RC Award 2011 Promoting Health Creating Value
RC Award 2011 Promoting Health Creating Value About BASF BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and agricultural products to oil and gas. As a reliable partner BASF creates chemistry to help its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its highvalue products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of about €63.9 billion in 2010 and had approximately 109,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at or in its Social Media Newsroom at BASF Corporate Health Management A company’s success is greatly dependent on its employees' performance, work satisfaction, and commitment for innovation. A healthy workforce is the basis for productivity and profitability. Workplace health promotion has a significant role to play in reducing individual health risks and providing the resources to promote health as an ongoing process. We see Global Health Promotion as a corporate strategy, which aims at prevention of chronic diseases and enhancing health promoting potentials and wellbeing in the workforce. On an international level, the Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Department has an important role in functional leadership and global governance in terms of health management in all regions where BASF sites are located. In the last years, there has been an increasing demand for health promotion activities in all BASF group companies worldwide. Challenges n Demographic changes will lead to an older workforce. n Chronic and Life-Style-diseases are increasing Opportunities n The workplace is a suitable location for successful Health Promotion. n Enhanced information and communication technology opens new opportunities for cooperation Strategic purposes n Global standards for all elements of our Responsible Care management system n Competitive advantage from the positive effects of a healthy workforce n Reduction of chronic diseases or their negative consequences reverse to the global trend. n Internal and external communication of Health Promotion activities on a global level. 2 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 Within BASF, we have a successfully working health management system. The preventive health needs are based on an analysis of the annual BASF health reports and occupational health examinations. Health promotion activities can then be planned for specific target groups, such as employees with certain health risks, employees at a specific workplace or the entire site. BASF preventive health activities and health promotion campaigns are structured and scientifically analyzed for quality assurance and to measure the success of each campaign. Please Contact: Dr. med. Stefan Lang Chief Medical Officer Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-43909 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-43322 [email protected] Global BASF Health Promotion Campaigns Since 2008, the Occupational Medicine & Health Promotion Department – together with BASF’s global medical team – has been organizing global health campaigns on an annual basis. This ensures standardization and promotes health in all regions where BASF sites are located. 2008: Smoke-free (see attachment 1) 2009: Steps to Health (see attachment 2) 2010: Global Vaccination Campaign (see attachment 3) 2011: HealthySkin@Work (see attachment 4) Scientific Evaluation of Health Promotion Activities BASF has been providing health seminars for employees alongside the regular health promotion activities. Such complementary programs have proven to be more effective in eliciting long-term health outcomes than one-time only or shortterm interventions. In a systematic retrospective cohort analysis (Ott et al., 2010), it was demonstrated that employees who attended the BASF health seminars in addition to the regular occupational health surveillance examinations, medical consultations and health promotion programs, showed changes in health awareness and behavior, leading to overall health benefits. The most notable benefit was a significant reduction in mortality rates among the participants. Health seminar attendance also appeared to have been instrumental in motivating employees to participate in other health promotion activities (see attachment 5). 3 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 Management Process According to corporate guidelines and internal policies, all BASF employees are guaranteed medical and preventive health services. The “BASF Group Directive Occupational Medicine & Health Protection”, part of the BASF RC Management System, states the underpinning principles of health management in the BASF Group, fosters the integration of health awareness and health management into business processes and defines our performance standards. One of these performance standards is health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation. RESPONSIBLE CARE G L O B A L C H A RT E R Responsible Care ® In order to ensure that these standards are met, the annual target agreements of BASF RC managers include a health promotion aspect, such as the implementation of the global health campaign. Health promotion and the overall health performance of all BASF sites and group companies are measured annually using the BASF Health Performance Index (HPI, see attachment 6) and periodically during the RC Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Audits to ensure sustainability and continuous improvement. Health promotion performance is one of the KPIs in our managment system, regularly evaluated and reported to the upper BASF management to ensure sustainability and continuous improvement. CCRC Competence Center Responsible Care BASF Responsible Care® Management System Competence Center Responsible Care (CCRC) Occupational Medicine and Health Protection Directive OM & HP Audits Competence Center Responsible Care (CCRC) BASF Group Directive Occupational Medicine & Health Protection BASF Health Performance Index Competence Centers of Excellence CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE Competence Center Responsible Care (CCRC) Annex to: BASF Group Directive Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Pandemic Preparedness 20. An April meld - 06 ung: . Ma i 20 09 Schr itt der zähler Vorra so t re lange ich t CCOHP Network Member Area Intranet Global Health Promotion Medical Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response Medical Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response Steps to Health Geh-sund in LU. Die BASF Gesundheitsaktion 2009 vom 20. April bis zum 15. Juli Nutzen Sie Ihren eigenen Schrittzähler und steigern Sie mit „Steps to Health” Ihre Bewegung im Alltag. Machen Sie mit im Online-Laufportal und gewinnen Sie einen von 47 attraktiven Preisen. Informationen unter: GUA - Arbeitsmedizin & Gesundheitsschutz GPC/KS - Sport und Gesundheitsförderung In Kooperation mit den Wirtschaftsbetrieben der BASF SE und der pronova BKK 4 Occupational Medicine and Health Protection The Chemical Company Key Messages BASF’s Occupational Medicine and Health Protection Department puts Responsible Care policies to action that goes far beyond legal requirements and compliance. Our health promotion activities aim to ensure equally high standards of health at all BASF sites worldwide. Global BASF Health Promotion Campaigns, which are designed and coordinated centrally by the Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Department and implemented in all regions where BASF sites are located, is especially instrumental in supporting smaller BASF sites where no or little medical expertise. This assures that health promotion activities are also available to these employees. Key corporate benefits are: - to contribute to the overall health and productivity of the workforce - t o reinforce the BASF Group presence and networking through communications and exchange of expertise - to contribute to BASF Branding as an attractive employer - to reduce global health risks (e.g. demographic risks) The health of the workforce is a sustainable resource. To ensure this sustainability, annual health promotion campaigns are an integral part of BASF health management. Organizing annual campaigns require regular needs analyses, long-term planning, flexibility in adapting campaigns to the local culture and expertise in campaign evaluation and reporting. The BASF Global Health Promotion Campaigns are communicated using many types of media: Intranet, Posters, Flyers, Blackboards, online-reporter, BASF print Media, etc. Management support is guaranteed by including health promotion issues into the annual target agreements. 5 RC Award 2011 Attachments 6 First global health campaign "Smoke-free 2008" (Attachment 1) For the first time BASF is promoting a health campaign around the world: 1,578 employees from 126 different BASF sites gave up smoking 870,000 cigarettes. In Germany , the Occupational Medicine and Health Protection department of BASF organized and implemented "Smoke-free 2008" together with the German Cancer Research Center and the company health insurance fund pronova BKK. Around the world, the Group companies and sites belonging to the BASF Group could simply adopt the campaign. Worldwide the health consequences of active or passive smoking are one of the major health risks. The campaign's challenge and goal was to sustainably promote non-smoking throughout all BASF sites taking into account all the different local conditions in the multiplicity of countries and cultures. Smoke-free 2008 10.000 € to be won! A non-smoking campaign Have you ever thought of giving up smoking? Give it a try! Join in with “Smoke-free 2008”. Entry forms available at your Occupational Health Physician, on the Intranet-Website of Occupational Medicine & Health Protection ( or at your department Coordination by Occupational Medicine & Health Protection in cooperation with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) ©Copyright 1999, World Health Organization Foto: Ashvin Gatha & Tushita Bosonet Living Color ©, CH-1807 Blonay The motto for realizing the campaign was "coordinate global, act local". Following this motto, "Smoke-free 2008" was implemented in 39 countries. All campaigns had the common goal for employees to quit smoking for good for at least one month. The campaign's concept included, e.g., a competition with a raffle and, in some countries, successful participation was tested by a urinalysis. In Germany , USA and several other countries, lucky winners received a cash reward. In Spain and Turkey a wellness weekend was on offer, in China an MP3 player was drawn. BASF Antwerp donated money to the Belgian Cancer Society for each employee taking part, totaling 5,000 Euros. The evaluation of the data of all participants worldwide showed that "Smokefree 2008" involved all employee groups. 42% of the employees stated to work in production, 29% in offices, and 29% had miscellaneous workplaces. 37% of the participants are shift workers. Fortunately, especially heavy smokers could be addressed. More than 70% of the participants declared to smoke at least 10 to 20 cigarettes per day. A survey of participants in the non-smoking campaign at Ludwigshafen in 2003 showed that after three years 40% were still non-smokers. People taking part in this year's campaign will be asked after a year about how the campaign has changed their smoking habits. The most important part of the campaign included supportive and informative measures for smoking cessation. At many sites the campaign was integrated into already existing activities or the signal for further smoking cessation measures. At the Ludwigshafen site, follow-up projects have already been implemented. In China , the campaign was integrated into a scientifically accompanied smoking cessation program. By the common approach many new ideas could be gathered and exchanged all around the world. "The experience gained with 'Smoke-free 2008' will also be very useful for future global health prevention campaigns" said Dr. Henning Thiele who coordinated this worldwide campaign. 7 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 First global health campaign "Smoke-free 2008" (Attachment 1) Gesundheitliche Schäden durch Tabak und Passivrauchen Rauchstopp lohnt sich Here are some tips for quitting: Die gesundheitlichen Schäden durch das Rauchen sind jedermann bekannt, aber die Beendigung des Tabakkonsums lohnt sich schon nach kurzer Zeit: Durch die aktuelle gesellschaftliche Diskussion ist das Thema Nichtraucherschutz in aller Munde. Das Nichtrauchergesetz sieht u. a. ein Rauchverbot in öffentlichen Gebäuden und außerhalb abgetrennter Raucherräume in größeren Gaststätten vor. Concentrate on the health and personal advantages not smoking will give you. Work out how much money you save if you do not smoke for one month,or one year and then think about what you could spend the money you have saved on. Dispose of your smoking utensils (cigarette boxes, lighters and ashtrays). Let your buddy support you, by making a date to go swimming or jogging for example. Avoid places that you used to get your cigarettes from. Get advice from your doctor, your pharmacist or experts on withdrawal. Nach 20 Minuten Der Blutdruck sinkt nahezu auf einen Wert wie vor der letzten Zigarette. Die Temperatur in Händen und Füßen steigt wieder auf normale Werte. Auch am Arbeitsplatz sind in Deutschland immer noch 8,5 Millionen nichtrauchende Erwerbstätige Passivrauch ausgesetzt. An den Folgen des Passivrauchens sterben in Deutschland jährlich mehr als 3.000 Nichtraucher. Darum wurde Passivrauch als krebserzeugender Stoff der höchsten Kategorie eingestuft. Nach 8 Stunden Der Kohlenmonoxid-Spiegel im Blut sinkt auf normale Werte. Nach 24 Stunden Das Risiko von Herzanfällen verringert sich. Zigarettenrauchen ist die häufigste vermeidbare Ursache für einen frühzeitigen Tod in den westlichen Ländern. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) schätzt, dass über vier Millionen Todesfälle weltweit pro Jahr auf den Tabakkonsum zurückzuführen sind. Einer von zwei Langzeitrauchern wird an seinen Gewohnheiten sterben. Allein in Deutschland sterben Schätzungen zufolge jedes Jahr 100.000 – 140.000 Menschen vorzeitig an Erkrankungen, die auf das Rauchen zurückzuführen sind. Nach 2 Wochen bis 3 Monaten Die Kreislaufsituation und die Lungenfunktion verbessern sich. You can reduce these by using nicotine gum, patches, lozenges. You can get information on additional medicinal withdrawal aids from your family doctor or your pharmacist. Hustenanfälle, Verstopfung der Nasennebenhöhlen, Müdigkeit und Kurzatmigkeit gehen zurück. Die Flimmerhärchen der Atemwege gewinnen wieder ihre Reinigungsfähigkeit, so dass eine normale Lungenfunktion erreicht wird. Die Infektanfälligkeit wird vermindert. Fax 0621 60-99372 Angebote in der BASF E-Mail: [email protected] Sender Der suchterzeugende Stoff im Tabakrauch ist das Nikotin. Neben der Entwicklung einer Abhängigkeit sind weitere gesundheitliche Folgen durch das Nikotin bekannt: Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel, Schlaflosigkeit, Nervosität, Zittern, Herzklopfen, Mundtrockenheit, Verdauungsbeschwerden, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Durchfall sowie Gelenk- und Muskelschmerzen. Längerfristig fördert Nikotin die Entstehung von Bluthochdruck, von Magen- und Zwölffingerdarmgeschwüren und verzögert die Wundheilung. _________________________________________________ Tel. 0621 60-45368 _________________________________________________ Dr. med. Tobias Conzelmann Address: _________________________________________________ Rauchfrei Ansprechpartner: Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Smoke-free 2008 Quit Smoking Competition for trainees and employees in the BASF Group Name: Beim Rauchen von Zigaretten bildet sich der Hauptstromrauch, der von den Rauchern in den Mund eingesogen wird, und der Nebenstromrauch (Passivrauch). Tabakrauch enthält 4.800 Chemikalien, darunter rund 70 krebserzeugende Stoffe und eine Vielzahl giftiger Substanzen. Rauchen erhöht das Risiko für Atemwegsinfekte, chronische Bronchitis sowie Gefäßerkrankungen wie Herzinfarkt und Schlaganfall. Das Risiko an Lungenkrebs zu erkranken ist bei männlichen Rauchern 17 - 20 mal höher als bei Nichtrauchern. Talk to your friends, colleagues and relatives about your resolution to become a non smoker. If you are afraid of withdrawal symptoms: Nach 1 bis 9 Monaten Holiday to be won! Entry form Coordination: Occupational Medicine & Health Protection BASF Ludwigshafen In cooperation with: German Cancer Research Center On the BASF intranet on the homepage of Occupational Medicine & Health Protection ( you will find more detailed information on the competition. Coordination Smoke-free 2008: Occupational Medicine & Health Protection BASF Ludwigshafen ©Copyright 1999, Weltgesundheitsorganisation Foto: Ashvin Gatha & Tushita Bosonet Living Color©, CH-1807 Blonay Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Foto: © Ashvin Gatha & Tushita Bosonet Living Color, CH-1807 Blonay Smoke-free 2008 A non-smoking campaign 禁煙キャンペーン Have you ever thought of giving up smoking? Give it a try! Join in with “Smoke-free 2008”. 禁煙を考えたことはありませんか? これを機に試してみませんか? Smoke-free 2008に参加しましょう! From July 1 to August 31 キャンペーン期間:7月1日~8月31日 Entry forms & Record available on BJ-Web. 参加申込書はBJ-Webに掲載しています。 窓口(Contact) : 環境保安 (Environment & Safety) ©Copyright 1999, World Health Organization Foto: Ashvin Gatha & Tushita Bosonet Living Color ©, CH-1807 Blonay ﻥﻱﺥﺩﺕﻝﻝ ﺍﻝ ﺓﻝﻡﺡ2008 ﻉﻭﺏﺱﺍﻝﺍ ﺭﺥﺍ ﺓﺯﺉﺍﺝ ﺏﺱﻙﺕﻩ ﻥﻱﺥﺩﺕﻝﻝ ﺍﻝ ﺓﻝﻡﺡ ؟؟ ﻥﻱﺥﺩﺕﻝﺍ ﻥﻉ ﻑﻙﺕ ﻥﺍ ﺍﻡﻭﻱ ﺕﺭﻙﻑ ﻝﻩ ﺍﻥﻉﻡ ﻝﻭﺍﺡ ﻡﺍﻉ " ﺓﻝﻡﺡ ﻯﻑ ﻙﺭﺍﺵ ﻭ2008 " ﻥﻱﺥﺩﺕ ﺍﻝﺏ ﺓﻅﻭﻑﺡﻡ ﻉﺏﻁﻝﺍ ﻕﻭﻕﺡ1999 ﺓﻱﻡﻝﺍﻉﻝﺍ ﺓﺡﺹﻝﻝ ﻭﺕﻭﻑﻝﺍ ﺓﻡﻅﻥﻡ 8 Steps to Health 2009 (Attachment 2) “Steps to Health 2009” – BASF’s second global health campaign - focused on encouraging physical activity in everyday life. Due to lifestyle changes in all industrialized countries, two thirds of adults aged 18 to 55 do not get enough exercise. They spend around eight hours a day on average in a sitting position and take 3,000 to 4,000 steps a day, covering a distance of only 1.8 to 2 kilometers. This is one reason why these countries are showing increasing rates of health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and damage to the musculoskeletal system. ng 2. Messu t zur angebo Zusatz 8 in Z 56 0 bis 18:0 li 10:00 0 am 7. Ju 9:00 bis 11:3 li Ju am 8. Pedometers - or step counters - are light and easy to use and help people to reach the recommended level of 7,000 to 10,000 steps per day. Measuring steps, distance, calories and body fat level is a great way to significantly increase motivation. 20. A Apr nmeld il u 06. ng: Ma i 20 0 Sch rit der tzähle Vor r so rat la reic nge ht Steps to Health Geh-sund in LU. Die BASF Gesundheitsaktion 2009 vom 20. April bis zum 15. Juli Nutzen Sie Ihren eigenen Schrittzähler und steigern Sie mit „Steps to Health” Ihre Bewegung im Alltag. Machen Sie mit im Online-Laufportal und gewinnen Sie einen von 47 attraktiven Preisen. Informationen unter: GUA - Arbeitsmedizin & Gesundheitsschutz GPC/KS - Sport und Gesundheitsförderung In Kooperation mit den Wirtschaftsbetrieben der BASF SE und der pronova BKK n Worldwide more than 160 BASF sites took part in the campaign - a total of 23,000 pedometers were distributed. n At BASF’s second-largest site in Antwerp, 1,710 employees - nearly half of the site’s workforce - took part. This site also used the personal online journal on the intranet that was developed at the Ludwigshafen site. n Northern European countries such as the United Kingdom and the Scandinavi- an countries organized a competition amongst n BASF’s Oil & Gas segment, the Wintershall Group, even integrated the Steps to Health campaign in its official annual health goals and reached a participation rate of 77% worldwide. n In the Greater China region and South America, there were also activities such as walking events, nutrition consulting and fitness classes in the workplace. n A number of sites in North America also took part, recruiting a total of 3,500 participants. Worldwide, data from the pedometers of 17,200 participants was collected. The entire BASF team tallied up almost 11 billion steps, or about seven million kilometers. This distance would be enough to connect all of the participating sites 55 times or to circle the earth 175 times. The BASF team travelled the distance from the earth to the moon 18 times. 9 9 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 Steps to Health 2009 (Attachment 2) „Steps to Health“-Angebote Nutzen Sie auch die vielfältigen Angebote von GUA und GPS/KF, die wir Ihnen im Rahmen der Aktion anbieten. ■ „Steps to Health“-Workshops (ohne Voranmeldung) Lernen Sie in nur 45 Minuten, wie Sie Ihr tägliches Bewegungspensum mit Hilfe eines Schrittzählers erhöhen können, ohne Marathon laufen zu müssen. Das Motto „Jeder Schritt zählt“ begleitet Sie durch den Alltag und zeigt Ihnen umsetzbare Möglichkeiten, etwas für Ihre Gesundheit zu tun. Praktische Übungen zum Thema Muskellockerung und Dehnung können Ihr Leben leichter, beweglicher und gesünder machen. Außerdem erfolgt eine praktische Einweisung in die Benutzung des Schrittzählers. Die Termine finden Sie im Intranet unter ■ Individuelles Angebot “Bewegungsberatung“ (Infos im Intranet oder bei GPS/KF) ■ Beim Firmencup am 24. Juni 2009 können Sie bis zu 8.000 Schritten zusätzlich sammeln. ■ In Lauf- oder Walkinggruppen und in viele andere Kurse aus dem aktuellen Sport- und Gesundheitsförderungsprogramm 2009 können Sie jederzeit neu einsteigen. ■ Besuchen Sie unsere Homepage zur Aktion „Steps to Health“. Vor- / Nachmame ................................................................................ Personalnummer .................................. Teilnehmer ID ....................................... männlich weiblich Datum: ............................. Körpergröße ............................ cm Gewicht ............................ kg Körperfett ............................ % BMI ............................ Bauchumfang ............................ cm Blutdruck ........................... mmHg Puls ............................ /min Messwerte nach der Aktion Bewegungstipps im Alltag Nehmen Sie doch öfter einmal die Treppe anstatt den Aufzug. ■ Legen Sie kurze Strecken zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad zurück. ■ Nutzen Sie Ihre Mittagspause zu einem kurzen Spaziergang. ■ Suchen Sie Ihre Kollegen auch einmal persönlich auf anstatt nur mit ihnen zu telefonieren. ■ Wenn Sie mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln unterwegs sind, steigen Sie doch einmal eine Station früher aus und legen den restlichen Weg zu Fuß zurück. ■ Runden Sie den Tag mit einem kleinen Spaziergang nach dem Abendessen ab. Datum: ............................. Körpergröße ............................ cm Gewicht ............................ kg Körperfett ............................ % BMI ............................ Bauchumfang ............................ cm Blutdruck ........................... mmHg Puls ............................ /min Gehsund in LU ■ BASF Gesundheitsaktion 2009 20. April - 15. Juli Die Aktion wird unterstüzt von den Wirtschaftsbetrieben der BASF und GUA - Arbeitsmedizin & Gesundheitsschutz GPS/KF - Sport und Gesundheitsförderung 537 km 6160 km 9k m 20 km 34 161 44 km km 245 6148 km 32 km 1 18 km m 6623 3k 115 km 8292 km km 69 624 5923 km 8 km 4 81 95 7276 km km 64 99 7502 km 10591 km 10 11527 km km km 09 44 11391 km 20 8297 313 km km 11527 km 1090 km 1130 56 11 2353 km Messwerte zu Beginn der Aktion km Geschlecht: Steps to Health 1363 km Ihre Messergebnisse Bitte bringen Sie dieses Formular zur jeweiligen Messung in die Ambulanz mit. Die grünen Felder können Sie vorher bereits selbst ausfüllen. Die restlichen Felder werden von Mitarbeitern der Ambulanz erfasst und ausgefüllt. km 11391 km BASF Global Vaccination Campaign 2010 / 2011 (Attachment 3) As a result of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, updating pandemic preparedness plans at all BASF sites worldwide and offering vaccinations against influenza were defined as annual targets for 2010. So klein, so gemein: 40 Grad Fieber. Schüttelfrost. Gliederschmerzen. Ambulanz H 308 Di. 05.10.2010 Mi. 06.10.2010 Do.07.10.2010 Do.28.10.2010 Termine Ambulanz H 308 AlleDi.Termine jeweils von 05.10.2010 Mi. 06.10.2010 15.30 bis 18.00 Uhr Do.07.10.2010 Do.28.10.2010 Weitere Termine Alle Termine jeweils von 15.30 bis 18.00 Uhr The Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Department had a pivotal function in organizing health management on a global level, assuring that all interventions in the event of a pandemic are standardized, coordinated and consistent at all levels of the corporate organization. Templates of pandemic preparedness plans and checklists were provided, designed to suit sites of different sizes and functions, and aligned to the overall BASF pandemic preparedness plan. In addition, teaching materials on hygiene topics and the medical background of the influenza infection were offered. BASF sites worldwide used these materials to inform and train their employees and to implement all necessary processes relevant for pandemic preparedness. To offer and to promote vaccination against the seasonal flu was one of the cornerstones in this campaign. Q 920 Termine Mi.Weitere 27.10.2010 15.30 - 17.30 Uhr Raum A 028 Q 920 Mi. 27.10.2010 15.30 - 17.30 Uhr Raum A 018 Z 570 570 Mo.Z 04.10.2010 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr Mo. 04.10.2010 14.00 2 - 16.00 Uhr Besprechungsraum Besprechungsraum 2 In Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Occupational Medicine & Health Protection bietet die pronova BKK eine Grippeschutzimpfung an. Alle auf dem Werksgelände Beschäftigten können daran teilnehmen. Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Krankenversichertenkarte mit. Für Mitglieder der pronova BKK ist die Impfung kostenlos. Mitglieder aller anderen Krankenkassen entrichten einen Beitrag in Höhe von 15 €, der in der Regel von diesen erstattet wird. Grippeschutzimpfung 2010 In Zusammenarbeit mit der Abteilung Occupational Medicine & Health Protection bietet die pronova BKK eine Grippeschutzimpfung an. Alle auf dem Werksgelände Beschäftigten können daran teilnehmen. Bitte bringen Sie Ihre Krankenversichertenkarte mit. Für Mitglieder der pronova BKK ist die Impfung kostenlos. Mitglieder aller anderen Krankenkassen entrichten einen Beitrag in Höhe von 15 €, der in der Regel von diesen erstattet wird. The Chemical Company Grippeschutzimpfung arbeitsmedizin.basf.net2010 The vaccination was recommended not only for certain high-risk groups but also to the entire BASF population in order to stop the spread of the virus as early as possible and in this way to protect vulnerable employees, family members and the society in general. Also to support BASF sites in achieving high participation rates in receiving the vaccination itself, the Occupational Medicine and Health Protection Department provided support and materials: n Provision of advertising material (e.g. campaign logos and posters) n Centralized support in completion of regional / local advertising material n Recommendations regarding the choice of vaccines n Evaluation questionnaire In total, 294 BASF sites participated in this campaign. The overall participation rate was approximately 20%. Participation was particularly high in some countries in the Asia/Pacific region such as Thailand, Indonesia and Pakistan where 95% to 98% of the workforce took part. 11 G In O bi im B Termine BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 B ve Fü Im K H er W ar w BASF Global Vaccination Campaign 2010 / 2011 (Attachment 3) Termine Hygienic Measures Di Mi Do Mi How can I protect myself and others from viruses? 20.09.09 21.09.09 22.09.09 05.10.09 15:30 - 17:30 Uhr H 308 Ambulanz How can I protect myself and others from viruses? • Simple everyday actions are the best prevention. • Personal hygiene measures are the most important measures to protect the spread of germs. Coughing and sneezing Avoid touching any objects or people after you have been coughing or sneezing. Keep a distance when you cough or sneeze. Always use a disposable tissue and throw it out immediately after use or cough into your sleeve if you don’t have a tissue. Avoid direct contact Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. Avoid greeting people with hugs, kisses and handshakes. Keep a distance to other people when having a conversation. Measures at home Air out the rooms for 10 minutes three four times a day. Proper hand-washing Wash your hands frequently – especially before preparing food, before and after eating, after using the restroom or when you come home. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly by holding your hands under running water, lather and rub with soap – also in between the fingers – for 20 to 30 seconds, then carefully rinse and dry your hands. Stay home Do not go to work if you have flu-like symptoms (e.g. fever higher than 38 degrees Celsius, muscle and joint pain, sore throat). NICHT VERGESSEN! Call your family doctor. Measures at BASF Normally there is no need to use disinfectant or wear protective masks to cover the mouth and nose. Clean all household surfaces, particularly night tables, doorknobs and all surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen, with conventional household cleaners. Other measures you can take… • Avoid close contact with people (e.g. crowds, public transport) during flu season. If this is not possible, wash your hands regularly and try to avoid touching your eyes and nose as much as possible. • Get the flu vaccination every year. This is particularly recommended for people who are at especially high risk – seniors, children and people with pre-existing respiratory diseases. • Keep healthy – a balanced diet, lots of exercise and a health-conscious lifestyle will strengthen your immune system. Source: und Virus Illustration: © 12 BASF GLOBAL INFLUENZA VACCINATION CAMPAIGN 2010 / 2011 healthyskin@work 2011 (Attachment 4) 4th Global BASF Health Promotion Campaign 02 May to 30 September 2011 Foto: © Healthyskin@work 2011 is BASF’s 4th global Health promotion campaign which has been planned and organized by the department for Occupational Medicine & Health Protection, GUA. Our goals are to reduce the incidence of occupational dermatitis in all Group companies, to identify skin hazards at BASF workplaces, to implement occupational skin check-ups by the medical staff on site and to raise awareness and educate about skin- and sun protection in workplaces and private life. Some of our bigger sites will offer skin cancer screenings as an optional and preventive measure for Health protection. Information materials for all participating sites were distributed via the Country Coordinating Occupational Health Physicians (CCOHPs) and Responsible - Care - managers around the world. In addition resources and information material are available at the world wide web in the GUA Members area: healthyskin@work 2011 Nutzen Sie das kostenlose Angebot eines Hautkrebs-Screenings (Mo. - Fr., 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr) und vereinbaren Sie im Aktionszeitraum Ihren Wunschtermin online unter: Sind Sie beruflich hautgefährdet? Schützen Sie sich ausreichend vor UV-Strahlen? Machen Sie den Check für Ihren Arbeitsplatz. Besuchen Sie unseren Intranet-Auftritt mit zusätzlichen Angeboten und vielen wertvollen Tipps sowie Informationen zu healthyskin@work 2011. BASF Gesundheitsaktion 2011 GUA - Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsschutz in Kooperation mit der pronova BKK n The Occupational skin protection requirement is a new guideline for all sites to set uniform standards for skin protection at the workplace n Occupational skin protection program is an example of “best practice” show- ing the collection of skin cleaners and protective cremes n Information material about skin diseases and skin protection, the sample poster which can be used by all sites n Power point presentations on skin protection and sun protection which can be used by medical doctors or EHS managers on site n Documentation aid for occupational check-up of skin describing the most common risks for occupational dermatitis n a so called “short photo guide” for nurses and medical doctors in which the five main diagnosis of skin diseases are described n Excel sheet or access database in which the results can be noted By using the provided material even small sites are able to participate at the Healthyskin@work campaign without any costs or additional planning. There are three different options: Option 1: hosting “healthyskin@work“ as an information event on the topic “Skin and Sun Protection”. Option 2: planning further occupational health examinations on-site, employees are encouraged to fill in helpful information on risks of skin diseases in the workplace in the provided documentation. Option 3: including skin cancer screenings by external dermatologists This option has chosen in Ludwigshafen and several other large BASF sites like Tarragona (Spain), Antwerp (Belgium), Schwarzheide (Germany), Demarci (South America) and Nanjing (PR China). The evaluation of the campaign starts at October 2011. All results will be collected by Regional or Country Coordinating Occupational Health Physicians and sent to Ludwigshafen. 13 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 healthyskin@work 2011 (Attachment 4) Checkliste Arbeitsplatz healthyskin@work 2011 Nein ■ Hautkrebs-Screening: Nutzen Sie das kostenlose Angebot eines Hautkrebs-Screenings durch Hautfachärzte und vereinbaren Sie online Ihren Wunschtermin im Aktionszeitraum (02. Mai bis 30. September 2011, Mo. - Fr., 8:00 - 17:00 Uhr) unter Bitte beachten Sie unsere Zusatztermine vor Ort und vergessen Sie nicht, die nebenstehende Checkliste Arbeitsplatz zum Termin mitzubringen. Ja Händen Leichte Rötung an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja Bläschen an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja Risse an den Fingerkuppen Nein Ja Tiefe Einrisse an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja 5. Haben Sie zu folgenden Stoffen / Produkten Kontakt? Gesundheitsgefährdend und/oder Nein Ja sensibilisierend und/oder hautgefährdende Substanzen (irritierend, austrocknend, ätzend, korrosiv etc.) 6. Wie oft am Tag waschen Sie sich die < 20 x / > 20 x / Hände? Tag Tag 7. Welche Art von Schutzhandschuhen und wie viele Stunden am Tag tragen Sie sie? Wasserdurchlässig (z. B. Leder) <4h/ Tag Ja ■ Besuchen Sie unseren Online-Auftritt mit wertvollen Informationen zu healthyskin@work 2011: >4h/ Tag Nein ■ Abonnieren Sie über unsere Homepage den GUA-Newsletter mit aktuellen Tipps zum Thema Haut. Bewertung: Vorstellung beim Arzt notwendig*1 bei mind. 1 x Rot Vorstellung beim Arzt empfehlenswert*1 bei ≥ 4 x Orange Vorstellung beim Arzt nur bei Beschwerden*2 bei nur Grün oder bis 3 x Orange Weitere Informationen zur Aktion ■ Teilnehmen können alle Mitarbeiter mit Werksausweis. *1: Bitte stellen Sie sich in der Ambulanz (Mo. - Fr., 8:00 - 16:00 Uhr) vor oder vereinbaren Sie eine Sprechstunde mit dem für Ihren Betrieb zuständigen Werksarzt. haut liebt chemie *2: Keine Vorstellung notwendig. Bitte geben Sie die ausgefüllte Checkliste trotzdem in der Ambulanz ab. Sie nehmen damit Wussten Sie schon, dass automatisch an der Preisverlosung teil. ■ Unter allen Teilnehmern werden wieder tolle Preise Sind Sie beruflich gefährdet? verlost! Checkliste Arbeitsplatz Gesundheitsaktion 2011 BASFdurch Gesundheitsaktion 2011 Hautveränderungen können auch Belastungen Vor-/Nachname: ....................................................................... Arbeitsmedizin und Gesundheitsschutz GUA - Arbeitsmedizin am Arbeitsplatz verursacht werden. Hier stehen& Gesundheitsschutz Fak(GUA) in Kooperation mit BASF Care Personalnummer: ....................................................................... in Kooperation mit den Wirtschaftstoren wie häufig erforderliches Reinigen derder Hände, das Chemicals und der pronova BKK betrieben und pronova BKK Geburtsdatum: ....................................................................... Tragen von Handschuhen oder mechanische Reize im Vordergrund. Darum haben wir einen weiteren SchwerDie Angaben und medizinischen Daten verbleiben in Ihrer persönlichen Gesundheitsakte bei GUA und unterliegen der punkt auf den betrieblichen Hautschutz gelegt. In der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht. nebenstehenden Checkliste können Sie in wenigen Minuten herausfinden, ob Ihre Haut bei der Arbeit 1. In welchen Bereichen sind Sie überwiegend tätig? (nur besonders belastet wird und ob bei Ihnen ein erhöhtes eine Nennung möglich) Risiko für Hauterkrankungen besteht. Im Rahmen von Produktion Nein Ja healthyskin@work bieten wir Ihnen eine medizinischInstandhaltung / Wartung Nein Ja fachliche Beratung in Form einer Sprechstunde an. Labor Nein Ja Büro Nein Ja Denn Vorbeugen ist besser als Behandeln! die Haut das größte menschliche Organ ist und Tag für Tag für uns lebenswichtige Funktionen erfüllt? Bei Abgabe dieser Checkliste nehmen Sie unabhängig von der Beurteilung automatisch an der Preisverlosung teil. 02. Mai bis 30. September 2011 Foto: © Ganzjährig 4. Globale BASF Gesundheitsaktion ■ Haut-Check Arbeitsplatz: Füllen Sie die Checkliste Arbeitsplatz aus und nutzen Sie ggf. unser Angebot einer Sprechstunde in der Ambulanz (Mo. - Fr., 8:00 - 16:00 Uhr) oder bei Ihrem Werksarzt. Bitte senden Sie uns die ausgefüllte Checkliste in jedem Fall zu (GUA, H 306) oder geben diese in der Ambulanz H 308 ab. Nur so nehmen Sie an der Verlosung teil! 2-4h/ >4h/ Tag Tag Wasserundurchlässig (z. B. Nitril-, Labor-, 2 - 4 h / > 4 h / Chemikalien-Handschuhe) Tag Tag 8. Wie viele Stunden arbeiten Sie durchschnittlich am Tag im Freien bei direkter Sonneneinstrahlung? <4h/ >4h/ Saisonal (Frühjahr / Sommer) Tag Tag 9. Verwenden Sie regelmäßig Hautpflegemittel gemäß dem Hautschutzplan? Foto: © Welche Angebote der Aktion kann ich wahrnehmen? Leichte Schuppung an Fingern und Sie schützt den Körper vor äußeren Einflüssen wie Kälte, Wärme, UV-Strahlung, Krankheitserregern und chemischen Substanzen. Darüber hinaus erfüllt sie wichtige Funktionen bei der Regulation des Wärmehaushaltes, indem der Körper bei Kälte isoliert und bei warmen Außentemperaturen durch Flüssigkeitsabgabe gekühlt wird. Die Haut enthält Sinnesorgane für mechanische Reize und kann Schmerz und Temperaturunterschiede erkennen. Mischung aus Labor / Büro 50 : 50 Nein Ja Mischung aus Produktion / Instandhaltung Nein Ja 50 : 50 2. Bestehen eine oder mehrere Vorerkrankung(en) der Haut? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich) Schuppenflechte / Psoriasis Nein Ja Neurodermitis Nein Ja Trockene Haut an > 30 % des Körpers Nein Ja Übermäßiges Schwitzen („Hyperhidrose“) Nein Ja besonders an Händen und/oder Füßen Hautkrebs in der eigenen KrankheitsNein Ja geschichte Großflächige Hautdefekte (z. B. Narben) Nein Ja Sonstiges Nein Ja 3. Leiden Sie unter Allergien? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich) Heuschnupfen / Pollinosis Nein Ja Allergisches Asthma bronchiale Nein Ja Kontaktallergien Nein Ja Sonstiges Nein Ja 4. Haben Sie seit Beginn Ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit folgende Veränderungen an Ihren Händen festgestellt? Juckreiz an den Händen während oder Nein Ja nach der Arbeit bzw. nach dem Tragen von Handschuhen Trockenheit und leichte Rötung der Nein Ja Fingerzwischenräume (Schwimmfalten) Unser Intranet-Auftritt bietet Ihnen zudem viele wertvolle Tipps zum Thema Haut sowie Informationen zu healthyskin@work 2011. Die diesjährige globale BASF Gesundheitsaktion „healthyskin@work 2011“ widmet sich der Gesunderhaltung der Haut sowohl im betrieblichen Umfeld als auch in der Freizeit. Die Vermeidung von Sonneneinstrahlung auf die Haut durch geeignete Kleidung oder Sonnenschutzpräparate helfen, das Risiko für Hautkrebserkrankungen zu senken. In medizinischen Hautkrebsscreenings können Hautveränderungen frühzeitig erkannt und anschließend wirksam behandelt werden. Foto: © Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Aktion wird daher das Erkennen schädlicher Wirkung von UV-Strahlung auf die menschliche Haut sein. In Deutschland erkranken jedes Jahr etwa 195.000 Menschen an dem so genannten weißen Hautkrebs (Basalzell- oder Stachelzellkrebs). Zusätzlich tritt jährlich bei etwa 24.000 Menschen der besonders gefährliche schwarze Hautkrebs (malignes Melanom) auf. Dafür wird in vielen Fällen eine zu intensive Sonneneinstrahlung beim „Sonnenbaden“ in der Freizeit oder im Urlaub, vor allem in südlichen Ländern, verantwortlich gemacht. Schicken Sie die abgetrennte Checkliste per Werkpost an GUA / H 306 oder geben Sie diese in der Ambulanz ab. > skin loves protection Taking care of your skin is one of the most important aspects of your health and well-being. At BASF you are vital to our success and taking care of your health and well-being remains our main priority - because together we can continue creating chemistry. Please visit our local intranet for more details! chemicals love healthy skin We are in contact with chemicals on a daily basis, whether at home or at work. Some of these chemicals can be harmful. That is why you need to take care of your skin to ensure you stay healthy. At BASF, protecting you from the harmful effects of the chemicals you are exposed to at work remains our main concern. Because taking care of your health is our way of making sure that together we can continue creating chemistry. Please visit our local intranet for more details! healthyskin@work 2011 Checkliste 5. Haben Sie zu folgenden Stoffen/Produkten Kontakt? Gesundheitsgefährdend und/oder sensibilisierend und/oder hautgefährdende Substanzen (irritierend, austrocknend, ätzend, korrosiv etc.) Nein Ja 6. Wie oft am Tag waschen Sie sich die Hände? <20x / Tag >20x / Tag Vor-/Nachname: .......................................... Personalnummer: .................... Geburtsdatum: .................... Die Angaben und medizinischen7. Daten verbleiben in Ihrer persönlichen Gesundheitsakte undStunden unterliegenam der ärztlichen Schweigepfl icht. Welche Art von Schutzhandschuhen und bei wieGUA viele Tag tragen Sie sie? 1. In welchen BereichenWasserdurchlässig sind Sie überwiegend tätig? (nur eine Nennung möglich) (z.B. Leder) 2-4h / Tag Produktion Nein Ja 2-4h / Tag Wasserundurchlässig (z.B. Nitril-, Labor-, Chemikalien-Handschuhe) Instandhaltung/Wartung Nein Ja Labor Ja Ja 9. Verwenden Sie regelmäßig Hautpflegemittel Nein gemäß dem Hautschutzplan? Büro Nein Ja Mischung aus Labor/Büro 50:50 Nein Ja BEWERTUNG: 50:50 Mischung aus Produktion/Instandhaltung Nein Ja Vorstellung Arzt notwendig1 Vorstellung Arzt empfehlenswert 2. Bestehen eine oder mehrere Vorerkrankung(en) der 1Haut? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich) Schuppenflechte/PsoriasisVorstellung Arzt nur bei Beschwerden2 Nein Ja >4h / Tag >4h / Tag Nein bei mind. 1x Rot bei >= 4x Orange bei nur Grün oder bis 3 x Orange Neurodermitis Nein Ja Trockene Haut an >30% des Körpers Nein Ja *1: Bitte stellen Sie sich in der Ambulanz (Mo. - Fr., 8:00 - 16:00 Uhr) vor oder vereinbaren Sie eine Sprechstunde mit Übermäßiges Schwitzen ("Hyperhidrose") besonders an Händen und/oder Nein Ja dem für Ihren Betrieb zuständigen Werksarzt. Füßen Hautkrebs in der eigenen*2: Krankheitsgeschichte Nein Ja trotzdem in der Ambulanz ab. Sie nehmen Keine Vorstellung notwendig. Bitte geben Sie die ausgefüllte Checkliste damit automatisch an der Preisverlosung teil. Nein Großflächige Hautdefekte (z.B. Narben) Ja Sonstiges Nein Ja 3. Leiden Sie unter Allergien? (Mehrfachnennungen möglich) Heuschnupfen/Pollinosis Allergisches Asthma bronchiale Kontaktallergien (z.B. Pflaster-, Nickelallergie) Sonstiges Nein Nein Nein Nein Ja Ja Ja Ja 4. Haben Sie seit Beginn Ihrer beruflichen Tätigkeit folgende Veränderungen an Ihren Händen festgestellt? Juckreiz an den Händen während oder nach der Arbeit bzw. nach dem Nein Ja Tragen von Handschuhen Trockenheit und leichte Rötung der Fingerzwischenräume (Schwimmfalten) Nein Ja Leichte Schuppung an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja Leichte Rötung an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja Bläschen an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja Risse an den Fingerkuppen Nein Ja Tiefe Einrisse an Fingern und Händen Nein Ja 14 Skin care matters Skin care matters 2011 BASF Health Promotion Campaign 2011 BASF Health Promotion Campaign Evaluation (Attachment 5) See PDF-File Int Arch Occup Environ Health DOI 10.1007/s00420-010-0521-7 OR IGINAL AR T I CL E Impact of an occupational health promotion program on subsequent illness and mortality experience M. Gerald Ott · M. Yong · A. Zober · M. Nasterlack · P. Messerer · R.-P. Pluto · S. Lang · C. Oberlinner Received: 12 October 2009 / Accepted: 9 February 2010 © Springer-Verlag 2010 Abstract Background Integrating general health initiatives into established occupational health programs may be an eVective way of contributing more broadly to employee health. Objective assessment of the success of such initiatives is needed, but is often diYcult to carry out because of their voluntary nature. Methods A cohort of 24,586 wage employees, 35+ years of age and with 15+ years of prior employment, was established to assess morbidity and mortality outcomes relative to participation in an ongoing health initiative instituted in 1983. Outcomes were evaluated for employees who attended the seminar program (attendees), those who had clearance examinations, but did not take part in the program (withdrawals), and non-participants. Results At entry to follow-up, the prevalence of chronic illnesses including diabetes, obesity, and diseases of the circulatory system was lowest among non-participants and highest among withdrawals. During the follow-up period, the incidence of new disease conditions was similar between attendees and non-participants; however, overall mortality was signiWcantly reduced among attendees after adjustment for explanatory factors including age, job grade, The author M. Yong contributed equally to this work. M. Yong · A. Zober · M. Nasterlack · P. Messerer · R.-P. Pluto · S. Lang · C. Oberlinner (&) Occupational Medical and Health Protection Department, BASF Societas Europaea, Ludwigshafen, Germany e-mail: [email protected] M. G. Ott Corporate Medical Department, BASF Corporation, Florham Park, NJ, USA smoking history, alcohol intake, and body-mass-index (relative risk = 0.83; 95% conWdence interval: 0.69–0.99) and was still marginally decreased when withdrawals were combined with attendees. Conclusions Although self-selection cannot be ruled out as a contributing factor to the reduction in mortality risk among attendees, our Wndings indicate that oVering health promotion activities in the context of an existing occupational health program may beneWt overall employee health. Keywords Workplace health promotion · Occupational medicine · Chronic diseases · Mortality Introduction In 1983, an agreement was reached between the Works Council representing employees and the Works Management of BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, Germany, to oVer additional occupational medical examinations and health seminars for wage employees assigned to jobs with high vigilance and physical exertion requirements. It was thought that the integration of preventive and occupational health services could provide a beneWt to employee and employer alike. The health seminar program was designed to accommodate up to 1,500 participants per year and was targeted to long-term production or maintenance employees assigned to jobs involving manual or skilled labor or Wrstline supervision. The job grade of these employees is roughly equivalent to the lower grade levels examined in the Whitehall study of civil servants (Marang-van de Mheen et al. 2001). Because rotating shift work was seen as involving a high potential for physiological and psychological stress, relatively more places in the program were reserved for shift-work employees. 123 15 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 Management Process (Attachment 6) BASF Health Performance Index BASF as an internationally acting company is committed to the principles of sustainable development and Responsible Care®. We implement the ten principles of the Global Compact and through our global reports inform our stakeholders and the general public about the measures taken and goals achieved. Our reporting systems follow the guidelines and protocols of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). These guidelines exist to facilitate transparency and accountability by organizations and to provide stakeholders a universally-applicable, comparable framework from which to understand disclosed information. In this context, BASF’s Occupational Medicine & Health Protection (OM&HP) department reports on an annual basis activities and key performance indicators that describe both the general health status of our employees as well as our efforts to further promote their health and well-being at work and beyond. This annual report is mainly focused on the Ludwigshafen site but also contains information on BASF sites worldwide, as far as it is assessed during medical audits (Responsible Care Audits) carried out by our department. Additional information is mandatorily provided by the sites into BASF’s Responsible Care Database. We had to choose from this comprehensive report one item to be included into the Global Company Report. Therefore, as a general measure of occupational health we have in the past calculated and reported a Total Reportable Occupational Illness Frequency Rate (TROIFR). The TROIFR is based on reported cases of suspected non-latency occupational diseases from all BASF sites worldwide, standardized to million hours worked. We were, however, aware that this indicator covers only one aspect of the applicable GRI reporting standards. TROIFR Health Promotion HPI Preventive Medicine Medical Emergency Planning First Aid Figure: The 5 dimensions of BASF Health Perfomance Index To better comply with the GRI reporting requirements we decided to modify our reporting system, at the same time taking into account the limitations in space imposed by the requirements for a Global Company Report. To this end we extended the reporting requirements for the sites to provide additional structured information on activities falling into the scope of the Indicator Protocols Set LA of the GRI, as far as they are covered by OM&HP. This includes specifically LA 7 and LA 8. Thus, beyond occupational disease cases (LA 7), the sites will report compliance with requirements related to education, training, counseling, prevention, and risk-control programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases. 16 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 The details of reporting as well as the method to calculate a standardized one-item figure is provided in the following table: BASF Health Performance Index BASF Health Performance Index Content BASF Health Performance Index Target Weighting BASF Health Performance Index 1 Occupational Diseases LA 7 TROIFR Total Reported Occupational Illness Frequency Rate < 0.08 / 1 Mio. hours worked (equivalent: – 80 % base year 2004) 0.2 (20 %) 2 Training and Education LA 8 Medical Emergeny Planning Medical Emergency Drills 1 drill per site 0.2 (20 %) 3 Risk Control LA 8 First Aid Percentage of First Aiders Target no. of First Aiders per site 0.2 (20 %) 4 Health & Safety LA 8 Preventive Medicine According to legislation or site agreements > 90 % of scheduled (compulsory) examinations 0.2 (20 %) 5 Health & Safety / Consultation LA 8 Health Promotion Site Activities Participation in Global BASF Health Campaign or independent site campaign 0.2 (20 %) BASF Health Performance Index BASF Health Performance Index BASF Health Performance Index BASF Health Performance Index BASF Health Performance Index Total: > 0,9 The HPI thus provides an objective and integrated measure of BASF’s group-wide health protection performance, including but also going beyond what has been provided through the TRIOFR so far. It will be used to externally report the degree of implementation of required risk management activities on a global basis, thus assuming responsibility and increasing transparency. BASF Health Performance Index Internally, the HPI can be related to any given site, to facilitate specific support through targeted interventions in the context of our Responsible Care Audits. The sites themselves, while providing the entries into the RC database, become immediately aware of any shortcomings and can initiate appropriate actions. 17 BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129 Please find additional information on our web page: 18 Please Contact: Dr. med. Stefan Lang Chief Medical Officer Occupational Medicine & Health Protection Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-43909 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-43322 [email protected] BASF SE 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany Tel. +49 (0) 621 60-0 Fax +49 (0) 621 60-20129