▪ • • ▪ <9 HAVERFORD NEWS VOL XVIII. BAVERFORD (AND WAYNE) PA., FEBRUARY 22,1926 HAVER/ORRIS FROM MIIIIENBERG IN FIRST OF WINTER DEBATES Abolition of Inheritance Taxes Subject of Contest; Decision 2-1 FINAL ISSUE OF THE "CHAPBOOK" DELAYED Illattato Crimea Recall of Cep*. AR. Cirmobille• Accord.. to a Perry. '201, editor of the Haverfardi., a miatake In binding on the part of the poblisber. mad tot feceill .ppre.lon. was the tau. of the prompt recall of the mines of The Haverfordi. Chtpbook which were it. mood Saturday morning. The -Chapbook,. which wee ordered bound In scarlet, appeared with • grey binding. Shortly after the tap.e of this special lope of The Harerfordtho bad been circulated they were collected nd returned to tbe poblither to be hound Current rower on the cam.. "signed the action of the management to the suppression of the issue. The 'Chapbook" will be redistributed with Gs new wallet eover this treeing, hut with no change le content Deno the e0111.05 circulated tall Seteedel. Nat Gay here the onma end cover deslim of the March ism. of The Haver. fording been changed, boo It embedin dietinctive features. None of the contributions le signed. A Um of the initials of the contributor. appear. on the final PPM JC NUMBER 3 REFUSES TO HAVERFORD BEATS ALBRIGHT; PRESIDENT STRESSES FACULTY ALLOW SUNDAY SKATING RUTGERS VICTORIOUS, 33-25 STUDENT SELECTION Addresses Baltimoreans at Alumni Mid-Winter Dinner 'The Alumni ere waking to • tsetse of their importance, tad this is one of the best signa en erten... dot like the Haverford Alumni ten Me." wed President Comfort in his speech IWO. the 31.91.4 Anode. lion of ithrerford Alumni at their en. noel dinner in Baltimore. Saturday Ballet Time Stedhet Use Weald Leal to Pedalo Availability Geste* Refirgal The went petition el the Students' A.ociotion to the Faculty lo open the Ithetiog Pond to the etude..of the college oh Mod.. ha. been refused. The Tereity. in • letter to the Presi, dent of the Students. Association. IM• pressed the belief that the opening of the pond to underg.da.the would moment be followed mwocooll, by public use. They are of the opinion that snob sue woald be undesirable to the cammunity..d that theories toes of the Shallot Pond to all comers would make it impossible to maintain the quiet .d &..ity of Sunday. Tie letter of the fawn, [shows: d.r Mr. Mei...haat Replying to • retest verbal petition from the stuents. the Faculty of Haeretard College belleees that it would he impossible to open the Mathis Fond to the student. without eventually haytog it available to the general public. which would be andeeteable to the .nurrieutty, It befit. all the ideals of this place to have Sunday kept in a quiet and dignified manner, which coati hardly he mainteined with the Skirled Pond throwmet.. to ell comers The Permit,. therefore. doe. net ere It, my el., to Root tin request Scarlet and Black Passers Stage Late Rally to Triumph Over Upstaters, 37-28; Melchior Wirt Near End of Game; Rutgers Five Too Big DARWENT IS HIGH SCORER MELCHIOR TALLIES TEN The liaverford College debaliog Haverford'e rrippled basketball team A, rally late to the second period team won • two to one decision over auccumbed to Run.. 113-M at Yaw brought klaverford its third triumph of• in Its drat Intercollegiate Brunswick loot Saturday night On the bseketball eenson at the tepee. of ...tat the season. The debate woe s000001 of the 101000 of Meithior in the Albright, lost Wedeesdny eventne. The held al Moktebberg 00 Fobrury 17, on Albright game. Coach Halos era com- rimiters put up a plucky battle, frethe question: .Re.lred, That all Fedpelled to switch his Ilea-up stastinet the quently comlvs from behind to tie the Dr. Comfort went on to mink of eral end State inherit.w taxes be "big Red" quintette. Vogeh a guard, neore. With scarcely ten minutes be the increasing interest Gast the Va. started at ferward along with Dowo. Play. and the figures et 2444, the StareheLiabed.. The Floweret.' team, nal. of Haverford were taking I. word. Thom. eed Garrett wette la let OW Bleck shifted lido high gent and compeetd of E. H. Kingabary, .26; W. Oki.. He voted that se o men b.. their old poste et rem.. a. Vent tallied thirteen points for o 97.28 vicE. Mead, Ilk J. H. Matoball. *Pik copcolleige he to.. away rolled* interLog.. a forward. we. shifted to Left tory. ula. (in order of their speeches), and ems for • while ad IS tied etroogh to 8. 8 Sargent, th7, alternate. upheld the soled. The new combination weaned Geothar MMus Feat.. Play hare gat. through. Rot after • to function thry well. coneidering Ito negaPe aide of the oeo.tiot. From Pura Garrett passed to Thomperiod of time his interegt le reoewne. and the streegth of the Net- as, who. shot from under the basket nwekened and be removed. to 'treatDoe to • amine comblvetIon of cisment.' gees live. coMetancee. the queetion was rather seemed to bill in and hop net. Melchor Alsetal Eallottlasm Heverterd Lewes Feely LuS bounred to one off the bockboard. instep bOanted, the ademnage reefThe President of the College soled Dement. • ran., six-foot metre. and Logen's heave whined a bide too ing with the negative. The MallenAit.opttdd that If the .thualasze of the memfl. a' heat Thomas to the ball no the open high othr the rim of the basket. Alberg team would hare been glad to test bers of tbe group meld come op to °.of the Faculty. retery int rep-off. Bother. mined several bright nonllY letting thasesaton of the their lethiligence or their intelligence the debate op the relative marl. of could rise el.. M., °stood then eolith a pale bell, rushed down the court and toot to their enthusiasm. as Federal ad State .heritande trace, he case might be. there would be DO of fouls Phil Garrett tied the wore ...rend stone at the Haverford rather than on the merit. of inheritMet It the progress that mieht be with a loot toss. Lo.. put Haver. where the bell performed the Name kind anCa tag.. a whole. Sot More this made. ford In the lead after Sufi. a free of antic.. lame Ins entirely beside the point a He then discoed sloe competition throw. Downward dropped one In which boa finally entered education In M., the Harerford tenet wee forted Then Melchior dribbled down the ed. the toned State. sad the roe.. that from the edge of the court. Dmwent of the court cut uestrOPmgly to hold their oppose.. to pest Gunther, and relieve are aging to make themeelv0 and Holmes knotted tee count et eat made the hew peons of the evening A the latter of the ...Igen more attractive to the Mgt :school ell. Deathward registered sone• Petit of Mel toe•e• lw Grit'. 001111 Potentiate d Admiedeintlea Bad were sandpointer. but the Red team for/ed niched in between free throw. by Vogel hiableaberFe mein cootentiom were Three Cherneler ledleallne ahead on lone Mrs by Dement and and Thoma•. 011 0 ton-op Thomas 'Threetoothed. of neleetion are that the principle of lohmitance text* used by flegood, the college. and three todey. troceessire Deny r tosses tanpod to Logan, who sank the ball he wrong. end that even if the prin. aite .1, one of these. • mamritY Tonight. at S delock, the Combined from the fifteen-foot meek by Holmes. from the fifteen-foot noark. Drown tilde were right, the difficulties In the Wwo. 80 menbYlog aU three kind. Ringers was hwaing at half time 17. made good 0 fOol try. A moment later adotheistnttlen of the tax made It well Musical Clubs will bthdeast • pro- elintinatiou of undesirable materiel Is arm from the college radio station, alroust ()Mather unettrIted the prettiest play of It rtew of thr report tented othr to III. complete. Find. there. Is the nigh totel.s In the Crated States. On the rr p n ing, a one-handed overhead oho* WAHL). The power teed will be 100 e.t.a of Hoard Sem...dons. This the plots Committee by E. H. King.. attend gipped a doublysleeker up the other band, Harerford roantatited bury. '21, upon hie recent retirement tinning. the backboard. Vogel kept with hi. back to the basket. welts on a trove length of 267 teeters. that the Prineittle of meting the rich Haverlord Lane Lead from the punitive of manager. there le a The menthe. Co the progroto, expay more than a proportional share of tbe certificates offered by tie high eery Miele twoepeet that within the the 111110 Liner. in the envoios be Ilethrford seemed unable to gat cept for tabor then., will he the • peelf mbool. TRa la hanging up hie only folly of the game. warted otter Alhcight took • brief time• &Waned briefly next year or two the Store willactual.. the expenses of tbe envenom. was tome those which were played nod sod a latent act of thod the ly he e co-operative 'apron,. The re. ]h -aegietered • couple of nut Two b.. teeeee by Hoffman end sound. They new contended that Mport submitted hy Kingsbury show. kt Sum for by Brown made the freeboard read the sung at the three forms coucerts tide Se Jerrnimen. Garrett gr.:kg in edminletration do not make he'eaZirthr'' Thrth9 11-7. I1-7. The Scarlet- and Black called time ,:d method whlrh total euryine of more than 3.21011. of .0.0. It will not be the that time tIIs berme./ more sod more oreatin- which mutely $1600 is te Monl cash. caged a foul. Thomas mi.. • golden out. When pier wee reamed Gerrett . R sesteeestry a aboB.h tbe vas.lowth that the organdie. bee been on the nth' et tam of . persona tantrellew This report shows the tatore to he In ...Mudty by honoring two free registered a clean two.poloter, while tivae of trios and collertiag -the tax ▪it this gess0 . sm the program In the wi th the boy by a member of the I.. better financial condition he nt any throve off the rim of the beak. Melthior caught • rebound ob. off the may be, and is act.111 bete,. improved bechb..rd..d knotted the tonne AItime since Its beginning. In 1024 the Vernon Room of the Haddon Roll Mime. Slake Fl. Field Gears "lqtr,hai.rt:ontt.,',9"=■10,0 from year to rear. hri ht gthre began the year with a substantial stack Rutgers be.e to use a new forme• tom 'r racekeirfgValtelirCf, One of the most condoning affirm^• Hotel, Atlantic City. on February 6, (basket It is not ohIv the item.- deficit. Cuder the emnegement of F. 'Zit! tels broadeed by Steil. WPC. lost sloe which a man malt. upon you by NI. Older, 9.1, the defidt yam. wiped 0 Ion sit It Mark sod Seboustookor coming coal attempth for o more felled. tive armament+ wee tlmt the Federal seventy.vt did of need an inherit- rear on Vetch 26 the elobe broadcast merely telkinx to you. but ell that Yon not and • email surplus of shunt $200 in dose on the tap-off, and naming o recovered tbe ball, crisa. to crossed tto Logan, who Warted tight end ance tax. and that the tax wet bad from the collet. apparent• with bowe can find out shoot hie background. it. nethemleted. Durk. 1F2.1 the Derwent hotter the belief. The whether and again put Haverford In the lead. If levied by the Stat.on amend of be bee a deflate ambition or Store ...ceded inaluessiter • further the lath of uniformity. Rot it was success. glace then the set ham been doesn't know whet be is going to of shoot 11900. bringing the Searles end Black wee unable to beep 13-12. Downwerth auhstitute for Vogel, pointed out by the negative team that emodeled mud It la expected that • college for. and fat. ebout his family total mire!. to the leoky Rutgers centre under made a fool end mis.d long shot, Ibis argument did not prove bad the arge audience will be listening it, on and attitude toward. Het these are cover. sod he pushed Ave double- whieh Thomas embed into the basket as al.e Experiment Co o ral the half-time whistle blew. Haverford the things the! determine whether lie principle of htheritamee taxes since a the program. deckers int. the backer before he wee 18. Albright 111, Te , '2 h new man g S in one who can help Horerford end change in the admthistratiou might n mmi 1 th 1 te Store believe C k a7t removed no 'Permonide" Contain firings near pat the Heierford his close team back ran do Mom, The he a the Inetrumental thistly remedy melt a defect. intoner profit eon be realized iu of the game. lf H•verforrl had been the lead a few minute. ether the start iaf Taking into consideration the in- Club whirl hat been beat received this 1F-43, the glare will beet leer he in a of the final period with a told end • Latin Is Good PreaartUo• year le the -Spanish Rhapsody." The equality of the proposition, the pontoon to operate en a co,opertalve able to stop hie Plan rho gene 7.mita foul that Thom. sneaked up under achielement. teem presented he a remarkably , • the The presideot. in Homing, review shore in to then fume. It lose al- hose be. • battle to the 1.00 mlnotc. the Haverford hackboerd sod esok sostrong cue. A Lege and appreciative eurce satin playing of -Selections From briefly the fundameotale which are ready declared a dividend ire that- As it was, Rutgers only tallied 10 other two-pointer 1.osan's toes audiels., comp.. mostly of Wile. Pothaeci" This Is probably the most ss r r dev n He mon stork, held by the clan,. God... applauded generenaly the difficult piece ever underteken by Gila named t he efeo. larton.e E ngl shpmde M a th . lege, end hopes m.m to. be ..o in .001. points, m 12 for the v'shots the curved 'ride. Haffromin third deldolle. a cultdecker put the Garnet and White shell& UM.: it we• arranged for the ail, emetics mid pieced epecial emphael. dent], sound aorta of both team.. financial Mode to per. ""in" trerir4t few m The leadalterneted, Garrett sad by Mr. R. L. W I mites the mech. Ser. no Led.. of play. soid thst prominent of a ...operative experiment. the New lirostowick Moto woo com- Teem.. tallying for ki.verford and eral se plecee taco of new popular musk have ia 'salish headmaster terently told him mit The morale, aide tide experiment 10 pletely ollopleyed. Captain I Parrett Griggs for the visitors. 00011 the boors arranged by Mr. Wearer and hat he ' teach F.pltoh two ways. In the hr. were deadlocked et 24-24. Vogel POP eliale. tonl probably b. ready for rendition In °ai' the inure teenager to buy bulb rather removed 00 -personals". Downward reZri t"r,r1;‘:;"1":' tonight whaler to h [hom hseeht to ten . lean than in smell quomitie.. Instead 0,1 snag Althea:: ,1!Ortg the 61,111 f...leg him at guard. •Thou Rutgers' Art Repose" lead hen wee been the It heel prepared. of "Mk ead it, it. H./mut. o1 OHM... Filmiest. belog forced tore uy only ne iamb as never in danger after half-tints. never• Loam. mid Makhlor Start Rally most popular song au the passible Glee Club for English. This oambined Felamery 24 the last ditch Scarlet and program so far, A humor.. song, with large reading of ENO. classice. the immediate lib denteml. et au out The Scarlet and Black suddeolly W. Stanley Taman. headtaast r oe..e.rillt price, the mum., Hash Sleek snarl thawed that the team woe opeoed up end beano homberdment of mak. up their study of their own sill be ebb tnhi. the Germantown Friend: 0,0001. is °Falling Dew," god .9enny make pureltrnes bree -in there.' outil the 1,11 whistle. inoomme.'. the Albright basket. Loren and Mel. scheduled to speoh at the T. XL C. A. here el. brought entire. onaMilies and still be mewed of hsvine choir were in clone, recover.. the ball The -11averfordians" will probably enough c,.h on hand la meet the Contirmet on maw e rem.. Commend en page 4. mama I Dow and egain. Melchoir pet in o foal Trr.. parstlerly 67 e: tVee't!ieeeMO Play during an intermimion in the Prohilt.. they ran due. s. .d followed II op by •tamthey bate done et the con. 1892, and wen prominent In college gram Larger smile purchasing win rend. in , pon.... Loom tinged his third and efface while undetgreduele. lie we rerl N. ronsiderable goring of money the fourth Mid (MIN of th. eotolor. Ham Calmed Mar. I president of hie ries, • member o Store mod cousenoently to the students linden aim wan perf.t on pair of Phi Rete Kappa. and achieved The next whedured concert will he For exmapie. paper that rusts dr. rent" 10011. Inovoreard errhed a hi.h oue honors" upon grad.tion At p rrrrr at the Philadelphia Norm.) School on n packsge when bought on • band-be Neoso Actor EnInniinA np;s inia4.14.:E. mfrer throuth the her. Go the next play he It a member of the Celle. En Toe,d.y. klarth 2. This will he fa- Howard laels Bled Na Orah.tre Win month boots ego be had far .111 rem. Melehoir turned his =Me. zed left the ^gall Peevish Pinto trance Examination Rom", the Phila lowed on Friday by the Hume Conwhen purchased in lera•r oimetide, goor boving heti. at the end of the sposi delphia Council of the Boy Scout. a cer. one of the meet important enWork is proarmodeg relied], on thin Mega Is Ls., Prima Churl. Gilpin, the fame. Negro contest If...while the bewildered A/America. and the Roerd of Renegers gsgements of the 31.1.1 Clubs. The year". Junior Prom, width will be held bright quintet had miesed four out of Not only.does the Store hope • ed re• "to u. who e f1 • Mite 7. The committee in attempt. of Harerferd College. • latter will be followed as motel by hoeehances from the fifterm.foot mark. ia title war. but it few yea. ego in Eugene O'Neirs It le probable that no apeaker ell dance In the gymnasium. Mg to are the affair the most ebb, duce it. Moor Jon.," give • performance Jolt before the some roded, Angie addre. the meeting on Meech 3, The date of he concert with the • to that has ever been held. It will also experts actually to. rut down nu of that play on Mart+ ander the atte. added a two-pointer, briar'ua oh. rte steel at Moe o'clock and will end ,t it. :froths In order to lower the prices dweAtell Prin.ton Clubs has beenannoced gneeltrair.i.p,otakaLtili . ehmged to the students. Thin on.oper. piers of the Hedgerow Pipers.The hoed tonal to 26. to March It will take piece io the two. head of the Department of Science I The sale of ticket. will deflate], hr tithe ...invent may take the tone of perform., will be played It the Playa f oyer of the Academy of M.Ic in Pew...4 ma page S. mime peer to abate en w.nlilt and Player. Theatre. 1714 Delmore, the Philadelphia Palle Rebook. will Philadelphia, end will be followed by Waned. Not only will • limit be pieced Gilpin In he he the tweak.. De. Tweedy. of th O "knee. Runic for the linter will be on the total amount, hut the committee Ter Divinity Sehool at Sale Poker... be fundebed by Madden's Orchestra. of plans to eurthil the number of stags, Prints eherged over the counter. This P his. elphie cannot cOttror CelpItDOM Ix trim] notll the Store has a tre.'7.. of Emperor Jo es been obtelned for Meech 17. ft is not known limit when the tickets Newark. is noteworthy. The entire play re enrolee nufficientlY arse to macs ULM Wm. Th m rrrrr ment Is negotiating for will heavailable. Howard leo. will be here In per- se.. run on ouch e profit-sharks 1.. robe. around this one ligure which 0011.7-Pm Lori lleetba. CM; two more engagment, one with 011pn made famous in a performence with hie swell-known ordhestra. lent maned atm browbeat fr. OAK-410 Swarthmore at West Ch.ter. and the that me took b. "Att the dramatic world Me. orm Solopto Moth Pm/ 1170BM. st Obit at the Mary Lyons School at They will be remembered ae meek.. meantime not holt a dome years a the Store will betwnthwted, for the o. cow. 11283 Junior Prom. where they 717IIIMT-Lattotta1l with 1.40,14 Sentrthmore. rasa eat ge lo. sppearenee offers en o p otunity to ao extremely ...doper...rive lassie. wore very well received. StelMuser st Mac Own Mb .00 Y. 11.-Pregrussee It HrtuThe eddition of Dr. Frank 11. Wet, rne whet many people Miller. to be The number of donne. hen not been Lars . man, tee. at . perneneent member of the one of th e o° t... Ma. led definitelya greed opOM but it I. prohWID 1EIMAT-2. M Peerottotioe.• tan P. M..-asoman, theatre um.. ble that there will be twenty. Pro- Store Committee "ill Ore no elemtoi of the loot decade. Ordes. 0.tat lienhasestwarrnammi moot grrna orrrn maw. of performanee to the Cototattee. and Other Plays to Be Prammtad 11tf me hate mem Glee CLEM .our It Loam Kum" .0 the rm.. In addition to "Emperor Joe.- the Phtl C. A. from Elliot. will al. matte for mora careful Pelee. Ore. Ramona/ 11. ter Salartay 1MM. am•ri at the 0005. Hedgerow Plgyere will reps. some of A new syntem of terrine food will Son of the Committee and Manager. 'avenue-at. Bob, no a wan. the playa teat they have already prehe thaugureted thie year. At foresee Mier Characters Added to Cast 0000 M. somenim. 1.00, Lamm YrMIVAPT sented this .0100. "The Romantic "mut Mat. Amonneemente of the presentation Proms the method hen b.o decidedly CM Y. 2.-Pnimmees st Site Age," by .A. A. Milne: "Dulcy," by WIMAY-natoban t .tea Mkt.. gv nt e e o y otmaiefernsT, and It Is prubeble the ▪ smsemalad be Wits Geetette the changes vrIE be radical. F. Kaufman .d Marc Con• mee et 0: Pew ed. h ae edca e ebceh l"Aubo hP 1 C n a s M Philadelphia Group to Meat for March nelly: meow metedaa mum O.. di C• ,^ by Edna St Vi.. The Prom Committee it an follow.: enema, mann ma Meal been dent to approalmately two hundred 1.011the. ea IMF P. M-Xectrns F. Weinder. club-cam Imograms, J. mad Mt1 irnemem .th WISP: Taming Saluoth -The of the whood nod preyV colleges In In the aceoclouts ',Wittig with the decision of fibrew.. and "He Mrnerbea anon frndb. skrtranac-wa trap1 mon m Get. Slapped," to tweeter& It is expelled that area W. Reber food, 1. 0. Lobar. Philadelphia men to hold loohtidY py Andrley. will Who sae P. l..-Taw mat. se Wm. W. B. Halstead: decoration, C. S. Vogel the all amour again at merlin. the March luncheon of the Cert. W. anommatia hr 'tea I. B. Send/. the Plays eod Players Theatre. "Six ;4=1 efir l b o r :tart; Philedelphie Wthr maix Abaren1 en he held at Character. le Search of on dilator" Semi Melmna 02 Ma Mee. many as fifty manioc come from one Tanintlii iWay, March It, at the cannot he given ln Plehtdelphla becan. 110717AI-114. nom Meetly. CM. Hue mat to Ialtert leer. Khoo! to clew Maalox performance. In Hotel sae ems. the...a. W. Mda May. le &AMU of some dlefieuidea Omit the copythe put. The MthiNte to receive diectmeion thee 2MIL Lae ale am P. it gaud. Inewl• The Freparations for the PIM, ere Franc. M. Freelleher, 73. Will Ad• the rn.ftng. which, ha the sethed ofat• right but It will be played ho Row TOYADAY-Sedteden eon mte mast erg. rem. Vallee. dn. ChM werl. tog Celt.* Ear.. of wee leech.., will sweet Masted 01..s mosert, be de Imre X* ea ow womb. The schedelefor the neat two weeks: ga; r"" aiM . er:reted.Pao7t:, e. mgb , o The Founders ranamamm Clob will Ramat lasso. hold a din MM.m libressi at Ow Mat. Saturday, Feb. 27 futetivee)-"The tonwnen H."'1"4 rebeersels haw peen held 10 date. POOr nee at the lieverford Cloh on Tue.., fans "dm are tlegontlerY .1- Romantic At," WthiregnAff-T. IC 0. school um new men lace hero added to the es. in February 28. KW = 1 Mc., los. 680 c'sock. The Pelk to es held On March 2, et the Saturday. Feb 27 (eventualminor role.. Renekker '28 end Hamil. meeting will heat 1.10 Y. 11.-[..nano by nt.. THVIleAr-rwehma Warn out add..od by Et Fran. University Club. This meeting of Dul too '29 will take the part of dower tie DE Frotlither. '18. haat/muter af aching heed. ea erne. the y.11.-Milnare Th.. 1..d. with rents* Yea. •ohla. Thursday, Mereh 4 (evenbial-eArla ablx. while HaUork 24- gad Heitman the Oak Lose Country Day &hoot, 00 matter, of the luncheon rUfMr-Koatal w0. meimoo mint ChM. ko.a omon Ma tch 111, H CAW' and 'Emperor .Tooern .29 hove been al.. per. ot 'The Problem of College Entree. and and will dvise orm. pm. 2050 .0 01. Elararday, March It Imathithl-"The A dree rebeersal of " Methods of Adm.... Mr. Treellther fort ad 110.011 Ub Preadent Com11AffennAT-lematten with IFIMam Illemset al 04 Me* Seerethey Hoopes on be held OIL Satorday. Out unll not he le provident of the Progressive adoraat some Modem vs. wed work and personal exandna- T TetU, th ab .r non to the public. tion ° of Anton-len t100 of prempective Haverfordlene. Who Gets Mapped." a MUSICAL CLUBS TO BROADCAST TONIGHT CO-OP STORE SHOWS SURPLUS FOR 1925 Program Will Be Broadcast From College Station at Eight o'Clock Co-operative Experirrient Possible Within Next Two Years r2ver.s2. b r STANLEY YARNALL TO ADDRESS "Yr_ MEETING n■..• it HEDGEROW TO PRESENT GILPIN IN O'NEIL PLAY WORK PROGRESSING ON MAY JUNIOR PROM TT CLASSICAL CLUB BUSY ON PLAY PREPARATION ALUMNI LUNCHEON FOUNDERS' CLUB TO DINE Non Page 2 HATERFORD NEWS to one of the debt Or ten moot HAVERFORD NEWS court. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY difficult in college. The explanetien is " 'ITSISISeig""' ample. Tim coarse offers auffklent Leetero by Tetlia to Be Dives es hasten 10 enetritrige bard work. This blank Ninth In the sort of thing we advocate—oat Elhwech Tranemiselott and the Char. acterlatica of the Human Voice" wlil be eimply piling op more work in any EDITORIAL BOARD the subject of a lemur, to be Oven by course. early or ilifficulL runs P1r.... .I7 S. B. Tuttle, of the Bell Telephone Neverthelem receive ninny InMom.. Baer Jured protean, moat of them from stu- Speaks of Tendency to Go Compaq of Peuneylvanie. at • meet. 815..11r, 'el arm. Mg of the Scientific Society to be held dents of good nhoduag. For exampLe. men Glum Back to Primitive and on Tuesday evening. Mirth 0, at S Y. n. Meade as three-yeer Corporation &haler led o'clock. It bad berm hoped that the A amt.. pole on an too.. Medieval Times unmet Wien men though not a week ago he admitted mating might he arranged for this W. O. Warw. 'et that lie had pot note • A need for stronger faith was aw- month. but an that proved linpomilhie amount of work on hie etudiea. Of phasised hr Mr. Harold rani{ in his It was decided to hate two in Marro. neetanit [Alan Dr. Barnes. Professor of P.a. at emir, he la on extreme exempla; hut 00th to the enable Y. M C. A. meetingSimie. Ir.. 1. 7 MA. at W. them are far too moor wait of A end . Wednesday, February 17. Mr. Long Hr. Mawr College, ha. arranged to H abliity who are meddled ,to do C and is aseletaut pester of the Bryn Maw. *peat at the other March meeting OM BUSINESS BOARD work. Thee. men noold work hard- PreabYterien Chereb, The Choir of the °Recent Deropreenta in the Structure num Menem et if they we. atimulated—not forced Cheat, Iona., which was elm on the of the Molecule." De Barnes has done °a.k.a. M put more [fort into their couraea. programme, wee unable to come to the a good ilea of experimental work reOwes. IS 9f r. P. Feat cently in N-ray apeettoecopy In comecAnd we reiterate. "You cannot force college then night. 1. T. Sunhat. 7. a Hama se A 11. I-Leman. knowledge on a mind not willing to e. c. Symms. IS Rev. Long. speech rondeted manly lion with this aubjecL asp It. and you cannot 'stimulate a of • diecussion of two tendencies which ind unless you min &roots It. Pater- he believes to be prevalent in America. nal'' am". and we MA Bake.. Tema.. t The first of thew is a tendency to go — --. gel kW bark to primitive and medieval days. atirtro.tts srabliabs4, A Protest 11r. Lone said. He pointed out Cud there were few ettimU groups or naMork' tione left. larger powers baring abthhanirmses 114■7 bar. at LZ7 now mr• . worbed them. In Wald., he Lelia-at , :erieuZt. rrt I wish to exprem a protest which is, that this trend le Mowing lime in Ors. Babbitt. Kelsey. Palmer Ksverries ./E7rShrt I think. repremnrothe of a widespread modern art. poetry. musie. and church • and Jones Will opinion In the student body. against the editorial entitled "An Undergraduate rituals. Ay examples he rate the re. Broadcast t law, primed io the Newe on Febru- Ora 01 the evolution tweed. mid the problem of free raceab. -Ali this,. the Eaeprinla de eat Pew/dent W. W. Comfort spoke on ary 15. aaf ills panto. of fir:elVat7iite% erpreted a t a he threw Insects of competitive odeIn this article It wan stated that It [paler mid. "may he int bah. Ian,n when he broadcast ed through asa pretty generally, admitted feet that tendeney to go hack to int The second Inclination of which Mr. the Haverford College Radio Club, there are few coursea In college that Long spoke le then of coming once station WABQ, hat Wedn.dse evenesortot he peened by any ordinarily in. Control more to superstition. He mid that ing. Re dwelt In particular an the telligent student with very little work." this form of belief has made teem.. eateeece requirement, of Haverford Conaiderultly thostiefacnon bar been Surely that In a damaging accusatiea dons strides in the past tan year, and m its Three-told eroMm of persona expressed by member. of he Mimi- end mach a statement should hoer been that there I. much more of it now than inteeview., certification. and C. R E. c. Clubs It the rout. it the eeaeon carefully verified by an Investigation of them han been for many decade.. R. examinations. in regard o, their schedule. Most of the facts before it into snowed to be Examples el Sep.rallien Dr. Comfort mid Suit a combination this Isna beencentered arouod t wo printed. I do not advocate keeping the As ilnItarrtel, of thla be pointed pm truth hidden jam Weenie[ It le un- the increase in pope/ante of charm° of throe three method, w. the best memos of admit...g freshmen, but that rather juat complain.. The brat of pleasant. but I do believe that Luca.these is the dearth of /rips on this Eabh harm ce. be duo. to the eldene and amulets. the great strides eh. mirk a combinedou had never been .Itulatry ham taken, the use of the .pol e Year's schedule and the se.ed is the by divieg such publicity as you hove -divining rod." the "endless chat." of tried with .rfect sumo.. hnefly the dieodrontages of each expense ineurred hy members of the Cifell to this Charge. uorlbnnuAy If it letters. -knocking on wood" for good method. is beard Iftpuh eraggertiled or eareliaPreparation for college entrance Aube Tinsyear's schedule her hero luck. the kroitancy to gent thirteen ble information. maple at B. table. recent 'Ewitchcreff' from the very beatable of high .boot em to include only the Atlantic City I hare become interested in this matlime ado:witted by Be, Corn trials in France and the "Saha Woe- route. fort as the brat means of Re- ter sufficiently to gel thenews of a Slip" trip and a few hold concerts. miring tun in the tame country. eelief succeeeful reunite in esembrationa. fairly representative number 01 caste, In P41119111111eitIOR with the deal, in Iligh ceipts have hot paid expellee. m-6.1 courses Mould be laid g raduates. and most of them think, as I -vampire epiritn" nod io "oracles." He out with • clew to preparation for Tbe preening done by the OM. do, that the impree.i. you are creating innot only intro*, hot prolonged. It ur striving to create la drone. Without ales declared that. instead of people Permaal Diarviow Riled that well° the 1 doubt Ibere are some few •'foothell ppoi,i0. their nude[ at modunr reed i must be borne reading their destiny at that tmist, then 0irkicti wrourrt thaedraTilt es members of the end,. .re interested coorsea" ea you call them. offered at now turn the dial. of their radio sets Lehi; toozrz4 heat arid well dressed. Elaverford, but I hare yet uu find the od lake the teat words which they la musk they are•tad carrying on this toname-tied. and 'to mireittit" thrl roet. an roveali. their futures: eizth norms, but with the man who ham mien more than three ear 9,71.11 LK to referenee to the first Fart of his tanee of the interview. He aho pointed college or four of them in his so r rrren. Mould out the deem. of vertifiration. In hope of oettina meal time out of it an roreer. The statement that a student tun, 11r. tnot look ahead, not behind," end ethicern- u-hich esch high .1teel principal hesiwrenrovelpal idiverienee. mil get a diteree• .•be plekine Pried- Mg the metond. sa superstitious per.n tates not to recommend retry IWOWe do poi wish to attack rt. yearn pally foottedi courses." then. I regard d.r nut have tenet or real fath." .. from hie sehool. Rebbitt will probably he betted -We should." he declared. -have a managemeut as Mere are undoubted], ^s a !Wird. eseggeration aod mental house cieaning on the air tonight and will likeir sitecMc memos for the ...Ilene. of Look for a [Monte at the effe ct of spiritualo ften.E! speak on mime phaseof athletics In the situation this fu,o1-. bat we do ob- your propagenda as it ha. already- mem collem life. The week Professor Helve,. profen.r of hietory et leet to tel organisation whose men, Rested itself. The faculty have naturALUMNI. NOTES HaverfOrd. alit aped, probably on the Mrs do not have direct and final con- lly the.. that If things were ea you aubject of the. situation between Spain rol over the ucliona of the organisa- ove mid they were, the fault moat be E0-10. Maga O. Frost wilt repre- end the Riffs. Dean Pahrer is schedtheirs. and that it was op to them to sen Hsverford et the dedication of uled to talk to radio fans aeon on • tion. give Ulf mort• wore to do. Comiernent- the tew a site of the Louisiana State of a phroirel nature. perhaps The Cop end Rens Club Mould have ly the outside itasignmente hare beeu tnirertity at Retail Rogue on April eubject "Iltra.Violet Rare - le t .hhC in, mere to de edit ivintrolling the greatly Increased nlready in number AO, Rey 1ond b. made mate reaeerch. Ionee th an the Pi Society has of courme--principeily in those which Monica Club. 11. Frederiek O. TOUt<01,521 La will give an mare. at • titer deli. were already herd enough to give the to do with controlh. the News and teaching French end Spent/di at the He will try ...thine new on the dna of molta good ay, d eal Freaon Mate College. Fresno. Cali- radio. the nabs, of whkh has not the Haverfordiso. It roe be painted out stern. ble. fora.. He was retNutiy Molded to that a rompartively small percentage suggest Mot You are attacking a the Mies Marion B. Philips. a raceme, been divulged. your of California graduate. of the Musical flubs members ere situation from the pe n members of the CAP and BaO. Club. propugentin should he directed more Lronard V. H. Thomne was CO-OP. STORE STOCK uornfianc w October 24. 1026. to Men. and that oldie it in pow/able for Freah• °g° de halo ea ELS.■-•e'rtl. Edith Edith' Willis White Elliot, daughter of Mrs. men to become members Of the Gap t.etttorthe rest of the curriculum se. 31,eg Emma Winis Chesapenke City. AU persons holding outstandand Reels flab by partielpating in rarely alone The bem cum.. offered Maryland. He It atofpresent emplueed plays eve,. though they else only minor in college eye the hardest eats and by the United Dredging Connolly of y. will find. if you look into the mat- New York on fob at Wildwood New ing preferred stock of the Havroles. I, requires three veers for number of ter. find surpriginsiy large member of either Monica Glib to students elet.t to take those COUrPP1, ne Jersey. Herbert H. Bell is with the erford Co-operative Store may become eligible for member/1111p. Fur• compared with the enrollment ip the -Friend" Atanuracturing Company of they,more the preponderaot alumni easier ones to which yon /mart that Gosport. N. Y.. manufacturers of retire it if they so desire and fbain! themselves. spraying outfits. George H. Wood. '07. membership makes the body no oneroos um. the will be paid interest on thin It &Penni lo me entirely wrong to take superintendent of the company. that its work in door Ity eery few tan step. which induce the faculty to leak. Is 21, H. Walton Arrowmilth is livWhile the anuinu who have been 4- Lander number al 0101.0 beet roams. ing el lea Tremont utra., Orange. stock for the years 1921 and tiro in the Cap and Hells Club have thereby scar!. aeon . number of lou- New germ,. and working for ,' the 1925. Please address; all cominclude them in American Cyanamid Com... 611 dolor great deal for 3t. and hoer, dest. who would Uke Fifth avenue, New Tan manofseturere munications to: Wood, '25, 12 perhaps. wade 11111 MUAiCAI Clubs whet their '71■Vu!:' take the ,Orr atr'd anal apilumniAte ntmoethey ere. 11011. the lee. It rem-said:s- rmere of rte nitroge. pherle Lloyd Hall. al. is needed 011.1 hen embers ahoutd '22. Henryy S. Fraser has just publiabwi sA Sketch of the Elletwe of work out the delta, of he Oahe la atonal Arbitration"h Le r themseivey. nett law- Review, V olum.. 11, No, 2. The member o f the clubs nhould SOCIAL EVENING FOR February. MS. get ,marcher nit ,t,-ide whet Moe R. loot,. of Choate "Y" DISCUSSION GROUP litho , lVilmot wont. They should either form Wallingford. Can...cur. will senora, organisation or oranniantiona Sapaniebes and emelt as P rrrrr nom represent Haserford in the annual eoly lesewb000ing day program of the New which would cot only elect he wen Instead of Weighty Cheaselon Harm, T. If. C. A. College•ellitiming Www 11,111,11. hid mould tie,, limit ina days were esteblehed et New Hoven A m odal gathering of the thoup look the Pies of irche ...elm, and et White Mina. New York. a few own nieniherrhilr mph. its own role, 11 e Haverford Friend.' years ago. and have been attemled noE 1,1111111, il. own schedule and hire its ,tentenlay evenitta. husil by t V f from ow.rt roaches. or rive it they feel . Leram thirty rolleges who hem ear. Snottwietoo.. were brought br the FM.. witooare to undertake this they should whole t te funds far he roe rim! the licorice of their sepnrote toNo topic was n I u one make definite stipulations concerning furnished by the e protmeetive am for discussion end the miming was studonts,of the ...oily k- personal the way it I> managed. in aorialtilit, am At the previous meetingof the J. S. C. Harvey. dr.. hes V. held on plated eight mouthy work in the dige4.011 1 -Grouphe pro. rhitrity° nod "Man'[ Debt to Sonnet,: demi. deportment of the Kfil Our Story Oar of the proMems which seemed to Company, at Camden, end in now sellormote particular ipterent .d rom- ing in Philadelphia territory. coosideralde transmit,. sectes 25. Hugh Latimer Willson. after meer was whether a man should a lo o recent editorial ham teen otmalate wealth and then gine it way, io the No,,, relative to the character of o r whether he should nor pile or ?Colic:gear Rein'illerla etLiwPZI`t717 hie studies at the Divinity School college. Bot Measure hip are es be enema and op. Ina many of the courses of the P.t.tent Spinet/Pal ethrch me indignation comes from port unity offers. apparently meet- Forty-second and Spruce streets. PhilaThe attendant, at the timse who ,e, on misreading the edi- ings fo the Rownssion Group tan num• delphia. Pa.'EZZ. Franklin Sandern is rot, torial mid rulslowerpred. ha meaning. hevad around twenty which is en rest taken • ett Nth Gillet and Compeer, xpeE Perimpx the point of the editorial If you will put as touch thought e.g. peer,' light and power tierorities. 101,1 110 ctenr us we hoped it would 0 lit of Baltimore. Md. into the selection of your insurbe. T. bilk about the Officiary, et THE RIGHTS OF MAN once pond= en you do into the ripiree 011,U, only ptelimillar, to the THE eroldent California Professor Gives °A" to Pd. purchase of your golf clubs, you main Men which ve“ ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP Who Shave In Clam ought to he, from the standpoint of the will have mote time to use the Profromor Ire 11. Cram. of the lint. R. D. MANUEL college 111111Gbi, ration, how to rid. the golf dubs is your old age, A Nov. ratty of C.alifornia. may be loop re- Cut Flowers, Palled Piano. Pineal interem that a man can membered InnziliMM charuplon of the right. ident Wadi Old Age EndowMemories course rather than the of men. Annoyed et the relnildne atuget on: of Am Canaries and Gold Flab ilia he must be dente who powdered their 1,11.1 in mum of ment policy taken out now will Pildient owa.itag WW1 finned to take.' That seem, to tot to clean, he incited the men to do likewise. give you ComfOrt sad indepere Coimstuently. to men wearer' Or be sufficiently clear. Petholte In ared ru with Gillette.. map and . Pictures, Picture Framing . • donne in the later years of your illammtion will clarify it further. brushes. After rhea opened they res life. There isone. rour, too instance, io lathered up and ehared. Pees.... and Novelties which there ie the yea a dug of Ro- Cross proodned both a the men A. their term work in recognition of pe...lel, omoty. Of Mete not tot for Provident 'Mutual their bravery in defense of the rights fated the coorse tar the lost term, end of man. sin or the !meaty got A. Yet the Courtesy 'The New Student." Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne MR. LONG POINTS OUT NEED FOR MORE FAITH m FEBRUARY 22, 1936 caustd $9 Oar Plidadelpha Slap I22I-1223 diestaist St. Ins Abu es she flint ay, went stele $7 PRESIDENT COMFORT Irker,:s1M4 SPEAKS OVER RADIO at.... h MacDonald & Campbell ower COMPLIMENTS of THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave., Ardmore LEADING SPECIALISTS la YOUNG MEWS Seim Orowemm Some. Cloth. Elairordmiseer Motoried Amend. Rat. 1314-1336 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA RUMSEY kiEcnuc COMPANY Electric Smiles and Mehims Erorythine in Radio 1007 ARCH STREET PHILADELPHIA The Master Skirt and Blouse Co. 1308 N. 3rd St, Phila. ATTENTION ALUMNI? FOR SALE A Five Tube Radio Receiver embodying a number of radically new iruptnvementa in radio set design. Quality of tone is better than that of any receiver now on the market, regardless of price. Excellent for distance. Complete with two Western Electric cone loud speakers and all accessories. $250. If interested write to the maker, W. S. Halstead, President Haverford College Radio Globe-- h vial Plan your Insurance asis is A COMMON OPINION among the uninitiated that Seniors never hurry. That however, is a fallacy. And we are here to contradict it. Seniors dip hurry. We hav e positive proof of it. And perhaps the most widely known condition which makes them stretch their pace is . , . when they. are on the way to a Telephone, to talk with the folks at homer We will admit that they are loath to hurry eons from the Telephone, but that is pardonable, as any Junior, Snob or Freshman who has tried it will tell you. The Gift Shop OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE h FEBRUARY 22, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Fats COLLEGE SPORTS aDtTOtt , MUM P. HORTON, Jr. UNDEFEATED SEASON IS RECORD OF J. V. Downward and Haviland Are Largely Responsible for Good Showing FOOTBALL CONFERENCE *Mole CeIlepee Seed Delegates I,lewriNtelfg te MOM Plass A conference of mime Penemivanie colleges meet today at Heniebent diem. pima for • proposed football ea...we. The raven eelletee are Harerford. Swarthmore. Madman% Franklin and Mereleill. Muldeubmg. Ursine.. and oettrebovg. Hadrertord will be represented 01 the contemn. br De Babbitt and Mr. Hoopes. Oydoloue from the OMB,. alumni and student. have been weight, and the rept...tally. from Haverford will be ✓idded lentelir by thaw. The Beta Rho Sigma la responsible for the alumni view. as it hoe sent out que.tionnaires to all Se member.. SOUTH FIVE CLINCHES LEAGUE B. B. CROWN Easy Win Over North Gives South Title as Founders Again Loses NOVICE MEET POSTPONED TILL SATURDAY, FEB. 27 1 Hwy Nora Expected to Bator Noma This Week Due to inclement weather. the novice track meet. eebedaled to be firth rebreary 19. hat been postponed by CoachHundletnn to Saturday afternmu. February 27. The meet will be oyes to ,,,,, One who has not woo n letter or numerals in track. end will enable Co•ch Iladeeeton to get a lice on eome vf the new meted.. dete, not mme Rhin'. candidates hem else. up m enter the meet. but It le expected that more do so before Saturday. The ereets and the men who Mee entered them ere: 30-yard dsoh-Ser- J. TYSON STOKES W.11-LIAM R. BREADT, Jr. Baskethall Game With Litwin. Chu,, From March 5 to North 6 ae Accomd al the Mame Concert PRACTICE IN CRICKET SHED WELL UNDER WAY IWO HOME GAMES THIS WEEK FOR HAVEREORD Temple and Muhlenberg Games Carded for Tuesday and Friday A most saii•taetory remelt of the Overwhelmieg North 313.14 io • oneLamm T ,,,,, 1 for 00111.0 mad Beath. Last weak Coach Hoke was Owed torrent basketball meson for Haveraided conthaL &Mb B.clay clinched Pleases Coml. Tattersall with the problem of fining ford Is the excelient record made br Ceder the experienced tutelage of place the intramural basketball championahle at guard. This week the coach's the 'Dnor Versity. For the Met dine Coach Tattersall, betting timed. in for 1926 last Toesday Meth The eel. the abed lo progee.b. rely mtiefaein basketball history • Haverford quino lapse o! r.lwde", dengue k.d.. kith). The hours between ow thirty hard games are tet bee ennsrieoced an endefmlni listed for this week. and fnor Mid aspirants for the team Temple throughout the majority of the mason will be on on Tuesday and reterd. The J. V. hes oucceesire viebenieg and bowimg in the shed every Muhlenberg against Centre the nieht before, to graM Ec 210,11thi ,r 7 ,N3 P gr 37. ofternoon, 110 Friday. Both game. fork. to Ito erne/ over Elimerford Ind more than the usual Inveal be pleyed on the home enure and Ss pied with their lo. to Medea a week ternet and. enthueleam ere being shown eine@ SehooL Chtteopatby Frealinien Kenneth 'd EMZr1111*T Heverford lime won ail bat one 1•1,aJ. ate, paved the way for Beath'. undia- ;7 "S6 . eI 441r At lean ten Freshmen hare eigned WM. High SOMA and the Philedel. AM year its it. own am the poted peemosion of the dumpylor...ip. the schedule for work in the shed and contest t ontemn ere oat ea doll as they roiebt Tee One-point detest heeded not to phla Y. M. C. A, All of then game, more should be on bend when the outDavie 'Al, nthe rani Founden by tee teed-enders was the Fay 27, side practice beet.. flat of OM numwith be exception of the la. one 17, Whittlesey '78. mud Wright The 191 pamere opened the Ms• biggent upset of the Infremnial memo., ber alreede geveral meo have shown itethaIlTemple JJ -were won by • considerable margin and sermon by Me. to Rutter. in Leeds 110, coml. at a time when Founder. anInc hia!■. 4thrlyn 17;„ • hard fought come. 2922. ntes Wright ih , only again. flee Y. M. C. A. varethl Peend gore of ending In a tie for first !Vt" g,tr. ItnerinIZ roll! Ynd'' S'irlit Ridge d was defeatedearly In the year was the J. V. forced to extend itself. place with South. Previous to their Yreene 'e.P.I 1Coaelte am varsity prospects. but last week the Philadelphim The veterans, Captain Baiter, P.O.- 77-2.3. The num opnoedampiciously with W.Ioet to Dickinmai 39.27 and to rett. RI Lie, Cannon Pinar and other Sehttylidll edt :VVigrir a7r:r tert'il" • 3922 eider! over Ilaverford 34.30. Tripp of Merton Makes Other '127 ado a N aem of •t len. • Mee. ehP•Mcd, Inthree starts, losing to whirls 11 that time ma Petting the pace Tems Last gem cluding Robinson, Stokes, A. Silver Meth, North orth aand nd Merlon. Fomders, hfehienbe Berth of Mythical tarted of t the year with in the Interocademie League. In the Winslow. Hooefrher, Barry and Horton. on the other hood, Ante tied for first Mould provide the material neeeemliT a ruse. tromrlog OIL Airy 00-13 and place with South, and bads record of game the echoolbeee led throughout •IMonition The teem then hit • 42-20. Quintette tor • good team. three stn tent Menne., tockteirm a win moot three-qoactere of the contest and The premeds for the mama will be slump and drifted along at • cm:Writhe over :Muth ontil • late telly be -Merlon seemed to be mere of Amory. HowWell, folks. now that the know.- dropped them to a tie with believed to a Mete dagetm if • od pace, breaking about even in number of their closwon and lo.. Lebanon Taller ever, the Harerford attack found It- rat mason h. practically drawsto a e. rival.. slot howler ran be developed by mite- games letter and Corm. ere largely teat recently nosed out the Allentown omen eelf to lb. Met tooter, tied the More. clone the members of the everting Centre, led by liana and Baker. bowlers and the lose of Gordy, J. Silver men. 3428. Mehlenberg and Temple started right in to ootteay FoMd• god wan !weed ahead. A relnerkeble bored bare not their heads together '53„, 31. Heinen from Mat mares X1 both triemphed over the Scarlet and ern when the whietle blew. Tee Found- Sophomores Are Favorites sod feature et the game la the face that and selected two All-Litman.. er& •thack I ..... the motto of the elm bowlers Stark Met mason. seemed demoralized by the badly depieted. A. diner and Mellor Haverford School mode good but two Teems. The dope Miens hove been absence of Hawhinner, ter forward to Win Annual Board may he table to fill tbeir oboes. FRESHMAN RUNNERS TO out of ateent.11 feel Mote. Magnin,. carefully scanned and thongbniully and high seemof the team, teemthe Mawhioney was barred from Track Meet latte on the red11M, was high worm- permed. The selection Of m AllPENN GYM TEAM GIVES MEET LAWRENCEVILLE competition for partitive, for the came with eleven while with Dormitory into come. as an innova- intramural l og In fi second team game recently. Coach Radriteten In emerly exaitiog Downward not far behind. tion, The Nem deism de tumor of !Amite netted the ode field ANNUAL EXHIBITION Vint vwr Hes Will Welt New Away for the outcome of the Sophomore-Fresh. Founder. in the fir. Prep Pawl Wank 10 000411.11y Defeated hat. ma. soot meet Centre on Wednesday. February 24. selecting ewe a teem.. ft believes itThe Freshman track teem will travel Tide will be his fine real oppomonity Large Gallery Enjoy...4rue. Work The team Omani the effects of the self to be the only college inelltullon led 11-0 at the close of the period. to Lawrenceviee to twee in a dn l of Expert Gymnasts to Judge the material amiloble in the Femeders llaktess Christie. vocation when Osteopathy to bare witneased every contest. Before mmt on • coneidemhle March 10. It will be the first freehroen number lee.. He of has do. been Realizing rather the importanee s wiaolng ma met on January 9. to a iletless TM 'FUN& the gam. Founders tighte end In the diseppointed mu for that so few Men der:rade... the University of Pem- time then • Haverford Freshman team game Haverford found little difficult). meet. halt and Mowed envie gashes Mae reported for practice and tears itylmnie gymn.lum team row its +w- bee ever met Lawrenceville. In former years the only trip han Wen the last to ...Mules is mooed victory. The load Tripe 114.1 ..Forward.. Mere. (S.) ,Vd orld joz;rt in theirioupZIltde. that neither de. witt be able to make od annual exhibitioo on Friday night. meet of the year at George SchotiL • gond semis, miles. they mart to The teem wee Modicapped by the abteem procured an early lead which wae blawlemey (7.1 Forward Garrett (M.3 The running evente will be held on armee of rte repremismtiv. m the get into conditioe Immediately.. never in danger Of being ihreateued. Smewelt 18.) -Crone.. Probm cr.) minutes of play mire Foundem the Itmd thr paper dm sophomores appear to parallel Mrs and tumbling <yenta. How- the ontdoor board meek. while the hMb Peering (Si -Guard.. Emma (N.) 14.13 for the fine time in the game. Jump and Meth. will be cemPeted As one time the ware wan 13-0. How. LiMita (T.I ever, be heevy Kramer fevorites. and his They metes went through The edeantege wne short•lived. as Baker (C.1 ever, Oneopethy rethed and the belt Tripp wee selected for • poet on the Baker cut the rorde with n beautiful en extremely eutmeaful seamon lest '' r7ice' brin7X7ten7thartfeTe'relle,' Yet.. and Cepthet K. Vox nitl have a 1716.11JOT. h're. Ted rninje'r=d;i1 ended with the more of 19-011. In the mythical quintette ou account of his double-decker, bringing the more to decided advantage overthe freahman IntercollegMee beat. rooters led ht. :roe sbeetine. He le clever and 1914 la Centre's favor. rottener. lost mcond half Elated°. naMitalned • playa a bang-up game. Time and again ▪ lest thence to tie the more whets teettoin in knowing exactly which evene work on the ring. and the rope gave rm. 000-yed hreeleqsoaer r-m le comfortable lead with sme. Coach he eleeped the backboards to aid hie Limits lalledto oink • fool shot toot hi widen, men are suited for. Of N evidence that he is ode of the un heh Mp, highhud ntde shot• Halms need nearly all of the reeerve cohnne 16 emerge victorinun Maw- before the game ended. Ae a result of course. the Rhinbe may eaeLly upset be. gym... in the ...try. the door. fur they wit] enter he meet P material, which wee imtremental In [Mere Ma ruening-mate. is 01.1. 111111 000.00/111 detest br Centre:Foundetreogth pradimille un , forward. Darin. the er, dropped into tie with Merlon for with keeping the wore down. Downwerd +gems. xreater part of the year he ell targe- second place. limn. of deedlocklog known. me high mores of the come with as t, respomible for Founders' eerly me. for tint hOnors with South. Sophomores Hare Goad Bawd Wi th an opeortunity to win undisC•pfenn For. althomh handicapped field goals end • foul mell. son lead. He led the diming bell'. highKennett Square High BeheoL viMor- leered often...* and sever. limee torted posmseion of the champlooship by the abseece of Melchior. Thomas ineared the cord. on nifty L.... by drubting North 11.000 atm one sod Serlioter, who will not he nailtorn over the J. V. lost year, was de- These men shouldmake a fast9novine of the beet eidebitione of team Mir able until after b.ketball amain neefeated eat., on hone: 20, The forwent Line whirls would be hard to and rioter shooting men in intramural erthelme will bine a powerful nem. Wier revelry played the best beekat. stop. These both find competition O he; memo, burying North from which to choes. There will be ball it had shown to dote. Thronshont peer me. cadlumluerle“are Wet OM. are expect- under the seaeon'e highest some. Come. Fos. himeell, Riebeedson, and the first tenminutee the game me ed of hem in future. Morse. Summer sod Janson each Totem in the 30.yerd dash, Eva. end elom and hard taught with the lead hleCenftglm tor the 30-yeed low Mr We hare choseri for the second team changing back sad forth by the mar- forward dies; Olinger nod Illicherdeon hi tb berths Mar.. of 9mny tiontb. hlle gin of one point. The retorter ended end Parrett. Only font field goals Wet'e stored by quarter MI, Hollander and Stem . of Merton. Both In with the more but the schoolhall-miler, Morrison in the mile; hie hem dislike. great power and North. boys emceed to tire and Haverford aggressiveness Le P.m of the South Bed. North, 35-14 forged ahead end the half ended with ear.. Mores. beside*rimy being of Cary and Johneen each *cored the college on the long end of a 19-13 the Southern crew, Me beenskipper the leader double-decker drawly after the awm• pat. The Mot two men err ham.. more. The amend bell me featured of the victors' ettack but if they deeide to comwith fourteen Ike ntarted. to and for the Met eve minute. candidatem. ey the dose guarding of dm J. V. sod dooble.dmkers. pete will on1cIass the rest of the field. a plebe, Is ea e o• Downward., Ere field goat.. Kennett quick on hie feet (Wroth. The Freidman rept., Probes. I end a dead shoe. Field viols by a and Summit have • ter harder moth ronfrontin■ en Square woe able to more but two Mtn cm Routh the lead. vebiclo they never to enter Ma Seem., MM. Pleat Pool Doha. in the mid. &mood halt wbich men advantageous y. • 11 For the centre pont Summit he la speaks well for Bevan end ilavileod. ort reenv Rhinles hove yet co report, Howlie Revertant guards. Thmemed woe sud away the leader of the Wit traiiitig 7-13. Amt chance. which !VP, lentneorth end Tripp are sure to 'eh scottr amtin with /wren field goal. hi. terming height he gete every tap North might Mn to trip Booth as /thaw up well le the..-larddlieb. BMW. Centre had spilled Founders the night bee already petted hie art excellent me- ff. He Is ti., en ....lent men nod Iledlend the In th rmaid game. the defense endan usportaat C. i before quickly Mint in the second hurdles before entering eolleee. es her the elderly. South's offense. Pro half. A furious attar by South mu Tee, Lad Clause Seel h in the half mile. Fetes will Pro , twenty.five points, while North W1A e e man The lest genie. played on the Itch bye, the runner.up for the pivot post 01 his fsvorite f Februar7 with the Philaddphia Y. bee done goodwork for his barracks bold to twee, points. The finel more ten., the mile elt.14. giving South the chem...L C. A.. wee the doged and me. ee. This young Gothamite played a can Item of the memo.. The Y. M. 0. A. ...tent game and neet year may well . hip with • record of four wins and • losa. no prevleuely played the vsrsity in step into Su...We shoe, INTRAMURAL STANDING The finalotandIng of the five men in wo practice mums pad h. elven The guerdpositions we have be (FINAL) the race for more. hoes. lode Tripp nod amount of themselves. The fin. stowed Limn Limits, of the Refector Student Presidents and Stewards come and ay in the tead,ith twenty-roe WM, core was 30.29 end wax made posnible teem. and Peering, of South. Perrin Saab 4 I A00 • spirited mart of the college Main took advantage of every opportunit Second piece goes to Mewlenney, of go but she's the one who runs ..the house" Pam*. 3 2 735 n n tbe Net three minute.. At half thee to score Often he mumed under th Pounders. with • tot. of eeveteen with parti.olar anention to the table. UMW& 9 2 .754 e P' was leading 19.15. Leeds .- baoket end sunk Ampere while his op doeble.dechent. Monts and Per ri.. 1 3 .250 ..toted for the J. V. victory when In posing CUM. were on beeves of 6 of South. are tied for third boner. She's pledged more freshmen than the . O. Lttle ,. 4 3 .250 minute of plite, witti lie team settee. Ile bunched hie shots at th with fourteen two-Pointer• Maw, vtiOt OW Ow game yet to be crucial period end made good his mate Probyn, of Pomade., and Johnson Di Oldest Living Grad and saved more money ggoTietutirftelmi..'' ottlaTI' HaVed. altid Limits was the pilot of the Feunders South. eech scored a dozen field mods than the Treasurer by pinning her faith eree in all remerts the star of the estimation He is d n the of in tying for fourth elem. Nom es well the efense. H and reputation to • thir.1•11117a0. Mowed his morel when up main. herd M. H. ROBINSON ho Ow Pm. opponents •nd helped to euppren flANKSakikt Tripp and Mores in bin tree. hi SOUTH AND FOUNDERS WIN 2 ALL-DORM POSTS WeetV'h Fey C:21''.1"L:nor:::,7:4ZPk34" c SOPHOMORETRACKOM MEETS '29 WEDNESDAY ‘ ). ueetilrs.Jiatrot: gr.MF:h;`,.71:: t.Tfr.r.hrt's to b.. 7T.fd 2 TITe. MI:1.9u. 14.7r =fa SCORES OF FUTURE OPPONENTS Temple, 22; Dialtiame 99. Tempi*, 30, Schuylkill 34. Unlit., 15; C. D. M. Y. 21. Delmar, IS: Fraeltile cad Marshall. 32. P aimed bans he me teems of opinion go to Brown, o North. end Baker, of the central teem. Omer. need his heed, {envied wen end wee Meek an Ids feet. Baker hoe bee characterised an the mac who did no know whet It wee to forte Fie wel ppellati n end large( Orr this reiason has he won hie berth. Gehl Basketball.. It is hoped that the melt Mil at, predate the honor of being picked fo throe teams, For Bumwalt the hono hi no; 110 great, a he was chosen the fall for a position on the All-Pens eylearda football teem. It ht under etc. that gold basketballs will not he arded. Specialists in Our reputation for making clothes of distinctive style and character is well known. A moderation in price is oho appealing. and altogether you will make no mistake in placing your order with ua. Best Suits in the City at 165 to $85 Evening Dress Senowfw Beane. ...tbitcaat AA FIIILADEL1411. co The Gift &Ligation Book Waded Upoo nemteet monrates sad Prime Jewels. Watches, Cloaks, $11eer, China, Glow sod Novelties From which may be Woe. Dietleetim wed... Birthday, tiradeaftim Aod Older Otter in Founders Hall Hot or Cold -All yeaeround PHILADELPHIA as a food to build keen brains and sound bodies for her hop i or girls as the case may be:. Shredded Vi heat combines all the elements you need for perfect nutri- tion, balanced to provide the ideal combination of salts, bran vitamins and iron eo build good brain, blood and hone. Pfulastdphieil Heed Correct Sportswear and Sports Equipment for Young Men Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going Mel IDNIAL EVERY MCI 0441 30,-41° Shredded Wheat STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER ICE-CREAM PYLE & INNES WALNUT Si. Every Wednesday COLONIAL Tailors for Men & Boys 1115 Maks'. of "Good Clothes" Showing Lumberjacks Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Shoes Caps Skates Hockey Slicks OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Meet Mrs. Matron and make your next 7.30 breakfast out of Shredded Wheat. food for thought-and exercise r ▪ HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 MANY MEN WILL MEN PREP SCHOOL EVENING Student Extension Committee Completes Plans to Entertain Schoolboys The Strident Extension Committee, headed by John B. Catkin. 20, hae priminily completed its piens foe the Prep School Evening- of Friday. February Greet totemic is centred aroond thie eight. on It le the only event of its kind on the Committee'. program for the winter. Crain ha. beard from a Fner mettY of the men to whom be sent lettere. A m•Jority have accepted. The Penn Charter Club la expecting to entertain from ten to fifteen Wee while the Weettown Club has emended invitation. to twelve. The other school. tram which men see expected to Come re: Wee. Philadelphia High. Emmert.' High, Germantown Friends. Haverford School. Lower kleriun. Radnor, Gemantowa High, Episcopal. George School. Friends Central, Friends Select. end Haverford High. fichealhayg to Be gottrialaea The whoolboyn will be entertained at supper in the abbe room. Following thin they will to to the Union nod meet President Comfort. Ur. Palmer, end Mr. Hoopes. Celt eight *Week the fetter. wilt spend the time visiting various of the cane men s MOT.. The Mubleo• berg game is called for eight o'clock. After the gamemen from a disnme will !mend the night In spate Ws at colleg make rocese.. the make the even,. , committee believes that It is ettecothil that the entire student body aid it In entertaining theschoolboYe. Catkin. Corti, Thompson, G. Sanders end Baker spent the week.end Ming etodeot exteneion work among echoole In Baltimore. ALUMNI VOCATIONAL PRACTICE NEW PIECES •WORK RECOMMENCED FOR HOME CONCERT Moneal Clubs mod The HaVerNoliald Mewl twerows Fps tar lOttaNnwe to Programme Have Started An•sal Activity Add N. NIROOrS IM Several new plena will be added to The Alamo' VOcatiOnd COBOURIMB the repertoire of the Motion Globe hove etaried their masa activity Sod work through Alumni newton and The Haverfordlens during the next • Hoopes end Mr. Rittenhouse during the a far the tjf,... o ,, wreelt:lhpreparatioor next few months in the effort to aid inBerardi. employment by HaverBrehm's eLorlItTy,! la the meet re- fordiere. cent addition to the programme of A. a tint step in thiework. Alumni the Glee Club. The Instruments] Club Secrete, Hoop. has collected inforher none new popular numbers for en- mation from all Setter. and few cores which hare rot yet hero an- Alumni who constitute the promirotive nounced. employee elms. Next week's Nes. will contain an hunt similar It the one theirte ot'rcletZelritent'ir ear be 'g oda. to the progremine of The Haver- whleb wag sent to ell Alumni a year fordiene. New sopolar pieces that will ego. 100Mmr the re.nit Of the hector be &eyed by The Haverfordiane et the demo followlog the concert am. 'The general app..' to ROMnl to work with loon of the Vagebonds.- "I Love MI the Secrete,- and the Committees In the edvishig Of any busbies. or profe, B. "Cep of Coffee," and 'Vitro Di Be *Opp.' 7rd'Veg*:rfitl" hte The nostenes foe the dance Add Alumni Vocational will follow the are kin. ing of the . pan Comfort. Mrs.Reid, Reid,fend end Mrs. Car- Committee. In Interview/eta and completing the empl,er-employee toneee don, Profeaso of Freveb. will A vocational evening will he ...aged aces. The ehatge lot r ro ,gbIr for enr .11, s, et which the be n loose nod A bell a see will he mein dances. reeent?old , "4 natal. and til atT°7 Alumni on Law, Medieing, and bueinets Mid profeesione generally will be rep- 75 et rt .E,VP.77L ycl o almihn;eilel GEORGE WOOD, '62, DIES SUDDENLY AT AGE OF 83 Heart Disease Is Fatal to Pensylvania Railroad Director FEBRUARY 22,13E .41 Er n coo bury printing at eome time or other. He an avoid a lot of diwitOrnotment by wiling en.* good printer at Ow Aare. HENRY L RADA(' CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Ways. Bad Drys Mawr GRADE Tea nouns Pima. 131.2.. chow Sow Philedetobla "MIMI A M. H. ROBINSON Maker Pasteurized a MILK Showing Every Wednesday in Founders Hall $3S and upward. Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Highland t Ploy JACOB REED'S SON 1694.56 CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA SU Zen. Maw reaented. C. G. WARNER Edward K. Tryon Company DRUG STORE WE DELIVER Oficial Ontfittora for Telephone Ardmore 1372 Haverford Collage Football Team Kurtz Brothers George Wood, '02, died Febrary IS. MO hie home in Pailatirtobia. He hod been ill for memo month. and saddest attack of ecom heart 1.111,e0a.e respeneible for his death. He Ira. prominent in fever.] hue!. Mot steely-Idea being a director of the Pennsylvania Rellroad end active lo otes. the construction ot eyeshot. m He woo prroident of the JaHnlle Idanntacturina earnestly, and the CHANGES CONTEMPLATED Heys testier Water Power Company, end e director of the Philedelphle NaIN CHEMISTRY COURSES tional Rank. He nes ohm proprietor of the Wawa dairy term. S talled Here Flys Yeare Dr. Maidens Tells Cam CIO Pint Mr Wood entered Harerford'n mMay Re Chided Year C At n meeting of the Chemist, Club inductor., deportment In HOZ at the held Mel Tuesday evening Dr. Meldrdm etre of 13 and studied here for Bee in IMO. While et colintimated that certain changes in Owe, age he he nee it oteinber of the Leonetti/3 bury NM.... were under coosidera- Society and of the Dorian Cricket roe. Chemistry will be divided into Club. two mmtees. one for those who have In 1343 he become u member of the bad no chemistry in preparatory en of Wood and tierrett. pow hnowa school chemistry end the other for George Wood, Sous atid Corapone. those who have had Do preporatorY IP became sesociated with the Penaerchool chemiatry . sylrania Railroad and. "at the time of The latter may he made ti halfdeath. was senior director, troth year emerge with a hall-year course in el age andberth of service. qualitative enalyela to complete the He lens associated with hie tether in 10 elementary ph year. A myna a the development of Vineland, New taken either school or in College. •rses. and, not reeponsilde for the Will Mao he prerequisite to both, beginming the Pleonantville ea ning chemistry mown.. This plan will IZetto City Railroad WO; the West he put into oparetion next year. It *met sod Attend.. Railroad. will be made pound. by the appoinP He is ourvired be his widow. the meat. shortly to be made. of en ht. rtner ,lies Mary ftherplees Hon. Hructor in chemist,. six ehildren, Dr. Meldnito's talk W.. fOn0.e4 ha' demonstration ot the elemen tory principle. of glam blowing by C. Untangare H. Greene. 'Mk Thin wee followed rAr.2.26 be a talk on the diacosers I, and separaALIMILI711-2- H. Igothope is -.Le tion of isotope. R. S. Devi, The diffl.ollgy ros.hode of ....Mg Illt0.--radlo et Oa 001.1150, Dotopee of chlorine were taken up in now &mit CAZIVIZIMe-Peierh • X.ny tba•nn,' PRESIDENT STRESSES TOZAMS-chissis Bea Roos.- Owe mats of superior character. Perfectly tailored in correct fashioning, Clarified "Good Clothes" Suits, Tap Coats, Over SPORTING GOODS Semnflis• Inwatnewee 1421 CHESTNUT STREET tarrangranno HAVERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. 912 Chestnut St., Phila. Rage a The petierpmeeieeol.a Whet a ran eon gel mi.. Al ewer • !dry iskonirlorpritAhre Hove they Ip•rhoury roma' ram worm :neon? Tv, r.rin f •doorque.ertr th.e . Fled advertiseseera Min figwort e the refer! of • cable Noe ado rent moo eke We,nrgheoue Comp., ere r rad• •fid while the rim. Co 'mem"- errierro 'Aiello', or ore they fkroakl and Tory STUDENT SELECTION en...,tr. Inn 1. Ware C. Thompson, 27. played several on the piano, And spoke brieflyau the Radio Club. J. W. Mame. TT, editor of the News. and 3. Caitlin, '28, deo were called on for the News, Student Emenalon. rod the MayBeatty, lh, Heed of Asnestatian The annual election of new oleo,. took place and J. M. Beatty, '13, tn. appointed president. with I. Lycett. ns Secretary sod J.H. Parker. '12. an Treasurer. Following the dinner cooties pictures were nhown of Alumni Day. 11123. end a track meet. 152.1. In the afternoon a group of Balti• more prep school etude's. met at the Friend, kleetino House. on Charles atreet. nod w ere interviewed imitable/illy by President Comfort. Several of the undergraduate me bear or the Baltimore Club were also pre.ent at this meeting. [rhos ALBRIGHT DEFEATED BUT RUTGERS WINS continued from page I. redo= a The lows of Melchior put Ilarerford uoder O .1..e9010 haodicop. The toll forward ens been high scorer in mnny a game this season. He is lower of etrenth on the offense. es well as steads on the detente.. Downward played well at Sea Brunswick. al thoneh be leeks experience, Lamm • Ithough shifted to guard. Mime gut through with In 1 fi l nude, Phil Correa also had three two-poimere to hie credit. nnerrom rawness Zoom r esrTil . sr Irm" '6=1 V .tab tn lira` tgt `,1;, '"" nra nr emertor: dorms a: orornwero row. 00.7 ovele ird-"Vs. Comismed teem pan I. cabmen ..... y n On ...... noworsto a A . TX:Ire:474: 1.:!4■1° FA: _ lmoocwn qua /..'• Zee to ssda-less.doro: Amuse. Cnreritil dolitbir ! Engineer! Arrest that Bolt -.Rae T CST.- HE Sales Department was talking M emphatic and easily understood language. It was saying, "We want action." NOVI1141 IIM9168 11.-"IM BL 14.4■11.'" IADREAR-Ander Isle. Merlon twee:' Metre OAS tad 71.1r1day. -a We:alb a, .1.Ies sat Betio." ... .31.1.2.-.710 -Misr Mall. ceR" TOE-.The NAIR, ZIALMIZ-Aisee Prot a''01.40. One At Westinghouse,action in many cases is another word for research. And research works toward selected goals. In this case the goal was for new-apparatus to make unchained lightning more respectful of power plants, lines and equipment. .101Aeri 11A/IZZY-Sea, telmlit uno SZLIPION-Iez Cann In 'T. "ez N. hir.•' 15.1ITIADITH Ousto la "Den shirt/A Today, as a consequence, the electrical industry is the beneficiary of the "Autovalve Lightning Arrester", perfected to a degree of efficiency, long service and universal utility never dreamed of before. Behind that picture you find Joseph Slepian. With two degrees from Harvard, he started training in our East Pittsburgh Shops in :06. A year later he entered the Research Department. This was the lightning arrester situation which Slepian took into the research camp: There were two different types of apparatus. One, called the multi-gap, was used chiefly on poles of distribution circuits. When lightning struck, it frequently none LEAMtlIVI or assio-mea., Max, Mearopellua Opera 0nssaa7 ef New Trek Wen*. ',Ms 1171.1.3e," Mate. Wag. 0,11.1.10 d. MATH OrgYITM1T nlo.def wed., dom. ;Mat eer.r WRZEZ.11..107 Oar. leMe Realm. mere IRV D. M. WEST Pharmadet AILDNIONE, PA. Pharmarad to The Bryn Horpltal Mawr 'MA-PROM. ARDMORE MR For Your Sporting Goods and Stationery Try • nfe'ror,7.F.I:11"a nn OIRAIOL-Mes. reuse is 'Seem. Mom, minnow - Weeds, aftereees. -Igo ...Mk OM," ruW night .1Raley... 10711"8-1.Antlie. E.P. It • 7.1.•' tort pore MAX ABROMSON 3 West lweeanar AVIII17120 Arewoon. Pa. caused transformer troubles and damaged equipment. For high-voltage application there was the cumbersome electrolytic arrester. Its performance was good enough- But it required constant attention; was costly of upkeep; and could not be used on poles. When Slepian perfected the Autovalve Arrester, the demand was so great that orders could not be filled. It was entirely new. One type of apparatus solved the whole problem—no more costly care. It stands up indefinitely, whether used on poles or on the ground--sufficient reasons for yearly sales exceeding Ya,000.000. Such results May depend as much on a phase of en engineer's past training as on his immediate research. Take the radio horn which gives the natural tone to Radiola sets. It was Slepian's mastery of mathematics, in which he specialized at Harvard, which contributed toward that big advance in the early days of laud-speaker popularity. The man with "hidden reserves" is constantly finding them called upon to "climb peaks and cross' mountains" in institutions like Westinghouse. Westinghouse Vetterlek Fuel Company INCOEPORATISD BNulmu C 0 A L Antlatclta ,1"t i4 -Gas William fading OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE TO THE ALUMNI Supplement to 00111C1 OF Execurrvi Sec:lunar( Joie( R. /loom HAVBRFORD NEWS March let, 1926. 'HAVERF'ORDIANS EMPLOY HAVERFORDEANS' TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH. Note the date on your calendar as Vocation Choosing Day at Haverford. Your participation will aid in making this important annual event a real factor in helping young Raverfordians to find work fitting their abilities. Alumni Vocational Committees have been directly responsible for placing about 10% of the Senior Clasees of the past few years. In addition to this 10%, they have given valuable assistance to many more. The value of their functioning is evident. Between now and April 13th, give some thought to the QUESTION -- ARE YOU OR DO YOU KNOW OF a possible prospective employer for one or more Haverfordians as described below: CLASS 1 CLASS 2 CLASS 3 THE EMPLOYEES Alumni with one, two, five, or more years experience, now employed, but whose reasons for desiring a business change are sound. Seniors, Claes of 1926, whose careers will commence June 12th, 1926. Undergraduates desiring summer employment of all kinds. 49 32 17 CLASS 2 -- A STATEMENT Haverfordiane are present Seniors at College; of whom, are ready June 12th, 1926 for permanent employmenti of whom, 8 are already definitely placed as follows: 4 in engineering 2 in marketing 1 in journalism 1 in teaching 24 are not definitely placed ae yet; of whom, 13 desire an opportunity in business; of whom, 9 prefer production or accounting work 3 prefer marketing 1 physical engineering research 11 have professional ambitions: 5 as teachers 3 as journalists 2 in dramatic work 1 in radio engineering are planning to continue study: 4 medicine 4 preparing for teaching 3 engineering 3 law 2 architecture 1 agriculture 49 49 49 YOUR PART is simple but absolutely essential to the success of the work. These candidates are geographically unencumbered and impartial. If you HAVE OPEN or KNOW OF a job in any line anywhere, call Ardmore 1441 or Alumni Vocational Committee°, c/o John R. Hoopes, Haverford, Pa. : have : opening : Class I : for : Class know of : openings : Class 3 Please stop in to talk it over. Furnish details on bent prospect for position as: USE THE COUPON Lois Address THE SECRETARY'S OFFICE EARNESTLY SOLICITS SUOGESTIOhb FROM ALUMNI AS TO HOW IT MAY MORE EFFECTIVELY SERVE THE COLLEGE AND THE ASSOCIATION