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From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television... (
From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas
compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected])
(Other titles: First blood, part II; Rambo II: La mission)
Credits: director, George P. Cosmatos ; writers, Sylvester Stallone, James Cameron.
Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Charles Napier, Steven Berkoff.
Summary: Action/adventure film set in contemporary Vietnam. John Rambo
(Stallone) is recruited for a highly secret and dangerous mission in the jungles
of Vietnam to locate missing American POW's, Unbeknownst to Rambo, his
mission has been compromised before it begins. Deserted by his own team,
Rambo is left as a lone survivor in the hostile jungle with only his knife, bow
and arrows. With the help of a Vietnamese girl, he struggles against deadly
odds to find and free the prisoners. Triumphant, yet betrayed, he vows to
bring his own brand of revenge to all who have become his enemies.
“Abroad: Bucharest: ‘Rambo’ as subversive” National review 39 (Apr 10, 1987), p.
Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 132-46, 195, 217)
Alion, Yves. “Rambo II: La mission” Revue du cinema 410 (Nov 1985), p. 47-8.
_________. “Rambo II: La mission” Revue du cinema hors ser. 33 (1986), p. 98-9.
Attanasio, Paul. “Movies: ‘Rambo’: New blood, old moves: Stallone’s righteous
rabble-rouser” Washington post (May 22, 1985), p. F1, F6.
Auster, Albert and Quart, Leonard. How the war was remembered: Hollywood &
Vietnam [GB] (p. 107-10, 129, 137)
Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling
Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 40, 109, 145, 148, 171,
Baxter, Brian. “Rambo - First blood, part II” Films and filming 372 (Sep 1985), p.
Bayles, Martha. “The road to Rambo II: Hollywood’s visions of Vietnam” New
republic 199 (Jul 18, 1988), p. 30+ [6 p.]
Beer, Patrice de. “Vives les brutes, camarades!” Le monde (Oct 5, 1985), p. ?
Behar, Henri. “Chinoiseries” Revue du cinema 409 (Oct 1985), p. 12-14.
Bekaert, Marc. “Rambo’s tweede bloed vergieten” Sinema 70 (Nov/Dec 1985), p.
Bernan, Russell A. “Rambo: From counter-culture to Contra” Telos 64 (summer
1986), p. 143-7.
Blaedel, Michael. “Den fundamentale helt” Kosmorama 32/177 (fall 1986), p. 33-5.
Blowen, Michael. “Stallone runs wild again as Johnny Rambo” Boston globe (May
22, 1985), Arts and Film, p. 86.
Bozza, Gian Luigi. “Malinconico Rambo per ideologi ballerini” Cineforum 26/1-2
[251] (Jan-Feb 1986), p. 12-16.
Broeske, Pat H. “Rambo: First blood part II” Magill’s cinema annual Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1982- (1986, p. 299-303)
Bruning, Fred. [Rambo] Maclean’s 98 (Jul 29, 1985), p. 7.
Butcher, Maryvonne. “Cinema” Tablet 239 (Sep 7, 1985), p. 933.
Byron, Stuart and Thompson, Anne. “Risky business: Summer movies: Hollywood’s
bad b.o.” Village voice 30 (Oct 1, 1985), p. 68.
Canby, Vincent. “Film view: ‘Rambo’ delivers a revenge fantasy” New York times
(May 26, 1985), sec. 2, p. 11.
____________. “Screen: Sylvester Stallone returns as Rambo” New York times 135
(May 22, 1985), p. C23.
Canova, Gianni. “Per una mitografia del rambismo” Segnocinema 6/24 (Sep 1986),
p. 4-6.
Castell, David. “Rambo, First Blood part II” Photoplay 36 (Sep 1985), p. 20.
Christensen, Terry. Reel politics : American political movies from Birth of a nation
to Platoon [GB] (p. 202-3, 218, 220)
Ciment, Michel. “Rambo II” Positif 298 (Dec 1985), p. 64-5.
Cockburn, Andrew. “Gun crazy” American film 11 (Dec 1986), p. 48-52.
Cohen, Richard. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Oklahoma observer 17 (Jun 25, 1985),
p. 17.
Collins, Nancy. “The ‘Rolling stone’ interview: Sylvester Stallone” Rolling stone 463464 (Dec 19, 1985-Jan 2, 1986), p. 126+ [8 p.]
Comber, Michael and O’Brien, Margaret. “Evading the war: The politics of the
Hollywood Vietnam film” History: the journal of the Historical Association
73 (Jun 1988), p. 248+ [13 p.]
Danvers, Louis. “Sylvester Stallone: Rambomanies” Visions 32 (Oct 1985), p. 37-9.
Denby, David. “Movies: Blood simple” New York 18 (Jun 3, 1985), p. 72-3.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Desser, David (see under Studlar, Gaylyn)
Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 231-9+)
Dhont, Florent and MacTrevor, Joan. “Rambo 2” Cine-tele-revue 65 (Sep 26, 1985),
p. 20-23.
Doherty, Thomas. “Rambo: First blood part II” Film quarterly 39/3 (spring 1986), p.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Dumont, Pascal. “Cet homme est dangereux” Cinema 85 325 (Oct 16-22, 1985), p. 4.
E., C. H. “Rambo 2” Neue Zurcher Zeitung (Oct 30, 1985), p. ?
Early, Emmett. The war veteran in film Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2003. (p. 160,
164-5, 234)
Edelman, Rob. “Rambo: First blood part II” Cineaste 14/3 (1986), p. 44-5.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Ellis, John. “Mediawatch: ‘Rambollocks’ is the order of the day” New statesman 110
(Nov 6, 1985), p. 15.
Farley, Ellen. “Media/entertainment: The U.S. has surrendered - now Rambo is
taking the world by storm: The movie is boffo from Japan to Lebanon - and
a horde of profits is coming” Business week (Aug 26, 1985), p. 109.
Felker, Mike. “I remember it differently” Jump cut 31 (Mar 1986), p. 4, 28.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Fiedler, Leslie A. “Mythicizing the unspeakable” Journal of American folklore
103/400 (Oct-Dec 1990), p. 390-99.
Floyd, Nigel. “Rambo: First blood, part II” Monthly film bulletin 52 (Jul 1985), p.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Franklin, H. Bruce. M.I.A., or mythmaking in America Brooklyn, N.Y. : Lawrence
Hill Books, 1992. (p. 150-56+)
Gelmis, Joseph. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Newsday (May 22, 1985), pt. II., p. 64.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Gibson, James Wilson. “Paramilitary culture” Critical studies in mass communication
6/1 (1989), p. 90-94.
__________________. Warrior dreams: paramilitary culture in post-Vietnam
America New York : Hill and Wang, 1994.
Goldman, P. [et al] “Society: Rocky & Rambo” Newsweek 106 (Dec 23, 1985), p. 5862.
Greenberg, Harvey R. “Dangerous recuperations: ‘Red dawn,’ ‘Rambo,’ and the new
Decaturism” Journal of popular film & television 15/2 (1987), p. 60-70.
Grenier, Richard. “Stallone on patriotism and ‘Rambo’” New York times 134 (Jun 6,
1985), p. C21.
Gronenborn, Klaus [et al] “Stumme rache” Zelluloid 24 (fall 1986), p. 31-5.
Gruner, E. G. (Elliot G.). Prisoners of culture: representing the Vietnam POW [GB]
(p. 104-5+)
Gustainis, J. Justin. “From savior to psycho and back again: The Green Berets in
Vietnam films” in his American rhetoric and the Vietnam war Westport,
Conn. : Praeger, 1993. (p. 137-44)
Haines, Harry William. Mediated Vietnam: the politics of postwar representations
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Utah, 1987.
Haller, Scot. [Rambo] People weekly 23 (Jun 3, 1985), p. 12.
Heard, Alex. “Mea Rambo” New republic 193 (Jul 29, 1985), p. 14.
Hellmann, John. “Rambo’s Vietnam and Kennedy’s New Frontier” in Inventing
Vietnam [GB] (p. 140-52)
Hey, Kenneth R. “Films” USA today 114 (Sep 1985), p. 93-6.
Hillstrom, Kevin and Hillstrom, Laurie Collier. The Vietnam experience : a concise
encyclopedia of American literature, songs, and films [GB] (p. 247-53)
Hillstrom, Laurie Collier (see under Hillstrom, Kevin)
Hoberman, J. and Rainer, Peter. “The fascist guns of the west” American film 11/5
(Mar 1986), p. 42-6, 48.
__________. “Film: Seasons in hell” Village voice 30 (May 28, 1985), p. 66.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Holzl, Gebhard and Peipp, Matthias. Fahr zur Holle, Charlie! [GB] (p. 99, 101-105+,
200+, 298)
Horn, Laurie. “Stallone’s fairy tale of Vietnam” Miami herald (May 22, 1985), p. 1D.
“Intermezzo guerriero: ‘Rambo 2’” Castoro cinema II no. 198 (Nov/Dec 1999), p.
Iversen, Gunnar. “Flukten til fortiden: Opptegneiser om aktuell amerikansk film” Z
3/5 [13] (1985), p. 4-7.
Jackson, Niel. “Nothing is over!: Rambo’s rampage” in Search & destroy (edited by
Jack Hunter) [London] : Creation Books, 2003, c2002. (Chap. 10, p. 161-176)
Jansen, Peter W. “Rambo 2” EPD Film n. 9 (1986), p. ?
Jeffords, Susan. Hard bodies: Hollywood masculinity in the Reagan era New
Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers Univ. Press, 1994. (p. 34-41, 81-84+)
____________. “Masculinity as excess in Vietnam films: The father/son dynamic of
American culture” [GB]
____________. “The new Vietnam films: Is the movie over?” [GB]
____________. The remasculanization of America: gender and the Vietnam war
[GB] (p. 126-36+)
Kael, Pauline. “The current cinema” New Yorker 61 (Jun 17, 1985), p. 112-14, 117.
Karp, Alan. “Rambo: First blood part II” Boxoffice 121 (Aug 1985), p. R92.
Kauffmann, Stanley. “Now about Rambo” New republic 193 (Jul 1, 1985), p. 16.
Kellner, Douglas. “Film, politics, and ideology: Reflections on Hollywood film in the
age of Reagan” Velvet light trap 27 (spring 1991), p. 9-24.
Kempley, Rita. “‘Rambo’: Pumping iron, spraying blood” Washington post (May 24,
1985), Weekend, p. 25.
Koetz, Michael. “Der Krieg als Zukunft fur alle, die keine haben” Deutsches
Allgemeines Sonntagsblatt (Oct 6, 1985), p. ?
Kolker, Robert Phillip. A cinema of loneliness : Penn, Kubrick, Scorcese, Spielberg,
Altman 2nd ed. New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. (p. 260-65)
Kopkind, Andrew. “Films: ‘Rambo: First blood part II’” Nation 240 (Jun 22, 1985),
p. 776-8.
Korpivaara, Ari. “Reviews: Grossed out on the summer’s top-grossing films” MS 14
(Aug 1985), p. 71-2.
Kroll, Jack. “Movies: A one-man army” Newsweek 105 (May 27, 1985), p. 74-5.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Lanning. Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 300)
Leerhsen, Charles. “Movies: Blood, sweat and cheers: Stallone wants ‘to stay
uncivilized.’ It’s a good bet” Newsweek 105 (Jun 3, 1985), p. 62-3.
LeSueur, Stephen C. and Rehberger, Dean. “‘Rocky IV,’ ‘Rambo II,’ and the place of
the individual in modern American society” Journal of American culture
11/2 (1988), p. 25-33.
Lichtenfeld, Eric. Action speaks louder : violence spectacle, and the American action
movie Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2004. (p. 65-67+)
Linfield, Susan. “Rambo ramifications” American film 11/4 (Jan-Feb 1986), p. 11.
Llacer, Eusebio V. and Enjuto, Esther. “Coping strategies: Three decades of
Vietnam War in Hollywood” Film-historia 8/1 (1998), p. 3-27.
Loynd, Ray (Loyn). “Rambo: First blood part II” Variety 319 (Mar 22, 1985), p. 14.
MacTrevor, Joan (see under Dhont, Florent)
Marcorelles, Louis. “L’amerique se rebiffe” Le monde (Oct 18, 1985), p. ?
Martin, Andrew. “Rambo: First blood part II” Cinema papers 53 (Sep 1985), p. 71.
____________. Receptions of war: Vietnam in American culture [GB] (p. 100, 12529)
Maslin, Janet. “Critic’s notebook: Sylvester Stallone’s hit formula” New York times
135 (May 30, 1985), p. C22.
__________. “Movie bloodlines lead to Rambo” New York times (Mar 1, 1987),
sec. 2, p. 21.
McDonagh, Maitland. “Rambo: First blood part II” Film journal 88 (Jun 1985), p.
Mejas, Jordan. “Sieg eines Stellvertreters” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Jul 23,
1985), p. ?
Melling, Phil. “Old history. new history, no history at all? The Vietnam war as
affirmation of American values” American studies international 28/2 (Oct.
1990), p. 93-105.
Mevensen, Jan. “Rambo: First blood part II” Film en televisie 341 (Oct 1985), p. 323.
Meyer, David N. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Miami/South Florida magazine (Jul
1985), p. 66+ [3 p.]
Moeller, Dietrich. “Rambo killt furs Vaterland” Deutsches Allgemeines
Sonntagsblatt (Jul 21, 1985), p. ?
Molesworth, Charles. “Rambo, passion, and power” Dissent 33/1 (1986), p. 109-11.
Morrell, David. “The man who created Rambo” Playboy 35 (Aug 1988), p. 88-9+ [6
Mozer, Isolde I. “Rambo II – Der Auftrag” in Der Kinokassen-Knueller : nur Geld,
gewalt und Gelaechter? (Arnoldshainer Filmgespraeche ; Bd. 5) Frankfurt am
Main : Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik, 1988. (p. 100-108)
Muraire, Andre. “John Rambo ou la quete du sacree” Ideologies dans le monde
anglo-saxon 5 (1992), p. 137-59.
Muse, Eben J. The land of Nam : the Vietnam war in American film [GB] (p. 100,
153, 196, 201-2, 263)
Musto, Michael. “Film: Bloody awful” Saturday review 11 (Jul/Aug 1985), p. 81-2.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Neubert, Ingo. “Christus befreit Saigon” Stuttgarter Zeitung (Sep 20, 1985), p. ?
Newfield, Jack. “Stallone vs. Springsteen: Which dream do you buy? How our two
most popular working-class heroes are pulling this country in opposite
directions” Playboy 33 (Apr 1988), p. 117-20.
Newman, Kim. “Do we get to win this time?” Sight and sound 54/4 (1985), p. 3001.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Nio, Maurice. “Rambo-worden: ‘Rambo’” Skrien 344 (Nov/Dec 1985), p. 19-20.
Nishime, LeiLani Linda. Creating race : genre and the cultural construction of AsianAmerican identity Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Michigan, 1997. (202 p.)
Noel, Philippe. “Rambo II: La mission” Grand angle 12/77 (1985), p. 35-6.
O’Brien, Margaret (see under Comber, Michael)
O’Brien, Tom. “Screen: Birth of legends” Commonweal 112 (Jun 21, 1985), p. 374-5.
___________. “Screen: Saving humors” Commonweal 112 (Sep 20, 1985), p. 499500.
Pally, Marcia. “Red faces” Film comment 22 (Jan/Feb 1986), p. 32-7.
Peipp, Matthias (see under Holzl, Gebhard)
Peterson, Karen S. “Stallone as Rambo gets bloodboiling” USA today (Jun 7-9,
1985), p. A1.
Podhoretz, John. [Rambo: First blood, part II] American spectator 18 (Aug 1985), p.
Prince, Stephen.. A new pot of gold : Hollywood under the electronic rainbow, 19801989 New York : Scribner’s, 1999. (p. xv-xvi, 54, 144-5, 183, 195, 197-8, 317,
Pugliese, Roberto. “‘Rambo 2 - la vendetta’; ‘Rocky IV’” Segnocinema 22 (Mar
1986), p. 74.
Purdom, Todd S. “Coleco to add ‘Rambo’ line” New York times 134 (Aug 1, 1985),
p. D1+ [2 p.]
Quart, Leonard (see under Auster, Albert)
Rainer, Peter (see under Hoberman, J.)
“‘Rambo’ draws second blood” Photoplay 36 (Aug 1985), p. 30-33.
[Rambo] Cinema 86 325 (Oct 16, 1985), p. 4.
[Rambo - review] City limits 204 (Aug 30, 1985), p. 23.
[Rambo - reinforces myth of POWs] City limits 204 (Aug 30, 1985), p. 11-13.
“Rambo: First blood, part II” Film review annual 1986 Englewood, N.J. : J.S. Ozer,
1981- (p. 1039-1057)
[Rambo - review] Hollywood reporter 287/5 (May 1985), p. 3, 10.
[Rambo - comment on anti-communist hysteria] Listener 114/2924 (Aug 29, 1985),
p. 18.
[Rambo - report on Stallone’s personal Vietnam “war record”] Listener 114/2925
(Sep 5, 1985), p. 31.
[Rambo] Marriage and family living 67 (Sep 1985), p. 30.
“Rambo: First blood, part II” Motion picture guide annual (edited by Jay Robert
Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1987-2000. (1986, p.
[Rambo] People weekly 24 (Jul 8, 1985), p. 34-7.
[Rambo - review] Prevue 59 (Apr/May 1985), p. 50-51.
[Rambo - production report, stills] Prevue 60 (Jul/ug 1985), p. 38, 41.
[Rambo] St. Anthony messenger 93 (Jul 1985), p. 8.
[Rambo - third highest opening gross] Screen international 499 (Jun 1, 1985), p. 1-2.
[Rambo - review] Screen international 511 (Aug 24, 1985), p. 79.
[Rambo - report on international success] Screen international 512 (Aug 30, 1985), p.
[Rambo - UK boxoffice record] Screen international 513 (Sep 7, 1985), p. 1-2.
[Rambo] Segnocimena 6/22 (Mar 1986), p. 74.
[Rambo - interview with writer James Cameron] Time out 784 (Aug 29, 1985), p. 2021.
Randles, Billy. Ideological film : a rhetorical construction of history Thesis (M.A.)-Baylor University, 1986.
Rasmussen, Svend. “I kaerlighedens navn” Levende billeder 1 (Oct 25, 1985), p. 247.
Raynes, Doug. “Rambo - First blood part II” Soundtrack! The collectors quarterly 4
(Sep 1985), p. 17.
Reed, Rex. [Rambo: First blood, part II] New York post (May 22, 1985), p. 51.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Rehberger, Dean (see under LeSueur, Stephen C.)
Reinecke, Stefan. “Der narzistische Held - der Zitschauer als Narziss
Wirkungsaesthetik in Rambo” in his Hollywood goes Vietnam : der
Vietnamkrieg im US-amerikanischen Film [GB] (p. 82-92)
Sackett, Susan. The Hollywood Reporter book of box office hits Rev. and enl. ed.
New York : Billboard Books, 1996. (p. 304)
Salamon, Julie. “Film: At the movies: Big men, big guns, big bucks” Wall Street
journal (May 23, 1985), p. 28.
___________. “Film: Summertime blues” Wall Street journal (Aug 29, 1985), p. 18.
Salerno, Nick. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Phoenix 20 (Sep 1985), p. 66-67.
Sarris, Andrew. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Village voice 30 (Jul 30, 1985), p. 53+
[2 p.]
Savran, David. “The sadomasochist in the closet: White masculinity and the culture
of victimization” Differences 8/2 (summer 1996), p. 127+
Schechter, Harold and Semelks, Jonna G. “Leatherstocking in ‘Nam: ‘Rambo,’
‘Platoon,’ and the American frontier myth” Journal of popular culture 24/4
(1991), p. 17-25.
Schickel, Richard. “Cinema: Danger: Live moral issues” Time 125 (May 27, 1985), p.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Schober, Siegfried. “Ein Macho furs Vaterland” Die Zeit (Sep 20, 1985), p. ?
Seidl, Claudius. “Ich will doch nur, dass ich mich liebt” Suddeutscher Zeitung (Sep
21, 1985), p. ?
Semelks, Jonna G. (see under Schechter, Harold)
Sigal, C. “One of our rednecks is missing” Listener 114/2925 (Sep 5, 1985), p. 33.
Silverman, Michael. “‘Rambo’ to vid market at $80, debuts Jan. 23” Variety 320 (Aug
28, 1985), p. 3+ [2 p.]
Sinclair, Quentin. The back-to-Vietnam films vs. bureaucracy and technology Thesis
(M.A.)--Ohio State University, 1988. (80 p.)
Siskel, Gene. “‘Rambo’: Cinematic soldiering whitewashes Vietnam” Chicago tribune
(May 22, 1985), Tempo, p. 1.
Sragow, Michael. “Movies: Heroes we don’t deserve” Atlantic monthly 256 (Oct
1985), p. 89-91.
Sterritt, David. “On film: ‘Rambo’: Machismo, malice, and mayhem” Christian
science monitor (May 23, 1985), p. 25.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
___________. “Film: Views of Vietnam: ‘Platoon’ vs. ‘Rambo’: Why did films with
very different images of war and heroism both become hits?” Christian
science monitor (Mar 26, 1987), p. 23.
Studler, Gaylyn and Desser, David. “Never having to say you’re sorry: Rambo’s
rewriting of the Vietnam war” Film quarterly 62/1 (fall 1988), p. 9-16.
Sweeney, Frank. “‘What mean expendable?’: Myth, ideology, and meaning in First
blood and Rambo” Journal of American culture 22/3 (1999), p. 63-9.
Tasker, Yvonne. Spectacular bodies : gender, genre, and the action cinema [GB] (p.
Tesson, Charles. “Rambo II, la mission” Cahiers du cinema 377 (Nov 1985), p. 57-8.
Thal, Ortwin. “Eine Absage an des Denken” Medien und Erziehung 29/6 (1985), p.
Thompson, Anne (see under Byron, Stuart)
Tongeren, Phil van. “De voorgangers van John Rambo: De Veteranenziekte” Skoop
31 (Sep/Oct 1985), p. 48-9.
Traube, Elisabeth G. “Redeeming images: The wild man comes home” Persistence
of vision 1-4 (summer 1986), p. 71-94.
Tucker, Ken. “Film: Stallone on a mission in Vietnam” Philadelphia inquirer (May
22, 1985), p. G1.
Turan, Kenneth. [Rambo: First blood, part II] California 10 (Jul 1985), p. 34-6.
Van Gelder, Peter. “Rambo: First blood part II (1985)” in his That’s Hollywood : a
behind-the-scenes look at 60 of the greatest films ever made New York :
HarperPerennial, 1990. (p. 210-14)
Virilio, Paul. “Mass Killer” Die Tageszeitung (Feb 13, 1986), p. ?
Visarius, Karsten. “Ein Marschflugkoerper” Suddeutscher Zeitung (Sep 21, 1985), p.
[Reprinted as “Rambo II – Der Auftrag : ein Marschflugkoerper” in Der
Kinokassen-Knueller : nur Geld, gewalt und Gelaechter? (Arnoldshainer
Filmgespraeche ; Bd. 5) Frankfurt am Main : Gemeinschaftswerk der
Evangelischen Publizistik, 1988. (p. 100-108)
Wainwright, Louden. [Rambo] Life 8 (Aug 1985), p. 11.
Walker, Mark Edward. Vietnam veteran films [GB] (46, 73, 80-81, 84, 106, 131)
Warner, William. “Den lidande Rambo” Filmhaftet n.79-80 (Dec 1992), p. 59-76.
Weldon, Michael. The psychotronic video guide New York : St. Martin’s Griffin,
1996. (p. 452)
Wheen, Francis. “Films: The incredible hulk” New statesman 110 (Aug 30, 1985), p.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Williams, Tony. “Rambo: First blood, part II” Vietnam war feature filmography
(1992 draft) [GB] (p. 323-4) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 485)
Wilmington, Michael. [Rambo] Los Angeles times (May 22, 1985), Calendar, p. 1.
[Reprinted in Film review annual 1986]
Wittstock, Uwe. “Dem Computer, nicht dem Kommunismus gilt der Kampf”
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Sep 16, 1985), p. ?
Wolcott, James. [Rambo: First blood, part II] Texas monthly 13 (Jul 1985), p. 150+
[3 p.]
Woodman, Brian J. The Vietnamese enemy through the Hollywood lens : using the
enemy to explore America’s war experience in Vietnam Thesis (M.A.)—
University of Kansas, 2002.
Zoglin, Richard [et al]. “Show business: An outbreak of Rambomania” Time 125
(Jun 24, 1985), p. 72-3.
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