
Course Syllabus

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Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus
Department: Social Science
Date: 11/12/12
I. Course Prefix and Number: CDC 115
Course Name: Issues in Ethics for Chemical Dependency Counselors
Credit Hours and Contact Hours:
3 credit hours and 3 contact hours
Catalog Description including pre- and co-requisites: supporting data required for grade
This course addresses ethics for chemical dependency counselors
by presenting an overview of ethical thought and the basics of ethical decision making. The
major focus will be professional ethics as they relate to chemical dependency counseling, and
on the CASAC canon of ethics. The course will include the examination of the student's
personal values and belief system as it relates to becoming an ethical and competent chemical
dependency counselor. The course will also provide the OASAS requirement of two hours of
Mandated Reporter training.
prerequisite of ‘C’ or higher.
Also addressed will be confidentiality and the HIPAA regulations.
This course will include the examination of one’s personal values and belief system as it
relates to becoming an ethical and competent chemical dependency counselor.
This course fulfills the OASAS requirement for 45 hours of education in ethics.
Prerequisite: CDC 102.
Relationship to Academic Programs and Curriculum including SUNY Gen Ed
designation if applicable:
This course is recommended for CDC majors.
II. Course Student Learning Outcomes: State the student learning outcome(s) for the course (e.g.
Student will be able to identify…)
1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of ethics in chemical
dependency counseling. Students will demonstrate this knowledge on midterm and final
2. Students will develop in depth knowledge of a related topic by doing research and
completing a paper and/or presentation.
3. Students will demonstrate self awareness related to ethics by completing a personal
code of ethics.
College Learning Outcomes Addressed by the Course: (check each College Learning
Outcome addressed by the Student Learning Outcomes)
oral communications
critical thinking
computer literacy
global concerns
information resources
III. Assessment Measures (Summarize how the college and student learning outcomes
will be assessed): For each identified outcome checked, please provide the specific assessment
List identified College Learning Outcomes(s)
Writing, Critical Thinking, Ethics and Values
Specific assessment measure(s)
Worldview paper, Moral Dilemma paper, midterm
and final
Oral Communication
Class participation
IV. Instructional Materials and Methods
Types of Course Materials:
text and other reading material provided.
Methods of Instruction (e.g. Lecture, Lab, Seminar …):
lecture, text, film, speakers, research.
V. General Outline of Topics Covered:
Ethics, morals, values, the difference and their relationship to each other
Ethical decision making models
Worldview, belief systems and personal ethics
CDC ethics including the OASAS ethical canon
Mandated reporting
HIPAA regulations
Special issues: Supervision
Impaired profession
Dual relationships
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