
Congratulations to Bob Reszka on his retirement! Federal

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Congratulations to Bob Reszka on his retirement! Federal
GIS Users Meeting February 2013 Minutes
Welcome by Everett Root, Manager, GeoSpatial/Spatial Technologies, DTMB
Congratulations to Bob Reszka on his retirement!
Sarah AcMoody – USDA – Will have funding for 2014 NAIP, leaf on so they will be flown in
July/August. They will fly the LP first than UP in August.
NASS (National Agricultural Statistics Service) has 2 interactive websites where you can view
cropland data and do some moderate analysis. Can download the data as a georeferenced tiff.
http://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/CropScape and http://nassgeodata.gmu.edu/VegScape/
Charlie Hicks – USGS – Budget is signed but not all the money for Lidar so might not have
contribution for Michigan Lidar. National Park Service wants to take part in Michigan Lidar for
Pictured Rocks and Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes parks. May be more Lidar money in 2015.
Hydrography – NHD – Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners may have business plan
that may be available for review. Monthly newsletter just came out. If you are not on it contact
Charlie to get you signed up if you want.
USGS is less involved with urban imagery but still working on Grand Rapids.
Craig Best – Census Bureau – GSSI Plan for updating TIGER and address info for 2020 census.
Once MOU is signed will start getting data. Update process will take place in 2014. Everett says the
MOU is done, agreements in from counties.
Eric Starn – MIARNG – A lot of internal movement for them right now. Updating SDE server.
Contracts going out affecting the readiness centers and training sites. May have public viewer
launching in next couple months.
Josh asked if addresses were stored in ranges and Eric said they were but Gail Krmenec of the
Census bureau said they also store the data as points. But they are not shared with the public.
Everett says Michigan provides points.
Carla Elenz – MDMVA – Developed an inward facing mapping web service to Guard. Not public.
Elizabeth McNichols – USFS – Any data they create they can share except for heritage layers and
threatened and endangered species. Do share road information. Everett says the road information is
shared with CSS and they will put them in FW.
CSS – Everett Root – MiSAIL program is in 2014 planning now. A new map on the website to show
where they are flying by the end of February.
GDL – Wellhead Protection Areas have been updated using MDEQ data.
App updates – MiPAGE has received updates.
Dept. of State’s District Locator displays legislative district maps, updated to 2012 voter
Josh Ross – Delivery of V14 FW on April 1st. So GDL will be updated about 2 months after
that. Will be delivering out the Oracle spatial environment.
New ACUB have been implemented, based on the 2010 census. 77 new ACUBs added.
MDOT – Frank Boston – Will attend the International Lidar Mapping Forum.
Mike Toth – New ACUB into FW. Do have GIS files by county in v13. Attributed for urban.
Waiting for polygon file in v14.
Working on editing tools for features.
Annie Lowless – Non trunkline federal aid has new mapping service for local agencies to use.
For locals to see what they can have in Federal aid. Refers to traffic counts.
Trevor Havelka – MSP – Internal mapping and partial activation of State Emergency Operation
MiSims activity log has been changed. Public server is up.
Messaging and active user board.
Alicia Lawless – MDNR – A trail viewer for the public. All foot and other trails.
MiHUNT, MrBIS boating access sites.
John Esch – Moving to WIN 7, having trouble with admin rights.
Going to ArcGIS 10.2. Experimenting with some simple maps with ArcGIS Online. Finding that there
are problems and not as easy as advertised.
John Spielberg – Updating a statewide DB on naturally occurring metals and soils. Will include
a layer that will locate where the samples were collected. For arsenic, lead and such.
John Spencer – DTMB – Website on facilities (Buildings) on Statewide basis. Upgrading Facilities
Inventory Manual from hardcopy to website is mcgi.state.mi.us/facilities. Nearly complete but
western U.P. still needs work. Real Estate also added all their leased facilities.
IMAGIN – Scott Ambs – Jan 10 IMAGIN and MICAMP met to talk about issues. Will meet twice a
year to produce joint workshops. Want everyone to work together on issues.
Will be a session on parcel fabric so if you want to give a paper contact them.
Everett and Scott committed to 90 minutes. Let them know if you want to present.
MICAMP – Andrew Hartwick – Conf is from Sept 17-19. Contact them if you want to do a topic or
suggest one.
Scott Ambs – Jackson County – Migrating old data into the Local Government model. Good for
looking at old data and cleaning up the files.
Trevor Floyd – St. Clair County – New person starts on March 5. !0.1 server is stable. SQL SDE for
2005 does not work with 10.1 so trying to move up to 10.2. Imagery is out of SDE and into the flat
files that ESRI likes to see if it’s faster. Was told it’s faster.
If you have problems getting raster images out because you lost your original tiles he did find a way
to recover them using the flight delivery shapefiles.
Kevin Funtik – Wayne County – RIM (Roads Infrastructure Management) upgrade and all hardware is
in place. Should be working by end of February.
Update file and DB server.
Andrew Hartwick – St. Joseph County – New employee funded through 911 monies. Remon S2
revisions are on the website.
Scott Harrod – City of Ann Arbor – Local government model loaded on 10.2 SQL server. Taking the
layers and moving them to where they should be in LGM without changing names and structure. Will
fix later.
Working on creating a link between BCM and GIS systems to bring up all greenbelt information.
Geocoding the QVF file to make sure voter information is correct.
Updating Geocortex.
Almost done with address updating.
Sandon Lettieri – Livingston County – General data maintenance. Acquired a lot of historic imagery
from SEMCOG and incorporate it into their data set and making it available to local people.
Bryan May – Ionia County – Half time spent on maintaining tract index, the rest of the time is
promoting a multi-person GIS unit. Made a map layer linked to 400 parcels.
Brent Thelen – Calhoun County – Drains and districts.
Susan Moore – Oakland County – ArcGIS online training dept on it.
$ new web apps, fishing , grow local, park finder, locate government services.
Upgrading to 10.2.1
IT department at Oakland Count is looking for a supervisor and Project manager www.oakgov/jobs
Shane Pavlik – Ottawa County – Deploying GeoCortex apps out of ArcGIS Server want an
environmental health app that will be able edit at desk and field.
Ann Burns – SEMCOG – Add 15 attributes to building footprint layer that Sanborn created.
Processing employment data from Michigan Department of Transportation to feed into regional
forecast on pavement condition data.
Putting in RFP on traffic counts in 2015
ArcGIS online including the story map function.
Finalizing green infrastructure report on SE Michigan.
Laura Tschirhart – Flyover in 2015 need to coordinate with other partners.
Justin Booth – RS&GIS – Training 03/5-7 check website for that
Research with dept and MDEQ on help with groundwater movement and welllogic points. Working
with MDEQ so that those interested in drinking water sites will see where the samples were taken.
Michigan Fitness Foundation project. Created a website for online application and mobile
Purchasing 2 UAS. Hoping to fly this summer.
State Historical Preservation Office (SHPO) build a workflow to move data into a geodatabase for
Rebecca Rogers – Natural Features Inventory – Suggested that LCC students might help if you need
a job done. Pay is preferred but will volunteer to learn the job. See her if you have a need.
Working with road and drain commissions to provide information to them because of the new regs by
MDEQ. Work with the National Heritage DB and threatened and endangered species data so if you
need anything to do with that see her.
Kathleen Weessies – MSU Library – Most data acquisitions are international but they are working on
better organizing and index that data. Mentioned that CSS is very well organized when compared
with other organizations in other states.
Talking with other states to create mirror sites for data in case of government shutdowns.
Kris Andersen – Sanborn – New project manager. Meeting with CSS on 2014 imagery season.
Brad Arshat – Sanborn – Investments in oblique imaging. Own viewer/browser app. Investments in
UAV/UAS technology. Testing systems and stitch imagery and do data extraction from UAS tech.
Problem is that many States have laws against UAV/UAS tech in private hands due to privacy issues.
Gary Siorek – CFI – Gave personal history to introduce himself.
Dan Kirwin – BS & A – Can now print to scale in their software. Export to bitmap, pdf or printer. Can
zoom to layer. Have cache tiles now. Can now zoom to any layer that is on the site.
The Special Topic and Educational Sessions slides are online at;
Fly UP