
Document 1561373

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Document 1561373
1306 E. Winsor, Denton, TX 76209
[email protected]
Room B1
Conference time: 9:50-10:20
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
I am honored and excited to be your child’s teacher. This is
my 16th year to teach, and it is my eighth year at Wilson. I
personally believe that all children can be successful in an
environment that fosters individuality while encouraging
teamwork. Therefore, your child will be challenged to share
their strengths, encourage others, and be able to appreciate
what each person in this room brings to our educational
Fourth grade is very different from third grade in that fourth
grade is regarded as an intermediate grade. The curriculum is
harder, the lessons are longer, and high expectations are a
part of everyday life. I challenge the students to be
responsible, respectful, and to take educational risks.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to
contact me. My phone number is 940-369-4524, and my
email is [email protected]. I will attempt to provide a
response within 24 hours. On occasion, some extenuating
circumstance may cause a delay in my response. If the
situation warrants, we may also need to meet in person. My
conference time is 9:50 - 10:20. If at any time you need to
speak with me outside of designated times, I will try to
arrange a special conference time with you.
I am very excited to get to know each of you!
Homework Folder
Each student will have a homework folder. It is the
student’s responsibility to complete the work
contained within the folder and ensure that it is
returned to school the next day. The folder should be
taken home each day so parents may see the work
that students are expected to complete.
If a student has medication
to take, it must be left in
Nurse Kay’s office before
the day begins. Nurse Kay is
responsible for the proper
distribution of medications, and if
there are any special instructions,
she will need to know.
If a student would like to
celebrate his/her birthday in
the classroom, birthday items
(such as food/drinks/etc.)
need to be provided to every
student in the class. The
birthday celebration will take
place at the end of the school
day and is subject to
cancellation due to
unacceptable behavior.
Students with summer
birthdays can pick a day
during the year to celebrate if
they wish.
Correcting Papers
Students have the opportunity to correct any paper with a
grade below 70. If the student shows mastery of the skill or
concept, their new grade will reflect that mastery. It is the
student’s responsibility to do this and turn the corrected papers
into the homework folder. I will not ask for these corrected
Progress Reports
Periodically I will send home a progress
report in the Monday Folder. The report will
reflect the student’s current averages
and/or reading counts points.
Progress Reports need to be signed and
returned with the Monday Folder.
Please sign and return
Monday Folders after
reviewing contents!
Student Agendas
We are excited that fourth graders will use
agendas this year. Agendas are $5.00 and
can be paid for in cash or by check payable
to DENTON ISD. Assignments are updated
on the board every day, and the students
are expected to copy homework
assignments into their agenda. Parents can
initial the agenda after viewing completed
work each night. The student must bring
his/her agenda to school and home daily.
Welcome to
Mrs. Nabors’s
Woodrow Wilson
Any unfinished work during
the day will be taken home
as homework. This work
needs to be completed prior
to the start of the next
school day.
Desks & Cubbies
The students will keep their work and
cubby areas organized and clean. I
expect the students to clean it up every
afternoon before they leave. Food
items will not be stored in desks or in
cubbies. Having a clean and organized
room will help all of us achieve a
successful learning experience. As a
class, we will make every effort to be
as organized and as neat as possible!
Failure to Turn in Assignments
Students must make sure that his/her name and the date are on each turned in assignment. If a
student does not have an assignment turned in, the student will automatically go to study hall
during recess, and, in extreme cases, it may escalate to losing choir/club time. Students WILL
NOT lose points on the assignment due to lateness, but will be required to complete the
assignment to demonstrate mastery of the skill or concept. Please remember that homework
provides extra practice by which students are enabled to truly lock new information into
memory. Please help your child be successful by ensuring the completion of homework.
Snacks & Drinks
Students will have snack time every
day at 10:30 a.m. If students choose to
bring a snack daily, it should be
healthy. No candy bars, chocolate, or
chips are allowed. If parents/
guardians would like to help supply
the class with a group snack, such as
goldfish, graham crackers, animal
cookies, pretzels, snack mix, and
Cheerio type cereals, they are more
than welcome to do so!
Water is allowed if the bottle has a lid,
cap, or a sport top and does not cause
a distraction in class. Students can
keep water bottles on their desks.
If a student knows in advance
that he/she will be gone, the
student or parent/guardian
should talk to me to get
assignments before the absence.
Students will have 3 class days
to turn in the work they missed.
If the work is not turned in
within 3 days, the student will be
required to complete the
assignment during recess/club
Class Schedule
Unpack, Morning Assignment
Language Arts Block
9:45-10:30 Specials
10:30-11:45 Math Block
11:45-12:15 Success Time
12:25-12:40 Recess
12:40-1:10 Lunch
Social Studies & Science
*MWF 2:20-2:50
Pencil Sharpening
Students will need a personal pencil sharpener
that will catch the shavings. Students may
trade a dull pencil for a sharpened one. I try
to have pencils waiting so no one has to miss
instructional time for sharpening. No pencils
will be sharpened while someone is speaking.
Grade Weights
There are three types of assignments, and each type
counts for a different percentage of your child's
60% of grade
30% of grade
10% of grade
Reading counts
Students in fourth grade are required to acquire
at least 20 Reading Counts points per six
weeks, for a yearly total of at least 120 points.
Books read will be a combination of fiction, nonfiction, and fun! Please encourage your child to
read, read, read!
Monday Folders
Students will bring Monday
Folders home on Monday nights.
Inside will be graded papers,
school information, and classroom
updates. Parents should look over
the graded assignments each week
to keep track of their student’s
progress in school. Please make
sure to review the information in
the folder, then sign and return
it with your child the next day.
Below are the levels of consequences for discipline problems
during a school day.
Verbal Warning
Loss of recess/club time
Complete Behavior Reflection during recess (Parent phone call)
Office Referral
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