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LIBRARY OF HAVER FORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD, PA. \41 HAVERFORD NEWS VOL XVII HAVERFORD two wAytin) PA-, MAY 18, 192,5 NUMBER 15 TO STUDY MOE AND HELIER Alumni President Invites GARNET HANDS TRACK SIX SENIORS MEDICINE NEXT YEAR LAFAYETTE, HAVERFORO, ELECTED TO MS' Attention to Year's Work TEAM FIRST DEFEAT RUTGERS OR GARNET Years of "Pro Bono" Plan Have Shown MOON POSITIONS Three It As a Pronuorwea Success; $1500 Still IN THREE SEASONS SHOULD WIN M. k S. Needed Both °Moen Have Ptayed Active Part in Extra Curriculum Work WILL CONSIDER CUSTOMS for Back Accounts By ALFRED C. MAULS. WI N.M.. of Ahmed de.ociatioo Alumni atenvItte. for the college year w drawing to • era. were initiated September be the elneoletion of • statement with reopen to firma. and Width.of the Anotiatioe's previous seer. Tbe Seentar7.• department. of operations-re..... vocational week, pollidtr. Alumni cerreraolidenee and renetioun, publintionn, etc. - were treated eon. The third year of the Pro Sono Ilseerfordienel plan was nm inatigunted by the Fiume Committee now roan plebe. In dollen. This coming fell a rimier report will properly now increased result. in the may department. of the A...Wien'. activity. AddLtioul support and later. est ben been evident on the pert of Alumni throughout the year. DoetrIte. thm, exclusive of moue reeeired from the pole of Alumni Alden, Debeht. total 115993.46 to date from Mil Alumni. Sem leseellotrad This men, which has come in wdboot f ntort to perninelly ereirited eperied .eriptione neh .. have featured Almost fiance in mat ye.n, will rover the romans of the present year. There is needed 1m the Angodadon approximately $1500 to take core of sm. outMending aceount dating beck of lee. 1924. end to corer the ex... of the esteem:Ion Cork dudo/ the einem. mooting! Me year, In or. der that 1925•28 may Marl with a demo date. Rogers and Lamberti Break Broad Jump Record, As. Team Loses SCORE 72 1-2 TO 53 1-2 Three of Graduating Chins Are Tale' Up Chemistry lied Throe Milan A .tattling divenity of (inference Is ratan be an aulnin of the plans of the membere of the el.. of 1922. A larger timelier ere planning to reran further studies In medicine then on) other one gable.. Of the turn-nice inenthere of the ela. de will enter • medical career. Immediate teething te only csemrewa be nee, hol ....1 more .11 uodoubtedly teach after Inn thee study In their ninon line. Chemistry end History tie for wood with three devotee. each. The net ere distriboted through • large variety of occupations. Twelve are nisi...Wed. Iranunaryt Medicine, 6: Chemistry, 31 HMG,. 3: Law, 2, Bullet, 2; Ministry. 2: Ineurauce, 2; Teachthe (immediate). 2, era each for Merallergy, Bun. nets Administration. Architecture. Forest,. Land... gardening. Germ. Literature. day. laden,. Reeking, !another indemry, tend Inditetry. Wholesale [lentos.. Optical Moremem., Wool besinee. Machine mum teetering, and launder ...bluer,: 12 undecided. Preparations Committee Has Arranged All Details for Meet MANY STARS COMPETE At the muting of the Stade.: For the rust Pose in three nee. The font outerandln nneetitote lop Amendedse held on Thursday. Mar 14. the bleverford College nark tram ibe Middle Atlantic Antes Track and 1. Howeed Manhole TM, we. elected tasted defeat It • dual meet when the Field Champloathip. In the meet to be to OW onside.. of the undergradeate Swarthmore cinder wooed downed them held on Mahan Field thl. Fria. and card. with body. This tioo on Welton Field hurt Sky it that of mend.. of the !Red.* ...rd.,. are Lenient, Holger, fle, 16, by •neon of Y2tee to 53e4. Tbe ✓etard and Ow-art.... Connell. Job TI. wee elected Saerofeeiee Ha. VoteMsered Garnet men had mountionbI7 the merelary.treasurer of the anociatio. ladayelte won the tide last year end Chun rermarine have volunteered stronger team, winning ten of the NorMarshall has effin be Mooted 00 to pot • ...ran, nod their time In commending with their teen events. Ieciedies all the straight wed-baleaced team Co the field. Ret• Plated an active member. who bone not yet Aided this em., endedreering enough peened and Part in extra eur. gen' vieto, our Lafayette. Hever. year's work. If. et this. times yen ere third pla to sew op the victory be ford'. over Holger. end Swartimones tie Ole ns work the rectplent of • letter from soar etas. a romfoneble margin. over blaverford in dual meets titian.. • Ine• neengenets, ID thle ronolartiOn„ y011e •tThe brightest moot in the alttroonn toll nem te Point to 11 struggle for the tered Coen. two tendon bum a Fihretrford paint 01 view, was to Itereeent is erg.i. and • bolt year. ehampionsbip crown between these four If poet hen preriouly neberrited. Me double breeking of the cont. ago. In bin 11111bat ere in a positim to ...let further boned Jeep word winch had stood at n] tin Hopkins, runner-op Met me• ale Bear he Wall In tide work, your additraeat contd.- 21 feet, A nine. for N. last thirteen .. bee. lent Clarke. Booth and Proctor, the ehalreran of doe. mot to Wlillato H. Hal.. Jr.. leer. Although Dutton of the Ganent oulatanding stars, end ran only he he Hour ComTenn... will be aelthowledged and .too the neat with the remarkable dieremdted th u a ...Me dark bor.. N. tee of bit .Lea, tame of 22 feet. 4 04 inc.. Ismberti V. I". may show unexpected power. tenseer of the bettered the old Herreroed mark when while Uhino College., with the largest Feedlot. tenet le leaped 21 feet. 10% inctee. end number of entries, P. another unknown Lea and • memfew Mute. later Captain Bogen quantity ber of the Verabaft.. the new r.ord with • lump "Hostages of Fortune" Pubsify tenni. teem. Feet Flake Is ri•Nbrit MIAASZA.I.L. I/ of 22 feet, be inch. Pitter. with • leap He len played lished by Haverfordian; There is I fait held In the teeter/ of 21 feet. I Lnebee, bet one inch inert Varsity tomer for eine the rarlene. Seloionmaker, oe Peen of the tad record, failed to even place. two years .d teeReviewed by Dr. Snyder Relay fame. ghoul(' ante ..seem I point. Ma lee three, receiving him -11" in both Delos High Surer for N. T. U. in both dashes. Denbo. Dutton, the Swarthmore Freshmen @port. He became Editor-in•Chiel of The Harerfordi.o hue reeently pub- of Dickineon, and Jones, of fiettodung, --Man. 1••• the News towns] the latter part of lent .d high-aeon, of the Ilebede ("Anne called iFludegee of who no two dead heat. In their dual Madden's Orchestra to Play 481 Entries in meet peer. He we. nice the winter of the h fifteen point. to hie nettle. Fortune," containing the oneenrado- meet thy. year, ere dangerous M. A. S. Meet H. wen in took first place In both ahorter • te writing,. of Cbrietegiber Morley, '10. either Menne. Heyne, ne. nodete Debetheg Medal and of Hopkins, at Senior Prom on Listed With Official doebn and the brood Jump. Igo,. of the welLkoown wick red essayist. The era be counted oe for Re..lm • member of the Junior De. leant one place. Haverford, with win. in both hurdle Agit. to there woek were preeured Korey, of Lafayette.at hating teem. which defeated Ike SonJune 12th in the 1011, and Numbers 11.11, snd Lewin. of Swarthmore. who bpeetir Haverfordian only eller • dra• Dolton, of Swarthmore, lore • abort time ago. took the mile and the two-mile runs, Indic nee with three or four pnblisb- be well up at the fieleb. In the 220, will Was Auk. Pratt.. Arnngemente are nearly completed The Haverfont - w. Ne me:, ha la were the other double winners_ Cap. •re to e.ure and This year he waded in the office of for Crommeneement or Senior Claes ere. to ilhearated Robin.. of Mohleoberg. is the outprogram needng twin o have Roeers_ the evork..pyriebted. of the Searle. and president of hie elem. He vest g Ileg TOO uhedule Black, quelerooller. He hold. the for the day is • ell the details of the Middle itdAlnide at. prayed tem member of the Andean' Conedreed lone A dent time ado, due to the start. reeved for his diet...• which he sue lent one and Mewed prove of interest State. Annual Teen and Field Meet, the low herdic. points with seconds is the Prom Committee. Next year he to everyone connected with the Col. which will be held on Walton Field Fri. loam, awl third the 220, end the broad of Pittman and Oro.. of the Haver. year, and (Mould repeat this year Wen will work on the 1926 Claes Record end in the endure. ratlike bun.* bud nix copies of Umpered by • had leg. ernil. of Le_ lenee-seklegenthenkel *geed Belied. after000ee. in es the geol.. May The Currants fetenielttee,'•• Well ma the who remarkabie hullvidut peeeoutrIbudens to the Haver- hi.. sad Barbehenn. and Bell. of Hnt. .11 be berate behind them what ▪ d 23rd. The Progreso is band on tke ler...tuner of the afternoon w editing of the -New... Morshall hoe hat dartso were tYped. Two cooks wre reek are probable plane where.. e noel style of trerk publlestion. of Baker. a Genet frenbman, in the ruched to the Libel, of Cong... it ed also hen weeded • Vanity debate ker. ha. been their home for four yearn. to the half-mile. Edward. of HopThe eventa Ere linted its ebroolloetell Wane throw. Hie heave Commencement exeryee. will be of 139 feet. Reran tentative o soPYrilbt am obtained. line, who Inv no the 11.) in len. thao order. time of nett event I. meted 1014 loran. not only In his Freebie.. year Heiler wee held as llPsla in Roberts' Hell at eleven •1 the The brake the Morley glee bin perminton to the pubtop of the page, together with liwartbosore mime., elsoulel teed the field. Inanaur of hie elate tack team as well o'clork. Degren.II be Owen eat to the reeved which he held. be ic-allot, sod in 1112 weeke the book onerly, of Swarthmore. 'Mould wore, Middle Atlantic Record for nerenl feet, hot it rank. as tatting part In meets in the earache the ardent. who hare completed their !hetoffietel him •mong wag printed and ready for ale. Dr. but Inn, be ',lowed ...feeler event. The holder of the leading dineon down in the thud, thrower. in the linycler, Review of the 'Hung. of of belfmiler and hurdler. mi. year mune. here and verloos sward. made. the record and when m.1.1 and 7.r, by the oeft.sity 01 conning where he made The epeaker for the morning will be reentry coda. be advanced to • prat!. of the Van Fortune. sneer. on the editurial pads • fan beel it are .lea Mated the day before. Farnham, Another Garnet record fell when of !hie week's New. oily team. Darien Ms career an • Felix E. Sebellieg. • Promlue. mem of Imfayette. Ample timer hoe been the gay point-winner prorated to Price, • third Swarthmore Plink he maintained n high sebohortie lere of the feral, at the University of keel. • lilt of the winner. from 00.0 year who LIMA. Atditle• Pralleked of the trial run, and either deeding eod reeked •reong the Vorpor• Pennsylvento. he or hie teammate Wed, who ha. beet. rine. and the qualifying round. Of +cored an unexpected wilt in the high junto. talon fleholare. It hoe relating been prihred the Carpel in FL tending limited Gann le Mt After... ernen him ronsistenily this season. may the field errata. All the qualifying trill. meth le that event to 3 feet. 9 inch. During thia Lent year he has mend of 1000 copies, of which half are push Edward. A beget luneheon will be aereed in will lake place on Fri.', end Patentee es menu, of the Y. 11. C. A. •rd Fournier. ed sod Issued ter 14.nlerd Takes Load sale. Of the will see the Muds in .11 event. At Lewitt, Sara Date.. Rene hat beet eleeted to the off.. of eke nradeatitui Hall immediately after the the beck of the Program The meet darted suepiciougly for the Out hound. all bet mbout 73 were .nt ezercinee, soot all the gouts then le a Lewin. of Swarthmore, and 11.nel., pendent for the ner to coma. He it terse fie the total point aeon of each Scarlet and Black when Wallet], out- to Philederphia and New York. The re- of Lerayette. are the feeteet adhere, alaloe a member of next year's Braden: of die College ere invited to mood. eed 1'1dt/entityrompettoir a did kluteelf and beat %%Woe. ef Ike maining tropism were reserved for mile though Rohltlieg. There will he • bluebell game and other to Haverfurd and.. Al prin. eonof !tweets, may eveCouncil. Sire ow holds the office of Mm.. of an entrie. Cornet, to the due pot by • kw in the afternden, but It 1.11.1. A complete prise •Idersibly below the retail. take Mot or eetood. The preeideet of hie class. Hewee for- b0 notlater been decided Just who will together with their somber. uranium ran. Fowler nen third for Here, two-toile should 0, close between Baymers a member of the New. Board. ford. Thenin the 109. Roam end the Large open aerarded earh event. Cram. Evident he the eertieleente. Some mealtime., ley, of Diehl... and Lewis, of SweethRosen of the too home Playa Ise Root tet Tew followed such se Faculty-Alumni or Faculty Henry Hoeft.. Although the hook was not ad., more. with Gledleiter, of Iluek.11, end Dutton to e ape. The new !Indents' Coenefl to which Seder Clan will be mule. The Program ie profe.17 Lev000d The breaks great Pritchard or Van Burke. of Ramer. altheme tnee have Jut beew elected will thbeg. to go the other thsed. there way imonliately Tea will be served is the Union dur- with large mite of the College Aropill• asy when Lewis.taNineteen re work in conjunciion with the old or. ing the nod Perdew drumd for it. Many melee who died mom gore to sto. end Wk.. There en efter000n. Whether thle writing. and were Interested Lowry. of Haver ford. mud Allen, et tool an three Ann for Swarthmore geolution from to until the cod of function non photherephe .4 !redraft Hererford to the mile. will be ereompenied h7 daneCliff earned so unexpereed in hint wrote le /eking for isspien of Lafayette, ere the outetandioll Iterate,. the College peer. Adel. will be given ing for the tnek gear. melon. mionese One pue set hes not been emend in the reek to Hull. of these ending of hie wenn. Req.., Lowry beat out Allen for second Mat to the new member, an to the paten eoted to halftenen of De. Babbitt 3. IL H•rerford, withpole be the committee to change. Chedwick cod Plow. were neeived from a far away en Meg yea In the blob hurdles and spooled that here been permed in the past derided Claes Erarel••• le *Medal Genf. Hoene. A. Haddleton end 11- Bates. win thie )tar, although Bender. of Getan Befitting the third plane point he. nrhusette. aod lb.. that have been outlined. for The Senior Clue Day exereleeir bane The four men have token en settee ween the two teem. The obi.et of the publintion wee not tribe,. soot 01.0 be reckoned with. the felon. part in preparing all plan. end the no • Peed, commerrial oee. It wee to The low hurdles. will probably no to Mau Upset. The Cutome Committee will pre- been scheduled to take PIM* t the menus detail. for the Meet. Tatum no • pretty quarter-mile for bring to light the week of the Hever- Abe. with Low, awl Roger. of Haysent • report containing their plan. o'rioek In the Memorial Garden But A of the °Sieges and universittee the demilet end Black for next year to the POW council ot behind the library. The netiellin there tint Set end pushed foedien hod It ndvertim the college. erfurd. close behind. Jon., of (ratty.. are member. of the A.oeistIon the 40.1 minting of that burly. TM, will follow the euetomer7 Moved.. riven. A complete In of the offieen Is Rumble of the Carnet to the limit with Although Morley to very widety known burg, who Frond lam year. will place of his fral. emint. Miller (aline Odra throughout thin country and England. sales. to tired from hie work In the meeting will be held sometime after Id Mende the presentation of the the ...elation sod the members of the for Haverfonl. Lowry had no trouble mold people doeint know of his rela- dunes end the broad ramp. the tethering of both the new end the Spoon by Lord, Chairman of the Speen Exec... Committee are old which in to take plate thin week, Committee: the reedtng of the Cl... with their capacitite. lined tottether winning the high hurdle. but Norton's tion to H•verford. This book wilt be Ten Denthlem Mem Compete Hinory, by 2010.000. the Cease Ellaof greet vale. to the Coltege In lieklog McConnell, of Allred, and Bender. cover 1. of heavy hurl-eye Mine second for Swarthmore wee again PIP cip•ite the Ckee Poem. by the Claim of The name with that of on of Anted. of liettraburg, who placed espected. Hoskin. Pia ,d third. GRADUATE SCHOOL NOTES Poetn Charles a pkin white.. A Scarlet and Bieck V fourth and ea's toremom au Seller.: the Claes Pro- will The two-mile run way( one of the fifth 10 the 4...bleu et the Peon Re. run acne. the top left had earee. are good ell-rood field men and • The aevett Entduste school Mud. • phecy; and the Farewell Address by the ber of die cover, A high-geede of h., best nee. of the du, entomb the ueay place In any of ...rat who are working for dm degree of Ma - Orator. Francis Barton. enamel paper will he osed throughout result win extreme], diuppoiettog CUSTOMS COMMITTEE event. from • Haverford At .l.-thirty upper will be erred the editlou. One dimmed envie. J onee, of Gettytraure, who won nee ler of Arty ben turned in their the.n will SwerehmenVe.dietastandpoint Leer. In the Sunken Garden (theme. of he printed and the. Programs dee nor, had fiat on the varions aubj..et. Ii which (b DRAWS UP RULES broad Jame loot year eboold eePe.t tdwill be bramelf, outdid...log hie hope to take deer.. The net N e the Clam Day exercises) for 01.50 a eater on Thursday. Fridge Rol &turd. plaee Guanord on eye I. Nemec 2 competitors with rue, and the reel •••• Solklle Bellutletle Free plate. The meet .11 be followed by of this week. or the themes to he turned in w St...! the eltigher of the Seniors on the step. wee for .fiend plan. Feld., May 15. Body at Ler. FIW Peel Romeo. All the entree. but Lewis were well of the Senior venoms of the dining. The proof wee read nod received the OOLOZtO WILLEXIDAZ The first meeting of the new Cueteal everted. this afternoon At West bunched until the Mat lap when Clo- tetra Committee to take up therules elith leLLX. Chester. The Progra. IndirnAT-lennww. hues., meow m of the pres.• thier, of the Garnet, maned one dread end venom. for neat year vas called Play May he On. Aisle • n. Iteeta !Cm, lgaid 01 re of H. It...Temple. of Went Cheater. by Chairman Evans, `Lt . 1.1 ThornComma. on Or •, eaospi • A progremene dente will be given 111111=10.• 71.••••• tot.,, m "01, day, May 14. Thin year'. rules wen The Haverfordian the gymnadone et aloe Orlon. rum e••••■ e7, netema .0. nrerally mine over and *puree.] ill et I. •dtnisaion will be 1(2.00 per couple .d Announces Publication Aellerill although there will rer7 ProbIIIIISDAT-IserualI•1 I11.60 for stare Delwin to teenic Um. on May 50th of a Limited fond.. ably be later neaten and eddltions. it. vv. Tonnelm. Midas Ulu. by George Maddetee Orebee11 won Edition (1000 copies) derided to Taal* drop at from awarthado. off the in from Wilmington, will lase until wanna,o.. fist, the role which provides that Penh bsid• of nee o'clock. The decoration. to be men r X. nail O. A. only smoke in their own or h.d at the deota have not yet been II*. teammates room. Next ner's Shinn dedded upon, and my noel.t of the TIFWAADAS-latasiwitards t r • hats will be of the umual green 'colon usual Starlet Md . Hark or. lower. mot Vahan Wit. /at Pd.. with relieve top button. and yellow mar, It la poullde that the pray may be Mears. They will all be of a uniform FASAUX-X161.1. Lanatta Small Nett. pre.nted finite by tbe Cap and Belle by Chriatepher Morley eize. six sod three quarter.. • for the benefit of the Alumni. Mod ✓wr O.I. Aaids aim1.1.1z, . It erne netted by the committee to The Book is a Collection of the members of Oct net hove agreed IAIVXDAT-411. A. 0. A. a. trash bare ..seem mere meeting. before the to the performMee, but emend of of Poems, Essays And sow. 11sala If K. L. I. Ism. at clone of the pellet. year, to Mite up them will he away at the time. The lewhia O. O. laiithati Short Stories That Mr. mot ceneidet ne7 ....limn which msy Alumni ere Do anniour, to have another bright away-Crldiat Est, Morley Wrote For the come In from the .cadet body ut Iss C. 0., at ham. appeannee of 'The Boomerang' that large. It Inn thought by the 0es. 1.1Haverfordian While At they hen offered to 011 the place. of XXXTTICIX tee tbe feet that next year.. .stores Nom members of the east who will College. are •t present ie the Irate of formabe XOtrirAT-Iss, 00.01 at T. tion ithould be generally spend abroad Whether the ;Me nhould he $2.25 SIMIDA7moon, the uudergradente body Ana given on Feld., or Retool. night Is NPIEDZEIDAT-T. X. C. e. to Ma auggentiorta receind. *nether minden that In Atilt been Rend Dr. Snyder'. Sec mender of the C111110011 CAm. SItlyntrA7debited. To have it on Senior Claes RC/1i~ In This lune FRIDA.7.-7•Oiraidlonlia• Met lia••• mitten will remise either written Day would certainly crowd the day eI the New. IIATIMDAT-1•••1•11 Wt. Odayst*, or oral soffeation sa to what rehire full of solleity. hot Per.. that I. • • 111101. took will Geary. Fraraman or eollege cumin. ebouhl state to he desired. laternanalata Xs. sash Omelet of m 1":11==1:1 HAVERFORD WORKS OF C. MOPIE1 COURTED COMIIINCEMENT PUNS Mt IS PURISM GING COMPLETION ILLUSTRATED PROORAM Ne boo d m ALUMNI HOSTAGES TO FORTUNE 13th ANNUAL Middle Atlantic States Collegiate A. A. Track and Field Meet Friday, May 22 Postpaid Admission Sle 18 COLLEGES 3 p. m. at Walton Field Hiverford College Saturday, May 23 Admission SI Grandstand $1.50 400 ATHLETES ▪ ▪ ▪ Page 2 HAVIRFOP.D NEWS HAVERFORD NEWS A. Sr..* nentiamagMom ef .. to liavarlerd 07. sad 7 MU. DR. HART "Y" SPEAKER FELLOWSHIP OF YOUTH FOR PEACE IS SUBJECT OF TALK BEFORE Y.M.C.A. DR. SNYDER REVIEWS "HOSTAGES OF FORTUNE" BY CHRIS MORLEY, 110 Seelors Will Follow With snort Tette at Plaid 11.5155 tier. Jerk Han. well-known to Flm.• erfoml undergraduate. and • regular EDITORIAL BOARD minuet meeker at Y Meeting*, Will address that organization at Ire weekly [Mt. 11 Itandonn fneefin7 Wedeesde, ereolog. Hop 20. aaramas Hest Le the chaplain of the Chapel of w a. Jackson atl the Tranefigurallon la Plillatielphia, ou barn. BRAN. Woodland avenue. In which he bee In. Polo. "T1 A. R. Carman. nn remnant many Univemity of PeansylL. dons.... RI t. Rhode TM ,tinis etbleten and prominent students Memel Mina He ham not announced his aubSeet W O. Orman 'St but it wit" likely be taken on we Madam MEW phone of his work with the. men. Bwartle. At the following week's meeting, the Men of the year. three S.M. Inn W Mod Pordellsena. aneetra.. al give *borttdkaon whatever hog By DR. EDWARD SNYDER AIM Berm, 7 Alan C. Hunter. of the Fellowship pr.eed them moon Miring their four Had of Reworked Dent el Eplln of Tooth for Peace. spoke before the years here. This In an ennui.' modem. BUSINESS BOARD Avery reader will be intareeted In The threemen to nook hove sot yet weekly T. DL C. A. meeting, Wednea. Hosts... of Fortune. the new miles. been derided upon day evening. on 11a subject of the 7. • tem of CluittOpher Morley.*contrt. Meer11.• Nosy work in which be is engaged. He h. button to the ' Ffererfordien dollop bin nage Mat returned from montane morels in undergraduate tiara. The book hm a MmgaMI nal.e tth thir Fellowehip end double (Merest: 2dr. Mnrier eerrpjer plane soon to male further excunions Panttion among eonMale.< Mumma e.ch a foto the Orient to further it7 0. O. sel • 0. Pony. •tt temporary writers that hie juvenilia are He began by tolling of the FellowT. Be... II of value firer for whatever literary ship. the origin of It. the work it is Mum. ParaMetwe Mum. merit thry poteens, rind second for 110111..d its plans, and developed the the light they throw on hie eulmequent a. we hi. of Haverford enelentio Mining with 'an .1.11 eletarraM. development •• a thinker and writer. it. In this connedtion he mentioned you Ilk, one of the plena, you Sr. that May 18. Is International Pleased: If you dont like it. you are • ft■WO to eM1.71 .eery emtm 1.17 Hay and the organisation plane to seed happy to find illtmenttion of your 01177 af 7171 yam m Cana.. Mb. • .able to Japao and Chins. bearing a Pet the.. that it Mk. rents and ea. Pannelds. Cemetar. 111.7 Wang genre of postieol toil to make • really / •ade Reverfard Oahe. word of greeting to the etudents there. • enno. Womm. He imam...tea that a Moup of lot....NM. Pm cee.rol writer-the theory of Ara paled under...tee from Harerford 11.1.1171. our 177 at am Rm. nge• f'odrr ntok conditions you por. might have a part in 171 eweeke by Prim ow am.. an At •meeting of the Harerfordiaa chear the little volume with the ye,. Por nog. writing their resolution m the nadineml •••••• board on May 15 Robert Barry, Id. taint, of "Heeds I win, tails I d "t ▪ •• omoodola•• manor .heationarters. Gram m tummies, PA gmeem lae elf ell, Cies. of nies. wax elected • Orgaolealle• I Freshens Charm:Writes Work level tria.sfoe of the ouh11601011, Aditor.in.eblef for 10215-20. Dendd C. In the talk knell. Mr. Hunter said Gram. mint 25. relerlegl lo I. rest eta. eet llWay. An n twitter of fact. these youthful was &amen Rosiness that the Fellowship of Youth for (cure re. 1.1 reaonm. hlatteger. HaroldE. Bat., '27, was prodectIon• hare a savor of fresbnera a d bpi tint an international or elected Cireniatiou Manager. end Ad- and eptaMneity not always to be found xanization beyond the dreams of it. othoon J. Allen. ~mr/AI. do 001 aecessanly 'la. War taken on the ill Mr. Morley't mom recent moneys. sent the opinion of the matire Modest bounden, Croup, of French. German. editorial board. Howe not the (Maker, thinn7 of preach and now Japanese sod (Thin., etuthe miblier Barry entered Haverford One years ing epply. efter all. to de to here become very math is ago with the Cia. of /WM. In the O.. of composillonS--ehe theory that i,w,IvIrrijde . „...,,,,lit..i.e4nort ,enn.ig A tight editor Le on duty at The minlater shouldnot hold forth once middle of his junior ye.' he left colto lege and remainedoat for nearly two News office in the Harerford Haien week et a elated hour, but only when every evening, acept Saturday. to re. for year, if poweible. years, During thit Hine he traveled the Spirit move. him. The morays end "We nee frying to get these gl71. and stories in /footage. of Foreels. by phone or nervous' Interview ebroad and worked on the tool of the any news Items from any emir.. Phone in all .nun vie to clod? WM and pence Brenta, Public twitter and taught Ian tune Were nut gentled out to supply Ardmore 2176. Offiee bourn 0-10 P.N. prohlerto and the renne. underlying ne114.1. He returoml to pollen thin Priem, emelt by week with two column. oat. with • view to orgeninng them tem, and Imo ho. for The BOW11117 Grease: they were Ink en on the %seine, the ithoolenale alanchter nf men. Ilneerfordian board. He Is oleo • mem- writtee with the effervesee.. of epirit From a Freelunan View women and ehildren, whieb would he only Him makee for good reading. There are a few moreu.r.t. col- the maul. of 'op future war. Another ber of the Pi /HOMY. Thane. Cray wrote poetry only when Brow. was originally in II., Clam of lege runnels of BAtvdaed than that purpose is to internt thinking young he was In the mood for III he nave by which lb. Freshmen ere made to mn and women in the problem. of nein Ile also left renege for • year. not the near and The Bard Dr. Sohndo work which will benefit the college chi Inbar and rate, together with the and re-entered in 1024. Retort he tett .. wrote whenezer DeMentltY o0 he war no the Modems. board of the a whole. This m .] in.rea the !lenient. P.n.. and political on.env us London and The Hewn and he Neonele n member of the pelted. n *wren being done, zed besides Ir. tione of their vIelnillre " ot Woman Wiehem-7.1 con Hererfonfinn malt MN year, He sang Toni}, of rangen an equal distribution of labor Line Deleted Witeted them, ever try to vend in the Glee Club thie re., and war through the four years of ooliege. That 'Lice molte, ie whet we desire. The mom, on Aterenmo'a letmre It sometimes Ineonernlences thr Fresh. internationally. We do not wont. in elected to the Pi Suriety, He Is presiI t a I '0 11:01-li g. yet men or interfere. with n0elle eater the rm od the Wed, of oer emmee dent of the Kadin Club end ha charge like all of Mr. kforley's thorn., eriti• work whin, they may have to do I. and prepsration. propagendw but in- of th• college broach...ins station. ng mordent. (What • joy it is to Allen h. been nmember of minor importuner ono long es a cer tencomnoiniention and Bonk... We the here one'selter who combine. wisdom play rant for the pet two years .LI tain amount of conniderstion is prac- winh Ow young people or this age to and modenty twee in literary criticism:1 ticed by the upper-ein.men, but 1614 learn more aboutmoh other end to in a member of the Cep end BBB In 14.4. the Idfe of fon Irish mneldenlfou should be imp/77111 and pin more front in human net., It Society. Bate, beeide working for the Waltrees. we Inhave enneestioned evt• hen conneeted with dente of equitably shown. in a shame that must he Mken mid Ilaverfordien, the delicate humor which in It in s matter of mnietant irritation mon 61,0 rhos not promo hiehly so, elle Itla.Kerilrett of serer.' Matot. Mr. Morley'e principal charm. When interviewed about the future to, the Mini. that them ere einem cesefol.Series'. Untwist" certain members of Ihrir claw Me Hunter sent on to tell how be policies of the Harerfordlan. the heti But loot 01 11 in the burlenque literbecause they hove won athietir or find joined in the purpose and Inter F.11110i-ill•I'hier said that tbe present vial prominent, in college, am fre. the orgeniention itself of tbP Fellow- pollen.. of Oh, • Me would be eon- ary eimey on The I.imerich-s pert., . gamely on what e'en' tenehei of Engwith some minor changes. lie ouently exempt from name of Me mom ship. end then oloweribed his plane for 41 that the prsetire of rerelving lish dm.. in his hexer,. on what Peery W... duties that fall tn the An te retablisliing the idea in the Orient. He fin IL Whole. The 0111.1oril, of (be told of the starlitot of •roups in Amer-- alumni and faculty contributions would contribumr to the Saturday Bellew doe. in his remys I mango being thin Freehmen minim( Ire M. 71].7lit bon roll.. and the method of non- be enntinued. but that an effort would retie. to a happier conelunion than by tale.. or amoniplielonems an- motion made between them end than br made to elicit se such undergradnulus • euffloient re on, for these PA of the For Baer. Fran. end Germany. uate innouarript am poneible. Thar clouting:. . P orner 1 ore nay lisrerfunlian.7 he deciliter'. .with., to emotion, They bold the opinion thug etwenn rastopt. bele. ass WODOI Host Hug Sign remain primarily an nndermgduate the order -All Mini. report to rti. anon. Loner.. lean marl Pomo -The Jape.e are an example of the publication." Hen immediately utter lune-11" is hind. II low gab need of Brennen. and dip..cy omeninn to •11 it is Medias to nor. with sag• ...ill. was • fan. so. at teerta. preeerm good feeling. They Of MR Ilf• be mow •M the exception. of course. of the men ore rathertouch,- nine. the Pew..lei roil er he pg. free rengictIng Hamm. dm Exclusion act and onything we 1.11 of • roe RIO. • Nor dnen the minMpal fault M tills 101 A_ V. Monte. President of the do to allay that feeling will be in The ea. Ile with the more fortunate Fresh• Ilene nor of . netional eervire. They are Mem& Anniseilltilla. has offered no the re love • nen, •wl tea Melt. Th e upperotemlne. eh.. of I people with whom we might to be College a collection of phnt. of rile elealereof traeholoahall glad, Coslos •nso the mei.. ocrivit.ra, ore chiefly re• Athletic temms of his period on will •Il Whet., the moles el the eponaible. They Ming thetneelves the friendly. It ix up to onir youth to Meet present In the Library n ram 01 the mono Lo 77•117 on moM etlaral pea. privilege of overlooking the offense, of the Jaraartir holf.way. The young Bret member of Oh, Beet edition of the we mom mtralt •olmitle Orneat117. people there ere omanized and It only Wan.. •ed. elk Me those whom they hove no lei.h to pun. .eosins for us to do our part. We Pfilladelphis Pablh• Ledge,. I.; they stand Born some Rhin'. what nal. H. H. Oen-i.s tos moved from eonmbIert to m. o. We here mum give them heart.•Poleir denim. no en. they would not brook from others: Chicago to Clerelsedar where be Is Ion' of • aoul The weaker roncluded be eaying AA 11 erel .tenth omen.. they show marked partiality in endless eldelled phearr mow the ololfehon of mn pmehologicel problem End you we Superinteltdent of the Clete's. end pilled wve. the best fitted In cope with it. There Intleburgh pit-init. of the Pen.ylrania tr. rod." flowerer mulch the Frenchmen gruel. itymem. His home eddreea is inum be torten to make In feel the tneke, need io . Mom. TM emend elme ao the Me et heeled to du 5710 Euclid Aron.. Ctrvelenti. and think about it. Leer get at 7rhe P.Ira eat mat they cannot but realise the justice '211. Robert t. Petry ban 'bibbed his rh.te. mar. the lane and no in end clear it nil hleti •re told ove,rthlew Int le of this ',tent If It fairly admin. nave and for work et Princeton for the degree of all." slob.lest •nough . lehl . to •Ildel one erred. However dintasteful the work Doctor of Philosophy. For the at lromio•Ona rgrely the telt. le the. Int which they an rolled upon to du, they ye.. Dr. Petry bee been aptmlnted An- two Ile. ser .etts em. brad hart before them always the 7100 01 r of Phyeino no Snook. •tiolina . ( e. i:2I . e.,. Pro nfre enno , for in wail ND other Ablates. poet and future. underbola= Mom ."Inoh. no rent... la •odLdalb 4.,e, ta Mums wom. Zl. The marriage of Andrew- linOwn s going the mine difficultiee. It in .17 ram.. IWO. elchow to MienFiliesteth Fronton, took pleee the Cannel martin.. that they truly •• noiristle Ilts The •Inw en' The arritio of the I...burgh Club at Pon Marina. California, on May 8. repent. a el .11 ommosilot to mon hos 1.011 h/0111, Ihr linen of etudeut en N. Mr. and Mr.. Jamie Horloh Tit • web. cheeneonly enrongn r. loos e tension work I hie moor mot for this Ile, of -Cherrylee Bryn Mane. announce Alan C. Hunter Tells of Need of Connection of Youth Internationally Finds New Book Interesting as an Early Work of Prominent Author PROBLEMS TO BE STUDIED SHOWS THOUGHT TREND BARRY AND GROSS TO HEAD HAVERFOROIAN Chosen Editor and Business Manager; H. Bases Heads Circulation Dept. ALLEN TAKEN ON BOARD lo MAY 18, -1925 MacDonald & Campbell Provident Mutual Lee fimuniere Comp." of Mimi* /a A•ail rtdJ An Opportunity for Life Insurance Training Paul Loden Manager Philadelphia Agency III South Fourth Street LEA0170 1PW.C2ALUTSW YOUNG MAN'S sew. ilaaSnoniar SweetoCleele. St. Mary's Laundry, Inc Ardmore, Pa. Halieedmilmtr 14.orin4Ammeel Hers Best of Service at 1314.1336 CHESTNUT STREET PH/LADELPHIA the Right Price See "Frank - in ARDMORE THEATRE the C!tcm' PICK 0' THE PICTURES iafry Builckrig. Hone that MIMS* W. Gamester Pike. Arguer* ONE'S APPEARANCE Goad clothes do not make success but they are a part of it. Your appearance is all meet people have to judge by. Don't undereatimate its value. False judged. economy often causes a matt to be mis- Our clothes cost a trifle more at arta but they retain their shape and last twice as long as a ready. made suit. Why not get the best and get it here' PYLE & INNES LEADING COLLEGE TAILORS 1115 WALNUT ST, a tinned ALUMNI NOTES Decoration Day H holiday dress. Better place your order for a new OLIDAYS demand suit right now. Maybe a ` awl pair of knickers or flannel trousers is all that you We have Ina nor prices require. Everyone goes out of $28.75 and $38'75 doors on Decoration Day Knickers (pt. Ft,....) -and in this warm, sunshiny weather, a fellow $8-75 and $12'7$ simply has to be properly Flannel Trousers dressed in order to enjoy $8" and $12.00 himself. Let our representative Will Display Every measure you for a suit of Thursday the new light flannels. J. Lin Hill in charge The EDWARD TAILORING COMPANY, Inc. PHILADELPHIA. PA. Pittsburgh Club Will Elect Officers This Week or Next The College Cuaion, Some weeks ago there wee ronsIder. nide discumion over the pr. 111%1 eons of the (.11•1010n Committer. Such Mon initeelt con enentintging nod rtineanl o healthy symptom. lint it nhould he borne upon...old in mindthat toning and Sophomore room. of basing are wornout They have been proved of bolo Ater rkeh college. aid unlierettie. are movin g away from fuming for the pure pimmure 01 basing. Indeed. no linPer. et Iiiimeford nt the p.m], rime enn mere hack to hit trall birth. men seer and ley hie finger on nay definite ammeter improvement that onto wrought by a baling system. It Ian the public sentiment of the alu• dent hotly tbot alone hue the power to women a fresh Fmohnken. Again going heck to the enrourneing *nom., of Costenix Committee die. eungion. it wns noted that mood of It wan of n destructive .rt. However. there were nod are padtire ouggearlone of value Unitcap better the whole present system of general College and Frenchmen modems. The cuatoms for neat year are now In the emcee. of formation. rrenhoom man be Blown] the error, of their ways when they are erring. There are Certain contents that are d.inible for the College body as u whole. Urn the whole Puolent lowly should have a port in the rube which regulate Frosh• men and the misrules lint pertain to the whole mode.. Isoly. Now in he time to make 0.111, suggestion to neat Year, Cnstoms Committee. 777-=_ir a reamon its Fenn. on the InnItnin Ito em.hil 40 Its culture. The Club hen moopermed with the Pre. Club t excnot it getting ill177 wit olumni in riltolmegli. !Weide...541 eon. '25, phone to hold a inening vithr this week or neat for the election it next years The dote is it yin indefinite r e the conmoee dow its nornere mist must he taken inn been AMOggNOTi IIITATILLS iTna 11110■11-01. P.n. in -gammas - Oggffelf02-gborstm. 413(7.11. twolf. wont. ..amt.mrh. 1..." *OWNS Sou.: owe. .11.0.44-14. C.o. It • Timmlay. Wod. Rms. &Mon. La Tblaf of 117•Ad.” Miarm y 11.1.17/ • 11. IMetzsaw by no •nr. M... in "T. Way al • 17" grxxe-isises •77122-111.. Tom, rox-Aewes • •"Ths 0e.,a Raary &IA" Thom. rd.. OM; / I. mil erratare-arminam 011/ Naha. °ID a. the ongagement of their dnuabler. Mira no Norris Tuttle. rn Dorinlit El- door down holow n ererlertl. .4 sits Ion lolly se., siloolur him liot Trilbur. min Mellee Zile to. before no Mine. 17 Isle row, soar, now teamed WM olthoto me •11. els rare. an plawly folded. . monli onfolly rota i. Ito, Siemer. of Swertbnowe Col- a. sod Milne. IS... me. ban celled an executive meeting -Tbe Ink -Mete 7.• dew Sp no• of the Middle Atlantic State. Colle- no.. of no we twee sees ex gendml fram rMid-Ithe .7 to frast giate Anne-intl. Eanrfko lhoomittee Orhom •7. o•11.1.• sad MM.. 1 .1 of Ilneerfonl College on Friday morein M. one 7.0 Men . Mr mt All protest', promoted rationnwo 1 e II slams ht.. •Inne h. wed the Sena nem arrangements end rendiustewurs will halloo beneath his root. nu. 4.000., be received and considered at thle mere. (with Oa Benno.. mos 11401 000t• log. nee lore Mine lonam nor' •ani At the meeting a tem...are ...- tarot Mort for Mill to the nom man tan'-trenaltrer will beelected to take mle unto of My Momer gator... ny We AI. 7.1.17 to morn te Wm net the place of F'. C. Harwood. of Frank. moo lin and Alernhall College, who died morr na•. nom.. no Me a.. •ed neaten of 114 fe. •Me two weeks ago. mem. Ur manna 17 Ia. to Me btlkr ad M. • two en of femme. to 1. nommow eana. whom Ida stern Ma on loos Ihrolood .11 •gatast hon. .y Wave noome On imam from th• ammo at Manno a 71.• nal fn. The last meet... Founders Club lint EXECUTIVES WILL MEET Founders' Club Will Gather on Commencement Day of will be held early in the evening of Pride,. June 25th. The election of OM Mame east officen for the nurceedien year will beheld at that thne. The recutar meeting which was 10 have teken place within the Let few week. boa bad to and Poultry rte pontnoned sere.] times beemme the apeakere of the evening were unable to attend. on amount of illne., The men .3ieth Awe.. wham the Club bad planned to have Wrens the meetionwere the Prof.Reading Teemlesal WARM .. of Arthaeolemr at the UnieeraltY of renosylvania and Bryn Meier Col. I se Twelfth and Merkel 30... Pill,.. TUBS one of many! The °there ar fully as desirabf-footwear for any requirement, any occasion, & reasonably priced. You ar cordially invited to come and look 'cm overt Has...ford men miff (led that ow Fiala. ffelPhia shop at 1221-1223 Chettous Street has shoes a sho thee sir worth Meng. OPen dotty hems oe en 6,9 pee-Sarnia,' i l e m- WM. A. BENDER Batter, Ern BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS ens IMG01.011ALID e-• 1Lad1LLP1t.Ol.PHILADELPHIA HINVYORIC NEWA3U1. • DROOICHOR • - MAY 18, 1925 HAVERP.0ED NEWS EDITOR.' COLLEGE SPORTS ALFRED ROSELL! VARSITY TRACK SQUAD HAS GOOD RECORD TO ITS CAI FOR YEAR THIS WEEK SPORTS Tawday M, A. S. te.te prelbaleerl. it Swarthmore. Wedetaday Freeltn. teeth With Lett. down High at het.. Thareday Interarademb Track Meet et home. Friday Flint day of Middle Atlaelle Track Meal at home. M. A. le. Heels se•taleela It Merle. C. C. Saturday S.M. day 111 Needle Atittetle Tea. Meet at Mme. M. A. 5.10.011 Oath it Meelee C. C. BMA. with Albright at Triumph by Garnet Lone Defeat hi Record of Three Years THREE RECORDS BROKEN tar Bathed.% defeat at the hands of Swerthmore finithed a Creek epee. of deal meets which, except for Ha conclusion, wen ooe of the most anemeeful in Haverford bleier/. Vittorio. over Dickinson, Rote.. .rid Deiaware continued a Orb. of wine which lied been unbroken since 1024 the net year that the Garnet bad triumphed. In four duel meele, Heverford plied up a tot. 01 280% Pathts to their opponent.' RAW Three lieeriet and Black records fell dart. the course Of the ceases. The fiat mark to In we. the pole molt record whirl Chadwick net last veer. Both he nod Hoskins, in the Dickin.o meet, dear. 11 feet, T Mabee, bettering the previous mark by 4% bathe, Theme. remained true to form by brealdng hie own dim. MOW on two different .c.lons. In the Ridge. meet he rei.d It from 124 feet, 7% inthes to 127 feet. 9% inch., while La the Delaware meet hie heave of 128 het, % loch .t • Mill better meth. The Oblett eiteerd to se by the board. was the broad Jump Meek whisk Y. M. Froelich., 'IA had held at 21 feet, 8 inches, .tee 1912. In the Swarthmore meet, Lamberti Leaped 21 feet, 10% ilsebew' ode to- hare [hie newly-net record book. a few minute. later when Cepteln Rogers jumped 22 feet, 14 Refer. High Seen. Captain Boger. WM high wore, of the season, enteeming 38 Poihts in the four duel meets. with place. In the dash, the low Nardi.. and the breed Jump. Loon, ...tent winner in both hurdle event., was a rinse eeroad to Regent with 84 pointe. Korn. with 20 point., sron in the dash., Watson with 20 in the weight evente, Lambert' with 19 in the Javelin end broad end Themes with 18 in the die; cue. were next in order. On heed 18. the troth egoad traveled to Carlisle and began their mason Anapleionaly by defeating DirkIn.n College. 85% It 4055. The Scarlet end ntly a railBlack Kole wan apPire bakored one for they scored at heat four points In verb of the fourteen erents, and twenty.tere men contributed .to the total score. The high repot of the meet win Chadwick and Hoskins nhetterine of the pole vault record. The net week-end name the Penn Relate. Elevereorda one-mile relay team ran thin/ to Swerthmore and Dkid.on in the Middle Allende States Close It charopioneldp ram Ell three team. breaking the previous re.rd In the areal Vinery be a hint On Mey 2 the Scarlet and Bleck c"doe men won cc g2812115C 2.22 with Rutgers teleereity of Walton Field be the Ile. inerein 6f -one pane. the Sad nee. heine 021% to 62510. San, 'or'. to the hurdles end field events amounted for the &Orr. Eftwerfan" Weed bolo five palate In the bli etnlght num. Thome. broke hie dieMO record by mom than three feet. DblAW212 wee Haverford'a third treek victim. the Blot red Gold roaon down to a 97.19 defeat Oh mer. kW 8 on Walton Field. Again the Scarlet and Mack combination appear. we balanced for Delaware took !hut In one event Duly, although they tied for first In another. Apt Them. raised the college amt. mark. Dela. by Duvet Lest Sabred...it was wee.... In the teeth event. diet met Haverfoni the' meet and on Swarthmore their Ent victory over the Scarlet end Bleck In three !WW1 by • 72% to 53% score. lifeverfortre 'treater atrength in the benne, more than amide up foe the Carnet ene•poInt sdrentage La the field events, but Swarthmore Phoebe& the meet by winning the rune. The Riddle Atlentle. Suites Chempionehipe. to be hld et Heverford this r teed let which Felder and tntoy Scarlet and Black men will eon, Pete, Will conclude the track wawa for 1025. SOUTH LEADS TOURNEY ow,. aid F ***** re. an Ponelble intrallmeel Teen. Whetters With the first tour mends of the In. trtnaural Tennis Tournament nertril over, lorecaide point to South a. the winners. The Southern netmen Nice tee.dy araeseed lfl points sod have ronelhilides bonamtreth d Hose for the serni•finela and finale. A math between Alcorn, of North, end Car man, of Merlon. le to deride Long. mtembLe opponent for entmen to the immillents. To enter thin round Hong. of South, mast defeat Wright. of FoCdem Curtin I. Centre's hope for mid. He le elteady in the seedling round. If Alcorn cont... to M. well he mer bring North Into peamlCarmen MIT provide Merton with extra volute. ft. Day Studente nmetimity elholtated with Lloro. The more* Kane at prePeut: South. Ith, Ceatte,101LIoyd.1),Modem% Foxed. em. 7/North. 0: Day Student:, 4. The Page SUSQUEHANNA SCORES WINNING RUN IN LAST INNING FOR 6-5 WIN Haverford Fails to Take Advantage of Chances to Score HAVERFORD LOSES LEAD A weird ....nth inning toLit the Ver. city bee nine II dose gatme ekelnet the klueguebanns team. tip to the seventh inning fongetreth bad hold thom.henna scoreless while hie teammates hod hefted out tear rune iriehilt him e commanding lead. In the seventh after allowing two Lite and limning e pane, Itle arm nye out, and he retired in favor of licillingehead. Four nine were in. were n the elate before three me .t out. Horn-ford scored three tiroes In the temoid inning when Milo mingled. Gott doubled sod Terkes drew a pens. Coupled with no error and • fielder's choir, Bine. Gan and Terken all Leered. Another run mute In the fourth when Tenneco. eine. and ,road on Ter..' en. blow. The Fatal Sivielth In the Intel seventh after Longstnrth rmired tionlogeheed tamed Prone lit eh' owl but then Mee hit safely and ewewalks plug en error or the Cricket with Movies C. C. at Mae. VARSITY SCORES WIN OVER MOWN C.C. Wt Juniors Beat Faculty; Baker Is High Bat in Varsity Match With 61 Ina itch atnyed between the Faculty and the gooier Cis. on Cope Field on Tbomder etternoon, toe /union, woo mils witlaa wore of 90 to Mt The root.. peered to be a very enlovable one to watch bemuse serend men on each side had not played be end any errors that were made were greeted with meth apple., from the parillon. The Fecaly are to be congrettilated on the epirit with whit+ they entered the match. PrOteseor Peet and Demi Wilson won special praise with their exeelleut work In the field. end President Comfort bowled well. tektite five tele.0 out of W.. Bathe. and Carmen were high lath for the ltiniore end redyed with 20 new each, The hotelitig over.ee for the eloper..eame were nil under 5.0. The resole of the met. won not n• reverted since the Juulor team eras a etrange one end included nix of the tore who ere imbedded to so to England this summer with the varsity. Vend, WI. The college cricket team won a desive rietorr over the Germantown . C. aggregation it Mimi.. on 1102 today afternoon. The Thirerford innings were declared alter 212 Mos bad been made foe eight wicket, down. anti Oennedown C. O. tot... only 09 rem et the fah of the last ed... Thlenmatitutee. the berth win of the team,. and se melt (ices a Ink .tile of the etrength of the college eleven. ' P. Garrett and Silver headed the hotting 11M ter Revertant and succeeded la toilette. 50 rune before the of the first wictet. Baker tees high bat for the nide with a score of M. and Stokes followed with 42 rune. Capmin Garrett decided to declare hie Inning. as the eighth wicket fell, in order to allow time to retire the other teem. Reds.' Pie.. With Tim• Coach Gothieil wee rem much plemeed with the howling of Haines. Gordy and Carman. Comfort sod Silver were not st their best and were ecored upon rather heavily. The Belding of the teem no a whole was very eadsfactory end they dropped only teen eat..l which were little more than puesibIliti.. Haines mod Gordy were obviemly the beet of the fire Haverford bowlers mul.- they amounted for three wick!. verb. Ike former with an •varage of 4.0 and the letter with 567, White. Greene. and Middleton were the outetanding bete for Gemeentown imer• hag from 12 to 10 Mine teek. send.. Mehl. At natl. Illwa bowl. 73 P. Gorrela eaught 33 T. Ootrero lerwled la A. abort.. 2.1.1 13. &kw. teeth U. blolow. molt O 0.32 bead W. 11.•••• Kyle 12 Pk. feel net/ B. Car.. OM .0 mr C- TWA., WO 201 "WI Inren• to C Total Boldenmonear IL Meow 30 r. Ore.* P. Clerk no .2••••1011 brbrdlewe toes bras.. MAO OKreenteee C• C. lentogg At BatHogg.. bonne Men; entidlit Ww. Itewled • HAVIIM0110 3TAIIS CONTTATINC on h.)01.8 AT1AMT7C3 lleper left: Captain Floogers, .28, fellew Of new Swett Jump Roomed. doper Centred Per l.40LcnO, the Heverford'• greet break wean. limier 'bunt: Tkonstro, '25, OM.. Record balder. Lower Left: Tato., '20, Korot-Novo too. Zi l•I t.te L Plte Krgo joetgrre, hell, F/Liih" Conte,: Lbw., '90, ....In Hurdle S.... Lower 121120C Chadeolok, L26, there. the Pole Vault 5.00. with 112.1e, r00. tided tangled out evented by error* ftvin Willey and Find. scored. Riverton) 11.41 the tte Middle Atlantic States' PreIn the ninth inning. God singled. rook second on Flint't out. nod .cured on liminaries Postponed Honing... nett blow. In the lest inning Weever mingled. nook second on The annual prelimituiriee of the ten. tliinettL,o single Baird drew pen nie tournament of the A. K. C, A. A.Siting the base.. Hollingshmd iseued • fr. Mtn to CMrk rind tarred in WeaII to held it Swarthmore on Tueada, er with the wino.. roe. te y 10. This sertio .11 efiminntion Twenty-one Strikeouts as Last Match Concludes SucTerk. Gets Three Hlts was ne• wheduied to be held Loneetreth pitched et eneell.et Mellon Loses by 8-4 on Saturday the 10th. but doe to the cessful Season; M. A. S. bend of bell till hie arm foiled in the leer that only H ''' '''''' and PserthScore seventh. Hollingehend annum. tbe Remain more had entered WOO. it Age Kent burden of pititribe in . rather bed The Founders nine defeated the paned until the later date so that the Terkes eternal et the bat with Harerford detested P. M. C. by the • Merton team 94 Fr... The game teem enntewents might attend the Serneth• wore of Oahe owl, Wale meteh three orate Mows and e walk to hie played this week. Two other matches credit. (lett, lanestreth nod Flint bit the cieereet epproarb tr n pitching duel tenre•Heverfonl track meet. ebb tinthins and N. FL ILL. were Ached- safely twine. Getesonde ''''' I nice that the Intremoral League he- yet tiled. but were both Evora.. Rein car-time in center Geld. witnessed. Beth Cent, mad Gilmour IRTERAC TRACK MEET Interfered with the redo. Match on Haverford failed to make good in were working well. and a total of twen• Tue.., and the [death with N. 7, V., innumerebte opportunities that canned WILL BE HERE MAY 21 ty-one etrikeouts wee the resell. scheduled for Friday. was ranched on them totireg, Eleven men were left The hitting of both teams wee weak, amount of the Middle Allentie teethe- on h.., Poor lmee running we re. Men Sae Ile. Held on Hever/en' end only eleven playpen retie/led the ban, which tra. amonged for the nest pponetble for the lona of three runs. on enfe bite. Shenk led the betting for Track Sham 1922 day. Although Haverford out.. Rase.the winners with nee bite, The other The With nuoual Intereradecule On Wednesday, May 13. the tennis the team teem Selinsgrove was Fronden runners sot to the base. LeMeue Track Meet will be held on team traveled to Cheerer sod tank the h.n.. stile to hit electively in the pinchee. on free passee or errors. Howse. Cret• measure of the Cadets he win.r all ty and Benhem ere. the heaviest of Harerford on Thunday niternoon, May the twitches. Johnsen roet the bxrd• With Reverford prectindly ensured of the Country Chiles hitters with two 21. et 2.30. Tide will be the fourth rst match of the clay, but fleetly downed the Men. Sanquebenna come from be• Renee accounred for one or the year the meet he. been held on the MoCetherty it den, nett, llurehmil hind .d dinpleyel the punch to *cote the winning run In the final Inning, game's three-base hits. Hoeeneuer took mote lime to get into form It hie The ea.. In detail: duplicatedthle for the Founder.. teem. Revertant College track. For a great match. but after dropping the first IT= MEWS any 200r+ prior to UM it wee held Pita. na ..ant Wee four mime, took the first met 10-8. oeorrerlaterre-Thowoo ..moo ro wines. putt Cretty led Gilmour in pitching with tit Franklin Field. The teenue is com- He bed little trouble in taking the sectwelve strike.., brit he walked eta posed of Haver-ford School. German- ond set 6-3. darn smmr 211 to Inn, net mold Wad men. Gilmour allowed no walks. el• town Annie., Eni.ope/ Academy. Pt. eel a, WV ela, Talina 10 Several 0.O. Sate slattled. !bet bet war ea. ter.. thoneit he only struck net nine. In the Luke's, Ghetto. Hill Academy mod Webster detested Hummer In slmight net •trellne Krood, gong W11. Merlon field, Nichol. and ,Benhau, were Penn Chatter. Arta 0.4, 0-1, while Lester bad little • Pew. Log. Pftlfea to nn• toepiren the leadem, while Wright. on the inThe lid of erente will be: I®-yen! difficulty hi ninnies his match estainet Or. m.o.& Willey nee, ned, bat ...paws itial seek for Founder, woe the put- dent. 120-recd Med luardtee. eweF. In the doublee dobtamn and mum ni Bann. Mit Mar for the Slide., oggralletioe• run, 440-yard dash, 220-yard low Lester Mid =OM. MORO to not to dente sets before Ma Amcor • hurdles. 220-yard Deb, mile run, pole they finally defeeted their gus a Wed to Innsne. 01200020lo. Tort . aa-Weler YOUNOBlia 1traitele etc. •21 Oltnott for..ork 21tb wovault, abet put, bread jump and Mast hot Mendell end Webster experienced r.h.• a a jump. o.. • Wet. tAegetrotb cue forced Nile difficulty in taking their match Noe Clark ro 07 bat to Gott. nikeene 6.. 2 e 0 II 0 Bouw or The offiriala fin the meet in eddi- from Hummer .d Helve, IL .2292 linventren-11140 ett. nen • nan, Gott ex., P. entot mutt.. Lb- 215•02 Mendel tr O e 2 0 don to those from the Philadelphia This in the leer match of the ned• dodged. owl Clint bit urn, arming Bin. lirm. 12 00100 Metal. Club, will be demo Dom men mn. wen & till do. with the Middle mad Gott. Pent nen throve Kt •■ weed. of the college. Dr. Babbitt will prob- Atlantic taudiemeot thin week, The ▪ to Mew lboArre._. 00 2 0 0 ince iron • mw •mt raaand owe. oe BOLA, foe... able setss referee with Coech Had. 00090 N00.16 018 le summery of the P.' IL C. match a as Rorer, 00000 Dear, rf 00000 dleton se clerk of the rouse. Mead meaner and Fie, reviles lint on • Snider, Ore. et 0 0 1 8 Ambler rf 0 1 1 0 1 will midst in hie reenter role of .P Jobteoar elobeKed lecoapen. ✓enire. teem ren. in Nome, 'area. 12 1 0 0 0 I Kw.. <Olsen no.eer. Alumni Secretary Roonea irfrotod LTD.. the. 8-8 131.1701 We.. dew. liesemet. 64. S-1 Cent.. Boger. •nd about ex men 80eowberers-Tor. gum. out 'Mom. lovter dotested Hewer. 68 the track team will also help._ ale mt.., Game Itin. Mud!. •ed Me, Toole 0111 3 1 Total. .. 1 122 511 from fob.. one leo. Aerated tuella an Id, A Junior Inter. meat for the Yelelle74ntane 11111enent, 11,ent, 74, NI. 00 lave will be held on the follow- .1If oraba ll our Ineboter detested Hummer .red ClIa• te Worry cams.. elte-nesemn. Avow ing day. Friday, Me, 22d at Hever- X X. exec, et. 22. orrara ut-, Ctetly 13. by 1311.0er ferotroued to per a <Wpm. 2 Wolves-By Crettee.by Mum. 0. ford School. PITCHERS DUEL MARKS FOUNDERS VICTORY PIPS/ CANDY BTATION11117 180016 WiLLSEY & DORION C7a1..".8 20160M. MASS 114 W. LANCASTER AVE. MAGAZMill Interne 0001. ARDMORE. PA. corn 111111191 HANAN SHOES OFFICAL PROGRAM of the M. A. S. C. A. A. Ire will be on sale at the file $10 0 " One.. sought kleatotoo. boelef tacraf• froor mar Obelo eloglat Itoset• to • • TKO! goefoarub; .ask. TENNIS TEAM DEFEATS P. M. C. EASILY, 6 TO 0 ace :747.117::ibt • • • ... Club. .. '''''''''''' avotgall COWO. rdr flolew 3 WILLIAM T. MAGUIRE HARRIS G. HAVILAND W. H. ARMSTRONG ALLEN HORTON he 14.6 FOR ANNUAL TRACK & FIELD MEET For. the up and coming young man of today-a shoe that's a credit to his good taste, A mighty fine value - in Tan Exmoor Calf or Imported Black Viking. The Net Shed. de -Fine Hoidery 25c per Copy HANAN & SON Illustrated Supplement to the Haverford News 1318 .116, Chefitout Street NOR wOnaN Ceencle BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERIVEDS on Walton Feld ▪ Page 4 EAVERPORD NEWS INSURANCE Pw:Mal= roll er ane. lOugill /Maly hum.ner enema MTH. mph. all ratint to grldIllt, bawls, ate, ban to We coon, mid LAFAYETTE, RUTGERS, HAVERFORD OR GARNET SHOULD WIN M. A. S. o nes STATION WAIN]. MI METERS -TM First Coiled. BreinkatlIng Statle• Is Ill East." Hwerford College Rails CDR WEDNESDAY, MAY MI Combined from page 1. noloom 6 though f.tron, of Swarthmore. may duZnIe preder: best him by ...bee. Rosen, and fan. 07 for Wale to pm.. beet!.of Haverford. and Allman. of Gettymberg, are probable Mann. Baxter of Delaware, with Mira it the Peno Relay, to hi. credit, I. wonted on S. Fourth Street foe first in the high jump. All., of BoIUtt 2121Wing Lafayette, hes equalled Santee* rec. Phila.Weida ord, hot will undoubtedly be ',abetted by the bordle event.. Talnall. at Ha, Crept Soles SEM refold. and Price, of Swarthmore, both Half Soles, Rubber HMS. ... 21.75 hove • rhinoee to win. "Intitireudu Full Salm Rubber Heels, gilalle at OW Phila. Orchostre. A. TALONE Tailor Rickle and Baldwin Celia. A FINIS 31Jamaiaan Publidaing Co. Wayne, Pa. Serviceable felines, Como Style, Reeel's Standard of Tailor. kg and fair prices male our clothing PlawrIerti Rims Hamlin 11.16.-Mr. Header, Cowart Pl.. at (G”rtety Of Um Anise. Theater) THURSDAY, MAY 21 Plaserlenrs Pale Vintilen Beet 8212 0.21tlued AWL KIT I, reggral with Ball. of Harerford, at hie heel.. Ball's wonderful retied on the lest stretch gave him an actual woad place by a yard, boo be was diommillied bemuse of fooling on the part of one of his leemtma.„ and the place len given to Clothier with Redefer, of Swarthmore, third. 7.35--Selentleas by MS. Blalr, Meg. Soprano. 7.43-14r, H. Holder, Concert Pine let. 0.00.-eitsleati0111 by Mr. Lipkin, LONGACRE. & EWING 141 MAY 18, 1925 GARNET HAND TRACK TEAM FIRST DEFEAT IN THREE SEASONS HAVERFORD RADIO FOR THIS WEEK The Scarlet sad Black took all the place. In the low hurdles, Lowry, Roger. and Honing healing all the Germ! entries Priee's win is the high lamp left mewl and third to Tetuall FINE STATIONERY Fleshes and Chedwieb, of fieverfortl, ore the outrtamtine pole "salter., al. supremely sttrgetiVe11.00--Rneite et the totem. though Brown, of Rutgers. will bear anal Lewis of Haterford. Cspiake demie Tr.* Meet NM at watchins. SugU and Top Hemmerly. of Swarth/more, no a 7Se Hroarteed Callow Ardmore Raker, of Swarthmore, la in a elan beectIhni balf.mile ln 2 minute., 2 and $35.00 and FRIDAY, MAY TT be binned in the discus throw. Ginreel, 2.0 woman and was followed to tbe 735-AtieRge ClaWbotte. of Lehigh. Ian year's winner, will be tape by Me teammate, Maxwell, and 740-Xylepboms Soloist. back. hot either Thomas of Hmerford, Hiller of the home teem. a, l2-Ceecert Plealet. or Ilona, of W. and .1., both of whom at The Anglo wa• won by Coattormeen, ICeertoey .1 the Anthewe placed for the lart two yearns of the Garnet, Pilfer oalthrowina PA, eing Theanw) may beat him. of ilerntlimort, foe nomad. The Wee 11.30-Rowits .1 the Prellmhter. Hazel, of Rutgers, should hart broad Dune Wu. wee. to Dutton, He at Me H. A. S. C. .able Montag the Wet put. Wilcox, Roger. and Lemberg.' with their we. A. A. Treats Meet, Wad at of Swarthmore. and WM.., of Hewer. oni.breolOng leaps Bogen and RomWe Flaterlord Game. lord. are alma., sill to place. followed Dutton to the tape in the rad Bryn Mew Memplbal The Drell. thrust 1. Almost • towSATURDAY, MAY 23 furlong. Raker'• remarkable throw left nitaiment einnigeNe• am n', between Glutamine and Price, of 0.00-Rwelte et as et eil0/111 end third In the Mac. to Swarthmore; Bender. of Gettysburg, IN A. A. 1624 CIWITPIUT ST. Thome. and Wst.o, of lioverfera. and lamberd, Must and liontSOMerA Track Meet held et Hewer. ISUCCSISTVL Swim= ew regent TM undium: of Iteverford Buttornmen appear. to lard NNW lawn.. es DoYak enowkial. to ans-or,et. eau. Itturilmorm wonn le wawa' Swam gad Me OffieWil be the probable whi, b t Mo is dia lowed mu.. gum. Munn., tehee ea tW e norrn. .[Leat gla. rry Lambert! may beat him it they mvertan TIL•-10 ROXISOROUCJi, PA. are up to form. tar tits Duna boi =ay wneele a.m.-vim to Mama, Mama, swarth. Rep Drew ea glo nut be lawaV roam ere.la Caelminett Aelt. fiewtsem wee, mostem. wow. somoneee. 141 me. At the last meeting of the Cenral .41s-Wen be Rubble. Mem.. ARO Committee of preparedoa for the mom men.. Tung, prisiroas. RRPROVIDENT MUTUAL Thirtnnth Anon] Track and Field ▪ ROWILA. ilea-32 Meet of the Middle All.tic Staten Col. HAM.. nosINSURANCE CO. -wo• Yew r,fiinwarte Imbue Athletic Anociation, held on rot+ . at*. lans..11, Wan. 401 Chart:ma et Plthadelphi• Flemegml TIme-1 Lig 2 VI Monday evertin g. May 11. all membe. Muglgoorm w. ...led that the worlous depstranents gg istm••. h - Wus Mw m their work well underway and that ar n Tae--1 Ma aw the rata tnaHrity of the detail. had .M • ron.-1.. by Mu% ...mom been completely arranged. llguilmore, ell., M... mum.. nurttlemen Tb•-10 a.. SA 4,1, mu. Now Sooreheard ignr. 113.0 Imedlr-111%.: tarn, B., Under the rauperelPion of Mr. Johnsglor. sound gums. ilmerthwarm 1on a large nnwebouni in la the course ATMs. Martirron. 11,--11 we. of roma...don to band at th. meet. unMoran tea hentw- w All care of the grounds. in under he Won. anon. Sams. ilnetta, gumghtd. Thu-27 s. me. direct charge of Jubmton and noddle. Inpg. dustons-Wee by Waft., 1.1u. ton. All equipment ha. bees purchased Dr. Join A. Miller. I/Ireetor of the gron. alm.hmu, and I. under the era, of Comb lieddle• Sproul Ilb•ervetury at Swarthmore. linmods.„ 171•1".-0 h. 11% L. ton and Manger Bate.. yaw en illuntrated lecture before the Fes gloms Wrow- wee . lone. Mesa: ore. Pa. The list of oftenka as, finally been Windt& Society Ian Tortola, on hot ...mit Tomas. Inmerk., Al. W tua amen.. completed end the men have all re. ...rt.. roar phenomeoa, cc Ha Ia. De. MilPlow 141 &Pe IMM. 4.4.41 the unsling of the Executive ler hes olwerved five total ,lipna. He Doe. Ilgulhour, Wom 210 lone, committee. The prima we ...fir showed elides of nun spot* sod wave. mnsod, Tern. Rumford, TAW. Lush,. arranged fur during the part month and of gunenon men. pronging the aorta, lonm-Wu by lu.. .111111.11M110, will be displayed In Spauldin.'“ win. of the dun. ffe al, chewed slid. Ceder of nem.. smernwo non. [Awn/en Soewilimm dos. for a period of three day.. the enema with iln carbine ntronetriInsmsee-12 to. en In QUALITY 01 SIZIV1C11 1421 CHESTNUT STREET Etteblutged 1791 inewnowied TO. •rrangemento for the enter...lu- eel atm.... The, are only obtain. lungs throw-paw. tl•derimeen, Sr, 22 men, and rereneion haste been progortuo able at tine. of total loin., 11•••rfagis .0.1. Odor. worm *, sttgAldinazu 11 Assume% Mr•ellonner. AlMannv-IW It, •L Ms antler the dirertino of Mr. Shoed. Dr. Miller lint made .leer the ImPo. moll- 13. by IMMO FL trio, The MM.. Club have artepted the port.re atteehed to molar itheamniens. rill, gwarthmor•I .1111. Ile tern. hull/ding to F0.1 at the Haterford He Kahl that if a thorough understandHa•••Tord. an. Muu, gun., ChM on the night of Thurdday, Hey ing of the rum wall gotten. 'wooled.. om, 1.11.•1..-lt A Ti. at t .maker. would be gained which would help to un...tending all the once In the heavens. ronto,uently many of the form.rt an. noon., of lode, ore concentraring Office and Yards, 58th and thie ph, ew of their Seeded. nor To slit on idea of the vagnesto 01 Ibt Hawderd Group Has s Part le Moe. Woodland Ave.. Philadelphia comlnued tram page S. column g eligs Dr. hillier mode to comport. We to Jape no letereatlemal Dar rotte Flo .alel an overage...1mA man Monday, May Pt, In lo.ruational klay would weigh ease a too and 11111 II. to unveil 2 I half IMITATE III1310 on the warfare of the out. but that in owi inn been taken by the reOnnacIP legiveltunn-Wur. 110.5. Algot torus n ob. of thin ...num. intention.. Mra of Youth for Penee me the opportuaiti LA. la laso••awl bd. tommen are *mood at the rate of 240 to *wad • ...sage to the Japan, stu, nu Cogs. end to nog tretewbu are inter...tea in dn. inter. guldItt.--nott (mud. mg. Rim to In•• mile.. per ,nun. The, mane. are ostionel movement. um. as .1511 times the mime thorn n.d •Ilot .1.01. um. .10.1.. Upon ...don of the speaker. AMU r ae of the earth. ' • Plkiledelp/da'a Bad •••• out m the Mall•, Sinn So Baled. eat Y, meeta0. n Dr. Miller went on In ear lost loo r tuts... Lel. rmdd en...raw AM.. attler'n;t no. Penn' 111116” On. Winer lied to sew. of whet we know about the sou la s.•Its'•!1117.01a lured sutra seined from • layer of metal.. about prealdent of the Y.. and w. wined PHILADELPHIA newenewe-rwo awe ow nun. rt.. mbe MO nOn thlek •round the nun Thin by ten, who erideneed at t ' th e Pm out Thug... Aide milt5 area gra. had been niggled tilt, the etwelroesTpe, moretneut and recognition of li Title been went to the Netiomel fetter box THE and no for ell the epee.. from It have par Plarding Loam by Primula w turb. Mgt on Hurd. be n Ideollfled with Mame of metals Headquarter. of the Totith Mmerneltt mine Mt gm , th• hag ig•d• Ahamt Ireloodo, Cowtaht manna known on earth. Around thie layer in New York and tbe Haverford pans flans... mini,ra torn to D. MANUEL inuttri. Blow and to Wm.... e layer of helium, hydrogen; and cal. will be lidded to the others whe alCm Thyme, gated Pinata ready Eicutil hove • part In the cablegtem. MUTE =Me clam eland ten (hummed Inge. thick. The menage will beat today, to be AceressWM• Twses tf••••el Thin forms • kind of atmosphere. w ***** awa • P••• broadcast to all the YoUth Organization. Abe Cummimm gad Gomm Least Well Know. Mt Ilsnons gas rot ..s• th• plate. Mat IT Rini was Mn The third layer or corona in the in Japan. te. ffilel. Tug. sherd ant leant known. It I. about three Sniffing II•berged-Asil t. 117% on .Piled rdtem .. \:...note note ng. to Wien from tilt meets, of themin. The llIT naive Al., ten part n,rest do, verge in rompidowl largelY NIL/ .. ▪ wt. Mi.to 116NIS of nif.ineandeseent solid perticlea 1111:2aciiah= SEVERE INNING which the apeetrosoope done not analyse, euregnion•-Ml. ••••• pall g, • do.. Effortn ore being made in mono, Three go... do appear In the corona. run dent a tow. Tlsgn• •Inri.. Ion work get whiCh, of comae, yield spectre. One of Goo with the .t pawWieldy Is• • MAY al. to Ilnemt... RMT gusted. the, in helium: the other two are .11.1 to ham. •• e• portable of the um.. 51,1 e. 7nomm, Rln LIS. *TOW eoroniurn and prolodinorine. and are promortire Ilawerfordls. . poradble ow omen 1.11004. 111. uoShl not found at yet on earth. An there la Wund% Sul, glee Ma. IhInl mad .dad ua no Idle* for them In the periudietsble, n en,. ra the M. A: S. C. A. A. meet litillugm.d.• run Rug. wall.. MI Dr. Miller believes May 22 and 24. they ore Mimeo metalined Um.. Form tette'. Mae been nen out to rtnerford-tweas hts wren tonvoretb al. In en tooled state. Ehnreially neer the pole. of the ,n more than 100 school. within CM, meowed boa weon. ann.. mon to the elide. showed trtreg.Trn which are FPO.ot dirt., of H•verford inviting Peru ••• wow laelatt nyormetritudy arntnged. hare ihnuotraz•-llaled Blge•d•nd tug mtg. for mine time believed to be otledin all those who are intermit. A epeciel e Ind lo Gott. Twos. rook Mot oss • moo., when In• Any ma of nen... Then all two Important You consult • lawyer CM queatione in regaled to the canna which lg.. St M. pg.. rant mos, en. amen.' legal ntattere• a doctor about Dr. Miller ban Emmert& The 'lot in en. nail sea Inind ■••• rf• Moged •nl your health Consult ' Dr. Jam, A. Babbitt MN been bin no about what hold. thenrona not. The WeRim coned to your INSURANCE. Ow oiled to referee M • tree! meet at 111••••logigtt .61. and long met. • neol whether the ...neer. load el ▪ ti;ron,relh yarn r of neperiLasereneerIlle so Saturday. De ado ✓ilor• rd. 1.11. to Hour. liallInung. Into apace. help ence will offIciate ea • judge of the Javelin •rldg Rog. Dr. Miller's Theories WI./ roll. • .low munds. u. H. Line of nod disc. rwenn at the Intercollegiate Dr. Miller ham poured that the recitameet on May TO, tion lore of the sun la far greater than the forte of alma/don. Thin amowere 11E111 =Sag Mooidgnon-g•um •Inesd. but ■•••• net the fine nestlom I. etudylog 11.1 ne▪ •ftud. Lon... to V.A., .n.“ on.] gentian Dr. hillier fond that the ffinst• tad to gam MMus •Ingl. streamer., had m more either in • J. J. Ontion el. Spmeimll Agora ▪ NM. walls., .111nm the bow. ww. one hyperbola or on elliptic He made ob. • emo wear.. aim.m maw. 111 8T. rh,=•• roll04 erta.e. but Clerk tr• peeved.. of wren teen atrearnerr and PHILADELPHIA, PA, found that all but two travelfts1 In elal Wilny no ma. OSeial Outfitters for Ilene. and would therefore return to r1 ren-tagn tomes . Rolla. Lone. qr.. Main neunden mean. ffillo Mu. • nun, but that the other two were Mi gols fors. him tit mnsml. (Edablished-102 Yews) following hyperbolae of toward Infinity, moulged. Dr. Miller %bowed many into...ling Ate hos worm elide, of people obatteing the January HAVERIORD 11112141WIggglig SPORTING GOODS Min,. Celestial.no had been made so eerurstely that the eetnal path of wow. sh...o olgt None M... 1.0,11 the eclipse ass only about 100 yards off the predicted pall. The time of the %treltd•rt.. 2 I Hauer. In 0toe 2 a 01 f I me was calculated with error of maser. II.. Otteo A.m. .1 Of PIM,. I 100Aers. rf„ 02500 only four second... Although Dr. Miller ha, nom 2 3 I 0 011mtl. LT 0 2 I 00 been Alm,0 211 "Lb. e.. 2 3 connected will Fisterrora °laden,, he Tanumagrf 1 110•C... lg." hen beep associated with It for many II•amentag.0 0 of ears through hle actineintance with reeddent Sharply., MA Dr. Brown who • Toul....3 I. A 12 2u1•14. 11111.1a were both emineat In the field of esPeru by ninap, enenthana..... o • a aortal I-0 trnon, will!, officers of tiewarionl N L haasaster Ave., Arden. Pe. ▪ tot 011utoOate-• Pasquale Rolli 38 Holland Avenue 200 21.41. Sheets 100 Envelopes 7111e Costs upward Printed ha Black er Nue HENRY W. WANKLIN JACOB REED'S SONS 61114-23 CHRETNOT PHILADILLPHIR D. k. WEST Platirmasam angasomp„ PA. ramemetia i. Wholesale Confectioner Purveyors to Haverford Co-operative Store rue. at A. S. C. DR. MINER MAR SUR PHENOMENA TO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY n11. GRADE A had Pasteurized Clarified Astronomer Gives Theories of the Solar Corona and Its Streamers MILK ECLIPSE SLIDES SHOWN vi_ GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS nreerftpiers;he mac P. u l,1.0 LIPS Auto car gas.d electric trucks EITHER OR BOTH - AS YOUR WORK REQUIRES Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. The Autocar Company. Ardrno ARCADIA RESTAURANT Now Rampart tam Kurtz Brothers East Lanamter Au. J. Gibson Mellsain Company LUMBER CABLEGRAM TO BE SENT BY YOUTH FELLOWSHIP SUSQUEHANNA DEFEATS BASEBALL NINE, 6-5 COLONIAL ICE-CREAM WICKHAM SHOES at S8.50 Forty-five smart styles, from dressy Oxfords for the dance to Brogue Oxfords for everyday wear matchless value at the price. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER d ARMORIC FLOWER SHOP IL Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going Geld Ytiti ammont examen.. FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 102 Ards 6t, Pk6a. ear Future Haverfbrdians Are Invited to Track Meet WEAR THE BEST . Pictures, Picture Framing . ... and Novelties The Gift Shop Buy Your Clothes and Haberdashery Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne at the ADVICE FACULTY NOTES PROVIDENT MUTUAL Life human« Co. of Philadelphia CO-OP STORE WI. A Semple Edw. K. Tryon Company /mei SOUTH rourrru acrd Haver. ford College Football Teem the Haverford Browning,King & Company Stock Is Permanently on Display 212 Oman* Street Phan. If we do not hare what you want let we Pharmacy Thos. A. Ryan & Co. Printing-Engraving - Phew. Ardmore TV BUILD YOUR PAPER--PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS take yaw order. Prices as cheap or cheaper.