
AP World History Summer Assignment 2016-2017 Due:

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AP World History Summer Assignment 2016-2017 Due:
AP World History Summer Assignment
Due: August 15, 2016 (the first Monday of the school year)
During the school year we will cover a significant amount of material and much of it will be unfamiliar
information. This summer assignment is designed to introduce you to AP, class expectations, homework
expectations, and the first unit of study in our curriculum.
This assignment is not meant to stress you out, but help you gain a better understanding of what is
expected of you in the upcoming school year. I am simply asking that you give your very best effort in
completing this assignment accurately.
You will have the entire summer to get this assignment done. Please do not wait until the last minute to
do the work, you will not be able to finish. If you should have questions or concerns while working on
your assignment please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected]. I will periodically check
my email throughout the summer. Also, I would highly encourage you to check my teacher webpage,
which has a lot of useful information and links. My webpage can be found at
Included in the summer assignment packet are copies of the first 2 chapters of our textbook. This will
help you to complete your assignments. If you are interested in checking out your textbook early, please
feel free to stop by the Skyline Bookstore June 1-10, 7:00am-3:00pm (closed Fridays). After these dates
the hours of operation will vary. Please feel free to contact the Bookstore at 480-472-9436.
Finally, I know many people would like to know what kind of supplies you will need for the class. The
good news is you will not need to purchases too many extra supplies. I strongly suggest you always have
pencils, pens (blue or black ink only), and loose leaf paper available to you at all times.
I am already looking forward to a GREAT year with you. Have a great summer.
Ms. Reed
AP World History
Skyline High School
Lesson #1—Intro to AP
Go to the College Board website:
Answer the following on your own piece of paper:
1. What are the 6 time periods covered in the exam?
2. What does Section I cover?
3. What types of essays are required in Section II?
4. How much time is given for the exam? For each section?
Lesson #2—Geography
You will be tested on these maps. This is not just busy work.
Directions: Clearly label each geographic feature, shade the area occupied by each civilization, and
create a key to explain any symbols or colors used. You can utilize your textbook and/or the internet to
complete this map.
Map #1— Civilizations 8,000 BCE-600 BCE & Geographic features
1. All 7 continents
2. Oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian
3. Seas: Mediterranean, North, Black, Caspian, Arabian, Red, Baltic, Caribbean
4. Other Bodies of Water: Persian Gulf, Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Mexico
5. Mountains: Ural, Caucasus, Alps, Himalayas, Hindu Kush, Andes
6. Rivers: Amazon, Nile, Indus, Tigris, Euphrates, Yellow, Volga, Danube
7. Mesopotamia (Tigris & Euphrates rivers)
12. Chavin (Andes Mountains)
8. Egypt (Nile River)
13. Phoenicians/Israel/Judah
9. Harappa (Indus River)
14. Minoans
10. Shang (Yellow River)
15. Myceneans
11. Olmec
On the back of your map complete the following:
Choose one ancient civilization and describe its location according to the major geographical features.
Then develop and inference explaining why this ancient civilization developed in its particular area
Map #2—AP World Regions Maps.
Study the AP World Regions map and the Regions map. You will be quizzed on the different regions
within the first few weeks of school.
Lesson #3—Read the first 2 chapters of the textbook & complete the chapter study guides.
You will notice at the top of the study guide there is a vocabulary box. You will not be required to do
anything specific with this vocabulary list. You are, however, expected to KNOW this vocabulary. It is
EXTREMELY possible that some of the test questions will be based on the vocabulary.
The “study questions” should be answered using complete sentences.
The “inquiry questions” are extended response questions. You answers should be short
paragraphs and address all parts of the question.
Lesson #4—Watch Crash Course World History
Go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBDA2E52FB1EF80C9 and watch the first 2 episodes.
“The Agricultural Revolution” and “Mesopotamia”, and write a 1 paragraph summary of each episode on
your own piece of paper.
Fly UP