CA670 - Concurrent Programming Motivation
CSP JCSP CA670 - Concurrent Programming Formal Specification & JCSP David Sinclair CSP JCSP Motivation Developing concurrent programs is arguably more difficult than developing sequential programs. A concurrent algorithm has to consider, among other things: • race conditions • deadlock • livelock • fairness • starvation It could be argued that part of the problem is that we are forcing a sequential view on something that is inherently concurrent. If we take a concurrent view of the system being developed, with its underlying mathematical theory, and model and implement the system using this concurrent view, we could build provably correct concurrent programs. CSP JCSP Communicating Sequential Programs Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) was developed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s by Tony Hoare to model and reason about concurrent systems. CSP views a systems as a set concurrent processes that interact with each other and their external environment via atomic interactions called events. Events are instantaneous and the alphabet of all events is written as Σ. Events can be observable by the environment or they can be internal between processes. In this case they may not be observable by the environment (user). A CSP process can itself be composed on communicating processes or processes that are a sequential series of events. CSP JCSP Communicating Sequential Programs (2) Each system that we model has its own set (alphabet) of events. • A vending machine might have an event alphabet {coin, drink, choc, d.button, c.button}. • A counter might have an event alphabet {up, down, iszero}. • A cheese shop might have an event alphabet {{pay .x, change.x|x∈M} ∪ {cheddar .w , parmesan.w , brie.w |w ∈W }} where M is the set of amounts of money and W is the set of weights used in the cheese shop. CSP JCSP STOP Process The STOPA process is the simplest of all process. The STOPA process does not engage with any events in the alphabet A. It can be used to model a deadlocked process. Two different deadlocked processes are distinguishable, even if they do nothing. For example, given 2 vending machines, VMα = {coin, drink} VMβ = {coin, choc} executing the processes STOPVMα and STOPVMβ , even though both processes are not interacting with the environment, we know that STOPVMα might have previously delivered a drink, but has definitely not delivered a chocolate bar. CSP JCSP Prefix If x is an event and P is a process then x →P describes a process that first engages with event x and the behaves as process P. The process (x → P) must have the same alphabet as process P. Given the alphabet VMα = {coin, drink}, a vending machine that serves 2 customers before “breaking” (deadlocking) can be modelled as: coin → (drink → (coin → (drink → STOPVMα ))) CSP JCSP Recursion Recursion can be used to model non-terminating processes. To model a vending machine that can always deliver a drink in response to a coin, we can write: VMα = (coin → (drink → VMα)) Aside: Since → is right associative, we can drop the brackets from the above and write: VMα = coin → drink → VMα CSP JCSP Choice The notation (x → P | y → Q) denotes a process that in response to an event x proceeds as process P and in response to an event y proceeds as process Q. As before the alphabets of P and Q must be the same. To model the vending machine with the alphabet VM = {coin, drink, choc, d.button, c.button} capable of delivering both drinks and chocolate bars in response to a coin and appropriate button event, we can write: VM = coin → ((d.button → drink → VM) | (c.button → choc → VM)) CSP JCSP Choice (2) We can extend this to more than 2 choices: x → P | y → Q | ... | z → R Each choice is guarded by an event. It is the event that determines which choice is proceeded with. Therefore it would be wrong to write: (x → P) | (y → Q) as the alternatives are no longer guarded. There are separate operators for choosing nondeterministically between processes. CSP JCSP Mutual Recursion We can rewrite the vending machine specification using mutual recursion. VMδ = coin → (d.button → DRINK | c.button → CHOC ) DRINK = drink → VMδ CHOC = choc → VMδ Writing the specification in this way makes it clear that the vending machine is in either one of two states, CHOC or DRINK . CSP JCSP Concurrency The notation PkQ denotes two processes P and Q evolving concurrently in lock-step synchronisation, i.e. if P and Q share an event then they evolve to that point in their specifications at the same time. Consider a thirsty customer, THIRSTY , for the vending machine: THIRSTY = coin → d.button → drink → THIRSTY Then THIRSTY k VM specifies the thirsty customer interacting with the vending machine. CSP JCSP Nondeterminism A deterministic process is a process where whenever there is a choice of events, the choice is determined by the environment of the process, or in a weaker sense the environment can observe the choice that has been made at the moment of the choice. A nondeterministic process is a process where the environment cannot influence or observe the choice of events whenever more then one event is possible. P uQ denotes a process that can evolve either like P or Q and the choice between each evolution is not controlled by the environment. A machine that gives e1 and e2 coins as change for a e5 note could be described as: CNG = in.5n → (out.1c → out.1c → out.1c → out.2c → CNG ) u (out.2c → out.2c → out.1c → CNG ) CSP JCSP Nondeterminism (2) The internal choice, or nondeterministic or, operator u is useful in specifying the possible behaviours of a system. It is not used the describe an actual implementation of a system as it would make little or no sense for a system to be capable of two or more arbitrary behaviours. The implementation of the change machine CNG would use the number of e1 and e2 coins stored in the machine to determine how to compose the e5 in change. The external choice operator P 2 Q describe a process where the environment can influence how the process will evolve based on the very first action of P and Q. If the environment provides the first action of P then the process evolves as P. If the environment provides the first action of Q then the process evolves as Q. If the first action of P and Q are the same, then the process selects between P and Q nondeterministically. (c → P 2 d → Q) = (c → P | d → Q) (c → P 2 c → Q) = (c → P) u(c → Q) if c 6= d CSP JCSP Concealment In cases where there are internal events in a system that we do not want the environment to interact with, we can conceal these events. P\C denotes a process that evolves as P but with the events in C not visible to the environment. The events in C cannot be observed or controlled by the environment. CSP JCSP Communications Two concurrent processes can communicate via a channel between the two processes. The channel has no memory. Communication on a channel is synchronous can only occur if a process outputs a value on a channel when the other process inputs from the channel. If the receiving channel is not ready to input the value from the channel, then the sending process blocks until the receiving channel is ready to input the value. Similarly, if the sending channel is not ready to output the value to the channel, then the receiving process blocks until the sending channel is ready to output the value. (c!v → P) k (c?x → Q(x)) = c!v → (P k Q(v )) where c!v denotes outputting the value v on channel c, and c?x denotes the inputting of a value from channel c and assigning the value to x. Note that right-hand includes c!v as this is still an observable event. CSP JCSP Communications (2) If two processes wish the communication between them to be unobservable, then we use the concealment operator. ((c!v → P) k (c?x → Q(x))) \ C = (P k Q(v )) \ C where C = {c.v | v ∈ α(c)}, c.v denotes the value v on channel c and α(c) denotes the alphabet of channel c. There is a special case where processes, called piped, have only one input channel left and one output channel right. In this case they can be composed as: P>>Q left P Q right CSP JCSP Traces A trace of the behaviour of a process is a sequence of events that the process has engaged in. A trace is denoted by a comma separated sequence of events enclosed in angular brackets, e.g. hx, y , zi hxi - a singleton trace hi - the empty trace Operations on Traces The concatenation of two traces s and t is denoted by s a t. Concatenation obeys the following rules. s a hi = hi a s = s s a (t a u) = (s a t) a u s 0 = hi s n+1 = s a s n where s n denotes n copies of s concatenated. CSP JCSP Traces (2) s A denotes the trace s restricted to the symbols in the set A. hup, left, down, right, downi hup, downi = hup, down, downi Restriction obeys the following rules. hi A = hi (s a t) A = (s A) a (t A) s {} = hi (s A) B = s (A ∩ B) The head of a trace s is denoted by s0 and the tail of a trace s is denoted by s 0 . hx, y , zi0 = x hx, y , zi0 = hy , zi CSP JCSP Traces (3) A∗ is the set of all finite traces, including hi, derived from the symbols in A. This yields two definitions: A∗ = {s | s A = s} or A∗ = {t | t = hi ∨ (t0 ∈ A ∧ t 0 ∈ A∗ )} The following rules follow from these definitions: hi ∈ A∗ hxi ∈ A∗ ≡ x ∈ A (s a t) ∈ A∗ ≡ s ∈ A∗ ∧ t ∈ A∗ Orderings are defined using prefixes. s ≤ t = (∃ u.s a u = t) The ≤ relation gives a partial ordering on traces where the least element is the empty trace, hi. CSP JCSP Traces (4) Orderings obeys the following rules: hi ≤ s s≤s s≤t∧t≤s⇒s=t s≤u∧u≤t⇒s≤t (hxi a s) ≤ t) ≡ t 6= hi ∧ x = t0 ∧ s ≤ t 0 s≤u∧t≤u⇒s≤t∨t≤s t ≤ u ⇒ (s a t) ≤ (s a u) s ≤ t ⇒ (s A) ≤ (t A) f (s) ≤ f (t) whenever s ≤ t s is a subsequence of t, denoted s in t if: s in t = (∃ u, v .t = u a s a v ) and hence (hxi a s) in t ≡ t 6= hi ∧ ((t0 = x ∧ s ≤ t 0 ) ∨ (hxi a s) in t 0 ) CSP JCSP Traces (5) The length of a trace t, denoted #t, is defined by: #hi = 0 #hxi = 1 #(s a t) = #s + #t The length operator obeys the following rules: #(t (A ∪ B)) = #(t A) + #(t B) − #(t (A ∩ B)) s ≤ t ⇒ #s ≤ #t #(t n ) = n × (#t) The number of occurrences of a symbol x in trace s is defined as: s ↓ x = #(s {x}) CSP JCSP Traces (6) If s ∈ traces(P) then P/s, P after s, is a process that evolves as P after P has engaged in all the events recorded in s. Given VMα = coin → drink → VMα then VMα/{coin} = drink → VMα VMα/{coin, drink} = VMα The after operator obeys the following rules: P/hi = P P/hs a ti = (P/s)/t (x : B → P(x))/hci = P(c) traces(P/s) = {t | s a t ∈ traces(P)} provided c ∈ B provided s ∈ traces(P) CSP JCSP Process Laws Prefixes obey the following law: (x : A → P(x)) = (y : B → Q(y )) ≡ (A = B ∧ ∀ x ∈ A.P(x) = Q(x)) Parallel composition, P k Q, obeys the following laws: PkQ=QkP P k (Q k R) = (P k Q) k R P k STOPαP = STOPαP (x : A → P(x)) k (y : B → Q(y )) = (z : (A ∩ B) → (P(z) k Q(z))) CSP JCSP Process Laws (2) Internal choice, P u Q, obeys the following laws: P uP = P P uQ = Q uP P u(Q u R) = (P u Q) u R x : B → (P(x) u Q(x)) = (x : B → P(x)) u(x : B → Q(x)) P k (Q u R) = (P k Q) u(P k R) (P u Q) k R) = (P k R) u(Q k R) External choice, P 2 Q, obeys the following laws: P 2P = P P 2Q = Q 2P P 2(Q 2 R) = (P 2 Q) 2 R P k STOP = P CSP JCSP Process Laws (3) (x : A → P(x)) 2(y : B → Q(y )) = (z : (A ∪ B) → (if z ∈ (A − B) then P(z) else if z ∈ (B − A) then Q(z) else if z ∈ (A ∩ B) then (P(z) u Q(z)))) P 2(Q u R) = (P 2 Q) u(P 2 R) P u(Q 2 R) = (P u Q) 2(P u R) Concealment, P \ C , obeys the following laws: P \ {} = P (P \ B) \ C = P \ (B ∪ C ) (P u Q) \ C = (P \ C ) u(Q \ C ) STOPA \ C = STOPA−C (x → P) \ C = x → (P \ C ) if x ∈ /C =P\C if x ∈ C CSP JCSP Generating Traces The traces of a process are defined by the following: traces(STOP) = {hi} traces(c → P) = {hi} ∪ {hci a t | t ∈ traces(P)} traces(c → P | d → Q) = {t | t = hi ∨ (t0 = c ∧ t 0 ∈ traces(P)) ∨ (t0 = d ∧ t 0 ∈ traces(Q))} traces(P k Q) = {t | (t αP) ∈ traces(P) ∧ (t αQ) ∈ traces(Q) ∧ t ∈ (αP ∪ αQ)∗ } (P k Q)/s = (P/(s αP)) k (Q/(s αQ)) traces(P u Q) = traces(P) ∪ traces(Q) (P u Q)/s = Q/s if s ∈ (traces(Q) − traces(P)) = P/s if s ∈ (traces(P) − traces(Q)) = (P/s) u(Q/s) if s ∈ (traces(P) ∩ traces(Q)) CSP JCSP Generating Traces (2) traces(P 2 Q) = traces(P) ∪ traces(Q) (P 2 Q)/s = Q/s if s ∈ (traces(Q) − traces(P)) = P/s if s ∈ (traces(P) − traces(Q)) = (P/s) u(Q/s) if s 6= hi and s ∈ (traces(P) ∩ traces(Q)) traces(P \ C ) = {t (αP − C ) | t ∈ traces(P)} provided ∀ s : traces(P).¬diverges(P/s, C ) and diverges(P, C ) = ∀ n. ∃ s : traces(P) ∩ C ∗ .#s > n i.e. diverges(P, C ) means that P can engage in an unbounded sequence of hidden events from C T (P \ C )/s = ( t:T P/t) \ C where T = traces(P) ∩ {t | t (αP − C ) = s} and T is finite and s ∈ traces(P \ C ) CSP JCSP Proofs If P is an implementation of a system and S describes the acceptable traces of the system (its specification), P satisfies S, denoted P sat S, if every possible observation of P is described by S. Formally, P sat S if ∀ t, t ∈ traces(P) ⇒ S. The following laws define the properties of the satisfies relation L1 L2 L3 P sat true If ∀ n.(P sat S(n)) then P sat (∀ n.S(n)) where S(n) is a predicate If P sat S and S ⇒ T then P sat T A special case of L2 is If P sat S and P sat T then P sat (S ∧ T ). CSP JCSP Proofs (2) L4 L5 L6 S(t1 , t2 ) denote a specification with traces t1 and refusal set t2 . If ∀ x ∈ B.(P(x) sat S(tr , x)) then (x : B → P(x)) sat (tr = hi ∨ (tr0 ∈ B ∧ S(tr 0 , tr0 ))) If P sat S(tr ) and s ∈ traces(P) then (P/s) sat S(s a tr ) If F (X ) is guarded and STOP sat S and ((X sat S) ⇒ (F (X ) sat S)) then (µ X .F (X )) sat X L3 covers general choice, L4 covers the after operator and L6 covers recursive processes. Example: Consider the simple vending machine VMα. A manufacturer wants to ensure that number of drinks dispensed never exceeds the number of coins and that the implementation will not take further coins until a drink has been dispensed. CSP JCSP Proof (3) We can capture this by: NOLOSS = (#(tr {drink})) ≤ #(tr {coin})) FAIR = ((tr ↓ coin) ≤ (tr ↓ drink) + 1) VMSPEC = NOLOSS ∧ FAIR = (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1) To prove VMα sat VMSPEC we need to show the base case and the inductive case. Base case: STOP sat tr = hi ⇒ (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1) by a special case of L4. Since (hi ↓ coin) − (hi ↓ drink)) = 0 this is true. CSP JCSP Proof (4) Inductive case: Assume X sat (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1) Another corollary of L4 specific to double prefixes is: If P sat S(tr ) then (x → y → P) sat (tr ≤ hx, y i ∨ (tr ≥ hx, y i ∧ S(tr ))) where tr = tr /x/y . Using this yields: (coin → drink → X ) sat tr ≤ hcoin, drinki ∨ (tr ≥ hcoin, drinki ∧ (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1)) If tr ≤ hcoin, drinki then tr ∈ {hi, hcoini, hcoin, drinki}. Therefore (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1) If tr ≥ hcoin, drinki then (tr ↓ coin = tr ↓ coin + 1 ∧ tr ↓ drink = tr ↓ drink + 1). Therefore (0 ≤ ((tr ↓ coin) − (tr ↓ drink)) ≤ 1) CSP JCSP Some Simple Building Blocks in in IdInt SuccInt in0 in1 + out IdInt(in, out) = in?x → out!x → IdInt(in, out) out SuccInt(in, out) = in?x → out!(x + 1) → SuccInt(in, out) out PlusInt(in0, in1, out) = (in0?x → SKIP k in1?y → SKIP) → out!(x + y ) → PlusInt(in0, in1, out) CSP JCSP Some Simple Building Blocks (2) Delta2Int(in, out0, out1) = in?x → (out0!x → SKIP k out1!x → SKIP) → Delta2Int(in, out0, out1) out0 out1 in in n in out TailInt PrefixInt(n, in, out) = out!n → IdInt(in, out) out TailInt(in, out) = in?x → IdInt(in, out) These are the only set of “building blocks” we can use, but we can build some other useful processes using them. CSP JCSP A Blocking FIFO Buffer in IdInt c[0] IdInt c[1] ... c[n-2] IdInt FifoInt(n) FifoInt(n, in, out) = IdInt(in, c[0]) k IdInt(c[0], c[1]) k . . . k IdInt(c[n − 2], out) As this is a common structure, so some dialects of CSP, e.g. occam-π, provide a primitive for this. FifoInt(n, in, out) = IdInt(in, c[0]) k ([k i = 0 FOR n − 2] IdInt(c[i], c[i + 1])) k IdInt(c[n − 2], out) out CSP JCSP Sequence Generator 0 out a c b SuccInt NumbersInt NumbersInt = Prefix(0, c, a) k Delta2Int(a, out, b) k SuccInt(b, c) CSP JCSP Integrator x y z .. . in + out a c b x x+y x+y+z .. . 0 IntegrateInt IntegrateInt(in, out) = PlusInt(in, c, a) k Delta2Int(a, out, b) k PrefixInt(0, b, c) CSP JCSP Pair Generator a x y z .. . in TailInt b c + out x+y y+z .. . PairsInt PairsInt(in, out) = Delta2Int(in, a, c) k TailInt(a, b) k PlusInt(b, c, out) CSP JCSP Finonacci Generator 1 a 0 out b c d PairsInt FibonacciInt 0 1 1 2 3 5. .. FibonacciInt = PrefixInt(1, d, a) k PrefixInt(0, a, b) k Delta2Int(b, out, c) k PairsInt(c, d) CSP JCSP Squares NumbersInt a IntegrateInt b PairsInt out SquaresInt SquaresInt(out) = NumbersInt(a) k IntegrateInt(a, b) k PairsInt(b, out) The data on the individual channels is: < a > = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . .] < b > = [0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, . . .] < out > = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, . . .] CSP JCSP JCSP JCSP is a java library that provides an implementation of CSP. A CSP process is an object implementing a CSProcess interface. The process’s behaviour is determined by the object’s run() method. The typical JCSP process structure is: c l a s s Example i m p l e m e n t s C S P r o c e s s { . . . private shared synchronisation objects ( e . g . channels ) . . . private state information } ... ... public constructors p u b l i c a c c e s s o r s and m u t a t o r s ( u s e d when n o t r u n n i n g ) ... ... p r i v a t e s u p p o r t methods u s e d by r u n ( ) p u b l i c void run ( ) CSP JCSP General Warning!!! As practically everything in Java is a reference, when we send an object over a channel to another CSP process, all we are really sending is a reference to the object. The “sending process” still can access the sent object and this can lead to a race condition. The “sending process” should forget (assign NULL) to the sent object reference. Even then this can still cause a race condition if the sent object can access another object referenced by the “sending process”. CSP JCSP Channels Channels are implemented as Java interfaces. There are 2 types of channels: Int Theres channels carry Java ints. These are secure and its very difficult to introduce race hazards. Object These channels carry references to arbitrary Java objects. As they carry object references there is a significant danger of introducing a race hazard if you are not careful. When a channel is defined, we need to specify the channel-end type. The channel-end type is either: • input; • output; or • ALTing (choice) input. CSP JCSP Parallel Parallel is a CSProcess that takes an array of CSProcesses. The run() method of Paralel is the parallel composition of the array of CSProcesses as per the CSP k operator. A Parallel CSProcess terminates when all of its constituent processes have terminated. The JCSP implementation of the SquaresInt building block would be: c l a s s S q u a r e s I n t implements CSProcess { p r i v a t e f i n a l ChannelOutputInt out ; p u b l i c S q u a r e s I n t ( ChannelOutputInt out ) { t h i s . out = out ; } CSP JCSP Parallel (2) p u b l i c void run ( ) { One2OneChannelInt One2OneChannelInt a = Channel . one2oneInt ( ) ; b = Channel . one2oneInt ( ) ; new P a r a l l e l ( new C S P r o c e s s [ ] { new N u m b e r s I n t ( a . o u t ( ) ) , new I n t e g r a t e I n t ( a . i n ( ) , b . o u t ( ) ) , new P a i r s I n t ( b . i n ( ) , o u t ) } ) . run ( ) ; } } CSP JCSP Sample JCSP Program The following sample JCSP program consists of 2 processes; one that outputs even numbers on a channel and another that reads and displays the number from that channel. import org . j c s p . lang . ∗ ; p u b l i c c l a s s DriverProgram { p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d main ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) { One2OneChannel chan = C h a n n e l . o n e 2 o n e ( ) ; new P a r a l l e l ( new C S P r o c e s s [ ] { new S e n d E v e n I n t s P r o c e s s ( chan . o u t ( ) ) , new R e a d E v e n I n t s P r o c e s s ( chan . i n ( ) ) } ) . run ( ) ; } } CSP JCSP Sample JCSP Program (2) import org . j c s p . lang . ∗ ; p u b l i c c l a s s S e n d E v e n I n t s P r o c e s s implements CSProcess { p r i v a t e ChannelOutput out ; p u b l i c S e n d E v e n I n ts P r o c e s s ( ChannelOutput out ) { t h i s . out = out ; } p u b l i c void run ( ) { f o r ( i n t i = 2 ; i <= 1 0 0 ; i = i + 2 ) { o u t . w r i t e ( new I n t e g e r ( i ) ) ; } } } CSP JCSP Sample JCSP Program (3) import org . j c s p . lang . ∗ ; p u b l i c c l a s s R e a d E v e n I n t s P r o c e s s implements CSProcess { private ChannelInput in ; public ReadEvenIntsProcess ( ChannelInput in ) { this . in = in ; } p u b l i c void run ( ) { while ( true ) { I n t e g e r d = ( I n t e g e r ) in . read ( ) ; System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( ” Read : ” + d . i n t V a l u e ( ) ) ; } } } CSP JCSP Sample JCSP Program (4) To compile and execute the JCSP program we need to: 1. Download the JCSP distribution jar file and extract the constituent jar files in an appropriate directory, say /jcsp-lib. jar xvf jcsp-1.1-rc4.jar 2. Compile our program, including the JCSP library. javac -classpath "/jcsp-lib/*" *.java 3. Execute the program with the JCSP library. java -cp "/jcsp-lib/*:." DriverProgram The above commands are for Unix enviroinments. CSP JCSP Alternation Alternation introduces nondeterminism into JCSP and corresponds to CSP’s choice operators. Each choice in an alternation requires a guard. There are 6 JCSP classes that extend the general Guard class. AltingChannelInput AltingChannelInputInt AltingChannelAccept AltingBarrier CSTimer Skip Inputting objects on a channel. Inputting ints on a channel. A call has been issued on the channel. Barrier A timer has timed out. polling CSP JCSP Alternation (2) • A channel guard is ready if and only if a process at the other end has output to (or called) the channel and this has yet to be read (or accepted). • A timer guard is ready if and only if its timer has expired. • A skip guard is always ready. Each Alternative object is constructed with an array of Guards. The array of Guards can include any type of guards.. CSP JCSP Alternation (3) An alternation is carried out by invoking one of three types of select methods. • select() - Blocks until one or more of its guards are ready. If one or more guards are ready it make an arbitrary choice of one of the ready guards and returns its index. If the guard is a channel, then the process must read (or accept) from the channel. • priSelect() - Blocks until one or more of its guards are ready. If one or more guards are ready it chooses the ready guard with the lowest index and returns its index. If the guard is a channel, then the process must read (or accept) from the channel. • fairSelect() -Implements weak fairnesses. In successive invocations of fairSelect(), no guard will be chosen twice if another guard is ready. CSP JCSP Real-time Sampler reset in Sample (t) out • This process services 3 events, 2 inputs and 1 timer. • The t parameter represents the time interval the process samples at. Every t seconds the process outputs the last object that arrived on its in channel. If nothing arrived in the previous t seconds, the process outputs null. • The duration of the sampling period, t, may be reset by a new value arriving on the process’s reset channel. CSP JCSP Real-time Sampler (2) c l a s s Sample i m p l e m e n t s C S P r o c e s s { p r i v a t e f i n a l long t ; private f i n a l AltingChannelInput in ; private final AltingChannelInputInt reset ; p r i v a t e f i n a l ChannelOutput out ; p u b l i c Sample ( l o n g t , A l t i n g C h a n n e l I n p u t i n , AltingChannelInputInt reset , ChannelOutput out ) { this . t = t ; this . in = in ; this . reset = reset ; t h i s . out = out ; } CSP JCSP Real-time Sampler (3) p u b l i c void run ( ) { f i n a l CSTimer t i m = new CSTimer ( ) ; f i n a l A l t e r n a t i v e a l t = new A l t e r n a t i v e ( new Guard [ ] { r e s e t , tim , i n } ) ; f i n a l i n t RESET = 0 , TIM = 1 , IN = 2 ; Object sample = n u l l ; long timeout = tim . read ( ) + t ; tim . setAlarm ( timeout ) ; while ( true ) { switch ( a l t . preSelect ()) { c a s e RESET : t = r e s e t . read ( ) ; break ; CSP JCSP Real-time Sampler (4) c a s e TIM : out . w r i t e ( sample ) ; sample = n u l l ; t i m e o u t += t ; tim . setAlarm ( timeout ) ; break ; c a s e IN : sample = i n . read ( ) ; break ; } } } } CSP JCSP Preconditioned Alternation An array of boolean preconditions can be set on any of the select () methods of an Alternative. switch (alt.fairSelect (depends)) {...} The depends array must have the same length as the Guard array to which it is bound. Th edepends array allows the programmer, at run-time, to enable and disable the guards at the corresponding indices. CSP JCSP Shared Channels In addition to the one-to-one, zero-buffered, synchronous channels of CSP, JCSP also provides multi-way shared channels and buffered channels. one2any one2one any2one any2any Alting not allowed