resolved since the second quarter 2012
quarterly report
NOTE: The defect numbers shown are IBM internal tracking numbers. These numbers should be
treated as reference numbers only, when referring to these issues. Once resolved, some of these
numbers may be listed in fix pack documentation for correlation.
IBM Composite Applications manager for Transactions Robotic
APAR IV12279
Attempting to modify the data source
connections information for the IBM
Composite Application Manager for
Transactions Robotic Transactions
reports using the trcmd.sh
command fails with this message:
Solution: Apply V7.3 Fix Pack 1
The illegal comma (,) has been
removed from the affected BIRT
“CTGTRI163E Opening the design
ce.rptdesign failed.”
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Tracking
PMR 10713,999,000
APAR IV21805
Query reports fail with an
sqlPrepareWithOptions status=201
error. This is related to reports
having the instance user of
ITMUSER hard coded into the
Solution: Apply V7.3 Fix Pack 1
PMR 10715,999,000
IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager Analysis reports did not
import although the import indicated
that it was successful.
Solution: http://tinyurl.com/8ujetf2
The Cognos model has been
modified to remove the hard
coded schema name.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments
Defect 171745
Defect 170957
PMR 01318,999,000
PMR 10706,999,000
PMR 11431,999,000
Reports reporting missing historical
tables, yet the historical tables
actually exist.
The capacity planner
“tadfdc_setup_fed.sh” script
produces 'not found' error messages.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual
Environments V7.1 Reports produce
an sqlPrepareWithOptions
status=201 error.
Application Scorecard report fails
with an sqlPrepareWithOptions
status=16 error.
When installation fails, it is unclear in
the documentation how to proceed.
Solution: Install V7.1 Fix Pack 1
Solution: Install V7.1 Fix Pack 1
Solution: Install V7.1 Fix Pack 1
Solution: Install V7.1 Fix Pack 1
Updated documentation found
here: http://tinyurl.com/9z698jg
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
Defect 43735
Defect 44735
The IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager
documentation is missing a
troubleshooting connectivity case, for
when the dbinit process will not
There are required steps missing to
configure the IBM Tivoli Monitoring
universal agent data provider.
See Tips and Hints for details on
the solution.
Here are the steps that are
missing from the “Configuring an
IBM Tivoli Monitoring data
provider” section:
The um_console command
requires parameters as shown
um_console -h <path to the ITM
Defect 44599
Defect 44596
Defect 44595
Defect 43813
Defect 45255
Defect 41497
The documented versions are
required for the discovery support
bundle that are used by IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency
Manager to discover IBM Tivoli
The Cognos OS Distribution Report
displays an empty column and key
Launch in Context (LIC) change
history documentation of
days_previous and hoursback might
be unclear.
Inventory Summary documentation
does not match UI behavior, the
placeholders filter option is not
documented. Active and dormant
component options should include
how the selected time feature is
The GenericServerSensor fails with
"CTJTD3521E storage error
message" for a small subset of Linux
on System z servers.
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager Fix Pack 2
upgrade failed due to insufficient
storage log space: No messages
issued stating this prior to the
After entering “Refresh” you
must also enter "Yes" as a
Solution: Use these versions
when adding or removing the
target support bundles
TADDM 7.2.1
TADDM 072101000
TADDM 072102000
TADDM 072103000
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
Solution: When making the URL
call days_previous is converted
to hoursback. Therefore, use the
parameter that is easiest for your
use case.
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
See Tips and Hints for
work around.
Defect 39119
Defect 39121
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager Cognos
reports for business application
contents show a grouping breakdown
that is unclear. It is broken down by
functional groups. The functional
grouping is not listed.
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager does not
provide the EAR file that provides the
authentication service when using
IBM WebSphere Application Server
Federated repository authentication.
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus
APAR IV21709
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus
Documentation Gateway for JDBC
gives an incorrect example of JDBC
URL to DB2.
Updated documentation can be
found at http://ibm.co/V4pjvx
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition
Enhancement 19944
PMR 59492,999,000
APAR IV03031
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP
Edition requires a capability to
directly remove configuration items
that cause reconciliation conflicts.
This occurs when a /etc/hosts entry
associates an IP address with the
incorrect FQDN host name.
Uninstall_ITNM leaves references to
the network manager for IP in the
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal.
See Tips and Hints for a manual
Delivered in IBM Tivoli Network
Manager IP Edition V3.8.0 Fix
Pack 7
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
PMR 79687,004,000
Defect 24658
Defect 31551
Defect 25278
PMR 76411,999,000
Defect 25358
Vmotion changes are not reflected
correctly in the IBM Tivoli Business
Service Manager user interface,
showing systems associated with
incorrect VMware ESX servers.
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
dashboard installer reports invalid
disk space when installing on a
server that already has the data
server installed.
The datafetcher right-click context
menu takes unusually long to display.
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
monitoring agent (KR9): The
warehouse database service status
attribute table is not created, which
prevents collection of historical data.
The genidml.sh command produces
a book which will not load in IBM
Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager.
See Tips and Hints for a manual
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
Delivered in
TBSM V6.1 Fix Pack 1
See Tips and Hints for the correct
syntax to fix this issue.
Verified as fixed internally, call
IBM Support if you have this
PMR 78965,004,000
APAR - IV21679
APAR IV23858
After alias changes, duplicate
(aliased) resources are displayed
incorrectly in the IBM Tivoli Business
Service Manager user interface. To
correct this, perform a Model
When it creates the BIRT reports
datasource, the install_reports.sh
script (from the installation image
<interp>/Reports directory )
, is hard coding the schema name
for the warehouse database as
Verified as fixed internally; call
IBM Support if you have this
Due to the hardcoding of the
default schema name into the
reports, these reports will not
function for the user if they
use an alternative schema. the
solution to this is to manually
change the data source to point
to the correct schema.
See Tips and Hints for a more
detailed resolution.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Enhancement 14675
PMR 86323,004,000
APAR IV22130
When using a database user name
other than the default of “ITMUSER”,
the connection to the warehouse
database fails because the Cognos
Scripts hardcodes the schema as
There is no information in IBM Tivoli
Monitoring documentation on the
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server
option "Enable ITM REST service."
Documented work around using
a user other than ITMUSER can
be found here:
This is only supported for users
of the IBM SmartCloud
Application Performance
Management User Interface as
describe in this technote:
Tivoli Integrated Portal
APAR PM66220
After installing IBM Tivoli Integrated
Portal V2.2.0.7, and attempting to
assign roles to a group, you receive
this error: “CWLAA6003: Could not
display the portlet at this time, the
portlet's module may be being
The fix is available in Tivoli
Integrated Portal
Solutions created or verified from the Bedrock test
These solutions demonstrate how the tools were used to manage the environment. These
solutions were created and validated by using the Bedrock environment. Any open issues that
affect these solutions are noted in the following sections.
Using a Tivoli Business Service Management Solution to Monitor PeopleSoft
Use this step-by-step solution guide to manage and monitor PeopleSoft environments with IBM
Tivoli solutions. The suite of Tivoli software works together to show a picture of the overall health
of the PeopleSoft environment. You can use this picture to stay ahead of your clients by knowing
critical availability and status information, and to proactively act on that information. Tivoli software
products integrate with each other to discover the resources in the PeopleSoft environment,
collect related elements into business services, and display notifications when events occur in the
environment. From high-level visual overviews of the PeopleSoft system, you can drill down to
more detailed information about the infrastructure and events within that infrastructure.
Note: The Composite Application Manager Agent for PeopleSoft Enterprise Application Domain
and PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler do not support Linux on IBM System z.
Integrating networking with business service management
Use the new features in IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition to more closely integrate
networking aspects with business services. The guide describes new capabilities of IBM Tivoli
Network Manager IP Edition to automatically detect the edge of your network so that you can
better represent the dependencies business services have on networking infrastructure in both
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager and IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager.
You are guided through the following tasks:
Configuring IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition to detect the network edge resources
Configuring IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition to display a view of just those resources
Exporting the edge resources from IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition and importing
them into IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
Troubleshooting any naming discrepancies that might arise
Discovery-driven business service management
This solution integrates IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager and IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency Manager to discover dependency and relationship mappings for complex
IT systems to better enable consolidated event management and end-to-end service
management. This solution gives you a thorough understanding of the context of these
relationships and dependencies, and how the changes within these relationships and
dependencies affect your overall business service:
TADDM and TBSM Integration Solution Guide
TADDM and TBSM Integration Video
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions to Monitor Tivoli Integrated
Portal and TBSM
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager offers several solutions, including IBM Tivoli
Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics. Use this solution to monitor
applications, for example, WebSphere Application Server applications. Because IBM Tivoli
Business Service Manager GUIs are based on the embedded IBM WebSphere Application
Server, you can monitor your server performance, for example, heap usage, memory usage, and
so on. This document describes how to install and configure IBM Tivoli Composite Application
Manager for Application Diagnostics against your IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal and IBM Tivoli
Business Service Manager WebSphere servers and includes a few examples of workspaces that
you can use to view through the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal and in the IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Manager for Application Diagnostics Visualization Engine.
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions to Monitor Live in-house
Website Solution
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager offers several solutions. Robotic Response Time is
one of these solutions and can be used in multiple ways. One primary way of using this product is
to monitor your in-house solutions for response time and availability problems. Typically, you want
to see a significant amount of availability (green indicators) and quick response times for your
applications. But when problems occur, you want to be able to see the problem or have an event
or situation produced to notify someone of the pending problem.
TADDM Discovery using the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Scope Sensor
Use the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Scope Sensor to effectively uses the pre-existing communication
channels provided by the client/server architecture of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework. This
paper documents the process that is required to correctly deploy and configure IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager discovery by using the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Scope
Sensor. This sensor allows Level 1 and Level 2 IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager discovery sensors to run in an existing IBM Tivoli Monitoring framework and provides
these benefits:
▪ Rapid IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager deployment in
existing IBM Tivoli Monitoring environments
▪ Minimal IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager access list
credential entries
▪ Elimination of dedicated IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
anchor and IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager gateway servers
▪ Automatic scope set and scope creation
▪ Elimination of SSH and WMI-based discoveries of systems with a IBM Tivoli
Monitoring OS agent already deployed
TADDM V7.2.1 Discovery Scan Report and Remediation for Computer Systems
This solution provides a report that you can use to administer your IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency Manager discoveries. The report runs after you do a discovery scan in
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager and provides the number of devices
discovered, how many failed, how many need prerequisite software installed, and the list of failing
Building a Business Service Management for Storage Solution
This paper is a step-by-step guide to building a business service management solution by using
the IBM Tivoli Storage Productivity Center to monitor your storage devices. You can use the IBM
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center suite of storage infrastructure management tools to improve
time-to-value and to reduce the complexity of managing your storage environments by
centralizing, simplifying, and optimizing storage tasks associated with storage systems, storage
networks, replication services, and capacity management. The suite of Tivoli software integrated
together gives you a picture of the overall health of your business services, including storage
controllers, fiber channel switches, and server systems. Use this solution to stay ahead on the
status of your business applications by knowing critical information such as availability and status,
and to proactively respond to that information. Tivoli software integrates together to discover and
monitor your servers and storage devices, collect related elements into a business application or
service, and display notifications when events occur that effect the environment. From high-level
visual overviews of your environment, you can drill down to more detailed information about the
infrastructure and events happening within the infrastructure.
The configuration is now included in the products, at the levels listed in this report,
therefore the steps in the IBM Tivoli Storage Solution Guide are only required for
products at older levels. It is important, however, to obtain the latest
tivoli_eif_tpc.rules and tivoli_eif_tpc_tbsm.rules files from the IBM Tivoli
Productivity Center media for event integration with IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager, IBM Tivoli Productivity Center sensor and IBM Tivoli
Productivity Center DLA CI's.
Tips and Hints
The items listed in the following table represent the things encountered that are not necessarily
problems or defects, but usability issues. Solutions or work arounds are included for your
convenience when available. Any scripts provided are not supported and should be used after
careful evaluation so that they will not negatively impact your environment.
Solution or work around
IBM DB2 Universal Server
The db2script command
This issue relates to system resources. Add more free memory
to the system.
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal
Installing the V2.2.0.7
prerequisite check fails stating
'Installed ITNM is not
certified with Tivoli
Integrated Portal2.2.0.7.
Certified versions:';
however, the Network Manager
for IP edition is at
There is a problem with the tipregister.sh command that it
cannot handle the two digit number in V3.9.0.49. This is
resolved with patch Tivoli Intergrated Portal V2.2.0.7.
To get the patch installed, do the following steps:
cd TIPHOME/TIPProfile/properties/tip-registry.xml
cp tip-registry.xml tip-registry.xml .orig
exit tip-registry.xml
Change the Network Manager for IP edition entry from
3.9 to
Save the file.
V2.2.0.7 fails to install the
file. Shows:IP server is
stopped, but other unknown
running java process....
This is the Cognos engine running. Prior to installing shutdown
the Tivoli Integrated Portal using the stopTCRserver.sh script.
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus Web GUI
PMR 42486,499,000
AEL cannot create a custom
Append the following two lines to the dcisecurity.properties file:
This step is included in the readme file for fix pack 3.
PMR 42490,499,000 - Web
The default ports used to connect to the Web GUI with the
GUI document must be
waapi utility are non-SSL 16315 or SSL 16316.
updated for the default ports for
the runwaapi utility.
When clicking Event Database To resolve this configuration issue, see
Query from Web GUI/Webtop, Error while running Event Database Query from Web
the following error is returned: GUI/Webtop.
“Error while accessing event
database. This form can only
be used by users allowed
ISQL access!”
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
Event Reports for Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus contains an
embedded data source that
you must change to make it
Import into Tivoli Common Reporting V1 (all releases) and
modify the data source definition. Then, export the report
again. Import the report into your Tivoli Common Reporting
v2.1.1 server.
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus Core
IBM Tivoli Application
On the IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus core server, make a copy
Discovery Dependency
Manager change events are
not entering into the
file because of the Source slot
value being quoted.
of the tivoli_eif_taddm.rules file. Edit the file and
modify the case statement to include the quoted value. Directly
below the case statement, add a section to remove the
quotation marks around the slot values as shown in the
following entry:
case "TADDM" | "'TADDM'":
log(DEBUG, "<<<<< Entering... tivoli_eif_taddm.rules >>>>>")
foreach ( e in $* )
if(regmatch($e, "^'.*'$"))
$e = extract($e, "^'(.*)'$")
log(DEBUG,"Removing quotes from attribute: " + $e)
Save the file and cycle the Tivoli probe so that EIF can pick up
the changes.
nco_dbinit -server NCOMS
fails with the following
IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus is 31 bit, the 31 bit PAM libraries
must be installed.
dlopen() failed: libpam.so.0:
cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
2012-04-16T13:21:23: Error:
E-DBI-002-003: Security
startup failed:
Cannot find IBM Tivoli Netcool
OMNIbus Gateway for ODBC
installation image for Linux on
System z.
There is no installation image for IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus
Gateway for ODBC for Linux on System z. Use the IBM
Netcool OMNIbus Gateway for JDBC.
Configuring the Monitoring
Modify the kno.ref file, under the <process_list> tag, add the
Agent for IBM Tivoli Netcool
following entry:
OMNIbus to monitor the SNMP
<process arg="" fullname="" includeChildProcesses="false"
and EIF probes
matcharg="false" matchargwithvalue="false"
matchfullarg="false" matchfullname="fals
e" name="Tivoli Netcool SNMP Probe"
procname="nco_p_mttrapd" value=""/>
<process arg="omnibus nco_p_tivoli_eif" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="true"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="fal
se" matchfullname="false" name="Tivoli Netcool EIF Probe"
procname="java" value=""/>
Save, stop, and restart the agent.
IBM Solutions for Business Service Management
The IBM Solutions for
Business Service
Management installation
guide contains missing
On Page 62
Add new section "Before you begin" to set the NCHOME
environment variable, if not already set
Windows systems:
set NCHOME=<netcool install directory>
as follows
set NCHOME=/tivoli/products/netcool
Linux systems:
export NCHOME=<netcool install directory>
as follows
export NCHOME=/tivoli/products/netcool
In the deployment guide the
section 'Customizing the
ITCAM integration for ITM
event caching
Add the keyword set before each line, as follows
In the deployment guide, the section 'Customizing the ITCAM
integration for ITM event caching' replaces step 4 with this:
4. Find the line that contains --set new.NewAttributeGoesHere
cachedevent.NewAttributeGoesHere ;, and add the following
lines after
set new.CAM_Application_Name =
cachedevent.CAM_Application_Name ;
set new.CAM_Transaction_Name =
cachedevent.CAM_Transaction_Name ;
set new.CAM_SubTransaction_Name =
cachedevent.CAM_SubTransaction_Name ;
set new.CAM_Client_Name = cachedevent.CAM_Client_Name
set new.CAM_Server_Name =
cachedevent.CAM_Server_Name ;
set new.CAM_Profile_Name =
cachedevent.CAM_Profile_Name ;
set new.CAM_Response_Time =
cachedevent.CAM_Response_Time ;
set new.CAM_Percent_Available =
cachedevent.CAM_Percent_Available ;
set new.CAM_Expected_Value =
cachedevent.CAM_Expected_Value ;
set new.CAM_Actual_Value = cachedevent.CAM_Actual_Value
set new.CAM_Details = cachedevent.CAM_Details ;
set new.CAM_Total_Requests =
cachedevent.CAM_Total_Requests ;
On Page 17:
Replace the following words:
Tivoli Event Integration Facility probe (EIF probe)
Tivoli Event Integration Facility Version 11.0.x probe (EIF probe
Update Chapter 5.
TroubleShooting ->
Configure Omnibus for ITM
Events Fails Section
The configuration of EIF Probe for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Events
Fails if the correct version of the EIF Probe is not installed.
The error message displayed is as follows:
'Configure EIF probe for IBM Tivoli Monitor events' with:
**** ***SDF : **** ***SDF : End command result ****
**** ***SDF : Version 11.0.x of EIF Probe is not installed
**** ***SDF : PreDeploymentCheckProgram:
performValidationChecks method ended with return code 0
**** ***SDF : PreDeploymentCheckProgram:
performPreDeployChecks method ended with return code -1
**** ***SDF : The PreDeploymentCheckProgram program
ended with return code -1
To complete the deployment, install version 11.0.x of the EID
Update Chapter 5.
TroubleShooting ->
Configure Omnibus for ITM
Events Fails Section
The configuration of Omnibus for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Events
fails when the NCHOME environment variable is not set.
The error message displayed is as follows:
**** ***SDF : MainProgram:invokeCommand method started
**** IRU10000: The following command was issued:
/tmp/iru//updated_pkg/omnibusUpdater.sh -b
/tmp/iru//updated_pkg/kt6.baroc -u <user> -s <server>
**** IRU03807: The command generated the following output:
The environment variable NCHOME is not set; set this variable
in order to continue, as follows
export NCHOME=/opt/IBM/tivoli/netcool
To complete the deployment, set the NCHOME environment
variable, as follows
For Windows systems:
set NCHOME=<netcool install directory>
as follows
set NCHOME=/tivoli/products/netcool
For Linux systems:
export NCHOME=<netcool install directory>
as follows
export NCHOME=/tivoli/products/netcool
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition
Cannot connect to database:
error was received in the GUI.
The logs show this information: 'The maximum number of
applications is already connected to the database.
Increase the MAXAPPLS value on the NCIM DB2 database
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP
network views applet always
shows 0 nodes.
This issue is caused by Oracle
JRE V1.6.0_29.
Work around found here
Error when starting the IBM
Prior to running the itnm_control.sh command the
Tivoli Network Manager IP
$NCHOME/env.sh must be sourced.
Core components:
ncp_perl: error while loading
shared libraries: liberl.so:
cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
The ncp_model process is
Install pam-1.1.1-10.el6.s390 and restart the IBM Tivoli
dying with Warning: A required Network Manager IP.
dynamic library file is
missing. found in file
CNcpDbFactory.cc at line
1057 - When attempting to
open shared lib:
Tue Apr 17 14:06:09 2012
Termination: Exit function
called found in file
CMdlApplication.cc at line
173 - Error: Unable to create
database handle
Single Sign On
Quick Configuration Guide for
Quick Configuration Guide for SSO
Java Integration with IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Steps to get Java 1.6 to work
for IBM Tivoli Monitoring
1. Uninstall all JREs by clicking Control Panel> Add or
Remove Programs.
2. Restart IBM Tivoli Monitoring.
3. Remove the temporary work directory that Java uses, for
example, Documents and
Data\Sun\Java (This step might not be necessary).
3. Install the latest 1.6.X Oracle JRE.
4. Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to run with the
legacy_lifecycle param as true by editing the
applet.html file. For more information, see Support for Sun
Java 1.6.0_10 or higher with browser clients on Windows.
5. Edit the jrelevel.js file and set the jrelevel to "6.0."
For more informtaion, see Identifying the version of the Sun
JRE the client should use.
6. Launch the Java Control /Panel:
a. Disable (clear) the "Enable the next-generation Java
Plug-in" setting.
b. Update the runtime parameters for this version, for
example, Xms128m -Xmx192m -Xverify:none.
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions Robotic
Response Time
After upgrading the remote
monitoring server, the Robotic
scripts are no longer being
The following situation message is displayed:
“IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager File Transfer
Enablement is not installed on the TEMS”
uploaded to the Application
Management Console.
This situation is not caused by a product problem. It is a user
error. The support files were upgraded on the remote
monitoring server, but the upgrade of the remote monitoring
server to V6.2.3 was never done. Upgrade the remote
monitoring server to resolve this situation.
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics
script returns a 'cannot
connect to hub' error
message. This happens when
the monitoring server and
portal server are on separate
1. In a split environment where the remote monitoring server
and portal server are on separate computers, run the
kynHistoryConfigure script from the portal server.
2. In a split environment, additional parameters must be
included by entering the <tems_host> and <teps_host>
parameters, as shown in the following example:
./kynHistoryConfigure.sh <username>
[<tems_name>] [<tems_host>]
The following example of the command includes all the
parameters shown in the preceding usage help:
# ./kynHistoryConfigure.sh sysadmin tvt2test
IBM Tivoli Common Reporting
Easily missed configuration
steps related to Cognos
Reports for DB2 Client
When configuring IBM Tivoli Common Reporting Cognos
reports that rely on the DB2 Client Connections to each target
DB, it is important that the Cognos DB connections are
created with the name as specified by the report provider.
You must also add these entries to startTCRserver.sh script
before the last statement:
Source the DB2 instance profile defined for the local DB2
Client. In the following example, the db2inst1 instance is used:
. /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
You must also add the db2 libraries to the startTCRserver.sh
script as follows (the location of db2 and lib32 or lib64 depends
on your installation):
After making the preceding additions, you must stop and
restart the IBM Tivoli Common Reporting server. If these steps
are not done when attempting to test IBM Tivoli Common
Reporting database connections, the following error occurs:
Installation of IBM Tivoli
Common Reporting failed at
step StartWas,
The error message is as follows:
inePlan_localhost/MachinePlan_localhost.xml:302: Error
executing step: An error was encountered running step
Restart the installation, prior to clicking 'Install'
vi StartWAS.xml
Change <waitfor maxwaitunit="second" maxwait="300"
<waitfor maxwaitunit="second" maxwait="600"
Save the file. Click Install.
The trcmd.sh script fails with a
CTGTRI163E message:
Opening the design
ormance.rptdesign failed.
reportCli.log.0 log shows the following information:
Caused by: Error.DesignFileException.SYNTAX_ERROR - 1
errors found!
1.) ( line = 224, tag = cascading-parameter-group) (Element
= CascadingParameterGroup, Name = Agent Type, Application
and Transaction),
(code = Error.NameException.INVALID_NAME, message : The
name "Agent Type, Application and Transaction" is invalid for it
contains character ".", "/", "", "!", ";", "," .)
Removed the comma in the following:
<cascading-parameter-group name="Agent Type, Application
and Transaction" id="10007052">
Save the file.
This is APAR IV12279.
Clicking 'Reporting' from the
IBM Tivoli Integrated portal
receives the following error:
DPR-ERR-2109 The
dispatcher cannot service
the request at this time.
The cogserver.log log shows the following information:
CM-CFG-5076 A Content Manager configuration error
occurred during the initialization of Cognos Access
Manager. CCL-CFG-0007 The cryptographic encryption
did not initialize. The cryptographic configuration may be
incorrect or missing some security components. {0}
Cryptographic Keys must be regenerated as described here:
IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA
IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Manager for SOA
installation changes file
ownership for kuxagent.
PMR 03397,999,000
See the work around in this technote:
These instructions require you to edit the SetPerm parameter
file on the IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA
agent system and edit the /etc/rc.itm1 file to allow the IBM
Tivoli Composite Application Manager for SOA agent to restart
on a system restart.
IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager
Vmotion changes are not
reflected correctly in the IBM
Tivoli Business Service
Manager user interface,
showing systems associated
with incorrect VMware ESX
PMR 79687,004,000
When configuring SSL
between IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager and IBM Tivoli
Business Service Manager ,
the copy steps required for the
When this problem occurs use the following procedure to
correct it:
– stop the TBSM data server. It is important that the data
server is stopped because we are going to update the
database and we do not want the in memory model different
than the database.
- cd $TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/bin
– ./dumpsql.sh -t DB2 -s db-cleanup.sql
- cd $TBSM_HOME/XMLtoolkit/log/DB2
– take db-cleanup.sql and run each line individually.
This can be done from the DB2 Control Center or
another equivalent query analyzer.
- start the TBSM data server
– invalidate the Imported Business Service
Additional note for step 1. If the DL_TADDM_SSL property is
set to true, you must copy the jssecacerts.cert file from
the $TADDMHOME/dist/etc directory and place it in the
.../XMLtoolkit/sdk/etc directory.
Additional note for step 2. The SSL connection secures the
jssecacerts.cert file are
communications with the IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager server and the IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency Manager APIs but does not secure the
communications with the IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager database when using the JDBC
connection type.
Steps to modify the IBM Tivoli Complete these steps on the IBM Tivoli Business Service
Business Service Manager
Manager data server:
monitoring agent to display the
1. cd /tivoli/products/IBM Tivoli
correct data for a split server
2. cp kr9.ref kr9.ref.orig
3. cp tbsmmonitorcdp.props
4. vi tbsmmonitorcdp.props
Change the value of the
vi kr9.ref
Made the following comments
<!--process arg="Tivoli Integrated PortalProfile"
fullname="" includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="true"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false" mat
chfullname="false" name="TBSM Dashboard Server"
procname="java" value=""/-->
<!--process arg="" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="false"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false"
e="false" name="TBSM Process Control Agent" procname="$
{NCO_PAD_BASE_NAME}" value=""/-->
<!--process arg="" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="false"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false"
e="false" name="TBSM OMNIbus Object Server"
procname="nco_objserv" value=""/-->
On the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager dashboard
cd /tivoli/products/IBM Tivoli
cp kr9.ref kr9.ref.orig
cp tbsmmonitorcdp.props
vi tbsmmonitorcdp.props -->> Change the value of
vi kr9.ref
<!--process arg="TBSMProfile" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="true"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false" ma
tchfullname="false" name="TBSM Data Server"
procname="java" value=""/-->
<!--process arg="" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="false"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false"
e="false" name="TBSM Process Control Agent" procname="$
{NCO_PAD_BASE_NAME}" value=""/-->
<!--process arg="" fullname=""
includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="false"
matchargwithvalue="false" matchfullarg="false"
e="false" name="TBSM OMNIbus Object Server"
procname="nco_objserv" value=""/-->
fullname="" includeChildProcesses="false" matcharg="true"
ue="false" matchfullarg="false" matchfullname="false"
name="TBSM Discovery Library toolkit" procname="$
{DL_TOOLKIT_BASE_NAME}" value=""/-->
When a dbinit process will not The dbinit service fails to start and message in tomcat.log
start for IBM Tivoli Application indicates the following:
Discovery Dependency
ERROR jdo.JdoDbInit - [JdoDbInit.E.6] A system error occurred
during initialization of the database schema. The specific
cause of the failure should have been logged earlier.
com.ibm.db2.jcc.am.SqlSyntaxErrorException: DB2 SQL
Error: SQLCODE=-286, SQLSTATE=42727,
The cause of such a problem could be a result of incorrect
initial configuration, upgrading your DB2 level, or other instance
user changes on your DB2 database computer.
On the database server compare the group associations for the
instance name used by IBM Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager and the archive user name.
These names can be found in the collation.properties
file following the com.collation.db.user and
com.collation.db.archive.user entries.
As an example, shown for a Linux system.
"su - " to each user and issue the groups command
if the archive user is missing a group association that the
instance user has issue the following command:
usermod -g missinggroup instanceuser
It is possible that all other connectivity tests will pass, including
dbquery and testjdbc command using this archive user, and
yet the dbinit process will not start until the group associations
are correct.
After matching the groups, restart the IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency Manager server and the dbinit should
now start.
The install_reports.sh script
has been run; however the
reports fail to run because the
schema name in the
connection is ITMUSER but
The install_reports.sh script hard codes the schema name for
the warehouse database as ITMUSER. If the script has not
been run yet, edit the script and change the ITMUSER value to
the correct schema name for your installation. If the script has
been run, use the trcmd.sh command to modify the BIRT
ITMUSER is not the schema
name on the WAREHOUSE
connection. For example:
/trcmd.sh -modify -datasources -reports -reportname
Products']/folder[@name='Tivoli Business Service Manager
v6.1']/folder[@name='Tivoli Business Service Manager
Summary']/report[@name='TBSM v6.1: Service Outage
Summary Table']" -username tipadmin -password password
-setdatasource odaDriverClass=com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
NST3;" odaUser=db2inst3 odaPassword=password
IBM Tivoli Business Service
Manager XMLtoolkit is now
able to perform full pulls from
IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager. Prior to this change
non-atomic batch failures were
occurring near the end of any
full pulls. APAR IV27028
To correct this problem go to:
/XMLtoolkit/sql/ and vi scc_processcreatecomponents.sql
The following text in blue must be set as shown, previously it
was SELECT DISTINCT stage.comp_id
UPDATE stagep_components
SET id = (SELECT MIN(stage.comp_id)
FROM stagep_componentNaming stage
WHERE (stagep_components.id IS NULL
OR stagep_components.id = 0)
AND stage.deleted = 0
AND stagep_components.transientId =
AND stagep_components.transId = stage.transId
AND stage.comp_id <> 0
AND stagep_components.id <> stage.comp_id)
FROM stagep_componentNaming stage
WHERE (stagep_components.id IS NULL
OR stagep_components.id = 0)
AND stage.deleted = 0
AND stagep_components.transientId =
AND stagep_components.transId =
AND stage.comp_id <> 0
AND stagep_components.id <> stage.comp_id
The toolkit must be stopped, a ./cmdbdiscovery.sh -r -b issued,
and then the user must restart the toolkit.
After this change the msg_GTM_XT.log.0 in XMLtoolkit/logs
will show this message:
GTMCL5293I: TADDM import completed successfully.
When trying to run IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager reports we were getting the
following error:
The work around for the error message shown above, on the IBM Tivoli Business Service
Manager / IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal computer, is to edit the following file:
Edit the line shown in blue as shown:
<oda-data-source extensionID="org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc" name="ITM
Warehouse" id="4">
<property name="odaDriverClass">com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver</property>
<property name="odaUser">db2inst3</property>
<encrypted-property name="odaPassword"
Chang it to this:
<oda-data-source extensionID="org.eclipse.birt.report.data.oda.jdbc" name="ITM
Warehouse" id="4">
<property name="odaDriverClass">com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver</property>
<property name="odaUser">db2inst3</property>
<encrypted-property name="odaPassword"
Then save the file and recycle the Tivoli Integrated Portal for the changes to take place.
IBM Tivoli Business Service
this is fixed with the following command:
Manager monitoring agent
(KR9); The warehouse
database service status
attribute table is not created,
which prevents collection of
historical data.
-modify -datasources -reports -reportname
Products']/folder[@name='Tivoli Business
Service Managerv6.1']/folder[@name='Tivoli Business Service
Summary']/report[@name='TBSM v6.1: Service Outage
Summary Table']"
-username tipadmin -password password -setdatasource
odaUser=db2inst3 odaPassword=password.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring
IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.3
Enterprise Portal Server now
has an embedded HTTP
server that can affect existing
IBM Tivoli Business Service
Manager SSL data fetchers.
The SSL signer certificate has changed because port 15201 is
now the HTTP server. See TBSM and Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Server integration over SSL for an explanation of the changes
and how to update IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager with
the new signer certificates.
Cannot launch out of IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Portal to IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery
Dependency Manager with
single sign on (APAR IV11010)
On the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal server, make a copy of the
tep.jnlp and applet.html files. In the tep.jnlp file, add
the following line directly above the line <--$COOKIES$-->
<property name="cnp.cookie.domain"
where value is your SSO domain name, for example,
<property name="cnp.cookie.domain"
In the applet.html file, add the following parameter above
the comment “Do not Change the HTML below this line”:
document.writeln( '<PARAM NAME=
"cnp.cookie.domain" VALUE="ibm.prv">' );
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal
Java webstart was launching to
the short host name and not
the fully qualified host name.
This was preventing single
sign- on from working.
When reconfiguring the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, the
Java webstart template builds the host name using
'codebase' is obtained from the /etc/hosts file. The entry in
the /etc/hosts file had the short name first:
fpthteps1 fpthteps1.fpet-admin.pok.ibm.prv
This is changed to: fpthteps1.fpet-admin.pok.ibm.prv fpthteps1
Verify that the tep.jnlp now contains the fully qualified host
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments V7.1
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual For fresh installations, create the Capacity Planner database,
Environments V7.1 Capacity
Planner database
in UTF-8 format to make it easier to move to fix pack 1 later.
Example DB2 database create command:
db2 create db TADFDCDB using codeset UTF-8
territory US collate using SYSTEM
IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Before installing the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual
Environments V7.1 Integrations Environments V7.1 dashboard, run the following IBM Tivoli
with IBM Tivoli Common
Common Reporting command:
trcmd -list reports
If you get an OutOfMemory message, this is a known problem.
See the Tivoli Common Reporting technote
for more information.
IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager
IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager Fix Pack 2 upgrade
failed due to insufficient
storage log space (defect
Increase the log space by using this command:
Updating your encryption key in
a IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager streaming
environment (defect 38569).
To correctly update your encryption key in a IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager streaming
environment, use this procedure until the documented
procedure contains details related to a streaming IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager configuration:
db2 update db cfg for taddm12 using LOGPRIMARY
1) Shut down all secondary storage and discovery servers.
2) Back up your /etc/TADDMSec.properties file. You can
use the backup to recover the environment if the following
steps fail.
3) To use the bin/changekey.sh script, ensure that you are
logged in as the non-root user that was defined during
installation, and that your primary data server is running.
Use the changekey script as follows: ./changekey.sh
$COLLATION_HOME admin_user admin_password
For example:
./changekey.sh /opt/IBM/taddm/dist
administrator collation
4) Copy the updated TADDMSec.properties file to the
dist/etc directories of the secondary storage and the two
discovery servers.
5) Restart those servers to complete the encryption key
After updating the max heap
When editing the dist/deploy-tomcat/ROOT/WEBfor the Topology process, IBM INF/cmdb-context.xml file, the heap was set to -Xmx1512.
Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager remains Adjust the heap to -Xmx1512M.
in the starting state.
Do these steps first on the IBM
Tivoli Business Service
Manager dashboard server to
configure the authnsvc_ctges
service running within the IBM
Tivoli Business Service
Manager V6.1 dashboard
server's Tivoli Integrated
On the IBM Tivoli Business Service Manager dashboard
server, perform these steps:
By default, the wim.ear file is not installed into the IBM Tivoli
integrated portal application.
To install the wim.ear file, log in to the server:
wsadmin.sh -user Tivoli Integrated Portaladmin
-password <password>.
At the wsadmin prompt, run the installation:
$AdminApp install Tivoli Integrated
PortalHOME/systemApps/wim.ear { -appname wim
-node Tivoli Integrated PortalNode -server
$AdminConfig save
where Tivoli Integrated PortalHOME is the full path up to and
including the Tivoli Integrated Portalv2 directory.
Default ports to use in IBM
Tivoli Application Discovery
Dependency Manager for using
IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal for
user authentication
On IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager, use these properties:
On IBM AIX systems, use
these scripts to export a
subset of IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager configuration from
one system to another (used
during the Bedrock change
The following scripts allow for scopes, scope sets, discovery
profiles, custom server templates, and access control lists to
be moved.
If IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency Manager is
installed into a directory like /home/tivoli/taddm/dist,
place these utilities into the tivoli directory.
savefiles.sh: Use this utility to set aside your files from one
Today="`date +%j`"
echo "Day File setting for restore is "$Today
taddmuser=`find . -name run_cms_dis_registration.sh -ls |
grep -vE "deploy-tomcat|sdk" |awk '{print $5}'`
echo "curuser="$curuser
if [ "$curuser" != "$taddmuser" ]; then
echo "Restart this script as the TADDM user $taddmuser"
exit 1
targdir=`find . -name run_cms_dis_registration.sh -ls |
grep -vE "deploy-tomcat|sdk" |awk '{print $11}' | awk
-F"run" '{print $1}'`
echo "execdir="$targdir
cd $targdir
./authconfig.sh -u administrator -p collation -d -o -f
cp puth$Today.dat ../../../puth$Today.dat
cp ../etc/TADDMSec.properties
./datamover.sh -u administrator -p collation -a export -t
all -f exportpr$Today.dat
cp exportpr$Today.dat ../../../exportpr$Today.dat
recoverfiles.sh: Use this utility to reload the IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery Dependency Manager customization
exported by the savefiles.sh script:
Today="`date +%j`"
echo "Day File setting for restore is "$Today
taddmuser=`find . -name run_cms_dis_registration.sh -ls |
grep -vE "deploy-tomcat|sdk" |awk '{print $5}'`
echo "curuser="$curuser
if [ "$curuser" != "$taddmuser" ]; then
echo "Restart this script as the TADDM user $taddmuser"
exit 1
targdir=`find . -name run_cms_dis_registration.sh -ls |
grep -vE "deploy-tomcat|sdk" |awk '{print $11}' | awk
-F"run" '{print $1}'`
echo "execdir="$targdir
cd $targdir
./authconfig.sh -u administrator -p collation -m
-k ../../../TADDMSec.properties$Today -f
./datamover.sh -u administrator -p collation -a import -t
all -f ../../../exportpr$Today.dat
The files created are shown as follows with the day of year
Be sure not to replace the TADDMSec.propertiesxxx file
saved as shown in the preceding step because the TADDMSec
file used by this IBM Tivoli Application Discovery Dependency
Manager installation is located in the taddm/dist/etc
Perl script to clear IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery
Dependency Manager logs
without recycle (can only clear
unlocked log files)
# ClearLogs
print "Place me in the TADDM /dist/bin directory. \n";
print "Edit script and add additional calls to clearMe for
directories other than log and log/services. \n";
print "Logs being written too are not cleared, this eliminates the
need to recycle after clearing the logs. \n";
print " \n";
print "$subdir\n";
if ($subdir ne "/taddm/dist/bin" ) {
exit 1;
print "Done.\n";
# function.pl
sub clearMe
($directory) = @_;
print "==clearMe Call for: $directory $exname \n";
$searchft = "*.log*";
$searchString = $directory.$searchft;
print "$searchString \n";
while( $name=glob($searchString) )
$outString= "echo \"Log clear attempted on ".$sysTime." by
Tivoli ClearLogs tool.\"";
@output=`$outString > $name`;
print "Log $name clear attempted by Tivoli SAPM ISTT tool
ClearLogs on $sysTime \n"
exit 0;
Orphaned IP addresses will be #!/usr/bin/perl
collected by IBM Tivoli
$numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
Application Discovery
if ($numArgs != '2') {
Dependency Manager .
print "please supply taddm username and password and
place me in taddmhome/dist/bin directory!!! \n";
These can be seen with the
healthcheck tool using the
checkOrphanedIP keyword and
can result in a warning on the
my $un = $ARGV[0];
Health Diagnotics page in IBM my $pw = $ARGV[1];
Tivoli Monitoring IBM Tivoli
Application Discovery
@orphcmd = `./healthcheck -u $un -p $pw checkOrphanedIP `;
Dependency Manager agent
$key = 0;
$Gindex = 0;
A script is provided here to
remove these IP entries. The
script should be reviewed by
the IBM Tivoli Application
Discovery Dependency
Manager administrator before
foreach $o (@orphcmd)
if ($key > 0)
$o =~ s/^\s+//;
@tokens = split(/ +/,$o);
@garb = `../sdk/bin/api.sh -u $un -p $pw delete
print "Guid remove $Gindex = @garb[0]\n";
$Gindex = $Gindex + 1;
IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP
Edition needs a capability to
directly remove configuration
items causing reconciliation
my $findkey = "Label";
my $fpos = rindex $o, $findkey;
if ($fpos > -1)
$key = 1;
Decrypt the pw from the DBLogins.FPET.cfg file
cat ./products/netcool/etc/precision/DbLogins.FPET.cfg
ncp_crypt -password
0=@" -decrypt
The example assumes domain
of FPET, update this for your
QUERY if the object is in fact in the DB
The object to be deleted in this
example is the fitsoa01.fpet# ncp_oql -domain FPET -username admin -password ''
admin.pok.ibm.prv node.
-service Model -query "select * from master.entityByName
where EntityName like 'fitsoa01';"
REMOVE the object from the ncp FPET domain
cd /tivoli/products/netcool/precision/bin
ncp_perl RemoveNode.pl -domain FPET -user db2inst5 -pwd
db2inst5 'fitsoa01.fpet-admin.pok.ibm.prv'
After REMOVE LingerTime is now 0
# ncp_oql -domain FPET -username admin -password ''
-service Model -query "select * from master.entityByName
where EntityName like 'fitsoa01';"
Locations for downloading the products and fix packs
Purchase and download IBM products at the IBM Passport Advantage® site
Download IBM product fix packs at IBM Fix Central
Questions and comments
To submit questions or comments regarding Project Bedrock, access the Business Service
Management blog and post a comment on the entry for this report. For status on individual issues
noted in the report, contact IBM Software Support at the IBM Support Portal
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IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of
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Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.
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Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
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