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Prepared by: March Haber,
[email protected]
Last Updated: January, 2012
IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents: ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Objective ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Logical and Physical Models........................................................................................................................ 4
IBM InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager ................................................................................................... 5
Importing Data Models................................................................................................................................. 6
CA ERwin 4 Data Modeler / CA ERwin 7 Data Modeler ...................................................................... 6
Import ERwin Models ............................................................................................................................ 7
Re-Import ERwin Data Model.............................................................................................................. 11
Command Line Import of ERwin Data Models.......................................................................................... 14
Review and Publish Data Models............................................................................................................... 16
Understanding and Displaying Data Models .............................................................................................. 19
Browsing Physical Models from the Metadata Workbench.................................................................. 20
Viewing Data Model Implemented Relationships ................................................................................ 21
Managing Logical and Physical Models using IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench....................... 22
Deleting Logical Models, Physical Models and Database Systems ........................................................... 23
Summary .................................................................................................................................................... 26
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
The Metadata Workbench presents a 360˚ view of Data Models and Sources, their defined meaning
from Business Glossary and usage within DataStage ETL development.
Data is at the core of Information Server and therefore proper management and understanding of such
is essential and remains at the hub of the IBM Information Server. For purposes of understanding and
identification it becomes imperative that care be taken in how data structures are imported into the IBM
Information Server.
Following the steps outlined below will ensure proper display of Data Models and their implemented
Database Systems.
Learn how to import Logical and Physical Data Models, understanding their structures and
dependencies within the IBM Information Server applications.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Logical and Physical Models
Logical or Physical Models may be assigned a Business Term, Business Label or a Data Steward via
InfoSphere Business Glossary or InfoSphere MetaData Workbench, in addition to allowing the
authoring of its Description or Business Name.
Logical Models include Entities and Attributes, and are implemented by Physical Models or Database
Physical Models include Design Tables and Columns, and are implemented by a Database Schema,
while they implement a Logical Model.
When imported, the following components and relationships are captured and defined:
Logical Model
Logical representation of data objects which relate to a business
domain and govern their associations in real-world applications.
Logical models consist of entities and relationships, and are
implemented by a physical model or database schema.
Logical Entity
Represent the data structures of the model. An entity defines
attributes, keys and constraints, and is implemented by a Design
Table or Database Table.
Logical Attribute
A unit of data or characteristic of an entity which defines purpose
and structure. An attribute is implemented by a Design Column or
by a Database Column.
Physical Model
A design schema for information assets which defines the data
structures and their relationships. A physical data model
implements a Logical Model and is implemented by a Database
Design Table
Represents a table structure within the Physical Model. The design
table defines columns, candidate keys, and foreign key
relationships. A design table implements a Logical Entity and is
implemented by a Database Table.
Design Column
A property or characteristic of a design table that defines its
structure. A design column implements a Logical Attribute and is
implemented by a Database Column.
Subject Area
A focused business area or domain which associates and groups
Logical Entities. A Logical Entity may be included in more than
one subject area.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
IBM InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager
The InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager is installed as part of the IBM InfoSphere Information Server
and is accessed via a Web Browser. The default URL to access the application is:
The import process includes reading the ERwin Data Model file, preview and publishing of the imported
metadata to the Information Server Repository. The tool plays an important role of satisfying the data
quality, business and development requirements.
For the import of ERwin Models exported as an XML File, it is sufficient to install the Metadata
Interchange Agent on the Client Tier only. The Metadata Interchange Agent will install the underlying
import bridges.
For the import of ERwin Models in their native ER1 File format, the ERwin Data Modeler tool must be
installed on the same machine where the Metadata Interchange Agent has been installed.
A user performing the import of Data Models must be assigned the role of Common Metadata Importer.
The Metadata Asset Manager must be configured to include an Interchange Server prior to starting the
import process. The Interchange Server designates the computers where the bridges and connectors have
been installed. Click here to view instructions on defining an Interchange Server.
Refer here for complete information on the Metadata Asset Manager.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Importing Data Models
CA ERwin 4 Data Modeler / CA ERwin 7 Data Modeler
One may import ERwin Data Models using the appropriate import bridge. The import of an ERwin
Data Model will create Logical Models, Logical Entities, Logical Attributes, Physical Models,
Design Tables, Design Columns, Database Schema, Database Table and Database Column artifacts
and their relationships.
A singular ERwin Data Model file will include the Logical Model, Physical Model and Implemented
Database asset artifacts and the relationships between them.
Subsequent imports will synchronize the underlying metadata, to reflect any changes in the model
artifacts, provided the names of the assets do not change.
During the import process, the user will need to supply the following information:
ERwin Model file
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Import ERwin Models
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager by browsing to the following default URL:
Logon to the Metadata Asset Manager
Select the Import tab, to begin a new import process.
Click New Import Area to define a new area for the import of ERwin Models. The
import area allows subsequent re-import and management of the imported model.
o Enter a name for the import area. This name uniquely identifies the import
process for future re-import or administration.
o Optional: Enter a description for the import area to identify the model to be
imported or the import process.
o Select a previously defined metadata interchange server. The metadata
interchange server defines the connectivity between the Metadata Asset Manager
and the ERwin Model file.
o Browse and expand the CA folder, and select the CA ERwin 4 Data Modeler
bridge or the CA ERwin 7 Data Modeler bridge, appropriate to the version of
ERwin Data Modeler used.
o Click Next to proceed.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Specify the values for the bridge import parameters. The parameters identify the specific
model to import.
Browse and select the File Location.
• Select Metadata Interchange Server to browse the File System where
the Metadata Interchange Agent has been installed.
• Select Local Computer to browse the File System of the local
• Click the Browse icon to browse and select the ERwin Data Model file.
This example selects an ERwin 4 Data Model saved as an XML file.
Optional: Select the default Import Subject Areas handling, As Diagrams,
which have been defined within the Model. Alternately, select Do not Import
Subject Areas to ignore Subject Areas during the import process.
Click Next to proceed.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Specify the values for the identity parameters. The identity parameters include the host
system, which helps a user identify and classify information within the IBM InfoSphere
Information Server.
Browse to select an existing host system or enter the name of the host system.
The host system must reflect the server where the implemented database has
been deployed.
Browse to select an existing database system or enter the name of the database
system which implements the Physical Model.
Optional: Select Use database name to override bridge value parameters or
select Use database name if bridge value is empty to determine how the
database name is applied to the imported information assets.
Enter the name of the database management system (DBMS) which hosts the
database system, for example, DB2.
Optional: Select Use DBMS name to override bridge value parameters or
select Use DBMS name if bridge value is empty to determine how the DBMS
name is applied to the imported information assets.
Optional: Enter the name of the database management system (DBMS) server
instance name, which hosts the database management system.
Click Next to proceed.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Complete the import event. This step allows you to preview the imported assets prior to
publishing them to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server.
Optional: Enter a description for this specific Import Event.
Select Express Import to import the Data Model to the staging area and
automatically analyze and publish the imported metadata to the Information
Server Repository.
Optional: Select Managed Import to import the Data Model to the staging area,
from where the imported metadata may be analyzed and reviewed prior to
publishing to the Information Server Repository.
Click Import to complete the process.
The Summary Results displays. Click OK to close the import dialog.
If warnings occurred during the publication process, the Data Model will be
imported into the Staging Area only, and not published to the InfoSphere
Metadata Repository.
Follow the Review and Publication steps below, to
publish the Data Model.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Re-Import ERwin Data Model
This process allows for the re-import of a previously imported Data Model. Each import and re-import
is identified as a unique event, allowing the user to track and analyze differences of the imported
metadata, and display import and asset summary information.
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager by browsing to the following default URL:
Logon to the Metadata Asset Manager
Select the Import tab, to select a previous import area. Import areas define a specific
import of a Data Model.
Click Open to open the import area, and re-import a Data Model. The Import Area
dialog appears.
Optional: Click More Actions | Delete Import Area to remove the selected import area.
Optional: Click More Actions | Edit Properties to edit the Name or Description of the
selected import area.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Select the Staged Imports tab. Detailed information of the previous import is displayed,
including summary information, statistical information and asset details.
Click Reimport from the toolbar, to start the import process within the same Import
Area. The reimport dialog appears, displaying the import parameters of the previous
Browse and select the File Location. The ERwin Data File must be re-selected.
• Select Metadata Interchange Server to browse the File System where
the Metadata Interchange Agent has been installed.
• Select Local Computer to browse the File System of the local computer.
• Click the Browse icon to browse and select the ERwin Data Model file.
This example selects an ERwin 4 Data Model saved as an XML file.
Optional: Select the default Import Subject Areas handling, As Diagrams,
which have been defined within the Model. Alternately, select Do not Import
Subject Areas to not capture Subject Areas during the import process.
Click Next to proceed.
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The previously defined Identity Parameters are displayed. These parameters are readonly during a re-import. Click Next to proceed.
• Complete the re-import event. This step allows you to preview the model asset prior to
publishing it to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server.
o Optional: Edit the description for this specific Import Event.
o Select Express Import to import the Model to the staging area and
automatically analyze and publish the imported metadata to the Information
Server Repository.
o Optional: Select Managed Import to import the Model to the staging area, from
where the imported metadata may be analyzed and reviewed prior to publishing
to the Information Server Repository.
o Click Reimport to complete the process.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Command Line Import of ERwin Data Models
Previously created Import Areas may be subsequently imported via the command line. The Import
Area contains the required import parameters and connection details to perform a re-import.
The command line support is available on Windows computers of the Client, Engine, and Services
tiers. The imam.bat file is located in the \ASBServer\bin folder for Services Tier installations and in
the \ASBNode\bin folder for Engine or Client tier installations.
Click here for further information.
The following instructions are for invoking a command line import from a Microsoft Windows
Client system:
Click Start | Run and type cmd to invoke the Command Shell
Browse to the following directory: \IBM\InformationServer\ASBNode\bin, where
\IBM\InformationServer is the default installation directory
• Type the following command to perform an import via the command line:
imam.bat –u USER –w PASSWORD –s MY_SERVER –p
9080 –a reimport –i "ERwin Model " –l "c:/tmp/Model.xml"
• The following parameters are required:
Parameter (Long)
Parameter (Short)
Name of an Information Server user with the
required Command Metadata Importer role
Password for the user specified above.
Name of the Information Server host computer,
the name referenced in the URL for the
Metadata Asset Manager
The communication port for the above specified
Information Server host computer.
Optional: specify the username and password
credentials within an encrypted authorization
file. If an authorization file is used, the
username and password are not required
parameters of the imam command.
The specific action to be performed, for
example reimport
The reimport action requires the Import Area
The name of a previously created Import Area.
The name of the Import Area should be encased
in double-quotes if it contains blank spaces.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
The location and name of the ERwin Data
Model file for re-import. The name of the Data
Model file should be encased in double-quotes
if it contains blank spaces.
When successful, the resulting statistics are displayed.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Review and Publish Data Models
This process allows for the review of previous imports, their analysis and publication to the InfoSphere
Metadata Repository.
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager
Launch the Metadata Asset Manager by browsing to the following default URL:
Logon to the Metadata Asset Manager
Select the Import tab, to select a previous import area. Import areas define a specific
import of the Model.
Click Open to open the import area, and view the history of previous imports.
The Overview area of the Import Area displays. The overview displays the Import Area
details, including description, selected import bridge and when it was created, and a
history of all import events.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Click the Staged Imports tab, to view the specific details of any import event or to
publish an import event to the InfoSphere Metadata Repository.
Select the desired Import Area. Click the drop-down arrow, to select from the
previous import events associated with the Import Area.
Summary: Displays the details of the selected import event, including when the
import event was triggered and shared to the InfoSphere Metadata Repository.
o Statistics: Display the type and number of Assets identified during the import
process, including invalid or duplicated Assets.
o Browse: Display the specific Asset information captured during the Import
Click Preview, to analyze the selected Import Event prior to publishing its content to the
InfoSphere Metadata Repository. The analysis will detail which Assets will be created,
updated or deleted from the InfoSphere Metadata Repository.
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Click Share to Repository, to publish the content of the Import Event to the InfoSphere
Metadata Repository.
Click Close to close the Preview dialog, and return to the Staged Import display of the
Import Area.
Optional: Select More Actions | Compare with Previous to compare between two
Import Events. The comparison report allows for the visual display of changes, additions
or deletions, of the imported Model assets.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Understanding and Displaying Data Models
Data Models assets may be viewed from within the IBM InfoSphere MetaData Workbench, as well as
IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary, including Logical Model, Logical Entity, Logical Attribute, Physical
Model, Design Table, Design Column and their relationships.
Browsing Logical Models from the Metadata Workbench
From the Left Navigation Pane of the Metadata Workbench, select the Asset Type "Logical Data
Models" to view a list of Models, their sub-Models and contained Entities.
Expand a Model to view its complete hierarchy, including Logical Entities and Logical
Select any Asset to view its details and understand the Asset meaning, owner or usage. A
Logical Model is implemented by a Physical Model or a Database Schema.
Right Click any Asset to view a menu of actionable items, including Model View Report and
Editing functionality.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Browsing Physical Models from the Metadata Workbench
From the Left Navigation Pane of the Metadata Workbench, select the Asset Type "Physical
Data Models" to view a list of Models and their contained Design Tables.
Expand a Model to view its complete hierarchy, including Design Tables and Design Attributes.
Select any Asset to view its details and understand the Asset meaning, owner or usage. A
Physical Model implements a Logical Model and is implemented by a Database Schema.
Right Click any Asset to view a menu of actionable items, including Model View Report and
Editing functionality.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Viewing Data Model Implemented Relationships
When viewing the details of a Logical or Physical Model, one may invoke a Model Viewer to
display a hierarchal view of the Model relationship. Select Model View from the Asset action
item menu. Model Viewer may also be displayed for Logical Entities, Logical Attributes,
Design Tables or Design Columns.
When invoking Data Lineage analysis reports on a Database Table, one may view the Logical or
Physical Model which implements the Table.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Managing Logical and Physical Models using IBM InfoSphere Metadata Workbench
When viewing a Logical or Physical Model from the Metadata Workbench, the following
management tasks are available from the Action Menu or from the Right Navigation Pane.
Supports the ability to edit the Description or Custom
Attribute properties of the Asset.
Additionally allows for the upload of a static image to be
displayed and associated with the Model.
Edit Alias (Business Name)
Supports the ability to define a Business Name or Alias for
the Asset.
Business Name appears prominently within Business Lineage
Analysis Reports.
Assign Term
Supports the ability to assign an existing Business Glossary
Term to the Asset, thus extending the meaning of the Asset to
the Enterprise Definition.
Assign Label
Support the ability to assign an existing Business Label to the
Asset, thus tagging the Database Asset.
Assign Steward
Support the ability to assign an existing Steward to the Asset,
thus defining an owner for the Database Asset.
Add Note
Support the ability for a User to author a remark or notation
for any purpose, including informative information, task
details or reference.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Deleting Logical Models, Physical Models and Database Systems
Models, Host Systems and Database Systems may be removed from the IBM InfoSphere Metadata Asset
Manager application.
Browse to the Metadata Asset Manager: http://ServerName:9080/ibm/imam/console, and logon
to the application with the appropriate credentials, which must include Common Metadata
Select the Repository Management Tab.
Logical Data Models
• Expand Browse Assets from the left navigation pane. Select Logical Data Models. A list of
Models will display.
• Select a Logical Model to view the Asset details. Expand a specific Model to view its contained
Entities and Attributes.
• Optional: Expand the Usage section of the Asset details, to view the dependency upon the
Database by other components. Click Retrieve Usage to update the list of dependencies.
Select Delete from the toolbar menu item to remove the selected Asset. Click Yes to confirm
the removal of the selected Asset. Deletion of a Model will additionally remove the contained
Entities, Attributes and Subject Areas.
Optional: Select More Actions from the toolbar menu to view the Asset within the IBM
InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Physical Data Models
• Expand Browse Assets from the left navigation pane. Select Physical Data Models. A list of
Models will display.
• Select a Physical Model to view the Asset details. Expand a specific Model to view its
contained Design Tables and Columns.
• Optional: Expand the Usage section of the Asset details, to view the dependency upon the
Database by other components. Click Retrieve Usage to update the list of dependencies.
Select Delete from the toolbar menu item to remove the selected Asset. Click Yes to confirm
the removal of the selected Asset. Deletion of a Model will additionally remove the contained
Entities, Attributes and Subject Areas.
Optional: Select More Actions from the toolbar menu to view the Asset within the IBM
InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
Host System and Database Systems
• Expand Browse Assets from the left navigation pane. Select Implemented Data Resources. A
list of Host Systems will display.
• Select and expand a specific Host System to view its contained Database Systems.
• Select a Database System to view the Asset details.
• Optional: Expand the Usage section of the Asset details, to view the dependency upon the
Database by other components. Click Retrieve Usage to update the list of dependencies.
Select Delete from the toolbar menu item to remove the selected Asset. Click Yes to confirm
the removal of the selected Asset. Deletion of a Database will additionally remove the
contained Schema, Table, View and Columns.
Optional: Select More Actions from the toolbar menu to view the Asset within the IBM
InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.
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IBM MetaData Workbench Enablement Series
It is good practice to import the data structures of all sources into the IBM Information Server. This
allows for a single point of reference for governance, development, definition and reporting. Models
may be classified within Business Glossary; enriching their understanding, analyzed within
Information Analyzer or depicted within a Data Lineage report or Model View report from the
Metadata Workbench.
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