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Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India:
A monthly newsletter of Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs - VIPNET
VOL. 11
NO. 2
PRICE: 2.00
ty vew Y ; la l k/ku
va r jkZ " Vª h ; ty Hkkxhnkjh o"kZ & 2013
fo'ks"k ys[k
ty vewY; lalk/ku%
varjjk"Vªh; ty Hkkxhnkjh
o"kZ & 2013
National Camp for
foiusV Dycksa dks vkWuykbu
fjiksVZ Hkstus gsrq fn'kk&funZs'k
Sample Activities...
Photo Quiz
Club Speak
20oha cky foKku dkaxlsz 27 ls 31 fnlEcj] 2012 dk okjk.kklh esa cukjl fgUnw fo'ofo|ky; esa vk;kstu fd;k
x;kA bl dk;ZØe esa ns'kHkj ls 1000 ls T;knk ckYk oSKkfud rFkk f'k{kdksa us Hkkx fy;kA okjk.kklh ds ckjs esa
dgk tkrk gS fd ;g fo'o esa ekuo
clkoV ds lcls izkphu 'kgj esa ls
,d gSA bl 'kgj dk bfrgkl djhc
2500 lky iqjkuk gS] blfy, vusd
egku O;fDr tSl&s rqylhnkl] dchj
vkSj xkSre cq) vkfn us bl 'kgj
dk Hkze.k dj Kku dh fojklr ls
[kqn djsa QSlyk% ckèkk cus ;k vfojy cgus nsa
vius dks tksMk+ A oSls eq>s bl ckr
ij vk'p;Z gksrk gS fd bl 'kgj esa ,slh D;k [kkl ckr gS ftlls vrhr esa ;g ekuoh; clkoV dk dkj.k cukA
dkQh fopkj djus ij irk yxk fd vusd dkj.kksa ds vykok lcls ize[q k dkj.k fgeunksa ls mn~fxr unh ^xaxk*
ds }kjk lrr~ 'kq) ikuh dh vkiwfrZ gksuk jgk gSA vly esa 'kq) ikuh dh vkiwfrZ fdlh Hkh lH;rk ds fodkl
dh eqyHkwr vko';drk gksrh gSA fo'o dh lHkh ize[q k lH;rk,a ufn;ksa ds fdukjksa ij gh iuiha vkSj Qyh&Qwyh
gSAa okjk.kklh Hkh ,slk gh ,d mnkgj.k gSA
vkt Hkh fo'o dh djhc 41 izfr'kr tula[;k ufn;kssa ds fdukjksa ij fuokl djrh gS]a vkSj vkthfodk ds
fy, fdlh&u&fdlh :i ls ufn;ksa ij fuHkZj gSAa jkspd rF; ;g gS fd izkphu dky esa Hkh yksx vius vuqHko
ds vk/kkj ij ;g tkurs Fks fd lanfw "kr ikuh ds mi;ksx ls tytfur chekfj;ka gks ldrh gSAa blfy, lkekftd
vkSj lkaLÑfrd Lrj ij dqN ,slh vo/kkj.kk,a vkSj fu;e cuk, x, Fks ftuds vuqlj.k ls ikuh dh 'kq)rk
izHkkfor u gksA 'kk;n blfy, fd lkekftd] lkaLÑfrd vkSj /kkfeZd dk;ks± esa ty lzkrs ksa dks iwtk tkuk Hkh 'kkfey
gSA ufn;ka] ftuls ikuh lh/ks mi;ksx esa fy;k tkrk Fkk] mUgssa izn"w k.k ls cpkus ds fy, ufn;ksa ds fdukjs mFkys
dq,a [kksns tkrs FksA ;gka fd vkt Hkh okjk.kklh] dksydkrk vkSj bykgkckn esa xaxk ds fdukjs cgqr iqjkus dq,a ns[kus
dks fey tk,axAs ;g vk'p;Z fd ckr gS fd lfn;kas igys gekjs iwot
Z ^unh fdukjs Nfu=k* ;kuh ^fjoj cSd
fQYVjs'ku* rduhd ds ckjs esa tkurs Fks tks fd vkt Hkh ty dks izkÑfrd izfØ;k }kjk 'kq) djus ds fy, lq>kbZ
tkus okyh ,d ize[q k rduhd gSA
'kq) ikuh dh vkiwfrZ fodkl dh lgh izfØ;kvksa ds fy, vfr vko';d gSA vkt ds fodflr ns'kksa ds
bfrgkl ij utj Mkysa rks ge ik,axs fd mudk vkfFkZd fodkl] lkekftd lajpuk vkSj vkS|ksfxd fodkl] fofHkUu
mi;ksxksas ds fy, ty vkiwfrZ dh lqO;ofLFkr j.kuhfr vkSj HkaMkj.k ls lacfa /kr gSAa ysfdu rFkkdfFkr vkèkqfud
fodkl esa ge vius lkekftd] lkaLÑfrd vkSj /kkfeZd i)fr;ksa dks Hkwy x, gSa tks lfn;ksa ls ty lzkrs ksa ds izcèa ku
vkSj laj{k.k ds fy, egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkrh vkbZ gSA
vkt 'kq) ty lzkrs ksa dks Hkkjh ncko dk lkeuk djuk iM+ jgk gSA Hkwt
w y dk Lrj dkQh uhps fxj jgk gS
vkSj ufn;ka leqnz rd tkus ls igys lw[k jgh gSA eqgkus vkSj ueHkwfe yqIr gks jgh gSAa vusd fodkl'khy ns'kksa
esa ty dh xq.koRrk de gks jgh gSA vkt fo'o Hkj esa ,d vjc ls vfèkd yksx 'kq) ty ls oafpr gS]a vkSj
buls nksxuq s yksx 'kq) ty dh vuqiyC/krk ls gksus okyh vLoPNrk ls xzflr gSAa ge vDlj lekpkj i=kksa esa
i<+rs gSa fd Hkkjr ds dqN 'kgjksa esa xaHkhj ty ladV dh fLFkfr gSA izR;sd o"kZ Hkwty ds Lrj esa Hkh cgqr rsth
"All the Rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full. Unto the place from which Rivers
come thither they return again."
... Ecclesiastes
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
[kqn djsa QSlyk% ckèkk cus ;k vfojy cgus nsa
fo'o ty fnol 22 ekpZ dh ?kks"k.kk
la;Dq r jk"Vª egklHkk us 22 fnlacj 1992 dks ikfjr ,d vf/kfu;e ds }kjk izR;sd o"kZ 22 ekpZ dks fo'o ty fnol ?kksf"kr fd;kA ;g fu.kZ;
la;Dq r jk"Vª i;kZoj.k vkSj fodkl lEesyu ds lq>koksa ij vk/kkfjr FkkA vly esas bl lEesyu esa ikfjr ,tsMa k&21 esa ns'kksa dks ty dh 'kq)rk
vkSj laj{k.k ds lac/a k esa jk"Vªh; ifjis{; esa tuekul esa tkx:drk dks c<+kok nsus ds ds lkFk gh bl lEca/k esa fofHkUu dk;ZØeks]a izdk'kuks]a lEesyuksa
vkSj ppkZvksa ds vk;kstu djus ds lq>ko fn, x, FksA
la;Dq r jk"Vª varjkZ"Vªh; ty Hkkxnkjh o"kZ ds varxZr~ ^fo'o ty fnol 2013* ty lgHkkfxrk dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k tk,xkA
2005 ls 2015 ^thou ds fy, ty izfØ;k* varjkZ"Vªh; n'kd
izFke la;Dq r jk"Vª fo'o ty fodkl fjiksVZ ^yksxksa ds fy, ty ,oa thou ds fy, ty* ds vk/kkj ij la;Dq r jk"Vª egklHkk us 2005 ls 2015
ds n'kd dks ^thou ds fy, ty dk varjkZ"Vªh; n'kd* ?kksf"kr fd;k gSA ftldh ?kks"k.kk fo'o ty fnol] 22 ekpZ 2005 dks dh xbZA
bl vf/kfu;e esa dgk x;k fd ;g n'kd ty lacfa /kr eqnn~ ksa ij izdk'k Mkysxk vkSj ty ls lacfa /kr dk;ZØeksa dk ,tsMa k&21] lgL=kkfCnd
fodkl y{; esa fn, x, ty lacfa /kr y{;ksa ds vuqlkj varjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij iz;kljr gksxkA
la;qDr jk"Vª varjkZ"Vªh; ty Hkkxnkjh o"kZ dk mn~ns';
la;Dq r jk"Vª varjkZ"Vªh; ty Hkkxhnkjh o"kZ dk mn~n's ; ty vko';drk dh c<+rh ekax] forj.k vkSj igapq ds lac/a k esa mRiUu pqukSfr;ksa ds izfr
mfpr izc/a ku }kjk ty dh vkiwfrZ c<+kus vkSj mldh 'kq)rk dks cuk, j[kuk gSA ;g o"kZ ty Hkkxhnkfjrk dh ,sfrgkfld lQyrkvksa dks izdk'k
esa ykus ds lkFk gh 'kS{kf.kd] jktuhfrd vkSj foRrh; lg;ksx] varjkZ"Vªh; ,oa jk"Vªh; dkuwuh izfØ;kvksa lfgr ty izc/a ku ds lgL=kkfCnd y{;ksa
ls lacfa /kr gksxkA ;g volj /kkj.kh; fodkl ij vk;ksftr la;Dq r jk"Vª lEesyu ¼fj;ks 20½ ds y{;ksa dks iwjk djus esa lgk;d gksus ds lkFk ty
lzkrs ksa ds fodkl dks /kkj.kh; cukus dh fn'kk esa iz;kljr gksxkA
ueHkwfe&tSofoèkrk dk HkaMkj
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013
ls fxjkoV ns[kh tk jgh gSA ufn;ka] rkykc vkSj vU; ty lzkrs lanfw "kr gkss dks 'kq) vkSj mi;qDr ek=kk esa mi;ksx fd;k tk ldsA gkykafd bl fn'kk
jgs gS]a ftuls ge ty dk lh/kk mi;ksx ugha dj ldrs gSAa bu lcds lkFk esa okLrfod pqukSrh ^tutkx:drk* ,oa ty laj{k.k ds iz;klksa dks
'kq) ty dh xq.koRrk vkSj ek=kk esa Hkh deh vk jgh gSA dgk tk ldrk tuvfHk;ku esa cnyus dh gSA
fofHkUu tyh; ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k
vki tkurs gh gSa fd foKku izlkj }kjk xr~ o"kZ laiUu {ks=kh;
dk;Z'kkykvksa esa pqus x, fo"k;ksa esa ^ty* Hkh ,d fo"k; FkkA blfy, bl
lky foiusV dYkcksa }kjk ^ty* fo"k; ij vk/kkfjr ladyiukRed xfrfofèk;kW
vkSj dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, tk,axAs bl fn'kk esa foKku izlkj foiusV
Dycksa ds fy, ^tkx:drk vk/kkfjr xfrfof/k;ks*a ds fodkl ds fy,
iz;kljr gS] ftuesa ty laj{k.k vkSj izc/a ku ij vfHk;ku ds fy, fofHkUu
lkW¶Vos;j] iqLrdks]a ,oa iksLVjksa dk fodkl fd;k tk,xkA buds vykok
izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkykvksa dk Hkh vk;kstu fd;k tk,xkA
o"kZ 2010 esa l;qDr jk"Vª egklHkk us bl lky 2013 dks ^varjkZ"Vªh;
ty Hkkxhnkjh o"kZ* ?kksf"kr fd;kA blds rgr ty dh lkoZHkkSfed izÑfr
ls lacfa /kr lHkh igywvksa ij ge vius vkxkeh foiusV vadksa esas fopkj
djsxas As
foKku izlkj lHkh foiusV Dycksa ls iwjs o"kZ bl fn'kk esa dk;ZØeksa ds
fodkl] fØ;kUo;u vkSj vk;kstu djus dh vihy djrk gSA bu lHkh
xfrfof/k;ksa vkSj dk;ZØeksa ds }kjk foiusV Dycksa ls lHkh Lrjksa ij
O;kogkfjd ifjorZu ykus dh fn'kk esa vkSj ty ds mi;ksx ls lacfa /kr ty
izc/a ku dh uhfr;ksa ij O;fDrxr~ vkSj lkeqnkf;d Lrjksa ij iz;kl djsxa As
le;&le; ij lwpukRed ys[k vkSj xfrfof/k;ksa dh tkudkjh vkidks
^foiusV U;wt*+ ds ek/;e ls feyrh jgsxhA
foKku izlkj }kjk blh Øe esa lzkrs lkexzh ds :i esa fofHkUu lalkèku
lkexzh dks osclkbZV ls MkmuyksM djus ds fy, Hkh ,d fo'ks"k fyad dk
fodkl fd;k tk jgk gSA le;&le; ij foiusV Dycksa ds fy, izf'k{k.k
dk;ZØe vk;ksftr fd, tk,axAs rks vkb, varjkZ"Vªh; ty lgHkkfxrk ds
vfHk;ku ls tqMd
+ j vewY; lalk/ku ty ds izfr tkx:drk esa Hkkxhnkj
ch-dq- R;kxh
[kqn djsa QSlyk% ckèkk cus ;k vfojy cgus nsa
gS fd Hkwty ds va/kk/ka/q k nksgu] ty lzkrs ksa dk vfu;fer izc/a ku ,oa Hkwty
vkSj lrgh ty dk lan"w k.k rFkk ufn;ksa ds cgko dks ckf/kr djus tSlh
leL;k,a Hkkjr gh ugha vfirw iwjs fo'o fo'ks"kdj fodkl'khy vkSj fiNM+s
ns'kksa esa ns[kh tk jgh gSAa vusd izk|s kSfxdh; fodYiksa ds ckotwn 'kq) ty
vkSj tyladV dh leL;k fnu&izfrfnu xgjkrh tk jgh gSA blfy, blds
fy, ges lekèkku ryk'kus gksxAas gesa ikuh ds mi;ksxksas vkSj muds izcèa ku
ls lacfa /kr vknrksa ds ckjs esa fQj ls lkspuk gksxkA blds vykok bl
oSf'od leL;k ds fy, LFkkuh; lek/kku ryk'kus gksxa As ,sls iz;klksa ds rgr
lkeqnkf;d o"kkZ ty HkaMkj.k rduhdksa dks O;kid iSekus ij O;ogkj esa
viukus dh vko';drk gSA gesa oSf'od rkieku dks c<+kus ds fy,
ftEesnkj thok'e b±/kuksa ds ngu esa deh ykus dh vko';drk gS ftlls
fgeunksa dk fi?kyuk Hkh de gksxkA blds fy, oSdfYid ÅtkZ lzkrs ksa dks
viukus dh Hkh vko';drk gSA lkFk gh gesa lhost vkSj izn"w k.k fu;a=k.k
ds lac/a k esa dq'ky izcèa ku dh vko';drk gS] ftlls ufn;ksa vkSj Hkwty ds
[email protected]
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
National Camp for VIPNET Clubs
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 -Campaign: “Manage to Save Water”
Objectives: • To bring about an attitudinal change in the usage of water and creating awareness about water
harvesting and conservation through some action oriented activities.
• Activities/Campaign will be taken-up during the month from June – September 2013.
• Each club has to take minimum number of activities as specified.
• Clubs will submit their report by the end of October 2013 to
Desk: “Manage to Save Water” Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Institutional Area,
Sector -62, NOIDA- 201309
The year 2013 has been declared as International
Year of Water Cooperation by UNO. As part of this
initiative, Vigyan Prasar is planning to undertake
action oriented activities on theme “Water” involving
all VIPNET clubs. The details of the same have
already been published in the January issue of
VIPNET News. The activities will be organized in a
campaign mode entitled “Manage to Save Water.”
Depending upon the duration, water related activities
can be categorized as short term, medium term and
long term activities. (Please see Tables).
The short term activities may be organized for a
duration of 2-3 days including observance of
important national and international days relating to
water. Activities like different competitions, visit to
water bodies, lectures, film shows, discussions and
taking out rallies involving club members, children
of schools and general public can be part of such
programmes. Each club needs to undertake minimum
5 activities during the campaign period.
The medium term project involves conducting
some experiments to know the various aspects of
water circle, hydrology of your area, testing of water
quality, how human activities are polluting water
bodies etc. All these are to be done to understand
importance of water to work out a plan either to
conserve water or preservation of water bodies.
The duration of medium term project may ranges
between 2 week to 4 weeks. Minimum two activities
need to be undertaken by the clubs.
The long term project involves the action oriented
activities which includes mobilization of local
population and to create awareness on issues relating
to water for bringing an attitudinal change in the
usage of water.
The activities may also include restoration of
water storing tanks/water bodies of your area and
working out a plan for water conservation and it’s
efficient use. Some suggested activities are being
given in the box for your guidance. The duration of
long-term activities may range from one to three
months. Each clubs needs to take minimum two
activities as suggested.
All the suggested activities are merely illustrative
in nature and the clubs have full freedom either to
take entirely new activities as per the theme or
modified them as per the local needs. Some of the
activities suggested have been adopted from some
existing sources and we are thankful to all, specially
Professor S.P.Verma, Chairman, NCSTC NETWORK,
Delhi, for the necessary permission.
The clubs are expected to take up the activities
during the month of June to September 2013 and
submit report by the end of October 2013 along
with the technical report as per address given in the
Box-I. For detail objective and methodology of the
long term project, kindly visit the VIPNET section
on the VP website (www.vigyanprasar.gov.in). The
details methodology of some selected project will
also be published in the forthcoming issues of
You can also submit your report online in the
given format by giving following details:1.Type of activity taken-up
• Short term (minimum . 5 activities)
• Medium term (minimum . 2-4 activities)
• Long term (minimum . 2 activities)
2. No. of club members involved
3. No. of people participated from the community
4.Technical Report along with logbook and
5. Outcome of campaign
The national camps will be organized in the month
of November 2013. The place and the venue of the
camps are being finalized and same will be
communicated to you soon.
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013
Observation of Important Days
28 February
National Science Day
4 March
16 March
19 March
21 March
21 March
22 March
23 March
7 April
22 April
25 April
28 April
3 May
12 May
17 May
22 May
31 May
5 June
8 June
17 June
National Safety Day
National Immunization Day
World Disabled Day
World Forestry Day
International Day of Forests
and The Tree
World Water Day
World Meteorological Day
World Health Day (WHO)
International Mother
Earth Day
World Malaria Day (WHO)
World Day for Safety and
Health at work (ILO)
International Energy Day
World Migratory Bird Day
World Telecom Day
International Day for
Biological Diversity
World No Tobacco Day
World Environment Day
World Oceans Day
World Day to Combat
Desertification and Drought
Day of the Seafarer (IMO)
World Population Day
World Hepatitis Day (WHO)
International Literacy Day
International Day for the
Preservation of the
Ozone Layer
World Tourism Day (UNWTO)
World Maritime Day (IMO)
World Rabies Day (WHO)
World Habitat Day
International Day for
Disaster Reduction
World Food Day (FAO)
International Day for the
Eradication of Poverty
International Day for
Preventing the Exploitation of
the Environment in War and
Armed Conflict
World Science Day for Peace
and Development (UNESCO)
Universal Children’s Day.
World Aids Day
National Energy Conservation
25 June
11 July
28 July
8 September 16 September*
27 Sept.
27 Sept.
28 Sept.
7 Oct.
13 Oct.
16 Oct.
17 Oct.
6 Nov.
10 Nov.
20 Nov.
1 December 14 December -
Short Term Duration Activities (2 to 7 days)
Organization of Lectures
Organization of Various competitions
Organization of Film shows
Discussions on various issues related to water
and its usage.
5. Organizing Rallies
6. Observing water related days and festivals
7. Visit to local industries/plants/factories to know
how they use and pollute water. Do they have
water treatment plant and how it works.
8. Visit to local craftsmen to know how they use
water for different activities relating to their
9. Visit to a water body for Bird watching.
10.Discussion with local people to understand local
water conservation practices and the traditional
wisdom associated with them.
11.Collection & compilation of stories/songs/jokes
relating to water & its usages.
12.Organization of games relating to water (like
paper boat race etc.)
13.Visit to local labs/institutes working on water
14.Celebration of important days as per the list
15.Visit to local water bodies like dams, ponds,
wetlands and how it effect the hydrology of
the area
16.Toys making which use water (boat, thirsty
elephant etc.)
17. Demonstration of experiments using the water
to explain various physical phenomena.
18. Making musical instruments using water.
19. Making Rain gauge and measuring rain water
20.Group discussion on water related issues of
your area.
21.Model making of (Water recycling & water
22.Growing plant without soil in different pots
23.Collection of stamps relating to water related
24.Identification and labeling of local trees and
finding out their rate of Transpiration ortation.
* Need to be observed by all clubs.
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
Long Term Projects
Sub Theme-I (Conservation and Harvesting
of Water)
1. How much Water goes waste in your school
and developing a plan to rationalize its usages.
2. Traditional Systems of Water Harvesting –
Assessment and Improvement
3. Waste Water-management as a tool towards
water conservation
4. Let us construct an Eco Park in School.
5. Abandoned Quarries as Water Harvesting Tanks
6. Making Filter and Settlement Tank for Rainwater
7. Rain Water Harvesting for Erosion Control
8. Finding the Rain Water Potential
9. How much water goes waste in your area and
how you can reduce it – Development of a
plant and its implementation in your area?
10. Developing plan for the potential of Rain
Harvesting in your school, house, club or in an
identified area.
11. Documentation of the traditional water
harvesting system prevalent in your area, their
assessment and improvement.
12. Development of a plan of water management
for sanitation and as a tool for water
conservation for your school/colony/or
indentified area.
13. Developing an Eco-pond in school/club and
study its dynamics.
14. Restoration of water storing tank, pond,
bawaries and other bodies.
15. Study of nearby watershed Development
Project and its documentation.
16. Devising methods/plan for reducing evaporation
of water loss from water stored bodies.
17. Devising methods/plan for recharging ground
water like use of porus tiles etc.
18. Traditional practice of protecting and conserving
water bodies of your area and their
19. Water and social customs of your area. How
they help in conserving/managing water &
water sources.
20. Water and festivals of your area.
Sub Theme-II (Water Ecosystems and
1. Mapping of Aquatic Ecosystem
2.Wetland Wonder
3. Making an Underwater Observation Glass
4. A Comparative Study on Nature and Adaptation
5. Flora and Fauna of the Sandy and Rocky Beaches
6. Bio-monitoring of Wetlands
Sub Theme-III (Water and Health)
1. Water Quality of Natural Ponds in Urban Areas
2. Estimation of Pollution in a River Basin and its
Health Impacts
3. Determination of the Quality of Drinking Water
4. Detection of Iron in Water
5. Just How Hard is Our Water?
6. Possibilities of using Natural Holi Colours
7. Back to Roots
8. Biological Alternatives to Chemical Pollutants
at Home
9. Germicidal Properties of Copper/Silver or similar
10.Use of Solar Heat for Safe Drinking Water
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013
Safety of Drinking Water
15. How to make Drinking Water Microbiologically
16. The Story of Women Water Collectors
17. Knowing the Pattern of Water Borne
Diseases in Rural India
11.Bioassay Method for Detecting Toxic Materials
in Water
12. Detection of the source of pollution in
Flowing Water
13. Detection of CO2 in unused Deep Well Water
14. Standard Method for Testing Microbiological
Sub Theme-IV (Water Needs, Efficient Use
and Economy)
Conducting a Water Audit for the Family
Survey of Leaking Taps
Finding wherever Water goes Waste
Introducing Water Bin Concept in Households/
Schools to recycle and prevent Wastage
5. Reducing Water use in Households by designing
and promoting Simple Addons/ Modifications to
Taps, Hoses and by promoting Better Practices.
6. Reducing Water consumption of Water Intensive
Appliances like Desert Coolers
7. Use of Saline Water for Crop production
8. Conservation of Soil Moisture/Reducing
Evaporation Losses from Soil
9. Improving the Efficiency of Water Lifting Devices
in Rural Areas : A Livelihood Approach
10. Condition of water bodies and role being played
by them in the life of local people
11. Economic activities relating to water in your
12. Testing the quality of water (physical and
chemical analysis)
Sub Theme-V (Water for Transportation
and Recreation)
1. Water and different life form in the water bodies
2. The dynamics/ecology of local water bodies
3. Waterways— Linking people and Places
4. Adapting to the Changing River Course
5. Eco-Tourism in wetland Area
6. Luxury Tourism— Whose Water? Who Benefits?
Sub Theme-VI ( Understanding the
Hydrological Circle of Year Area)
1. Upward movement of Water Level in Dug well
Shallow Tube well due to recharge from Rainfall
2. Variation of Water Table in Dug-Well/Tube well
and its Relationship with Anthropogenic Activities
3. How much Material can Water carry Experiment
Medium Term Activities: Conducting various experiments and tests relating to long-term project to
support your findings and results.
B.K. Tyagi
[email protected]
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
foiusV Dycksa }kjk vkWuykbu fjiksVZ Hkstus dh fofèk
Steps for Submitting Online Quarterly VIPNET Club Reports
Step 1: Open website
pj.k 1& osclkbV
ij tk,a
Step 3:
clicking the
above link
the page will
open named
Step 2:
Click on the
link Science
pj.k 2&
foKku Dyc
fyad dks
fDyd djsa
pj.k 33&& mijksDr fyad fDyd djus ds ckn indexnew.asp uke ls ,d i`"B [kqysxk
Step 4: Now on this pease click in the link VIPNET Club Reports
pj.k 4& vc bl i`"B ij Ñi;k VIPNET Club Reports fyad dks fDyd djsa
Now a new page will open named POST REPORTS.aspx
vc POST REPORTS. aspx uke ls ,d u;k i`"B [kqysxk
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013
Step 5: Fill all the entries (Name, VIPNET ID, Report Description, Report Title)
Note: Report Description must be within
300 words because it will appear on the
we page.
fVIi.kh & fjiksVZ dk fooj.k 300 'kCnksa ds Hkhrj
gksuk pkfg, D;ksafd ;g osc ist ij fn[kkbZ nsxk
pj.k 5& lHkh izfof"V;ksa ¼uke VIPNET ID, fjiksVZ fooj.k] fjiksVZ 'kh"kZd½ dks Hkjsa
Step 6: For Activity Image Column click
on the button Choose File.
Step 7: When you click on choose file button a dialog box
will open in front of you where you can
pj.k 6& xfrfofèk ls lEcaf/kr QksVks [k.M ds
pj.k 7& tc vki 'Choose File Button' ij fDyd djsaxs] rks vkids
fy, 'Choose File Button' dks fDyd djsa
Step 8: Choose you image and then
click on Open button.
lkeus ,d Mk;ykWx ckWDl [kqysxk] tgk¡ vki lEcaf/kr QksVks pqu ldrs gSaA
Step 9: Follow the same process for the Upload Report
Here Section; here you can upload your detailed Report.
pj.k 9& viyksM fjiksVZ vuqHkkx ds fy, leku izfØ;k,a viuk,a] ;gk¡ vki
foLr`r fjiksVZ viyksM dj ldrs gSa\
Step 10: Finally click on the button submit.
pj.k 8& lEcaf/kr QksVks pqus vkSj fQj 'Open
Button' dks fDyd djsa
pj.k 10& var esa 'Submit Button' dks fDyd djsa
If you want see your Report Detail the go to the indexnew.asp page.
;fn vki fjiksVZ dks foLrkj ls ns[kuk pkgrs gSa rks] indexnew.asp i`"B ij tk;saA
Step 1: Click on the link View Report Detail and you can easily see the Report Description submitted
by you..
pj.k 1& 'View Report Details' fyad dks fDyd djsa vkSj bl izdkj vki vklkuh ls vius }kjk ntZ fjiksVZ fooj.k dks
ns[k ldrs gSaA
Note: You cannot see your detailed report submitted by you because it will only accessible to VP. Only
Report Description can be seen in the Vigyan Prasar webiste by all.
fVIi.kh% vki vius foLr`r fjiksVZ dks ugha ns[k ldrs D;ksafd ;g dsoy foKku izlkj ds fy, gksxkA lHkh ds }kjk foKku izlkj
osclkbV ij dsoy fjiksVZ fooj.k dks ns[kk tk ldrk gSA
B.K. Tyagi
[email protected]
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
Sample Activity (Long -Term) for VIPNET Clubs
How much Water goes waste?
Idea :The art and science of ‘collecting water where would give you an idea of the amount of water that
it falls’ is an ancient but dying wisdom which needs would be occupying the terrace space of your home
to be revived to meet modern freshwater needs per cm of rainfall. The volume of water that you are
losing can be calculated by
sustainably, and modernized with
multiplying the roof-area by the
inputs from science and technology.
depth of water in the rain-gauge (all
For domestic rainwater harvesting
in the same unit of measurement).
the most common surface for
B. Volume of water lost in a slantedcollection is the roof of the dwelling.
roof house:
Many other surfaces can be , and
1. If your house is one with a
are used, such as courtyards,
slanting roof, be it of GI sheets,
threshing areas, paved walking
asbestos tiles or thatched, then the
areas, plastic sheeting, trees etc.
first thing you must get, before you
In some cases, large rock surfaces
begin this exercise, is a raingauge.
are used to collect water, which is
If it is not available, you can also
then stored in large tanks at the
prepare your own raingauge.
base of the rocky slopes.
2. Collect rain in the raingauge and
Stop Water Wastege
Most dwellings, however, have a
note down the time taken for the
roof. The style, construction and
rainwater to collect in it.
material of the roof affect its suitability as a collection
surface of water. Typical materials for roofing include
corrugated iron sheet, asbestos sheet, tiles, cement- 3. Now with the measuring tape measure the length
concrete, slate, and thatch. Most of these are and breadth of the roof. Calculate the area of the
suitable for collection of rainwater. The use of roof. From the angle of the slope/slant, calculate
corrugated iron sheets in India favours the promotion the horizontal projection area.
of RWH. Guttering is used to transport rainwater 4. Now with the measure of rainfall, calculate the
from the roof to the storage vessel. It is usually volume of rainfall that could have been harvested
fixed to the buildings just below the roof and catches from your roof-top during the current rain-fall.
water as it falls from the roof. Guttering comes in a 5. To calculate yearly loss (which could-have been
wide variety of shapes and forms, ranging from the harvested), multiply the area (or the horizontal
factory made PVC type to forms made guttering projection of the area, incase of slanted roofs) by
using bamboo or folded metal sheet.
the annual rainfall (in the same unit of measurement)
Materials Required
in your locality/region.
Measuring Tape
Armed with this data of water loss ( from unharvested rain) the children can locate a suitable
Raingauge (can be facricated)
surface-roof, terrace, clear ground etc. and plan a
Note book and pen
low-cost RWH structure.
Note that using expensive gutters/piping is not
necessary. Locally available bamboos/hollowed-out
A. Volume of water lost on a flat-roofed house:
dead tree trunks/branches can also be used. For
1. If your house is one with a flat roof, then it will storage, large oil drums can be used after cleaning
be very easy for you to calculate the amount of them thoroughly. Lined dug-wells, wherever possible,
rainwater lost during a shower. First measure the will give a large capacity storage.
length and breadth of the terrace with the help of If directly storing harvested water is not possible,
the measuring tape.
this (harvested water) can be used for recharging
2. Note down the figures in your notebook and ground water.
then calculate the area of the terrace space. This
Source: National Children Science Congress Activity Guide
"Harness Water Resources for Better Future"
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
International Year of Water Cooperation 2013
igsyh la[;k&76
Brain Teaser /
Water Puzzle 31/
Quiz No. -76
ikuh it+y&31
ikuh ds tx % gekjs ikl rhu tx gS]a ftlesa 8] 5] vkSj 3 yhVj
ikuh gSAa igyk tx iwjk ikuh ls Hkjk gS rFkk nks [kkyh gSAa gesa 8
yhVj ikuh dks nks cjkcj Hkkxksa esa ,sls ckaVuk gS fd 8 yhVj rFkk
5 yhVj okys tx esa 4&4 yhVj ikuh jg tk,A 'krZ ;g gS fd vki
dsoy ikuh dks gh ,d ls nwljs tx esa Mky ldrs gSAa vki rhuksa
tx ds vykok vU; dksbZ ik=k ;k crZu mi;ksx ugha dj ldrsA
WATER JUG : There are three water jugs, which
can hold 8,5, and 3 liters of water respectively.
The first jug is full, and the other two are empty.
It is necessary to divide the water into two equal
portions, that is, to put exactly four Liters into both
the 8 and 5 Liters jugs. The only operation allowed
is to pour some or all of the water of one jug into
Fourth highest water fall of India also known as
seven sister waterfalls and.
2. The collective name for three waterfalls that
straddle the international border between the
Canada and USA
3. A waterfall with 979 meters height makes it
World’s tallest water fall.
4. World’s second highest waterfall
5. The largest waterfall of the country located in the
state of Chhattisgarh.
6. Highest water fall of Jharkhand.
7. India’s tallest water fall.
8. A fall is created by the Sharavathi River falling
from a height of 253 m (830 ft), making it the
second-highest plunge waterfall.
9. World’s largest waterfall by width located in
10. A Prominent water fall located on Narmada
mÙkj izkIr djus dh vafre frfFk% 30] vizy
S ] 2013
MªkW }kjk p;fur fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj Lo:i foKku izlkj ds izdk'ku Hksts
vius tokc bl irs ij Hkstas %
foiusV fp=k igsyh & 76] foKku izlkj] ,&50]
lsDVj 62] uks,Mk&201 309 ¼mRrj izn's k½
Last date of receiving correct entries: 30 April, 2013
Send Quiz Ans. to desk :
VIPNET Photo Quiz 77, VIGYAN PRASAR, A-50,
Sec. 62, Noida-201 309 (U.P.)
R.K. Yadav
[email protected]
uksV % xr~ izdkf'kr czus Vhtj ,oa it+y ds mRrj vifjgk;Z dkj.kksa ls vHkh izdkf'kr
ugha fd, tk jgs gSAa
Last date of receiving correct entries: 30 April, 2013.
Winners will get activity kit/ books as a prize.
If you want to know more about Vigyan Prasar, its
publications & software, besides the next moves of
VIPNET Science Clubs, please write to us at the address
given below:-
Please send your entries to:-
Vigyan Prasar
Water Puzzle-31 , VIPNET News,
Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Sector 62, Noida-201 309 (U.P.)
A-50, Institutional Area, Sector 62,
Noida (U.P.) 201 309
Regd.Office : Technology Bhawan,
New Delhi -110 016
: 0120 240 4430, 240 4435
: 0120 240 4437
: [email protected],
[email protected]
: http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in
The puzzle has been Designed as part of
International Year of Water Cooperation-2013
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013
Club speak
lM+d lqj{kk&thou j{kk
Jh f'ko 'kfDr cky
lhfu;j ek/;fed
fo|ky; }kjk 15 tuojh]
2013 dks jkT; Lrjh;
54oka jksoj ewV&40oha jst
a j
ehV esa izfrHkkfxrk nhA
bldk mn~ns '; ^lM+d
lqj{kk&thou j{kk* FkkA
Activities of Planet Earth Vipnet Club- Jhalndhar
World Telecommunication and
Information Society Day
Rotary Community corps of Kumbakonam,
celebrated International Day for Disaster Reduction
on 13 October, 2012. Club also observed 147th
World Telecommunication and Information Society
Day-2012 on 17 May, 2012. Club also organized
programme on Ham Radio..
xks y w
lks p
Water Ka
Furmula Batao?
Ka Pani Hai
Ye Ans Galat
World Mathematics Day
Planet Earth Vipnet Club organized World
Mathematics Day on 22 December, 2012. Club
members also visited Pushpa Gujrat Science City.
Club also celebrated World AIDS Day on 1 st
December, 2012. Club also organized workshop
on Scientific Explanation of Miracles on 23 January,
fp=kadu % es/kk
Published and Printed by Mrs. K. Dasgupta Misra on behalf of
Vigyan Prasar, C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016
Associate Editor : Navneet Kumar Gupta
Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd.,
Layout & design : Ajeej Ahmed (Azad)
Okhla Industrial Area, Ph-II, New Delhi-110 020
: B. K. Tyagi
February 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 2
Fly UP