SEW AND RAO 9sLe-e5, - 40,
• - 40, - ▪ - 9sLe-e5,- VOL rail_ HAVERFORD BOARD-OF MANAGERS BANS AUTOMOBILES 01000,0 SEW AND t 'I I I 111 11 RAO Reed.. AINnW te Keen Can Of Ctn..: Slonel• Eaelealall • coder • ruling, adopted.. the Meerd of Mann agers of the college at their feet weed., *tyrants resident of Haverford College may no longer keep 00 the mum.. This ac• floe me taken, It as explained, because Of the unsightly appearance that malty of the care made on the coffer. erotrada Stedman living at home ••re pernlit, tea 10 ashamoblies in cornmeautiog to the conege, but nre brought on the green& Oft that purpose un07 met perked on the drinway. The •pa. behind Founders Hall I. exelusively to be used for meth perking. As interpreted, the Rom'• reline tel not forbid istaki.t etadents to have sotomobiles it they are net oN the MINIM. Pnittititpt" itaLV-'" Unanimously. TWO PROVISOS ATTACHED PA.. SEPTEMBER 27. 1926 (AND WAYNE) NUMBER 16 MEMBERS, CLASS If 1930 IIAS WI AND PROMOTION EIGHTFORNEW FOUNDERS CLUB SEVEN NEW MEMBERS SEVENTY-06NT MEN REGULATIONS COME ADDED TO COME Ten Fewer Than Last Year's Only One Re-exam Allowed; FACULTY THIS YEAR Rhinie Class; Exchange . New Grade of F - Student From Germany •i With an enrollment el 202. live more than last year, Iwo dines IMoWint • decree., end two to lemma., 14r.10.1 opened Its ulaMithird 000x7 Mot Thursday monies. Senember The freabte., with tementy-eight etodeuts, have ten tem than hurt y.e'• record Rhin. dee. and there sr. thirteen fewer Senior. tide year than ....e were this lime Wt per. Sine pee cent. of the college la smearred in the two lower cheeses. Then ere fear Ina mphomere. than BMW., end Mae./ Ina Sodom thee Juniors. Pow ChM Slmiesde There are leer theadtate S0 0. me whom six Bet nee- Three of this four having been endents et rein.a lest term. CiPe exchange othdent, Dodo Germany, the French OP of Instituted Bp • new reline of the administration. the renladam governhig reexaminational for defies.. entire!. have bees made considered, more severe. OM .the oPPortneiti. for the removal of conditions, thatwere formerly offered Jarman, Aprir and September, tbaest will be only *De bet of examinations held in Sentamber. linfrediately previous to the opening of lmind of Flee From ••11 71n. From '22 Elected In dna Meeting Five 113. 000w the stem of 1928 mod three from the dam of 1927 won elected to Founder. Club at the last Ideetitat of that OraanillatiOn. Mat Jew. The requirements for election coniet of two moon nod one valor postai. in eetra-merienie activity, in addition to an enrage of at lust eightY for two year+. The members of 311. with their makm. are: Hebert Barry, Editoein. Chief of the Heerforliani Pram. F. Ceranbell. amine. Manseer of the News: Donald Baker. Captain of Cricket; Edward Eisphurts, laseager of F.tball. and Being. Whither of the Nees; Merle M. Miller, Udder rat the Instrument. auk (bide. of Tootof Barthel. and Bpoon Mae. Tbo. Inca '21 are: Joha Forest.. Beene. Manager of the Nem mid of the Came Record; John Label, made of Tem., ZdefteeIn-ehlef of the Clams Record. sod Manager of the Play; S. B. Regent. Manager of Soccer, nil President of the Y. M. 0. A. Dr. Fritz Marti Takes Charge of Rufus Jones' Courses in Philosophy DR. BABBITT ON LEAVE One of the efoet drastic among Severs new teen here been added to erne' propose. at Haverfarti will be the fecally for this year. A. might be aellintted to the Faculty for anon,. ...meted all of three .0 net mai this Week whey the pope. for onthem - for e.t.avn away on estheflakad eon will be digressed at a tic-al term. nor being as actual InFecolty meeting. Th. change has alcream le the facilities of the college • Id addition to thie chaene, a new ceded unsealeronaly before reedy for inerrectionCw esthete new bnneh grade of P Ia. been Wellhead. Tide the 111.6110F Amociation, ad abets of .tow bee been started 17 M. morn meth ie given when Ike combined es. oely the eiection of the administration in Us. iffirtth. toot Appreciation of eminemn mod recite. end. .r • to Nam I an accomplished fort. an.. in MAY Me. tamed by Mr. Alfred J. Swan One none tab Woe per de hest few yens there has of New York. thirty•dee foe Arabian dr Ma for Imed:meadilerthle agitation. In mile.Sophomore. Juniors sad horologe. A The roan. of Protease Jonas are In Weer.. the imilitution of nine being taken by Dr. Frio Marti. -Dr. nadent remising this mark In • sobow. Slowal eat Wow.. for upperMarti Is Pain. He has • epee.. net Will ma be permitted to tan • Preetleally all ef the nyesh kMwkdo. a Relish au the mam bo rio. *mg renamed, however, inn. 170 Pete rooming evamorodationa have rmelarolnation. but mot repeat the been made. it stftl Wing merry for crane it the coarse tidied in not • ded the Wiring* to than Julian and • the of belie equainted three or tour Medea. to occupy • onite rend. Wisner. the modest may sob neenee. who were able to etteth ad with some ancient Manama. Before effete smother le leepthcee f.marlY. La bled. Rood in thin hall have bemanta. • certain high average of ter., he field of Phll.ophy be proved 111.1000. A110•01 es - E finds come 00 desired mod so onebteleable minlaresip. The Dean we peopmes himself a 0,000 proficient student of 1/ • etudera reeeivee a grade of 1 to rant tba freedom to an umrthat Do frealiewn end only Iwo MM.motheotid. •d tram fifty to thirty-fire for Freehmen with der entitle.. exits morn hare been able to get tam. clasert., regard.. of geed. .0th Dr. Maul Fn. F 'ngi'"Warr d'i or renew., wit be reedy for me.twig adding traditiall• Ware ink h. msd teem 4rt7a fitly for timer two Cedirtitgle Insehed, `-•-• In Switzerlasd, Dr. Marti tram a dithe Middle of Ono., ato when North Herder emsed to be • elameren-he la eistlekci to Ole one Peen • TWO 0000111 rector of organ./ et..a la the Eli brat of Htq nee d. that mu cording . att tuanouncement h1 Fred- "lithinle Hearne tool when the Bartley reexaml.tica, instead of re* ee woe c s iti l telle. l,... of that comfy. He yam Aro con•he Una. the Pro new imme- dn. Comfort.. The college eedlinthm Tower coned to be mooned be upper ftreterl* data. If this le fai ed. the an officer in the ifisies A... He colae diately peteetifyr and- the ten dege hatt lea mettergaho eltentle. .1000 Meagan. Sour Freshmen sow live creme 17.111 be remand. se ohne. to Flaverford after • year's t.thing untedalely folawIng Weed. Tie eIle* Mond Lo Ju.. The new den- in the top Boor of Centre Haiti.). There bee aleo been a in the geeleare in thla country 01Gonelser Impede. ghee the wan were added to make the MB pmpromotion requirement. after Irma, Weed end Due to the efforts of the Astronototwon year. • Instead of . avenge of Dean the right- to envoi. Mn Sam to the State fire law. which last eel DePa*Matat, heeded by Pthfe.or 200070 Work le being carfine in wk.... the prollear oar year were the cause of the condanniaea.- ea bentofore required Sapio- H. Wile., end the kindnessDr. Albert of fraud Moen moot now attain au nem. of of the College, the filsrerford enema- ried on by De. Harry Witham Nand; a Ilea of the auditoria. ter Palle Pe. .O7 node. ley Pled.Mee•• • Wide in order to he oroMoted to tory la we in better condition than it fieseefoed gaduate of the Masa of Mi. doe TM. .em. e.t.d.. latem101 formance. 'C... Roar ea Merl Attn... The Ada sanding. A So...ft who Ia. Nee tomvered year.. Thin year Dr, Stud made an when. remold to net as . - shah me then Meknes The semio noel. of the hall reIt will he one. for the use of the ea- while an .dergradvate making both Tear; liemeterers Rent Late Hears bite to ertrain thin average and who who thew a tender" teem. the lib- mains the aawer.eltboagh it Wes domed ier,. men clew Monde evening from The es.1 nesumenalol attempt to Faueder./eful and Phi Seta lisp. erty elkwed the. if the plea meted. et Int that pert af.the Wmpy woad more then two fel.. May TAO to 0.00 &elect. amanita the immune Wales took Roth talamaps• are now to nod or- to hie jneior year. He w. alma • memprivilege of tett. re-namietthare to be demolished...Um pima ate Ian Weiland*, nide. a a* 11.161,..Am two nee.. to *bleb he der. The old dome has been pot to ber 01 the Cep and Bella Clot •111Bikatitsee, as •BIOW arthiewit ard dewed Ito former amellekte &don to tin work., wear by Mc NAM. A -mat, 110o - 1a0eatte work t n lner, am,m e - lo-indieutelemr race.. the 10vreet end... providing dtirinn clerk hes been attached to hewn .. tin Harvard Ones. .10 be tint the eetearance of the build. tbe Men man" aod tagrobwe, the pre. thew pod. are better than ver by two men. Ha damn on 1eF. shiniore o/d tekwrope and the dock ow the new onented to the Students' A.m.. b. from the ladle bee Dot hems ma. lieni.rles rHr year were teethe. ento be promoted to Senior etendlne. Dud Inetroment has been repaired. These ag fought by Dr. Rd.. R. Thar. lion et it• het nerting -lent to dammed hem. by the ton.. of • "crew cloth ere not only emend. to most Jr. and Me work at the infirmary It wes worried the' rdigonel of the Senior to grei.te. mold attain leer kindle of rematch work. S.W. Knits reee"-flee letentioa of an voterprieing but are nemesbody wIthmet..• diemintleg rote. . .gee of .0000100. The MAN re-ezanshm. is', weo efoleisre the heave. to any he. thedied by Dr. Taylor, who Inn At the extreme ea. of the niter) ps¢o manufartneer. helped him there, doe to Dr. Taylor'n m now doe accorded them •• mender.. number of peen*. 17aki0itelf eats,' thanes, not , stain..0 the width of the tenon The real entertainment, however. other tulle. be has found it aeonp en -of •thso saanatio. are Been to Nil Sophomore. &wow who fall to Gra*p• n laded „f san to change office hours at the inCogitate. emirate. bare ben ...treated, lee.. dorm to began at eboot ten-thIrty and herd in x is the intention of the heron... firmer, erranging Most of the two ve•tibules and door. one.. same ones until late There., more- make exty-five. Formerly it wee but amid. Cads kle work "be..there right after hoses. the aide ties of the yaeoftg., kW lathier' and on either aide of the mon. l. 1.00.1 Porno, se Men by those necessary m ,Maio • combined 1 '11.D:rsors=?4,r10°„,: ' ';.10. aft! MS. the first time the it he Who loot beneath the rough exterior of semen for the bun two ye. in 00 end group. of /students to the ob• Directla below the ends of the balmily, ben Mablaitted to the Stodeete-..and ToMntrineWelas• Creal" .. ..Dep order . to andoste. ar A tin a". ent•hes of loreeplay. amatory wee to to uncover examlue Rhinle the heanoe doors Lem been rut through the side Fetal. Nth definite action. reel, of five dollen ter each nemm- through a teleenne. Thie undertaking been added Mr- Prederak If. Wheeweb f. no bundle,. forniedee two talent alone taroks!, operatic, theetri•• be • saleable piece of student ex• led, a graduate of Harvard in lb. tee comae re-exandisetion and a floe. W. Wheekoeh is trickily' Latin FL the eilditional exits for the dosthenin esti, gymnastic aod !rile lines. UN4SUAL ten.. work. MOO{ very different lion five dollars per seawater bon for refrom that done by the Student Exten- owner in Cicero owl Veep', end bee e ate one - motion of both Latin I and LApeeked emirs. will be charged. sion eon.... In the front of the building, of the A eeleered group of twenty-Ave oevr tin 0 Dering Me. Poe'. sheen. in the foot of the wide stale...., to the or. broke on Astronomy hes been ordered, need yeah be will bee the Greek AB Wier Reelpiewto pines "A^ &mare mate eorridan and as avreral of them are of pop. r court* het been col Hereford Feetball Ceaelli to Atkin. Dr. J. G. Fortin has Wen appointed gmeiipm; thoe Jahn Tie 'tenet they will be put be the College lisetractor PIM Meet. 1 Two Zaino, with aver.. lands* to right end left, extending through 1 Chemistry for the year. Hervey J. Harm. will he the speakto • honlredila at . pant oen effsolg to the exterior of the betiding sod re env of the increared value of the He is takiaa both Organic aod those recert. Clothonition Selschet- forming two <etre/Wm.. or tete er at the firet Y. M. C. A. meeting. Somme Teeth. Pr... Carried theematory It wan deemed wthe to dis- • wort. the latter Mending the hips this yew, J. T. Evans ud R. for to tooth of the crowd. which will be bald in the Union his courage forted amendby fastening Qualitative Anly ' 0. by Kee.. Genthelt. Sao. holding unmet ad and avenge. of 0.511 for Dr, Forbes HvGIII Ph, D. Meduesay evening. -Coach- Haman Semen-Gm Men bee greedy en• heavy screen. of steel win in the winheir Bolliorno. Yolk ha tint' emit- mate in tin men part of the enditordow. Amother improvement effeCtel Dr. Forbes grachmted from the Crab leo. Them wets planed to relied ie • 1922 graduate of the University of feted for the ch. of '31 ripcord'. dad. the ettemer, which le likely to vermin of blaaluttentwanth tent De we. la t"rth wi the Deechoing... were senteded for the clan the tonge•tion Owen present on the Pitterergh. For three :ear. he mos to Jon R. Hoop. 21, slum. mere. prose of roniderable help to entree. g000 of B. A. to 192), and received of 1170. Of the other three the tint one of the stew. of Pittsburgh tan, who is an ex-Officio member of le the new coat of paint in the dame. his Minster's degree from the taro eightetenthe of 'a front staircases. ltd third were teams that email In the fire k the firodeet Extent. Committee and which is . olio bteck, minimizing the .- university in 1922. He held • minter! It 4 probable that • stidewalk will be aoint of one erother. noyance of reflection. ship, awarded the Research Cowamong eastern colleen. For the win trk. eomplete charge of ...toffee,. wadi An.osnal condition exies in the befit. nearly encircling the betiding. to en of Cenecra for thee years lissaarob work Pia.. Me. Senor Cl.... all four of them min- e tcd me amnion to tisem new en- fire lesson. Hannan ha. coached feet. riming the Kummer moven. Qui. a little reseercb work Is like. GfU University. Montreal, and recdived ball at Heverford with ever humming .'. the toluilarsilla having ..A" everTbia number ie only five abort of hm Pb. D. from there in 1926. Hie trance. The entire to be login undertaken of the this year. While nen for the necese. The sulthect of the sddren the Ilmit aet for the (mobilise don Oily oho eh., a remerch work done for hie doetorbs plane for thim are fee from completion. the *event., recipienm was in this e ase ha. been rennished and cleered. has not be. Announced. one' be ahead of last year.. early maim degree wee done node, Pref. A. R. melon. Alumni who in plant.. to it I. likely that during October and No• Meath., an authority of interment, 1.07, Pt.r. 39, obtaining an eve- Providing greater room for menery and fire proof honing for the same. The enter their eons in the clan of 31 ere %ember pert will he taken in • vrorid al inftencence on biociarmietry. th from lighting of the stage he al. been "%nal. and illa ire, both seed to do so immediately as the ellot- longitede determination whirl ia being The depsrtmeet of Howson.* Lannerid on ell our [be world with the Germano. Fri.:1604 7100 fire meth of room. Is made in order of en. aid of very accurate time signal. sent guage. ha is MOO Wiled [Detractor. Annd third etholaredes resceptittly to nitration end the number of Iththie eo. out from Arlington anti other etation. other Haverfard gradoete, Mr. Ale.n. he Freshman Cl.... Westerman.of from beldnd will he more adequate than tries 0. limited, It is en hoped that Dome double titer der Jardine Wrillemson, having been B...0101. High Sch.1, wee awarded before. La addition to the routine extension othameretnents emy Repreesele l•ht•ere” *I hielleee We...Wed to hen President Comfort he erode. the wood, aw Abernethy,. of Mernrsithemed Rams t d.( F.. Jectreeing 6.010405 I. ene ...ether Pron.e the ese of and Peon hare the f° rob. Il kenolfs =re 19g s The deed. Mena nap. hy the the observatory an Monday esening. Tin Haverford News pose reprew.• Corporation Scholarships ere award. who fail' to ware tutor. e, it is to be understood trot no Deepen Cap and, 1. likellhood. be- ed , . • nanally, to the foe member* of come mann. by Jam. W. Ina Baker, the make., TT, editor• exemtheione, mono la being made, bat that As entrance to the the ...nnan Vans , ech of elm three Masa Ida dieribeted literature on e on will tot be Open again until le-chief, et tin National Student Forlake . averierg Drawls Real.. Mak. to awrt har th t College to • member of the nest cleat Monde. eMerbtVeeit1e1 f0 :11 "theb:atett: um Conference in Joureslient held et Henrforti and to ate/ror broom. Grafi *OHS Appllen•l• fortyhine ho • who won the American baring the bight. aye - ot the betiding and another apnea& Bridgerreter. Connecticut. Ise Tune. Tenth Awe of • week • trip Gerald Cl Oros., 'N, la oncr located me to the I° It ham been built leasing from the nee on their entrente e.mination. se Washington. 13 C.. where he i Fifteen colleges in all sent deleted ffeti-Cent;o 0 1. in litate meter. ansten Itself. A eaah room luse bete M.7;ragewees, Mla Mar sonar, edin chargefohe t departme .nt o eshed hobo and a he door placed in ts, the anneal conferee., which win tthe he Fere Rumen of W ender en an Enell moe of the boys had bees chOs• Lama the tell OPPAISI between the demising held for the IMMO. of showing the Perferting • &eke for radio . ffed 06 room. and the miler of the auditorium rend. of Modent problem. to dm en for hie qualltia of leadership sod Wane First Tear we 01 him I • Lib- cone. of airplane. Last tering h othe/amle ability, botepnid 00retired the highest grade of 107 erty fad 0.111•44 OPPart•afift leation w. paid to thorn who bare not The exact cost of to attentions I. cones* new..., the eneel hundred applicants wh not known definitely, hot en..00 to AnoBtial welcome 1.18 extended to were required to take a specie' exam Wendell ond afternoon mesh.. were 7th completed their high school eame. Keeley To:. '28, chairman of 1.1. the t000neng Rhine last Tharsda, nation. a one-half the Mine oted of th. conducted daily by llongla. Haskell. and was the ooly eve to secure 16.1 .00) kkodent Extent.Committee, MI* editor of the New Student, in • re- Ocomeet1 that the other melded of the moWing by Dr. Willtam W. Comfort. a position with the goverment. Mar Harerford college preaident, at the Grose eation manager of th modeled ham neer Bridgewater. seWad will b. 1,.1100 fumed.. lint morning mansion of the year. Heerford we. broadeastine Matf011 and lected the permanent home of the next week following a cooference with Collection was held in the Y. lf, 0, A, bllakalm manager of The Haverfordhe Bowen and Webster, 37; Student Aa- room of the Union idled of lidera Lost war. U.. Creed. Thee.. NhM aa hhhforenee. ihreolaf ediresse. wen aorntion president_ It is expeeted that Haile acount of alteration. now Rellettli Vane in Miami, ha editon of noe of the germ members. will he appointed to being made In the Latter butklinth r Crowded into the hig reception rare heading menalnee sod newepepers of mt.e on the committee, sod that the Dr. Comfort particular", wend the 0001001 00080 l of the Union, • number of Harerford the Fast and noted writer. k will be orgaeled lint year men .a.that abuse of the genet. Thersday eight made up • 7V111 Vasa new erty which will come to them A feelers of the conference was • fraction of the vast throng ofdio as college mindenia, ans1 reminded then ra lraea-a m imam fain who watched the "Battle of the trip made by the delegatea throogb the that liberty "hoe • habit of gett.... A. Loam.. Mash. &ante through the ejai. between one's of the reth0 Went of the New York WMd st the end tripping Wm mae a T men. a announcer' st the of the request of the managetnem. The dete- Alined AN., .111 Mimed Me Hod UP! arXnagMLY T. e0 0. A., la to The opportunity for mental, pridDerene-Teney fight. for the hese- nte were also gents of the New • ferressher 19. OM.. 7, Emmy 7. Human e. and epirlinal development offered weInht championship of the world. York World at a one November 13 h. tentatively been set by Haverford sras stretr.d in Dr. Uen.clelfted Bhbder and tWeilled Nen year the News will probe., aernalthg-asarse wok Maya, mt Seniors heened In *hence side by lode be represented by two men at the ett a de e for the Football Dance for Comfort, who emphatheed the necessthis 7.y. Am in former Tetra it will ity for each all round growth. home. 10 the deecrlption of the • onnal conferee. In be held le the G)) and will t o He also pointed Gm that the Deer. fight width saw • neve champion WM= VI= Ater member of the News board hat flan Moe feclatk until ford midnigbt. entem of education is pertIcularly croweed• and chard loudly when the who gelded MOSI01T-711... Iteard. amity. 7. further newnaper eate- Twelve dames will probably be on the valuable to the man who athlete his final derision wes annomesed. An op- ries. daring_the mumner wes David IranheIDAT-T. M. b. A. M P.R.Istme. No are_heatre has ea pot eons. In en amateur rani. end.. 8, Medley, 'W, who warked for then mt. elThed, and other dealt. of the 0.100. v. nein' to and the work for which he Carr-AY fiYhrttlat nth. az • reporter oe the Chester than wth not he amounced for 1.1171.111T-Toalan arta lel= T- edepted, rather titan the man who the tourney of the India 00.6. which Thud In Chester, P. The Then er.' weeks. The theita wEl agen"be Chooses Ids tonnes from a profession, ,.'rata, astemaral Mao. erre.. for Dieting ape in the only daily paper it Delaware num lax 7.440. ram; 7. T. Yaw tin UO1017 Ito that • number of persona t7. in whirl Hendon' is located, and noder the a.piees of the Camp. .] whet of Mew with a foreknowledge Went. Committee. of which ■Ith Smote. at Ur. Rkh- of their actual tea value in later could /inert in It the nom time. hsa • cimulation of 20,000, ie Chem:nen. . Ude.. 1 '1:utdoese nmpetillo, hru SixAid0.Eillts Make Collegessuan Safe for Public. s.wm ma. Groups of Students From Local Schools May Use Equipment ANNIHILATION PLOTS. SURVIVED BY RHINIE$ *In melee. yam.- l IN**. I , h b06:4 SITUATIONS IN TWO CORP. AWARDS HARMAN AT "Y" • SEVENTY-FIVE APPLY TO DATE FOR CLASS OF '31 0 by ',°..'"i-g-dte:72VaTabg t ipt.:Ais:, 41. ded BAKER, '27, ATTENDS EDITORS' CONFERENCE ,`Adh. n'Uir.t1 FEDERAL 10B FOR GROSS DR.. COMFORT WELCOMES RHINIES IN COLLECTION he. I IL COLLEGE HEARS FIGHT wor ALUMNI! All those interested in forming a football team to beat the Varsity Saturday meet in the UNION Wednesday at d P. M. FOOTBALL DANCE • ▪ SEPTEAM3ER 27, 1926 'ILAVEgtFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS '"* eV ..f. 1` ISMIel"7 UNLIMITED CUTS PLAN ENDORSED BY §TUDENTS - • NEW YOR ALUMNI TO "HAVROPI/AN" Attlee Tan Pesthole. Adept Maher lbentem START DURING FUND metero A resolution Indere* the *WPM. - 1010 PRIZE COOT of cete for. ratelbere • 4S *MIMI EDITORIALAIOARD Jur W. Vas. VI Nur.. Mir 1.41.01v. sieve pew. unlimited dames-Wee N Meats and Proridose Witham DueitamSprkag Avenue Ardmore ile■1111111Ms the paused two °Peer, a meeting of OM. for Solution of SI, Performance of ".Gentlemen mouldy the $28 -Award Detective Story in Immix ma gallonD. H. 111•41as, Student/1" d.oelation held Feld., When You Need Ice Prefer Blondes" Will Septrebber 24. This action woe taken First Issue Call Lire Start Benefit following an emanation of the plan to s_. If v. . submitted bmitted to the recoil: W. B. Kerrigan deremorat The B ret ben of The Haverfordian The New York- verford Ha Society, At the same meeting the hr-lews at will be restored by the publication of emlipond of irer 130 Elavertord eleemi, the aancietion were read as required detective Mom for gumming the & Son Mann. IM. MI responsibilC. now no oftaken upon Iteelf Bointion of which the H. averfortilan 1-01,41re9411 the constitutleo. 725 Lancaster Ave. amnia. aura hosed will Offer a Mtn prIr.e of CB ity nupplying one or more of the byFolioed. tem* the remdar meeting h.. ei PresX T. memo 'm v. ewe., Faculty end nucleon, will be emalle bandies need. of the college. an °ef- ident Webster addreesed Si, Fresh- eiMible to compete foe the prise after Phone: • ie.., WS sort r■ifuter, fused in President Comfort'. cement, en and rapine. the Mono. System October 20 wite. The Geeerferdin will D. O. Zero.W.7:11W. lanowlik. of.. Bryn Mawr 1175 The collection of fund, te distri buted he distributed to them. The cis. adopted the sys- The BUSINESS BOARD complfida thin purpose will be Mau. Width w. Written by a ommoo em Linnekumely. ., Tap Cub, well-known eihonnus prefersintofull renitrated by an Important .r ent to take a. E. from., main MUwho hetheprinted • . ss.00 44.ra; pl.. onwillFricke, everting, October I. up toanonymoun. the time when author re. awoken. Me* Swum. This the presentation of a pri• 5.a. 0. Sellfoto. vette the nee. of the kg... plot. The A. elesseekt, rate performance of 'Gentleme n Prefer HENRY W. STOKES, '01, How Merton di...pear. from a locked , woos 0 igiRS girmussasa as as room. whoprowler killed Juies Fratneau.before bow Marion ride & Trust Co. 110-24/Vg st Blo" at the Ties. &there Theatre. /1...Borehre, the disappeared Westod,Forte.second street. g gas the night fees of riffling purners--tben ▪ Photimornw 'Heade/nen Prefer Blondes... hoeing roe...Lof the mole enjoyed a long reign es best oeller 1 PRESIDENT OF ALUMNI ed by theRolmthrilling and puzzling tale. book form, will be prenented for the 7. area is nahthaed maw dui. ma beat I* IN Pslalalme n eketzw throe be profeietionel coMpee, on A complete net of the ruler 'toren:1Ste Mary's Laundry nelime. sod to expected to enjoy New Officers Are Elected at Ln;the conteet See..., 27. in a subArdmore sequetd many of the Newn. The award fogolmerviam n. way men st owe Orun comparable tv "Abie'e Irish $25 ...I will to to the per.. MenetJune Meeting of AsArdmore, Pa. Ron." Fen* PON.... Narberth Bala-Cynwyd twe mama !.ofMUthe correet .oletioe. which rwhoedoor. wry,ram. le LIL erwa The entire not bare to be. *monde in Wolf, sociation hottae fOr the fourth per detail. The de tect We not be of a mewed . es. mown ter son. ...ea See Frank at Chem Lab. oorrt. literary nature. but will arm solely of 1. h. been formauce, on October monaden... =Owmt.pot bought neat by the New York Hsverford Henry W. Stokes, '87, themoie re- the Mlutine of the inridere. Two mem. twoumm...own, ea . mem et Wuee, Y cently installed member of the Bond ben of totheactfamilty will probably be rm. Smiety. and ticket sale ban proceeded cored as Ruhr. of dm contest. of Manager% woe element President ei Brinnort Printing es, Total Resources in charge of dm Soclety'n Entaleblie,a tbe Alumni Association for the college Another feature of the Lot Issue of meet Committer. ticked, commanding do not neessearIly The finverfordian will be a new cover Printers and Publishers peer 1920.27, at the manual bus... dent. done by professional talent. The sentEdilOrialo the Opinion of the entire ot.0 modest premium from which the rev- meeting of the sesociattion. leer designin eareivn conalet of the figure enue inaereration of the cen- egotelof 26 Ardmore Avenue bod7. sio,ceo,oss Costume with of Inman. endowment. ofrmsa ems tenaryforfundtheMU. be obtained. Ardmore outstretched Saltlike a mask io to Wick is Memel nue.. we. etaeldThe Entertainment Committee cooo. imed nod book in lo Oh, reed and a motion wan mend that the background the ker. of other. Liberty or Probation ed.. of: • COMed Phone: Ardmore 2931 eommittee of three be Iteeminted by the Meek will aPPellh The .lor ectieme CASA DEL REY a Edmund T. Price. '17. rimier... Unlimited cum reeardlen of graders for the dente,ha. not been minted to Spaeth, I* frealraner; new preeident to names • plan Pro- date. HAVERFORD -Stem Utoprica', In the reseed ill • Laa- Sigmund HAVERFORD Christopher Morley. '10, Eugene IL posed by Frederic H. Strawbridge. Jr. Morin Isla the FirstNorm.. lases antjoritybeofofeAmer TEA AND DINING ROOM s . retiring Finance Committee ckairmsn. reality atundethredoe Harm-ford col e SomildIng. '10. Charles EL Wil. The erodes noon Hotel Rooms For rented. the Jame hem*. 'la, L. 11011Legnernth Wood, Thin eommittee will consider the plan her of The Haverfordian will be ee. BREAKFAST will here pendentlye. ioinaene.their nart&etiornelerl Transients of temoly.year entwine/le worked out eeted in accordance with the bollq of LUNCHEON 1,10 reetrictione deem attendanc may large inertia. companies .d the new board- whirls John D. Carr, '20. Tloket, mayspent be obtained through the h DINNER Thin Mottle charm* will%leder be sm. Breakfast Luncheon hits outlined ore "an efgrad-if contraitterM ine by amens of other inetitutions. editor-In-chief, Misw DerOthee Welthe motoring. vote of tbe fort be malritain the literary snide. Pbom ISedee.;11 1511 and Dinner effortn -oftheVenn Palmer ton. The Secretariat. N. Y. Exchange n od If the plan appears workable, will of The Haterfordian while Mash. uates stinted lo the convincing Haverford on.. it during the year to the clans els** 10 intereet its aubncribere." Acfor Woman's Work. 341 Mediates ave Special for Teachers cording etowill •Cart. Fsculte tc of the ... or by telephone. Plan 2368, of 1927. and will report no the pt. to ...We The control of the comparative notthe And-rend, theinterest storks dun and Students the &turned Ala...fadee et the Annual for contributio. freedom permitted by unlimited cuts withen will Our Green Mode of the Dean. He Maude TO VOTE ON '28 RECORD Midwinter Diener on February 45. 1227. o ne he tolerated no matter how tirtinie Roam la Now lies in the of enSher attending the head with the yr...alive • ee. Ready few Banquet. Card The Amine WM Probab ortrilege, this Anmerforthele contributione already aror rortailios The otherwere: officers elected be the Ato - ly Mai norintion the plan also for and Dancing Parties ranged an article on Mo.olini ...deaf body in voting Wahl. • Wea Vice Prwidents: John voted etwolute in him as etc A meetingof the Junior ekes will W. Muir 92. and Arthur T. Morton. Dr. Henry S. Pratt, preen°, of W. Phone Ardmore 3160 who emetic. Omme dictator.coolidence to Italy last the opinion that ste. probably be celled /ridge the next 03. Tregioner Herbert V. B. Gal- nay. year. Therespent willdata oleo beSalem either n story Ile empresses Of witeherert in or of • probably net exceed their week or ten days tot the election of Porn ' 1 71' s roodoowitch doctor whO would not stay former allowanre. Thehelp -treatit.point the '28 Record Board, Wording to of CZ, R.,r2.Dc+nkiC. indealt:Mut Deercutofstudents the new onnounement made last emelt by 04; Gilbert G. C. Morris. dead tied a more by a nest contributor The Pour-Piece tothat im- an will prove , n miroriele. It Le p7.11• will system WinthropPeleo. Sargent. Cheri. chick Theodore Be Helsel. Ardor clas creel. bleb that .atribution by Robert p.. both by the mond held up before L. Millet,'08: Rewind P. McSIMM. Implies of the Deno dent, Berry, 'BB, former editor of The Hey. them and by the '14; Benjamin H. Lowry. .28, The rewrite], warverse. when they approach men plane call for the election member. of the Advil., Committee Sall. spirited appear in addition to gradesprobed.. will hareThegreater ettaining for thisRids, year100; ayeCharles Alfred C.T. Moon,abi Suit ofthinthemeeting. board proper by the at Elias 70: freedom lngood proportion. The editor godma. bush.. be manse. The 1.1,71.111 sod probation will HAVERFORDIANS READ will probe* Henry le Drinker Jr., 00. (To rat With be selemed lat• asa. er by those named to the maff of the the Hoard et Maeagerer C. @swell applied earliee than tender the old The Popular Suit before tbe IS publication. tem, thereby catching BOARD EXAMS Hinehran Represented. fall. Earns a moremany enure. kneeddetail. of organization Mil tefic Executive Committee. Of the Alb. SixCOLLEGE edgeThisofboth theto the etudent'i Medi. in a beFurther Promised Etlimatem Amid le one.. by Pregident Hetzei fol. For the College Man Insurance Dean and to himself. armlike Poem" of SEVERAL COPIES OF 1900 An An improvement in the general &choler lbVedle 71712'7"°?ee'oTtlb 4::,:r" AmongExeminmion the reader.Bond of College Enably of the College should result from trance papery are No definite number ofyet. member. hen CATALOGUE AVAILABLE found to Fit Your n of lownh.. thisTheeerie inellestio the Mane. of a number of Havdecided upon Last goer been. from the els. of '27 elected eight Olen to of anypreceding erfordiane. Thew. examinations were chi.. onprohibition the two da. and Wrve on the editor-lad matt of their Chase Capt. of Fl eet matnawata giren at theJune eerie°. cenSpecial Needs following vacation. Imams drawback, tres from 21were toenmthation 28.John Among the stints and five on the bone. Catalog. T. Be Had stproMetiou brat. But on coneideretion of the reader. in English A. LesSeveral Copies of the blograplikol Thonsie ors fomsof Provident th e. the meet's need. at ter. "Be,teacher of En,linb et the Hill 7,,.i1111r.p.p. of fu he Feeder pats and in dew of the comSchool.of end Harry A. Der...viols. '03, Menial Insurance that will ALUMNI NOTES paretivelyanyway smell number who tot rheas theat department* ofFriend* Mullah Alumni -Ogre. bon. which mien head ▪ and Win Germantown imalauteetheeshicationofyour ....ed. beThis theSOO 3922 Mrs *mitten W. Colin. hasStreet movedto Catalog., lessense. harsh. the condition append. bin'Eh School. Philadelphia, and Howard Wt.of conMins omen el bihell. diddle...on:her thatoria proLew office from 40 Wall '07, heed of the departinent f theaprivilege ography of all matriculates from 1888 modern language. of the Hirsh School Smart Darteglic Tweeds /led Imported tect you layout old he old mit 108 Broodway. New York City. cutsAbuse will bring returns toeltunlimited age. Ask a 'Ott. Dr. John A. teeter, miner of to and including the Cisee of 1000, at Holyoke, Yraaneelmoette. new Idea will be on trial allowance. The who were Freshmen at the time of pi t h Joreph H. Price, Eogliah Fabric---Coat. et the Dill School. keg rig arVent, Long bawl of the Trate... and Provident Itepitseantive to attsHaverford, providing thatthe the Fat-LilThein hook beeenda Bath. nett stiff &apartment of binary et O.n.o.,. icle in thepubliend June number ofrnivernity the Englishof [Leedom 10 P1UPPOur Neither. Every College Maw sonde omen iodividsulplma for choice ...Ion It. It will he cloth binding scarlet Friend.' School. read papers journal by the ot the two upper cis.. foe.ber. ofto t oe Ar e it a emcee. or • baler. Chicago Pr.., ft entitled 'The Ae- Copy will he forw-arded by the Alum- eieet hinter), sod others who read hie- will be inetrested in these unusual vele. pm, or mite for the booklet, i nn. on tercelot of LAO to eover it;. l. et..,,,,,..r.C..37,se;. sof. 1").r: nipacking. menfewrealise that they Donee, end part con,,totted or Will mid Schuyler C. Tan Mettle ofrrry arfurd.,.. 11: "IC= alumina His Parole". privileged thisof ell. to areIf Hoverford el forwarded et. EU. of Onmettle. deringIdes hieand six ▪ benefit Duet. and use Itto Hererford sbly,tothereeelre STRAWBRIDGE mord.' vOtit to the British the experiment churns to Alumniwith Procontributione Bono fond. to the annum! teat High School. Springfield, Mew. particularly So the method. ot the come will be too large to estimate. Mamma., Provident Rfutual & CLOTHIER or the Perse &boot lu'edie- ALUMNI WILL OBSERVE aklftwomoro0=41961.6101iaTmo bridge. al.11rneell '06. Rennet S. Brecht. PS. and Market at Eighth Street Henry F. Coleman. Jr.. '18. have 70TH ANNIVERSARY SOON Tightening Up USIELTWO Watewo in trounferred Central High they the firhnol., wherefrom Lam been teachIn the rat Ms. of the Newt lest ing Mathenieti. and Englieh, respec P AGENTS WANTED rensat Ateaddlom Wm Brunel.. as Sfititlhoer-"ase Poo,. feat rev year thereBappeared on editorial which tively, to the new Overh.ok Man or Woman 630470 weekly. Guaranteed Weekly Nevertler TrooPpeoomtl. '.11138 mean that we concluded . Net our proud high School m Fifty.eirth nod lament. A 70th annivereery luncheon is TONWTST--Tfoo law,wt . are sel.p,ofand Salary and Commission, writing orders for famous Hanavenu. Lie Plan.. Two •egfo planned for November 22 and will he el.:indeed selsolerstilp is Little more '1.e Edward S. Martin. cock tailored shirts direct from factory to wearer. Part at theW.HotelStoker. Adelphia. requitement,. than wasatriet Harper's Mneazioe. referu toeditor Profee.rof probably be heldHenry era. in,. espreneed '87. or full time. Experience unnecessary. We show you. This onthe Deentrance Pont'. 'Extractor From Philedelphin. ArnoldLettern,'' Now. L.Pleto"e timeheld to time column of the from Lae La "TO. lobar under bin Editor'. pmement of the Aemeinion will be bestoo-so Everything you need furnished FREE. Hudson Coach a Leg Nu, bytad number of undergradeates. teeny Chair Department for July, 'The cbairrnae of he lencheoh. and passing Philosophy of Plata" referred The Constitution of the funnelled FREE. Write quick for big FREE sample case With the noltdoe the arts. by TIDAL-01w Sower to "Taos( Oral Mr. Mamie appeared in Prote.or Asnociation nom that adoption and promotion requiremente, w.f.," Swot two 1117111a... and sample shirt. ' et, bas been taken toward remedying , P o :t's ici r ot r ril i t . : i a n to the Hated ▪ -ant Mtn, Lams wee.. 1:1.2714% Hancock P 162 W. Austin Ave., Chicago relf,fh7r such as it IV.. The mielng fault, • 22, 1868. The wretweble to the con`he rade proloodon into junior year Teefgr.T.-Wore and glowase Rua oftothe g Timeline E. Shipley hem been tatted.. was ate.* totintcombine the purposeleeof the sixty-five end theezeminettorm limittne of the Truitt OflicerMr.of Shipley the Germ.-to meeting number ofmodems meire•up toe elected MOTLII0 marinas towntheTrust Comp., topueoce in promoting a determined the Interestsendof ALLIZT-'Wwo deficient marks hot nein.. withMorrie hie father, W. Mmorford 0sna" College. the part of the Faculty to Gileffort E. Shipley. 02, in the Building. F. Haverford All the Time! 61113WORL-Woneow. Ineseny wed. for n diploma. &thedideit Sant Out lenWetheseemmilrementa '1 3. The engeeement announced a.m. 'Tadao, mann, in Ohio more both advantage. A card has been tent to Alumni of Mi. Elizabeth Tatum Rhoads to ,,tar, gernelm, Verna Telbe Dr. 7. 151. Reedy. Jr. 91.1. Roads le n and drawbacks. Undoebtedly It will eting the ante of the tanned sod also thing whenehillty appliedwhoto roodeets goodtaindeittie Likewise awith if Wilmington. the dates off thereap...Lively Midwinter rebruery daushter of Mr. and Mm. Diner and 70r-isaft rerun to the A. Rood, Dr.George Beatty Altteed gthrnueh Zna"Osaeor "Tn• eldalsto nn they in Ammciote Prof.., of EnglInh at and June take their work nerionely no lon DYI. The card aim indodes get MR. H. ROBINSON ten nem.. bare misty or SIXTE-ELIITSI IITLISET Doccher College end President of the the fall sportn nehestuten end the Alum• malte.up esaineniflun. Mil keep Hnverfonl. Society of Marelend ▪ Tab, Woloaolog. Donee' el financial budgettheforannual 1928-27.letter and la.them harder. toandtheofItadvantage able non Owe,.Garb rhows., sent outitiwith both ofwork.. tbemneiver the clan.. rod,. baffeday. %wow ..emits. mport forBono the aosoelatiOn'. Maker of melee it Calder 17 ALUMNI TAKE PART they attend. It will glen work on the Pre Harerfordi• for theof administrotim, rid ethetocolpl..athletic dekete providhsg adtello in Abe of exIN JUNE TOURNAMENT meet lege sorb of them entothetun Sean& "GOOD CLOTHES" lendThere therneelven to meet standard. mieeion to cam?. all athletic on the . TATTOSI-alloe S•177 is 'MUM group hi college. however Hiatt.. '94, and inthen new - ott. Sc 02 Diehl. Haverford again offered arecontests on whomvan regulations will react Demo. le Almost p 3o Pelf Glasslo oy r the to Bs age. Le chairman Showing whowithhove o e /7 Memel participated in.the atoned or U. hardworking Committee. end the COSTELLA BROS. tn. ofptmlente k H. T.. Tit W. Include. Frea'89,' ymmeryetrueof 1'-iirnedlik!'etsillITHimir.':L'Allirulf theiramount Colielso eradifficulty n is especially EVERY WEDNESDAY Prentie Fanny Fruits and Vegetable, een 10r. their Met eget.. Thin ClJacob, '27; W. W. Juni, 00, low groan more wan'04trivitted nfstrincertain required eubjecm. They 2.2nd & Spring Garden eta P. Rini.. and North! A. Clifford Collion. 08: F. W. Strovewill mike It room. more Frederick gentforregulates. Stott, 02, each having .torte of $2 for b difficult themtwn to Motile suchthere 11;Johngitear '08791 :11;ertSeC B"'lle 'gh'24' Solowian Delmer PloWk.Payk, 610449 Ere"4 IS holes of ploy. Between then extreme. is FOUNDERS HALL ▪ R. HOOP!, "21: eretery."' The /ow net rise of eta golf balls lity number of ntudents of mefiewe abi P forced, to their decided we. Wan by Guilford D. Fisher. '23 who will beto extend with a net arose fro of 89. lest a advantage, themnelvee more . Pictures, Picture Framing . of mot 26. giving him a below net of C. G. WARNER nearly their meet.. tenacity than hendimie Satisfaction Goaranteed four rtroire. they hoveto heretofore. ... and Novelties the which two grotto winners, each of whose Although it In question,. whether 04. DRUG STORE to the ad- hpndirnp wee Mthe new regulation will be Aale the Roy. on the Campus no whale S. Sistine. 10. wasorinacharge enine of Omthat college The Gift Shop WE DELIVER the tournament. acting repre. our opinion more good than harm ofamie. sill rnme ot It. Certainly it in at least sentative of the Aluiuni hop Commit• Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne Telephone Ardmore 1372 deserting of a trial. tee. I. 1. W. gaalkafr. en. the 77 his art W tee hod IN Menlo, been $40.00 $45.00 t re done OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE SEPTEMBER 27, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Eantit . - Page 3 COLLEGE SPORTS sum L Nom% Jr. J. TYSON STORES WILLIAM IL 111MILDY, Jr THE OBSERVER lining as ble mageon "the eeeson is too 'e.g.'. COM1 Harman today refused to Woe any formaat of toe ...on. The mead bee had only els den of practice and the first three of these were too math broken up to get in ell the nee... mein. dove. Gtr, there bai been ro scrimmage to dots mid Kota the scrimmage It le Stealth to en bow the Nam will she. 01. Of the Bittern letter:hen of last year's Imams only four an back thin year. Nine were het by emanation, two more did not remirn n eellege, and Albert lied bone. That returned only to be leaved Dolan and Betberford on the be end Captain Markillion .ad Webtgat in the laaCktleld. These, together with Flint rant. q.rter la 1024 but 001 in ith.1 last year, constItalle the eeperie.ed men. The lose of Mee. Mitchell end Fox, all coesideted ernnon centres, atemr to b• o. of the hardest blow., ante. Osenbrop re - falpfeiretto .knee Injure Welter.. and Bryant chow op well To fill the PO In the backfield left vacant by the greduation of Leathern end Garrett, the co.h. hove Flint. Middleton aad - Webster._ farmer rani. performers, and Gilson. lienWIth, Tripp, (peek, Bosworth. Fog, Lemen, Collie., Garrett, Niebela aod Singh.. from last r.r's Jailor Tee pity and the Peppier brothers Mom A- Roberta. NlddMbe - Captain and full-back of the 1028 DLit end Jerre Pi.. football teem end the leading sorer Hartford School. on lam year'. eleven. 00. vanity and. 1.han. reenies. Further end .tenetititoCie frati -H4' ldrie. imp.. of Math. Browa, Berms Vol, Mealand, Hex. Wilt and 1.41.1s. None exceptHoban are Mr. hoe .veral have roomed fast •nd 'OA Ulm.* from MR MEN TRY FOR I. V SOCCER AGGREGATION udder.. j For the swede :AU net., oily Rutherford rernaloe from lost year's lettermeo. If In will mead, down he :Mould be • valuable man this mar. From butt yearo squad come Beaks Rinke, Marren Robinson sod Leyte. From the Freitbrum Clan tome three Wye la the 2110-1b. de., Morris, of tower Menem Milken. of Heaveitaek. and Wriggine. of Gennantowe Friends. Hervey, of Peon Charter: been, of Moen Bro.. and WSW, nt lower Xenon. Mould prove vn.ble In time. The. boys Mould present • team a bit more :mod. tlamo the teama of the hem few Tore. Starting to late we did Dye were the haat College In Pnedeet the Belted Stat. to the eo•ches hen a took WL Dr their earlyegOemmte who ho. had a longer pron. oeseloa If the them gen. otter the fir. Sew cow.. gumvutuay Ilarerford will have.. iced Only Three of Last Year's Second Stringnien Now on Eleven With nearly ell of laot year's loafer Vanity waver team either graduated or drafted es members of the Var.,, Ibis peer', teem will be made or almost entirely of new m.. Several men who played on the third teem tut a.we ore makiog a strong hid for eoalIlan and four Treallesen have abown ng partieularly well. Manager Sargent, hen arra.. • good schedule and even thou. the In...Ivens State League ha. broken up. there Mould be • lot of Interest eh.wo Is the orogen. of the ecrub team. Although It I a little early to pick aA line-up, It le fairly certain which men will make up the squad Tatum and Sharpie. will probe.? play man. left and right reepenirele. Both of time men played In weer. gem. mo seem. sod abould Play ...eke this year. bliCo.glie, who was • mem. he , loaf roar, :h 0 emtad Vittn Ob.reer lea bees asked by the coaches to say a few words of Manta to Miller, Lambent, Sumwalt and L., ry, of '26, to M.tgome. ised of '25 an dto Comfort- '24. for belying loyally et the practice mutton. the OM week. Coach. Haddletan find Evans tell toned me the ben file game. scheduled for Tel 'SIlimb. thele Janke Vanity proteges who Two Ithhtin. hobble and Bellew will Mork] avenge .boat 1140 J. the star. The. games Ian year gave yeohe coincide experienee to • large number who gred.ted last year and ploy. of boys hew on the vend. owed. for three yamon the Varsity. Boll 1. wanes from George Behest, where I will hl W. HALAS ASSISTANT TO HARMAN IN FOOTBALL HU An Extelleat Athlete all Well RI e t& Walter H. Hal. whoale lauded. Harvey Herman in coaching the football team the fall, her made so ez. cellent record for himeeil at Halerford. Not only has Habut on extellent conehlne fn..% but he gained • repoan !athlete at 1111.1. Point. telion city, winning hie letter ...three major stmt.—football, basketbell and base ball. After graduating he coaehed at Notre Dame end then come to Hare, ford and took charge of the b eeeee ball teem to 1025. Lan year the b.ketball teem atartrd off Jowly due to ineligibilities end MJuriet, A dramatic el.. of the 'neon wa• espectacular rhos over Swarthmore. The beset.' Mem erns timeline in nine oat of twelve con- Vogel ptalo last yrr- th P leek. like " . odir"' e or no e beck. Two new men will j•Old Wtttl be found at the other her halftime* poet.. Budrauff, echo captained the Lower Merlon High School teen, aDd reader, (root fit. Schnoi, wN take care of these nettle. Beeline. Mad either Fortier or Era. will be found at the full-beek poets end Mawhincey or Almp will be .el. lender. bel h eliartea rlyfoar tleltve71."4 be metio nea Lest summer Hdae added further humele to hie fel. by pllthiog two . ■.111t, no-run games for sad against first-clan prolenional tem. He is asslielnx Herman by coachinx the backfield canal:tines. Next week First showing of Co-op Store-Guilford-Bacharach Suits and Tuxedos in Founders Holl. Haberdashery Cate, Candy, Ice Cream Sporthag Goods Books end Notebooks Freshmen Needs Statioiery sad Wax Banners-Pennenta Toilet Articles-Groceries Jewelry-Watches FamiturwTypewriters TEAR THIS OUT NAPO SCHEDULE OP SPORTS FOR THE FALL OF 1626 F.thall Sewer Oct a-gwelhansant es. 06.0.. gall• O ra smotscsm • 11. 11-00os Swat. .. Saba O. le-at. Jtain m Ear • . T. ret. C=fjet s Se. .' MN, 3-1:11. . 1 ". of Ile Mb ;a: mesa Sod., Van Oet L. la-Usts. et Dn .. rr er. loring ..... ... A a safety pole the ball In pMy by klealag foam ball In lts are tinny-yard 114. •Iireleedrube' ow apply at the mad lemeiaries lb. Mild. The MB aelemelleally Mom. Mad neel be farther Plny le iteeeItote whe• It crow. . shit Ile. extemled or the Sid The term .4reollog.ha. boon were felly emplaned Me' the le agalnet "Plliel Me' atreagt ..... . that there Is ream ream. for violation of ether of the. rules. Players e. the &deo. weal MTH. free tanking a, c.o. met 10 the face oil. the heel, bare or side of hand. Me. timed el,:delrt".1".2= tySeo . ••■• 4-2 r, errs• P-4:4 natta , T. RAMON GI • Neelty an lee yanks Its .addles I. the Mn of • dove) Is ••• infant. eke... • teem oak. tore Ilea ona Incesplotee Ismer( wrias of loin s. vt: .. troo,,, CHANGES IN FOOTBALL RULES - N r 7.• . Oh HAVERF I 'II GM MEN COACH *PETE STARTS PREPARE FOR CAMPAIGN Yffil THREE VETERANS Week of Intensive Training Captain Logan, Richardson Gives Haverford Prospect and Saunders Only of Good Season 1925 Lettermen Under the direction of Coaches Harmon wed Halms Haverford's football morildeiee have Pet completed • week of hard practice. Welter Hales, well known to Hsverford men as basketball and baseball tutor. will hare Aerie of the backfield this year. Harm. re. melee head Lcech. but will devote most of hi. time to the linemen. Headed by Captain Middleton. a mond of thirty-bre remain-es reported Mat ifonday. They have been ru.dng through daily drills which mania of tackling the dummy. running. punting, panning. handl! g the ball and long periods for the nnemen mina. the ' sled.- Nearly all of the candidate. reported over weight , but after hut ereek's .0104 thee •Poear In better eon- du on. Alemet Ele.•• Itiretbe Se kohl. ...der a light scrimmage wee field. lifter whirl, the entire quad visited Franklin Field to witoe. the Penn-F. & IL clash. During the coming conk there will be eome herd workouts to get the men In Mete for, She open.' game against the Alumni next tblunlay. The otrength of the Alumni eleren is not known. but It is understood that there will be many former Haverford titan In the 110040. lambent, Low. mad Mere Miller, bet yeah captain. here been seen warming up on 'Walton Field •en spitietip& taa elec.. 10 .......g the Breen material mt. of the fundsteentalo 0.6011.• API.. Sere. The ...Id prosper'. for the remit, era.o look bright. Middleton, Webster. Tripp, Bosworth end Flint form • light bet eaceptIonally me./ combination of barks. The wing eels will be cored for by Cohan and Brown... year. * veterans, end Hoeltins. • senior. who has Owen up brilliantly in teenier. Hoskin. give. promise of denlooing lam e tar. Albert sod Rutherford_ of lea seeson'. &feu., be placed at guard and tackle. but the other three forward positions ore problem. Among those who here dieriuguished themeelves in practice ore: Murray. Morrie, Georh- cop a pen of crate...for ,at IreTt :wee "' :Me to an injured knee--the (rut make W ien Pireri:diFreshen Al upon, there will be a whedole this. year for the ecru.. including the leading bl'h b.d prep sub.'s in this! .hollymeet prone. ...totmteingere arm Hogenauer. Rea Reno.. Banks. fiiimo. Bonne., Seven. Weigle., Milliken. Swim Harm, and Wilber. VARSITIES MEET ALUM ELEVENS ON SATURDAY With ohly three lettermen returning. the find waver preen. of the felt' was relied to Monday. September 20th. Cwrh Mcrete wee greeted by twentyfire enthusionic nedidateis most of whom have wt bed preen,. ...tie... However. if the men keep on showing the name apirit and demir to bath that they hare exhibited during the. past rook. MrPete :Mould he able to mold Menke.. nether of his Mae segregation.. Captain Loran. if not bo thered by the injury to his leg whir,be reveived last year. will be the bulwark of the defense sl his fullback poet. tismadere sod Richardson. linemen. ere Ill, tole other veteran. rettnalog. Saunders will probably occupy his old position • rooter-forwant while Richardson. who played Inside-left last year, may be 'hilted to outside right. The loss of Horton nod RUM., eunldee oo 10.1 year's team by 8,01106110, has left • gap that will be very hard to ell. 25 J. V. Halfbacks LO. alma The Junior Vandty of Mot ...a -should provide severel men who are on. for Varsity cotopetition chic soar. Piker. Armetrong. and Maier, who formed the halfhaelt line, will probably fill Ike mime positions on the Best tenor this emir, Silver hoe been a nimble performer •t ceoler.halfleek for several 'mason. and should develop Into • antler player this yew.. Armstrong and Hone too be counted Lingo to play their tonal clever same. rote.. Test and Cary w51 probably ill rh. tine pontion Ion. witb Richard• met and Hamden. Estes, who starred et teeter-forward on the J. V 'e will be found al amide right. with Test and CIII7 at outside end leside left, re. apectively. The poeltioos of gnaitender sod risht fullback ere Mill ie some doubt. Sloop and Sfawbinney hare above,up well et noel. sidle J. Evans tad Fowler ere the lending modish..., for the Utter ...Mon. The Varsity will open its arses ae Setordel. October 4, wick the newt' formed Alumni Sarver Club as ha eimonent. This team Is composed ol (pewee Harerford plyr.. nod sbould able to make thing* interestine Dr the Versite be NOW The Co-operative Store Co-operates REDUCED PRICES 10 per cent off on everything except 5 per cent off Haberdashery 15 par cent off Jewelry and Fiction Dividend at end of year of surplus accrued during the year. Freak.. M. Le.. Who will lewd the Vereity men in their opening meek with the Haverford Mee. Club on '89 Field Ifeturd. WEBSTER IS ELECTED CABINET PRESIDENT Ben. and Wrest.' Room Will Be Emoted Is Gyetantent At n moral. of the Athletic CM& net, held rit Dr. llobbitCo home loot toroh. Webster. '27. Iven elected peeeidenl for the nmalbx yr.. At the Melt time, Heller. '27. wen rhosen eecretory. end Albert nod Hint. /8. member... atlarge.,.. The Cabinet is merle np of Coneberfllsrman. Tielas, fieddleloo cod Enos. J. 1 .4.11. Alumni representative. and Webster. Heller, Middleton. Hos. bids sod Log.. oaderar,d.t,n. The fall tehettotes we erdioconsed briefly.. were methods of preserrine the athletic evinipment. The rum., tee then deckled to transform either the trophy room mutants to the gym. or • section of the bowling alley into a boxing end ver.Oing room It le es. peeled that fhb will be do. duriog the coml. veinier. STOKES WINS CRICKET BAT FOR IMPROVEMENT Saber, PM.arta (Jarrett Roost. Other Award. The Cope Prise Cricket Bat for the e.ineet number of runs Reared dor. the ...eon. woe won by ('iaptaie Raker. Mt Baker win • star batter donee the whale reason. and could dean counted un for a soh-Hanlel number of rude. The Improvement Bat was woo by Ceptaimelect Stokes, of the Clans of 29. The Congdon Bowling Ball, for the best bowler on the term, wee awarded to Ormond C. Fitter. '20 He was by far the mon ...tent and bent hurler. Garrett '26, woo the first FleIdiot Belt while Celan. Baker woe merlin honored, reeeiring the second belt. ALUMNI Soccer Team Plays Haverford Club; Grid Squad Being Formed Tee Alumni will invade the campus in form on Smturday. October 2. sten the Alumni itoecer Club will meet the Varsity end sererel of the Alarm. Witt du. scrub football team boo • ttempt to mop the Vanity The Haverford Soccer Club ham been orembed ebbe. through the etforte Pa... end alcIneiel. '21. The team is comp.ed of former Ohob ' °"" '"" 117e'rrgt,h yed with raben rmcket club name G eollege. In willbe the line.. trill befound t emend meo who we. glom, cm albAmerican tesom when they they were at Haverfoed. T. Garrett .d J. Fie., She fullbacks, bothremised this honor while incollege. Garrott in '25 nod Fisher In 24Cleat Games as Soho.. On Saturday. September 25, they te pp adelpiaC of 5 to 1. Mimicker and Ball led ttle."' 14O" yir withentinte e schedule la'. follows. Get. ford College Varsity.- et brrd: 4100. 18, (lermenfown C. to C.. at On. mantown, On. 23. P. C.. at Moorestown: Oct. 30, Haverford College 5. V.. et Renner& Nov. 0, Merion C. Cl.t Hoverford; Nov. 27, Haddon Had.Chelfonte, at Atlantic City: Dec. 4,11. of P. Varsity. et liner Ceeth Hannan itt trying to form • teem.made op of Alumni. to play football against the Varsity on the same cm. ono,/. If enough of the Alumni mono, be emcee together the team will be filled up with member. Or tie Haverforel morns Mo.. Several men have mined, announced theIr emotion to play that afternoon. Killer, be sod Lambent all of 'M, will be available, es will Hervey, '26. and Hell.. . It e oleo boned that BM*. '25. will be .bb to one. 'Na oftez artehaseme /111 rerLanELIIIIIA btt6 Th. CrIft S.F.stien Book Saned tlpen emone illumraue a. prima level., Waltham. Mel, Silver, China. Glans ant Havaglin nano wk. may . maw. Oistinettve 11.teeley. rantensisen 1100 Other Mtn You ere looked to deal with the Co-op Store. We offer EDW. K. TYRON COMPANY you the regular students' disOfficial Outfitter. for counts. Book, will be mailed Haverford College the same day your order is Philadelphia's Leading received. Address common]. Sporting Goods Store cities' to S. Cook, Manager. 812 Chestnut Street Co-op Store. Look for the Green Canoe THE CO-OP STORE ANNOUNCES THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FULL LINE OF GUILFORD-BACHARACH CLOTHES and HABERDASHERY When going to town Obtain a letter of credit to any of Guilford-Bacherach's seventeen stores from the Manager of the Co-op Store. On Permanent display in the Store 5 per cent discount on all haberdashery 10 per cent discount on all suits OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE a,tvissioao Page 4 PROMINENT ALUMNUS TO MARRY ENGAGED . WAN TO BROADCAST ON INCREASED ANDER/4E LENGTH Dr. J. M. Beldly, Jr. 'IS, Ameaumes Eogsgem.t. Mr. and Mn. George A. Ethos.. of enWilmington, hare gegenient of their daughter, Liao Elisabeth Tatum Rimed, to De. Joseph L. Beatty. Jr., 711. Dr. Beatty is Anon. elated Profeasor of Ensiles at Gooch.. College, Bellmore. and is Padded of the Haverford Society of Leyland. Ile Ma served an Sender, of the Alumni Adrinary Committee and has ben ccdrub intereded announerd the Final Decision on Proposed Wave Length of 367.5 Meters Soon Preeent plane coil for the broadcanting of the firat radio programme of the sullen ;tar tram dation WABQ Final on Monday evening. October completed mnagements ham not to date, but it *expected that ramie. al and dance male will be bromdcad by n group of Philadelphia artiats at thin thou William It thread. 17. president of the Radio Club, has att000need that the college nation will hthadcast tha leer on 500 watte power as • mini. ust, fin th an the wattage need bat .. If soffloant food. ea be me awed, WABQ will be operated on 1000 Mtn power. It is potable that thls power MU be need mad.. In ally under the present arrangements as permission to thereme the power •mi change the wave length of the ration tree received from the Department of Gomm.. in Annuli. Ts Chu. Wan leaelte An application for cleaning the wave length of station WABQ and increasing the ...bane wan motto the Department of Commerce last December when the control of acne broltdcosting was BIZ goy„jo tha department of wedding will probably renter. CUSTOMS COMM. TAKING been ITS WORK SERIOUSLY T 1,1917, bin at the latest. The &Leman for as preleat, at inst. thank be deducted from each roonth's bill because theatore need. an die tooter to can mheavy fall bill. and beesa to pay cause it does not Inch to ark. the .. 7.1 Lodettomphi. STORE BATE TO STUDENTS; dirldeod CHANGES Is student extenston to Maryland. He boa jest recent], The returned from a trip toateMiro.. plece neat BROADCAST OCTOBER 18 Mat -BEFFEMSER-17r- h NEWS IthinMaedinerg Role... *amok Cane ine. te Mee* Tonight The °Malawian feature of tills rear'. Customs Committee. as opposed to that of last year, is that they ate • king their work a areal deal more Berlously. Although little change hoe been made In the mend wording of the Ithtnie roles, thin pence committee is Monti. on • far etrieter internal. tan of them. le other word., justice will be done more surely and stern, in the eam of Infringement. of Phan regulati.s. The clothing raln bare been sltenol a as to give the aturaphere of the rem.. slinhtly more brilliant color, rifle ad Ten Per Cent. Allowed on Most Purchases in Co-op.; New Stock Carried HOPE TO SELL ALMOST AT COST Ity Samuel C.A. 77. Meal. ft the ce-essrann Inn The Haverford College Coropemnew tin Store reopen. ddta year sabre in abrade every respect. During the Met few monthe it has beer On titan.' •ppeetaktce, In the are hoe of of opetatles. In bosinece oohed., in biternal office man. sentient, .d in financial conditions Although all the intended Mtheeth. mast. In the pbaleal appeseame tie dere will not be completed and the middle of tide week, the more already it did bat atian moth better taring. The new 'plsekted entiant of dm end the freshly the wells an tainted woodwork stone MI* raided o give a O.., sanitary erect In addition the ohne ban be. rewired. Line Of Steel Iementail , umber of three of enerehandim carried ban been lime.. now the tore cm wept. almost .y nee. that the Milted may re mum To Its .tablidred Jane of sporting gooda textbooks, datto.W , noteboolts and finery, lefts. imago, ores. randy, e.t.a ice memo, collate Jewery..d Dalton have keen added fairly eomplete So. of hsherdathen mad olothee. toilet article, rata. elyeks. prOsamta and banners, getlen, typewriters, and laborete. tramifonned than th.. annual complete The third the aka the form of a •Mog the student. Of the hosanna done from seethed euchre the yem. The Store Nei, that it can do no more than thi.. The reel most be done be the etodata in patronSlog the there. The more pone.. the Siert getst. the wore the Snowxs to the etude.* and the greater the dhcomfa that the Store will be able Eleeleic timmplim end Marilmare t' reorganisation of In Bantle to P :e the Store become. an woodedeo of individusl member., each of whom fee of one dear which will pays deducted INSITRANCE E...eslams it 1007 ARCH MIMI' • . oh,b the gi1.5i17 old plan tO woo oath ofPt. tinesom took stock ho the Wore. The amusement of the Store pew roans ton moth work to be done by one ntudent mad of ...My the clerks nest lake on the character of Wight. meow. 'rather than merely nudge. betti the emote. They will ba. definite functions to perform, these to litt allotted by the manager. This means a more tactful selection of clethe In the futureend probably a change a the ethod Of remtmeration. susues emu Y eearney ab em. m. been unwilling to art withom the approve of the Commerce Department. Mana are now under vu for rainslag the wave length of the laverford Station from 261 meters. to 807.5 meter. due principally to the exertion af a powerful headman. station nine 261 meters near Philadelphia Mat year. This makes it difficult for eta. lion WABQ to broad..t ethelently at el time - a tbi. eeinity. There are now date. stations is all employing thin wave length when. oaf find Olethe sae be toned in by small receiving seta with mane ense. ogi. the A 4.1 decision on ehr g ek Ar ; reltets3Vittnbrof etre r:n7w ‘ be :+71.7 or ten day. following a rooftree., of club othetale with R Y. Cadm.. at Baltimore. radio aupere.r of the ?fiddle Atlantic States. Mew Metal Tower While arrangement. are under war net on incressed power and with higber eve length meinberm of the Radio Club sre preemies to brood... resuarly ad° the improved aerial made Witaible • s follows: -Freshmen notblen from the dining room. nor from coy table.- and Clothion role. -are to be enforced in Haverfonl. Ardmore and Ran Mawr." According to folairttan Cotillion. of be Cootom• Committee. 'The amidion of my sabot.. year M to oak* my committee the moat cordially hated ' liege." The of men in Co moon committee. width b composed of Aileen. Mandan, Hoskins. Thomas, ope n end (l•wthrop. meet. for the first time tonight KITE FLYING CONTEST Osys to DIM.% en suss One helmet Ale. Wonky for onernting the '02 Field Through arrangement with the College 011re and the ordergraduate Miension Committee, the sno.1 tying content conducted by the Main Li. 1. 21. C. A. will be held oo '27 Field en Saturday. October U. Prises mil be mounded to the winners of the ranted, which yr. tenderfeet successfully on the Revert°. ramp. A correepogoltoa on theof hays. last year by 'the Junior orhatittelledate. number Seel large footbyerruetual of •altair,'lone gift High Sieb.1 atudents. willempeie. the graduating tower dees. This tower cod $250. and wee me.. on the northeast canter of the Sherrie.. Hall under the cage ere.... of mem.. of the Radio Club after the emu ol the college term in bone. Structural steel ...ern were designed by ore of the engineering elm. under the direction of Dr. Leon Rittenhowte and see in place at a cum of LW te the Radio Cloh. The erection of the ne aerial tow. has Smelly incrased the- tramanalttine hence of the collegedation rd.. the f so the aerial wire I. now elovation IRO feet above the ground at all points insdau.tattformg feet hilt` Andre reef of "begit Ada wire fiarlottiederVII: is 100 feet two towe. thetower tweet, is •100 feet. theA tem Iwo la WM hour teen Ptho watt power wa• -thWer, ae. gramm• on ...folly co lona tad In. with tbe ethic ma of aeriol adds to the nymmetry of the handine tnomittinscreanl. the Me Power of the net. Fewer Pthernam. Charles Thompson. 77. studio director. it. nonouoced tint fewer promamma will be broad.. • tort that these will be made • bieher ntand•rd more ll be maintained. It i ex cellence wwill of excellence in expected that tome of the more important foottall oamea will beeroadcast this. year mid •rrangementa hare completed to continue the regular weekly mane recital. from the Ard. Cole. more Theatre. The tide& Pane will atom continue to broad.. well .e thin year than that, been Piano 47, 7°V1'ineer:rtil: broad...lug schedule. todiestion of the wide ea....Ignition gained by the Ilsverford broadcanting nation, which is note one of the mod potverfo/ mt e broadtheting io Prunnyiernis •nd stead. In the front rank of the thllege dation. throughout the counter, an be gathered from the ll tTbekt bY tb: rrfrrel:"ITrUlr14„o !fen feature story on the .nelf• epperaaa In a Sunday edition of the paper in the near totter. A Heald Tribune reporter and photographer will vialtliay. erfurd within the neat week or ten dna to secure date and picture. for this article. COMPLIMENTS of DEMAND FOR ARTICLE FROM IIHAVERFORDIANe1 Rafting In Ralthapecir by Pent De. aired by Harvard Raabe A request for permtsaion to repubin entitled "Oxford art 11.11 •narticle Rename" in the fifth volume of a seri. of Sourer Reader. in American thing pawed by Allen hietheY Bothiten Hart professor of avernmete in Henan] thirefeiti. bra been received be the editdr of the Harerfordla n. The article, which gives the Mpte. alone of • Shales scholar looking bade oar bia Orford dayth wag written by Le Arnold Poet, protemor of Greek et Haverfortl end Repeated lathe Jau- LONGACRE & nty number Fiart irk in H .- chapter of the fifth volume hie eerier devoted to the buelnean rduration. ofof The letter elated by John a.uid 1334.1336 CFNATIWT *mum 'Alba :Ma ‘1011211111OYNeller G;ostiltiO ies HlWerford College Boys Ian WE SOLICIT 4 iutio: and Quality DRESS CO, Amsesdram, N. Y. MAIN.- LINE SHOE sEavicg town for any 1 r I EVVIKEIr ltZ. s H AV.'WViRD PHARM ACY Henry W. Press livfor/orat • • tinder New Management of John Donato A shop where the highest grade shoe rebuilding service is maintained. We specialize in rebuilding athletic shoes. Special price to STUDENTS. drank &neva which eeepleteir bete. 300 W. Lawaster Ave. Ardmore, Pe. GRADE A Pasteurized tI Clarified MILK Maitland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lassie/4er Aye Pewee INS Nene Curti. literary necrethry. Meet that Thetis. Heverfordian "ia the maly college publication from which Protean' Hart dealers to u. material?' -Oxford a Me of the rig eonItetrospoct'' tribotione Met year'. H•renordle• reprinted itt the Intercollegiate World. The Master Shirt and Blouse Company 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. HESSON PIPES. Hessen Pipe, Are Clean Inside J. HARRISON, Prop. 20 E. Lancaster A Ardmore_ From Fabric to Fit "./ticut kale" The dash iMef spirit of the American college man is woven into the fabric. The model takes its design along the latest college lines. The garment itself is cut and tailored to your ow; Inessurement in the careful EDWARD way. In short EDWARD clothes thru and aremOde fOr ; . cc . -esaa Int e ..L. Le IMMe Mae ert—ITMa. He on a lot Of disappoinamme by oiling on a good Minna at the by Ware theeoliege mutt. $28.75 ilia $38.75 Meet erg He, J. Lin Hill at Founders Hall, every Thursday Edward Clothes THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK maneeet. 141 & Fourth Street nark. Write (Damn swop) to STYLI:PM* suite and Toned.. Fiesdent• Wag clothing maths con obtain to of Onfiford-Doeln. Sunlit alip to nth's 14 mores. thee Keen and five or ten per cent disarm( at the tame thee: Plea Fleandal PMMY In its Maine. policies and tenurial oan. the stn ba• undergone several returoed 4 Piece Suits EWING . O. OM on babnoultere and tee ter eget. eta In YOUNG ifieN1 se ter Wad.. 1. new . nlis 'U aluntard salaam awn Tuxedo. by the Co-optative Mere. Goiliont-Baeltersed Clothan and haberdashers, who own Mt.. conveniently ItmtedWore. in will tenth,. goods tn.ra. Thera will be Mid at the Mae prate as atom, lea a five per cent daeonot form it. thereat Haynie tend • .orplos of aver gfft000.40 the ware in enablei to have. henceforth. an out•end doing bed out profit-sharing policy nem rather then ••p.lit.makIng pe/by. It can deo invest in classes ofech.dim which tAn bring no profit to the Stott, bat whleb the convent..n of the students demands. The peewit manager in determined henceforth to Bell goo. on atl coon is poosible without loan t cost a Aiming totem! this end, and to pretreat trouble. it Ian been the to D and only safe policy of the betatwo ota.gen 10 blind up the surd. whith hat the bee been Mere.. taring eight months.. that the College to proceed to benefit by • • polia co-operative forth atatolotele the fire •tepe toward . Thin all eh, thin end. Increased pare.. by the etodente MI/ lend to further de. lahata to Be Gives The Seal step taken thin Soil wan of maar unity to reduce,the rlIcies. In .dditid6, 10 ear tent. abated Is hereafter to be giTep On en mereitandl. ea pl en which le being wild on no clo.• maga that only 5 per cent 1.00313at ran be given. and on jewelry end talon en whieh IS pee non. decant Ix offered It each is paid at the time of matinee. the dierount le deducted at the thoe a s% ie not .Id. the monthly bun will be hnued, itemized with the atd m per.. the diaroat being the form of a rah rebate to be given two or three time. • year. The ffat'rebate will be paid ether in nab or deducted from the Januar, LzaoiNo sezczazzore &Md. • MIMS The Store now Mina an • firm financial bads which it hopes to maintain, nether iocreaaha nor deenariog in present amnion The mmager's land beam. th.t, which le as of Job' 10, 11321f. follows' ua,. nnots uj ORIRI•Ir •••■•• W tal". t more lodierove oppearance "e tamed deo rotofirst year can, indivIduatly and WE itglersete at at dinner andthe atively. Except 47.1.14 athel tdabl Taut regd.. Meeting; gran artisttheties togs are much usual binds how,: the Federal remiete,K1141 WSNSIla larger and are yellow: the rap. knew gllow .iron ee well a. yellow butane. Ladies. mar saw do pleb "meat Speciel order. gin ereeedadVt ler that time, the metric-do. smehot at hems wad wool Other changes in the roles include moat Uzitie. been posed by the government have ming of mat week will a dome Pan", The roofitalde spare time n Elteretton of wordingdamn thawing el sults sad lifted but the official* of the cab have remove ore the • MacDeniikCap6111 RUMSEY ELECTRIC COMPANY Qom, farm Melanie. THE How= Pam "Amen arts]. "Made For You" PHILADELPHIA OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE OW fellows add to the joys V of College Life bir 7elephon- once every week. Others don't,and vv:cinde is lacking in the general scheme of things. There . IS a reason. Telephone Mother and Dad tonight, then in.f Home . . watch the clouds roll by! Number .. please!