HAVERFORD NEW VOL. XVIII. HAvEasoRD (AND WAYNE) PA., MARCH 22.11128 DR. SNYDER DNS AO= SYSTEM AT OM FORUM MEETS Attacks News Article as Misrepresentation of Facts; Froelicher Speaks . ENTRANCE PLAN FLEXIBLE Be EdweAl D. Urger. Pk D. PRESIDENT INTERVIE WS u APPLICANTS FOR 1927 IL Next year Preston. Not Is U.., Ketemetee Committee Meets Avelinotx for membership in the ciao of HBO were interviewed by Pre.Meat Comfort. Ikea Palmer end Pro/owe Pont on Setorday morning and afternoon. in the Union The 'Student Extension Committee tertained the Tone{ Me. sidle the interviews wee. being eon and Itoh them over the comp., demir them elto the different type. of dormitory rooms President Comfort and the Dean met the prep wh.1 men in the while Prot Post cabled the Pr esident in the afternoon. President NUMBER 7 SUCH TO BROADCAST DR. LUNT WU HEAD Emit FROM 8111 FACULTY COMMITTEE Noted Violinist Celebrated Leads Group Chosen to Meet World Over as Soloist of Students' Committee on Rare Attainments Curriculum Through the mine. of the Charlet M. thieff Plano Company, Mr. Henry Such. celebrated Anil.. of biternational reputation. broadeast • olefin recital from WAR() at 8 o'clock on Monday, April 12 Me. Sorb will br aecompanted by bOn wife. Boni. Such. Henry Such she ie • resident of Pldledelekla woe born o London. England. He was the pupa of Joseph Joachim, August %tithe., and Pablo de denote. end is anent', acknowledged by the rinks of the leading musics' centres of Knopf end America as e violinist of the highest stolemeets. both technically and artistically. His appearance during hie continental and Americen tours hare Invariable slothal the entheeism of his audience.. Highly Preis. By Grilles The Philadelphia Pros oyes of Profeosor PRESS CLUB MEMBERS INSPECT LEDGER PLANT Ore. el Nine Shame Through Comic Seal. .0 Phila. Newspaper An inspection nett. comormad of PMe men wax shown through the id!.e and pleat of the Public Ledger last Wednod.. The party ...pedal, interested in going through the en section. where the erntoonists were a wort. An visitors rarely nee this see- E, Lunt ix to ttrve flint, the Opportunity win eapeciagy eltpreciated. as otelemen of the Faculty Committee . Curetted., which is to mho with He reteattonding Student+ Council Caramittee In the interota of Student. Vacuity eo-operation on subjerta coo teenier. the renege currientem. Profaners Loekwood, Rad, Made= ▪ JOMMI betatron the meander of the Committee which woe appointed by the Faculty at a meeting held Thereey during meeting boor. This commitwee formed at the invitation of the udents' Council, to meet with its When the party arrived at the alboo of the Ledge. they were joined be corresponding group from Beaver College. The picture of the combined groups was talon by one 01 the Ledger yhotoseaphera The inspection was thorough and etelbodint The early was shown the compoeing row. .ben Linotype and mon... mania. were at work. and the pees., some of which wore running and eon* ot which were being prepared for later edlN,ua. When the Committee to Conaider euggestione the plant had been thoroughly examlued the andents beee to offer. aped to die- MUSICAL CLUBS JOIN WITH PRINCETON FOR CONCERT ON THURSDAY Annual Combined Appearance to Take Place in Foyer of Academy DARTMOUTH APRIL 9 Student.. of Germantown Friend.. The combined Reeked Clubs of I. • ePeech which held the Montgomery Dee and Penn Charter Princeton Univereity and Haverford of • lathe group of students, alumni &boob. were proem for interne. in the moraine and Revenue& NorrisCollege will hold their third annul and fathity for on horn and a hat on town. Jenkintown sod Hecidonfleld High concert In the Foyer of the Andemy of Tennslay &amiss, Dr. Edward D. fen- School entrant. came In the efternoon. Eisele PhIledeleida. on Thema. ereder. moraine{ under the auspice. of the Other Into-new dais of the same kind nine. March 27, at 8.15. Previous Students' Clownen, etlacked the "ails. will be earned out liner in the Mtn.. The Student Extemion Committee. joint droneu of the musicians of the repreontetion of facts and the fel. at • tenting on Wedmeadat eensidered two inaltutions bathe met with notch implicate." In the News article of plane for • Mon. Pop, &boot Day and eateem and here been heard t7 Lrge diseuernd the. pthaltait/th of enterMarch 1, width Pothorted to ho audiences. To Judge from the noon tad. several of the wen school Name theta of • epeech by Mr. Freed. Froe- yardedpeel. the nightestres were distributed of the Revenged Chiba to doe the en• In the Penn Relay Carmoo college problem.. lkher, .18, before the Founders Club. nival uu April 1:3-24. gratuitously. tertainmeat equal any of the past Committees to Most Sore Dr. Snyder made it Clee that be performance.The lam two name of the Nave spoke se a privet. individual. not as an The Princetoo Banjo Club le directed bare carried amounts of the formation official monthlong. of any group, but by Richard L. Werner, ittio also trains end elm of the Students Connell Comthat be happened to bare awalabk the Harerford Instrumental Ciuh. Much mitter. It was created by the Stu<tenth leioneation aboet edmiselon to of the MOT.. ut Orate two -11r. Such is . usagailicent dears' Conned with a view to cooHaverford to enehle him to clarify nom te due to the choice of no.s and he bat aplendid technnme and an espe- eidering with the Faculty or s part many points of fact on .high there management be Weaver, who has as, cially tender end delicate method of of itcertain cluing. in the curriculum wait =fermate confusion: "Thin in ranged ...rid of the medley. to be delivery,. A clippies translated from mad other of the college critic.' coo of ed.... the College heard Thursday evenings. the Berlin • eFronadenbleet" Certain thinte that it proposed had for Oars Paid attention to other Dam to Fell. Menai 'Miens I. nn question Met 3(r. Heed to Mee.. with the Cocotte were enb factor. UM mere whohistic shinty. The Princeton Cobs hate given their Such belongs to the greet violiniete milted to the Student.' AelMeintion and specifindly (a), Pethee•lity ea lollprogramme in New Tork.d large cit. of the younger generation... The Lon- we tt give unanimous approval. cared by person.' tette.w or br ne the.. the Middle Wert and BerIt ivt of definitely known when the don Globe reviews Mr. Such*, week by knowledge of the eendidate's Neen.7 muda H ..ring, -Hie wee violin daring ei the two committees will be able to meet, ford bee opperned to two Due to the het that there will be b./set-pond; (I) Extracereleelem 1111. The .object ut molecular Itructure reheats in Atlantic City, the net of eery bigbot order." Other Continent- but It is repeated that the meeting will tilfiti•• le pithpsratery snot, • fen • limited number of Inhere for the al and Americen newspapera are rally hi held soar tine this wool, The Ee- will No token up be Dr. Jam. Barnes. inn roorertn WT e give' nor Philadel. written statement of which meet be Junior Prom gold. the P rot •PPlioaet• lavish in Professor of Plrr.ic. at Bryn Mawr Phi.. lieverford.• loetromental ChM undoing hie aecomeilehmeeta ls... st this meting probebly made by each cendlelate for adminsion, only will he able to secure adernoiou these be very Reural since wont ounoldera• College, at e ulna./ of the Scientific aid play two numbers and will then Cheroetor, as indicated not to the annual dance on Maly 7. fork. Mr. Sunt ins been eoloia toand and b specific nature will be left Purley. to he hold tomorrow eve- loin with the Princeton Banjo Club M the lions of oule by y the official certificate of cher- tione are befog mane) tide week, ee- Majesties, King Eotha01 MO Queen Alexemlno ning et 8 n'eleel■ in the Chet/Mitre a combined nominee which will he led of England. Kin for the deeertmental committee. which ... from the principal of Me school. eordthe to Charm. Webetee of the . bet &Leo by 0.41statements someIt is expected that Dr. b7 Mr. Weever. The Glee Chiba will Chet.. of Deemed, End King Ower will set as suborommittees of the Building. times Made by other teethen or by no- Prom Committee. Tinten will he Knees will dittos. molecular struc- each appear twice. The Haverfordlans of Sweden. He hen el. ben .lolet original bode. este to the student body following the liable friends of the College." ture frolLettittst•ndpoint sPeetro- bad the Prineetou Quartette will give with the ROTA PhlThermouir tunbotre coring recadon. Only 2d0 couple. eau Shovel Flelahlitty /Wendt... conic re reh. of Laotian, Berlin, Vienne. CopenDonning will fallow the eoneern ldadSTORE COMMITTEE NOT On the. pin LIN Uneder pre- be aceetemodared. The Price of the ` Dr. Bathe& bee had wide experience d °rehear& of Nemeth MR Pl.!. ontell detailed. evidence from the min- ticket. le al. dollar. and • half per hagen and Stockholm. and with the 50 • phreiclot. After teking his Joe- Ticket. go on role Phdedelphia °Moons. today, to be sold at TO REGULATE AGENCIES thee a.. of Welty meetiese, end whetted degree at Johns Hopkins he teamed rates to undergradnaten the geoltakir Of treatment with 1.1&.h Program wf Classical Mole he Committee on Admiesions had hen- "'"‘ •on: Is expected to outdo all Only Thoth Thal Interfere With Sten served there the yeas Instruct. Deft elk Cornet AIME , Eight eleasboof seleetions will be dled perplexing eases of admission. The previous affairs of IN kind and will be in photo., Ile dna became an As.. Another joint concert will be given to Be Restricted rig[ of this evidenre allowed that rte. unique from several atonal.... The rendered by Mr. Sono to his recital a Prefor in the Noy., Lth.rt. be the Clubs of Dartmouth Cake. The Store Committee et a nteetino risteso totally every sane method of tedmisalon decoration. will be of • type never the Heverford audio. They will be Bryn hiswe. He has nun and Iintheford in the line Roomof held loot Tuesday decided to ethooloe malt bed been given theoretical ...dd.., before the Dellevue•Stratford Hotel on Fri• attempted In the College gym. played in the following order and sw- Ile former lion End experimental trial et Haverpolicy in regard 0,, student studied a Cambridge sod enhoequently der ermine, April U, st 8.13. TM. contened d is on the Stitt. grand piano ford. and that the College wee weD ,..lust and a new plan of emote, of agencies on the campus. Ilnetofore held a reacerch fellowship at the Unto the Ben time that aconcert has been refreshments will be undertaken. Itarl• by Beatrice Sunk. abreest of the times 10 throe nutters tee., of Menchester. Io 11017 Dr. echedebel be the combined anhe of the Committee hes required all such In the letter part of hie speech De gees hen beet engaged caned thhe care of the two roller., Barnes took or his present position Dartmouth as IN old eget.. to register thennelyee . 00100 Solder reviewed the history of whole. the catering. th have vcry well trathd set of Miyake Professor at Bryn Maier. that an etwornte eon to American college. std et forth Leola To Pies might ob.,. he Mow. linen U.S Dug E ***** lee Rthearek Wert players and h. Not concluded an exin detail the val. of College Board Reward Lanin. who furnished extenni. itinethey of concerts. available. The object a thee wax to "1,1ttioe• era r 111.1te by 01.111" Dr. Barnes bee done a lerge amount ex...lions me one of ...coat factors cellent tousle for the from last Al inter the Princeton concert there Yea keep no native check 011 the werio. of monarch work. Arnong his earlier will In showing whether or net a candidate will again provide the oreheetre. He TarttalMistrier he dour,n following the muelcal and to prevent the emu,. hetoe overfor ...Woo will be able to carry ad. will be present Rama pence. The pros lies was • careful study of the programme. The Barbary Coast Or. legs work through to gradustion. I. enc. which bare alrendy been ordered run with them. will play This leen orchesetre-telt,. ruminated) and frtheine eh conclusion, the epester complimented veill he bo th attractive and uttefel. The ear poll, of the store tra made up ebielly of Dartmouthmen. te• point of [Mettle. of electrolytes, both students and abional on m500 tanSince Stedman will be Junior Day will bold several athletic vireo • Welcome on eeire registration 01 the sostenein. but then met of his research work hre the price of the tickets. tehb expression. of college loyalty attractions. Swarthmore will be played -Ilowastv sea FM., regular beyond that the todiey will he different. which be had observed; deplored the In baseball while tafayate le met in Mom ottani ronerrteto D Mime 11. then alone neva...cook / thee. IIr price for which is two d dollars ollars sod a As nutted in the Lim of &lies drawn publicity Oren a Booth to sen.tiooel treat The Stevens tenni, team In • embodied the thsolts of much of this half. Nit 41alf-baked" criticisms, and erred the opponent of the Heverford armed op by the Committee, tills polo, is' effletheit. work in a paper entitled OMMIcar .. 8pectrom ”DGMAILISM the d. of the Colt. "to iphr evoennt le that sport /dad appoint'. will he All student egen vien mutt be rec- Analttia With. Interferometers" Pr/ IL L. weever th fsoretn o f u t e d ath d w h A ly found for the Cris.: thrtui for the CHESS TEAM WINS IN ittered with the Stott Committee to. later papa. by De Bann, Irn nure. Sae. Clan Met. the spiritual end emotional name afternoon, the harmony of reline MERION C. C. MATCH ;ether with ell partiettintt regarding result of an eleborate study of the ef• TO Athestmedate Girls tr emey At theconcledon of thie speech. J. om operattio. The committee Acoalmine. made up of wives of re Cleo o 010. H. Mamba]. President of Students. A.- Fecal. member* shall have the power to thy said will be appointed AdJodication ttFirst Beard Gam S. Soaslal 00•0400 sociado. need on Mr. Francis aoviety mil addresord Likely to Reim Haverfores Beers this week to make arrangement!. to Dr. 11.7".. agenciee at u foie oche. 10 raw an eminent Canadien Matteterd lestrmecnal metwith wss present by epeeist geologist. on occommotbote girls from • &tette. The ans. team won another Now e.g.. Mr. Froelicher repudiated. overnight In the Cnion. There will be mach Ian Pride b, Its via°. theo a00 eurthement b. reached regarding Prianir Omen.0 moet of the rework. attributed to him ✓oom for only •hoof 741ede o1X:' ., :i.` : °= "r,; fair price, an arbitrator orceptahle aine to stal the Merlon Cricket. than 'the rail tew Omni ft nthaes 'minds foe ht he Caminito Clottentuold. a in the Re. article of March 1. and overnight. Inn the Md. wiit be open were of the games0101, and. at 34,1%. to both potties concerned shell he mt Lamp 11. Wtm Boatio to ell girt, attending the Prom from be 101 tal.enree. the Judge of the lair prin. Illeemed Aga.: tnelati' Tethor:eglle d;i:71.114171 noon oto Friday to Saturday :=1.H' Itrtf,TZ7„:: and SALE OF TICKETS FOR .10n.ton 01M The easintiere. shall htte the testa." Before aljonthethet the .het a maid will be to ettendenee et. all snore in the league to two wins and • t. quenlon of admission was diecussed times. Chaperone will be provided b7 draw out of seven mtcea, Power to limit and merrier the MEN HOME PLAY ANNOUNCED Mamrtteelms Nether by theism. members of the • the Faculty Committee. The three wins were ecored by bee and ehaneter of littitifitt 1.1 o.. 1.111, A•am Menet, h Greene ited Leah ev third. :AA ral/lAg Pe. o0r. heletb.1;bon. sgenmes offer comer o Apelleal. Gans B.Irg Dletelbeted fourt and dftb boards respectively. fourth CHEM CLUB HEARS TALK Hogeneuer.o to Rome al ede. 1111..tord Mee ChM M a position seems to Moe _ I Lo. My Baby lid.11.y. In other worda. the Committee wit/ Application tardy for dare. for the another who. Davie dr. and Rboads LIMITED SALE Of 1921 PROM IDES St BARNES TO SPEAK ON MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Invitations Sent Out; Sale to be Made to Students After Vacation Scientific Society to Hear Lecture on Spectroscopic Researches VII `-4"b."'Avrtrg.7.1ditT°.%:^:,01.',:Tft `gilt 3rd Annual Concert micro The Musical Clubs 02 Princeton University Haverlord College Foyer of Academy of Music 'Monday, March 25th Tan, esd e Half Per Ticket JOINT CONCERT went The Musical Clubs Or Dartmouth University Ron R00/7. of BellevueStratford, Philadelphia FRIDAY, APRIL 9 Tam Donate and a Nat ON TESTS FOR METHANOL e Carr.. of Inv eel Plea.-Gketeled al.R' Eiger 'ili A 'Al°11 reneTbon Plmetteleee Ake Dimmed .The Detection of Methanol DeoATHEISM DISCUSSED hone Beverage." wee the object of • talk given by H. S. Murphey oat • meeting of the Chemistry Club, 'bell Dr. Tweedy Leads fieearal Discusolas fleet.. %beetle/ Hear last Tuesday evening. Meth...Pant wend alcohol. is one of the principal medicaAn informal diantheion on Ono. tions In denatured alcohol. and since eubleeta wan led by Dr. Tweedy, of prohibition it bee found its way into the Yale Divinity School, on Mend., bootleg with oaths that have been during meethm.bour. M. Tweedy wa• el.r uniformly hut the ...leer at the Y. M. C. A. MeetOwing to the extreme], Pasonous ing the previous evening. nature of anthem)]. It he, been very AMOng ether /netters Dr. Tweedy difficult to get a euteciently sensitive dieeneeed •thelsen. Ile said that white test MinT proposed testa sm. posrldve the atheist. claim that It Is imponalble results with other notopontet.notatie to prose thet there la a God, it le jam as illfecult to prove that one does nit p• /similarity between them. lie exploined that he had chosen reIt was found that tdruplIcitr had to be sacrffind. end it method of laborione hdtTile' .1 .7"177A separation wan finale followed by the believes mtht be'more happy in him conversion of the alcohol. into ddeo faith end hope for eternal life. hydee, which could be satishaorily dintinthiehed by the use of specially preA. W. HADDLETON WRITES pared teat solution. Murphey'. talk was followed by an BOARD TRACK ARTICLE explanation of thew rrosion of iron by • Wistar. Th meting of Cron bee been emote the most common nentiol HaverfOrd Traok Coach Deserthas Track for Athletic Joereel Header. protheses, going on naturally Dent the bodestrIal revolutiOn. It hae pooled Coals Alfred W. Haddleton be. chetah. that-Innen,. and it ha. .17 mode a thatribatien to publicity for the been In rettot Yttro thot an eadana- college In the form of an article on the lion has been found upon whicb 'Ont-of•Door Board Harming Trak." then.. MAY which appeared in the Athletic Journa Tee noting was concluded by • for March. thlit by C. H. Greene ou the action of The Athletic Journal Is . Chicago light on the diver halides. Greene told 7ublication. sothaibed to ve. green]. of the exteuelve research which has by directors hysical education finally led to the aMproof of the theory d thetoebe t of the formationof entrhandes Thla work ham also been a le. pule th Da, Including four illotratiges, le ehembit. and Only by the most me- orewrited N or complete detell tal rethareh have results been ob. Phthical edonnies t° be of color t ed. tentensplating mach en installablon. r=.11,1:0ft.r. the trg '4,1%7 ohll'`.11,ettiO 1 pursue a poncy uf non-interferentt in home performance of "Contain Apple. Ade' •ee being distributed M the dormitories. The play will Ian given In the afelre of anuient agettitt. except err Inv 1111c1th Zthin=rof the only other commotion will he the fl anked. registration, NEW SYSTEM OF TOURS NOW BEING ARRANGED BLOWN Stadeet Federal.. Moe Summar Trios ler Wisdom. A novel ewe,. of student oununer Mites in Enrol. Is bend •rranged. by the Natio.' Student Federation of the United Statenof Amain in conjunction with the Confederation Internw donee de. Etudiaate o Mr.., and an •drleory manse headed by Dr. Stephen Dothan, president of the he ational Ina/tete of Education. Partici of twelve or tonne. students will treed ender the direction of a Europe. leader threfully Picked ID the admiefetretko who will set AM 60D1, 111. ei. A ,.depoLee, ro.r three menthe and cost between ' EMI end $700. Tripe will eover Mourn, German. northern Italy, Austria, ant the Balk.. bertha- a. • versal feature 0 MAY of Moe thin 00 the student ramp In Gene.. to glee the Members of the Lorna an opportn• .14 tO watch the workings 00. the The redlnl de rtan from we worn method "doing Europe" lien In the fact Oast demo without reception Europese eft/dents will accompany Roberts Hail on Fri.. April 23. Tbe management has sothested that the application. be filled out and turned in as goon se pine iblo as the was are Rolling rapidly and the tickets will be given oat in order ntudents may obtain blanks from 1, tuber, It South Here.). of Booliteti.. Doy To avoid duplication of thin and the treuble of -redeeming tickets. students whom mother. en boa. ticketh for them In the .nouncetneuto sent Kist week ore resonant by of the o anagment nut to mend In •ppli• ration indeitt additional Mete are L Mr., .1 Sone• "tSts.t. Plm 01.0 limmt..111./• Arr. by rt. r. Tal, 1-IMerford 1•Acceof :Mb weever Mon nett... Colima Tulmmeanlauk &deed, EASTER MONDAY GIVEN Fatel%ratnt: Zesi t alythrnseeset The motion noosed at. a meeting of the student body on Marcb 12 thin include Sprint I;g:11e7 b .4;irrde'olol_piple ed by the !sanity at their ...tie l week..d the extre holiday granted_ Teellielt IMO originally acheduled to end on Easter April 4, but go a nowt' of the ftwolly approval of teat Xl"brriV eo n! loVn" of the efolelege will not reopen 0.11 Tue..), April 0. RHOADS, 27, IS ENGAGED Aotlor ChM. Trernarer la Mini ee Be 011ielaily Eloped This Year Pin7dMe "gribArg rank be/00000 the The eegegement of Mho Signe A. traveler and the country through which , goee. Quarters hr college dormi- Petereon, of New York Cite. to Cherie. E. Ahead. we. &menaced recent. Vol:%.17,11:ndb:d97, Palgre iy by Mies Peterson's mother, Mrs. nen Petereou. also of New York City. the law cost of the there. 0 A, by la L. Weever Miter.. netts mon att^aar P. D. Mu.. terteeelebl COLL.. CALENC:All LI= "MEC ACONDAY-AlAws Baud leatramalal as1:. 710. IVICONICACAT-T. C. A. is el. Ow las. 134: IrtruadetAl CAL: Al. Crwlatoe Au. mot m Nor: 780CA000-ICAtit. Com., 1...ertan is Lb* gbyta. Attester at Mutt Pilisdnolda rItIPA.2-resneett Mal ssones Is the Pane. • smoker. m a ILLI171D.Ce-SprIbt ..:anon warn Or APRIL 6 19.171,12-ettar emitm men att - A. IC: env.: Mord nostiva. ABA VIRILCAT-, AL C. •. 1.• WI, LW matt. .nth Dread Minton, at hewn TAIDAT-Kosial CAVA Cm AM •:tA artrnal is erno NOM a cede ettstoolfott 00001. LH P. K. tervaner-enne flvatter an. I P. IL: Ims•b. *Ca B.A.. SIM, rands with Ortttploy. •1 Imam nitteattre tn. meet MARCH 22, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS Critically speakingII an istemess triend . Onnars. bo in Cm. all mem Ca •Or:rit=ii meamme. .noon. Preen to marls muessoem. EDITORIAL BOARD MU. to. W. Ithet. lame. rm. Mt.itt nallandsr. N. D. W. D.C. 'M Jr . J. isors.... W. Broxibrhs, DIvat W. O.Govreeneet our "WHAT DO YOU WEIGHT' ASKS DR TWEEDY OF 'Y' MEETING LISTENERS CO-OPERATION URGED BY DISCUSSION GROUP Modlhaelea Is Maw al Eraightellon of Required Caere., Adeeetted The radon. pluses of Faculty•Stn. deal co.oPeretlon were coneidered no theY. M. C. A. Diecussion to the Heed. Rome Ise night. The tratiplootly Report seas token IN basis for rim discos/lion. which centered mainly aroued Bryn Dear and Emphasizes Importance of Reverted Colleges. The neutral feelmg seemed to be against complete atmWeight of Intellect laJon of required Minnie. Intl wive and Character mud a beery restraint on them. It was pointed out the this arm. to be BE INTROSPECTIVE the teedeory et ve; far into the need not April llaverfardien to discover that it on shot is technically termed -a %holt:* Needless to ear. that orm to. is The very talented author ot 'The Red Ileets• whose excellent onore then nips fins conaidersh Mi.. Sem Imif of the forty pogen el reading mut. Hart.. Yr., ter of the isrue. True. iir In skied eel' materially by other smirks. but unquesby tinably hi, story Laude The erre importance of develop'. Some the stinkers s ggggg led the r the most finished production that intellect nod charthe Ilaverfordie has boated for some the eight of to try the "To' wag the a might be advisable ru INESiBOARD terer their BUS time. oriel hystem." In the Junior and Senior m mem., of remelnolde Tweedy, more Dr. by admen is niory non of Thie By Ma spawne which in emIly be Instantly r. r. Osiartet end mails a that oh Yee Coleerelty Divinity Englami, the etn"Wam ploy eel eatenairely ctaia frills: and even ohs. the ofn, v. cc mum. -•• strippedfor g. its obvious faulte,-feults no the weekly Y. 11, C. A. meeting law dent does research work Ind...Am/I J , Cush.. 'IS nstechnique ate etyler-it es.ot hut Wed...lay evening. 11r. Tweedy. who of leeture Metes. in A. A. tteerialt. '39 1. C he impressive. coming to it does from ie Already well known to liarerford. 1rhe next meetthe of the Iheenssion Wean.. saasec nos undergrednate, Ills ...waive itu- twee as the title of his talk, "Whet lager,. for inst.., some.. Hues Dr. You Weigh and at the outset he Green will be held on April 11. The St0,10Wt for 'hot evening hue not yet .tray. It le not emitomary, I think. eteg Mostewether to speak of a ladyds eyen ne being -ea made It plain II. a [ain't, reel weight been rhomen, an army in heal,. At is not of the physical trim that temble oldleetire• I times a snersbundanre beak. the upon muoth in evidence. On the other hend, ""tbra7r4 torga. Speaking tire of intellectuel weight, rapt...ion not IM, Tinville-such s...rrab =seree' Coe= tentchmi off bin oa ,..r he laid, "If we are lightweights, it is toes alte own fault" Llepluring the feet that our ass Perla aohrenvoser O. word.. there are so any of theme lightweights Hut these' asp,t are one ioci, inoportant ponitiono today, he Midente. The importatit and outstand- In weighlitg ing feature of the story we the man- ims's. the Lumortanne ofreedy for ner In which the plot M tiondled and out utmost in eller to be the met.. wait which it seems future lanke and poodtious Ill reopen. Keith Vaudeville Artists to me that the author hen caught the sadly repre- npirit of the French Revolution, Oil the Editorials do eat WWI. Emilie.' Broadcast Again From the the narrative of sent the oplelee of the oleire Shake former, 1 think Turing oest to the mired. of emothe tale was well worked out-e Mtn Station WABO tidy. ntoggiehly m perm. it is true: bat nem tional weight. Ur. Tweedy referred to Anne for an amateur_ therm. trolled -emotionul crippler." from the if, The After all, a mein/ram uf the French whet he Swarthmore Football and Revolt.. falls pretty Ow without • perion &hoot of Mitnif in Philedelphim. plot: and ia my maimation. 'The I t7e'r1,:o*Vtloone'71 intiht;b4I'lld'1.0417Z:drieettrO The net beg... the Swarthmore Red Heeled did not fall in,In the Pone. In this conneetion. he noted ths will give their Brat Wolferc free Colleg the o'elock tonight. 8 at cote is studio e The ,sort In one that s hots.. when hashetbel gene a group of intereeted leant. to monde. but di, Wadley ,tent Work at g piece, Harerfurd underreolunter took 11 one beet to Immure: it nuthoeuree the * greet emotional c rrr is II takin le Atlantic City in past tohotels G. at th and opinion the (peed of role nal expressed hen into the dual rn and loss breather t from melons then.lven to ernes. sod emulate lover and then gtmen the Immeethini lack of Deliog rate from leking at maim of lore end honor etit en ob- xordid and tow things to Mug that WEI and WOO in Philadelphia. reeolution in fasior of rchedoline vious result. The plot is well ewe. There will be wren mlectious even Haverford.itheth000re Pooh. some Ia loandled nut. be atom more than they become actually funny. by the trio, Darold Moeller. violin., Speaking. thirdly. of the Weight of Gilbert In 11.26. The resolution was taken untoolls absothing mod Well worth reedFrankel 'relliet, and Hamor ing. one'e character, Dr. Tweedy said that Mlehtner. to tunny members of the etudeut pianist. Three of their As combination of • to it silted jority beet-knowa numbers will be, the -Blar• into ma g An oserwimionin the onie out brought He two. brat the read Ifmece." lino Deorak. Allegro "Rollo mince the Reign of Terror reedy. A few refued. -The Beds Of .the Midi.. Felix Ors.' certain men are deddedly heavyweights Atilalo Movement" from blendel.ohn'e me peeled. Per- in an. phone. of cheracter, while Teta Opus 410. .d the -Hungarian The upontaneous appemen.s. of such picture of others, Doting the moos." end the haps no imngiostioe in supersenetire, lig.weights • slut io,u Dente" by Brahma. but I aid not mperience the eligbt• well-known -vrimat and meant Two Malin sok., -Neje,. Heti" by practical unanimity of in acceptance eat delimit;in retching the apirit where be chameters -Puny L•TheBed of author the If thing. the in a eat/theme mt.. It doom. if Hee," keeps op at thin rate. it .11 worhi tulle for big soule-theta tram- Huh, and Eleramte's -7.agenner seinen" tell lin played by SI . Reek nothing elm. at le.1 that the under- 1.1 he Long before he emu agent.. anc• .40" Aid /tr. Tweed,. with pia. •ominpaniment by Mr. momfully some really subtle plots sod Taal gleeettems raduates look with Welfare on the ...lotions_ Mich..., An 0110.11110111.41 That hie work to date Mrs He mid that there are testate in. On my ....Follow. dropping of the game for any reason mot hem more subtle, determine what re will be give by Mr. Frankel. feting. principal hin non, the recital by the Hyperion Trio, whatever, peticulely obeli the reThe contribution lien in excellence seMit. if we •re only willing to apply inn e meslettl Pregetem be eulta last November weer my far front "The Pagan.' Certainly In actual them. They are, accordion to Dr. there will Haverford trim benoty it wee not •s good en the oth- Tweedy. ...tented in there ti.atione studio artists. vatiefaeory from 'Tar Brew. le 111thatleme hor, pat ohs eddy • mom must oak himself: 'Al of dew for 7.1.71:Pbsilltto"rje nSomehow. With she do I laugh?" •11'1.1. Vetoer.. esse• H. T•tnall. Brown. MI. •W W moon There are tent Mint. L. Brown. '17, will (Ire an hour', me II Ito meek' rocking hemmer 'Bain" nano,. books the Indere to eked.. a game for I prt ohm felled to create the desired entertainment cemiating of roles next yesr. Otte In I do with no apsre timer -Who are r care to cling one 1 ee to Swartenore's ...led -coup in theon my friends?. -Go what bees do 1 over the radio at ti o'rlock on Frkley other poem, The "Brown Brother.. merclallam." The other to the desire to -The Lone Tent" rather touggled me. *elect my life work?" 'What picture" Merck amid ''orer-co.plunde- of Swarthmore It hml the meete of a good char- do I hang on no wailer' -How do I ham .ined quit. • reputed. am en Vertaltiera. end have previously broad an effusive realism awes by piecing them in ...mane. ever sketrh. boathe best view d mi.V. -lion do 1 Mew the Peint.-cor swamped Granted that Swerthmore'm el/telly rather world," 'le there a Vicsir and -What ma lr le yet s diffieutlit tjo not be ethically mil Oat mirbt and William James, rumpus., of pops code I am ent7.'qt.arrou:k •'me as'ne mt gb ler totems sod pianist. both Reit be deeired. Granted that it le undesirM Its. Tweet, will .i Vaudeville •etis., will mire a vocal an of of those ultm.rtioali. bite thee the able in judge the norms or Nib. piano mite. Mr. McHugh and Me younfairly emumtelr.Heerforditto indulger ha all too often, to do a sees. by one gum, tad the 1.1 -en.- to do al all, lint e tour o In rum/moon he mid 111.0 one eau dawn. who remedy imode from the Haver ame at that. Granted. too, than the only weigh one's mom by making the the West. broadcast A return en conflict in eel/eddies was announced bemeditation and ford studio Met Januar,. those of hest agmen] wan requeoled because cif the ',doing fore the defeat last fall. Still. nom one which diming prover P•PUlerity of their program lo ALUMNI NOTES men .0111 not umessury. bouth Americas 14E50 nothing. 5 n program id Soul it Swarthmore from 11,1 Ilrlii the fact that tbe hour sill Oti April American Moter will be put In the aft Crum, Nem. Met., where tor, oil. when you will need Al your at ale' 8 o'rlroo.k by Mr. George T. Hook An to Swarthmore's POW. sheerer is president and nuommer of the intellemoul. emotion.' mod of baritone, eivompeoled by Mr. Pau , weight Haverford. hoot Butte irrigation orolre for the one phone eel. (golf. '15. at the pis.. Mn, ftook the. Coifed States finmnanent. Ilr. To, eh/matter. ntiying that elway* keenieg In studio anion for station PWX a hued.. in up for floe Igor Cuba. and Mt. Egolf gave they ere not nearly no tool as S'nshingtiou nil abetted friends 1111f1 for Oland that there is abrolOtely no limit Havana, reritui from the college stud' dot dc tielliity of other tonnes wham PhIlaihdol. rrhed- short to the height, the. ran in the Are tine week sane In twenty yea.. on ale. D as v hesitate notch ee program of Matsu two-tent A '01.. Theodone J. Itramon. elm in -1'. coo being • other sport, Her roamer requiremental and reel munic elmlnune of the Publicity 'Committee vieese by the sed for Friday, April omen are higher and her sperm.. the Cali-entity of Pennsylvania Fund III, ernes ham no but Club, Relit. nlother of On ose nod aim chairmen of the mounittee thip Metter then th of lhe Ceremony echoer, • legm with whom we maintain and re- preparatory Point The Gas Ion paper in the Peunnyltania latiomn. mote of Mnrch 12. on -haeremior thew eau the Hal erfool athietie di- Mature Stodeols in the ['niter., aseennewts dt7 Comelier Jensen Cla.nen tem teeters dretend Ito L. vorarwts eermin emote of Riders were amer g Shoo... moat, seam to.shlent of the they ainatist surprised. the other day. to bee 3tn, . Moho, Amomietion. of while lodependenee the Dectemtion will. taserthonore in o ther m.o... the Nebr.., with Peters the in Addren others nil seines •res Theresa dropping them ail toothollt If it Nobtmolso. of connote. Trust two of lilt world's most famous rda.-7. eters they object to. the simuld sever P. J. Nom' Raker. '111, Is Ceased peeloen, Professor of laterontionel Relations of WITS to all relation, II they ai, 0.641 of London. end is the Stoney. none and surveys go Ina the Ono in nos. memouehey mt. all Coirerelty just of to mlurne whieh .rolled for et'ev. ereel them in all. A nao'er-mti• hem sthted •The Geneve had goes Owen., teat weak. do they really think that it Prod.-oil for the Pecllie Settlemeht of 22.20. iteluelty? othMarch th' iv IntErnutioand Disputes." published by Swarthmore MK. Iu nael•Ortither P. S. Ring and Son. Loudon 11125. • emu. OAT less entlimanono than one 0....11M-nil Anode 'II. john R. Smithey Sta. ono of tbn built: Ilia last Vol.. the n mouth hoer? hr hart ot hello-els us kr' and Serial Semmes for nut aulhoritier. roll.. the to over turned Ilareb 111211, Roswell C. Ilerrom, 717. on ft in extremely doubtful If the rid Interiors ey rill" be rel 71:VTiVolorooliTli:T1 slogan. 'Horn 11: the It ivrt•inly "room a gnat Par Kerney LLDIVI.-,lx slatting mots. is over. Ill. men. u eollege an rich a- He pay that the shed tam. srpnI. of WIndsmasews retention next he iteml until the have a lath- more pride lo her Interior "on Win of the romomet rrider. rearer. -TM met. be oealeet motto' it Perhope September condition The peeneen no unit Lewen Memorial Mmh sr Ore 70.1.., an n eons of deploroble were it Iloilding of the (limiter too nth Hospital Ay decorated end oned Would Wit be the .tattoo the houne menet apparent most oltenird. Borough tool no for the let the slot Juniorom. • • • In some of the mow frequented the utolent sue The l'o.operativo. Store ie at Last Certainly nobody mres whether ni oond : Intliews.of Ilm bee educated men i to fill long fell need. One ono the nulls of the eriekrt eked *«e the ton., Dr. Patrith wee ...ger begin.. 11.22-1/17VIE a Wily ratisolarther purchase nom min of sremotent prints and le. football oda-English with of then No/sly bung peeler, meat rewashing of potetEm underMe in Club Belle and Cap the soft cracker, or whether the hooker ro oms areenged Amiluer num. rheme s rrento. and toffee, The inin the sly. col any nortieular `per./ '14. Boater K. McMinn. miorment. drink, lee of talgen and chines sent. But when the paper falb from she walls .1 lloverford no the ioanattration of mallet'. the veil . thin" Cenomots. of the Colon auditor.. mud the pie- Frederic Itutherfool meld probably be named elloneesi.' name,. OM.. bring forth mons, now.. oor onie• titres in doe clam .'1?ItTin.r:,V;TITX thing 1ofeta. L.N.with me nmtheres CoV:■:ttlin! IZoll the sort demerit. Meu Iron on of Ideas 017.• Ohm.: P. ma 12. mmon eetermeol professors, ire is time tbat In Ow gem, Dm game so '21. Jervis J. Rabb, win. in mill) the media... were remedied. FACULTY NOTES wow General Fliererir Counpae and who mot.. 7.141.4dehie In. It is hardly necessary. for instance, lam been basted et RIrageport. Conthroe teseler afters.., ludo for sonic tn.. ia Pre... D. C. Reeth and Company ham pubthat the two math ono. to Founders neticnt. ler. with the Fiery anti liapkinn Division lished for President Coseurt -Preen11.11 seek Co inthate the room of the of the General Electric Constmey, eal French Composillon." which lIns e Recent speaking enp 1.ittle Red School House. It may give Colon/b.. Ohio Jotth hate who is I MI Wilmot R. athanophere of euttionane. to the antr:s' grieT171,: master at Choate School. Mem, Pince, 1. it It N720 Ch IW• represented Ilaverford at 1 lerrlare.o. 11,11.2-Wwleeedur to look al. A. little well-directed io- -College Choosing D. d in New Doren &hoed, Wee.. School. Ardmore combs. rases. TUNA donee the Tome School. at terior decereting might not' ben em in 1.1.1 under the auspires of the New Rotery Club nall Maryland. Horn Y. 31. C. A. on Ilnerh 17. 1•ort Deposit, rmny of the MIlege buiblings. e. rates O, P. 1marrtstant to. so. L. I. Tee., 'la T. D. Isa higloot Patrol the Amtarsat most other colleges at the prtnent of lime. MacDonald & Campbell Sher Oer I 1721.1223 CiesindSL has Agee hp she del sr worth Na.e LEADING SPECIALISTS Ps YOUNG MEN'S Rolm Orameeta SeorteClothes )dotoriasinemesd Elate 13344316 CHESTNUT STREET I IL O. Wt.,. tali se delenniuml sg at Ph. P:rtoorl; nrill"Xt• Dr' .":"Fartr Partlica s vsblirrekta roonsiy.E.11.. tan .,. Meats so @@@@@ root" nceMed PROGRAM BY HYPERION TRIO THIS EVENING In•of n HYPerion Trio Inoghter lo motion virtue me TM, tries hap done hate not ham noconowlint of the annoeplocre, ItanstiIorted Immo no isientrenquIs the Fihd ion the notraperd that Hatethor0 H de mull' -What Ms haute of or -1114. Jesenh Wo Taylor Ions return. phasised het hoopla. e.t prItlity. may liner raised to weeks on R *mon, three In play. oat In famtbliLl. All000 but idIe." Ile em- Morphia. ninth.. loo !atm ph... the Far. A of renil WanlilluftoWn GeflJohllf, received tit :!:17,1“ =NIL nr,=,' In tftiorre editors ool theofAmerican Atadromy °,7,111:47110 the Annnle of Political elatneeol. Went Nom Iltal the Patrick 111, Ches.,Jeri, Morph Patrick physivians eltenter enuols. oof the hello, online In ale from st. Went... of of oarother the normtool rm.. br ton. olio.. one marl certainly Out ntlroolise Comithotlthts g of Is This-- osinmelent when Jones, WoUlagfoorol, a pear d. PYLE & INNES Leading can. Tau. 1115 wateet St 'gf eklt:IV't2o4r bunt, rel- DINNER Ph..., Ardmore lag Yr.& nod di.. to Dui. ammonhoutlot. -The anstrert to these outsid g You will be pleased with our selection of exclusive fabrics for your Spring and Summer clothe s. Smartness and style in every garment and at moderate prices. Best suits in the City at {66 and f75. Have us make your clothes and they will always be right in quality and flt-and at a price only slightly higher than ready made. BREAKFAST LUNCHEON sat, loo !emit, WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1372 HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM of men.. g PRILADELPHIA WARNER DRUG STORE C. G. 1410, alei4 after which Yet boom annosiDe.L Oar. Ilantraar anol Wirtnetaar,Ems... names., a.. .a Deslmalsr Ls 11.boesss -Ilmolitr TODADAT-Dd Wynn in -T. Ora -Tarn Otartnlm Woo.' T. ismooY, all4DISZT--erto.. Wall. la -Want, Wal-WWW-Bontkor• .110117.0.1.WICTIYILLI Inn.," It1D111012-01.nok haw 'Tart r. T.D., Pooh -Daub. Wall.CD-Jobany YOZ.-IWeal Lies.'. •... WIMZET-"Ths Worn itlatieT--Dree P.M. IITOWTON--T.Kelm, Or 211711110-Tissolat sr. ACADEMYwehrosaltda Mee molar MO ahem.. tat Det. rIAlalet. 10011WSTMDoOnPrOdLarIaal Olta 74. T.. u. OM, fmnOhnon. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE MANY MARRIAGES cwixc Ed and Co-ed result from that alluring institution, the sorority "At Home" Lunch. The ideal food is something light, yet satisfying, appetizing without being elaborate-in short easy to prepare and easy to serve. Shredded Wheat fills the bill perfectly. Thousands of fair young stewardesses all over the country can testify to its popu• larizing, energizing qualities; its adaptability to a number of out.ofthe-ordinary menus. Try Shredded Wheat at your next party Lunch and see. The same biscuits of golden brown whole wheat that you have always preferred for breakfast, you know. foodfor thought-and health ▪ - - - - MARCH 22. 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS ALLEN F. HORTON. Jr. LOGAN WILL CAPTAIN BASKETBALL TEAM Soccer Pilot Chosen Leader; Armstrong Elected Manager For abet le probabl y the drat time in the Netory of Haverford Cone. a matt fe the Sophomore Mahe has been eleeted to bead two major sport le.. for the following year. To Frankmod IL Logan, of the cis. of TS goes this honor. In • meeting of the letterMee held this week Logan was chosen to lead the basketball team for the 1926-27 emu.. lug., who received hie school Mahar* at Germantown High and Ger. MOOLOWS Friend. School, her already mode an enviable record for himself le Haverford College athletics. In hie frethmen year he W..11 star full-hack on the State Championship Junior Vam WM, Soarer Team, a forward god heavy mar. on the basketball quintet and second b.eman en the ball testa Law High Scorer This year he waii one of the beat foll-Isecks In intercolleeiate reek. and at the end Of the 00.00 was elected metalo of the team for nest.... He ken reread the right to reptile the beeketball tram Bo well, for throuebout the past ansoo he mu bleb ace., of the team and showed the ell-ereand qualities reanlatte for leadership. Letters were awarded to Cep.. Garrett, Captale-elect Lot., Melchior. Thoman 'Vogel and Downward. Numeral. were given to klaribind. 1,3; Leeds '20; Richter. TS; lieran, MI of these men, with the eseepthin el Garrett, Hartland and Leeds, id be arallable rte. year. Oamuel Aroostroag, '27, was elected to man.t the teem. Aromtrong Played U on the J. V. soccer team and te oecretary-tthissurer of the Penn Chatter Club. FL Fax, 'to, and Burgess. .28, win Al the ...tent maneters, Fos ten eaptale of the freshMan Hut team last year sod a varsity tr..Surges. ia three.don scholar end a member of this year's play east. MIDDLE ATLANTICS Application Wats a re now being 'mot rut by Orld.te Manager Hoopes cretary and treasurer of the Miladie Atlantic States Collegiate Athletic AsIodation to the various colleges for entries In the CM. A sod Mesa 13 enerEee le the Fenn Relax. also under way- for the admission of Waahlnetoo College, ofCh.tertown. Maryland. into the HAVERFORO SCHOOL IS DEFEATED BY FRESHMEN Ensworth Double Winner as Yearlings Score 46 1-224 1-2 Victory The Freabman track team enured • Comeback lest Tau.. , dm feating Haverford Schoolafternoon by the deci. Mot more of 46%-241/4. The final outcome waa never in doubt after the completion of the Wed event. for in two•of the lira three motes., the 20d. dash ami the 30-yd. hurdles, the Skid. made • clean sweep. Enaworth wm the individual star of the roe., taking two tints, mod matting alf• cher Op the Milanaff relay team. Haverford School sprang a atirdriee the high Amp when Mason and Kno Knowlton wlton bothu-jumped Captain Proton. tying for the first pie.. Pro. bye we rot ap Co his eau. ethnderd, haring cleaned the bar the previous week at a. height two Inches greater th. the ...tog leap totthe Heverford School route. ENV.. Beata Tripp The 30-yard dash was a tlo. re. between Tripp and Ellsworth the latter whining by 'inches. Tripp, bow• ter came bath, a. wen the next eent the 30-yard lose hurdles. defeating by a elev. Bladed had provioualy torned in tee tasters time of _the year in winning hie ee.t. Theeight lap relay wee the meet thrilling event of the meet. Tripp running firth ran an even race with hla mat. but Rhea. trailed by tee eemle when he waved the beton to Sykes, who Doom cot thin lead to • Beget two reeds. Eneworth, at anchor,clung to Nicholson'e bet. for the first top. gad then fledag his sprint beautifully, forged mimed awl are the Ithe six yards ahead of his opponent, who I, the Inter-Arademie chew. pion. Jaime. Sorpriaes to Shot Johnenn, '20,corm-Lied by wine.: the anal-put and Doha. added three FRESHMAN SPRINTERS more points to the total. be winning the %Mall. rom Wright of the FreshWILL MEET NORRISTOWN men team art math a fast pare that be aith. three men. Ted, by a aprint Pon Chart. Will Opens '71 Track n the Mot twee, yards, almost ever111. the Harerford fielsool men, . ho ASIF•SetlehMellii.r. The dual meet with Northd.. alb bfavehioney. who lose rho. improveSchool on Wedneedey thnelode Indoor...on for the firat-year moo. ment Is deem- race tlds year, look the Although the Sloe .d White ia the lead at the very start mid w. never favorite to air,experience be indoor headed In the fired. race. His Ohne 1 52.4 @then. was good far meets WM Probably heath.* them to of mtoute mom rotted* koswerth and Tripp. the beard Meek. RINK of thaiferford ster [lath men of the TO team, will meet School AMAed thcond. ten yard. in the stir oppoeition ht. the Perm. of Cee- rear. Min Rarasey,..printer of the find cab. Ensworth ogale defeat. Niel..., bre. Captain Prob., of the Rhin.. Site time in the 2.1ap rect. After beehould win hi, smut. the high jump..eif ing eomplethly boxed for three goer. he mut larch the hhth staidard he t tees of the twee he came then with hie in the Lower Merlon moot. tharacterletic sprint and won. Jobwon and Deltas, Freshmen weight Surreaaryt mem, sell bore their hand. fall we. Mayon. ; Rarmllon they eonveto see.. N. Rambo end • aerno0, no itmlan Abt. 11 B. 8herid of Norrietown. Tripp rboeld lied Orant. 5 Pet rs. twee, little WOWS, in winging the low 70-7,0 baoh-Waa Rama.. 'No Molt. ror L. Rambo. Norristown. Bar VI.. la; Karina.. .Ora. Suse ke meow l] ills. Peer, graduated be Jens Neither 102.4 tow by Toles, 1.10... Tam 4.1 ter. 'Fe= is .0mieltr althea in the dig- 81.4. ten.. liawhionar le the Steinke' best het is tW he g The. event. will be: MAP 1-7 ,11.131, oSestee Dira rd a 30-yerd low &wiles, SeilfInswarthl_ Dine, ate sileetm. Yard dad high Jump, 12-quad abRot-r ettat-Wa• er Ka boas. ,ss: u t, id.-mile two•lep ,,tee. and team War. B. 3. Manna, 3.1 . 11 lay.. Rwht7 thee& run, mee to rue t1O0 lapel .Lap. br Marla, '114; A duel meet with Penn r-hartir, to Ff. a. ; Two fw. Inmo 1 alano. 43_4 a,. be held MayS. han been added to the Freshmen track achedule by bitmarer • llon.--Ken by Rarybaaajr. .211; 31.17eutee. With the errenging al 14. 11., Welt. A. 5. 111.. 1 mauto ESA this contest the Manion eebedule to reneet. preen/ally completed.elthriugh one or stay kere-rfea be alemens Mead u. K. 11.. Wu.. R. e. mme. I Wean. to mow .thie may Ix 04ded. n memo* f For Your Sporting Goods and Stationery Try MAX ABROMSON 3 West Lawmater Avenue Ardmore. Pa • e Vetterlehe Fuel Company INCORPORAITID BitamlnenaC O A L Aistbrathd Goa Waidklaltla BWWag PENN RUNNERS WILL PRACTICE AT COLLEGE - Begins to Coach Haddleton Model Haverford 1926 Track Team An added interest will be given to the pre-selmo0 training of the track aqua., SO the University of PenwelMona atbletea will practice on Welton Field brow April 5 to April TT. Franklin Field will be boarded over during this period to protect the turf while acme conetrection work is un dee way. When the Atkin. Canecd learned of the eituatiou at Penn It offered the nee of the Haverford aththan geld to the Univerdty Potherb nee, who accepted the invitation. Coach Lawson Robert.. will britng ont a mead of sheet thirty men every day. This probably will not incInde e weight mem an there will still he th ffielent facilltlea for there to prom!. Franklin Field. The presence of e Peen men will be a distinet atlearm rage to Coach Haddletoo, ate he will be able to pit bin curdidathe dailY seninstmeu of bleb calibre end who, an whole, are more experienced than the Scarlet and Slack runners, Stan Kam Graleated In rebuilding a fornadable 10505 tonal Coach Haddleton n copfronted with s. hard task. There is a large gap in nk. of the point winner. as Rogers The nod Montgoeurre gradbetel teat June. Boger. sew the divide. high point of for two aticcealve seen. •nd the present holder of the college broad jump escort!. Thomas holds the college retard in the Mac., while edoetiomery. holds the honor In the javelin and in deo -,B1,11rfiddle Atlantic States retard th Coach leaddletou hen. hoe... the ToZ'elh if net will be hell tale Lower. a veteran of three sta... and second only to Romero last til.rittoduel ecorinf. a He reand fizu combination in bailie rect. " lambent. who bed the Atitinction car holding he college brood Mae reeeril for • few tablet. that nese., ahould eel a neve loomed thin rateend be a ...tent sewer In rehireevent_ Tripp, • frethinan. ode who la cable of doing well twenty feet. ran al. he *wanted 00 for Nome points Hooking • Held. Hour. The pole vault will be well taken care of be Ho,kies, who established • new eolleme murk last mane.. He will probably go throush the seem. undefeated. Fowler trill undoubtedly heave the hot close la forte feet this year. which le wieteteg i• moo. o f the deal ineeta HARMAN RUNS FOOTBALL MEN THROUGH DRILLS StiMai Practice to Be Held Smoky, Tharaday. Until May Spring football preenta began last Tuezday an Welton Field for the 1020 • f rd g id t Co ch End Assistant Coe* 14rIntoeb hod al. ready made several Melte to the thlleze to nuke arrangement. fat n prompt be of opting training. A Nuod of thirty candidates reported for the first workout The squad vise Immediate], divided up into three eleven, which went through snappy den.l drills. More emphasin will be placed on awing practice this year than formed, because of the abandonment of the fall oolbell canto The candidates meet f whomare Freedmen. dill be drilled In the fundomentals of the game. Good kicker. are scarce. and a new one moot be foundor developed before next tome. There will Oleo PleeM of and signal drat. Workcutewi sillll be held twice a week. tentelle on Tenders end Thur...., from .0ve to aw-shirty. finch a programme will be (allowed until about May 15. The coach wee pleased with the eon-It of the squad, although ale large gelie meet filled In Flaverford's ranks before nest Football season_ The present prenti. will atTord the conch an excellent opportunity to eine up wet year's prospective vanity material. Among those who reported last week were: Captain Bidineton. Oilaca. Scott. Fax, Albert. Mortar. Eneworth. Fay. Robingon soul Flutherthed. MIDDLE STATES TENNIS Finals Will Be Played at Haveriord or May 21 and Z2 Harerford Co liege hus Men "elected by the Games Committeees the ple. where he ell-final and final rowde of the Middle Atlantic Suttee Conference Tema, Chumpionehips will be plep,c1 M113 21,22. Being centrath located and within ten otilem of Philsdel. phis. Harerford is Meetly eit.ted, end the metches should thaw guile a large ettemiame. The preliminary elimination etearner will he Pi.. on M. ICet Susque• Mama Cniventry. New loth Unieerettr. and Johns Hopkine Matemeity. TO these hoditutiona, whleh represent the three thicte. colleges (rum etch locality will their men to compete. Thre ere two prise. lapartled, 011. to the r■ 11051, Oise:onion ead orie rei the .11*. laving the hiehest team seore. Leal tear the team prise wt s woo log Swarthmore College. d BASEBALL CANDIDATES WORK OUT ON'88 FIELD Thirty Men Report to Coach Halos for First Week of Practice A few days after guiding the Meketball teem to a rictoth aver Senetb more. (fetch Hales put on baneban uniform nod began to mooed Haver. ford. heathen team into condition for the coming Me13110.11. ring laltddlr prsetite wee held lost 31onder, and contimmd meth day during the week, due to the vim, excellent itheine Au ononaelly largo squad of candi• dates reported fur the team, which ww particularly gratifying to the coach. insuanneti se there ant, re orgy three letter meo left from nt year n nine. Captain Saandera la the ooly regular outdelder aniteble, a new infield moat be bunt around Log., regular nem. bowmen_ Flint will probably do most of the receiving. The genduation or Hollitsgaltead aid Laegatreth ha. ]eft the plthluna department in • bad way. KM.. Candidate for Hari. Among the new material A. Fox and Abbott have shown up l in the field. l'anneman. Mo Mores, s. red Re are the oat/standing men' for the inheld poets. I:Ingham, Fratibmon. le the most promising of the hurler, Yoder. leen, Worrier. Bellinger end Harter] hate been Meth. them L. for batting yew tke and ail of them Inns shown mete mug. Early in the week practice cont.*. merely of limbering up stiffen. mos*lea and gettiox rid of sore arm.. At e end of the workout. the entire stead was trotted ensued tier field • Mtople of times. later In the week e batten took regale, term in the seal the aspirants for the pitch. erne nerved them or in tweedy f hon. By today the math will have aired p hie materiel and divided It into fire lid item. suede. and eome game will _probably he "reneged between th g Bre and the second team. Lose ' eau..., yet ....rod for the tem. bu ill probably In ea this week and J1=1 10 his old past at *mod. Mn. eat for *grins sports: m 5 Told... 107 SPECIAL EASTER A ' Paateurired Clarified MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. 11S2 Bryn Mawr With Extra Pair Trousers Or A Well-Made Topcoat for $22,50—LESS IN ALL THE WANTED COLORS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ASK THE BOYS ON THE CAMPUS SHOWING EVERY WEDNESDAY IN FOUNDERS HALL helm away Pam home away ham. home borne awa saw home away TRACK April 23-24 Peon Relays away away hems away Msyll 37 Delaware Rey I Rutgers May 7 Lafayette May IS Swarthmore May 21-27 Middle Allman. May 27 Liettythers -lees GODSELL TO ARRIVE AT COLLEGE APRIL 5 Outside Work Will Net 0,015 Until Fourth ilearter; Gods. to Coach flecaune of the had condition of the remise. cricket ,In Cope Flehl will led begin .01 a week otter vocation. Coach tbsteoll will wrier from Canada on April 5 and will auperinteed the work of oralng the mound. In good condition_ He will also rake charge of the ro.c1 and eme instroctien in the ekedNo ,,,hedole hes. yo, Lees made ont by Manager Carmen. Thie cannot be arranged until there iameeting of tile ma nage. of the variono definite in the way of .01 dole will probably be arranged within the vest two months It is avowed that the Haverford XI will meet the beta leanne in the vicinity and that her will probably compete for the Fhitedetplikt Cup. Coach talthmall bee an ch in the pre-ammon week in the eked He ha. thken a large number of inexperienced men in bred and h. made them into Pthmieleg Nearly all of the men have been playtee lance millyear examinations an that much of theireh mlbary wort wi will have been OLIVIA ished when the team takes the fletd, mow the most Won, men who me. not pa of Met years ream, but who ore in 11. for Twenty positions G. perF ate A. dive, Stoke, itotannon litandrine Morris and Hunalekee. lo SECOND BASEBALL TEAM WILL HAVE SCHEDULE Manager Millar Will Start Work em Dales This Weak Men.. and Asistant Man. eget Odeon expect 10 etart noels on • schedule for the second Baseball Tema derieg the mooing week. leettad of pled., freshman games dole lam year, some of the leading 111,1 pby abootrls ' thi *toyf TENNIS Aptil If/ Oeteopatiey April 12 Drexel April 14 St. Bumph% April 17 Delaware April 39 Osteopathy April 21 Ural.. Apell 23 Rate.. April 20 Textile May I Lafayette ..., May 7 Steveas ...... May It Pier May 12 F. h M. May 15 Middle Atlantis. May 19 Swarthmore home home home away Moth home 11050 home •way home aWay away amen FRESHMAN TRACK Apell 10 Mandan Meat May 3 Pena Charter ....hems Mme May 7 ~Dee May ill Upper Derby . home May 22 Lord. home FOUR CHANGES MADE IN FOOTBALL RULES Wild Passing Eliminated; Dr. Babbitt Represents Haverford Al e...Beg of ttn. P.1.11 Hu. Commintee held le New York on Friday arid &turd.. four important changes for 11E0 were adopted.. The lualn. ...mot of them are aimed at the indienrimimith ese of tbr foraard Demi led the elimination of the intentional fete. The forward paim obunge which Maten that e five yerd penalty will he ta.rthd for the second and third incomplete parses is a series of playa in it simnel,. to mom followers of the game. The memlwre of the committer Enid formerly staled that they had no twiner ebb br serial form desire of airs, A tea.which malt. a enter) 13111.1 put the ball play to [I lwm ey t lay meat yard Ir e, From thin kick with the other up on tee bier-raid mark. Chairmen E. IC_ Hall. of Etertmouth explained that this was drawn up to eliintume • team in the lead from making eafeties to ' arm ' aien '4o("TITe tarn .1111t eI o.noit'po 'tilIPR:L:°11,1 16ed rk. the roar The official wordier rules is se tonna.: 1. The mooed cod third ieromplete forward pause, 'Allah .bah be made before • Gret down in toy eerie. of play. shall be peoslired by a I.* of five yard. each A team making a satell meet pat the bail la play on dr aWl1tweaty-yard line and mainiaith • pone drop kirk. place kick. or oxide kirk 011 the Deer down. with the ammeter team hoed uP so the pin the aide. 1%7. 'gr. '714,'.. w hOenae!tries of leg. playtog ..fiX. t oad abalro l areolvea .ilke members of ell clamtee who we eel guile good enough to m eke the Ter- touchbog the hall LW in fair territory Among the schools which win be be givm pommesion al the poled le In which it names oven the line. 10:1 High 4. No p a o p t Schooe Hsverford School and Lower boas o fertee shalt . a lyrleeerck Marion HMb Scheel. igib. le o o-voweh ar looseskirk Last year never. practice games beThe forward pees mite is intended to were played by the varsity with Hay- discourage and haet miums wee.' erforel School. According to the re. attache by teams behind to the wore elate of these gamee Hererford School At awn a team reek' incur ncurs only two should make very worthy opponent penalties in a aeries The Bret /or the second team. The other schoole suchIC0.1111.1 be exempted mod the ball meat wed have throng of alion the dOWLI would .theellitelly hoed. exam ,dr.arb sa Itarerforil School. otter on intl., pleb. ptIlln on ihe fourth HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Wayne aad Elt7n Mawr Everything in Radio Kurtz Brothers inessbwonl Ssewrifisa 1421 CHESTNUT STREET. revram_darign 1101• 1007 ARCH STREET Moot ew PHILADELPHIA THE MOW 1101,1,11. STUDENT TOURS it 00 Europe. North AIM.. Norway and Midnight Sum 2.:s ..raw $231 IT: 01.01 TOUR ACCOMPAIMIED nt A WELL.KNOWN COl1600 PACO AMOR AND A HOSTESS Climmek exclusitaboidena. teuhro, dumni and family nforeanlial schools the Linked States In Mr. I. L MI EDWARD MARCH 2511 CLOTHES—Made for You R MONG TO EUROPE 41 perfecrlyorgenhed noun MAKER OF Offers A SUIT OF QUALITY e Electric Supplies and Machinery ANNOUNCEMENT "GOOD CLOTHES" I 0 34 ELECTRIC COMPANY M. H. ROBINSON GRADE fie RUMSEY cute THE ZAMSKY STUDIO r 45 2a IS . 24 23 lb '27-20.. 30 111 9 TEAR THIS OUT BASEBALL April , 7 Dmval April 10 St..,.. April 17 Pena A. C. April 24 Delaware .. Awn 30 Albright May h F. a M ✓ey 7 Swarthmore May 12 Osieepaehy May IS Moravian May 22 Delaware._ May 24 Albright Jo. I Mehlenbare lace 5 Swarthmore site. .1 19 n When You Are In Need Of a Reel PHOTOGRAPH Get In Touch With At 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa, Page 3 TYSZ5M-STORER WILLIAM R. BREADY. Jr. LEONARD E. YODER . DAVID C. BEVAN W. WENDELL BLANCKE COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR; dl =1" :** dirtZMZerW" seire; meta.. mewl. pools vtweW Dareseursam med. ham INTERCOLLEGIATE TRAVEL BUREAU ng cramp C. GROSS college Stu- dents, whose style Teen set the pa. for America, EDWARD numbers its followers by She thousands. On almost any tending university campus, suits and topcoats, as individually tailored to measure by EDINA an, arc a familiar Sight. Two brine; $2875 -4,3875 The correct thing for entaing wear is the &Mal. 1,287, os. Befuter Tower OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE The EDWAKD TA1L0k1NO CO., INC., Philadelphia ▪ MARCH 22, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 W.len—aft 1111,,M WARM Se ea P. a —mmo, MOM aorl Mna ramoom. by rho Ilmomm Yee Arm* Iabool of Korn na. 013:.P. AI= Fmroan by oto. —Lemors Mom. mos 31.001.77.'" mum mosol mu nod.. Ho• am M... or Us ousel.: WU nom immer at. Om pees. WM= m. 11: or see ag miem oroa:Mam ba. A.m. TA tad mema t ae 0••••• 1••••1•7 Trio. ..a• P. w.—nom son mol mind b./ Moms YobIosa room ma wb . "'"W 01 w Om.. Ham . lows. 11.M C. 0.—Ardmog tn., Wend: ▪ o'kuotror pe =It fn. at M. plass. a Ibm APRIL ronsift11. Ustiat'—ertse' see Samar Ms mom. p.m no. Ingmar APAR. II 1.Y. le—Prosam ot mem amwl. omlo. by Norm bontra: by hal [MI ol Ms Mom. UM P. .1.—Aresoono Ibmim runes rnIM ors. rm.. gm ommlo. wW Amnia at We •Emmet blo rum. rlo. AP= m. P w—oamy promo. of las mt. mono nrommtal tres to to aanmml. Toren. leml• 11.0 . moron masa mom sol o map.. WA mo Min Comae or NORRISTOWN BUSINESS CLUB MUSIC POPULAR WABO Organ Recital Heard in Far West; Orchestra Concert Broadcast DR. Violin sad V10.1 S0101 -Medistion,'' from 'Thais." by bfan• moet. arms brilliantly rendered b Robed ert Reber on the violin. Mn. Rmeed Homer accompanied /dwelt the f Stier grand piano wh :Wens 'mend, lo. by Mr. Clit. Natalie). Ton Muleno Prefundo Song ton Young, '-lehen and fLAeleep on the Deep... ea. Low Linden Paxson. compenied were of excelleat dealt-. Three aelection. Imre ease by • null quartette, and severe other piano end road soles ...ere aIgo given in the ereatm merle up of nines program. twenty number.. Two feature numbers re. Tim Millions From Harlequin" and -The Bells of Kt Man's." played o the 'cello b Robert Reber end sc. compaufed by Roswell Homer. Dr. Seyder Speaks “Modern Americen Poetry'. wet s the subject of • lecture delivered by Dr. Edward D. Snyder. Associate Protease.. 01 English. from the College studio Ian e •r1e4Monday evening et 7.445. Inn h10 u t be e a dde m Amy towe R ert Peon t oeh p and other modern twete to Walt Whitend dimmesed free yen. and the -new poetry' in genre.). This woe the Mel rot a eerier of lemons by the Harerford Peculty bring broaden. from WARD. At II ...clock the little Symptiont Orcheetra front the Judean Eldridge &hoot of Ileac, in Philtedelpida. gene roneert in the Haverford sthdlo. In addition, to the numbers rif the tenon.. orchstra, aeveral piano and vie. lin sod o . wore f.loyed. Elavem-Year.0111 Plmilt Play. Meyer Listick. eleven.year-old boo Insurance ante policies as you do into the purchase of your golf clubs, you will have more time to use the golf clubs in yourold age. A ProVident Mutual Old Age Endow. =or policy ilk ose now will give you comfort and independence is the later years of your life. Provident 'Mutual CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD ' ri:t117:eflir= v , Vit41111;te 1■4:t;,t..7e rendition of -Geniwor's Cake Walk." by Debur.r. and Impromptu In A Clot,' by Schubert. II Heller also ( MVP mme piano solos: one of hi. beet minor." by Rerhmen• was Prelude inoff. -Cent, Amoroso.- emoted by Mom, was played on the violin by Mr. Camel. At the eloan of Its program. Mr. Judean Eldridge himself gave Never.' repuent ambers on the piano: "Ka. mennobOstrow. - by Robe. aaa i a -The , b Fttax. and "Ruts in efeellte pieces played by the orcerstra were -Tbe Opera .liediry" nod -Pennat.,. by Moshowski. WABO Heard en WOO Caul Rents, nelife use reenived by the Radio ChM tbet the grandrgoan e. vital broedesat from the Anima te Tbea. fro. by WARQ VSVIV. • WP•k, had been heard In Ban Diego cloudy. ealifurnie'1111. Is the lost time that toy 'moron.. meal progrems seat out by I ha bee I the C II a for sx Ibe Wear rms.. although waii Imo bees rraehrd no rode. WARW. progromn are regularly hoard In Chi. meo. Hotel Rooms For Transients The Master Shirt and Blouse Co. Luncheon and Dinner $1.00 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. Special for Teachers and Students STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Our Green Room is Noe. Reedy for Banquet, Card PEILADELPEUA and Dancing Parties • stassanno loommes merrier Ammer. to y. son pommy fay damage M Poverty r. or for later. to Mr... LONGACRE & EWING 141 S. Fourth Street &Witt Redlding tA HAVERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. PRESS. P. D. • e e COMPLIMENTS of he made me promise ro Telephone home once every week!" THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK (Told by me ea assessor Shmkst • illauia.rtic Stange no • atrehr-be.t. Calks. romp.) PHILADELPHIA The front pages of the Telephone D. M. WEST Pharmelet Directory should cell you bow cheaply you can talk with your folks at home. And, if they won't, the Long Distance Operator will. ARDMORE. PA. Phonuselat Tb. Bryn Mayer lifaigEM IIIIAMIMMIWI AMOY MW It prods,cc mad. 12.tV Your live by good priming. Your Hens ane methy of a aped primed. me. Tee maws PROW. Pebela. MAYO CAmmesam Pldbaniabla om- patieml, • n erve.," household object: the clever Wt.. he gibbon as a degmded typo. In floiptellen'penrk we find woman wit/1 feminine told. sad toy fhb, reason Euripides ham often been taken ns etampIon of women's note in ....leen times. On the other bend. the Greeks looked boon hint as • woen-hater bemuse be ilineloeed the fentinim■ eherarterielire which they [...shirred derogatory. Rights Plato Ciampi.. of Wont Plato. in his Wrili11/6. depicts wernen an repellently the same an men only seeker. and seem no rroseu far men liming a superlar political female,. 1411 th en in no romance connected with Plato • roneeptionof women. He in Fended., the meting Instinct in no...onion., with metentifir rules. and in -the birth orient of nsentimenta/ this of Memnon. Introdm-ea the bet eon. ....orlon of romnetle marriage. and in. hIn works vre. find the Bret example of e im treetment in ()reek Literature tn.. parenembln. More indica id*. who beare advaneed by Mn lieves that love is an entsINIng vino, neeennery to both ...I. Remade, wee the pethender in the geld of ran...Mir Mem,. end since his time Mere, tore bey been largely conetructed *round the conerldon of lore adreneed by bin Anteosorim Alm Corwin ..d Gold Flab MUM. AMMAR. ton Correct Sportswear and Sports Equipment for Young Men Lumberjacks Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Shoes Skates Caps Hockey Sticks and when I told how little Governor the it cost, 4r h INSURANCE "•;..1.2•M'algtnr.g.:TM: g"glob3soeggy upward. 1414 -E6 enamor Sy. PIKILADIRLPINIA. Int roan...table. Mom. le Mar An early Greek welter of the elm.*kat period leaves women out of one et bls work. entirely. while other •Mhat. employ feminine characters only to dia. play the (milts of women. The moat ioleresting women in Homer are the MhatInno enetrern which answer lo the touching sonnet. of grief over the death of their worder husbands and the roenen of darer, in the bad of the rtore. Women'. power Is felt in both the Iliad and the Orly y, and ''the Laid without Andrortutthe would Iwo had its therm" Yet HOMY'. women have no reel toduence over th• hero.: they appear merely as Um most redoeble pueneseions. of the warrior. and •rs modimirally depleted in their Drover plaroo in the household. Amtl•Ferelelet A Ilsnind end Simonklem are two Greek authors with pronounced •nti.feroinist clears. liPnied lees the biome for ell evil at the door of penmen. and Simon ides enumerstee ten types of women. only one of whirl, the ban bOanwife with the soul of • bee. is of any worth. The meld unfeir of all Greek writers antiquity in bie treatment of w THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP H. D. MANUEL Cut Flowers. Potted Mato. Plena ra '.fro.. $35 and JACOB REED'S S( -.Romantic lore as n renwethblo end ennobling pansion wen unithown In the litereture of the ancient Greeks before the close of the fourth centers B. C.." said Mr. L. A. Peat maistane protest Greek. in a lecture on "read▪ O111171 l• Greek Literature. given in the Union at 8 o'dork last Tuesday eon. Mg. Mr. Poet tneed the Ireatmerit of women by the dotterel Greek amines from the dme of Homer to Xenepbon end blanander. and the development .1.1 e romantic conception of women be the ran later writers. Prior to the doll of the tooth notury B. C. ton was treated .,• degredstion to men it. Greek literature. Only women lore, and tbe pimento of lore me not viewed Phone Ardmore M60 TW.17; PlostIng hounnee no nemonal Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats of superior character. Perfectly tailored in correct fashioning, Development of Romantic Conception of Love Is Traced d If you will put as much thought into the telection of your insist. AT "Y" "GREEK FEMINISM" DESCRIBED BY POST The popularity of the musket program, which toy broadeset by the NorMarcum Chewer of the American Boa, neat. Men', ChM from the -College studio LIM Friday evenion at n o'clock, haw resulted I, erransemem for • see. ond Menai nine rune in AMR. The eluding of Mr. J. Wend Moffett. tenor. was nmecially appreciated by the rediv nedience. and Mr. Moffett received many requests for epecial umber, by telephone end telegraph uring the evening. Two of hissolo. were, "Always" and 'Then III Be Hsp- Plan your WATSON Professor If Sociology to Soma .1 Weekly atoOlog oil Moran 24 Watson. of norDr. Prank errofd CalleM reessitY. will he she rprolmr at the Y. M. C. A. meeting Ibis Wednesday @verde,. De. Wotma Is professor or Sotiology and Soejel Work. His subject has not yet been announced. US your Enter greetings include Whitewall's, doubly welcome after Lent. The mirk of Spring Sc exemend to Them inate.[. dainty .weed-1r, packager that please the eye. Catering to the wide demand for special ntgolinhim of dreamer etas:to we have provided timely .tide bench egmlog on dm Sampler. the Sternined and the Fumy Packages. The Sampler .4h to wide range of mndies appear.' M all MK. The Fumy Pmkage for those who lean toward nun chocolates ce Una-nter andThy semard Prange—die origin- Whissnen, dv wended from the famous movement of 1842 Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave., Ardmore Chocolates Emorm rfiew at the es rby nom dm b stems for VAlarmn.. Tomo you mn mem am Peak al PorImmo swam. fasomos Mom, Mom]. 5•1•••••■•11.F•tlitat, Num and Picture Framing . ... and Novelties . Pictures, The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne 1111 1 Edward K. Tryon Company Official Outfittere for The Haverford College Football Teem WINOMANI FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY SPORTING GOODS 912 Chestnut St., Phil.. G. Warner, Haverferd, Pe, Merino Cricket Club Main Line Draw Store, Ardmore, Pa. C. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ■ ' D. M. West, Ardmore, Pa. G. Kempen, Ardmore, Pa. Henry Press, Ilaverfenf, Pa.