
Cowboy Connection June 2014

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Cowboy Connection June 2014
Volume 12, Issue 4
June 2014
Dear Crownover Cowboy Parents,
As the 2013-14 school year comes to a close, and I reflect on the current school year, I realize just how
grateful and blessed I am to be a part of such a caring, supportive, and successful group of educators and
parents that partner to provide the very best we have each day for our students. We face obstacles and
struggles daily, but together we face them head on with the intensity and strong will it takes to overcome
this adversity and persevere in our pursuit of excellence.
I want to recognize the Crownover PTA for the absolutely incredible things they do for our campus. They
constantly seek ways to make our school a better place….they make us better! To name a few, our PTA
provides financial support for our educational programs, guest speakers, and for upkeep and improvement
of our building. They also organize and manage our Stampede event each fall, the Reflections Contest, the
Renaissance Program, they provide snacks for our students and teachers during STAAR testing, and
provide amazing meals for our staff throughout the year. I am most appreciative of your time. I know that
your time is very valuable to you and I am so thankful for the many, many hours you devote to helping
make Crownover Middle School the very best school for our students and staff! Your tireless efforts are
endless and on behalf of the entire Crownover Family, THANK YOU! We are forever grateful for all that
you do and we look forward to continuing to team with you in the upcoming year.
The students, teachers, and staff at Crownover are a constant source of inspiration for me. It is because of
their hard work and dedication to our goals and vision that we are able to achieve at the highest levels. I
am so proud of them and especially proud to be a part of their team. To our teachers: THANK YOU for
seeking and finding the ‘great’ in every student, for constantly motivating and inspiring our future leaders,
and most of all, for being ‘difference makers’ who lead our students with empathy, and love. You are the
constant source of inspiration that is making a difference in the lives of our students!
As we prepare for the 2014-15 school year, please utilize this newsletter as a source of details, dates and
times for events that will require your participation and other events that your student will participate.
Please also keep a close eye on our website throughout the summer months for the most current
information available. Our goal is to always make sure you are up to date on the latest information, and the
PTA Newsletter, as well as our website, are two tools we use to see that we have successful
communication. Also, if you haven’t done so yet, please ‘like’ our Facebook page at
www.facebook.com/RCMSCowboys and follow @RCMSCowboys on Twitter
for two more constant sources of information and communication.
My hope is that all of our Crownover Families will have the opportunity to
relax, and enjoy some much needed time together this summer. I also wish safe
travels to everyone who will be taking trips this summer. I truly look forward to
seeing you all back here on campus in August as we begin our 2014-15 quests for
Jason Rainey
Final report cards will be mailed home
on Monday, June 16th.
Registration verification & Fall Schedule pick up
Schedule Pick-Up for 2014-15 School Year:
8th Grade Last Name A-L
Monday, August 11th
8 Grade Last Name M-Z
Monday, August 11
7th Grade Last Name A-L
Tuesday, August 12th
9:00am – 11:30am
1:00pm – 3:30pm
9:00am – 11:30am
7 Grade Last Name M-Z
Tuesday, August 12
6th Grade Last Name A-L
Wednesday, August 13th
6 Grade Last Name M-Z
Wednesday, August 13
All Grade Levels & Alpha
Thursday, August 14
1:00pm – 3:30pm
9:00am – 11:30am
1:00pm – 3:30pm
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Cowboy Round-Up
Open to all incoming 6th graders
Thursday, August 21st
8:00am – 12:00 pm
Parents should drop off their 6th graders at the 6th grade drop off area on the WEST side of the
building. Students will walk through their daily schedule and learn about “a day in the life of
a Crownover Cowboy”. Hotdogs and drinks will be served. We look forward to seeing your
6th grader! No parents, please.
7th & 8th Grade New Student Orientation
Thursday, August 21st
11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Students should be dropped off at the front office and will meet in the library for a counselor
presentation and a tour of the building. Hot dogs and drinks will be served.
Stock Your Locker Night
Thursday, August 21st
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
**Watch our website for more details.
attending RCMS, you may report to the registration date of the youngest sibling to register all
of your students at the same time.
Day of Registration Verification/Schedule Pick-up:
*Bring a copy of your proof of residency (current utility bill dated no earlier than June
2014 or lease agreement properly dated). We cannot accept cell phone, insurance, cable,
or other types of bills.
*Bring $15 cash for the purchase of the student agenda, 2 student ID’s, ID case, and
*An updated copy of your student’s immunization (If your student is current with his/her
immunizations and you were a student last year in Denton ISD, we should have your
immunizations on file. 7th grade students should be updating their immunizations and
most likely will need a copy of their updated immunization record for the school nurse.)
*School pictures will NOT be taken during registration/schedule pick-up this year, but
will be taken during the 1st week of school. Picture order forms/packets will be distributed
during registration/schedule pick-up and on the 1st day of school.
*If you currently do not have a residence and are living with a relative, there is special
documentation that must be completed and notarized in place of a utility bill. Please visit
the front office to acquire the proper documentation.
*If you have siblings attending RCMS, you may report to the registration date of the
youngest sibling to register all of your students at the same time.
School Supplies for 2014-2015 Year
You can still purchase pre-packaged school supplies for next year through
June 30th.
Use the link on the Crownover website. There is also an option to purchase
additional items for those students who may be unable to purchase them.
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Cowboy Connection
From your PTA President
Crownover Students, Parents and Staff:
It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is near and the summer break is upon us. On behalf of the
Crownover PTA, I would like to thank all of the parents and Crownover faculty for your support throughout the school
year. Our membership increased this year despite a decrease in enrollment due to the opening of the new middle
school. Our parent involvement is exceptional, and that helps us to do what we do.
So, what do we do?
We started the school year with our biggest fundraiser of the year, Stampede. Many of you spent the school
day volunteering to make this a fun and memorable event for the students. Our PTA also organized several programs
such as Reflections which is the National PTA art contest. We rewarded the students on the A/B Honor Roll each
grading period through a program called Renaissance. Also, we showed the Crownover staff our appreciation for all of
their hard work by providing special events throughout the year with delicious food provided by our parents. The PTA
provided snacks and water for all of the students on each STAAR testing day, and we had a number of volunteers come
to the school early in the morning to help distribute the snacks. All of these activities (and more) would not have been
possible without those who volunteered to chair these committees. Thank you for all you do!
Our fundraising efforts and parents’ generosity have allowed us to provide the school with much needed items
and programs such as the John Halligan presentation hosted by Cowboys Who Care, Brain Pop software, Fiesta Family
Night prizes, and a new ice machine for the school in which the PTA helped with a portion of the cost. We look forward to continuing our efforts to support the students and faculty at Crownover next school year.
The PTA officers for next year are: President, Heather Ausec; Vice President, LaQuita Harmon; Treasurer,
Laurie Golden; Secretary, Kimberly Rogers; and Parliamentarian, Beth Ricardo. Please visit us at registration where
you will be able to purchase PTA memberships, spirit shirts, and PE shirts. Pre-packaged school supplies that were
purchased online will be distributed at registration, and we will have some on hand to sell. Next school year we will
have lots of volunteer opportunities, and you can sign up for various committees at registration, or contact me if you’re
interested in being on the PTA board.
We welcome all of the incoming 6th grade students and families. Crownover is a wonderful place to learn, and
I know you’re going to have a terrific year.
Congratulations 8th graders! You’re embarking on a new and exciting adventure as high school students, and
we wish you all the very best. We look forward to throwing you an ice cream party the last day of school!
I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer break, and we look forward to seeing you at registration in
Heather Ausec
Crownover PTA President
[email protected]
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Cowboy Connection
*SCHOOL HOURS 8:20-3:20 doors open at 7:45 am and students can eat breakfast in the cafeteria and/or come
to the 6th grade waiting area in their team hallway.
School Supplies for 2014-2015 - see team websites and the parent page for a link to next year's supply list.
LOCKERS: students will be assigned a locker in their team hallway that has a built in combination lock.
Students are given ample time to practice their locker combination. The first couple of weeks allow the students
to figure out the best route to class and to conquer their locker. Most students think they will NEVER remember
their combination...most will have it memorized before the 2nd week of school. Teachers will gladly assist
students that need locker help. Feel free to decorate the inside of the locker with your child when we have, "stock
your locker night".
DROP OFF AREAS: See the 6th grade team web pages for a Drop off Map
Map Of School - see the 6th grade team web pages for a map of the school
<- see the 6th grade team web pages for these documents->
2014-2015 School Calendar 8 periods total: Math, Reading, English, Science, Contemporary World
Studies, 4th period advisory is a school wide study hall, PE, and an elective.
**PE CLOTHES: school athletic shirts are available for purchase at registration and Round Up, but are not
required. Students are required to wear non marking athletic shoes, remove all jewelry, and wear gray or black
shorts and gray or white shirts. Cinch sacks to carry clothes to and from P.E. are available for purchase at
registration but students may bring one from home as well.
TEAM EXPECTATIONS ( as of May 2014 but subject to change):
Crownover Middle School adheres to a simple management system called CHAMPS. Students are instructed in
the appropriate behaviors for common areas as well as classrooms through this program in order to maintain a
safe and civil school. Students are made aware of appropriate voice levels, the attention signal, how to get help,
and how to participate appropriately. Students who do not exhibit appropriate behaviors will be assigned a
“Cowboy Consequence”.
Daily Procedures :Students are expected to bring their binder with agenda, paper, pencil/pen pouch, and a
library book to read to all core classes as well as other items specified by the teacher. Backpacks, bags and purses
are not allowed in classrooms. Upon entering class, students are expected to take care of pencil sharpening,
gathering needed supplies and then to go directly to their assigned seat. Once seated, students are expected to
begin completing their agenda using the information provided in each classroom. Following agenda completion,
students should complete posted warm-up activity. Students are not allowed to work on assignments from other
classes during a class, nor should students leave without proper dismissal by the teacher.
Cowboy Consequence: Students who must leave the classroom to return to their locker during class time for
necessary supplies will be given 3 free locker passes. The fourth time a student does not have required materials
and must return to their locker, the student will be assigned a 30 minute teacher detention before or after school.
The student will be given a detention slip to bring home as well as the teacher contacting you by email or phone.
Tardies: Students are expected to be prepared and in class on time. Tardies will be entered in the official
attendance records. Cowboy Consequence: The fourth time a student is tardy to a class the student will be
assigned a 30 minute teacher detention before or after school. The student will be given a detention slip to bring
home as well as the teacher contacting you by email or phone. Students will receive a detention for each
additional tardy after that.
Lanyards: Students are expected to wear their school ID on a maroon Crownover lanyard around
their neck at all times. Cowboy Consequence: Students who do not have their ID will sign a book in the
cafeteria when they report to lunch and sit at the “No ID” table and/or serve a lunch detention. Persistent signing
of the No ID book may result in office referral. Once a student has received a total of three teacher detentions for
any reason from any teacher in one semester, all future infractions will result in an office referral .
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Dress Code: All students must follow the dress code policy outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook
issued by DISD. You can find a quick link to it on the “Parent Information” link on the RCMS site.
We just wanted to highlight a few, and clarify, but this is not the entire dress code:
-Spaghetti strap tops-must be covered by a cardigan/sweater/shirt that remains on at all times while on school
grounds. A transparent shirt cannot be worn unless the undershirt is a shirt with sleeves.
-No lace tops
-Jeans cannot have any fraying on any part of the pant including cuffs. ·Jeans may not have worn or distressed
areas or holes anywhere, even if it is meant to be decorative·
-No yoga pants, tights or jeggings
-House shoes of any form are not permitted on campus· All sleeveless shirts must come to the edge of the shoulder
on both males and females and the arm holes should not reveal undergarments or torso.
-Running shorts or spandex of any description should not be worn, as all shorts and skirts must be no more
than 4” above the knee and may not have mesh as the primary fabric
Cowboy Consequence: Students who are not in dress code will have to see the team teacher designated for
dress code enforcement. That teacher will give students something suitable to change into if anything is available
or send the students to the office to change. Students will not be allowed to contact home for a change of clothes.
A note will be made of the dress code violation. The fourth violation will result in a detention.
Once a student has received a total of three teacher detentions for any reason in one semester, any future
infraction will result in office referral.
-Cowboys Who Care Club: We are a community service organization dedicated to serving others and making a
difference in our community. Every year, each team adopts a non-profit community service organization.
Students raise donations all year long for their chosen organization.
-Fellowship of Christian Athletes: FCA is a student led organization that meets on Friday mornings.
-Manga Club: watch anime, read Manga, and draw Fan Art (Wednesdays after school)
-One Upon a Page...Book Club (2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month)
-Robot Club: learn to build and program a robot with Mr. Litchfield (Mondays after school)
-Spanish Club
-Chess Club
- Arts and Crafts Club
- Thespian Club
-StopMo: Stop-Motion Animation is the repeated process of posing a three dimensional object and taking a photo
graph of it. Then when all photographs are seen in sequence at speed, the object appears to move. (Tuesdays after
-Student Council: A group of elected & volunteer students working with an adult adviser within the frame work
of a constitution to provide: 1) a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and community
activities2) encouragement of student/faculty/community relations3) opportunities for student leadership
development.- stay tuned for more clubs coming this fall
Home Access Center (HAC): Parents of students in all grade levels will be able to view the following:
Report Cards (all grade levels), Student's demographic information, Schedules, Attendance information,
Discipline information, Transportation, Current Denton ISD student registration information, Parent
requests to updates to student information
Even more: http://www.dentonisd.org/page/14399 for the one stop location that
offers information on grades, dates, supplies, lunch fees, and almost everything
else a parent might want to know.
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Cowboy Connection
10 Tips for Parents of Incoming 6 Graders
The transition from elementary school to middle school can be anxiety provoking for many children. New teachers, new
environment, new peers, new social experiences & new academic challenges are all part of that transition. Your child’s
coping skills are their best “weapons of defense” in this adjustment process. Coping skills are the strategies we use to
alleviate discomfort and develop competency in stressful situations. The stronger the skills, the more smooth this
transition will be. Here are a few tips to help you strengthen your child’s coping skills.
1. Ask your child to make a list of his/her coping skills. Anything they do that makes them happy, anything they find
soothing or decreases stress counts as a coping skill. If your child can not identify any coping skills, help him/her based
upon your own observations of their behavior.
2. When your child encounters a problem over the summer, have them walk you through it and generate 3 possible
solutions on their own. Explore each option and potential outcome with them. This is especially important in situations
of peer conflict. In this way, you are actively teaching them communication and problem-solving skills.
3. When your child is angry or frustrated, have them write down his/her self-talk by asking: “what are you saying to
yourself about this situation”? Most of the time, their interpretation of an event is causing the frustration. They are
moving from black/white thinking to more abstract thought and will likely struggle with “gray areas” throughout
middle school.
4. Help your child identify and manage the underlying emotions of anger and frustration: sadness, disappointment,
betrayal, confusion, hopelessness, powerlessness, rejection, incompetency, inadequacy, self-doubt, etc. Anger is never just
5. Strengthen your child’s self-confidence and feelings of competency by giving them more responsibility. Have them
assist with meal preparation, table setting, household cleaning, pet care, laundry, dishwashing, lawn care, etc.
6. Talk with your children about social networking – the benefits and dangers. Share your concerns with them using
real-life examples if possible. Take up your child’s phone before they go to bed every night. Regularly monitor what
they are doing and what apps they are using.
7. Set firm boundaries about use of computer and electronic time during the school week. Establish homework and
studying as a priority in your home.
8. Encourage your child to help plan the week using a family agenda or calendar. They will be using an agenda to keep
track of their assignments in the 6th grade. The most successful students are organized students.
9. Buy a combination lock and teach your child how to use it. Have them practice until they can do it 9 times out of 10.
This will alleviate a significant amount of anxiety the first two weeks of school. Remember: right-left-right.
10. Talk-up middle school to your child. Focus on all the positive, wonderful opportunities they will experience.
Remind them this is a time to learn new things, make new friends, discover hidden talents and become more independent.
These tips are brought to you by the counseling team. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We wish
you all a happy summer and look forward to meeting your children in the fall!
Jennifer Carter, PhD
Amy Matthews (940)369-4707
Kati Willis (940)369-4708
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Cowboy Connection
Apps Parents Need to Know About
1. Yik Yak – text only. Can be viewed by the 500 people closest to the texter.
Location determined by GPS tracking. Users are contributing and are exposed to
sexually explicit content, abusive language and personal attacks. Users (Yakkers)
are anonymous.
2. KiK – private messenger app that allows kids to send private messages their parents can’t see.
Identities of users cannot be verified.
3. Poof – App allows users to make apps disappear on their phone. This allows kids to hide apps they
don’t want their parents to know they have. This app is no longer available but your child could have
downloaded it prior to it being removed from the App store. Similar apps are: Hidden Apps, App Lock
and Hide it Pro.
4.Omegle – Anonymous. Users are identified as “you” and “stranger”. Can connect app to Facebook
page. Facebook will connect users to other users (strangers) who share similar interests.
5. Whisper – App that encourages anonymous postings of secrets. The app displays the area from
which the user is posting.
6. Down – App formerly known as “Bang With Friends”. Is connected to Facebook and allows users to
categorize their friends as “friends I like to hang out with” and “friends I’d like to “hook up” with”. The
app slogan is: “The anonymous, simple, fun way to find friends who are down for the night”. Similar apps
are Badoo and meet24.
7. Snapchat – App that allows users to send photos that will disappear 10 seconds after opening. After
10 seconds, the photo image disappears from the phones of the sender and the recipient. If a user takes a
screenshot photo of the image within the 10 second window, the image is saved. VINE is the video
version of Snapchat.
8. Fake-a-Text – App that allows users to post text messages pretending to be someone else. Anyone
else. True identity of user remains anonymous.
This information was taken directly from checkupnewsroom.com, a Cook Children’s public information webpage.
Kristen Peaks, the author of the article, is the Senior Digital & Social Media specialist at Cook Children’s.
All 7th graders are required to have the following updates:
Tetanus with Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
#2 Varicella or had the disease-must have parent signature with approximate date
If your child attended RCMS 6th grade they received an orange form April 30 indicating the immunizations they need or a note was written on the form indicating they were complete and no shots were
required. Please, bring a copy of updated immunizations at Registration time. No class schedules will
be given to students that have not complied. Do not wait until August to have your child immunized.
Clinics run out of the vaccines and appointment times.
Denton Co Health Department can give immunizations to students without insurance, or are on Chips
or Medicaid.
Medications to be given daily by the nurse can be brought to the nurse 1st day of school with signed
parent permission form. Doctor signatures are not required only if Rx label indicates doctor’s name.
Asthma inhalers and Epi pens can be carried by middle school students. Also, a one day supply of
Over-the-Counter (non-prescription) medications may be in a locker or backpack and the student may
self-administer as needed. The medication must be in the original package/bottle and the student’s
name must be marked clearly on it with a permanent marker.
Students with Diabetes, severe allergies w/Epi pens, Seizure Disorder, Asthma with Nebulizer treatments must
have orders/action plans from their doctor for the nurse.
If you have witnessed anything
or would like to report suspicious
activity, you can do so by
Instagram or Twitter. You can
also remain anonymous by
messaging Officer Mote on his
Twitter page.
Thanks to all of the UIL Academic team coaches, participants, and
parents who work so hard representing Crownover and securing the
2nd place trophy at the UIL Academic District Meet on April 12, 2014.
Crownover Choir happenings:
The 7th & 8th grade choirs competed at Choir UIL on March 25th. The
Varsity Treble Choir & the Concert Treble Choir both earned 1’s on stage
& 1’s in sight-reading (Sweepstakes). The Boys Choir earned a 2 on stage
& a 1 in sight-reading.
The 6th Grade Choir & Show Choir both competed at the Sandy Lake Choir Fun-Fest on May
1st. Both choirs earned 1’s for their performances.
The Show Choir & Combined 7th & 8th Grade Treble Choir both competed at the Choice
Music Competitions in San Antonio on May 9th. Both choirs earned 1’s for their
performances. The Show Choir was runner-up in their class. The Treble Choir won Outstanding Choir in their class AND Overall Outstanding Choir for their performance site.
Congratulations to all of the Crownover Choirs on your success. We are very proud of you!
Band Rocks!
We have had such a wonderful year with our bands! The Crownover Concert and Symphonic Bands both received Division I ratings and
Sweepstakes awards at UIL contest this year. Our Beginning Band also received Division I ratings at Sandy Lake Fun Fest.
Our Jazz Band and Full Orchestra just got back from San Antonio where they performed in a contest at the Lila Cockrell Theatre. Both
groups performed well, receiving Superior ratings! We are so proud of all our students and their musical achievements.
Incoming 6th Grade BAND Students
We are so excited to have so many of you joining us in the fall – and it is not too late to join our award winning band program! If you
missed the instrument selection nights, don’t worry. Just contact one of the directors and we’ll help you with everything you need! We
look forward to meeting you and having your child in our band family on the RCMS campus!
Christin Bunch
Carolyn Cansler
[email protected]
[email protected]
RCMS Orchestra News
The Crownover orchestras have had a great 2013-2014 school year. The orchestra
students enjoyed socializing and getting to know each other at our back to school
video game party, our fine arts costume party and our six flags field trip. The
students put on great performances at their Fall, Winter, String Fling and Spring
Concerts. In October, Crownover had 18 students placed in the All-Region
Orchestras. We had 3 8th grade students chosen for the 8/9/10th grade
Intermediate All-Region orchestra, including Teresa Lee, who was the top-ranked
violin in the whole region for this orchestra. At the April Solo & Ensemble
Contest, Crownover had 62 1st division solos, 14 1st division ensembles, and 4 1+
Honors awards for 1 ensemble and 3 soloists.
In the spring our orchestras competed in a number of competitions and received
high ratings. At the UIL Contest in March, our Non-Varsity Concert Orchestra
received 2nd division “Excellent” in the concert contest and 1st division “Superior”
in the sight-reading contest. Our Varsity Sinfonia Orchestra received straight 1st
division ratings from all 6 judges in both portions of the contest. In May, our 6th
Grade Orchestra received a 1st division rating at the Sandy Lake Contest and our
Concert Orchestra received a 1st division at the NRH2O Contest. Our Sinfonia
Orchestra travelled to the Alamo Showcase of Music in San Antonio where they
received 1st division ratings in both their string orchestra and full orchestra
The calendar of events is winding down for our orchestra program as we look
forward to our end of year orchestra picnic at South Lakes Park on June 3rd. The
orchestra program said a special goodbye to our 8th graders with our 8th grade
slideshow and reception at our Spring Concert. We look forward to meeting our
new orchestra students for the 2014-2015 school year and welcoming you into our
orchestra family.
Angela Harvey
Orchestra Director
Congratulations to our 2013 Award Winners!
Thank you and congratulations to all those who participated in the contest this year!!!
There were over 50,000 entries in the State of Texas this year.
National Winner
District Winners:
Award of Merit
Advanced to State Competition:
Emily Langley– Film Production
Hanna Brown –Visual Arts (8th)
EP Rayzor Elementary
Macen Bird--Film Prod. (6th)
State Winner
Honorable Mention:
Award of Merit
Jeanhyun Kim –Photography (7th)
Hanna Brown– Visual Arts (8th)
Abbey Ekrut –Literature (7th)
A Special Congratulations to Hanna Brown whose art work was also chosen as an elite group to exhibit at the Texas
State capital complex (only 100 pieces out of the 1005 entries from state competition were in this group).
A special “Thank you” to:
Amy Hunt, Randy Spradlin, Nirma Hart, Mr. Rainey, Ms. Davis, Mrs. McCormick, Ms. Taylor,
Heather Ausec, Mr. Yeats, the office Staff and the parents who have helped and supported this
program. Thank You!
2014 Reflections Theme…
This summer is a great time for your student to create as many entries as they would like
for the 2014 Reflections Contest. Yes, you can get started now… ahead of the game!
The 2014 theme is “The
World Would be a Better Place if…”.
Rules and Guidelines are already posted on the Texas PTA website.
For Guidelines and Information go to:
You can view 2013 Texas State Reflections winners artwork at (Click on “Albums”):
National winner’s artwork can be seen at the Reflections Art Gallery:
2013 National will be posted soon!
http://www.txpta.org/programs/reflections#Student Forms and Documents
Fly UP