
Research Newsletter Department of Geriatrics Florida State University College of Medicine

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Research Newsletter Department of Geriatrics Florida State University College of Medicine
Research Newsletter
Department of Geriatrics
Florida State University College of Medicine
Edited by: LaVon Edgerton
New Chair for the Department of Geriatrics
In This Issue
New Projects &
Partnerships &
Community Involvement
Senior Artist Project
3, 5, 11
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June 2015
In May, the department welcomed Paul Katz, M.D., as its new chair,
replacing Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D., who was the founding chair of
the department over 10 years ago.
As the department welcomes Dr. Katz, former President of AMDA—
The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine and current
Chair for the AMDA Foundation, we look forward to a new phase of
growth and development. Read more about Dr. Brummel-Smith’s new
focus and some of Dr. Katz’s accomplishments on the following page.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Cover Story (continued)
It seems like almost every job I’ve had since my fellowship has been
in some form of leadership. This will be the first time in 30 years
that I’ll be a “regular” faculty member, and I’m looking forward to
Besides being more involved in teaching, there are three areas that
I’m most interested in pursuing.
First, I’d like to expand my early work on looking at the best ways to
help people with early dementia plan their care. The specific area
that interests me is using the “window” of time after the diagnosis
to discuss with people who have dementia, in depth, the kind of
care they’d like at the end of their lives.
Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D.
Second, I am working to develop the FSU Senior Health clinical programs. This will provide both
clinical work sites for our faculty and training sites for our students.
Finally, I want to continue working in the area of health policy, particularly policies that
inadvertently lead to elders getting inappropriate treatment. For instance, many quality measures
that are driving the new changes in medicine are not appropriate for people who are frail or at
the end of their lives. We need quality measures for them too, but they have to be patientcentered and not disease-based.
Dr. Katz is a widely published author and noted speaker on aging
issues. Before coming to the FSU College of Medicine, Dr. Katz was
the Vice President of Medical Services and Chief of Staff for
Baycrest Geriatric Healthcare System in Toronto, Canada. He was
also a professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of
Dr. Katz has co-edited 11 books and has over 120 scholarly
publications. He has received grants from the National Institutes of
Health, the U.S. Veterans Administration, the Health Resources and
Service Administration (HRSA), and the Ontario Ministry of Health
and Long-Term Care.
Paul Katz, M.D.
Page 2
His research focus includes the long-term care workforce, geriatric
education, and quality improvement.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
New Projects & Collaborations
Three Students Receive Funding For Geriatrics-Focused
Summer Research Projects
Comorbidities and Deaths Linked to the Disabled Population
Whose Death is Caused by Choking
Faculty Mentors: Lisa Granville, M.D., and Julia Weeks, M.D.
(Family Medicine & Rural Health)
This study will analyze the records of persons with choking deaths
reported by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities during the last
four years. Derek will provide the results to the agency to help them
assist their clients and potentially reduce choking events.
Derek McCranie,
Class of 2018
Exploring Depression in Older Adults: The Impact of Stigma on
Individual Experiences
Faculty Mentors: Suzanne Baker, M.A. and Angelina R. Sutin, Ph.D.,
(Behavioral Sciences & Social Medicine)
This project will expand upon the original study that explores older
adults’ stigma about depression and their mental health treatment
choices. For this project in particular, Stephanie will recruit
additional participants to further explore the impact of race.
Stephanie Poteau,
Class of 2018
Analysis of End-of-Life Reflections by Fourth-Year Medical Students
Faculty Mentors: Ken Brummel-Smith, M.D., and Suzanne Baker, M.A.
Lauren Jeck,
Class of 2018
Page 3
This study will examine student responses to the palliative care
assignment completed during fourth-year geriatrics clerkship. The
researchers hope to (1) learn more about the type of end-of-life care
that students observe or are a part of during their rotation, (2) assess
the value of the assignment as an effective tool for geriatrics
educational instruction and (3) better understand medical students’
attitudes towards geriatric medicine and palliative care.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
New Projects & Collaborations
The Institute for Successful LongevityTM
We asked Ken Brummel-Smith about his thoughts
The Institute for Successful Longevity is just getting started and with the recruitment of Neil
Charness, Ph.D., to lead it, I’m sure it will be on a great path.
I’d like to see the Institute take a page from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Initiative,
whereby patients themselves are the ones that generate new research ideas. What questions do
older people who have aged optimally raise? What would they like to be studied? How can they
help us design research projects that ask meaningful questions, ones that will hopefully lead to
their lives being better? The disability rights community has a great saying: “Nothing about me
without me.” That’s where I’d like to see the Institute go.
It’s a well-known fact that most medical studies do not include older people. Yet the largest
population of consumers of health care services is older. How do we get them involved not just to
“help us” but to lead us?
Read more about the Institute for Successful Longevity.
Florida Longitudinal Study of Aging
Antonio Terracciano, Ph.D. and Angelina Sutin, Ph.D.
The Florida Longitudinal Study of Aging is a multidisciplinary
longitudinal study that will explore changes in the health and wellbeing of older adults in retirement communities. Drs. Terracciano
and Sutin are leading this study and providing research experience
to undergraduate and graduate FSU students.
Drs. Terracciano and Sutin have expanded recruitment for this
study to Westminster Gardens, a residential rental retirement
community and sister community to Westminster Oaks. Bridge
student Bryno Gay helped with recruiting participants.
As of April 2015, 64 participants have completed the study’s
activities across the Westminster Oaks and Garden communities.
Page 4
Bryno Gay,
Class of 2019
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Behavioral Event Interviews—
Exploring Behaviors and Attitudes for Successful Aging
As an extension of the Florida Longitudinal Study of Aging, Dr. Chris
Mulrooney has developed a protocol that will analyze participants’
actions, words, thoughts, and feelings associated with a number of
personally significant, recent events. Dr. Mulrooney hopes to identify
specific behaviors and attitudes that could be associated with successful
For this project, Dr. Mulrooney trained and mentored two
undergraduate students, Laura Blank and Jacquelyn (Nicole) Ianni, in
the methods of Behavioral Event Interviews. This technique is often
used by employers to evaluate a candidate’s experiences and behaviors
Christopher P.
Mulrooney, M.P.S., Ph.D. to determine their potential for success. The students were part of
FSU’s Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program.
The research assistants completed 8 hours of training over 4 weeks in the Behavioral Event
Interview technique. They subsequently conducted 1-2 interviews each week once certified. At
the end of the project, they presented their experiences at the 2015 FSU Undergraduate Research
In the Fall 2015 semester, one of the research assistants will return to continue working on the
project. At that time, Dr. Mulrooney will train this student to thematically analyze the narrative
data collected in the interviews. An original coding scheme, in part derived from Dr. Mulrooney’s
preliminary analysis of the interviews, will be used to identify the frequency and strength of key
behavioral competencies present in stories of “successful,” “less than successful,” and “creative”
experiences of the participants.
In later stages of the study, Drs. Mulrooney, Terracciano, and Sutin will analyze correlations that
may be present between these data and other data collected through the longitudinal study.
Nicole Ianni
Page 5
Laura Blank
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
MUST-SIT together©: An Interprofessional Education Model
Niharika Suchak, M.D., in collaboration with Debra Danforth, M.S., ARNP, FAANP,
Maria Whyte, MSN, DHSc, ARNP (Nursing), and Jean Munn, Ph.D., MSW (Social Work)
This is the second year that Dr. Niharika Suchak and colleagues have
conducted the Interprofessional Skills Day workshop. This workshop
uses the framework from The Modified Use of Simulation in Teams for
Students in Training (MUST-SIT) together© model that Dr. Suchak
At the workshop, students from FSU Medicine, Nursing, Social Work,
and FAMU Pharmacy work together and learn about the core concepts
of interprofessional teamwork and team-based care.
Niharika Suchak, M.D.
Since the newsletter’s last publication, participants who attended the
original workshop were asked to complete a follow-up survey to
evaluate their retention of the skills they learned.
This year, the workshop took place in January and had 31 participants. The follow-up survey was
emailed to students three months later.
Marielys Figueroa-Sierra, Class of 2016, continues to help with the project by analyzing and
summarizing both years of data. She also plans to help the researchers write up the results of
the study for publication. Next year, they hope to conduct the workshop again.
Partnerships & Community Involvement
The department thanks the following organizations for
their partnership.
FAMU Pharmacy
FSU College of Nursing
FSU College of Social Work
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare Memory Disorders
 Tallahassee Senior Center
 Westminster Gardens
 Westminster Oaks
The Violinist
by Sandy DeLopez
January 2015
Senior Artist Project
Page 6
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
2015 FSU College of Medicine Research Fair
Hospital Post-Discharge Adverse Events of
Individuals Age 65 and Older
Do Fourth-Year (M4) Medical Students
Recognize Potentially Dangerous Medications
for the Elderly?
Hanna Lee, John Agens (pictured), Stephen
Quintero, and Dennis Tsilimingras
John Agens and Jared Davis (pictured)
Exploring Depression in Older Adults,
Barriers to Diagnosis and Treatment
A Pilot of the HeartMath Stress Reduction
Technique by Medical Students.
Tamara Marryshow (center), Stephanie
Poteau, Angelina Sutin (left), and
Suzanne Baker (right)
Jason Lesnick (pictured), Ken BrummelSmith, and Suzanne Baker
Page 7
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
TLC Health and Wellness Fair February 2015,
Trinity Church Geriatrics Fall Screening.
Invited Speaker TALL, Spring 2015 (Local
community group of seniors).
Spokeswoman for FSU COM, Senior Center Art
Insider’s Show, October 2014.
With Elizabeth Foster: “Tips on Writing a
Successful Student Research Proposal,” FSU
COM, Feb. 11, 2015.
Leon County Outreach Lunch and Learn on
Osteoporosis at the Miccosukee Community
Center on March 5, 2015 and the Bradfordville
Community Center on Apr. 8, 2015.
Alzheimer’s Project Forget-Me-Not Walk
November 2014
“Discussing POLST in Dementia,” POLST.org
national webinar, Oct. 20, 2014.
“POLST,” Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare,
Nov. 6, 2014.
“Affordable Care Act,” FSU COM HALO
meeting, Nov. 19, 2014.
“U.S. Health Care System,” Friendship Force,
Feb. 13, 2015.
“Affordable Care Act,” Florida Council on
Aging, Fort Lauderdale, Aug. 4, 2014.
“Affordable Care Act,” Friendship Force, Feb.
16, 2015.
“Rehabilitation” and “Rehabilitation Cases,”
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, Sept. 10, 2014.
“Optimal Aging,” “Health Screening,”
“Medications,” “Rehabilitation,” “Dementia,”
and “ End-of-Life Care,” CME Conferences,
Cancun, MX, Feb. 19-21, 2015.
“Advance Care Planning,” Southeast
Association of Area Agencies of Aging, Amelia
Island, Sept. 21, 2014.
“India,” Tallahassee Senior Center, Sept. 24,
Topics in Aging, Osher Lifelong Learning
Institute (OLLI), Tallahassee, Oct.1-Nov. 5,
“Frailty,” FSU Social Work, Oct. 1, 2014.
“Discussing Complementary Medicine,” FSU
COM, Oct. 6, 2014.
Page 8
“Person-Centered Care,” American Geriatrics
Society/SCAN Foundation, Los Angeles, CA,
Feb. 26, 2015.
“Medications,” Capital Health Plan, Mar. 20,
Judging presentations, National
Undergraduate Bioethics Conference, Apr. 1011, 2015.
“Medical Apps,” Capital Medical Society, Apr.
21, 2015.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Presentations (continued)
Conducted a webinar, "Diminished DecisionMaking Capacity in Older Persons: A Global
Perspective,” sponsored by American Society
on Aging MindAlert Series, Sept. 18, 2014.
With Les Beitsch: “Ebola and Quarantine:
Legal and Policy Issues,” Oct. 7, 2014.
“Making Medical Practice More Rational: Does
the Law Help or Hurt?" at University of Toledo
Law Review Symposium, Toledo, OH, Oct. 10,
“Home and Community-Based Long Term
Services and Supports: Health Reform’s Most
Enduring Legacy?” at conference on The ACA
and Beyond sponsored by the University of
Missouri Center for Health Ethics and Center
for Health Policy, Columbia, MO, Oct. 18,
Short Course Panelist, “The Culture Change
Movement: The Role of the Speech and
Language Professional in Supporting SelfDirected Living,” at Annual Convention of the
American Speech-Language-Hearing
Association, Orlando, Nov. 21, 2014.
WFSU, “Pickleball” Game Finds Popularity
with Senior Sports Enthusiasts, Radio news
story, Oct.9, 2014.
Sirius XM Radio live interview by Dr. Michael
Perskin on “Driving and Older Adults,”
Oct. 13, 2014.
Center for Accessibility and Safety for an
Aging Population, Transportation Day, College
of Engineering, “Recognizing and Reducing
Medical Risk for Older Drivers,” Oct. 24, 2014.
Senior Services Information meeting, Dec. 11,
Media release, AGS Joins NHTSA to support
Older Adult Driver Safety, American Geriatrics
Society and FSU COM websites, Oct. 7, 2014.
Interprofessional Skills Day workshop, FSU
COM, Jan. 23, 2015.
“Dementia 101” and “Driving and Dementia”
at the 30th Annual Alzheimer’s Disease
Education and Training Conference sponsored
by the Alzheimer’s Project, FSU COM, Feb. 21,
Keynote Speaker at XI EMAP, a South American
Conference on Psychological Assessment, Belo
Horizonte, Brazil.
“Physical Activity and Personality
Development” at Lifespan Social-Personality
Preconference, Austin, TX, February 2014.
“Are personality traits associated with white
coat and masked hypertension?” at the annual
meeting of the American Psychosomatic
Society, San Francisco, CA, March 2014.
Tsilimingras D, Schnipper J...Agens JE...et al.
Post-Discharge Adverse Events Among Urban
and Rural Patients of an Urban Community
Hospital: A Prospective Cohort Study. J GEN
INTERN MED. 2015:1-8.
*You may need a subscription to view the publications.
Page 9
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Publications (continued)
Liu P-Y, Ilich JZ, Brummel-Smith K, Ghosh S.
New Insight into Fat, Muscle and Bone
Relationship in women: determining the
threshold at Which Body Fat Assumes
Negative Relationship with Bone Mineral
Density. International journal of preventive
medicine. 2014;5(11):1452-1463.
Atkinson HH, Tan ZS, Brennan M, Granville L.
A Collaborative National Model to Assess
Competencies for Medical Students,
Residents, and Other Healthcare Practitioners
in Gait and Falls Risk Evaluation. Journal of
the American Geriatrics Society. 2014;62
Leipzig RM, Sauvigne K, Granville LJ, et al.
What Is a Geriatrician? American Geriatrics
Society and Association of Directors of
Geriatric Academic Programs End-of-Training
Entrustable Professional Activities for
Geriatric Medicine. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society. 2014;62(5):924-929.
Granville L, Baker S. Anatomy Cadaver as a
“First Patient” Experience. MedEdPORTAL
Publications; 2014.
Kapp MB, Home and Community-Based LongTerm Services and Supports: Health Reform’s
Most Enduring Legacy?, Saint Louis University
Journal of Health Law & Policy, Vol. 8, Issue
1, pp. 9-34 (2014).
Kapp MB, “Older Persons and Compromised
Decisional Capacity: The Role of Public Policy
in Defining and Developing Core Professional
Competencies,” Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 295-307,
Journal of Aging and Social Policy (2014).
Page 10
Kapp MB, Book Review Essay of “Global
Health Law” by Lawrence O. Gostin, Vol. 26,
pp. 177-181, International Journal of Risk &
Safety in Medicine (2014).
Kapp MB, “Are Nursing Home Regulations Like
Cobwebs?” Book Review Essay on The Rule of
Nobody by Philip K. Howard, The
Gerontologist, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 885-889
(October 2014).
Kapp MB, Book Review of “Comparative
Perspectives on Adult Guardianship” edited by
A. Kimberley Dayton, Vol. 88, No. 8, p. 151,
Florida Bar Journal (Sept./Oct. 2014).
Kapp MB, Book Review of “Caring and the
Law” by Jonathan Herring, in Care
Management Journals, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 9899 (2014).
Kapp MB, “Old Age Is No Time to Be Doing
Time,” Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, Vol. 62, No. 4, pp. 775-776 (Invited
Kapp MB, “Advance Directives,” “Nursing
Home Reform Act,” and “Substitute Decision
Making,” in Encyclopedia of Elder Care (3rd
Edition), edited by Elizabeth A. Capezuti,
Michael L. Malone, Paul R. Katz, & Mathy D.
Mezey, New York: Springer Publishing
Company, pp. 18-20, 501-503, and 710-712
Kapp MB & Nair-Collins M, “Impaired
Professionals” in Bioethics (4th Edition),
edited by Bruce Jennings. Farmington Hills,
MI: Macmillan Reference, Vol. 3, pp. 16281631 (2014).
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Publications (continued)
Kapp MB, “Aging and the Aged: Research
Ethics,” in Bioethics (4th Edition), edited by
Bruce Jennings. Farmington Hills,
MI: Macmillan Reference, Vol. 1, pp. 129-131
Kapp MB, “Evaluating Decision Making
Capacity in Older Individuals: Does the Law
Give a Clue?”, Vol. 4, pp. 164-172, Laws
Pomidor AK. Weight and Physical Activity in
Older Adults, in: Florida Department of
Health and Florida Medical Association,
Jordan JG, ed. Healthy Weight: A Life Course
Approach. 2014.
Luchetti M, Barkley JM, Stephan Y,
Terracciano A, Sutin AR. Five-Factor Model
Personality Traits and Inflammatory Markers:
New Data and a Meta-Analysis.
Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014;50:181-193.
Obschonka M, Schmitt-Rodermund E,
Terracciano A. Personality and the Gender
Gap in Self-Employment: A Multi-Nation
Study. Plos One. 2014;9(8).
Stephan Y, Boiche J, Canada B, Terracciano
A. Association of Personality with Physical,
Social, and Mental Activities Across the
Lifespan: Findings from US and French
Samples. British Journal of Psychology.
Stephan Y, Caudroit J…Terracciano A.
Subjective Age and Cognitive Functioning: A
10-Year Prospective Study. American Journal
of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2014;22(11):11801187.
Page 11
Sutin AR, Stephan Y…Terracciano A.
Perceived Weight Discrimination and CReactive Protein. Obesity. 2014;22(9):19591961.
Terracciano A, Scuteri A, Strait J, et al. Are
Personality Traits Associated with White-Coat
and Masked Hypertension? Journal of
Hypertension. 2014;32(10):1987-1992.
Chuang YF, Tanaka T…Terracciano A, et al.
FTO Genotype and Aging: Pleiotropic
Longitudinal Effects on Adiposity, Brain
Function, Impulsivity and Diet. Molecular
Psychiatry. 2015;20(1):133-139.
De Bolle M, De Fruyt F…Terracciano A. The
Emergence of Sex Differences in Personality
Traits in Early Adolescence: A Cross-Sectional,
Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology. 2015;108(1):171-185.
Passamonti L, Terracciano A, Riccelli R, et al.
Increased Functional Connectivity within
Mesocortical Networks in Open People.
Neuroimage. 2015;104:301-309.
Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Terracciano A.
Subjective Age and Personality Development:
A 10-Year Study. Journal of Personality.
Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Terracciano A. How Old
Do You Feel? The Role of Age Discrimination
and Biological Aging in Subjective Age. Plos
One. 2015;10(3).
Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Terracciano A. Younger
Subjective Age Is Associated with Lower CReactive Protein Among Older Adults. Brain,
behavior, and immunity. 2015;43:33-36.
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Publications (continued)
Sutin AR, Stephan Y…Terracciano A.
Perceived Discrimination and Physical,
Cognitive, and Emotional Health in Older
Adulthood. American Journal of Geriatric
Psychiatry. 2015;23(2):171-179.
Sutin AR, Terracciano A. Body Weight
Misperception in Adolescence and Incident
Obesity in Young Adulthood. Psychological
Science. 2015;26(4):507-511.
The Geriatrics Interest Group and the
department held the annual
Intergenerational Picnic at the Rez,
October 2014.
Suzanne Baker serves as Chair of Faculty
Council Executive Committee.
Ken Brummel-Smith
 Became the Medical Director of Leading
Age in Florida.
 Serves on the FSU COM Conflict of
Interest Committee.
 In 2015, was appointed the Chair for
the State of Florida’s Alzheimer’s
Disease Research Advisory Board by
Secretary of Health Armstrong.
Antonio Terracciano
 Is a member of the FSU COM Research
Advisory Council.
 Is a member of PCORI’s Fall 2014 and
Spring 2015 Cycles Merit Review
Advisory Panel on Assessment of
Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment
A Photographic Series
on Senior Fashion
by Maggie Shackelford
Spotlight Artist
January 2015
Senior Artist Project
Sponsored by a
Donald W. Reynolds
Foundation grant
Andrew Wahl
Lisa Granville serves as Co-Director for
Curriculum Redesign.
Alice Pomidor was invited to represent the
AGS at the Older Drivers Expert Summit, a
task of the Gaps and Pathways Project
funded by a cooperative agreement
between the American Occupational
Therapy Association and the National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration in
Bethesda, MD, Mar. 5-6, 2015.
Page 12
Katie Mae Burgess
Lou Wadsworth West
FSU College of Medicine - Department of Geriatrics
1115 West Call Street, Suite 4300, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4300
(850) 645-8440
[email protected]
Fly UP