- LIBRARY OF liAVERFORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD VOL. XIX. HAVERFORD (Apra WAYNE/ WS PA., FEBRUARY 7, 1927 NUMBER MUSICAL CLUBS OPEN CONCERT SEASON WITH ATLANTIC CITY TRIP JUSTICE W. L SCHAFFER MD FRANK IL KENT ADDRESS MIDWINTER DINNER AT PENN A. C. Nearly -two hoodred and fifty Haverford alumni ...ambled it, the ertil room of the new Paoli Athletic. Club In Phil/nein/in laid Internal night to attend the fortieth emote, midwinter droner of the Alumni AttemintIon ot the College. Following the dieemegleddressee were delivered by the Honor-Able Williem Nebeffer, Justice of the Mipreme Court of the State of Penney-Irani, Frank R. Kent, viee-preeklent and We.hing ton correspondent of the Baltimore ea, S and Deere Frederlek Palmer. Jr. ectiog predd.t of Ilaverford College, Janke Schaffer mode an eloquent appeal for the preserratien of existew mnritutloisal safeguard. in the edrotalstration of criminal Men, end eon. deond the preset effort to re.estahliall the interroeation of a crimini In open root,he the ladee le fine leelmce. He nointed out that such a ....merlon come. from persous who do ant think their Probleme through and have no knowledge of legal precedent. Indieldnal Right. Bettie Selections From "Hernani" and "II Trovatore" Prove Mast Popular LARGE AUDIENCESATTEND AtIdelk comas.. as vn,.. of edema et kaist.te PsItadelthla hot 11auirelar n1004 eeeeeroe Piss PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE or ate OUTLINED BY DEAN AT '21 ELECTS WEBSTER "I"'" ::::;`:°°,,::,.i.":,'1z`-ori':1'%':,:z ANNUAL ALUMNI DINNER PERMANENT PRESIDENT 7. 4".''' ml etnggla for ti Schaffer show. e * niii011 of William mid Vlarrmlhe*Er7glinh throne in 16. unde possible Int the find time the 3110sruster levees or do CONCERTS THIS WEEK DUBOIS TO ADDRESS CLUB TUESDAY kl..7.:‘"r "d:""4"With - Tee eon...'ha. been seheduled e( john Semen, Lord Chapeellor, frontfor the College Illusi.1 Clubs in the eel the principles whieh meke up the Bill of Riehts and nada it Impossible Present Administration of J. Evans, ColIison and Swan 70`,i.",,,r7k,;,,, „w„`'a`•wn ,,,';',„FB`r, b7M,Y; Noted Author and Editor [hr b.f. Rhinie Discipline Not i•• • lodge . loth, . men r° Community Centre. and Friday, Feb. Will Discuss Racial to Head Other men 11. they will perform in • don 01 • mart and interrorate him for hi. Satisfactory ooneert with John. Honking to be held Problems Classes mime. New ,,, „ „,„,. ,•,..;•, 0, th, &„,,,, :,,,`!" c'n'n' Clnb, in WU'''''' W. EL Burghsrdt OnBota. the UM. He tired the '''' '''''"'" "..- ''' JUNIOR COLLEGES HIT which this Held bad been exeleiseci - -eral Club's fourthsmelter, will ad-programme will he Class W. F. Webster, A. R. Middleton. The regular a n Judge, sad showed '''''''' ''.. ter- Snetrait. before . lace. .erain of J. L. Lobar....end Z. E. Foreythe were riven vt the sm. Metre comm. with dress the Mob 'faraday of ale leek the subject. "Modern Problems of Ale weaven hieton ha proved this iloverford College Alumni at the foe- elected presideat, vice the 'Tiarerfordign." playing for a privilege '-front which the mob mind Beth annual midwinter dinner of the eery, and treanurer, respeetivele. Ac- short dan. aftenrarde. Members of Haea end Color," Dr. DuBois in an anther, lecturer of tone by propaganda is trying to Alumni Aseociellon In the grille room cording to the conetitution these men. the two duke have been Invited to dinfor the ]net hell of theta net at the homes of the COMOIDAH ead editor of the "Clain." In each elected Seder th letic Club Ind doom" the counitetional safeof the Peen A strike meoine the Ciao member% following the dose. head he has pined a widespread musenior Lefr;tour :tric411„y,h,bee pan. In Amine hie plea Jntiee der night, Dean Frederick Seim, Jr., Ic He re.ived hie Ph.D. from of 11:tladi reuh lr: Haman 1p I593 and for the Int thirth"r'r' drArreci 717bater preradent of the Students. at T:ITZZ:77.711'bettt '1 se.gro.1....aped 5.•llir. "`""` P".""“ eh„,,,,, octet salethat the theory of the tenor collemt le Asmontloa and Commit nd Is lesder some time. Alternating numbers by the. ty year. Ike lettered at enrly ed the dhhth,,,, to petered sod of the Instrumental Club. He is oleo two nob end a specialty masker lor larger Amoral. univeraitiee sill colwe want "a raen.m. Araerithn awl asked whether deseelbed proposed Ante legislation for eh/drama of tbe Carrirotr. COmMIllea. the Ions Hoek., tempi.* noce ono., legee at internatioual gatherhan In the of a Member of the Athietie CeNnets crests sill make up the programme. chief cities of Europe. nod before , wrar. . the ten „ wheels mid colleges and Went., ono e able search eh.ged, or the leWthet rnident of rid elan derHenri. eller the covert will last till smres of women's club.., churches. sod od ratom most be faced by the witneseee last year end wee 1 eckel with the Hookine orthestra Y. 34. Cl. A.... He hoe tnvelled c of -a o fag be netood tel Arrsrd'raf than elute.. ten. a a. Junior Prom Conmolt• I„,otehiog the moot, him with crime enfih throughout Eeren. Wert bee. IA., A „„ per two coneee. tony are fend with the rowalb. he said 'rent.. • earl.. and dile countre. are ao he made In the administration venal problem of embattle the beet her of both the teenier and football Of Moen, Dasteet of shk lew, changes shall n' be raw,. men from the cendkintes for admiadoo name. He wee hoer of Cast Berrinttoa which tele ewes tot iratirldratr. rights and of obtain. yowl sallefacton Evan Josh. Prealdent him meth. of einninating_the naderamblee which .bona has isnot Mad He hee devoted hie lifeto the etude or -.-•••••-••••■•,..e--.., -1 In-....7',.Se,,_.47. iink Ife-eatimeted dedt the Juan Cism Inc the wetted nasal prebiems to much au eateet that that see the mechanical teen of tel meseetdsr, tr. neerntary of hie thought done. he has become an aethorIty. To quote entree. ea.:nations, acit./ err- cute Met mote red chem. of the pan." per.) the ertmlencer ra Hewes, health certlatates, end teach- committee in chowe of the J.ior Prom Zone 0.1e: -Fondementelly. Dr. Men Sketched teen em the Annual Report Shows Gain Bail le ono at the treat teachers of ,mee, M1' n' ve'rf7rsi d"jw71.7 Democracy in Americe-and • danceHe ill Y0110063.6 Joeheo del/ogee:. addrem. plied,713a ill Surplus; Rebate which we have not yet prectieed Dean Palmer reviewed the rote year a bend,ed and five applicants for the slat re +lee oreeident of the Y. Id, C, Platen which will he open Other ofkers of the Senior (lass one even rhdoned. at a••••N•d..we Increased of hi. Wert Frank H. Kent waa in. itt the Freon:mom crass next fs/1. Parnmally, I am grateful to him ere A. C. Thom., vice preradentt W. ennme o f melmtio. Pen.. tratured by the tontmaster. Mr. Kent S. At , „thetthh, of he co.ohte,,,,thre for Hire! Hine. For his literary no the hhhehh IL Broady, eecrets, nod ,„ Hee. arts for-bin core-ell of the MOthotte entertained his anal.. with lotermt- the Store Cornothtee,Areld. on Jarman 19. ote rt., telity with which we ere likely to 50, sod the tag and Intimate sketches of some of Sophomore 011ione A. L. Curtsy 121). wee appninted menthe men orominent in the life of the problem Iles in perfecting . men.. of The Sophomore Cleat elected its of. ger in the More for the taming year and Peneh the mayeet matte.. end for ththhh. Nn do with whom he has come into e„.,,,,,,,,,, [„ „,„, ae,,,,,,,,, ficere far the enettlag semen, on Jan. wan gm Cornered.. Scholar it ble biz aplendld enunciation of tbet Peeme ventimentality that we On vet onntort In Ms eePerie.. an Walth4- duce, law S.,Heteedord crania.,eery 20. C. It Collie.a was cho.t nreahruan year. ton correspond.,for the Beiliratte the system of bovine each man who oyeeideot; T. C. H,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,„ renal. no r...f,.. ,.... po.,.. of Man- brother's keeper. if we will let him of the illusion e won a candidate for admission meet the dent: D. H. Iledley, secretary : nod H. neer. S. Creek. '27. submitted the an- he the even rote He declared that 'polities is the meet president and dean in a personel con- E. Enworth. trees/wee mud Mort report to the Committee, that we ere our brothers brother and hetet...Mg pod worth's-an game 1. the femme. D.n rghte.ra wrae, , th.,thra Conine Is chairman of the Customs This contained. along with a descrin- unot reveal to us goite simply that tee ,,,,,... and deeded ...tepid the pre- method of tieleedoe hod on been et- Committee thin rear. He was captain ti. of the preemie which ere brotherti." the More the an- of tire], ....let ..1 eteranied Sophomore Clan Football team, bee made, two profit...aid lose state, Neat Ardt,,,,,, that it le a dirty gamePOilltlerlit of a pernoonl di.tootoo so aid mutthe MURPHY RESIGNS which does not conmen in average wan Mat year chairmen of the wenn end two balanee Amts. These mee. Altbongb ho doe. not believe la ehooslog the best of the men al, Freshman Debating team. are tweed . the new double.entry Thereat. '213, Smonda A. 1%,thfraraw. is the nelversal condemnation of Ore plying Freshmen Eine Swan bmkkeeprag system which Coot insti- Ail.. C.aviation M ..... r of Natl. In Power: beetle/tilted that there were l:Una for dealing with the problem The Freshman Class has elected F. teed 1.... • Allen C. Thrones. '20. has been .ht,ith ilthth ingh,Lhethrrth e.,h.,7„.,-,7,,rai AA .2,,, ia a L•dulm- among them,. bat re- ..... k°, 1.V. ..,. ft...tram G. P. Rogers, T. Enna, and Perelanot LinkIlltin Erased elerted Circulation Demmer of the marked mmthieein. the "'din' liaterford News, to encored kleere . TelablJahment of junior colleges The 1`• 1.1'. W.Mot. ermine, . el. Pea. Thi• renon entre that the perm. e„ee e, thMt e Ho„, pow,to-eleetions ...,..,....„6„ eh .„,,,,h A ,,,e,,, ,,,,,,,, dent. seentary. and treasurer. re- nest liabilitiee. which in Jamey. 1926. Murphy. 'P. who resigned. ,:',.. .„,,„...„,,„,„, „,„,„,,„.,,,,„d nsetkekr. fee the second half yearn. amounted to $515, were COLOOlelrlY Murphy will rennin on the Beeineas the chewer-ter of men holding oelee is br. eretotiortally high. arum will mean that only scholars will tow ...._8`r... Trae. Mara Ifgara wiped on le the eod of the Yeer. to Board of the paper. Selo. by Carnet. I inn. their atudica beyond the two ...rat ... one a ...her of hi. den also reviews the numerous itopro avthre - • Thome. hold. the hosed lane mowl football team. He is also manager of mem.which hone beee meet, of the Prior to the introdooti. of th yeeee a Junior ootte.,,, an for the Colkp, is Vice Presideet Junior Clem, a member of the Store epeskere, James M. F. Careener, 'T . Altman UM.. Coinntittee 1- reth'..° tr.''', repenting and replattering. sod Custom. committees. and le Amis• Pthfennr Of Fn..,a Harala'• .... After denier with th e problem of et a ...immune elm APPOINTED The ...° ratrahewrain .... i. torot Play Maneeir. epantanons appinuse from all ores. ed,o,„too. moo ,,,,.,,,,,,ed the nese rahrthnuarne ArrVIIIIICU The in detell he the Mennen It . hie mmaltiot .i Ettodei.. "Leth° esistier enfant of the wholnlaration PROVOST OF NEW SCHOOL I. untie. th° net that the rebate a.- NEWS BOARD ELECTS In • baritone solo. He wee been], -t sthiele discipline be . Ce.thme Comtem opera., At the thee that the reFOUR RHINIE MEMBERS hack ante for an nod oblige o,,,,,,,, , ,,,BoAhootot., shale- F. M. Froelich,. 'IL to mead Avon purl Mlle .OadIltol the arara.. ‘Niote slth another difficult number, which be ,,,,,,,. He ,,,,,,, that the ,„hAe of the Prep. In Connection watt 10 per cent. on 13110111 pureham. Else..., Jones, Miller, MUM)/ 1517011 Bang with admirable techni que. Dr Pneent training of Freshmen is doubt- Francis :d. Proelicher. '13, hati bon Recently thin bee been Memos. to Palletises ere Stag Carpenter west aecompeeled at th tot , that the memh,er err the 000. elms. Peeved of Ana's newly meth- 15 per net. doe to the store's pm. Three Rhinee were elected to the pieno by Odin Cloth Ileranienn. noted mdfre look elmn their work as en of tithed tun hearth. endowed Ise...foto,omit,. editorial bond end one to the sporting , Phone During the dinner a number er ting omenment for the College. Sch.1 and Junior College for boys at In the year of Gook's maneeenhip bond of the lievereord Newa at the meeting of the New. Beard before of Hendon emit. were anon wade The rash of. training the new men is Aron, Oid Forme, Co.ection. . the surplus of the ineltution hae last •saminetions. W. J. Blackbuen. J. P. the direetioo of John L. Sthelse. -25. en importmt one end requires the co. The neir mh.l. will open le Sep- grown from 11253 to wan. on M- Jon. and J. Miller were given• places end Charles F. Bader, Jr.. 124. opermioe of the committee and the [ember, 1927, an a 3000-sere eatate In rrease of nen on the editorial .10. white N. L. MaHenry W. Stoke, 'IL preirident 0 Deo.. the northwestern part of Co..11eat, The eheet nn January 14 r. wee chosen for the eportrag been. Orm more Trento. mey be edged to the Alumni AtiliOeiatIOns acted as taut Due to method of electing the Cue. accepting etmlente in only the first Poor wee no wow.: the editorial board before the end at muter. Among- the elan,Md... tome Committee, Dean Palmer said el eta forme fur the first yea, The doses., t , ome trope,. Junior Celine will open Septerelste. east .., ..... ,,,,,,, ... , I .......... .7111.111 of the Celle.. present ware: Edward that eo, mer e and brflr. tryouts were not Marled until eel R, Woad. '50., Jed.. W.R. eible. and memited the eeleetlon of 1928, triter the pereonnel and routine si,wtord. . 110.11 Wei than motel Ibis year, no President MI Wilhelm IL Coates, edt, John the committee by either the president Of the Prebaretory School bee been well seemed marsh* 77.74 fhet°:nterifecollege'forlte'fire; me J. ear . If. we Zook. 14. Lirk or the dean from a Hat of ten Illtalee establIthed. The plant and equipmeet te1mentit non several. moot to gee thoroughly ac0302.711 in In complete and modern, the chairmen of the Ifidwint. emitted by the Studenta Conned. of the mand mol ... quainted with their endemic dudes beHeiler present conditioos the woret oldie the Diner Corernittm of nine member.. fore ottemptin any ex-curricular etwill he altered tonna. deities. titer • dozen responded when few.rc of the /Mete. is he egect on elan. mode., progreesive linee. hen pent. the .11 for mndidates tr. Won Meer the Sophomore. whom he Of Francis 31. Frnlicher ta et preeent ewe]. ' leL ea. "To Thankeeivina from wbleb number the an Hine. - lowest ebb Of ellti- beedrettater of the Onk Lane Cooet. 4th ANNUAL CONCERT 10011,2 four new hoard members were eefreted. ate reeponsibillty." School in Plithnelphia„ sad has ""."" of the rev deed vrommane , Roden of Year LIBRARY WORK NEARS END "HOTTENTOT" TRYOUTS droadnnioo on, noon. or Clra se President of the Protreesire EdIn no mucking PRINCETON CAP and Bells Peetastiecation Belle In 1524 to Be fad.. .1.16..1 Soden, of America. He se an Prellmleary Trial. foran the most 11170 Tuesday • Play to Be Held Heeo prohlesetgore „,,,,, advocate of considerati. of Completed This June gent, tees. end ejLeotmd•ougnneetto, Prelbsinery try-note for the Cap and Only the first door of the stsek and of the ',ogee., of the Hoththe HAVERFORD 'The Hmtknhet the past mar. Ile told of the improve- or prime 'wraith.. Inc Wrath, . t. MUSICAL CLUBS ....miry Ina gt:I=Itoroet Co Tu Froeunee lee tor will ecaos1 and college, men. o Roberto Dolt ofd the to FOYER .OF ACADEMY OF tang of the work of erecting the new member of the Pb! Bette Hama Pm- F. M Roberta -H.E. Bee... of eke mains to be- reelanified, necordlag of the entsiee Lloyd Heil. Amoo,the e„. Met, and Founders' Club. He Wall Cap. Hilo number of people desiring parts Min H. ht. Booth,. in MUSIC wag. The Meend door of the Stack dentle changes which he outlined were [sin of the footben team le his aeolor this ofil be mend • "reedier sat e0MplaCed 140 seek, and It Is esti, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 eeleYlloY the few the immoinetten 01 bhp. ,,nlbyr.,,d rem et Haverford nd eetablished ghat- for the Iseted toot the work will be completed at 0 IL M. the middle of June. symem. the re...intim, of the me _ put and broad jump records for the mast 'Prentising candidate. for each byThe task Of reclassifying the library TIPP. 52.50 Den of a College, the former of which still hold.. denten, em of .ceding, end the edooti, ,000 ceiume. wee Oemmned in eme poll, barter the admisaion of Prior to hie prevent headoeiderehtn. he oo7keehru r4":,!, ri ertrtir oil". jad e : pp Son "'Ulm= 0PagltsIsTue. men from other ineCtutione to the was heed of the Park School, BARTmemo,hare beenwo nting -if idll continuonaly Mott that time. oppe el et Haverford. more. Md.' r 1.e their parts. be d, A. KIR '29 WED NEw STORE MANAGER gtr:;OLIrrs:4"rr- Plating before Inn:encce of four hundred and nine hundred pen°. the Musical Clubs ushered Is their 1925 mason with concern at the Hotel Dennis end Hodder, Han on Fridey and duturday 'evening.. Both the Inn.ntentel and Glee Club. showed marked mnprovemeets over ell former exhibiting- at practice concern. The numhere best received were temps from Troratoce,'• played by the Ipetrumental Glob, and herd... °Oh HMI IA Se Free,from Demuth sung by the Glee Club. • The .ncert Friday evening ot111 opened by the Instrumental Club with ,ha oM feverite the "March of the Simene,s which was encored with the pap.. nether, -Hello Bleed.... The Glee Club made Ite debut with Gelber. "Cott. Dolly." • song In quality inferior to Um eat Of the program, hot rendered nth mfficient techstp net He the "yon, of the Jolly Rogers b t !•01.1ery'?" prt'e'd t.n o. 1=7Mo BoVe son on the Glee thub'a program. Pie. Belo Pepsine One of the most popular numbers wee the piano solo by Thom.on, who gave es hie ant number ...Mae.. -Dame limahre,' which was enrored with the equally well received "A L4 Glen Al one," rticlili"111 Ttitil'"re; eaten. from Victor UMW.. width was encored with 'Finny." The program was varied with • llo 11.1by Ruediger, HI, lint apse. her wee Neiden. by Max Bromit. which len followed Fialet-Seen. 'sue vrh plaeed with greet feeling in ad time to his already excellent technique and which proved m t pa aloe 2116 hen camene. p ZUbth; wis "°11 .rhi. tee' enembe, ma not sing" ea a whole. -Copped Moon" wee popular, but was oteralmdowed by the far am eerier rantlitle. of 1.0E Had Us. Ye Pm" II Trevaten Peptise The lustramental Club rose to the fr,17,:db,Zgt="71 n:ch rnuire, es dent Ittr 'splendid way in which the el. performed on this number erone aa the read, of hint Preen. and excellent r ".f.,:rrnq reeitele the eon., woe nnanoint', opened be the Glee Club Angie% Verdn"SM ';_c„"Tne ont.of-themelluary number. which proved peril,. The addition, to the program no Saturday eight were '121nrjory, Wake Cp." s humorone soz Zr,afr.:i ge 'Wldiltfr:Prr lloh which Meowed the need of more intent., practice. Rom., bn'a thane as It number Mewddeeo orct Room ire D Mier la two wax extremely well done, DR. JONES Y SPEAKER Philosophy Profaner Expeeteg HOMO From Oriental Trip Today Dr. Rohm II. Jones Is expected to retort. ta College tone frote hie kieN of hte r'llZe'enrk.ontit- Iggrill■y'P" evek. toing at the Y. M. C. ,A, meeting iv theFelon. In order thet .11 may hare thebre'Ve'tingsTrI°1,. dap thine the basket bail mete gt 1=`„,2`, COLIZOIC PALSYDAI. 7171. WYLY MOADOY-Ilrao me.* et 71 Var., torluittall, prarthse ewe H. Y. la Om S ht. reetraeg-lastriessmat st Went Mob tenon te tm nein et W. C. Mostunt nem win moth es -hteden roan. mon.neZmat seer. st Now deur.," Ole., 3.151 Yar.liaa.. Y. 0 CI Orm et 7.10 Vanity kaelso, ...He., at tea Men.nam-entree. 1.1 13114 al 9. c. Nair. roll Dr Yens M. Y.. •11 speak, 077017.-Orwleal *100 err at Oa ease Peeterr dee .helho too MO Id. Ravi... so Ms. sarganar-nnity hunsbau Mte eimmineme Boy Lem' emelt. SerartInexe. 11.0. YES 110117kEY-7.• Bo h moolso . 7. tenement amen. hi Gem ents vs. HMO Herd. TAO; North n. eunner.enstessintst el at 7.0. 07[731f.f.111-ranter iro letaklantok IIHROP0 ,-,1.tramastal all at Cm; latramaral linhatben Ms arm. cm. vs, per. Lima 7.0. am mesa. m. end. Lent eso. 171.1.111■70411.1cal. op... vrItts Plant.. Yam al Id. Oceans, Yula, Itheadatokla. at 0 ateleanag-vsolm hearth. vs. Priem., awe ▪ • . -- POPPY OS 1 EAVERFORD NEWS WHIlErforii News Dana Paernary P. POI neeteteles Won la laYnd W Pawn.. Instorpsdpe. .a. wpp. a It Wads OBY IL CPITOWIW LW. P. .0111.80. V41.01,7:;N: einlietent i.erras EDITORS KIP CWITlite WIlleln a. P.D. lwlbe Z. 'P Preed C Pena 10 Walter W. ...11 Weald W. Wale le Yr. a.m. ave. C. leno. Wpilwre J. alreir.n. 'SO IS Write Jrna 1.1 hen. De Wel L. Puny. 'SO Pp. L. litiPo. 111 Ce PPeratee.- 1.lienell ALUMNI NOTES Hz IV. Edward, named 1550.1, Indhembilln, It him Mete Devember 21. He was In bin TOth year. Mr. Edwards wen Prenidem of wee bin Chum. Dud whit. 10 Find SeL-I-r In the fleI.oll it Heell:m 71;: for font 1'«sir«. For ber of years he hap lawn near,„ 1 b4" ';01.1 Ago. for India. of the Providern Life and Trust Coin... Frederick II. Strawbridge wab elerted 110norta Vire President• of the I itiledelobla I ern mud Other. Ant citioit at the mewl annual Peen. of that orranization. 1102. Charles Wham. Stork A.cussed the men. of thy Ilein, A m er. emits 1001 Arthur Perry & Co. OR COMfORTEATES START OF ACTIVITY ON CHINESE MISSION SEVILLE THEATRE' ineeStinent Bankers ISIS Linnet Street, Philadelphia Boston, New York. Proride.e, Portland taps at Shanghai and at PrOgrantrrag to Canton ig:, r,„12: it„rantv.,,"..,-* 0,. 1,-.:,;.: "NEWS" READ IN CHINA Week New Wednesday Featuring Mee B. Francis Thursday AN ANSWER HolyLand an T".'tu. 'anc=lanPaIrrbittlr appmprIetionn Motu the .St Pu t I a pp the nophomore eines Saturday The College Boob lette1rs100 SPECIALISM. 10 YOUNG IIEN'S seta Tem., Habordosarry nosseios /mowed Bei*. Alms 1334.1316 CHESTNUT STREET FHILADELPNA CASA DEL REY C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE IlAVERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Breakfast Luncheon and Dinner Special for Teachers and Students Our Green Room Is Now Ready for Banquet, Card and Dancing Parties Phone Ardmore 3160 WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1372 Edw. K. Tryon Company iiieverforgl College Official Outfitters Sparta.' Gonda 17.7;14:7 .... ■ auttointoxicanani the inmne. of the Volliese deluding O „Th. Dr. Elibe Great bee obtained hate nom hnve hen flaw's, iu. to from hi. Minn me Frotteop of Bildt- Otwieti "Po • of Litertaure and Di for of the loll. use ram l'17„ half 1.1.74,1,17.4-111.1, !e'rthl:1•1 is•V Th« tenni itself Imo lint been Atone That the Customs Committee has acted this year mainly for the amuse- au„ 4. fly in 7,;I:n.1114ruFe'cl 'fir; ment of the College, as gated by the Dean et the Alumni Hid-Winter Fl attire iu B01, 111 art his r Dinner, cannot be denied. Bob thin can in no way he deemed beets for .4■14.4.14. 3. .111- 'rnr raest1e:tion. were len, Faculty control of the Committee. The difficulty doe. not arise from the ".1133e. tw "3i 'h. hi" .11,00 0 method of selecting the personnel. A group of men in control of gov- iriV011 1717dt """717 1":771:: c 1;1 rue." ". A..r1 erning the actions of incoming students !should be elected by the students ,7;.T4 ItTrZi' 710 t'" aetiu{ 5t0.141.55.5. .5.5 As the debatine minden uovr .etande. themmives and should not be chosen at the dametipti of any member of Irk Paner. present the is as Cooped the Faculty. but at the discretion of the Student L nn°brew wde Ise buhe Br,"ol regulating body. in t'hitrMiphie. ,a The toilette. of the Custom- Committee .Could not include making tT: Ir`b.r.` 07- t"'; m."Zti 4 7L1.1 :5.11' it by lla .1111:1.5111;"■.11. ludicrous a new man solely for the merriment of upper elanmen. So. . Aril., Pim Esprlitleet in Past Year 1"."•"" methods accomplish no purpose and are childish. The agenda consiera M pr. (Raul will rad n1 hope turn, II I 51 15 directing new men Into the traditions, customs, and spirit of the College la 11111111111‘ . .51.1,5`1. .111 Ile citt. Hie worL f tzainee asst molererndonne guidance rather than in the adroin 'tering of farcical antidotes. tiononnin bete bon imile posnible ,Lair Item. V.;;;11;;g :;,;,,:., demoeratic an institution as it is .111.11tIfir ronmatiuno wilt:11*re at bi T11 Custom! Committee is possible to make it. Surely the preponderann of four upper Clarantap is enough to outweigh occasional flighty judgment of second-year men mol ,1•1•Kohl allaill la the bins of 1,1. PRESS CLUB MEETING eluloe• No le. Gt. flee emanate Perhaps the solution of the whole matter lies in the swam to the old Muni,. exedition. an. et work Jesnugn to Lettere system a a senior eirairrnen. who being ferther from freshman Ye., p, the, pap, lap yereo ..../ ...._ Metropolitae Balers ChM This Illfater would look on the situation with more foresight and bromi-mindednesas weed mow. .seine lo nu. tiro or the TI7 7 .11 om, thouninde ol 3enrs• before 1111,11. and : haw ..? ;irt •i Ea. r he^.!Bee o .1 r .Toterrennet. of the Hebrew.. t r tr Ram vt,7,7,47:1;:1411-71,11= 1. ,,i: 11:!: ,Itt!litrE> . MAY ORGANIZE JOINT BAND nn of the " ' FACULTY CHANGES t; 171"fr of three nen in that notary. lr.4 Dona Plane Hosertarads, srdi 1110.3 while on Sobbatini trine from „ s7,,„“'„%j!rs,„",„.7,„„i,„,„,... ...WI; who Los Prof. mow Rufa. -„ts Iloverford be mem ten weeks in the mars Musical Group country emit mid seem of the Jorno. leen Myelin. in CI., Marina bin non hd A enoMinal Daverrown.ameniune. Jfenit1f.1 Rabbit eel lesee, will nettin mice dunes , 11w 1 da!pmhiliAty1wil with ark d h hoginnion of Ike SenW tiobn dt o,nTym olm i of Ma nurses 11 y .11 "'"'"." I" 011.5 Nowt lost-pp. Or Bank who ante red J. Swan. iontruetor of manic at ' , 11 l'.1"terlaw. T9 1.101 for lino tinting the tint torah Or reality MA Neboinethe tier nunof th.A .w.t'sr';;O'llVttnr.meeeing eillePPPer C.C•nralt work hr ban done of bur year. on the semenier. will instmet M the mow frt. the iestmental auk., nurse.. ai thotelter tieing or both co.... te bo Weld an.PHI---Lite Old Wd...• .110 Dr. 111111 will inn dunn the 111 1.1, W. A. Reiter!. Imam.. Haverford is IMO of the nupporting Pork ..Id. srsonarr and LBOAP-Pall. empa. liarerford at arebeeologiEttell.b of .01 Ilniptior for week ItVir t"rrki"U'r 010' 1; thr Hoverford Phonber Illunie otontex. which ofjet,. ."b Ten:lao lora minx note::(Trien;- leZ p oat expedition. 1 LPN. 0'.14 OH.TWOW-1..... .enrol nt rbr weed. will the Lreent. A manner neintel 'On or ore all piesini rool.renre ropers to 01 PPP to el with yenr th6 Gen held p11lP ebtn Inerwe lece Bibliral 1.1terntore. will 11, 11.00. SIOUX INDIAN TALKS FaeT-Pnwea toren and IP it to the L 11 (I te.110. 1110011. hat a aohnlotte will tube OF MISSIONARY WORK OMPICIP-.11.... War la benulla charge of bin elainern 111 100 11rodume II PPM. phi.. hi. with No definite arenngemew. LYRIC-eel" Mustsm..• '0.010, the War A10 11, drAns' Brad" • 1 been made MOInge-,M suslerm and.baberolonr Prat will lake ton Palo 1'IIil4 hF'nr[en: WI-hl dal trtubl 1r; orgra9T-12ams 1•Mme am Capp RHINIE DEBATE PLANS semer• Perna la Kea Pan lea." in the ne baliral leen durg rill teem Man, at the College 60 Senn. le,. on. Will Hold Impromptu Donne at Meet. POVIZO rlClmaa ne and Pratt... Mg oa Wentieuley Evening .-171115-'`Ola It • We,Wth With hie h*. tirtt1eir„101:5=1.4o:thrturnllittir■-■."'A lap Wary Labor w. ProstePor Bernal. who apt been alti.015.-Paaep Tag ran R7it".11 inelroction at loith lieverford mat a t'rettrigut:ir■StO■14.1. "U.".. "'" l betanItia I. -TS. 15.1.Y10,1 Iluring the lent hen year, In theErn pert nr hie eddress. Mr merit &thick WnIstenday evening. The L.. WP • Welaptay hi* work si Princeton !Frasier tte inaiIi od la Pp. eava Velatritir11:17.,7"11%1:ti' 1,7m"" he will mend the nest grimmer nod he has 1115.41. len, rem, ad la 0111 nl".71:. nr:cIe yor been Ile. ' with thIleirilizallim of flor saitomr,. mantas, Talmadge Is ezelunirely et Haverford. rt Pable," Dr. L. J. (1 Ord. will PPP Dr. Iseter lie deecritsed the inlealoanry woe for the drilla.. with Princeh ton PPIC.-.W1111...1..,- PP Clean Barrett in tnehing FA.151501131. I. The nano Sidtur east nt' reat: 10na1 .ram Febnlnrr 01 TO Marrb L. class will los divided into five part. ittlit trie.111d1hatgis7i'Attglt=riT ..4. aPPILIT-P....r, alterPet At t•o boa of lie • o Dr. Barrett sal Dr. Gordon will each molar. rrmso is -III Jantia 'LA IL De 'in"hare Pen. of two nein.. and Dr. ''''''''''''''''''' ensined by C. 11, Mots Mauer.' iliambir tie n. I in.'debate cm the use.ti931. Wittman will Mitch the other, Dr. T110111,150, '21. me the piano. sena eev.( voirteit smek Patna 1, 'Fah San-0 wore here we Won o course Mr mme thin during fror amen Indian end the in instructor mu Gordon in ..., tawny. rain rt.. -nu oaten ark: course at the l'oherahr of Penney, the treeing. H. rimed the Prot,m hope from edema.' Thi. was Milowed h will come s oheute .from 011k the Impeder wog, -By the Ws., bye n spirited general dimutolon Iron, n oels l thoon of Minnetonka." Ph d rapdi s efo r hie c es e ,„ ,„ „ th... P and Friday Exit Smiling -01711:r. '"'" "'" 7 The Musk Master t"."Vrit.3',i„,r11, 1g.1:,%.T7t:;..1,,"101 H 1)1i GRANT SAILS PALESTINE THIS INEEHL'"" of February Monday, Tuesday and - Archaeological Survey MacDonaldtkampbell I i It N MAWR Hong Kong En Route Fund of the College to meet the expense of courses in subjects not stipm '"''er H. Thorpe wan mnnimi ItOn' 21":; Comfort molt 011 Watehee1re. "They ell an T. flattened News out latest by the preen.. of the Hose. Brown Fund. sod by limiting the Iv prttlT bar bath award of graduate scholarships to men alone. the Board of Managers ha. Lir orilL lappeaing. et Haverfon1- At ttix Shang.. Dr. Cinufort Ilea ww Dr. recently taken the initial step toward the ultimate amtdatunetieo of the lane, (ice Thomas Winter Brown Graduate School and Haverford College Were, ie 17 1 .1i For the pant decade, the Graduate School has existed to an isolated Ile Wannuelter nullo Station of MAO HL. Kong hr poor, n1 Je.tliprY, ; tenet e Chiner dirertor of lite 21. , inetitution located on the Haverford camp., but entirely distinct from I e B. Ponder Ili ted ""4"the College. The main polite of contact between the handful of students wit-h a York oa. of fan end nape,. b; probie 1'.11: of teethe'at the Utti.holding graduate scholarships and the larger group attending clesnes .on imino. el; Company 1.1;ft3,7elInt 3.;t1Pe,:een .ernity Ise Comfort Bopped groin thin n111t1 17, the hill" have been 1h/et the mune profeneore have given co... at the run , a 5.. IVI stir, .wo:70:41'.7.74 nI Graduate School and in Chase Hall, and that the students at the College York. emifemate on ielmatio., b"r" 3" Mr and 47. for A .1"'I' have been haunted frequently by the spectre of women graduates invad- Mee, Alfred 1100drU. Jntw, prohlems. unry 10. ing the sanctuary for male whalers ntabliehed at Haverford in 1033. 011elatis From paella 110A. Sewell G. Allen I. Po tone- yp p„,, Ku., Both these contacts have canned a vague uneasiness among the under- alter of Ike Bale. (lanoline Compeer. soot y tra. nter by rilleiale dot eito. !Be pre.ot ed- ion. and on serleing the past, and have led to a half conscious resentment against of dotem..W. graduate. rb, the existence of this ummimilated group of graduate students within the Tkr tan, • „„ a lf„"„rs,'„,,, °I. It i precincts of liseerford. mi. feeling hen found recent expression In the 1.15.1(115.10..15111.115.; the eagag1eineul „„„, Peter to Henrietta. daughter. their of efforts of the Curriculum Commit,. to discover a mean. by which Pro• (7.5.11. Dr. l'oshirt.. Atriel. Irstsun B. Morn. Is „th,„. feseors would be able to eliminate duplidating College °purees at the r-nagn.,'rem... the • Graduate School, and in the attempts of the Student's Association to solve meted with the lomin E. Pent Arran opatip the problem of admitting the women graduate etudents to class. In mei by a larger crowd, ...Atha of rom the prerogative of the men underChase Hall or excluding them from, -nolents nod faculty of the University graduates n1. 0. Pr et uIet By throwing open all undergraduate courses to holders of graduate Isalepoot et Floret .toil, . mh Lo n the ottenitiz nproaIeh. scholarahipe. limiting these scholarships to men. and .ranging for students at the Thom. Wierar Brown Graduate School to eat in the Col• loge dining room nest year, the Board of Managers has recognized the THIRTY DOLLARS GIVEN difliEus Which appertain to operating Don separate and distinct-instill,FOR DEBATING EXPENSES Mono teaming on the Haverford camp. Their action in reorganising the Graduate School provideg for the unification of the interests of those Will Spend Three Months in holding graduate scholarship. and the undergraduates. and M a step toward the assimilation of this neon, isolated group of students by the College• FEBRUARY 7, 1927 '7 57 err 21 `II. J. Wolter Trhltette hen heel The prose. 01 tine trip. up tu sod Azoncy Vire N71111101 of the Arno.. tbe" Int emote of his se. New Re gland klunt01 Life ienumn. lire Minion. ill (lento, In the Leder. told la Company. Mr. Tebbettn had been An- nos of Liegnen Univentity. 1114.1.1N0e. niment Art wry If the etonpany Por the latest letters of l'onideet Comfort Warr Ware.. 11122. He entered lineerford TL=st"'." lean 0, Din, Comfort. Prellutimrien hay wen T lerplau, Warp Po.. la, ben diepentool with nod Dr. Cone Ire Earth,. College. .alert C. re• been Imo Ilitiet E. 12. Robert Pen. the work forre teanstia.1011 =COATI. P.P.. natty elected Prenitient of the Lett.. which ha. brought it to Chi.. Plea C. I.e.. Vs ,er Township Sam. jinni. Leet tear to the In Shanshai. lie nil, of golog ri. elected to die b.n1 for :Ina oak, of Me Iniernstional Po NO. met.. weans PP. P.P.. par p Pape leate. et Do mearbea be Iran1114. ItIbleddae otate.f. ISO PP Papa. Pea.. Wpm P1.1 and Pp.. Pops 1101. r 'lll. Annou.,vmrot in Are of the r arle. Rav 4aL He Ala vlr Pp .7 nor ente ter ewe.. MOS-en. pp 10 ea.. T,:f.Mr.1"1,7411n1Z,V lat. Pewee tar PP., et tenant J. liordon Maxwell. 1'. P. N.!'et tearat sm " Horde' matter It th. PPP, Wowed •• epee din houn. Taking a drive through the the of ntemmer pop,. wee Slas...11 Hr. Way., et PeeenThe the to ern.. menu elm eneileinte.0 ubLeh /t, ceotteer Nrrtnerelook the 1015 1100M. tia-cor Tram Hr lea member of ths Min of the 110 beleg -Ma Earop.u." he look Wester of 111.10 APP4 lataroPieliele neweeper A e- two Ft Anion, Sr. Androes plop. et Pe American Net, T. 91. bans ad Society. Military (Inter of Porrtas P. 5 where ho conferred with mute nowt., re not eaourtly waresel Hear: and the Meriden Amerlmn and Vielnenr sec-mow-ire. 'IS. Mr. sod Mrn. J. Slar.1.111 Meets Chasm. '24 ASSIMILATION Thi. a e s t moraine fo. es.. pe t man sm befog congratulated on the „„ „„. tar. of twin.. tons J. 3Inenhall, Jr.. ei„, walk f„ ,.„„„,,. by .• danghter. Sara Elizabeth. on ,bo„„it, lb; By providing for the application of part of the Honer. Endowment nod , U.OIL!!"7.17M77 - 30 I • w - No use trrina em mar rsal slam whits you', lumping woweself IPP•clead From self-arse:seed poisons. Put voursmurn on a Pwrieng Kano your divan. organ, fun. tioningproyerly. Make .22.u-tang to Labe.. your daily die. SHREDDED WHEAT BRAN, SALTS. VITAMINS, PROTEINS and catt60. HYDRATES small contained in Shredded Wheat appetking and digestible form. Crisp, delicious shreds of vital body-building nutriment. Two daily biscuits of Shredded Wheat eaten regularly will make you fa and keel, you fit., Be& now and wet V OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Mahe it a daily habit ▪ • • HAVERFORD NEWS FEBRUARY 7, 1927 Pass COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR, LEONARD T- 1 OD ER HAVERFORD DRIBBLERS PRIMED FOR BIG GAME Swarthmore Slight Favorite In Annual Court Classic on Saturday . ATTENTION ALUMNI?! itoall et, The bask, following pow be play. In yy lope agYm. PM. 9,-Osteopathy Feb. 18.-Witahingten. Feb. 20.--Ursises. Feb. 26.--Sterme. WILLISJOILWADT.A. SAPP) C. ASWAN W. WiD1DISLy. MAN= N: MARTIN 301.3 ROGER C. CROWN HAVERFORD SUCCUMBS RADNOR AND P. C. LOSE "`OVIETAWATNrESDAY WENONAH DOWNS J.V.'S IN ONE-SIDED CONTEST TO STEVENS' ATTACK TO HAVERFORD SCHOOL Cony We Hi...fora twe victories in ale games their credit. bail men wilt meet the Phi/odelohin Scarlet and Black lumps to Main Line Team Overwhelms . flompathy WedneadoY. iot Anglemoyer, Star Forward, Radnor, 50-31; Quakers rvi!t",:,°,. Lead in First Half: Tallies 24 Points 0re exceptionnice good, don to IL Wafer Pearce Stars Lose, 32-28 onsuceeeetul mo. for im upponeute for Cadet Five Marro m Mnrch 5.-Delaware. In the Comer played to dote. LET'S HAVE A BIG ..,0 ,.„coed .0010,0.1 Coach Hatay' )lens,, and Cold clad to a mmeided a.m. the Wenmah lieteopstirt ham been derogated four Qs Saturday -evening t he SwarthSlat thili. to the tutor Military Academy lanskethell team ea. TURN OUT!! reverse in he final mime prior to the dilkohle. regiotered e double win doe. .thiCht more sted Haverford basketball onm• r . Swarthmore uoidjeer emiolnetions. losing to Ste. tug the week of 3.0ary 17 in the toe Settee will Hat up for their onuttal '1;ro -o fu: 'V 11:71.11,,,L....17. e, won b.. moo of 1 clash, with Sivert11100ro the tlo=rdad "12r;; re7. "'""' Ina • The Scarlet and , Meek rot a fast peer Mt-11. 711; fZ.rtil 7 erre7au'd 11;t7c1t7.,...: w en: 1.- V At faro Nil, . Go-AFt„. h. I., .. toworzhoo Mite later Lt.haelt woereapectiv wen by the Met D M. not barlog a re'so"Marocetter defogged by ndt. year detest re emerged on Met.. o11 Thew timers tend to stml tn. frequently the•tort-up. fared near the end of the first holt, tong end of a :C.2-28 count at she 1 Them count of 23.20. on the Huverford court. o dwided week,. in the Milliken. alaIn.I.Iner bark gamed. sod trolled half.fime by one polo!, e.-Wom or Fenn Mae., thetmtathit attack. wha. should have pouted Ism the game earl the fie t The game We ...on will be etnged to Redaur „rm,wee loosely &Men to n rallying against the Mona bolt rt. the femoral toll route. and never regsining the lead. the Mere 1.40116 gym. Swarthmore, p , ropp, w15 serer 1.3 per's defeart. The game there AS ty the Harerford defence with this W ' The word of the Swarthmore drib! seriously threatened. piling up e 20-24 fort be excellent preen.. m for the turreted. °sr& Iron, directly Sod woe through In the tie. half due to blere to hero impressive to date. fast nottosi duel with nwertbouore on San An.,..nyer and Peoplen, in front or the barker, The lend pnweleg stuck. Tactile were 4.11110l eri yede, end In rolimpileg the Strentb tatering Hie 04,00 and one defeat. The treeonah forwards quickly tan .1, the ettriode.: ther.e.r;,. of the Delaware team only control the team loin woo to Thomas Appointed Chairman changed bends rapidly lo the next few duet: It. re, of.hfrenit,y-fiz 3 Lei thItralnue by the mare of 411.10. Oste"rd 4.,:"L; of Committee; Lloyd mdt, attend, dloplayine the"-fastest, and"-' moatVi41"." • amity, Deese!, Sluldenburg. Stevens nut, ¢t for en. only nI p.n.. and Sumerhaons here been vanice totters in the powerful amok Hort hay ehowo this fourteen marks.. Low e. COMin Hoeme arm the high wart ""'"1 Rumex. l'Alae the post sea- Edged - in Two Sections tin quished. e, n.111.4 eho. leer. eHted Geld °P At' of .PkIsi ri.. oi however, the firet three game Edged f fr'6e Irani Lies% Its The repo]m of tie rote. played by follow this ,iterh The fleet sashes of the nag in tra- Sean the Scarlet and liteck do noln1101,1 it "*`. followed by"'" one " ff thf The lwtth Lt, :rzz hal a; '`,,T4T,7, n tut See metal boelfetball ...neon will be played sank Oro long See. school, garnered sin double el.. Leann, and er rhumb. lew ed Harris on et play from the asp off. darken nn Iteit Monday night. February 14. by and A. Narking gathered ns the rtorea {7 of Lrftlltt eLiPyit.o0 Franklin and Sternhall. man It Sfelebuir dropped another one from Together sot les „ ran. I mi. respeethely. oreve. Hortgitte two. 4.- boy center he rap up R nwore of thirt. The:hove entersed victors m contests virtu South will meet South Lloyd mod neer the foul mark. The mow mw twelve mints for Radnor. Peso Charter Defeated North .11 play Merlon. The infra-moral fasted 117..2.1 while Drexel was nosed the, with More.. and Drexel. stood 14.0 in favor of Harerford. The tamest on Friday an more .ut by it 51,20 rtount. Beth Have Mat Drexel Oared. The Queen, lane b elZ:l'errletaTad Irr.o; The Main Liners Plumped after this enumie Quaaterenn Ce't=q;e ae THOP IlawbiltneY Scarlet and 110111 oututettes hare arr t and were no the &Dnner for the re- kers drew gr. bloml by several wen unbrrro krvirr Bleck fon...of, twenty of the mod Dresel.• bet the comporise.oLl.7Pe tray. pay over t err- WINTER TRACK PRACTICE a. haTh' "17'" e mainder of the first period. /here. ', tne twenty:1,7,7:1i. mud easily rthe fa", etive were stood oto by their all.arott. play. rallied mad with a rem emooth peesl dlAtri i hetthl a r et° , 1 theu,„s: ,„1 .. o . t ... 4 h t o oe,..e .4 1 , 3rild oott ro n won. from"treT:r. Phy sical Training Immortal. at roller . raer • door. while ftwe rford barely' CO... to pent enoto. two genies at a meet. Tripp dieplayed a wade.n that nes overimuled Its gain• one Mil be ;tiered in one night. The first ra aattath rh".' h oat .”..4w it r it tinder-path endidat. tool before remorkahle. Lewhinner pinged nmed out the Blue not &old be •Even 15-14 lend juin as the half end, point marsio ea Drexel's curl. " 1I" "" M.i. 51111-Tel. The Sca rlet 111 hie lei • I Line will take piece at 7.20, and the second allowing for the Adventage ther, nn "t"""' that "nrh'd """ memor ha I h rune; working not Tre w' num qu tet eyed The second bolt sow nom h better hour later. at 11.30. As um., ofon oo the board track three thaw • week fast and shifty attack. the foroorts 111: ficials will be rhos. from the membera guardioe on the met of both mar.. Hill'Iwb• the Blue ebd Cold gap - Ware 0000 whores- the emeninations Starting with thle rotting foot arid elmrply for the bache but Stevens keed. working the ball lain, peered the roost &Mewl of the set., wren stet... moth-mots are Manned to ring played on her oppoocuts., douhle.deckerm Haverford T;171"-Tallt"P:1111.74IL under the banket lath frit surrens end of the day. registering six pasta fruits In preporation auperlority apparently rests with the far the spring season. world nut penetrate their -moo guttni Another new precedent wee to. ..hen maintained its lesd. widening the CAP the Om, W. sad Howler. rat. whs., tort. "rapt. April 111 with the hor, detente, trod rretttP°01. In., Met to thereto. al. Ho. the fAMMIIIP divided Lloyd loco two near the end or the emend bode after Sod 1-1P.S. fouOtere. " inter-elate met hall by th e cloome guarding them two he en. 30.2.4. end Swarthmore defeated rectione. South sod North Lloyd. South the Reverfuni combination threatened rivet, 13everford School. Oh. Staub lottremorat track meet Pith. to Lloyd womb. of the find three en- to lake the- lend. on the 0051ere 1.SgMeere. On the w. oseee, tries while North le componed of the Sm. frelo onemsrimno pha. AsehoR Mph Samar Prallitufo Wecaeah RHINIES TO BEGIN TRACK t‘la:;.1 :11:1'.4 'ate ■ohn'onaluitrolth nu nter- AntrArlorrt ✓ery even strarsle between the two other two eistries together with the Proem led the Srarlet and Mark stMents Aepther gime. Meat tagregation In the n.tber of field WORK IN NEXT TWO WEEKS teeing. Hammen there ore man, other • thing° to be considered Midden -imp made in this trawl-. Ca the day en. Coals. caging three, all of which name AmetemeAe, Informal meets. two of Ichich are of ...scoff are very often ....r gmu dents formerly noWed with Founder., In the Bret ten week as somojoic the town., type, while the third le a parative stores. which Catiteln of play. MelOn March ID, there will be eat.dictort. Mtre• Peyote. Peer leMer Meets Arrasle1 high water with two 1.1.1 eerier of events with all teen otartior arm ' • That Swarthmore hoe n strong team mural relay mar oo the hoard troodt thole wan Ans. n eter mod four end of five fords for Work bas already. hegho emu the in obvious from its record. but the end on March 0. there will he en maim erl; mater .`"rt." ""n" . cam .. total. ofeg i Po Inta Arthog was forum,. tenon.. fE t "`" of the Ithinie track team and 11.erhod ...tette bee a Letter aggre- mrtemo.1 bendiest, meet. ezret of the erenh. with tire to 4nte Manser Divan arranged / ad. than entreats at Net glance.. in ,,Lu g s sod three 10111b to his four Ille4111. An elemlon for a mote. the wry first game If the season they Neater. remora 11-no 4.11A Ye. Ile*. le held la tie next week. .Sowed organiee of developing Into W11.110141 agq11/ Imt the genie on witThere will he two IMMOstrong wined when they led the 'trims -.mender. .nth of poor guarding. The teams Temple team. which bed detested Mood, ..ow s. Moe Freshet. candlthtien. The Ono !dreae. Mothhorn PeWerrul all yes, but the Prineeton the previa. week. throughwill tame on February 17, end the secatr.arnsr, 11hap been unable to present RC airond on Feb.ery out the game oat, to ime in the Mat arta w North. Although 11.1e fief defer e. The line110: o ther. hu,10). few minutes by two points st.-X. Luna es hoe been Shown nE ...on 1100 .1,141mm tn.. eadiedAre: s. unrtt ne ream . to the work Pk football mod mover Ifelehlor N..10 . ..... lac :LT!' 4IiiTC.t.i.,.,1,1-M.N.7.i.W. Roam., reiromrt.M-romfers w. Conch HashIlrIon Penne r am. • A N.S. : 5 erratically. Me .born ledilard orm NOrt6 e. AIM, to knot an good A mead dA fp 1,111-Ate lion.,.. only' too fall hock into mall-eerily 'hem., new. 2.-Ser. . Mere,. Fear., and three meets poi I help In eart= on other muse:sow. Whet. they even.- 1,0711 AmIth IOS the material. ally find themselven soy quint.. will CANARD.. Larch 7-1.Arlo. rA. apt.: rema. as, renege. • • t„..„ • • , -indent men. tinge breve ocheduled. eaperiente great [111151.11Ity in &Natio. •.. reas. is Stemmata tot neo we 1. rea with the Sophomore.. for Nor. 5.11-6, tremeor. to-Mats re. is Mae. arovshotaud. Et. art.... Mem ran Atelill Dlepoire eclat.] School on Horeb 10 NOtrisip.rit Meted. South re. eg mere Stroup 10 and lower Merton re.1101.tar. Deaceenetat tern,. 'mt.. far Nish ou Slant y . a a, oar t ere floth Floverford and Swarthmore Twesay. mets to--sects ts Amnon. v r• Merlon 'WM to th. simnel Inter-Mem meet. on lAtA erto-rteme. Into Mid ver strung reserve material Meese. , Alert., lie're, Prverre. a: .11.111, 7: 71enva... Starch 0 anti the httgoturel relay DA AO far this eyemonn. bring able to tout AMC ate Ammo,. the nineteenth. Thenooly outstanding MU completeteulpe no the -floor .r van A.M.! ennolidate at presentShortie. mind Thus the, who starred et Lower Merlon. . foul ride will be of little Menet., in this ellOteSIA. MUSICAL CLUBS TO •PLAY ATHLETIC CABINET TO Swarthinow woo ununnally fortunate In that Deptoin Weird and liarbet were ATTEMPT MANY CHANGES Concert al lieverterg High on Fah. 2 reeeety deflated eligible After brine lo will Bs Fellewed by Once echobtotic tliftleultien during the earlier Boxing and Wrestling Roam and Na, Vert of 110 SA.riena. Cates %hp hag Ten.. Courts An Dimes.. (of!. Vero a eke Injured net, elan Mony Inna-desired imprornments And Lie entunmed Iluoltal Oaths or Harr 1,,n1 College. 10 tide TPA /WO Swarthmore A- I fore emerel new poll-lee were 'she lamer. be rebooted by treed.* of better then her Hon) on in ell rmbebtl- mud fully eutuddered or ity two of Finorrturd's dribb ern will the Athletio Cabinet..whieh was M. Noce In the twhool gymon•itna Rum be furbished by the flarerforrhan Wednenday. January 10. at the hatue be deviated ibeligihie when the final re-. n eix-plette orgbestre composed of no met of the rohl.year m IrtallllOnflotts b. of Doom Torthrt. the College tbe raw. rho most significant theme from the dertraduntes. been 11efeed int If this Cooeh Hale. will probebly 11000 nutrient viewpel. is that I mhoke up thie wrek. i311•1 Tripp anti has been secured fn. the Ana Rim -af Howhinney will he given a obaure to -Simon Satiety to tent not the howling prove their mettle„ alleys mud Wills, dont mere for MRIn clew of ell these facts. Swarth. ees ilea ...DIY teens When this it More will rule the favorite. especinlly elf•olool. the present supply room will 'Mee the game In lo be played on their he mid for boxing and wrestling our. Meet for deer, but if the Starlet e0111. through and Ont. a‘ the meimer gal 1"W; Melange ut merle. HAVerford0 Mr. Lin Hill which it La capoble.• which I,. quite athletic teams nre being mratiged mrtideritig the importance of ehronological order Around the ran. In they eholtid emerge tito melon, and the Studeuts' Comma h. the and Founder'. Hall vieto. for the and ntraleht. CAPIP. agreed to fetter and from the. Mr. Smart Domestic Tweeds and Imparted The probable linemp: Inert providipg the the gradual.. Feb. 10th Fabric...Coat, Vest, Lone Trouser. and Hever.. P.n.. nos clam will donate them. themIt memo. ertmet Plus-Fos Knickers. Every College Men Werieeltel magma will beinetreated in these unusual values Wart non. Cgs. The 1 b, INTRA-MURAL SEASON TO OPEN ON FEB. 14 1111.01, cod .1•1 11, 1 1 . ..... • • I141,11 1.1,4 .1. The Four-Piece Suit The Popular Suit For Man $40.00 $45.00 sootos aunt 1.7.11stelt GeAkeet Y. M. C. A. GAME TONIGHT Philadelphia Dentrel T. Si. C. A. will tarot. the opposition for the Varlet?' .tortketbeti tenni In a practice game this 'evening in the eyni, The team met this mrintet earlier t he ason w end won by a 4.1.10 more,sothe name shook,he fine onnorthints' to pet In for the Philadelphia College of Osteopath end Swarthmore, both of whom will be met later in the week. Coarli Halos held several pramicre the end of lant omit, so the gmrlet and Meek should hove little [molds with the II. C. A. fire. HOME MOVIES Goldeneky Studios 1705 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Official Photographers to Haverford College r. .college men ham oc. E.,72 n to buy prostina at morns dos° On ether. con evoid lot of ditappokeement by miling on a good primer at the Mart. Newest college styles. Individual incases e. Bench tailoring. No middleman's profit, STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market est Eighth Street the good old crowd of Prep School days. • OUR crowd, . . • $2875 and 413875 EDWARD c LOTRES What are you doing to maintain those valuable friendships? MADE FOR YOU $9 Both the beauty and the comfort ol every home have their beginnings in the floor-coverings. Oar Philadelphia Store, 12214223 Chestnut Fine rugs and carpets form the basis of the entire decorative scheme; they lend coziness, art, charm. Street has Shoes to show that are words Above all else, Hardwick & Magee Rugs give years of service at astoniahingly low cost per year! Hacked by traditions of quality manuoffer a range of &alga, aloe and price that meet. your every demand for any purpose. seeing! facturing, they /moor/era of Oriental Rugs SO % Discount Given to Faculty and All Students of the College HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. 1220 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE t Telephone them, one by one, while you are here at College. They don't want to forget you. And-they don't want to be forgotten. Number .. please! HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 HAVERFORD T.ECAM QUITScue SOCIAL SERVICE DEPT, PH1LA 0F ; 7. rt i: OF Y 23 YEARS OLD ":° RECORD BOARD TO MEET GANDHI PICTURED TO Y. BY HINDI] STUDENT 20%. of or!. drop,. net rear Orvl.° ot poor orttota.tOtt. N. Y. , bad the Cent mortanty WS—Tete We ' 7111111reetts'Idore I. matmenble for this - rentlItIoe. thereat. I 1.1011.1 emanate, caned by the entre...a of A. F. Horton, end E. 0. Hollander. Mr. Krishnayya Tells of from the editorial hoard, and .3 en• Ideals of India's side. the polies end general ...cur of the publication. Morton and HolLeader lender resigned due to premium of ncadonde pod extracurricular Gandhi. India"e native lender, ties. oVedditie 00 a table dresta. only in ndllei to Nara. h A. IL Chd. es: •etTizarbel. • materee . eon lima ;e 10 tra reel :srt nr' set=de rrirto.4. rtactlert to joyroalls., peso mart sc. eeriness. teeteen, re. *pelt, qtr. .PlaTletto7=V377 0"tt'r- On. 4'47‘.' Stan of CAll 1:1 ge ,terfD College ' represented Lo the Plailadriph. Chen lemma, wording to au nuouncement inde bat week by N. J. Hogenner, eaptein of the Haverford Cheer Teen, Tim emends, amount of time reunited to complete the league eeliedule eves Mr.. the moosh for the withdrawal. Two importem matches are NOW On the schedule of the team. The Mgr,. Cricket ChM teem will he met aometime nom the Mot of this month. This meta will probably he pleyed Pt Princeton. A meta with llwarthmore bee been melange(' for ft date eerie in March. Present Work at Preston Began With Ardmore Boys' Club The twenty-third nnionmam of the institution of Social Berrie work by M. C. A. occurred on Cite Mc-error,' JPESS, 13, the anniverenrs of the date in 11114 on which the 'V Cobblet agreed 10 the simple but oigailienot motlOo Dna. Club he started in Ant. ebut r Minims for that pear merely record plan was euggeated nit Ow each previous ins b that at m .1 a g: III an moved 'E‘hls' el=11.■11tYre.d7I'07e d' ef:71:e heels. of the eotablinhuleot, Ike peered. :4,1tt 1:ft 'X.1.1 ,2.7E:reran' 141% with the College -1' committees in mmiel eereiee mark eking the Main 1.ine. A more humoron end ronototic beginning is traceable to e activity at Preston. Pm first impetus came from the request wbieb wee made to the "5" Cabinet on Fe.mery 10, 1004, that ca ot., tor the young avim. Itt mos chum., ro do work in OMBRA training in connection with the 1.m.' Club at Prectoo. Ferreted the Pomba Club War appointed at once to onmader the mutter. bet, atrange to ony. nothing clime of b. Vert., one. in the cabinet. howeret. kept net... tle awe lion and ord.. the eatabliel, mem of o separated Bayed Club in Preeton ender the of the College with the result thatthe somewhat cdoostre motion wee peeled no December it. 11105. that the eerily ...operate with Dr. Babbitt In the Preston rmisnsturn proleet.. Work eeeins to have begun immediately ands he BOOR' fob Committee coon came to beadle nothing but the phyoical training enterpriee at Preston. while II. Ardmore nub rapidly dernimed in Iniecst and aceomplishment .111 In May. 111117. it ne decided to drop that organisation altogether ,la tit in.ffletent Information." te Chrhstopher Morin President Cbrietopher Morley. WAN eletted prexident of the -T.In April, (5101, nod under hi. direction great atridea were In the saris] welfare activities. Mort Alsei notnble wae the complete cher. of the Cooperstown Sunday Sehool which was taken over by the "T' in that year. sod the Relent. of one of Ite member, 1). I'. Felconer. '12. as superintendent. The crisis in the history of the Preston CIO came In Jammu. 1911. when the College tern were called open to rem. down 10. thrir "PP,' meet the dire reed. for which each modem wan send to provide ten rento (mak. inn 515.011 CD, in order that the Committee Might Ito +twit to o' plumber'. end pure.e the noted commodity—. modern shower bath. The Boy Soo. movement bennIn the mime month. when Reread memewishol the her. of the College Ardmore branth In organising a local toms, From then on work h.. been supervised there and later at Bryn Maw, and Preen on, culminating this yeor to the formation of n troop at Bryn Mawr entirely by Harerfo.... DR WILSON OUTLINES AIMS OF CAMPUS CLUBS Begun Twenty-five Years Ago to Beautify Grounds th ' To LOP, 1hr college growlds icetmol condition and to beautify them by the arlietir plentlug of f.h.b., are the principal nano of the Campo. Club, explained by Dr. Albert M. Mean. ha head. The COMP. Club le die. undergraduate inelitta. tinctly not lion, but, on the contrery, ass a meinlwrehlit composed of faculty. alumni and fi-lenda of thecollege. an wen an a few interested etude... About twenty-Dve year. ciao a hear, snow Inoue hit the college during the he rectiting drop nf temperagtsi ture mauled n heavy cruet of ice to toyer the rney trees. which Deed the eolith< walks. There was no appro. pr.-lion with which to bus new mere and cone friends of the college perhosed and planted new con Th. the Canon. Mob sprang into Wing. Memorial Garde* fent Soot afterwards. the-Club. upon the death of a beloved matron of the eollege, built a beautiful premien behind the library R. a porpettiC monorail to bee services to Haserford. Through- 3;':'8,,bel,:.'.71,74,11..`.; !T.; rt.'11eele7 and by the eine of mown., onsellish services of of its present leader Dr. WitRoP. Yew stud.. do belong to this .-lob, taw anyone wishing to loin Nee Dr. Willson. who voelcomea .derthe oromintion. graduate Intereat -- CONFERENCE DISCUSSED St. Mary's Laundry THE USES FOR NEW MOVIE MACHINE DISCUSSED Hoopes Win Fern. Committee: BIWeakly Shen Planned Since the installetion of the Rraw o delineate Manager X'1112.1. 'for tux mu, in the future. Vroc '7,'S' nittidlied primarily The inchine o for entertainment Pad eduentionet po, Peons. Soeli will to riot aim of the committee in char.. Ilia ...Ie.., will be selected by J. It. 1100prie in the mar future. The plan which LIM 11101 With the Rronlort epprocol will be solonitted to comblentiton of the oriole. mom. lad. emus. tam thin mentb. it is ro 110111 free show. ill Roberto Hall et> whet. Waited. night. "Man; nmonfeeturere odor the free me of edneationni Slept of Interest ohne., the mule. promises of tele. dome line laying. manufacturing. wireless tranminsion. meat necking. nod newcomer imbtishing. PublIntlen to Fill V.00,' elan and Disease Plan k": : :: , i li tbE r'.: ;: :, ° 1 ,i' ilFeetC: 17; 1': : 1,4,r NATIONAL BANK IPHIGENIA READ JAN. 18 1".111:tditegvt!orial;V:fageteinte ELECTRIC COMPANY nnckroery Everything in Rodin 1007 Arch St. Indlailelphda INSURANCE rd=1.2.`gfIrl; . Picture., Picture Framing and Novelties ... . The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Warne William S. Yarnell IP Soo. Slat.R. Street Manufacturing Optician Specially Prepared Spectacles for Athletes or far All-Roand College Uses. Sport Glasse. The Master Shirt and Blouse Company 1308 N. 3rd St., Fiala. q Good Appearance la readily attained at amierate met if you Mel sl the right place. Suits & Top Coat. $35.00 end upward, JACOB PEED'S SONS 1424.26 CHESTNUT ST PHILADELPHIA MAIN LINE SHOE SERVICE Under New Management of John Donato A Mop where the highest grade shoe repairing Service is mattWe specialize in Cehnilidlog athletic ahoes. Special Prim to STUDENTS Ma w. [non.- An, P. Pile's Sons STREET 422 WALNUT pattadocus. Ps. Booke, Pamphlets and Catalogue. Office Stationery gee Marti Int Soma 'rM. Ya1. 71161 Orbmore printing CO, Printers and Publishers 26 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore Phone: Ardmore 2931 Gett HOT DRINKS . and SANDWICHES at The Haverford Pharmacy HESSON PIPES Inside tmconquerable, his passion for work irresistible, his accomplishment not surpassed in the annals of invention, Thomas Alva Edison has achieved far more than mankind can ever appreciate. February eleventh is the eightieth anniversary of his birth. HIS FAITH 20 E. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore Meats and Provisions William Duncan Spring Avenue Ardmore The Merlon Title & Trust Co. GRADE A Wherever electricity is used—in homes, in business, in industry—there are hearts that are consciously grateful, that humbly pay him homage. Ardmore Narberth Bala-Cynwyd MILK Total Resources Highland Dairies, Inc. Piton ass Bryn Mate °° as ".4! LOT ss EIT'"' PRINTING J. HARRISON, Prop. 758 Lancaster Av. ' Tar Solid Comfort in your old age Clarified Ease- is Swypli•. and rSCP Meson Pipes Are Clean PHILADELPHIA Pasteurized RU MS EY t''ir2.,``.=1 ' t 'Frier Marlpedati Play Presented i by Fate Ilen, yet r:rigtodi'lty StePhen 0i.a. nem, Hindu student at Columbia h eld held At a meeting of the Clamical Club gra,te.V4.,,!•Zi?,. A. nn Tueetley, In 18, llphigetria." According ta Ida eatZrent. theme. Influence Ilea in the fact by Emit..., was read. The trans... of its the Meals lion und int the work of Audesto. that he Immonlnes in Incl. he. w Inns .ncrleaed, Taber Herrn. well•known clatter and Epir tench. of Greek. He is member of pp..trlot Una on bat eight m nut. day. Savings have a way of disaphem. he doe. not wish to Dve R.07 the Cana of 'PI. pearing when least expected. too, uto 11,10 not.e bettor than the aseisme 'tines of hie remainder of the met conei.c1 But Old Age Endowment in"TIM... in gaining his collate?. Stehle. on Oreeles: Heller, Fylades: independence manually. end with we suranceaus bedepended upon Davin. Thas, and Protector Post, the one -becoming Be spiritual heritage" moressivas of Peamiam chorus. to bring you a 0:10frfillychedc igt! triorrofheAr. /.1..;n0et Defection.. were served, es none/ lmEhittnetta. when you mach the point rrP' .121-1.heurrya pointed b out in hie where you want to spend the ha., t., ed poets rota THREE NEW MEN ENTER '30 lettere he nal, and above ell the Net days with your feet in the air b that Rrrelt in heritage of an Three. .. MOn will enter the Freshi ineradicable faith in ova. Th. falth. and your head inagood book. year Clan at the beginning of the ball- niched ihronbont all the entry, is year. Two, Irwin I. McConnell and leading the people to nett epirltnal. not N.e members of the OttOotott., tivir,TOS* Rod tO tr., only Joseph Provident Mutual class of 1929 during the first-half year eveordin to.' wed, while Moe acVhettativari=0244.2,144retat id the last college mat. Both _were rordaee to their ralmnty. , forced to lease on seCon1,1 et The third is William Their, who hos lvb.nIe trifle he in Cody., for his thst been gradtleted with honor. from Ph.D. degree at Columbia rolyersity. the Central High School of Phila. He will return to India to teach perete:17goets Zane erten or elot re =r; prone font.. . norm a rte. to mesh, us HAVERFORD lat.= ate. ule.hate La to ' ud4 esp.,- and WHEN NOU NEED ICE, CALL TEA AND DINING ROOM ntritgtg.177.,`, BREAKFAST W. B. Kerrigan & Son Or ter Intorterm tOrrettO LUNCHEON 728 Lanenter Ana LONGACRE & EWING DINNER Bryn Mawr 1175 141 S. Fourth Street Pbnooe Mks,. 1515 BollItt BWldlaa Philadelobta Wm. H. Helier, '27, Heverfard Delegate. Talks OR Menet Co...... flatortanding sten. of the Student Conference held at the University of Alietigeo during the Christmas hodeye were pointed out and discneeed by J. L. Heiler, 121. lI.rrrtord's &lege. hito the rtinress. to collection rot des. Stumm 1211. The abolition of required mom.* and the est of the honor neeteui in were Iwo of the more in.. to mwmint topic* die/aced. Haverford is well In the fore in the hum, Heller .nce itwas AMENDMENT IS PASSED twined out. .11 the yonfere AT STUDENT MEETING tlrcided '717::Iru,7ZZL'It.n; and adopted Lo. the nonfarm., This Clause Ftwarding BegulatIng 5tud0et wilt present.t to the student ballet Annetta Ste.* Out al[ the rniteee, repreeented fly adopAn stroadment to the masons-tin of ,. during the whiter. the gthilen.' ARItOrilltiOt1 defining ere of the Stare COOttlIttlr, VOIR MAO,' Pr n ermine on January III after n o.n.o. empowering the letter holly to limit and mooted student RSOltrioo nit oti din tin elitilptir 1111,1 been Ardmore, Pa. of the clmuse. the chief no amendment. would hove enabled the committee to limit lbe umber well See Frank at Chem Lab. se temilnie the operations of ell norm conducted by miderscidnotee, After much opirited controveroy. it was 1110 Otortot empltntharly rojertett IltOt it would render motile authority COMPLIMENTS cal at .oitie tit. might madly lend It. To unfair dicerimination. There a.. little trouble in passing corrected. the re• the amendment of moaning eeetinn merely nerving to deli. and clarify ealtiling regulations con. corning the eleetinn and Mule. of the members of the committee. TRADESMENS FEBRUARY 7, 1927 20% FLUNK! low $10,000,000 GENERAL ELECTRIC OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE