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• LrvIInrSr Le, HAVERFORD COLLEGE HAVERFORD, PA. tHAVERFORD NEWS NUMBER '1 HAVERFORD AND WAYNE PA.. FEBRUARY 2, 1925 VOL XVII' IMPRESSIVE SPEECHES MARK ALUMNI MID-WINTER DINNER MUSICAL CLUBS OPEN CURRENT SEASON WITH SUCCESSFUL CONCERTS Sir George Pamir Delivers Main Address of Evening; Dr. Comfort, College Presid net, Outlines Plans for Haverford for N ext Eight Years COLLINS, '97, GIVES ILLUSTRATED LECTURE; First Program Presented at ROPER, PRINCETON FOOTBALL COACH, TALKS West Chester: Atlantic City Trip Follows BROADCASTED BY W.P.G. The seaton for the Cop god Belie multi./ elute opened oil Friday..Ta.▪ 18, with oconcert et the West Cheater State Normal Sthael. To a Ines. atdienew assembled at the school. the Glee Chilli Fed the 1.trnmental Club meg end played. their seleetions being Infereperaed with npeeielty nnam here, ...nue of violin ado, Way. by Gotten irretnery, Relectiotm of populee mottle by the ''Ffaverfordtann." mid • beware.. act. by the "Prickly Heat Oaart... TM, ISM feature, done by Schen.. Willey, Cloonan and Yorker. ewe n amethins new on the program of the dub, mod wan war., received by the audience. After the menart. a dance war belt at the Weal Chaste Country Club. The Boer Wee very kiodly offered through the coertray of Mr 2 be of West Cheater, en sluranue of Meerford The College Orthestra gum.el the music for the dancieg etieb Meted troth midnight After an interval of Iwo eveelts for the mid-year examination., the dubs Athogle hold their nest einmert. eatlan qty. Leasing after the • Triday, the dohs went to the shore. were quartered at the Ctelfoede, end This Dip of the club, which it a yeAriy feature. la made ihroerh lie courtesy ad the Leta. and Lippineott Conlpell• elneem of the Clialfonte Reel Haddon Hell hotel.. The firat concert et Allende City was given Friday night, Jew.* MY, in the lobby of the ChM... Hetet A loge audience wee present. and the eerier. was well received by them. flue 1'o or grow., of the ball, this refire of the 00,10,0 was not re good ea the Potordey night performanee, Lathe AWN.. Satotresy Night The billowing night the .emand perforename, wan Moen to the Ter°. Room at Haddon lien. The [uheave nt thin concert was great. and more enthernitic than that at the Friday Meld effnie end the enure. ea a The Senn.whole Wept off ter, day eight toner( wen Mond.. through the Anent/rify ntati.. WPG. The program on both nights wee eery eoe-h the amen an that at West Claenter, with the addition on a- few pieces. The win- Specially feelintlet were offered. lineal credit most he given to Schultze. with led - the Glee (lob in both them/operetta. Due to the maigneon tI of Fleennin from the petition of lender, the work fell on the thoulders of Schultze. with only a few MOM to ave.tore 110.011 to the ale. Hie sue.. with such short prep.., Ilea stag praiseworthy. After the concert on Ratan'. nieht. • dance was held in the Haddon Hall, lasting lentil midnight. The members ot the clubs remained in Aflautie City until Sumloy afternoon when they retrotted to Iftwerfetel. The pregret. for the three meetIto were ati • THE PROGRAMS Wee Cheater Men rennet Kenn. C. SIAM.... I. Le 1,7 ..... Ingetereant slab. 1, ist 11711111 to the Skier memo thil She Nene neyr en. w unt L Veda bk. .............11.M.11 ere. Handel ID Leash.. elksedel lei ever. penny new Vann. Law awe lionnonewel. Chin Coot.. peg 4. Col. 3. DINNER STATISTICS FROM SECRETARY at the Thin meets ahem Alumni-Mid-winter limper wee approximately three bendy. Alumni end undergradoet., RInetling the record are Mat year. StWerel of the oldest Alumni Were prearent many of whom ale attended the &neer het rear. Among the..eret William M. C.tes, John ht. Zook. '6.4. Charles H. Darlington, '07. T. Afiee 6111.E 70. Cornell. J. tebenieen, '07, hold. the record foe Behan.. coming from Omaha., Nebraska. The toastranster at was G. IL Wright, .93. Pittsburgh. The speeche were broadcast by the College Radio ChM and aeveral reporter, meted them for the Philadelphia, newepapers. In his a.m.l eddreive before the The! "dm rank and Ole of the people Ahugoi withered at the Midwinter of the world ere mintiest war end ere templet Dr. Willie. Winter Comfort waiting for .mn gr.t ninon to .me President of the College, .totlined agein forth and steed for deferent-tonal Methe polieien end plan. whiok lleverford mo and International Wet," le the hope. to pinnue ,boring the nett few conviction of Sir George Pe1.11. English de.den. The Prenident Spoke hefors editor. hanker and economt be who deover three buodred former Hererford. livered the central addmm before the Men who returned for thi.■ ...] Haverford Ahmed pt the mid-winter dinner lane Saari, wiellt here In the [mei, Mr. Gifford IC_ Wrinht. 110. wiled as College dindm hell. ltd....ter and traveled emit from Before the war. Sir George won the Pittsburgh 10 'act 111 thin rapacity in editor el the Load. Smnet and n the plane of Alfred C. ]aute. President prominent figure in lefernationel pears of the AnnoeiatiOn. who we., unable to aro. During the great conflict he attend been.* 1,1 death in big family. hunted 115.11 Ho • liaolociel eenninflor A elides vote of eyeteeth, to Mr. Met& to the Htitlab illoverement .rd•einre was extended to him by the th e Arinietier, he has been in tim Krug-ale to end "militstdem" god make another way inipeaMble. Speakers Impressive This year. Alumni Onion- nen out Desires • Coen. of 111066. of the best ill yews.. Too nook reedit His pl. to the tinverforl Alumni sannOt he extended to the Alumni Com- hinlY Oat for a ciniree of maser, open mittee in ekaree nod to the Ezeentive the part of all nationn os the only Peet-cur, of the Assecietion, Seek means of =vine our present-dor Hoopoe 'II, for the skillful manage- inntion from the toml wee, that would FLASHLIGHT OF MIDWINTER ALUMNI BANQUET ment of the entire effeir. The rig of itieriight, result from ■iny blue speaker', includine Sir George Paid, war. conflict. Ile odd in par, "If noted Fatalist. Liberalist; the Com- the problems that ..front the world ST. JOSEPH'S DEBATE SET fort President of Harerford William twiny. are rightly muffed. we shall to Rope, eate of roorbOt et Princeton, forward into as ern of marvelous progFOR WEDNESDAY EVENING god Alfred CAM.. '97,. rimed explorer res . if they are wooer .nooed. lben sod heater, nen so varied and ea Ita• wr ashall Naiad boil in couditione we Hamlet-ere thamllp A...mead by Clem pre.ire am 0.0 evert been presented at hod hawed were lone stare past. ter Sweet Sir George put forth the question the Mkt-winter dinner. 111e served debate of the After the pretiminery remarks of the envoi-Ay whether railitariten can be desun will take Mitre in the Cuent and ie Comfort nit pre- stroyed. He pointed ant that if it lonatotaeter. Philedelebia. on Wednesday event.. meld nor. then all oar ptmlees to the Haverford Holds Tigers to February 4, a' hen St Joseph' e College. Bills Chosen Permanent Sen- seated and sere the first address ef men who went Elwood Were a be end the evening. The dernonetretion that of Philmdelping will be meet in • deal ior Pres.; Maguire Elected was given eme the th Preeidem by the Memel the. wirer. not one 10 end weeLow Score: Defense debut. The debate Will he rolled to body tr. only to that accorded vainly." end the see... °wet and milorder ate Junior Leader Effective die Om.. kind eeelord 00 indleel• lu itarism are not set d.trormL for toThe eubjert for debate will be enday we have more men under ertnit than Geoffrey Sitio wen elected to the no uncertain roamer their horny On Weelteeday, Jaen., 14, the HOW. nuanced et 14 P. M., Monday ereehic. Wore the World War. Further, it le hae hero • port of Ms PAM.. eeford College hash-N.11 ream traveled February 2. end the Isms will he pee- on,. of president Dr. Comfort In turn expressed his matter of het that Germany, Femme. at the foothein age._ rteet hi, o Princeton. end met defeat „et the mined to work on, the subj... from that Saes. red .apart ere eetering Mtn ,lthe deb. oenws. Toe eel- eh-it-awe. winning his letter nit doll tenth., le a., Alumni /if lirmefont Rama. that nut n hand. of Me ',core. speedy Tiger thee snit tem.-keel upon 64 pleaeure In not eninlet be k 20-11 K. In spite of Ideit till be the result of a ennidelutird spurt the last three year. and dis- firebug It unwinery col.eto himself pormises then eonnueree. If we tan reefer.. between Fetker liteekloy, of tinguishing himself no an all-arnmed the stem, the Bariet rend Black five pot slop mititarient ntel thee agplayer, He hes else hes. a member with. either the spiiit or the attitude ate. nee milhed far other than peacePlayed a 'firstedoss game. their !green kit J.eph's. and Dr. Snyder. The lievertord teem will be made Of of the baseball teem for three ...Km.. of the Ainmel body of this Cede.. defense holding the Orange stet Black 1111 purposeo. tben.Gad help the was Wane. Sakelerselp Record Winning hie letter reeky ear. addicomideation, it very likely netteader from the following. accord]. to CO Militarism Can Bs Elated In the record of t,oltece sehievenienm Yet to Ede Nenrge It meeme bull milfor the iotorcrolleginte Chareplomhip. by Dr. Snyder: }Widen. M. tion to his athletic activities Bide was to one of the Lowest totals they Mice end font. '25, Barton. 1/11; Mendot[l. etietmeh of Na sear, Junior P.m Wu, the lent gothering of the eneenl Purina eels be &Mewed. Hvery grove '381 Mesa. 11Ir wed Gott 'Sri, with Sar- Cemmittee end beid n...M the problem that rim world in now faced awlatonl man• bet... be mentioned peeeV rolled up no hr thin se.... ,ticemis in scholarshie during I'm tired with nun he Kweranfutly met if only Deering the entire trot heti, the Melt- gent ' 2"f. and Kietahurg. Mk As prike• agerehip in the Musical ChM, He member of the pnwent &Went. Coon itearmr of the present year. when there reenni, end nut ing team seemed to leek confidence in Ho eitemiatee. end force he The tit. 2,,svphe Cuilege teem. elerb eere no general failure,. The Presilook for oret,ee the Gerehenteeleas, and • tong neldenel by P. will debate al Haverford, will epeeist of de. elan rxereesed his goilithotion vat ais!, repel-noon. peoblem. Slilitrtrixm Garrett. '20. 001004 with a stmeessful BOOM Parmelee! Vles President John L. Bogen. 723; Lyman Griffin. 1.11,1 foiled for Fenn, when she alleentitad foul try by Centel, T. Gertert, William Rog. was Sleeted lice the foot that Owen TI. Ithones. were the only note. made br the sod Geed., Otani. 'Di. The I•bile• preeldent. Boger, tom won letter, II, won for liererbitil es eighth Itleslen to ntre In orritlistint the Hike Haverford combination, Several e'er dentte teem of that .'allege win he metdr IIY and remit and .ptaiied the s,.bolarnitin reain speaking of athletic,. Dr. Comfort min wan sued throurb den Donee rain. shots from right under or right beside reeky ree], teem in le. sees.. Ile is ry ranee, "then trer. the basket were waeted through .- Eeof oleo net., for year. Ibia Ile w s ...oil that Haver/ord. we, net an -ath- ndionon.ii we d S overeager... to were. The are no alternates. too end t hot en. euneerned hearse the Wilmot of her oleo u e vies mon, t Pui ni.p re at winning of gene. hol abildr guarding. however. non Arena., the ,Tliearrangetnents for the Haverford dent o t Stmleets.Antien i ee d um with to fin. ltett1.11 ...bow went fur fast Tiger fire being berg le fine genie end of the dual debate ton been rend. lea beet n menthe,. of the Stmt..' Pic herd 6.111.6111 whiele the Polby Demmer Tateeil. During the pre, from the door. The more al half-time len. is repined to Olen. He said: -I ther lo show loin, in !he intention of eti t jib:tees erf Tat no II, however. rte, ?lend. ...own for three mars. we. 19-3. Hoes. Heilman ions Shelled inske the unquidified mat/mien, that fu- intendlisildebts, wilitary inethialo or 'VI. has temporarily taken charge, Haverford Rally m,. and Fr.. Stiffer tr...., 11.1- ture poly-own of thin pollen- er. not the metbob et force esniiiit seete vat one winning ganien. but thoI if England 111■ 1' The Scarlet cod !Sleek ouintet came LATIN PLAY CHARACTERS hi. wee manager of soecer thin Iasi interested lbr fecilitien nlileh the the rttilr,l Siiiien iitoodieted to force oration end abler hos lust reniened the beck ht the necond period. and with nevinse for healthy development ,omen of mini. lienneni dehln windd gone, began to dhow their new WILL' BE CHOSEN SOON management of the Co.operatier lowel flair leek ne rope Realm. thdni end prod.., IL W. T. Maguireees that their game wan tiot • defensive to the f..r nth- greater mid Roel world iniodiet Wet In mile, "The Adelphi." Last of Six Plays of monition of President of the Juetor Claw. ntkolion is to turn one alone. Chadwick. ....wild meter the nod vat .la Ise played well on the offense, mowing %Moire hen been a ntember of the m Teranke, to Be Giese 611 6.6,11.hn1611. he told of how he was Pin. for Gradual Exp.sle• .de 010,6 hie aherd and arvarately, mewing one twoThe Classical Club tap.d to pre er sod baaketbell. ectindly ashamed io mbait that Fibeinud pointed, .4 Ranking three find tries. sent Ito play. the -Adelphi.° of Terme, ti-Imre n1111144.11 the baseball aped an re n Mena with all the rest of the world wee sun. He wee hisin• the [' silent Captain fietrade alas netted a goal from Thew thee in the fleet week in Alareh. n pitcher lam au, fur I werforirs enieslion poSanoil of ink. awl at th e the Boor, and Melchior made good one The erste dote ha. not yet been de- her of this Year, State thenthiee see• Whin of the sante time raising lerilf hairier. 10.0 of hie two foul shots. cided mein. The mei for the -Adel. 'or t.eanod was del.. Or Coach Dr. eu tionsion. %Whin the to xi few your. do old nbsolinkly pownit their neighens acs of the College geed- preeloi. phi" [The Brothers) wilt. be picked Poo an his All-Stele bors from satinet (heir debt, 1041.3. "BOOMERANG" TRYOUTS .on efter the tryout. for the Cup mid Cont. at Page 4. tainmst 2 End National Selfishn . The ow, honor.. it.: in this Dells play are hinted, eonehnling his tiddresa. Sir tienre• TO BE STARTED TODAY extant playa of Terenee, wea orighwitl Idea of Improvement follow, aid: -The. world neeiln a come.x WATCH KEY DECIDED ON ... . 117.000 house of attitude. Pt...roil nailing in The •'Adelphi." the lest of Ike s Forty... Cenlidahe Trying far predueed at the funeral yin. of 1. AS DEBATING AWARD . 100,e. nd mililarinie foti.ten rot. brine no Parts le Cap Bed Bell's Play 61111•11111 beldam Aemillue Peet. in 100 B. C. It man adwintiled In ony natio, The ',kit of The emit of °Boomerang," the play the story of two heathens of Afire... Debate Commit to Reward Varsity De eee ,iee ee exemplified by a-hat [h. which will be Otte by the Cep end Aesebinue and Ctenipho. A.ebione ie hate. at Senses'. data lookers hove dune rim, the war, elan Bells Club this ream, will be *elected adopted by Ifinele, an node. while The Debating Couotil het deeidel .are the world Imlay, We must ex. on the bark nit tryoont whieb are being Cleeipho rem.. with the kende nnit lone cold hey no the email for Owe, 43...veo Mete rtglitebout face and hare don held today. The competition foe the eine% father. Dent.. Cteelpho. line- taking port as member.. of the Heverfore ver with notional sedialionaa. Ida.b pare la unusual!, keen Pined there ere ., been attracted by the chemms of a ford Detrain;team. It net derided Cent from page, 4 coloton 3 nation 1111190 Krieg Ps contribution to ferre•Mvee ...Maples. The Janior. citherroplayer, In nbeltered by hie that any roan who had nerillripated eppear to Mere the most intermit In brother. who lets the tumor no oet that at leantthree.foorthe of the Testily McKAYE LECTURES Continued nn Poke 4, column 3 ddemesnes, ae they bare seventeea not it It be who ie la ..... led in the girt itchatee fat two 'Petit n11011111 be eligible BEFORE ENGLISH CLUB who bare entered the rompetition. The Menowhile be lams been making love to 10 resolve the debating key. A senior. 1014.000 date.. Freshmen followed with fotarteen can. nn vent sirere Athens.. lads- Of .nree, the Plan however, shall he considered eligible by Millie. Life of In Tenidat se, the Senior. bore eleven and end. happily after themix•ep It the council 11 he he. eliown particular eCutpagthe Sophemorett Ave. nessee and Kentucky for- ability end value threuehout the senior straightened nit end Dem. eUrallAY—estio.thau in. Punier Of the ten parts for which men are year, Coen though he ben eat competed o.. iven hie sons for fooling Mtn. The seen-known writer nod poet, Mr. competing. thane if 'Dodd'. end .1:Witill three-fourthe of the comes. for a WePPESPAY—oeiner deka. with Perry Deltaye. spoke to the English ten'. genet to be the roost popular. BF eriod extending over two years. at their meeting on January 21. It= candidate. having attempted each. 'HENRY SCATTERGOOD TO Y. 5. 0. S. In Ow awes. Cinch The Debating Coundl expects an Club The enblect of Mr. Mclinye's talk wan nnon. mitt wink °Mr. Stone- were el= TALK BEFORE COLLEGE Y. make the award Gob- for ...deed stod the mounteeem ni of Tennessee and 71111nellitin—nr. ¢. O. Rain. Ion very popular. earefel effort. It preliuppones that teen Bestially. During the past few yeah The peat sword of the candidates De. Thready AI. Sehedeled—Coaell of marked ability will be permitted to at .1 (Cann these be hoe spent Rome Hine an will alo be taten into conelderation In wear the key et the clone of their People, and was able to give porno rera taIDAYHerman Tide Week the tasting In the ea. M Freelanee tith Future epeekers for the Y. M. C. A. inniele year, while the majority will rethis Will he tweed on the Freebies= title mooch Mande Coach Ebirmen, who edier thin recognition nt the end of the interesting amounts of their life nod Y. et Km Linn Kennel Club rooton”. Kamis n henna Collars. tryouts held last before Cbriatm. ■ OL1 'peek next Wednesday; Dr. Mae debeeing seasom of their senior year. IILIT WHEY Puttaibly three or four men each year ert Norwood. of Orerkr.k. and 3. 1101010.— Schulze, '25, Will Lead Glee Faculty-Junior Reception Set Fleury Seattereood "aft who is an au- will be eelected nangliutkthority on the Dawes plan and reform Club • for February 16 tiona in mend. He bee elw been re- NEW HOME CONCERT DATE Wake. day mein& Febran. Mk Is the ...MY ...toted to tho P.111, Service Lan • PAY D. Rieman, Th. leader of the Glee The date-of the Home Concert of fen. et new Binnewlelo Vend" date Which he. Orally bare decided upon Ce.dettion of the State. the Mutdeal Clete boo been elwaged Club ban restated that position and ash. elite nabnIters. for .the Fa.lty Receptlee to the Jo. On March 4 "EH" Harris will speak from March 19 to Meech 20. beeauee of membernhip in the Hub Yorke, &reeash. Chata wansil niers Coegiderelfie difflaulty in am at the Y. 31. C. A. meeting eml ler of the club. bee appointed .T. the Swarthmore basketball game, whit rinul se Inns B.C. lectlog the dale wee ...feted be- alt beevadable ter conference.. On Is to be played on Stara 14. The Schutee to the leadership. &hide. led Liii4a15”nlguakellall mink Sown e of eonfilet with b ..... hall games March 11 Dr. Tweedy. of Yale Theo' thence e in date wee made to steam. tha 0100 ChM daring its recent Allapiie fin end narehell et ham. and musics] dub engagers.. logical School, will renew nequalatancee thenc the benketbeli team. City trip. the CLASSES HOLD ELECTIONS FOR COMING HALF YEAR PRINCETON WINS FROM VARSITY FIVE, 29-11 , ?Env d g kkon conned ▪ • ▪ Page 2 11M111121101D NEWS ALUMNI NOTES DR. RULER LECTURES ON USE OF RADIUM RAYS FEBUARY 2, 1925 CANDIDA PRESENTED BY 'Sl. Professor I. H, Moo.. of Lineolo Membrkl Itolveraity, Harrogate. Tennessee, will be lianterfestre delegate of the fiftieth anolgenary ex• errisrs of the George Peabody College EDITOR/AL Bosun for Teacher. at Nathville, Febrintryt1S 1.1. RV, he to MI. Rms.. mums H011,41 S. Forglqed hoe been Ann Harding Reflects the elected president of the Michigan HaCharacter of Candida in tionallet Amor:adorn 113. French. B. Reeria Jr., IS A Pleasing Fashion ' n4 . ar 111 3r, George E. Pfehler. of Philadelmember of the Board of I)ireetors of phia. noldre.ed A nuemlog of the geieni the Greens and Importer, Exchatme. By Pantie K. Gray. Lecturer In Eggrifle Society. bold In the Cliemiotry '0. J. !leery Scattergood %poke at Ilsh et Haserford College Irniklion on Wednewlay. Januar., 14. the College Club. IBM Spruce covet. CANDIDA wee a sons ,s..1 mom 1102.5. Dr. Pithier's guide. was no Thursday evening, January S. Hie ambition. underteking for the Hedgeend topic -Radiology, Roentgen was 'The Dawes Plan and Per. lerrr' • tiorme . row Pleyere MISALLIANCE. Radium." Ile eitheinen the use of the pioneer Peace in Europe." POCONO MANOR INN Thar I•.-named {medallion is eimply *mots. &nun N.mys it the locntion of freeform,. ah. gamma, PI emeee. nod turtiote. Ile Mao explained 'Mk In an artielo to the Philadelw sei, n unote7.1. hereto morns dialogue between B. Nodes, le their relation to radium and the use phia Ledger, of Jimmie,- 15, lefeatlap is D. Ii S. and George and Beromd nod meat- of the week of Colonel 3•Meir 11, Shaw carried on on the right aide of on oh In curing camera. BUSINESS ESS BOAIW Winter Sports Ins Pfshler fir,, told briefly how Logan, Jr.. in connection with the fight the foottighta. Properly .peaking, all BUSIN Roentgen discovered 2C•rnye ashen ex- to obtain recomdtion for American the miters, including the billies ehoubl perimenting with n ervehe's tube, and Heinle. The article says: 'Roth Am- hive dieguked themotelvee behind red bassadors 1Collogg sod Herrick give full beard. and tried to look like the author 1101V he outvoted these lobe, to esaturn• ion hone fruitier. in the Rumen body. nod complete credit to James A. Logan. of the dielogna CANDIDA. on the w, n. alms "'" steady rem.. Pitteree ill One Thouvaegth Of a Sftend Jr.. who has abeam 6h mettle end other hand. La • real play. in which, for Wonderful developments hare hol- sterling nbIlity throughout the entire oare, Mr. Shaw retiree from the stye ..ergatirg' s " low-en 010. Molder said thnt be now flew in obtain foe American akin. end leaves his chataclern lo speak foe themselves. In setuall/ Pomessee used 210,0110 volts in his office and their proper reroguitIma" 5Irs. John. Weir MarAfee on. plot (renders of OTB2ILLO will know The Rennie published weekly durtng was Mile to regulate floc penetration of 00110,,e the marriage of her eieter where it comes Cr,,..) sod the Mumthe School year at Wayne make of the themen. Ifr espteined that thin Dorothy Haines Cantrell, to Cbartea B. none in the tilersre strong enough to was brought about by getting Established - 002 Yrs. Suburban Publishing Company, Id) N. perfect V.1111111 in the tube and mtg. 011.110 rob January IT/ ISM Mr. and cell for Individual interpretation on the Wayne Ave.. Way ne. Pa.) and Haver- laying election]. frees a shile.het file, Mrs. Ristiee will lire et 244 Fietiuwej part of the seism. ornt. the temperature of Milan could lane. WYPernood, Pn, Every actor has the right to inter• ford College. Haverlord, Pa. 111. Ehreed E. Luken.. Jr.. 1.wee- pert any siren role In GANDIDA be ommelled. at with When X-rey“ subscription me, begin .t any time. were tient discovered, It required thirty retary end treasurer of the Hooking his own wee. I wilt but go . far ae Price per ammo, 32.00 minium to snake a photogreph. Now It Finance Corporation. Tide is s nowir to Diet every bee an irganMed Weiner,node, the nutnage- ewe. right to give hie own mental in• Per eingle copy. 10 cents. in poseihle to produce one in to thoument of S. 11011ilehf Hopkins, Jr.. hand, terpretation of that role end nod fault m second-rhos matter at the sandth of • seeoed. lint automollile financing end general with the actor erred-Manly, for wenn. Pool f)ffice at Havel-hurl, Pa. Request loeurance. Mr, Lukens will be in Menge are iotelligent people end spectators of the ontemohite financing. for transfer col the publication's ex-icon& hods. 01111. to met in a-17. Edward IL Lester wee mnr• where ere ninth from to treed, let not re. clens mailiog privilege to the Post--Mho. vied e, Detember to Misn Syivie on Wayne. Pa. R pm-oh, Dr. .10111, h.. w1-111e11 n Monk that Thoutp.o. of El Peon, Tem., le Los ViONV The Hedgerow Pleyers' iliterpre• tenon of CANDIDA in the light of nenoonly tries to answer dm question Arteries. Leeter is general ...gee of many other renderings or the DIU. Editorials do not neeemerily rept-a- '.0 the ages: Wbet should uteo lire the gunner.. Minolta Company, no El Miss As. Flereirm, an Canada, was nent the wanton of the entire etude-at fur? In there such n thing as nu I •aso. orris-et .lane down to the last mien.. We ,the mime, .1. one whist, it not 'IT. Amino Ie, guernsey. of Brown It is a difficult Pert ht play. with maim likely to come to every one. is never- Brother, & f'oter.eY. ill I director of Hoag. in it for the unwary actor, To thelme beautiful end annealing. the Dopkitio Finance Corporation, begin with, Coulditle Is A perfectly natSustained Expansion He tiro makes at difference between 17, Albert 10. 11e1110 an Interne and re! women. or On tow Prosayh deft, whet he mils siumtemeolat rods of life, oofor,unnie Illot every Morton, and eareendary end..." The former ere high nrhool medical esarniner, miner-Rd non •in quite ordinate woman." sod no with Sr. Luke's Hospital. thiesips. far Pert Is more ditfloulf than that to play every nadererioloon of lionerforil 1110OO am. shah so onion bemuse • • merrimi lust June. upon the stage. Tat Miee Harding could nod have heard I memo- Voodoo-re they are soffit-km !Val iLl theounelven IT. Henry Whitmore 1101 hen u achieved ihe triumph of being puke end 01116, 05 better Per.MO. berme the Alumni assembled • seeOnd dm00hter, Patricia W. Hill, min noranal end thoroughly likeable. rardory ends nre tbe mole of the preeticni nine mom. old Anhui, wee this the ease he the scene at the 111.1 Wi71101. 110111111ol. Ile preMR. STIFLER world which increiRe our emetic nod '17. Arthur en., Ionian Lea le where her husband the poet quarrel sented dome in n 1,1.117,11t and def.+, nick. us efficient end noevessful. Dr. flOa'nf of Memo-MI. a new book of ..vOr her to her fare like two naughty notion, scow of elle greater Jones avoid MA give tams up, but he entitled -Sliadown of Men.. which rohnotboys. Ideal octreeres make this the manager, is in charge of name, I inverforol for the iimuitig 'eight ,eims "Fors lo gel ix, from tlie tendency is tieing published by Erskine Mee. an excuse for taking the venter of imericsthunie their minurtance MIA Monk). of London,. he stage in the beet -modern septette" monening it, emote., and will lake and deliver all orders. ninon." aim., The prob'17. floolobl H, en, Pointe, itmtinort• pose- and treating the audience to a lir Comfort', nod Om Boer,' of 01hoo itegirrt lem is to find some [1,10, Whi-1-1, 10 Ma In thr floosevell Ilich School, Day- memos on the oxen ma deveetafing as unr,.. ohms for illsurrnonO 11, oenterini Mood lb itself. min, Ohio. and WON married Daelabeff any of her hoe-band-a lull blown pletiof 1Inverford 'ono, porthmlar A lirirf restime uf l'imo's Theory of 27..1024. tuden no the @object of morality. hike ly herthy of colo000111 011151 Mail, Them- Knowledge in air.. The MIMS' M'17. 1R. E. Roland header, Jr.. o Harding preferred to remain within od a maimed Insight with th • engaged No Mies Slant...elk Rupert. or the limits of the piny no Candid*, which itoprovensente. arcluiling 11 library ei• hien of the thes1 all the goal. To lie Wilmington, Detonate. The fallretalfd to a jaded witness of maim Candid,. AZPELL'S tenon., a small invre,.. in dormitory the way of Jeous. you nib., in Lk. in Warmed for early rowing. woe moat refreshing. Only In the very ' locilines. additional endowment. nod n words of the writer, smake Ur Mutt Ardmore TheatreiValding 146hanonotramiranyey'rhgadelphire '17. Hobert IS Meteelle be angered lest atone of the play could any hal ads new mliletir bnilibiog. me needed to mind what you ere going to live fon. I" Mimi Dahlia IleKio.n and is Viet:roles, Records. Medal Supplies • criticism be levelled no her per. onon the mid of lit • fill out mid mak, complete 115r 0011000 You must with the W. 11. 11111 diehthe of formeme. The fIghte were ell tnmed New Victor Record. Every Friday which iD to have your vote. your alle• the 1', S. Envelope Company. al Tear. down, In toe-Mn wkh, a trick which la fur this generation. Popular Sheet Mule 11- you corintatitl - rester. Mae scone Menet. 5-041. sliooy. irritating to e vigilant nyeette 'Pie ;mentor of nmering t hone exerted wobble between MO inionmatihle shoe-17- II, Beale I-Redhead in et prment thr.'1114 roan. lee the actor,' feces. An Opportunity facilities in atoned 0O111110, There in tied mat kleinamn-yoott arrive twirl., Ina in Pekin. 'hie.. where he nt• Irv.moneequen, hear what they to be no --drives or "nrionniga.' PetiOlo• and you mho. life' while ton are . th filleted with the Inter.tiesei Banking ere Baying. Thin dim. rellMotte gloom for hod AN usual &remupon the acting. ant heartily .4,1 of drive, end cma• Pommy.. Theo follows Kam'. ee Cornered.. Pitians, Ikeinford is to he vongtait0ipP4. ✓ontribution. the Kingdom of End. 'In A son. Brook. fleeter Comm. Tibecame morn and mote dim and Insurance Training littbote. and COOdirla, of makthut the Presolent and the Boned of Kant's uoiventrol law of morel mtien lens Imre to Mr. and MR, Remelt S. to, -So non that the mock! of th Conner on Chriatmes Eve, el Moores- ing arninble for her husband and the Benton, oostempinie o molt 000vepoet, slowly melted into • Madonna will me elway• and everywhere be mode town. N. J. 'rbeir plan in tdint is P. add. Imo 1 universal low of nrtin." '10. 10. .1 Itrockellank is Reeking with n lily in her hand. Mk. Herding In one, these nolititione r, Illoterford's et the I-eh-omit, Dr. Jones Dieu devotes the reel TO) fly of Pittelnintin His was defightful even In that rode, but Paul Loder, Manager men she could not haniah from d erith s neat eight year. edriress is street, Pittshis book too stmly of the deeper e equitnuerit within 111i, col nslml the irepreenion that In reel life The Boned of flenomors has elotnoved perienees of life which runic from ias. torah Philadelphia Agency n many hoBO. Thome. II. Kearney has recent. sorb n type of woman eight sod introspeetion. 'Yhent are of this r111, owl 01.1", 1,1" II 1010101111... Miller spiritual nitwit ere 1y Loom elected n toloither of the Place fehrtinene, 111 South Fourth Street ntleumg to mrrY on. sanely-tog In themselves end bring dee' - ▪all Players flub. His first appeerenie Eugenie Marchbanks wan brimful of of floe men te hope., that home run est happiness. The greatsst of sit i the ern!, wile December 2.1.. the the pang. of adoleneenee. but he did not there noes. q Fine fabrics in unusualLittle Theatre in the role of Harlequin, malice that Eugene in eemething more trilmtinun from those intermitted in the mystic'' coinumniou with Clod. ly attractive patterns sod lo Sir 0. :it Darrie's -Peofel000.' then u high-sonled Clierabinn. Mere Hawmfonl will proVtill• for lbe mono' colorings. Reed's Sunda '50. Ile. nod Mtn Russell E. Brigs, adoleereots in real life are is every Fuisimnentel Ends of IJfe bydthift portion of the work. Ae De. Condom ed of Tailoring and else wamouth non knovii, very dull and of Riverdale. New York, ennounre the XL Jones. The Mathliilen Contio. to to h• o fnui1 oderate prices melee -It conventional n male. but Eds.. is Tem..' Away lanarmeee so vil, stored engagement of their daughter. ?lb. penesal Reed's Clothing especialeneeta agetast .11 to la Pnnces Brig,. to Cleaner feu m. something More. be Ie n paiii. that In affair-• 1115.111S-11111 Igelm i. eta. both Li ed is this maid, ly desirable. to any, be in quirk-.wilted and imagineof Bryn 11awr, This newer Ikverfonl is not to re. tr effig ln Soils, Top Coats, '21. A deughter. Gertrude. wen Mn, 1-11, "hi be. An enrsony gift for Two snake My. MI any retmintieu ue Ilik othInie club cm Overcoats. on but Ku. asoan-twee. gawks in Ifr. nod Arehibeld ImeIntorolt: kunsing all eh. be persona ior .• our with an ever surplus of PS and upward self. He Is n moat natinfeetery root. . Iteverford, Pa., January in caearMl vms ' wend of Peter Pan end Itigo, rind ill by ..loolar.hipe. bon rather on a reputation Jervin J. Babb who Wm been to cannenne FOIchrleto-yeed at.. LONGACRE & EWING Mon...• Ixn too 000l• no nicene wanting En gentle malevolence. at Ilkerned University for the pent two I.or Lumina oat iiloor thindting nagarasiltary Welt. la int...-. tram. wee neeminted with the Genet.' Morel! made hint stumble on hie matii141 S. Fourth Street for the nautili.. in 01ltivl, we Ike. 1424 26 CHESTNUT tritin72.Vits . ElectrIe Poiotoomy et their Bridgeport. profound end witty sayings nut of NMbullitt Building linverfoill could hardly seta Inetter 040 PHILADELPHIA rounwelleur plant elm. February 1. lob stupidity, whereas the Eugene of 3apaea,t 0)001 SS.. nutatlateeta tee itself time to follow offer the one After n abort term there, he will he is reel [Ire would make them out of malice aforethought and watch their effect expo-aged by l•renklent Comfort wham the New 1 -nek urger of the tympany. no. woes. with IOIRChinr000 glee. M. mid Mot he hoped It ivouldeppeal '51. home. II. Mike, formerly MOPING PICTITHOO teacher at the noun Darby Ruh 1., II, /moons 4111 -11 OMNI, to herniae Morel! was honest and sincere and Arinn-LiMbn Gab to ommt.." omlirge of the United agnletea.--Kentar Towd.e. the stomlionl School. Weenie co,nomited with Harr & well-meaning nod gave the unpreanion Tea.. of Company. nurseries; st Lencaster. Pe., of believing with all Ms heert and mad • ttlahmies Vev a, on Fel-weary first. every Windy platitude that homed from Fda: F e172tr; r ^21. William T. debt,moanell of hie lion. To make Cendidife sffeetion lit eatlX, goerm the Bethlehem-Allentown On. Werke. for him more probable. be ehmald have Bala MA012Onidy, l le cliesnowl. Walken:. of the I". G. t. ennmetty, is on the been more geoid nod exuberant and lordsrat Tommy. It loin been nugneeted that the Cap EXontint. Beard of the Atom. Armor.- oot quite so obviated, a Mimater of Zahatel ChM be reniuned the Strap mow breed end Moe of Northeast 111.6 School. P ..... lane religion. -21. W. Q. l'Odlift 10 tenehlog tar Rutgers. wan • first-rate Yenkee and seal Ihickle ChM. Oh. you Atlantic .oreeeeddea Peron., Mies. Pity hone-bug"! am, rem.. and lesehnneter In Booth Iterowneville, Pe, thereby solved one difficulty in the ploy, C., P. neigh io one of the via.. how on mirth did Candid. erer bap• • • tom ef laa;denen 11Srf FOI:i '. executives of the Frank & Seder Dv- Pen to be ht, daughter? But when we A natural. Immo. trait, ma larking Sh111.70N-redo Coed. la -She enttment Store. et Pitt.horgh. His add Anierimn edoptahnity to her littler In 0.e mookento of lInverford MOO, in Bendedesee home addrees in 4711 Liberty avenue. Anima. we realise how it was Mat who desire to be onset. Itd moire from TRIES Sanded, ssI.113311.11 , Hneeld heatlay, Pinebergh, ass emerged out of her port with inicb The Office is on entirely different 'XI. J. B. feleveneon 1. 00.e attend- triumphant sun... 11110,, 11 110, 10 Ili. 0I111 lin entirely 11TallirT-Pot: Vogel oo -gad DE r VERY col Lel man wards his ing the Carnegie Intotitine of TechProem. hem the. midleure different hind of inaltenm, aratIndf-eau Da MS, 'Mee Ls money's worth-that is solsyJolin nology, Pittsburgh. taking the reenter With , bale more aiepoory she would uneerion. merge in Cortunerrinl Egi get the troll offdet not 01 the Part. Ward's coRej sales po year by year. Ronan gre red, frOBIO E., P. Eliot la attending the The Curate mimed MO opportunity for ACSSSiatr YOSIC-ralladdaleS Vallee, are blue, Valuel-Tremendue Style-Up-to. Ofoluntee. held, eftefree end s display of fthrEet-like lemaleation 1p Niger in sweet. rithnodt the.minutel Qualityl-The best of the lest act. aet IH 'Irnte1;1".slerre f And TA) i• the feeling ledenv r7s., . Pnnobrlike. Mere. ...a A. K. DRAY. everything goes into joins Ward foot. Thon mid-yure are over. BA. R. G. Allen, Jr.. is with the wear. • • One and Ail Company, Chum QiintIty n. sas. tm. Hawrhmi DWI ae1R thtli that our PhilaA snitch in time easee nine-or ten hrt." wed •Sleg. gold, lend, Pp. A. TALONE • delphia she* as 1221.1223 Chestnut Street necks of hunt etude. 24. M. W. Mead, Jr., le with the ifrat ael'It " are Tailor has shom to rho slum or wank seeing. Open • • • Research Departreera of the Westingfried, oath. 7m, einnbied tom dailyjronr8ntu to 9 p nt-Scal■rdays O. Sloan Beane" house M, Electric nod Manufacturing CawReferring to Frrehment at Pittsburgh. It's not the greennene se mind, but Richie and Baldwin ;Cloe. the humidity. dadea. Farman 11. Sorer, 1111ida College Agents • • • Ftiftnre'ratr, The ems. molar espeditioos might b*e.oerg,'" nt. caned order anneal. hrRrr have ARCADIA OPCItet Monete ta 11.13R. ink the mart who bummed up. nee., II. Med Mao, teem Mourn S. Wood. 'MI, as. elected RESTAURANT Fehr., H. eloumndre Send • • • President of the Scientific goviely Cor INCOPPOPAIMD all0.4.11.1hel.017. Under New Management One briliiant ndergraduate who r dlr'l l4rafferdi 'Ve' . ;11; ' r 1025. al • meeting Of the &Hely held QUALITY it SERVICE viewed the eclipse looked tai the new in Founders' Hallon Thursday. Januwrirtreaarnen It61.1.-Ifeble Conde, PHILADELPHIA • NEWYDRE • NZWARK • BROOKLYN moon the tollowiug night and teed to 22 East Lancaster Ave. Srldae 0.m t. *thane, ary 15, 1121. Weed served as Treasligore how *orb a emelt 1111.01 mode. Ardmore, Pa, urer het year, loom blotted ont the este, HEDGEROW PLAYERS Speaks Before. Scientific Society and Illustrates With Slides Pocono Manor, Pa. Garrett S. Hoag, Manager A NATIONAL INSTITUTION Browning, King & Co. 1529-26 Chestnut St. "FUNDAMENTAL ENDS OF LIFE" COAST TO COAST A Sample Line of Our Haberdashery, Hats, and Raincoats Are on Display Permanently in Your Co-op Store t Providen! Mutual Life L INSURANCE ":7411, t- 4,412,7•L:17:::: ell.°414; JACOB REED'S SONS ....r Slinging The Ink te IL-Jrz 177LA...; XVI MI Vn Y O Wood Selected President of Scientific Society BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS ohn. add eves hoes FEBUARY Z 1925 HAVERFORD NEWS EDITOR, MIRED NOSSELLE ISSUE EDITOR, WILUAIN T. MAGUIRE Page COLLEGE SPORTS BOARD TRACK WILL BE READY FOR USE BY END OF THE WEEK DICKINSON OVERWHELMS VARSITY BY 41 TO 19 HAVERFORD WILL MEET STRONG C. C. N. Y. FIVE EXECUTIVE ATHLETIC COMMITTEE WILL MEET ASSISTANT EDITORS, HARRIS G. HAVILAND FRED ROEDELHEIM HENRY B. PERKING VARSITY MEET QUAKER A. C. ON TUESDAY NIGHT Havorlard Weak oe Both One. an Athletic Schedules to Be Caneldentl: Delon.; Chenkk Stara Tnels Awards Under Dismission Style Adopted in Building of Track Is of New Design, Sit. On Saturday, Jammu 17, tros Haver. ford oulotetta loot a one•sided same to The Executive Athletic Committee uated on College Farm, to Have Permanent Dickinson by the wore of it to 15. did not bold Ion regular January meetNew Offensive System to Be ing, but in the Febnutry meeting The visitors seemed to have the edge Location there Practice Contest Scheduled from the eery start, end the home fire will be •everal toolne brou sht up for Tried for First Time was practically polverlera to penetrate for Hard Workout; Game consideration. The 11125 tennis schedule their 'trona defense or to effertlrelp on Saturday will to put before the committee for BUILDING OF TRACK MADE POSSIBLE BY ALUMNI atop their swift passing attach. EndurCalled at retHiention. Also the question of the ance end machine-like the first teamwork time that the two institution. rale for the awardlne of rennin letter. were The lhaverford bawd truck Le at Mat The Varsity basketball fire will meek Lentlan Porwaseat the two female.; of the Dickinson game The Varsity bmketball five will Jour- will be die...tied. Ceder the p eeeee rapidly nearing completion. Two days' In the first place the location of a which appeared to tell the fent Queker A. C. team tomorrow the ney to New York next Saturday. Feb- riding the meter end trouts letters ere work ie all that is girded for fintehing Deck on the football field would be uo- again. the Scarlet and Black cotabina• ruary 7. at play the Central College the construction audio it. preleot con- favorable In the winter months. of similar, As a commeuence the tennis night in He Gym at BOO o'clock. This The Lion. Is not a regularly ineeduled game, but letter will prob.* be changed. Waq dition it at pomade for, runners to get field is unsheltered end the wind would Hareelerd Nam Hine Lead has been arranged air a practiee game workout Its boarding Mx feet wide in be too cold for the chancre. When 'len:the The Intercollegiate and the Peno.71The game bed hardly alerted when C. C. N. T. ssiatette ere • Wonder cad. laid all the wag around the track. 'The the track would be desirable In the Stale L.gue soccer schedules for the squad after the rest during the Goldberg made the dr. score with • team than theBarerford five. Hewer. will oleo be presented for the klid.year exam...alone. During the flararford Boor ie the name that wing, baseball candidate, mightemir formal pent re• Pretty field goal. Chadwick, T.0. eretted ford lost to the Diekinnon Mans few meerg the husker A. C. has by the approval of the committee. Coach Haddleton has dubbed the Mirk. quire the CO of the field. The present alwaya presented a intone end speedy The history of the track up to the site is in • pato.] bowl, well protected the couut by making good two free score of 41 to 1.0.When the Carlisle bet from that point on the Inane team played C. V. N. I. they loot to Schedule bun Consequently. the same present time revere period of es• from the wind and is not la the trey of Mee, of Third Football on T a./ team yelp brought in total op Use rite team by fire points. This gemt night will be a strong test eral years Since his appointment es other activItlee. to that of the rieltors. Dickinaon let woo played re the sew Trek court. for the Varsity. sod eons. est-ells., Team to Be Made track coach four yes. ago, Coach A second disadvennixe of having • loom • Booing arid varied offense which basketball will be the remit.. First Game Between Colleges of ouch ha. otter, the imattrartioe m•Ede or track la that the labor et the piled up eleven points before the ScarHurtle '27 Last ie nothing n miridele Ate.11 the Yew York College Manager Ball and/111111Mo., en. '25, of ouch Owk. As he had had expert. college in sot often nrsimble for sock a ease with their ad...loge. while law teak a. the mo'ring the track bark let and Black quintalle could find It- asked for a game. but their comest was schedule or games for the third foot- knee arranged the contest. Quaker A. self. received be the et...gement Niter the ball learn neat fall. Itequeets for Sames C. will present the name line.up that ...hies la New England, L. fl. god forth would be. Field goals by T. Garrett, t75. Chad- boor ever met In any athletic relations have bees sent to severel private and ba. faced the Varsity during the past Thomas, pro .12, wog influential in putting There is no approach to a track on wick. '25, and P. Garrett, '26, were ell al .II. Althouxh the C. C. N. Y. teain public high schools of the vicinity three seasons. Coach Halm, of the the COMO. tin- the football field that would be minable matched by Dickinson scores sail el is apparently the stronger. through sir. The team will play CP0.61 High School College lean, will star( the live_regothoritiee. Dr. J. A. Babbitt became con. in alumby or relay weather. The heed half time the snout stood 18 to 0 in of their ha.g a tateren teem. on October 2. end Weet Chester High lam and then replan them aid the of deceit of its advantages mid elarted seth to the present track favor of the abided five. will prevent the new offense of the Haverford fire on some dale now undetided. Third econd.atring oleo. the drive for finances last year. All the the ACCOUlpilmins mud and dirt that The second belt was only a. reped• le mate Mode to upset all the-pre- team. have pleyed high schools in the claesem, loclutfing the present &Own mould be inevitable to the tramp back past, but this will be the lime time that Dinner. game foretaste titn of Banquets Dance Receptions more clam, have contributed and ap- mod forth zeros. the song Wittier, laxly the lime. Dicklimen, the third team te to have a definite fiellagber. their left forward. Reliable Waiters and Teble Service Two Web Rent Harslet vroximsteli 315.0 boa been reined. The Field. The drainage of the present site scald not echedttle at the beginning of the rear. Supplied Coach Hata. will base hi. beads toll Mud coat Is eetimated a. 32011n, and if is splendid. Three hundred dollars bare was rarelyhe Mopped. sod the defers. penetrated. Chedwick alone during the coning week whipping the Ulf seeded money is not oontributed, been spent in grading the field both for- eurceeded la ARTHUR LAWS iaosfaa for Ilarerford men Into Ha rm for t he college has agreed to PM, the bet- d...He purposes and to make the track (rota the floor. the game with C. C. CATERER and slun g with hie two N. Y. The enforced Hl of the since. level. Another dimdrantage to having Welt). held tomb hecrowed 236 South Fertieth St-, Philadelphia four ere- mo und Miring the two teethe titorable Dark on the football field II Type of Trask Is Origiera Continued on Page Fear, Col. Two ben been a serious Itaadirap. of game '7i,ii.7ren.Pie-7.7en=rePri -Tvt The etyle of construction remained that the Paring thaw. a•oukl be Shell ▪ problem for some time. Crumb lied- to make the track shaky marl the mart Welton Investigated the board track. of ground would be badly eta op by 006105 the bedlam colleges and univereities In It down. thin section and fraud that there wee • An ergunsent in favor of having a greet variance in decline. The Mahn movable track was that the weather et the New England college. se. DM, would quickly cam a track left mule]. after that at the Horton A. A-, where treed all the year Monad. After conthe intercollegiate meet, for that etc. sultation with Sir. B.Hb‘ the College don are run. The Cnivermity of Penn- engineer, It eta, decided that a perma. m learila has copied its track after the neat track would be More durable. Mr. oore in New York lily where the I. C. Rants. as well aff Prof. Chase, felt that A. A. A. A. meets are held. The Darer- more damage would be done to the ford beck. however, la. of no eralrely track by moving it twice a year then if original - demise_ Thla owl bseauee au- it were left is one place all the time thoriti. so their proper roostrectloa and kept well maimed atol eared for. The work of seeding the ground was held touch different idea. Prof. O. M. Cheer offered hie 11114114, not ataced until early In December, The weather of tarty winter soar sad his Omit.. here bees fol- end the work prat/reseeda-am suitable rapidly. The lowed throughout in building. Mr. E. Sbarpless Hall fire held up work for a Nelson Edwards, a Haverford Mum- time, to the iwrpentera had to repair nos, prepered the blue prints ad of- the damage done there to satisfy the fered several helpful touggestMow It ineurance was decided to build the Owe twelve following underwriter*. The nowfalle Chrism. vantion elan delap. to the mile in length end twelve layed progress in construction If II feet wide. This length was tomidered hod net been /or therm foe. the track most imitable as half and quarter-mile would bare been wiropletml already. as .dintances ran be run without taking was originally expected H P fractiona late consideration. Coach Trade for Gassed Use Haddleton eonaiders Chet relay race,. The hosted track will not be confined In which each rainier gees two lapw will be very meltable for inter-thdotitory to the He of the track teem. Coach Middleton does not tonaider that Duch tentsde and for training perpoots. a narrow one would melt the teach The truck la ctomtrusted with • worth to the Coned...much ae ketone. streightnamy on each tide 110 feet long. The Musical Education Department The curre at each end in Rho 110 feet also will nee the track in connection Painters, authors, and musicians win or mechanical engineers. They are long. This make. the total Memo, with he dereen, Mr. Tsetse, phyeleal Broiled the t.te 440 feet. The meas- ininnwtor, gives e half-mile run and • fame and fortune by transmitting their priMarily interested in shop practice urement Is made one foot from the thirly•five-yanl deck to the Freedmen pole. Prof. Phase consulted with Dean and Sophomore. In the eyoutatriurn conceptions to paper. Achievement and methods— in the same industrial Palmer. who mticuleted the atter for chaise. Hereafter. these eve.. will he the curvet!. The pole of the track Is tmn on the board track. Other teems can be completed merely with such problems as are the manufacturing st scale. (hi the etroleklawsy the not- e« well tee set in trebling on the track. able edge is four Inches- above snide. It .hould prove invaluable to benched!, expression of an idea. Not so with Thirty feet from the end of each tomer and football men ehp are Irecustomers whom Westinghouse serves. straightway the elope toe aaaaaa until leg to get Into shape. engineering. The design ofa turbine it rearbes Ile maximum height of forty The retmone that Coacb lladdloton The founder of Westinghouse was inch.. at a distance twenty-mar feet end the others concerned in promoting or of a teat Iron, once it is Created, is around the curve, This eagle is main- the euindrurtion deemed the new track such an engineer. He possessel a martained around thenrve until twenty , necessary follow. Llseing the winter not placed upon a pedestal in is milfour feet from the ether etntightaway. montho it in Impossible for the men to velous faculty to inspire workmen and obeli it declines down to the four-loch run on the ground. Following the bed lionaire's mansion, or M an art museum. height thirty feet down the atraight. winter weather costs the spring than, executives alike; there are many tales awes. Thiseurre calculeted to hold which make the ground to soft for runIt immediately goes into the shop— en Inert hods going at the rate of five ning. Thin Inevitably rcsulta loving of men working nights and Sundays to minutes sod twenty second,, to the the liaverford teaches. in poor condithere to be executed. Its success is tion for the esrly meets. The Haverhelp' him complete a cherished plan. Chelee of Materials ford track records in eon.. including and The wood need in *oriented the track longer than the batf•tolle.are only medimeasured by the degree to which it t edge•graits tie. This is to Iona. s ocre. Thin in bemuse heretofore there rtNhout all industry there is a lino in board track. as epruce ie the has been little or no opoortunity for his manufacturing requirements. If it. esual wood mud. The Haver ford auto pm*, nut of the regular call for men qualitW as manufacturing eland s thores agreed„ however. that fir would ens.. can't be manufactured economically he the most suitable wood for the par. Besides the lee of the track by the engineers who can combine materials, Pone. Their opinion has been corrish- Freelance and Sophomore gym ilasse., it is a failure. ontleil More the decision when the Poi- all the coming even. In dm Freshman machines, men, and methods with "scatty of Penemlyania started con- track meet. will be held there. Coach structing a board track of fir. The nor- liachiletun plans several handieree meets. In an organization like Westingbetter and more efficient results. facing is made of beards one nod • the schedule for which will sparer neat quarter itches thick by three Inches week. PoaMbly Inter.dormitory con• house there is a group of engineers Such men find pleasure and inspirwkle. Them serf.. boned. ere leid tee. In the nature of n relay carol's' or bemn. of he two by eight led.. in will be held. Should the new track erowhose chief interest and concern is ation at Westinghouse — developing dimension, •paerd 18 Inch., Mart. de. come real ability, pertain Indirid. Longleaf pine [Unbent found three by eight nate will be entered In mane of the hothe efficient, economical, large scale apparatus to help•other manufacturing hichem. are the e Con• tfoot Intercollegiate meet,. ceete blocky will be placed under these Ralplas Will be Beep manufacture of electrical products. executives solve similap problems in for ...Pert after the track has settled An added duty of the Freehmen will at the tiering. Superintendent Ft. M. be to clear the track /rho, snow In the These men may be electrical engineers Yohnoon has been M charge of all the winter months. By promptly clearing every kind of industry. construction. off all snow the track no be kept in Two other problems presented them- use In all anther. The only thing that h.e. tratiokuo.u. 'elves at the outset. Whether the ,auttleeptut.t,o t..31 uSate Told . be . track should be permanent or n morehie structure, end where it nhould be weather. Thin would tie so Pte.,ce This sera...Tani is fifth in a ncatianal wrier, aad.rana the Roll. Incited were discussed. An early plan foe a few draw forenaineving achierrrneat in tar Wrainshotae Captain Roger, of the track 'tort. hod been to make a morsble Coster of the entire mi.. m01 be mu to creme re-camas it. on the football field and to pet It track up ererr lea already tried out the track anti pro r niter the close of the fall sport.. cutlers It perfect in grading. Ile rope Comb Haddleton finally decided on • that the difference between running on Permanent track, however. and the elm the track and on level ground is negli,,f the vacant field by the spring-bottom gible. The antboritiee who in...wised sa x cho.e', The reaeons fur the construction feel that the track Is • per• es eekmitleally built a, any in the romp Irtneat track of the tn e selt"'.4 try am! that It is an improvement on the any. avenge bolted trick. 8.00 111.RANE.5 VOICrWAM ART PRINTS AND BLUE PRINTS cramta eto■arrraa 20BACCuP Plp116 CANDY WILLSEY & DORION 114 W. LANCASTER AVE. ARDMORE. PA. !Lfg"" mulAznela MATE= GOODS OOPS ISBDOLg Westinghouse !NOMMEN ELECTRIC ACHIEVEMENT Fs OPPORTUNITY CaTC BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS HAVERFOED NEWS Pate 4 Nark Twain's Astslassrspli? The Season's Great Book Place Your Order Now 701 • 110 .ITIO/ E. E. IkECAWLEE & CO. Haverford Pharmacy Special Discounts to Collage Students GRADE PRINCETON WINS Cent. Iron page I, column 2 • In Poke of-the improvement in the Ilaverford tesm's .me, Princeton. Potherful Clark we• not to be effectively stopped, and at the final whistle the Karl.* and Black we. at the sheet sod of a SI to II count. (:wondering the strensth of the Mtposing quintet, Harerfortre lame 0. entirely .fishielory. the def.. proving to be decidedly capable, and the offense. once it got started. showing op quite well. anem : Porilloor.frOmom, Waver,. lamp 1411 tom.. re mealble action on the part of the people of the world I. needed •e never before:. The ovation whkh Haverford Alumni offered to the famous Englishman mu. tremendous. Before the addremi theY greeted him with acheer. and the entire company of over three hundred extended to him their deep apprecietion of his presence by rising •s he was promatted by the toastmaster. Mn. Wright. At the finish of his address the applause lasted11 ufnotril the eh.irmun wu [greed ce speaker to continue the programme. ClottolOr „ '21t:e7 PIO r"..707.1. . GMT. Pr George did oat tit his audience to take his We. without careful nazi. 2; Memo:. miu, nation into all fens. Ile ...sod M. Memo euofideure a people: course to of *ca. if they will only in the L.nnr.:6 ■■ = light .'truth and then (mandate • poi. M I 04. icy." 'The Murray and poser of this fm P 1 gimme. Merton for WASP, Bry. noted Eaglish Ilberefist held hie hearer. from beginning re end. FEBRUARY 2, IS Thos. A. Ryan dk Co. Printing—Engraving is E Lancaster Are., Ardmore, Fa. Pharos, Ardmore 767 COLONIAL ICE-.CREAM MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Serpi= Capital s500,000 9500,000 TRUST INSTITUTION ON THE MAIN LINE FROM PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going THE St. Mary's Laundry, Inc. Ardmore, Pa. Marion Title and Trust Company OF ARDMORE, PA_ NARBERTH BALA-CYNWYD Best of Service at the Right Price .In. RHINIE TRACK SEASON 1334.13M CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA SUCCESS! LUMBER Office and Yards, 58th and Woodland Ave— Philadelphia PYLE & INNES r. re. ULAINNG SPECIALISTS ha YOUNG MEN'S 0nits Dee Boer. Clullmo IlalsordmIrom Merman/ Amm.1 11Mo Many of our customers have told us that we have helped them in a very definite way to achlere success in life. These men say that find impressions count for much in business sad that personal appearance is the basis of first impreseiona That Is where we have been able to help with carefully tailored, good looking and well fitting clothes which make their wearer appear at his best, put him at ease and give him confidence. Prices are moderate. May we be of service to you? Leading College Tailors See "Frank" in die Chem istry Baking. moot MacDonald & Campbell THE LARGEST DL COMPORT OUTLINES PLANS Strawbridge & Clothier M And Everything Required for All Indoor and Outdoor Athletic Sports Cut Moment, Patted Mats, Fiend Accessories. Al. Canarle• and Gold Fhah 711010. AJ.010/31 0711 BANKING AND RVERY DRY IIAT 30.M Cont. from Pete 1. edam tl De Comfort feela sure that they win be ultimately eon.. bat it ir tbe peerrot trim of the Hoard of Manager. to add en quickly as poraibledbese new adPasteurized dition, to the Wan. of the CeBege. Clarified The extensions should be well cornpitted or under way at the lime of the route., velebratioo. It will odd much to this 1.11140h there la PO concentrated drive for more Node. It le hoped that one miter another of the limed items will be added eight yearn The Alumni in Wen preeeut wen weed to ro.o.rade pm. Phone SSE Dorn Mawr minify with the eamoolttee of ire apIn pointed by the Board of 11 order to have Ilweerfond College In 1=0 es complete es this generetioa can make it. le laying this project. which her been heartily approved br the Boned Philadelphis.• Representative of Managers. 11r. Comfort expreseed P. Mr hope that these het. of Improve"'""nu".— '''''' Store meet ..ould be added by Mr. eontri/O... 0; osmm. IlfaMober. a. airmen, 4. 11.. butkolle. 110 pointed out that Heuer- Laabdal...1 1716 Incorporated 1920 :, 111.417. Itorrbo nton a commonalty ford well mlahl heel 111 O10117 Rt.-Lemwte centre for the 711re.11. T orroat. MP., .1•McMr. „,14. Gibson Mellrain Company Headquarters for Everything • nerecommo—llirlontron -719 familard Soak Claim^ fur [...MI. Already the athletic gelds coo Wag anretall llotrborr. emorl par. Mormar That Young Men Wear • fur rte Mr. fur fr more and more Lined le other Main Tmo of MOrro-10 solsouloo 1,ihe iMereeto lb. the Cullu. Or. here. -MOM. Comfort raid the, he hoped Robert, Hall would he utilised coonderably . o tmolty enitortum. Tn. Lin , a s it, • community smuer. -HeverHsverteni kiwi awl Llama Yule. I. forth" said the speaker. alt, deNnte Be Lotion—riassnam Mat Lahr app.] to nos. to the Main Line com'rbe lurk seamen will open on munity. at appeal thol heretofore we the 26th of February with a doal meet hare not utilised. We wish to Interest bet rte I'lertee_ of "27 reel people in H ford e. a that la le The only o Mon n Mangler 1'040, I° attelnptiof to bee.... the stand.. satiall college of he Stein-Bl a and Ake elm. liltiLe,o7r44:11,1,1 5-1, art . ob ord ..„ 1"..hool .red the Vaned States" Clotho, and our own Wickham been 1,11F. Before dioseuealrin the ne 1 ''''' needs Shoe. end Het, can be tom.. In the peel. If these two of the College, the president mentioned bought. Moo. are Peenl on the echedule a some of theeineller but Important Irtuattolor meet with l'oper Derby aa Markin. Eighth and Ethan Sta. of Ilererford. Ile mentioned parbe held. This rho third larly the oropmed enlargement *I will be the first tone.11011 a riangelar radio station no an to give It s meet has hero arranged by the Fresh. soseer range of WO towed of noon Oa.. Negotiation.. are also to be the 1.1..0 21.0. neve steel tomer toads with Veal Philadelphia Illgh nod must he erected Pick of the Piettrrea Shorplem 11,1 to Central Iligh---Howerre this win not nine this desired noise. he glom 01..0 Iloverfonl .ml Lower our George P•isb followed De ConMemos are unable to give • satisfactory fort and after Sir George. William Nom, Prinertot. hmlbs11 vomit. nee a short keine.' mik the ef CLASSES eolle. ethleties. H. did not minmot to stmolutely defend the i.reeent Coat. into 1. column 4 lege Midrib. programme, but enter1624 CHESTNUT ST. ender. Ninsoice In dminunn of this tained the belief DIM Amen... col'ear's Junior Pram Committee and an leers were not overdoing athletics any n more than they were many other much OfficAd Photographers for thatitecord ...1111.1i, P.M., on the Neer. lie ma. ard the Minns of the proierentine, for more 11..40 things. Alfred M. er411.. llorerfool. he Iiiiverford-Swarthmore game last ronet the evening.. programme fall. BROWN BROTHERS' J. Defier will be the the. with a intone illustrated with elided ORCHESTRAS Sophomore Clam. for the funhemoing and mution picture. of his recent trip bill-year. Heller wan a member of the kiln 1hr heart of Central Arnea in 1524 Street -toot trent team hod year Intl also search of a rare meet. of morille for noammed the sport. Hex of the • ebbe. onommil. Ills pictures ex Pilladalphla holders of Corporation Ed.'s...hip, in hibited some of td expieneaces M this his [thane year. Ile was n member of neat the Editorini od Pn of the News until obis yom. 0114 la how one of the basketball sub-smelmant managers. CHESTNUT ST. The complete tad of 1110. office. for Cont. from pare L mama 1 Ike three upper chooses follow.: s..ot ite isnot be llmaery rAtoole PHILADELPHIA Orre alum • ....... ..... Portiar 1.0•10 nom, I. • Ctirlly Myra Omar. .14113,41. 6. celembo• -eveIturrP1 YrItt4.111 Arremot by R. W pl Co To. amen. IP.. thoorty ARDMORE, PA. Anaumure Maar lel la Mb. . orpoom Pharmsei. to vier Mphlrot The Bryn Mawr Hoephal . 1E1 Moe o'f1677171V Coed. heemor Ohm ChM ToLZOI10.141: .4.01101.1 are Tor we.. nor. PI Mo. to Mtw Walt OnsEr m coot o apam tomb We Do YOU, Athletic. ie. -men., Toe pee.. for IlMorare MOO Inc Let Us Do Your Shoe. mlot.em I. la Crone Imtmarmtel Club lel Ormo lo ore lahnim• orkout. K. Tryon Company Ts. wee or Mood Hary HOLLAND AVENUE cum ems ARDMORE. PA. I.1 Hermon Year Official Outfitters IC) Mom. Pepolol-Hrolelre horie• Tommy rte run Itme IteMsPr applt• College Football The General Electric Comolm Club pany peovide• for agricul5. 11.r.or row Curelot, 00.• rleeerer ture little motor. that dothe MI 1+ 7...■ farm chores and great ones XsProur SPORTING GOODS that oper•tc mammoth Soup. Pumps to irrig•te emit loorruprool eta. elle!cbea of arid valley. 0. M.o.. 912 ChadnatStreat Inormorolol Club 11, Comm. Ploo If you are interested in Ise. roma. 114.1.e• 0010 ▪ Mem Pao Morning more about what 1 D. Cm alas M. Merobril electricity le doing. write for Reprint No. AR3910.7...14. Irroe:411ome?" m.' tailning • complete het of lerlekle Otratet the. advertimmenta P. Ws. tole CAW... and Rutter, When Needing Hoek. by Friend. or Coot from page 3. column 3 end T. Gerpointere. Richardson. .tt each sunk one foul attempt. ant at no time elk the driniet and Bluth threaten to orereorne their opponents' Mine Ind. and the 6nal Mote WM 41 tu 111. Gall 1.1111 Storer Gallagher, of was the high scorer of the evening. Ilia Ids field goalst all netted in the second Pelt and four anceessful fool allots brought hie total up It stetson point.. t)had. wick was the Ilaverford else end the second highest pro ser of the Tome with three( -o end els PenalrY ••f rwrive shots, for an as g 1e to hie credit. e nee.' termaws. 1.0.a roomed cep. 01•10 fument.... . THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP R. D. MANUEL Philadelphinb Bert i DICKINSON OVERWHELMS VARSITY A PIM HUMS MI LECTURE Oagt hem PI* 1. *gm s the potation of the world %itemise Ilea- J. 1115 Walnut Street 17: Philadelphia Clotting. opponent well the ARDMORE THEATRE en.. The Manic that Charms W. Lancaster Pike. Ardmore eau. HOLD ELECTIONS one GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS e president 01 Chestnut Kurtz Brothers 1421 Winning die` West Established 1866 D. M. WEST Pharmacist Repelling Pasquale Rolli . Pictures, Picture Framing . and Novelties ... Edw. for Haver. ford Team The Gift Shop n.nnre, Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne Phd.. WM. A. BENDER Eggs Poultry Sloth Amen. Reading Terminal Market Twelfth and Market Sta., Plana. '4, MUSICAL CLUBS OPEN ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK About Friend., Consult: Under U. S. Government FRIENDS' BOOK STORE Supervision 302 Arch St., Phila. 45 On Savings Accounts sAT IT PI TO MOPS GENERAL ELECTRIC BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS Irrigation by electrically driven pumps has made hundreds of thousands of acres of desert land in the Intermountain West blossom like the rose. For a few cents a month per acre, electricity—the giant worker—brings the life-giving water from distant lakes and rivers to rainless valleys, producing rich harvests of fruits and vegetables, cereals and forage. What electricity is doing for the farmer is only a counterpart of what it is doing for Industry, Transportation, City and Country life or any of the professions. It is a tool ready for your use and which, wisely used, will make the impossible of today an accomplished fact tomorrow. How electricity does these things is important to the student in a technical school—but what electricity can do is important to every college man or woman, no matter What their life's work may be. 14.11741 ELECTRIC COMPANY. SCHENECTADY, 04150? TOR ,