
Tavola italiana - Italian Language Table

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Tavola italiana - Italian Language Table
Co-sponsored by the Italian Language Program within the Department of LLL
Moynihan European Research Centers invite you to:
Tavola italiana - Italian Language Table
Qui si parla italiano!
If you are interested in Italian language and culture, please join
us for pizza, biscotti, caffè, and conversazione! All levels of language
ability are welcome. (From beginners to native speakers).
Benvenuti a tutti!
The Italian Language Table will be led by faculty members of the
Italian program.
Ci vediamo!
Pizza will be served
September 24th
October 16th
November 12th
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Eggers 352
Eggers 352
Eggers 352
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