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▪ - IMVERFORD COLLEG h'AYERFOI?0, HAVERFORD NEWS VOL. XVII HAVERFORD Luso v.,Avis0 NEWS PLANS SPECIAL COMMENCEMENT FEATURE PA.. MAY NUMBER 25, 1925 16 ANNUAL LOVE FEAST TO TAKE PLACE THIS WEEK GARNET TAKES M. A. S. TITLE ALUMNI DAY EVENTS DR. BABBITT OUTLINES 111.1.a. In.' efOsde. Appear se Morelos FROM HAVERFORD TRACK MEN Sellbeelenta and 14.10 MIN. Make. 12rommeecereeet HAVERFORD'S NEED OF Up Featly* Latter Part el GIVEN OUT FROM number A ...Awillel.-Pee The manual Love Feast the be the nest Issuemope.the eletta•theofhatterend 1928 will take place Montgomery, and Baker, of Swarthmore, Shatter MidNews,June sell which rod fhb, The dle Atlantic Records; Meet Run Off Well; Thomas the morning, 12. Duo m the de ATHLETIC HELD HOUSE ea. Otte SECRETARY'S OFFICE Haverfoni eat yetofCommittee. been derided terceolion of the filial eeaminations awn by thehaeCustom. to Week between e el 1027 to nine week. which sariofnest Monday, and Hoskins Also Better Old Marks will be Thebetween Feset is theyeerly event.re.taking Business Meeting Scheduled n o lathe the Neve co there that date or Believes Aid Should Come as place sophomo end the folio.. Monday. for Six o'Clock on a Result of titan AthFreehmen with the intentofofthe. *betel.. A fullramie., programme of thewith commencethe trailitionel hatred two TRACK IN FINE SHAPE GARNET WELL BALANCED June 13 ment together • There let of letic Policy ela... It gearelly takes 01.01 Re the des event.. rim will be bend.. The thirteenth annual tears Sold Semi. 30 peters to Bourthletere.. erteket paellion and I. NINE CLASS REUNIONS will ed. be a large picture of the grad- WOULD AID WINTER WORK epee.. by merabas ethompanled of the cantor.by meet of the Middle Athletic mates col. 41. Haverfurd Ion the Middle Allende elem. Effort leco.being Made to committee and el.. niftier.. Punch is leglAte Athletic A...dation wee held Starts, Track and Field Chamoloethin The fin. schedule for Alumni Doe uating weer* en adra.e of the pr.& lewd Friday end RetunIss. May = sod the ./th to the t.mlopped last &teed. to meal the bend of ham been mode out adotested s and the Commencement Nyeakere (nth ia fal e - of a ...me used two Genet Field. rivals the eve. othliertt, wheo fro. from the Alumni Secretary.. ee. It dent' e. of 1928 In time. pre- M.andantimeWelton Tb•d be the Sophomoren thatatthe petitors MiddleIt,was Attendee in the fight had for the lewas InIseniele ..idtrably In the theniel. line like m.. of of that sports, of Pat the year Nen bee at thin nrittett been held trendier:ate" Reverie. ere... the time the third with 27 lotheette that aver. of the wreath have taken on the task of reviewing the athBabbitt) Field The era... ham it in his mire being In 1915, two 00000 after the tunedfeathers Every Haverfordian been seated .crone( of Smiled letic year. •This • rtiele will be • tone during the three year. previa. to Ile fourth with 19% leg of the •nsociatian. , sled Alfred College, lart week dem. by themidsIhrooad yoeitehave frombed01 ththee varlons reporter. arblevement ofthrlikel Realtwee....eon. The Clam Spoon Thetomeet was hen.. perfettly fret. committee for the lit. time, was fifth, Santa to beofp.tienkrth metedprises ere: that the College will be has resportiee Imola tea.,sixteen finished. It in oflength, ma. start finish, everyToo deaf being ran with 18%. 'PM Sport swaddles Sari..d the the suggestion their field , with aped. empLal. on ...pathetic hegani. album inches In the preliminerie. on Fr... of without • law. math credit tat 13,16 on Friel.; chaege that le the nine hoe the mot seri. to sport. more defiIt and bas, s mural entemblenee to the cannot he given to Manager Bate.. the Scarlet and Black teem appeared of the satime of the Fled Born. Meeting and ✓ nitely ,odds the i..iscuptaimeelect much-needed will 1021 spoon. hem however, the added Graduate Meager Hoopes, Dr. Bide to hoe, • toed eha.e for tbe thane be theludeel. Election. which .0 be held this 'tee • Athletic Bandies It oleo a. featured piseured in to ran • entry on feature of a .leer piste pionalide en the ,qualifying fourteen men, three handle, bill, emelt Haddletoe. to six &clock Weed.. June 13, Mate d the erieket team'. trip to Englaretelong Pr.ident Comfort'. Centeeery plans. in the forte of /Maid. with the in. men who worked uotiriogly moreBut than Swarthmore oho ran eecthat lad. ofatThe in the the morning, newAnna 13111.151034 with a photograph of the pethonnel of In IMO e .plestlid criptioe -Chm e Spoon the of well.h.anced the Claim of Gereet the meet mi.. peeve au unoertitied it suede now, folthe team Ch, of the new College teamed for all athletic 1928* tea. aided sod at the bottom, -Preeented by and mate low. record holders are oleo to be printed. eads-for a College ems by their oor. Alban... the Claes ...Oh. of 1927." worod u ml yet. Tres* 15 Estelle. Ceedltlen Ileterford limits. Today, tenter. 14._ Friday.din. took the titte by decisiee victory. later, everywyort 17.00 A.P.M.-Commencement. on the Cot. The Flaverford treek..e of the beet and sit but three of the fourteen eeente, 1210 It clamoring fur grthter oppor • M.-Awenling Het of Spring SENIORS PREPARE FOR lege in the East, wen to almost perfect .o Haverford scored Ile 30 point. in five Sport Prism tunny in wiuteedinie PaP•atioe. LARGE DR/CATION TO 0. The heat had made It little r.trAftt. 12.70 too dry, bet it wee watered before the ..... mere Break* M. A. S. R.erd The Now Salk./ eitYhall A1.501 Vs 230 P.P.M.-Lunch. Iii. M.final. to This new Maldive meet be pienned Va Two 11.of A.theS. raords fell during the inlittle thecmbestSatuourday mdhle sheye.track Thererec-is thurse sod well. 3.30 P. M.-Preliminary To Rio. CLASS DAY DIRCISES one sigualleieg ATTEND Mind Y. CONFERENCE meet Montgomery, the doubt but that arena rot Jon stele.] the men in a letic field spec< twenbiz Reverie. peen n finer. tiredly reords would brae fallen on d 4.00 P. 1L-Carepus Club tea. ty-five berth, • pie. gained retire*, Trees Ma old form Eelbegan threw the spear Cricket Match and Baseball lay if a fairly etre. wind bad nut Commtttep Announces 15.00P.P.M.-Preliminary 11.--Clthe exercises. Plans separate the preeent 180 feet gywnanius. 9% in.., es the old slowed down the runner, on Ileadinan'. mark BM would scoutfrommn.0 Game Schedifed for apyroprlate-. by almost cena foot, andwhich also for 1926 Interoollegiate nave.. A.A. of Alumni tre! mthletir Mehl building, the Haverforti ing record bebreakset he cloth... Singing on Afternoon The facilities for Ow field event+ Silver Bay 030 P. M.-Supper, Meeting , fat,with both be greyed le. mote ear end than elevated eight feet. dret-tia. and In Sap, perfeet Class conand FeinerThe roaming Middle teethe MN.. twelve dew. laps to regard the mile. meetings. tier dition. Two of theand11.twoA. record. woe shattered three times during the DANCE STARTS AT 9 Thin won* give Amyl floor TO BE HELD JUNE 11-18 were shattered. 9.00 P. 11.-tientor Dance. more then. ofbrake the meet. of SwarthW ere.baseball. Sold even cricket and In addition toSeel...Class the arrangements el- and Setenthy, deee 12Piany for the 1920 IotercoSeotate hreatened more, it lir.211lather. oninebee, Friday withona tennis If em., made for D. same Geed Weeds. B0115ay. 9.30 P. IL-Golf A. Y. touruemeet M. C. bee, Conference. et IM feet be held at d.tred.reanagerial Tn. TM* centralendbuilding nhould Silver Bay-an-Lake Georgeto,New other feater. hosei,bleen 2.00 P. 11-11.05.11. pat on the temente Conekletine a the weather, with& with Satunley. Thom. of Rork, the Semi. and training heedWarta. Temth-alearleds programme. cricket matchis aperient, here ehowere, ele sod ath- from June 11 to 18. ore wed under way the exception of Satunlaja Black, bettertd that mark and, ion Blacks. between theThere Alum.will sad•• the all that could be •thed on both day.. denhalr. hie owIL Haerford Week .1,rndlet and Track lerge se-online from Ileatford 3.43 vs. mark. with . t4 afternoon sod • betehell mene he- tette us the es creel thmeormive d ly malt Field /dnar the D.. • Bodthrow of 134 feet to 9 !Sneed. loran Esker '27: Tide rt... Plea, which would tweew the Faculty sod • pick-sp dab.. team Tog.-(F. The role that chairman fume War, Sale toorea• commuted of Senior. And AlemoL at Peet Ringleted ropesof wee 10% eventbeck and on his last try and woo the tee.Last yearof the Canfereuce Commit- carriedmight meet Titiosing Thethe erhedule for the...thee.. morning inopens out to • meximmethepoint Ise... sieve. Haverford enthusiastic elotbes-Pede. conimitte, 440-Intl the with of Athena anti firethmtl. de. rel... Swimming. (10 lay teeth prevent st Silver Settees Pole Well Hart Students could be allowed to keep In &rut HellComfort with ...ening Hoop race run by children coneestion uenffilly caltad by se AWeld. thin numberBtheelendbeitex-la Internited third klaverford revved went under ten,winners. ea 25-yard by hae Preeldeat and the addrenn fennel talkby notion the wheel already atarted probabie crowd practically door the boards ate Saturday. when ceeded bytothat theemend representatives who ere dirge Flo**, athding the MO ng out of diploanes our Food President, we feel that it away with. dennieg the credit ofpoints P tofather,' go tonth,Mama. the coeferetwe thins Al. nputhe for movement. Seat is the end pole gide atilt by Oared Fell, Mae E. Setellies. head of the EngEverythinfr wept off .1 schedule time 1 feet 5% Melee. Chadwick, who end amen forthcoming. at the toUniversity 111.-Fbral meeting. limb DepartmentThis coder the .uperation of the general had Intereollegis m conferee.. be': official. held theonrecord Election..Beene. withtryhim,al the sprouted take pimaof Eaterleine Hope of large Memeriel held end at the calf of Winged hie snide for many ...re at the lair 7.00 P. M.-Aluotel .upper. eine. Penneyhanish at eleven tielotic in theis morning. hiswasendforced winReed. Perhey. thief annutmeer. Nome large memorial-eu Metro kerne resort .They have twee better ning height and to take third ant of the features of the meet Athletie was AWN,. I. Se No. repression of 8.50 P. ht.-Celo approval of Haverford'n and Bells attended each seethed.. plea. year. This the large scarebeent erect ed on W.I. "The Roomerang... athletic policy-would Immediately come from following a dear the Commenceie nanny doe to the eaalteath of the ton Field la plain tight of all the epee. AM.. of Lafayette, woe et. and The AlemelforCommittee the John 'F. Marti. Liment by whirl, exercise. it was , award. will be given out eke rimy to tell the meeker. enured for the week of meet. Moors, high wore o f the The meet eitemittee with• Alumni thth thefinite eta.... of the team. at easy time. Loth hurdle event. ad nemen..Haverford reginterteg the deny gratitude ins. Harty Fosdick, J. Henry Scattoparte oleoAwho haveloneheon participated slats C.of DeWitt C.Turner,. Clement.'15,'1.7, che/r- e is thein snub.. buffet as much es ergood and Sherwood Eddy are among will inCole. beApril serv-in* ofhethegenerated, high Jump for v total of 14 points. meni Brieldey CLASSES aesIsted DESIGNATED of ed the free donor. to the peens of the the r. It nes la the hurdle byIntheaddithin •deereteriestheofregular that the seri..th*eione duns. Founders Hailend at twelve-thirty. College. which todey h. meetAl.popula The TO HOLD REUNIONS Revertant hod the bardeetevent. Coethreee• luck. Lowry baseball game cricketthematch •Haverford .r ealthan.athletic will never pertisipation, will -Contraryof tothethe thee. had woo bin brat arid hie semi-final In °pint.," fel...theWilltheyeat el..., the follawiell o own. tart the early adorn.. FirmYear her etandartie,of • Clauseand 0 athlete 00101 Ores. mid Smarm, 9 he hig -the obj e ct of the boa rennin. nenording to ingTea will be served In the Colon dur- purity. She craves being molted. Mortreunifies Thts 'ear imme- ad h., In 10.1towithout day neither heat not the Dix WI, 93, '19, '20. ....ie..the1r/eluding *Berea.. Senior Claws Day develop her the ferteekes materiel e ll theConference depot. Muth He was leading overis into to them.to win d '22, Ple. theAlien field.inwith iately pen-oiling the pre...thin of highem efficiency.athletic Alumni onDay,orSavor. Now let no ea pump religion lay, June 13, are being made by the Allen • clue annd when he The the Spoon,. the reeding el the Clasn th ethietic lade a ehence to show the auditorium weeder., dientedon grasps l oh the eighth hurdle, collegiate and the can whatamateur it way. e and life-work JUNE HAVERFORDIAN TO Poem, Propheey and :77gethitSer!':e2.* el:=a do inworld a Dermal the nice.the his stride Farewell Adders, will lake plant 10.1 gred.teil five Red ten and wee out APPEAR THIS EVENING the Memorial Garden help • to may modebhis oweareemblem..to seers aodbold theirbath behind the Li-in THREE SENIORS TO SPEAK to the da. eolopn 5 of 7n, .111 whatever reunmne e.this brary be served Entre LatheAle•el !Pee Artlebn tO Centel. Several there etforfive. by pointing out that yea h addition to three, certain group. COLLEGE TO BE GIVEN $1.30.A supper plate atwill eta-thirty sod BEFORE WEEKLY Y.M.C.A. eitch del... meets .ontoof the ea. uf el thlisee hat were will be followed be the engine of the from to college the !diddle together Atlantic The Joe. number of the lineerfordian MEMENTO BY SENIORS welt meet in Accordance with the so New ceded endof the celled Senior. on the diming ers to Speak at and this evades. ethell. the Last ro ▪LastRh.. pone thin to Wee. Dia pthe this adopted friembhibe formed ofsreStem. Ilia eewmina Need. 01-willRop Itsome isecheduted Agee. tofifty be •pag gel. conefeties -theFeesteps •time. efferthe yearInlast tor1525year. theoffirst theborne conferee.. esusual. of reading matter,of te.. te Three senior* be the epeaker. Plies Sealer thIla Dee. the Cede.sa..t for reunions the Manly more they Aleph eleciaallea at the lost meeting the Y. IL C.wa-A. Every eftere.n, during the week of anew damesand 00 01). '01, '02 mei Theo'cSenior Prom echeduledIt will In one It At a reeetiog of the Senor clams for which will be held aleofWednesday The feature stone. will be 'one eo. was derided thee theofLissa 10, 90, limo. sloe 21, T.2 gymnasium. lock sod [II the '23 g, the May 27, R. in the P. Mod "Ile by Y.Rib.8. • Prilthr demo the .0.1. The Renters chamenUniar outdoor n at recreatioe, with ample facilities Middle to the minions yreeentin to0.apeak the College with some objeet dedi-g herd • alsoAgee." 90, has for anuther. The committee hebeaded charge of tbe adhere thane tenni., are 01 le. laffstam. baseball, Bello, enAr.0.1e.' Mr. Miele Al bray Rho.. for the and beeline sod Day plane IA ' ' Ythea7;tad'rl A Pa' b _ y Dewitt cated to the memory of their four s W. Roger, Thew mountain men ree. se ha, rtimbing. Clement Other contrib.:4one yet by Sellers, your. lmington Tin.to those year itmen will .6.. mar,The will and there ennouneed the eithieeta e sotwinch Harm. '20,by end see- from Baitere lm eraAttheEaHaverford. • memorial mall will bewidemi. hodewe they will waleof but Pemba. ofIS.thewith Editorthey will whom likelyto NEW ENGLAND ALUMNI SENIOR CLASS RECORD E clams •'251 hat Imo. be*College decorated In theSart. .0. eh.. AdWs Board. general Inter., A committee wavy ws. with appointed the to se eoloth. Flaverford lee le the the Mat eft I..Mean of Theyore Havera.Stiller chairma, *IR. TO BE OUT NEXT WEEK and Stiller end*lb fora. during Chadwiek. thethe lessof and end (with.ACCOUNTS SHOW PROM PAYS ALL BILLS The manual Clek, dinner ofNam At thesellavelnadief. same thee alau.selerted the other member the New En. Senior Class Record has passed R. fleet the Berry,ander new Spoon .2f1. the NEWSFINANCIAL Committee of which Lord HererfordMey 28, willthebeMilton elaedThursday, held this through and will behave bound on STABILITY Limit ea Sale ef Thirsts week.theinIt pre. le planned Numerous the indining meeting. bebefore called PRESS CLUB WILL ELECT Club, Milton, Mmseachusetm. Over • 14.dred titof7 publimitian Reelthed heed, ofofthe theknow. subthe Met twothewill wake Pre.ident 1V. The Aseleee W. Junior Comfort, as Prom Treagerer; Grit given scribe. ea et M. the ti beginning bee thaduation at which matters perHe CMthe Isetrementel theAJunior ail be of the gueets Mg week at the commeneenlont of ex- t... Him erwrl. . le tisieleg Paidleity AffordingtetoReplace decided as 1by174cl t mceits..Aat the .100 the treseureehter‘ „r,.tnof the and will clew be the mein .pecker of aminations. Middle *IMMO TrakFree. MeetClub organization for Com he the Title lunorations hove mencement The Met will meeting be taken of. up. the hat and fide wee An attreelia programme Ira T:inLor` from Met few of tootle. been Incorporated in the year book cidgew 1.4., with I will he heldevent.. aethrdlne to Chad. booed ',Audio, bestehen thd dialo dune., closely adhered he of the graduating ela., May 1 th The Wedneeday the total members by mad one 80." during expenditure. forbeen theto afternoon, wilt not be divulgedthere g the antilhave the Mane 5.mile president wick, of the oreanlea• off:.;oll'eartrtn'el aace. the current To date, all year bill. of bare the large. of the., end been leemme-revressrat tion. The e of the meeting delkierary eurno pa id tad snort there mown.. la a lama dinners doe to the policy of 1,0.100 la looked morn for.ome tothe Record, hotseer of mooey its prodnetion. will be elert aflame for the coml. aleyege Dane. 0. been turned over The follow!. to the trove hse coon h altel.r17Be • cur- that is teach larger term seer of lb.. of the of affair: ing careful economy and CM.. securthan In previous yeeth with the to gain The meethm has been postPoted to To meet the &diet ing Reuben an • .le untatual of Cotton. 175 number tickChart. T. Cot-I*: thin ofhasedverdeebookale. willofbetter the this ofdotetheonMiddle account of the8.1. ieterferwee neceesary, Thenale trell. 90: meet.. Frank `711: IL Eshelman. bearddeficit plan Walter manned workthe01 the PIM.represent More...twrit. ace Inc Atlantic •this was to strictly limit the orthere S. Hiochman. a POTthea the of tithe. andThisto ets '00: Howard V. Ine hes been done by exielthe meet end other athletic eve., to amount Howerer, aecoundate Bollinger. a considerable were 91, Carte. earplug. N. Sheldon. 94, opof the earSeetiona before. The Pre. Club bodkin., to doAtlen &Mande damed wit Ives for extraIt adeleable WilliamTliS. Itethb eccomplhthed tithent t ta NUN Fel:tiger,I.. Garner. .011; J. Walter throtrgh TebDivided Info Tee publicity theH. Heilman, the committee &fiddle he efforts of Businessprincipally '12: Elliot IdeneMers Singe ...me, lewataStates MeekOforded A ding meet. opening. '25, molt .ectioe with enseven burr They have been permit the gale of moth. The total 11'. drawn. .21.: Craig NS Solder, 92. end ,r. Campbell. swath ealeit of were this then liatie 190 .d theme couple. will and be ten followed sta ably assisted by g Bortoo, 1feed, with the ....Bee iningiving Settee. Practhully chargethatSod of campus views. Thebythfaculty Forlythe. real- Prokosch Awarded Both peg. And Hetsel. Cortia w. ' an- ised enecreded on the elbled Prole. section will come next. with the name e cog. meeting It wag event prominence. tomarymetalled individual pictures of he ram. n ounced that E. Mead. 20, who hat Poetry Prizes tint here in e gged this ye., hod ten- Students' Association AcOrs.... a. The devoted to eachfollows dered Me reedthetion. to takesaeelect Both theMemorial fleet sodPrise. full.pege cooed name onveldt Ifni...tele. vrteleha se. cepts Treasurer's Report Garrett The resigned. forgotd, tag tee smart u goetwere r. witi he found his photognele a 11.1 of with regrets.. . Maerwe .ewe a vote him of thaelte, amonstine to fort, dollars In the eetivities in which he ha. been emF.. F. auereed at tree At . short meeting of the Stadent'e by Frederick '25.'The W. The eded. write-opthyand a anapshot ewer. Ameogiatlee held in the old11, the M. C. A. won end prim wale wonProkeech, by a sonnet, The erest hoots will thntain L Catkin. '20, the dr./eine man-of mirees rm. oureport Men. O. AmireAl, told Clipper.. A poet OCedgelthrglIre mat freti second. ntower long clawofhiatery, picture. ant% of the .1,0 Anocianced hie intention . for theTheputmeethigtree was The. cisme. athletic write-ups, or. soon aa • eneeeseor ewe reed r e d wee tote were almeet unanimously eattRatton pictures and description. beti trebled. Applketione for till. poetturned over to Marshall. mew hneen the best by out judo. of the and infanta.... ieterelarsed with re Pe et Pattonpresident, and promptly adjourned. birth-eight poems the submitted. joke., *tries of r etina th see for Ike of Hee ord before the Ces. 1933. TAM wee u by Dr. Ames A. Walton one old trot point.: I. towards hold It sod all the other th adequate by e Iry uprets SUM.. Owe '1110 innate Its being wisely ace th the c.c. Do, Ham. rating 1211 1000 wore aloe e apace for were [did..., football, soccer I. incites. hour m 'Comity wind, woo e mrt li -rolierred, 411110,1100---probably snore-cailo to,• earthly Organised plan. If me .ty ....strata end offiClay inidde cials the reeord with 1341 fret efficiency. and me a result the mnfuolon and s wee would bee• u Year. naiad be have PLY. on Moo *WOW of Silver en appe.opity to '86, '21, 11, wait +fated 3turuel "2:3. the to t oe to tripped normal' coll. of gathering. MAO ,ontiooed on Me 1 obey en 133.1 I. the Mate,. adrantages Gilt for h, meethlt., 11. devoted te nod IP.. am- naafis. •1111 men. Will 14.14 A•1111.1 131...r at The Alanint WIN 1.41•011; to Man{ one Cl.,. .1.0114. enjoyed wilt the leaf 5 WV sever.] changem in homrd ado elan. than lb. In a e tb 5100 net win Al W M. Alta A. Bla, .11 Mr. ralta IFIdar, renJar aection Hake.] 0. Cart. Y. rerIgning am latter Cre-T-tat CALLMnal mita Iralre baba.Coot, • Moth. Mow. had at 7. VTIIDAY-21. Bay, at 7 :eat in tarateutat twalt Fa. Jew MMDIMMDA-T. IL C. A.. 0.1.. Pa CM talus 71117110A7-.7......1 Moto. Boa %an. then. itoroatowo It.1. Saab rtunalt-inttama nalwa. Var. ▪ Lloyd. lateellosiate Ia. at Deloarlata, Da1awan, W. no Masa 'lama weed make alma alma. eta. edam et tho tone.. Or Ahab Alia M. ealla...15. Ilamoltor. Mn. to the seeming al repo and Kew.. and year cry Ole reek. brobehkr Iterfated. root the "My 0.14.1.,'' was awarded Terre, Ora' eft. e. at MYST VIES vomit-emaeoldoes Nth, theta. tan sant. 21.1217.AY-51a1.17. with Swarth. ioate, Le evarthao. as and le-Commoratat. lta et Harlon! •rea. SATC101.4.. Mtn 53-Anal Dar. Ch. a Vent 1.7 In nubs. ▪ Pane 2 fiA.VIMIF(HtD NEWII HAVERFORD NEWS be otherwise with romps controlled by military mind.. And,unthinking . se larawrat Ilatrawnivan Iraavasor moet of on are, tell. spark of knowledge Oradang Ira at hat to Ix easily fanned by the abed of the Eras.. Oallan WPa nth-rah patriotism admittedly aught In Stara the caw. (if petriotiem ean properly be raid to be taught at Mill into on active and dangerous war Writ. Yet EDITORIAL BOARD the proponents of the C. IL T. C. point lama with pride to the -teaching of the imLranall. portance of preparedness." Mara. Gina It surely remain. for the calitern W. O. darara the founded, like Haverfori, by men whom Was Llira .very thought wet Wainot war. to lake au to. rera the less/ egainet the, Institutions, and R. lielralink J. lino.. WI no soothe an remised effort to idea, out Ararat Whar evro the nem. of war. We meet take W. O. Ow, WY finn na nd in oppralog ereratin. Enwrap W.. thin ..17 of milintriem and preparedad. ram.. Our melt I. st0Olishina the arasta. Zane tImmines of good will in the mind. of w- T. bra.w va out eraidry—the 0111, U. or pre. R. O. ...A litadollora VI W. IL Aran., IR ineednemo thsr avail hi the future. to am ..at If we do not, who will, BUSINESS BOARD ran.= naarawi ✓ Las ...run. Raw. Raga Ntrw, t Rowan rand 'W Awn.. Brawn. e. o. mews, T Mara 1g Olnalatiaa Mauna, J. R Ian Fratamera R. O. Stara We REV. HART ADDRESSES 'Y' ON FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIANITY OF TRUTH aa MAY 25„ 1925 Br "MR. PIM PASSES PRESENTED AT COLEGE BY HEDGEROW PLAYERS Performance Staged for Benefit of Bryn Mawr Fund CHARACTERS WELL TAKEN IA. Numbly night in Helmets Hall Hedatrow Player. of Rom Taller presented A. A. folline'n -Mr. Pon Paasen 117," hi • benefit performance for tbe Bryn Moire college $400.000 fund to endow the mimic deportment rad ewer raditorium. The entertitioment'.WIA daged through the efforts of Mew. Horace Form., of Harerford. who gradorated from Bran Mawr In 1002. as her contribution to the endowment fund. A full hone< made the affair a decided finsaMid thro.. e A. A. Milne hen written. in ./Mr. Pim Pane. By," a morn delightful play. There le no deep plot to IL but the 00110. Moves slow conshotently and emueingly. laterenting complicadons and clever repartee with clever character presenutIon rook. the piny unusually entertain/off. I Slaty Reviewed The star, renters .round an English home al the head ofwhieh self. roofelmed eorwerredre reetlemen, Mr. Martin. He has married the pretty and attractive widow of a forger, who look her to Australia and died about ▪ rear att.r they separated to that rotintry. With these two, Ikea Mr. Martin'. stlate and wand. She is 'very much in love with a young artist who paints in a totortetk manner not ismai. to the Victori. Into this honse comes Mr. Rim, no elderly nue with n letter of introdue. Hoe to Mr. Martin and seeking in turn another from him. He tomes and goes 1 times and upon one of these oresstons he tells • story thin that Ern Martio's sal Undated was Mire et the time of her emend marriage. Hut before the mesa is finally Menial/tenet! out. •nd Er. Vim remembers the true n•100 of the men le attention. &pike Martin'. mime of the proper has rate' meh • all he, he roes eta to the mitering* of hits niece to the "fool" twain. He al. tremens enough from his connervatism to allow his wife to hoar bright col. med OM have been a source of dinner...anent between them. Pate Nat Omnstull The work of the Realm - PlaYeM is well Inman east it is difficult to an Much about their ',edema.* Wt Monday night for it um uniformlv good. The honor,. of the evening go. perhape. to Dorothy Yokel as Mrs. Mor tn. ta t it is mainly M.o.` of the tomorrow, of her role. the s' I "Read what it says about you", William Dawson sew hie daughter think you feared he might not be bid her fence good night. able to support me." she 11.W u rabliend awktr Ions Ike "I've. wedding prevent here for "My dear, thatcan happen to gran 7. at 11/117110 10(.0 at T. lorayou, Anne," he said. bra Publ.. Cora.. LW North await better men than Jack. That's Anra. Wawa. FY-I rail Murata. ran. by this is your wedding gift— "Why, Father! What an odd novarrond Pe. freedom from any money worry, Wtralrara one W. at say rat. present —• copy of • 'Trust agreePrim we Le.. MA. no matter whet may happen to Par sta. tray. le wow Jack. It might have been a steam Munn as wearisla= =era at W '. Yea End w hat it says shout yacht or • mansion or • trip Pan On. at Mewl.. Pa Moran . Truth" ir.n. 'ivett 'n urtintd.o.fq )1f"In'll a ta own. a puelle.71.• oteottletast malb you around the world, but your poor Iter. Jack Ham, of the Y. M. t. A., Pee Oft. III Watree. mu Wednesday In the 111‘ pay1teet to Union_ Dr. Hart old Dad couldn't afford anything .... You dear old thing—giv ir raptor of the Chapel of the Tram, but •o income for life. I hope rig me an independent income tiguratson to Philadelphia and Amanita you like it," for life .... Jack won't like Editorial. de not necrame117 renew of the Univereity of Penuesirann. Rev. Hart opened his talk with an that, though." own the opinion of the *mire modem "You old darling!" etplanotion of the retell. of emotion t thought. -Emotion.- he declared "You roan he'll resent the idea "Mee a place in making clear or beof your property being tied upiso clouding thought_ A proper proportion You can't very well choose poor be can never touch it?" Gronted—Sunday of controlled and cultivated emotion daughter's husband, but you can is necessary to the hem thought." It ie We rennin imt feel that the Hoard "Of course not, Father. Jack see that the never lecke an in• of Manager., lion thkeu a progmesive thus bee:, l wouldn't touch • penny of my silX7 'ie come. Use a Voluntary Trust or step In monolog the Student Council eat •,,,,,ttao. It tram thee elso that money. He's always, made his petotion tu allow undergraduates Ihm• a Trull provided for under the t. John, ceded the ',smooth. of love.own way. But day •fteraoun monis on the College elan lee of Janus be hurt to term. of your Will. Faun.. Bole* aare not Mane law.. tphur" .'711' 1■I f -tiateo" wi:Ve What may bare been decidedly immoral religion of Cbrietisnity wen founded for our graodfothere may be pertectlY Urea co reel fur the present generation iX.Vnet■:; bieten lid, lw But with 1,11 pew privilege. come mm01 the intellect./ attack. mode Amster ,..usibilitiee. While there un. egiete nothing inherently wrong Sekno• lad Raliglo• as day tennis limit. k ego be ma Thin fo.-t, ooronling too 11.1. Hurt , neighborhood 01.16011170 if the privilege eapialm the computability of religion ho aboard. Let those whto devote Sun- mod science. He all that runny people day afternoon. to tenni, reumniber that believed that there must toe a ronlilt OF PHILADELPHIA tier waste between soden, and religion because Haverfuni hi out situated they Mitred tied religion was merely Fourth end Mid-Gts Office er. :17 of Mtn' aloho. rirttertgler brot' -secrell bat untruthful- belief. Thi.. Closeout Streets dimurbauce. Probably the ma- of craw, could tra ranee with gem., ▪ HIM Chestnut Street jority of thin nuronnidara neuthborhood truthful beyond refuMtion. b will continue to dmore quiet Sunday lint. with the exception of the religious afternoon. from,. who decry all scientific dlr. If the Faculty. the Board of Idana• rosettes. 0eiertee and religion are son, gem or the Elludeuto,121/011C11. could feel potibis tweanne of their common basis tortoni that the riding of the neighbor. of truth. hOod would elw•ye be respected, than alnlaTatEWTS WM Pram. Rolrallailra tar TERATTIS many other privileges Monier to Sun000ED—ataa rearms is .11711.01," day tennis would be foMbenoning. h. eta. /#/maroarreowpanycyladadatais poritaniam with its rigid Sabbath ob. C71.7..1 17■11111711. Peawfietaat — franirldp 7.1 Dertwoce by formal rodeo is passing. but henerSOW—itriut we. Woman' the collective right. of a conununtO Y. Carat SeseesteInsert ie Biba .7 71.. at large remain. !Hedy CHM eed PROvielee far Buttes., Eno and Poultry Charity °rho M y o. The following •ranalments to the By• 7 0. travnLaws of the Y. M. C. A. hare been ROW O 01111 Sixth Aeswee It In a terrarkshie fart that in optle proposed by the Cabinet: Section 1 of 7.7.13 4— etalae assn • wtwoulaw—araidra of the decided trend toward antl..miLb Article 5 of the Hy-Lawn he emended r or m -adam ue fiatyaw taristic feebly diet has followed the in read A committee on 1)1.14781013 Reading Towalnal vreahwatr, wt.,* Rowan. to World War. the United Suttee goveru• Uroupe. the object of which shall he to te an opportunity to diorama. WU. iitrattrasedi• end meat ho. persisted in its paltry of blow• Aires deuce uod stook from . Chrietian striudtmint Lt,tete.7. Cara Ram la aad Marital Sao. Mir ins In minium. and rattling sword. Time and again now the MOP the problems that confront them. Ara TOL-testora Ws. is . log of the Armistice our wet dePert- s tele 5. Section 1 Mt that/ read A =TT WM. KIgg,_-m mew bra Flanntal the military power committee which *ball manage the rel. Tara,. radar., tals Wows 'tion and di ...Motion of money for of this country in the face of 11. world Paul Loder, Manager and bra done it. best to keep olive the heritable .1.=rookrtaraar ta Br Bret et amendment ramie, nwee. 4.61,0..4 1714 lamerporated 1024 Vis 'arat Rownle." Matralay. idea of justice through arm which the don which proelouelyread -1Lbte Philadelphis Agency 'war to end ware should hnve twate61 9—rafrat " -2:411Yi to"%att once and fur ell. Thevarinuti itaval Study" 1■101e04 of ”Diartomion Broom," ansawa 111 South Fourth Street maneuvers of our !Nets. their "War" The meond provided Ter the °mention ra, ilauraoos, Beim and the blobiliaLation Day raper'. of the Charity Drive In the fall, Mt. IMMO nuns are only motion/ea of Ibt. polta. .r Dad formerly mentioned in the ByTM work ut the much-trated DtilatTOW LOW. meat Conference han on wore theta LEADING IFSCIAUSTII be undone by continued manifeatitiom of YOUNG MEN'S Skit conotry'e prepared., for wa. Wien Nowlin, Books, by Primula or PICK 0' THE PICTURES Sale. Orar000to Rom. Mara M7—Wit/is Hatfield Honed. /WS, will Not the kW harmful. are that an Attest Itrktais, Craratt Music that Charm Haberdathery Illavorrad Almond Office and Yard.. 58th and Trainmg reprenent kleverfold at the oenteonial . Citizen.' Military Campo Them Mtn. have reached rolebration of Newton Tbeologiral InCamps Hats Woodland Ave.. Philadelphia raw of they oun• men of the Colted stitution. at Newton Center, MassaW. Uneasier Pike, Ardmore 302 Arch St, Phil.. on June 10. 1334.1336 CHESTNUT MEET State. They have nucceeded in pro, MO—Harerford will be repremoted wanting the war OM and Isar attiPHILADELPHIA ••• IT WI WI moons more than any at the fiftieth anniversary at the found. tude at preperedne, AZPELL'S seen, Mace the Rate Department maned ita 11.1.41.rman mannikin. And la7•11 D. M. WEST Ardmore Theatre Buildtag furthertoore, they tome foiled lmoot and Frank IL Featehatio. rhairman of Pharmacist entirely I. the fulfillment of the benefits ibe Alumni Adrigory Committee. Virtrelaa Raton:is, Mmleal Sweatt.. VP—Walter W. White., .08. Nt araigned to them. AMDMORE, PA_ rrarerant Haverford et the -ma. New Victor Records Every Friday There ore three types of @dramas. celebra tion of Park College, at Pkannaciet to •a imed by the rafirmenta of the C. M. trunk/ Poualar 9bast Mask r kvi Ile. Mimouri. ton eleto rd.. May aa. T, C. ...They ere the iohyelcal, ingest. lite Bryn Mawr Housital "20—Donald A. Flanders, was married god eduentionot. The first ie undoubt- Mu; LG to Misa Sara Hurray. of Chap. TWWWWWent alanOwE WO thinly darn of Imrd paqua. edly a lust New York. After few dots going is cure totoaurae a decided change on Vermont they will goato Terns, Flume 2917 22 Ardmore Ave for the better In any normal Twenty where Do FModerr will leach in the THE year-old boy/n physique. Rut are there roomer erhool at Auelin. LaMr he will ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP not loony place. Midden the C.I.LT. C. e el the regular anaaiao in the la-b. when boy may an the rame oda.. H. D. MANUEL JEWELER lag. an der randy different conditions, al Lubbock_ Mee. Panel, Is a sisterld Cot Flowers. Polled Planta. Meal ARDMORE, PA. One need not too, gun In hie hand 11. C. Murray. 'LI null E. I'. Hurray. Attomesslite . TN, sod end -preparmlnern" in hie mind aim eater-In-law of Thome. Atm Ormarke aad Gold Fib prove hie health. leatoder. toe in alma an not of yawls, AMDMORR IWO The mecooll advantage of -moral Alfred Boer/elle. 'M. &retail...or state, if at al may In '2I—The marriage of John J. MotARTHUR LAWS oot 7 ■11htttli.rle 11110 1041, Mil, 10 Minn Helen Slayinaker. of the minds of t hen . Pictures, Picture Framing talent, pay more than $9 or p.m of the organ...11ra. It in a nospter will take place on 236 Sonth Fortieth SL,Philadolphiajem $7 for men's footwear, but why teek for to college roen at leen. lune Ob. ... and Novelties . to visuntim nny great "moral derelnp, do it when you ..:2—John Bryant Harker Will be Under the Management of get the latest moor taking IA.. in a lawn of 2200 married on June 2 at Pittnnorgh to modb, the finest imported and doSCHROEDER BROS. Lag. a molte age who are thrown Mira Blair Jerso, together for w period of thirty days. If mestic lechers and the best work• Hell Phone .24—Samuel Hiok Chat. was married -boys win be hops:* certainly ma Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne First Clam Service at 5foderate Prices If ou April 10 m Minn Ruth Lynne King. moral*, in John Ward Men's Shoes T C. can make them anything el, in a Miss King - bo It I pa at those prices! month. It IN rvimpirable to angel g him ere in ..9att lake City. Utah. The that so moon nalleraoro "wore] aletelola - ona,inge took pia, in Somehow. Chinn Havwford ones will fa rkm one Phila. nowt- while eerrine a thirtydou jail mai the 110111110 Witt live at 45 Brood. detpltht shop at 1221-1223 Ciwallsor Street Tao consult a lawyer on nen/moor. mid about no any. Shanghai Call Ardmore i826 has ehoet to sho Rom Ac ...Penh seen,. Open legal matters; a doctm show The Mini nolrantsme brought forward C. H. Merriman, a e[Olden[ in the An RN. eV Straw Rona Oa lea daily from m m9 p nt—Santrdnys 11 pm. Your health. Consult I= about In the oducntionat one. Now it would Thomas Won, kniwn hboduate Sehool Main Line Battery & ammo Station your INSURANCE omen, obvinote that nil thr Imowledge- last yen, 1.‘111111111 to be no the Faculty OM 010 IAPICASTFJI AVE Ituarledge ail WW-1.1 bur mf Tome Sehool, Port Deposit, Maryadvice throtmh year, of tapertan alwirb in one Inrab or in two of land, emit year. ARDMORE. PA eta may help you. three month. to, two in the swine rem wankl not to of any UAW sal. to hito SHOE REPAIRING CO. if he trete rolled to &demi his country Ryan v. GIRONDI, Proprietor In time of invention—for the romp,. Am Indy defensive mrolaircs. on the governSmits! and Crepe Soles, $2.00 men carefully ram. on An intl.' Rubbers Heels Put on While You INCORPORATED sta-a lent feature of the knowledge gniaml Walt J. J. Oweleued. Spree.ed .4.eene that whirl. Marline then soiliturism In IS E. Lemuel... Ara., Ardmore. P• n tmlioy whieh 0117 govutatitent aura. IttuADILPFILA • Sinervolut • HINVASoc • BROOKLYN 20 Ardmore Avenue 1 1 1 SOUTH FOURTH ST tion. nod ev.m encommees. It coonot Plane, Ardmore 747 PHILADELPHIA, PA, Ardmore Discusses Relation and Close Compatability of Science and Religion GROWTH OF CHRISTIANITY Tennis '„72; the r rtn li AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO Y.M.C.A.CONSTITUTION In Time of Peace hem PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY MacDonald & Campbell Provident' Mutual WM. A. BENDER u71. An Opportunity for Life Insurance Training J. Came Mellrain Company ARDMORE THEATRE ALUMNI NOTES M LUMBER FRIENDS' BOOK STORE ,tleof! A. A. FRANCIS YOU can The Gift Shop ADVICE not A. & Co. Printing—Engraving can STARTER TROUBLE PROVIDENT MUTUAL Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS tYheds ▪ MAY 25, 1925 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 3 COLLEGE SPORTS *Irma RLISSILLIL YOST GARS VEROCT OVER HOLLINGSHEAD IN PITCHING OUR SUCCESS MARKS STRONG CRESCENT C.C. LONG SEASON OF AND MERION C. C. TEAMS COLLEGE NETMEN FALL TO CRICKET MEN WEEKS. SPORTS ROLDECHWiffWILLIAM T. MAGUIRE HARMS G. HAYMAN]) - W. H. ARMSTRONG ALLEN HORTON GARNET WINS TENNIS TWELVE GAMES LISTED FOR BASKETBALL. TEAM BY MGR. ROEDELHEIM Haverford Eliminated le &mend Roosd. : Finalists An Swarthmore kl. The Middle Atlantic States Athletic moo Association tenaie tournament took Piece la t week red resulted In a vicA. 4. O. A. A. 040_4* 41. Zama 411. lolmtto R7. tory for Swarthmore. free HaverI. T. ford Melt Aare entered. llarshalL Lesdrib. ter awl Webster. blorehall rime 7.1.0 0, Modem IL 4. 0. mete through the fir. nosed mime.Albright Scores 4 to 2 VicCapture Nine Matches, Lose Garrett, Silver and 11.01.1 t Albright a hely by winning from McCafferty. of Baker P. IL C. Lester and Weteter. boo- Mutilenberg and Brooklyn tory in Eighth-Inning Two and Tie One; Take Shine at Bat; Pitter's mer. fettled to qualify for the second TATOU Poly New Teams Added to Rally r000d. Seymour. of Swarthmore. beet 50 Matches to 20 Bowling a Feature 111avothwd 7. T. 11. 101* 7. Lester. ea 6-3, and Dudley, eLo of 1925 Schedule Swarthier, woo from Webster In two ERRORS COST GAME lore seta. FOUR SHUT-OUTS MERION GETS Marthall wan He to entre the SEVERAL PRACTICE GAMES ONICKITS With HollIngtheed pitching In eetelThe Htmerford College cricket XI ned-finals, .31cFarland. of Suckneti. Playing the longest and hordest lent form. dm Tarsi. ...It doe beet him In the mooed mood by a 11-2. Esnefenl met 0. 0 0. Nett year's basketball schedule is athedele that a liaverfoed tennis team on their fifth =etch of the man n II-3 genre. The Garnet entries olued lent once mom to to poor support to 0..•00.10 114. ELM 0. O. 14. nearing completion and will probable hes ever ben. the Collette nettnen have ith C0110101 C. C. on Cope Field on • high breed of tenon and both the bold. Albright has one of the Include about *lateen games. eoding hp motored nine matebee. led two and Thursday niter... May 21.. by a wrom Mmteet tesma la the e t d I en 'Int. D;f1175.0710 :Ltd -7110' tied one. Three matches [bat were of 2w7 to 70 rune. They fell but one 111.7.01 t: with the Swarthmore contest on March run Its sin. of ...rim to ten 0.• rotor time during the week. 13 at Harerford Most of Met sea. orientally on the schedule bad to be ma short of tripling their nronmeut.' straight The gem. with Haverford monied. Wesleyan and Swarthmore nen.. opponent. will be heck on the wee the closest of the noon for the lin. while Brooklyn Pols. bluhtenbent, were the two Institution that matt, The outstanding freeness of the Carlisle olne hat 'cored at least ten Oct potielbly Albright, Juniata or Suerered Melones, and the Contend. of metch were the mnde o made by Cat:rain runs In er.1 Other 0011041. Ottehannn. will be added. Penneyleanis was aide to bold [het Garrett and J. Silv er. who Verb put oo Hotliagehead permitted but gin hit. Manager Rosdeiheim hes already arScarlet and Black remit ttttt to a 0.3 over 00 num. and the lotheling of Pittre. daring 514 011170 Of the Woe inning., rested melee gamen, practiced!, degtie. The work of these own booked In by three of three nine in the eighth end itely. and expecte to All out 116 achedOf the individual singles sod double. Ihr excellent Settling of the College were Ilmtruments1 In monns the winle with Priem., St. Joseph's. Foote manlier played lo therano= contests, team Imo directly reepuneible for the ning ran. Ode two Albright player. Bellinger, and Brill High forty-roar went of the Central Penn/171.mile colleen. to the Maio (Jeers oemidel wore. Heinen. of Haverford get on NM In the fret four Inning.. or retum games with F. and bl, and while their opponent. woo • total of Scorert in Close Win Over al., bowled well. In'' One man got • life on en error. while tlie04004 1ow 1" hu ' rd" le"floa seventeea. Ammo the eingles players. L 1"". . Moe ': mid Temple. Swallow. Lackey and Turtle Renee hit .1117 in the fourth for the were the Captain Hagen. of Haverford, left Severs] practle• game. will also he Haverford Marshall sod Lester'were owed amen, hr. Albright. blow. eat. Esti of the. men Imo but one marnetsys of the Cremes( innings. but their opponents behind and were nook played dun. the morn of the F.,. nerlt ,f,or practically the who], di.. .. with Al.mi and semi-professional The gams woe marked by speedy On Thursday. Hay 21, Penn Charter einalee match during the memo. Dud. no. 01 them totaled more 16.211 rune. and 1.1e.r.,; ita.e4.111.0Z. a. playlet. One hour sod twenty minute. School wee the internsdemie track ley. of Swarthmore. and U. Hodge, al. Gill accounted for the whiten. of the bead. when name of the vicinity. hr hie were moulted to decide the winner. • od field championship In the meet a Garnet player. defeated them on May Ha•erford eambl.tion, hot hie avers. tp It wa• originally hoped to echedule Met enough eo thin Allen heel broil held for the fourth ronsecutive year on No ems. rune trete stored- Loom- Walton Field. aamee with Swambmore, with the The Anal score was N. The second double, teams of Webster wee large compared with then of Pit• to the tope by inebes Alleofi lime ter and Helens who bed 4,0 end 7.6 ern 25 reinneln het, streth conthsued en Me bath. etre. do. between the winning po•eittitity of a third rune Inco. emb that Ro if team and and Nankai proved a more summed:lel be efad woo. would Imre lower% 'tit teem woIto .d la tow hit*f tht bell st a .475 Haverford School, rimers manthation that. Johenon mid Web- reopeetively. Thin is the beet time that ate. bat the Garnet manlast year, Harerford 'word in that •vent. anti look the airjority of their the College XI I. met title emergeclip. However the team average for sod the meet was out decided uotIl agement dhl eat Incar the hie.. Her aim who scored, other tion, anti IA. were expected to make than those mentioned the game was .150. Longstreth secured Berlin., Penn Charter captain, had enmehes T. 1.25-26 schedule, ea It now above were T.I. won the high Jump, the last meat on n totter showing tbso they did. Hamfffertl Gen 737 0,... to 3311 nall, with his tie for 1041 In the high stands. reads a. follows: two of dm fear Haverford the programme, thus brinsing tub Jump: Pider, with Mini 10 the Many Orme set score. sal three .t Tie pm 0 Magi sire. 12. Drexel. home. Marne Dafinted. 15.11-51 arbours total to 50 iminte . agalon irrelio• Lao-. with fourth in the Jan. 9. P. and It, away. oath.. occurred tiorioe the tartan. ro low hurdle.. Harerford's 47. The .enood win of the week woe and 1117170 Lotaberti, with fourth in the Jam. J.. 15. Brooklyn Poly.• away. t hat Haverford duce sat hum mob 110000-Tarlin gromobel ool so moored en lope Field no Incur., me meet wee run off Unless!, Is Omit. Jan. III. Steve.. mem, overwitennitas lead in game totals of the his mood which the Perageinot Marion ('. C. with e more sara.41=41sra Jahai 1101. ma, eat be tee maw Menretb spite fect weather brought out, The track be other oummaries might Indimle. of tr.t.-so ennial • Ma tat. 00 amobro ore 110.0 end rums Merion it considered Mot101 . "d''". held were to earellest conditioo. Seven hundred Feb, 20. Mager, may. end afty-smen 05001, 44 to be the ntrongest nL 10.01 -720trz...1 and as a result Iwo meanie were ofg. ommeed .1 ora nom Kerte. AttIjOt team in the .4.7=1.=-. Feb. to five Intuited had Mom-eight Temple. home, deb broke. Beringer' 11 feet 1% i 010.01-1401.11. Mt. 110-0•11 oat. rouotry. but failed today 0.11000 Inner 10.01. Mira • soi i.. i Temoz. rornts wn the Fah. 27, Muldenberg• hen.. .let anal 110...1 MO ba0100-1007. 0000. niche. eet • new mark In the pole 7010. 3010 M. M. otow who took 7 wickets for III rune. Their Mar. " -,Delaware. away. Four of the matches wetre ebutoo vaulL Brill, also of Penn Charter, by Mar, 5, Swarth , home. f4111'. to Sentambeart the top worm was Thom. with 12 runs. it Haverfordlt favor. rs..d were the Moe. 18, Swarthmore. borne. 00.1 400 Nor Silver sod I. Garrett lilt off the runs Ii4. 37/1701.0 time , 11•41irm emoti:.1•00. Ait..1. C.1,11 .7 0,1.4PrbV.:°' 41` .7.2 .sate awainsv Drexel, St Joteeptio. °Tentative. 0101 14+.101-10e. 11.1.1 and P. M. C. Lnfayette, ...e,.. to win mid carrinl the score fly to 000... he held by over three feet. Brill slim Stereos. and Deletes. were allowed to MI before they motivated. The only lowered the 220 thee to 72 neon. Stern.. Clint a. 11100 emill me 14 M1 ratr'aglintrr. INTRAMURA "110"7 L STANDINGS 0 1.71. out one ontrh to an. In 0110 ton other bamainn who dietinguished nellerhortp,:milt. .rtet. ineierf, AllMin-Kosalo 0000 to Mee. 040i MO. In the finals of that event. but anerford victories did the oPPoedeg nelf wee Rohe. with MP. not out. The thin record Ir. not allowed on *mount Masse. rum Mon. >10 wfi teem of a elleht wind. tam get two matches Melb 131111 l• Lmul by Eleftial II Lloyd: Collefe Seidl. Inn good. Nom oat at ant Ton 1111.4 0 Mt. Hot one 01 the Haverford rani. IMMortli toortit Ionwhertrittl North Louie Teethe Iftelleger and Brill Seer034 NMI* r, 1111110 IMMO P aers winll. g adua South retained ile plays •t the top 40.veron-wort M. The Amberrst med.] for lodinidesd 01 P. Joh 101101.4 . r T et eu.defected Jun . of the ..... mural Beethall League 30//m1 2'.F a 1.1 7,17.7-7 rlo •• Mem M1171 1 pant ' 1."... 1Moh. Terte bIgh..orer went to Captain Berfinget. Versify tennis tram ...old be able to when le defeated the Lloyd nine El Invert. Ozer: 00 01 to Lalahmk. of Peon Charter. with his total of nine. auppiy a man wbo can fill lot the wara .s . h ^- to be ."1 . 11 ::1 0100 ..";1.; !7r4'c'".V141" Alonalit-Onsw noebed M. 0 rm., r"... .2447" et and • aitmenful Mimi for. peat .. ' de cid seivetff emm bu hsT N nrthn m ew fia t . lirLtal team mree WM: Penn t ar la expeeted. ono. rant tam. no ■ tt w mat moon two t t ha t te a n. /w oia mi F:tx, a t0 Chen,. 50; threat.' gehool. 47: P.M 0 Mille. 1.41001 rened Tht inmanny of this reason's worm In the week. or cortmt sgaloat Centre ftertnnotown Academy. 10: Chenthut oho.: • 101. reart0 ' 10 potoet mom.. P:-EF -" 17E' .riartroe11:7Allrl-LV7A andone email.. Founder*. Tin Ira, Hifi Academy, 4; Episcopal Academy, a Oasosetthy TOM= 12110301 with Centre waxthe 'looses that the griFtn . 4: 01. Luke's, 0. "warm tadenders /00.104-001 .Wee( 4.114"""" .14 r1,02 1.00.011. have played, being lost by =:!,:te• : 7 7 ,W "rfjr atm: mil meta hit wierie. senders tot • 1.•• 0.0 lowth: one Mo. LiEi st 207'41 tl en. 0 Kenai, who hela the 0•K Possible Sites for Fall Foottil.telote*r47:,• South nems to be the fitment for ..... nirrar eat LaMetnal at arm. first hence, na none of their option. 2. 4 = olir'neirtitirig. tr atsnom-...en e. ball Camp Inspected . 041711114V'T.NY.: ents hare beet able to fathom To.... rue Ber11.0441AIR=0 11;00,mle ...lo.r. . esim1 a has 10 to hon. Km. nee. t Roger's curves so far. All of their I ▪ otomMe otalo oe. to wore here Coate. Harmon, Captnin Miller nod been won by mobstaorial • .... n li. Y .000. 3i112a.' thhal tio 8011.1001-. e. t. mar. end the-nine a. a whole make. Mom 0001 Manager Kingebory. of the 1925 foot• i Tro: II cot TILL 'AZT errors then the other teener in the ball teem, have been inreethretl. Pos• Ie... Wendt. of the Imago.: Able sites for nest trek's footbell mop. UNBEATEN 1. V. NETMEN reatit' SR MIN 013210 Sunday. May 17, the Piney Moun. LATett Urritt=.' /••=7fao Ilmrlortl-Iosaa otra. oat. /MI wee On ! ".". '(crit Pat,tato Inn, near Chatobereburg. soil the ;71 neth [Quin, 14.10. CONQUER SWARTHMORE Mtn tberm mt. Lan.. 5010 hmed. Img Cabin. In the Caledonia State Perk. gr" L.a=" stert.t.-Yeat own. the W•hts with • were looked metAnd ...inn.. received. Vlter Coatlaued 00 0.0 • -,,„ rolthe• Dap.. 7.,weep. Ann. 0010.1 0.0.4 lam The College hoe NIm mibmitted an end. 00.111140 wnalq eaas” V:74•r oralr to orroM AeAto thed to Rom .011 hit mate to the Athletic Anorlation of bow 00 llama 5.2 • gaimitrt MIN T... wenta. much it would met to provide the lee• r ' sf.g1:*" The mwond tennis tens continued its Toot to wr• aaa 411.1 %mai estuary facilitim for mrly !minion. The winning streak by defeating ttt Oral. Mail WM owo. bit 014 plena have to be !Reproved by the Ex- Swarthmore Oa. Junior rum. by for ose.re, ecutive Athletic Committer before reel hg ..011. Mot NUM 11.0011 Wedoesday. MeV definite Beene nth be eaten in elonlel mate:hem to tau 10. I ' n, the Haverford find singles contracts. OMSK 11111.0 dispond of ',unbent fter a T. nereeta 0•001001-10110 wiIM to Ton. Malay. ..0.44 Tram le three.nel moth. Dunham Kati epeed. 11. jrn• r MA 00. onI. 11001. L.Lohoch. but we 'ether erratic, and could not o:ine nt MS. 10111 amt 7.0. 000 wat. ONLY 50 PENN CHARTER AGAIN TAKES INTEPX SWARTHMORE TAKES MIDDLE ATLANTICS ti 4 2 I l f: LEP: 21. ' HANAN SHOES Hmerfon1-1041 0..01 Aril onto toll, 4110 boor. A0rIsb1-1104., a. tamtero one Koatio t,eoh dreeeed .11, hossnrets mach. "rin"e"lahtoP4:ii'ord'''.117 eat. man 1.1 when the Me oil 10 mos. Imo 101. fourth einem for Swarthmore. 10100 tf,jrioa% .10.4. ten. Ito the P. 11. Prom nowe Igaw ▪ mood. BMwore Me ea104.• took him tostrh from Formythe in .fir• straisht 12 sets. 21-0. MO 0 Foreelbefi A.,. Ima MIRO HMSO teats, mat 0114 n eedlness was no match for Ida upfront m104 MI tio Kraal. 1174 ern'. faster wile. Molloy mine front Whim seeme. 1001.0. to•goterth RM 001. 001011.1 The he. oram '13' behind In the ant eel of his match with gat • 110 ett. 00.01 mod. MArmadtie. ALA1110FIT 111,171111,0011 A Hartland and lean adi after close piny. Mt MM. renal 141.0 bit MM. mina Din Baldwin and Prok.th tomb won 00n oed gAiely Ihmiler. an women. not lanah-h. Ih... 4 1 02 h 002a ram 00001 with • 00.10. tatertan Mtadon 11•0011.M.. 10 0 ..6 et.. 4 1 0 1 0 their sinaten. Prokneeh In etraight Nen. and 0000.0 Mem ea 001. 0110 1 1 1 0 14.0-011 4 0 11 0 Baldwin won the lint met outwit Vol. with no trouble. but wag toned to 1anali easnin off 1104 tam a. no Mm'. 11 4 I 010 extra *el before he, mold take the tame. re Seel. to Ch.M. 10 0 0 • 144.4. 00.10011 match Both doubles ended favorshly II I 0 e.. A101b1.-701 rotted to 140. Imo Toot. for Hnverford. 10tohnol red Nth. were IC. Tryon Company Brno. 11- seaso unable mnet Mea. we Sr. same so. eel. Le Orlans. el-. 0 0 to take • wet from Foreythe and AMU.. 1111110. eh 0 0 1 0 rv• 11110. Prokowch, bed famed theta to • 1041 001410151000 1 SIONTO IMMO* In the final set. Three hard sets thtserrate-Wtose 1104 tali...WI. mount. Ft remitted in Wilt for Hanle. end Official Otatfiletars for Haver 10410011 Wale :. .2 ▪ 001.4.1 to 0•0010. 0.011 was throw. •10100 4-6, 7-5. 6-4. 000020010-4 Fieldale. st, IMMO. lanhaeb, ford Capp Football Team 0.00104 001000100-1 The enntinser tony,-Oneit mt. to Tirola. istabseb 0.ron-.1.011, Imela Om& Tent.. atom 01.1 detton. !Lemma le, AI, 04. 010101 Ian blot abm Iammtla 11 Jamstreb. 11110. etal. garage eitrz.vr.,g.:,w, 91•04 the Ho seolit third 401 hom-Lelabact. Keeela 1110•11 111•01110 SPORTING GOODS 01 Bemire Ism 07 Loogiato. M. kos-thism. Elortoolt. hoablo phy-1001. 'Litt- in, 0.0.1 11•01•0 10,1 aa 01,0101. mod Mt wee. ow 7110, 000 to 0a ham m Otro. 11.0. 01l11. wand en Kaogio, Melo. X.10 0101-10 101.0.01 1. Leh en A. 912 Cheitaal Street zi. wa• thrown out bami-Mrerfonl 4 Anwileht. A Rare. rm• Amor, MA Ma. ay 11bh1.0M IN,1 e. 1004-1 1 41 1149 147.7 40 For the up and coming young man of today-a shoe that e a credit to his good taste. A mighty fine value - in Tan Exmoor Calf or imported f3lack Edw. s 1■11•Xell.g1 M'Kenzie Cashmiers and Imported Tweeds $40.00 With 2 Pair Trousers $33.00 With 1 Pair Trousers TM Nno Amin in Pin. Maxie, HANAN & SON PON NES Showing May 28 WARREN'S 3425 WALNUT STREET Philadelphia Importing Tailors Topcoats $28.50 Knickers and Flannel Trousers, $7.50 2 Weeks Delivery on All Orders BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERTIS ERS $10 1318 Chestnut Street fOR eolinv Fine Worsted Suitings New Colorings $45.00 With 2 Pair Trousers $35.00 With 1 Pair Trousers Page 4 HAVERFORD NEWS M. A. S. C. A. A. SUMMARY INSURANCE ,Porpleeir fesorosor on eater armorial ...a +bile et caner.. di/. ehtm t era Iris, eta. bath la Mtn :u ' i Rae r • •11=2"......"w"' Aaron.WU haw.. wean. W caar rt w d aW o mm o nrolwT ar laW rtee . SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY PLANS PHYSICS TM Nvt•dirta, 1°."7... se4:.rigar.„:=FRAI CoOlioael feat page a, repine leele" IlirePtekTerecai• Lack of Movie Machine LONGACRE. & EWING Plans 141 S. Fourth Street &MU Balldbm The !Scientific Society is preparing PhOeihine. with a to Kart off oust year lecture on physics early in October. President Crepe Soles Hill Role. Robber Ilsele. Fell Sole.. Rubber Bede. 52AO ALP breed 1.1—Won 11 Teleele4. Y•Orard itera—Onst hwt weak They will watch the lecture platform. `hies We sunnier and it la hoped that all he menthe. will ...gem webers think would be of general interest There It a pinnibtlity that Wholesale Confectioner the Club will get an eartbutiake expert wina wore gls--wTen ='"tv . "."Thia—i ilem '" itrarreartt. eirit1215 m rf. Mee 11 Dleineet rem nen-15e FINE STATIONERY Haverford 200 Sheik Sheets Pharmacy too Eneelepee Ott Voce Wove. ! a lm 6 ~ rem. re see'mr. moalrey'.'oesei Tic Printed it Black et Moos Retire Ekverfordien—the emseere proved the ede11111.1410 of neeln6 sIere than One trip, but the tour trip. wised. pled had to be cut to two became there were so many other rune moth-Ithat one It bee hero t-ie. the loll. one io trip motht be bad In die nod one or two tripe in the the Thin plan would probably vorionit rurnfuoe moth t o:O:'"gre;rTeen the [1-1.111MA. JACOB REEDS SONS MK -SI 0811111117T PR PREMIUM^ Haver! ord WICKHAM SHOES at $8.50 A. TALONE Tailor, Stub a occesioaa belittles Scieneihe dodo, inertias, The Society might be stile make some contribution toward. It, and once one was rented, but as ao operator Lad to be hired to run It, the tiocietia rower.. were col strained and earn doe. bad to be colOn wereal other occasiune lected. with excellent reels to drew were .uxtableto show then. Thm year e plea et 11.1phelian tripe I Serviceable Muts, Correct Style, Reeds Standard of Toilerins and fair pane toiler our clothing supremely atusahre. Suits and Tap Coati $35.00 and imuni A pad place to entertain • pew. Clod machine would be used on malty other A nue, it...20.1a. 12, rat faLoerei, earthquake in time to save human life probably coat about 5200. GRADE etel. disturbances Koch as the Jape/met vide the movie toaeltime which would PA- Wayne, Pa. to talk on seismological retharelk The attempts of nelenee to predict eeimoic are baeoming Merman'!" hopefuL Nature NeekleoRspeathe The Society tenant, however, pro- Purveyore to Haverford Co-operative Store ameownwer. two • unusual get PROVIDENT. MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 401 Chirtant St Philad.1-01* Suburban Publialting Co. ern. rangenvoth mail fall in care opportunimpairer nearer the than HENRY W. WANKLIN , Yrortdet amp forward ea the road oFlaanciat Ancona ISAAC P. MILLS& tarot MtoTtew: ewes Taw. ' amt—wan hy llama Vahan, bare whom VI!" ROICHOROUGH, • Wood end the Executive Committee 4erided cot to rink. definite ar- ity is prevented to Pasquale Roll 39 Holland Avenue Ardmore aelr Hampers Future MAY 25, 1925 an togar4 armee. medal Emmen And the young eon +dm Salm e SITiCCISISPTL .. bed= Richis and Baldwin Cage Ai.40. ARCADIA RESTAURANT St. Mary's Pest of Service at the Right Price Forty-five smart styles, from drum Ord for the dance to Brogue Oxfords for everyday wear mate/dem value at the price. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER PIULAD122,1111 Uodor Nee leanalimest QUALITY 11=111C11 = 22 East Leerier Ave. Ardmore, Pa See "Frank"M the Cheer Wry Betiding. whiter, Pasteurized Clarified Social Science Club Com- MILK pletes Years Work Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Pee. 432 Orr. Mawr IL wan maroon.d that there world be lt wfurther touring of the Swint Se ear.Ruth R Science Club re e Prenident re PeeehlenA ea Surdon ..11 will be able to net the ornopieolIon under way next fall. vu Philadoteekkee a Kurtz Brothers /armament Ssewiller 1421 CIIESTNtri STREET COLONIAL ICE-CREAM aliTABLISHICA law Boo GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS 1624 CHESTNUTEST. Official Plemogrepsemile, W. R.esrd Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going Ma' Na• ICI CRUM WILLSEY do DORION :Tara= G NPS areaasirrse 114 W. LANCASTER AVE. 002M • ARDMORE, PA. TOBACCOS ttAOaslaa LAATI31111. GOODS SOP,MOM. WEnHE !MST Buy Youe,Clotizea and Haberdashery at the CO-OP STORE A Semple Line of Browning, King & Company (Established-102 Years) Stock Is Permanently on Display If we do not have what you want let us take your order. Prices at cheap or cheaper. Sailing West to India e5INCE RA21E'S Laundry, Inc Ardmore, Pa. the days of Christo- been bettered, voltages have pher Columbus men have felt been still further increased. the call to "sail due west to find One striking contribution of India." In an organization like Westinghouse research engiWestinghouse, such pioneering neers has been the perfection spirits find happy haven as re- of an entirely new .iusulation search engineers.. Their every material—Micarta. Possessing thought is a question—every many of the qualities of metal, energy bent to discover new paper, fiber, mica, gum, rubber, and more effective answers to Micarta differs in radicql rebaffling problems. spect from all of these. It serves industry indirectly Immediately Westinghouse began to-build alternating cur- as improved insulation materent machines of high voltages, rial, and also directly because for example, the problem of of superiorities when used for insulation became acute. For gears, propeller blades, and thirty-five years high voltages the like. and insulation have formed an Only the imagination can endless chain of problems. As set a limit on the field for the voltages have been increased, research engineer—or for -an improved insulation has been organization that centers demanded. As insulation has around him. 1.:4 L'`irtii€EtV:17. A.*1 *a, 4.tri°:111.4" n. use ACHIEVEMENT OPPORTUNITY BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS