
Welcome to Adkins Elementary 2nd Grade Parent Orientation

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Welcome to Adkins Elementary 2nd Grade Parent Orientation
Welcome to Adkins Elementary 2nd
Grade Parent Orientation
The Daily Five
The Daily 5 is a structured language arts framework
that helps students develop the daily habits of reading,
writing, and working with peers that will lead to a
lifetime of independent literacy. The 5 elements that
students participate in every day are: Read to Self,
Read with Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and
Work on Writing.
Read to Self
Students each have a book box full of “just right” books that they read from during read to self.
Students work on stamina each day until they can read for 20 minutes.
Read to Someone
Students can practice developing their fluency by reading to someone. Students sit EEKK during
this time (elbow to elbow, knee to knee).
Work on Writing
Students work on original stories, lists, poems, letters, etc...during work on writing.
Work on Words/Word Work
Students use various manipulatives and materials to practice their sight words and word
patterns that we are working on for that week.
Listen to Reading
Students use CD Players, computers, and tape players to listen to fluent reading.
CAFE Strategies
● CAFE is an acronym for Comprehension, Accuracy,
Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary. It uses a system
of goal-setting with students in individual
● We also develop small group instruction based on
clusters of students with similar goals and target
whole-class instruction based on emerging student
Guided Reading
Leveled fiction and nonfiction books will come home in book bags. It
will be required for students to read 15-20 minutes each night.
The books are property of Adkins and cost $7 each if lost or damaged.
Students that read above grade level will work on going deeper in their
comprehension. As a grade level, we will not read above a level P due to
maturity of higher levels.
Please remember that the reading level on the report card is your
child’s independent level. The guided reading books will be at a higher
level because students are being guided by the teacher with these
books. This is considered their instructional level. The independent
level on the report card is what they can read without anyone’s help.
Sight Words/Word Work
● Your child will learn new sight words each week, as well as, a
spelling pattern for word work.
● Students will be assessed on sight words at the beginning,
middle, and end of the year during our ELI (Early Literacy
Inventory) assessment.
● We will not be having spelling tests this year, but will instead
have assessments in which sight words and spelling patterns will
be included in dictation form to check for mastery.
Problem Solving
solve multi-step problems using addition and subtraction; all math topics will include problem solving
Number and Operations
compare and order numbers using number lines and place value
generate & solve addition and subtraction problems
compose, decompose, and represent numbers using place value
recognize and represent fractional units & communicate how they are used
add & subtract two-digit numbers using mental strategies
solve problems by estimating and measuring length using standard units
read & write times shown on analog & digital clocks using 5 minute increments
read a thermometer to gather data
describe attributes of 2D & 3D shapes
use attributes to describe how two 2D or two 3D shapes are alike/different
cut two-dimensional geometric figures apart and identify the new geometric figures formed
Probability & Statistics
Construct picture and bar graphs; draw conclusions & answer questions about picture & bar graphs
Math Workshop
Pose the problem with a Guiding Question
Workshop Stations
Hands-on activities & games
Small groups
Workshop stations should lead students to discover answer to the guiding
Correcting misconceptions
Discuss different solutions, strategies, and methods
Social Studies
Highlights of our year:
Identify & explain the significance of landmarks
Identify contributions of historical figures (Thurgood Marshall, Irma
Rangel, John Hancock, Theodore Roosevelt)
Identify & compare government functions and leaders
Locate places on maps & globes
Identify & distinguish between producers & consumers
Highlights for our year:
Scientific Investigations & Reasoning
Science Safety Rules
Collect, record, & compare using tools
Matter & Energy
Properties of matter
Force, Motion, & Energy
Observe & identify how magnets are used in everyday life
Earth & Space
Identify, measure, record, & graph weather info.
Explain the process of the water cycle
Organisms & Environment
Compare & give examples of interdependence of living organisms
● We will require students to read 15 - 20 minutes
each night from guided reading or library books.
● Tic Tac Toe homework boards will be sent home
weekly with the newsletter. This will be 9 squares of
curriculum-related practice for the week. It is not
required, but can be used as a quick review at home.
Report Cards
The 2nd Grade Report Card has a 3, 2, 1 grading scale. 3, 2, 1 converts to the
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Making Progress
1 - Insufficient Progress
The first report card will be given during conference week, October 5 - 9. Please
make sure to sign up for a conference time with your teacher.
Since our report card is a rubric system based on common assessments, we do not
actually take grades. You will see your child's school work checked for accuracy and
the need for reteaching. It will then be placed in your child's Friday or Daily Folder.
Recess & Lunch
Lunch is from 11:30 - 12:00.
● Must check in at the office to eat with your child at
the reserved parent table.
● You may eat with your child only.
Recess is from 11:10 - 11:30.
● Tennis shoes are the best footwear to keep
everyone safe.
All important information, such as school wide notices, PTA event
flyers, etc. will come home in the Friday folder.
Grade level newsletters will be emailed every Monday.
Email is the best way to contact us. We will not answer the phone
during instruction.
Check & empty the folder daily.
Our daily folder will include a calendar in which we will communicate
important information to you. Please feel free to include any
important messages to us, as well.
You may send a store bought birthday snack (cookies, brownies,
cupcakes, donuts) to school with your child on their birthday. If the
birthday snack is a cookie cake, please send pre-cut.
Please do not send birthday invitations to be distributed at school
unless there is an invitation for everyone in the class.
● Your child will need his/her backpack and folder
every day.
● If there is a change in transportation, a parent
MUST send a note, email, or call the office.
● Students may come to class at 7:35 and instruction
begins at 7:50.
● Please send one healthy quick to eat snack (nothing
that requires utensils) every day.
● Your child may bring a water bottle to keep in the
Behavior/Positive Reinforcement
● Each 2nd grade class has an Oops! book. When students
have already received warnings, but continue in a
disruptive behavior, they will need to sign the Oops! book.
● Name in book= Loss of 5 minutes of recess
● Each 2nd grade class has different rewards for their
class. Please check with your individual teacher about
● If questions come up throughout the year, please
don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher
through email or by phone.
● Thank you so much for coming tonight! We are going
to have a wonderful year!
Fly UP