• - HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD) COLLEGE, HAVERFORD, Pk,. VOL XVI PErsgUAAY le, 1924 Scarlet Definitely Dropped' for Rest of Year HAVERFORD FIVE DEBATERS WIN OVER U. OF P. IN DUAL DEBATE On eCtennt et the lark of edit!,I Mesa dithiard by the Modent bneD tom". the -Searle." the Cope. humorous magazine. G. I. Rootlet .24, the editor of the Journal, ban del. abet,' decided nor to common.. KY publication dale year. At the beginning of this year, when the pubileationwas diorentieued, Hardt" Pia... to 18.11te the .pwpwr LOSES TO TWO STRONG RIVALS F. and M. Wins, 38-26, in Haverford Teams Win From Both Philomathean Representatives &niter the amend moneataa has Mm IkePa mom to but sa gathempaithaea Hard Game; Good Showing ARTICLE TEN DISCUSSED Istriest in le at the semot time there I. little likelihood that the magazine will reappear tine term. Made Against Rutgers The Ira intarthileglate debate It the year for klaserford ...lewd Is • emplethd triumph. for the Starlet end CONCERT THURSDAY AT SWARTHMORE SHOOTING IS BETTER' Mace debetem wit. the Phi/omettioh. Society of the University of Femme. sante we. tkif,Wel at both ends .2 demi debate lam grid. ...Me. V.. rum. 13. The subject. whir. wita .1monanamely debated by oPPogint ayeas et ilaverfori and at the UMW, My. west -Membred, Oast the mem.. of bAis Mum .add ma Simla it ibardidw to be the United Mama eater the Lea.. of Natio.. .11100 modidthrlon of Article X." JON Haverfordelierarathwere aselital Mb he Appear Fthrogry 21 Allan bolds. Me feet F. and M. /memoa6 teem to me IRA LW the tae am nal{ Gm tibrut end bias eau were UMW, oven.. ow Lao...ter. Saturday meet. Feuruery la. 1.1.111,1G1.1.1.14 mmem.. end .1■1:01.0.1.., alum. was Wmde reapodmilda fur Um llatadard equada As men o v. the Lancester hum. Throughout the suede Prat period the two Mama were never separated by mere de. 5ve potent. lievedoad sot ed lW lead. Out F. and M. mt. equelle4 and then overcame thin initial sour, The Blue end White train ma never heeded again, but secureae foul sheeting runt held made he Ante. end T Garrett kept the c.o. 1.01: Cm. in the Monied. Chad. wick and Rhode evened the more at with two onet theta from 'we-1mm. Mt before the brat half ✓ed.. Levi geld geode Ir.. the Poor featured the F. and M Muck denim the u•kolieg mine/. of the game Con. eidereble foul.. by the Ifweeeterd tom swelled the tend of the home teem, and the .d of the gam tatted teem leading by • I2-point marg. Neer for leeserfare A reco.treeted Revertant teem Wog the floor at the begin/Sus of the game. Rhonda had replaced Shank at Held forward. mod Veld Mined the geese et kit guard in place of P. 0an ram, sdre ememmteibirem yMylap by hie inbred ankle. F. erre M. Meted the attack bat faded on metal cam deer.. T. GM) nett was the firm to tally when be dropped It a shot from directly In front of the Mahn. and Arnold fol. Vowed a few amends later with short. "mauler Mat, T. Garrett mina ngaln for Ha.rford on a suemodul foot try before Clerrigtom, the empori um esniain..• s held gee e F. wed M.'. end more. Tuba of F. sod M. slimed In a +Maio counter from • fifteen-lout mall led Gentem tied the count with me f41.7 goat 5.'0m under the PLO, A timely foul abet trY Getter put F. end d In the Ind gotten mak, The la leaf ... bibt this lead unlit three min.. be lart the ball ended. The • 10.1.11 by Arnold end Chedwielre form deLd Rog emed the more et 10411 Garrido,. Hume dad IL ahead a few moo& oembooded tees Wee by Making Bum beyond the foul line. A more Rh.. desdlothed the more asap anthi hist ae the timy's awn brought the half to a rim. F. and M. at Oa. abr. fete Lead Gerber, of F. sod M., cued he. lam goal. from the Boar at the very Mad of the reeved period- T. Get. rett brought 111.19.rrottl within etylk• Mg distance adain with hie mew. Tube rn■de a basket two.Dointer. from the metre of the Coen and Tegel dropped en ondwhanded tom through the ring for Revedonl, heitat' Mg the Mo. all to 2622 From tbs. Pthit on the Idnieeeter annd skew avrev fee, the Searles and Black team frond them orde the tad .the leellny by • 28.20 comet. en Megegna nu liarnord Imams-maw cue ee. wee • awe Weentsweeles PRINCETON UNIVERSITY IN TOW Foyer of the Anadony of Melak 26, Dating Al Meyer's Orcheetra "rickets; 32.50 Z. S. Darter, Jr.. M'g'r. March 1 Selected for Next Prep School Day Mares 1 has been en as the date for the newt prep school day by the °M1w 01st dthdeet Extension Committee- After the itch. men bare been enabled to tom Pm 14 , ,Step tram• the geirtinde during the day they will mtend the Veens basketball ruse M. oi man.' WS'erth:ore l' rol$ in tar evening. arid. a molter in a. Swas D. LAWALL HIVES TALK ON SPICES Tale Seleetnle S../ al Rem.. sod Pert.."1„M Spice Tai DEBATING AT HAVERFORD HAS HAD A LONG AND VARIED CAREER The Loganian Society, Organized in 1834. Partictpated in the First Intercollegiate Debate With Philamathean Society in 1894 .hl ipar-of &hating at Haverlent is extempore •. debating than ma direitte7rt .1([ Panes back to the very find arm I afforded by any ef the hththrr emthe when most prep neh.1 rrUlnib Cs are ef the college tempo. Logan'. cierlear a debating ebb was termed esid forming they dana toe DOW teat Rode.. foimiud no January 21, Raba Mi. 'The Crossbeam" alter ter felt and it alt etre loony who ere had debating for nee Ofie chief hater112.6 of Doom weer. Ste fathen rm. eithongh lb. debitea wee. of 5 of Troy aro set...Toted as debating se Tenn todermal mature and literary wetly- "mod orate., hits antondiollPeto • •" Mew were 1le male baritone. It eon- "The Tyke, Clothiers.. ease another tinee‘ he mugs. activity • h rough snap eyiety of the tame mance Both they eetlege yaw, with ehe of the did much to improve the pears 1.131.5-4.13. when tbe College wee matedo efwesel, muff the ye. 1840,at the quality of the debtites Is the larJer mereweek end a ado. of the Athenaeum and ..a Evhis Md. ...MI who bad to It erett Societies. wham primary eldeete were literary achievements, it mead he derielon at the <reel... debase, TY Alemml asesalothen Pain function as n literary society mad deInterest Is public Mmakileg end devoted Re entire programme to debating. "Books for the College Man" The Loganbn wee nonmed the 'Ileum bating was 17.513 inc... La 1871 CuranIGIM. ho tern died in by the offer, by the Alumni Ammin Forms Subject of Address of111. don, of e prise of SAY dollars to the The Logenthe Barbey was clamed le belt moniker Inea grab.. .nrent at Monthly Meeting be held >numb. The Brat e.t.a . =1 11atTlegle r ward be tp was held. La ISM, apd has tat. place 'Moo. for the CollDge Mao. formed Mimed Governor of the Pr.-Lore. The annually! ever elan. However, the Me maned of a Mb by Profemor E. "Mater, of Newerford Calkge... a de- priee which ma herpes], awarded for D. learder be/ore the Preen Club al tailed toremmt of Itheeeloree actiediee motion, bream ewes to the win. . mpalbD meth. 1.t Thursday, for It. fleet silty eeeru. nye of the sera of • /ualerSenior debate. IMAM. Soeiety. -rbe work of tbb February 14. At the boaln.a far the debates were only withhold Just before 1)r. Snyder'. ad- unties.. dm.* all the earlier yesn of in the societies, themselves. A emelt the rooter of eehooF and College, ere. .-trey. W. IL Saunas.. SA announced ,mealy Yen forward wee takes woe after the a tees Important tenter hie reidesation from the presidency . LIIIVIBtan Society brew. the renter Moulding the atedenue lives than their bomb. Wright, Jr, '25, was clime le the College Their mace les- of deb... by the bolding .thter.tiem to mite hie place for the rest of this MM. mil- debates among the enettiheee of the so. ittin add elmtbetle 'ankles reed. liner* and their minds stored with In- Not, In the year 11.0, home*, In hie lath Dr. Ranh. ',taught sat formation in the latter. but thr-Lagaethe edideebility of begin.. sae. ea yea them a seamy to speak, and this tater.this deb.thog vs. all etudes. in the. cal libregy whde Ift college amid ore .0.. the enparole• force of yawl., find that Nam ... Waved debating ▪av[n. to the pitfalls which anal a freer intercourse with each other.. en math yak 186E,an enthe unwary bout-buyer. Ile re/Med Ma, Miner Soave. AM. Formed rms. torcoilealate debate arrayed hethe OCR of the Maellment plan hi the early Moen the Phil:nem-he. ii•Mety of the esthete wee el. mottled on need I. the perdues of b.., dwelling days of the College by other .elaths. Usivereity of Peenaybaelaand the Lo. Da the wilen employed by the The Oral them the Pam Literary vendor la forting his betide upon en Seelmr. wen beaded lg 1140. width la 11.1. Societe at libeerford. The debate took plena on March-10 is Almaunwilling purchaser. ebtbrial on h.q.., dame. Another dung. width was pointed other Maim houbJect.. lbesether . Ha4 which mow forum • part of the toll duang the emote at trr. Stiydefe the thetwati. of Vs. Se the United library. at ilaverford. The declaimn of hilkis the cur.-hoists Of Maori:slate SM.. will Wet ote.tade to thin then- the Jude. ma unentoo. for the LoMI. Society, pm euthor from .01710 holm Bete war with Florida I. .d The Float Dadda-Mmded Deb.e. ether then the one MOO bad the co. h ifla he e lit er o.." T Red. debate was held thonally for Plete copyright It secum to be an eedde .. tad the wH o e . ar inevitable result ef such purchases that the mine. of other botieRre ...- meta year. until 150(1 whoa date walatanory to both mdedea could not the item which the patelmer easy to Leery with the 'V.V. On October 23. read most will be ...a from the DOM the eHarerford Lyceum" origi- be arra.rd. Out of these Bret menu debates. Hamden/ woe five. In 1122. sal. nated Ind time tato prommmetm. 'Seeks," said Dr. Snyder, "are the Seeley.. gamed far Pat- Increseed . interest in debating led Tbe Type AC Mends who met ton only belt- rick Heary. borams (emus fur the • restimPtall at YAWS. with the way, but they have ad loon.eurebte mesa men of great sits who 'were mem- Philomatheen Society. At miditional end,' it ma eimeraLb rue- feature wee added HY T.. that at mute ofexp... ass and Melba, and byte ot posed that ble otatute wan one of the bidding a daubia deb.., each collthe wherever now they ere with Thy remain year friend. to the end'. weluithaients for Meenharehip. All the enteritis two teams, sae tabled the at; A thine of great,. Importance In ehat. of this society were unmated!' Primitive and the other the negetbe adn Ode. lb. mob of tkl• Ithala watt • formlne • library le the careful 'selec- toted and dale. Another malt of the inereaned tion a the uperld type of literate. Of the peormeme. In which the hadhidnal b moat inAtbaithem mad Everett Sesta. leocillead as Po. S. eulogy 21 terested. Thin departmeat. Dr. Oath. The two moat inner.nt literary soadvieed, Mount be maaltheited et rted., outside of the Logenian. Mow should be made as nearly complete as the Athenaeum. founded in IA/115, end the Slr R. A. Falconer to Give peasible. The book-lover Ob,41ill Everett, founded a VMS. These that Commencement Address 1.01.4 01 the wee-known weeks Aortae mauler vrmktv roosting,. In doe. the lie. of Ile ,pedal bobby', end which pa.n on thence topics were Sir Robert Alexlide t Falconer read. Imtures tires by interesties they MAY buy onif the meet deponent Of Preadeet of Toronto University Yam worth In the other fielde lila.. mother..mad debate. held moo. he , has been secumil te iblieer the umber. One of their chid WINSat tore. 1001 annual Commeneereent Add.. en Tim buying of Imre amour. of con- me the peblinelion el monthly papers, June 15. air Hobert has reeefeed the temporary fiction hi a habit which et. the 'Gem." by the Athenaeum and the degree of ID.t. el Civil lave Dam "Bud,. by the Remelt. The Medi"y beOxford and • 11.11•704/ of other d:5tneT11.4 j,"If se wfehce to .dolma ale tween dye (we eacietles !Mania. degrees Cramveeighe ••,keen, until, In ISRP. they ...blued. ✓ y e teats for recent Dorado it le muds yeesille* The debating. In the Everett .ad the Dnglend, em11.4. belard, • cheaper and equally .tlefactory to Veited S et., ., ad. He meke Ices WIG of a good eirmilettled Athenaeum wee tot to be n little bit Oh- he authortet of meat' arllcl el. library. The bee. of 117131441110 colt. southd by their other activities, Mid us, Mad fOurnals sad encyclopedia. to Order 4.0 Ripply • aped felt MOP! Mitgleld gad Ameries ems of the ar.ente Mr MO. (Continued on Page S. Onignth R) Prevent an "`'"` "`"'" " "The w*" " Am"- -at DR SNYDER TALKS TO PRESS CLUB most im portant iv -Product of the agequest for mires' Mated De. Charhe LaWall in his talk before the Solentific Mein, bid Torah', eve.... February 12 Dr, LeWeli. who M a Cem math. Cement of Pluledelphia, gave a moat mtermeing nddrem on the tinkled of "Pb. Ap102111,E of Spleen.. bringing ens milting', the mighty role that those P,0,11.7Ct.6 have played in the Melon of diarovery, upland. .d conuneet. The Met wart of Dr. LeWell'a talk me concerned with the Ithm, of the spice trade. He dem-rthad the methods and the routes by which them valuable esln were conveyed from diet. armm Parta at AM to the maketa of Europe throughout ell of blatem. Mug of the eidef discoveries nod explorations made during the surly modern period were due directly to this trade. Some of tem. ill additis is he disenvary of America were blade'. Me'. circuranavIgetion of the globe, Demo de %me's dimmer, of a maode to the lobe, and the British demote to find a northwein yomege to be East. Al the .one of his talk Dr. LaWall humid a number of Widen depleting he method. of cultivation of the Terapleee, aa nemerous Mem ming picture. of the most Important plume. the Wm.. which they weee transported le the Middle A.6“.. Al Febreery VS Die athlete will he iTbe HAVERFORD COLLEGE Lyrae hes been eye.. had that it mould he of benefit to se tu sty it 1145 DEBATING TEAM WHICH DEFEATED THE PHILOMATHEAN SOCL€TY Reedy. Irmo left le right Ike men Are, Front m.o.-Mead, '2111 Elsie, 'MIWirthedl, '26: Rued.thaies, Feed, 23; Beet.. '26; GC.. '27. Beek sow-Aremmety, Week ad "" ""'" Poetry of the New World,. and wW he Illnetrated with readieds from the worke of contemporary pee. Mr. ISM. WO nelentil7 added to the faculty of the Pe. Charter Scheel ' Ha has written Meese Volume. of yetse sad le a poet Of some repute, He ' io a member at the "Witte Alm.. Clot, aocie ty quite quite prominent in Dm Mar. nry the • the.egit Intuit Into problems of literary inter.. And At the University of Reverie. debater. were Lord. TA Horton. '25. ma' Armstrong. TS, with Gett..24. at *Serene. white the Philomethean reprea.tetivm weer hariMhan, ithisherger and Yea...M. The debate oentered thopt the three opiate which the damnation aide. that ie. the Phi...been Society. attempted to prove; that Article X in mential to the three., that the 9. Swore Bat Through the elm. of l'rofee.r Wrinion the Fronde.' Club bee been ▪ to dears Mr. Rye Helton to dire the next meeting on Monday. Musical Clubs L. ice, Mrs Will Talk ea 'The Poetry of the New Wale' as February 25 by the eomWeed mN and the dams folio.. it will take the Vicente the Dearth..e ,oriel calendttr that the guar, Pram boa held lee oho Past Mayhem, 'Pm glibrOt on Triangle Oreheatro and the Cimeet ,,Danadurn will forni.h the manly dor the dance, which will ha held in Parrish Ilan. wf shah t,elleu. tin foil ia a part. The COSILVrt ■1141 ..r. Pr..P.9 at eight, and the deem will last from No unt1.1 one. The moment that will be reader. on Thur.. In ne ROY HELTON SECURED FOR FOUNDERS' CLUB MEETING FIRST CONCERT Friday Evening, February at B P. M. Collertion DAL Swarthmore will be the seune of Me Ilasetiord-Swart-hmo, ak..e I Clot. Concert weal Thereby peening, Fuhrunr• 21. This affe'r w"7..1g. 1.. Fred to !e. Peet • Item.. awn owe 141,11 treason.. tam Reporter of the News to Ao,1 company Athletic Teams to the _future a reporter of the NEWS will accompany the parlous nth. lett, teems en all their trips may from home. TAM rhea. et 'method in the of news material has Yen made in order that the aottniats ef latercolleelata comsat, rSt he leade faller end mare secente the lithe tdtbertb in be pealitda NUMBER 3 of t without nwervatione. The chief arguments of the negative were the indefinite- nod ineftkieot nature of the Article mration end the genera/ failure of the Leave to amity weed en to the prmem time. Aber at M.o. et 43) mien... the tw`dude who were Orte• eat monad with the sverdict in furor of Haverbell. Hanle. Veat. Aha Wine The debtor at Hoeseload my held in the thoon. v.. fileir. Meml. VS. .4 Martha '26. with Reedetheint es ikermte. ibeld nt the affirmative taus fee Haverford while Cam. Brum. and Keouedy It the eegetire be the phtlematherm Society. Here the male iffermasion centered elm. the quentiana se to whether Phalli oniothe alone le a eitiamanild aro.. weep. fer. Me League, whether RIM country would yt.C.Lit., its ereignry by entrance. all it. mt whether the mace eds.. Jason of the Emote make up tor Ida Miens. Another coateation adtmeed by 'the negatite 00. that tta United States could do moos for World Pew b3 mountains outside the Le... The thinly of the Ifererford men to mower astieferberity the mato oblestions of the newsier 'penlight Manny to the Scathe.. BMA Me a 2 to 1 declaims The Judi. at the tabrenity debris teeth Dr. Othasel. of the thilveregth of l'enneytheais faculty, and the Bev. J. Herman Salley. At Fh.rford the committee TM compo.d of Dm Shaw. Of fieverfard School. the Raw. Mr. hieMtheie. of the DO. Matte Prethmerien qinh, and Dr- Frank D. Watson. of eke eelhge Fmk, Junior Class Entertained at Faculty Reception At bald la the Odom, en W ayevening February lg. tO Malaya*, Junior Clam sae entertained by th Wernen.• Faculty Club. TIM was the third of series of receptiona given be the orghathellea Freshman CIS61148 haring beeD pretri ouall enteilained. The brat door room m beentibily decorated with Val. tinea.d delamona rebeeimenta were agreed- CALENDAR Shaday, F40 th-hfeetine of the NEWS boardet 6.30 P. M. athation of 197/ . Debates So- ciety-Union, R P. M. TineMMT. FM. 11)-Basietha0t Umtata at Colltheyilla Wedgeaday. Fah. 20-.-5. M. C. A. la the 01.1.1 at Old 1'. Thursday. Fele 21-1111verford• Swerthatere Deal Concert, at Swarthmore. Meeting of IVA Dehlep P. M. Society-llsion. Satar.Y. Fmk 03-Beeleetbellt Temple tey. Fels Illf-Papedere ChM Mameeting. EST HOW* wIll sp.k aa 'Tbe r...4p of the New Ward.' %VW...My, Feb. 27-If, M. C. A. a the Unica at 6.20 E M. Ilnekethell, Dame' et Phib• delphia. 25-PlarerfordPtineeton Peal Cost-eel to the Foyer et the Mad., of Muer. Friday. Fah. Seteirfay. talent% I-Beelreibide erattos at Ogres. Timed,MVOS 4-ert. Clot. Meeting ID the fhtd. at I 1) ht. al E. HOW wiN op. & -M=2=1EIDI • ▪ HAVERFORD NEWS . B flourioli w it hem. dig..amjet nakenerce TWO LITTLE THEATRE CR. SNYDER SPEAKS . of the Pavel.- end, the native 4-natiert • TO. PRESS 'CLUB SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED of the undereniattiMe. Agerivintio thimith the reCent Ide(Contineed fain Pere 34- Unmask. SOW, DINOONder, Male ats may have beep; debating euthiniBalker-in-Chid Oda* Denortenit, b $100.01. alga must a in6 the Frenhetgalumes Ir dm a wasteful RaoWalter IRSMaglanten, '21 School of the'Lltile Two PerforMances of Plauthat oremde oar mime Professor Holds Personal. mina %mien. the perdue., deeiree. Anemia. Editor,. Theatre. Oleureater, blessechwette, to other ourdererodurite artleitia overtake lb• ropy for endimeotel tus' Comedy to. Be Given Austin Wright. Jr., '25 Rehire e.t.a him talk, Dr. Snydre acetate-two octet...ships to trotter...ddealing. Arrive arrirance of the Conferences With Stumain advised againel the raw. rename oe/es of Ameriesm atoolo and eullmet Dolan F. Hartman, 26 Family. active work co the part of tbe fir it, arrz rummer gentian July nod , 7Z IV . 6 tf.ii i , o ,t , Lea , ed J. Howard Marsh.:. '26 debate,. metre treinIng or IN.. who August of 1024- Letters for inform.. dents During His Visit • He relatrd Fred Radelbeim, '26 meet ere. 4e31 Inulnew the atm,. en tim concerning the abolareltipe to the vil . . anneal experiment undergone Alumni Editor Iron, erliee etipport of Me undermedWHO only two rare week' of prepahe we. on the opera er book. ef Gioneester School of the Little ThePrefeear Nelda Personal Cosfereamot atre avoid be laden.. to Etas Floe- ration, tbe mat of ^itedestar' the CI.Granviite E. Tangoed. '20 owe-all ere ...emery. If debating in ai vying de re. of artry By the en. Cunningham. 112 Caries titreet, steal Cleb's 13311.7.4t1071. is 11142 number Of Knife. of not to sink into n tamp of a...Iva or- With the Stedeeta Darien Ella Viet exhibition of Butanes. Mang, on e toWerda Pealutkr • hooka a priories! dent...traria of M. Radon. reataeva of the fanner elties of hamCharles E. Nash, .24 1, their Lit115 Thentre. a picture..r pl. out Mara 5. Tlehareals are being The pasties of the mirisability of mime of binding end printing offered oral& defeats . AeaL Rileitlag.Manaser onmpromi. formed the general eubleet open the market by the palishera was cold what bull/dirk' oreina emend the held three times A week In Kober. am-yeeds end utak, the Gloufeeter lien. and-the actor. Ire guided in their Donk. W. Eiseman. '25 of -a talk he Dr. Albert P. Oren. • P•eln. De. LockFollow., or. Snyder', talk. the rent Ferryere len anther pattered alum. various hoterpreatia. former profetwor . Amite. College. John B. Calkin, thirty elan whieh inetuded suet Hare wood:11a Vaal year 10011410100 Wan Wan the Y. M. (1. A. at its kat meet , of the evening sae mad in an Worms( Francis F. Campbell. '26 Duman, Wu, Earth& a play of one of the elesedoel Tom elm rp. &talon wtordn of leg. tteneitivene.. objertIvity, common dimmed. of the Entdert while refreat- en: A Night At An Inn,Bide*o to the -Whore. Edward H. Kingsbury, '24 tants were servedeto rhimght ext.. aid. by side take mans el., and generale, were Tao year's play contaioe men, 01eSubscript]. Manager eTete; owl Mae Tlec. Clemente. nen. that male it 1110. entertain.. Haverfordina, noel end prevent, as to the four quelitla 0.11.13 IS ..11113 • a nen to derideIt'. esti1". Ob Gordon M. Turner, '24 It boa ao abundance of action, emitenerporm for which Daverford exist. re ' et'ivity he defined 'a. '..1e"el ur ooeself. DEBATING HAS HAD mess, pa ha, era of course. love. und on its work six et stead in ten. the world" all seneitiveA LONG, VARIED CAREER RADIO CLUB'S BROADUnliallie atom fail uttebly to anteTy. new. la madame ackly Soria lege. ur.. -the appraistion of the animas Me Celle. ree. date the mirit of the comedy, Dr. LockThe examen. of one of thew on pool. aod Paitatione of other.." noneen tam me, begin et ear Ilex. CASTING SET COSTS $485 Waal. hare..., the onlooker. will rth per •orim. Tu 111.1rele the fox that compro.l. Coetimnot from Pere I. Conan 1. 1 analateio the Htteerford'e en.. Is dinette heartily at the rough CAM-Per elorie me. Piteh mms to Kneen' the letellecteally cep able type ode. ere unermidatile, me. of 1.a010v; they will tarn aroma than' sane of the ....renders Mai Mang in debating was the formation Owir state to fon. the • glance. Beeeetard, of xeholer arid "no develop.' tide type he had been forced to make In hie Iv II= of • de. cleating emacia- Cellpe Soolely tatted to Jell poo, mar. 01 Seepernia; they will sympaddne hr four frees undeMadoete hie. Re. life Ile weronl the timed., that 'bur tion by the case of 1926. Thin Men CIO eollglate Ice with the two tolfortuata, who, Wmmi. hes been repeated by the alas of t gonna& of pluirewl detelopmeet, mount moomorniae. howevrr. on mat1111a ...Med november ed ping wet, come dawn the eiele basmaae:r An Itemized account of the coot mother debate .tae bold Ie rgaz il possibilities of ters which entre. itimatt ell en f lone . with the Indlourethan Society. remit- the new hreadaetioe ..mums wee re- ing Mak .fste. ramimel aril ehererier, ebb intelleenal divldusl alone. If Chia in door. one'• ra, It a vb.. for Reagent. Tide cently submitted to the Radio ChM by As the two nerformemee of -1104fte Me and. of Me settee modal boar. rendidete; If he be morally govepteble. Moral ...KM will be eacrineed." blurb 4.61.07 was 0 elogle one. W. R Habitat '26. the designers/ the bare been advertised la all the Mai Pennine! tie. art lying .ml cheating is elpOnted It avendary octal Pa.. in to he welemerd- matt "Oreetoura,. F....! a migration by De Sny- eel. The ecto. root 5485, theoela exGotten eradde wan' be InaWlee /or the gab11 of the that the vent lame number of lgop The ether nheot home Ito belief. oe whieh nnoinprenni. Iran reprebeostble... der. n Debeting CAaoril wm famed emdineir obr edger.. rote de vat enema., relaxat.. the MktKrt, 1. over twice the estimate made estool etudents eat too optima of dm gelltorml Beam Throughout Ide talk Dr. filen re- tat year eaneieting of D. L. Lord 25, before ronstructloo was bv.n, The noon performative of the Charting -Chi, . this group, Ilaverford tang. net to de- vealed en of lag knowledge of tbe .1. F. Blair 24, W. e. 8eweman oz$. Wren part of the trap. was the play. end J. H. Marnall 211. Th. council . ,Itne=o-nt. nererg.Zge relay the under-developed, but to bring Reminder. of college men and • fan- w ronged a melee of four debates, the met of Moment/kg and earn. the to en even higher plane three whoa W- ratting ability to express his Idea. io first of shidi wan with the Philo. tower for the sena whieh coat 11711. IN/eel bee idtenly reeehnl a Nor stair happy nod Paine phew... After the matheen Society. An Invited. to Mk one nlercwl' PRESS CLUB PLANS SERIES baling sod on the of developer., whom. body In capable the The doable victory af the Havertord legiste Rad. Club. react., +tatted by vblmr devoted hi. OF FINE PROGRAMMES . 94005&see the City College of New York Pas of winning bar cra in the ell-around ewormoare with. Individual. end lead lee.. ib 10,10 deb. rte Petteraon. 'melt, of undereveduate life Mod in Kama. An neutrally lerge mon., ind Harerford, out of ten &beaa with tbe been received by Pt-talent Princeton Univendty and New York o be done after life as well'. and whose ...seta N.M.. availed themetives of thiss.. Phdannattl.. No71017,a lannie[ of area Colareity are moong the members ef Entends 10.11011.. to Faculty It Winan two lovas and anode.. inked haxitie nyelem are t Attend All Regular Mestkets It 10011 ea Wodd force recognition in nerlUnIty end Lir. riot's spare time for the eke, The tatter was deferred swan with, the m wee fully taken up in this loaner. era the laygeetype of university. ineatigation -The prone. of the Press Clob for abollties Mould begin at eon, To deTo those vdo, believe that Heverforl The Radio Club's bode Kelton. MTN, the reat of the year has 6een definite'. le artion until Hiring endeoeere the theuhl tale the good better iota. then will be worked from now en. 00 Mon- granted and should 'trove of Ware. '24 RECORD MAY BE OUT whole oreject for then the attractive develop the day, Wedneaday end Pride., evening., to all members and friend. of the or I -imelewd it 00101 Ism eleven tit] twelve. W. 8. Halstead violation. The club wk... to extread ponsibllitlen of reteliution upon nett painfully spaimmt that yen, after year of tMe hranen of an Invited.. to ell faulty members and AFTER COMMENCEMENT will lave year's oew wen preeento Half to the Haverford'a Favoity, AlumnL endow*Kielty, whkh is emected to hap the their wives to etteod .0 or all of its 14.,, to wnom murk matter. here been meat and Muipme,l are wrested to a too Roe/al 0.1 Nash In Charge of lane in ootamenleation with other alas- meeting.. Symphony Orchestra, Glee blob admitted in the pa.. large estenl in the etnerrie to ...Hoe ten. Tbe one's length for this work The next meeting to ee.for Tank,el Clot kennel emu, . &Lomb cot which Jr. 11. flefoes &nein. nom. v.lierehy hot' “deedwood"ong 200 meters. m the undergraduate.. Club and Banjo Club to is At Plans For the armed of the Clans the Mendell held on lrebrary 14, Hour., of the Pub. Ledger. will efrak. fog or reeuleting Frahm. night be Thome- who hidd tide ballet welcome of 1024 ere gradually teriehtar ran aromitteea of one were appointed •• Mr. Amnia K. Ga. will Represent Princeton arried out, it ie well to beer irr mind Darfur Comfort'. relent ...Oleo that pietioo.eorge tl Hada meeting of doe ugh on April 8 orr the PAM.: Pane. c0.egkr R C. REM , Mat any oaten,. which mey beinn..- In mainline to Me preseot written ea- Our/. aal his ueareates. L. N. Tarter '26, Rectifier: W. M. Leeds 20: Studio. the guided of "Unfiniabed Sokiesa Re . rated meet not eive ehefilute free. nonoetio. .001,-h teat edinntately only end W. M. Heinen.. all of 1924, ex. IL C. Heine. TO: nuawerIng cards May 13 will come the big meet.. OF Arnagemente have been coropletn1 from broadcast Heavers. I. H. Smith the rear. when "thrive' Morley he. don, to the suture ithinie to In ex...y s earthier... Intelleetnal ability, there pert to have all the material for the Herold in the hand* of the printer for the Mud concert of the Myna] premien] to he the apesker. It in am hepleases. It most not mean that be added peramd interview. of all ean- before. t'iminientement. That Me Ferried Club. with Princeton Univernity eehed• A new ronteltution Ls to be drawn planned to hold the meeting in Roan. orw men will be released from ell didate, in rebid, armband. character, vein be immed et Commencement time, Wed for February 29, at the Foyer of up, A ...See Mr flit part.. eon. Dell and boat initatkaa to all appli Ithtnie rule. 11 mat at meau trod the end pbreient dee...potent or. be hewer., is doubtful. for the Board the Academy of Rahn 'Me is an trial. of W. M. Leeds '20. C. mete lag seats in the soditorm• a later date In order the of the three big soarer. of dm to '20. and D. C. Lew. aseinlant managers Gnat loge elerwhere /algalaat. To them. it is olasioun that Ille highly the record.. and. the award...ow th end cer24.7444441g. me. to for help: it unne not menu the all joy fleellaeme. emit, apart a nay be inetidect the will be banished from the rammer or dernroble type. to whoirit peftber hind. no the This deal boner. with ea that mem, elnernMen wat nettle down character. or body is voder.dereloPed. Prin..* offer. Lhe piled le ton any with the ueual eetra.eurric. like blue-nosed Puritans and pray for Charles E. Noon btainea matmeer. Musical Qua a opponent. 10 probe 1,101, ertivit.a connected with meteor tied hie a.isteate have drown tip con- their shinty to nape. faversbly with the welfare of the Bernie,.. Year ...story setand to rive- the Any committee which mar he e•tab. prover time to the prep/nation' for Col- tr.le unit the Long Publication Cam. the ben Club. in the Eget. Prin.o0 1024 Race Berea, libiledelphia will be represented by her Samba, Baked for the re.lation of Hinnies. lege Board Examinatkum-and that fee- pony. Umbeetra and filer flub, together to handle the printing: the lanai be almolutely reeponeible for its nunneally, the maul. by the • the photorrelthi. and Ha' toll sidtb n novel ompuolaetlett known ma the arts. It math< level headed and MP- Saertl bhmnt0ero ea for Dem en at,. Comp.,, the neither-Eng. Although the Banjo Clob. An interentiog joint proeaotativc. It meet Rene and help ate Lento for nide. n enntlidate'e de- Senior eleen Mrture hag not yet Inalin n. in bei., one feature bleb win be • number rendered be the man, the individual picture., are rime- : the ovecontere for their own welfare. Tuatrumenval ChM and the To this group it anon Mar Oh. -Sally all conspleted. The hancial Heverfard A committee,enantmed e00e110 of burden of the Record hi home by each Inincefon Flank. Club combieed. Folapresentativee or the three miner Hererford meet soen reiidarl. her innotirr• et '24. who either eecuree lowing the Imo-art, dancing to my. Mame, appointed by the Staling Cotta- reset. mire ea examined. maiten nthertisentent for the book or pays melt provided by Al Meers' Orcheat0 will the tanner adv.-teed by Doctor for his share of the expense- Conine continue until one o'clock_ ell, might he the main feature of a tier S what every ambitious senior is tent to enure a proper balance between Coml.]. if elm is to eecure the type of will sell at dare, dollar,. the objectionable Mature. of ha., ad first-yea man on which abe ton Ilford ALUMNI NOTES to devote bee effort.its total almlitton Member of Class of 1854 '01 In, W. 0. Mendenhall boo an In. Aden-nee of tote] abolition of hag. FACULTY NOTES teaming al.le in tbe February Leg at Heverford fell to falls, that It Dies on Feb-. 16 leave of the Atlantic Menthly en. their podielee were ranged out the ColPrenident l'eurfort h0. "seedy been titled 'Who Is Right" epee cooone 'of the loadsloge for tbe made a member of the Booed of Di. lege .odd be dinette is Engisod. France and The death of John R. G. ttttt at hie wean.. afraid to face the Mel ef eyes reetore of the Penneyhanin Tuberem Germ... II,. Reuderthall la home ia Rosemont on Feature, 10 President of the Friend., Caine,▪ well-rerulated hosing syetern. Some bade Satiety; a member of the' Ette• removen one of ebb oldest living gradeentire C.onnottee of the College Enoar at Wichita Babe.,. seneible plan. gue1t 'aa that suggested. hance Examination lionni, ad a mem- atee of the College and one who has '10 Christopher Morley has issued • which embodier neither total abolltioe ber of the Rterutive Commit!. of been for moor Mare mat 'Marla hook of eerie entitled PARSONB' oar the retold.. of lerespoesible haa• the Ansa/alien of Prepangory School. identifled with Its welfare. Ikterier PLEASURE and pohlhthed by tbe sod l'olleges of Me Seiner, State/1.d 71averford in VOL he graduated in Gnome H. Doran Compay. iag nova be aecured. 1514-3. At ear.ue doses be bas oc. '1M Mins Elea., Harris, Bryn Mawr, Maryland. enpied all of the Important ofeces ron• Dr. !tufa M. Jones apeat the pat '1. of Mt. Ai.. has recently an. weed her enagement to Frank week at Me Oberlin College. !Side, peeled with the Alumni AzooKation. Rucker, Jr. where Le Knee before the etedent bed.' and he wee a Meager of the Col. eemee of leciaree on The Pendant... lege from 1872-1914, . well o. of 21 Mal IL Nary ia with the inArra Mawr College sod of the 1154. erit. Mining Machine Company From the time of Mr founding of al Elide of Life?' On Sends, Dr.Jones Ikon Penn Chat. Schoolf Rockford, "fn. His addl... it preached at Venter College, Pon.H•verford until th.r eerie year. of Elk friends will remember hie mu. 701 N. Clam. St, Rockford. eepnie, New TothMe century, clehadeli wee eeraidead Patentor Elibti Grant hen publiehed nation.pb en aftleer of the Gina of Philedelptsia oed to be one of the 0001 import.. ac- n the January loan. of the "Grant Truitt Vaildflnidan tivities of College life. The number Game," an article entitled .11r. Cool. of the Lehigb Valley Railroad Coto • 1363,n3.-..71. Mee., ed. Inanael Ile was minister In the downy end variety of the raider,<a riming the dee •s a Neighbor." The article out.• any. of Friends sod was anneteed ith breaelf. time which made tie-Maine die prime. inea the character of the Freaking as moor Omar bile-rats within the two 840.11-•171.. rW Illanneare" wen lee. interat ie aufertent proof of the high Dr. Grant learned It from tieing "scram fines of Philadelphia Yearly Meeneg. 077.713117- Planar. tint- .tae toe position which it am nceortird by the the street with bin for ten Tema... 111.11.1(1.--Ma 10.o Tn. le Geode, Ie. etude.. mead uul Loma. Mermr. Haverford Man Now Heads 11313.[111-Tnelenne. But In the year. which followed. iP terett in debit., weent, onto the forCALENDAR .11.30--31•117. nem and man, wins ENO Germantown High merly import°. octirity wee scarcely 37-"nweenlen Vnr Pell rerogniard recent in the seek or so WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 waneg--ro en 1., veteN. 0. wener which preaded the tutted.. debates and 100m W.A., mane lee1mau, berm meg. Leslie Rumbaed Saly, '05. hot Sao MUM • Indeed. an a meld., of feet. although elected petheinel of Geenientown Lligb AIAINEXT ~y X900E-Inoreley men. • halite picked team met and defeated Aden., free. chal. By accepting toe pad he will the Penneylvania Philontedwan Balmy 1171.1.7 OnaleMm. leave Roxborough High Retool, of INTL. P0313ZES lea year. herdly e, eudergraduste In which be hoe been Prandial for the SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 23 Arbtef.---xne consnaedmeate, College en much ea anew that It debate Pat Yea. Prier 10 hie •poointsuent •ed Teeeras . ing reiverste Weseem. Tert3.Wirt sad 0. the heed of that inetthrtion Mr- woe beim, held until the 1,1010 Was PaLlee et tea nil., erne Blames Bea.. Seely 'mead fee eight year. a. heed WAAAA•AAA. Yboweer. ender end Mt..., the next day. 3 P. n. Adelael. lareee-11 of the setenbe depaennat of Germaneme Snentee1 el neler Damen During the poet year. however, Mere .. High. MTN 1/11,71-Weed. Una., or •Ille have bee, signs of n mood,. revival, immediate': following hiegreat.nen.. Levee Wedneklay: Flonadt. Agency Department SM.. Mtn nen. Egan.. nee.. s. With the intermit in elm. debating no. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 24 Han from Heeerfard to 1005. Mr. Seewerad epon a teaching cater, boldMena, the formetion of a deats/ ranadenn. 4.. Lemoneef erdam •Inelen ing the pond. of heath... of rouneil. the plea for a preparatory dearose ether mean Jos.. ant a .0.1212-,Ise Omni Wellen, Cheposeim Mountain latitute from TOW.-ert Me Wenn Tome," el. bad.. league. ead flatly the recant 1905 to 1900. He leter beanie inetruedn. Renter. Mrse lete. encase of the teem, the .port tor In Minna it NOrtheaat Manual SAWLS031--Fler Tenn.. In.., UMW Bee n. et of debating hen shown alma of comer nem and eat L.. Sea.. Trandag Hia School. of Philadelphia, t13.333.-31330 enadma. 7111..." nbiandita. Ilene. 3. and one year afterward. he wee pro- erlaTer0211 tITIS22-Baday, roman back to Ill own. Of 11011320. leasamourenve Elngd.11, ;141.114.11,111.• aed mated to the MteItien Of f Like any other college activity. how. 00i .1 one awes Pewe. 'Moran, Yaer armely oi entente. • ever, debating mootflourieh to tbe Ned aalnada7s leleeles Made." he Am well..ep beige' hand of the dr 1r" r°,>117, Mae. Indenalene. fork of • feW experts who Ma7 pars e. of *dead at Germantown analn33R1-111•3111 Me Bee. P.1.07.31 I P: 111. admla. nlan • Pia. • dunce to be in College. plea the . halfFRO, Me Seely bre been grafted*, of 715.. ••■ Yele hearted assietance of ti leer interated Oaks at the Wager, Free Institute 13.01. 810,1. 'kg mediocre ondidetes. Nor eon It I Selena dace 1014. Jana. Sear. DR. FITCH TALKS HAVERFORD MEWS A '1707:;,:grArw•lttIto: 1:tn.."' CLASSICAL CLUB REHEARSES PLAY ON COMPROMISES Black and White 47= %,."11,;;,.; liar- g72:‘,.„`":,;.7,11 Na Hazing at All? DUAL CONCERT WITH PRINCETON dune It Or.. tee The Best Business Career Ithinking about at the present nek...d P Danger Ahead! T. n le nuazow.--n. time. Life insurance is one of the best, one of the most desirable, and most satisfactory as a permanent calling. In assets and volume of business, life insurance is one of the three leading businesses of this country, yet the field is comparatively under. developed. Only....7-pec cent of the economic value-of-hpman life in the United States is covered by ifikrance.This gives an idea of the big field still to be worked, especially business insurance for firms and corporations. As to remuneration: Reports of college graduates who have entered business indicate that life insurance is at the very top as a source of income. _ Now's the time for you to consider what you are going to do after graduation. If you are ambitious and willto work hard and are interested to know about life insurance, address a IIAVERFORD -NEWS Soccer Team to Practide 1924 TRACK SCHEDULE HAVERFORD SECOND FIVE STRONG RUTGERS FIVE This Spring. NOW ALMOST COMPLETED DOWNS VARSITY, 40-24 DEFEATS WOODLAND A. C. — Morier soccer prat.e will be called 61rarthrmOre Meet is Be HMI Away ea Sea.. Mars for New Bruemick Magnin an Word Star le 33 Le II Vic. 00h ger If. Heflin., ay T Tura Is Herd Fought Genie tory :Manawea ther. permits It will cone. the Ys. 'reek achedule for the coming I4 teem. *bleb le without Ilmerforde second OS. Wooten out et first, only of ehoollog se the b.rdi se er. . arranged by' Manager BogenFn one of the groaned in the Beet eV. the Woodland Athletic Club by when the ground becomes drain, attebee been epee.od by the Athle• doubt kw later,l s score of 33.11 Let Thureday eight. 'bhp year,. the Haverford. basket>eli iMmages wi l be held. ore tie Commit. -The Meet with Stevens go/Met pq 11 magnificent fight Febrile. II, in the Dinnal(1111n. Mawee tenthlively cancelled recently. et against Rutgers College et New ew Bruns. guire was high scorer for the college five. nod him good work was only eivalnl de25 Debating Club to Meal their renown bee.0 of moue difficul- wick, February 13; Ind m ties that hove arisen al Steven.: but feAt net the halide of S. howerfal Ag- hr Wond's careful foulehnoting. Heili AM k . .us an three My Cher up before April and gregation, 40.24. The liee.up of the This Thursday ke he mni oppo in tmeka ne allow the meet to tate Plant Bather, team bre.ented e roothination A meeting of the Close or '213 nwet• erignmily scheduled. The affair On.. of height. upend and accurate shmtion. Every men of Hecerfortre quintet tegol orbeduled to take place for Moy with New York Universite Feet floor work end steady fool lab., at lean one two•pointer, while only leg eight. has not been definitely arranged as a lng alone kept the Haverford team in tbree of the opposing mem were dile to on Thurs.,. February 2,, note. o'clock in the Union, s.ording to dual contest: for It is hoped then the m.o... One of Heilman's long rues netted the plass empowered by the Omretary. triesgular meet ran he sehadekd fee Roemer. wee somesnily oo the et. fleet ...and ma immediately followed Following the unual order of bovine. this dole. although the third content, tack from the mart to the end of the there .11 be an eatenaponneo. de- be not be. derided mono. The mbed-' nem.. Qtrich retrieving of the hail from byn lver Mot from Iffeenier. Wood Peet afterwards added mother to Han. subject of which will be debete, the Me of meets le as follows: the beekbonnle by the Scarlet and Black stredily meantieg tote!. Fr th. chered threeminutes beforehand. guards presented the score from mounthalf the visiting teem W. M linty The gr.. hoe decided to endeavor A.0 le. ate.. Bonnet to be initeeen. ine higher.. The yenta was at time Ode to en. three field goal.. At the activitt in consequence A,11. Senn Ition R.I.. at reaminaalo. to incr elm. up By fooling. ben iming of the retool Pelted hash of a ...don palmed lent week to Bar e, gee Yorl nsiondo. vin. gore Stagers' Star. Ass. wild team. were iambi. to bCdr., hot A noel the effect that the Bode% ought not In tae era hale Neeedr, the high' Ben, fencing. who st.tiluted for to he ebendosed becalm of the rain. tier M. I. and Sk, et hamster. auta001101, bone. r series -of silicon an.. BOP: USA men of the mune scored egeto ebte erect.. it offers In extempore.. ol Magaire, sod Wood end again for Sateen, both from clone In whieb our socehinf lerertlemoir. ST, etweep000ro. in end from the reciter of the door. Lila found the hashes for eight .41..1 ere seem. Infallible. and in the fleet points. The gnu. doled se Wood added twenty minutes he accounted for live his field goal to Haverforde FORM BRANCH OF LEAGUE britming the sm. tip to 93-11. geld nods Captain Arnold end Vogel BASKETBALL TEAM each Torr.,ed to clip the ball through OF NATIONS ASSOCIATION FACES HARD WEEK the basket Once. but the forwerds bed "The policy of one's }.bar. of Clams Thlekare Gretna trout. romplethM Snit plebes due to Genes to Ss Played with Unions, Win power of the lints-ere defense. ler organize Local Chil independence" Tempts, awl Fulmars C. G. N. eihoon woe. one field goal and Whether or not e chapter of the The Ikerwent added two more ea supplel In the earning week the Himerford "00:0 tt.flkdro"Virbo d /moue of Netione Non-Famia. Aeto Fomder's tee baskets. making .mhogaliSsoo least two. ▪ f ve Lard Rector. . eaeieUoe eitould he formed at Harem basketball the wore 20-10 at belf time. 1. aq apt ■1050010. or lie Prowl. fond was the question dim-noted at the end prolmbly three, opponente. The' Bakelite% Tsar. Castle.s Searle' deat's Om Age Rode...m.1A Pm, This Mr essioldned of the Clew Thinker. team will impose I mious Cl Entente subetitoted ten men at the ei not oaly immediate tosomore pea.. oo Monday. February 11. Twenty of stile on Tumid.. end on. Saturday beginning of the recond period and each awn hot elm renvolos for lode... the tweety-five wen present decided to Temple will be played in Finladelphhs of them Inbstiltuten added a. field go. face In 0111 Aso organise a branch of the national es- The menage. are also seriouely con- Harerford kept io the running with Mad sidering A trip 10 New Tack to meet iodation. Mel Horace Flefiroan, %Mini foe tones. making A out of 10 WS. were chosen ar C. C. N. Y. Pellet night. W. B. ce In !Oohing oree the rer.t records chan. moot for single palate Cap. Life [mamma Company se executive comtolltee, for the Meal of Crain. and Temple, the meet Indic. lain Arnold morel two doll goals lu the wf ildbilelphia eerond half for Fleverford mid Chad. • The or...1bn will oat conflict will solve scores are tbo. what Midden- wick added one more. The end of the other .inpue activities its purpose bore, The Allentown five trounced game found Retwere leading, 40-24. Knywoodlea S Fatillti Pipe end Temple. 31.93. It dente Merely to stimulate end rrrrr being Smokers' Supplies of at kinds Although the seine me . a defeat. the thought toot rho Important mational will be remember. diet the Haver• liererford her played Layed their hest name Soft Woks, Rversharp Pens and nominee of participation le world M. ford.Mshientie. /ROM wee 02.20. On of the Deleon Man, the eaperior team. Pencil.. Suit cues. Pocketbooks faire. In return for the dues of fifty the other hand. SW Joseph's only work of the Rutgers quintet. Repairing and Initialing Pipes ' eta.. emit member will receive nub- downed Vienna 43.31, . the ...mTel. No. Ardmore 2411. First Claw Service emiption to the •Sesgue of Nation. ing game, promise to be herd end tem ontbij raper which evenly fought. C. C. N. Y. la more • Herald" u 1.111 Jake Harrison!. Cigar Store toile of we program of the lowesiation or leee of an ,unknewo quantity. hot[ nee. ...Lon mon. cstber R, Lancaster Ave. Ca. towards nutting the Called Statee to its reputation I. high. Amp. w Algal sepoi for the op. 1.1■ 1 Be.rfoodi enter the Learse of Netions. aura eer At the Meeting. of the ehanter. width lartmehlog motes% will likely be the rum stale-Vda rinorrninli Arnold 3. 9.1 will not be freq.., informal dhows- sante tie that which alerted egainat meaty , aloes co the Longue will be held. Any. F. and M. beat Saturtley. The prob- e'" e .er I" The Original Haverford nee whibin.; to join the estioelation le able Mein. and Temple 11.-ups are Ka I .7.17.1 .i Drug Store asked to con...bate with Horace Sr %Omer tan ma lima. xtroaa hairta-to Heilman, who is now carrying on the Probable tisewpad Opuumis Established 29 years ago correspond.. er the body. tmote Delivery Service 8 A. M. to the. Item rrr Coo., aerie. Tore. lois P. M. ire Clothe, k_7oluWaa'd likevs shoes b bro Provident Mutual Harbaugh's Pharmacy l Cos. Istonimix .lam hen ne Dr. MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Ave. F'hwea 182 Bryn meat Addresses Meetinq_etTrack Squad A meeting to dimes. the staring track situation nee railed by Comb Heddtelon last Monday. Fenner, 11. The comb emphimieed the need for ...en. of training mai.e in order to keep fit for the herd ochedule ahead. Dr. Kehler, who .poke next, reminded the troth Woad of Elarerforre athletic Vetition, end annealed to the team chef they redeem the roar's effatetic rem. by nn other mdefeaked track .elan, It M. Yonne Konen. lam., OM Teelamene. B. T. Cod TB 0 a TZT....Sitir Tan. PRISILA.D'iraTSILA. LI re Tee. "MB LIT Ise Cletet. S. B. Pratt ed. reneeemay M Geer. net .E N. Brepenale lbw M.P. IITSS ithrere asol Inseehle. T. g. Barney - 70 FRIENDS ROOK STORE all ABM ex. rears University of Fenotelounia tom ell fuel eh. tbe John Ward saw at ITe1.12e3 Mow. PM, Joni show tp rho War.' -word. seetng. Open deity irons 3 am .9 pet-Sonereloya I pos. %Me-10 .Skoes RHILODELPHIA NOW 0000 BROOKLYN NEWARK. PYLE & INNES TALOP.69 ve4 AM A10 DCALS 38th & Lancaster Ave. Flowers for all occasions Phone. Ardmore 1979 We make lots of clothes for young men and our business is ever on the increase because the boys like our clothes. They are amarter in style, better in fit, finer in quality and workmanship—and in the end, lowwit in coot; but, best of alt they are individual. It will be a pleasure for us to demonstrate. Pyle & trines Ardmore Flower Shop Birds & Gold Fish Kelsey A Per Segiedira. fen Holidays was Mee x tin epoliars, qZiallwo rnrentonsten MM.- H. D. R.EE SE ramiurps Cifin Int!' ! einblod the Mira, 11.111mon Ine. do, IP.. B. bag •otl The tethers .role* end workenneabip of lobe Ward Men's Sho. &fit eemon et the result of Oser 05 .pan of feu rardy and marcientiono effort to mow medcolo. collej men. . ■ rksh seemhist te . Yob .. is rearm to tee eintettauss tee 1. eat, it For year. men at the leading ned.rritiea haw left their footwear problemo to the John Ward repreeeneetive Good looks end propriety no mewed by the John Ward rude mark, 110 VALNwr Re. PRI LAbaLPSIYA. Leading College Tailors 1115 Walnut St. Com ing 1 orkshire Clothc- Kurtz Brothers 1421 CRESTNUT ST. Philedalphie, Pa. ratabtlelied INS COLONIAL ICE—CREAM • Philadelphia's Beet nob Ph.Orteidst f1 7o Scat-craee Hair Cut, be bare every Friday all day. We do achool work. ROBERT KOCH NEU Walnut Street 20 Chain and 13 Monicurste Establinkod17911 MacDonald & Campbell Incorporated IMO Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going !AT ICM.21211.14 EVBFlf DAY J. Gibson Melinda Company LUMBER Office and Yards, 58th and Woodland Ave., Philadelphia EIGHTY-ONE v.h.Daily From Haverford College TO 69th St. Termini ON THE PhHad'a & Western The Chestnut St. Engraving Co. LEADING SPECIALISTS in Suits Overcoats Sports Clothes Hate Haberdashery Motoring Apparel / We CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Het ''flow much do yen weigh?•' She "Oh,_a:deems* _ ta reel] the crease la nor FLOCkley bone-” GOMM, . te The era) 11th and Chestnut Streets MILL, Pa. Entrance on Ilth St. Whitman's Famous Ca tidies are Sold by D. M. WEST, Ardmore j C. G. WARNER, Haverford ▪ IIIEVRIIEGRD MEWS k. wmearmmembrowel■amewmeml. midelle4latance runs and the low COACH HADDLETON TALKS .0and . marred tw Ile year, ON TRACK PROSPECTS The lama hove entiftergalie The boat Tads Nana Reporter Of PselsIl Islet of of ,errattlat "P.a. AIR, banner and earl..., and winner of lard rear's WelComl. S.O.S. ton Cup, will he felt ennecial/y. Men Orladed by an rhea. end efficient in dual meets, bat year...aced total loanb Helmet.** P....P.,doe trod. .01 72 poi.* a foist bobs. than airy teellator 1924 prompts a powerful enol- boa. fgraelet awl Black Mac hoe ewer fossyea were I.* WO& Thal Mead will ale be while Wir tend from aritdopalon 6st year, new. &Pr imam* et 2. W. Lee., andel.: the... Coach Hadaletup hopes for sate. ILL javelin thrower; W. W. eenli r Boom balgaelor, nhe O. awe Mal practice will Mort lost after on wawa Itletnitiiion. Neverthafems the material st held le the foist emu. At twerent the general ontlook delicate. !hat the tam more than ardinary. The mats ba• far 10, in numb stronger in the 001,1 heentt Ito Leader Casten "Dillthan In the frank rbartrtiarnt. la the lo whom Casa iladdlotoo nine. lit. layette, end broad hoop. tee limited madden,. fingers is im all. each .Leans. while the in..- round mon. Din .it remit 6 the broad letlf0 pea. is the high lump. pale nob nod jump. hot is Ono a east inen in the law abeeiret ere fait. Timm is hat little hurdle. and ='-(1-yard dash. Coach Had• otsbartal for the high hurdles. aprinm titntoo ozo.eclephtto to break the eaDosa sod quarter-mile. altbotrgh a better broad Jame record, 21 feet 0 Inch.. as coadlneo of asire 00,1,1, in the lets hr het already reached 21 feet Ardmore Delicatessen and Pastry Shop Boil 91ame. Dalmset 61B94 Inch.. The ..141 predicts that a Ilaingotnery,15, will break hie awn rem • tilt feebt Jaen, I. dein-ran Mann. 10111 and erne. that R. N. Thomas. 2.1, Philadelphia'a Representative sloe rid. Mr rotund ad 124 feet 44h Store inches in the dims. threw. Lambent, '20, in vinuable la prectimdly ell the field even... 6206 Girard Avenue Lawry, '20. elundd la sees.. Heedguartere far Everything Plialadar.pkia, Pa. 107 Alleab pfnet lit the Malt hurdle., That Young Men Wow PATRON'S dawn.. hen or, ....D., whit And Everything Reviled liseeeteed Came thence of making the adlere neeard filarial/6Y. Co Chile for Tbs record is 4 minute. 35 Den's. Sane Bet Bel ad ,seeea, thommael as the distance lo All Indoor and Outdoor Saturday inningDuda( Cir. 4 minutes 20.2 arnands 'in Inat year's Athletic Snorts Amer Cinde.ila Dancers ilwartbmaea omen. It b hoped that M. Friday Evening Amine Daum two-toile record, 10 ream,. 10.2 aerThe only stare fa Phitedelphia St. Luke's School and. will ohm he bert.ead. and Aka The chief materiel foe tench al Pre. where the Stahl-Hoch EP ''''gestarkV AtedenlY Cloth., and OUT own Wickham OM is anthills, Shaw mad Hata can he IEBN DvDri•Ina, amen bought barium maraw Ws s. lu•ms a aka t. Eighth and Men 3ta. A 14010 11., a Les 0.11., .nevi, 1mm ID..., M. to riNa ea. •■•■• Caaw. 111.1m.o. asp mom.. Nub. Strawbridge & Clothier ODD-WI, IL 1.1 11.•••=4 YW D Dam.. 11. Kaman. AWL • Cupholl :LIZ.' r er"'". Ova!ler srlls. Refers. C. J. F. EN5LIte & SOS. Prop'. MIR Ilk florae-made Delicacies, Salacht, Melt., French Pastries, Percy Cab., wt. Pow era mt. 51.1,10. 141..■ s, Receptions, Banquets and Parties Wedding' Pit.. Catania'. to Wedding amen lees: Oates seams. Smolanta hirtiviey Cakes a Specialty. 1- w.w. . area 43 West Lancaster Aram& Ardmore, Pa. tremor. Law. newt. 4..044. DI T.D. Lon... BMW* Sallnat, D. WIllse. ..sent titer. East, K. Tryon E. S. MeCawley' & Co. ffruarVir. Official Outfitters e STATION AVENUE ford College Foot Ball Team BOOKS SPORTING. GOODS On Your Way to the Station 912 Chestnut Street. Phila. D. N. WEST, Pharmacist MINNA. BE A NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT with the Rea- ARDMORE rock Plan and earn a good interne while learning; we show you how; begin actual work at once; all or space time; experience Avery for Whitman's Chocolates ummeeseary; no canvassing; Bend for particultue. Newswritem' Telephone: Ardmore 13411 Tetharig Burma, Buffalo, N. Y. The Albert Myers Orchestras 111,?; MM.P The Sturdy c ar Illmreemramonimmrael ohmat wkaall■el headthasser IIINCBMIdad amp., eel hy @UMW 41110.1diadlitY !sect hartaep Wanda swirl. ma Ow Plea en Man e neseew.r. Ideamfacturrol elms MOP hp The Annear COMapaary 4/mm4, Ps. Brom/sag 1. 44 dal. nuson--Gottlisb—Ble& St CLarima ttda tag COLLIIGn war Showing af Pam Deng Co. lets Momtimal nu, 000.. Pa awn ease The DINNER SUIT DE DOSAAD.a.D. witis. skto 044 444 14. ''‘ meeel foom. D... pink Ole, ad. Electric Company 35,37 mid 39 H. Seventh St Philadelphia •-•-•-:Pa SAAT $39-" oehoodoesolool deld NATIAIXENBERGINIkalle fa4.14.Conni.24 rZ,O=S:a. re,.. Maw lbws Cip Zamalry Studio Official Photographer 1924 Haverford College University of Penna. Wilson College Special discount to all students 136 S. 52.1 St. Seim 2927 apostate MK S- 14. •DmIll M. 5. ami.,.,. Pee Took inele.wehma NY Iftw, AMMUND Sporting Coeds and Radio Philadelphia 16 N. 6th St. 26 to 35% Discount to Haverford Students Ardmore Printing Co. New Location 25 Ardmore Ave., Ardmore,Pa. Pictures, Picture Framing and Novelties The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne Longacre & Ewing Bullitt Building 141 S. 4th St., Phila. INSURANCE What Engineering Owes to the For.Sightedness of George Westinghouse Fire Automobile"- -Burglary Tourists Marine Life Geo. D. Wetherill & QOM. i,prEzirs S R .esa a, el of 213 Arch Stream Phila., Pa. ••••• Tadernm" apphed to teed weal, Lank* •Driaraa garments el eh.. ter- saes.tidecnan. Paint & Varnish blaaufseturers Priced 234 and terraed ler SuEls. Top Costa Overcoat. Eugene G. Wile JACOB REEDS SONS 1424.26 CHESTNUT ST. Fr1E impregnable position now occupied by alterrutting current woo attained only after a bitter struggle, for, due to its supposedly deadly characteristics, practital/y the entire electrical fraternity once opposed the progress of what was generally referred to as "Wertingbouse Current." Gaulard and GA3bs originated the alternating Radio Supplies 7 North 10th Street Philadelphia current system M. Europe. Their system wiz impractical in many respects, but had been used with GUILFORD'S Camp us Shop Will Show Complete Line of Haberdashery & Clothing Old Y. M. C. A. Room MONDAY February 25th Only Spring Line Suits and Tap Coate $33.50 and $35.00 Fine IA prated Suiting — $45.00 Stake Miller, Rip. The ',Whoop of ;quer aro the hepinna, 1 ran.. some success for lighting. George Westinghouse became interested, and imthen dess of their mediately recognized thatse system lay in the design an -principles governing the transformer. He devoted the resources of his organization to the development of the transformer. When he made it a practical unit, alternating current, with its vast commercial advantages, then became possible. The beginning of the bitter struggle by George Westinghouse for the supremacy of alternating current goes bachlo. 1885 and 1880. Remarkable progress has been made since then and voltages as •high as 290,000 are in commercial use today. Engineering owes much to the far-sightedness and fighting qualities of George Westinghouse.