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▪ NEWS NUMBER - 6 VOL XVIII. TO PLAY FOR STUDENT BODY GIVES LAWNSENIOR FINAL DANCE DEAN PALMER. LUDLOW data AND STIEFF ARTISTS APPROVAL TO COUNCIL CURRICULUM PROPOSAL IN POPULAR PROGRAM Unanimous Support Pledged to Report of Council Committee PLANS FOR DISCUSSION The eupport of the Students' Aeon. dation to the report of the Student.' Council committee on currieulum wee pledged Ina .aehnous rote taken at the meeting of the Astor:balm held last Fed.. The report contaioed the palate drown tip by the Mmieltthe ter roe. eidaralon in confereme with member. of the Faculty. After the ealemiesion of the report. the acting was thrown open to dia. cession. The Committee ezdalned that the topics ...anted were moderato. merely to be palate for dine.sion end o mtlnty ner erraZezlie .ade tche Zp. tee and the Feedy would be sebnetted to the Assodetion for approval before one tied .thpe were taken. Revert el COMMIttee The report ea approved by the An.clattlen follow.: Actin on the knowledge that there is% widerprend feeling among Heserfordlana that then Lea Mate Imprornentent In the . 1b1-11th toe d.* et ...WA Haverford and ban prompted be the death to Wee comb-active wagetielie el m1.1 the Adidas...ions ons .d with the derive to be e meggedies that the Adiebsiatmtine my here to offer te the BOP dent beldw. we the Student.' COW mono. to meet with the Ad. mintatration to consider in ma.thee the value of suggestions offend by both parties concerned Our f.dationatel bane/ Is that the Pert of the student In his education bead be a more active and le. paseive poeticised. than ill DOW the Mid, and that the Feeder la Will •0 the students would weleome wed eneoarep garb particientioo. Tee Btadonte Council therefore off.n the fo/loning tepee eed their throilariee ea worth bd. taken A. A more nerd ellawalde 01 Cute foe tepee des... Yeti. more than ..177rellgraI[lon of exemination requirement. as a neentlenn7 corolary. B. TIOW. M M of leek of co. ortlinadon between the Gradante School .4 the College. 1. The provide. of the Graduate School Endowment 2. The possibility of rani/doing work end mothers C. Can Collection be made more then a roll cane 1, Clement ...Me 2. Student participation. IL Lengthening of dote If no-mann, 4. Deereamd number of Meetpar wait D. Langone requirement,: in general. 1. °rosier dietneetion between B. A. and B. 0. degree. et 2 Four year lag... reqeIMmed. 3. Effect on entrant.. B. Ie the preeent erreneement of " 17r" lie l ortoth 7er cot's' enror s Tt7 andardixed. 2. Payehology d M.111tt in Juaior year and 13ibliced Literentre in Sophomore year or mit at all. 3. Cour. in Logic. 4. Spathe theater in various department. to he diem:seed by :hemline:dal committ.e. F Aactive role for faculty o rison. G. The consideration by committees Cl. of departmental and dude. rep. reeentatiree. of Mar.* In those reepertiee departments, these catn• mittees to report heck e. the St • dente' Council committee. IL The problem of making a at dent% court. 0.0 ers.te whole rather than sedated sperialleetion 000210t OALCIDAS Mtn WPM Kallerr-amrt 0.000 westme, ase. Melhoaymerteme 01. "etwe evoke." in sm 0000., eat thernmmtal Club. 4.15; • them Mlle 0.0$. WAD.1113.7-T. D. C. A. In Dr meer. rte me*, LW Matt. Twoole la Oohs as it. L ha el. Men. • 7. Nd iontetunaned 0100. I P. Xi MM.e wank mem laintenall..1 7tomere. sthat no a v. z, reinar-r. K. 0. a. atensens Omar at MUM: Xs.. Yew. Di. WT. tmOwpA4-.11 -.11ywahard heath.. am. IrentragnAY-V. N. C. IL, It ins IWVISZIAT--bfwkal max Ommre with e tes110.1=7 Of tame ahnedeltdda. 1CCpaT~gmed mob miss, Ca. the. at 1-nr. strew u seem.. lateramer-hone Wm.* bw. a. 1 e. re. Day Cl... Bole. Camper.. by Semler Committee Howled Lade with his orchestra pin furnish the music for the annual Beeler Final Dance oo item 11. The Arrangemente for this affair, together with ether Pang for Cl... Leta are being corn. elated by the Claes Day Comm1ttee el WAN Also Puts Lecture by the Orator Clare The romittth ands of Bueoene, Mead, Callen end Dr. Rufus Jones on Air; Maguire, obairmen. The den. will lent from aloe o'clock Recital by Thompson until one, and will indode sixteen dome.. The decorations will be simple. BROADCAST B. B. GAME There will be supper .thml in the Over fifty lettere have been received Memorial Garde. by Wallace. The lode of tithe. for the will be emitt- by the Radio Club commending the et . ed. The price of admiesion to the eellenee of the Proieemme which •••• dance will probably be 5250 apiece. put on the air from cation WABQ Met Monday debt. Dend Palmer. /ecture, ie nettled.. wee pthieed by the radio endieum. The experimental demonstration., which ell.theted Dr. Peltaer's 1.ture on "Mode: Plemeant and Unpleasant," were sosee.fally broadcast and diatiuctly heard over tbe redid. Alter ex. plairdng the nacre of mend and mu.. Professor to Answer Attack wove, Dr. Palmer defined harmony and of Founders' Club Speak- teethed. He .bowed whye discord wee IrffIre'o,`;17,47: o er in Open Meeting tested this atriking two tonine fereth The present Ileverford symem of and Modem., Chat... helots. Experiments Performed admission. wILL be defended be Dr. EdTwo note. whom f.demented toner ward D. Snyder, of the Raver/ord. re hermonimm may prodace dimmed College recta, in an open meet.. In •Imamate of the varying pitch of the the teams twat Thursday at eight- overtones. This wax delnondreted be thirty. Dr. Snyder wee for moot tartletf two toning forks, C and F lee. a member of the Focally Coro. amp. Beate were produced by the P.M.& Of these two not. and the mitt. on admimion. at thread harmony of the fentlamemel tenets deThe .tut trebled Of the eddreds will ...troy., A Waller experiment war be eAdeilthiop to Haserford,e Special performed with two dolie rtrlage Following the lecture by Dr. Palmer Mention will he paid to epertile re d., to the molar. ettribeted to a programme of classimi music wee Francis M. Freelleher in a epeeeh at e ViaTo"t0Inbp rrthf.r7„:h1 thole Founders Club dinner a. reported in regal. monthly recitals from the Rae. the Haverford News. Dr, Snyder wal erford studio. The quality of the sue attempt to answer some 04 the Matemerle made by Mr. Froeliehes, poetic comment. from kirderters over the ream uteri' times the ethltherde Soprano nolo. by IMF Betty Spenof the Matta by width the tepee.. cer. accompanied by Mr. George Y. for edmisalon to the College are PT- Wither. and piact into. hr Niles Mem cella Northwere the features of the evolved. Wirt tholteL Vocal sofn were also lea FMB.. levet. drew ler Artier Sayer., bariIn view of the recent dinned°. on tone, nod dr. Belcher played a few the Hevertord meant of educed. in piano solo*. Agrssa by Mr. Ludlow senereL this meeting should prom of valocit the Honorable Beide. At peat in eeeee t to undergradoetes and Omani. Mr. Froelieber bee been in- min Ludlow. Reprththearlre train the Coner.trionat district in the vited by the Students' Council to er. • tend the mettles, Pad after Dr. Sny- State Isitildoncre, rime a :Mort talk der% address dlecussion will be throve on The .eneerkan Legion." Ile. Lod open to all parent who desire to nek ITareertree'e Room-ert7d jrcilard'e*-e Caner, ouentleae or exp.. oplebanet appeal to the andienth bit In forget the soldiers, itreing them ie '29 CONTRIBUTES TO to remember the Bidlook Sanders eander Poet No. of the American Logi.. in APRIL HAVERFORDIAN their211. drive far it neon clubhouse. Thelar regugrand organ recital from Plug Ueder Way 0, Arrange Legg. the Ardm ore Theatre wen the end of Peat Ned Present Beard. number of the programme, which wen Tbe Itheer. Probably the meet popular ever broad. The April number Radian will he one of the beet ever cant from IVA.1141. Pot 050 from the emnilpolot of literary "A Sixth Crane'. wiz, the eubject of excellthee, meording to Robert BM.. a leenthe delivered from the College 711, editor-in-chief. It will be leaned .001110 by Dr. Rufus 11. Jonee, protide Saturday and will rtontain eight fessor of philmeophy. lout Friday eve. more pages than usu.]. Ilium at 7%45. Dr. Jones shooed that T. dories be Elides will appear in the elate sense width ..reysterkately this number: "Red Herta" nthehty- add to; is really the kinaesthetic of perreptiorr of motion ern. ' tIPOTbr o(!sir " r who woe reteet- withopt which 0,ef. : We should be a LLpp placed an the editorial board, and (active sod unpractical as Idiots." "The Into Tent" b Joke W. Linea. Kinaesthetic Sen. System weever. A poem, "A Jew,. by BramThe cad arcane of this .100: eenee well Lean, "D. completes the list o f erate scl and lehhde contributions. Carr le the only err l a e I itop the .et e 41y . theTouge heesr first year man who has made the mil. toed board of The Plavetfordi. so Ben. bulbs of the camera/ orea. thee „ Pligt10 ,:i; form "a sense men. of LIDID ter this year. :Bed Heel." la the served story of bin white ban beenprinted. ineeTtleetdie end orterow' te.-10 'The il' eDark Tree," a :Meta by Feederie •7 mue teeter io Prokosch, '24, and poems by Robert eeceva .Ob..1di the eM.G.e..Barry will be the other :reticles 10 the friZsistr April Wave. The Hiles of Barry% and On .usequently closely related to character end meson.... poenle The frontlapleee will he a HI peer Continued se page 4, colnmo weodeut designed be Proke.e me au Illostreion for hie eketch. "Ark GARNET PASSERS BOW TO HAVERFORD, 33-30 Fast Playing of Captain Garrett and Logan Features First Basketball Victory Over A Speedy Swarthmore Quintet DR. SNYDER TO BEND SYSTEM OF ADMISSION PHILIP C. GARRETT, '25 mele of the 1coo harkethell team and star I. de victory over Sward, more NO •ealt. PHILADELPHIA ALUMNI LUNCH AT ADFIPHIA Subsidization of Athletics and Possible Remedies Are Discussed Disceeelon of the present eommerchitin-on. of college etelelice and what Pinner/owl's attitude shadd be toward attempts to replete them, wino the principal feature of the emand Alum. al Metheon field that stternoon et the Dr. Janwe A. Babbitt, director of jgMetie. WM. tn. Wreathed be President B. S. Drinker, Jr Dr. Babbin spoke on cent re develepment• In the situation at tiothrted. He eommontrit on the 1Pentalle of row punced Intereollegiete competition and the o evil of euesidising athlete doe to reeving for vietoriee ite erter-eMbe.i..• tie tolthepthple end Alumni. Re deplored the ff..e of neurpsdon of far. olty then.: to hoe happened to . ooro, bee of small colleges ef lleveeford'e Ideeleg mole. The recent effort of the PPM:1001.. 2,1in College Preeidonne A.. ...inn. to form a ,nefemnre wee towelled Open. noting. It• lack Pr.rt•tow to prevent anouthorined tinoneiol std[to r add e Elleilwate Seheillsetlen Dr. Babbitt Oleo tbrieft, .k.tArd linverfortes position at the oreanizetian meting of this conferee:, Ile co ended wite au appeal for ejonni In/alight on the entree and etkonnaged written Opinion. lie pre.nted for di,echelon the project of etaverferies or estairlog a rontereoce of form or five /ewes. to adopt a renodation, very thaw oxtails worked out to eliminate support to othleten, unenthorined be miens edminletthriee deicers. Charlie IL Williams. '14, one of the flreeto realize the 1347116CTIDTP of formleg a anon conference among colleges of our own nthionie proodbilit ion woe tine • of the ',makers. 'roe 101110 porpoee of this -organization iminel be .to prevent dm MMus of -h0000." d to ethietes. Mr. William@ dieroesed tete planend also presented Be no eltethative the pour, followed by DuFORD FURNISHES FIRE bug. TlaivertIty of Wthdrewing c.n• A noinallttee heeded by Theodore WItittleaey, Publication Reneger. Celebrate. at Beaded! Videth Lie plebe!, from ipterrolleniate moinennoe until our Pennsylvania State rivals pot I...working on tthe he plane (dr a Goner of by Ancient ANto athletics their natural sod origionl the put aed Peened bonds of The A nondescript tiler. width hen been Mee Eleverfeedien to be held some time this Pres./eat in he view of the Callem, 80,100. A Bet of the member. of form. especially these who nee in Deed. er bomde hag already barn mode not came to hareemble end Saturday *m- WM. PENN FOUNDATION and Fetters are being rent to these elee providive the balk of a hone dumni requesting tbele aupport of the Monte of celebration seer the Mating OF POLITICAL SCIENCE peon. No clam has been set for the pond. The mr one no ancient one. in tome- Internale.] Relations Lecture:01p dinner yet on this will 0...4 attmeto r coedit-loth end wej Require. AID. what on the Dumber of elumni niterA. m nk u eded. That the establinhme of the We. boinr: Seco The ten dollar prim which woe OfPenn Foundation for Ioa]raotloo 01.00,. fered by the bit:sloes. management to in Politic.] &teethend [demotion.' whiWent of the tete. of the the member of either board turning in elations at Reverted College is well ch:011y under the Pap. pled.. of &mottle der the treated then eni.of advertising Wm othumed Comfort announced no the Belernore from February eth to Morph fob ham Baker. Voml nod it Ian mummer. been awarded to Deed H. Hadley, Alumni dinner thatever R30.000 of the nethry r esa SLD,I100 had alresda one of the Aesletant Renegers. A. been aised. of W. thntett over a page more SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY The establishment of tints chair ot of advertielue we. aolleited. is one of the items in tee pon• TO HEAR DR. BARNES edlese era) Wan of neeensitry Improvements to IRON CORROSION accomplished in rime for the fen. Bryn Mae. Prefe.or WIII Speak!. Ca be teary 1133. The following descrieMeld.. Streeter. Wider to Talk to Chemietry Club .e dn of the preeeettien le peen, in the To allay Evening of Reverford% needs: An explithetion of the Mrreelen of die"Glel; 1 1 .1 '9;T:egg LeCtureehip in Politicel Science Iron end allied phenomena amending to toe aroceenie wtol be the nth- end International Rehab,. 5120.000. lecture by, Tie. Berm., Finch instroctioe, with referee. to the the electrode theory will be de. by ieet Of IL Winter at a emetics of the Chemistry Pedesece of Physic. et Br. Idewe rehrtiOne of the United Some. and Clob. to be held tomorrow eetiog, re KM in the Chemintry Buncling. II fife eSdemtldc° ZIn4y .tto'bO heti' et to Colege in Amer B. Murphey end C. R. Grthne will also Tneedey evening, Reece 22 at BOO ies. Where adequate provid. hae alweak et Ole meeting. o'clock to the Chemistry Building. ready been made for instruction in Rim Ileme. besbeem artithly to touch tory,. Economic. •and 1104010 y. It of The Chemistry Cane pl.t, to condeathodenis of lude toe year With two more meting., with the reeearch worh of recent year unforteede both to be held after sprier: ...WM tdoeg thle line. It Is ettpeCted that he Penn torte foiled to porde At oee of the. Dr. Meldrum Will speak will coke tua the Mater iron the their youth with the intelligent underen ealt1W0D0h117 chemist. and their speetroscopist's point of view se he stated!n which my retool% from sohas sperlalt.d In spectra.... ciety the danger of fatere ware." r 7.°ibFirlsgozivr of The Ifed Reverted basketball team bee done what no other Scarlet and Black winenl hoe been able to do in defeetinc Swarthmore by a score of 33-30 in tt fast content lest Salad. Mat. The came, played in the Haverford gymnasium, from the Reverford point of view was the moat exciting owl thlisfactory ever dayed on the home fie.. The galled'. which filled every menet of the lathe .10.23001. wan prodded with thrilla thronchoot theentire cont., Feet passing and dribbling, brilliant shooting and terrific rerimmegen produced e nine which tee seldom been egualed. The nine alerted anedrioudir for ileverford. A foul was celled on a Swarthmore man on the first tap-off. Cuddle Gm eet made lord en hla fool shot and Elmerferd took the lead, a lend ellth was never lost throughout the entire game. Garrett sere a remarkable exhibition of individnal belle/et, nod Ms five eon...trove foul gads out of se Many Glee end a °mho.. field go.] from the middle of the leer, nor Heverford nevem point. while Swarthmore was ;elfin two. Haver/Bed Sheeting Geed Tongan made good on two fool oho. For the first ten miontesof the sod followed with another two-pointer game the Garnet netmed to be .able from the field. Richards tot down tee le fathom their epponenes plays and lead with two snare/old fool tele.. Haverford, vvith Thome. getting the Garrett dribbled theentire hemp on the tomenps, held the belt for Captain meth of the floor and earth Ma fourth • large part of the time. L01101 be [pod field gad. Downward made Seed on to iner Reverie.% teed by two 6.1 chat. Rarerford now leadhig field eeeeflout the miter of the floor. s 1 score of 03.20 with a Want. the Reverted, o.n.o. ehoonng ability by eft 0 day. Richard, Svrerthcoore seemed to demoralize Svvertemore and left forward. woe taken oat of the gen. ea their hardest efforts could tint rot mmonal thole and McGuire took late down the remmomdine Mod which the place. The ...wittier raised Swarth. Scarlet and Bleck noadtablined hope,. with a long Odd goal. A. The half eeded with Deem-fordad- referee referee Berfoot boomed the bell for the berents mend the Gee.. lett the boor en the short end of e 20.11 more. =1.71:1Xfordstirwdol. °0001"t'dM Captain Even. with two field goals sod Thomas Jump. Well Cafe. and Bartlett with one each were While a large part of the Reverted temponsilde for [0000 of their teem% seoring was done by Garrett and Itr ?dote in eels half. much reedit for tee victory must The lathed 0.11 was another instance of the extraordioary battles which are av to Thom., the Scarlet and Black alween prerent In Haverford-Swarth- renter. Ile itha an important cog in more ront.t. Antb woo expect.. the teamwork and hie ability to get the lump on bis baler opponent allowed Swarthmore open. e second period with a team determined to row down Reverted,. plays to tooth with Petreeponsible for ThO111,01 lloverfortes lend mod to *wore a dco field goals In the field half which he tw tory. The Garner began to find the the banker with demi. neenthey and made from ditimalt angle. nudge and bath.. vogel eurpaseed hie tl drew op re their olt.. neat vetted celled erne out to ked same cod playod the beet of hie an was besketbell threer. efeltheir reo enige and In an attempt to get the Important factor in the stories with attack darted once more, Ilse points to hie credit .d wee the Lola. tea Garton Seers next bight. scorer afeer Garrett and When play wort Logan end Loan. Downwind Pet en the gager es Geerett brouPt beer. to Eleeerford Wed deed a plucky brad euppottere with bthutiful fide goda. •of ...Mete basketball end made good oa an imwhich. biome. from the middle of portant fed thot. the floor. dreppod through without 4113,314 the several remarkeble featomblo. the rim of Me basket- Twiee tures of the game was the feet that Inte.thmete men got loom under the Harerrord took the lead and W. net and two told ends were the re- never headed. The Saltier and Stork sult. The Garnet players wetw now guards wereresponoihie toe twentymaking sood en all their fool shote, three point, between teem, Garrett Needy bens., of the 4163 Rteberde with tors tield noel and One fouls. Lo. mid Garber in this department. An- pin with loll field goals sod two one. other Idol goal and Swarthmore went Amen end elserett seared on wild as their team drew up to within fool .tat her mtemeted rEf one point point of Horerfortre Intel The teen Dodo were each team now 20.211. Winn et firer with Rrterford neoring eleven and notice hod wornared to be a -Moe vietory Swarthmore ten al tete dement:mot developed into malady': Pima Colante.d en Wilde 4. eelnom Iloverford breathed more Creel. ex SALE OF PROM TICKETS OPENS FOR OUTSIDERS Athemmedetiens ler Glris In Lid. to Be Arranged bY FaMilY Committee Tee note of nekets for the enolee Prom on Friday. Ile, 7. will be op.ed this week when announcement. will be wont oat by the Prom Conairtec. En. dermoduatom wilt he able to Se•TOPe riekrte immediately following spring vocation. The price of admission will be six dollar§ and a half o maple end five dollar, per bode ticket for both onieldere end etudeuts. A committee wade op of wive. of Faculty members 1a171 be appointed next week to make arrangeniente to oremomodote girls from a distance wend.: in the Union. There .11 be ,0111 for on10 ebout ten girl, TO stay overnight-, but the Union .411 be open to en stars atteeding the From team Anon on Friday to Saturday umn, and it maid will be 00 attendee. at all tire. Chaperone will be provided by the Family Committee. Loco year del. coming from distant point. who were unable to melee other arrangements were accommodated in one of the raid. of Lloyd Hall. This arratutement did not Prove Pardeolerle eatiefactory. nor wa. It found setidat. to. to make en provision for girls from a didatree to att. °v ended. It In esacted that the new plan to tiled this yeAr will he ,,tore .theeetel then either of the pines previoaely tiled W. F. Webster. '27, chairman of the P.m Committee. has announced that the contact for dertatheng the pm tole year w0l peeled* Iseavoided to 2. J. Reberorthes Sone. florist, tide ASK EASTER MONDAY Sladant Body Mk. Faculty for Extra Day et V1.11011 417t of 41Wgr Vil' 14-ntrod0 tire letid' bind, no a meting held Friday, Mardi 12 moved to Met to hem Comm Ironday aadd to the holiday. This re= rneeittor' ll:is"welk!'irt rented College wilt reopen on April Toed.. FAIL TO FIND FIRE "Always Glad to See Home Tea. vile T1re1 Fire Chief Quite .me xcitement wee Mee.. by the appearance. after Sated.% of o tire [reek. set for soden. as Upon toiling to end atty contlegradoe, the bonfire not hart. Matted. the Ire chief waa both geed-natured and me. verredend. °Well. Wye the thief is retorted to have said, we didn't bore anything to :In right, now rem.. Bet I'm sled you beet Sweeter... 1 alwans like to we the home team win.- And wids these words the doughty fith fighter. drove off, bavioc hod their joy ride with sunee of the work ortmlly at• tondant open xcursion,. of dais, kind. neinions vary to just wee to to • fleerem. were Stone APPLI to believe teat the beard.. with whine Founder% Bait wee wee the those. Other. me led to thenect that done Rhine, clid the eed. Wined. angle went. t.1 r D Boyd, Prorawr of Dui., 11411 tam. .dem amdeu lwta w P. In.-C.otre ar D. 1.1t Irzelilany Ordeals Prom Du Yds. Mande. lama of Ye.. tt.00 P. o 111.-41.1. Vont., ha. .1.61111. erthe ow. maw. nom. Henan. to Ma manna stomer no dm pinion MAD. 1B 1 On P. 1E-Ppareammo ofwane by Tb• Pordot•oria Char. of Th. American ltrobann Cho, loot spa plant od e:. awentro by • wale ananotto. ylwin and wain don, .21 • plane non 'ewe 11 00 P. 11.-Arimer• nut.. Ina. metier mod went taawt Damn Danner -Do on... Mm Wrenn tee plata 11.071 00 a. 00 -1100o. Doha sod Loon 4,080.1 or the 1777-wlwa te.87setial mbar or MIL 1.10 la etholdellia. 11 en 1. M.-Ardinein ',out. broad...4 Poolld organ reelnit. Dorton anallte ot roe eaia•ota, etwirart on On Mose ▪ ▪ • HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 py 11'with the workr°""°°", HAVERFORD NEWS ' In'•pope of the same rerriculere and dbl to do the required Preektann well, are dissimilar objeen, fl le e , p t May in the Honor Coarsen rapidly appearing in American ures.. demi/elm n power whieb mot h., be properly ent ted by en ea sing on which hnn fa r ity, oldect n empararlue for prearribed Preehman # moas am= 4142 • CHESS TEAM DEFEATS WEST PHILA. HIGH, 4-2 'Y' SPEAKER TELLS OF RELATION BETWEEN SCIENCE AND RELIGION h Merles Cricket Clan Match Scloodulse foe Frilay Melt The Iltirerford. College chem mans EDITORIAL BOARD defeated the West Philadelphie High Uttar Scheel tram by eeore of 4.2 in • ,amt W. SM.. 'IR mach hnhl lest Moode, edit al the litesmim saw ty ear uf the Franklin Chem mare.b. Willatular. Club in Philadelphia. This le the find Yam gamma deer win - Me team hue had in Ike D. B. BMay. •re Inereeeteet. The pfetiont reeeed 2. /Vb. 1hr in naked M nhown only om Irmo to the credit of .mas 60. S Edward Wildman he l'olleas Board Dr. Ileverford leant. • 0. 17 il. ability of u eanilidate o mite with The nmeenshal pteyere were Ilavin, en.. Nrremesamt Declares Scientific Work On. mirk of Me roles• corrioubmi,Lewin dud K. Leedn. llogennuer a/ We.e. '21 Snit board nal tireene et fourth hoard writ, of Mae editoriel duewera YRS. Based on Faith 11.. 11 WA. lent. Tit r nisth Limed game woe won ltul thin in die valor ianurance. Two Allen T. Emma E.. 1. ileteeford hr defeelt. mamma Salm L'enrefel sinatreee" of are correlation CHURCH IS NEEDED The next nornmment he e.' ...tweet, ...on. in the C. E. Oared vith the Medon Cricket Club -The function of religion II to inter- on Friday *MOM. 5 131.1,h I Sth. Ihr anduetiota ,pal mholta.le euctree rollene Ism been med.; out In 1,-ofer- pret 11,.11 through revelation: the rumBUSINESS BOARD osr Thonolthe so Columbia awl the don of wiper in to interpret Huai ....hi wee won by Haverfo'rd'in? tbe rbrongh meter," The Mellon between sleeks... of the firet been/. other by Proltomr Drighem I. ommesiL 'M Relent,. nut' religioe was then reprices.. ....a W... photo Ond inn by Dr. Edwma Wildman at the 1'. II. ret "ply ii.Ignifi.111 h we ianormily Imagine. In C. A. menus{ on Wednesday. Merely Is A. b. Linwish.6. Wlor R. C. Sullte•r. SS Wildlimn boa taltahl el Ube Weol. twee ul eertele endear Iw amoto, Ibe • cowman.. Muerte .2 E It ex- town School mot at Went Phileilelpitie Pardo/tire tam of the moinetiono I,na been detternntruted lo he High. He has rectally been eppointeni Staff Photo... tfire.lor the depattleent Of wiener unite negligible. If awe« i iu a eally r careful min wind. in the public erlsools of Phil...61phi, ze W.111,LT"t`oral Dr. Wildman divided religious [milnhow, Met the cont.,' in true at Prth Hurraorol, and the. Mere is a hien li. into Iwo dames. elm the Hebra- Lecture by Dr. Snyder and trt firjrnA,,, air. Pr L rad Raw new wu • dogrel. of rorreletion between the te- MN typo, which M one of repremion. Concert by Symphony anr brida et any t'. E. F. B, exuattnatione and the ether the au at,. at wbich le P.* any wows 0.00 Orchestra Tonight nehelanklr monem in Ile. brat thareeterimal ir explenelon. He Par .1.1. ern. IR mortar., Mewed Hod Loth them ntill bee today, then it should be publithed TTIe programs. offered lo SCAM/ %t er Wrelarde e!Matts, of rite analyem alremly made. Por gt" 0 bit that the 1.1ter M elow, barman. her then ee two weeks will be obietly parr it would todmortere the mom mare popular than We former. e musk.' nettles. Omagh a Need, Pa., II. IL rt• I ride.,.. that MISS. MI Ulm. by Dr. Edward D. Snyder. Profemor Ensbalt. will be brmeleent thin evemei.clues ere le Ihromelm. mire. Dr. Wildman Men took op the matIN. Red predictive the degree ter of Ili, real difference between mi- ning at 7.33. ''llodern American ranee . will he nd 'elision. He sheered bow e itmatalk mmumml. Amordles to the • badrhe sable, of Dr. anederN tackles., tormadoot of John. Honk'. University, garotter news prob.. and then mat which will be the fifth of a woice of fifty yen vent. of the Preatmen never shale [melte nave the problem. "'Rut. fare:, Hales graduate, The brertara at late and he mid, 'Bothnia in experiment.' in em in. gr. 8.7-1, will rake e. the lumber of ktc- !igloo nub Tie inercuseigi• enliefritig re.. Of Princeton. ilente entered by air E. E. E. B. rime Imolai.] Mammoths of yearn /71,74-'eurd oAterA:Plern to Welt mlit ihryt6 rfortre boshetball who men, du what the repulln of Mr use let tradition. Therefore religion it Arhillv.n. II, will the ed... nal Courh Hann. ond the 7/107te71! ;ALT: Sworthoutre'n *minim/boo ilcolnro th, ten dm woad utterly different from seiettee.” k y arch.' Ds he isonauelvahte In efikiew Hiltheen deelored Mel when re. A concert by the Idttle Symphony defeat in Mao .mm. dee,« moue peen Mate la alehur,l Imam on obieettva P01111 Orcheatra from the 'Judson Eldridge rmmens. Halm panmkt, corer ,ip of riew it in wee that Mum who pen. Seim. of Desk iv PhilatIrlphin will fl. lour rereful ctimlyei• ine, groan of men ma imam them nit entow the adders:. Selections from the men the power of worn* hem some- lighter dames of hinekewnki sabot.. to Hamel... hal it i. mt .Pyle of piny Prodetim n tirely thing M their hear. which make. It Brahma, end number. flown mender ticeable rrnat. it bl, mem. 'per art & bride Its Vali.we. Primo... ballads Will be played be this ten-piece I not now hp ea chine 1,411 manilas fur Meta to withstand otherHaverford. oreltretro. Meyer 1.1114. a well -known homer we,.. The, i. no shoot in do. whs. Impuaamle Imrdithipc MY Meant who hen broadtwei from net. Not oar won thin ...amble from ebitei .'Minh fun... mow niWork Basal oe Faith oral big Philedeinhie stations, will renthe ntantletint of the nerd of improveimild, in primaries lat,rn pann the II is often meld that. mince religion In der mom piano ooloa front Ike 'laverof am tea n. The There will elm be. idol. E. E. 11. exstnioatione than Mode bored nn Path. Hope and Lore. mienee die•pped be the midi km of hie mend Mine S. sod a Liege proportion of boor nothing 1-0 1141 WWI IL as tl Elealinne CIO and iniarien tbomgh the manun matle Iletehltinc boor w• In En* The Norrintowe Chapter of the won wweret• the dents 1. rewhinolinne prottionafir bins me new .riders ee If E. nen/Wing the other wee the, ever • velem-int who didn't Ameriran Bminem Club will nut • magical propel:a on si fri Eaeh time he develop. nolid teamwork so el linfehkine. warn wow notes.. hem Pin ratite work on Palk? It is the DoLtere studio at oral thin Pacherneteristien which [lino I have em -e ben en 'Ire tke malig- 1.111p•oniti1211. for nrIrtioe and fast 1 for kueek lay romans, Thrre will 6r tree eel,had been woefully Mid. In previoen nant infleenten uf the I'. E. B. B. to, out flame thew Mims an merman'. of er"1 1 , 4i;:r tr." lemma. Any .Lennon Hf annum played upon Feather., end menu,. l e ;:. "in kal i' tenor, ydr,.C.' A, mare,. nernone Dne m better way I,' found, I min- Montauk,"2fl .anu met of the meson io the He. that Ion, P.' Mr. C. Ilseeltlarlotte yen; bet 11 stom he [amnion Mal ...I mediae.,now have been it not on nurminee ...1 ...dam., Tim. It Ide en, Ilia, When lose atann studying wet! open ibr pr and Reel.. of the five men on the in pomade to derinn e rating from reti- Ow lw Sae ti• ws. wet. with nue umantiremeete .1 a re lion. whirh religion. Ilr showed that thin nrantoesi He the Way to Do limes" will be the Inn/ moniker. The ash., .11,1011 nbnll Be real, sire/non, of hie :omens o-an WILB11. oin, life itself mnnot l'nowitt renreell wan 8 ne.rill• /ender. in collect he: been detantodnated n -Thom AM', No Plies k." enelitst Icahn. bringing in ladh thane T MOb two tnor sot. . A -(trom a both nr • steadying exmple to bin Lel•ml flambe/I VnlvernItyl and you Iy iens bs., I Irene You by lb. ww•yettr elude WIOntnotee and ne re. indiv idual hinyee ran flail it aodl 71:1 i 7TIte :1`17 Georae - AlanYe." be ID. it Imactl fnlly done.. end.. which order to The member. of the gei alum. II in Iniposinild* ./. W. .111/ a berm soli. b Mr. s,knol rind Society - for lunar, In I,• du wilbout fter t• Y..ema. Two piano rdna will Se for mean.. finining spirit et p nrniered by Slim. lAntim Vaxgon. Roo. of revel/nide nd Mjarien The nerleu. 1..,m AM tart N t,. md Robert linker MO rhy A LESTEE. REY. DR. RUSSELL TALKS Har t! tear.. and »Model rive trained to duete, and a nano '1,11.• dart- Pilsen melodiee will Haverford Irmilser credirehle Nom ON JACOBITE SONGS and DISCUSSION TAKES air , be by Ile-. limner. The Hyperion frees the Ily• UP C. E. E. B. ADMISSION Satoh Meister Destrilms MINH perion Miuml nf !thymic in 'Philadelphia. Preened by Great Street& will another munica InongentnIng on Eliminating Flaws A Bemire tin -Jacobite met the eIt from IVABH et 6 o'clock neat Stildoal-Facelty CO•Operatio* to DO Wade" wan tirlivered by iteverend Mood., reelable. J. Humor Iftrhener. Olsamosed Next Week The anio being taken at the l sdny 11.e pin!, The violin van The verioun problems relayed to the ttliye• R11,1,11, II. A. in th Chinn. 211 the student body with reledion Entree, Exernimtion 1101.1.1 lima, 12, Rem. Emmen I. Illeintet of be '7i0ayeel h. Ile. Harold Mater, and the Mrplonin roiled Fear Cherrh of 'rMo by Mr. Gilbert Frankel.' of admin./OM were liken up ill In nehninintretive ehangen coins me, Faten. V1•31.-Mt Broads...I 11Ir wroltly Y. ki A lesnon rdlohnreth, tilt ntildreen wen one art n healthy condition in /I. ilnem definitely Arenesemenra t have been mambleted the Shipley Fund boo Monday 1l11 ...eel,. Tho One,ammo piorkIM foo by the Snell Pinen l'rulpony for lir. undergraduate mind. 1 lirLi whether /0.1.11P11-1 telanienion f.or lecture.. on Pennell Liternlisre. Rey. Rowell lie. skelehml Ilse hark- Henry Minh inImmllobally lemon. real, ntioled-fuotley kept mot of college thone enrahlinli reherionn radian.. ro hmadrim dt their sev4A aromd .1 the !label, postai... that .111111111 ho kept out w/d. iliermard. mooperntIon So dentine wise from She lieverronl Medi, ?hie w.. ot m.atart of ...Omni elrife beunder ronsiderechto 'Hie problem, the. Student runeril. through mmHeart will bc bite. in aloe, a month. /wean Protentatie and Cat 1.1Ie •nd .nroey of the The find prom/ant by Karl rr rr worn Whig it. ,Jetuitto.e. hoc already taken fir. Tom. simrtited. t lonarl.nutt 1111,1 Monde, ermine. Ile neid Chat tha niter PrellIng ere out referenm tultnixstep by drewitta up a net of general lir. Stub King I VIII eta their ihene notx. esel ion constiren nr IlIonwford end at ski..m.1 at the refernt rnndll inn. nhvinn.1,- in amd Mahan were a moverful ape.. oitalred- 1.111.11, II,. King 1/31wartt VII and thr of mar,. in inol that Alesedm of Etiorw. Kin 71,e radar j‘rl 'ig....ha7erelt Ire group will take rap ne He. monde and ilmtrurtin. them. BB fila the triennial of liendeuelearaty rump' at, deasred that nowhere hi IMO., dre ehrintim. of Denmark, mal Ma. Herm/ amen of me ,hang work I Bwrolen. Ilp lee also been e nolotel the verhoun deform of College P.M.... one/init. mei. ottice gtmerelly. the var. tonal. Mahan haled ex shone tirmlimnf with Mr !loyal Philharmonic Orebeetr Ihr nentettle km-mine they hero f London. Vienna &WI l'open• iM ..lege REPS and Morkkaohn, and with the yearn. Tie . ft. in then On ohmic... ell' reel mealtime. Por th. Plilimblichte 1.hemre. n group of mon fin. ALUMNI NEWS ronomn it in hotted eh 1 II 1 to remind d. Dealt, Mot Me cola, - - than who.. "'It •III mo onli ilf 1110 Piet, '72 Ill. death ...I Thom. Stole. r ix in IMF, mange" be mid. -thin eve,: • 11171121121r. 1. whitford. 1... ohne.. id ihe ere. ntruesle in reflemed." ort ,,ally ready Ili von. of rte hue, bar TREATIM the Nee, 11.. glom- B. the iormitino MN. ltimiell Moto aretaiont the his. to off. ,wertien1 chin for their elle, 11r. 1/".6-11illn torsi/nal lain Ibiehrlor tors of Englend nod Mankind nil that .Vorto denim from lia,rto.nt io vir.; ER01•12-Iraw nargael. . -11.gbly reading ballet's ited MINK, well ihe Chem The vunneetilsne n• drat. h• the nod wan ■14'11. 114 II rilf1111.1. CLemai thri, eVenl, el frenuent Stier. CRESTAUT-11.. art Shawn Sla• ter mile,. from the titre of the eon, vats. lettonsitter. Iltomford tmor.• need pletion of zeal Weals, Wm., Tray. by the Siurtenc: Assmintion. nre wory hie Wsdnankr. -Cann. noternin.r. to DR. TWEEDY AT Y cerefully bean. with '63. Nr a Afro. 1Villioni Ellin etla and the labliag.; PrIdap. katgmulty that dm Mite II. ben Senn. who elabilrhet1 week lotio. More Will Remain al Canape Thursday la of el. prepared hem., of uny Meet OMNI,. of Sladeete Mil mend pooh. time ireNlies hero, ERRILICK.-“Sarawn LIM Stuytera hotly to ,peddle I, sentirs that gam ormon to Europe lo nomad IMe Dr. Ilemy Hallam Tweedy will be Ireas. the speaker at Mr M. V. A_ meetdo 1101 con,. them. .1/11 tie ■ 41/111,1,Y. Itinnier. REMI•e-emarrille. Om Wool ban hint bet, rereived of ing this Wedeounlay ovenim. Doreli 17 ma ahow lto 011,11, 14, 10 1.,,e lm Archer lir is Mint nulhor of teyeral IRIMIOtT--Primosa met,' arr .4■11verleil..111■1 11nw eager rhe Book of 1•Iterlom Ate nee,- hod enhjeetx and ht profeisor of itelober R. yrj..4. W.LIK.-0. aklvart Is -Guru. do all le their mover it. loom thn, are in OW 1'1,1 mien. end Ineurante pratimil theology at the Divinity lona/lss le lakinni. 11'nehinelon. and gamma reivermity. Ile h. dm temNly 'be undesirable fof the prate, M. PICTURES !meek,. Ilererlord resitlarly for lie Pal It i• re he looted !her lime since leaving ■ Lellette. eon et 0 , e, Ile- Tweedy will remain LIMISE-.T. Big P... noninee.reled by the Foto Flo t of onerter-beek 'the yareitY l'odlece , ooi Thomulay Bs pry auSILDSPORE-gaaanay am Twalay. mo ofticiomn nytenint rsdiegn, /lime iselividuelly or in amen, who foothill! tenet three ;elite "R.. Up. Wadawday w6 ii.rernrenre. The loonole of the nil osettoin of the It11111 in lib meteor nuny with to on., with Ida. 0111-: en. 11,. wen a member ol Ilion 111. Heller. '27. who In isi Amite of the day aen Sa.nlay. "na Mei it . itentlior. eold romprintion ,vor. n rent Sixttit mod remembered programmer. lain Ind yet obtelnell the en tlirinntine ,,fall eel .ressnoldo by hie modewitinrerien. spenker fur klerch 24. Hoover. 1Pcdeo-or Iltorien twe.rolunkown ilndennor of elleteletry al W.,ifancTott--nme. DR, GRAHAM TO SPEAK 1111: I nivernity. will Mara the snaptd,CTSWIE. Malkt--alu err amp of kb depur.sent of Rapti( Entrance Again arratly- Sertemed by the opening of Feminism CIA. le 1-nler Rated Englinll Educator al Nast Meting Me that Lnhoretory of flitrelorry. the ACADEMY or mosso-:nu.ealsma To We caller of She Raw. IN. John 11'. Itrehem, well-known of whirl/ wen laid on Feb emsasent, mem, sr... Mg, Quaker, will eddrem n nom. 'ant by vonk sift or gan,000. 1:11111i,111 Tke erlissoriel entitled -And Attie En- cm, el.rawn and eaterdar emotes. ion of Ihe Ptoludera Clnb, be held ,,,111. -11M Hovel-Inn! loom." nelnek kn the Iiton on Friday. Rno.r.otat 03,.. dt ••Idaoanian,•• resider males. He will kneel, on ',Mehl u• for Nielvb I rend. in per, ne rah ora till, asaill. Nam, heribm. flrahnes mid Aten.tatit Colleges.Ilmrry Timbre.. o 21, Mr r ...Ia.., 43 1.16 Very. Meek mire on entertainment of Romano noel in eneeptionelly well Silted The fusses era arr. .• tite 41 f no f on the sublea nn lie In h. Polinh det.,• mot folk 'mos. et WM. eta hao manom. yew. r. Manchenter l'esivornity. rim- /Tall, Swett tom,. on Friel, the tiew wallabla fas Elgrerfordl If . At present he Is ciao. Ensland, rir warlss.. to wow llarch 12 fleece vonrse in Quaker el 1,.., n1 GIP filo candidlato tat thin.. Meats and Provisions Swerthmert Cntrese. Tanta el. dr wok of tkr we. ear, Tin. previa.. inertias of !lir Found6 eanfol Eli/male, Tram. wk. Wm Lae. La Wm. Duncan who /not been ere (both, held rft11,11117 Di, an caal Irvin E wareinanw. eenler. kf FrosPrher, 'De flay Ma thly pith the eartin Publishing roams., dre/0mi hr e weal. ter• tor the pent year, he. Joined thl mlm ilemlinnetet of Oak Lime etialory Spring Ave., d ftatly .-rbe W .. em Ifemill Reel, Ego/- School. Mr. Froellober 0 11r. 00fn orenniketion uf ween. cell for two oboe,pn,. st 312- South Brand YlISPI. Prattles. of IMIlear Entmince HMI All. Tie e •. .. Ardmore latians. hutt ttLILLZI 1Liir CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Luncheon and Dinner $1.00 Special for Teachers and Students Our Gre® Ream is Now Ready for Banquet, Card and Dancing Parties Phan. Ardmore 3160 WAR WILL FEATURE MUSICAL PROGRAMS el ttite elite MARCH 16, 1926 Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats of superior character. Perfectly tailored in anrect fashioning, $35 and upward. JACOB REED'S BM% Nt.4.26 CHESTNUT 3T. PHILADELPHIA Ceelitalr. her $9 13. /Mete. DILI lh F tern Fetter.. ergthitig ileilierehirle 3110 /let It111,11 WS, Sil . Our PlidaildpidaShsp HAVERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. PREY, P. D. lai-12:13ClestentSL Lap Asa 41 ail Get better acquainted with Quakerism and what it stands for by securing ant ar meth mine $7 "A SYNC Mafia, sf Qsaierb•" be Einatstrala II. Emmett bstroducm by Rubs. M. Jon« Price Pam Paid $2.00 FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 302 Arch Street, Phila. tv3 Veitteelt, Ie .thlrYty• el'I 111731il ti WII13111 hater YltInt, Ne111111 Wirt 111311 "r /3111 It n e 'mANy MARRIAGES 10 elIF , Mail! 1111l1i11o 13. elertiltel iheer• VieteN/ 34,1,1,114. elt, 113eiii, ILI elt. tat t ill, Itell tititit in I,. IllteeMeill ILI Meddle. Kill !eel NfletelI. Fli [it Mire el el ih Felltrie 46 7 twixt Ed and Co-ed result from that alluring institution, the sorority "At Horne" Lunch. The ideal food is something light, yet satisfying, appetizing without being elaborate.-in short easy to prepare and easy to serve. Shredded Wheat fills the bill perfectly. Thousands of fair young stewardesses all over .the country can testify to its popularizing, energizing qualities; its adaptability to a number of out-ofthe-ordinary menus. Try Shredded Wheat at your next party lunch and see. The same bis. cults of golden brown whole wheat that you have always preferred for ' breakfast, you know. food for thought-and health DIU OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ,_ „,,g-vttsaiwittrigitakiffMosaaL MARCH a 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS PAO -TYSON-S71303-WILLIAM R. BREAD?, Jr. LEONARD E. YODER DAVID C. BEVAN W, WENDELL BLANCHE COLLEGE SPORTS HPITOM: ALCM F. HORTON, Jr. BASKETBALL TEAM CLOSES YEAR WITH SIX VICTORIES COACH HALAS CALLS BASEBALL PRACTICE Injuries Hamper Team in Early Games of Season; Logan Leads Scoring With Garrett Next in Line; Great Credit Due Hales Team Will Play in Baltimore During Spring Vacation In the history of the them lots Illoorrftord looketbell 11713-41 HP.0111. rieloriea were teamNeer torothbybefore Inthe ao Sue greened th that el fifteen start, The ethos: of the Scarlet endwellBlack outof the regiatered ractory over Swarthmore. It n g as thertactilar mason was • eurprisi flaverfool line defeated the Comet. watt This the first time seven Team Iwo game 01 twitch/se showed the effect of Hales' excellent ertsch• to inatell hie ...en. thit he worth Lose been lag. It has taken ...there it last year. the demonstrated. When Holm first ttmk one, the darned oftomes. this non' Morn won only out of 14 gam.. Flee nut of the first Imo resulted In defeats for Haverford. Ht. Joseph. 1'. rind M.. Brooklyn rot,. Steve.. wed Princeton dowsed the Ehmerford rourim, ill the order namedgame a Since Jthusry 20 the testa hm alternately won .0.1 too Hann. oroblem wee enompilly penile:leg hderien PLUM ma eras.. serer ImPortant part in Harerford'a five-mute Iodate streak. Ph< COACH HALAS SAYS— When Inlereissted eater the gams, Coach. Hales weld, "The hays Ike besthave110111101 spiritdisplayed of emy team ever washed. Although the Men wore diehea by the lone of Paltehell at it nrItleal Mete, by the fact that Melchior was out el the gams far three weak., eel that tors eta In had lee the two days Meant the gems. the haym caftslitt themaatres. They deserved the victory,' FRESHMEN TRACK TEAM LOSES TO LOWER MERIN Tripp and Probyn Only First Place Winners in 53-24 Defeat Loner Merlins den reardefeated. the The first practice of the year tot the Freshman team on Thunder. baseball mead woo celled this afterMania II,clearly bytreek thedemonstrated neore 53.24. they The noon. Although this le the first real Ithioles ractice. the pitrierm,hare been work. th leo f powerfulthataggregngtion.thebutdroop. hadthe misfortune nI meetis the gymnaalum for the 10.1 •ptwo jog out on the entire weeks. The weedier hest been tow in thr endtense owe- of the Yen, ,id . take the opted outaide but it Velealtie pante any tom through lack FOOTBALL CANDIDATES seherlade el mai, am! entermme. bring vampsome is hoped that Pile week willspring Tripp of the freshmen and Mores of warmer weather. During Lower Minion the [oilyeatotored double don, • Southern trip hoe been pleased, ended We, and lemon end Airharthoon we, nit in mindithal for the fret withers of inOlethewere WILL PRACTICE BOXING few ram,. Au injury anstained daring the football mason loot C51.1131 rw It• Is neceenary that the rest two first pLue thirtyTripp yard death tO Garrett out of the hum. until January 5. Thome'', thee hernate wobbh. io week. be sleet le very %trainman pear. nosing out hie Imamate. the P. and M. thane. sad he wan forted to look. on from the tench for Pee.Coach Hake lane derided to take the was Light Springliractiee With jot7e-"igyVerCtiZtir: thTherEirt 17j job; of weeks Riebarthou &opted basketball fee Midyears. cad Nlitehelt euointhia. 10.1 to the team a short while later. Then, with e erything the rodthen. of the Albrighthe hoe 1.1.e No Scrimmaging Will L. et e io 1. d'11'1167! woe, htelehoir suddenly tweetedsettestionally. his ethic neer sound down to Baltimore, within Is "%rk u 1.t'esa but Warr although plot011 tell forward was playing fororel well range Athena gthnee can be FR AAAAAA 0 N. LOGAN, '28 Begin This Week canteen.. he hen been unable regain hi. former atria.. hird. it, win this reed. fLuithed played. The play*r teal get the first tedIvideal tearer of the 100Inhat • OrrtrIll Downwar d Ontario, that the Scarlet r Itelbell teem wed promisee( Prdiy• demi. Weil Han-ilea Vilna Opening Garth here of rile lopthnil taw' days off and will return to college 33-30 defeat of Swarthmore we be - sonIlthertorepe quintet opened3. the me- nod BMA mane honor with n nom*. mimed rend pom eh... al maleaecoseit oneTheof work of Captain Probye was nn Wednesday. On Thuredity they will with a 15.1 stetson Alminst roduile. the find rebooting. inr TO tri it. we. suggested the reibmnolba feature., of the Inmate Inky. bare for Baltimore.. It is not overandennolclounly Drexel. winning the geese nmet Irma n Haverford viewpoint. Elio in Om athieb had teen so ....ellen in the bet Harmon u Inetting of the hamlet! will be met. erect], whet extol RTVOlialliO 'wend. Then few mime, tell off ...addenda's. A bet- men Met Mond, night. The Ids was Math of :1 feet 7 inches Winne that withvaluable little addition amine afirelong A.m. St.theJoseph's and ter percentage of hod duds wood hem. favornith received la timer .went. MOT treihins Threw Letter Mee From La. Veer wilt be wootherel tlinlY1.1 and Fiera the 31sin Liners the reetHet. Is NMI the football 11.11415,1■15111 to theante.. Varsity Seven men from Gat reset,mahewn Conch rc nine to mart work a.. than 311-13. S.31-111etre. mri deSt was /to the It was- the Collegeville poomere n plat, asquad, that it will LLOYD EASILY WINS orbuild left college, gradonted hererather Ithle to ammo. lent YrAell revere-, The Loan ean found to boodle the coneblong end of at A trip to he hard to up a goad team. ton M.4.5111, tl Lt6hIrer'17;ortedhle.T47,%Adidtet:ri er New York only edited two more ham, 6161,10f MghclotTbose whoendhave left Dthertord are: nine erne, Arwarthithre Gam the Climax le suite paoletble Mull dark ti'lle,ea to the AT.410 Liner's total, Brooklyn Loth...0th Holliothead, pitchers; The Frsinus defeat. ements es mute. it dot lobPhilthelphin he stained Poly 35-9, won 4,M-10. mad the iller[11/1 lame. week for the ee-rere htheranni Terkel, te• Trios. 'OD: the Swerthrthre The stomlywillmon,. where the lamWilley, third baseman, and ahortatop; Gott. -out- INTER-DORM HAND' weaAdvance m. os-osa , 'sod rime encouraging. looked ina will he held. tem eleaunl oat In • dope nn t he Iltineeton one ewe notbefore fielder. Captain W. flaundera. outfieldAn another walkaway tor though the tinnedl Anomie wohld he od o e rb oe h the ` Beh r winded infielder. and Flint catcher. 5.711.1 low buyillen1VoSi by Teloo. er, Logan 1■1 the pant mix years. one Thee Imaing wil Ise r ve A beautiful oboe by Vogel are letter men whoand miltTeammate, be svalletde.who Lowry, Richardson and Silver tied Tithegers. score In the last few remade 'reek of Imre drill put the squad on weeke. ram Motu a week. Benwiek. Hartsell erl im for the I, intik.. NO mention Spiel Prentice Beg.. a/optplay. butest. the thange and Bleak won Take High Scoring tomil—Wee IntlSumalso ro•mr won their last year, Berl". footle. pranks. will ale, le need lw mode here ofHet-edam] the detail,jillnlled of the ginSolna The ensuing in the peritaL 51. 1,1y5.. {too 57. return. Fromnumerals lentWerner. senson's monad onto est. tbie week. The drat will OolloOnl of Heverford mutates found 'S2-21L themselves Honors . welt,Pitchera: cetcher; Huelle And To445¢t e., Nog am oat Into no early lead whit+ it held through- nothing too the lightest work. such as inonthe rlelnware der. A. Fog end Merge, in. OM the Koine. The fill111 fig. the hall, n0541100 and kicking. Scoring thirty-three Poiets. mete lop of 27-21 score. New York Harertord &Hem be enlahand. Among Swarthmore 311, wee handling No mitinimaging wit! be dome at ell. the " hop than doubling the totals of Its ente. INivetelly did not have any trouble in a pitcher who the mew roeswillHingham purfew of holithao oreareinf Although Motortee mid Moe melna 31,1e. 1111., bed prep whet/ ekpetience. Dunknm is competitors. Lloyd detildrell won the istoner not oesaotendlei record. itteams M eery nude omen, being to briar the men Tn.. 5 rola.. LO51/5 to Hevertant Allanght Connors and Tripp me in. Intoner.. Handicap Meet held-on the relate much than Haver/owl point where tiles ene motetpron.• in on bethe •Orolot.: t.10 poem. Fur the lino time in serer. years Jeers and kIngennuer are toned Meek lent Hatordey. Merlon and be hare done in harder work when regular the met. To Conch Ream Blot Tle. .211. IT/. I. Igo metcourt end defeated Albright goo andel:dere .thin material it lath been be- South tied for **gnat Ilece with - Fehr, Haverforti gee s ginsThese oo Anaemia, 15, of that credit bas . pi, Ilagla. 6 Imt I imMtem on the home 37.:Pt. thatigem, With allend e .Iledu. err (Zr short soth.on• loot for e L.axe.IL, L....sod. - wee erwoe. 'S. eu.wane L W.;Mame. 1•11•55, tided to here a 'Ch.M.* tor the ...wood teen rehire that; Center was third with which bed been herald an unusually re now coming forth in the orm of half an hour d will be teld on Tues- , einu-sto m poor season. surprised the Motet and t.M. Heather Millet and Aminent nine polite, and North bronaht co the whining nteren. The team has won The day and Thursday nights during March. reet 10 tort., ot Theory. New Brunewlek by tegLetering this manManager expeetweek. to getThey out l.f theemcee, last nine mimes. The In the week of April 5. following notion rear with two pelican. Foonders did Bleck fawn. wen et heat, coo. 33.W. Haien' ewe were not ed arreage daringGilson thegames coming plan Heidelberg ore lost by one vacation. the soma will hold three ef. .M. Pont WeMerlon: Richf. ...ea., not compete. Lowry. a lves to overforced to extend themse with the leadli m high pot.. and the enth. practices retains hy two. the Templetat, fire 45.31 of Lloyd, and Silver, of South. whelm othools in theRadnor. ricinitY. Lower end peepHigh Captain Careen. although not leading The Mehlenberg neat the the Merith School, Weer ardson, tied for I. Math ermine. Played the beat ail- 4 Philadelphia High School. Haverford with eightthepaiodiriduel late herb. mitring honor, Swhrthweer Pm, the bent ofwhich round gene the smooth. Logan let School end St. Luke's School will be 1.1hrh got off to s Sying start when year A frenk shot by poiwin kW SPECIAL fell throat, the ring an the Sold Mal teammates in minter pinned, Richard.. won the hightheMaim theet find the Alleatowners a 33-T2 moored. 107. Ile aloe tallied MINI field ch. went off rotemeek pre. event on the their, : Garrett sans anon shots from EASTER the remarkable recA handicap of 3 la. gave Mot 5reedit In. Phu NORTHEAST HIGH TEAM the fifteen.ftht mart. 311 Logan wth leer threw, not oni of of seven out of dabs for 5 ft. 9 In. bawl. withhigh.datte 33 cow-points/1. ANNOUNCEMENT elowe lie nehmen. metered Its second defect,. • GIVES GYM E)(HIBITION Beech Takes Tete Plane is Dath Melchior west plarina baeket• ate thee et Newark. the heel Stares firm at In the thirty-yard dash, the.,h. 111.Theinjury op eon2248. Harerloni was trailing M. H. ROBINSON eer„. atGains som.i .e4r.ClumMen et PhliaMillibie he outdoor errrote.iliorh wered call Wowed forwardhim regbitered halftime 10-1, end wee only by niderably. CI .'orthenst. MN am Hignrr" MAKER OF 21 field rola. sod totaled IN ...pieta. The ool glen IL. barely be. pat Weer. who tearten remerkable spurt with ogee an team,density, ocland chaMinons from toe watch, Ensworth detested Ale PhllidelliMa "GOOD CLOTHES" third. The thirtplard low hurdles end came to Herecfard mid For Your C. G. WARNER Weinstein, afternoon sod gore in es. ing were also won by South. Silver breakOffers Millen of. whet high school lytys the end ends Triad of two Merits map. Sporting Goods and Stationery do onhad 0r nepenthe. The csn Ar- Lowry ipp. Lowry. who ran DRUG STORE Try A SUIT OF QUALITY chie. hadthmernite. well-trebled men from scratch. ntuld not quite overcome , and wince for each event. and in the opinion of owefoot bendiest d MAX ABROM5ON With Extra Pair Trousers WE DELIVER Mr. Sane they nere good enough to who led he fer es the hurdle. mimed 3 Wart Lux:surer Avenue Or make the Penn vanity extend step880-yard nod nearlydads fell.wth the of the Telephone Ardmore 1372 Ardmore, P. Ceptalo Shoemaker. GlaserItself. and ItleThe A Well-Made Topcoat Ziegler were the ontstentling eters of feature races as of the afternoon. Heller. THE for the team. Shoemaker scintillated cc who Wag au end Hollander, the horizontal( b.. pareliele, anal mats. Whir had a 5thal handicap. trailed the The Master Shirt ARDMORE PLOWER SHOP an the pecond His "oath field forof about thennorfo*ed $22.50—LESS 5 % sleet ahead H. p. MANUEL nerd end his well etheeted fought beet the meltfootantilape. and Blouse CO. swims on the firstwell especially (mitered. IN ALL THE WANTED COLORS Haller. with Moil spun, men• niece. pit Pinworm, Potted Plant& nerd hie aged to break the tope nhead Aeremorlos team-mate, Llarle.matching of feeler. finithed SATISFACTION GUARANTEED HAVERFORD SCHOOL TO AN* Coast. meet Gold Irtn3 third. successfully sprints 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. rase., narnessz gas Liveried end Teat ottthe its home ASK THE BOYS ON THE CAMPUS MEET '29 ON TRACK of stretch. ScheelOppeeltIon Team Should Foreish String The ammo ram SHOWING EVERY WEDNESDAY BANKSa for'Freehmen =Mr 41:2 ICO STRAWBRIDGE Itooler..131D,IkE The Freehmen remelt tenm will vow IN ree"1 vete In Ito se,outi inert or the holoot somm—tm.,.1.1. Patten cmiten& CLOTHIER FOUNDERS HALL ...eon thatwhen Thursday 55•511511.4/1 nr. %trek IS, 11.erfredafternoon. &boo! will 7201 hIjmo'f PHILADELPHIA 4 tolrfraPI fatr ".2%1,Alru week. , ter to no AgnIneL",Z,17.4nr:14:., le tS1111 oo l 't The Gilt Serration Bonk - rho the., Nale'it.1 mated Quoit Fla,neet rid arrfi32gler.-17 'gre'Ventliali atone,. aod erten U111125o5-74 ft. 16%,1:1 ft o lerFel;pb'' e l n 7pfleb s Trotr hi e b fp4e7e owho theis30-yard death atheist D'Andre, an't Atteml—Vr Jewels, Wittcheo, Ckte1.. Neer, e--a . lam knitter mid ehou61 .11 t!. rmbwme. a eq., Chine, Ghee and Novelties two Rhinien n stiff rare. Tripp oil the try From which mar be eetectml 4'1'e U11.73arthdpirtV1:7;11g. manatee fimorice to Ole, Riley mod new ete—xceo to mnlmtt. ne mem.. BirthdaY, Gradootiaa Roberto, of Harerford School. Vitatia"MrIkst 7-Ire-rOtia.Trge- wedeln,Led Other OLIVA HAVERFORG BASKETBALL TEAM'S STATISM'' Genet FIAld Feel Total Total Pryer COMPLIMENTS Goals Goals Goals *Mete 37 33 7D 107 Logan . 14 . 13 36 53 70 Berndt (Captels) of 32 43 13 271 04 Malaise Cl 36 51 Thome 14 It 19 30 41 IT Demmeged THE TRADESMENS 0 7 15 23 Mitchell. 4 15 8 13 20 4 a 7 II NATIONAL BANK Bette 10 3 4 Rieharlath 2 3 5 0 0 HavIland 0 0 PHILADELPHIA the 'lees of ' defeslyd the or led FOUNDERS HALL ON TUESDAY SHOWING IN RUMSEY -F•Y ' • • • 'A Correct Sportswear and Sports Equipment for Young Men Lumberjacks Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Shoes Skates Caps Hockey Sticks For Fullness of Value Custom Made or Ready to Wear Satisfaction Guaranteed GRADE ir ELECTRIC COMPANY ElectrM Supplies sod hlachtratery Everytheth in Radio 1007 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA When You Are In Need Of a Real PHOTOGRAPH Get In Touch With THE ZAMSKY STUDIO At 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.. UNIVERSITY CLOTHES SHOP OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE MILK Highland Dairies, inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Mee. 182 arra NOW. SHOWING IN FOUNDERS HALL ON TUESDAY $37.50 3705 SPRUCE STREET A Pasteurized Clarified to $45 • HAVERFORD NEWS Pane 4 HAVERFORDIAN REPRINTS by Heeerferd "Intercollegiate World.. poems and one short story, ail Two Poems and /Herr Mee in Two be Haverfordinne and all neonate team the monthly yfIaverfordiao.appear on the pages of the March Irene of the ^Isterenll<glafe World;' Tie Can! dere, .27. and 'Transit- by Richard C. Bull, '28, the awry is called .Jonsh" and in by Granville E. Toot... '29. It is of interest to note that the next laser of this magazine will be the first one More lie illitinfiCIP for which Ilarer. ford repro...atop hi net P.P.i, P,• INVENTS TUTTLE TALKS BEFORE HAVERFORDIAN NEW ARITHMETIC BOOK ELEM. STUDENTS • SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY ON ATTEND CONVENTION Addresses and Inspection SPEECH TRANSMISSION Tours Included in Day's A meming .of the Alumni Executive Committee will becaned by President Her 8. Drinker, Jr, during the week to select a chairman for the annual Alumni Day celebration whirl take* piece this year on June 12, Commencement will be observed morn a. Jobe 12, inetead of ow Friday. as has been the ease in pan years. It Is befieved that tbe combined activities of theitraftatire end the Alumni will egret a more tamcesefui the than lee been the eese when the events were be thirty-Mx hours time. Class reunion. and frstisities will extend from Thursday aught, du. Mt. to Monde,. Inas 19. In additioo to the renions of the dee-year rises., the plan. adopted by the Alumni ttiettit'lIew"". s1 1007 sod 1021. The owner of the Dix plan which hay lo.d favor in many Alumni bodies, is to erratum n. aunty for the reunion for .e or more cotiege LthttiffP126. 1002 sea tie fo Die. A dinner will take place at the eol Fa so for the Claes of 1902 en Smock,. kth rob 20. The fifteenth cruel ids. of 1011 were Mailed et Att:1 MidWhiter Dinner and are Prorreasdner soder Me dire.. of Cheri. Wadsworth, Class &cutlet, of N. York, L. Arnold Post The Close of 10113 wil L. willl hare a special lunch at the Heverford Club cus FrielnY, Merril 2.1. to foram committee on - ite tenth reuMon plans. Twelve members. of 1921 met •t the Haverford Club on Monday. Match 8. and appointed B. H. Wilbur ...Inn. of their Altinmi Ay EPPliilif It, Thom ay it Roe., Wribur and ' MacDonald & Campbell 77r• not too early now to teem I...antihero/Jam axioms. One n Anything worth priming at a atPeeIrn PreiSeins Tend te Keep le Front Repeating Error, Frederick Main Jones, 112, publisher right- l? as worth Priotmt to • good printer. On and Hineator, ham ribilehed a boob en- titled "lose.' Self-Correcting Problems season]. log to Mr. Jones' preface, is "th Om' duce a number of problem having all Program the adrentagei but none of the disad• ',emerge or answers in the hook." A full day of retied entertainment The problem. are skilfully non/rived done technIcel lines, 'mannse inspecso .het the 'student can tell el ones If tion tours of large ength.ring factories his answer is correct. and yet a. not the rcedha of ones In Arithmetic." The PLIMOde, Bell Telephone Expert Describes Speech Transmission TO CHOOSE ALUMNI DAY SHOWS OSCILLOGRAPHS CHAIRMAN THIS WEEK Classes Hold Suppers to Plan for Celebration on lune Twelfth MARCH 15,10 •litmech Transmission anti the Characteristics or the Human Voloe.^ was the rabies, 01 au illustrated lecture by Mr, 0.. It, Tuttle of the Bell Tele. phone Cowan. The lector, wee de• livered under the empires of the Scientific Serie, at a Ineetiog bold ft the Chemistry Builditig on Tomah/. evening March n at S.00 o'clock. Mr. Tuttle ban done a lucre poet of Ills original work in lath field for the Bell Company and is al. thoroughly InrubJect in CO011eCtion formed on with mi., • Before anything definite could he discovered 'bon, sound, me.. hod to be found to discover and represein the wave form of different sounds The firm ramIgalwanlione by the muds of phonographic *ends. This method was very laborious end while Ice acemery Wan •Verwardo confirmed they was for route time considerable doubt es to qv cormkurss. 00000 lk Ilmorlhad The errand method sc. that of the u.,illnetaph arm developed for prmrieal use by Mr. Tuttle. This instrument nec▪ssitates .nvertme the wares into ariaions au eteetric current god (that ]files inrchnical motion whieb is minified optically. Th third method war invented by Dr. Miner why en instrument known re the pbonodefa It is less mineable to es periraents en letenhone circuits. After an effort ...mart. over period of MU years. Mr. Tattle decrionerl an oeeilloaraph sufficiently let, to experiment with. It wth Atom the, lb. over t• at thi kninan voice were not related by the usual physical !PPP Pi the fundameataL This he attributed to the fart the, the enrol ehords are net is eramoonly suppoeed ba th tile strings but ere ,iniouratively thick And vibrate like the hp. of a .nunettot They merely omit series of puff, a sir. The Jounce] they to heard erwmunce nhamtrere m the WY. 1.315.29Coaree&nat Padamietzeds Is Predict the knower by working the eye and addrenaez was provided for the electem heckwanl. According to Mr. Jon.. trical enginearieg cisme at the second this will prevent the lass of math time thanyal Sthaent CorMention of the and effort on the part of both teacher Pbliedelphle Section of the American and student, and will prevent one very Institute Of Elettrieal Elaine.", at undesirable aspect of educed., namely. Swarthmore College Itht today. the readepey to repeat mistakes before The morning wee Mirth UP with the they can he corrected. Tau HOLMES Parrs. THenns HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DOR= reeding of four technical These problems have appeared in MOOn by representativee of the University of card form, wed nosh a demand for them Pennsylvania Lehigh. Drexel and DelaIn book form was evidenced that these ware, yews Haverford waa rep. hooks are published in answer to it. resented In this is part of the .pre= 1924 CLASS LUNCHEON Glue 'WNW, to EN Meth M-Monbly neer a Twerny.three Members of the clans Haverford Club on hursday, March 71, for anger to !Woad:enter% but sloth there vtaa net auffirient nme for all nine coDethe to have soothers is a .log1. morolog they had to he divided over a two-year 10.5. tatimettas Tf 1924 met at the INSURANCE ,vet tmaeeK p4`="1.1..., at rAYde ter Meth 1734-1336 CHESTNUT slerik rebrieee• Month ham... to }.tees.] ante. r rink. hi (teed(, 1= le.. path thla country lad STREET PHILADELPHIA .va Pictures, Picture 141 S. Fourth Street Blatt Raiding' Phlithaehla AgI ZI: The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wsyns Kurtz Brothers tem.' wee delivered by F. L. Hutchins eon. National Secretary of the Ameri- HENRY E. WALLACE ImeoNmase $0.1.466. Reedit, Feake. WattPU, Teylor, can Indite. of Electricel Engineers. Heilman Patterson, Van Tine MP. The tate-teemed ended with the renbridge, West, Greenlee% illeadley. gi:greylr oL17.7,ihr InkoT:Vige 711.tvafltf:" {eall`rr". lethe reorterotha. CATUIER AND CONFECHONER 1421 cussrourr STIMET MITALLISMZO °""' Wayne ad "rya Mawr Overleth Frequency IMO The diemi. generally conceded to ..rills. with the fundamental. The mast predominant overtone is produced C., the navel ..evuire. le has been found ....mei from Mg. 1. column to cher this is generally in the neighborhood This wan the fifth of the stx Swarth. of the frequency one thousand, and that more-Haverfned basketball games In rids le due to the fart the there earl. mutt Which theresult ham hero derided by ries Prim are almost constant in DiSP margin of from one to three points. a Logan had three personal fouls celled Oscine in the insterithre of thI. fre. on him in the first half and played the PPPtIPP, ail Dell telephone now.. ic entire ev..ond half without nommitting deeigned with especial regard to theanother whirl. would here 111.111 hie rein it fully. It is impractical to use baniaiiment from the gem, apparatus which will earth evert' ,th ithenoy op to 10,0911.yules *Mel, would ron ',Pentium, hx. 13, requirement for perfect repro. domino so rhe work of finding lust 6 472::F 2 g..e et Ire , onewnes 1 , 0 we,. Important GARNET BOWS, 33-30 ,,,. erne Pew eeifo 2" 1654 "`fA .rt Loomis never dreamed he'd make a salesman l "rs f"414.' iL.VRELL fn■rn' 1710-210g" 4,1.1:17,-,, edirirmt. nn the most Lisping In Mails Prevented Mr. Tuttle explainedthat for broad. 1P,tlitelt Whitte tone we Importsnt , be radio append. used J11111.171 trammil. (redeem,. se blab 151001 the PipPlaPr'S voice is though be pen I. hi Swarthmore lame Broadcast If you will put as mucky thought into the selection of your thole ante policies as you do into the The programme of WABQ was further varied tart Sathrdey night by broadcasting the gwarthroore.11ever. ford hasketball game, play by play. from the Hayerford gym This le the find time that a Swarthmore-Ham, ford basketball game dn been put O. the air, though college basketball games have been frequently broadcast by large universities. Between the Wers dance mode was b..defot from the studio by a fire-piece orchestra—a pine, banjo, violin end two imam:Mon. Vetterlein Fuel Company purchase of your golf clubs, you will have more time to use the golf dubs in your old age-A Royident Mutual Old Age Endoweat policy ode a out now will give you comfort and independence in the tater years of your Provident Mutual ukhrumnoComporolfrigaeldpkiathrom usCORPORATED Bitambasm COAL Astamthe -Gas Waightaloa HsHfiinr D. M. WEST Phsrmadst SEDISORE. PA. fanner boy--a did his parents and grand- mlon.o a' oar ,vee, Jo ont shaver our rapacity lot perceiving tied we want noinethins more than the kind of information senses bring, our real lite lies deepercionekusion, Dr. gates .111. -What we need more than iteed a new sense, iv an inner vision m which we to.come seemed of love and purpose at the heart of things." Plan your Insurance as a real "dirt" farmer-ac DEAN PALMER ON AIR roonnied foam E. W. Loomis started life parents before him. eC Across the-corn har- Tht plenum it sexertiners asled. Whose de _rum WI/ ter , Or are tbei, fared is sooner reap.? This series 6 ohirIniteRl111.1 Arms hght es these 901.1a021. catch sight on the road of Lw, L001111 theonly kind of engineers • gin C payry hi a Is ore Fara ro PI, guy. gradaafgaa. farmer boy of that day saw--a civil even better than you do elec- manager of the Industrial Divi- engineer—and a civil engineer tricity and engineering, why not sion of the New York Office— Loomis determined he would be, go in for the sale of electrical charged with responsibility for At Delaware 'University, how- apparatus?" Loomis liked the the sale of Westinghouse appa- got a job in the elec- itlea—came to Westinghouse— ratus to all industrial customers took the student course—then in New York State and in the off to the New York Office as • northern ever, he trical laboratory—he also waited table, played football, wrestled, was commissary of the Commons, ran the battalion and did a number of other things, besides bath on the farm and in college. is barely studying electrical engineering. In three years he was head of a wise old professor remarked to One day a kindly professor said to him--"You understand men 'section of the industrial auks de- him—"Consider selling; its a "cub" salesman. He worked—he always had— partment. By half of New Jersey. Loomis has fifty-two men 1922 he was working under his direction. It eleVen promising field." The Bryn Mawr Hospital Edward K. Tryon Company Official Outfitters for Err* ad- rortimar” fah, et, she retard era call !. roes coke terse with the WV, Pharmacist to rIrt-ItIMONIti AMMO... MO when . he, ewer e Iry irefteserial argessmassamt Hew they to exercise :reeds, ”arees? rows, however, he would Westinghouse The Haverford College Football Team SPORTING GOODS 912 Chestnut St, Phila. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Fraralat Or Mr Illtarise to toes.. LONGACRE & EWING P from Hateethasery Motorlaa Aththet girt g. "o Mse r7.,.;L' ent wets s leidemen, BPSCIALISfre YOUNG M.Hbrig Meath Over* %moth Cloth.. 4 0fOrngtellir i=7 ... .v. 114011 In the afternoon the bantection trips addition In mminixini for particles- took place. Most of the Haverford men rho. to go either to the 3Veetiv.. er1A7ofto cit.!! booth Electric and Manufacturmg Cost. ltra?attlaLr' pay of ■ ilinit'oterl:elleiroorirorr treaevy the ftalgter'LP .:,:•;.1.14thl,,,= rovide Eddystone. of Dinner was ed at 7 o'clock. and year in Oct of as gift to the sspy to p LEAVING Phnom. Ardmore IBIS years since the