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Home Of The
School Colors
Maroon and Silver Grey
Jason Rainey
[email protected]
Teams 6-1, 7-1, & 8-1
Teams 6-2, 7-2, & 8-2
Steele Lane
Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Rachel Nygrin
Assistant Principal
[email protected]
Jennifer Carter
[email protected]
Kati Willis
Student Assistance Counselor
[email protected]
Amy Matthews
[email protected]
Crownover Middle School
 Students should arrive at school no earlier than 30 min. before the first bell rings. Students arriving before
the bell rings should wait in their grade level waiting area. The building will open for tutorials, breakfast,
and visits to the library at that time.
 8th grade waiting area - the cafeteria (enter at the back of the building)
 7th grade waiting area - fine arts hallway (enter through the bus lane at the East of the building)
 6th grade waiting area - 6th grade hallway (enter at the Northwest corner entrance to the 6th grade wing)
 Students should not be dropped off in front of the building prior to 8:20 am.
First Bell:
 After the first bell of the day rings you will have 5 minutes to arrive to your first period class.
 You must have your ID! ID’s should be clear of stickers and markings, should be from the current school
year and visible at all times. ID’s should be hanging around your neck and completely intact.
 All students must wear a Crownover lanyard that is the color for their respective grade level.
 You must carry your agenda with you to each class, and your agenda must be filled out and in your
possession any time you are outside of your assigned classroom.
 Backpacks should be placed in your locker. Backpacks are NOT allowed in classrooms and are prohibited
during special campus events including, but not limited to, pep rallies, assemblies, and Stampede. Lockers
will be assigned to each student and combinations should be kept confidential. Students may not share
lockers. Lockers are school property and are subject to search by school administrators. No signs, stickers,
or permanent items may be placed in or on the front of your locker.
 Cell phones, I-pods, E-readers, or other personal technology devices must be turned off and placed in your
locker at all times during the school day. **(Please see more detailed information regarding these items
later in this agenda.)
Class Periods:
 Be on time to school and your classes. Excessive tardies will result in disciplinary action.
 Have all of your materials, immediately be seated in your assigned seat, and begin working.
 When released for lunch, you should wait quietly in a single-file line and ID checks will be made before you
enter the cafeteria.
 If you do not have an ID, you will enter the lunch line last and will eat a silent lunch in a designated
classroom. Students who persistently do not have their ID will be subject to additional disciplinary action.
 Only eight students per table. Choosing your table is a privilege that can be taken away if you cannot act
appropriately in the cafeteria.
 Once seated, you are not allowed to change seats. If you need to get up, please raise your hand to get
 Clean-up after yourself. We will release your table based upon its cleanliness and your behavior.
 Crownover is a closed campus. This means that students may not leave school grounds from the time they
arrive until dismissal in the afternoon.
 Parents may bring a student lunch, but only for their student. It must arrive 30 minutes before the
student’s designated lunch time to ensure that the lunch can be delivered before the student is dismissed
from class to the cafeteria.
 Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their student. You will be directed to a reserved parent/student
table. Only the parent and his/her student may sit at the table. All visitors must sign-in at the front
 Free and reduced lunch forms are available in the front office and online.
 The lunch room and lunch time is considered an extension of the classroom. During all lunches, students
are expected to behave appropriately and speak in a reasonable voice and with appropriate language. Due
to safety reasons, disruptions of any kind will not be tolerated and may be addressed with disciplinary
Restroom and Water Fountain
 You may use the restroom or water fountain with the permission of your teacher.
 Any time you leave the classroom, your teacher must sign your agenda.
 School is dismissed at 3:20
 If you ride the bus, report immediately to the bus lane; you will be given only 10 min. to report to your bus.
Only students riding the bus and 7th grade students are allowed in the bus lane after school. While on the
bus students are to be seated at all times, facing front. Food and gum are not allowed on the bus. You
must have your bus card ready as you step on to the bus. Any misbehavior on the bus may result in
consequences at school.
 Students should not be picked-up at the front of the school.
 Students should exit and be picked up in the following areas:
8th grade waiting area - the back entrance nearest the cafeteria
7th grade waiting area - the bus lane at the East of the building
6th grade waiting area - the Northwest corner entrance to the 6th grade wing
 The school is not responsible for providing transportation for students who miss the bus.
 Students should be picked-up from school no later than 30 minutes after the last bell rings, unless they
are required to stay for an extracurricular activity. Prompt pick-up from after school activities is required.
Extracurricular Activities
 Extracurricular activities are school-sponsored activities which directly relate to some areas of curriculum.
 Students who are assigned to in-school suspension or serving an out-of- school suspension may not
participate in extracurricular activities until that suspension has been completed. This includes practices,
clubs, and rehearsals.
 Students should be picked up promptly from all after school activities. Failure to pick up your student at
the appropriate time may result in the student’s loss of after school activity privileges.
 In order to participate in extracurricular activities, students must maintain passing grades in all courses.
Any student who receives less than a 70 average in any course for grading period becomes ineligible to
participate in extracurricular activities.
Procedures and Guidelines
Regular school attendance is one of the keys to being successful at Ronny Crownover Middle School. State law
requires that all students attend at least 90% of the days in a semester to receive credit for courses. Failure to meet
this requirement can result in loss of credit and retention. If a student is absent from school for any reason, the
parent or guardian must call the attendance office at (940) 369-4713 prior to 10:00 a.m. to verify the absence. The
student is to bring a note from the parent or guardian explaining the absence upon returning to school, even if a
call was made. This note must be brought to the office on the day following the absence. All absences for which no
note is received within 72 hours of your return to school are recorded as unverified (i.e., unexcused). Notes are
also required if a parent signs the student out for an appointment or for the school day. When the student has
reached 5 or more unexcused absences, parents will receive a warning letter in the mail. Once the student has
accumulated 10 or more unexcused absences, the attendance clerk will file truancy papers with the court. From this
time, all absences will require a doctor’s note to be excused.
State Compulsory Attendance Law states that a court of law may impose penalties against both the student and
parents if a student is deliberately not attending school. A complaint against the parent may be filed in court if the
student is absent from school on ten or more days or parts of days within a six-month period in the same school
year or is absent on three or more days within a four-week period. Students not in compliance with the
Compulsory Attendance Law will be considered truant and will be filed in court. Excused absences include, but are
not limited to personal illness, doctor’s visits, school-related activities, funeral attendance of an immediate family
member, and court-ordered appearances. Parents notes will be accepted to excuse up to 6 school days due to
personal illness; however, after the 6th personal absence, all other notes must come from a doctor for the absence to
be excused. Students who must leave during the school day should sign-out in the attendance office and verified by
the legal guardian. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc. who are not listed as the student’s legal guardian may not
check the student out of school.
Students are expected to be in class on time. Failure to be in class on time will result in disciplinary consequences.
Three full-time counselors are on staff at Crownover to assist students with educational planning and other needs.
Before seeing or going to the counselor, students must report to class and obtain a pass from their teacher or make
an appointment to visit with their counselor.
Students who attend after school dances must remain at the dance the entire time. Students will not be released for
early pick-up. If a student must be picked up prior to the end of the dance, the student should not attend the
dance. Students should be picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the dance. Students who are not picked up
within 15 minutes may not be allowed to participate in future after school activities.
Any member of the faculty or administration may assign detentions for violations of the Student Code of Conduct
or classroom rules. Teachers may assign detentions for 30 minutes before school or for 30 minutes after school. In
the event a student is assigned a detention, parents and students are responsible for transportation arrangements.
Students/parents/staff may not possess or use tobacco or electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) on school property or at
school-sponsored or school-related activities. Additionally, paraphernalia associated with drugs, alcohol, tobacco or
e-cigs are not permitted on school property or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. Students violating
weapon, drug, alcohol, and/or tobacco laws, rules, and/or regulations will be subject to the consequences outlined
in the Denton ISD Student Code of Conduct. Crownover Middle School is a DRUG, ALCOHOL, TOBACCO,
We encourage students to support their team during after school competitions. Students who attend the events
represent Crownover Middle School and the behavior expectations here at Crownover are the same at other
campuses. Students should be picked up from the activity no later than 15 minutes after the event has concluded.
Failure to pick up the student within the 15 minute window may result in the student’s loss of other after school
All assignments should be recorded in your Crownover Agenda. Parents should routinely verify its contents and
communicate with teachers if there are any concerns. Grades can also be checked through Home Access Center.
Parents can register for this web-based service at the district or campus website. Homework is the responsibility of
the student. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and complete any missed work.
If a student is assigned In-School Suspension, he/she must be dropped off in the morning at the front entrance and
report immediately to the front office. From there the student will be escorted to the ISS classroom. Students will
be provided work from their teachers. They may also be assigned a project/paper selected by administration, and
may be assigned pages to copy from the Student Code of Conduct. Assignments must be completed satisfactorily
before an In-School Suspension is considered served. Students are not permitted to participate in after
school/extracurricular activities during their ISS placement.
Students should not bring valuable items to school. The school is not responsible for lost items. Lost items that
are turned in are placed in the lost and found box in the front office. Items not claimed in a reasonable time after
the end of each semester are donated to charity or disposed of.
Students are allowed to carry a day’s dosage of over-the-counter medications in the original containers for their
personal use only. Under no circumstances may students share medications. Prescription medications are to be
stored in the nurse’s office upon arrival at school and administered through the nurse’s office only. Written
permission is required for any medication that must be distributed by the school nurse. Students are to go to the
nurse’s office to take any prescription medications during the school day. The only prescribed medications a student
may carry to self-administer are an inhaler for asthma or an Epi Pen for severe allergic reactions.
We will make every attempt to deliver emergency phone messages. Parents and guardians must allow sufficient time
(at least 30 minutes) for such messages to be delivered to the student. Students will not be called out of class to take
a call or retrieve a message. Deliveries for students, such as flowers or balloons, will not be made during the school
day. Due to nutrition guidelines issued by the state, parents may not bring food for anyone other than their own
child. Celebrations, including but not limited to birthday celebrations, are not permitted.
Cell phones, I-pods, E-readers, and other personal technology devices should be turned off and placed in the
student’s locker at all times during the school day. If not in your locker, the item may be confiscated. The
student’s parent or guardian must retrieve the item from the front office before or after school. Administrative fees
may be charged in accordance with DISD policy for the return of a cell phone. Personal technology devices not
claimed within 10 days after the end of the semester will be disposed of. There may be disciplinary action taken if a
student is in possession of a cell phone or other personal technology during any state assessment or teacher
assessment. The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen cell phones or personal technology devices.
Items that would disrupt the learning environment are not permitted, at any time, on campus or at school
sponsored or school related activities. The following items are illustrative but are not exclusive of prohibited items:
weapons of any type, cigarette/fireplace lighters, knives (of any size), tools, fireworks of any kind (including
sparklers, stink bombs, “poppers”), inks or dyes, permanent markers of any kind, balloons, water guns (or any water
projecting instrument), cap guns, flammable substances (including solids, gases, and liquids), lasers and light
emitting devices, chains, electric shock devices. The principal or the principal’s designee reserves the right to
determine the permissibility of any item.
Report cards are issued on the Friday following the end of the grading period to inform parents of student progress.
Both report cards and progress reports are to be signed by the student and the parent or guardian and returned to
the issuing teacher.
Textbooks are provided by the district and are issued at the beginning of the year. Each student is obligated to give
her/his textbooks the best of care. Students are expected to put their names in their books and keep all textbooks
covered with an appropriate book cover at all times. Students who lose or damage a book will be required to pay for
a replacement.
Because the safety of our students and staff is vital, ALL visitors (including parents) are required to officially sign-in
at the main office and provide identification before proceeding to any area of the campus and must sign-out prior to
exiting the building. Visitors who are not the legal guardian of a student on campus must complete a background
check, submit the paper work to the district, and receive permission from the principal to visit the campus. Only
the parent or legal guardian may have lunch with his/her student. Students from other campuses are not
permitted on campus before, during, or after school hours.
Dress Code and Grooming
All Crownover students are expected to dress appropriately for our educational environment. Any clothing that
interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable. Clothing with language or images that are
vulgar, discriminatory, obscene or clothing that promotes illegal or violent conduct, such as the unlawful use of
weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia, or clothing that contains threats such as gang symbols is
prohibited. Clothing should fit, be neat and clean, and conform to standards of safety, good taste, and decency.
Clothing that exposes cleavage, private parts, the midriff, undergarments, or that is otherwise sexually provocative, is
prohibited. Each campus principal /administrator will have the final say as to the appropriateness of any dress
code question. The following items are also prohibited:
Pants: Torn Jeans, Jeans frayed at the bottom, Jeans with holes, Jeans with holes that are patched, Cut-offs, Large
Legged Pants, Deep Pocketed Pants, Pajama Pants, Sagging Sweat Pants, Yoga Pants, Workout pants/capris or any
Pants with writing on the back side.
Skirts: All skirts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. The measurement is taken from the side of the
leg. The top of the slit of the skirt must end no less than 4 inches above the knee.
Shirts: Tight Shirts, Sheer Shirts, Shirts with large arm holes, Strapless Shirts, Spaghetti Strap shirts, Tank Tops,
Low Cut Shirts that show cleavage, Backless Shirts, Lace Shirts. If a student wishes to cover the shirt with a shrug,
cardigan, or jacket, the undershirt must be in dress code. All shirts should cover the entire length of the shoulder.
Shorts: All shorts must be no shorter than 4 inches above the knee. The top of the slit of the shorts must end no
less than 4 inches above the knee. Boxer Shorts, Spandex Shorts, Running Shorts, Frayed Shorts, and Shorts with
holes are prohibited. Shorts with writing on the back side are prohibited.
Shoes: House shoes, Slippers, Water Shoes
Tights: Tights/Hosiery/Leggings/Jeggings are not considered pants and should be covered with shorts, a skirt, or
pants that are dress code acceptable. A shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie, regardless of length, will not serve as an
acceptable form of cover-up.
Apparel Colors: Clothing /apparel of a particular color(s) or hue(s) worn with the intent to intimidate other
students, promote, encourage, demonstrate, or suggest gang/club initiation, affiliation, association, sponsorship, or
membership or to provoke or elicit a response from other students, are not be permitted. This includes shoestrings,
bandanas, jewelry and/or other accessories.
Hair: Hairstyles that create a distraction are not permitted. Mohawks are not permitted. Fohawks are acceptable.
Unlike a Mohawk, a Fohawk is a spiky hair style that has tapered sides and only spikes from the forehead to the
crown of the head. Students will not be permitted to wear hair dyed an “unnatural” color (i.e., a hair color that does
not occur naturally in the human species). Students will not be permitted to shave, cut, comb, style, or wear
symbols, designs, numbers, or letters in the hair; nor rubber band or gel hair into styles that are a distraction from
the business of school work. Hats/Hoods are not allowed to be worn inside the building. Hats and hoods may be
worn outside, before and after school hours.
Body/Face: Pierced ears may be adorned with simple non-disruptive jewelry; however, other body piercing may not
be adorned or augmented. Heavy ear bars, multiple ear bars, large holes and gages are not appropriate for school.
Other piercings are not permitted. All tattoos and body paintings must be covered. Students are also discouraged
from writing/drawing on themselves. Students will not be permitted to “notch,” remove, or shave eyebrows, and
students shall not file or display/exhibit filed teeth. Artificial decorative mouth pieces are not permitted (e.g. Grills).
The responsibility for adhering to the dress code begins with the student and parents of the student. If a student
violates school dress code, he/she will be asked to change clothes or remove the inappropriate item. Students may
change into appropriate clothing they have on campus, borrow clean clothing from the campus clothing closet, or
contact the parent to provide appropriate clothing. Multiple violations of the dress code may result in disciplinary
The Crownover Cowboy Library Staff extends a cordial welcome to new and returning students. The library staff is
very proud of the library and media center, and they would like to assist you in learning to use the library effectively
and efficiently. Mrs. McCormick is our Crownover Librarian and she is always available to assist you.
Library Hours:
Before school: Opens at 7:45 AM
Once in the library, students are expected to remain there until morning class bell rings at 8:15.
After school: Closes at 3:45 PM
*The library will not be open on State Testing days.
Items Available for Student Use:
 On-line Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
 PC Research Lab
 Multimedia equipment: CD / flash drives, scanners, video and digital cameras (in class only)
 Laser printers
 15,000+ print materials
 24 print magazine subscriptions
 Electronic magazines, indexes, and electronic encyclopedias: Britannica On-line
 Local newspaper with state and national titles available on-line
 GALE and Ebsco on-line databases
Visit the Crownover Middle School webpage and click the Library tab for more information on books and
Circulation of Materials: Most books may be circulated for a period of two (2) weeks and may be renewed one (1)
time. All fines on overdue materials must be paid before an item can be renewed or additional items checked out.
Some materials (such as encyclopedias and reference materials) are in such high demand that they may be circulated
overnight only. Magazines are checked out overnight only and many audio books are available for circulation. We
also have several AlphaSmart 3000 keyboards (word processors) available for overnight use.
Fines: A fine of twenty-five cents (.25) per day will be charged for all overdue materials. The maximum fine per
item is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50). Lost books or damaged items will require replacement costs.
Student IDs: For the safety and security of students and staff, Crownover student IDs must be worn visibly at all
times and must be presented to check out library materials and for Internet use. Students must wear the
appropriate color Crownover lanyard. Replacement costs are: IDs = $5.00, Lanyard = $2.00, Badge cover = $1.00.
IDs may only be purchased before or after school.
Technology at Crownover is used to support learning and to enrich instruction. Students are expected to use all
electronic devices and computer/technology in a responsible, efficient, ethical and logical manner. It is each
student’s responsibility to adhere to the standards set by his/her parents and Denton ISD to ensure your safety.
Students will be provided training in the appropriate use of the Internet and should understand that use of the
Internet is a privilege, not a right; access to the Internet on this campus will be withdrawn from users who do not
respect the rights of others or who do not follow the rules and regulations established by the school and Denton
Important Calendar Dates
August 24, 2015 – First Day of School
September 7, 2017 – Labor Day, School Holiday
October 12, 2015 – District Staff Development - Student Holiday
October 16, 2015 – End of 1st Nine Weeks
November 23, 2015 - November 27, 2015 – Thanksgiving Break
December 17-18, 2015 – Early Release Days
December 18, 2015 – End of 2nd Nine Weeks
December 21, 2015 - January 1, 2016 – Winter Break
January 4, 2016 – District Staff Development & Student Holiday
January 18, 2016 – MLK Day, School Holiday
March 11, 2016 - End of 3rd Nine Weeks
March 14, 2016 - March 18, 2016 – Spring Break
March 25, 2016 – Bad Weather Day (if needed)
April 15, 2016 – Bad Weather Day (if needed)
May 30, 2016 – Memorial Day, School Holiday
May 31, June 1-2, 2016 – Early Release Days
June 2, 2016 – End of 4th Nine Weeks, Last Day of School
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