T "4 HAVERFORD NEWS NUMBER 9 HAVERFORD COLLEGE. HAVERFORD, PA., APRIL 7. 1924 vol. Zvi SENIORS LEAD COLLEGE NT LIEIXT IPOENN RAIS EIGHT NEVIS BOARDS INC:LZDI MEET AT HAVERFORD Byrd d '61.414:1 FOR I. N. A. CONFERENCE and Guests Discuss Cam. mon Problems Forty - seven Delegates E oa t:r."'"d increane in tuition of Oily dol. lure reteotly by the Board of Monagers we" made necevoary eau. of greatly incteseed ex/women according la 41 tignie recently he the Stanagrra Recent incr.... hoth in the sloe of the Faculty mut in pia to each individual "" IN QUARTERLY MARKS URSINE DEFEATED STARRICK ELECTED EIGHT VICTORIES FOR DEBATERS "0"5"11:7::::V:4°A.."1* IN FINAL EVENT OF Y. M. C. A. PRESIDENT The merere math of Ste l'ollegr I. the third quarter w. 7711 1. As it II,, tact rennet., tbe Senior: WO the C.; lege W11.11 a floes even, of 01.4. The other clone. fellow.1 tn ord.: the Junior. had an overage of WEI. nod the Peophobtoren and Frenhoren had 77,1 rerpertively. and In the dormitom Average-. Foomil. Eight victories. And an deltate in the record which the Haverford lirdlege ern 101 the College with 02.3. eerier the de-bourn have achieved in 10,1 South Merloy closely ▪ imermillrgitur &hem. in which the second place with TSA and 70.1. reap., just Minn tin litiriplited in the se.. just lively. Lloyel w.. twat with 7711 awl rod...1, This series of tetra's. • Crater Bewley followed nab TA.w. wake. the got way.. the Mout 0114ii TW list,rford delnitere tinintrial. a . re..1111 PO 51.1.0 which Haverfoni hn North Hatch. had on ovum. of 7I triumphant aces. Wedneolay Ti ever had in &holing. e it tirned mien, Thr Day Morph N. by &honing Cr.inus College Tbe Ilefre1ed reuxe include the Philo.... ille and at home. Tine Imtli at nimbi-on Swiety of the Univers. of ends the seri. of lour duel interalof which both ilrhitirs. in ""'". ()Mega dn. pie 11 their limn. Dore ae14.. Oar...Cord which in type e th AS ...ten were Tbr ...Yr of the debate )4alit men to..., from Poch in proferoional •Mesolv,i.that yes • a-tattle,four on each aide of do ...Rthin* be football of o "sh., deb.. t ., In all en.. the tapir for . At net atmommed until forty •mithi 1'1.. college wm rep...pined at home hours brio, the 1010 of the debut, M ode. goseuntrith Ittair, sod Jack. DEBATING SEASON Borton and Wood Chosen First Undefeated Season in .History of College DeVice Presidents and Heller Secretary-Treasurer bating Teams .• Professional Coach System in College Football Discussed "r". Officers turerve the Y. M. C. A. Thy new tuition t•horge, however. it elected Thursno lees. than that ehanted in MOM for the next year were itittifoliOnn. it WWI painted ant in the day. ?Lech 2,4 The preakleura weal F.. N. Wood Station*. to 4:n7"7 ":;h MEET ON SHORT NOTICE and II. Rom.. `11. were ehosen rice fur imosure mond the neerhy l7e7t. prem..... while John Heiler, 11. reen.' sum. At learning there mised the ponition of secretary-tram Delete. front eloht rallegia sod the latter 0 these two many widltiouol sorer. mai e the actual moo mild onseb nuiveraitieg 11101 al Ileverf..1 an Saler. le. Statism+ hey been very active to dny. April 5, far • tralthed coder., lorrer -Th work .11 through bit ratty. of the 101errolleelate-Newipaper A, D ar wm an ear.r. In hit. Freyhm sourietien. Forty-seven dr/moires, ret, eleeted arcretary-treasorer otid daring NIUtF, • I MintSenn [111111141311 .1,a9 the past year Itun served on vira.preni. UrAwarthnonee. ferret, itarerford. olnd Mi dent Starbuch ham o and Temple. were 1.10110..17111a Neil effort" l0 phi. Di,of week. a member of the roily mercer tram la The .nforenta. two terra end during the pea,. of 1022 And larigeld at Ihilewareolsuk errand day.. 1*1*11 red his -.II" in this branch of • ampahansi ditte.-nnelve atm F.. Debaters to 01.11.1011 "port this yrne. oreOtt. Mint . it wt. conehleyed 1'o rip,ly the wont encouraging fea. Addition to Ids tuber ortivIllert 11.1.1or .to teengigi etliallgte i detestal. and that urethral!, ' a lite reitein Starboch has erveti a year an the ile called Ilaverford Die Y,...itroci, the enafereses.•wer therefore. oe. *0 been has the It hos ,O.1 of debate, ore from Student.' 0....1 And 141. TArwombAlweellorle theiNEWS lolly one member of the tire member .1 the Clam of '25 De- Waver n. outra. to ittrited were amities.. work dher active did leardi C. 'senior land. Racier. ocastire. the ui.111 men lisperfordoonel.the conference ['Mt vitsi•preeldente are both on the 101111 wk..•4444111.1 V. II. Her _ . Abt•• I. mtnea am woe held ea originally ycheduled. wsMre Olen DI the -Sophomore C.ta. riek. Dartieitured in a /tingle CoUleat. ranta ulit of the linvertionl Irmo Thew Dora. the afternoon COrderellee • Drastic rho., or. rh.- currieultini a, Wood 11.. been tres.orer of bin aloe* wed. Ham. awl ..f the ihe prrrr: ml wee, held separately. be the dries.., Marshall. Met.. limsdelheim being ennaidered •I Dartmouth. The nt hen. eerand the Junioral au year 111Last played and mein. aped throw r A movemeat from the editorial nod laseine.. limed. the Sophomores. sod propoeed clomp, amity for murk Woo sameer train. where be Vt. une of lb. Pod Arnoteang. of the. tattier* representd. bership h the 11,111 fie1e..e Club 10 More. Thin arse. use Mier in thp la- bolt tea Rarer. of thr breeltitioni oleo Allot the olodente lu all ilsenee. conditional only Imo common. goer w. tendered of 1.0.:r tooference yition of o=uter half on the mouthy gemot 00 the optml during the reilr. the firm two 'corn of rallege and for art. sad tle oe.tive delimit,r is the college, dial. too the iwyment of the 0na11 duce, he obeyed • very good come all of the eretowny murb greeter freedono during tbe hod agreed lialneat• the evils in the present MalEll.. anti PI hss reemoly been started by certain where A large net.. of the drill r. re. Iseo peer, The object of the rbatigen is a Iwo of the Present member,. of the flub. through the ...on and received his lettrot. !mot ot whiek Ire towed by The meeting nne oioreaPi i your. r n free. Col- rives t art of their training o'clock in the Union. After the dele- A omit cametitutioo, booed an this idea. ter. Wood hu been oboe. 10 mar the college man a more rota- Mu.. pressor. In the ...web, whirl. the Pena me* game In to public ...king ...ducted by Pro, duriag hint first ilmosulin a whining team. Thin egilset gate. bad been welmaned loy the editor ha. hero prepared and will be pre. Irge Mu, Dawn. E. D. Snyder. of the bleed, poshenxive of the NEWS. the groull.1.114 1.0 Dew around le the ChM at their riert meet- winek he feeeterd • May fn... the roach in marry ranee to resort be Deperntient. Title hi I rtm.. offered Iwo par, mod a ch., to imeendiae section., theme Indoor., to the varioun ix. on his major during the Dither god name tartuo. Player. see meured be Itoraon won lei a timelier of the the Orel half of every ye. to Sipho- mo, ismine. and editorial Leer& meeting. illegitimate meth., The rode* plc The loom radiral ehang. embodied neenod mote. teim . re... al tioNann and me,. •nd Juolota. Practical traini. anatstal irrionment iaateest of in the prop.ed conottinotion deal with on the content et the Prestident Hopkins, of Dortmouth. all be TM tfiStorial boar& firet heeled re. the oneetiOn of the 'hilblect" and woe • subertIthle on the rar.110 this in &bet. moltes play.. formulated • delleition of the funclamen- the thief of the r. lie +ermined - his aamer•ht Ode enable. Yale. pa purt,frata thr editor - Fr." Cmatrel ocoo,. of rter Club. the cilemberahip" com third uhf offered .04 During college: He wet .rtetary-trea.srer to the arras's, wl Is.... of • tames 411.14lienl. limwerer. different wipe, Tlie prenent docara.t Mate. that the Hon not method of elms... of lb. , The IA V. A. dogleg lien MA lime outside of the .inarpItItil. • h. been this definition' to au appointed commit. en be oar PI remedying the trelk. foe cif the-Y. roe eel M pre.. arra.' were- siveu•by Mr. Berl OD platform fires- tor of 11.1a.„ with the rem.. teas The Harmful men miroented • plan The next repot. were an to Ifitth obell l'alflod ow mypernmity . timinol number of selected upper tary of the Stinollfr Societe. to •441- ewe. Tbis sboahl yontribut• to trainthey ',trend.. conditions. Were they whereby be rtielltOde awed in get Pug mit the faculty member of regular to o.lified clansmen who ere specially lion to NM Roetna. o. of the pete- ing men for pert year. Though the M find that the pre.nt curriculum did Mandl. ehould the resetting. Is 141.01. er000mie oursr-10 sob a•Rintant Bantball menage. men benefited from the ...ins thue not fulfill the loarlion of a college ma 111.'way the alumni interfere°, coold The place that [entre of general in.- mueider owial and nothing ".Man he at- end • member of the 11.tores Board ra timudy rreelyed, ...fie famIty . ,erect lb.. nemorred outoide th e raMpue anon"; and tbat remored .d the felony would ranto tory We/ wax allowed. After the truli• defInkl. they were to offer s O. aboold Cake In the yoflear' asp, mot tempted •'whirh of the NEWS. nituatiou the remedy this diner ...owe. This Lormaissanal/ r ed Neverni...--delegMes the onelal rbararter of the .thering." Heller has trot had much opportunity leer was Renounced the del... did bell Crainne ...Memel tint the vel.ble accord. I. gave his mettle, put ha. am& good all their ewe preparation. It 11. Win be mounted as a regular cause Th. promoted connitudoo. ineotioned the ftr that the &bat. op. training gotten from the genie would trpommeed. con I. The debatem were all arranged and tor there Senior. . II to give them posed mty movement on the part of Ing to those by whom he he. attempted . far. be be lost under ouch a .esteln. The different the of ratively no direction on the es. thoroughly. based tinder Is tower& out barratigate to rarried periodicals time 0101..1 undergraduate Eli of bin clam At present he II secretary tnh:t such n roach hotreht. orantive alzo,..t. on reption of the pm.. 'and Snetboat and a member The tom 'tee lima already made a not Soerd Debating CounciL orgataixed this par pressing • of the er the know!. of a club interested to meal Stienra of the, News. lie in al. • proodeing by Prole.. Snyder. Mr Council Imo rePort, and hos offered It fur the eon. PCNtalths" Nowa 010•1101 of the COMO requiredMs. ridermion of the upper elmornen. The The aeration of int./mhos with the topics. 'The Club ohould afford OD on. ark candidate for the half-mile and med. up et lard. ilialnueni wan I.. remedl counter pine Their Mareholl, and Dr. Snyder. preeebted, would bring about an he evils Meal new. Prom of interest from other pen/unity far all thane reel!, inter- mile. thought They rides. oew thin rated to other together for the purentire re...ration of the college educollege. wee adore dimosned. that alumni nem...lions of all the eelational my... subject Mr. Munigits Honked. editor of pose of conwideting Pape mild formulate • &gnite pont, the "New Studeet." 'poke on the toren. cal and political nuentionn," me of the The conolderation of change* bun not et Miami. i4f." They there thin clearing-house for it, draftern Toren mmie Moo. by thy tandem.. Two ona sort inn of of the doeument whir* in to be teen at difference 1,7Ween Lyn hired aratieutort tire Dow in Det ur Atielying told • NEWS reporter. terralleglate new. whereby movements to toarb football and a mon hired to the Europe. educational 0000eln.. Men, of more than Meal interred could be 'Whether or not the ..tat chancier The judges' derigion was teach hereof the undergraduate committee are sent out or thr various cohere. of the droop. is destrayedr or premerved two to one II1 Dior of thr oftlentotive. taw oinking • tour of the /allege. La thronghout the c.o.!. The "New le inimaterili whether*Sce Club in "a1r.n. k,.. rael 0 y.ttot,,. F jk,i1S ttlil „Wo i.E tie 14..t to gm their view, tat the mobratftle.” neve eerie. to eon e in thi. netts, enough dud a,oropliehrs enough AI than method direct clamy. more il., 41 bilis topacity. A to warrant its eziotent, is the reel imen. Cesiatts affirnistive e queetion." this Club member ranctuded. The ceurere ter the Freelattell in- Kited. IL' pr... Date. of ,', hoe. remedy. different a advocated Dann th co.ltiered , title roar. m English literature mot article.. in this pa tter wen OI.phlt •Tern.rahlp nhould be cumpletele dervi. ever_ for the eV& which both teams coo, ..... Mu with lbe purpo. • deleable resanillem of class moot 10 ouT read ext.... They favored the sy, coins the power of the ntorlent to exThe hoeitseen bone& rowdily-reel man- or Mother, minuted. whoa< intereet In inter. where rustle in Englund. 01 in mt... The pre. Limn.' to writing, mid te ly tbe problems of the tapir lying io the field covered alumni can ether 011.leitt rosiihut .. leo. for literature. A course iaty WeIrlig (mead., of the !Orient/tilde of • Mil- by the Social &Mut. Club I. great the inew 1. e rtioronned. and it waft the wrilt lrennostiv and political lutolit lite own the Didion... rof the le. rate .y the emelt init.,followed Inuttediately after us enongli to induce him of bintory io on the imbed. michnnenut. martial that Da latril arrungemeot could o tie weles Woolf..n by the Studentx' Artiorattl. eleend Wu. The Hsverford Itell contended lb.' around dues.profiteLD mode Ti,. group on Weduend.. Morel, 20. The Junior arganirtation A eultrse entitled lb, Nature of the although thin IsJeteni May .re worked wooled lb. wow reel work inelnbern are Shanden and Roger, the ith 'Donee Dalton. of the in Enshind. it wog not 110.1$ L elves with „ 1 .,41_,...t .opt olurb be formed to FA-, Maimed that I Int abolition of here best. eu eintelemnallr MinOWIIII. nod Saner.. be um. Sophomore.. phyeical 1011.1 the tilt of Seadotteet, ...has house credit•rating lionkbe b un chemistry. physier, ma the graduate minium, would reotA1 the toil the Freohmen. Alden in order to protert tire college pope. lit fine 'num iwen envie • athleties potting favertul rind situation, taneleeted tronmay groin_ modern tho. awl One Thew. Mon were oolong from elubldful adeertinera. This ,ntral in the hands of College An...San. 1,4 or gunge will be renuirri,.....atid n court.. oo Thumb.. and Wall Lew 111. 71.144 ligene7 would .1110 assist in the Pollee. Arsold, Johnslos. HolltIond red Thome. by the curious The 11141... gst, the Horerford team n uel eitio holding one leeture week. ter you Ow (Ottawa alibi, Di Don of Mlle San 'Elected 1. NEWS Board were 5.11y neterfed by the Students' • other roue. two to One Jeri... Technique of Thought. The Ch•••nr, N. Y. NalnlaPor.., SOW. isattoof the NEWS In lin, Council on Friday. March Di, Aa the week'. Thin begat. tiebrile Dr. Loot peeold be either lat o or mathematien. .11 Mr. Willa,, I.. limner,. editor of to follfe.sec as 110110ge hag not opring r ill ton began the next day, an amoral. 10 whether the stodrat were aided. Mr. Rogers. Mr. 1,nuypacker the Neil. York Moil nod Wiese., 1.'1 been In emotion for the net week, chairman of the 111111 natter P. elette+1. and tqtillyr were thelode, ThP Preparing for n B. A. or a B. ft. • ll'entioned on Page 4. Column MI Uoually 00 tool, is printed at the re- The committer will meet in the arse lu • The Sophomore year include. n (Continued on Noe 4, Column St open., of College. bat it win thought future to elect their head And to bun it.dge prob..... one in rat.. in pr (Mit there would be enough news to the consideration of loll tchnt obeli be rienee. problems literature. I you,. inn Print a four-page ellitiew The Pollee ineludest on the net of 'Vogt... of philo.phy 00.1. (eon to be taken io of air penes will be continued In the 0111110r. the Junior year. and The ankle dealing with hating in the future bleuen. the, weithi be year Junior the In Ily,Lawa of the Students' Anstoriatioo Proles., Iloaritint, of the Stern tmarteb sea wm w, Maellap Will DIM.. General AS.. Four oew members have been added tan inyludina ooly twelve looter. reinited. will now read ea follows: speak It of Whole Noire P.M.. he Institute of Teettooloay. to the NEWS Board. Ilene men are eir boors en the melon an open ....tine of the hallo Clu Nine rallegen have replied favorable Arnold. who will have charge of the pliamintilly or on, and an elective. The April 10. Dr. Da.eltte• te lored of who Johnston. A. for the Interltaci. Confer., of Col- theatrical reviews. Senior year would vont.. Mar bourn departineu Engineering the Electrical lege- Stollento to be held at Woo.. attends to the book reviewing. end Hal. on the major nod one elective retunie. School, Swarthmore. under the auspice, item/. who will have charge of the ratOne of the older. of Own. proposed at Steve.. .04 in ...Maly kuown student a more the Radio fon a. the inventor of the of the Liberal Club of Bryn M., er. devoted to Radio developments. elutnges it to leiVP Pontponement of the Pre. Club general view nf knowledge ori • whole. popular Neutredyne receiviag College, the Polity Club of Swarth- C. It. Thompson. -27. woe elected to The Mid. Club will bold a meet., rot Tb 'le t th mere. and the University of Prannyl. the Ilusloe. Board of the NEWS at a an Thundery. April 10, Th g Mob • I I h Id T ad. refit M peak • meeting of the bran! held recently. has more obetruct warm, vmuld tench the rani. Forum. be hit, Charier. Stewart, Atlantic April S. until Friday, April CALENDAR J. II. Calkon tom been elected fir. will .1.1,00 to think for himself. 0101 show Hoverford Mae. to .ehd two ikk. Divieion hIs.ger and vin prenident b„. Tu..% AprIl 8-Scientific „ the of thought. gates to 'bin contra., which gothere relation Manager to fill the vacancy felt of the American Radio Setae 14000e. on Friday, Sohn-day rind Sunday of the by the resignotion of Fineman_ Catkin Mr. Stewart will speak. oa 'Verret, ins With other iiallege alerting,.41 p. III. in the ChemRoPiety 01 uoIle reguthe of 110.10. a delegates speakim will. liaverfonl previously won Anson K. Gra, coming week. The istry building. Dr. Palmer. meet Itsdio are to be prepared particularly no the lar Bushman Board. •Ijouid Air1012. when the lint radio ▪aoa1 topic of -Cufinimbed xiora Ever niem. Problem of the curial stat. of the New. Honed Meeting. 410 p. ll'anhington. Alt undergradunte and legislation WIN missed negro In the United Staten Evenare urged to attend Mr. Stewart Imo been very nrtive In ben repreuentntive of tbe difftreet ADM 9-0. M. (3. trying to secure protective legi.lation Try.outa for Die ponithin of leader to rend ran,roIng the expected In expected Mr. in the operator. ' A. radio GAD th so amsteur the for of the Oho Club for next year were problem Or the United gmteral Meeting of English Club Stewart has jct. lately returned from State.. to afford n background for carenight of Wedneedny. Torch the oo Let of eubjeet "Would Air. 1411 be the Washington where he hos been working the 101111 at N p. Mr. Arful di...Rion. Newman. were aapirants The Oa. the talk to be given by Dean Palmer radlo tegkintion. thur S. Hildebrand. "Writing for Sewn...pint of diocusniou will be st the neat meeting of the Scientille on Debarea With Pt...ton. Teensy nal Saul.. Dough. Warfield. Rettlim and it hiring, Immo..., and the otudled minutely by the ratio& col. which will be bold on the Mark.. of n hianinwrilo." Bate. are being coneidered nt pre.ut Eiseman. &gee in Mee.... Brae Mew, will Ploelety, take un the pnyehology at the negro night of Tuesday, April8. Thgrsday, April 10-Hallo by the Debating Council. winch is m .The choosing of the tenter ia oatde Thin lecture will be a repetitioe of rare. West Virginia will be ready to (TO ?letting at S p. to. Mr. work on ne. yenio ...du. in addi- by a rate of the Glee Club. in coopmegave en the disco. the cultural arbieVemelMa of the the lecture that the Dean Charleo Stewart will speak. mourn. have 1,.. PIO the roach. the Prerodem of coolest, cheer to tion PhyRits In chi. M. to nubjetit same negro in their let ters nod Union 'TheoFriday, April It (flab The College Observatory wilt be opao been received from• III• the hintitutions the Ct. und Re& Society, mid the logical Seminory will have well lo hood 1. and which proved . Interesting tbia year for Meeting. Mr. A. K. Gray. Tr., nuneriorily. that be we talled to repeat it to the for vinilors on the nights of Mood.. whieb debated Haverford anager. the grove nitration finished ittoriee' ntinuation of rehdions Prat neaten. continuation April 14, and Monday, May 12. Dr. rare negro will Evociety. The sack/ mat. oft The result of the election Will be anprachee Varmar sod three on Princeton present Meth be Ineetay, 14-Vititora' will April Gummier, linroloDrilvereite . There will be mi.. esPerimeolv he 'Ladled by of debating, Hwy, nounred, along with the choice fur Night at ObeervatoD. Hemmen Institute has agreed to doily performed to *bow the -nature and nighto to sive amostance and instruction the Oxford system to take ford he atter used thin type in tiny of lender of the lostrumentlil Cl,., on mrefully the educationel atatos of file action of _jiguid rte jralre•hmenta to say outoiders who me7 miak Apell 10, Ile debate, advantage of these opPottunIth. a will be noted. M̀ark men La Americo. 1 4TH STRAIGHT VICTORY nor CURRICULUM MAY BE ENTIRELY CHANGED SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB MAY BE OPEN TO ALL Comprehensive Courses for First Years and Freedom Last Two Advocated Advocator Gives Reasons for Proposed Changes in Constitution L "CUSTOMS" PLAN ADOPTED AND COMMITTEE QUICKLY ELECTED Rhoads, Rogers, Sassaman, Sumwalt, Alden and Hoskins Finally Selected By Students' Council. No Chairman Yet 7 NEWS PRINTS EXTRA COPY DURING VACATION 4,7 HAVERFORD TO SEND MEN TO RACIAL CONFERENCE . .. „.. Inventor of Neutrodyne Reg ceiver Will Speak Here .:!•117 ■ C. S. Stewart Will Speak at Press Club Meeting April 11 Instead of April 8 • Radio Cfub Meeting Six Try for Position of Glee Club Leader Dean Palmer Will Lecture on Liquid Air Debates With Princeton and Vassar Considered Observatory to Be Open for Outsiders a ▪▪ HAVERFORD NEWS ' HAVER FORD NEWS F. C. GREEN GIVES - M Manat • Joassal Havereerd Ce.go .4 Rs noose STUDENTS AT WESLEYAN TALK TO Y. M. C. A. GRANTED MORE EDITORIAL BOARD Pennington Man illustrates • • Adman.. •23 Muria. MI. Spirit In Which To Work By Use of Adverbs FREEDOM Ilelitalted EMS ;1011..11. 1.0. Mee of High Greater freedom for loudent oho bete ehown that they hoot, hant to nee h. in one of the features of M. plan shich has been adopted at Weeleyan and which will no into effect next fall. fly the new arrangement: any ethinr who b. malriteloed an oversye of 0.5 per apt. or better during his Junior yeer may pursue special mune of mlnapeorl etirk wider the dieertion of a lo hie major department. So long three privileged men rare PVIIIP11(T that thee •re p. their time to the adventage, Dada a Ft overage le their regale,work, that+hell cool be noble. to the ord., regoletIons governing a... from claxami. They will. bor , be re Ouired to Idea • comprehensive examination et the end of Go eear. The V, M. , . A. meet., Spill March 27 wns addreeend by Sir. P. C. Green, Mw M sin red, nne of the Pennington Seknol, The tplk 111am. OHM wan say latermaing and growing. 1he Atna.etttAnI 1..Ing onoldiet1 the epenker's witty reined. end reedy Naar Liam humor. "VrtZ' Mr. Greco look seven advert. and thawed how they opened to the spirit Eaeltaam [Attie hi which a mon worked. The firet of P Mennorman the. the moodier rhos won "definite. r n L.•••• ly." He brought out the fart that no mo. do mod /mirk only, he BUSINESS mm, worked with u definitepurpme view. Secondly. Mr. Caren mi.. am that dual. work loilet Sr Rohr intelligently, Ito' IN • a ti,an iron u, non omint broaden pot and mix work Julataat Mamma with brains. • IL Masanoa. J. II. Mem. -17 5601,600 Follow the relim VIEnt/MIL Capital ClIrmataaa Mamas. where the meth. du.. that It .• Sargles • Jug 11 tall. M . 113144000 itupsenible to be • Christian and en Nay. Fm.I honortanee to these The 14.1. Is nehltshed weekly lam. weewan to work ...ninon!, ening the THE LARGEST Oa COWa rs. Ilan and nneelitsh. .11 dog giutivaledese Lala. Melo Al ear tima. 1 arr v nese ital facto. in doing am Pe. see eenum. NCO BANKING AND cork toolwithout theme the our., Pee stogie may. 10 era. has not the proper sp., Aden. 01 croma.leatIons to Naeltagetari NUNS, Baserfeed. Pa In ...elusion Mr. liven • took op the TRUST INSTITUTION Pert Oft. at Hamtee4 •object of cheerful... work. It in glatemed him contention that man really II.• ..171mailia:bLVIVAttera. ON THE MAIN LIME FROM antamfase NOINIMM a, ant nole. be enjoy, him work nod do. it eh e I Ily. • • April 7, 1924. DARTMOUTH FORMS ONE FOR ALL and ALL FOR ONE POLITICAL CLUB Ahoy* All Deseeeloallue Is Hemaaley aml A9eve HeReelty Is Gael Undergraduates Work Organization of Third • Party for AROMORE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Career Mostgoomey AY'''' and MIII Creek Road EDMUND 0. RAWSON. Mlolelm BRYN MAWR SUNDAY, APRIL 13 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH No•loomery ''''' Pone Street REV. ANDREW MUTCH fi.30-Suriday Bible Clans. 01.1-Itible School, 11.00-31omios Wont.. with Semi.. 11.0)-Commanion Service end Heap. Dartmouth umbearatinatee ace tak- 4.30-geoper Service. don of New Members Palm Sunday and Sermon by IN dertintion of the new adillar won ing be lend smona reneges in organ• Iliad tor independent politico] melon. completed Mr1 Sabbath, A cordial Inr ation is extended to students to war- 7.00--Young People's Meeting. For the p.pnr of educeting Ameri• akin with en. 0,00-E•eohig Wordily end &Mina by Dr. Satoh. cm atudents to bring about co-opera• MATTHEW SIMPSON M. E. CHURCH Friday, Ap.Il II lion between labor sad learning for the repatory A06 -P td Confirmation ru Lancaster Avenue. end Argyle Read forms.. of a Inbor party modeled on Seal. SAMUEL 14, DOUT, Pastor the III-dish Lel. Perry an well as for BAPTIST CHURCH lbe purpoe of needing delegate. to the 9.19-8.thlY S,131101 end Wide Clam._ Gelph Flood nog Roberts Reed tlevelaad Cmyention of liberal group. 11.110--Prenchina Service. REV. H. E. HINKLEY an underarettunte Dartmouth link for 7.00--Sperial Emorth Leeme. 'IA, Monday Worsbio Worshipful. Indoor:dont Political Amine hoe been 7.15-Prearbing Service. t end inspiring Mr, fortmd. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH t The formation of the orgenixation LalMater Aron holm Arsyle Read Wednesday, Amill 9 was brought about by the feeling of dls. A. C. KANZINGER, Pester S.00.-1,hrietim Culture satiate... with the exietino polilhwl 9.13--Sintelay School. order. The -unearthing of the oil mow 10.45--Mornine Service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH dal Moored the Thirtmouth group the 7.15-Evening Service. 1410ehleMery A and Pan Street condition of political corruption which Wed•Heley. Aarll fir REV, S. W. SMITH now ells. and Ihr control of the nor. 0.00-15ble Study, 1145.-Suortay School and Bible flews. ..reent by Mg Plaineek The Church With • Welcome. 10.14--Hol> Commoni.n. etope in formation were tsken Stud.. Cordially Invited 7.00-Epworth League. in Man-b at I mating of the Dart7.45-Woraltin and Sermon CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER mouth Wand Table. Letters were neat W•dasolare. April EPISCOPAL to picked result, members and ntudrnte 8.00-Primer Gelea Road lull Peso Street Inviting them to join, The Nub now REV. GEORGE CARTER Includes about eighty member. wed ie 1-30-.HoLe Communion, PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER Ialaniel•Mala •••••■ of Broadcasting Station May gthwin rOPIAll• Mmffavar 11.00-Moraing Pryer and Screen. NOVEL TRADITIONS FOUND The Dartmouth Club working ie 4.00-Choral Evennong. "Stainer, . Undergo Enlargement coejonetioe with William H. Johnston. PAM 07 MM., IN EASTERN COLLEGES' Cantst• of the 'Fruellleioa.. clisiraiso of the National ConPrenee THE OttneeMITIrw The Radio nub bold a Immo. mat. no. be thr Choir, Vary., Forms of Lew. Class Roden for Progreesive Politic. Action, Thin rim an« mat el PhIlm.11.111 Lean. leg se the scorch of Thoradee, Meal, . Tate Plan Almost Everywhere MERION TITLE AND Conference include. the majority roe whieh the aapattaa or raw.17=.. Nation. Labor Union, and pogrenalve RHODES SCHOLARSHIP af MIldtan. nat... ofavalilmin 10 Interelatm lights ere • rem. part me the station next year wits brtural TRUST COMPANY of the mathmore•froshman organizations of MI nans. , It ma derided that if the es. tavaara at almost every innlitution. Althea.h 'Alm " V•=eal faMa This Conference man Onthable tth• APPLICATIONS RECEIVABLE p . mad waryiseterdsry OF AROMORE, PA. Mat r• fa .r... bra were net laMfla• they bar. ...It. in eerie. init.. the lead in the formetion of a Fenner. tem. ElsM tamaPrffe Mee 14.•• Owe ton mot this Improrement wouldSe Total m.. of adielarslita• NARBERTH Tahoe TOP-ty modeled on the British ma. c.o. io the past. eopervislon. mien me. earri.41 oat. A cogeneletme or Lialdtad. e. en. sawn" fee Feel' poly Labor Party. At their seat meeting oppenlasnmen in mulling them mot, Amt. Lad P.M. wo. e,posted to leeide rren.... ...lad.. I.: fe than formerly. BALA.CYNWYD ot July 4 lire1, they will nominate men APO...saloon 1.r Rhodes Scholarship. raise. the wattle,. for Prenideal and VIce.ltrioidebt If the tor IDES mum At Northam.. University by the .111.• amoroittee be received by the III nubedt • plan ...Jr a.m.: retrAhall PM. Staten. The rooftree. will be 1. ell., we. miphomores to ley down for fecal... roe relargemene along Saab en eel. reetban mate roamer, he October I.O. Ifet held In Were... ImanuM11. •nd mar.. e.o.m. of the 'Trod...lion' tom., mate ol the espante Involved. It was The application meat Include the col- eh. mosooneed Mended by the nopholumes Ii. thy A Fen Swathes. fee Holidays at the meeting thnt the The laIne the oar., lege record of the epolieent in ntudise Club had resolved tta charter R. Mama • memEditorials do not omega.* tome- d...■ eel. for resitlation De... and other ortlaltie• a Reteree. of hie ber of the American Radio Reda, • nen.. or LW, r. the °pi.. of Mr eatia etude. dreicenor. Thr freahmen never ...rt. R. MI arms Imattle. heed the instructions. ao an "Proc auloul Wools. Old Tmlamma, nonthmtion for the echolarohlp by hie body. H Coati Letters which may lo printed on the Night' TIM two mider cleaner. a• coiled, hie photoareph End birth atM.. re: editorial page do not nemomerily reore• on the Am. of fake Slichi tificete. rte ekRee. a. rrr tea Pumanallifj • went the opinion of the Editorial Board. gen oml try In the. es nothe Mem, Irma The selections will be made Decemhe 11 ( h I II Mt. it.rIntlart:alatioa, rrrrrr ''''' ber 13. 11124, by the Selections Cosi. rles■ info tho cold voter. The rrm. namtere wees worm • n■ 4. Mailalt. mitt. on lb. ban. of orholarahlth ell end the elle+• that ` Irrs.:= air Iv M ms moat.1r, menine. at morn°. 'TISE‘NDr .obood end le•derehip and phedeal nee. an ...MIA n damned. BOOK STORE w b I I. .1 ' t throe. Application cm be glade either Iltu.„,.....,...211111 allele NT. million shalt Le enforcedd from the State to which the Rodent Pen lom n Scour light helm. the The Dartmouth Report bee hle ordinary borne, or from tbo lower vim... At Kenyon there Ie PROFESSIONAL Ti. mote.. changes in the corrt aneuel Ian. rusk. Sale fa Which his scourge Is lositor and 0 the Denton. cult.nt Itertmouth, which arc re. en. they ere SOCIAL WORK Eight floverford teen tome been semi... re rem Mare this Mine. am Ported elsewhere lected on Rhodes Scholars In the pet, OFFERS A one ...Omni. of n 1,011,,. xi the men.. a nrhilete which ia orIv 111111 Chriotouber Morley. the welllinerily ...oil for the ontorclees. Mr saaht aapa,o ,rnaa ,f Ihy Ha "How DIGNIFIED moth do you weighrt loosen jourmiliet, sod Mt, le (1, WIIos to the ultimate Proareem. Bbe I Oh, not mmugh to spoil the were relented. The fo/lowieg ,eel fight is 110 keg mi. held CM•110 USEFUL Aft..., el co rrrrr educniionei In year Fiachley scar two more rereived the tome disCollo... After all the SATISFYING q vs. worn ta nor mat li tinction. f.. Arnold Pont, now profesroiere nod btu.. hare filed to. • (Area*. le 74 Lase) sor ram*. atm Meier In many of the mote nano colle of Greek at Harm:ford. and L. IL CAREER rlmhasome modification of the plan adm- lies full of lemonade. Peet taking • Sit Po II a prof ere for College Graduates, with est. nt Dartmooth in being tried out. dr.., the omterclemonen halt for whet Item. men. E DM. IL Top Cods of Sapart Orrana Aortcoltural College professional training. nedry ox marmot, ,0 al Swarthmore be Mara Inom freed/. Fella Morley now a journallet, meat hex ps mus! ogogwar. IMly ten end yard, 2.30.02 Fall Tenn Opens In 1010, Id 1010 Pant Morley woo IA "A'' end "IF moth.. in the past Iwo yen.. A nomewhat M.A. plan own from earl, class ch.. for their nefeeted, and In AM w student the.. September 15 etrength. Ws, their places zero. a Cheater A. thder. I. in vogue at PrIneeton• At Waltli. and Charles AbWrite for catalog •nd deplan Amtler to that at Swarthmore in mill m., air bait. tonalbeen .Irralml 1.4 71 are alio still 'dirtying et felled information on therep of Oxford. in fora. Like ...mot+ ore being In • cold bath. JACOB REED'S SONS study, admissien, etc-, to the A stream of wider from a her bone Mr Post of the College. Is the Registrar, node st other institution.. coo 1424 26 CHESTSVT SZ Penney 's... State Secreta. and Ile fort that so army ir rrr r idiom ie Moml aim. thecaoter of the too. PENNSYLVANIA P ILADELPH LA of..r ro at Penn /hate. ta The km furnish any information desired, SCHOOL OF SOCIAL AND their olocatimal methors I itromml through this, the HEALTH WORE. ods In n an Indio... Om a thorough Ins Arms 907 So. Jardper Si,. consider... of the p.p.., meth- winners having the privilege of chill.od, ess1 remIte of our commonle ac Mg freshmen ,ollorn. Ill coo.. if the sophomores xi, they assign Nome Itlel• cepted M.G. sy..ein $30. Vp Burcessrt. business men re.. eo. combination. which uni. le• used ..elesurance the arm mam.1 throughout the four pore of college. The Social Science Club 17'.• be continued III the nett nrauel. got oa m .hit Dougherty 's Sport Shop thearsom rice in not mite nno dins for. Inn flunt. lopl inakIM a lem While the proposed changes in the 424 South 52nd St, ryoa.n1 ova .e rood In Marla oraenidation of the Soc. Seim. Club ALUMNI NOTES Open Eery Evening may be cooxidered as a matter con• Mad, HILLI.M. arning only the preeent members of lc. William H. Niel/ninon. Jr. boa PROF/DEW!' MUTL'AL ae .1 from Milleille. New Jemmy. to the Club. the feet thel ...ill LIFE INSURANCE CO. temn have a solverm scum is suf- 1111 Dist Ilek Avenue, Moorestown. 401 Ch./Mont SL Philadelphia • ficient nietiliontion for the ilimouseim New J AlltISIDST• 11. 11. Serb. 1 lVila Judge Otstran of the promo. change be IM rolim of the Twenly•first Judicial District. ange.rt-Yomb srhionwean to -nes College. I1 i.ewef maw." hou me Pottsville. Po Suburban Publishing Co. The mese. Club hit ullowed ioter, 11.11. mem-xmod nen-rm. in ••thads. Haverford will he represented in to lag nhoont to the .11 Ili Wayne, Pa. the trinugurath. of Ur. Paul Fl. Titsmint That thin is One vorth reneger-6.m 1.1.. Muir Ms as Preside. of Wanlainston to the limitation of membership to FINE STATIONERY rrrrr Myth. Maryland. on FriOARRICA-,ao Mao of a • • ttgrana nf opecielly MP, °Meal," lam wort. day, April 11. by Sum.' Middle- 200 Single Sheets 75c A.m..' is Ir. to 11 hirer extent. XEITITII-croias Infia• •• -Interm. Ion, fin. '''''' 75c •1.1114 111•T.1 1.01.7 sat Tyne, Then he mere foot that 111110 is a Frei.'07. Mtn. Cadbary. Jr.. In reseed 100 Envelopes dm' " Vinntwille men. or o thifiliontore docr not 'occlude to he niarri. to Olive Clinton McCalso, 111110-csolr. (nee red Mara. - fa Printed in Black or Blue e from being affect. by the solution daughter of Mn. Joseph McCabe. Of def.. ma. the. queotionn which .$1 come an tone le. She in a Wellenler graduate. Write for Samples. METROPOLITAN OPERA 1:101711.... La Temple preen -morne result of their disculn oi innumer- end ie now sen'ing as Executive Serve able Mood. OUTSIDE THE COLLEGE "'Fre h"'' tory of the Thrums Welfare Federation. 61101101T-lelletth 'OS A fourth son. Jam., vote born that one ix Preahmin Nigh, WLVIDT -110. gi10.1111. IM -1.13•11111, inn. do. not previtele int rrrrr In moody to Cl,. and Mrs George EmLem Wednesday, Altr11 the. ...slime is demonstreted by La. Lamm, Mat ud Dram Moran 'Innate P... died t oam-m. nWorld Ooodl. the enamor. with which the lower I".61...trsaa‘aa K. Shierylees ALMIN-orm. dounier -roe Ten Maw LAM," Alm.. Mu.. lie ad tins•men milt formed to nn uppor- Match 25 at White lime, Ma ma. been ill Once July. lir2.4. mil at Sunny Alnwom-wiem. •. tinnily In join. Made. at atma-thernise sea. Hone Men as., tloolt Mar In -Lo. Rest Sanitarium dace December, at P11.1.40.. listl.P.Unitba mom •mial mien. questions Itere. •neue MnInottlar 11E3. in the only Olt meniberoblp mobil..'PI. The bunineen Tamt Plillada.. Dan. Ball, Up and addreem of John 1110 Bo.. . , Intermit ion.. determined C. Green ie MI Nonl .1.•rd Audom-Mr. Iltrion D. Elumm•, In -IL Dm Land 7'ltle by any arnaa III riders. reminilean of 1•11fintlelfibla. OHEMNOT gram °rog soon they may epproach Thenday, Aorll 10 'It Dr. J. Alearooler Clarke, Jr.. their gosh Inrern. min on]y be tie. '11, tem be addressed at 3.71 aunt. laatItalr-De. Jr. a. Malialt. 31nt row-norm snow. ...I mot. tlah -11.1mithr ane Caw.. terniincl small mooted etrad. Philadelphia. Pn. Paulln• re.noin •M 'II. The present IIIDIMM of Dr. inf. due on alt Mr way of an D uo k -a erea Tellrato In -ie. Nie Mee tot Nautea Uu e •a.a (Anton H. Clerk In um Vine elreet. Pn. Social ...nee questions aro Satordoy. April 12 ,nog 1'I '112 PALACE-n.0.. gl•IVIOM la 'tlat. Donanna '12. Irwin C. trey le Preeident of the most vital motile. of our aro. the nmeweMITENITLI N STILEET-LIIIM uae ,m pled indoetrinl civilization. To limit the Priem.' Educntionai Armorial.. 0•0•T Inn la their consideration it linrerfard any Ife hod no article In the September 112.11.17011-1,11t•ri Maur In -new. /moat IT. Trout.. of Mann EMS. Journal entitled Motivation for opechti group a utterly unjoatified, Erna •ed Heading Mood. Kona If your Help Wanted Ad lo phoned to The Sueday, April 13 'Id. Douglas Wool. is Anshan. Ardmore Flower Shop Professor rammer Or NOMO-Prlitm, Pla.• Bulletin before 11 A. DL, it Will be Etkral Ileekty. F l a a inna a FL, delph. Oman., flatoraut ..-Alfrstl Marla •Taa Ranh. Pim... printed and probably answered 38 W. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore the rolarrnity Secondary tana tows. Mmai eatonme of Pittabsrah. A third asa Oommeatnal. of U the wee de,. ala. 1.111delaM• OrnbmIrIn, RM. H. D. MANUEL dime-liter Ira. born to him last fell. Corwin, Motor ea.., Ethlul .. UM epees. Dm.Full Line of Raster Plante '1E Joneph &oh. la emelt.. Sensenomar, rawer. rrom "Man o. E. 01.1.1. •Tmellitletry Ind !IL. otraw.dre. •tuseortic Alm Canada. and Gold Ptah racaldoe in Germantown on Went Cool▪ EMMILA10.'• awn.. ...or Mk . D Phone Ardmore 1971 ter Street. Ir tr I, BASEBALL SHOES II Scarnal $5 Z of Phone ;C:1:71;24:: 5707 WM.: Back Mumma., la, edam CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS ON PAGE 2 'I VARSITY TWICE DEFEATS SCRUBS Hollingshead, Arnold and Heilman Show Improvement W. Pried. games between the Fret ea sewed basetrail [mum. played on March and 25, were both won by the brat eine. Ia. by more. of to 0 and 2 to 0 ,,,apectively, lo Tuesday'. coolant pitehing !natured. Pude Ilellingehe s mete forth him in the there in. niers crier thee he mt. OD the mound. Arnold'. catching showed improve. neot aver the peer.. drill,. He ere hibited good lapin and control in throws In the beers rod was al.o ouong the ioreen.t In hitting. To both games tbr tieldhis of the mole woe much better thsn their bat. tins. W. Hellman picked up come fast Priem at third. Ilia paying et this position ham Men ,moodily Improving. A Large P1111104 Stall The Octane staff for the practice n.a.,.h.d. One. Warner and Hurtle. Coen] Mom Oral tow. to Nelblaes Lid tat Claw ela too throe MI MHO- M the nen inelerelelfiPlat the Mu tnavrvily. geoid. Arnold, he la al the head of do. Ito of aorlibitoo for the Mulattos pettion. • /Win,auk flalsteed have bed ailed. Theose ttlree oileroated to ,tee two genre. Powder IS alas competing fon the Ms,. at the Orel etch, Where he Mdfleminilt tele tune for the atenag team, Roedel end Gott Mt end Gelded well both pro.. ttoedel la S 'Mersa who hoe Played for seeetal .seesm In to outfield. while . Salt Is a feed.. whose skill In all depenmenta at the nine Mould quelify him for a minim' tool inn. High Grids Inveshnents Rails, Public Utilities and Industrial. ELKINS, MORRIS & CO. 302 Land Title Bldg. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Members N. Y. & Phila. Stock Exchanges The Chestnut St. - &Paving CO. 11th and Chestnut Streets Entrance On 111k St ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS SPORTING DESK HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD, PA. COLLEGE SPORTS J. HOWARD MARSHALL FRED. ROEDELHEIM EDITORS JOHN HELLER A. BUSSELLE, JR. prone emulated of S RAVERFORD NEWS April 7, 1924. INTENSIVE PRACTICE AHEAD OF TRACK MEN Diekkethe Fleet 0 PP Skew., Tear Slra.Sll Laet Tear for Intent.. emetic, is lb. Vanity troth mood In Pe.Paretion for the first outdoor meet with Meg opponenta. Imes Ilneteforge find rmord. Aden from their 11.11. 111,11 with par. hare a wegbelanced team with nes tinder ettetiMh in the the broad 1110 0 NMI the Myelin. DLislomo took ten points at the 1923 Middle Atlantic Stole. meal ehile Haverford ...teed eight. Raver. ford's penln were made to the hordlee and diecus while Irekinmn ereelled in the tulle and trio-mile rum and the broad jump. HAVERFORO MEN ON FIVE POINTS IN FAVOR OF FOOTBAL L COMMITTEE FOOTBALL CHANGES INTRA-MURAL SPORTS MADE AID HAV ERFORD Greater Interest in Athletics, More Material and Better Playing Facilities Are Advantages Urged; Baseball Schedule Made Out 'There are five Ins smith.. why sport eNelrill would le me of their otrathsural sports at Ilacerfonl a re chief mean,. of developing thin Mondani. Track I heich Ilndslleton. In sootier mportant and .501110 hr encoura ged." Dr. Babbitt Meted recently in an its- interview. muted that he thousht the • inma.mund memo. line Idea. The erview with a Nowa reporter. the rim Ware. th. will pro- mere. ought yot to interfere with the a. there are eough side • new Intermit in eniletirw which Varsity should go a areal way ...canto seek. men .1 on the college tholes tonform log the quiescent athletic spirit here, th. dormitory townie, aloud which there ben been so mesh In carrying out thi. Sten of intradienemion lately. mural sports the hmeliell teem. will 'Beeendly,motenal which would 'tan immediate IVY. petakItl. The other...e go neglreted will be de- One weelie schedule teethe ball tomes prove a went help will meet thaw coming Pride, after. Plavetioni inierts After Dloldemon veloped and rimy intro-tourist The teams. to the 'Family neon. llareh 11. when North will meet • Track Mot ll :mons that Merion innevem-loot. ge nie, played blererfoni'm relay teem hoe been comest will exteed to a working on WA field. plated In can ti of the Middle Al' Coach Haddleton has done In in Meek. The moue amoog the rental:sins lantic Slate. mllegiate one male eels, up interclass competition The oppartual.;. for the dormitories order. follow in reenterr. ebOtopion.hip, which MB he run off on to Pal- 11r week's seledole will muster meth Saturday, April Al, at the University who han.not Vanity ability will be greatly en. Monday in the opening columns of of Pennsylvania Heis e Carnival. The tleipate in a sport the New.. The sporting dealt will en. other entre. In thin event are Deis. Urged." The fourth reawon given wm that the dearer to keep the records of the leers. ware, Dickinson. Dres.1.1. & M., Get. Union. paying Methe. In each porticuler dormitory League. thinned. them °Gad' tysburg. Muhlenberg. sport would be Increased, The Bred loam cod halt.g average. at tbe tad of W. 8'1. and Swarthmore. realer each week of competition. Coach Heddleton expeete t0 bald for more playing spare and Pena Raley tryouts for the kfaverford equipment would become otenifest.. All award. Later on, when the othletir fields dry tram eon, tine Immediately follow- thee, thises would combine ar.o...• win aufficiently, ing tbe lAtkinnon meet. Captain Heg- Ininelog shoat the seagulls's! el Havers be earned out for tenni. and cricket bathe er.. Rhoda Shank. C. Johnson, P. ford's greatest athletic aced—th gene matchers Prattle. on recreation field Nassau,. rod Lowry art likely candl• building with facillthe fie indoor Wedneadith and Friday will Monday, on line in all mores one such as bag re- rive the Mend traininr for the introdate. for the mile relay 1040 Over four hundred colter.. end cently hero OMB It Amherst. ...el mom, In numrolor or hie vie., Dr. Bob. arbor. Irmo all ore, the counter, Om, A melee of the raptaiieend moSeveral Pelted in foreirn nations have hitt elated 111.1 the general trend' in or.. of Abe m dormitories will oles. already made out their entries. The all caller., is leeward toe eubstittation be held the early pert of NH week to l'imettidee Unarevaity team is esteemed of Intramerel spart for the required complete all aresagemem and decide this that matted He work. calletheale The 10 ordve in this country AP. 10. upon umpires The schedule for next to oed bo Iwo-mile relay Morn will be composed warmer he and Mr. Emu. week follow., of D. O. A. Lot., R. S. Starr, A. G, 91. work not • plats whereby Freetimen Frit.. IL at 4.12, Writhed and S. A. Ore... while the Sophomore. would ha graded- on •their Nerth to. Halloo. al 4.15. medley relay team includes: Rots/tall r merel athletic ability and Interval M- U.I. rt. Caller, 11•Nlay, 15. II, It Lowe, Captain Bristow, Auld Powell. aenad of the present plan of art Meth ee Fomders. Wadeaadap. 4.15. The Inter-dormitory Erie 'Liddell, the fermi. Edinburgh strewth the Poirendly sprinter, yell am-mimeos the Cemthrldre team. PLANS UNDERWAY FOR PENN RELAYS TRACK READY SOON The improvements In the track will be completed before April 19. the date of the fired varsity Ineet. dean bad weather delay. lb. work. The illness of Mr. Joboeeo mode it impeeelble 1. have the repairs finithed during the odd... mention. COLONIAL ICE-CREAM ihiloddphda'0 Bpd NdrLUXENBERGalhtos sherries! Haverford eollegeha. Men given very Putt m the Therhali 1010s I otnamtee. Mum Mu mine eighteen year. DIM The eoire Inelnees. of the Centred Booth of Athlete hoe been motioned right to Light. Fast Men. Haverford's be Campus as Dr. Herbert w. Taylor. Type, Will •14. 0 Secretory of the Commit.... while Dr. Babb.° hoe them a promiBenefit nent part me Cbeirmso. During 11,33 the Fonimittee had a The new foothel. rube. in the inlI(DIDS curreepondence of 11 ewers and au intoning total of 1 5214 let. In of Dr. Babbitt and Coach Illar. will make but very little diffennith ems with nu additional appointment. vim elder and telegraphic eurreepondence of in the style of ,lay of the iltiverford ,11101DI111■ 1111111. !umbel! team. The shame• that hove on, eis thirty.00r been mote err ell in favor of the team. TIVe•lee ADMItisli and flu two oreamione laps veer. tootheat. amt. inn. oolong 7. atheists down. for Ileverford woulld have remitted had the new rules recanting forward pomace been in egret The penalty against interfertnee by ineligible MEET Minter.on the opined-or lam win grail, floor °overlord's chance. to intmt moors The prohibition of and will make no dilferenee Field play. ...mem.] Contest to "'ammo,. men. who hoer never Running Events: Varsity plated moth reliance on this type of it HADDLETON PLANS NOVICE TRACK to Include MacNamara to Write for Dickinson for First Track A Meet on April 19 Ledger Coach MacNamara line teen taking Menem of BIllo and Terkel. In the correet posit... at bet end field.. the ball for are In le Renee of ....elm which MocNamera a omPoring inn the Public Ledger..tilled 'llemobatl . Beginoe.." which will appear Doting the peel football metson-Mkel. Nutmeg' utmeg ma in lionise rolumo cm ale N A tame with trickineen hen Men sr- enrd by Moiniger Hogenauer to be held II I Haverfront. Thi. will he the Bret dual rack meet of the mason, mud is Classified Column lteduled for Antorday. April 10. Althourh it Imo ma yet begs approved by the Eareutire Athletic Committee. thin meet will. in all prabebility, heroine E. panof the rat e. The N. T. 1'. thlongolar meet ha. now been definitely stropped. or the two mot reach a tatie• tosmarineffile co /emery erramement ise te a °ON Jake Harrison's Cigar Stare EAT SOME COLCN AL EWE. um Baltimore, Md. -- MISCELLANEOUS 1.00T-A mall Ingersoll watch, in Room 0 of (Anse Hall, an March Box 12. Haverford New. WANTED-Good student denim, ems. neer ...Mon tar summer In molten.. ng Rao 1. Haverfoth Nem. FOR SALE—Dne good Ford runabout . Haverford News Bog aaorrins FOR TM COMB= MAN SAMUEL K. WRIGHT (7ohnWaid Mews Shoes Supplies—RA1)10--Servke Int trmation Given on New Su per-Heterodyne Parts for Sot- S76.25 9 Cricket Ave. ' Phons-Ardmore 020 AZPELL'S Ardmore Printing Co. New Location 26 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore,Po Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties The Gift Bryn Mawr Vlarolen-Records-Sormlin New 'Victor Records Every FrideY Phone, Bryn Mawr 208 Life Life Bensalem General Rendre 718 LuseeMer Avenue Bryn Mawr, Pa. For over • quarter century the ArhnWard shops km keen serving an Increasing nmnbee of sole] men who eppreciate the deaths of deem—tarn whose shoo play an gavial part in the day's activities Haverford Pharmacy nutsraustm Ann TORE BROOM:at NEWARK Au. wIneedbue handiness muschankal sopaisaliy economy Bependablitt7 Mrs.ct factory bianels service Automobile Burglary Tourists Marine =spesren4:20. CUT THIS OUT IHAVERFORD SCHEDULES FOR SPRING SPORTS TRACK The Ori ginal H•terfeed Drag Stave twtherr gente. a A. Ill t. thee Under U. S. Government Supervision 4% On Savings Accounts J. s:• SI. :.—LrLIarer by The Autocur Company Manufactured since 1897 . tft=:".7;' Y. 4 Merl el Delsmar• Mar Lvi ..Ams■Dasmen. •mer Iter NO, It .latemetteetste. . pm. mra 1:Inmates tgi 46 dile, BASEBALL Meese, You don't need to with the sneak French if you go to Paris N.) ttttt te.s.• tees Aa• ••••7 Nay my la— rodeos. a... Famous Olympic Tour to ialre witness the TENNIS cocoa IC 'MU,. '24 OLYMPIC GAMES IN PARIS July 1924 and to stay 30 DAYS IN PARIS. There will be Nar tainebleau, etc. Mew Ar—oseerosamev. .17 // " Iser0111sfsm, awn, CRICKET $375 From New Send York . . . to New York for Circular A 19, VICTOR H. KEEFE Fifth t am•y. 1500 enjoystudents, their families and friends with you to thlo trip, including a visit to Versaines, Rouen, Fon- 505 tt mem.. .31 • Yeil 11.--Weifilrfea. Wane me Established 20 years ego steiremeer. the. Iladdlsomo 311•33s.rer. 11 tomes. c,•■• It Immentre.. ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK r..731.z■Weda Mers.Shoe.s c ar as Alit 0 g sse electric trucks EST-CE QUE VOUS PARLEZ FRANCAIS? Authorized Dealer CHEVROLET The Sturdy Bullitt Building 141 S. 4th St., Phila. INSURANCE BOCK MOTOR CO. mi. mason. more thee met, haw John Ward styles and tethers been happily eclected. John Weed representative visit alto! the leading univereities this aide of the Mississippi and riords,muh, east sod west their recepdon has been equally enthusiastic Shop -Ardmore-Wayne HAVERFORD TO ENTER LARGE TRACK MEETS Ilsverford ran mtrr tan In three large intercollegiate meet. Miring the coml. trash mewed. Its the Peru rel., on April'. and 26, Oath lied, Green has placed MmItinnery In the Gerhe and Thomme io the Glens. Tater In theerscon a thorn will lourthe ney to Delon-ore to compete Middle Atlantic Staten meet. At the eInse of Use trash schedule emend Haw. erford men will enter the intereollesastre, writ.h are to he held at Harvard thin ymr. The Olympic trans. romlog M Her. lard lifter the Intereollthiate meet may also draw Ilsrerfeed mo, depending largely on the showing in the large Intercollegiate men.. Pop' Haddleteu. to am iuterriew geanted to a News reporter. expreased the opinion that the time km rouse ellen Havel-ford should hare men ohm, mg On to capture • piece in the Middle Mimetic States. In which Haverford .100.1 SeVIMIlb ism Year. ee wen ee mien se ems -se meth Mae teenVIRM the Intercollegiate, Longacre & Ewing Ardmore Theatre.Building Haverford men toil Awed that oar Phila. drtphio Amp at 122191223 Chestnut street has shoes to sho that ar worth swing. Open doily from 6 a ne to 9 p 01— Saturdays II p Tn. NAVY WINS GYM MEET t Nary won the recent Intercollegiate Gym Competition from • field of eight Emden. Lesmatiene. The mem was had held at Princeton an March Ai. beau espened, the Nellteam had no lo holding the chanstdonthip• which it bee won for the last five 00.10. Them total of 93 paints awn col ago prmehed by my other team. Princeton being second with 8 and Penn third rem. ith 7 ;mime. The only other college Sa 1111ano, Haywood'. a Palrhill Plea in place wee M. I. T., which received 5 BUSINESS COLLEGES ensign. Smelters' Supplies of all kinds Princeton could not gain any diet SHORTHAND Tourist in 30 Doc.. Soft Drinks, Everoharp Pen. and Instesetiona sem Su.. Pencil,. Suit cues. Pocketbooks pls....while Penn and 11. I. T. took one 0.11.9 lett Perk Ave., pt Fayette St., . piece. J. S. Lang, metals of the Repairing and Initialing Pipe. Beitimore. :4111. limerford man team tit 1101, third for 2079 Ardmore No. Tel. Brawhaker's Secretarial Soh." Penn in Ile he...tooted her event. was First Claes Service TYpewritim. eta aworded the ell-around thaniPionsbin. w . Itaitimere. Dogji Por t A with Wheelock. of the Navy. emend, Sommer Schooh—Stray... and Deo*. Navy. third 20 IL Lancaster AM. loto. Baltimore, Md. Quality Made Us seCl Quality Keeps Us Going PENN DRUG CO. 3701 Woodland An. vuu.o.nw. pw April 64040 Men Excluded The adeeneement from the five to As three.yerd line of the try-fer.the.estaa. tom-hdown trill male pest& A nor'ce tench meet for all wee not Points o su.d-• greaterwerisly st2019Yr.rna hen,. me Freshmen or -Varsity" on the will be staged on the aftersoon of inc ,,,,, the Ilan. My 0 or 10. This novire meet is The lighter • new idea which bee been developed aided by the eiteasa_invtka-alace-ne by Poach Haddleton of the track to kichnff from,be.locty to the Sfii.letd in order to intereet men In track who law. This wana.•.retatmt to are now not active in spring &th- etele of ploy which existed before 1910. irties About 1911 the playing tleig Only eight tam. will be conteeted men from 1 10 vorde to 100 yards at the doe to the short mace of time in the eugmeseion of Pet, Menet... al.. afternoon doting which them eet will mach 01 Harvard. In order to 009.1. have to be run of. The 100-yard dash. terss the shorter field the kirk-el-nos mot orise moved back to the fort gyerd hoe Thla the limner and the mile the rune. A short Matinee Mettle eredually dereloPed • beery gmrd-tone probably 129 'stela oval low of kicker. Now lb. lien, fast Jean will come into prominence. The Amt.. timbers, will atoo be attempted. Tor the field events. Haddleton ex- rion of the tee will balance the ,totter pm.l to mare the high ;emu. breed Menem, discos. the An ineernring feature of the new AMA, twetheaound shot and Aceordins to the tesek coach. them par- ode ,is that the ;enables have beets retirular field 'then. ere .10 adapted to ierd to fait into only three dim.... where the men eotering 5. 10 21111 25yards The 0141 penalty none.. had hove hod conablerehie trite be- 01 Writ the di.ance lo the gent for moa offense. se mill retained, b forehand. Ave. New York City. 1927 TRACK realms a. amts. 'gr. .27. weans, Oat.. w. thtema. nom Amu oath .-111rpor mom, home Wog il—AMIt01•12. May "—Oen. curt, m.o. No 11—thethe ewer. A April 7, 1924. HAVETtFORD NEWS Bell libertr. Pcitoont ORE 'EIGHT NEWS BOARDS Strawbridge & Clothier The Albert Myers MEET AT HAVERFORD Philadelphia's Representative Orchestras Store Il onlinned fr om Page 1. 00111ntil El Albert B Went, Jr.. MK,. IR/mice eagle, .1 the InienUtf. He tinted rel. BOOK REVIEWS° III-Theater Comment MISTRESS WILDING." AN LAUGH, CLOWN. LAUGH. lime mete w ho ore iniereeted Is journal6206 Girard Avenue while endear.. te slier BROAD Philadelphia, Pa. EARLY SABATINI ROMANCE gemination. and to work towards rids- Headquarters For Everything PATIOS:, jag the standunle tluit me tone held .I.11-1114Iing In oil miler for drmatic, Ile. eOrli. am...oThat Young Men Wear ho the dolly newsporre the...glean It., simnel weer give n vet ran mere one whnn. And Everything Required '''''' 14" " . :1; 1 1it -rrz sin of tarty reartirlleen l'erl Priedrieh. If the Inatitute sir* it min be or how well the no • for 111.• anther 4e I., Messiinterprie Jllnln Inornatimml gsloretinn. ihroueli hie min. As there 'e Indoor and Outdoor All FK, Errol, ...or Moe. er "Nenreirenelle" enehmge achninretali n1 nitre, her 1.nnid w Ow, efforts twkey Seim. Levi. trent.' in ne ci'd'er Athletic Sports Delaying et the greed 1 I . ihnt will lw nient.d nest yeal, With liphowsini ?Andea . b. of Inv fen liavo hePli in • Haverford Pharmacy C ..„ veel, 1.4 Men brought neek din nest be the motiMie wnt, then evoke, N1r. Vrietirieh ts Iiiir me. diernesioe of Ow aro-moon tom... I eminent., mop h newel IItne to MOP Ey pointing mo riot ban lin never from Ike toilet& world in when o nroblem eel ierealli areal ohs, et woe the ronnetted with thin out. reel ...vend, acme Plaae Ike, no rand 1 llhxt ine non, hi ell Itheen " Nide new, --- • Ones uhtiorin room.. egard"...."''" in he ir apheorina in thirely. dor X'" URSINUS DEFEATED IN find ti.w.11,1.i of I ell.1 is Kenai, s • ere net la lies SEASON'S LAST DEBATE ititrienairy. ereitiesnit Ili. IKE, Oen it Ti,.,. fooml one!tit' Ike'." - -of Or no, T mole, loon faunal, well-:%-i;i! 1 I I bolt isoril r lough. 'le I'm. I. CnIania lit be imegtered wi111 Opole in the rapid .elereime. Harri ioe tn. rrnitios ton w ee debated io Haireeford inoremeni of hie pint derelopilleitt, end Eery nerehle internret,oion Infr a n Mere 11.1h,a. George Arid MA., the Himont onlooker. -IL..., -rin- eaded, rlotill 0.1.• n11 Orrwdr1 1 Alirlatol and do ling. ind h. .111 •,..:11.1111. ovotira lock. het 1.11111,1 filet iirtelliinE r, I •, ot home The 1ton whirl, re,. Me moven, hike De- Or! Mr for hinwelf., of i'reiner presided_ m ow he filer. nei tweitnie inlona!, 'Ion, IniiSII is ihnorlaIini, rein., woken the fourth victor,. rrolori. a Olt nor, of len, murder, One, Imlinti play. 1011 Puglianiiil r„,„, Sore anti neldeu denim. likened if Led Lineally 5Y Films. Msneli• The "ann.. is In I yenr. The Iillihonethean Neel,. of the Ineemel. and the reader ...reminded of •Iialreminn quarter of Rome where ..1 the greelieli vies', is '1' tn. Ana 113111 licit. the famin. Pm „,.,I Ilnenrbn Theologian Aare,- enli no. eldisonee seheruina A nil chte•es "'Id' in soma enlei there,. The dei. more ,i111 tar lit... We Kr both. Soo the, the' • glee. id' wow hill kir. prsle,isitti I iota 'private lives of It 1.111,1ie'.. hoe in the .4,0 ho r Ste I!!'!! .he hi thr deepen ""' 'rhos. A. Ryan & Co. wine .ruin reek/mon. Moen iherettiem bass, le noire, ie est, her Innithedre in wed elitetee an 1 1 tire. eonlidnei That ehe•will men 'rare pi him as he sits's, her. verb isms,. ms'iM'eim' ^ ...' i... - 19 who ploy Irene genwion. a 11r. nod Oils lir/mired low Mee iii-hio aro dinh montooted the Simonetta, tie altos! el I.o.M., en 1. , mime the Italie of klonnionth, dmt folio. Meer of Fiih [Lionel ile• ho, -hoer hew the ma n, ten. PO. . Wetheri & Co., Inc. relwilern, !retain Mtm. nine and minor li ,11 gn.1 foil he erionsental thouahtii. her Kehl ! ,Idide husband and 113 Arch Street ei. 1.mi lin,11 the rieh moo-slow Lme her Tor, rrvol, Sir Iherhool Phila., Pa. The elojertion teen pened,' dint limn oho rolls In lie I. s-itli Finkel., ,,-11 nous' for the part and Inir Sir none, deal im. Paint & Varnish Manufacturer lively eh+ tip. femme- et kir lid, nod .nigh dolt ix 11, hiini to forget, II m rem eeldron we hare dm di, poloist, of seen. playa like [hie 'or mid when we ere env of etseh hie sr feel i liar wed-auntie pin' loodir 'he I.-mania mateliirie, we ore md heel A. n hole !Oink !home-full no ur anti it I,..• pinworm-, and no we minty kir 22 E. Lancaster Ave. ! !hit to lie nod oh .1,111 tonne.. is whir.- ea Penni, I■ 3 read hi. atteorh• Ards:worn, in nide h. oil ...mi nt.. 11 roman., , Ill.eirree Wilding." in a. tanner!. a en., ea. a. fir v"" ,101 Ksri seems... fee .mo ...ehe the .1hike iif dorine the retwilimi e SIonnensk. the period owner of •Veninin Mood " The elleriteor•ore. tor no mom pert. in/ ile11114. 111. mu, ir atter, or do apemlic . I well l of of ..,,, ,..1 --4.., ,i,....,,,,.,.0. th. ,-1,..,. .•,.., is the ,,r sises o .r, Printing - Engraving E. Lancaster Aye_ Ardmore, Pa. Phone, Ardmore 257 . ''"rfi'"" Goa. D. If you need a brat-dam Hair CM, don't forget that the barbers ma be here every Friday all day. We do school work. ROBERT KOCH Zanisky Studio Official Photographer 1924 Haverford College University of Penna. Wilson College Radio Supplies Haverford College 7 North 10th Street "The policy of one's independence" The qeole-1.011. IL [nee liudy•,21 Kip. dims Ise1t NW sot delialtion of tle Pre, dent'. old Age Padiorraent 1,1107. TOM e litt*;* aise'rttltal es."gr7artelL;r1. ee IP 0.14 Special discount to all students madras St..azdreres epee peed savior ;ir MacDonald • & Campbell • • • Lite Insurance Company' •SOMMadelettli • I TIDE COST Figured in monlhn of near, onr custom Clothes ACV reall, higher hot . cheaper . the Impression you make young MLR than ready-inade Their firs: cast is slightiy the superior fit, finer leaden. hand. tailoring and ea a well-dressed tar overbalances the initiel outlay. Try on this season and you wilt be more than satisfied. LEADING SPECIALISTS in Owl. Overcoat. Sports Clothes fieherdealsery Motoring Apparel 1334.1316 CHESTNUT STREET PIGLADELPHLA H... PYLE & INNES LEADING COLLEGE TAILORS 1115 WALNUT STREET Ardmore Theatre 69th St. Terminal W. Lancaster Pike, Ardmore PICE OF THE PICTURES ON THE H. D. FLEE SE THEMUSIC THAT CHARMS P2E.R.M. La o 0 seguatmlecr m-ratmanD Established 1950 Incorporated 1920 Philad'a & Western PIELLJLDET.w121.11,. J. Gibson McIlvain Company LUMBER Office and Yards, 58th and Woodland Ave., Philadelphia THE GIFT SUGGESTION 800K, pooh,. Iderna dm.. row.. end Partitive otion.. 0 II,. E.tetallehen•-•11 Etiquette af Wedding Stationery -blob iteerriesb M delati .e roerret oK of teediling SIMMovry KM Planing BALLY. BOIS & BIRDIE CO. • A. A. FRANCIS JEWELER Cricket Avenue Ardmore, Pa. 7 PUBLICATION WORK CIRCULARS also ROTOGRAVURE - Kurtz Brothers INVESTMENTS 1421 CHESTNUT ST. Philadelphia, Pa. Egablisbol 1806 Formidable array of printing equipment. repro...0,1yd complete plants: smootaronningtwolege.isation: low overhead expense= these are important factors in our low price. We'd like to estimate on your nest catalog or booklet. LONG PUBLISHING CO. 1024 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA Plana,- EDMUND SALLEE ILSSIM2 Son ofbecame a Londoo who A st ron oat erRoyaL At Meese or 20tbe Imeded to-chart ears ao mem/idea of Use !loud:ern hemisphere. the Financed end Imodled minting of Newton.. Immo:WI Principla MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 352 Br, Mawr Philadelphia k Marcus Hook SUBURBAN MOTORSUPPLIES Inc., ARDMORE, PA. Full Line of Motor Supplies and Equipment D. M. WEST, Pharmacist PENNA. ARDMORE Agency for Wbitman's Chocolates Telephone: Ardmore 845 Edw. K. Tryon Company Manager, H. Alden Johnson Official Outfitters for Haverford College Foot Ball Team NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SPORTING GOODS SCHOOL OF RETAILING Phila. 912 Chestnut Street. The School of Retailing Trains for Executive Positions Get Your Shoes Fixed Merchandising Training Advertising Teaching at the Personnel Service Main Line Shoe Co. Finance and Control Merchants are eager to secure trained men and weNearest and Refit men in these fields. Service fellowships. National Jewelry Co. Class room and store are linked closely together. 1026 Chestnut Street Illustrated booklet on application. For further information write: Dr. Norris A. Briscoe, Director of PHILADELPHIA New York University School of Retailing, 109 WashingClass Rags Fraternity Insignia ton Place, New York City, Athletic Prises Phone: Ard. 1977. - 'The comet came back The greatet that was seen by William of Normandy returned to our skies in 1910 on- its eleventh visit since the Conquest Astronomers knew when it would appear, and the exact spot in the sky where it would first be visible. Edmund Halley's -mathematical calculation of the great orbit of this 76-year visitor—his scientific proof that comets are part of our solar systern—,was a brilliant application of the then unpublished Friacipia of his friend Sir Isaac Newton. 768 Lancaster Ave. Rom , Prod,* Mutual... TO Philadelphia 1417 Walnut Street 20 Chair. and 10 Manicuriata 3, r. ENGLER A SON, Prop', Home-wade Delicacies. Salads. Meets, French Pastries, Panty 'Cakee, Pies. Catering to Weddings, Receptions. Banquets and Parties. Wedding and Birthday Cakes a Specialty. 47 West Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore-, Pa. 136 S. 52d St. Holm. 2927 EIGHTY-ONE Eugene G. Wile Ardmore Delicatessen and Pastry Shop ll Trains Daily From Oat we BRYN MAWR, PA. Pa. It It. W. -MISTRESS WILDING" Sabatini. Heaghtom MIMI.h52.1411001 E. S. McCawley & Co. to College Students The only store In Philadelphia Bryn Mawr 758 where the Stain-Bloch and Si.; Telephone Supper Luncheon Clothes,Shoes and ourand men Wickham GEORGE F. KEMPEN Hata tan be Henry B. Wallace Clothing, to nettCaterer and Confectioner Caterer and Confetti nor !darks!, Eighth nod Filbert Ste. Pareeneor In Churl. W. ar. Ardmore, Pa. 22 and 24 Bryn Mawr Ammo ARCADIA RESTAURANT Eighty_ STATION AVENUE BOOKS On Your Way to the Station ehostell,n Special Discount. Aa specmoider aa • comet has beendevelthe opment. By continuous ocienefic research the General Electra Company man accelerema this development andIn hes become law the Mdosery. The laws of motion that Newton and Halley proved to govern the movements of a comet are used by scientists in the Research Laboratories of the General Electric Company to determine the orbit of electrons in vacuum tubes. GENERAL ELECTRIC