NEwrg )' . 114440 '749 OP„ 7E NUMBER 4 MICE DMA RAN ATIOID AS BING TO SMARM/ATM NOTED EXCAVATOR TO SPEAK HERE MARCH 3 MM. CLUB kTS PLAUTUS' "AULIARII" ASANNUALPRODUCTION NO "SMOKES" FOR THE CO-OP STORE THIS YEAR HAVERFORD DOWNS TEMPLE; NOSED OUT BY MUHLENBERG Dr. Elmira Mara of tha U et P. to Reseal Reqmot .1 the Modente Am0.0N1111 Experlanoes id.. Tented DM. °rm.:redone in Ifewspontrale" 0111 There will he no tobacee sold in the be the ethleet of • lecture delivered by Co-operative Moore this year. Follow. Temple Outclassed by Scarlet and Black in Fast Contest; Dr. Edward Chlera, Araleant Peeksleg action teltra by the student bode, .. of Semitic* at the Unbereite of fftmete were made to President ComLate Spurt Wins for Muhlenberg, 33-32 Peonsylvenia. at the Cale. this Wed. fort and to the Fecal., but neither need.. The lecture win be Wortrated approved of the proposed scheme. by Goal in Last Five Seconds F. M. Prod/ nor Criticises by lantern slide. and will be in the fans Afternoon PresentatiOn Very Th. Faculty reply follows: of deecripdens of perraml experience. We. Edward S. Wood. Chairmen, Emphasis al "Diversified Well Received; Woad obch happened to Dr. Cblera while In Store Committee. Hy Reeotioramia dear Mr. Wood: After last an ye. easy victory or. Temple text, last week. Haverford'e basketSuperficialities" Performance Tonight In • letter to Profemor Elibu Grant The FLculty, conr.ed today, did 000 het teem. 0.9M7ter Mublenberg through three quarter* of the conteat, wee be say. "Pert of ray time wN be de.1* it.y deer to granting the re- forced •to lose by oat point through the visiters.pecracular playing to the lart TALK TO FOUNDERS' CLUB YODER AND STOKES STAR nege ofthe t Students' Amendedoa for of the second belt. The final voted to describing life among the score wee 23 to 32. and the abating goal eras Hererford has lo. Its position of Horde' ea reconstroct It from our The ores...Woes of the Lade 9107. gemmitdng the aide of acetate,. in the nude isthe Met fire seconds of play. The Searles and Inset although mailing scholaele leaderehip, and le twenty tablets. The subject will be light aod "Aolotaria° this Afternoons to Bob.ts Caoperetiwe Store. ita the ...this of field eools, made good tweet; tool.. Thom. put the Main Very sincerely yours, 'ears behind the proem.. policies at the eagle time coneructive° Hall matted "other triztorak for the Liner. in the lead with two tree-throw toesea ten ripcord. before the oars. Dr. Chien. in the report of his trip tranelator, Dr. Lockwood. who h. ISIgned) 0, IL CHASE, of other Brat-elan cone.. in Its enended. Then followed Herein'. go. Secretary of the requitr. trance requirements sodother re- ten. how, •fter reaching Regd.. be be. setting- closet comedies In modhad to make the Journey betw.n De- ern language for a number of yeas, Temple was completely oundasoed earlier in the week, and threatened 14"' Fr"' mesne, and Bagdad sere. the waterrrtogeete, only one to **ern.' the Starlet sue Black's carte get-away. The game wee for pradection by the Claralcel CJed Speaking before the mnor of the loo. Spit., de.rt in meenty.tour boon The cast did their work very featured by the University mesa feat low pawing. Coach Hale. wed hie well, iced Founder. Club bold at the Heverford Cob In Philadelphia last Toe.. ewe. of madam. riding. He tells how he by their skilled interpretation of the seend-erring men Isle In the contest. and when the final ...I went of Haver. Wade etterations near Kletuk, of the Wag, Mr. Preacher. who le beams. difficulties noes eumeeded raiment,. preseeting there and of o harfood was on the limo gad of • 45-00.20 omen ter of the Oak Le. Country DU monious whole. The large amigo. School end president of the Peogre.- the Vilesing Gee as Gun Fires Coptale Gerrett Sten M. F.4natioo honey of Motet. erere. decidedly pleased sod appleuried A tom. epectexmlar shot by Boreli Cotes tbe eame lineup that made rerely criticised the entrance policy rigoroonly. blubleabers a eve-point Metory moth n creditable Amens against Rotnn oow employed at Haverford College. The principal part, that of the raiser. over Haverford Met Pride night .. lOe ero.00 workLlaverford Board Glee tOra. Survey of Seniors Shows Radio. leas ably sustained by Yoder, Alter teed's., the .kllentomers throe. came through with • 45.91 tem.. to requiring all ondidates for adTS, whose excellent work la "MelSeventeen Plan to Conmission to take the College Entrance thirty-Mx minute. of quirk_ rapid-fire over Temple University last Tuesday Om" last year will be rowolmool. Board Examined.. Mr. Froolieber bashebel. Haverford crumbled, partly eremeg. With the exception of the tinue Studies think. that Haverford and other colStokes. BS, was exmllent a. the Preto emount of bad twit partly oo ac- opening tilt ermine Dreeel, the Semi. outworn Mkra. ere ep.mring brae, representing the household go& count of the enioreed removed of three and Black no sp it. largest wore of um which into cortailine om. Tuesday. April who enure. the colon as a net er the 0000.1 12, Ma been *elected men from the contest. but mo.le on Men edth innistIve end reeponalbinty .1-merioo Chmeing the ratmon. A Temple eally at the "dens ex namebins° Abbott, 10. t to emoe to Haverforall Philadelphia Normal do vo 7" et Ideverford. Oa that day a decorum lit lIublenberg's furiove aee. •rart of the second geriod threatened Concert ve handsome, blemishing torso bemuse te they most tate eandereeM mars of groups of aluemi .11 be ond-period onslaught which ultimately to pot the Philadelphi.• in the lesd. come for the Nat three peers of Peer des. Hie mode. Meeadores. and Home Performance eonid school in order to prepare for entrance resent at the college. Time. groe. Pot Boren in e position to win the After • brief dine-out, however, the elm went* to merry the same tie, was by the Cellepe Board Erase.... e mmitees co repeentng business, Main Liner. found thennweren, and Within Far Days acted by Baldwin. '26 with good re- p ho amount le taken of their Indithi• Moblenberg drew drat blood. • lcng lt rng. Imo. medicine and may cooed rosily. Near the dose of the eat thceree., whieh ere mbordirtee'to Twis .ncerts within four days le the sults her profembne. and are eroupowd of shot by Dirkert. Time Haverford rem.. Reba put in Ids second team, required for entrsece. difficult program whieh faces the the up and ran op an 11to-0 lead. Play Adios This eratem of entre., places a Heserfotd College Reece Club ma men interested fa forwarding alumni voand the University men tallied flee On hve cons...nye tree tom. nob." Or mek. The first of these concerte will Cocker. 2P, at Emote, mthetive eedonal work. Deem int":vbk="1:1 be Seta et the Philadelphia Normal It is eepened that undergraduate it- found the basket. The Met., were Downward dribbled around the law not on the eitarecter and Initiative of School tomorrow evening. and the mister of Megadorun nearly surmedmi quick to tale advantage of Heeerford's et in the ev, will be tame. ee taleog biro to deeb. E.:notate. sethe student. The remit is that teach. eecond, the annual Home Concert. mil •nd knotted tbe mere cut in under the backboard and m prep 'drool* are indeed Mtge, •be siren In Roberta Han Friday eve, ductive wad was particelsrly effeedve. 'er fifty per vent of the velem has -missing" gave Haverford the Ind. • wooled to their suetwea to preparing stedents nips at eMbt o'clok. 11.delheim, '29, cued, n useable participated at the meetines of the meet after Jepson had made one out of two for the collem es...two, and the The member. ofe the Musical Club. Have-fete Leans at Half committee.. year.. male. sten • trod to put the combat. will leave Ilarerford for Philadelphia cdeve ie the part of Promo. Tne serTheo Loren of merged. Eleven of foub. Thereafter the Scarlet sod A. covert accompanles the mem, of rate of Eurlio, the old beg 81a08710. • diversified stsperficialiti. Slack we. never headed. Vogel embed Ms. On the 6.02 tomorrow evening I. order the Scarlet •Isd Blaek's next twelve Preacher also believes the an ..- to reach Thleeenth and Spring Ger. wee taken by Keith with sole bur- Aim week's Nevs whirl, eresent to all in a miss from Downward. The for.spheres le placed on the aerates, end den etteeto ha time coottgh to give • femme acting. Witte etrack repeated- alumni. It ehowe io detail the plane POin. vrere netted by the fast goad. ward meet eluded the Temple guard 000 se of the., however. were tal. discount. emir val., ea compered mime in the Normal &boot audiwith theeclenees, far Meaner. In the torium at 13.15, Thie will be the One iv by her mneter, ohm threaten. to tie et the members of the ureeent senior lied before the hell ended, HaWiford and registered .ether doubledecker. He followed this up with • PM, of e tape about her neck and mete • tines after Juue 11, of ,ke forty-wee 17, 51uhlenters 11. training of the mild. Louis 21-ell. tbley•two are plan... to eern Attie. Stage. Net lieraffinat repits1 er of hermit. No chasm. nole Wade lo either Henterfere bor.. Large Lead The titbit,* dandles of the college mely secured. the Peno Clubs for the Hoeneeseer..Z1. tarried himself be emir firelibooda Immediately, white tea • the wk., the name returned With the svoreboerd reed165. ha. little effect on the choice made by ausual concert eye. to the Fenner, Penmen, a. the steward of liegadome. remainder. about thirty•five per cent.. floor. The Theesecond period ttarted with Templet was ook time nut. When • Isiah eltool or prep ech.1 man con. grad.ting elate by the Almon. Aar, in fro. of the reseeded Ereleeki ...teed to HeWm mud epirtted laughter lid gonrrele will nominee their stuffier.. 'creme. a live!, sidering entrance to Haerrforet En- elation. Deeee to Fellow tirely too much etre. is led oe tide were proyided by the retinue consisting themselvee for nrofeexionel stork. Heyerford basket. Captains Chyle, under the basket who placed s twoSpecie arr.gements were mode of two cooks, hen flute 24 Seeds, Peet.. 00 ran Its theory by many of the alumni 10100. pointer In the Oct. ifsverford and Gomel befog In the lesdleg kirk, owl two iong that. be Mr. Froelich, compared the self. eith the State autboriti. to bold the mattie.. Hibberd It Coate. aed Of the tbirty.two men in the bet Everythioe mimed down eyeetusBy and tote to 23, tomes Logan and Gerrett. Jost before the mingled attitude of Haverford toward Home Concert to Reber. Hall on oely eight are definitely Meted tbe 1.0.10 scoring ...tie for fire period ended. the Philadelphian,. tried its eandarffized oratem of entrame Friday. Horeb 5. It am originally Honor as clothe., the two belico. • reguirementa with the progreeelye thousht that another plan would here mon, convulsed the audien. more by te pooillone. II I. the other tweet, mere points. In the meantime, Low. to close the lapoint gap by minim steps taken by other colleges whlet. to be racer. for e voncert becatute their brb, coutortions than by any four who. since they are steeps *ma- son. Coldren and Schlumv bad in three donbledeekers and ••fool s Dewier several minutes of rapid sm neeesellate .rte ...ft the most effective way of the new Reale fire ism in., hope to be the moot dire., ben.- kluhlenberg', total to 21. lacerates. on Roberts Hall which the actual fiebting. passing. the Scaelet and Black waa solving the problem of entrame. Merl. of the work of the Vmational Thomas sank a pretty overhead shot. nimble to penetrate the Temple de. Dr. Leek.. Cempletee Text Harvard now admits men from the college Is not yet reedy to make. hot Committees. levee. Captain Garrett with pivot, of upper seventh of the graduating class The career of the class ha. seem and Garrets iroPtosi en three 'W.mot Ilemilton, '29, a. time. erehed the ball teased. the hark, Hemet Ptse theHermon. In reputable high schools and prepare. lb. Door the ger. in Melchior returneci to. corpulent ond eleoder Bute girls. . boa. from poet the middleof the Vogers plate, Lawson aim sztgort tor> schools. Yale require. the ratan. alert, The eobeert will be followed e reepectively, nrovIded ouch a remarkcourt. It was the hest long shot of dathe for eireasiou to take a echo. by • deo. In the pp °ol eol like number will • • brave of Tree hrovs. Realm'. "Luaby in the new a able mate... that their eppearanee prepare for brae.. lateen, t:o. double- the game. Dowaward tried another leek aptitude le. which ensbles the 0.0 iong-distaore elee. Loran me Garrett sintering sod low bare tomb hem. eclre're 1tg th;. authorities to nide. the ePellemife e e : ' elope provoked considerable laughter. chosen by three men. ambit...ore he from Rorelli. Phil Garrett came each mime. similar totem. genteel *bilk, to do college work. At Oto ClubelrregntOrg:1.10 through with one 440 21 two toewe2 D.rmouth • committee of faculty nod Contort. The other numbers. of the Mimicker and Hellock, both 28. 19.211, two, and one will etudy agrieultore. Visitors Threaten student. formulate. the poll. of the Glee Club pro.... will be tete admirable scullions. from Gm 15.f...t mark. he Lava. Hoop.. In Charge Peters/ Temple bog shore Mr. to deleted through the Eleverford defense college with retard to courses aod en- from those given It the earlier conThe pie, wan not only trenefated, but Alum. Secretary H.pes modeled for his third two-teinser In three min- est mr, Haverford's early lead. Tbe trance. Other college. Mee the em e,. themost impel r of width Ise. Philadelphians e survey. He, recovered the MD three web Prafesmt th Rit. trance of candidate. lamely on the been "Thou Ave Repose," "Feting also coached by 13r. Lockwood. Er.. melt. tire, . it bounced off the rim of the lockwood mended with the ...tem.. 1,06,0.. ' bob elm actively ranged remit of a pentane Interview wit Dew."and "Sono, oi 22fIV Ted at 29-All the work. ban celled ter the in basket. and moth fon, two.pohaters. The Inetrumental ChM will play two The •22021.7. although resembline that iuend The w iener. egein get the bolt from 0.ratt celled time out, end when play co-operation of tee Cantina. oa pap t, mime. 1 vlamtical number. at the concert "tie. lat. tessoff. tone +Iwo roiled luelfwey was rteumed. Iasi men hid chine. beton. from Peened.° trammed by of lest year. woe very a...factory. anti imee 10 its Important work. The of the baeket. Another their tactics, toddies the ball .111 . e •romul be titi. atroe t t.Lbt,ze berenn. zonot.o ed. . tmcb. and the "Spent. ounerrous vases and other deeoration, . HEADMASTERS TO DIME R. L W rarromed off the beckboerd. and in they meld work it well down ander R Mm There ere five new po pe . in the forum added to the classiest effor present erniors.d recent gradu- the orramisle for the ball Boren( we. the beekboard. Losao speared • wild f ar s o g ra m m e of the fect 7. Disc.. Aimee Lewelteon Teeth ates Pt...Woes are at. beteg nought fouled. Borelli's one-pointer tied the ii, e7hf.; ,,eze;1-btohma.,:ins:t1 :seatlutromeetal Gl Selecio. teem Tomer. It i. of •reelal interest to oote the by some for the eummer months. end more. 29-20. Two more fouls by Low. "Bong of the Vaxeboad.," A meeting and huschma of secoodare it Is eiyeelle0 that 0 comber of men mo3 and Freed gave Muhlenberg what atiother held goal. ethml principale who ire Rarer- Lowe Ey Baby." "Then 111 Be Happy.° tor. lothwood *elected. thie year. an will obola employment In work in looked to be tbe Mentos points. The Ilaverford'e aim we good or. free unfinistied text amt completed it hite• Black's hopes fell borer Log Starlet an fortes. 018 be held tomorrow at the rid "A Cel. of Coffee." erected though the ch they f thPoel amiust the Crlmson, Gerrett. Prete empties, to Sleg when Logan Mft the floor on 'noir- Themes and Logan rolling up rye lhaiverelly Club. Alumni Secretary ...te. wh i eel with each eklIl that it woe o...Otte. th Int Ogle Two fester. of tae programme for Neon. end President Comfort will be Poraible for the audio.,, to tell where W ith Iwo Rnute. to play. Miebener tome pond.. The ;core tonsthen 312Precut Subjects connected with Co- the Hoene Concert will be a vocal solo arrett method in an.I lombo woe. rue the examinee. Of by Ism. McFadden Caryebter, '13. the Mauer. ended and the Lockwood WILL ARRANGE PICTURES frose the bel fe'l, .t ErflZed 4.'7We:1f V tles'e-, i i m.... 1-exTrli rl. French,26eienmgried by began. was fouled, e fcut the Allentowner.- loon and added two more to Etever• Sub-CommIttee et Athlete COeltiel.l. lead in half. Only •minute remained. ArtgaTetht:4::dgAge nntleutti j"t the 7.11 Oart Rearrange Ts.. Peewees kluhlenberg aealn tried to Iran. An. ford's 1..1. Garrett made good a end a plane by Charle' s Theot:it=. Ike Hvleeae foul. With unly a few minutes to ploy, stmet ire her tapoff. and on a lout Thome At • weed. o fare erbeerrimittee of .1000 hb.,"‘ii,t '27. the Adolphe. Hotelhepl~ m Melia oat h Nobs began to foam. send in re his retwo free the Athletic Cebinet held Friday eve- Reverter! centre, The Harerfordians will Pier eidered. This 1.cbeon III he the Eskimo. Ye ning. It w. deckled to rearrange the throws The Haverford centre wthed aerve sqund. mond of • eerie' of monthly hombeone at the dance renewing tbe comert de* 2.2.12 Mote -ra order of team pleat. In the pm- both, and mt. one thought the °mNaverfere Iowa Foals Ned year. eiscomenoi-Oetrow," by Ruben- Me* of Philadelphia Alum. abbot -re ooing lead sufficient to MD the ed.. stein. the 1.1.00 addition to the tape .... Wend of Metre them io ttnrw Sticlowski made Tensts Beet wore ne* int rano. pane of the ammonia, the t tre of me Haverfordianr. will be i4= go. in ten mistute.. • beautiful one.handed 0eli0200 00 0•20 A came g accord:. e Gene o be se played •t tlth dance which will be to.. while moans at too *Peed no.n to he pieced in the to date, end ' o programme affair made op of twelve the edge of the door. Garrett made thirar ••.•.. .tr dame.. ,stM trophy, room. It cm proposed to have COMPETITION FOR '26 his (mirth dnueledeeker of the gem. one wide of the mime... upstate. ter The Annual Concert There was just time left foe RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS Hartnett to sink a geld the of the girle Moine dente. and geld eh. fee the ELECTROPLATING RUBBER SUMMER FELLOWSHIPS the other .ids foe tropism. only The Cemvon. A: the referee tossed op the 01 the cabinet also named • motion to have OFFERED TO SENIORS hell Professor the another Ielo7. the gun sounded. L. A. Pont ROHM. ae Se. Clam CIMI 'ea lbseaday to tem. framthe biller. of ibis rotary of Peonsylvael• Committee Near Tanta on Ms.. Reeder. Musical Clubs Yera a. column 2 New York Seheal of Sees! work to edsod added to the milection. The Rhode. Scbolarablp coMpetitiOu A tell to "Electroplating Robber" SOW old permeate that ere rotting will be even by E. P. Lout et marts Olve Eight AM.* tO Cele. Illee away are going to be resurrected .d for me pre.nt year bee just boo enWill Be Held The New York School of Social Work placed in men At eerie of the fact God there neoneed. log of the Cheesier* Club to be held tateleff the will be 210 eleetion In P.oaylvania. cOttroc la again offering summer fellowebire to the Chemistry Roma' tomorrow number of the committee was Intneased legomt students ere eligible pretsing at 11:415 This new to flee, the new member. be. 1, B. inother 00.00-0.... need 12.222 2.1 other States The amount of the pro.. bas wee eotentianties nod has 8.11, ex-VD, and Webster. 17. The atipend has Reale been rained. tbis .0122221 Wm assorts time already been used for the menufecture Roberts Hall three members carried or. Ore Dr. o 400 per nnens, so CrO owl 11.$0, 021.22,222 o mo m., of ears Sibbitt, Heller. Merman. and W. ufdrient to pay all to be glee. fee the ett 7 b"!6,C. of college rungPAT-assewher was Ma., of • year at Oxford. mIke' co.., Jong 21st to July Rich. Seamier, '27. o will smth on erraa sway. meet CUM marart. 222, Haverford boo et prevent two grad. ture end by J. E. Rboade who MR 1929 A femme of the course will he March 8th dui 8 o'Cloek 22212112 2.021 1210121 Abbot. bolding Rhode. schemehipei evenini dletterelou moth. led be CHESS SCHEDULE ere the °Trerstentation of the nien attire In the fields of industry. .d Bbndw TB. They are Abbot. wororeszoy-s. x. 0. 0.. to th. comm.. orgardsotion, and case work. Lag. Met*. to Bs Played DI be both in reed.. of New Cat., Pro. OW.. 200 ...we ea "Mae.. TVs ra.uar will be open only to felfessor Le A. Post. who ha. for the lave 15 ISSUE OF NEWS MISSING lowelop etude.. and • eratrieed Followed By Dancing ma, ter nr. Mom comes The Haverford Ch em team will else five years been secretary et the 2891.112127- 0.1. number of other qualified .004001, at Its next kerne match on Monde, eye. Committee of Selection la °DNet. 21 Needed te Complete Vele. the echoe. ho the GyfrileffilliMM WeIDAT-leseical ChM Mew row e.g. lurch 8. with tbe Wee PhBe. uring in favor of the Rev. O. E XVI for BUM. 1232. Ma. 12 Wm The mummer fellows.. present an denfixta High School, at the headgear- Barnes of Philedelobie. Professoe Issue Number 26 Deember 15, ettu.t. olratothelly to study the voca- ken of the Emmett. Cbeee Clob. The Poet will still be reedy to comet with eat Ma. in VOInnte XVI of the Nem can- tional Nape. of swat work directly Mei. Cricket Glob tram will be snider.p who riontemplete applying for wito not be located for filing. A boumd stool ehoold prove a rye orientation played so the Merlon Cricket Club on • etholarehin or who plan to attend 12.,11.01.22 Tickets copy of each volume le- alwera pot in mune in one of the moot thane.. the twentieth, and the lee league rams Orford at their own expanse. WPM W222 the Newe office foe refernme, and tide ing fielde for prof...Moat eervice. Scholars are elleble for echolaredo will be plared with Ridley Pith tele 20.222-News gaare Lana.. e.M. One Dollar one a MN one number la needed to teem nem. Appileetion should be diedby April In April. tram the State of their residence or 2.3.15.-gsleatffie Mak. 5. plete the book of 1024-25. 20th with the rellowehlp Committee ., Prolonged attempts to et inth radio from the State in which they have been otholegener-1. Ma. A., L the um The board would greatly appreciate New York School of 2021211Vork, 106 commerdeetion with the Universi of ettending whoa for et leent two years It If any one who bee this mother in East 22nd street Farther informa- Pens 10 Order to pl.y.the consultation Previews ba their ool L. Sawannon, Mgr. useralier-meameou 'en a.m. hla ponsesalon would send It to 3. W. tion concerning the detail. of the work match scheduled e Mem of with that Institution scholars are ehomo on cram rid Mew Sete, Editor, Fleverford Nem, Hat- can beaccured hem Prank D. Watherb were made on thr. eueetesive ew- ehletie 46010,. acbolarable. Cod leml:1 rd. P. Professor of Sociology. e.. lee week. bet - without results endr to .b d, araivito. VOCATION CHOOSING DAY TO BE APRIL 13 ,11`<tii;L'.°1" ""he "tw *1- MUSICAL CLUBS FACE STRENUOUS PRIIRAM oo.b. who L Tow It 0 a-lorLTI:g a:cr,orb,"TV d Sony " ob: pr 51.10 din the wh a.9 an s. ere iip th ▪ Page 2 EAVEIDUED NEWS HAVERFORD NEWS An Open Letter " PRA. HEADMASTER TELLS STUDENTS TO BE REAL MINCES "Y" DISCUSSION MARCH 1, 191 GROUP 0. the Mther It me near Get better acquainted with "ffiralesli." le Ilvbhat Of WeeklY The ...I New, criticism of the liffilletflep Quakerism and what it Ithelleg Hem Cep end Bede ma.gealeot. the sorest ”Evolution end Le Relation to • stands for by sign of spring, is here. The only unLiteral laterpretation of the Blade" EDITORIAL BOARD sections treated femme of the criticism la a game wee the adj., for the Y, NI. D A. :mew M. faker. 'X slight variation In teat which IT as tharovairto group held led night et the "A Short listery sf Ciesterks" famata 141Awr welcome an min in A depot. Fort.. Bererford Friends' Meeting Hoe.. Law. D. Itelluelon, .1A kr rewhaak S. re.. Mel,. their patties hamar rectal. on• Net week the question -Censoraeon Laws IntrathectienM Rei. M. Jema D. It a. VI whellge11. erer. ItiAlty ]t Right or Wroogl" will be V. fezAheten. • es diammeed. The management eeprea104 The idea diet the ''Cap nod Belle dm. Lane Price Pont Paid $2.00 should have no more to du with .n• Stanley Yarnall, '92, Speaks to denim to More mt.e young mum. M. O. Wm.. sr a the disease-ion next Elanday Is add trailing the Mooted Club. than the Smarm Zatee FRIENDS' BOOK STORE Informally at Y. M. C. A. mime r.tim.Y. "a dlen r. amine thwiety box lo do with controlnou the ado. 302 Arch Strom MIL Nowa and the Haverfordien" in about Meeting on Wednesday Suits, Top Costs, Overthe rm. original cud rarely the moot emmionawo . Critically spesdring▪00 Ili 110. The Clop 0. 1.111 not 001.1 BE RELIGIOUS LIBERALS coats of superior char.. BUSINESS BOARD 0rort.a the rtoba oak' for the coact.. Healer. 111•••••■ arranged the schedule, and fought for aster. Perfecdytailored -Me. yourself felt an a real loY. r. Oases.11. 'X La la0. ma et the Mame. we. their right, in the times of trouble but Puente." wee the doped of moultaas itteaems Mr. Buto• ennae memo.. sae.. in correct fashioning, t. 1. ewer., it euppllea them with an organisation ley yarned, in his oddeeen re the Y. d ee se ma. the ne J. T. Earthdl. It and a toner", capital that alone make C. A. al the meeting on Wedliesda, feta,' web weans Namea S. b Bat at tse $35 and upward. A a. livenna. w a awn,. 'PI gambol. with Ur etatribetern to Ms MM. die., pomade. The Molina1 Croon eel. February 21. Mtn. Yernall ire mambo. Wm.. a member Hotel Rooms For AIM. Ida rees.u.ara atIVIA IAVatleabl, dot, make a financial nUNTAA. The of the clam of Mr2. a. klaseleen He wee one of For four-fifths of the time that I (Unrelotee.t obtained.. do mat permit of the moot soave members etas mammaler Transients of the .I. spent meth. the March Havel/aril. a. a Erma 'MI unroofing on a profit. It le the doe. of hat dueler his undergreduate days, br- I mende.d whp GIIMITNIFT .atelbOtOth to th. pregoadereare of the dueler' nod ing PRILADELPItIA of his eta.. a member of the Chapbook lookaunt ntre to Jeep Luncheon and Dinner Mo the moat. of the drama deportmen t Phi Beta rump! and baring TheeLSe ejoirialsr}ady achieved their idenaty comealtd; *ad for the 011.1712 pm fur th em. In for the nest 'general honorif upon graded.. He oIkea me-fifth I was tb.kful that they $1.00 tt 0,10001 hemlmarter of the Ger- 414, The Chapbook remioded me of point. II stemin to re... that the VA:A mantown Friende 010001. 4 member of the proverbial Ott]. girt-wheo eh. Maly-odd who play cannot he Admitted the College 0altsedsows tux beide et sae ana. Eatranee Essadoatmc tras good. she wee Was wou: Special for Teachers rm. en ear.. Wee oemiy the mote man ite the dent Dogrel. eod, mei:ober ed the Doerd cal when the wee tad she Was horrid:" but ads r Ter died. I should very moth lite to know who on the met. Mororer, we ere Oeothtite• Managers of Hever/gni College. and Students attlee ge The medic.g one held dowostaim in .tote "As Drink the Dead." He did lo tete le ooly oneety at any one CZ one arse. the an exeeptionally bit of mot. I I'Mon. and tr. of • 71.1ore n %FM It must deo be re beard :etat. m the Our Green Room I. Nary that I was aheoried..d nature than mnd. Ile. Teamed moat contr. that mmber. of a ply huts • more at- tohl little tale. end rather Inli of • teat ghee et Fri... by the eolef.--14 Ready for Banquet, Card Iduel type of mirk In do, while the bile 'Woodrow Wil.ou, in which he tug' terested. 00 well. a. 0 IA disappothted and Dancing Partied. importance of the mossivien lien In bin rated tbm eremnee !speed part of bu the 4 '. onetuZlrea 7rthri to ante, each Joy In etude 01 eolith, with a wooltetructireneas. toil Moir. a [hint as the attempted buelmente, view to their bettersneut Mr. YarPhone ArdaltdeM 3100 • We are told that "the alumni mem- nell wed ibs f belie...AI thet people -1 eon. that it was supposed to he ri berahip maitengliffibode regard to • burlempler per.. II ore that might to dob the more thing Oar Plidsdsiphiet Sap -Horrid. Hance," Mach meseed to t'brietlen For Sports' Sake its wort is do l4 by very few .now all the eert.tha of t poorly Fiedler. et Ce•ferems if that word me.. what Webster attempt m eltie wisto, anal The student body is to be comemod- tboatht He spoke of the Ending, of a 1-,m1221.1223 CiessortSt. It medic. I mono, underniend idea that eirrees Itl It falls oat on the stand egoist. a ubsidised ath- the greninent. The mood ...molder. fererete of students et Evanston. which es far ehort of the extend. of the Gaud that sinhon everYthio• War lete. whIth it took by refuel. to toter however ie that the el.' morun. too wrong with the or...ration end pm, "'"' TI■f L"' .erken:‘ the hest 01 las Asa to sin del re :11he wend of of the new-formed Eastern CoRegiete Ath- muds nuthority. But with tho emphasis. rlllmtd !ta c="" entyg=b;rern■e! the ii•wood on in my opaline to to worth mini letic Conference. By toroth* dome the thin of the pmeideot. the alumni odd- reg pie-red on competition between cow orb, • Diffivolt7 or moo norm.nre primly oupereemm. and era greet... teen on real brotherhood. and temm offered la, the rhnner ...bers Imoorreet committees on the campus cher the queel. of denceni.tion war I don't know in euthor, tot I am minermluel to reogrettdate him on being of the etrolerroce Hoverford preserved aro taking to perotenowt member for rein. interest fn. true rend.. Mr. Yarnell rhea declared thee etl able te write . etermingly ou so pre. th whole of Its Ideal of n dr-commer- that seffomine purou. It le too amtk my the beer-. .blue.sown. men nbould be religion, Ilberele. Use On roh In dellowey might hove mule eielised .1on of colleges to pursue eth• rho redone, .11., today to eta loose "But,' he mid, alibettliam In sot enough emit an idest altogether to onearory, hot roam nil moorioa. Even though thy in bed/. It I. only as Impetus and we had the strength submerge t ,. team for merle' sake. mlitms admit that the elomni boor !nest hare the moral men.. of farrier he the II 01 tears to keep It below He epoire biek prep. et Dr. Rufus the Emplace. Thy Conference wee .vncnrosi with mod• the iimaeiratioo of todny sufficiently to Row the .1mten, who. he dec.., is eee of the reader to coley hie very delightful the avowed oneness et acmtwolishi. Ale they feel tom the members of foremast religioon leerier. Of the dor. style. I venture to eel' that no amateur Royal" : Yeenslitae. thm very allow but Its provitions. it tb. club ehrudd mow work ant the deo ooh The speaker mkt 111,1 mite of our node -The Difficulty of Being he thd, be'. w.tusi Ida time the opioloo of the student body. fad rim of the dub, for theruseive.: If the aomteur, mendiern an of the minion the/ they ota HAVERFORD PHARMACY .hors of the desired end There it no ran Veke Mint tripe end 1 have often wondered why youthful make reallyhsing e matter of Om... what tot nenthetim impel o taking ad.... HENRY W. PRIMAL P. D. deem defined oresm of pub- none, or do premier.. per ie. of mariet meets endanonymous nob. nidiudion-eupport of millet. b7 "OW Jae mad .r .1111 greater Nomad. they Ilk, HavorfonE to drift arena with the inributioes to express their matheticiron nun ubvione .hurl time to work cormer or tide, Men at the or ondribution or Isa the tenth die will need but of mmiling what atheist.. would I dim deetiny! It is III. id.s aver In pen. Mr. Yarnell mild. "bloke ire °net .0111.110 arhoterehlp. The 1,1. W bit of work. Tho e who estrim emi noire., are moiety for Yeu• mind. th. mar lice, err going I, sayedpool -Jewels" end "A Portreit Beep Ise worthwhile_ II all is ...eel. of loge believes it cam wait moil chin it pleasure drel dentine T., hoe Red did Bleck" very evidently felled tamed omit, reeking flatl's will end getti. dearth in trine and the In '.1 know or As 'CM eneor two. In to p0011 by the Tommie set them by o rour the author of 'The Diffien1W of Beteg by ,t espy In crew at the Inebility of the lam.- moue,. for return engeeemeor• where entre...melon ...realm ay. helping no...tractive or. Royer lo the matter of anhordloating learn the bonociel we hare me. Mar.. .1 cohtereme youreelver even' nod,bleb:lied texts. "Jewett." letThe writer of the editorial earl not oni.thme. ow ond then Or eskiug. lint my M- prase: me as beleg ell that wee dt to dal. end ...tree of income of met point nut oe. orgadeatIon on the ree. prim of en ...Bally serumel.--tboa. am mate nimbi. under ite mien. Haverford tom or off. lIncludina the aGlifil Got. ffuen. told" Doer I la.n the hoe Aer• well wraten.--at. at verse. meta confeen to Hi, Ntr, Yemen said tent bin met.. would hose gamed hothing and PO.- eminent of Naomi. run entirely Ill ph, It wen to tint ble boomer. ■11 Mart leo member. nether the. ....ere. The ha. loet much had iv MXed the 1beesWeb.o; oa, ely senemi. to mote thenmehrea In- ti!l'1. ides 11111 the member. should take medialely 'my Molest satinet "A Portrait" In ilueneen. br he It dedeted. a Mamie other lire rollegee. neer -direct and final cootror tie-Mores three to tin, for It were mo. nonewhat more vehement. It e• a meter of nom* eon.n to me that • imod (lenity would not be mina it ie [obly. the solbiltne ridiculous. prove style ahould be wasted o tusk Youre. Blr. utter ref 112 mitoguided attempt at And After Entrance PLAY ANNOUNCEMENTS Redhead.. or• art. or whmever author of Bbl otottihotion wen Whig Whir ie perhate the mincipel sersitStudents le HAN 0••0•11111tly to Ordef to get t. Why is. it that oar ender Tiekete at Setae Time 10 Pelt. news of the Haverford erstem of tol. generationof errlete rano. get it tot Contrary to Credit etintoto in Due the pant, the of their head.. diet in to he •rorder 11 no recently made the enblert aeon ate of the Home Perform. tiatk one most ...eerily he dlogntof vehement *Deck. from the mama. In the light of the answer to the an. -of the CF. and Belle Play sad the 1.ffly oblihoe? Not that 1 °Nett to cUotribotion of llama will hemede at blob,. In writina.--wben It itr editorial on Control echo.' putillehed •Wthort. II lest poi. of the secondary the 11/1 01 time .r the underderthortee elkIllfelly end dinereetlyr .1 do object lien. The critic this time took 11001' week,. News. it hat been ...ors to An far the patroness.. and ramrod. bolus dragged mho.exeiga rt, e . t. h.,ed, flan3.,to , itbeen the custom to mie Heretofore mien Into n take sch for III, own mite mt. except.n to the emineoar rem.6 ickets ets to antelders bret end gire done. But when all it snit! ,,d done. arkort me allot rick ,'barmier of the eyatem by which the Manurial aspect of the SI 1 11/111111 demand the remaining meat. to etude., The It takes nmaster to handle eorh a glibImme.mest fee. that undergraduates led properly, and milneentee ',en Altehtion, c ollo. mho'n candidates to I. Foseh. ooelo to hese rhsom for good wnfall fell. As witness the turret r at The Treenureen reeled. indicated ...atm. and orenrdinely do Id' 1:11fewit 1174111 tn "Desire num ch.. In perticular, he objected send n11 the downfall thnt lest year with a ...dole loclud. announcemen At the alms l'oder the Elm. • lin I nodal. ay. me dine. to thn nt•OclitedIsettOo thet is re..ed Me the Oer rd Menke for tie... will h. din. It lie oardenable trip to Wile. College. the yoothfol rotaribuNeb.l dud.10 in Munieti Club netted the Cep end Bain triboted eantetime daring the week lig, tn. to the Horerfordbmi but I winh of the t h,y wouldn't do it. fore eating tamtlm. twixt Ed and Coved result from that very subetantiAl 01.1 111. In We in the color that they rem paan the Calle. alluring institution, the sorority Enrrnme EneattinAtton Board esamina- cert. 11735 and 11120 the lett thin bee been it 1.0011. flonvivhiug Irian0.111121111176 "At Rome" Lunch. liollA for adroledon to the ooltere • ponition to Kindlier do.ting TE15•11171 that , , a . o a t no: en tan, 1,111 to den) We should le 101 Jerre sum of money for change. in eta.. 11•17213-"lowlevene.The ideal food is something light, the element merlon in vine), we with and dresning Norton in Robert. Hall. lideue-nale 7.1,12.01 It in Anything worth printing at yet satisfying, appetising without Mu Tian, It 10 not the ourpoxe of thin editorial otherwi.e. But how eould ali hawed, printing right. Go thirt D.TYeemai seamy It -mar roseT being elaborate-in short easy to can it API The alt differ.... in the to critieize the ores to which chi money to • good printer. latialaff--mute Pea eeme sea prepare and easy to serve. achuoi, erni. pot for it In undoobtedly worth. slander.. of rfitions ...b. hot it do. ment that the mra• htttiot wertiljnation of comparatively lit0•271.1G6-Atin. Potent la Meet. the Mortice! Club. might her. the orornael mem. of the kern i io tle rne Have..• larurniountehla been oontothed or It Irmo informed of Iggerarthort-Vousier seleetio n of the good their pi!.r ..Arto effort, but done Ct., and "•mwerer Karam! dith.ltree render the peraneal hum, itamrder •iinw Ininvestigating nottrems of income interciew plea. Almost use., The omit of the 111trew"I IlAtentv TM. HOURES PRIXL Ise* feestble ayetem left is In examinntioa menthol., namely the milt. of the ermF:°a. wig nevem.° IA 1 349 Chetd•••Atet and due. pakt nap w lt NEITIT made &side, as it is. by the drama dept LESID-"I. M r' m0 aloe,. it was foomi that the obly. eertiffeetes And rsomiderMiun Intraleamr-efo. Mar to "NIA,. hod been more than enerenefol bop the, Y1 homers., Atha" the 4-q.• mid by alumni member. of the VAUNT-Otte Oft At 1 CAN I fills the bill perfectly. 'Thousands neentinit then tubes: does the Cup and Beth ercre not entirely a fret. 11, offer the hest examination. For Your C. E of fair young stewardesses all over MORN, ritramage liedialole for ilavefforti? If thr object alt. There nre ahont one hamtret *Ogling Goods End Stationery ALDEtges'iThe m 1••••■••• the country can testify to its popuor the eremeretiono is to game the snob nnonbere. they MY dues of three Try nom.. Mail, of the madirlide to nom with the ilullars for e.,1111 they receive ticketr to larizing, energizing qualities; its "The Ude, Vettewettetr awl MAX ABROMSON woch of the "epees curriculum. the the hone mover,. the home play, nod vmentlAw. wThe MAtadt• Cave, adaptability to a number of out-ofMY, AAA Mearme. -ohs ram. Wed Lane.. nose., in yen. A ...del an.lyai• of an ...imams to the .1.1 bags. Mme.' It mum he granted that some of thee. theosnlinary menus. Anthem., Pit. rho carunirmtioro required will disclose TARY.X.-•Th. Orest would unt Attend the two former .1., hr. Mot that they are directly mo..,tosions row.....• glory." if it were not thst they ant Try Shredded Wheat at your next EAWLTON,-.11410c. tn. met any.rory to the required enure. of Freak. tiekete niene with their membered, COMPLIMENTS elltgralagelt lend.. hot ir should by borne it mind diet mune mon ear, In thnt ease. rum °Wm,. Party lunch and see. The same bisWeimedar. to etniAlertliAAtion of high school eml of [helm 'naid. The 31u11cA1 Club. WM". Thana.. Priam. Weecuits of golden brown whole wheat should rm.eirc eredit on the bde., of the mconentory twhoni ...dents mu. Tr Cup Os. 'Made at" of and Bd. tor their pert of tho ex...ST-iota. maul athie, that you have always preferred for directed not xt thr essmination ssetent ✓ t,moiommd• mr.T014-"Tbe Ma Mastwe 011,1 undamorit Ili point nut RP ednoeslon. hot rather at the ourrica. breakfast, you know. oranniaorion mn th e wan ant run lma, to nray lom lo whirl, that eye[eao Ie wreintrit. estant hy moacar or arroo-rr.t. 000. Out WE will under. take to point out an organisation who., etas. Iffetornetitan In oth, wonls. the lonveheri•hed memben do hate direct and end em-Teseeinuer, Maar ellemee. I, eel of t he IlAxerford faculty. that a lrel over the artionn of the ow rum. them of required eoltre. 4.0 mimbcr Ina oar t:;`'wotra . ,0t acroorotmas ormo Eon.t!;',17, to Weil-r011.1.1 gratkiAte, IA Iv1o• meeting. Bo.. maize. lam. Obit PHILADELPHIA • a,: eatertare..., fa me. tacked. IT. ahnti not venture at this Even if it in not neceseary to earrI Mewl Owen O... • arena. time to Any with how moth Joel ire ride ltarItnitir he '011:01t;" tbrti't Is 1.10111 !dueled in Imina directed; bur thiMmexis Pictures, Picture Framing . Clubs are aototx the few reanIra MM. COLI.00I-Vhdatv un that the obJeCt of much of the stitution. "on the thropoe or off, which ... and Novelties ... Av. Ttnne• Oven en "IAA. their own officer,- SEM criticism of the entree. zydren IN ill do oat th An nee AIL Alent. Aralweer, not thee membere of the Cube Capreality diremed at the curriculum of are rettlar. Dr. Ina Ohm. able of rot!. for their leader. Rod Dome Sateen HA r1•• the college twilit, than m the 001 ran, momenta and haring aorne nay In the plan itself. nanmerneut of their awn rlesanitoT Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD JACOB REED'S SONS me4-26 trm,ti: ..1411g11:1.1:.',7;17:7:1V.= edtw. dev $9 ----- r LI Shredded Wheat THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK to The Gift Shop OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE foodier thouyht- - and heath ▪ - ▪ MARCH 1,1926 ZYI P. HORTON, AU HAVERFORD NEWS Rags J. TYSON STOKES WILLIAM R. EREADY, Jr. COLLEGE SPORTS Jr. DIFFICULTIES ARISE TENNIS MANAGERS WOOD TO ISSUE CALL FMKO outMlnn•er IN SOCCER SCHEDULE IWO HARD GAMES FOR CON Jeckeon hag decided lotenni. Manager Wood, of the track team. NOVICE TRACK MEET candidates forthhe to call out candidates for moils, the ▪7.1. manager nante weether ent misname the nest week or tweoent warm continuea, worh two. There isduring little work at present. roodltionimg the tenon courts will BRINGS OUT NEW MEN MOUT KM •begin The sorter .'medal. for meet moot BASKEIBAll QUINTET but soon the While Selman to an neer future, that the in fe mains there will be Meaty togets do Ptatere may be able to Mart Prectle. at time ..latent week so call expect en la tektoA ll November IL sanietsof Mummer. the comios he earliest would Letters mareWipe beenal?"ke sent toPathetic*, leaky...LeTeam Has Good Chance to The Bean= are. Bato end for SM.., of the W. Saunders and Silver Take Ike to out see nopportunity. nomberJacinto. of nandirlatee Swarthmore. end No high, otos of '27. tr,ing forlenge the managership. answer hen been received me yea but It Win FromDelaware and Two First Places; Half diet they will be on probable isneatcots mason's sehedule. Efforts etre also Ursinus Mile Is Close getforthe&name. University of Mint AM. to U they Toronto team here HOERR!) SCHOOL GYM p.a. of the Eotere Dot to make a clam .0. Of iu The track sermon tottrack =demo, make tbe trip,beNew York Golveraire Athletic Conferee.. to take definite HAVERFORO Will SEND am games with Delmer, University. the Saturday with the novice meet,.0 will probably Played. A trip to step. to allesinite olaidieng of WhIlaverford quirt will toot the Bine Yale orTheCornell leofal.thebees cow• and which was won by the Class of 1027. ittles one. limerford to refum the TEAM TO PENN RELAYS iseither teropleted. thane. league Cold tom on Ysesaor sight is the 11AM BEATS FRESHMEN It was open to all men who have not causing great trouble In arranging a Newarkk gymnasium. Raverford ham Mention to Jon the cooference. At trot. • letter of uomerale in track. er of representatives front . meeting Muldeltharg. Meet of the entrants were from the The new Intercollegiate Soccer Foot- Newarbasketball vietory to Its credit over and Tatnall and Hoskins Will ball Aseociation of America is lode op Delaware. for earlier 41 the rtazoo. Captain Hemphill Stars as lower dame. sad the me. broom. to Vietrnburg. Franklin .4 Got- Probably Take Part in of Lafayette, Lehigh, Swarthmore, Mee Its spectacular name with PrimeIffernimll. Dleldsmou, Undous Beta ono. men who may develop Into Cal. ton. the Starlet and Black came out Rhinies Lose by Close Prineetaa, Penn, Nary. Dartmouth, to thou the erten', the first Ave moiledeta. lanky material. Comb Middleton mate. PennWoley.. State. Williams, Byrum.. held on confartno. The looting Special Events Score of 23-22 Amherst, Army, and Hoer- ot top by a 27,71 bore. was the Ti. at the Pelta. hilendey. rebniart The mune thinfearer week should nod bothat In informal gymnastic meet fea• mot,pleased bat te.• with orry the thatresult thereofwere Iimerford will atain enter 4 team to ford.The V. arbour. 1•111 not ne ar- teams Herds Hotel at Harrisbura Dr. Babplaying beeket.11. oot • huger number of men entering. nto at Central. the Unitereity of Peonolvola hued by ranged until the 'molly memo have a ...retest between the capbitt and Alm. &sentare Roman were Relay Mrterford hen • much improved moreW . Saunders and Sheer, of the Clam teams are thatPe.probably The meet will take boa teins of the two Dania flaverford of 27, each took two tint place. mlemate. end Totted Haverfordhe view adon. proved by last weehe game School will closed. beCollege. met,The however. J. V. rkid place et Franklin Field on April 29-24. Girard nosed out the mewl,formed Invader. woe the shot-put .d high the tdclory over Albright Delala regard to the forrostiou. Frankford Highrind School. the Haverford calk. relaysteambeing on Saturday. West Philadelphia High School. the awe ware slim ho been meeting with atte- frtehman team by the close coo of jump, while Silver came in den in the The Ma artistes agreed to by the The wi ll compote for Atamoi. W.92. The victory of the prep sob.' all-geed dash and the 30-yard low hurindication. pont to a tight met (I) There shell be no he Middle Anent* States Collegiate rollegem lame. The willability probably de. outfit was due toady to, their unquali- dle rare. :Urgent, '27, also did well. training tables: (It routine Scoutingforof future 0000. A thletic Amoelallon Clog B one fied succor the horizontat bar. in Pend on Hsvertard's to atop to gem. end ley Sloshed cherophomhip. Last, year the NO COMES APPLY Lichtenstein. Delaware's star foamed. which ereot no they 1012k fret end etrood Entering your events, he took first place le the 44D-yard run necond piece will be prohibited: (9/ Tke n " players team in third place the e.t.a who in 1026 defeated the Starlet and sea sonal coacher, 14) being won by DIchloon, with Swarthshall be no Throunbout the meetCaptain Captain HMO- in the 30-yord dash, third place in the Bleckdone aingle•handed , effectively ae bill. of the Rhinies..d hurdle re, and tied for the Football practice shell not keg. be• more wend. Trecy. Oil-yard Was in the Arm game this manod the blab jump. fore ikatembos 16; (21 The obe•ge 0 Probably the only 'forefoot entries of Hoer/cod Scheel, engaged 1. •• herd tine heHaft-1114 residence role shall be colon doreto too. in tier spend events will be Hokin. to TO ENTER M.A.S.C.AA son. tireless Ras Owl Team struggle for high honors. Hemphill enThe 8610.yard runClots wee partiotady tered every event but tile. epee climb, hiblt freshmen frt. Plegling mthe pole vault and Tatemil in the high On. of the beat' nowe of the seams and soured fourteen of hie teem, two- well contented. Ilawlanney. '22. took with shall be jump. Last year third place In the Association Prepares for An- .mould (6)tha. No game elton,. % teams; • abort buret of epeed at the start. be the one with Uranus on Sal. but Saturday in Sepbefore IMP Went to Baster of Delawere, tr-two points. while h igh Trees who 'romnual Meet at Lehigh the lead and wo never heeded. Rolord. might The CoitenevIlie tom him p.. it everything. toured eisteen la.. tember. whom Toenail theta Go wi th and Morrison, 28. may. la The other colleen would !allow Hs, w en eight and brat seven games. CotaMay 21.22 Delmore. Haverford placed in • asopoints for bit team. rear st the elan, hat with two lentheto retain in pOseat coaches erford ngent'. emelt M. Undoes a very cial ere... in 1064 when Montgomery. Two college. have applied for .- .11100 go. both spurted and finished monad wished. The nest coach., Hemphill Wan too pa Itwbold and third, ropectireiy. ndynntage. to the opening 'sae 'Si, took fifth ether In the javelin throw ..ion hooey.. be opected to praThe horizontal bar ewe firm on the to the Middle Stolle State. In the ofBrooklyn the vemon Maio. age defeated by programme. Tracy won with roe, eZe- took the sessional villa.. m:the to Dr. with • heave of over 172- feet. theonemlle lead withton.thewhittener. report et the Resells Bableit Poirechfilo Institute by the 211= Swerve ON. Net to Maim* portal for Heverford erdition Dr. Babbitt town, Md- andTetaNe's Temp. University, of aro. of .•12, is woe no bed a rnthn tour 1.01 ..rint• Mint. ""Wt and He Mated thm from atwhet thehad meeting: overt' ether difficult ffereiffee, The Reny Carnival bee for mmmmm Philadelphia spaced n toe defeat es the one that teem admirals. lop e to go. Campbell mixed Wright. bens ...mead from alumni, elindeelon wen • named ie hi. h received by J. It Hoop. sot and the judge. oe under the mammenmet of George and on the ant took the lead• tared to Haorford. St Yamaha wo noted him below McKenna. who achieved from Wbittelmy. tapOlehefinished student. iked foul.ty,opiMon Harerfog Orton Reserver, as he in April wW with defeated V-22. while the tame pular tthr PhiatIM:WttniXelti boot of pored and seemed to hove of be several diNcult torus with .nod 5gtrz:{4 .;,°,,,Lz, engaged with preperethse. for memo ia from ilarerford by •• donne On the parallel hen Hemphill tor.. plenty in refl.... thisofmeeting have neglected befoe inthethe Se.ol-Centenolel, the meet win ems tmrejuvenation rock hurdlerofattrack. Penn rttte woe.won Reath. of the ear.. with the good exhibition of gyro..n andge. ad the elteationWhtch rotstheInact.* ha, be' . Pinta easily• hand. of the of Barron barti which Mg • controg AtheMro.thirda vote of ail the no r the Other two colleen. Haverford has took tint honors. Tory wee worded tin"' tatIti ee 1,474'17:, Penanylonia Connell ore Ealorsity Athletics The out •od stop er111 have teeth to ferret .I of ne,ssary for the plmed give Reverford a slight subsidised athletic." Peon Relay Cando' was first held In admimiou et ow members, If the col- sage. Untinue deN•ted Delaware Mr. the runner.. ...on in mate of the Thin request. was followed by a sus- INA'S end siert then hen taken great leges are admitted they will participate Oct thatgymnastic be mimedcompetition. once. Speck , in 20 end Albright 111.21. ohne Hane4.4 11.44.—.1.111survii geed. pointing Oat how subeidising clepe forwerd. In this yor's meet. The inetdotiow h is roseHeto pre-a Cambridge and Orford again have will he voted upon within the next two ofl..M-21 and 27-Mi. theme tenme lby the scores of✓ creepLir. sortROMS and formsuggested might bethat 22.1.11. Int Aare,. ented. respectively. Cap. the occasion week. Applies.. from other cone,. his aeriesendwell,tookbutthird did plate. cot have with a Marie powerful rep. been Molted to send teem. , hot no an- .11 he received until hlA.10.A. ten Sterner le the mar of the Uroin. did mid relented. from earls college enough variety to defeat Tracy. tart a m ao. ▪ te him n• yet best, received. InterMod Rear Lehigh quint.. end high ,rater. neutral chairmen at the head strong Hemphill and heydel for first lad leeerier repkily drawing atoll he formed. The suggeedon w. national competition dale. back to 1919 upThe The on the rte.. the jun'. awardwhen Osford won the foorthille relay in pie. for diacesmed. The Haverford delegates! willshebe held atbeomen. Lehigh on FRESHMAN GYM TEAM honor. Mg the decision to the latter on the CHAMPIONSHIP PLAY-OFF e vent Mort thee rode. other fend. May' then Meted that the commit.* might May 21° 21 and n 22. I , will wider the Ito ahead with Ira ow Pl. ee adopt Roe strength of his swinging hand. 'edit-Idols have taken part amok.. el the Lehla Unit-entity Ade TO HAVE MORE MEETS Fierverford euggestIon. it pre. Amon g these ate: Preach one-mile re- 'Mir Amorist:Ma. The regular eve.. Tracy secured third plan *drone la ANItle Same far Paeoreotemt getewee (erred theMM former. HoerfordIfwoulad acheduled Gerwantewe Reserve. Wt. Peso geteag Tags to Compote hater. trouble. In the mat event. Hemphill clefingely e to join the eenforeme. hor teem. LIMB.. of FAInbargh Unita, lave Thebeen B. A. S. C. A. A. include. theforMellon C. Odd has dide. a beautiful eerie. of fit. and hand- tooRoom asp. Gulthod ppelate4 Galatia and Lent Bernigh, of the other roem• eity, A fter • diacoesiou collema. They arm Alfred, Borkmuddy on, theC. the failure aneurism chewable hip fliabouted by wo.dreided to gersholt . p and woo pw,11,.. bees 11 weine Norco TO-prise to the college wk.. a re- cell. Delaware, Dickinson, Drexel. tonna between atermentOWn upon their first efforts. the Freshro w l do the or nasm 01. Pleoend Marebel1 Gettysburg, da• Franklin C.eket Club mooed team sod Moores. NY event in a lane Mouse ling down to work, reaTentalets are sett NOE., te Joie La- solved to redeem thematil os. Mr. Eva. and Ileverford. fluid., Janke.. anycame him weekly of wi rollthh two wee played on Heti. field of dedoltely refused o hole signed by Dr. R. Tait ID/Leads Ruh fayette. LehigJoh. h, kfuhlenhergt Neve York snaps.ereentlo• Speck throagb age, The some .died Is pleased with themenintermt ther b. •the loodeptIng H000lord theSwarthmore comfrt. and wen not trem, member of the winning tom reeelrts • good hattntaprba. in a enter, for the Ilanheios aggrega• Mee ahowo by the and is negotio onted at the meeting. in reason for ▪ gold watch. For seemed place each " rano1733: LI:7112n.trA'Llgag Ron by the oleo wore of 3.2 ado. for nevem] Informal meet. with member it awarded ti ailree model end and Vition were The worePelmet Mood 20-16 In favor of =Amble mon. Of then. Alfred 'The same was featured by • re. nearby Inottettlinnt s, .The doe-year men Haverford Feleal'ele:01mr,%:.M.I.thseorit andTh.eel/ the no. el. on thesealkeeper part of Atherton. the Pfre':.'"vreek,..r=7en! It. playing district. It is believed that broom atomic ere given to the third "fitetelfiVre 'tre”orthe go iation arm Zttliti'"tre climb. creed ormankechaolboy. the Germantown, forpiecewatch men.itIng thr epecisl events • LeRoy Mercer, the Id. A.Meatier. 8. C. A.It lewillshelf sooncanteenadopt gold of thortbmore,_ pro, quota for date. he. needed first or second plan In It to mer Gennotown Friends' endandPenn been sent to GerOnline iven for tot place. a clinch victory. MaeNamee won, dee, Gooey Afflethirth. of M.N.tsarina te r. pi th overt Moorestown from , one-SYar rule, .eel Wiser medal for second, and bran. her.. vice pretticiont, end John R. montane High Scbool Northeast High op the rope In 78.6 oconds, but They tying the more. Pchnel. mod fl College. trlaet, Hoopes, Haverford. secretary...ea, andTheteem medal for third. Longstreth. fi, Richt.. Woodsformer R. Woods. frolrenIty of Penney's-oil Per scored the winning points for the Cr.prereend. ..ondandwithGold by road. lo • close Roesec- R.erforh RivideCollege D. willMarch rome ma to limertord 1"Tbe presidents rd the rollegen a dem of 7 4-6 player.. took■ .epertofinHai, the o n Saturday. a mod will nem sabred will appoint nide. repro., delheiro wag third, climbing the length FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM caste. R.. Weide veered the Wiest teen. repreeenting the SOPH-FRESH MEET OFF Pete retiree conferenceend will&mina then ron-of Moorestown mods. F. Campbell 'M. in to !seconds flat. ne forThe onenlmtloo TO MEET NORRISTOWN Sickness et Seohemegre Stara sad Peer who whohas hasIshi beenfour active gymnsetie work r:D Werra The temporary Otters nee yore mof!allege. Me of 19 lean A. Gene. oyle Leatbere. Gettoboraof Chamois Doped as Ability of Teem to Celhillice the Havern conference with the cowbell. boo appointed captain !helmet, Walls. LofRobinent, of After the two elation, Coach Haddleton ford teem. P, and li.end meentarY. Grum:. Tile We. Haverford ban been milted to send decided to postpone the Freshmeo. The freehroan Indoor tr.& motion to • !need.fem., at theram In.n If Noah's nip had been STCA he would 1101 have fiophomore tmek meetituntil later in representative '29 MEET CANCELED will epee no Mirth 4 with Morrietown the tercol/eglate Gymonatic year. Frterserty_ was ***Int.! been interested in finding bandweed of P. Prinotoo. HMI. School. Although the /Rae .d h er February 24. Neither Captain E. The Freshman Mot with WAVT[1., Whik n favorite to win. having been Fox. '26. nor Tallan. of die class of and M. I. T. A lthough fieverford will •detiaitely .beduled foe Meech 10 has been recognised Last year ea the vented-beet late. lean'wehoe been able to compete Atirmie canceled, Accordingtrack to word "rt317TZ I cgtinpriti MtanEri rt: emelt. from the Heverford de • teat In aubmbeit mobs, ioesperieocie n, theyAnether T. fort thisof...Ion pa nment rte.mmoralgit for the !oilmen.= action are n Indoor mote may handicap them to erne probably heree'ime poorUp ninditioo the A thereThe le not all the renege. in t heat Wei.tomaii neemrtr.,. i'v111Hallhr Inatome track teem. to little the Pee.emote the first-rear men and that • some ezteet. Alto, quite a few men, ent held In Philadelphia, -hewn time they hot, team Multi vol be quadded into thews berg or** team ploy theketbett, mod it arot. 0. Ideturday. Starch 27. •doubtful. if they wilt be on heed for lei that time. the meet. Umworth. Bt.., elanIndesk M. H. ROBINSON ma. willof .Captain meetthestiffRammey, ninsmition the BANKSeStritt .pointer Maker of J. R. HOOPES SUGGESTS prone or the find calibre. Copts. Fro., 7** should In the high jump If he on "Good Clothes" hlalownin oath Me lea resin noriderti.Malebo elate Norriatown's Ettablisfad tat rtes jumpers. Showing and Casa.. were g raduated last Juts, TRACK MEET BY RADIO men, PIIILAPILPHIA Every Wednesday No N, marWorld. of tar Ieweight. N. Rem. end The Gift Suggestion Boa have bl trailed Williams and C. C. N. Y. P717132OP,Ire hlnle rthatotes endheueset Pdees Founders Hall the fool. Indone theR Have Sets Necessarrfor dles, bevies 2730-Yerd seconds in bunthe Watches, Clacks, Inver, =0-yard yard Tow. low'. Neither teem in 'Hang Starting InnovatiOn College orchestras and exclusive groups of China, Glass and Nottftiee In ` Mewhiano.i who won latheprobably halt in the thelithinies' Novice Mot En STRAWBRIDGE An innovation In intercollegiate etir 2.17. college people. Prom which mar be wended been bet. let heenb4en .progtetl God.. WalluothreOradoettoo It the freehmon teem on organize &. CLOTHIER by AL.', + the meet ehould b en oleo ...nag. Birthday. rangegieTrieet with : NewElti;I:rfi 1 PHILADELPHIA $1741 -1419 ROUND TRIP one. 'The outcome he, decidedly And Other ova nano. Tilebeen le attempt. influenced ',Deem by the will number of mold withwhich beeby,never before coal /hint &sees tolit.o by the two and if nurceseful. should become testae. to EUROPE the of field manyissett mote in the foorunner future. The mecoorlig limited to'getthecapable inethutioun Which have ▪ On the ships of the Holland-America Line radio GRADE of recelsing 'and ...ding results throughout the hesjdo routes. COLONIAL sailing each Saturday—May, lune, July. There are two iostitntfOrie Haverford at present which hove remuierd ontthe C. ICE—CREAM See your college organiser PRIlealgthies Beet WWI." Beget W.W.I. J. A. VANSANT M.N. want. to bring about the Correct Sportswear meet with WIlliarne, as tide will open rentio. with college in Ineetiordie and Sports Equipment els. vdth whom It ban Monne been de• Pasteurized !ftnn competing. has prt• for Young Men ventedofInHaverford fromnDiet.. meetine STUD R? Clarified llama the pot, bet ow radio pro!, leesTotoetlandate overcame this difticultr. Lumberjacks ThIRD<ABIR Intermit In the form of tholltetltIon It ha. Mee euggarted MILK Sweaters Knickers Assocumo 17rkbge'1dont! 7,,'.:7:11r Windbreakers Quality Made Us the expense o! traria., Highland Dairies, Inc. tetiott for sea •entire team and at the Skating Shoes Quality Keeps Us Going same time will girt the • more .mItetitive &Ivor. Eachcontest came. will Caps Skates 758 Lancaster Av. have • elms. to entertain the more men tXma ler Neal coin. in A Mitch HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE, 24 State St., N.Y. Hockey Sticks Pfne. Bas Bram Wm" squad htil"toVtoiletVI* ."" Will Not loin Until Steps Are Taken to Prevent Subsidizing sad as infested 171,11 A OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE WABQ Plans More Varied Broadcasting Programmes Lectures by Faculty Members and Musical Recitals Distinctive Features RUMSEY erma-an as Wks= I am S.M.-Mama le Dna 1. Rem.. Mame Illoregary, nnellete tINOSOnt Neat, P, m-amwsi arsenate. Uttar Mies he Amiss Ilse ems. leaded Mebane to the We thews mem, grtm water. late. aad Terime ttsta. ELECTRIC COMPANY Elgeutio Depglies mod Meeidison Ennui*, in RAD. — A aeries of lecture. to he delivered Lo radio sudienms from the Nadia of the Haverford College Radio Club by member. of the College faeuity Ls the leMet feature •rramed ter the WABQ radio P.M..... The liret address of this aerie. sem broadcast from WABQ on Februare 19 by Dr. William W. Comfort, Pr...dent of Hmerford College_ Dr. Coro. fon make on "Education] Commdeform.' Jahn R. FlOOPee. '21. Alamo] Secrete.? end Creating Manager of Athladen, 101 deliver the second tell of the eerie. from tb. ELmerford ens. Elio let eight o'clock thin meeting. Mr. Hoopes will speak on 'Totten. Placement Work.' stressing the mlationt Of the alumni to this phew of collate Dome Pmlitter to Speak Dean Feederick Palmer, Prof...or of Pim.las, km been !teemed to .peak at eeven-thirty 00 Mood.). emoted. March 9 Dean Palmer win letter. on °Mink: Plemant and Ortplemant" with particular emphaeis on the phielini be. of the musical scale. A novel Deere of this radio lecture will be the demonstrattons which will ,mede bebe used to illustrate the Point in the address. Appereem Iron the Physics Laboratory will be mad itt byeadmeting different variation. in the ing of the Glee Club was partied., le appreelated. Tale wee the wend mucert of the Emden! Globe TO be pot on theeir title year. The programme given at the Haddon Hall Hotel, on February O was breedeant from etatlon WPG. The miectlms broadcant from the Hmerford media last Monday evening were the woe outs risen at the three prenieve Mecert. On Friday. February 25, a Welts Mignon reprodueing plena wee used in hroadosetIn[ en afternoon concert peer WABQ by epeeist errmigement with the &Jeff Pimo Company. ThIe plain will be loaned by the filled Company for Molnar canner. from thee to time. Yleli• sad Plena floellel At eight o'clock a Idaho recital by Stuart esker, '25. accompanied by Homed McGowan, '26. at the piano rein p. w anwen gun. orwu breentra• Mad err= TerlSal.. era numbs at um sew a win* Sinn at ow wino saga s knee. um r. tie, cor mad eve. mew. Roam H.. al Ow eesela. 'Mies Mown et nu pones. 1111107 7. P. It-tmesm sr me. mud. . 1..twerms4 Mints: oaelseme." Mom memonpnal dareeadantWon cm a. nog. rine an Wan randier. enne mums se M.. le-bolzon theatre. lama mem. erma •mem r.M.t. mune awaw emes1e. IMAM sumo at UN pima. Letter of Alumni Finance Committee Explains Work of Association D. H. WEST Plan your Insurance If you will put as much thought into the selection of your inns,. once policies an you do into the purchase of your golf dubs, you PREP SCHOOL EVENING ATTRACTS FORTY MEN Prospective Students Are Entertained and Interviewed Provident Mutual r BUDGET REPORT SENT OUT TO TARDY ALUMNI PHILADELPHIA indent Menial Old Age Endow Dr went policy taken as now will Plissamobt ARDMORE. PA. Plunuellse 1.34 lky• llawr liampasi 1.17.1•110NNI2 ABIOtIOINS REMIT B. WALLACE CATERER AND COMMONER Wayne lid llrya Mawr give you comfort and independence in fix lirEr yews of your The Master Shirt and Blouse Co. life. 1308 N. 3rd St, Phil. Kurtz Brothers ARDMORE E. D. MANUEL Cat FloOdS. Petted Planta Final Auennewelm Ale0 Canaria owl Geld Meg -sonar ARMOND OM LEADING SPECIALISTS In YOUNG MEN'S sou. flomeio RemmOimim, Plehmalmbeer liotoensdfl000eol Bea II34.1116CPMSTPILIT STREET PHILADELPHIA C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE WE DELIVER Telephotos AnIsoore 1372 Vettarloin Fuel Company INCORPORATED Ifseealweeof THE FLOWER SHOP 1411 CHUMPS( STREET arrAaLum thee !Maoism COAL AMMedle 4344 Welghtuu 11411111ag Edward K. Tryon Company M. H. ROBINSON Official Outfitters for Maker of The Havorford Collage Football Town "Good Clothes" Showing Every Wednesday In Founders Hall SPORTING GOODS 912 Chestnut St, Phila. TEAM DOWNS TEMPLE THEN LOSES BY 1 POINT awlLa ale arm r mot. • first emer-temer tremoltser ALUMNI NOTES A.... of mgesomowar rommuner ENTRANCE EXAMS BAD OPEN DISCUSSION AT "Y" Ez Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave„ Ardmore The World's Loudest Voice On the rolling plains of South Schenectady, in several scatttuerd buildings, is a vast laboratory for studying radio broadcasting problems. Gathered here are many kinds and sizes of transmitters, horn the short-wave and low-power sets to the giant super-power unit with a 50- to 250-kilowatt voice. g o ARCH STREET 1007 will have molt time to use the golf dubs in yourold age.APto, m i irro.rngd Tolh.70:i?ntlet17,7 cvi, web. two of the feature nunthere of the pro• gramme. The eIndian Lore CO° we. CiMed he reemet. Tina recital was Mtlosed by piano whom Oiled by Bob. ert Bame.20, red Cheats Thome.. .27. Harry Demented sewers] popular Meows among regent °Dinah.' and 'That Certain Wedding Wedding by Grieg and ople of Th Mee two numbers played by Thompson. ompson. The lint proethmme by alamei will be btoadmet at eight o'clock this Forty prospective Fiererforttlene were Dough., Osman, 25, will 0100 r receired be the Student ExteeeMo Com• ID..Raton M. Jones, Protector of pr.. ""ibg.rf.=.1:1:f fe l mittee and undermadnate body on FriPhIlosolgrgd author .of eee4r steep by Wiley. &baba. and Terkel, day eventhe end were entertained at 0 '25 Trio. The IDt 'Friday. r=ast freer P.1.1fC;o.on cohere mad the Nittbleabera beaketintri March 12. Th5s will be an mneval M176 u tr sane be their hoeta. They strived portanity to hear De. lone. over the . own ` many tore of it. programme.. Met before the evening teed and were radio m he km turned down N. Plato C.D. revious .queento broadcast from met either by thaw steeleete loss. Edward D. Seeder, ProIn addition to the Mermen in power them or gradaated from the mote peep pCher station. tenor of English hue arranged to lac. of Ito Natio. the Raclin Clob Is COUnt. wheel, or by member. of the Extenore from the Plaverford studio on ieg on the arrival of the greed Moe Committee. Moab, }Drat 15. Neither Dr loom piaindefinitely no loved to the new Her. ve nor Mr. Snyder hoe aunounced his ford Mediu the StMff nem Com. The entire middle portion of the diebas subleele Yet in1room we reeemed for the high mm Suoossafal Gemmel Th up. mem/ fellow. eent the allege Men Who One of. the roost emenegul oth- take e °f the h< accompanied them. After the meal er.... put on the air be WABQ this tight formerly emel by Ike Club In thaw who had entered their nemea ear was the concert broadest& from broadcasting. Only one thins more is meded at future undergraduatee were taken to ythe studio bast llonday evening by the present to elm the ChM a fully equip. Eleverford Colleee 1mnlral Club. end 11101 nee draperies the Union where they were Meet-viewed Over thirty lettere bare been received Vol to by President Comfort nod Della Palmer. by the Radio Club, some of them from to give the proper stemmed. properties for weorate hroadrambig. A nets Other emn.oe were emerteined In the as Her as Elates and Montreal is set of draperies aueh as is needed wank) Canada, nommeodlug the work oe the rmtos of the uodergraduates to whom met m the nmehborhood of forty dol. Musicel Clubs end &teeming to the ea• 'bey were .reigned. cram, of the proersume The aiugAttend Basketball Game The whole Contingent of eerowdery• echo.: men atmaded the basketball Joins wr,th 31phieeherg. end were Kenn, received in the dormitories for retreehmen. and 'hull ang.Sill0.8" before leerCen.urel from MR 1. column 5 fee the mile... Tee ermine wee chief. Ir made g summit through the mt. Gimes Shot Win. elminflIgn of the Ea. Tee wronds to plar when the of J. Wei. referee towed op the bell. Sorel& tension Committee. J. It. Hoopes. honky Garnet guard smtehed leckert Alumni Secrete, set the Committee tapoff and mode heeded .,rme itself. Of the fifty men invited e little shot et the Inmehboaol Mom tml-lioor. forty responded to the invitetion The lima goo went off as the bell Mil of th e nOCIONIttee arid Melted the rem. At, The toed mooted ref temegh l the game me. Thie was in mooed with the policy Lawson wson Muh sar, lugh ',corer of the game of the sinless to put Into effect the eye1 goel. end eicht me. A letter by hen eent out to all with four 8.1, let° of interviewing modidetee for mi. alumni who hove mot mapmeted the Menden. amocistio,.. work by the Fimore of ten free throws The whoae beet represented were 1,enon• Committee durine the past week. II --rnrmar Lower Merton fifth. Weettowo co.-aloe p budget showing the deand Lansdowne High School. The Wee, partmenm of the work of the •semi moo men were taken rime of be the do. the distributim or the contribuWestfalen Clete All the wheats who tion. received w far, and the need foe tied members et the 'Prep School Ereslightly less then, 32000 to earmilem noormard, rowsevarg Sfeleillan. Bee. 1,-e Mote ate In the neighborhood of Phil.the year's program 1. September 1. germ. hleh.Nr for delphis eon few ...bore stayed over Ifanninney far Le:ern 1928. Nententne, nrIhnne tee IN,Lern n ight. Through the mnerosny of a senior The Student Exteusien Committee ember of the Finance Conunittee,,the desires to expects its appreciation of expense of time committeesoliefitng the 1,01, zi,Leti it by the member. of Nippon from the elution, au item of Lngol1 7. the student bode. Plena are being eoneI60 has been covered. TMe moires Font gone-- Loon I, natren ',deem] fora similar affair during one IL immible for all contribodons reTtmetenonr-Illeharduea of the .prior ammo day.. celled from the imdtvieloal alumni to Nefen--Iler[oo1 be devoted to the contemn... work 0.0 the ....rialto. and no pert of the Poottowd Immo Pan 1. nvINNeN contributions will bete to he epportimed to the raceme of sollritiag 0o0 Ilaverfortre %blur, avenged the eaIi0, John A. LeKter her ea article port. ten period defeat mitered Del PeAr I the Hilt Scluoml inagesine describing Six Deeertmente et the bands of the university euur, Thework of the Ainumi Asemie• 17gg aim, incidentally. the b it mtvela IN EOM*, with especisl Don is divided Into mil departments. fourth triumph triumphout of eve Marie on the emph..1. on Pompom oolueetiouel Extension work Includes tonal by the home door. The Scarlet and Black method.. secretary end entertaintrumte with the 1.....ret to win a content an foreign 14. Bearer K. Richardson ell aid of the Undergreduam Entenei-011 territory. Loran end Garrett perHarerford et the humored. Committee, The Publicity Department fnmted mmlweld.r. together accounting pe .tee mronxh the elrea0lS of Ike for thirty point.. Krafttaki end or Prmident Feeleele Rutherford Hem. Staehowaki entered far Temple. A thon. of Brea.; Polytechnic Institute new s oo rst ,.i eT e e e pen e notable feature of t he game was Hee- on Pride, March 12. et Peorie, 011000., snd t on u ni fn shove the re miptpa erford .. ennring 21 out of 29 foul above Es•.17. Arthur Crew Duman to the Ineterforel took. Alumni Day and the MId.Win. novel. Anmericao Sillsonettee,^ pnbno thin .of . ter Dinner conetitnte n tint, division ..satin of the amodation work. lished hr E. P. Dutton and Co. One of the moat Imports. depart• '2I. J. McG. Baker, formerly with Inenle of the Alumni gaseeletion itt the . itellarn the Ben Numeric... at Lencaster. ie eqem. .: nunetinnOnsc Iliaverfer•-...non tn.- Vogel 0 y7"no7lbsTa'il:t1 laTerarrml.e1rieT,'terephror 01TOdoll-. i! ia,:e d lci.r.7,17:..,:r4 At ...en fin' t,oges.......0 ere. expemme.. The dietribetion nesse, la.. new Penway, Fenn, no News to the alumni uoder the woe ter mamas. yemm Jyroe. K the Williem Penn Highway, Royersbone plan end miscellmeoue expenne le n M M II o ford. Just ebnve Collegeville. Ili. met. complete the deuartmeete of tha mg- Fin al M-O Nn rre, 0 Wee 1. eremon s. nth., adder. is Peewee. Perm, RoyersItnremird eacintim. rhorlenweld riaNne Y. Haft. ford, Penney-Mania. Born /nun, inch Charles A. Brinton is tenehing Tlenegn. VOW methemetbs le the thearthmom High Thono• Delelrerae0 nerel. Rain Elbe, School end In tieing at MO filehlaked nett. MO.. emu.. Inralestl. avenue, Morton, Pemsylverda. ' 2,Naf WON, from pass 1, column 1 'men. MeMesorr-ebeherasos. rm. st Howard Colnfott, la MIDI.. talon with B. B. MacDonald, of Miremno represeetative of the Inetitution. nerfe•-70 Wetted. retard Sehml, will direct an The Waverterd Legs In Progress tour through Europe next summer. e As toelowices of Ileverford, failure itinerary for the -trip Deltutes France. to keep hi touch with progressive Italy, Greece. Crete,. the Balkan movement. mllege circle. Mr. Prue- On. Willine and Tweedy Beaked be States. Austria, Hunger,. and GerSINak it Later Dates licher cited the fact that the a.m.:. :1:11 e,..12;, atead from Julie 25 eem not neprenenterl at the Wellman -Whales wrong with the currieu. Postern Colleges held lttY., is floe queetion to be discussed Cooference 71, Elul TaL is eradyine medilast fall for tbe conelderedion of at the week], Y. M. C. A. meeting this cine at Jeffermn Medical School, Tenth Wedneaday night. The roanagemeot its and Reiman street.. PhiladelphD. retool looking forward to a rem Um* discuste entrance eolely throogh sion eod Loa exPeeMed e de.ire to tilt College Board Examinations. have conetructive criticiem voiced, in At • business eemion of the Foos- pure at team, by the participant.. dere ChM preceding Mr. Proelichees The emakere for the followim Iwo addrese. be wee elected to member. se me announced In the but ship It the deb. The resignation of Mews, Mews, arm Dr. Wildman, heed Of the Mr. Thorium H. Kesmex. me teem- (Men. Department of the Philadelphia neer, wee eccepteci. and Mr. Clarence Public School.. end Dr. Tweedy, of the eppoInted me- Yale Univeraity Divinity Rebook empee.1. Laubs. ceed him In °Bet. tivIr. MacDonald & Campbell Pram the studio of WOY in Schenectady. Mg mike from the developmental station, them may be controlled • great number of transmitters one of which la the lint mrper.pnwer tramodeter in the world. WOY, together with Me ageocie eteehlEGA of Denver end EGO Of Othland,lethceentrellfime4 ComPanY't assurance to the Ameriempublic that radio be main. bromism/Mg Minedupon the highest standards. neat A new series of Oa advertise. mentaehowingwhat electricity D doing he many Pride win be mot on regiment. Ath. for booklet GEE-1. Super-power and simultaneous broadcasting On several wave lengths from the same station are among the startling later-day developments in radio. And even with hundreds of broadcasting stations daily on the air throughout the land, these latest developments stand for still better service to millions of listeners. Only five years old, yet radio broadcasting has developed from a laboratory experiment into a mighty industry. And alert, keen young men have reaped the rewards. But history repeats itself. Other electrical developments will continue to appear. And it will be the college man, with broad vision and trained mind, who will be ready to serve and succeed. ENERAL ELECTRIC UBPIRRAL, ELECTRIC OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE COMPANY. ICHENECTADY, NOW TOR