11AVERFORD W - , s
- ▪ - 4'4 43p 11AVERFORD - , NEWs A:9 ve 4 VOL. PM. HAVERFORD (AND ItrAYNE) PA., MAY 3,1926 NUMBER 11 MANLEY HUDSON TO BE' CUSTOMS COMM. A BASEBALL MEN DOWN ALBRIGHT; JUNK PROM Of THE NEW"STRONG ARM SQUAD" H. S. RICHARDSON AND COMMENCEMENT ORATOR TRACK TEAM WINSTWO MEETS WS OF 1921 TO A. G. SPIERS ADDRESS Kingham Wins Fourth Victory for Varsity; Delaware Goes Down to Defeat, 105-21; Rutgers Loses 66 1-2.59 1-2 in Track TAKE PLACE MON CAP AND BELLS CLUB Fourteen Piece Orchestra of Howard Lenin to Furnish Music DANCE FROM 9 TO 2 The area of 0827 will set aa beets In the rest Of the College and Mato.; to the biggeet event of the Haverfon social env., the Jake Prom, on FrIdry ereney. The elfaie will Alert Promptly at nine as It mat terminate at two. „A fvrtren piece orchestra red by Berated Tann w111 pay for the propaneme of twenty: even. The Ave Junior Day Peal.... of sorts win begin et 2.110 iv the eke, 000n and will laid nth. VV.r. A. to endow the privilege of wear orellite is the eftereeoh le Vowed to of the Junior Clod alone. thov Diver for the Colime end far ms at ranee who desire will be reev 620 ye Friday evening in Fouocier. Bail Foe teare girl. who ore Haying in the Union overnight and their neon, .. then w-Ri be venal tattles. if _thrill over H.MD. gd nerira.' oe"MooPer.:trdd Snyder. Arreogetuvre for this meal were made through the to-operstion of Mrs. ftwinburne Preen I. Start at The first dance of the Jake Prom will steel promptly let 9, elintinstiog he loss of time ovally tradag Awe between the announced end the actual time of starting. The mph, room will be the meethre Mere for the members of the lino OP Per elven while the viral meta. at the other tool of the gym*MI *erre "tM sod '20. Punch bowl* will be planed at both these poreta. The bostreme wit Veep, eke never operate the entree. end the etchesIre wkll fill nrerly all the middle of the north end of the gem. Chmka wet be eine not •t the door this year, in dump for anneal. ticket. 'TM.. .ohs armeen eck. must be chow . the nu.. It It preoetnell that only e partners of the 27 men weer flowere. Lech Jeere r will wear a white carnation. Meftembetemes al .11.13 Ilefreeneent • nal :he sereed in in a Founder. Ha ll et 11.15, renewg the orchestra. and the trapper march second leaf of lea DM dare ni alert at mitVeht. preelomme the Ilogerve caterer will hare rharge reniek The Von will RM. at Tbe -dlaverrerd Union ie being reserved Friday rev. am the re. of girls from • Meanm for whom no oiler arnmeroeute vo be made. Tide build. int will be under end • meld .11 be in attendance. A late eat breakfatwill be 0#1404 te the occupants at the Vona eh Saturday roorning, proba bly at Asa. The budding must beemptied 00 von. Deearatiene Mo, The decorations :of the epees/ eneWeele on whleh work will be be Imre/ay of thla week. will be of Imlay never before used et Ilererford. They are in carse of Habernothl of Philadelphia. The Drees. in which the bed dance programme. will he art (Whig dame by Mott of Philadelthairmarl of the W. F. Webeter, Prom Committee, vim et who plan eke diver at Dee rellege with their everts On Frida7 evning to rise their roves to hen, for epecial ar aaaaa meal. 'HAMA Co the deo, me oleo ere ee• need ftOm Weleter, 50 per couple, 1800 PLAN INSPECTION TRIP Selealla Sao" Inbred. to Viet All Six Are Promirellt 1. Collets Atelstle• Tele Year The Cato. Committee IOC vet peer, recetely "even, red contain.' again Iwo me each from the Ijeelore Jviore and Solffm.en cleave. Mesta ao unueual amount of athletic. ability, With Ohio powerful committee to deel with, ithe likely that the inconem Ebb. will he alto wilting to eubtelt to their togvelem. From , the item of '27, lileuedere. coprein of bluebell. and Maki, holder of the Hseerfoni Coliege pole Petit record; from '28, Legate "epee. of rerrate veer and earsity basketball, end tint beeeman on the bell nine. and Thome., star centre of the basketball ere, from '29., Collison ad Gawthrop, Mill on the football Wen sod the latter Ore a beechen men. JOHN D. CARR CHOSEN HAYERFORDIAN ECG Whittlesey, '28, Will Head Business Board for 1926-27 A new precedent Wes set for The hverfordian •t a meeting of the editorial board bet Tuesday neat John Te Owe. wee chotee editor-Inecialef for 1926.27. The eletlien of • Rebore to the office of editor la • rite rection attn.( unique in the ave. of The freverfordlare Came who 00000001, Robert Berry. 329. In the editor's office, was Made aa ereedate editor of The Haverfordia. tat March His first cantributton, a etere of the Borgia, nraMeted in the March home and attracted atteethre by the eitop style in which it woe written. "Red Meetly'. a story of the French limaltaloseetems written for the lay Heverfordia. by Carr end stamped the author re talented writer. This story e re celled Ire one critic -"by fee the rest finished production !het The Haverfordise hem bonded for mme time " Mreillteeey 0001.010 PAseape Theodore Whitaem), 28, was tinted buereen nmesger at a meet!. of the busing. board lant Friday etre.... Last year Whittlevy wer publication manager end took over the whole luon• egement of the umperee dosing the abmace of Gerald C. Gruen to the each fele He ha. oleo been active in other extra curricula orgalretione einem he entered Llaverford in 1924. 1, addition to the office. Whittle.. bee held on The Hayertordin board, he ha. taken the incline feminine rule ie the Cop nod Bells play. foe the root two peen He is odeof the ...Blunt sneer manage. and was Sec.-tare of the Sopeomere eve for the IBM half seer. lama Eleetiela The other officers elected at the of the Maineett beard were Jobe C. Beatty. Vb. entettger. and freoreel Ceek, adrettielre meager. Neat Pear will be the first year Mitt the adeertiabog (Barnette as been definitely renal.vd an a distinct unit vder • reperete beld. Harold F. Bete.. 101, will :retie ...Ur the circulation of The Hverfordlan. H. Martin boon, '29. Wee the only now member dreted to the board ae an agaistant monsger. A tontine of the remhined boards of The Harerfordien will be held next 'Cuesday afternoon to tee Union to die. eve the policies of the gibe for next year and complete tee arrengemeets for the dineer r, of the alumni sad endergredeate of pest mod s to be held lo the old preaent boardMee mem 00 19. It wastient:112 be recede. heettieser 1.01 week rent the Stine& Rodele would suntitele One or more vielle PO industrial plant. foe Its hire meeting. A 'few member. have mad of plant. they would IR g to pgo throage, Int se yet there he SAMUEL SCOVILLE TO scarcely ben euthelent exene elee 'ADDRESS Y MEETING mare eel.. plea. The menthe committee hope. to receive more Mee Hated API., Lawyer NMI lamister min the remiter week. WM Speak se May 5 Mr. Rana. Scoville. Jr.. will addare the T. 31. C. A. nieetim this evenlee, May S. Mr, flem. Junior remeind hie A. B. degree from Yale Yale Uttiveralty, and that of LLB Prong from the University of the Mate of New York. He le 0 voted author. lawyer and lecturer. Nation and lidMay 7th subjeets of the ma• vretere 0rd Jertie Of hie hooks ead veleta. end 9 to 2 may of the latter have appeared 10 premien! snegicenes durlos recent years. Mr. Scoville. whree heme is 10 Howard Lenin Haverford. In raree Venn for hie pelves on nstorel Meter, reblecte. ern The meeting on May 12 wilt have for its speeker Mr. D. Montford MelHi, Orchestra chior, of Philadelphia. Mr. Melchior is head of the Mateo department cod reds Or Helen roper.. Of public !venni:en at Okeed College. He also tescbes at lb. !remoter Beheol of Thelma Tree $8.50 nd.. Bohn Mel. 10 Girard ollege Mr, Mtiremir wea dee-priaW. F. Welailter llnroVitay 19 or 6ttbt1r P:adre' fee em MI May 26 will be conducted Esverferd Ulm of the Peeler by eetterel Menke dare, folheerag • custom origlated 7 • Cando- $5.00 Slag C Dinner Follows Election of New Officers at Business Meeting NEW CONSTITUTION A. Guy Spier., and Henry illitrr Itleb0rdeou, welekbown "Inman critie, were the peratipel "meaner ac the an. vat Cap and Bella banquet last Saturday night. BeverItY members of the Cep and Bells attended the tenser in the old Y. 11, C. A. mom. Dr. Ogden we. in charm of the era/ drometie penentetiee give V Haver. lard Cone', some fifteen enrs ago. At that tines Dr. Sprees am • member Of the leaverford faculty to the de. Indolent of MM.. 1.111311.S... He woo 01,4p a ere.. blare.' by Pre. dal itkerplese in the foundim et dreamt., together with Ralph Meklor,pres-tut premiums presitkot of the Cep red Bens. Dr. Boiert spoke on the modern stage tendenciee and also of methods of producing god reathera amateur pee, Doe ames, college performances in Imetinter, Mr. Biebardson also spoke on 0011n, of the aspect. of the Vre.nti bog urea. both amateur and proteeMemel. Ns. C0.0.1106410 A*40041 The bentmet was preceded by a Mama meetly held ie the Malan At this meeting the Dr000ted new tomtit, 1ion of the club wre read and *rented wen minor elm.. After oomt dimes= mote The .0,17 Adopted constitutio. v• prankss printipally for new nicer gt. prove eleetiv to the dubs "levee were substantially the thewt re th ose published in the News Blob re ay. The new officers of the ereb were aim chreen sr this 'entre". I. T. Stokes. '29, present endergeaduets renewer, wet chosen vieeeprealdeitt. Addison Alin, '27, was elected seer, the ellth Le4:4teffavrann were elected to abing, berehip in the Cap and Beam from the (lass of hint Marflown, Hibbeed, Mckson. Lent:. Grose, Reeve., Career. lantherti. Bertoo, cud Curti.; from the Chem of 1027. Sargent. Powell. Leber, ker. Fay. Haletepd. I. B. Smith; the Clam of 10201 Well. D. i<. Rvxges MecEntee: front the Clare 4 WM. R Hocenener; soot Marshall and 11.11, gredeate from LOBER AND SILVER TO MANAGE PLAY IN 1927 Farmer Will Bee Betimes End, Lat. J. C Zen!! 011:1. ;neer, '27. will Ire hvinere m aa seer end Mar reepeetiveem of the Annual Cep anti Rolla Ore next year. Each Cep anderent tosusgee of ide branch • ef the week for this reason". production. Leber ha. Mee • eerporation scholar for three reran hes Men on the See., renity tennis ;mead tor two ye., le .0 @sesta. to...ger of ...nig on the junior Prone Committee end editor-in-chief of the 1927 Record. Silver wee one of the high waren on the freshmen track teamtwo years ago. HP nee been on the J. V. eve, for t.o yearn. He in assistme m ' ene t of cricket and on the NI this year. Seeley, 'V, will be a.., cant stage mvager, and Lane. '211. essireret buoiDem mummer. lAne •000/ Penideet hie clans for tbe firre half of Bet year andb. in preeklent of the Yeetto. Clu DR. KELSEY TELLS OF WAR ASPECT OF TRADE Cared by Hypedoe 'Die eed Male Omelet Alta Broadeal The six th of a melee of lectures by nrambere of the Heverford College faulty WWI M.A..' tee. WA/31 Bet ether eloodey evening at 7.40 by Pir. rem profemor of hinter, Dr. Nee et abject wen "T. Relation of Internetional Trade to the W. Pr:MI.1mo." Dr. Xelvey firet pointed em that, though the Leen. of Netione end the World Court proeide efficient freckles. for teoppine war. It ie wager, to avoid the Nonmetal,' num. of strife to bring about a wartere world. The sleet carat of wee Once the middle of the serentecoth trade euvolon. century hoe been encreas rease in trade Doe to he t greet ii deretimiantion sive 18130, nations are more Interdependent than ever. and • nation's trade policy la no longer do. m!tie mention. In Conclusion, Dr. Kelsey mid, "If eetione are to live ton."... In title age, they must find method. to edit. th eir problems of bade rivalre one beels of live and let LV Followleg Dr. Kelioeye. lecture, tee Hyperion Trio broadeeet their vetoed concert from Sere. HAM. The feature. of the Hyperion covert were ttelecnee Dere Gineends," an Egypte., tette in three movementn. ampo.. for the Mee., by Mr. Mueller.• donate, and eThe Civic Muth,. eso compelled by Mr. Mueller. In conjunction with the trio, Warn. W. Emmet, 1. 1 ,ttrge„vteota Dumber of seonelasetal 7. AmthOrIty ae lAtunatioeml Lam, is Harvard Prof...., Dr. Manley Oftener Hudson, Bemis Profeerer Of Intenationed Law at Herrera Clammily, .111 he the CO. mencement 'teener ler rel. yet.. Dr. Hod.. en mutbority of mere note aed will he remembered se haring mitten one of the melee of article. Oa World Nee, published in the News this fall. He niaii nettietent to Meter, 01 Beryard red Radcliffe. 1907.10; PeeDove of law je the University of Idireouri. 1010-19; and has been la the en department st Harvard ewe the( time, having held the Bemis chair mime 1101. He won Secretary to the Netionel Conference of Uniform Brett laws. Pelle etteren to Intereationei Law viloo of the America. Comotimion Negotiate Pelee at Pa., 1918-19; member in the Patin Peace Conference ill loll. of seven' remmiesione, leered• big that on parte. "ester... and rake a pe or . Ilea.. era. a member of the theflereeterist of vain. egue of Net., 1918-21.M. a. 1 as regal adeleor to the lemmaEller eked tabor Confene, In Wahine-ton Id 29)9 mod in HMO. in 1920. lie fe e sabot of mane orattibetiene CO tiodirere. imil FOWLER HIGH SCORER FIELDING GOOD tirtorie• over Thelawere and the lest By hammering e'en pereieteetly at Burger. combination market!. • propi• the offering. of Strickler. Albright tIone opeolog for the vanity trete- Pitcher. Haverford's harebell team ... The meet with the Blue and merad with an 8 to 2 victory and its Gold peeved to he eretty much of a fourth triumph in five aborts. Inciwalkaway when Coach Haddleton'e dent', King.m bat ben the whiny men :veered all but one first plan hurler in ell four of them tn. Wet and rattle out on top of m 100-21 ciao- Friday, even, the Haverford ter WOO. The 061/2.59% vireo. ver the famed tee trattling rough. He was Rutgers testa came as a turptire to in trouble in every tooth'ricept two. the Medd and Beck follower.. The Twice he retired the tide with the outstanding feature of the Delaware eve paths reeved, and three other meet wee the perentememe. of Dem times he thrust beck [be 01+0.W.n worth and Fowler. By nett:ring the when it had men within entitle die100 end Ensworth made enough t.... points to vela s letter, while tbe HatA couple of timely hire end careerford weights eat garnered hie tee points by winner the not end Mee.. Fowler netted hie fernier reeotd end heeler armee out tea hue Albright MovedIn the iron bel 39 feet. Ens- was charged with One erne. le the Imth the fifth worth beautiful TS,. Main Levee counted three "enure and the =0. In the 100 be times.the In the eighth another trio of beet on! Rover.of Delaware, nod in roe. was vehed over the plate the furlong he outran F.,. hint year's three angle.. a walk, • "merit. on vd Freshman track pilot. . reor. Leary ud RomMtheba Mena Halms Kiogken Faes Cameo Ion. and Itonelbeim di• Ketcham mart. the VIZIA as tan tided the honors in the hurdle events. rang vd walking Kens. No Lowry (eking first in be bigh hurdle. and emend in the low. Itoedetheito dams. resulted became Smith and plated utrOOlut in the blob hurdle., boo Greta Bid down harmless refired Remade., Redder, Haverford's kV. Curriculum Committee and broke the lope to the longer nee. The offray, beet out hit to assail. filet place to go to the borne teem /At the net three betemen Radio Club Are Praised only wa• the Vrette.rtale, in which Love- Strickler on strikes. le this. imam Grip land tirade:rem. Tram, to win in the down Albright catcher, wer fenced to re.4 by Advisory Alumni slow time of 11,5 2-5 seconds. The Scarlet and Meek combissere Heart y approval of the Radio Club teak anplane in the broad jump. A pie of lek, pop-f17 double. and ILA present policy of broedereting thecae. high jump snd high hurdle.. eve tee eieLlora a abort-Urea Bad in was exprereed, by tbe Alumni Adebore Thomas rerprieed hy Wetly out let- he firm half of the sea. Abbott Committee mg the conclunie of 0 [Mt ter and lambert' wah . beep of oYer drew • PAe in the home half. alter Rabe: by melebere of the committee 20 feet. Tetuan could not •find his Klegbani had filed out. (re the hitthew', the studio and beredeeeling atria end Need to in the high Jump, vdeon. Filet bleed a Vogl. to light. room. Aboat a half lieu, wee con- first place going to Lewis. armed in inspecting he apparatua Marativey. a /nava, won hie Abbott mored when Angle threw to the guidance of Wtheloo Hodatead, tint race by defeating. Treatable, of snood toeel Flint. Roth revere president of the club. The Commute the Newark vale and Heller in the were note. Fliot wee caught meeting elm made • trip amend tbe eseopn. 980 Patty nme tereegh 1. the Jave- third end Renwick Med to Smith. AMISH Loma Bala i the poem. of euggestine porethie lin, okra he heaved 11 ;re 100 feet P imprommente to beat the ware freahNo more amity occurred until the A number of Metier. met with the man. Campbell tr“ emcee to esert fifth. lthough Albrecht loaded tbe emend-Lt. mid offered egg 'ions on hinmelf to mom the line trend of bean in the third wod tfok innings ettifoue Mellen In Meth the commit- Wriget. a fresihman who shows C.. after tiro were my, tied each tirce tee were inter...A Whole-hearted sop, promise. Oboe. Med oot. port ut the need, formed Stedent Co, Tgoonate wv safe on Gann Hernelord Wres Savo Flnm eloulum Committee teas pledged by Rutgers and Haverfoed 'entered muff. Water ewe Preced Tripp the Alumni enema. The idea of mee. emcee bunted, nee wen Strickler fielded tee places each bet the Serriet lag the committee • permanent body. ball late to third, tie revert and Black wee able to take nonce sec- the were ate. Lope burned n scorching Other matter-a ineluded onds end thirds to annex the meet. t ingle through the box. Yvonne eet:1•:d o; reveler teetered his thin drat Mare ad Richtercrossing the plate, and 'd =e ye/hods oe'fW r new eorIle:p 07seti, "bet with • tree T L2Ji . by !tee h to be tret it. The eelsetnalle premed Loges 01010, to ante on the thrower. the food xi s good end Veen, but olin shared the'r in the ten in. treaders morn Tripp with n intr eop the rereke was poor and eheold ber-lopping events, winnine the high sacrifin fly to Are.. • Sire:Mee tamedeet Kinehara. ad Abbott and low hurdlee, respect:1.1y. own' fanned. SIneld el n run wee added in s" docked in Ms beet time of the the next Another The pomlbillty of an n extended trip teas frame, on tingles by not, 10 4.5 ereourel. for the gamiest tie. met year am e 71111101 regeived his old form red T APPE•ril`ti "O■id ad I rateested. Method. of firemen ...tended actieiliee the MAO Club beat out the crockmearterradlere. Bel- ere. ntre teenellle (.1%1" were arm reader. Sopherver- low. and Themeent. in the fast lime reventh. Kens "trashed a of 52 newels. Plater we fee from three-baste Fee•Meee ...el. main. lilt toright centre. The tees and euntom eonvitten no. up h l. nel week forte nee was beeten 1111 wee misted. Filet wee under pteelin when Kaieer threw II Smith's foul, ad Garrett needed for dismission. A more retire nle for i 154 feet. Tripp metered the Ionia Meaty advisers was mteci, end pop-0e. The detere peeled Mere in the broad lump. outdistancing Bremen memos of welcoming the Ithluies. their field tally in the eighth asked. In thin connection it was thought I veteran lambert' with ft leap of aerate on Clemens' redly Tens Leave thee It would be wine tr. require leresh• 21 feet. double. sod Defense smash from men tored. a dm early at the 010.4 Hendon' Wan la Lang Rona 'thee tme of Colleee in the fall Heverforde weakeees iv the lone Mores Singles to Goan Mt. Drinker breeght ep the 100.00, rum wee brougel nut by the toot that Flint opened Hirerfortes hill of of the new rearm an meanest 'weenie- the05, Semelet end el/ark felled to plant the inning by MrikIng out. Garrett eon to be given next year. The Cernhalf. mile or novile. Floskine mete. woe much pleased at the enthus• in • pass, readied Itecood oth vire hot forced to retort himmelf vd deem Bat shown Sc the randents for the etheity nor the pelt. retie web 00 feet paesed ball. mid went ta third on MOM. It wee thOoNht that there 6 ladies. Rhea., competing In his Mores' Vide to centre. Itoreesuer. battiog fort [Ureter. deliver. • eimemight be other new comma tehleh eerend varsity meet. took second, after be advatageously wetted to the currentcurre nt haereg 0101 for arse in the Deena. iI reperl:ralni1 td.o7:eP' :7%LoT; Iva. II would be the work of the new cutreculme committee to auggeet the meet, mut Hogenaoer across with the last Fowler is to date the high morn ran of the sftentoon, nekton -of new course*. , site le Beside. oonferreete with Mudents. the of the Deem-ford earegation end Reedel. Continued on pate 4. cm. Committee *leo talked with President polote Ceptein ! neat Inwith tern 17, Ente Comfort, Deep Palmer ad Alumni helm are fourth with 74,sod Mare fiftb Sneerer, Hoopes. The member., of the worth with 11. All ol there men bye won committee are: A. C. Made. 139. chair. at ULLMAN 00.I.F.1.4i one Met tare and roneequentBernard Lester. '04, recreate, ly Beet TEM -.NEC have nufficient points In win letter. Mamma Withers. DC loon FL Drinker, Mamma 1■010.1.7-.7■106 BM.,4 WI Royal Devi., DO: L. Balaton . Ceraraned 00 nee s mho. truakeam .010 with !as Ohm. Tem. '18. . BALDWIN, '26, IS SIXTH INTER-CLASS DEBATES • TNSINIAN-4.1Azeser. ...ail riria n. SENIOR TO BE ENGAGED SET FOR MONDAY, MAY 17 WEDE17.169.11.77. M. C. _ Se Oa Ude, C. Lumn01 So.1114 weekurt Mead, harebell anti Kimpbery be Op. Will Mary Mire Dells A. Haman, Ina Savant, Rarer 1a00•11 *LI Y. e41 Lho tway: flotherfard lAtrannaral Mapplatl. Of Millreeree A mentor dehatin. team.. compreed of meth Mead header/. Marshall and Kingof 3l'dlheurne. hoeannrdaoerd thorn bury (alternate) win tepbold the haestravag-beramem a eneement of tans daughter, Miss Doris were et. Twee., th p peeltIon. A. Hawkins, and Mr. Schuyler Forbes V17,rit7le'tlI oLe" deplores the reeeet 1-7.111A7.-lb.. . Der. Melanin, '213, eon of Mee Arthur C. leodeo, of there other Oboe regular Truk .00 01 Ireldran. of Pelladetaia. nth:se authorities to ammo. relbeenee Pesseeu rate at Mire elawkiee is a gemhiate of Freddie administratien of college affairs." m.; moras rare etre., et CenItAl Flehool cool liree Mawr Col. in attalest Sargent ender), Rorer end ban: imam. men ran t. Bee. Baldwin gradeeted from the gen- Rutherford (alternate), reprehend.' M.. At Um.; iv.. P.m 07 the eviler atm, Tree debate, together IATUNDAY-Ortelmt Nymanla the bth with the annual sopbotoore-freehman ntemoer of the velor.elage to became- eanteet, be held an Monday, May nag. Two of this nember are al- 17. I. the ill NEri7 WEN. nion. ready married. The team. were ehreen Bet week by MONDAY-Nem 1.1.112 e Elm Edward D. Seeder &Doane trial Tam. rare ten a.m. • in the levion. At tee rem* ADDRESS PREP SCHOOLS .leechessophomore teem of Hollander lisle a 192111AT-eranneed aaaaaa Lan we Metre Hererferd Patten} Wilt Wee Tau be heederl, Heneeker, A/chi. and Rhoads (*herniae) wan selected to trevervoar-r. m. 0. A_ Mu Prep Scheel AVIMIne oppom the free:moo °Peckers. The eels. Numb./ wIth Osta..Hverford faculty members are tak. letter will be Chelan by Dr. DAM iv .100. Um.; 0.51,wita nIVI Int Part in an extension plan from Aprel trlale to be held on Monday, Me 9. 12 to May 15. I which. eerier: prof. Tilt abject of the lower clue debate eete ore pewee% to TENTANAT-1.rmeuret It • 0 • ban. eye talks tO .e- will not be amounted until timetb gab N. .. in *hire before the eyeatleg of the contest, since outturY ahead. on they ore Interented. Hate of enable the provitions of the name rules cal/ 1171047-7. e. e. 40Atreur, 'eke have ben Vet to memben for ea extemporaneous debate. • schools, eV • number Of ePeedog,ertThe eophomore•freehman affair will SATVADA.7-11....1.13 Tate NerreAu: acen:aqtt• Sae, be. ruined by Pro.Pde et eel:He. The lenere At kluo. Tr... with O echoes in the School of speeches has not yet eeen decided of amp MAD. Areetut w' tam,,, ` Harerford School, ey, 'Friend& Central. upoo, hot the whole debate will take reersamme eremeehmen; Lower Marione Treverford TeweehiP an boor. The types else. Memo will 7. N. a. ...sum sl each he allowed two prevntation High ore among schoolswhich will be Suasamerc be mdtireeeed Haverford faculty mem- veva. of ten Bell:nitre and two eveminute rebettele Moe dz.rhom bg,,t1x0.1tr. APPROVES NEW CURRICULUM BODY 13.07 dPe..firehie"r4mr Mopp'd a Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD NEWS EDITORIAL BOARD MAIN Jame W. ilea IC Maarlea Maw Wenses...11 Nom GM. 2. g. land, Mt W. DarIMIra.Tr . lb Z. awadeann. ADAM PAP. V. o. sm.. TP Tina Cervweealltat O. ad,W. 'W hedge Woe AM.. MOAN .f.r 0- DM.. 7.1 O. C. 1.m. DLISINVID BOARD Soweto L. INN•lbs, -st eat.. mow... 5. mama& 'le A A. taverna, W •••• tim Ammar Narptir. 'U. Pliabsanave A 11 A. n. l DarsartMlam Nur kola at and PA. PrimPP ans•00 gad . Par P•sil• mat l.e epbin el !ha olio al .1 Founders Club Requirement+ Io the requirements Mid clown by the Founders Club for entrance into that orgsnization the aereeeity of several rather obvious Awe,. has become enparent. Ware the adoption of the requirenteota as they now diens offiee, mentioned have dwindled bt importance unt11 it in hardly fair to the rest to glee them the same consideration. °thee position. have riven which deserve Plate on the lint. Of the limn named Captain of the Gym Temm la one twat obviously in needof etinduation. The other. of President of the Social ticleoce Club fans oil of the requirement category due to the demise of that urgaineation. Th /dallier position of motto' of the Clam. col Club scarcely merits rite prominence It the Pounders minor.. For the catalog left by the (lyto Cap tein the Menagerebip of the Store deconaiderahle mention. Tile pail ▪ don ban increased in importmew ear year and with the Store operatmg on a avowed en-operative pion it is more and more a part of undergraduate activity AltbanAls in IP MANHiMIT project ead a remunerative office Store Manager work...fully as bard es the managers of the Collie padre times even bevies to do without th interear present to those jobv. With Me in.stem of menage.. an It i at prewar the Armin-rant Meoew,. e the Athletic twins qualify with teeny o the Founder. minors. The importance of membership on the winnion team o the Junior-theolor debate is 111 questionabl the ke while the establishment sward for varsity debating WIND n finite honor which ebould not be over looked. The election of the Etword &Ord for the 11727 hook by the claw, 110 113, board'a oubsequent voting for th Editor-in-chief brings the hoard tom 1 110, of the Record to the frost Vrben the- Raptor and Sanger of be yea ook are etented nod eubeequeuthchoose their boards by appointment till Ic on of th Pi IRA feanible. but thr whole Ward by the class Le mode o ability. Perhaps the number of board member. eligible for Foundere mina ahem's] be limited, e.sblishing a nog within which the Onee would make its choice. The increasedactivity of the Ralf Club makes its office.. worthy of note Some minor could be aptablished rover log that organization. not necessarily defining it but !wring the setertion o the moat eligible men to the Founders ChM itself. The ,bairmemibio of the Play Coon mittee has been the object of witted/int an a Founders major. The office o chairman of the Student Extmmio Committee bean Involved in it wont Mare in the rank. work In win it minors. Pre vious to this year. howeve et position has ninny, Wen held 11 n member of the :modem Coon,. L n NAT 5 . N-Pism •ad dam ordeal br Pplora. AI ma Mrs•aclar Marc •70. a -Arspraspes saml Or INIA• Pap, oLlentus• ressam. end Omits 710.01. arm y Nies Dm rlditelm. waw .00 L e. ,n Chsalre broad. druid aro. raclpl. we Molly m tda sansebr WON Imo PM... at tea Nam. NAP 7 01 data .. DPP. O=Pirpr"". 11.00 N. e.-aroma,. Mom. lorar sran• op. NPLAI: Illpl•P the Tmb, NANA 1.00 .0 tm Naze. 10.00 P. 01,--ama. Dor daps mroir th. Yoram Prim Pa. man. LoOrtbsaim. NSA 10 •AO P N-Port. .d PA. "Pod 1r MOP arliata 0i0 M011. Stepan M Pia dim. VARSITY Will MEET GARNET JUNIOR DAY Kingham Will Hurl Against Swarthmore, Hartzell Against F. and M. '°"" CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD titan Frederica Palmer. Jr., will represent flowerer(' at the inauggra. tine of Charlet 1. Beery aa President of Temple llolveraity. Philadelphia. on /rider. &fey 'films to or. and Mrs.WkNam Bneli Mel/tram on April 12 a son. Donald Nicol lieldern. The Haverford baseball team will espeeiebre ib hardest talc of O. swam when it tackles F. It hL 011 Wednesday, rod Swarthmore on Pride, of this week. The newon thee far boa been a great emcee, the team H. V. Bohlineer. '1.13 winning el of Ira four games egalegt W. 8. Febiger. '0'J college teams nod lotting only to the It. S. (Duster. '12 herd-hitting Penn A. C. MOP. C. IL Sunder, '= P, & If. asp ha. had a weeewful eirmiog from Dickies., Swarthmore and Craws, sod loathe 10 Lebanon Valley. Swarthmore has played MOP More mime. than either P. & M. or Haverford and has had a fairly wee:wind wwon. They woo from ONWPath.T. Diesel, St. John's and Wesleyan.wbile they were beet. by Army, Peon, F. At reedier,. end MoMenberg, Three Freshman en Swarthmere Mae 0. & M. has a Tete.. left hand twirler in Polacli. uexperieored outfielder 10 TON nod eleven fiett..beee• roma In Creak, The reel Of the team Verb,. obelus of the liquor question is young. Swarthmore ham letwere discuwed Mona.* under the rme lock froze Last tea and also leadership of Dr. Rehm, be • gaup three freshmen who here shown great whose derided ',ley" tendencies rather obdeted lively otraument, M T. M. C. A. t1.144.711!7. it'keTerDie111711:474:. .r, meeting loot Wedneeday night. Oadeo. Flu and Lippincott, while the DT. Eel.), asking to be allowed M freshmen ere Petnhin. MoDtate end eft mod talk informally rather than de- Adelman. The Haretfond ware will probe* liver au address, aurprised hie heere. use same line op for geese two by awing the am yet, he did not Wow wen.the au started the Albright game just wiket he was going to talk about. Windham will pitch in the liwarthOWO A mune. addle Hartsell will draw He the esedp" 1071Tio"nhoTrrokVirit. ignment exanat F. & don wma the one preferred by the group. battled tbe Pena A. C. Ennio- nod 0 With Drys be is la good ehepe •ed not beebered naeUpon opetn L e ns D LA by aore ermt, will glee F. & late y m e ain tthat hdaietrohe twoamn e r , of trouble. Hingham. the Hem NM l y bsolute& in favor of prohibition. ere, recelies • herd assignment la bat added Diet be wanted erereerte to Stwarthmore.. ',but should awe s ems feel perfectly free to est.-ens hie nenti• account of Itireaelf. menta, either wet or dry. He asserted that the proposed Male or natioaat referendoms could not to Picture*, Picture Framing se; LLAT Moir he 1011,1 Smote Can, stitntino, but ould undoubtedly serve tbdt.Plid es propaganda for the shown thereby to be more more in the public fame. CeeltItetho Barrier In Wishing his introdnetory remarks. Bryn Mawr-ArchnoreMaitie Dr. Kelsey pointed out thee. although far amendment was lased e won.. of idea idealism, due In the World Wee. it should not be condemned foe tint reason. He hid that the Cowtitutiou Poo framed an nr to be very adroit to niter. for the very purpose of cheekieg the results attendant upon too frequent formation of nubile opinion. Above all. 1Yr. Raw, said that he wanted to see Prohibition the emotion etperiment of its hind ever untdr. given a perfectly fair mini before beiug condemned. orde It was pointed out that thew -intoxicating" and -drunk" are often rontmed no Io dirtioin0. Dr. Jitney said that the Carnegie Inetitute. coodutting carefui experimentation kilo the effect. of aleoholic beverage.. foetid that liquor nonillion. as low ae one teeth of one tor cent. alcohol 'content wee productire of a dearly intoxicating effect. That it la eillevonotitic rather than a n.nrai ...tow 6 the opinionof Dr. oleo,. He said that the wet forces hod abandoned their cry of 'Versotml berry' very nay in the fight, reellant, eddently, !het this is a atrietly racial ors, jo which we are hiving. The Gift Shop- Hotel Rooms For Transients Luncheon and Dinner ;LOS Special (Or Teachers and Student* lastd $9 ----- C q Goad Appearame mealy attaimal at Our Our Pkladelplia Slop OR. KELSEY LEADS Y TALK ON PROHIBITION Caftan Ream is New Reedy far Reasped. Card and Dame., Parties Mal ante risk* plata Phew Ardmore 31•0 $35.00 mai upwani *wham coif if roo Sake & Tap Cows ACOB =US SONS 1221-1223 cheslautSt. 10414-.511 CIMITMDT 271 nut.Amitomui. d.■■11■Mling bushes. to ás tint at meth male Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave.. Ardmore Ifettairla Fasi CerallasY ESCORPOILIVID Allandis HAVERFORD PHARMACY PIEWITT W. MUM P. 41.2 0. Irdstamas D. M. WRST INSURANCE Pharmacist AMMO= PA eitamsem to TMs Bern Wow smelts TfiLMFMONEr altfalle&B as WARNER DRUG STORE C. G. Oa 18.4071.1 bets spawn all Wee la Vault, In remarry Yid ow = e em, both to Twists' Mealy. limn.. M. H. ROBINSON Maker of "Good Clothes" Showing Every Wednesday • IsSMMAN• Dr.o0110* 00.1510‘ ear Wel SWIMS fee llagwee M WOW./ or far Ware. to permos. In LONGACRE & EWING WE DELIVER Telewhewe Ardmore 1372 141 S. Fourth Street edlitt Beading liendirm Founders Hall Free Plus Fours for Each Haverford Romer Credits at Home-1 Crt Extra 450 names in Wildore. Enghab. Mathinnalka . More than are glean by oerreeperoineee. Learn bCor the Y t theF Yidd i f3=1 017 your caller program. Catalog tieectibing courses fully, en request. Write tddaY, Dr* Dindiernitir of Chicago we guts neat. ,---1 .11■C■ BALL TO TALK ON PHASE RULE AT CHEM CLUB Well Describe Rawareh Wet Carried O. Tide Year Erie fi, Ball. Assistant lo Chemieiri ill speak on wine aspect of the phase wittem which he and E. P. LOW. Al intent in Chemistry, have Wen Leveed getittg thle year, at meeting of th !header,. I 1015 In be hold- Tueedee reeler, at 7 dam,. The work has bee one by determitaing the traunition tem perature of bIlitIPIM of Sodium Chromate end Sadie. Sulphate Crystals. I m• required woo, rather impede. apParents and e great deal of careful work C. A. Olinger. ' 28. sod J. E Rhoad . willw ra speak at thht Meeting. but he subjects hare MO yet been n anew& you see its like thisMere quantity in eating counts for little. Only the food you assimilate builds bodily health and strength. Beyond this point food can be actually harmful. AllISLAZISTS 771-7ATAFA APPLAID-“Pory Tarn, ROAD-7.• .1 ' .17.67 Ntstm, CILIATIMMI, Onorra EMU" 0.1.1110Y-'10. 80 InamlINO eraas-sm. PAT.. 11 110 P. N.-Mdispor Mambo New Ermined honied DiaWr to TWe Plane Wily 7111 Anuauncement. have bee, wet to kieserfoni Alumni in Now hagland of the annual dinner of the New &attend Alumni Anweiation, which will lw heid Frith*. evening, May 7th. at 7 &time, at the Milton Club, Vetoes! sweet and Columblue rued. Mikom Maw. Tennis matches will feature the after, noon of May 7W at the Milton Club. and President Comfort will be a Font at the dinner in the DOWN. '70. is PreNATIlt of the See England Alumni AndOCIMIOn and E. W. Brown '_t. I. t4,ertary. The ExecunArl.e0K :that; following: 11 ,,e ComnIptiz irru Wants tOqk See Prohibition Given a Perfectly Fair Trial ••=I 7. 10.001-L BOSTON ALUMNI WILL DINE AT MILTON, MASS. MAY 3, 1985 FACULTY NOTES LYRIC--P.Mbarbs. rumen La -mu area arc' Lam Am, aNITIMAL-r sOnnelau ltart..” NAL11117-77.•Im MLA Mir" NOMPO nonage ALPIP-,1. PIA PM., Last prooly,WM0m. Distrply. 30M Hu man Is TM Pm Hut-. DLO, d bstaraap this" LAAL.7_,LoPsma Agais-With PMd Pplpater, TOPPINT-Rossra Amami In "Pia 101-34,7 ranam te omens mess SAALTOP-PM• Paul In "nntre,s al Dm' SIX757.PINTH 011[27-11I • • d • r. Parip.r. 'Damply. P.M Pap labm./TIMM, IOW Los"-•• Mandy. /PUN bawdy. PA.. Ma La llDt" eel Kyr Shredded Wheat is not only 10096 digestible but furnishes all the BRAN, CARBOHYDRATES. PROTEINS, of the good whole wheat, balanced as Nature intended for the highest degree of nutriment. SALTS and VITAMINS Ii you need if energy, 0 you desire new bodily you need roughage, health and mental vigor -EAT SHREDDED WHEAT EVERY DAY. 87.11.2T-CaDes Ppm Is -Imp° OTATTOIS-Bar•Ia Mow. was, ri1c111(1.6., 1/11e/14, The Master Shirt and Blouse Co. 1308 N. 3rd St, Phil.. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Here Is a Hurrying Senior! among the oninitiated that Seniors never hurry. That however, is a fallacy. And we are here Co contradict it. e.7. r 0(114.1 A CCOLLION OPINION Seniors do hurry. We have positive proof of it. And perhaps the most widely knoivn condition which makes them anted. their pace is ... when they are on the way to a Telephone. to talk with the folks at home! We will admit that they are loath to hurry away from the Telephone, but.thar is pardonable, as anyjuniar, Soph or Freshman who has tried ic will tell you. • MAY 3,1926 HAVERFORD MEWS COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR: ALIEN F. HORTON, Jr. IBINIS HAM WM EN AND figH Textile Loses, 6-0; Lafayette Defeated, 5.2, in Close Match RESULTS OF WEEK'S SPORTS Trait Bamford, 105; Delaware, 21 hiarafent lays . Reyes. Touts Hoverter/. I; Textile, D. HeverteteL 6: Lafayette, 2. Hourford I. Y. 5: Palleelai. Pile Ruud New/ 0. Havvrford Frea. II; Guile Textile Mid Lafeyette were edded to the del of van/althea °Moen. I. testae Amin the pest week, being Samba defeated 0.0 and 6-2. respective], Havorferd.111 AMMO!, 2. These rietorita bring the total up to Crleket aine for the Mateo, without Mal* Haverlank 103: Cutualal C. defeat be mar the record. Las We Salon Textile was completely smothered II, the Para and mock rsetwet wielder. and only woe 13 game In the eetire match. Welw- TRACK MEN PRIME FOR 'd' eartirtle kftst then the coulta tare extremely wet nod thee the match was Pan I TYSON-STOKESWILLIAMS R. BRLADY, Jr. LEONARD E. YODER DAVID C. BEVAN W. WENDELL BLANCKE LAFAYETTE RUNNERS CENOMAL C. C. BOWS TO COME CMCKETERS Haverford Wins by Score of 103-40; Baker Responsible for Fifty-five Runs In a do. mstch played with the Centennial C. C. on Matsuda altermo4the varnity XI kept its Word intact by coming out On the long end of ▪ 103.110 wore. For a time It looked an though the veterans of the Centennial Club bed scored eaficient ruse to win •od bad It tat been for the efforts of Captain Baker thin would have been theate. took the Feld at the *tort Harferd ve of the match with A. Silver god RUMnog bowline. W. White. opening for Centennial. hotted carefully and morel forty.elght ram before Morris look hie wicket Pe the end of the visitor'. t luau. The melee was eaed on a time bah. each team baring one hour ..d a 1.11 at bet. With tweely.mlnutes left Centennial bed mead 81 14. for five wicket.. However. Morris .rid Suede'. bowled arm:Moan, well End took time more Meats la but nine rums. Baker Blare F. Garrett ad Baiter opened the Harerford labia. The. men lieintuited for 12 runt In half an and before bowled by A.worth. Cannon and Barm could add but 11 more and Haverford apthred to he beaten with fire warts down for BO use and Opt three namee of an boor left to pay. However. Baker. by • maguifant exhibition of load distanee hattlog, and anessle0 by Vacant and Morris rutted the game out of the fire bybr inging the Harerford total to 10S with ten minutes left. Hereford retired with three men yet to bat. BOev.v 46 included ten boandary Mae ads wa by Dr the notatendiox fee. ton of the latch. The wane.: • CHNT6NNIAL Euba Combinetan Mule FerMali 'ittl eT,n11•711111111,1'74.1 part el Hacr OPlateltioe SOF ;onskreable return to form On both • The ford track team •ill en. his eke. ad doubles wurehe.. darer to make It three etreight wan it meets the Lafayette sathtera at Wader Laws Find Mash The courtesan traveled to ream Renato-a on Junior Da. A hard on fistarday and defates1 Lafayette sou is eaticip•thil, but .nee the showing ot the aggregalloa UN two like d'etinkihnt: at the past week, the Scala sod Meek g:.ersaterti son at the heeds of Moore. who In slunk come out on ton feezeoe th.t. Elear AN in the Bataan meet Beeerlal re of „ttrl... will have difficulty in placing in the men Later eased a Ise game el lag roma. West sod EMU'. are • he feet mile of half miler. and will furolah Imola ad wet rather eally. 01.0.1,tion fee the kleverford 880 ...ter dee. Id. ma a Mmortuatty le • ref otarterLdher teeing Ur Drst. set men. West I. also • toiler sod has 0 -I they directed their whole attack been clocked at d.13. Furushin is go. on Delp and finally ailed oat the ether miler of sale ability. Format match. Later and Carey rally we. le the cock Lafeyette two mike. who hue registered time of 10.282.8. Brown their doable. rental and Lafayette le e fast quaker-miler Suamariast Mid in a dual meet with Moblenherg Haveefeed vs. Textile defreted Roblo.o. holder of the M. A. 611.113m .,,w erroereee a. 4.1.41 arms.. ew• B. P. A. A. record. Lawry eel RewleNel• ShefeM Woe usiarGise. arena a.m. Twilit. relaaia Lowey eed Rudelheita. If tanba44. Itetwarit. ...bed Tame. ht. they maintain their p anuld weeder the firm two piece.In Fhint. Lverram. ketwitte Triebt.. Tee the hurdle erente. Johnson and Hirshber ter.vaore, men who will figure In both w tiOristaq u L 11.1r c. mare le d'Illarerrents gain mantels .willt,pgtri A. Jr.. chip rat in the field should have tittle difficulty In def., Revaarem Tin ZaltATIFTSV ''717::: o Trareek in the toe higb jump. Fowler bltietit end Rutherford take two ea wth.ter. wet. io the .bet put Resides ad lisrecta. ammo. tone lefty- should carders the find two pima in WA Midler, rstattnisAvert. Mew. Wroth. La the pole vault u Brown. the Lefayette r. away 0 daspet• raker. reeffiterod Dote ten feet in the 4:1=.11LTC.T. ' thww. ta• Maidenherg mat. If Fitter le doles s. 141 Igwaint. well an he did in the Delaware meet. i•tsytta• Wow. Pow. Mew be should have an easy time le the aphid • ewe bettaLlbe hirthe throw. aod either anew or natal place. West of Lafay411:1‘Sewt ‘ 71rit•rreliter4 Lemberti ral=het. 117V we het et t e hew bared the discos 112 ft... J. ataidaitt wt r. iirraLlatie..7:4410, Exams DELAWARE LOSES; RUTGERS BEATEN Cantata crone page 1. col.. H f:117 .: ,: ':.-11 : -..E.1 Thir ilsutn J. V. NETMEN CONQUER NORMAL SCHOOL TEAM FRESHMAN TENNIS MEN DEFEAT GEORGE SCHOOL Scheel Soya Ma Three at Nita Matches; dohs... asil Alia Nay Well The Frenhman to uun lee 'aide! ,ictory of the aesnon on Saturday. Visitors Take Only One Set when George School was defeated, 6-3. All of the machos were hard fought, moat of them oolu three eft, before they were decided. Win Opener lwe " hu Saimaa. went down to defeat in a la". ink hN~Ri.•id nt4. n.d onte.4.4e. unlez rt . ,be , ta or.t The junior Yarelty tenni. teem won tbhrielLiparo her: Y1 its opening match of the ..11 ph H %Fit?. 11 Ieav, Saturday when It cattily defeated 1431. ndelphia Normal School by the score the bent terms of any of to' of fl-n. The Normal bone won only Ent-yen player,. Aiwa played t ,9 :91 le; siAl 41,r Meetly woe, Wahl. on accurate chop'' 1 one set during the ropiest. 4 /tiers 'l td••• ''' Ersne experienced little trouble In ping amt. with well-plaved drives to '774*' VTle' it'T' IrH%r!"rttinCiaV"d detesting his men, eke wee a eat vote eirtary over lanes in at-night tar' . Havilend End Brown lionedelbeim. rifler winning the first Mated the best eshibitiou of tennis, Both .0 pleyed driving game. but set of Ills matt+ again. Min, Hartland as the steadier and Si. all. eltanmed badly. sad hie opponent ran T.k. i...:1=E'• plead drives eventually gained him • out the uest two nets muddy through coosiatent lobbing gams Bevan eery. ;11 1 .ith7?ir°4 ,517.7q..141Eiq Baidwin and Estee tared ray tri. found the going rather difficult In the MI: titew. int Mawr, IlL Mull umwh• weenie{ slam, pointy with their first Net of hie match and In the see 1 arra. width were working very after holding • comfortable Iced. He eett1idg.n:. 170 and only lost one • 11/11140d API Eva. diesposed .. of their opponents in the doubt. In Summarise: two straight seth. Baldwin and Estes had tome trable sett* atated and neneeeticvrar abated lobo., as • renult loot the first net of their m. doublet, routes!, la the mend set, .411174 CS. Weer. less. nearae Bebel. detre. eau.. gum:. itnneforen=o wrat Ph. h., iu: <1.a1rd amok ewes. Who; 10rrw0.1. dr.. mown. 14. Per., 1 i. deft.. Taat• Geom. ..0141Vilnlarrrhad. ldrippe. Ph. .71101; Ifh%erf.. Bind aollue. Pe. X.. Mbwl. H.:row, mom.. Gwen Jebaan tyrtmed 04h Pado rsUT■rof. dded Tww. d 44! Z1 LTrstarl.orite•M Jairiinnegintriet. N . ad ird k". tgar"' as Second String Men rrf.,4'Cr=brP.7g10),_ "..."'" ,1 !" mbi.d -57.;—wo 7.= e. . 4; T."107`.T1.7. . ii■:"'"11.4"' 11 ma • e—Woe br Trtvliti: .e. litt±10:e rita..4::I V Z*. i ."'"`"*. - STANDING OF THE INTRAMURAL W. L P.C. usys 2 R LOOP Gates 2 0 1.000 Merl. .640 2 I Rath I I .300 readers 0 1 .003 Mirth 0 3 You will be pleased with our selection of exclusive fabrics for your Spring and Summer clot he a. Smartness and style in every garment and at moderate prices. Best suite in the City at $66 and 675. Have m make your clothes anid they wild always be right in quality and fit—and at a price only ,lightly higher than ready made. PYLE & 1NNES Leading College Tailor. 1155 Walnut St. THEIMEW Plhlit' OP tPERFECTION Here is a new smortment of Whitman'. atomism. under a time-honored narne. The package ls more compact end cOnVettlitlit.. The design in old-rose, gold and black, is rich and restrained. The assortment contain. chocolates entirely dew that seemed worthy to bear the name— PI N K OF PERFECTION CHOCOLATES Far Mother'. Dayl A eraltdarap for the Pink of Perfeetiena—• charming Rode of ....dam: 'tor order nay with the ';attramm Whiteners agency, , latany a drag de.. Lc.. The Best College Sports News On the sports news pages of The New York Times you find the fullest, moot entertaining news of baseball and college sports. News about your own team, and news about the other colleges—written crisply by a staff and well-informed correspondents. More college games are reported in The Times than in any other newspaper. That is why The Timm is read by college of experts men everywhere who want to be well posted on intercollegiate sports. Zlite New ijork Mmes MUTRIAMS FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY C G. Warner, Haverford, Pa. D. M. West, Ardmore, Pa. Alm:. Cricket flub G. Kempea, Ardmore, Pm Maim Line Drug Stem, Ardmore, Pa. Henry Prom, Haverford, Pa. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE MAY 3, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Page I BASEBALL MEN DOWN ALBRIGHT .• t' Welcome your old age Cannoned from DPW 1, comma 6 A slight ilare•op by Albright In the ninth produced only two mingles. Brown ended the game by hita hOh Byto Abbott. Kinghom'a veal twirling to the pinches was the highlight of the game. Herne performed well for Albright. eolleCt. Log three safe blows end converting at least two Haverford base hit. into mounts ley rooming far back Into right field. Flint end Tripp each ronnerted safely three times. Abbott buy d n I et t 6 ld with hit hoe patent.. Kurtz Brothers RUMSEY ELECTRIC COMPANY Electric Supplies and PAsslastrem Everything to lindlo 1007 .411 As=1..wielso has had rope. hag issorpriwed theansasot;f ARCH STREET thoughtful kelp and wed. ha gets from • really good printer. , PHILADELPHIA THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP IL D. MANUEL Flt Flowers, Potted Pluto, Meal Lommeriew Also Gawk. and Gold FM WHOM. ASomOlent It will be one big vacation if you have enough time and money to enjoy it. A Provident•Munial Old Age Endowment policy will furnish the money regularly every month. And if you have the money you can rake the time. Tam nouns Pans. "Amos 131349 Owe, mom PligodolpIns A Store That Has leoemmamerme Provided Well to Meet Every Need r a aLtaab.. .11 27 era , Ann "0 Atn—A. -ilia7rIsleirM gig "r A-45`f.' At..."'rtenZ"rreaiir '71=M:.724 g . 6,6,6, a: .6.,... mar10..11a 0, 14a1ajT PtIV"It'get!" • Ibrionk 10. CENTRE AND MERION WIN WEEK'S GAMES Provident 'Mutual LP iasurmornmeylf.Philarlaphiaraw• rd. e• MHas, Stare for Herts.; Cantor Water, 13.9 Two close, bard-tought games, not deckled till the last man wag not, were the results at last week'. Intreqnutal beaehall. The drat, played on Monday. remitted In an 18-14 victory for Mellon over South. and enabled the Merlooltes 10 climb above their sic. time In tbe intre.roural etandlog. On Friday Center retained Its tie for nest place by staging a tool ral/y toover. come Founders by one run, 14.13. The blerlon•flouth tilt Meted only eO inning., due to the late boor at which the .me wee started. The teams fought evenly foe are cooing.. neither team below able to get More than • two•ren lead at any time. end at the end of the fif th the more Iva. tied. 1434. In the fleet half of the .10th inning Merlon rallied after tvm were out and niched Jones for four rms. ('enter's victory over Founders woe ohm the remit of a last-minute rally. tte Founder molt a Eking to Hogenar two Whinge a nd itching in the art a Patted him out of tete boa. Shankcow to the rewire and held the opposition fairly well foe the 666,1616ra, at 1 he M. H. ROBINSON Maker of Into the Bond Business? There Ii a cycle of fashion not only for the hats col, lege men wear but for the line of work into which they But your fob hat to it your head as well as your hat. for it has to fit your state of mind. Like your hat also, your job needs to fit your purse. Therefor e. why not choose one that brings not only satisfaction in service but in financial return. Selling life insurance is one of the few modern businesses that does bust this REMY D. WALLACE CATERER AND COIWECTIONEE Student Wage sad *ye Mawr "Good Clothes" Showing Every Wednoaday in Founders Hall HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DINNER Phew, AJILlawre 11.411 When You Are In Need Of a Real PHOTOGRAPH Get In Touch With THE ZAMSKY STUDIO At 902 Chestnut St., PhiladelPhis, rwsWIO of the Modern Os Are You Going MacDonald & Campbell isemdefiwe 1421 CHIBTNUT STREET IISTABLIUMM LEADING SPECIALISTS in YOUNG MEWS Salta Oewomos Set* Ob. eloberdwakaaw blowo4ad Armee, Mrs 1334.1336 CHESTNUT STREET PIIRADELPHIA EDW. K. TRYON COMPANY Official Outfitters for HAVERFORD COLLEGE PHILADELPHIA'S LEADING SPORTING GOODS STORE For Your Sporting Goods sad Stationery Try MAX ABROMSON 3 Went [..aver Avows. Mimeo.. Pa. 912 CHESTNUT STREET "Look for the Green Canoe" amine. COMPLIMENTS of NATIONAL BANK YOU can't always PHILADELPHIA tell from the Campus THE TRADESMENS It telex Intelligence, Zest and Ability it glum Liberty of action, the phi l000phic satisfaction of selling future security and present amenity to Bong people, and a response, immediate and tangible, In monetary as well as mesas] reward. Corvine and tonfsdenthel ter. A,rnettion,yitho.tonyoblantion ' Is s om writMinag th e m ,Moo ., John tioncock Mmual Life I aaaaaa ce Cowpony, ray Clarendon S rrrrr , Sews, Maisechamw GRADE T N is s plain tale of it regular, everyday Americas undergraduate—an engineer from the Univenity of Cincinnati, with s college 'record much tile that of thousand. of ocher studenta. A Pasteurized Clarified MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lulea/ter Av. 9.006C6.6.6,61,0var 61a71,.. Phew sag lawn Mawr EI:117,:;‘: utTla" atel" raltIr of the meciaSsatioo which he was ro linden Ice 01 Weainghouse—there wasn't a clue. Hof The cue of W. E. Thao is worker nein le of im foremen opportunide afforded by such am organist/ion to • man with • healthy aptitude for ruing things done. Catering to the Style Tastes of the Student Alin the Lewd mining given college men, he entered the General Engineering Drumlins. Later he became Engineer in Charge of the Marine Section, handling ell moine and govenstnent application job.. That war air yews ago. L LEADING Eastern schools, Edward Clothes (Made for You) enjoy a prestige that is based upon our ability to understand and to arty out student preferences in style. W.g. gaga a The vain., it 'Reiterate; Adel. Where de wax, nett get whew they Isar y /orgy isdrartal orgormatthf rrestiekr Have the, rgherthont, talester Or are they Arad jets mane growler Thu teratefaeloreasnentct tlovtot hght ex rhea goatees,. Ltih averearateet Wet cep tie reeved ef • allege mos svhe atm with the Watagheme Cheaha, ovitha the last ay 'earl yr a, afar gratheettah. woe For insunoe, when the word, ••Elecnify the banleshipt Tennessee and Colorado," the Marine Section was an the job to inst.]] turbine electric drives, which helped to make these wweraft the men powerful Imes to the National Defense. Or t he Clyde Steamship Line mys We Neon to load thew lumber-Pieta carriers electrically. How roe we do itt What will it cool" Theo mop Spire to a fine point the eat. requirement. Westinghouse See our showing of imported and domestic weaves. Two prices oply 28" 58" Meet Our Mr. J. Lin Hill at Founders Hall On Thursday, May 6th Tinto etsel'his essociatee determine how practical laced, application proposed. They diagame eselt mummer's needs. They prescrthetheright Westinghouse equipment. This don the Watinghone opplication engineer combine commercial end &timerkg mese to sdvance the interests of the mum, betas saved. Within Thates time, the timed-electric drive has come to be the moat advanced method of whip peopulaion. By mom of In character of fabrics and styling Edward Clothes are in keeping with the edvanced ideas that prevail on the college campus. 0 He got a Eck out of playing varsity lasaketball. He caught on the Michell tomWhen Cincianati won or football, he celebrated with the reit. For a year be wryWeed the emdent cooperative bookshop. He vow president of the Engineering Tribm.1,' the rudest governing body. lo r word. be did list them well, that college seldom everywhere like to do. it die man in the plot boom controls In vessel .e evil, and sorely al the driver of an automobile. Alen, [hie mann uwes snot wie.third the fuel of the ordiory etarawhip —an mamma swing in dollars, tamp space end weight. Of ail the Diesel ekttrie mune init./snow in the world today- 7o per cent are Wesaingliatac. • ATtA r, A at • The EbniAlt13 TAILORING CO., INC., Philadelphia OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE a)