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RFORD NEWS 1ttfratitis 10 HAVERFORD COLLEGE, EAVERFORD, PA„ APRIL 14, 1924 VOL Er EISEMAN AND MILLER ELECTED LEADERS OF TWO MUSICAL CLUBS PRESS CLUB HEARS BUDDING AUTHOR HAS MR. GRAY LECTURE HARD TIME AT FIRST TWO DAYS MAY BE USED FOR THE MK . ALUMNI GATHERING Speaker Describes Types English Club Hears Trials of Young Authors From and Probable Endings of A. S. Hildebrand • Unfinished Novels Eiseman, '25, Heads Singers Class Day to Be Held Friday Mr_neither Arthura aMurton. Mittel/ram! wa.,[ —Instrumental Club Will i n orten' I wee the subircl "Vnentel l e d With Commencement on meeting of the Englinh an ioterentime hir• Club Lela in ild 1,01 101 Wecinewlm., be Under M. Miller, '26 Saturday, June 14 Austin K. Gray before the Press Club April mII.g .ketherllibletased la.•iireliotioney Pride, erenium Aprilon1the1. After Durhi BOTH ALL-ROUND MEN 0 mot thtitmhe E0M1011,1The 0P0 NEW ALUMNI PROGRAM diseourre . lid len.ader ett hunt iamb, of ininimbrel o-daycomprehensiofveAlnotolofDer, SniderIir.saidIbid.... inirmiisneienng ofEineouto. e "lee Cloimt. hha,fiibeen rleader hestaleneem. and been Im,stml down atin mtoe 41.liebohilength Ilirmther nab aIwmore no. lilt speaker. of the Inthe iiwnker evoke t,undertaken. timiteuent than ben ever heron hem. anther 010, 100 . p rre reeenel g h rennin., thr. works of fiotion .4nm...it., ChM. The 117-1117. for the bee been deterateed u.o at ' K erney borobi n i r our.. Thorn he ooi l a bi l i e d the three oilier I, PP, of Cl., 1•1111, tn. plum on Ilerelt Ell, a beelatioen emenolttee Um ask, AbsentemeritAwee loThe riew first 14 theme le the "Denis trial. of 1.11« proirureeri Arnie lefor Thee loaders Inetrureentel flub ea charge ofofmade the oveti.petiwrionter gadthe April are alerted LEADER OF GLEE CLUB Duval" of Willinm Mace.... The... tooth ever-Ilene oilvire to the piling LEADER OF INSTR. CLUB the 1,00 01 h11.6011, the moieties i.Cnnville to E.etentbeet rematty n type of unlinimay ehedeitelle anther. Teogoal. Exerutive Kerte. W. Eliwwwwi '211 member of glee who. Thieventual ihe president of the Cap the thea• .1mhager. Merle II'1Miller, Mr. Ifililofehunere denrri ntioo of Ito- momenta .dEnvie. and member ,10. htouni. been twee 1,0 a corwlunion forleader M forem yea, hos Bent n wri t er' ' , rarer., of the temperament Coder the prop... oleo Cionnteurebee mm ie. lead Sopi m mom meow. premed mite i s suel i y tekn Street, 1noni t m ...m- i. n novel nnotget It threugh Inn the Inonpuretel CI., author and bepeculiar ofelon.the under meet wouldtobeSatool rammed from Priddy e e Plpt.,.ot feerhotheMen poeta three memofendt. MK. HIM tme enito for the thiJere,rteenth e y e toerneutb the ...Aker deetered. Even limn other Mu type. are oat . sew. clorinemit-dies g lostintwoCollege Ma to mujunetion Phl 1111, mental theaorMee. f alfour l toe orthe bestlemeti ers tiny In fathom. mom eons.Fuelteled 111, other della., 'himintotheirrimmion donthenotndeed of HAZELTINEITO SPEAK mlation roneliuintionaeofofolimovery tuatifavorite etehedof I.mar.. hme theof the meetly. of Ciethe principal. knowtedge aluVeleta, mniConnith. proenno.Emplane Rats.. the DEAN PALMER TALKS the the lake the amount numtanager the NEWS. sea author. It ber of novel.panlwhiieetichon,•rl. Mr, idea nor Kifound dea more thewW.W.I underiyi. thin tne expi in innkedIdea. west. The itorn-fol thin. Me. ldrbreod WEDNESDAY OE •Man. PlasehniII.of01ban glmbrani en porti riher nnirolkeenInoftheu member ABOUT LIQUID AIR ipretty ti a ever I t moo 111 warned hi s and and ▪ e i s d . the rorentl i n ed !, '111.1 Wi ▪ Ditdelinod uallabledidesboorInn lin theprevailing In servo/kmquotto the general rule fontbel l and remelt mends. verb furtee.. lltra Upthitt text tweed. In the io• theteam,watemint Senn.. year. nurpri e l m e e tam thee the anduatlm per.nelity. 1e, n member ofWastheOmprow enee bail e hadprototome Society Enjoys IofWaldouble pert ofelltheMature. Alumpi Scientific erred.. Soak. sod perieure i31nnere hosIntetrureenta of the Elitirwithof liewthorne Aleaperi ihough literaryseem, Is Inventor of Neutrodyne Set heifspl31,Plain. Day releloolion ova. 'Lecture, Experiments the gent Club no onl 0101 tbro.la forew,theyear whatever, the wee tint %hoer More Will Address Open Meet- during • mueb better altendame ei l a kee ha Co.., novelle. hy thie man ee ble fat . and Strides ' lab Neale. thin I posoi 11111.l.•1,Mi1l1111 f waneard meted by the Saturday Evening Poe!. on °Liing of College Radio Club slim InsInthefootbal h. einem!, has before. le addition e r Do. irehred the meettel 01 the totfin• and thenceforth he recei v ed Deere from of the d novel of Nathaltieln Realtor.. • gfireetionn, isklth 'eon blat Prole-nor A, Hazeltine will Intel tion he ha. hem.110.on1100. the ledijerePalmer bebeingthe&Waal anenniiathat the ...aim. MR••faqukt . wale in addimidgiventheAhiliklentille f aspwasPereleriek hit wwww, regrown. Dotliverietype Romenre.** position of prominent. Mood writer, before an open marling of the Radio benebell nem. Hethe 1basketball betero Society onlent. the en.. tat peel*nilIn their settehim. of oplieletwd Weld. tette, Nab a esteer In eery nee. the meeker Heti. Commis., the uremia err...neat ha. theifoll Tuesday, April A. Tide Chth on the night el Wandondoe. i g ht whi e h ooly be brOtedtt to • erele e a repetilem of • berme ea the rhino. throetch cautiInoawing ned. Jeri. no buddies AprU Ie. The topic of the .11 me find president of the f, aseandofet wi w t the apprnI r el ...et of the Medi/ of everytwocntetqho• 1 929. Miller is efonetheof Kinedeni of the iwaiti college a...elm, The sane nettl his thin with.b, posetbly seemed author. Hildebrand, wontedareenamel eet at the De.Mangen-snorted the Neetrodelte Radio iterenver, so mon oo/IPbyeire the ...eraMr.willbelief thintoeaten un- beInvent'. of Dr. Plseettiee.e. ?ramof the awiel seem. ra nod in (Ma type of oallefehed enty nti,,t lbwtwe semo• only Ia.ord.' to Wwwitwaof elm net this tenure wes se batman,' Thesr.,. farand refine Mena .0.0. lie in el. meo, Ilanefsed head of the demer liesatkne oar ined.4....atearlf welter, nd..l of Ike Me.. Intramural kne Motmf-town alumheretofore. an enneeted le It Dr.to me inetruentInstitute el Electrical Engionviegsod hel whin lends the of theoreditor's ortiele indiehlni the reenter lamer numbers than nit the ee et Met e emlusleo. hi, The Palmer began the lecture by deVann tan, Sts Steven. of Technology. tail will nthe the, mribine rep eeeeeoftative of type h.of itthnrwillitbeo armored thy fool ▪ mew in redio to WHITE AND GREEN TO BE will trip be ptateml w orthtwo•day Wreiini, morons the the -Mystery , Edwin ofthelirprinciples mwan lfyIng n underlying thin the MI- kind gilthOr in. imits theTheotlotheoloforeniwa not yetof limonite aArronumelatIo. 1 returning endued.. Cherie.. Miens. In CM boob the f o oi o gro air wee wi l he iliontrotel wivetth COLORS FOR JUNIOR PROM eml the romailttee omelet:al. 10 is 0. to di . ..over the reorder., rlittman.. uil ednf the folloeminent wing thinrommernial with a de- butcelery videnielides and. n Neutrodyne Sp..ofkerliterery advhied 00.110.1ex.,. the em-In lwiontei Mahan. reuni. plan whereby me.to hod the merited,' num! Net ployment l be o notrnted_ bP r1,11111 lore ornOta•r Of their. elhnen-oi even theMenmurderer. who.theidentity rem to ot., Stieli eit• kueM, knee toren areptenm,alb •end,Invitation. tell where. bodyilkenteer ofteean able itew I" waned hy theTheme' old ofmethods lanterd WPFta mei. rde radiextend, oand Hobealeof° rprerwraniann. Our.tiastute Novel .LightitongForodh Sehem• MourThia. umMuni Dr.sneer.. nertithe on ofeonegi the reuntre. then performed iindool withedithetorA. teni othentpwri rithyfliereeeen el!ltd. ado w. reetatuntly Itralreel Shen n writer. of to al l o w to l h e e !with, e nature of di v but r of , Juniae-.or the diver- tremel i reilon010mr.lroieniIlee forTOM.thioand 1 esen entitherebAlmon new Dm forsee...tors iquidyfielowTotelloleo...troth the sevex- rt.iitt'lt1•1;t ..PPorl itnieIf, the fur dm neon.henof nrizoid mu modern.. O3o4eVI ptipaof *bow Irgoto trotg.I eguiieve!, green. ifirridure: henefroze •twinsefworked prod.. tlitoerieingtimhteed, vonehoiloCone o I. aworlta. ofry 1. 1 11TP. n vi ni i n eroored Lordi n g te the thefirthold Imr• and ral moomon elMeta auell a Rawer It prol k ohi t In• i o nei d ed yhnoh, Charon., l o sel t Ine' s Inventi o n IV 11 „ l and orlthetre,rektr] emitnuir adowlli .etoolalItlnietheough whether or out op oar.. i r then,i ietorourg the a.1net0 wno hyoidnofroreo . reg. A he Intmentee '"'. deal " ''"kout "0nit! 'l1;.1•' ne,,:i.rin"..,-bdrvinalroo'ot'o'oho7r, "T'l'.'"rewod"•' ll''.'"“'"'." erperpow, The Seeletin( trertwil , owe ptirk. endofh, .Airohnt. %ito nermouneed t be retninled. • Thegolf tilhood nn tour...oil wool ru HAVERFORD MAY HAVE ,,,,,,,„ iin Vane 2. tats hi e. Warr a %worked motel war ever Pi nude inn a huar, dine .,„oxod..,,,,d.gonno,rj e i l e gen i t -bi o ti n ...I on fl. Cello, It ASTRONOMICAL CLUB WESSTOWN CLUB PLANS re, nu. Thin ren,ver mark. „ notable' ,' ,7,,,"7,,:ti,I'r,':, t":•,":.7,4',7:„L'i.`" r neighboring viol.. Ith ,4,,o-,,,,- mo,,-, -, ',o'-'•-i",...•,1- ^f +7h.. ,,,,,.... OPEN PREP. SCHOOL DAY,,,1,'"""`'''' '" Dr. CieleMere Pia. a Cheek on wiii.iinun they• deero ofoi-event] l de defy, tonether Pin,. in ...inn ni.:, School irri'''''tiotir.........,-, olor. nod-,,,•-•''''' mow.01d'"inbnn Milehee"nl use ebol ni o al l e r l a mer properl r. 1 , I m ni . of Ole., the edge PP11. CON F ERENCE HELD ON tronai Planoldend for I he efronhi ti no of ononl et Mao to Coning Track Meet i • P PPP..1.,whdoichit,inwelol. Work were .,,,„, ,..C1111. 1.11.,.,„ nemsly cold ow Vie 111hP0111, 1111P hr.n1IItoetl ing 01 ootl oidl elt,oThorni rlenteilliionrotori terentel Ii4'i' l : Zi;:l' i ltg,i.l' i ' , . i n r 71' . . ; i : 7 ; i ' i ' . : FIRST PERFORMANCE P 011111, hel g eoei t i n g, a l of Ir. i , r evi he,en. o i l fi arnimnyleh mem ne the awn-tri ,,i ..•• „,„,,• NEGRO WHITE QUESTION Apri l 1 11. Mood twenty own, entlIfriole. nd, riIltfethememo tinter naIF defi olgoinfi.ie. iofl theispelr•deo.. vineintitelityhinod eelIli Having Great Possibilities wham the Termi l o evoirti. were dette , „ GIVEN NEXT MONDAY l11.thoe ege3 14are nirequori l Il i reserve thintteemann.. br Kiimmere ropinined MI, I 11- 1,011i111 1 11,11 with•eth as The White Man, the PPTV, orChairemei follow, The commi Ppinh PTII 11-KMthine■4111,l1111 eintiorrhielit, ea- ,nego.,..: le Earl K. Pinar,. siouniro fro. other o noi Negro Asks for 1.1. Li n ton Engl e . W.LiStoke, /noirnehi ?. eroughout theearielioontry thawi nIlger Ironer The "Great Adventure" to •1..■,•-...111 "'” nn fU•iEugene le• •r.■7;ME:IL WiSonil htunhling. Ithe vemento un fi e l d s. Equal Chance hero compel l e d mi mom at ri t rennerl the ' , ni n e that it on orBe First---Preiented CHOSEN HEAD iIle, tals1St ob ThiJohn nner.K. tiarri111111111141 undertook nite grofromnini•thene nonl thr reihalo, tirrinetho.Ilo•ir !Habib, ro noon Wayne on April 21 ROGERS goen. 1-1,MP11-De i1Voohona il Delrgenegates andSrhool iontit.both utith.varthi onnraven gathered g-reiinnlolliittIonyou' nerointoeglienNili defi deal Um. OF CUSTOMS COMMITTEE Ilentenr. 171 Cruoville itWiIdtho negreat he work gofe.1001 Fri- idol ▪ • reforoei r ....i f The lia t bonny on ponr,bl e of the I n age. . 1 Tri e gi n ol , Satordny and Sow* '1.yeett, El . Ileanalle ri e wl i l i g . i n &wenn., bloy, threor Ailveatre.beenof votive ob. lergroduoten Ire PIO •Ie. Archibald Alselnpmh. inter•thei aA11104. l liroblo1ni11.n The of theconferemn whiten serviSunsehmore pmts neks ite,fempie. neg dm magni tude renniCommon, n 10.rther. ;;;,r„;';,; vinorerblowlet re Sorb It Col l e ge. De of the Itryu ARDMORE JAIL INSPECTED Wi borel a i l mom, . ong poi i b e ' h el d Make i h ri e rvat Li b eral fl u b, the thrti e l t hore t o 3Pet i 3itie.'•I Veen, nnil, aside mol fromd BY HAVERFORD STUDENT tholly Club and the Cuivereit3 of lIcuo Ihrgloroim:ore ne lo'•roe ,Ivoni Forum the ored • holobei .ilehino 11..i Aid*, nr1,1 .oc, Polite Department •beSworthmo onr.II of the work.thrthere resoftn it Summer Engineering Camp l','•••• ',thethen the tine.; angoiequal fame,"tho frau 1...thFred.) C. Haines won oi d both 10 reti e d r ernsl I E Declared Inadvisable Hurrying into Philadelphia, late 117, 1 1 del e gate, for Sea rt 111110, perti. meterintli the hegro on o tc of net cheek The bonbon 01111■11 MI1110,it' for 111C11the1. with the NI. V.WiHam. woulHaver/ari d lin en hel wroshl lieneflhove t of inet noon, inferioretto se.opinion "thee woe II,01,10 1,rho, 10 ro rot tier e„7.16, I, err ronmususIII theOb.woetutti e•I loudly itlier -doe. thw .ww1Hwwwword e Cone, wil theConn. be Oniu011. 3.1,1I0I111.deer, umet med. ie. Ht.-moilo, of eet!t he to elle" ri c Ifi n Man. 11114 that if seamed ry I 1 010: 1 1, 1 1 P III... 11,1 'terve, the olIll,iderverchi owe Engineering Itever s t Ardmore the renel l e woul d be would prove was sti l ami n e nor net-0mM worth Wi .o... the ..and 1•113110,■ 10-ni.e.1fr11.the Vo hPihrlinl. April Ill ie hod 1. 1 1 I thertheetnent Prot. Ilittentonie, preferred nentuet hi..el.holing inrges needing, xibuitled: Thai end again e he pnl o l i g ked i n vi t ri o l . onteri n ondeol e mere 1011, 1 k hi t rob., 1. n e the Jed oh,. deo head of the Eneineering Del f erni f efi l • pony bean andlate.. En- ofthatthe.ledurdet jillianlotheNeat to illwhit,ercatorlei. ennfebenre It Wen whieh demenerrated -0 ne I otedieeioe t in-delved to the . .n0[1.1,114101111 Fa, ill IniII tOhl When the ramp wax Bret nr.o.M.-II the o a who to undertake l equality. teen telmontle limners. 11. t in tor before. h Veri o ni l e h wns thought i t woul d he an bl i n d ronldcon- tit•eitid equality, etrgtewee ing eventual,dented of the boar, Ibis work were 0700001 at the.d lir. M. for an Engineering Comp during log Intellectual ,erir ne elle done end Saturday aftern.n mesa. the thi•antai the blueankd serratery lotInd• the Prebnell'afWan late Huth. prison. COmmore earn mons tontructi ndiitecemed in e Clint pubt of the summer wt., it In n yeorr. rn Hla mentullion, FliF. use of the telmene 13400 il i"g%a to the l..arge number re uf rather unieporllZori'0111,4, llillt;"■rEelmake ried•Iiondithans In wi tlieiNEWS To edingo., aofpeseible means f other points ofpurge. astr000nly. 0.1- 00 MUZ1711,b' !meter., Dr. Iti..liord C. Cabe.the now derma . excel ID the toil tire breakl g di n th inp. for the of orgenizetion al m ost "Ei p enetrahl ottute -The thee...lir aut ports. three Iona 1.1c11,0 ramp nercesary proiionl ehen1done opt 00 role. 7E010 re- barri dele•Mr. Mimeo o-1i ofof thin rate teduntelol prethdiee mandlagmee1 take plane Iles week. Moteriof ro,trlolSigni tonilelehrPii.n." l h e Rei d work requi r ed wee treated to with n courtesy POMO., "I the rand Wednesday. April "le—rtianet• e Col l e ge vomi t !. •---k a f l , re bind...ion everyplant la..in regard re...h the gent problem confronting the me- Dr. T. W Richards, '85, to The Engineering Deportment will, l Com Trnok with Drexel nothing to complain the-lionl meeting Sunday Meet Liens-. with Athleetidec. Radio Dispatches to Bring bal to my treaiEnt," morning.fawere twn methods of .1ving the Speak Before Franklin Derigeffit0ntro.openare . wiatthDrexel -Inlaying out grati dew., digit-A enoo„ College Items to. News_ and potting up the riereo.ry n. Ifindeline. the le-, Saturday0_ Visarslo Stay Thte.hret ' Institute „ thentPdr•el melt ion.l kithwhite TiRodi er NI...Arndt-ow" Igo,. nth under Ithy by which The at CoWOver Night, Mark, hold the true Chriettan ',ref First library Lecture to Be VINE P. 31. may rerni;% ,rieorn f rom other woad ha e of ..do unto othero„if Meeti n g., the Il l u ti n ego relthiifietien itrechgancervith mitt with Diell1000, 'Given-Tomorrow Night Afterth e thn olden.,Up' 310 1,110 3-011' owlSetlet ea. m.11 of j thei.-±•0,PPer4, E.1 A. SAO veenthroleth tandoori °Li, of the N0. regnuoMerril, nervie .krhetiladle '4411 be, Theodore W. It-Union m. 1,014no baseball the.-Wealive 'Irma. di.in the Dr: Rich. ; td 97-ri -re i Her, them leyan . SeturdeYeAPSI stand up for,thiso eonvIetiona' a nd' l le Colthr=■ 1"rinri. ti net week,end yewthroPrpok.•pin thoseof ran hecollege. or Moreeta,menoverfromnight willdelegates disappeor," ode chiringr-the bepraPpi LeelCabot uren hea tomorrow eApril Dr. of theproblem tregre le paidforceful ' egehriEgin byheAllioif night. held Haverkid. Approametely twenty of Meer nNo .n %7t summary of thle 1 Het- •Field. Dr. Metier& is reeognised the world gml n eerie. profeworehipe -al IFIanar In lb.! from an to10averfor1J0 be Dickinson solutions The armed ofhathe. twotheponible of the Haverford ateat4 end &mama .hredietneiThEtodophy end Secia Eta.. line. masht attack neetttien Babihall Gappe With Wealey. orZTZ: Radio Club, lir boa nlee_writteo eeve hooka au 11.= open the ralleee to al by on 118 ! Ott theawah the whiner1914. of theendNebel /deli., • Institutiammon,. to ne HeforwaftChemiatry 0.0. recce alike.ali eiDepa your The reneger. If the ermogemente { ,-Iy0,kr newaimMte. will be able to reCeive gal cAti s ChM IS the i n the be 'The reeved are Jill race. e eneger taforpin.9,1.80 of Iwo Metethal .d Iwoeublecta hundred Patullar epee of the hiPterip1 [weaken new. more tn.., themetfortsbly goon. no asbepotable. etre.... Moo 00001.0. learn by-emporia.. that I. ' Oanther 6..qulekly P and ==rtedem. aliterpaperavtin talk of the flee. on ' 10.0, novel, oboe rea Ar plan th rya whic was th ray. . arf M.1 th club th Wok. nil press. that Gle the rom an th motet eve , probable on, or crib shift .ember totoirOo.. he Mr. with ds atm pe, which plan 00110 ler sod for .tally th es th story II he 111•_11.% nd of obis le lose • Void mull aMt manager 01 for MM. 41 th 1st A. ed the th hr almost for h slob el and a Node th on all it n II .000 kit 0051111 !hie Rebind Israel/ l," dame. Imbe ir tee rite. Club. eIr for two MI chairman the of Mk awful we g to th may have Jowl tgR of tome tutoxixtetotLekeilloot le th right Provided for the 1. 1, n the II At tale get., He 1 th Ike The .lore 1,00,1.. Ill , r ram. ha. ant Thr ill si meet plus Ak l th of 1710, mans Palmer n Issrsemeal Dr Alsial Golfed" ' It io in I. ugur PAY. th ell n a will hens sehoolf red re,voltv .11 by one A 1',' dery th Res e. Cage d ibs will l.'a In with In awartemare Oasorsatore ',I cols .t rhe■ clot„„hill, P h, 11 As for In J. th H. Maw,. C. and li 1,10,11 3r.. 'Al: t of Worrell. _ fold Is• Ito, nnd 0 Inc Neal Vear will th r Illo Hospitality Es. tended M. r 10,1 Th., h. last 711000. on In th and . Lilo chat-, 1,10 Cu, le roc of th were lily,..41 th 11101 es I..., sold not Ob. 11 tir rial th - 27. the 00,11,1 om CALENDAR 000 be Tuesday. April le.—.1,rsr, hx th ( of ell n-ill th nod , lfiblfoie the y rho decided the Tb r ApHI 0 0111 will tie brtt of 1,010 d and baseball app.. making Elkin. Pyle ke t th there EsEpeasilliNSIRI 8) ..ruin 0 no, we throwing rwata. dated Itadin i. Vatted. of thirty eve who In 1100110 Oblext 'It this polo noes n wore authoritatively to, ▪ ▪ ▪ HAVERFORDN4WS f "•:::a lt`ronr,„?;,.7,..,7r1„`,,P,I,', COLLEGE ALUMNI FORM WOODWARD, '01. DOCTOR I. NEW COEfIN BWItIr AlEtsL;ElifftWiT, ql • 17.=7=4 rit4tiggL „.41,1; et, EDITORIAL BOAR!) nn. sem s. •to peanisth Orthe Ahem Lath ' Also. DMA If Meet. en the ephject-tit Md.), the man wine he flunked 1.1/01116"be given every fear Dpwrtunity enD Ideal rendition fon Pakisl on hi. defieteney. The preemie difference In the method of taking mekmup ex.roleatione in en ineell to the alone. 11101e1. A mso'n mind may not be capable of ',era.. marry tent every liree. but Oust i• no mon. for euldtoei.‘ hi. rod. of ...Sty and Sowell nre nut an high an the hrinlord thinker. saw Aavainto Wier • laws Thaws Palling Strings Ax in often Mr mow. Ilarrrfonl tletRatichislet bore allowed •ooml plan In be in its mope mid Arty not acridd II fit, enough. to ihia rose refer' eneo it mode to the remarkable telephone system dint ken born developed n.ong M linthwoH kei I6 Ineth BUSINESS BOARD rem. men on the nun... If w• can Awoel•t• Noun. rat Now telephone Femme with so 110 - de trouble, why el let mom other I thing. without rbarge an wen! Swoon, Bravo+ "'errata. A '17 P. 0 vino, .11 Of toa rer. in emend.. the plan, It .r. .0wr. •17 %wow..." would be well to practice up_ on campue fled. -Score, we ruight tel lo buy thing• a t 1hr Coop mere with uum• Taw - Meow teas on • ring, II it tikawant to I. pol.11.hea week,' tor.. think ,how maul barn of chocolate we PhIliwrholen. no, heels et soyttam 0. roe •onum HAT . routd1 get before the rein got Murk In thr emit box. Natural U. it would 1,1 he NI, for the manger, of the One, Per othste rope , 10 Mao re sell then ehocolateo with .tone Aildown all coineolliratioso We mune get no metbino for all the MOTS. llsrarterd. P. BAV aster. et 1.0 °fire et ellamMora trouble null modal Inreeted io the ee wane Mem mall as pro.1064 few 'scheme, • ▪ 1.4.110o 1.0. Art of ltatither 1. left Hering pertreied the idea mel Kamm.. 1016. I] toold t•ke it h by aetml tin . !mien Woodwind, SI, Il Alumni otall,MileMma leTle4AL togenantle Hen will, oppormour • ,l‘Wpa. 7• :Ziegtrier r1;de:V: ton. the purtnam -or iehteladll'hot ' dokallehool to to entahll. Artiste., club end bete waft. of Podarmylesoli'Meo nerving ap • interne Epte:meanies for college araduaten, but Old ,flomital of Philadelphia. Mr. also to "bring to.other the men of ropel Woodward pmetleed medicine atetil any rollogen in order to achieve, tete, when. Id_ F. be jeMed N. throzgh. the . intimacies of pernettal modWal. meow Shim then be hod frienenhip ...ration in the eerymounted bin medical emetic._ de of tbremostry.- The club in sim, The National flialletin of the .15111. open tn memhera of nenior awl Junior tory Order of the World In er, of i•lesnen of accredited mile.... which ho Iran • member, raye of bill: Th. building •rel Land am entimated nCresiter Philadelphia mem. in the to 0041 enout $1.A00,000. Soh ath- dente of Lira feast Woodward. ea • to .1 member, Hi. letic feeilitien se elOhnillinn pool, the order can aqu•sh roue.. zymnseinto and drem- wide tinge of friend. sannen his deing {omen mill he provided. An .o- Peripre Iroin their reldef.. • dl-tolitett etvommodating •bout. :even hundred people sin emery the second Join the nett Dpi.ereity Cleas,-* thief Eon le to hr uhed0115 for billiards, earrdx and den the library. The ladies' olinlerrenin be booted on the fourth Roo, while the dfth and sr.' will be devoted to root., each of • whirl in provided will a primte 1.111 A teener. nminee. rondering of Alundil from thirty-ler college. wo.. oppoInted In ettnipnipt foe tnelobera The Ilaverford member of the mm odOm In Elliott N. Brown, 21, Haverford Cope Fellow Rec-1 ommends Pdichipan Faculty Member and Alumni in. Betlet:Houting Stheme -Thriving toe. Pork Sly -peer...Mil FACULTY NOTES n. In •• I •71::im "'" Wool. ■••••,... rat the Equitable 1.110 I...mere ComMee 0 • f". or • IN work nee ...Soli by two mar, of 11mateetree. tio. work Frame. Mr. Plowennott riwo outomeml with the New Teat Dr. Lockwood la, here elem.,' vier Phibubdobis Ch.nol M odic. rc. hie .41" in trmit and wan m.o. noer of the 1•1111rge 1.01,1. Rot. rr, gent the OlOnion 01 the seam student to the bed,. ,th the 11.0, 11,1.011. 111' lat;;;. ea. now of aet 3411 ier7 oddservieetl liteh Final real oalvocatim ...Gem education lod e manly reyre. Ju unt dlitedd homm thy volunktion of a high a...4 end the opium. of the Editor's] Board Dear BUDDING AUTHOR HAS c re.dent of Editorin. do no/ eeennanrily repre• Club re new win be 1.1111.W. ot ewlwa CUTTICMID/71 frWegfigMEIOR In lnal week', inane of tee NEW6 t hree dea ling wait an ....nerd Co undern,duele colon... which line Wen. oh work at Dartmouth titudfleg the careiculum with power. or make rreetemendatione to the Neon,. Similar con.eleven ore et work ut 'Nen Mews sod Vanier. The d•mouton why melt fit n lending voile.. an three have ere to Al/Point vitoflent intestIgtition earn. siittero lo APPPRent .flee 0 little ren- al. The student.riennoint, for inntance. on netters of education in... is the adage. not settee. is111.. That torte Mad diradv.tege. of .7 ghee action can 144 110 seen with a per. It an ono' emotive which One meet Mot monot be es. votively &We. 'Eet,the reactions of the man who ip the midst hf thin... who ix bele. roldected to the forme which he le 'ntpdring, in elm of .reat Impermuce. The 590.1 Point in faro, of them studal ince...ion committee., beer. ro much committee. Mer: I. that thugh mitre Mal thought on the fuodamentally deal paint. of the purpose and method. of college iduestim in ranged or than hr •of other Hdeeitioe blindly accepted falls upon barren green.. Until the purpose of cdoention It felt. until a ntu• tientin tonneiomly only 'driving for some understands mid gal whirb he OPPreciate., the *nada.' may be oz. ,Eased to college teal...Intel, end fail so erounosiate atly reel knowledge. Thy 'nee tine posses nue 31 the ger. vire. of inclining the attention of the ondergredonte body, whorl, they refirment, on thene emen• Go. toot to cousins the Man.-Wool oludent Ai think owl 11.0 ...were for binmelf. lhirtininith. Bryn Moue end Verar have ego a worth wide eitnniple in nodes The 6thleol of ....Oen coin. W thalamus 6.• • le -Inuctinharg.to the April romther ot AIIWItiell.° Pr. Keller Helot el Wh' it7r. raw. Mom April s to Itirhord J White. of 'IT John W Soma Jr., has been • ppoinimi Special Follow to Cloteirt el Princeton I niterally for 111242E Mr . Sp.. won Cope Fellow from Harm.. in 1017. end wee John Herding Nor P.Ilnu to Princeton for 0E31• 1924. En - IS add.. of Robert W. Moore in 11011 Merin beadg, Parade.. California. aloe of Romoone Mountniu Fun Comp., 21. Henry IT limos my be ad. dem.. s1 John, Hoek. 5104431 Retool. itairtmoro. Maryland. MI-The ....meet of Them.. In Fender to Men Robert• Murray of has recently been Chinhequa. almonneral. Mine Noe Murray in now • se nine st Bryn Mawr C,ollege. ":?2. Ile., d. Fraser. law student ▪ Cornell, will give Instrection iu history nost year. His address' is Chi Phi Homo, Ithein, New TOM W. Hunt in now row '2.1. neetell with Ileorgo IdcFaddeo Chriontit trtreal. HIM ber. phit. '23 The pre...l whim.. of M. It lie ktll 1l. 5327 Oxford 'Meet. Philadelphia. Pa. C. Elem.. who NIL the Inching profession, in roneeeted with the hehlab Valley Railroad in Phila. delphin. III. 'Mr.. is =A Aildisen.treeb CRICKET FOREVER! At Iluterfonl there exists a highly houor sweat mid-year nod , fihal exontiontiono-read 4.1. for rotor orange mum. it In eonnidered that thew unfortannteo who take ...Pp 1.011 or. not worthy of an hoe. examination. It Mettle perfectly evident that any man foiling a .1,4.3-me or final. eertaln• ly did not fail by ebeatIng. Why. then. Mould he he denied the ideal ...thud. rooditione which ea. .der the honor test? After a college men live. under a high ends of honor in ail e.minadons, awl yenagreram to old prefteretori WY& Mem nt ogretelly,ererepr .• tcoinnumi from P.m- I. Ifildelorned. In mlahol mane of lon eaperiema. in die endue boo soot pub...ion of hie own works At tb• elope of the talk on mod di. mnion am held while the apesiter fwered the questiora of those emend_ OUTSIDE THE COLLEGE Tuesday, April IS Lem Leann, Math nal Arrow WHIeestloy, AprIl Is Frau. Tbootare AP. .0wwww•athut. mum. Pm.w rad a.m. Weis° beher by .-ISM, Owes 'WM.. Thursday. April 17 smelt fen *wham. IN. Swim 4Mm Iltreet--weetaa ore maxim= 11,60 calls, "A 5ww nn 111.30 t. eatorday, Atoll It v.. comae ensol-t. am. 9•1011. '110 Ownol et Ameamrat. Seaday. April 20 Etneal NOW. Awn., Hot of bring the note eollasinte rempvlitor in A thort. We will bloom. internationally famous on the only Amer. itho e011eRe to tioutinoe Ihr good old If We an persevere long enough. perhaps Canada will drop out of the endurance nee It is cdQmirabIe that we may outlast men old Noised her. selL Think' of the odded dietiortion of becoming the only cricketers in the whole world. Om with the dance! Let 1•7 be un• manned: lot bat and bowl sod eland on our band., secure in the Imowledge bold the Intemollegiate DOOM Chataptoroship of the 17nited Brat. of Araerlen former! ee...100 MarVat, C 000 .1 Henke. 4.101-- Menne.. of the Lonto Repot awl reception of new mein. CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER EPISCOPAL bet's GOO Rea/ oad Pe. Street Rem.. are held in the new edihre, REV. GEORGE CANTER A cordial ...Ration L. extended ta stu- 730- Italy Veromentno. dente to worship with no MOO-Morelos Prayer liberal &mode* Had Hot, Conummion. MATTHEW SI MPSOld M. E. CHURCH 400-ChIldren. Serene. Lmeader Aimee aad Argyle Rood STIO-firdos Nervier MosioL SAMUEL R. GOUT. Palter 9,411-Need. Scheel and Bible (lames BRYN MAWR 11.00-Preacbing Bemire. SUNDAY. APRIL 25 7.00--Srmo1 El:worth League. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH eon, gutty .ithout eerie. much age. 7.45--Prearhing Meetgereary oleve Pens Street Serene, onmone :dad In what ha. REV, ANDREW HUTCH The N.M./ is • 0. er ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 1130-Sumbey MM. Clans. mtoltible erans on the early life and' Lament. A ..... Arny14 Road 1110.-Monain. %create with Specia/ hold. of the 1,1111.414ilnia Mob, in A. C. KANZINGER. Pmts. II large um.nl of infokmatem n Fame. Hume and Sermon by Holy Wash Service 11r. Hutch. gemelolla .mstoloned With the ore,m v Tumuli., April IN to Yr.,. April l& mt.,. of homer. FrIthot-Ll.rtette will render Stain. LOWER IdERION BAPTIST 'A .1. "21. hen fallen moipletellY to er's -Cordate of the Crucifixion.. CHURCH oho. of Kerber.. Man - Sunday. April 20. 111.42 loss witb A. M._ Easter 745 LamtasIsr elk* Sear P. R. R. feet that bin prose ot moth ow. Sermon. Suldec. 'The Memel. of • hd• lore afeHrd by tke neje, t We/Holey. Aprli id ofhi.mordant affmtio.e. lie h 4 Sunday. 7.45 IC M. Subj., -The 8.00--Cluiallee Culture Semi. far roam, for hb, teat thin time the mown . the Cultiretien of the Christine FN... Lite." published poems of Katherine Man Faith, ST. MARY'S P. E. CHURCH hold. Nothing In theee poems he re • Easter REV. ANDREW H. NAUGHT, Realer 10.30- Suede, Seeday, April 211 • 'Womble Wor.hipfel, Serrlem fee Holy W1* Thouebtful and Inspiring Sem. AIVIAIRICL•111 Malay, Timothy. w000ator TERAT1317 UM A. M. Holy Communion ALICATIII-Holon Itatillbral0 50' ia 'To 4.45 P. M.-Evening Pmfer aed Med- METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Inaluncanaa." Lot wealia. rettotoomory Mow ON Pet. Street itation • A131001I-illaal Daiwa ••Rnoti REV. S. W. SMITH Weedy Thermlay 304E04 tain• PASSION WEEK 7.00 A. 11.-Holy Communion. INRI13-1.11r. Irmo ISO Kan.. Wflegianing with -Tuesday. Apmf 16. 4.45 P. M. Evening Pr.,er and hied m. rm. N P. AL. npenal .reters will be held dation. 63[1=III.T-.03101, litbouveallsortn in St IA.. Church. The folk.. SOO P. M.-Stainer'. -Criteifilion... ILLIATOT-0.01. THAD la 5.. -T. 1 Emistent kfleNtere of tbe FhliedallIststole gym:' iJaWa 11.11 Friday 930 A. AL-Morning Prayer and phia Conferee. will preach: ' ITATINO PI0T•01. TeeoditY. ADO IS, 1104, A.70011 JohnLitany. onnes-oton -nu Too D.D. 12 IL to 8.00 P. NL-The.Hour ServWednesday. April 10. Rm. beer. ice AnD11.1.4-nwene Tuloiloy Jaw Franklin, D.D. 414.• Linno la -MM. *Mentor Tharedey. April 17, Rm, J.- S. Hughes, am- leaRmaaar sat Tbwola. 7.110 A. M,-Holy Communion Two Awry sad Uhl Reno. la SRO 10.1E-Holy Baptism. V.47 and Rstositar. ••1110 Friday, April 10 Rev , Arthur Oakm, Kan Teal. la °Awls.° Easter Om Saralee You are cordial', invited to et.. 13■2111.2 STRAST OTTRA 600112 7.00 A. IL-Holy Communion all them Semices. Comef and bKpg 1845 A. M.-111ely Communion Red peer Mewl, with, you. Good med. POILARST-Oanslaa 11551.5114 l• Sermon Ma ad biatlatl, &OS P. M,-Chlidema's (land Service 4ro add PresenteDee of Len- 1926-EsidhlY 'Mon Sy the l'e14r. TAILT0111-16.th Tvlitorten, ••1197 ten Offer... ed Won" rotAtie-,,rot 01.0.50 550. arm, "Lig l "ntga= wv. _ Ara l ' A l ta no. memo. ■ to -coo Yksmiety, othett •as mew Yu, Sur Publ. la- °LAM, ototrros-rat om n TR thela Olthe t a. -0ot en, Alln.3 . Itartla. SU Rthana illoonlanmao of tam, '• II A. Athical Net., 1306 Iona Ithonfirth OUR, 14ona of • Mealy. April II Ahaa d nue. armr..-ewer A. nylon -not Moth. Molar orto• *coon. EINSO-hass wen mirth Troth, 1.16.6411.a. wombs ale,. °!•,;,:14 ONE FOR ALL and ALL FOR ONE n cToknAada loan ONO, la a na.hlit. ALUMNI ALUMNI NOTICE The Circulation Mannger of she NEWS would greatly entireMite information en to the present odder... of Th e Alum Mr.Allred Chase, ST Mr. Eldon R. flora. 'erg. Mr. Jam. FA. Stinson. '13, Monty in vogue in ...rim.. male.. is of sorb long ...hooting lost the eon. di... .1,01 it wra ormoodly intruded no Ion., eant Since the doge of melt ineepOon heth faculty and ender grotto., have forgotten the ..... . idairh hove brought many of the roe. To the Editor If the News: rent In.. utionn in. re im enee. The Dear Sir: The recent ennouncement time for rumba mody. nude by Mat the University of Pennsylvania he faculty and modem...Mi. together, dropped cricket cornea It a greet boo. ie at hand. Iloverford. There ore few rolimew H low, 131.1 there with un the distino• A Hall Honor System HARE TIME AT FIRST ALUMNI NOTES t Three flaverford Atomni and out Neel. member are on the Mad of the rew company famed tor the Poelmee WHERE TO WORSHIP of building better and Mepper homed elong the Male Lied in an effort to Ahem All Osemelsalion Is H.m1ity sal Ahem IMmealty to GM help alleviett tbe prereat •OriOnei hoodoo rondltione. The Seer t r Treanor, of the organiestioe I. Allred ARDMORE C. Maul., 1M, Alfred lig Collins, VT: ARDMORE BAPTIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Herbert W. Taylor, '14, sod ler. Crieltet Am. Below geometer Ave Frau]. D_ S'at.on are members of the Center Meetgeleary Amon me MITI HOWARD WAYNE SMITH. NIHON Creek Reed Board of Director. The romps.. Eon. Ettedaf Sondem EDMUND G. RAWSON, Mialeter MOO A 1 -Morning Won.. Ihe Geed Homes Comet'. known 0.45-111ble School. I'. ben itn headquarter. in the Memorial 11.00-Morelos Womb. Wor.bip. Easter ituilding. Bryn Mawr. Apr...rime mu. at both mrriens. Willie, C. Bowerman. '14, recom•Lali kotionnE fete MARCH HAVERFORDIAN the tyntion wa• perfret. would not be mends Michigan raison., me •glir othomiot In bare it needed with the beat Platt in the l'etted litotes for lead. The Haver...dile of Meth Its. of Haverfned Fteehmen white met work In Mathematic., I•1111 11001ri touch of N.M. weal.. In II: It seetos anon • firswernoto, war awarded yet oho teeming the apple. 00=05 mold confine CONOTItenre eregarean In be waking op.few or le,.Of I e Coce Fellewehip for 1914, pro. of mcs.nah. then nerleiti. to dot inachinem. but nom Loral an contribut nr. err besieging to dlow Otwbut trabont. erle,' la take up Ms Paludiro at Itleh- nia. of orietnelity he • Senior, them n • w hen on. o tied to be world e in • would le no limit to the linen of the igun the year following Ill, graduatior.. radomm OO,' from the weary round of Ideor i.e. Them might be uninwoo. reotorml After a mar, work he revinowd hi. thee are nopposed to be dm only it=1,4"..7.717=,.. , fwd. NI...M. degree. Ile wan at fir' roo• fare for I college mega*.., of m.o... ill thin noble. Po a. lo eada atm lie v. the finsnrisl om he. en underria.e. tooled with the delmriel I/commie. C. C. Sellere. MA, an usual, wre weloriOn. eludes:k een add .70deti NAV Tem, has to be twice Mitea dialogue m adhix two ountaGa.mrtain prove from Henry 1 le get the Toler. JL would Mg Mee that point MA, hAs Muer Shot at it by to.. ,aorta• ala hs•• " e din:a7ktio1::cl i. r" •' nth trio% relied ' • bo khan linmtlenta "Ameriea f It IA ill paltletnIng peery. Are 4..111 4 . Wriolgt,' rries Sway lb. n ben. eekmf.. Imebip In th number with tit"' madthility. He remains • little d.1.• lie Extieguinbed.'' it han one fol what exactly happened to he Dee., of the gnat merits 01 Browning-ITteRe min, Presumably hr met a mine,. • lively mom of an old Man being murat the Opera in Par. and was haunted dered without he to look for by Um unearthly tooth of her band for, the rearanx for the murder. It is ever ofterwordn, Tim episode of the enough to Snow what the murderer fen dead woman. face. -"with its !mak Ilkethin owm he felt ma happy that renown.....lowly materializing.. dm he Welded more bloat 'The Deserted mirror in moot. to Mock pm the Pagoda - of Frederic Probs.!. VS.. 11104f beede.d of nhonblovers. I/Stomp. and melodious aad ao" Howard Comfort, rostrum. op plawsies lilt. N IL Warhelde the Wahl, resprHsble of Julien the good sem.. that el- it ha "tor. the brain to ebil.ge ,f • 0. under the wort adeetagwot AI rt, llii Business Building xlling of commodities is fundamental in every business, and selling life insurance affords the maximum of satisfaction and remuneration. For the life insurance salesman is a business bladder and finds innumerable ways In serve the community and make himself indispensable in the conduct of modern affairs. yy I lTl i■ 1 The traditions and practices of the Jon,' Heancoot arc such that the college graduate on tike • peculiar pride In repro meting oh]. ontimelt. Y. err liable to remain In the bustyou enter on leaving Onilene. Before reeking a definite decision inquire Into life lour.. es • career. Went...Agency Department.. Nadeau Now Inslasin, One Billion Seam Ffundted Malian Dollar in Pohekt on 3.350,coule. 2 romwr ADS ON; "<o.V.I.',1°,-;..b°' to E"""' A metier will acv Davy the party, and the amoralmpdations will be first-elese. Ample time will be afforded IlEth to vidt °tame of •rthitic or bistorie batere.t. The price in 91100, whirls 1011 imprimis, including Imm.1.7 end tips, end a rermanable noble 1bioutit of etertainment, The life Insurance salesman is not only a hosions budder but he is in busIneas for himself, creating &competence permanent and cond.... It is the beet paid work foe there who rut ambitious and willing to work, and who have the character and oternina necessary to stamp their individuality upon the business and on their community. I.,„ -warity-nar.CLASSIFIED • Ion making up • limited party 181 for • persoeallyroaducted summer trip during July nod August. The dinemm will include England, F r a nee (Olympic hely end finIteerined. with indicted/. to apple of the benign track, much se Carenesone, the fame. medieval walled town. etc. In order to insure competibiltr. it wilt be nee... met the boys be sixteen years of age or over. I will have personal chart. of the trip, and assume full reem.lbIllty. If interested. plea. nine Irate at once with GRANVILLE E. TO 0000I), l ed"ClaTeie., £00%;:efe tbarerford, es. ▪ NAyEELEDEP NEWS Apri34; 1924. RUSSEL DISCUSSES CAUSES OF WAR War Caused by a False Patriotism, Not by Human Nature of Capitalism YALE-MES piscuss PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN Perpeue A.eN Tbeetal ea Coml. National Elect's. Inrentionne to • call from the -Vale Newer ' three hundred univernity etu• deem met last week for oreanization In•reletinn to the coming preeidential camp... Prole.... R. H. Gabriel of the HIntury Uepnrimnit deerribed the method of procedure of n National Convention. after which the meeting divided for the purpose of orgaaisri• lino Ilene party lines. editoriet anneming in the -Tele New." previous to the meetly. made • plea for undergreduate apport fur the movement, and elated tat the sea obf the ifio, les-inn,fart sal that GARNET HONORS PLAN IS GREAT SUCCESS Great Freedom in luniir and Senior Years Allowed to Goad Students MANY COLLEGES TO GIVE EXCHANGE SCHOLARSHIPS brae., Germany aed Checeostmekla Will Send Students to AMIrica The progrem of eat-Ileac fellow• ship, which are thing arranged beund European With tween lotion. of higher learning by the Ia. HEBREW AND MODERN CONDITIONS SIMILAR The Prophets Warned Israel of Corruption, Extravagance and Exploitation PRESIDENTIAL POSSIBILITIES CALVIN COOLIDGE Up to two months •go President bhp .hnascrtrnn i'ooilrll of Coolidge seemed assured the Repubbribe catmint out im a large nit. both lican re.roilialnstioo in the coml. here ad in Europe. The purpose hark of thin preen.. in put on a brio El kathlog Presidential ramp... this tine what has up That -nation. mielortutie is du quirt ma all ...ono he gave the im• -The Swarthmore •hanone aystem is foundaliou or.. people of the The of more ot Int bring a .M.' was the erredof the Preimiuu of po....slag both selrassur• Professor writ. greatnveces.", a notional and reciprocity be• to nation. world into rind herds the declaration an end • knowledge of what hew. was In somile. sporadic mittextioal prophet, Swarthmore, Hebrew of Holm w. the oh! sod the new. worlds. you. and' the image of these groe. in hi. speech in • recent issue or the Nets Mud., Ti, war of Mr. Alfred 1.V. Marila political streath Thin is the firt year Ethic.' So- expecting to do. His hi big Melee. men in ...thrall .11i• -There in no longer any need Apr that there have been atis orevaixed bear, the Philadelphia to the eiety on April 13. The central theme ley in the fart that, belonging petition were Jeocriad by nertwpd Swanton.n to enscla any problems of molten.. b.... Amer. and e eimilarity renctiotmty right wing, whicrs boa althe wan talk Haute's Mr. of 4Meerli. foams. English leerier - ul too tonch ethleti. sad tun may a,. The Freuch onchmaes have of condi... at the time of the nays migrant. Republican comm.. Haiti.. The 'honors pl. draws Mo- been going for some thue. The thought.. the artim csu.s of modor. the by supported wss e n he time. ions. own our in conditione to of Prophets ileac dena away from the other activItiew more prom... imiversitten ern War. Mr. Nanterre lepton. ou At the time when Abraham led the genloatiou. peothkine orlhou;ht ou 'seance they like it heater:. Swarth- Et11,/rn heve Already M mi the Due to that backing be wan popular. hr the -Cause. of Mudern We'll .1m. , The hope wee expre..1 Diet in Ohio Ts...lovekm alai in offering Jews out of Emit Into Cameo, collets. first the id' ay. on Mainly Ent. the In bald the ethic. foundation of the race eapetially lame audience at \Tithetleme Hall undergraduate aim attended the meet- thl. rowey to lautthrate this pl. of five fellowship. iw All,nan prefer. hy elating that a contra. had been count Of his fanner background. be • ing would bring with Met Is. Nan. meld.. April 7. preferably. however, of Sloe. Matsui mmle with their Sind providing for the el. enjoyed • ,real des' of popularity hie torn The reported ens twine„ emudy for student. flertrafitr ROO.11 unseal hih Ambers, Bryn Mawr, Colonial, Acconlina to the Swarthmore e.o.m. of the gathering would seem to indicar the exec If they •P1.13.• • the more nnig.seive West. Than explodine lbe canon. theorien of cate that this W1141 1,11 realis.A. he Men all 'le nod Itad• to, Oberlin. well student, en Cornell. Dartmouth. Mr. Martin. But were the Van.. pots. from whisk WWII! 10 ttiln, a arfare that exi.l in the popular mind. prominent in nntioeal pp noveltilly qualified tan who bare not rlige, Smith. Tamar and' Yale, among • time went on, the abeam continued, Coolidge ram in ride on to the Damiaere of commendation to the lead He GOal connidered tbe Natialistir of the attained thin average. apply for honor. tithe.. are OVailing them.... forgot their xi. of the Harm, ... the theory which b... all -war an the ern It Ibe otorenient. et the end of the Sophomore year. Due. opponent. to ...dance men. The that the mere The only effective op...Ilion came from root... ten thought nd mean, He dia... thi. nom in. the. Junior and Senior yea. thone project in being billeted by ouch taking of ch a covenant he nuf• Hiram Johnson and L•Fullette. AN el. by pointing out that wars echoed Vane. Room 1.111a Monroe. Meet. Jobe them privilege Obi granted are rho ea the Republic. nomination is far France, cat lag before .pital end 1u.. There then M.P. condition alt. ewe aphmed, however. be has nothing to oo O. major eubject. Thin Berry Moreentline, Stephen 1 the lowest cepitalieticboohoo in the A:ancailitation. fear from either of these.Tim hr eprelelinatiou smith. of rm. assigned nod R. S. Pritchett. world today is the emit warlike. dr.1.- re. ',tailor Ili Mir Orr.. hope ormel.tions tau The the ...rot al. quoted ...gee aml ...ler labor The the ion. Senator. ..kreed Sent by the ...tato. in The epeaker the adstiocal the sup promote • more taupe.. .ye fmm me Prop.. denouncing the CUM realm of the North Dakota vote. as lied alder.. The lark M made UP 611, posed truth that wars err all dm n..1.1 ...morn Tamn of that time which were emitting. and milkiest the of study tieMeetly been forced by the Candge v Large vaunt of mita. reading. of ro onebaogenble inane .terra. Altide .mar e. maul.. Hy ea, dte aul boa prineage bemoaned melee in Illinois. Mira., and eonfereinhe with the a.m.-tn., and in thin from the fan, that human nature con ioto the institution. and psychnlogs he.. that women went around -decked Weeks to give up his campaign. to stu an [ each lectures aid he changed. and in cheogieg, Mr. Rini 1.1 thee., I, 11 v... 10.1. welt jewele,-...1 with bend mi. of the The nomination of Larollette M the sell showed that hunts. adore not only dent may think nerves., 111. neltinnn the Itepuelinn Party la of teary, out of rern .d nertmo.," se greater neeinol relies with a stint.. toward makAll attend.. St lecture. atel ernililee • Preveleeet of coot officiate end the question. R. the likelihood ia ottained. om war. but that the carefully planned i• optional nod the student In nut re. ' erotheering cannel.. that hie ler. minority of ...porters an r nerd nal Vallee'. ntimutue for tuned ti, lake em enalninalian until The Prophet. realia.1 they the Jew. will bolt nod secure hl. nomination et The general theory that war a doe Iasi The year the ad of the Senior 1■ 01 keeping their eide id the the Thled Party C.ventiom July 4. • to the pressure of popolan. t. half of the Senior yeer le devoted. In comm. end Urged /lir prop, to von, fhb. smell xenutm. nut's e1 b, .e :or I 1-4.1".. pert. to the writing of o thrills on the tri,ai awakening.. the only ww, and Wood barkers, will not offer Neel. ^Coro/inn Parmaking" G th. then atmlied end Ono the nation iota.. "The our optaitinn to Coolidge. taeopie. ter some for • newly inntinstal tale. abjem that hne there were bumf maseen review. The anal awngeneral a lo Inc, niece Shill 10 VIM ranratien failed ex. to on The whole Moreover. SIG Kenna beet in play writing mud production at the Merin. in the abject are veer cold • thei gala"conetuded Mr. blertin be whether ...Mtge, It he get. the Mein that Fran., though of mialith• Carer.. of North Corolla. Sr. preben.ive. They are not wet by the 'doe. all 10,4, the value at their 110111,aliOn. ,1 be elected. Elle puttu• Iy .null population in intiserialiotit• while coat. been has their wham on. In that under note Th. profensur Matter.. the trucking. Knelt, Writ, hae after. e.rmouoly In the thine, with her millloan.x a oeneatol Pretty...II fQ by the Inlay of another ear. of the Ti,. department. haw .orkinx, Weotsal to mime extent . the F.. n nation. Va"G. .....717.'7.rtert!' a:rad Ittn1; for through lads entire leek of any '. The Enellak pltiloapher believe. nomembol M building all the founda. nowal awakeni. can as. modem policy and Inn letthieion he in losing Ii ere due to a com• don for a mothlete dram...Pon of Its that n letllil the tintil. confidence. bastion of political. totycholugieti mid North C•rolloo Falk Lore. Ilie relation. with Ned Met.... have economic renew The threntened lee The rumse in not uldj nue a writbem, kept cerefully concealed. Iskto of old leallitionn end poexr in e nc.111,1.a: mealmem .n not help but hurt Ile,,PrIttltir. rot world. the ins sae rival. and ing and criticism. hut every agle &nem In Pleasure of national eronoinic compel]. play production end stage work is him. H's attempt to e lion combined with rank -patriotism.- taught. The Playniaken hew a lea. ientigation, thoagh pralaed be the Betheor moon to Mr. Itunnell the most nthey in whirl; they meet there there Haverl ,,, ,•• Heats Ore. In Perm nubby.' p.a. e.t.a serious doubt. to the stage. persons. Whenever d mt.. of war a week.. study the riming and the mind. of thoughtful et tan Marry.. n,W citieeenhip imercollogiate spoken B untol fourteet.on. of the old' order of thin. croft of plea. This includes work in The Itepublimui organisation, .der mode Amerimo student kali., The free hitaken, the mighty trade. elanys Drainelie Realm. Serompeinting, Pao for eo Intercollegime Speak an Masao. Am to his Leek of strength. flee to core under this notalled Costandug. Lighting. Model-making ern Bete.. throueh which II will be h. pushed him to for lamp. as the most likely vote winner_ In mite of mi.. • or trodergnidare• -Potriotieni'' crud utilise It an an ra- and Make-.. "" "" f""""' o. end o jail/Wattn of all their Tbe l•Playeneketc" ere taught the a. n result of the CM.. Confer.. tiem to m.o. speakers for ell their the tart that. although st pre.at ember. ech.,ur of ph. ...ruction. nod meeting,. with 11511. effort owl et low appears that he sun probably .cure Wrothingtun sat 1,111. There remains hut -ale say to re- They have been a enthosiatic that me being devised by ..mitt,, the Me hundred and fifty-dee del..n Though prolhibitr., an nilpotent • end four times a year they. have errata., . lieve tats rep...att. four didercol college• necessary for the morrinatien. if he N01-1111..1.11 l'elvereity han re- phass of the gamin.. wee the thief ea Bert- produced • 1111., built up from legend. Wee petriothon. [het cool or...hi. fer• June ID it aconite likely that he can b for di eived • good dal of publicity over the to is the mental oftheir %tote, rand litmeell. mot . Bureau will prnbably routla is not be elected, Coolidge no expect rement invent banana iu tee -Mu our the ennounottuent of thirty-eight etude.. cat. the of troth by each Then .cret or the mama. of terse part Wors to the field of ar000111W and nothion but being abeam.. rame it for Ode litesNialreld- good out atter tuner Carona Playrashere coml. from the three weeks ago Goo they ...MI not ail topic. for the Sr., year of w slug .nettle. throngh truth, and on the other fart that they are writing and ael. enter the mot. oil the Coiled Staten of .tent km_ sod with de .wee. Prominent amt Sixteen college preeideot• inter thin through war nod national- ing nut their oval live. and the lives in .thenvent of anther nat. lade. reperamittee all porn. and all I weety.five tending etodmit- cad ten w mail. These .6 .0 schools of thought will h, @ennoble of people they knos and with whom laden mterentrit nun., shoe( cm ewh and ch men e n il c through the Bureau. There am will they are grown up. The moventrot ludet the 1, cane's confer... e dimanniona h then at Indierapolls work be Geniebed at unusually low figures. will mean • great duet to the people of time after the nod na- ...item], of numerous ....obliee tralmmortation being the oar rheree in North emoting In the way of reform, A .ries of hated article.. tions appeared Partly in ...Pent tow obermation and .111.4,41, held own, se • c. an the Rum. .11 he cooocconling ffrardelphies Bre on the camp. • tite ral111111Ve of anderrailunte. belt. th iett. on e No one bettered. inItttrd, that broad tryncht. are.. end 1,nie of all end student meetings holy took rolleam the country ver. venting would mow with Mach raohlitt kinds come from the (act that the The theme Tribune immecte The Mirean will be definitely Atm. Ilse epather.as 011. onfer armed at a mermen. of delegate. 1111,1 before Mb yea. had peered it ie... IMMO, bored with the bola. up the Meta nod wound a ...let 'loon re. weer Hee Daniel Poling. frote mdlegen interested in the pro... amid have panned film the erre." routine of their liven. We Intend to around themPresident Scott. of Northaiatere York City. npraking •.n -The Cola This mniterence.111 be held at the Sot name into a reaeombly Mel. indent, retien [bon horedolo. Althea. we dent rota. Hesidnuarter, uno rank. among the has received ore. to a at of the promptly made an 11,..211.11 n1111 the Student awl Citiomohlo -, - Iran en industry that 111 0000a 1111, SIi rh,. l. don Il W1/11i•1,1 paid.. • ch Princeton. Broad... New boa City, on NeterPurdy. of trite country. Nor Stn fifteen greats. In prude. our plays. it hi In ona. public until utter the ill CODY., Tn.,- Pother Sy. of ., April lb. committee he. tit North thrones that we their ol .1114 one forces, the extenelon of talk the Slate of • Univereity had completed no Endow- Catholic. ['mien., eimke on 'The atted so ours ...lion to an air breeds...in. from a purely Anunietui ne intermg, end to which the Ctn./Ion Llesponnihithj for Ise I:n mutation. who might line this bureau undertsklog. to a worldwide project. At mein will be moat tweeficinC. The quiet Wen Main dinterbed. lo h. delegate. to this conference. fl1r1,10.1 lilt present time there are broadco.i. Made Us ever, when • yowls Pmple's Society Tin committ. 'which is working oa Ilan. Rot R.., Federal Preabi matinee In every principal country. ad of • Methodiet rhumb invited Brent tine Commi.louer. cute tie •1114.0 , • for the Mohan CO.., of W.11. ottly • ....Ion of menthe before Quality Keeps Us Going Altmann I addreee them. Allinson is • firmichand view of -The Sen..] Sesnanion. flaverfold Cu.., chairthosdeating will be univrantly ndopttil conscieelo. objector elm took u Irma MI. 31erjorie Moreton. Tame the country ot Larce no a wean of mimeo.. Information t tiary tern, be.... of hie rum . dre. Wan followed ht "The con., and enterteitinteut. Itloothitted from Pam 1, Volum, '21 . aAT some Student so AO bitnIrrilin. Omen:" to Intentetionel rain legal.., bow :'st for President elem. et the met tmet Raymond Sanford. Union W over, has not kept pent with this rapid ootunir thin, nn • barrier ththwen the -pstrintime 'steed by the ran. the ana,1nn1 Attorney Geuend Seminar,. Willehrondt Ilan. Willie.. IY. Borah Thcotogh.ol development. It Is true that the Veiled am, told wheu Beene gene none Legion American the and preset, I Tribune people au 1110 111, the nald wan the Ia. emother a the nillrr Mates ban called orreral with farta allowing that Northwestern W.hington for the whose of re ern or mailmen, ur newasper men . ri and always ha been atratin. He mar. He timmuneal tarn,. ..• the rising the Amernao ...lion, hut they will do mu. to wipe mit this claimed thin esuppeenaion of lithe. dim mein for n simmine rear. for inn International Redo Cumventien ad.. el rare prejudice who. te hold. realm violet. the Pt. ..Plea of to,negre which will he the only method by which log dove my ram:. a emmal Sow of epee. end for that regrow re If you need a fint-class Hair Cut, that the barbers will revielon of the toleration. limbo Erin delegate declared. eth the "thlny-eight" to don't, forget The enteral ape,rts of the neap fa. W. be bare eeery Friday all uletions eau be nu.. possible. ban not leaf, bock. hirmrllsn the including lamtdeui been held dote BIM at.ut nine yeorn Northweidern in at rhe prenent time do mbool work. legal emnomie. menet° the red ground . Wan before the first bro.hastine KU, American and meal, atatim of the negro a well ranting patristic. The 11 I KL.CROS4 Maine In Lesion ram. , 41111.111innni and arloluelcal 1417 Welnut Street (ro mint, '1,61. ow the anthropologicl emle in 'loyalist meetings- to try ape,. of Si,, umaion, occupied the Imigoit" and 20 'Chain and 10 Manicurists educate the Coinerenty men up to n i• ll, • great mount of irritatiun to attend. of the del...tea at the - fir. to country:. dinahost Iletene..- nal in one 01 the their fr. for love The • .a held Friday aiming problem. width lian tiecenniteted on it] meeting In red, The problem of MOM tilichiminatlfin amity holmee nee swathed natation. ...tit. The Depart- and in economic. lent and social j11,- whlte and bar bunting in order n nF• i.tot of Comment. Isan ruled that nil the +m- pa`, lb,ir -patriotismof able. the wan P.n... maid American Mips red where ood nutting held Satunlay morning. not eend on 1L. broadcasting wave. Report. ou the question or lengthe, but thin her little effect an superiority on the en ,,,,, ion• end swot of the Interference mon. from achievement. of the negra hi the United Accept our wishes for .1toreo. The foreign shi. idf n It the third Sm were pleasant Easter vacation. Coifed Staten government can State meeting Flatunlay melons. Hee Coal". loth . •anotinere In luive theoe Offith affeeting Patent Et, I'. the oi. reguktiom been ofFlail Heel. Olmemes nod the anb-ttt,lebge dint have Shia• fered by the Civil Semi. 1.01111,11.1011 Would you mind telling the The final meeting. Sunday mend., in view of the increneed applicatioun boys in your Home Town that newer err thrum In which they beton.. of the mat working colilliinothiee nen devoted to • dlecossion Other problem. for patents and the undertised nwial the of solution resat. representatives will cover our o helms used force nw love miner. from Mond.... Mee of The problem. at moist anmigametlau There are 2011.IX11/ upplitaionn far all the lending cities during the there, in mirth-slat han nut been no. and ,,,,,Winn were romadered by the patents now pending In the Offiee and Sturdy arvisability,ervie fully wort, inns each hobo Ward tined by. Ante... listeners, Intl has Summer time? If they will let . 81l.600 for omenn are re• us know their home addresses. Inhume a vexing pro... in Eorolat aro.. shoe, is the foundation of their dlatbacd. aermter. The Virginia Normal and Inchow..1 annuelly. fully too-[birds of The German broadcwatio. %Winos he.. School, Lincoln University, the Wat them relating to ante phone of the we will be glad to advise them intentionally or otherwise. chosen the Virginin Collegiate Inn/Nut, Hampton nelornohite indinary. representative over a uusttee sensory the John Ward thaw ban bees per. our Pa, when Just P.n.+ the by used witvelengths mune dn. histItitte, Enloe Thealogleal Seminary, lag an Inenranna dumber of (toped men who eppewlme The ...mot forte of GOP h. beers will be in their city or In the nmelion, end an a realt a concert lento College of the City of New York, eked. of do a—omen whom deom pay ea eedal pirt ta de the tethe Eiffel tow, for insane, in often Swarthmore College, thiivernity of Mond Ineompetent to handle nearest city to their home. expedithe with ideas of flow embeds. dare aming mined by the -lamming" of the more Penonylvanim Bryn Mawr College and exnew hundred e and necessary lowerful Germ. nation. The 'Eiffel Hoverford College were reprenentod ot tion are to he chosen et the a. Hp.,,,,,ford men null find that oar Philatuwer .111,0 r an.. n remit of this, the Conferemh. Over thirly•five del. amine. aminatione on May 7. The office of delphia shop at 1221.1223 Chestnut Meet lucre.. pawn and now *poi. the eget. att... the ..inn, held in emiletant exatni.r pen 11,850 • year. hos shoes to shy ghat Sc worth ansins. front Nana or Ilerbo. 11,1s the caner ill the three dorm end 111,111111. me provided rep 10 Opts daily from 8 u m to 9 p .over of the fellow with the greaten: So OM Saturday, 11 p en. power winning out, and probably to natieferlory egreetnent can be made 177 Broadway Broadway 841 all Irmo representatives main the radio the emetries meet in the forthromiug New York City atereetlennt radio mama. 1r N.CAROLINA STUDENTS PRODUCE OWN PLAYS Writing and Acting Feature Dramatic Course at Southern College UNDERGRADUATES HOLD CONFERENCE PACIFISM SUBJECT Of STUDENT ROW Seventy-two Colleges Send Representatives to . Washington PROPOSED BUREAU WILL PROVIDE SPEAKERS Attitude of Northwestern .',":,";:"`„,:',",,17;t1.17,,V„;."',..:,,'7..g°.. "nr Students on Patriotism Misrepresented COLONIAL ICE—CREAM RADIO DEVELOPMENTS Quality CONFERENCE HELD ON NEGRO-WHITE QUESTION i:m (7olutWadd Ilkems Shoes ROBERT KOCH Clothes for the '8 College Man PATENT EXAMINERS' JOBS OFFERED BY U. S. GOV'T Nat. Luicenberg & Bros. Telephone Bryn Mawr 75K Sapper Luncheon H. D. REESE MEATS Henry B. Wallace k.am szgetnar •.'"== Caterer and Confectioner Jr avecenor to Caries W. Gleam. 22 and 24 Bryn Mem, Arms. BRYN MAWR, PA. ARDMORE • NATIONAL BANK Under U. S. Government Supervision 863.Broad Street, Newark. N. J. 231 Water Street, Exeter, N. H. 4% On Savings ACcpunts "NOTICE THE- CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 4" PtiltADELPWA 141rw ycetA lint001442“ PrgwAnig 4_ 1B 0 OK REVIE,WSI 1 KEABLE'S SEQUEL CHALLENGES-"SEX OR GOD' ly the .hiriel to a hook of the an tare of -Motors Cobol Peter.- 011 ull napi11.1 In 103 ilirsinprouled the proem". pf rot doilitrial !neutrons, rimmoser io log of plot on wen order In britm about it 1301111,014 of Ili eitnetion 11/1141 11-13 hod • the and of ••Smom Celled 1,tenr" miler it peenil1 retrarltelt or ,. diluted 1141111111afrol, of the somewbut /love idea. id the Pr. novel_ too. neeti 'be. is ma Orr nInatet hae Mid lime. For in •- ltrismrprime ' 11.11111, 113. 01111 1.1,111,..111.1 1.01'11111 Yen Julie, meidenoMfthereetreollt op posed to vuel, elber.dle 11. a. hd the Ism afr1, eturtius Mel", aullir of Ill. etirmerks wird el .11 the olibmbruntage. ol emprltoris, lir, esemble an.-- /be 101111.11,mf rams It" our .2. OSA 133/31. rueur•boguetrildiseure The ordinary moo. lenders Along. dabbling It In tb. pernmeros only moue third "erste themselves en to either that aostraphsli any io hoo thing. to other word., we lb" engem, on the ". LOU the odour not "uly nd. mom.... mig ht .s in Mermen abr. us, brought at preset". but wit sor hod olno bring oh ormht he tilde or ("or. 10 to lb toiore, And meth.. there th tour dam grmn irurn Llos ••Iterourotruse' le Mired( nbui noi tun Pd.le would 'eke ire. delight 11.1 rad tug it novel -.stens sith ,1", Int 4101111 al rveir arr. a witL pinnal: ..rune *1117111 riripruiri Al,' Menhir o int Ottts. and stir trioi• iess he a nr,11-111 01 a.. a curage Ile is o omostietsmits1, r arun onr. am `One in brougbi of tor Is, largely 411 the Inoue Lodi ol the th.et eon, beet holi bona. ape, on ...in,. tatiodd parer /tnd no...a butneen thr me, bur .orr of the grandeur and dere/Worn ol perhaps south II Hudson uoght itornongt. ot nut none Pm lees deepit or seethe., ant god the emend .1 preseuie mons unto.derided" etioritinting PI,, Itudannls earl - Inman brohlorA." F. C. -RECOMPENSE." by Robert EnableP1110•111. }2. A JOURNAL FOR STUDENTS OF CHEMISTRY IS BEGUN The J......1 of Illerewsl leptireanon le Pre otheml orguo Of the newly forniml r.01.1inn vl 1,0111410 11.11111,100.1 or the .Amerman l'11uoonol M.o.,- la to, el tire fop: ,hat the regular marmitemu" dep.. their neat" ehtelb or tonne, riesling oath renews!, it was derided re, start the monthly Jour.", the main purpose,. of which ore luDily eh follow, I To puldrell "lately Dupers 11,111 before moons hall.. rtml threrhT see, pm worths:1rib work dove in P.m". DI:oration elTort 75 'Tor toroivery tornottmr, ftermeblog .ny institutrol a medium ilirmogh with, eignith'illit reports tud., and I...1nm. will he glee. 11,1110110n Til rage 111-11I11110, 1 .1.1131111' tlaa toyprop. one the reerhers lopestigsrmnid atmosphere um, pre 11111 in th e plantimums. keys mother ,tart etodeni in elm", touch w1111 torrent munirtunilt Ainercura Chen.. fothimhol Suelety 11114 "1110110 r seientille organiato thse. Judging from the tit,. 1111111130r. the Journal winch are there is 111111 It Will v.ry trees.. I.. 111.01111 In niirrying 3.1i1 031 kr 1,1111r -111, Ire elms HAVERFORD NEWS ' • bed it . th " braid eagle- Mimeo/ that lobules. age. It was the his of enormous gill mirror.. the Liter., Ate noel. fireunrkx end pantries. natural enrimmillee nod prodiglea, p.m. merit- Prieetee 1 Calmed el:M. Agebret , trrte ,l iaUld nle .n in. lar u, earle., and pronloomm wearing Casual. Omits Irontimiol from Lent base/- NOVEL HAZING. CUSTOMS IN OTHER. COLLEGES Aimil IA, 1824. Strawbridge & Clothier "'' ' `a" Philadelphia's Representative Steve Almost mtilegn In the tionutry with his 11311111111[11, be. In the for., bas e of etrsolititen regulationr' General Herrin.. nel 11111111141 kin. the obi., tae new men lire requited to Pmeidenio with "Tlotwounee and Tyler too,- end, to die a month later. ohm. Some rd there nilrx have demud all The Lug Pnbln parades and unwind loon the beginning of the hide bird dirtier venire were in vale; Mr. too of the ...loge. mollsro Astabitalsed Inekeos wanreerived most lavishly o.W... Others are formulates' msew nod ...rowdy mod hi return wrote horrid 'Ameritian Nolen." eneh yeer hi the nophornorra, rand enprompted largely, IImom, by Omer loreml by euptte and usperielosenten The only store to Philadelphia disguatine pies lollies to the antlers Mike. vd.teir b: „th. e,ndStent..Blon .ow. Aloe Ftroadwuy, hills, F.. Chillier At Princeton. Innihritten may 130f douse ulDipely bet abbreviated gar- 11,11r viral:04in "ants. They iii. wear Clothing, Shoes end Hate one be ment at the Park Row theatre and did noly hinek shoe, works and gimp 7.1,13" am Ind. soy netnii. natio.' wmth. 1111.011 104 ,rnr eollmo ed., soy ▪ the Peen., trraini hod wanted hers (ono, awl mum be indoors after Mos Market. Eighth and Filbert Sta. the new polka, ghat introdueed from o'clock. In addition, they rag nal Hungary. wee Need mom immoml, wan /vermn tattkoroys nye learr User and the "Dente"Tarr adnenlsementa emote tore Owe." or the email., for birth control In That ...dowdy They are forbidden in play fmittoll or mural age; the militia we. railed our to beechen on the ramp. swell the bloody slob in Arun Marc. Penn Stnte freshmen must slivers thone fa- orrro bet 9seti the mrlemetens rdir. for 11113 tea in, upper. mom netors, Mr. Forrest of America. pinehuien, Thy, iroolt aim Yert. Blair am! Mr. Msireeady. of England: 101.1.1 ife, 11011011141 ord their bends 01.11 al then.. dm doh. closed, "Inotrota, r.1413. 01.11 II firn11 ersims end nei nut for California. Ira Ill alorants spirt, their ehmentrion, Roth gold field, rirri-071n 14.11.1110 in 111.100 I pi Mste and re Michigan. the r of 4111111, 1,11111ren 11110111 all 11 mom for - .4/ 4.1- Mi., the I... with bib the preen, nen trian.111. of the Meet, arosoi." is givr•111131156w0r of the IA.. t Dieke., Mr. Mininultnee•Doebes "nit. dm g:Pule hod! ira PUIthre ,bin "three• ....t.rhe cinder. Special discount to all students and ro nines. oho hold a pante. oprittg i rd:rotelL; "11.17:"11,!: real lor the longest nwt.. that thri mi.. Although there on. Com et l'e.ivd Stems Nato" hal, Den 1011111. Met -labeller., forbidden ho nee mom. the good eitiamte of Moo Aendetot. where her ina Ferlerni the oddebittniatt or 411,111.11 thein 11. towther side -.ere •rlinning.' Ile hub to to the Furth, this exporitlon ot the umbel is iittorionbly dower 5Vitli a 0e- he ,ible to gotta. et" "dee". Mee non. mt., nut to him. If his lightfulty rod/dins idyl.. sumewbst Mothalistm. Elm frthillous Otis of the I. tc., both/m.13 Torre, or hums... "thr a also, a rio tradtimulver. Ameomot lett in tom- he hae 1 lamp eollegee_ ..md in a iturentive th. Ls mom an lair ■ ithortrprimi pare next heel., melon!, diverting lintr. ,be Lane tdoo , mutely 1.1roeiee as tholwoold have said in the Forties -THE FABULOUS FORTIES," by Male Mismierese Prim, 15.50. Headquarter. for Everything That Young Men Wear And Everything Required for All Indoor and Outdoor Athletic Sports Zamsky Studio Official Photographer 1924 Orchestras bow, Itomloal sass Girard A...., Philadefteta,.Ple. PATRON,: Huverterd Cribler Phil...1.1a Cu..., ChM lerop Mere• Straw Mil gamed. Hmele• Dm.. dam Junior El... lkwee• 1111,1111 k., 311711, Deems sr. Lahr, area. ohm.. Aradelny Einsum.Rol MONO, Haverford Pharmacy The Omaiwoi Haemelord Drug Stem E renal...hod to peer. sae merry boom IL K. la 1410 R le 136 S. 52d St. Beim 2927 MacDonald & Campbell THE SOCIALIZATION OF AMERICAN -POLITICS RHINIE DEBATERS WILL ARGUE KU KLUX KLAN QUESTION will L, IIm1 u"1. aturmhormot Me I 11111•41 in, ., Laneutor Avenue, Ardmore, Pa. "The Auto c ar electric trucks gas KITTIES On Sant 'Al MR VMS REWIRES abort wbselibamlmarlinese mechanical sepeebsit7 aMMO•Malttey direct factory branch garde§ Comma. Isms.. Morrerream.MIMI• SAO • eqqar•••••M Menufacrered Ha. 1110 by The Autocar Company PUBLICATION WORK CIRCULARS also ROTOGRAVURE Sults Overcome SporisClorhes Ham Haberdashery Motoring Apparel qudeqin•• Ia.. and.. Lily' nage node.. dr 111 frierlr•Ir • apee er bord Iteentr. It le apt den... or Me Pr., deot's Old Age Iteploercuent Pulley. T1. do Ina only lintned1nte Invarairra prof.. lion ant •he vrde• me lemmas Yea. io Old Provident Mutual Lale inetaranre Company of Philadelphia High Grade lassalments Rath. Public Utilities and Ind...Dishy ELKINS, MORRIS & MS Lend Title Bldg, PIFILAIYOLPH1A, PA. Members N. Y. A Phila. Static Exchanges Bra...chez la 4.644Mas LEADING SPECIALISTS in policy of one's independence" 1071.02e5 Mem., Fe. siii Ardmore, Pa, I. F. ENGLER & 11021. of P.n.s Ste,. h. held Mon., so. In Po.... Oa., new l.mk. Ilse April 7 the 1 plan S.,. re-eit ol o "inn ...wt. em, •e001. 0,11, I. 11.0. .-01,1,113111,1 1.3r nit 1.01111, 11.hill warn Inn 11,1 111.11e the .01nrieril ol 1.10s1111. II-11111Hr m the eitirtII the torriemente e hen hoe teinled te held. • I. 'Die snide. 1.1111 irvnir for the 11,31.1 heleelmi The question is .11.1. mg rnfl,heoe1. lie -11twolvol, thml a plowore of the him ......tutitorilod 1,-11 tullese " tot.,., areering of the RGE F. KEMPEN Caterer and Confectioner Ardmore Delicatessen and Pastry Shop neap'. Home-made Deboocies, Salads. MOM., P.. Pantries, Fancy Cabe% Pies. Catering to Weddings, lhammeens, Rameleto and Pardee, 1Veddlep and Birthday Cakes * SpecirdtYWeal AS Haverford College University of Penna. The Sturdy Wilson College Formidable Array a psi 1g equipment, represeritod in Iwo con, pier* plentai ntuothomarring organization: low overhmd egyeagetheee ete important factors Al -our low prices. Wed Hie to iswiliessee on your next cal:slag or Image, The Chestnut St. Engraving Co. Ilth and Chestnut Streets Phila. Pa. Retnarree on 1116 St. .11a rand Mortortem In. lid "Ii,,,, Ira Mr ' mess" PRE 1134-1136 CHESTNUT STREET to Ili. labor! flilLALIELPHIA Iin riair of lab... r r e sod rrIirr f II' • I • it,1 Cono] al oaremlinpitilddelptrn arettlera LONG le27. Fr.. 11... lisrege ." ellreee• onhoishril 1.1r ors, PUBLISHING CO. 1.. "Natromilem," mnery odd of 10011, 101iitr, 10 110... LMetrose ler IPsh finin 11110 1., l 3tyl 1y liar .11 11.1111111, Printing - Engraving 11 rite, 1011 Row Blesel. 111,10 din •111.1.0...11.1r 1001110 19 E. Line-ester Ave., Ardmore. Pe. nhere "re 11,,pme. emeliooto 4hr Ilse PHILABELPMAA Phone: Ardmore 787 Planta: 11. Men". PIdladelphis a Flamm Rua Por Stietirl," Poem 111711.0r. nelorrr 11. Onr,l L101.110.1,, Ilie . ..mon- 11101 1,1,1 rerilirli. In P. with the II. ■ rir grow. 101,1,-. 1113i0 0101 n0111100. lInnire Or, thp Ina. pf tweets' -Roma,. SS CLUB HEARS MR. GRAY LECTURE Thos. A. Ryan & Co. Geo. D. Wetherill & Co., Inc the "di, et me tire. War Ilin Winter "1 Tire Nw I n101101111 the hit," 1•1,■ • ■ "Soon. 111 lir, i1111 01111,110111. WW1 the for roe or 1 "hunter gile• the 1, 1411. In, 01 inn holt the r., , II lino tlot r letter tree ef the hosile of the In the mall Irmo of the my..." Ilane MAN.. h3/ -.de whom the vnii..11111.110 cheater- PI Ibrol Classified Column he hoe, um, or . t. 113 Arch Street Phila., Pa. Paint & Varnish Manufacturers ARCADIA lertrre RESTAURANT BUSINESS COLLEGES weai .te e.,nrittrelteeuve SHORTHAND roost, ro 00 linh-s. In .1"idurd Imo.... Park Boerne., ▪ Ind Ts, it • brief rind vivo! tilmr Ardmore, Pa. College, In,Pori o Forrd. SI, .11.1rrinilinil in, .1101 linIrnt1113111 41,1 _ E.1311 0 omliet . number rd ernto Broorlishars Secret/IMO Seim. nisi eon rhino, e eleet.1.1 "p.o.e.. to wkr a more, oreag Slior111.10.1. 1.11=r1nintii1C. 13 1. h. ime of it.onses• in -needing .1 or Tarim" r r • I • in. lir. 111 .1 r.0 111111• 1 nip row ei irrni Al the Nom, Sete. Strayer's Mideast romp liore IIIP rig.ln/01 rrrlitia1 n1 rod. dor. ...rho,: I.. a,r-o•roir.... . B"'''"•"'""• ...loom! I" 3x111011, tontotherlion hoe,. bit thow. more or less en. Sprieini Phemen her Ilaverfool Sider, the large erillorml end( nee. odi- Limb," will, the soir je., Bryant t Wattle um", to Imr"atere' trent!". and In in treiriao, n itre the publiertion of orttrilmiltile arti"SOCIAL POLITICS IN THE MISCELLEANEOUS cles. thud. well.korrun webers nn Wil- UNITED STATES." by Fred F. Ploatun li/101 uel. Sloe„ Hamm. HAI.. MIMI, $3.50. -moll Inger... wool( Flmoui n of l'hase 11.1. ore ....rib.... The witntr of the -zb 12. linverfoni No, popery to he send at tile ermi-ntinnal meeting of the Pnerion eppenred the 51areh number end mune ol the ..ow ism orridtiop for 1311011110.1 TO 11031431, netel-eh wilt 00 iherht OpIng Ifn, I. llori.riord Neu.. Information Given an New eat Inter. PIM Spl,P.-our toad Fred mauler., IT Is to luolionert rhni et high minmhird Super-Heterodyne Parts for Setnos II. Daverftwil News will he Innineuined so that the hotrSUMMER CRUISING ALONG THE od m•y trufy represents", of the 9 Cricket Asa COAST OF MAINE heel litonght. • If Ill, in done the new Phone-A ,dunes 920 crolarles iharu no• dm, -r tdditati in hill It i nt acted k *limo our., his roomer Int the greatinody of h. ry lesellaboaryL Au opporrimit, for or erli throughout the monotr,in tonob en men Por are verslion for with the Infest develnanienle in tbeir lb" 7 Ilbeetnot purthridns. profession_ News. K. 1,, (I Journal of is Chemical Education12 a Year Kammodles & Fairhili Piper • Smokers' Supplies of all kinds Kurtz Brothers 75c Soft Drinks, Eversharp Pena and Pencil. Snit MO,. Pocketbooks INVESTMENTS Repairing- and Initialing Pipes rdmore 2079 A Tet No. A Mem, of Atnerien of the Polities Firet Clime Service Philadelphia, Pa. and of New Toth enomilally. k1.mien in the .111 prin. and NM". Ono,. in the Established 1886 Cis ' er -.nos fireedfuls." noel in the piny. SO E. Lancaster Ave. 11111n, lit rip ny n thot"endennellen in Phone, Bryn Mew, 208 iiinsi.sle of Sollen euirdhluhriethot is whet "The rebilleoe Toren,." in_ 71 re-entire It "me. "tridents whirl, ib BOCK MOTOR CO. penendly nes nor found In fennel lino Authorized Dealer Orrneilln1inn of the pritory books. ARDMORE, PA. (nle Ilfn of the period. Mr, Illnol.rolle's delving Into old books. moraines, diorite and new.. Suppliers General Repairer Full Line of Motor Supplies and Equipment paper files of the then& from 11310 to 718 Lancaster Avenue 1050. Anterien's youth. has brought to Bryn Mawr, Pa. Light thy eentimenroliry, the vulgar rei itaemerit. theelaufare, the banality, the 22 E. Lancaster Ave. EIGHTY-ONE Busincts coceev. .% t The Albert- fibers Agency for Whitman's Chocolates Telephone: Ardmore IIM A Few Suggsstiess SAMUEL X. WRIGHT Supplies-RADIO-Service a. (animal= rugs ON THE Madam •• iiiiiii • ." Mal a. ,. ever mew _ The Chrheime Xeredeldes, aft /OWN PT BANKING AND Ardmore Flow% Shop 28 Lancaster Ave., Ardmore H. D. MANUEL Full Una rif Bagger Mute Also Caaaries sal Gold Fiall Phone Ardmore 1979 Store SUBURBAN MOTORSUPPLIES Inc., CHEVROLET Phone: Ard. 1977. TRUST INSTITUTION ON THE RAIN LINE FROM PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER A. A. FRANCIS THE JEWELER 7 Cricket Avenue Ardmore, Pa. Merlon Title and Trust Company OF ARDMORE, PANAREIERTH BALA-CYNWYD New 1421 CHESTNUT ST. Jake Harris on's THE LARGEST Mehalqi.••• Philad'a & Western 75.,, Printed in Black or Blue Write for Samples. I woos° FRIENDS BOOR STORE reetd,,M7 FINE STATIONERY NEW YORK IN THE 200 Single Sheets AMERICAN MIDDLE AGES 100 Envelopes . Surplus 8500,000 Chiblithl H. A Molattla was Mem. emod Menai.. 5. M. Mr.,. ,M 69th St. Terminal Suburban Publishing Co. Wayne, Pa, fee 7M1eMI,, et Mr dMelmse, T. ▪B lmrism • eMelea ••gYa Train. Daily From Haverford College 576.25 D. Me WEST, PIssersoskat ARDMORE PENNA. York University School of Retailing The School of Retailing trains for Mitentiee positions. Training Merchandising Teaching Adeertising Service Personnel Finance and -Control Merchants ere eager to metre trained Merl end women in the. fields. Service Fellowships, I year Certificate 2 years M. S. in Retailing lHastr*Ird booklet on application. For further information write: Dr. Norris A. Briscoe, Director of New York. Unlversqy School of Retailing, 100 Washington Place, New York City. Manager, H. Alden Johnson "YOUR CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT IS ON PAGE 2" • HAVERFORD NEWS April 14, 1924. A,TYPKESS COMMUNICATIONS TO lAry io al "147 P61 RRtN WINS FIRST cilicKET ELIMINATED FROM PENN ATHLETICS, SCORES OF FUTURE BASEBALL ENEMIES hi Cepspry be Ilia lElitatq T4410 the tan remehants Hareeford Ibis marry tat .1111 bee • allOgie shore tbepoor[ dropped a the lloberelty'P'of' Pe:•• aliata et • weds. of tie Athletic Caned held on Fab,. April II. The .1 alum far nine .n. of inters. het "' D.P.1.0.1.. April 3-Penn 23. Drexel 1. April A-Vermont O. Pwerth. • Phil._ Col. M. C. (bleuttathyr L. April 9-Peaco. II. Sward, Haverlerel New Oely INTRAMURAL GANG Ragged Fielding and Poor Batting Account for Defeat of Foundry A. C. The istemonwal bamiball team from emy amid b0 .• 1 et Peon. the tat few Ite.re. however. II hoe April 12--Dreeel f2. threes. say 3. Fbr war time. Peon ha. been the only college In the 'Coifed State. that, he. crevt.rktitnat:ortmItlilip. Inv :rth„P.;',:elatwelltil THEE RHINEs ON FIRST TENNIS SDIJAD -I• Haddletort Etwects Hard Contest This Week With Dickinson .kiwit 10-Peon It Vrninua TesAped 12-.10. dowatin tae 1. April 12-PrImet. 5. Tafel. eta 1. • April 12-lbrattunore II. P. M. ehab het following among 171 en orer the an hots ihte. .. .2 . 1111e North .Bartiley memostedi far netted .niakent.' Detente the near• 0.0, the pine 71•11 intermitter, es the find of, the iotraimural genie. and seemed to merry out the atur of lu. non-Varnity men in athletics. won the tea amt, The Darelmy to emeted to bat fine. Merrma. who moved for Merlon, abut out the on . en the berth am In the their flat tun. FIRST TRACK MEET SATURDAY, APRIL 19 T. . dell Apo. ';''rthiTsv:ttlit.11 s,reep .1..killage beet tfig North Bar. baying been • etarttei there in IMO. In 7.0 eaTe. . ".....,..4 . _07.00::.`"`t. readlikc7 ITEM. CotarGE FORTSs LL LONGSTRETH TALKS ON BASEBALL HOPE n The roan nark leant 110011 fir. te. when it ...n lekkupau in a dual meet hest 111turilay. April 111 Comb Raddletmi believe. t hat the Martel end Block Pan pouir 1770.11 wit h • win beaus. of hie sell-balanced . Ile am remarked that it weal gob. all the epee the trade otus.1 and Inaart off the College ...Id witb • vimury eat DO* 0.17 from csrlmte. ...potted for ill The yarn, 11611 the nowt pert of esperieneed and lardoiled moo, For nor i'apl.10 1Templb. t s upState tram. It in *se...teed that he loan four event.. He will enter waemally profirient in the broad leap hurdle.. Beside, these events he Infield Especially Strong sod FUTURE RHINIE TRACK .111 miter the 71.111 01151 shot-001. 1.0.• 110'n Meta. In the bawd Mesa dad. Batting. Weak Point. F. Webster, W. Lester and 'F. OPPONENTS OPEN SEASON RBI Ea BE nth ,Lovett' the teem, of 'Dili' !toner. the Improving Curbs Compete for Varsity Pena Charter Wile nod Lam; Gaeta floverfurd amnia thiepentee, thr Dickineon Colbee Prehnble Ca4liates A. Mathmed by Saha. 130.144 a Ger...bra With Four Veterans Gaaeli blathilate• M.1011 t•e..- msonliog to javelin entry, bola the adeg. record Too future opm,rien. of the Ridnie eri•of f hor me the 1.51•r, Mmamase Abate. or Me, The hen week of tenni. practice for /reek team hove already got into „, Y sere the regu jogging and Korm at hi. best. however, shoeld Balite...ford. t the of lane n Charter Penn meets. thim in outdoor rap varsity wieni lain the metioe for the omit preellte. this ha, 1001, th" 00.1. be ebb to theta. a first in thie field 10 Mite in. up their stroke. in rapid fastion. Hebool ban lost one and won 0110 meet. la tun ...eh addition, In week hat wa. iseh.1 non. e■ ent. wubfeeterl'i Three ea. IIPOI candidates. belonging while 0.41 .10., ono. work In bon specialt. whether Hardier! esn hardb be e to eare a n". to thit year,. Freshmen elan. has, defe•ted. i`efi""5is m hurdle, mde vault. high e ..e.entatne Fan Charter opened it. sawn no eet The weir tiret in the tao.mile to -Al- Workman. beet. rat. on the fir 1 wring emend work. IN 'net .5- '05 overwhelming defeat duels ow weir. determine rrh 21 with two., well do- Mahe huIdMg the Nato.. 1000 compoetwi of the Prot pPven Men. .. .. en the te Tryout.. 101 High Germantown toot „ seem. et the f In h h this for poll' ""k 15'10 probably will 11.111 meet Diehl.. or the The our veterans remeinine are Win"' I Middle Snare Santee meet bat year Sehool. pea-111. The Blue nod Gold be held early this week. The too. 5' In hat ain't. net Dam form the moileu• improvement In that fine." athletes were ale to win only 0ne onbale eatable'. ler eech event, ain lune well wilder dear uroond whirls Camino Ponta hope. Leevent 1 were they others four in while , 4. . eons.. battery 104 .. 4 The Bret-ntring 0.1.4 teak iamb lladdtelon, ere H eardine Ln the Pirkineon ie. tie te en e..client to xonre e wine Hollingehend. 25. tad Arooht Johaon will probably battle for the po• inutile last Seeded., April 12, the rem te to, polo vaulter. but fladdlet. 1.11-0 1,eateherie eition of find eine.. on the teem. How- Charter team twine through with I 0-'eTrt poeition enly thin yen. It Hoskin, Chadwick. and Flood ate nal Merehell. hail, ma hem of victory over Wert Catholic High n. Mew bur, '24. and Wagner, "211, are the 11,1 well fee linverfool in an, eveut. Wee. teem. will compete fur the ee. alro Ile 111111 patio.. along with Web. Sala by • ware Of 1-48. The fail- , tise fourth innia. r1...,[111,1 Malin fur the IW101.04••• 17",• ore of the Catholic League champion, Iwt the 'bratty teem. Itaatlan seer, Lester and Curd, all of the Close to enter any men in the pole vault wive , hurdles. Diekineon will enter Sehank, ;Cimmerian stealing 'wetted lab, nee of 1827. . Th. infield h. been trawl, Jahn ten of Oa seseorie The loathe thi Penn Chem, men a lend which erreeute 01,1 film the plate. - Two walks and • elemo Annan, • strong coralfi5- roe. should be eleeely emitekted fur ..me yew reiith.th am. fare been hilt wan ROI Wereente. .angle by Thompson between third and 11,." .",Theo, "4. .'!; n iti in Lary '5 I lamirford hen two rood tons. Ah.1 Ind 0101105011. On the tome day, George School was three runs in their T. a ave Merhin . keyetre xi h w *F. for the eigh timber,. and t sate. Ihai 1.4. 1,0 enne band !lei,. rteryiee hive been par- defeated he the asm team hat had and leilmatt nt first eaund ere ler the Iowa Ina ha16. el. I. Johnson Germantown Charter, Pea defeated ,' at- "al. 11.05:77 Chwlei.A. In 1 end thin! i heir hall 0 the fifth when Al. mum-revering quick, ebilhie geisha arn Hialkhoot. The score of trI-40 would tempted • double play et eeroad • ity. Roseate ham Khan lucre vowel eeem to indicate that George School w."°' LEHIGH, HOPKINS AND "L'"so runner on fine his en bi• ground wrote. than In plat awe 110111 .11M-17 711■10.1. v.. *troth. :M. is •ure et • be has • stronger teens than Penn Charter.. The 671.0re by innings: ten , bona bearably. roller .bold oar wen 191.1) MEETS F. AND M., nee,. k5kk The 5k5f t`k° "55 b.455 will be ,run eared for by liada plane 5 0 2- • Under coot 151. but bin ground etroltee 0 PI 100 seem WW1. ....... '241 ` SPRING FOOTBALL DRILL 110 11w.: and .01a are Will rather erratic. ,., ,I Interclass or lainhativl Track cvi.(.1"„,“ "",4 8m-n"m" ,01.71, .firlit Of 11:10 near men on the squad, WebCalla. et le. Three at t.m. "AW ACCOMPLISHING ITS AIM' GARNET TENNIS TEAM TO Ta...L.-17.,',."."b07.;HTZ,'.„ “ii■;.r.-'1:1 ...... t Mee, '27, tae shown the most ,proralse. lore ..... with M. fureher work to Infewit. 1106 turn. have dread, delve Ceech Darras Planing Generalship PLAY THIRTEEN MATCHES beea betel . Lehieb Pniver•ity and 668. 11'1'75 and in sntrate, althoegh hie overhand 0 "Game" for Ilarte.backe Job. Malan. liniverwity. Several 17.5. of Lai Year's Squad Bak, Three oat Nall srtrifle bnet0.4. Lee[er. w. mnames The to Faxen spring footbell other collet.. are nienning like ron• ham displayed • well-balanced game, practice width La. heen 11,11 after New Mw fame Premise tut.es teem i At remit., dk Marnhell an in CRICKET PLAYERS NOW betas, it Curtlx, the retaining Fresh.m, picked .pper three Una a week for the aim With three tamborn of tan yerie tromuret meet wee held. The. main obn6.7. et. for the varsity. pleye an accurate, hot month or PO, 11.1n11; etc/onion to Cap• eampionehip tam twelt arid an aheaPRACTISING OUTDOORS Piet of thee, me.n its beset,. meas. M. • • eta type of ante. aria fa.. ate wIhrety'i ltho•ds. fa be *neon, d.. el own materna Swarthmore glausermen fa. affordia eenueetnent to the p eer. ekb-A ground 'takes and more flubbed net Plating a Pura. event we7- hat blab hope. of eteioessfulty amine GAM/. Catfort17teltaa Memel te tarn, iv to dn.... onituopeeted work, he will proliabLY give the oat Partially Clarke. John. Maof last year's varsity through one of the 'lards. abedulen Parthaste la Werkents net talent. In • 12 Vela listed abate ha a rave for their plena, mimed and many of the aerobe have ever arranged for Garnet net -dad. Itnii1ON kin.' hams. Aerial eta, Bret came The pricket eg Although Captain Lat. :toil Mob. doer peach. onad 'held its firm oart• to notme For the double. rot:ablation. bee. ehowing or re.olsrlY 01 the nfli lath • nit.. Ibe field in Cola,. re. men fat Johneon and and nmetnd rotate • Saar, .off seer air again end If The Pointed ,timer. 1 0 Is At Lehigh, the meet was wan by the P. The work ton. Lem e la. alsy end will. ha a tat year'. experien. to a find announced, Monday for for the whole mattively, were gradated la. ear siNed -makle of fielding [wady. el. pra.ice for Freebnien. allhoueh vanity me. wen belp.their team-play. hbowhall ad egad. Tees., for the baiikfield men Dodge. Seymour. nod ........... enter. The upper plasboth ad deep field- allowed We ter, 515' boon Pled together to and Thieved.for amonen 11.1•050 11•1• Paley, a11 Sophomore. nod mem of er. AlthoughPaige. ear. b. some little beam, Old m.n bad aeveral Although no phenomenal ram a. or last year'. team. Oa. entletemerily hotting was sloe tried. The nets . ea...fable extent for the pat three the Close of 1927 piled op • winning reek linaham, he up and ready for ae hen .0.55. score of a points throegh their well.mere. lam up and ought to discoverle• hare yet boo reed,. ..- MI their places. Math make etiother. Mang eemblktion: eral men ere ribeieing meshed inslaw.e- who broke into home conteets last yar, but the erre. knelt will belanced team. The Juoiont were just probetity eery ment in various lina of th. game. will battle with Molloy. Boa and tan • ot be m condition until a lea dee. nosed out, betas two Mad. behindII. 2, The spring drill be inteoded to help Bert. new men who have ,Saucy PRACTICE GAME Aceording to Ceptein Comfort, the The Franklin & Mastaall Intro-mural to tide over tee long period from one ghat, sad form for the twoYea. team ie easing up -well, the year.. et 17 70 III meet took the form mainly of • con1,-.1.071 WITH VILLA _NOVA fall to the next, duals whieh teepees. ekeee on the lamed. of Ian yea'n mead, eepeciafiy, gel test among the fraternal.. Phi Kano Artarnoll. ah tow •. a gene,. role, temporaelly forget The webedule for the 11124 Weanon tine Into playing rooditiott Bite. winning. Illgh individual score. knowledge feetbel1 their Emity-wi.. Fiterellaales and O he ill much an to with-Itch maleas include. Pattin oil aas• outdeor. la were the feature. Corinna taking three t . m- e • abide. Garell's Play 1000,11, PeD 1777■P•OW. Aria. Lope.. the future, Contain Comfort ha ex. fine plena, • the for Ora god two ma. , srewaft Coarh Hannan is planing, a ne ..d the N.. In • Wordy played mate. with the . Th. 0100 game sal pressed hope that I Alemni will be seconele. while Painter had the setae mort experieneed team from VIII. 01 the helpful eliyereiona of Pm pree- prolate, be with Penn Military Col- on hand to participate ene DREXEL AND Wfi4EYAIA m . r of nista, one Imand. nrieithbe play. he to me' nine was de- n.. • football 'ta Nov. the liaverford lege on April 19, eithough this dale I. FIRST BASEBALL FOES feated. 7-0. in leer innings of a prac- on • table by two imaginaa teem. not definite a 7.1. Haverford, George tice game on Thursday. April 10. on generated by two °art...bad. of the Wubington University. Debar. Rutgers Also Uses Spring Bask the valiant's, almond It an Hay- egad, to meth •'es, the own who Philadelphia College of Oatropethy. Deem* Stamped by Peak Gannon, a Sophomore. Will erfortra first outside mete. Ode sea- are to all the nignel. 0071 NIL Will New lark Football Practice Wenleyao, ad Anal*. Verve. Mid OntanItta Captain St. lose Nine Haverfneer. regular varsity harebell son. wherein., Villa Novo hen been Ina 1011,11 0.01 the pro., playa to the Irniveriiity of Maryland as spoonStagers Collet approve. ofmi whedole will begin this week with two playing for Nome time, lOnnig to Prime- he ueml in the many posnible elan- .n fill out the schedule. Only ..11 ring game, the firet with Drexel, on ton In one of theme eon.. by only linen. of theme cont.. are to he etaged merle. for the fowler team a te to Gannuo , has A sophomore, Captain Itboade .yea tha t a. [binge at !best Wednesday in Philadelphia, and the one ron. stored in the tenth inning. garthmore. keen elated to lad the 1924 St Jo. work will Ilayerford's belt. lay in all depart- leek mow, the luta 1;e6" 01 ."''''"" entered vpoo Mood. a... with Weide,. no 1N111100" PI ort- implin C011en bseebell team, breaking ment.. The tam made flee errors en continue throah m.o. of the last quarnd Thereat, of each week. some all preeedents. Although the now cap-i home. college. of ter perfect Arnold', one Nova'. 'Via PROGRESSES BOARD TRACK y-fiye men, under th...permeson Min a. played but one yesr of ...ea Weed ha al.edy played throe f the Ringer, coach are takia ad. beneath he ix the meet Anat. noon regular games. In the fired of thee. bit to center field wa. the ,only on. while three were Propos. to Locate It tto ▪ of ala.voortusur to improve on the 0oed, Indite the team in betPenn ...piped them with a 23-1 more. for lieyerloal. MADE Committee 1 them. Th. itch:, FUTURE SCHEDULE F Oka Sift et Athletic Beildies he teanaue of lbe game. their on le run bring a homer by O'Neil aunted .5.11, ting tat eve.... 31.. FOR INTRA-MURAL BALL An alumni rommittee. beadedtobycurt, no the fiat bell pitched In the game. wan the meet evenly welched departetrik. L. It. Thetas, in eodeevoring The follow!. day, Drexel am. hack ment of the name, floillogshend out one sod allowing only one alit. Marla Leads Lean. By Whale' through rough the pleas for a bard creek And held the alma/ Vermont Mae to an int while Needle, him oppouent. struck in thine for practice neer winter. 'fbe From North Buono 1141 [rah Len Saturday they trounced • row The Collegiate Trip o Reverford taco nod aye four roman.. is mentioned of AP. Thema., The day student:. have entered ibtotathy to the tune of 12-2: Kai. 10650 in'thp intro-tared sport barbell Mr. J. M. Scull, Mr. A. klitelete.h. the Weller, marred with four hit. in- Pease. in bunting. wbicb Warne, evening the number to seams Mr IL G. Allen. Mr. It', Calmer and profieieney The to the eluding • double and a borne rm. developed by lain yearn nine. In All. Sierton pow head. lb. bear Dr. J. A. Rsbbitt. wan The prob.]. Vaal lief-up for the seems to be a stng root point in favor of mange A. a yeah of their velar, over has been inameeted by • member ileverford game in a follow. the present team. Loriestreth mode I North Iberia, last Fria,. of ale committee that the track should good long throw from deep center ee eery be loomed where the prospective athEva. II hex been found uticerinary field to Arnold rat the Plate, and Reti- change the dale of the SouthiFounder, letic. building win be not loter ree° dietinguMhed Illnixelf by .beauti- gene for the roman week from huddle, would Maude a hide.. path nage ful pirkop of n feet grounder at third. Wednewley to Thurniery to aold eon. M •afficient aloe in take the pin. of July 1924 Tom eon Phil Garrett, who hove fikt with the find 1927 lark meet with la outdone one. The enmmittee will meet nest week been practicing for the last ma week, !anodes-. Ma Neb.!. • '77alder menne of Salmi. Ike figured in the game. 'Ti., looked well largest steamer in the world, the the on lames made finure be the for will webedule e Th proleet of -the outdoor track. A fund et the at when be took Holllanheeire the stendine of the lentil. f011owet of tato. seeen hundred ha. 117 vb.in the fourth inning. Ile had and "Majestic," leaving New York on June 28th and arriving bole ve. 5,417.-Moodsp. An 1 Player-Writer Rule Debars been eadent contribeen .1.01. mainly warming up to be ready to pitch novil Inanden-11475017.7 Apoil 10 at Cherbourg in the morning of the 4th of July. During In met be ws. needed, but Hotline. 11051.1 15. bar n1 7515055-1.05177. 1PW 1.- butione. Fifteen hundred &dhoti sr* Tilden From Olympics 1.1.1 75. P•445 10-1100107. .1.7 r„. toweled to 070111 the structure 0. bemire control /teemed to get better as 30 days' stay in Paris you will witness the Games, see ,enten rt. N.,-.017.0174.7. .50171 planned. 1..1 0-11.141.. 0111 Tble year". Dale COP Chofienfie the rontest progrememl, 0074075n 05. the sights on special busses, visit Versailles, Fontainefour ell gh throu played Garrett Phil SIAM. Or reir a•Perg road all be staeed on the Manbelm and made gelid an the only bleau, Rouen and atop at a good hotel "en pension," every• Cricket Club chemploombin ear. In In ,.11110 Coach M'Pete Will Plan he caught e cif. aro. Philadelphia during am coming Sep- .bore lie 11.1 when on thing included for Muni field. eight at Practice Soccer Spring tember. Tilden, the national eagle. Sena fly to Me aalti ads ..clay ehamplon, will be tale to compete for Mow ion ......... 0 0 • 0-0 1 6 S11,°•:t" woad soecer the of htePete Coach the United States. The recent rule 71•0771.51 ta 1 1115.6en• 7 I 7 wAHd by the National Lawn Tenni. 1:1167 2111. expecte to talk to the prospective...wee north Pnrel. caotlidates for next eeaeon's teems aciation forbidding pleyera to write o tennie and still alma their •nat- France to Enter 'Dark Horse' New Track Not to Be Ready some alteration during the ammot week on the W67. tad means to meture eur Mendip, doe. bow... deb. the in Marathon - Front. New, York-to New York It le the soccer t miring practice. for Dickinson Meet fi, ear from the Olympic. each's afro not to awe this (attic. This satinet playee-Journallato Peen. Olympic holms were rhe..4 all with other setae. With the FAMOUS OLYMPIC TOUR The improtremeole on the cinder interfere ablated b, Alm U. I.. T. A. bob on Asyll II, when Hl (Mal, their rented • storm '01 criticism from klastan rnesrathon an thirty teack.srill Pababfrif not he completed ha Mart. Balla may be found for kicking 1.4 11{11,0 for the tart with thalmOn A.19. P111174. writer. ell over, the country. Wheaten. (about twenty ef th e elleiting derive *pare boon before and la claimed that the inielligent Nor. 1:42:52. defeating Mehra Freak army Saturday, Apri1 19. earMen time new straightaway ha been goal on •fter meals Asnietant Manager Job 00.tdr• El candidate. he out marathon given tennis of, 5a1.1100i0eeem • biroklro* CRC area otten g k may aleo and room the oily but week, all Intermittently 1:57:17-5, of .0.4Y qualified In the prenentiday Is very do. to the record v. of the gale ha helped the held by He.. Kohlemainen, FI00bltf,0l heated and twenty yards will he Manager Tiernan ea Aesistant Mama15ene5 '1::: 1r:41 1":1end Miller M. 17 Shied., elan double. '17r"r' • mho annerted for har end Merlon three 'Mari. Scares Tem NO. Rea ' W 1" ""W d the " I'ereurete driven 14'1when N'"k Date ereond and Railer prodoerd Heine. three runs. After ale demage. MendIts in Merton re the side. mead rood turn et bat pounded the ball to .11 mornera of the geld. !Ureters errors al. paella the total Mid when finally the Liming ended. Mello. bad A iled up • 13.3 100. 3191er went into the box toe Morel. a at the mart of the Math Mein.. isn Ile ...I four batter. to Bret and Rada soured four limen. Merino WO/ 1117 to 1011111 only once in their mend et bat. Rieman., melded out Male te ent.. stole .0.1 and third end then [-me home on an overthrow to elm i° !Merlin Thompson, 17. 0-neee ee, errhamB"'1") 6.0e,e1n0te4 TRYOUTS FOR DICKINSON saBi ▪te ▪ g v.,. Olympic Games in Paris $375 SeoMi fs GSrculRr 11111•0•11110 ▪ • 6 HAVERFORD NEWS Y.M.C.A. IMPROVES IN MANY FIELDS SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB DISCUSSES CHANGE Compromise Racial. (a So Draw. Up By Committee COLLEGE CAMP WILL DISCUSS PROBLEMS April 14, 1924. up manIan TO RADIO CUR To Build New Bids' School HMIIFORD SECURES Near Maverford I QUAKER COLLECTION 111 I A pew boarding wkool foe sifts, Vaipl!do Portrait sod Lettere Far Camp which will be built is Llosorford 'hack A nsluable collection of Quokerlana of the Merlon Crier,. Club thir mom The propels., ppm." of tho SuroMI mei, will be in eension nest fall. This hms recently been aecured by the Col Orden, Club to ell there Inteskated yin loge through We cooperation of • nemheel will he owned and run be Mrs her of w it. friend, This in • collection Wilbur's Report Shows Asso- 11■14.1 Y. pennon puestiow Was disk Students to Meet Prominent litteldne. who up to this time. has GI A. R. L Speaks Quaker partreJte and lettere form. a neboot in tkeerbrook. ciation to Have Advanced Speakers at Woodstock in conducted on "Radio Legislation one beaded' laudento will he es .r1h:1 7s d b' palely l;RtV oo reeeol r"' r vinabili, of making the ehosage wan commodatni. Aft, luadding sod 0117 di, flan of portreils of Friend. and view. Much During Present Summer Conferences pupil.. They will mangy an en..11 of divider! and no, m non uso telten Me Char!, Stewart. Vire-prelradeut Friend.' me..a hula.. .are 1 Year 111.- building conetrocted an the farmer mot Ailantir 1X.41.0 ramsaser of the A committee .1.1641110 of Blab, College student. will Ibis year have DeWitt Chilton estate enrepriMos the ainea of chi.. The ,Ilection. which MIA fifteen American Radio Relay twos*. mee 3:Nolt owl Sasso... Is. b.. fl- cat opportunity to attend a ountmer Till 1 NI • A Alamos. wale I mt....teen tool,. to lb. Radio Chas on the night of lodge nine Wye, ront•In• among °thee relaime tampon, to rho ,ell din pointed by llogenstme. prenident of the teromireginte romp Inhere the; will haw thin, one hoodred letter. of Robe, Thuralay. April 10. The sub/.et of the n mount... ehen, 0, nak tower inentformal MeI.,. I. nn' eer Itoe hum hole or ons Club. to mane mon. LerielatiOn.. pa Salo rman- diestannion" Monitorial. rerhell. In- Non-Partisan Asso. Chapter harder of Langton to 11,-. Tb... taf groom! ond 'hoe outward on ee,11. dr' mise 1,6 1.11_ whets ('orb, witri other,. or Philadelphia, writ. fn 1011, when the 151.1 ustinnal legcaber Alood od the er* whir who A a SilITS sal arid sulwationol problems, inlet.... Th boy soritolrongtor xI ,n about 1114-11UP. Tbma ore sae idellon vntrol radio, unateure ro t ..... d ottermeausl weeo In ley. of TI m tamp, which will he located et Definitely Dropped by Wilbur'. report not oredWont rho perted to throw more 1,1,1 nn the eonvidered. M . Stew., went down to rhatom Some Wile, par y RM., ITa.letwk, Nes Turk. from :hay I ,tomoent • Frost, basins on onerem on these toping 11 Irri• hem, elmided not to form a notimtim, of the Friends Aaiun the Wnehinglon H■pleinber 17. ,* naintolued by the toK April 11, Tlo. meet li meteors in and •round Phiholelphiss. so* 111,, gm the affair- eel Ida .11,11,1 too minnolml remmorile. .4 lo. Nmional Student Forum In connection !hewer a We No•-llarthan ImMere hy Whittier. Thom. Story Ever sines this time he W. Wee on o, or 11. other ooneoleroamen. Thm with moil wilts,. i•lietereed ...I. ihartntouth. Tale, Mon for joining the totes. of Nation. the r1,11161.... don. the nod nor by licorge hand whenever sny amour, lint. bees olgoare lo mate the 1 ha of omre Northwestern. Swarthmore. and 11,o at iloverfunt The Nation, Awn, moo offirarr how T. Armco dami .Fut •re included There is also • iotralored into Cowens mid h. 1.4,1 Amtweling no the report rho 'T" h. thoo oo •the, inn mon d, 'for ,t good Mew, lion 411, not alltalate the formation lerter in the benduriting of Martha no opokeemso for the A. It. IL 1G. end snitool groond In ...roil (1•41, Theslomat will be aivided Oct The mo oat tone . olltorote confer•tud. of two weeks web. of a Olmpter whom It heryoue • tory Wnskinston nml domed by Owes. thug for theanateurn of the wont,. oil in wan- Itrouggot 11,n1 the formal doh, h3ltillor resider mertions Wenhington rrieren,e to Mr. Ste timed the moor. Of leg1111erie 1,11 Ise mono. During ends ...fere... 11111.1 of money romeal III Amt. the -tend student a- arom3031 Friend*. .1mA. speolters. isintion from the Lent” bill of Mill, up demo moire Fronsier YII-1314.111. 11X 1 ,1,-hoot los to -moiler /11,11, of askolels erpreteotion mid evelontinn aid boo The 1.11 'Lite nolincrIbe, of the Nod, which to the time radio hale that are now hod worked for It, more thou, aollole the mimosa .1,- °O. "dada Immo The) MY. led am, so orakeol nut of 01111,11, 1.1i. Cdr Onto-noted W. the meetinge lottrodonagol Ilia rniirotinn, were Rodeo 1..1i111 ral in Colours.. ealtinMing the bre tood s oar for ads lamp.. A.1 Onoreolmul vomiter of moniker. %mild 6111fiViel.1 I.61...11) And leaelp Snail Ille loerlr, in the nkture of in. an opportunity to Mew, it id • dio• and telling what the A, R. R. Modrom 011e• mod Lane Ion* aim. b,. wide in Moo ti od the 1,1.. •effeente force. in is:W I1' midnred net' iti,n by President Comfort loll he were 'Omitting for e.l Semi, lsontorrnorota elrldeer di • Mono ere II 1/1.1 160, men trtor,1"",t. Worlogarlay night. April 11. Al the chow of the Riveting nun, in1.4-4.16 of 31 11 11111d A Oho ht. Ice o -,htea ml in Hand will prnhahly he TII.111. Mu-trend Rt.. the nu, pre.ent tor the type of oranoiwtion formal retention* were molted Mr. Stewon Mom helot ,, 11,. Ileverford room.. a hob mould mem, oder in its melt Mow, ollmothi. end Motown, %hob the motors! uonam touu aerated. It oneweriwg the. the eraesbe of in owl 611.1,Ille. centre Ime been moninueol nod en• Inn 'Pb, estop ogees o sham-. to eloaratDEAN PALMER TALKS hal of many anw.ing and internat. nil 1 toren! mul ..... tO 11.,11 peramolly rosoy prominent Off; 1.1 thmr natal. o• 000k oo 1.11‘ .1,114 011 6.1. /6 X... II, echoed -nionot, ABOUT LIQUID AIR erperaeo3.3 Oast by had had la tie otiorehmen edema., busier. on,. What Does the College Man Any. of mile derriaponed. whew Init., labor leader, nod annal worker, These Wilbur tort pr.-pontoon 4 , f the Arm mooI flkstrtinued from Paav I. Column 21 Mr. Mtenms• o. Think About?. will help enntlitet the mode .a . which We • very low feeenong polo, ,nrs of the own,' to herr • tr..1,11.161 lel ,10,1e the mane cape.e• re Will al, be opportunito for of the A...elution matting get. Th• ,Iii olio, of -WW1 Men • Col. wan Elea frozen. T1. would fur their cumoradrohtp in the outdoor life The Dean Men Melt a ream. ode. of J1.1, nsewured the te hue Mono Think About?. 1611.I. h., hems of ana,nom, ramp. The name !rancidmoth! be moat in melt geld. eon red by au article IR the Da,- perature of liquid Mr by mem. of a wl le mot taloned to 1.111 more the The manta llielofrr.q., al Silver mouth Alumni Mowaine. According to isorasosouto and demotateated th, ono throe omoterentee. IMA nom di.. the ...awn the thing* are. in the Os OmP•mture 1 owl it nes olevided one .011 way an Nee year the ramp will he orgartined lancer, n ontisintlon 1611111. the /11•111W rder of nicir importance: Himself, hundred shirty Serves below • rooperative Mine anllertaln.. Women. Extra-cur:tutor Arlisltims, r, mgr the -Y" to get groom ou taCattier...aro. All at dents will bore the chimer to Otudien. Religion. Medea. 1Aquer and -Mon, n• wading- at Wit nitair The, After the lecture newollmosto were ....roe. joist owner. is the esterprhm Aims served entire', otontwowl ca Regaining of Liberty and PS Ardmore Ave., Ardnaum.Pa. men from n11 pens of the kkkkk and repredoling Joan, college, end Self-respect is Topic it in no cagy of the notote. al • tamp of Discussion meeting. The 11.1 ile• on rem... mot I rem- and ho, o thomornalits en_iosida• I The Amulenot eel Moodie a-. Wed too ".161 Jule mown, Wednesday emoting, ',Al It 1.11, eei.fie.lice l,,l..n of • now meet,,, 'A 12 oil Pow .4 timing Ilan Mine , • A.1.11.11111 .01.1 -Ilse Eighteen, mo. Mil be All Rade of ,abhor moo. not. oo There IA •sondlept I amendmota. 7111,611 1.11. of the meet as• to nom!a n the people 1'amel.1 onla lama 1" blr ell not, moilr.. o hist! are at the din maw, their wontentment and A. fey ,elf rm.," whir. i, his Waled of the men -who 111, .11 h. told ott the I11,610111 Mow 11, Thee ...mad to the oet•tement •of ttill he oboist forty the • A soodallon, h. the Eighteenth tape.e of lbw dolls, per mon A wore olefin', pr. amn nundomed Ti,, founder •4 Asseteinou ti Me call, It. *am.. outlined the plane DEBATING COUNCIL MEETS Ike organisation mod mod he woe ee, Vice-President and Division Manager of I MASSMEETINGPROTEST i' Ardmore printing co. New Location 18TH AMENDMENT '. n., TO REPORT ON SEASON AdV.Alt Refill coach and De. hallos Ma•apee Witted urn meet no Intuit tun ohm- to, • end, oll On week to til•e 6.1.:411,- el re.. ie•le twat sem onoi ▪ ....1 1 ...II If ot G elmoniml ta dectleow m.o.- Goo 11. woom- on An earow Itmootron mamootoon- eon to- • 1 ream, n full. t itimlom will not samolml a 1 Wow onything ositout it Potato:M.o. nal mot low 'dire only 1111. el.! ?Ire known to he weinat the Kalitenrith Animator', End oddlotiou rmn of 01. Voletend Act.- Me oloolosnot bauser as. Is, I..., ...sr..- ssid. Inwood mon don 1...1 per. eel. What Engineering Owes to Faith ""– h. large Number et Shari Questions Sub- ,ilehrocon, Ammons...I stituted far Old Style I. thl mom-tulls' 11' NI Iron m tont Wm Le to hedi m ate t ont m,.,„„6„, A tortl ■1 r. a 1•1 11r. I1.111.11 m.o., of rad 111.1 M "1 '1.'1 I ..r ...en... lolosioloonali Altoona in .1111,. • rii111- 7„ ill , loono N..1111' 11,11 AdootilIttowt Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties The Gift Shop Bryn Ma wr - Ardmore -Wayne 11_, .i o.lem 16 ill Longacre & Ewing Bulli tt Building 141 S. 4th St., Phila. do. Harnessing Niagara Falls for the First Time Destroy. Coo011ollomd Rights Me Itahl Viondorootolent or tlo COLLEGE BOARD EXAMS • OF NEW TYPE WII ate The duo, moos ..... ins slide.. so Imo their emotion_ The field moored ..... hundred of inch oueetio,w woola mo great that a'welwroust, knowledge of the *Wok, would Mr required to twos. GRADE — INSURANCE Fire Automobile Burglary Life Marine Tourists ripCIE pioneer harnessing of :Niagara falls 1 in lsnit, like all great engineering feats, Wu. the result of the eo-operation of tunny itiliv and constructive minds. There were no "older engineers" on this work, with younger assi,tants, as is noir common. because there wert•lio",ilder — engineer; lien. All oft hem were young men in a young business, optimistic, ent busiastie and willing to take long chances. Ter oriainol Niagara installation irpresented prog1,10,l largely 011 faith because Illerg Were many feature: of loud rtiction proposed ut that lime which 1Vesiinglionse Engineers refused to accept, and which tiny, has sInnvii 10 IX' utterly impracticable. Thus. in effecting it compromise. the three fundamental fenItIren of heating, it/Yu/Mean and regulation of the 'a-cycle machines. built, were vastly different from the original designs. Time verified their judgment, the ten original generators operating successfully for mare than a quarter of a century. Looking back, it is gratifying that those young men served engineering so courageously, because truly it WILY an.underteking that taxed their faith to the limit. Srl'1=17!■! ' 1e'lr'rrler'In:::;Z: 1 1 ...Pi flo9O.T. And we 5.1611. men -who Pa, oul Life ✓id Zitior.'n'tgrt MI the real finao• rid 1'w wo... INSAC P_MILLEIL .A semi PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE. INSURANCE CO. 401 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Peastetiiized Clarified MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Ave. Phawe.48.1. Bryn Mawr - Edw. K. Tryon Company Official Outfitters for Hoverford College Foot Sall Team SPORTING GOODS 912 Cbartaat struck NW& ACHIEVEMENT 8 OPPORTUNITY