
Shiawassee River SGA Manager’s Update 2015 Season - Week of 12/6

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Shiawassee River SGA Manager’s Update 2015 Season - Week of 12/6
Shiawassee River SGA Manager’s Update
2015 Season - Week of 12/6
Temperatures were above average again for this reporting period.
Waterfowl Abundance
The weekly refuge this week included 4150 mallards, 50 blacks and 300 mergansers. 50 geese were
also observed. Trappers are trapping the refuge at this time so when the count was done trappers
had pushed most of the birds out of the refuge, the birds however are returning in the late hours of
the day with peaks estimated around 15,000 birds.
Hunting Conditions
At this time all fields are flooded with good water in all hunting units. Waterfowl can now get to 90% of
the corn at this time. We are done with the flooding regiment for the season.
Hunter Numbers
Waterfowl Harvest
As of 11/10/2015 we hunters have harvested 5424 ducks and 1089 geese.
What To Expect This Week
We have left water on all of the units as of this time. We will be open on December 26th and 27th and
will have drawings at 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. both days.
Upcoming Events
Scouting will be permitted for December 26th and 27th and permits will be available in the kiosk out
front. Permits for the late goose season will also be available in the kiosk out front starting December
Other Comments
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