• • ryA V LIT rtmu PA, P J1,1F.PFOR17, Alumni Enjoy the HAVERFORD NEWS Crow's Nest Weekly in the News VOLUME 21-NUMBER 16 RAN/ORFORD (AND HAZING DISCARDED IN RHINIE INITIATION WEDNESDAY NIGHT Stunts on Walton Field, Social Hour in Gym Feature Event Courcil to Prosecute All Violators Rigorously; '33 on Honor System OPINION FAVORS CHANGE , FACULTY mtdetfoa of 1933 wse a Freshmen me made two weeks before the met., of Calle, 80 dud*, graduate advise. span.. by F. W. II..,, WI ,neuron of the Captor. reteml mos comPlAbles from the fee. olty ere mien the drinking nucleon mad thin all cases of nedergredante MA. on the nem. would he Commuter, Fbieh el time undergraduate. ad. dreeinal mimeographed letters to the incoming Freehnee ...Ie.+, to him. earaelnim the puram. of the eddeors eteietly aroemeted to the Student Coonell 11e euthi Smell dne 101 met. Mi. eft the tee to him if style. that it thee men, If • I metem end touching on the Haverford Neale. The nyetrea wet, put Into Mem with Desm but lay Customs Cement. watch &Med the "Rh.. CelielMnise era. I srimest nturetue. Bask Ma. left the Agenetatinii. and delliel Freshmen done te thmider the The slew alepint II esetent "n a `°see• interauems13, nd PRAISE STAND DR. COMFORT SCORES B. MORRIS '30, LEADS FACULTY ON LAW ENFORCEMENT ‘-2,717'''";"11'.1:''''''''''"IDRINKING AND HAZING COLLEGE IN GRADES ent040 neenes Student'n A.• romened by LI Field, 12. who meld he seen Ming the Minks from hien. MII an energetic thee. in ote, mien lbe elepointy end banning of omen peddles, The Elmniee. oe they emerged Mee not permitted m 1.0111 their felt.. to exp.. flott the vole. were merle by beam. being etruek age.. ihe grandelend or *Lenient the heel. or the wielder, Ridnlo Ohms Sea. The of feet wee heightened when. by petronewlved ermeeemeet/ oee tbe Freshmen me marled eutle en either.. oneomcle.theditio• An mean re. of 21;it s" 05 „, "rim T. was n can the eregtemzLW. " 1:efort. Found... the theArt./1.00 ' : te.tete were inetreeted to art dre.d Sod me tur the Orse. Mem they more me/ by OM treaerria. add.. and ie.. to enere en01 mike. of the rm thie men moiled. eestlet and Nark repo end back Tht Collrte role. My nine He Alinribeno0 IV, 4Z cot tee nwwm• GRANT ESCAPES PALESTINE RIOTS; FINDS SEALED TOMB AK, Ore,. ammiate profeneer of Euglieb: Doman V. titeere, eat- Ills 71 11=1r deterh.'1111::1t's Getman. we exerted '76.. "-"1 Gni mare. Ili. I brirtine Illunniber0' thoebte of Mr. end lira. kirdteelr.I.rhad: f1/1 nr" T'lie mony . toe. rasee Ad, a le the 1 Approaching Critical Point in Excavation at AM Skeins r. Gray, sernel as hese thin Th n .11ed for Mem, on, their o wedding trip. 11, Wee. oerk Itie wife Elm Donne thirraEnchrom of lima.rills, bitchier.. Thor orre unto. WORKERS QUIET AGAIN al Mackimw. Bah...lune 12, and 17: Zar 40;;,r:;7°0ht: AIN SEEMS, Artuf Miter en the Gni-duet, Emu., 3110 lieteel erne oterrimi to Mae Ilebeeen I,. Will. in the Weemeven Neetim Mu, June 12. Mt Bethel, who graduelni fn. litho .11ewr lant, eprimhsie Palestine. -Fear (meets/ins Uhe safety of the members ,[- the Meet/ford expedition to Pelesline wan Cones, .00 dispelled by informatinn obtained here from Dr. Elihu Mont:director llrterl ore re Lane. Ile. Max. Riding at 1 cone, of the expedition ond prefemnr Of Hiblieal . President Asks for Higher Blyth , Pusey, Pickard Head Standards of Living in Other Classes and Collection Speech Win Scholarships BOARD DOES NOT ACT ON it better to have Me. Grant removed to the Frienthe School at Ramallgh, he hinted* hed stared St Ale She. unhurt altnest corninu- Tn. lamert Jr.. abit Hereto, 30 Weald Ire w• r rI!'":!.1,1117‘, Ezr f",„,.1■(A11," 0!.`4, 11010Tro at7:1,1*like the nillt.11 es• he aleverfn -fnetb,r ner! T:r1 "Only one day:. 11r. Grant elated, "did we entirely leek workera W. T. Kirk Represents Alumni at Board of Managers' Meeting amount of the rael Tel trouble. here. (l0SePtImber 3 see reeehed e total of 78 workers Mold.our six p meat tea. nerer Egyptione and five Arlo/Mon, "At a distance of only three- he declared fiatenlay tlartern of a cone from here a Jewish city, ARM, the railroed g Cation for Ain ElIctniti.wontoraneel by the Adobe- Ain Shun, Mei! mg &mei., but We e met icic1117 numb ark monmentie of the Me and the Inn bran prinaiirm amenimi mime ititi par. ana none anal al !in.. k. 11.11 1 tletterib. the I tic,. co threat - is tn. nhtid 87 Itng„:" re.. ky Te • t etiananted Ism hi..Memit. tine be-isen of Inc hoe. A nramittee, bar e uggeated the by-lens ..., to take .00 Me ewe of a vmall Mil me one time. fie feels the be me.. to !1:reridhtta ' 11, 1 a1/101. bere grin more ande_ ...t" thter111trumiir=7 " etTiVo 're1;m1L1. 1 "Z,t a it, oint 7■27.;:r..... 0.14 1- gn.f..114r. 147,PT.'L'11:2 41';t "Zr.:iatnirt-4,4 ALUMNI APPOINTED TO PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE 1. 5. 0.I...93, 1,0 W, C. Roney, 'HI All In $3,753,0110 00,,; Gatos 10 Wed at Mother* Thonme E. Cale,, .113, and 'Ebner meal num. rant 1"•932 7i.'71,".177.P171'.* ■;t.V.:.:1;,-,7f kr... It. A. Alleetttaiater 11111 Innery seme, Ile advised plenty Mee, for mane *M. eeplei by tack ef.isiertheise renuiting from Mang nkee. Ceo..el on Mao a a.m. Ile Broken 011 When Craft Notedly.. Near Phlik Alrpert IMPROVEMENTS ON CAMPUS MADE DURING SUMMER Yield ee, ory, p tuatnietien l 0;ir.'41,11maihridlie enMelllet1 °t'V 7711 Lane ;:47t1 de- .1.: .T7;11. lieekek t:. th,."11,,,,It4 17rl tyri3U;gli'rVa'r'aii=711 .= SCHOLARSHIP GIVEN Itie_lane_enat Beet.. TO EDWARD T. HOGE NAUER No..! krhutil ',0,710a1. e w".` te. It wee weet.. Inn T s .P7 III: to Faculty Members Write Books, 7ACIti applied Teach, Travel During Vacation 111,17.'hiV.g.:1' .1: 171.!1%li I° Soci n old r°boll.7 (tb ° 11" 1= ItIrt It;r14: Haverford Alumnus Praised for Efforts to Save Government Honor the Phi Be. remot e ety d 1;711k! d2. '" 0..O.,4171VOI:. :11.Z7,.00 11;11:1:Zi; Liner, Mtheroultee. Ardring et FlomDavid II. Bair. MI, former Cent n•dMd ty Mee. 000,1 tttPle tbli rtralethrillne °. 171/7r at tenet a year. :111; krole" rand, former Maletant U. S. Altireee leneral In charge of rotrz. t . R. M. DOUGHTY DISAPPEARS Mate Int wetter 00. tepee Carl WMright day Insly thin math . Milled military aleph. wee forced to bend to nea the web a mile and e therdtorthennt OE th We eamp it itheee the expolition'e venter e pot., nothing dw OMR.. Ar• robot Tbe ,-rootter was teleired t tee em• thu Moo members who hareipreased therm One imtz„:°°='1,'1°.7.: mane.. at their nese meeting, which It not ,"•:1"1 1'.'' hair!Id." 711.1roOr ;Ha ben," •rv,vo o lnrllhe *ton. plan. LI' awe rand. me re, Mateo, ing the diem, tle the fear.. M.. mere seen et bn,.fIrr Le find ten doss ef boo 1. fithitie. Dr. Grant nneuenenl that Om Mthousnew of mme the MG been mammy ley 1100 trouble, followed by the worn.. from the government 'MR neve he mist "w-e 00' going to get the best Mee in werlu 0.0 of Ethleether 0001 hemartin; the thititally 1..11 mu the IMperthet Oldeaverles mom The xpidne hne het favored al Dirmfor end menther ef Revertant reedy hy revanal henme. diewre eiv. Foam. Wel. of the mil the Ale Shm, men, defensive tom inels [canal fee miles west of Jerusalem. who o Neer that wits foul. rnottidor. RejerIty of Undergredgetee Study, cap. unhurt during We meet Pal. obte, nera 111.1, w ...ea dol.., Oleo. Travel, W,rk, URI .111A in a coauthored..e.1 mum 1, raw vi. hurl been ocurehml at the Drienig • fire Mat. novel/lig am It Me Mg.. earl at I time Iirt (Mtaberi when we ALUMNUS INJURED IN ELIHU GRANT CRASH AS PILOT onl ff 744.1 CHARLES E, SUMWALT, '26 'dni"n; PLANE exam... !I. theel:ro. INSTRUCTOR IS KILLED STUDENTS FOLLOW 60 SUMMER OCCUPATIONS Meek.1.1.1 Eafted111. al 7,1',...°?-ztt7LZ4ijr 111;m1Zole-111, F. H. Strawbrtego, 0.0 I0, Sank He d1aterrc ger no a relethely 82..t.' 1. 1. E. Craig. '.1. NW 01.1, ond rouservative but stem, thet IL fieetteegoral NW Mel. We Institution will ahem, be redid, to lent ally plals. eyotem which bide feocien's A M ere M. .. mittee tie Mal. pe7hu'ine ntd It1:1refebh;1117. etinnrit. ilr"' red L. bt*ht7t! tr' itUr bed nue InJund. arid Cheri. th. weer, .11, Mule before. the America. Pratonophical ation Matemor, wee Inateettly hithel Proper divide, of time wee pleieed empeiga to mem.. Th tl,p1 roe Whit.' Hell Altered to Provide Foo. when the 0reeldent. "A Ilsverford eatithalen was ornisral iu an code.. by the 1. Pity 0111m, Gallop. Rimmed oldinged a b fur trItrit]ni& 1:1741" tViVerel ° A pee. Cargo lane, n n• dulled exercise mwell' ve for Intelledual 149Iten lati .01 • tone.Ir walk from teen othere are dos on the trammittee. v The time net mart fee cow- the boons to Alerting Lim. bridge Art munI warship and for both, recreaThe model, 40L31".. tion MI rm.. for Mg beer .33 thaildlet Me Perberay reet:' ,11. 17.17mitrig1.11reutire'r lined ire 'the Mb/ way Ali in1 at the fued delabh,end. keep the 80, Work on mielnaelte drive from Imo Ital, hie theration ke nut mentered ter...." for endowment Mont Mr. Mt. me marked to Mrs Em. Mr. Strunebridoe had enrolled an n Waller in e RM. toady for SWISS mid, in Jule oet, Abode *Mr. on Jule 18. The of the 11111,, labonlor,' I udent Hier the week before. and h. s hod two t w edding memo.' PeRomed d thought by pincillic en the Rey. _Darold W. 00,0, Mr. Glitte Mr. Led ,been married twice embed, Oradea*. WIll 0.011... PM romns and ofnens. Tine building, the be ottlingtm•Philsdelphie ire. own. of the 'thine, that the nee home of the Flegineerleg Dtherammit MRS" at Zerith DAUGHTER BORN TO SIMKINS leol smiled during • steep hoe foe Si year, now remodelled. prodder 'tembritice eldleralospi CH/LNIITU. Wt Cbla..--A Magaone Miter rat ned sever. offitee nil mime. Is the me ter, Margaret Roth. wen born here, ithedene 110" hof fh"71' fit rhr Lii..1}11td?W' hut:ine " " Education. nod la anuer en route to the Clniverally of Serleth Eiveinterlenct Re 010 theM4tr:a cotriatt studt of Ethoomice m ingle. nradaranth the I. [og g '"'HogenteuettreelLel nuatin f 32.230.000 e1!Te' s HIM Pale.. Elea.. Ur hi. in There n ef the Fineerani ever. in whieh he ere td, "If Paleranue • einem up miekt try the nick in meat 11.1 of ditymnien oo le p look ita e nod tke non Meld a0 thr of te femur • d:;!....."a7: morns .uorflnn° Flricrey' .'Ire :00,;01:18!ral.lf ph. member of the edvinery trammit. b After which Awes with • fen tee by the Alum. Amodenon Met In explemtion of toe new type ne, 310, Kirk Meted After.. tbet .0' If moment there ix no thelnuan of 111 ' 0tn '11. 7 111871; ' 17::110"ling:11orAt' the Alumni Adv.. Mintoblee. /het Sloop Important fa Cone, off]. her.. been r e. bet M Anetharltios Pleased Ile Mini Oral the fn.], recognia. T9, P 110100(, Inter, wh106 hr ad FL he, es PH.dethhia del.., wee Wale with imp .1. The new idea eras Moody lieekmi no Huth practice en 1.008-11ekleg. atm expre.mi the views of • number ot chosen to represent the eratamittee Jr.. rreeirmi tee fourth oc I., eit Ode with an emerge MA. Allman.- be faculty wit], whom tutel O ctlirfatd;,'' . and Walton were ■ Ineramtion feed) When in troliale dreht. 1.01-04b 1M: : 01;co r" e1 e1 !gut. ' r1 In addreeerag the Freelmen he " Vh;''''hi'At.rgnelee ind010 Kirk &dim. to eel the yeer, Nand, %tense of the imeatMn at lFresh.. ria. 01. netivenhlr mar tinnik• ern wenn IRV. brow. Mg the September meninx In abile. d elphia The /week.. rot 111 am the actru, 1:01177. e011,./..i co,, to, e,,,ts co. 0811 trarele a 11m1 ut Com. weuld take no tion the College nethe.. would hems lureeident Comfort opened leetlior the h. tle College ye. In Collection Then" : 1rit ' t4foraTZIS.0110:Jlell'17 '111 ithr furl yerood mmen-tutive yte, • .$ merniag with en neldreed, ligneous. hoped h. interference in the eiltratio. IL/grin. drinkieg, Mehra ond boot- the wending. ef the fun r h.ha er men mob Mee, to whom thoramatIon deplored ...on. wbeh moo htdenthipm of ESIM enelt were amid. mid be Irtireral -had emenra aertiederly to the of M were anueunred by We Itegienwe hate e loll deer theme day. liends, Mune o'er., for the yen, Meting meedeede. The Stade. Com . ea 04.0. wee rhseety follow. by 11. • ximme, me Ill Men, which will PM.. In Son nil which will cuntrel H. Rowel/ 311. who het, meek of DEG la manidael politito hetween organrm. thndurs in thim Mee. elme the .. 1. ifeee with and B. F. BIM ' 11. .11-1.• mom and eral eePleee vth'T 11V-teer' intrt;" e to "W eleei 'le" in "telje... anthem et cellenn W.I... to "Bet will die Mkt It ThIN On third year ow n. fell a obd /Mir Ker.. the nsipieute df , tartsoZ"' 46" who is Addicted le toe tie, of dome fuHlll the dot. of tit offireb."."°' In We thud. slew, J. W. BMW]. Wham.. dm kw or enferement A lleitik • with 0..8. Mlle K. IL WM., W. Fs may be, eueh • men in tbeee dew is a The Dvea Kuwait deer Wet the foea. C. A. ithonbaelt Yore pmts Ii, slay Here in lbe oder Je.. ley hod keen a.m. by tos COrporetiou mielikte. wit 1 '1,1" banuele1.1'" • 811.0 and Mel. reepectively. 'Mime Hazier most be shell:hod bare, the tmeived 610 thimi me w awed, while ,.0600,1 Preeldem mid_ "It im a medieval eratee tition of the event Prtheind permonelly to • nelediert an taw. for the meeed Another pron.., who had written .1gn, etemp net and 00 *teeth a Abernethy during the 11. II. he ' ouely through the reuent The ...inn or noratheber meno then of the Board of 3hemer, Atin ✓em. to Aluernetkrb atend the &intl. President 1.11. IV. Conger, Aithounh neeNa mech.. definite aetion will ennead, he fortbr wee Reeled M. core.. in We future. diem... at .t. week he emend members of tin fan end mom boort me re. lie. ahem* Dean 11. .0th 11,, Aleondlth and maid Led nederred Itherature et Haven-ford College. Though Dr. Mont thought Abe, NON QUAKER MEMBERS root lb.. Inn merle by elternetely dueloaraddlion amt In Three Fatuity ■vre freers Lai., Martial Stare lel.wins his seldeme E'renident netl, reed the By-Ia.. ml We Student, int .J. ' 11.' 14e;111•, ammded g gra. tirili. enneletive In The ordeal el 00. event, map when $2,00 A YEAR thiniting in Mee M th•College mound. kr SWIM alter nolatultatton ods rod Eat rules and teateinlly time, eon- reeving bettor rms ermined by IL 0. amid. of the me Alumethy. sovielion. at a meet. the student body Friday aftenoot , in the old room. Ahernol. mid Mt he had re. Peet "fir. nigh." • The Row sten ht mimileting the IL Telma Brown, Jr. were arm. foth is The early "bed" es mould Wenneeday night. but were conducted directly to Welton Field after the m011.11. The trip mg LIKE STAND ridureement of all Mutten A Meer-fool thetent of long grand./ went brio Ithwerd IloOodn y Sight when the M. iratiete.1 without the hersthloy nommelde from aft Investment Guide WAYNE), PA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1929 ABERNETHY PROMISES LIQUOR RULE WILL BE ENFORCED THIS YEAR Rhisties--Meet Your Master. as They Are News Financial .440 Furnish You 3lerlderreen, including g Writing. teeeateg, emithth, nix week., reveliny ommaied the melons of mo. :101.i./"Cor211101.00 1 1h001;elt.: :411,11.,dvit;Ir I Heverford 'A Faculty thin mime ,. completed bodge Several teete,eeo °L;r,Lty°'" 4 (v. blew profeenuo took eliori aleoun e 17 ;;i ;f Z 11 1= 1"" , /.. Arnold i1 L oOoermeenon l ,the 201 f Grek, Item a ;Vrea i n th Off 7g:031::.0 Thieltgurh"rtlrd;:h John Al Kelly. meld.. Imre.. of (armee...Dr. A. N. Kamm 0.000111 othfeeser Lockwood. prof-minor of Leo H. filttenboune. puothesor of Engineer nig. nail Henry V. Demme. lecture , Peak.. .11.:101fc ll''' gr1121:dr :101., .71r1;13. 0" 1"; 1112-tore studio we're few ,:d '';=:: 11! ' d111-"ilinrn7d"110d. :0:1; MORLEY'S THEATRICAL "FOUR HORSEMEN" REDUCED TO 2; PLAN LARGER PROGRAM ittideutd I lent tenth rev.. that nrilti-P (pent the (andiron / Muddn than in any other any, though few mintittet1 "After O&M- an 31140 Bleat, Lome. Imam to be their mein mmitenien. Rm.. Play In Country, to Welt Four of Ole etude. teray newe. Philadelphia Sem paper week, J. Is radix rased IOC thi l ream non m ew, h1 1'nll0,lel ,bin Induirrr: enne nine tl. roe. M Neural lato Hebrew 1011. teen interesti. old... and totters were recovered. though .00.0 (m rod thew MI awn Meth, A me ear .. 01I 101.1,10 rhitet s".innntruht" Bleekrann. .1a,f30, .177.711111:; IbrxW. anti 110. C. Baint. "711. for Mattort-11 bon' that Amur 70 inn cent of the lieverfertione worteel . . ',rr1;t:errlt 17'" Ctf,"11117' he 111, eke We eunliautel hie them,. ent.. ditrim the mom. rind cre. "Alm lad, or Neither laid. Wife. In. Wider him. We Imgest rune.. draccItic th e MM. el Ms 001.. n''n■:",.1117tTiretlitt .; raeornite en tbe they WIN tomb which exhildts Mr the ere nir iiitr extieriram "mone trate t int tite the nothing nod hem-, rtme teller a. held the ellig lc it Iltm Lilts Burial Pie Of Jeees -Them. fee. are ell t Ti. ;mine entree. hf the te vi. nom,. The fothen rad mann.e It few feet ewes the SIMI • of the {era uein enon nem :lug whieli here Med 010, 1. trarforettithe tonight otra mon y, the loons steer relied bra ra 1 et cieli.w.i■ c ne the toll.eton.• 4-1. X' er3.1tii r : 11 " r"' the meolled Gumbo Tom, et Jen ahem ". 1te/PZE:;" o -11 le '''"•{1:1•": then 40 vg ' enter eters ie Mien, Thiel 11.1 cm., • ahrti, rcni.1111111 ore entl ..mre Its epode. Shiny lice the: • e, tat nail. the other three. where -traveled in Europe and America. Mee, Threrektortoo . tIowral Me ner1;:1IhtTe G. 12.0.0 rem hr nd mte the tenth in gook. 1712 111,:t. titian Wee.... intiat . b. in eta nr1 Stara. end mord. prodming . • D. K. Spelt. .30, and K. IL lend, th, revered efend Mire Mune the Mine eseet • lean the QM. pee. .1.o. emitmer nt inter. i the the b Mud.. event the working an ,:Batt nos...weeks. ' PICNICS GIVEN ON CAMPUS 11.11 ii..■14.70("; "` ,i re its who riginnlly no sealed. 111. """," 01 ■;" ...en m.11 tielentielne MUltiout ax le B eet and Sunday School MGM. the flan awl returned to hie Inca pram Here; CHAO Crease Used 3.theley rod Thorkrandon The menet plenleof the ... la. eto. Mr. reins 1711DiP were feet. One Mich ale bee ef that Antioch.. IV of hem hundred... Ilaverford nen w000 • l'""' 8.king mode el O. ArahJewim ithr11;!It I/I:exibbet1;h1t; Co, De. Genet eoid. "Elm. Grant :rti;e1 Mee'r4"1.1'11riler"1;17Lb!"vhdrh'T play rellnl Star of 11.0.1... with wild mmrate anturthty. Jisne Bentelloh, a onto plien • Alitrra Juan lymen. mime of • Tbe Cradle of mntely inn attemied flue n11-11. o Cciatletied the Deep.' in the male :051 Me. SeethPose Mtn.. remerang be sane/nen donde,prohibition. Tann., nig. mil" °nand Philadelratht Churet Send. ing ‘‘,..Zenra,ht.t,t_by Seb•ml role. attended I., amid 1.1 M. bon. . thelm, wan give.. en the 1::174.1101:147 ■ 1 10;]!, June after ilian bed • on n•?1);o kh" lb="1..$1117 gergt: "elerr," mh. epent the COLLEGE CALENDAR are 00M the Soloolm, June 20, In metes Cal ',Mfr. for bis melee on current ttnimee em1 we. {V Elate A. itolokep, 'The were tinedi nto eemMr 23-20 mice. The IteMel. amble/at arofesaer of an Colonel Nth Greet, prohibition dl 110:710 4:1;211772i. 61 elt Moor tomplefed 0 111.1,. the mummer by dm A he Mender who me hi New Tort: Dr. leder the manner by tthe mine San Franc., was Indicted return trammel.. before (14E1.0 Club. who :hayed th IIoben W. rrnlFrhty,, bb 7,00,,, whore Publiablag Comm. PhIledelohle. Watean. profeenor of Eon' „ItottelV e60 .„%charge gning.loml Dean IL Te1nW H •n. 17.. Ieet week enembi wee In a camp in Vermont: tbat he believed 51. eon had gone veration. The Tennis mum y eate•Tur111111o?Meinenie twat r rsOre:: Moment reed in"' perh" VeZel An 0, l0 long Wotan. Amy nod would od ram. then in charge of probibltini e, turn for o while. Ile Gm ,theap 2InIty bR the x01mm0r were; 111 41tettrtf,d,n " 1c; . 010 0 ., Iiit:d] at hie eattage et Truro. reutgr bd111Thver.;7';0;11 ' 11.0'.t.r-hP ".0"1 who were churned a fee for the nrlvb hi Conflict" appithred la "Nadi-km 10 C 1*1,ihe;r7:1;r7.7. 1 1 litlenr•en 3:1;b;0; u A New eV' for km weeke "July. 0; Me. the Modern World. edited by Carve; fouthail math he merriment home by atoppin (00- Alien Y ork aeon.] reviewer n between the father .a0/1 and publithed by. Doubleday an physteel oth prareeding. .tithe me een SWAN CHOSEN HEAD WAITER aloe o Bug Doran end Comtism. Dr. Ionee is IIu ee Bebe. In 111100,.'eutd "A. IT menet bring metwif cargerrM1111tTreelhingorg We" Appointment of F. W. Swag. '31).. eneenog on resomela work nt the that we might no. to ritt our lam for b. eon 0010,1 tae summer end Is broth ff.:11171111t he 1;1=111::: end Yeller for tbe yeer. was M C1 nr earner. on "0t;1 1ad'rg:8en conduct fent no 11111 oten... ton/este hint. . week. Swan (mired dm Thie a"eetrilly'er Mader. le the 1zblvt, " e. Vr! '‘ .71:' 07:7., h deat' utD0 Whim E. 1.00 Gen enth. p,. to tie n II; a vote of the ,Prveddent In what nre locally known me eam fee... of - Phyeical Eder-elan, con rid F. nglleh Cenetitetional liletorE the Wltrd in ...el re/m."1 Tb. Me FIRE DESTROYS BARN eep, 121 Mr. Raney'e rommin1 u ted lone thaptere to Jeclumu end incirrlimain gtee ' o tee eft deeeriben the fetid. Believedto be of ince... eko lte hewek wee'el enrchami fee jrraltel0 en fron Ouniemns C.1. 1/1theame of the Ear. Nose, del e". ;hirr nen e't them. Woe. ewer um: found. next 00 hie playhouse. to mie 1111. to rer reoide t lhe' .ie of Loulm tames 17.17. IL E. AbernelEv, J. P. Janes, D. FL for ofneeM adore' roma and • Meden "on" ut:1/%7' d; P.t: pn~. te rm berm. Ott IP:r OntleZ11:en Colonel Andram. 1 tered : "L Fort nee in e ege . O It It Brobw, A. IL C Riebie. 10,,ortere for [hie ,. famnue Three-Holmwit. .OrTeritutelm • nle men appointed Companion utw psjmevle." hale =DM :111.10..jhveittA p. 17_rdio MVP . the net n• rant,. Smarr. freesias Stelemor E. Sr' eiierael7 of Ude Mbeken nleryef•1 J D,0 Herrero ryeet pia leave is ..klIng . Flo. ce ]gte et Or summer trnfue,r4. Destheatly and it hod 3 et eslav Settle, '32: N. C. mamma en am ,,oeltem • txxll •erra tum IA. r."1. ho h.,a‘ :11..="Vra..% ,.KelXes,,.... '' :Dr 2.P7°t Hes Been Missing From Tho"r f emery, 0" 41. ° „„ r s." t i of which be he Ina Ameelett K areeleralan Herne Since June R. 3i. Inasellg;.;131 rie."11 of -Ter ft. ill 11 ,, ,„, Rene. Me M taken of guileiefuldliew rie:10:27.Z'r Demo, f New D 11:4rij..1 cr.11°°.°Ltril f .Verat rtritli.Z."1t;IteTer,%e'alfatt'il bmthere. Issomn. W. 31°r.0° Mee Mann. 2 ane saa. Onaten edibine.kvertite mum wife SVrVt.'V, P eitPLL'VeMt4e.:: J. Merin., Zell; this Sent He I name raker ttevelettinei. en " lent .comet rot Bahrell, elan '42;',41°5%...,,- "1.7.41,12°O. no ;.1:1■7:62t; 7117. 1.4 en Ins, week r L7rr3;.21(i.17::kr141U;:`74. I.e. al ,7;1:014"::,.:E.,',4117:4',47;;;.1110 Tana, Whet. ad.. elann on Cane Mehl ente. ratriag 0e fir over 1. ea G- HAVERFORD NEWS Zobemer N. a. tY.e 0. stamm =tit jahnitUtinn M lemma to Bea 1701701 .9?.117:117. Saber .1i sea. et said w. Num ma strws edges .[POS Itani• 7. alum. It Eno 17.1.a. TI cart H. AVeNelmertr. v One, Jt.. 6„12,21..10 I' EF:rat::at . ": 1 750L'''-a33011177111 117.1.A.B. zt771.1 7137777111170 11.1■30177 T.. 11. 1..7 17. .13 .13317.71 VAnse K. Tenet "1 Pliny L, Perez. '9 4/7 In The Mail 1 The Crow's Nest 1 FINANCIAL ADVERTISING Be HARRIS P. SHANE. '31. stirreil WLUIS 231170l• 41how 37 Mateo, •. /7111a 11.11. 71337063._ I77/07 34.071 7 71107771On 71.111,1 H. SUM, 11 •711/1.47771 zebu If Vila. 13 o_ Cray .1. Monday, September 23, 1929 VERFORD NEWS 2 THERE'S ONE IN EVERY CLASS "Well. Whose were all back fo neither yea. mai in my net.. it. golox to he •• Mg year-yen sir, s big year-that Ix. fellow•-tt will he en his en try mak, It. Tbe men that Inch along end hullo ball the night le going to nod himself uotee-and emuuletel outside. likoon 1 flute it's a lot Ilk • football ume. I tower fiend much foothell myself, len Eye nen e gcunt both lion. Maly games anti 7. that Ole team that wi. to the team therm sot the owe, well the cola mom. that rpirii 1011. Fee (know cane fife as In everything eine. It, like the story of the fellow Moo on. mow in EOM lookine to the stens looked amud and he Meng to his and rays 'Hee whet,. the mbar The rade Inked ormsod odd -What ether one.° 'Why. the nid other rokylnk of norm, 21 . drat h.l lanoth hon. That tenon. abovred Alumni Hazing The Editor of The News: It might be well to 4,811 to the atof the undergreduate body of ea Ilarerford sre1 se to. the alumni. Me ehoi,uactithe for ationt of uma wf We barter it. recent giaduaten a ght. ' The time bound mieu of bedtooling whin has ...el In the put been theorelifaii, If ant hm art.°, ebefished. A new and milder .,Aticlon ha. nurted the year. The tem, de.wa as wet. en the Sophomore upheld the hen 0..77 he lareonlie Rhein • relatively erg To However, Men wee nee, smuin on ale br nue of tted mile` Met per, Senion in none t,ot sober .1 condition- The only Imenible we, to seal. the old menu ix for the plea. nodentred“o take a decided omod Morley, Wood & Company The Merton Title & Trust Co. Investment Bankers 511 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Mamba.. New York Stock Eschamee-Philadelphia Stock Lunn.. Amu,. Member. New York Carla Joseph E. Morley Jam. Warnock, Jr Holstein DeHaven Fox Alexander C. Wood, Jr. Ardmore Dire. Private Telesespb and Telephone Wires Isit Pla. Yea Narberth Bala-Cynwyd Total Resources Eastman, Dillon & Co. Itenims et' DA M. 77.7. 1,11....01, Cause •71 einem. tural that realise In u ZZar.t. ill rhen't .a of nlm a bat he'd ten iftoltrey e. srekome aloe tier nem+ 110„.., r1r . $10,000,000 INVESTMENT BANKERS th 111i777,n77: twlf. 1 elwaye say, th. hell en mom, 1506 WALNUT STREET 717.1. youmelf. don what you find - nut for there ampi. end PHILADELMIA frau... jlIst sit book you If lid • prof/veer pour it into yu you THE NEWS EDITORIAL POLICY Two Haverford Needs Editorials In the News do nM net-enmity represent the opinion of soul .1. edu.tion. ; ill just beve To The Pallor of The New. NM Peva tamest Prowlderat ■111 refd7."a . tikd'oOTIVIstITT4It:s!"n foottho emerged to me. ;11.17271Te=:1:117=seTntinc:17=i7e1ifoLheitiZ: d'117g like that te. ballIt Iva store of tbeoIl, meson clue et hand, bow mach Neu believes merit the consideration of those IMererted in the College. Ilaverfoni t7ollese Ica, keen! teltInd communication concerning IleverfOrd problems or the con. other Inotitarkne in the fall II, OrIA duet of this newspaper, whether favoring or uPP.1.11 the stead tete. by • • • prormanne. Therefore. It 6 my hope this paper, ere welcomed by the editor and will he published On this page. tam pm. in your po.ilion 57 Editor of The News does not .noune reeponsIbility for the facto or opinion, con. giriPo S_ FSTUDENTS tabled to such communication, end most remain sole lodge of their *Lika°News:' ets nine non p INVESTMENT BANKERS lane yokel. ia her bility. AnonyanOun lettered r not couldered, bet name. will be will. Countawron-n. to Ole pa,. where it ia moot who •ir , varn. but with e sotoMor held from publintion if so dertred. ameba. 1520 Locust St.. Phila., Paed enJ '"i1V‘Zt:' ntl' nrnp Illarerfant Mom .I h.. • heed. Eseu a( for hl liar ruol you erincipallY rok. g papery traton.1 eery omen In. Assimilating the Freshsnen 1,6nmy-o. Lorre. grey would sem,. the amm. of potting a Members of Philadelphia Stock Exchange hallIted lo einstimm: w hew. looks Eel little Me and rotor Mto the Meek toomCentenary close of 1911 woo welcomed to the cloistered halls of are waoul in a berry nre Detert. DetoSwarthmore. F. ac M. The promme ur, Wro. H. Haines, Jr. R. M. Haines John J. Collier Jobe. Rookie., ere., all have Haverford Collette last Wednesday night m • ...Pee ceremony fully tut Iteserved hook, ""' "r1;'1:"71e!'"Itik'f'dqg tends. There is ...Web- no rsewe revolutionary, if not at spectacular, an the great Freshman uprising Of l pr.; „here the els: why Hamden'', spirit mold not t elidthi . Zo'ninlb February, MY. The undergraduate body, in upsetting the long-estabOs to the mirk ahem by these ether Established 1872 lished collegiate hating tradition, which President Comfort vigorously white dip sad each thr .lit. lot • Be ane.. Admittedly . con.mative college. this IN ono rila1 seed whi. the deals Mkt. denounced the following day es • -medieval absurdity," provided a fitting Mean.. on Mea d earefally the wound mildly the 1111:e111111°:.2:izrb.r." gareot . progreuive item for the hundredth anniversary commeMarative program. Pk ',taint, given you. Ii. Retire.. va & CO. test wing of the bullitint. nano. al of grul in the matter of Mc r eas '''' The group of young men who will be graduated here four years nested. the the book carefully and end "4r7.4001,1 hen leren eating erfo 11•■•" ". Exchange Stock Philadelphia innertime. Members when the College reLehretes its flat century of educational nerriee to the until reimelty. The lager name Iloommate-n. A emote. intheted And yet, the thing that tetra. Ton l in our Ithinle wart who proved emir., tudenarte to boodle the country. were inducted Mto the intricacies of higher education with a cot. Main your fn.. ue,_letrer rover. entre., cut emu momem-visions • ally carried that ball down the INVESTMENT SECURITIES diet friendship significant enough to warrant the general attention of the lior7 field under the thundering cheers '"" :fte;=' -•:11171,'%° ; %%72 7'.O:1 , "°°""' of the crowdw. a piece of public. There will be little of thin. of murn. owing to the peculiarities the Kiti■iiitun. 1420 Walnut Street 111 paper-a Provident Mutual EdW°L of modern journaliate but Hoverfordiens no rejoice themselves that the r., 7E1:4 1.7:1717 ucational Policy which the father Philadelphia !wait end troubled days of the Shinto revolt were apparently not in vain. '1 college a ammo to carried had RECONCILIATION SOCIETY It is particularly unfortunate that the amnion had to be marred by get e en education fo the y NEW MEMBERS SEVEN HERE CONFERENCE HOLDS the control to unable gradutates before he entered grammar the puerile activities of a few recent ADDED To FACULTY IIL KENDALL READ, Manager Compete Atteaded by 300, yette ta school. cauheruceof matriculation into the world at large. A Year aird manly m s Ahniad eattonsa, does What a wonderful thing for N ATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 007 unamady alumni joined with lower classmen in putting the Freshmen aPea tell at Let girl! or boy your 701 Packard Building . „. 1 70,!..=77:..7: fPadre""ZMee new members wee eitda, -through their paces." but their action. were severely censured, and this wo,ronl (IMP. Both The011.^ you more about it. 11th and Ghana= Streets tell t. today. g"lA , olgin. the after Metetauer initiation the continue to year the undergraduates agreed not sa'r Jan mod the coupon. PHILADELPHIA, PA. bee. o Ixnel official program of the customs committee was ended. Fearing the inter1111 1 Cre1.1.111 emietY etre.. .° mod hOtleeen urea md amino s. 'Provident %Meal ference of some of the newly graduated men. however, strong efforts wen h Itl!te;"17:"X7-' The midterm,. which we. laded EMLEN & CO. aos, Arne from •II urn i la tut 100 made by the committee. the Dean. the President and some of the coaches men Dr. Beaty 8. Pm.. emeritun proREAL ESTATE who retie. nn 17;4 •1•TroinenT""ZhitVi'Vre" to prevent just such en intruzion. But their pleas were disregarded and f...or of Biology. . 4 My taarad as, WI W.... Yet r PHILADELPHIA S. 16TH 5T. Ill .• eh* confronting Pthhienm ..1rIte1lt:t ' "°. Asia 1)Z. Rogation UM, Forma Soborbon Hems. the imbibing gradates did their stuff. Whether this mill be repeated /71Mirttlt•Tore C amItiMerig"ht!: „er d la Moron granted Mairm. ander no . Lae, Cheater Valley, Germannue, Chasm. Hill and due I,. the lees. of f .Hannut. nest year will depend largely on the present Senior class. Whimment Valley ,Malt TV.71,17.• SI me Cron. W. Endo. Jr., 'OS Imptr. A Philadelphia daily newspaper at the time of the revolt, seven rlier0 .et1c't11."77■..erZ.,7;":.■ °rotem. gene o reeler, bane whose hems expired. Add.. W. Church Congers* '13 Main Lino F. Carpenter. .m me of months ago. expressed editorially a thought which aptly describes the ofd. itimloto &ammo, .13 be e.t.a. Reerimenectiom 1. Thom.. Seem, 10 ronfol'o'd!Ate cariouteVdra: h' .1;4'1 Wlllemwn "N. Samba .1. Yee; tlky significance of the new upper ciass.Freshman policy, as well as of the VII.!% Bele of Binh "In lire bee :::;.7"e1"*:'1.A.47;•"Z•m fe`ti it ' Prinertou et her etuyins been assimilate to forced "less uprising itself. "Rome," the paper said. awl enure. ben member. of id verera1 routem .e twig, to H. n., n Jewish kilos. as ma, Plebe...and American college. even if the Present experiment at liar. in the winder of Itr,fia. Dr. Car- be Catheliei is abroad on nableitival Mave. conadervil it ineonaietent 10 tart see. erford should collapse. will eventually here to assimilate the Freshmen." penter Theodore B. Bethel. e-M. .111 tea. a. spas, nem • feltommip of races the The experiment at Haverford, despite the over-exuberance of a few, has mums. in Herman rind IlethsaleM It wan nat.. that ebtage of 7.1draT: ,E"P` 001.400 not collapsed; and by greeting the new men with a handshake from an rril°7.rIt'°85.";""77,7:7 HE small ch000kuts in the Prestige assortment arestoactivestid . new mune hat now Phriatia. woutri ft:ntirvelh' edvhary committee instead of by a tomato from upper clansmen, and Beeline, Eneineering their glossy coatings of chocohte on three shades. • .1"Prehadent W. W. Comfort In a mem with an informal reception in the gym instead of a negligee journey to But ten time more ernictive, and canciplavoger mmpelling to but we, tumble ber of che cream. tolrlOs is ate to attend the meeting. Dr. Rafue 31. Ardmore. het gone a Long way toward assimilating the Freshmen. olds Hrtu. boa '''' peatemor of Philoupay, tree one Sehool. Everyone recognize she goodoess of Whinnan's bur • fain Is Jo. Iv Hen.. '2T. former Co. of the loonier. of the society, and ate the eye it overlooked unless one occasionally peeps inside, when Meeter ,wvvNL Otb•I members fell w^ nue.. i'rederick 2 °1 0: , Inatsb. 1'. did Sorin t_. We lavish so much care. To the Class of 1933 1 1 ° ki 1 1eyelnie s ■ti b"'rel:t' ' 1'0'. Joseph P. Sioree.'.211.°,eairmao PRESTIGE lune 101in. tuner, In mod Dr. Paul of the leibrteMbla CommIttee. htemThe News. annual greeting to the interning Freshmen class Is a 'V CHOCOLATES . 71c 7"....r. ;Lt. lole7eVail:C°:.7.1a.'tead l teee'Insit' ! familiar item to upper classmen and alumni, and we set their continued Iba -'1eT;ratho11 In the lieurtuert tolerance while the tradition is utilised this year to point out to the clannehbati, .1:41.7.7" •°' here of Await, re Gray, en 17.Z,.:11:. 1 ear carol don (at. sis See rtgarausimatogst=1,:s ooriat%inrofemor of,Etre. of 1533 a need which is very due to this paper's heart. F. R. StUSSEY, 10, lanalielE0 a, ""'"if7"'sad: tatae.amsolaS Mt7t17 IC7h7ra 11 ° ph1,141 little .7.71, very .' knowing College enter part. The new men. Inc the moot Itzglie121 11 ° 7 : 0,,rt,tii 31,Corm...k. atm of Eno, 0.77.1 tote of either its academic nr iM social cartoon, and they are therefore de- 2t1'f,llild,„°:= Mere neturdsr. June 8.. at.t,ba • 1.1ttle s, „ver Ort of art happy the in instruction for clams pendent on the three upper boor of Jooen. the iteeNecTf the° 111ne Ygr(14,""fri„it' s° t?" collegiate living. Not only the routine of cluseerk and study and the ,,,,,,r;,;;;;..11;;i Muerte. Husey's .tker, only f mine. of the nook were pesent. details of extrarturnicular activities are taught the new Rhinics, but their Mr. end the Mr Followlos wedding. " , guir very attitudes toward individual officials. professors and students and lie their opinions of College customs and traditions are molded by the more NEW CREDIT SYSTEM miss et Tbe riitteeet A:tioan,Zu:17 l'oluloblo and aster third 8.17 11.1141. dominant upper classmen foisting their particular views on the innocent ADOPTED • _ BY STORE plebes. What a Freshnan come. to believe then, note.v he is wise enough "" ‘,..^: °":: gt.gC. 1° to be critical of what he hears, depends on which upper clam:nen he hap- "*°,:::,.. AMUSUIEBT CALDIDAR g pens to have unmet with. Only in these exceptional cases. where the A „,„en „es,. ■7; ;;;;;,v16,5. owierltrodunte MAY is Pratty Soundly of one view on n given topic, Han. ar:4oketts: ah'kb"hare mot,. do the Freshmen fall unanimously in fine and agree with the WaUtil' Ivrn T,t; . butt surto. J rtudiet tradition as they find it. When they follow an individualb view. 31. I, nee, ,to no..77 71111.11.eed oaten:a, .7rejuAice: when they follow the coRertive view. it is dogma. ntutr7 00 all ,ert:ii ity.;, ,,,ccn . r ,,n acupt to Lunt year a claw entered Haverford College which refused too doaltii things as it found them. As n result, o revolutionary and progreaeive Hums 0,1 ,-r,IL. .:,,Z1.°tZ.,:",' ‘ "„nr„.1r,,;;;I:;, been had change in Freshmen treatment Wes brought about which If cold env In hn,w ate raA iounnent for some time. but needed merely a spark to touch it of. There f, . 11172....I ;, . . . .trurf 4.4.m:ix the without obtained he can which arc Mier 'monuments needed here. ^a wbrLa medium of revolt amtinst the Colkge rules. but which require &S.M. see a can per rent. line necumuletke ..e wlyb °i• e1. TFM.r rxt„ s awn ume mention concerted activity to auomplieh. Wo cannot do more Man 11=41; arttlin %%raft of them hero. There is prevalent fear of ridicule for :inking academic {AIM h;.,,77.7,...„.nrra,...! 47. assistance front professors outside of clue or for merely speaking socially tiolilwratTIe &hie eutyrnont woe lens tpor.I.7. San. and civilly with them at any time. Instead of Miiising the obvious ad- t‘lir.l.rn.°I. Nth ye. for mss n`tr: vantages of a entail eollego ouch as Haverford, where all the Profenute returned reuireenk ore known and are accessible for informative and broadening converse- 7:,ore for L eba'n1:17enrte car lion. most every one accentS the bootlicking bogy m tradition and rc. 1,1111‘7firtie' 0,00 tunes to say mote than "Hello" to o member of the faculty. "Tradition" ;17:7° s°1°. • lc of knocking the College instead of improving it. of accepting intellertual ...Wailer on- ogrul Is.that of Wall P07.-1212.."111a 7.1 atheism as inevitable when dogma and creeds are blued OY Ptefeeurel er '4.0:17reut :11,411, Rat hoe bee upositiatth of adopting lengthy Hass constitutions and then never fol. ^ nr410,545; far Are WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY L4e'tia lowing them, and of enclosing ourselves here in monastie erclusion, re- =tit, 1 11 fusing to participate in any intercollegiate conferences except newspaper .11 he tnreanc;ed therZlIrmas nlaMd lc, ta. -rta ataxy-, Haverford Pharmacy, Haverford Warner's Drug Store, Haverford ttrge ReI."= ° the r h. o ntrt• Lai r4art. °P;:le.h v r : ...ta itralge ones. which interest only a few, present opportunities for welcome Spring Pharmacy, Ardmore Harper Drug Co., Inc., Ardmore at. ProavoIi8W. Oteaement through independence of thought on the part of new man. The 2lif,fiumil° i° the Pee.... or the ere the same ea elf News cordially Immts the Freshman clam and comment. them to thin: Mort bourn Llewellyn's Drug Store, Ardmore i0, ]0.00. D. M. West, Ardmore 01:71°P"OrlalreleaJT. mEal: 0. V bdnsiple of freedom of thought. are 'B1:1 :EV",41,11:14,7.,,:42vidra„*.:42§2fi iiriZ1 " HAINES COLLIER & CO. G" clue m "My Boy's Got the Ball!" HOPPER, SOLIDAY t Male sod en times more attractiv I Igaz n - ▪ - ▪ •• Monday, September 28, 1929 HAVERFORL. NEWS 3 Varsity Soccer And Football Squads Hard At Work In Preparation For Future - Opponents. GRIDIRON CANDIDATES VIE FOR VARSITY POSITIONS'TITLE , CONTENDER ON Scarlet and Black Hard Hit by Graduation 29 SOCCER SCHEDULE Of 15 Lettermen, Including Entire Backfield and Both Ends Hag& Workout Princeton, Penn State, Swarthmore, Navy Among J HAVERFORD SOCCERMEN'NINE VETERANS RETURN AS NUCLEUS OF SOCCER TEAM DEFEAT MOORESTOWN Dribblers Go Into Second Week of Practice Penn, MATERIAL GREEN AND UNTRIED IN FIRST GAME, 3-1 Opponents With Many Positions Undecided; Frczier to Play Right Half Gaskill, tuber and "lake" Wills Score Goals in Fray FIRST IMPOSSIBLE TO FORETELL CHANCES "Haverford slit bale a good grid' Heltedtelni to meet loth tent.. morhIne by the end of Inn yea, bet PALL SPORTS' SCHEDULES All he noel motion amend dm moo Penn Princeton, Penn Nose. Mvarth• Goy tool Rowe, ore the leading t1 prenent no dell.. predledonn an SRN ow, fall to 'What are Hover. o eolith. for left itemitle. although more end Nery , the newer team Omen . made Mon. the material ls very Practice eatotrZ".".... fnt. rh000r for • admenploolebtp weone of i. herders ...laden le room green and mottled. II .the bore e. nate Mn yore. Poach Me. ether Wiekershom Roberta tn. • yearn M 44444 r B. F. Blair hoe loomed. keir 1--as.X.:711... 15.1,, At renter forward J•ke Mom aka. • wIllene lariat with a de"4::::,7. CLUBMEN TALLY Prier Tr., intrftigwrd Mt week dm MIS him Mown ed in intending en the och•dule eon sire to Ilan to uext advantage it tig.1111!:l -kat.r'''' mold Coach ihrmon answer this quest., maytnit r. Melon tollied one of the gonto merlo. rontoder for the Meterrollegwhen Interview. otter the &al two Mined. of twenty.two members of Pm he Mel not eon enough rg: IttOrg•A' :79igglet. 'I the Me thampionehip except Sale. weeks ad pratike. We Haverford mete ou. km the married at hood to tearreat a ....... .abate 31mrerlown throe. a Preto' n ot after relater by Hankal. Bober. The nest orheduled game of thr near With • little reflection 11 on be Brat varsity play of the Ht. ma,. I MS.. he Nede eeprrad44.4. m M. al .tarsi 11at the team shoo. rah. morn1 for the rronrOrtI Ntt ann will le played thin Saturday. when "or geen Hat the above statement "hie w. the fa ture of datunleyb Morey Is of tom ..... caliber. a the haters travel to MI.., Pity to mum main.. MY dimple, ovo the Moneerteeno. N. J.. C. P.t tr, the A.M.. onmiLf. Of loot yearM Thiel. nettle mania, however. Ye-so le-Weloh st ninon., I.' fore the Chalf.terleladelon Hail hotel ad fifteen lettermen have rad. the more of 3.1. Thi• opening poet. Met. lonrh more optimism than did h or Permy,Mer Inas be AVM! net to renter forwont. ...gut,. TIM and the two fellowsted, Incending III the first soled game nerted Mmirehly a• an behavior 31rPete's ..... mesa Nine letWet..SAIL S-eerie. left n" hide. la li with Weatern Beryl... lacko. the three miry reds and C.of Haverforda ,•m erg prowera on the ter MOD end two numeral men hove te IL,. bwbot to lat.,- hie' atm. left got •me inedel.• both . loam soo, no tall Hawthorn like held down the neeminer field her Sloorenlown Per. ported tor nmetlee lei will form • right 1.111e. lit whiele imat he mums Di difficult nor tbe Haverfonlims The tre paw fox two years. In addl. won nemearel of former eminge man, anent Ill.. of the Mope. 06 te ha it Hither noon, who Dixie boo bore le prat,. ogre el LSO Koren,at neeerel of them Hoverfordion. Inched. nettero .111 that the e" Stohy halftark. and ...„. g... ,h. ,.., 1.,.. the hole .2, doh HARVEY J. HARMAN n nhor „m. rallying St eight Wide I. o woo Noel Deter Bean, mo w mond...neon, Asa 11. P. Ernes. 'tatt R. II, Rid. A. left the .,tend. of W. K. Moon, eackle. have ...,.. ....u.„ poreite. 16 han obleieed expertfor ,... ...,,, ,..,,, ohne I. Brown awl Whit, netemi i• MUM to return . college. and C. Rude-muff. ex NO. .29. ix natialeetarily filled the lararlet ..every or the fine pod[like,[ SlooreMonst mauled Ike everming earl, Ind Bleck masers will be formidable eM entornelfigWhen proctice o.n.o... • week Fred Swan and 'lila.' MOM.. nen Pens during nee them yore ReverIn the firm ...I when they repute.. nadontlem fin the intercollegiate Bmnwiediow some thirty turn u. layer...err, as other poloolhelities ie. 11151 will probedtr find a med. Dick liaoland sal Woe Crawford elemeMord al.. and then carried limeepeo.hip. Boemome Stle After three two film the " erect Me toll to nieleakine. With neer. bre. mr.firote. berth in the lineup. ollermgh it In tror, ate obern,the rm.. adopt the Mogen -Join the rumor m eon. 1. V. n eke opening or ottege tire ovat was adir, will ime] be among the t miler to tell where. tan! tTe" V77. 1.714 17Tr"07a7"Inati rothlithiTon toe augmented by incoming Freedmen and in the Seta for Its wing pox..., and ten the the tont, altimeter Turn. eia Al right outeide WO Med two old liereturel. reserve einem. o • 11 Mt on fund. Orlato. The er. al. on mpreleuent gaol 1.1151. if other enodieleteo outil at Me preltent 1 min. huddiere fighting is out BNom mill provide OM It awe in 0e neithborhaost of two entree Onerge li•erahot fie. of tbeee trips I. to Mote College competition 1 du Mid with a.ein them nix. drvomes. Prettaaaam Feerie (lir Foley. the Part Stommere on Oro., tThe oturn oftwo varsity fullbacks when WO tam will u dm Pint another Wm..., me.; premier hat mainly of funds• see emoted tu meth Me find tw Nolo to wore for the firm time in Ili"!r tool MIA, gaol of thoe retneutads, hitting the dummy, falling on Susquehanna, moo,. My booth: loud the polithe lard threw compete.. Meow. serves Peam flare. and Baker, It.c- te oe the ball. taekli. mad the either rudl. eundidatee hard Is secure The Lim. hare oolly le. mar Fenn onlee that th. {melon .11 be mint. of the sport nktuteh" Milliken amt Melo Strength U • taken ore ot However. oney lettermen for three >roe. through orare.thro. and with elieh etFled StrIuaN Held Wedametay two A•n premious Porn Freshmen will on 1929 Card tty MUM., n Felten, Allen Hort, ewe M Melee red by Itaakilr Thuu ended the stet quarter Ou Wedatada, Mean began to take Hill probe,. bola Mare their mom n s Mixable for ttot Rule noel lurid..., Pre MM., aye., any. gnaws. Ms erring. Melble more of football atmosphere. The preIllono on the Mr. Harry Mehl. Lute 1.1t. will hove ono of the arm 4 Ito loe fo the onemear rule of the [nom.. Meech ter "pins onto halt inou4 elanneeir goleleem. nel. Sat scrimmage wee held. and while. W. gnat ophotoo, tilt mutt, ronn, Tom pone.. ohich hr held down In hix Hal ir: .nzior,Lleegime• very lov.,. me r el. fame • whole. the emotion of the On. Harvey. and Fred Swan Mere all Mr Mat Comm! Calabar 16 I , It. BM,. who VII Ai, gig ...lute thes wa• very erode. still it owned to Ming pored to ••rood admotage his e toe The team. faIIL.N, St nowisem Ara mention motile Ma from tem in the ire urge doh that nom., I r Ithin7e r pL:yerr. It le 11151en; forward the good porn... • aneabee amlliallen lm oo of the Pl.Ing studded into.d. 6,1 ...... tem ^MM... Ler lien positionn. Herold &broom tion llerete're nom still Sure.. I ot new men. Poo there etre eeveral Wit will make itemnasntg ep we e trerleetrnV:., IfeM «limo. will .Proinate hi right Ota M to the T nStHer of l'hureelem, end bdt o aro. MOS tor J. V. berth. among No ttOhoeNld mid Franklin S.. are el. boffin mo teb. .O MCo h a r a good Mensal, Ills llormforel ut t grid• otompt to oto Men. over Crew tomes Heim yor. the of Minh Hill Ite pounded co.inurrooly ewe no Thompson. e ta. who has yIhrHl 1 f' l naiee 1l FIJI, Moon The 111 ormaniee.1 IRMA /burin met through a la. workman. et 11 home and on Woltarn rcic. New genteel. Promising vent A. C.. which lei Mal teem 0 If 0041 fullbaek tie The nos. I. evehnlotnt to ointo Wrigt4tWO School leek were nmasomtly wanted Milo the Scarlet and Mock takes mot drumbormob. • •Ight monde frost line! prominent •moog the a earl rear In 11 off byea Eve. of The and of the field an the IN,. Bears la Orthhor when rrnionn will bold. the half saw and tone of the vial, but wit the dote met for the toile 11 meant.. Friendi. An international 'Irish. Logan. All-AmerMe Opening Rem one Harelioni fol- candidates 4". l,'"" r.6 f ling menhe 1101 notehion. no remat in me lower. •hould be amorded nel,t, ht. rt hri e iltsei, t1„71,1,11.z te ItiVer Si teremel Yen. et.,neebt:1::tiajeirii;e. ve. added to t. Ina the aneYet lupe'laer't7 it17."71'enU777.7rie, l'erelseus Menden, one. olichtly weak. mon. eneheatitellieme now. tillillo In thm when they .e Captain nil." Mogi Fresh,' n bort Loon, he wao nber oleetotttornin nett, itt right w ow Wedel Tor, from Palestine Perini etel prin./Mit.ant new thee rural covorti. in 1he backfield. The giant Meet of basketball. eels. orroluatheser. flaerelte ie. holf OM moon. No ...ow Meyer hno teed Jack Grey on ta. ..... of dropped .1 of not Pon has not defaced thr Looters miner gridnau hos beet wartime out at fullthe tall of 11,111. nod Sue ...woo am orr the luesperIon. Ilaverfonlleme te reign brends.of 2•Ime Mats mon. Float Several third Tally lock and in begientng h h« atmuotomeel "141d471 7:7L11:7t llt: rtedrene 'w"rill"S7Mtur 1111 Mr following oaten!, the 1,111. i71-1.7,7,7 1, eohnle .51110 to nimbler° dd. goal wont. lees nano len men have r.oen.1 to college. he Pulver at oun town, when 3111ete Pint to hit Ogee behind the lite. In his or out to Code Ni,,', pupils will inceLle the seei.eeez will J,xnryIn -Wing Monnell. Woe A Edens, meth In eve hi': 674:4 L'elte,"^? ....moo and el. te fom opposition for the next tw• pawn 151.1 and B Poery non they also wal Com.tiliem for the eMer Seldom. nuntine. he one besve the pMnkite the one on November a being nt Wee thi• sot the umdiesere Amid nen m eromuelly Imen with sows and all ber emir.* to Moore ao the J. T. p74.1Thea:ed17v7eubto total a oraey. and ono under 17116•1417•73"4. hg717b1771Tel:"torarkl::"ter Point. while notate to the Male LiemateolL Tein• 3•L the final wore. A boutiful Perm" rker hem.. dume tem Mel the folio.. week We M. next in lien tureen. • Peddle, proceeded to Mat on nate RAS Lorre will go Into' tone el a penally 11th w. inner Poon fano lo Mee The inner Iferiaar her ito Iola.. lit the h1b"I's' 7.•31etrhetot'llrrlitIiet 1717.7"d7wf7'"tne:Md moony playa Venn daring i11 nnfl n tork oin haste efor le, Kett nho tlnue ne gnome 17"11t7ft.i Son. ,71,',1,,It'''''',„L',71':;tr'"g, ("T., Ksturday. and mewed ewed upon to lonles of 1hr Serer,. The Cadet . ore ehould noult. m :""". Other bockfield to or, wefi to he who hare wake thin. hot lee orb.. toodeintor not member. ot the "their mllion. . been.„..o . t. h. e Brinion. Moot Baker land'', Britton. et:17 the Jobe elloomv, three .poet letotte. Ohm upon. ...Inn um. ennel• hot em srentr.s c:i7o7; :1 from Motonmer, hug Tear'. boo's loe Atom. The Noe, dome not tor mach erimolute am* 1103 when rt dealt for • dear Mot Mika went wide. em TM .1 of whom .ere betion the half.:177 Lily CMS., up . • vale... backfield nonlidote, tleinn Tar three remainder of the en me nem of err• velimon• but their rough neer ha+ litivrerfen1 e 21.14 ...eke reed1Mte for mart., and Ode Play Its. Ham Sal..26 seamier, al. aut for the Immo pratoften pond leo much for lighter Omer Thr rendition. for the lino one both '"Thee COACH BRANKAILCAPTURES let sonneeml nod experienced. wAth as yet n. Noon amoe will bring to and Mark eleven,. gleWITWWW. furdier toot, 4.949WWWF S lkde VtMl, 17gtp" FOUR NET CHAMPIONSHIPS rtionl n tom never lewnern eneoun. Twit Ignson OPPett goorthotan Roma Zutrr '11171ternm7IVZ To. igTtl ore Mooing coed MI, as lo Joe. Itered elaarlet and BSA. The Mt.. ..7...Wastrat well at left ettride. while Mullen Ma a.. Birth. Blackburn. Ted 31orrls. Bob The lael amp. game 6 with Swarthmorally the lad bald .4 Roy Webb are 1111 other and Than Oodles bler on I'n'lay, November The lintekor mad „ Thla Rum. o". J. {{Tae, werke11ham. ter W, umlovweret. with finavrford vd elem. oM •hould mem xemn.n rhon nrohe ome Mr, alefeeted Ileverioni for the tins Mma•mating' Itkhk, bee played r ere In table onnide larrotieg coontretitIon In evenytItles that men Close Fill! far LI. I.o.M.,. Met. : :::arietAoret :LT= i edr I W Hold., who oil' lTO. hem To fill tlewthroro rom, Ir on_ L colt t o plek t he aurtuunfole teuellIett e lo atd nJenne Ortit7eNt time, hat., ' " ha here plating greet mule,. triln ma14e tee ha a east whisk MU present naende difficulty. Jobs Junes sohhalentm/acry,, mita end errog•nier the superiority of the bread sod be Id he favored to. ba:eoli the remtul whadne Or sing. Nam et awe. player ea the Main Lina. tomMota•Newestatyl, pionabip by .featIog .m f,r be The mean,. will he clootl Thmlut- homey r he Main •oil. with Joe "Sham newest troloriuSt them n (Mere fray with Mow. The New Porker,. M., no. "IRISH" LOGAN RETURNS bin em e, weed on to wite .dr,..idtd. The oldest wide the Oren,e re.z1 ,trel.surbot, 40 ,HeveTrr,lhael..rene AFTER 3-YEAR ABSENCE SUITS and TOPCOATS been lhmrag the o h.... 045 and mem ram mu..., laid d the Tbroeteetter ,.Xpete Enroll* le SCORES OF FUTURE FOES PhIleelelphia In the nowt n, lull alore metre-boded in E....gAieg i.,,-/..Airt a/ aU ."4". 4.'"`" Thin drone though hewing non. a With the return of vlelph" lams, N B gin eor¢ Hie threleer:t atedeptdu lec 7:171:74= 7,717=1o7":"Orlett: I wo JACOB REEDS SONS at tee one powe r or the 'paean penere r is netwe nr. c PLAN X-COUNTRY RUN 1414.26 mu a 0. to elruiElehai. o75 77 °Moans Ph! Mal 5.. 7' We motel" 0 IA he defeated by inch1117; At No. 1 Lloyd left ollele4. bles,..n.lor In the Calla ihdownre. the ISM mom oftm ow wn. •L hl _more_ a. Mg letinhho 777=e"Idlotitlern on 76e Houston-Rlu'ns-Wi ll total 4%3 of the yese to. Phi. O4 Wend Pee. foe iloverford teener Prone Coon. Jere. toornomem where he t. tom go `,:ri=4 the death of bin It end moldered Track tio third mond by Sikh ally hope lo re.. on WM. his coneequeal deperture from Voilete. elMinet. oh Iluddletou doland lust nght. 'Irish. worked for the Provident Trnet Company. whore be metered on two Took.. 0-1:13 nnelew en" cbamplonehip tome. WM " ranee ' t""173t7 e' S'• 1"17irretl.'"';!"There is no Substitute for m mount after two boo nem, " amplinyed there he al. pla,1 weer, 1600 ARCH STREET and bagketball on the Com.une Good Bread, in midi.. te PHILADELPHIA 71Ziaek:67k1Zr Neon 'tite hie Freshman teem Loam PI.vd be young lloverford roa comm. nom Pone e. odor. folllark on the Pem.leank State 20,17E:b lit:le:rtgt■rh: FREIHOFER BAKING CO, ADVERTISING let.. lholcieu iromini Tun meld Mo en mane offer an. be mew., though Mow are M.O. At pewee. ltegromol is eu- MII under advIenenent COPY 7,7'17:17 ge1"11VitTo 1.7 "ite :717,rre■/ the th one-year Intercollegiate neap , e gag e In the Idle Hour urn met author. Ill Adromothation of SMie. Ike h4 new. iml1444. .4 '44 fetter ":"Ir 14". JAYVEE FOOTBALL TEAM 'n":"71:" 6=1.'11 JOHN R. HOOPES 'Cl eyed the meaulnal room!. Publishing Co.. I lamed 'at:" tv' etirp ' 471reetev"In7r717"irl""tilX" RITTENHOUSE 9466 TO BE ORGANIZED during the summer by the %halter.. SOON BAND PROSPECTS BRIGHT nine. Ifinsern. of 1loyhto.11.• Im • AnIstaal Manager imam. le Arm.. An a Sophomore he wall rArnity 131 Thr Deetroll• Philo Theotr Wayne, Pa. Mier Red Ragan Si M eta Oraantrallso !aback hi, Sahedola lor Haar.. In moccer and go remit Seam her RplemlM play w. Ingesetnerle. of n Jayvee fpothall `lark" t till teem µAlton en [tee A hand for iloverford thin year will elm,. M., Meentn,......endertaken.Ale lehlinelelphin. in the nor fiallirt', • teem. At the end of the ...mob Logan Irreelorilun. modeled after Om 11.1rokr ,11 osa eleoted captain et flu, Rell eleven .214:. "rk's't one. with ouch JAMS.. went., H. lam. W2. tend U. 1, Rogers. '31 rsso.t11.. Is, robe writlet prileedebt In the reboot wene here eTort irello717"rt'are berittla717.4: who In Nnne of Ira [odlnllnn tuber nan ernomer In ROOS 161 el. Wm. H. let litter No ocond year of oley on well W ' in ho.m...e nog gm nmkomd.., FIN E STATIONERY the joralt y. thua pelotas hie tea s med.. re field tor estwriener for ebtro7 117Vokrte.idttobe' r'.."‘" "'" who an atoned ere aeked to enroll Tit,: 422 WALNUT STREET lilt In au ankle ton 7.7.h'in Ta"171•7in:1111-71•V. 1;o7Itt Ittasiir se July 14. Steele, Plawatelpete, ,,r,m7r4r"an'rrom ram gm,.. the lieroolutom the baseball tone in hid HSI. nod th',"1"to' YOUNG MEN'S Om, name form of renertoer 200 Single Sheets mme sola good, omen threes ern oreeol Idrepent on Olio., 12. noel the Nottion• rinreS 75e theatre would probably moo. fon Moe BeenteCtoaho outstanding muntriam In the Ilhinic Boobs. Pamphleta and Catalogues m'. tefiRei heirt . Hatrodareherr Retort. Atom. e " October. 1:7,::`,ehrs Id as tech 'all7n7V1771'17.7:O'eo.11; Office Stationery 100 E •velopcs . Heinen, Ham IMbeek .a on Coo7W'Brellree's goo MM.. who eanhioni with entat don ..75e tau n[ teeter. j4w4"....t. and would Moto. certainly love talent ehoold nom In our ENCLOWISSLT To 6 •rnenalep the real sr dm Ilentroom good-.ref owortbol AthAnthritwo Imemors Sol TOom " oohed., ankh wile thelloth fiee 'Mime anniation MEN.. rilePalt4MBNT-Mal Meru when esodeter, tell II en .phisllenli"n.' 1t- moil. 1334-1336 CHESTNUT STR Ill Printed in Bleck or Blue 6411MOSIPHIA •-'7-4,1/4.1:*." -..t. '" .-,...:, s,. ,,....... sr.,;V:-:-...:;;A:77.i.49:W.• GRID TEAM TO FACE URSINIJS IN OPENER Trinity and X„"7',„','',11;%=',,'°,',',:r Kenyon New Rivals 7°"`, `rlsr '',";r1rt717.7.1 wo. Zat,th:Ze-L71","L ;1:r zr,„Z t!:::"11.e,...:th'e 711! .„,4„,„. "' *:•""1:1 ,0.1.4!!!, Z,T11; 1 Always Ahead well „„,. ...krr. „ Ett: LIZ ',fa. fri'?;,,',7:7,`r.:', = or 17. , Subscribe For Your Morning or Evening NEWSPAPER . 5,11.1;- „1,42,;11- • 1 JEROME I B • GRAY MORLEY'S THEATRICAL "FOUR HORSEMEN," REDUCED TO 2 .,.:1•17., ray a c" ,i`trirititT,,7 MacDonald Uampbell -157:47. athlte^drx e , e 1;iZt".1,.:211. Suburban a PRINTING text 7thvz GEO. L.WELLS, INC. mEATQUAlaiTY_rny IX Memo STREET PHILADELPHIA r.--a._-■ r-- PRIDE IN DRESS i- rrin. Seal Stationery Framing • PYLE AND .INNES COLLEGE TAILORS Sal 1115 WALNUT STREET 81.00 a box Sodas, Sundaes and Sandwiches at the and Novellieti Bryn Mewr•Ardmore.Wayne Haverford Pharmacy Our customers are particular in their dress o and our clothes are made up to their standard. Naturally both of us are pleased, and you, too, can secure the same result Our prices are very 1 IC. 0. FRANKLIN reasonable for this work. Meats & Poultry SUITS VS TO 885 Insurance GET Haver ford College The Gift Shop Pictures, Picture Pile's Sons 7" M®o for Student. Pereonol Effects, Automobiles, Accident Fire or Theft white at college Sr elsewhere. RM. to Poverty or perms while traveltage.ltirthis country or abroad. Pinnace to motor cars. for accident* to persons or prop- erty. J. B. Longacre LONGACRE & EWING Mnnitf ssiiciss 141 S. 4th Street. Phila., P.. Ile ta 131==t1 0 .Z1 tickets for all athletic contests at Haverford may be obtained by sending $5.00 immediately to Archibald Macintosh, Season (Graduate Manager of Athletics), 830 Buck Road, Haverford Institutions, Hotels and Family Trade Tel. Poplar 1018 1824 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia ATTENTION ALUMNI USED Tickets for Single Games Sell for $1 at the Gate AT HAVERFORD SERVED ALL ALONG NE THE MAIN LINE Save Money See All Games Be Loyal 11 0 4 ARAB STUDENT TELLS OF JEW-MOSLEM RIOTS Site of Cram Camp 'W. H. SYKES, 2d, '29 winK notitikfonlon Will, Morley' s Face Enough "To Make Pig Squeal" DROWNED IN CANADA1 ".',;','„r.17=5,11"°44,1-" ra?„' Classmate's Rescue Attempts Fail to Save Track Star From Death Brie- T.^. In rule in Cmlowior wao 3:0 to be the •nlay by Wadi u unholy. moo fa ninon riots in derualein. Tenni wbe, in entwine Ow yorm allow Iwo Fro...Memo oflon loorhine rxDofirtirr 113o Rommllab, devieren Friend, Mead the Ilnlkor leeekration. mar Palnter a maimed bum foe eh. .Iftwf while tormen. the vii O. of the Anho. has wewhol to twiner Mkt .. to the 010.11111 .4,41,- In 1,1o.. Wk. 1,14,111 To o•MoMmloM. Our frloy IN Emory Yu, lin. Aemining to Torn, Id. REHM Inn hew oreureol a great maw.. of torenonnt orb. nod• . kb, noon! rem.. ' legielatire nount, end preetwal. oil wrthoehi. tomernitoo. In Fuld, Itritaiu has left the in noulili.m. ItIt bun wry Ia. renilend no nemisloneei to eke Aro. dor. the 11,1 Cl'., yea, of droo.t. Football Marts Trouble Christopher Morley. IP. critic sob., Hotarda7 EPP. of literature. New Turd write. of ea Mident In the September 14 memo` her the • William agitation In Kan. whea two Pia of member. of the 1.4 of k tthe he Month Chub Committer M 17ilhan II. Sykes. 24.1. of C7mwrel. In an advortInement. The to Time. tom Mlle lobo graduated ill Joon with the ern lootwoworth EWO. S'•s drown. while ennead. dermon n. follows: o Mimeo lhovhn lake. nor Ottaw6 Cenads.1 Oren.le.stTerti wum 11 4 7124. July 17. Pylon. would hare been M.r.opheo nentr..1Au. went he in Ann. lie we motor. Ina Cronino with John Ins tbroueli G. Hart, of Turk. v., "" llotmn,. 'II `loll la „„... 4 . wen. Wadi Taraf '33, Declares Balfour Declaration Unjust • Monday, September 23, 1929 rIAVERFORD NEWS AA.. et dm Nap now. Palestine. um. of rend Arab...wish diet mmmmm ne. when PI vinare Elan Is searehIng foe B. eat data im no.* at Ate ra Ism Mr Klkl7.Iwerlraiter". '11;wineln Ina he.. of anno.''''' 'Then photo. an en old and panful eubjent, be mid ne believe (het Hwy do Bill end minalf bor. rid Ixiust11 ." tonare 4 It.. Marley on Hever.. es he rnalla It as uplwa r'et 1'171416 ;tit' the AMON 31 kw.. beTIO1 la 7. '011. ibe 07.1, Timone roII T., 'MI rereha..1 their dere. • keerford wa thehone ot W, Teraml, 77 Rasa other... aw all 13r. Ilenry J. <Inkier, hone Om. few m.- rofeeour.4•11.1.11iterolon It Cu7 Inver and former profewen here. DI .sal nen Imo renre held in the Friend. iI■Mre7linigudjUieT"Erriedes ""'" "'Arah GRANT ESCAPES RIOTS; lowing Howie, Twelfth otreet neo ouniele Jerome., brolde tort atael. leithet, Philadelphia. Anyone 10. noon notch nin riled in a letter from FINDS SEALED TOMB 0Tt elon.. Tama an the match whin Edwin. Kneels. Jr. mg IS ontirm. Iron rue no .4 the revolt. The Jr.... spoiled Daum 7 ltrooke. Jr.. ma of Phila. uern! noun And wo nl the eh. would nemea be ".*4 coe Jew von funtli molly nunatenten The road between Ilona, • loan Nowt. 14. Iran olnlf „• m„:;■ ,,„ to ban been prmario. at time, The attempin to rorry mos old mod held Marne from Yale ehe °Mahn, Wall." This interim. ninny and melt minim have been ex- House line. 31erion. 101 Poore Pad af Pennarlvonke He the twat fly. Friday, ...1..1y nd II in Pada for mere. year, ne7ortt'l'IT'Tra"tle 1. !unpin. Anent 73. the 31.1.inio sonserted to for n ear,inalinieedbad wine en amire lemulne of the Amorlint nonce 1711VbeinSe"g7"'11,!.;:re! e. embtoy. 116 wife. who wuo Min of whine the awl eolli w. moat et days ea Earnalleh. 114 eitillege Kneen Mary White Inewleirs. ourrirro hint the -Wane. ball". The hare op. winofro Plano mfr, biel , Jeri col.frod moth!. mod a riot ote. moody hare heel mina. to my old ar the Armenian Conelleal ;nee so entinln„ uly room ek. Mud. mini. broke tarred when non. Ron.. nod I Cho. of the truly r . the Hellannol Moneuteri Cree heel • Wes. Mann.. op.he Aren Fileisid." L'sh lotaven 'weak. the two mile, 8••sel ihitletan, 'II furred to min rule.. They 44111 donkey. mule.. mule-caw I Themes Kite Breen ,..tionniel Middleton. In. died etentem. the Moolemt sod the not ton took on havecelled welled me Ote. nottneeri ao the natTonal elowetee fol..... wefeered rind"' ofTV r"r"-&""':.t.'1 II 11.• km. died far. Kenney morning. August Its Rigno Tnewle Sonnies. lie lo vow. Trouble then tprea.1 moony through hie noon at Molina lake. 0 T. Cl,. reed f d 1 el Itrown. who woo Mi. Ins for more nem ewe of :I ,ete 7..;1_"Na111•1;7n,;;: Calewin, hok kos J....nml Pineserland neir . forty iearo et reacher mathentatle. Louden were len hnottlet• At Artuf F.. Inane, I' 111 me ITowtown Nebo. railw1 Dana and Wenn, eit '28 (ma, imam. pritii No. Grout, , only two roile. from " enal later year. neer. Sinn' To.1 r k...1.11,nite. 13 mid mitered Innen. The death of Derom Mann. rx Th. ne• llocenord Estrolition to Koh Shoneon hio rotlroinoal twrvIto year. earn'? kW wee3 mt N. .1, workinm the nwn. were omplen. whs n he ?. betevileing with Hamm At not rime, he to tlis Ikellio Raw Son Innen f.., 71Ti Skip. out. elfin. from Tran. wford Iced,. "the preliminary lu eam. Jonloneu end lien-Elleba inn nettenotel nearly • moan on i11 to Stein he tmtal I.._ 11,111.r, wbolin bail emperted Reglami nbireent to he. me In tlin 1020 work. Ina all. 41 Illto Wage the Brit. Iloverument new pre. all!rom brit. with uo much, wenn nOloohipe and ion thi• •tterlt.1 to the anti of Nears fluta Mita nal proclaim. 01... nomitelon. He wax wan to oat up niortiel law. ;num nod al.1 the word There were M. Om. lo Tanen gni mmmmm the nen. aererul emain.. In Ern work te ew hr cotenant W• mok ono a number =•41. .;,2. the Loft Gdmw ...m....1: .1 geeiX....„ Fire, he declare, I hen attracted1 of the Tette. menekes ee menet .s..ien wo."1-Www. fl.,.. . ,‘.. Inwidoride interest to l'anorne awl Ito Nmobah v enni.. ninut . July 18. , .. e on 1. 1.,.1,,I...iip.:11a0n1a...1.711,:o. ,.......=4..,, 1,. ....,d,r.,.r.,... grievance, tte,...,/,1 „It will .....4 :fr,z -. s... m m 1.1;1•:•.1,4•Tx nalembn. lost ea h ol,Jarnsaloo. in met.. nem nee t• th8. e mane, was . net as known: .,flown: of ea who are College thin' are Min uncle le real.• Tr 1111110er .° Rcocal Nese Schedule Of Office Hours Prestd.Conforth °Nee hatenii remain Ilse .nee thla year as kW. 1.15 0s pulotment De. Bowie hose are se Ilowni Monday, Wedneadena and IIridayo. K30 to 0.30 A. K.. 11.00 12.00 A. IL: Tu... Titania's f'07 04 ,40o5°11174,0n1rek nee.. the drink orobbni la Harm-. and liatvnlowe. ,30 to 0.30 A. M. fo ha not been so malign ma . . as 11.41 A. E. to 12.30 P. M. Actilbnlel 1114141.11. '21. will be lord some'bellerrd. hio office during the morning for Pron. U•Rod dello. innaintion -There woo of rouev• a.. eine take St. of the sit.tom before Call :;,71 " .,r7,41.%7 17:41 4r the 11udeH1 mrU! 114 We t . if main. bed king.. 00•014 the leaden of lendergreduine .d !indeed that met the Milt. ei4 M 71''"rz,'",147 "I write. above merely es • Tor. • iamb Aber:Ain in Me .11717 .14 that 50 Ittig1 •alleTri7 fe4 the L0,001 would do WI it Re power to oppen. the drinking queen. NEWS TRYOEITS 'START Phial. Vill Men le U.. II ON... CHOIR Corpolth. Fronton noting to try oat for the Bunn. Board of the News are requested to meat to the Delon tom., at NSnort. F. A. Eamon. Jr., SO. business manager, Ind F. N. Mellen Jr., '31. wiE be ie Merge of the meek *Vflenion to the Bonn be on m h t loeo 01..rd 0.7.4b7I'llhitt'eWe-4: 4 1'11 1 feel het we had Rot res".X1artn=y tinted to try out at Ike ,over • Colin. II.114 0 q„m 11 ml with toe 11,41 dem- 40 [ohm to be tolerated Id e (hunt the Council JJ Kra., 1.111,o. WHO reeolVernl. loom. ■-r"so uml q 111jOreolN.. friend* vex cononl Muslim uno Or/0 LIQUOR RULE WILL BE ENFORCED THIS YEAR age that nine from the ill-fooled Imr,111 7t,1411. r in bin Op, Ile de. 1.MM ulix ALUMNI NOTES plan i 6,4 'irk ,„ from II, ,....r, ,... ... ..__.... Seertz„. lombma,amuda 112,41.11,-ItFtu•Irizavv:"Ii addition. it wilt tlun hr of aid to Great Brink es tem ex1. 4"144 Gni.% With F.F4 now foy nankin. Paint,. one nit le a ,; gra ..Lneen•.'",:' elver. t dmitirtim. erfordino nth BAN., year. to In gno the Wailing Wall y tu the . nee, Moan. Orkin N..... • dm Jews would wir bin'. rens., end be qui. on- beton Mee. Ilse and ennell. He h. wen. v. dyna o. je awes m ntritable. la' regd. ...ea, The ...III, et mirk Waving min jr, •g• wet • quarter of ninny awl making good m in pow of the wall of the ,„„nanG ,o eon, The Jews attenont to wen mm muifurt luivr 11■1OMruoo,. s WZ,Z71,17II:::It.47 ■14"1,177.7,. „„m:ht- Zt;15'1.."7_.̀" "7% •111::"1-' 117j-".-.1bthe" - ,t,r; ''" "" ."7" . a..., II '111-42 1 Oulthomelie0 IllRht „,7=7 Tnfani ;v!"...2,7„,7T,f,77„.7 prerlifIlla In. N. oil... o irnflier or a lawyar. Mennen. of the Coo.. Cannittee. The tow tha t camp. omen.. favored t.i'71'I.:1;7.71111 "111- .41.L. 0WILk 1:,:fin 141,1 writ, a atm, 1411 MU roe wit= air. w n. 1,47" , 1-,,r,:..ta ate AIL""1"1 .,...,..413°:; -rtri .. L,rru- . . . "Protection for your boy is uppermost in your mind," was our comment. "But your son is a minor. Therefore it will he necessary, under your will, for the court to appoint a guardian, not of your choice. "We recommend, as a better plan, that you empower us as executor and trustee to use income for your son's education, maintenance and support. This will do away with the necessity and expense of having a guardian appointed, as required by your present will. We want to become acquainted with your zoo so that he will be cared for by persons he knows sod trusts." "I hadn't .: you17.1,;471.1?.2744! Mo mat flow rteV:■ ormo • M00,1Wr et Ilererfoed. T. 1o4k bum reOrlIMO el rjr4,....."fl e".4 " "" the Llama of Tem a • g re‘e..S1.!i".7".2.""17 _ t. ....ft .a •-"' DeN formacoil ,iii it% o. Blo ■o■C'agfort. W: """' m11,11 - 1131"-': kip C Coin.. dell nblbern. im .14 WV':1''=47 Ta. 4g! eiral ighr" anuah war rid awe sin. tio4/:14rr.2j. 2. 4'17:11eracife." 51.:P7t , in,..har: snots:. ed., TIT, hem! of L'r"="Itt-Ilt gatn. fatrala a Inlong her, Cale, nerowurriener ectiehies tog 1111 1111, too. IC,. old. u...1 IA"a"" /1•N•""` "-a "`"Would kw well tom 1 thin yen, 11,vn," Sworn Alumni Grain 1311Orderly 'he it!rftatear. 7nTigo!tr",lri..7 any new Folicwers them the other In raid not ion he unit, -lbe "rough ee oport"2..1 mkpm rartley, tonna all bolos nal they are treated like 't-tveortioe7 'chneg‘" .. 1117'. 0."",:"r,",;,,r1',.",`':•,!.. -ttar9k "i'-xt"gr Ea's-m-1v Tema So the titst favorite went, win 20 promweinyo by E.:111g. Irsa:tetilrY: nrsitY bitters 'mil Nv {ripsthe pew 017 morn more nu nputdo. Then a 1041. "4a rlbrima! enmity hnochall ployero and 12 lot no. weer. ens PIK with five km. nhlitute. kr moth Wm. Ilene lou.k.11.11 ehtims onl Pt.' ^"'"^"" "'"°"0 won wink. of Ow mor INS coneltteleo the In of mthlwirs. . .into the nom of an upper- " with foor find team inn end omen blunder other neer.. play 11 2:1V"1“. ,777 7.,: That 17 freohnoin tday 'eel in- .00 c . how non% aka lott alaml erum a nd An ,,for tulielt plob proorntotiono noun 0, of Ne`l;:es terror tn the college 11.11011 Wins. There went to Iv, hum[ .uf •oc roonelot for the konntle Ind 24 nen. Iten heel experience lo to who money wao on. are , W. A. Man, Ir. K. II. ItInneberl r1134.4e.h.31. 3.0, F. J. Ends '02. G GG, 14, Fite, P. Moll,. lie, 3211. arhomon. Jr.. A. tromaid. II. Shinn. Ifr.EN .OADS. .40.. bee .4a mate] Winne.... Jr.. me ere soon of Ihrerfonl atom eanwink. Eibbo. I. R. 110.emnee, Weattrog tto8eXua!nlik!.7n71.: mlwn p=r J. W. Manthed. Jr.. and W. 1.. '111,1 ment ot their dmighter. F3e.hen. ;tor Yas 1-th.d, WI. on September 14. i••TkaGGiL nee brother. uf tortoni under... „ K". i• Nano Ttli= et WnSnw 19.9 RECORD OUT Aloort r. . Temple t'nlverrle~lr ,1Mg Abner Lakin, a widower of 50, with a son us asking in what securities he should invest $40,000. His son, he explained, was to receive the income under the terms of a will which Mr. Lakin himself had drawn up. Mr. Lakin asked us what we thought of this plan for protecting his son. / thought of that. What should I do?" 1011041144 IMO1 rmo I, co.. RHINIES SHOW SKILL IN SPORTS, DRAMATICS seal of Memel, Erotheesel Under- 1 La LL two "d' Ilre 114. Itr 1.1.14 onao Iluor4 ■Molie in Vomit, 1roIMI ,,.=...".0 "k tr,AL-1•4041. %- DC hAtigena k ultr "roo' That Boy Of Yours aged 10, came to Koe. TY sum... of NW Alloo Tlumloo of Wow, orol sad thomao nom.a el Oorma en. en• ewe w nn. chorea latsor On • sa Wk. ms earn. via Boum ern. of no. Thr interim' at lit71t11...1. =AVG l="1:10,14iLrvill767°``, Friein's Soho. Ora.. Innonni and windy roan •••••.* IN. n'w•-•°••h• mot holds a draw. rake kr ma. «elnr 111 ."U"t lglit° 414 bra prejta14.1. lie say , inualro and Wm.. Ten holy of , y e oestan 'nsal but . light timber nod owner nato furnish I , GoVrotor t....... • Jim., L•L, LL. °reek Chrittlan graduated „e. Go. so,,no„.„ on, o to. flu ~he Donne hot rev year. be J• •• Oa "" I' Pen. ronh 7mTrts :49%V.a haeMght roe Wen n. "bon there 5 .1 kik nen, It 4 III Iternolloh net Mra. Clarke tins dorio1 the re- great bag tree for his dran. 4114(4,. to Om toble fur sunk non ea =.7^rn aui berween nun for yarn. kb," In ihe wenn of Eric. James E. Puttoo. 30. who is readmits Want here Dm nun w followed at the re nio war, tar the Inulter who. ettmld ate. lloyerford duller shod. Annwiling t Pro.. Urn, r"'0.37.".?' n err the Koh. le Dr. dry "Itreeldsot it Be A. IL lamb. i• I Tomb. who Tel in wend at 4 I' M. mad 1! doom et tine. The Illeo are eery rim all Ileroxfor71 fo'• .one yea, "VI. and ananing.7 /Meng' he the hno•nuipped in Pahnow Tann eke... It a.m. HAZING DISCARDED nab. 130 aloe., Tann whose honer is in lIaN IN RHINIE INITIATION chiefly I.e.. end hif toll. Pant .1.1 roma.. his .111 tar mate„.....g. al a.,'"Tatt,,r,n,,,., o'w'w rim z1.11,T.M.r.. ""' This story is one of those told in our booklet, Tree Stories of Ten Estates, actual cases which have been changed in minor details to avoid any violation of confidence. Have you made an estate plan without expert advice? Our trustofficere are always available for consultation with you and your attorney'. er Oi ."*"..11S11 ..tra*% 41:1=4.9'147 ve.rg.z.,-,17i..,F,tx etir' "tt: tro,II511'1''':°°"rm ." r"4.°11̀'" ru t,reReigo.L'ige.! : 44 !... heri .k . emeanneenant has no. of 44 mien =rat" , " "" TIllt4;224gt.r11 L•11... '“rt Km 11Platrfin qfl" .otmorm "First let's go to your lawyer, talk over your plans for protecting your young son before the lawyer draws your will. We'll be glad to advise you on your investments-but what you most need is a trust agreement to protect that boy of yours until he is of age." PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY • AMERICA'S PIONEER LIFE INSURANCE TRUSTEE sold midi la 04111.1ed PROVIDENT TTTLE. COMPANY