- NEWS HAVERF SATURDAY TORE WALTER CAMP MEMORIAL DAY COUNCIL TO PUNISH NORMAN R. ANGELL A widely brown English author and lecturer will saddens the first meetinf of the Haver• ford College liberal Club In the Union tonight, November 8, et A rd-tort. Gate NUMBER 22 HAVERFORD (AND wAnlm) PA-. NOVEMBER 8, 1926 VOL. nun. Receipts From Drexel and Penn Games This mech. Le open to all end rrrrr duet. and May others who may Sella te. attend. Me Mr. Angell has themen matdoet 'Tee Great Illusions in Current Polities' Thought'. se Go to Fund As it hes Me.; been moneemorated et may cake. in the country. Welter Camp Memorial Day will be celebrated at liaverford on Batsman, It la fitting that the afternoon should he devoted to the memory of one who devoted hie life to clean sport, mad from Mona the modern gems of football I. • bequest Iffaverford'e quota la 1900 toward the 2300,000 pledged to the memorial. The tribute to the ilfe of Walter Camp well tete the form of an archway to the Tele athletic fields, the mitre of It. settritlee. All of the Reverted althlw of the fete threet of ths Drexel end Peen gems Saturday will be dented to the cause am will a part of the returns from the Football Dance. Emery movepeeeible In being made to attract • large turnout to the alter.. .00e' Cameo Seeristateeldp Gene The eight &Moms of the Sport.... ship Cede typified by the life of Welter Camp ere] Plays the tame for his Adel beeps to the rules: keepe • stout bent in defeat: keepe faith with his tee. himself flt; leaps me tenor; keeps modest in rktore; keep. . Men Mod and e. eel . body. y rtealg Haverford has-had many evidences of Walter Catenee ethithation for her cies The college, thromth the se• meciallo. of its Physical Educed. Depertment and athletic represente• tine. has been singularly MN tes eetthro Walter Comp. He for the Institution by esteblishing It as the seat of the Centred Board of Official( with Dr. Babbitt BP chairman poi De. Taylorsa .eretary. Ongera Fleedellea far New Field In a letter to St, Demo. Dowell chairman et tha athletic committee at Drexel. Graduate Manger 11... maym; "The Deceit Bamford football contract presides an even &risks. of the net get@ etheipte between the two nestitathme-JOathanne. dna IMearilla hied for het nee athletic tiekl benefit equgll wft".rerMrlr. Cann fund e fort. For akin reset. I emmittth, write to Keene that through Drexel', pubutiation It in other woe, promote bitereet In the geme on November 13 la the wetted airanuat a the ...eke !made et both 1.titttoese A Camp Fund -Kettle'. tied Ta g Boa will be found. In ;front of the er.det.d before the game and between the halves. COLLEGE DISTURBEIS Ferment. Delielfe Policy for FIrt.. Ace. A meeting of the Student Council, • defiheld last Thursday. determined • nite muse of action for future nem; of mien. it Culleee property, see (nation of Blodenta. Amociation foRe. will. Delibeeete break*. of of by heavIn the future. be accompanied is recommendation of ier hees, or even This Wiley • bno~ht 4717;:ere. CAMP FUND WILL GU PROCEEDS FROM DANCE tre paegeZb'niatet de'?''''atjaineclreft fi SaTu'r'dny as the guests of the Student men Exteosion Cemmittee. In to games will be practically the only Affair Will Be Held in the activity of the co mmitt. this fall. It was decided earlie r that it mold he impreetical to hold any Prep &NMI my. Gym. Saturday Night, an were held in previous masons, but K. Fox. '29. chairinan 01 the commitFrom 9 to 12 tee. said that plane for more extend', All errennemeete hove been co. work dude, the winter menthe are pleted for the annual Football Den.. wed. contemplation. rtsil:r Dep nod PreeitlNt Comfort bad ,tie: wbirh will the ere ro the h MUSICAL CLUB CONCERT SCHEDULE INCOMPLETE mail FAVORED MID-WINTER DINO ml BatoNoy held b the gpmuafum amt so attendance of at feast two ndrtd couple. le miticipated toe the alfair. The mule will be furnished by the reorg.Lved -Heverfordiane," an waderdance orebemtra of elev. date grad. piethe directed by T. FL Ymattnenu. Appearances Planned With There will be twelve dancee with on Menakelon between Ole sixth and sevHopkins and Princeton; enh dances. The ninth dance will be number affair. Home, March 18 or 25 • Alumni Committee in Charge An ...Ion fen of dzra will be The schedule of concert, for the cherged for each couple. Stag ticket* Affair Annual of uneery a will be sold for 12 aide.. The Preeitteicel Club. es still In meds of the affair MD or partly to the settled state. according to Florton, TS, Announced Walter Camp Mem.. fund and Penh, Assistant Manager of the Clubs. With to the fande of the Campus Events et '18, Beeree. Inec Chmem. the exception of the meal tele Tx, At. „„ Rothe coen„,.. nth the 11127 Midwinter Dinner Comore. Committee, which lemmata the football ionnin wad the apps otmatl If dance. „, date. h..e been detinitely dosed. so.- thr„'t77,.' Appropriation Is Camp Feel Each year this committee glees • end attractive offers are neding. He..., '89; W. M. C. foothell and soccer teams. Fro J. Browning sr., Clement Till'h.1 among them • with Prientma 4 dun. to the and . Saturday h.e been am. te ad nee with Joh. How Philadelphia . ethe wthotheion, hot they bath ,th, Wright, •18; Thome P.te. '23; RIMY Walter Cemp Da, et Haverforst It by the menthe. of•the ug thoht wp W. Stokes, to Outweletoilt Herbert,. been axed committee that a generous teeproPeleThe voevon,„, „iv. he Both., New B. Gallagher, 11 lexioneitO: Jobe-S. Uea aught to be made to the Camp Mengen. "fie 21; ' matedeat have Rau...0m and Terk Memorial fund from the receipts of Weed. The Deana will probably epee dlar7.4°. speaker. were Odi dance as well as from the Hendonwith • prattle* roarer[ at the Bryn Tlea( Man sod butaine. of the Met mete Drexel football game. Mole Grammar School before Chet.- Prtecipel The dance will be the cliThaw, me. Iremedietely niter mid-year ex. the of Ode comm... held max of the day which will include or, estainahoos the dubs will eo to Allan- der often.. November 4. A etrung Ile programme the epermele of two nuveethethethen at expressed In bode of tale ot„ to ore defeated college teams meriting ware of the Hotel Dent. and Haddon Hell meal the diner heck to a Phlladeli the strongest opponent, the fall A number of concerts have been pro- phis lontioe-toredble the ten ram *think schedules. I posed for February sifter this trip. Andrei< Club or the Racquet CMThe let of es meammeed by ern yohue and to change the date so that it mold etheeththeee sth of the ehairman Rieherdeon, H. I. be Poesille to here the mete**a of the Heide. for • concert to be held in to roue Campus Ennis Committee ere: Mr. the balk. m of the Du Pont Hotel in thmeetslerni. connected vt7t . the At- and Mrs. John R. Hon.( Ye. and Mrs Wihnington on February 12. .d with nut, City trip of the musket dole Harvey J. Hhrmon and Dr. and Men. Princeton fur • Joint apeettrance in the would find It poseible to attend, James A. Babbitt. Other members of the Campus Enna Cutataittee ere: W. preemie.. Speakers Premised Academe of Munk Foyer on Fem. Horton, r., The name of eevewe speakers of nn FL Ready, 101 A. 1.3; '20; 004 W. M. Mr,bleimd letn.redentfie e'er. mow. 14 29 MOM Gemmel Mu. 18 et, stdeeth. eppensithed cosines Bray t Inter_ have an ...ion of guilleil „then with the Concert, RUEDIGER PLANS CONCERT drew the lamer; entail alme or the 23th of More • the Met., uf the Mee eIthee the 18th A monad etherieg td the committee Germ. Exchaege Student Will Play at that then will se addition it to - Hesse OK 17 be perform...1 at the ' Brookline will take Pima on Folder efienetin 12. Squere Club and the Philedelphia Nor- November F. A- K. Ruediger. Indiange etude. _ end • and from Germany, who is so arcompliehed DEAN PALMER AT "Y" Heeneet n lloist. and las. had a wide experience cow. the an matert work at Heidelberg, ...Ell neon Meekly 00 he. Will Define Aeldnea end Itunielf in his natree e011170, The m.ett which ban formerly Wedeesday Eves'. Will gibe hie first Rental American conbeen held In West Chaster at the NoreMiraelme. to the sere of the cert At the Int...done Had. Philedel. 17u.„,, „. lser b.mi Dece , 0 m% phi M. Y. the at delivered be t Mtn. the not "Pe.' 8'h.°1 en, thin year because of alterations echedule Wednesday leke speaker will be a.plees of the German Studente Sor i lareente' I. the .boa Neither $ ha... '28 "RECORD" BOARD TO r will be. lioediteo Philadelphia. of eiety nod dean Jr., Palmer, Frederick Dr. fiermentown, to go the dub. STRESS INDIVIDUALITY .01 H where they hare played for the not few profeemor of lithysin at flaverford accompanied al the Mono O boom in the es. Thomp.n. '27. Two numbers which Dr. Palmer le First Mose.. WM Be Held Before yeere, 10 the @ether of rev wilt probably appear en the progeem net entifie Weald Mid Th eeeeeMel Rees. ere/ In Iftle rind 1919 he w„rt ore the first two mevontenn of the , RHINIE-JUNIOR DANCE 11 lecturer in the physien departmeel nomad Solute of Meedeuebo, end eledieidvalitytherill be the keynote ,od Niedrei." by Max Broth. of INFORMAL THIS YEAR .t narfifild Ueiverdte. Doan Peeler oleo edueetional lucre., of the Lam Monday Ruediger broadeest • elate:end ad. a lumber of ,eeeae4lkDo at from Station WABQ "t4r4."6.r, of Medea Creek. Chth AKIN Ch.. al trio. the newly orgerdeed She et An.M Affair l end The onaltal freshmen-junior dance will butdneee boards will be held some time before Thankegivieg recess to deter- be held on Friday debt. December 17. mine the detailed pollee. of thi at the Merlon Cricket Clots •thording linden. It is expected dust the smil• to plans completed by the committee tors will try to Mete n happy medium meeting last Friday night. It will in the offidal publication ot the ;would be • Prefrattirmo dates and, Contrary Jenne ea= between the serious en. be Innerds published by the majority of to last eeer , precedent. It classes and the (Milo. Record of the formal. Martine no 9.30. it will continue until TO. Mee The divielon of work among the mem- 1.09, heron twelve dawn. Refreshber. of the staff vet probably be @a- ment. will be served, end the Havert oned et the Bret meeting of the am. town... with ten orehnwn eke. will bred board( and it is also probable furnish the meek. The first haeliettell that a circulation monger will be ep- Piqued, of about ten men will be in. pothted et thia time. Pelt Reword boars end. have untelly diepeneed witb • regular Tale affair, orbit* le eleeo Cent, circulatiota department, but J. C. Beat- yew. be the BMW.. to the Junior( le ty, TB. recently elected bueinees mana- au cheme of the following men of the tee, favor. the Plan Of appointing eee Claes of 1982: Durham, hem.; member of the mad to take., entire ...term. Mummy, Entree, Ideden charge of the clectilatien work. and Watson. Waterman end Lindsay It le expected that this plan will en- ere in cheese of decorations. able the Mee to M.. of • greater plumber a copies and will facilitate TO TRY OUT '28 AND and collecting the purchase fee It it Ls FOR NEWS THIS WEEK tent of their power. the to heuke. kag,,r,v,.c,..„rua • „,utrokr..los, vi not of '29 llee already be no tat y e' bYr ediratedge Fear frepheinern ••I One dealer Will to prelate fore the work of wile Be Takes Om Next teeth 'de from publlehere, eugnathrs Members of the sophomore cod junphotographers, and It is hoped that all the contracts will be maned before for MM. Who have .1 filed their it for the editorial boned year. wieh to the clop of the College of the News will be eery °PP.It r the nest two tuaity f It leg week, Election( oleyeeding on theca try-out, will probably be held lanne• 8191.75107t73 OOLLCIII MAInti negaTh.kagifing the eater dieteiy 510W. gat MITI= tion. BOVIBMIM t Editor Raker b. egnified hie hie Mal IL .,_admen Thu. greed to hie men five about eddIng of et am., Mee esseitat • taff at Ala time, a junior end two tba meek. sophomore@ to the editorial board. and 11f0•MILBEll to two sophomore. to the mewling board. .ten maim; tee There will be a m.thaa _of all the. OPP.. ememeat. et en Mae c.didaten from .28 and '29 017 Tame Pr names Wm. day ereuint. at Which time Baker will 7•0•1313151 oullthe the method of the try.outa and e. it--entwore Moab, mad the policy of the News in taking on esa melba. Mown efastler new men. W amen. The Melon who here signed _ela NOISIELTIt candidate. am %gee( Ewe, Miller em P. W--qmeetate ear mks ma notrawortal one swam. be Marthinney, Imes. Foe, Brown, MiUs Merriam luslsem NW. ler. newthorme. Hamilton and Jones. Cab. Rhine try-onta will be held between Thenkerfiring end Christina( WAL.14 m era, EXTENSION MORE Tweety-ave Mee Goads al Celemittee as Settleday 9.111WO CUtleert. VARSITY SOCCER MEN BEAT LAFAYETTE 2-0 FOOTBALL TEAM WINS FOURTH STRAIGHT BY DEFEATING C.C.N.Y. 6-0 Tripp Dashes 45 Yards for Only Score; Morris Again Stars PUNTS AVERAGE 50 YARDS ay W. it. Breed, In a game replete with tbe thrill. of ridiron ea., the wearers of the Scarlet and Bieck nee to great afternoon o. Welton th eedyoeek pg.= dor Riti„ : Saunders Tallies Twice as fel °. th ,4:d tit eth' d*.ne Haverford Team Remains '''''etrig".,° clewing Larender warriors hattoPEIV.;eee-yard line. Twice In Undefeated etfekl `p the firmrter • break checked the cater tack when • More teemed Br L. C. noise pouter one iv. Bg the Flaverlor five;d2.L0. ;tam t viefeed Laafa,vg. their ttt",:.r.7'Elt! .leid.fret. the fr., *In nre or F eek_t1111.1! marque, me the fourth straight elske and auntie. the Scarlet anal hoe he. beer leteremeti. etre Trip's 8seutbW Hee mad Mae with en neellent attack .d me;7 tilt team sbared Wit aztrong ler.. The aimmace of Leth the Lieer7.1.14.;I'VelbYwho .kVe' w, n, of of rim"' r: etheL.7,2 former captain • place, performed ret7 Trip: end Ideretha"Arioth fbo York toned the pia, during gethrratetri,r;,,r,Lthe Jame andin otlhe "d" re/ e e .foth 214;asnl teen. Ban it w'ea'Xil=erele several op- ruhoion sod passing mad IfIddleteMs -merlin,. rm. . margins smell by we., Poettlhillea to that a en, the - nen pine.] the bell in front of from C. C -11. Arreetrong hr Ile ee goal and Poet landed it toward Haverfordh. seed." Thee the net, but it mewed le meek by Tripp broke I se ' mock. °"' inches. Richardson dribbled ...lad Ws thrust, revermeZ. en. rid ipee d L. fullback and wet a bard drive which from two flying tacklers..eleisCe the goelitender steeped with clinical- the safety man, and dashed et ekd e til thy. Lafayette ,absent bide for a wore let ekat ethene. mom, v,:onnnee„. Tom rIrceksor zonneerwit ehri ,..dTe‘eili time .and amain hie possible for the in front of the god, but one wee hacks. to advance the bell licked out of bomb he Silver mad the Outweighed nearly ten pounde per une, the Seerlet and Black battled other by Armstrong. their foe to a reandetill Sauntlers Salves Free Scrimmage e first emote, The Miters sandalled o., g usu. had theone, After ,riond via. theen. no. and elerted to rent.. defending the south nocheesed their at breeze mig the with v..1 Test after a edee from Rleberdson to la. tailed to produce, Swindon drove nets. Despite their attempt. to take into the net from a seem- ads... of this by Midas at eseti the • mage. Cary mode two good se emp , nebeeke to snow hob .0-.7 • f M TIMM. Owe Teeritery Ile toe hie. A feu mantes later. From e nun formation on their own C,ary deb ed the bell down hie wing end centred to Seuiderm. who found twenty-yen-fine, the Gotham turn a. on tried to cetch Heverford mpg. the net for the final swore of the Several times the Maroon fee- br hurling a forward pa.. down the held and Middleton grabbed the Ilene oval and warns tonic the threatened tu genre. hut lane nork by mu downed un the Inenty.five-yard Evans mad Veg.! bloke no their et• mark. Faille. to gm through the ll. Webster to.ed a nese 00 last don to td. .13B jogeled the bell with a clear whee Os, wee renamed in tbe seeteam. played more fail- field eland of hins Another had noel half. us.. end ooly fine work by the break tame a few rel... later, when managing fullback,. and goeldenden Josephbergle low kick rook bad hop leryenttel further marine. Sweden ever Tense.. heed. 2.1- tool drive. •nd Cary let C. C. N Y. Intercepted a pen on mionael haul shot. which Lombard barely the thirty-live-reed line es the quarter managed tri gen. The Lafayette at- ended. Hannan's teen were now bet.... the with their hacks to the well_ tent mom stronseet In thin verbal inmates in from of Cohen tore em on yards through left Revere lively the Heverferd goal ensued. Mat each tackle. an d Herein.° made three me the Eamtumans lacked the neeee- emend left end for fine down, on twenly•tirsoyard 10M miry punch to wore. Armstrong made Harerford, grost try for a soll On a kick from Three lbw plane netted only hen the M yard. out, but Lombard pushmt II required dIrtatee for anteater drat down, flelpern came ono of the Leroven the top of the MAL eadoe Bee eed dnikeid back for • Hatorfeed Attempt to soon His met the hall h tee I t .d Pkeement iv h final in Meek tried deepen...1y to inceeeee the Meares. but It did not bare mute hoe 0b Inn, and it willed under the rore. Annette.. pees. to &under.. elm bend. the ball toward the tut. cemeb.r for • touchback. Haverlord Maness te TeeelthOwe The lhiverferd tenants melted ha After the ball wae put le plas again end Lombard had scarcely time to get ty-yeti mark. Webeter end the ball out of bie hands A lively on the twen themes... followed. hot 3loserer final. Middleton. mixing ground play. with Rich- passe( edvaneed into C. C. N. T.'. ly was able to effne the bell. awls. took the hall down the field territory. The Haverford march was null paned to Saunders. and the let. ettimineted by Tripp', Bensalem] dude ter narrowly mlamd couuting when M. nearly hell the length of the field for shot pesmed over the bar. Silver broke a touchdown. His droinick mimed the gdh.tris ri fia. up a Inez-minete Lafayette attack me . of the final thistle blew. marked by feet .dserionsly threatened to w nre. The g Morrie. of TIIMerfOPL (rain kicked clever dribbline, with OM, little Pomo the WI, de. field do • tOP •me was caltinuea earn on, g, ‘..b.a. 4 ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO MEET NOVEMBER avv:7.eelil :: ;.. ta f"T bee,..d. . ns a gr en to the New York One Flint dawned own tereitney. '"„3",.„4"b?"„, G,T,„,. ,k9 ,,,„ 20 B rvnbeek N66 6 Extend Welles to Ifielede Al- .;:s..L'7;ehnritre".' eleersary Leech.. endue.. ee Ma 5. mnoon 5 The PPItli-.1141111 eanthig of the Alumni Advibory Committee Is sched uled to be held on the montane on &dune, morning, November 20. At thin OOLLZOr CATAWBA! time the Committee wilt meet with rep. ZONDAT-Fear Band lIntetiam 7. rementhtive undergraduate, anti with the SIIMIDAT-thwenr MP. Soso. IMO adminktratiott offieers of the seilese to emote, m !mow re lam rear es leant about the collet. eitention rerests Mem!, la :eau Room whole, and le make advionre recomat 7; natehtlne menty. .1; mendation,. to the Boned of 11..egere Wards. amine and to the var.., committee. winch 0. a., is Ma their recommended°. involve. Vale. 7. The member.. of the Committee have been requeated by their chairmen, Al. nIll7M1711.-Shied Tow totem with heel C. Mettle, to plea to etay over P.a. Mane.. aea. until Monday, November 22. and to 7011177A-Onam 01m, 7. participate In the Seventieth Aaniver, earersalux-wanar Como Memorial Nary luncheon of the Alumni AMOMMI, don, which sell be held et the Hotel Moe e: 7.0.11 nowt, e. • on that day. Adelphia tan The Altman! Adelman Committee MOIRIAY-Zeros Baal 7, Inemberehip MIMING MILOYMIDAY-If. K. C..A.. to Ma Alfred C. Meal,. In. Cheirmag. Velma 71 ',maim gasser tosaltemegole. MR at hams. delpHefeester, '94, tincture, New krna PhiBe LaMar. is erseett be Mem. sey. rd Jerre Je Clam*. Is Palen Samuel E. Withers, '04. New York, 751.73•7-Terdtr ma Mth Richard L. Cory, '00,,Beltimore. Md. mom, know Mal Lotamn, district.) Eriglend BAM71171•15,-7cetbstl. (New I. IL Proposed Walter Canis Memorial Ell. RM.. 6, Butler Fa {Pitte• It Newark. DelawareThe gateWay to the Tele field It will look th the future. The booth dlateet.'1 °bade. T. Moon, '12, Chicago. Memorkd is being erected es a tribute to the life of Walter Camp. WiTarC•Ost-T. ht - Page 2 liAVERFORD NEWS banrrfurh TirtnB 1888 TAKES PRO BON FUND LEAD FROM 1000 ISMS Yebesery W. 1.i Aa Susstat Pogwerefte So.. Roo.. Ire. ee 1.troot to Ito.. We Sera leoggne. ADngue For.. u. 0013•11der -- • Nueva Porto. -Jos.. C. Ithot.. Pared a. Reglw. ADISSARI.CIBRA De. W. Saw. WI The New+ of three weeks ago showed the Clans of 1900 Imang in tote! amount of contribetions to the Pro 15000 rood of the Alumni Arno-elation. which wee meson MUSA Allen C. thIC1•10. letter este/PANT SOWS PRISM wine. U. etreedy. 'Se Lowes S. Owlet, 'S. Billefte. 'SS Wrearn Aen sodelhom. PoulgefiturIMII Meng Coatumeognefir Pow. w. Perber, 1804- 1119 11518- 19,7 1.7- 180 1:41 The Pow )0117.1.1.1 Mem. ere aralgRas ;11-.41110t Jahn 1, navy.. J.. 'PI sone r::11`:,,r1pbtyemabe;17:a ` r: 1881 was emend and 1894 third. The past Iwo weeks kale. 1989 Seeding so comfortable lead with it total of 8278. The •re the fire leading elasme with their tonal amount (including athletic tick. Ms BOW.. nos . WuWeell. 'S Robert C. 1181105 AII.A.Ati. A. LiverIght, fowternorITIFITZ.fl largest new reword for minaret efsupportent wan establiehed In the mum. of Isst rear". fund, when the Ctn. of 1fr.M skewed s total of 41member, had contributed during the seer. The presentpreening of theme fool moungent elms. is as fol. c'eg;" ,. 5. Manse.s•a Plw NEW. Is oval... werlety as. clews set et Weyer ORS. et Oa gab.. teroll gas Awe.. Weyer. Pop .41 Run.. College. 135, Onheole. ▪ Pougylwole Sterratues. way Sete •■ Ws, non.- eTtet. •law•ia. jApp-p. •• •wrog. OA. marter et Ow Peneetke. Revere.. Pa 1..4 to waster et • plaIle•1100, ••evad 115.. p.01011 AcITINge 11•• Pageftee et Way.. Ps., I. Owelele. CA1•11.1 DOSS Seen 1CmIllor M sm. 55ks5e Mumensalsm 71•7•••••c Asestatiew 911:1 1181 Lilterla• as me ememarny nummen tL stags el the mem be.. euntributors 20 rentrhuters 12 cmd RlbMic. _o contributors STUDENTS AND FACULTY WORK ON pREE RATS NOVEMBER H. S.WARNER GIVES TALK AT Y. ON PROHIBITION FORUM FOLLOWS TALK Programme Week of November 8th U. IL In Soalolaeleat Laboratory Between them two grospe, Mr. War, continued. bee the third and moot desirable dens. 'The, see the smaller Icreentese who hope • reasonable loyal. ry to perty, but • oleo a te.ouable or freedom 10 break away from 't. Thr rimenl 1. 7„„., ,1.7, -7.. . `,1'. ',..,",47`„,r1,11 o ,., . ,,,,,i„,, .,.,-,,,, „„0, NEW MANAGERS CHOSEN AS CORPORATION MEETS Bryn Mawr Monday ud Tuesday Rudolph Valentino in "Conquering Powers" News Comedy Friday and Saturday "The Country Beyond" With Olive Borden and Ralph Graves riuMM.: ...Coedits" Oro 2. doyen fall and 'rimer oxford, with its bevy ado, beydd eilj and distinctly partern is just the sort of shoe that eel-drew coney aeon haminctivly asking. Moro by Our Pralmielpida Bleu, 1321-ins awftwt. has Skeen Is show that ere worth *Wail fomedy-,Where Is DIV Neva Thouonds of stn. &eta are readies The New Student eitinMeel through mutate in their college Paper. They are readies only those *elected ...item rhos. In the editors, and not the entire digest of intercollegiate newerta s ews and opinion which is pub" liaised every week. Get the thrill of first hand formation coaceroing six boodeed American name., he sending immediately for a sae. pit COPY. THE NEW STUDENT 2929 Broadway New York oh/NW-Ned eis _Shoes Gown] OffrwrztArr direr, Sees ReAtokaioa 8..kir, PA 440'6 <A NEW STORE) Novelties Cdta "Make the Greeting Sweeter" Quaker Maid Candies Sundaes, Soda. and Luncheon Seville Theatre Bldg. :1,,7 ktt..z.z ,,,,71..i,,it,;11, 11.-.7,t, 2 a Seaton. New York, Providemee, Putkad Seville Theatre A newspaper article of 1922 reads-"Haeerford in Ruins-Student. demolish last of college buildings in orgy:. Instead of a large number r. lea rho mural u[ th4 middle rretlry of new edificee, this, the tearing wart piece-meal of thou structures al11 r. darner the Plied t STORY to a great .eiolegita.1 leboratory, where ready on the Ceram., 1; rw In proliSitIne 1. belay Unless we want our campus to resemble Chicago after the fire or "The Shadow of Miami, the whole undergraduate body must pounce on the small number of rats in its midst-rats who are multiplying-rats whose deliberate dam. Goat" Must 8e in Majority ter Pelikleitlein age of their chtennetes' and college property it agetiMing large proporWednesday believe," she topenker said. tthet tions. inajotiy of swop. in the USW Met. eo .HI iiii .efordisni 11., a desire for rho abellehment at lel• The average upperclassman who apathetically views these proceed. Jnga er takes some pleasure in watching the rodents work. must exert prime saws, -The Shod.' of the Goat." 7.9" 'in e thlodk."1 r'11;:c. 1161'"%blt! mum he ho bands of J. It. Carr. his undergraduate authority, or he himself will be eaten by-the ntn. 10. ln ed,CUe moot. of the World Wee. I the len.. nemelies to en neon., Mr. Warner dreiered that great prag, mesa made by the miners of 'T.y row. hole arteade hero made. He rum NIPPING IN THE BUD 11.1 KA11411 could be taken as at so. liaverfordieu.The mist.' dale set Per butunittl. ;mule, MI ten or twelve years ago that A continued infrsteDon a rules made by student+ for their own reg. „,,,,,.. ,., ,,,,, ,,,.,,„ „.. x.,,.......r kzeghh:1,11.e1 tp,,r. ehtbhi:imfor the name unsion, without the attendstd penalties provided therefor, eonetitutea e 4, hut Our to o nada.. it. 1111171113,1rinA tool 9. At that time.* wua''prY olnht. e'd ' or, condition that could not conceivably be of long duration in a well-ordered the lime for the end -.1 the sonr„, Emo.1, was in shout the same eouditton college. The College Students' Association has been faced with net, such "' ..."' 4." ..'". "'Id"' In "'shle '''. ■ITZ.e6.'ite, 1 a condition for the pest month. The neceseery steps to .tap it have been e...17::`'ne t" s"e° in Me ..hl.iv. i'l She ithe prehihitam law I. Keti.e ie m. taken with an encouraging air of finality, although taken in an glad, Neaten,. entel len. have Alveoli mutably tardy manner. 'd br .n pfell "a t Is Pastas here turned in nod nmeit student in- ''''"II:l'ave i, ,.. „. , hoe . Tor • short. them, in the We two weeks, it looked as if the whole Tc , ..s„!::,.bee,:' ',S:........,:.‘...„1.1,!..t.„.n! limucht •beet. He aaith'th:Vrg 'intern system of etudent self gevernment at Haverford was being undermined I. How did Cyril hieston este, a r ri..,1 ... on in the r rZ, :::.Z.:1 174 twin by an indifferent, or an incompetent Judiciary body. Niedemeanors of ' IT■ Ve Sell, Ow reuhf7oh.f,' Vill'irpotr• an unnecessary nature ware being permitted to proceed, absolutely un•- led jj,,, n„,,..,„.„. ,,,,..7.1,'%."'v ',4° °.., rig. mole It their hos, the pm . ople atepunished, and evidently Igno,..d by ,hoer ,.. who. hand. 0. ,„,,,,,, 3, How eh, hr obts,....e,ted emu ueee' t•Iren i' rZtltrOm ell'i.e:e' gti're".. "171" 1 ' 4:4: of such cases had been confidently placed. Regulation* had been broken, ''',..r.',77 siLe„:7;:....',::: ill:liena„,, leg the lew ami these el net. and there *as no doubt an to when they were broken, or who did the rerouted In the iterhseies ..1 .,,,, Tide. he explaitied. prerluetel were a drover shades- of mom- end net. ere. ['seeking. reissue,. hove high pmiee for the otos,- $it... "hr..' r Inqueottonehly, the sore,' pews. should have struck while the tt.bia.■,:rar,d ihstl la in thea c teun... ' whey -lin, .',,",.e .. ' ......,1,4 Z''..,... iron was hot, end not waited until • diellppOiettgl President now that he s,'ir,! • ..^litto b.,...ii..474:::itte., „,,,,',..-7;;.",."1-„,,;:,.;:,... had to interVene. The College authorities have gamin definite aseuranro , Tsr,?,,7,:',...' ' r. stotteire.ntuinw ,.. iii:itzt,,..erf , ,.,,,t.Tr idt:tIghh,,,,, st o, that they would have lifted not one finger to annul any penal decielon Facelty Comment , ratieu one be gotten Imre exereipe end I mu,,t Palmer imp,,,,,,,,, expreesed that might have seemed fitting at the time: they would not have stood in ,,,,,, ne-sm.: j,,,, ,,„. .,..„,.,hi.,„„ sertvinee, the swop of a suspension, or even an expulsion, had the students decided eemed by -The linem4,onlien. fee it. .P44,14110 Mlurewast la Katimme aw.* nod Dr. A. K. Oree. Arrow:ear that anY pereen or grotty of Penn.. so deserytui• The. oprelow claimed that the world English “,,.„„., cher...eerie«. it Dm hr. living timhor We now have definite eseurance that the Student Council is in earn. Profemor ., ,„., el „,....i.„,. AP 4ehoion. thy drink. en. deeirehle. He mid eat. Their Attitlede, Since Wilt reminded el their laxity, is highly con, Other Ilarerfnel profrehorr who oleo/tel. that hie belief ie LciAlr c.11Allelig,li now mendable, for they are doing their utmost . rectify what they now realise waa a bad breach the Confidence placed in them. Their Mike sof ,homehug- .. Wei.. Mums., dmen th, ,'„,;.,....,,, w '',1,1 ."„:14.:,1„; in the future should be one of watchfulness rather than one of belated ii,. IV, itfitl. 1:reofz,Ir o f weigh he nurtured tam slimmer 3I3 El. realiSattan. The only nally eue.enfel woe of sieges a puerility la nippinrthem in the bud. Profespor of Slethematl.. one of t e Ltd rg':i The palette. whfil, en be in the -threugh kern utiet6 he wasted his heeds of the editor to nem MeedE rountry no be .teething." ight. need bet be typearitel. Mod ALUMNI NOTES U. n. Rehm wallitiml snows' to sigh quest,. will be ihni m 100 word, Literner 213,1., will ., 'The l'uited Stereo.. enid Mr. War. . 14 Robert U. Hogen proprietor lb, Itre he • het. earthed. The prohlbt of n Ford 511.00 is Mee... New eloseet to .leing eur Of all of the three 1°414,1, tohoorosfiht.ftstit, tena.geootis4.7.: Fork. H''' ''''''''s I. 257 j'''" IT" R. A e il .,I, cc en carry lorobibitimi through Well Mineola. New York. off the P1Stleh Depertwen. win tot as ale a eu,.. of .11. 7" '14. Ti, new officers of the eless of Judaea lo the eont,e-..t ,'I.,1,7 wiener - ' will'm..:,____S!O* p.n. s., Iola:,holleee •ed.11,e. '98, and Taylor, 1014 are: President. Thomas W. Elkin- ell... n. .7.37: ill,„1„ Letho,e ::... ..,.: d',„„r„7.;,7 7.7: the 4 17.,..t.Rete:zl..s, ..; C. Willie Edgerton, .oratory. lotion, together with the remainder. he, virtues of temperature end prod: 06, Named to Board lehedow or th e Goat." ea writ. Mtion. sod the 14. Roy MeTerise mad Us Irene of pelt, of Confrere, in ten by the i.„„ author wel mope.- in the mitirut steaderds of .. at Last Session T. Kuhr, were 111111.rled on tie tomboy rj...„ „e ...e. ,,,,,,ses ..Mean. • „,.. vet.," After the meeting • P. o te et Of. bouts. Mimeo.. Mr. and few -la the worths of the Hoard of Man- Sm. 3/eFerlan will be at home et ad.. continued the discuseian with ea pggss CLug -ORGANIzgg, Mr. SAttery is the Rending Room of the mere held In ter Haverferd Unium h °v.'s.' Ch'...°' In' Ms.P."'" on October 12, Alfred Smatergood, ixoer Department Mannger with Menne TO ADMITNEW MEMBERS t 118. and Yr.,. It. nub's, ^DC, were Roebuck A Co of Chicago• sleeted liwingern of the Corporation. 'II. Dr. Harlan I. McCracken, who Samedees mid akhla Chose an Pre*. .44111113031,1 num-emit. Rieherd le W.AA reelined, in head of the Department Net ami Secrete Thum, of lioemiegY 1714172111 and Johu NIL Whiten. deems.. Br O. P. yea, 0Ot1 Economics et Penn College Oaca• 0000.14]-i.5 1. OSagra sal PIS Willi, 11 Union. 11: Morrie E. loom, lows. Ireeta Is •W145'. Idol Uwe' Plans for recession tbe sietiellies of wee Mertes' President of 210AP-Orsuy 'seri .r. 01.11011 Stokes, S.. le 'gen., T the Luse Awoondiott of Fleonotale. the Preps Club were disroneed nt it, '112; Chet-lee Eosins. and Sociologists at debrouveution of fine meeting 171172.1149T-Jeek Ceetermea se gar. of the year held Iron 'OM sad M. Allwri 1.1nlon. SS, were we Terris ••• mess la Pere, Mist orgeeitanon on May IL The con. Thersthir eleeied to 0Alllni-olaa Sas me Imam la the Cabin. G. E. Soon. cued the mothon wee addre.ed br two grow. rams M "Ti. met m Lena,. of ell Ills Reneger.. mentioned mam a of tuitional promenenee: Dr. Recto dere. '27, beam Meeted pretletrul in expiring In Deb-ober. 19129. blare of Hoene, who did 001 relnro to ent negate nod T. fir, of Northwestern IluivernIty, Alfred G. esenernoul Remo m 'The miles. this year. dyable. Assent Mae,' Ass treneurer 1.891MIT-1era rgeta W the ProvMeet Treet Company of Phil-of awl Prefeeeor Edward A. Striver. of made he reelr 17-tregeser. Brergaes le 'mg Awe .e na adetphoe, sod lives la Awbury, Ger- Ottawa. mamaA. the membership of the rich It. The marriage of Mid, Margaret mantown 11e. bas berm comitantly armastsmr-ouns he Tito. of Ardmore. end II, Christen had been decided/y 1 dermeeed by the tier 10 et Mg C4.17... 1st W.. heohnlf of In the college endHe pileetionopie in Corey took plime un Sallseley. ()dohs wIthdrweel of the graduating memwork Philadelphia. MOSS. exempts hem. it was decided to elect new seem. erne prontinent en csirketer and In the Bryn Mawr Preebyteelan here LAPPIR-ssee to the club from the junior end football player during him, undergradu- (7hurch. The ARDISAZ-Searlay atat mss. when included Jemee .phomare elaaees. Am ate C•NIEVA. epportunier Sees Ig.h. to ogle SS, carer. 'PS A. Morrie Carey. Jr.. '22. for Juniors Taylor (Maker Lawyer W.*, gad Thwees. Mese and seniors to express Treacle R. Taylor la lawyer in ADM Ifeery M. Thomas, 'IL Mr and deeire to join the Pres. Club will Mee sad rue um um n he the firm of Hoar, antil.3. Nichnhein end Sire, Cnrey will live In ltakimere. Ohl. L. Parbi. Sets ul eleen this week. From thin group the Teylor. with Mama in the Stephen Ma. Rae Seegers sae 'IS I. Thome. Steere end MIso Law N "Ti. inn! Itotildine. Ile thee in ebeitf1, Menke Tierney. of Crouton. Va., were now members will he elected. Chdy ra5L haw tad has Mrs act., to be ....Med on Saturday, °ember 2. in ihme who nem. a wIllbsge.ea to take eharr Ihrests° T02.182•7-Pton A.O.N. t• "Oro half of lincerford and es ect euther the rriendte Sleeting Honer. Mein noel an slIve pert in furthering the per. of Pew ass de lerewm." rapis. I Quaker tread.. sod Meg coulter streets. fiertuantown. Among Join. of the drib atu he asked to 701-4se 1.1. The Nonstuatine Committee of the the where were Walter B. Steen, gum ta .1414.10 Leg Sow, The dineerninotton of legitimate new. 111111111-.1.4ey Heard pretented report whin tree '12. U. Wilbur Beard. .20: tilde J. Ageeeey. Ale. nerepted es motion.aMeted!n raiment. Haverford College has been the conSleet West. la Mee Ss '101 Freak W. Cary, 18; C. tinuation of Morris E. Leeds, AS. esMennen, the aver primary . Pew r Weise Wink Edgerton, 417 GM '15. and Gordon R. object for the Mob's exSecretary. and the appointment near. eloeue," Priam sae igence. This purpose has been emptieDena., 01. 1.•• Is e'Sre Alumni repreientetiver to the !Stowing of the liartphorn, '19. ble, and lira Steele s.. to Atmore the cadre eicheion he lyre:' committee.: Alfred C. Mauls. Execu- will live to Jenkintown. ARCPWwwW211 of the other, This will be sraxat-44.1.„. tive Comoro.: W. W. leettee. Jr.. 18. Matthew M. Ilynseo was mar. object of the dub this the primary restler les1 lengeweley. 'Me Committee on Ehnen. .d Inveet• year. In the ethteRld Sue- mfr, rel• meatier Victor Seboepperk, Commit- rid en August 12 to Mime Idaybege penmen., of Mho perms., the Pre,. ear sal Steeds. SS Dal. Reeves, of Pei.. mad, Germentown. Club hes In the pent 'OM Sm. made a eery III, rue, tee Henry en Amounts; et'. W. Jr.. Mr. and Mr.. Ilyneoe are firth; st 228 sad S. Drinker. Committee Jr, . 'melee, ISTAWLAT-PAPS Cu. he 'SR portant rontributIon to pleerford'a on Celine Property end E.O.M. West Ilortter /demi, Germentown. Aver, publicity. Solutions to the Arthur Perry & ,Co. investment Bankers 1115 Locmt Street. Ildiadellk. Declares That Much Progress Has Been Made in the United States Declaring the proem. hoe been Icnaf pm/Merlon. end that a maJoritY of the people hea it desire for the else titian of eleohoile drink., Harry 8. War. err, addremed the T. M. C. A. rneet• ism on Wedaelehn. Ns-sober 1 Mr. Warner IA executive meretary of the letterset...* Prohibition AseociatIon, him written several hoot. eon is editor of the -Internetiotal fitudeut.As se Introduce'. Mr. Warner div.. voter, into three eleenes, find, small group of people who are continually chaarieg and 0101101 make ap their minds: at the other extreme Meer number shone minds SR thormight? leede op. often beau. of femily tradition. tint the eever be clung- 9, 1926 Bryn Mawr. Pa. 1,7,,,-„,..g 1.17,4.v.:11:1..,I,,.. ■,..,...d,,,i,.:141,1,: r.v„1.,,,e,:: :.r..,..,. , . „ %,,,AtLalm>ri ■Irert. •,,,, Dr. A. it! wiirr',,71-6,;: :1.71-,:,■Mre"ki• hn `1,:■,',.'1. 71" i""' h 'd'ZIA,,r. h.,4:,'. l "ITV en 4,,h`Asr t_ loo r ; a w. Scattergood, 1 -rbe 'Ion W OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE W IN the lamp's turned on; the sleeves rolled up; the textbooks opened and the pencils sharpened . . . telephone Home! A chat with Mother and Dad is the best sort of "training" for a battle with the textbooks! Number . . . please: • -- HAVERFORD NEWS NOVEMBER a. 1926 Pats a J. TYSON STOCKS WILLIAM*. talAgrr, LEONARD G • Onus DAWID C. NAVAS W. weNDELL SLAM= COLLEGE SPORTS EINTOild ALLEN F. HOSTON; KRM ATTRAcm CAPTAIN OF COLLEGE SATURDAY is Wu Also Baeloatball PIM: la Feerth Walter Camp Athlete to Lamm Th. Fall Memorial Dar Prankford'hf. Logan. 'Wt. nor of the FOOTBALL WITH DREXEL fluent athletes ever to enter HaverSOCCER WITH PENN ford, left &lege left week. He w Ilmerford's gate receipt. to to ,,mrp,,,ray twIled home. and there Camp Fund Blue and Gold Eleven Primed seem he that chance to be bat little ADMISSION II. INCLUDING to Battle Haverford will resorts to college HMI year, alBOTH GAMES though he hopes to owe back mania Next Saturday oext WI. The departure of Dorgan jomoR vA meaa,that Ay "rig be beluga the total timber of lose. walker celebrated next Saturday at fiaverford. rained by Haverford athletic teams this ire-inrtia• Milli..., A et. the Scarlet and Bieck (Ado.. C. C. N. Y. LOSES PENN AND TORONTO 4i:ri'.44,i, THIRD-STMNG BOOTERS MEET SOCCER TEAM cit`...:!:!:,7:31,7. punted to the thirty-recd line. ON WALTER CAMP DAY Ancient Rivals Clash on '88 Field on Saturday; Strength of Canadians Unknown pary cal theThe "trolly ow,r men face two of hardest tone on their ached'se when that they play the L'okersity of Toronto Os Tuesday nod Penn on Saturday. Al. though little known about Toronto, it is expected that the Catadian• wilt bring • ebb., team to Ifarerford, mince they do 'sot play football, and soccer 4 their main fall apart. The Philadelphian., flaverford's traditional rive', p a; c anted upon to furnish strong Drexel. taken avaang C. C. N. Y. game there IA I had attained while an unergraduate, :611:1"'1: A6'17". distinction of befog the =hint' An" 1"tof''""&"'n ISMS in we• "P'" paseibIllty of • let-down Mia Haverford team. On the her hle Juobr ,ear, He woo to head, Dregel 1.• been 'Imitating foe pilot the weber and beMethall tearne. Lead Changes Frequently in In He also played in the Infield of the the likeerfotd game all sem.. ,,,, ttro.ftor.,tzo Lear,oarg Close Contest; Wickersham fact it hoo been reported that the PHI- leg bane Of the als mimee played so far Obi.. v.sst, .e.M.e the weabil e Scores Twice aMildtbms .0goo, Pene has woo three and lost if setbacks, despite all other three. In the mason'. opener. Ger. THE OBSERVER In n chow lime. with the lead pane- mantown C C. was defeated. 3-0. TheY the Ma. Were. co a., rrs conquer lug from one team to the other more followed this by beating the yon[ AIThee far Ws ••••on the Wee and 0.0, then 0•001 ,,,, mese, ed 100na woo oro 0000. nod to0t f..,.. ji fitatuniny's football victory was arab I 3 Iron Work. eleven. by • Hate Gold hoo n * Heft ----• •eventl ressalS. It wan the r""'"'' to - the Penn .I, V:.--Last Leeks the MN... ....U.'. . le a great tr y rrrrr that T. V.'s lost fier; dorraeletterettlf ito" Vive Ttiel2d atit' Cleorgetown 42-0, they mood out Del. e Haverford football team has won Saturday by the Here of 0,-L Penn bad aetbeck. in a very don't PlaYed game, throug 'll. The Crmeent A. C. lomoteen, who avert TA Susquehanna triumphed the four straight. It wale clOrY over en slight dreotage -h mat of the were has Ind a good record later trimmer! by Rarerford, 4-3. work by 14Aexeellent some but foDowing week 21.0. Then Comb 01- onnonent that game, , e Year. thi• bete. the amend defeated them c 1. 2. Penn eras OW Reed's charges came back and web lb.,. of tit. % etalon and (tient time hinney kept the score from mooed., defeated by the Moneciair Field Club, col Ispad Ups 1 6-0. C. C. N. Y. bewlY 17g 4-0. Cornell was beaten in extra peel, bee , u...tha 7 to 6. Dread held St. ro the third roe...tire limunLY hitPtt started out with o rush in the ode, 4 to ft, led meek POw-r•ter, At.ld sod Joaaph to e 7-0 meat, ecot Iola late our Lae was treat), outweighed, brat quarter. Goldeteln shot a gold Cued. Stewart'. men gave evidence that yet it dirplayed the best form of eare after the kat few niloMes of play. they were returning to their natural Sotordey to the New York Apries. 0-8. gp... From red to end th thin MarDrage Strong Deleeelvoly The then in .ereral minute,. more. Mar. fee wined to be chargimit. DI:pat:Di/MN glee HMI-heel From (hie account It can be se. got into the Interference for shall was detected ening his bands Mad that [bezel sem to be ono. of a inn (Yee defense stiffer aeored en • • permit,' kirk for the Philnd:Ifra rnie"litteroen.7.,'Tp7: Bret tineethie defensive than offeealre team. In their te MacDonald rat centre half-bark.. one • e toe wee mere eel they Penn. But !Interlard then ,20 no UM three -contemn, their ors.... 1.1111.' Waned theo th Bee B. minion of the ball and before'long he, tallied only two touchdowns. But. ced that Rutherford wthbethbaaii tau., • pretty centre ‘VAitt' t malar:1L1 bib area ...t'tferionoto7n. Frle7dn lee Is the big gun on die Drexel offrom Rhoads.. netted the first Haver- who pl4e.1." "re 1."" gal 1.. aroskot. fem.. Re ford and Peon again eerie on the of- *hoot before entering Peon, is el. re.' The bee we° wdlsb• Clark Is • burl k ." GI greet ball-carrier. close f half-hank. fine tem ""H lanai... end had • number of .1 6.7 • be.' &b 611. Siserten1 weln...1 mar. Is playing n weighing oar 1A6 po.c.. Is • shifty ...ON, greet defensive gents at left full.bach rt'el tr:1171;hlt7st*tero"Itt ..... ei . "he". Ue"lie.Lim broken held runner. His dropkick gars Wickerahant cable"citm** to scud.; meek Drexel their only neore hut Saturday. neeee.bitil -s•mdir held Ids , sUir Hakim, did not again, but the bell moo high end SOCCER TEAM WINS Me rand B°" `" 1'1" h`° ' rtal 7Ockle7...a llia:an a the womb., work very well on the tur.ird vws,, Beeaded ^seine, ° Sun .'me' D.ed. 7" • after Preveeb Contlawd from mire 11. mimes I t were down feat ureter posts. while the Later Wan the belehming of the o troo,o,•0o,„ Frame. , got mark. Johnson la • good Pivot men. To,too, • teed and quarter. WI:ter.haftt oo lea on either nide Roth leonte pissed the mat. at 160. The hoe fboo. better • rent, from Met tonight, end tied the fine flereuxi”. some. while the linver• net 180 petards. front end to eel mare at 2-2. Pen., then took the ball ford offense nor ...widened,. better f The backfield ...rage Is 100. Suken. down to the Ilererfoni gent, but Fre. MOWN Sten le Use cantata. who has not played for two sure u If anyoae should ask which lineman doe stopped what looked like `1 117..' week& will be hark le the line-up. This oait,ige seortione,1 Lritto4 br Beet year as played the bent game on the field Set- neore, anti for the rest of the hall Om<toReed'. Is Coachtutor the Philadelphia le- today. I ahoold unmet quickly Morrie. Penn wee neldem danger... Ihmer. at limes, football Millier, Hit aunts were long high spiral.. he ford had the ball in their impanel.' dome ut noel, while the work of Beat. atitution. He le profeame felled but time. the. am ell orer the geN on derma, and territory Meet of et rentrelialfbnek. wee 0123 very good. paean and tactic.. ham •ATALr.wan always running Interference. On to tenor and the half ended with the Cory, el!hoe gh idiot Out of the scoring •. U. B. A. • hie apei t• ot form. for the fleet time this Femme Tbnp'• ten for • touchdown• he took more still tied. Olga Reed Primes for Settle played a wonderful lame a utade c'oa'ch Reed tletjttle17.dihtehethl!rot It to left. 1 , gl' rITc.11" e Prather 1,t ° erh12 Ora to:n:7o% o bPartig'W RI? : a Clean. white "'*"" t ilt, ;ill Nero in the lead. Sharpie's "r*' all the tram will folio' ;Lsoe for Dread. at acne. In the ol.■bof the shot. pretty a with soon tied the score of .truh rte the Z "t*re1;:t bin men will be In the beet of the pity that steels , we wil l wtn 013 lead the into went again net Penn ,e0,•,000 The ne-ap: shone. The am...doter.' Mcklield am next two game.. ...... 1.1tios for ll„aithitha aerie, gent It againet the New York AMU. •Lakewlse. I here moody tontine e „e, e foe eye., th th ... ear tbe back.. Webeter ran with the ball ,uodp Igen Esturelsi, In order to grerent non wee • better then in eny oboe thin yen,. injuries to le stare, a tall•usa --are of user,. 2111t 1 cuioo i• the grabbed he ,t° When linable by one of these enbetkete Malta As th. Imeke no m if they meantIt, 2.211211221.1 , ,,Otani .11 Set ,,.° up and sated a ware just before dm. sag slit setnewhere. •_ that core Tereirte-ther Mae. an,. ..reatte hit....... Push . 0. he R. of. i,,,,,..d coded. Provided there It no let-down on the tett.. In shape 0.1.11. .tet. est..* . . wow. In the laet emitter both teams .cored alma . tnonively stronger. and cooed a good . ,,,,„0..0 0 0, 0,00,0 lieverford Hama. the Semi. and Black defenalve . ett g..... telly second hie making fleeeht. game. Tripp meet lath to ooce, ooto ,...00, . 'Mould tern in e victory. Jost how 000. wot000 , 0, „„0.,00 mt.. ehi0 trf e., peaa. for mkt, pants If he. go.* to be seriously Tripp was roamed in the C C Wool. , itheede Rio man. On one pont eh. eluded him be ithThe ate....: N. Y. game . not yet kbowe. severe lust. left .. . . Trat reeler . hat the term about thirty yards. Rte .nee ,..,„ /ma against Drexel will be n J 1 . ¶...,,, .... . „op,.,,. t an tn.. he and redeem. r Y. was pre.) to welch. blow. The Dive nod Ekdd have been booting . m.o.... 0.22.412217.222. 2 .2222211,-,1■212 Time ..,••I ball-etterlee. ossmseey mato awl mooting Haverford at easel oPPert.”- It. tie making . Snooltelti no ,onneoa,„_. ..,.... tull.bart whether Har-. too[ so far dbe rear be bee weed vet. 0,0„„, 10 nod it is • emetic. 111•Pa■ %e rell....• U. Few.. chic tO let off mune poor Judgment on Punts. P......11 MAWS 11140 will Cleat 1.5111141.t 11...411 MMIletee Play. Well tmeem..h of their tricky forward.. Only one ream beit.bees manner Captain Middleton played kis best 11.11.1Invon team c. T. ., fth. SARI Palf.haek i„,,eked, no ht.eptoe the }rani.. IMO.. maWnord team &now. toe proper with awe o f thenigth, ptettg. He. Oct.!. I.o.M. pp e tea, be .l 'r e nt And.Alpirit it abould come through with yea.. th.oydinaitae, • babe ewe' tiefense and picked hie hole. better steno.. A d sire ricteer. limmeett women ,mm twee.. than . the rant seseral lames 1 etalten Be...ilea. lett Sbd‘be.B.'"fe.. . NUM et. Ilealtlas .... .etrhed, r" - ".°"*. didn't '"ree" pews.ethe. the treet... What It the reamm V.-Anhee. 31116erpa J.°"" lixtotittalons: The SSy nnok ia,no.non,., mom.* ... SUS sesle alt on. Right .101 '"' 'sneer. '"'"'. "'"'''''' ''''"" '... full„Orsreel. bet either ta. ,,,,,,... ^o-. Aim... tor etrose.M. torIon amnion Xiamen centre "' latt sant ''-'""*. i' ' good om itect....11 tor **.'.."' PAR.. Art.,. ..' Serei 001 Baling for them, g .. Pollee. iiii, A llamas 2.1411 tart. Ss. ill the de- Whoa. noets-nenanta a purer 'e. moue. Red '"". g." " ".... " Left me MM. .yob °"°''.." °' th.°"`°° aoother be will Drexel game 0...".. .... i e..° wanner ... Lott half.. .." MINI-fought gem.. In an <dat lto ' out game, ; '' • 1.....0 nevv elayers for the. ...nth • •, , - web eb'f-none nn-het 111..1-eti bog outyo regolant 14boot.. ''''' Drexl kept Alta t. o, No. Immo' ammeter-Sew. readews. *moot „to , to Get be: have they Alf ens seaeon Angler. ,: th. ' ' te."',.., ern'. eedd, .'"...' 0111, ."' 0 L'ee.'" potation foamed this game and a.m. .ei. ..''''''' 0,. HOT DRINKS mama. bd.., Weii• ,....... °". -.nee' team ix hard to beat when it i• duet' -to win. Harerford thee./ win if it will fed. Let's get the tart two, Lay.' and SAUNDERS IS ELECTED 71.17,71fr OUT BY PENN J. V 5-4 CENTRAL HIGH DEFEATS Mattlened Dom pas L calmer • z I , r"d- Webster Makes 20 Yard. Webmer found • big hole on the right ride of the Larendeee forward well and was downed hr Cohen only two baBmtrkt from it. last whir r Igoe. This looked like a sure tavre. Pour !deeps into the heart of the opposof 2tterrlen'Ita ttell:tt Flint fumbled Joeephberga peat end e rrC. N. Y. recovered on their tweet,. filard Hoe. domPhbent kicked agebt on the re*. neat play, but Bosworth ran back to the thirty-y•ed mark. A long pars, Webeter to Pilot. netted twenty yards. Again the mighty Metropolitan machine mold not be penetrated, sod Morris. platmeent kin railed wide of the goal .nts. ° ``°'°` Sr.s•lter 1;1: Aft the bell w o nebb:•:g punted fr:;• line to Harerfords forty-yard one .1fter Middleton shot foto the centre griltehy"ctrtler ;ttift50:ript of form hie oann with the ban tucked ' od tleobinotelit, aced, afros. the tie,. The feree x hinds had bitty° tool tulel School Team's Attack Beats College Eleven by Two Goals The third waver team lost Its netand straight game oft Friday to the ntrong Ceetrel High eleven. 3.1. Ie attire...go the mecondarter, after a front of the goat, the ball twat obtained by Captain line, ',mains up the pl.:, and arched high Into the )net not of Horton's Harerford Continuing through the third neerHarerfanCe• ter the hall was hem territory most of the time. Tatum IVA. ouecensint In breaking up plays and coming through with (nod Meer. sod long kicks whennettld. In the tam period, Olimpo, the feat a Central forward, Abet after a of the goal, oho, rim age iv fromsco. and dopliceted hie performance a few moon. later ileverford • offensive got nor t!. bar roil chance.. when 0( to the field and fol. Uellor drithled for n eel hole `a fntcautr re meter began to here loos forward.. i ..22230 be.' awn. 2■11221212. 3,11 ROW22 . 13.I•A %lei. hi., Plea 1,11.1..ct SEM,. . 1,1 .1/.24E2 121222511031 otreni7nt.t.7:e.:u:;ter u K.111 . ...ire psit-ta. the ...awn. ham a rival eleven eurrend ed lienerford's goal hoe all Wei . r lteakla Snsishia nod only one. am tame e got 1...inn ..f the ban 'w 1.227:: t... Mom.. rieitteed' weoneaard line. This sm.,' eld. It110•Int defeme bee been twitel...i with no II nue. [...ward lido ogre r n: 1.1: hue rattle melds amens torte rte i.r Nome. eighteen point., per It i+ Joel n derefle +ince n linterford tootend teem has mode a ...eon' es aond we the 2.11X mole by the I.VAI • v Ilavtaiont r. Tealor. !Muerte. Len wan. mem vent, t•teitand tr°' • Mac Donald CCampbell Means Omega, 20,204•2 S.1.4111.12...• I' V 157 W. H. POWER CO. Willard Batboy Station All seldom neelaarged and repaired at THE ATLANTIC GASOLINE STATION Photo: B M 1151 Bryn Mawr of LEA/PING SPECIALISTS it YOUNG MEN'S Piece Suits bats Htheedesherr a ,N. PILOT OF SOCCERMEN SANDWICHES Meats and Provisions Sell CROWN lee Two Years Cheese to Lead Boston. at The William Duncan At A meeting of the lettermen held Baum W. W. before Eatoolaya game. the Avenue of In Spring dere, •27, wee elected mem the vuenary left kr weer team to Captain Lena. Saunders isplaYing Ardmore hit second year on the rersity. healed aim tete. part In smelly game. dor- 21111111111111111I 11111111111 fill11111111111111111 111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ing hie woPhot.e. /at' In addition to W. tatter laurels. Ssoodera be also 011ot of the baseball team He made the Ram hie freshroaa Year end at the end of hie nmihomore Year wee elected captain for 1020. Al the cod Of the leaf mason he mut 1, elected. He in s member of the CueMaker of Mora Committee. Haverford Pharmacy M. H. ROBINSON COSTELLA BROS. Fancy Fruits and Vegetable. "Good Clothes" 21nd A Splay Gordan Ms. lenikotelehia Pa. • *mho. Dollars Phew, raptor aloAlm Every Wednesday Showing HAVEFtFoRD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DINNER Phone. Ardmore teas Founders Hall l til * /4 Written by College Men Nearly every man on The New York Times extensive sports news staff is a college man-probably a greater proportion than on any other metropolitan newspaper. From the first football game to the last rowing event The Times news of college sports is written by keen experts, well informed-and men who write well. No better staff for the organized reporting of college, school and all sporting news exists. The Times sports news is complete. The daily telegraphic correspondence from the colleges, the thorough covering of all games in special dispatches, added to The Times daily stories of boxing, baseball, racing and all sports, give the reader all the news-and accurately. JIMMIIII11111111111 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10TH psinnossounsininnininnosnmininniminiminiunninunnunnweissis ' The New York Times Sport News Follow all the news in WATCH FOR THE SPECIAL SALE OF KNICKERS --77 wonkmPa. -4' y'1 11 1i !1•11,4. 174, 00 New jack Ointrs Ord., it ripli.,er,y1 daily OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Ralavool• I tte.l 1•16 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 STUDENT RATES OR. SNYDER GIVES FIRST FIRST RADIO PROGRAM OPERA 277SAUDIT OF LECTURES ON POETRY OUTSTANDING SUCCESS Stieff Artists, WABQ Trio and "Lake Georgians" Are Broadcast ALUMNIASSOCIATION TO MARK ANNIVERSARY Mesh*. la Phila. DIStriet Will Hold Lemelmen at Hotel Adelphla The Haverford Callen Alumni Asended.woe foutded and it, .neti• lotion and by-lawe edopred November 22, DM Two:woke front today beSpeaks on "Place ing November =, 1926. the members of the nemelation irt the PhIladeltdsla dietrict will west for luncheon at 12.20 In the Hotel Adele'me to obeerve the Cricket event and to beer forty minute. of tweedy oinking. The first of Cho Bit Talks on Poet. Henry W. Stoke, 137, president of Ticket. to Varied Repertoire May Be Sound From HeOpm. '21 A ommuoleation to to college from the Philadelphia La Scala Grand OrCompeer Compeer outlines It othedele of operas to be preseoted no the Metropolitan Opera Houre during the third grated memos. ...Ting November 13 004 radial Ifey 7. The letter from the Opera Company also includes several Certifieltea entitling undergraduaten to a reduction of el on opera ticket, for any tied In the parquet or front port of the bole..., tens reeking Ilse beat wets available at prices rouniderably below those of theatrical productions. Tbo comport, thus expires.. Its purpose lit adirrottog the nines, to appreciate of Poetry in Modern Life" at Merton Club --. -The ,xperitnetit of ueiog the small auxiliary etudio to enable the ntalloo 1troftoread 1 eel oe too don. The ‘CArletetTutrtintgl; 1 operators to switch from tine pen of der,et4 tte y. ..13agiew- meeting will oe.the llini 'of the d1Ir4essor De n, ita l the preentm to another without deter. Adelmry Committee meoaben fro,. end tie afternoon by Professor Sny- seeeral diataot points of the lion by the nolio emlienee proved en. In der. The eerier had their origin in to prom on to the bad, Ito result. t moductory. nod the new stodio Itarsin tae thet Bodin. at their semi...neva will probably be mod tenderly tor Mt" "a" conto been Not ben will which .g. tare wori, hereafter. which resulted in 0cryatalllaing • print, meet Following Dr. Stoolere recitel, the mime; residenta of the Main Liue for newly orsonleed WARQ concert trio a number of totormal di...6o. of n nd their date, money at which mintier. could be CMS TEAM DEFEATS o brondentt o program of light elamical hael orNebulletin heard nsk.I andenswered to a way pot peeMERTON CRICKET CLUB music train the Wit,. Radio. Thin in Robert.pared 11.11. Certainties enutime wan the first recital broadcast by the tandem-i to reductions nun beobtalued elide be redie. In his introdeetory lecture this ar- Peer Beard Practice Match Resell. In trio, oil the prefoeurehrtique said bell. from Alumni Keeretam John It. ternoon Dr. Snyder !misted on the K, It.diger, Hoopes. execution of letedox that the lea lime people fed defeated Cl Ol=team I Di ord The Llaverflreading poetry the more they need 'cagier, was o Moto, of choir mit, team by a Preteet.g Vain.t lives that are the Merle. Cricket match held at tie.. The other members of the trio merely "busy and shallow instead of score of 3-1 In the Maui., god re: J. H. Illehener. were being active and deep," he spoke of Monday. As only four Waren team, Revertant the for sealable IV. fl. Pretsfeld '30. violinist. moot poetry as the quiekeet. and per- four board match wan arranged. NO. A00,000 the ut.40b4rs given by the trio hapo the moot certain mune of spirit- of the Barraged team leak but the ual inspiration. wore the Vaetel.ellnuet" by Pendia firm two boards were held to dews. Dort lea.leg Neeeteary and the 'Ave Maria" by Cal. The eve Chaon led Begensuer board, first On "If poetry is losing Lis influesee elogbr program Wog completed by oit. .lay," said Dr, Snyder, "the dtastiao la the second board and Wachter nbd hour of dance music brostleast by the largely canned by the MAMBO of the Rhoads debated Thayerand Root on tee-pleoe Phila. "Lake Gootgions,tnonee r eenention to read elond." the third and fourth boards reapertire• dolphin ,,,,, orchestra directed by Ed. And the ability to vend POsteT effeettreo ly. ones feeling for oonditioned le Nets.. the subtleties of versification, the eeDegas Rootlet l...eaten* of which the speaker MasOn Friday eve log the first greed .i.or. pnie ;exteite reed t rstg,1, Molt has dollars hundred Twenty-bee organ recital of the yet.- sees from the Ardmore Theatre by remote net a. the goal of the annual Y. M. philitnophy n'37;1'reri:low, ill. en breed life itself. and •0 it. beat kt tepeecentral. Cast year the Ardmore Thew C. A. Charity Drive which opera today, safe some than or other. He can on. the very best in ife. Bat ado. tee ortan recitals were breadrast rego. ame'dint to so announcement made by avoW • lot tadheappobstment the reader meet, the poet half way. ler!, every Mendey and Friday evening A. G. Powell. '27. chairmen of the levy lev cellIng on a good printer rrely goer at 11 o'clock, sod thin year they will Charity Drier Committee of the 01et the Mart. the lapin of hi. later Mirka on P. rOntiOOP lo be • reenter feature of the Cebleet. The entire each will he devoted to amI Whitman nod on free rerse, saying broad.... scheduleevery Wedgy few evening. Prior to the organ recital, a the drive, and retwesetdativ. of the that they were enhkets on which their lotting without epeak p.eople could bell boar of dance anode war put nn Committee will (hotel-bine pledge arda LT:1 he hoped he would . ,4.g 1 ; to ell endergraduatee. No definite quote the Mr by the "Ilaverfordiane." Tne Holed. PRIMO. 'Printers The fenture of this week's broadeeet. is net for individual nubseriptiona„ but 131129 Chen tame by eat to tug program will be a mob. reeital the cuotom in the post be. been Flinadriside Henry Stith ou Foley ereenie at 9 each undergradmate to subscribe o'clock. Four group. of chewiest tel.. month'. allowance. A lerge .hart ou ultirh a record of Marilee Pealpemel to Take Maas ea 01012s, enOpnaing OMt number, will be played by Mr. Reel, who has rained the elem. per tepito rentriburion of theY Chem (lob at. Ffrida The meetine o an internationel noon., In violinist in reel, class will he worded has been Hasson Pipes Are Clean week will probably be his concert work abroad on numerous prepared for display in the dining noon, ranged for tins Inside European tours .41 priment he is en- where the whole undergreduote body a' 'ent oPtIrte s,"e'ote e a aLg oi rPed re'rt.7 gaged in concert work in Pheindelphin 14111 easily follow the promos. of 'hr tele wish to 11.10<nd on the lecutre mod conducts a needle In the el.. Last drive. Due 40 the inesUallty in he b.t ruction of 1-. ng: lit the Franklin bo 7. year Avenue ld o ' Lancaster E. 20 the Aeon, different the of tat eine Tli+isiu'e PgV71: Aegtr-Tor:iu7l'atgj. to speak ou the Dr. Ifeldrorn Ardmore aeh will be eccompamed at the eystem of rating- emelt claim by to total M du the 1926 convention of the phtho by his wife,. Beatrice atta. eubecriptioo has been abandoned in k elt lichee of Society. Mar. Chemin] American ilie lbe bow ter oileito voting. faro. phey and Davie will also address the elub. Esti. CestrIbutlea far Year The pewee+. from the anneal Cher Ili Drive, which !Ores glues ehom this p '.anal emit' white at eOtlM nr elms Uwe every year,under the suepicee of Tenrelgte lelvloging ISseirreerOo on Oonnsial re...oat the entire the College vroge Ig Ur Cob eglilget yearly contribucion of the ilarerford an,.. ono., cot b calmer, •orl student body En to-enraged eharities, and AsSomObflo ...ranee covering gasman to for this oomph the Drive Committee one god HAMM, foe damage to preterit amire that undergradnatea contribute err ror Wye,. to IsCvsolle, genetrattele. as the will out be solieitml moon during the eollege year. Arid,. on the policy the rite ree• 141 S. Fourth Street of a lower goal in better m' eubwription felling tonotch Ennio Building hieher howl. the committee has lopped 1,11adarpgra Charity elgel from last penis quota of 3.3710 for the entire omieroradoete boo,. ho.b year gfitte was eubeerilool by the i legs ax a result of /In drive. rr $2,500 GOAL SET FOR ANNUAL CHARITY DRIVE "Y" Will Devote This Week to Getting Student Pledges 11 ' PROF. MELDRUM TO TALK TO FUTURE CHEMISTS HESSON PIPES It CASA DEL REY HA'VERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Breakfast Luncheon and Dinner Special for Teachers and Students Our Green Room le Now Ready for Banquet, Card and Dancing Parties Phone Ardmore 3160 Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne maim In.. lc.. Rale esss The Master Shirt and Blouse Company 1308 N. 3rd St, Phila. WHEN YOU NEED WE, CALL W. B. Kerrigan & Son 723 Lascastor Ave Dna MY. 1175 These is one form of Provident Mutual Insurance that will guaranreethe education of your children, another that will protect you in your old age. Ask a Provident Representative to work OUT an individual plan for you, of write for the booklet, -KenrElueptints His Future". Provident 'Mutual fgehoweerrOlowf Paderfdplaa1bwo . NATIONAL BANK 306 W. Lancaster Ave. Opportunity and inclination to excel in athletics may have never been yours. Yet every man or woman demands at least self-consideration as first team materiel—during college end in after years. STRAWBRIDGE CLOTHIER Market at Eighth Street MILK St. Mary's Laundry Highland Dairies, Inc. Ardmore, Pe. 758 Lancaster Av. See Frank at Chem Lab. Plows 111412 Bryn Maw. PHILADELPHIA RUMSEY ELECTRIC COMPANY C. G. WARNER 1007 Arch St. DRUG STORE Philadelphia (Try this system Make just one whole meal of whole wheat every SHREDDED Whole WHEAT contains all the PROTEINS, SALTS, CARBOHYDRATTS and VITAMINS your body craves, properly balanced for complete digestibility and assimilation. Also BRAN—ell that you need to regulate your digestion for the day and to throw off the poison of less healthful foods. Have your Shredded Wheat served with milk or cream and sugar, with fruits and berries or in many other appetizing ways. Start now to get fit and keep fit. If interested, write for our booklet—"Fifty Ways of Serving Shredded Wheat." THE SHREDDED WHEAT Falls, N. Y. COMPANY, 4.y. WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1372 Suburban Publishing Co. The Merlon Title & Trust Co. Wayne, Pa. Niagara Phone: Ardmore 2931 FINE STATIONERY Goldensky Studios 1701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia John Donato A shop where the highest grade shoe rebuilding service is maintained. We specialize in rebuilding athletic shoes. Special price to STUDENTS. MATERIAL' Pasteurized Clarified Eparythine in Radio 26 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore Under New Management of Team A Electric Supplies nod Machinery Zirlimort printing to, Printers and Publishers MAIN LINE SHOE SERVICE GRADE Fabrie...00aL Vest, Lang Trousers and Pica-Four Knickers Every College Man will be inetrested in these linnetal raking THE TRADESMENS Company Ardmore, Pa. L Smart Domestic Tweeds and Imported of BE PHILADELPHIA ronsaasaa. Once Stationery aw '26.m iamihma Cats The Popular Suit For the College Man LONGACRE & EWING COMPLIMENTS 10.4..116 citturtair Rooks, Pamphlets and Catalegaes The Four-Piece Insurance - to Fit Your Special Needs JACOB REEDS SOW III Cleat.. Stu*. rhitMNbaM, raw INSURANCE $40.00 $45.00 Suitt & Top COM 935.00 and upward... Haverford College Official Outfitters spare., Gaels Wm. H. Pile's Sons J. HARRISON, Prop. Suit • Edw. K. Tryon PRINTING 422 WALNUT Good Appearance may attained at madame cog if you desist rile right place. Ardmore Narberth Bala-Cynwyd 200 Single Sheets 75c 100 Envelopes 75c Printed in Black or Blue SHREDDED Official Photographers to Haverford College Total Resources 505 Discount Given to S10,001:t000 Faculty and All Students of the College AI AOKI: IT A DAILY HABI OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE T