▪ LIBRARY OF HAVERFORO COLLEGE. PA X, a ,421 HAVEIIFORD NEWRg PRESIDENTIAL STRAW VOTE PLANNED FOR COLLEGE BY NEW& Members of I. N. A. Are Asked to Stage Vote in Eastern Colleges • POLL BEFORE ELECTION NUMBER HAVERFORD COLLEGE, HAVERFORD, PA., OCTOBER 7, 1924 VOL. XVI COUNCIL INVITES DR. AYDELOTTE Alto Selects Mellthers For Exemeth+, Athletic MI °Deadwood" GEOM.* Dr. Aydelorte. of Swarthmore Collee., will be invited to nee. at Reverie. on October 211 by the Student.' CouneiL It was decided at . meeting of the Council on Monday evening. September 20. that the Preeklekt of Swarthmore +heel.' be minket' to telk in Robert.' Hell donne meeting hour on the merits of the Swarthmore hon. oen roue.. which be hoe introduced at that inetitution. It le hoped that Dr. Aydelotte win remain for lunch In the college dining hall and after. veer.tionwer any questione that may be rah.. At the same useetios of the Student. Council, three members from the Senior CIA. were •ppobard to the executive athletic board. Billo, °Mt Yerke. TS- Rboedn, '20, were ,elected A "deadwood" committee ws also establish. as e eubeeramitt. of the Students. Council end appointment. to II. Preeident Paget+ reported Mat in a recent interview with Dr. Comfort, be ,epre..ed himedff aa in favor of title move. The ...Dee will make a hall-year' report to the family through the weevil. PLAN RESEARCH WORK FOR OBSERVATORY New Apparatus Designed to Measure Intensity of Light From Stars NEW POLICY ADOPTED BY HAVERFORDIAN Coetributlees iblietted by New Mal "The Haterfordlan" during the coming year will publink. in sorb imne amend contributione. taped., written for it by members of the alumni boa]. There article. will be eolieited from partinlar +locum and will be of ...Model Intereat to Haverfordiens. In the last Drne of the pent college year there appeared . peens by Christopher Morley. leis was q forerunner of this Year's ttempt to make the map.oa en allay caned paper, rather than one for undergreiduetes only. The fine Irene of the year will IMP., about tAtober 20 led will contain, beside. eke noel number of rowers. var., and doriee by .dergreduatee argdee by Premident W, W, Comfort, cod Jock Hoope. '21, the MU.. cootribute Secretary. Oaten who in the Bur futon ere Dillworth P. Ribbed. ble; Charles Wharton Stork. '02! 3. J. Gueotber, 118, Dr. Henry S. Pratt. nod 1.. A. Poet II. A number of other alumni out be embed to eon. tribute. ' Alm. who wink to begin their yearn enbtomptiou with the Orst Wale should 31.1 m their cheeks for Iwo dol. to *ivy D. Rena., Lbs. Ha. College. - • 19 RUNNING ATTACK OF BILLO AND MIDDLETON BRINGS 13-0 VICTORY OVER HAMILTON New Yorkers Fail to Gain Against Scarlet and Black: cer Team Has No Trouble Downing Dunkirk Banters. 10-0: Teamwork Features Soc- The measereinent of the light intr.. LINE CHARGES HARD BAKER SCORES FOUR ity of man, of the auto will be neThe Soccer team really defeated Smooth teawork and e .attained vi.on during the rant. winter Dunkirk last Saturday. October 4. by drive for themelement.' goal tamed months at the Harerford College obgame hard A O. to Ike score of 10 t he end of each half gore Haverford nervatory evoke the direction of Dr. hod been expected, en Dunkirk be a 1241 victory orer Hamilton College thownere and the Aetromonionl Club. member of the sewed division of the at (Teton. N. Y.. on Saturday. October Then measurements will be merle A Preeidentlal strew rote of Ha, 4. The team pl.ed heady football Allied L.., every niebt when eunapherie condierford and all member. of the Inter. The T-SHIRT line connistently drew througbouL There was .a noticeable tion. Permit tbroolthout the entire collegiate Neeratmeer Ann/mi.-ion will the ball through the net tiering both Inth of any glaring faults io either the winter. be attempted through the Harerford or def.rc work of the Scarlet offense the of star the the wan Baker baler. Tide le the lino time for • number No.. and the other neweospern of the and Black egad. on Nor game, netting the of year*, that the otherntory has aseociation during the week preeeding Middleton and Das were the oeitRiebie ran hie Irate-mole • been collie. fee toy projects Of eleetiob 400, He vreford. butler., New d ose nets for high honor+ ',coring tandem Play.. in Hererford's attack. astronomical renearrh: Of coon', the York Ceiversity. Swarthmore. 1.ehigh, Middleton tore'. both the tooehdowns three DM.. ten-ineh glee. will he used exclusive', Lafayette. Ifehleohnire. Sterne. Get. The game ntorted oo „lowly, the boil neroee the lino Min aleatied off long for thin work. 'rebore, Delaware. Jerkin.. Weekremaining in the -middle of the field .11M around right end and lore through ingot!, end ten &there. 'toned througb. New Appentet DanMwad tackle for forte yards to pave the way ploy. the of minutes five find the for out the Middle Atlantir ngtH A new nod epecially bath piece of Haverford moored first when Borten for the' m-ood touchdown. H1* mentAt Haverford the NEWS expects to apparatus for the eyepiece of the telecentered the ball and Ball drove it ion wan consistent end brilliant et eireedate ballots among di undergredscope wen designed by Do flueoreene to into the net while Raker was blocking Mow. Billy eeinol O,, of the ten sate. a week previa... to November 4. carry out thee, ober magnitude obeer• the malmnler. to Another concen ere! dew. earned by Muerte.. while election• day. Probably tore will be rations. This eawntiel wee ordered trated attack on tbe goal, Ran seared Middleton shores.' through the line dote in the dining ram or in eollection. eternal menthe not and bas just •r• onee more. A few minutes later Bor. for the other five. The NEWS vitiate.... 'hot letereet in rived. Mr. Sagebeer. au seatetent NEW ALUMNI. SECRETARY too kirked a pretty center and Baker Naverferd Oa. Never Entente,. the political prat/lento, will etre preedphyelen, will attempt to place the deliThe Haver-lard goal line was never d ipped it into the bet Just et the rally the entire eendent body the deeire mits piere of appertain om the tan-inch IS ACTIVE WORKER eloae of Sorbet! Willey headed Athlete's In denser through.t the eatire conto register their opinion aa to their ▪ ie 'working order. neuter into the net, brio.. the 001,1 tent. Never was the ball io Heverford choice of eamlidete. Prelnl• posseesion. "Jack" Beene. 'It, Rae BNn terra., in Method of Mmtearemeet sea m foot. NEWS Will Compile Rosette Met in Haverfent Alain Millen punting and the Weedy eleeng The method of measuribg the light Ritchie Skeet. 131111.1t Del The IIATERFORI, NEWS will also The new. Alumni Secretary, Jack of the damn.. both line end eacondary, teneitien to be used is a Photo-el.. lo the 'mooed hale Ritchie around prevented Hamilton front cromitag the anderteke to compile moults, which it Trips to Wilson College and Hoopoe, 21. has heen ettremely actin is Mar the of light The one. hopen will be mot in from other rot. since gradestirm from fleet from a chalet/It eagle. 00 the renter of the field. The en. and projected onto a moscial roll of Goal. io Alumni affairs lege. and the I. N. A. These ,moor. Baltimore Planned leisure from his kickoff Baker took the bail and drib- 1.111. •oneared the Hamilton plays beIium eillphide within the separate. pollen. H.. hue fermi bled etraight dawn the field unassisted fore thee got fairly ,farted. The dome ties will be Immediately relesged by rye' dollen 0 •nleman of plumbleg The /Judea! ChM will make their fastened to the mete.n of the glass. dal delivery to all colleen ro.operat. touch with the and by a clever vetoes shot scored teem made but four ton[ downs. two of clone in Ike, . o e r, , , rime. The retnalnine 50.10 pare di- whirh were on wsoes. Int ID this plan, Wide publicity of the first appearance at well Cheater Nor- Thallium sulphide change.. Ira renaltoile light when electricity to ame city to give weeno 1,r the Ilk Jammu on mal Reb.1 He has 1,0011 a member of the IN. vided between Reber end lUtehle, earl, tabulated reeein will The 'leveretei aerial attack was not thin year being longer than ever before. opoll it A wedeln Welv.Oeseter is neon Committee end tbe Stiseleats' Ex. ..ring two of tbeto. dallien. very easecewful, Billo. the Ilseerford eulphide thallium the with connected Murray Baleen '20. oboi. a of left bale threw to lembert1 the only In mast Instencel, the taloa" work with more r.exemente. Among the tensioo Committee of tin Alum. Beon this year'. pro- roll through relays end amplifying Vila tides thin. he agent.. the Bereaved the full-beck ponitions for Dualark, one, that the Witten completed. Hie of teking each • elf.ew note we be cote.. 'ergo alight and the reepective college a..- gramme are two additions' triple The The throw of the blroneoneter indi. brooch of the PI Society. the nationel erhileted a very pretty bgand of sower field genetebehip wa• ranee.00t.pen will be able to orgyake the wn.1 trip to Atlantic City .11 take decor will he in diem Prametioe to froteroit t of eollege uterepapermen. He sod will probably be ghen a thence rsemiNg Hamilton rompletell moat of uteeirobign Of the Mllnt taking in growth Piece on Inter, .10 and AI this year. the reduction of re...nee calmed in wet the font pre...Went of the Haver, at ten-bock on the remit, totter. the time. fashion laths minimum amount of ef. In addition to thin twoother .Mead the thallium sulphide. This .0MM/et ford trabett. Heilman. et hall.back, showed op betIlaterford lost the toes mod reeetifort. tatters are being dispetcbed epe- trips ere prone.', The first will be fall. noire or lens according as the to college he won the Football "H" er Men he has before this wawa ant.. the wind. 1111I0 took the eist delivery to the editors of all pats• to Wilsou College, at Clumbenhun. Intensity of the light from the etr is end Teeth Numnale. In the latter Haverford Delouse OMNI sod roe It M.. tweet/ DIMIS to Haver. rtnoil or liratIons afflisted with the I. N. es„. re, Md. The other .0111 be to Bettlmore. great neon be wee • member of the Sabo forel's 25-card line. lambert' ledDanklek the for excelled Lestehy A spwlel light ...Rive cell has Teem •t the Penn Relay+ in 10, In her take in oherge the Roth trips 11.001 yet definitely deelded nano la the second hell the vieltont rented it three )ogle ill two tackle ewe, however, and no tieten hire been been made by the Case Research Labo- Ita.ebell end Cricket he was o0 1011 hod u mi opportunities toecore, but Oudot Middleterin Oral buck netted of this meow rote. mid. Wog not ratory. Its resist.. amour. to clean team+. Thowtht . Peldica le One At first down. BUM Os On, deem.e work prevented .7 net. Seed. and Announcement has deo been mode 10.0006000 ohm. end this le reduced by The promoter. of the plan for ...rod around right mid behind good He el.. wan Editor-in-Chief of the lege regional Prneidential etrele rote that the Glee Club w111 tabs pert in Use 4a by % a foot candle..., of light. News Pornident of the Studeet Couninterfere.uce and gained twenty more Conteet have Club Glee Segebeer Mr. to. fed, !Merrell...1n Reeent underfurther hope to ethinulale still cil.mber of the Athletic Council Cont. en Itelte 3. Mtn= 2 terds before 'th,. oomaing secondary Chairman of the Undergradoete Chairmen gfflluate thought on politinEl ionme of whit+ will be held at New York this eenbliehed this fort The woodeefol defense could bring him to earth. delicacy end accuracy of this teethed Parlament Fond Committee. He bethe day. Also it Is esp.ted to add BM* Make, Greed Gales RADIO CLUB ELECTS Bette. le Geed of meamang light intennities far ea- homed to the Triangle Society. further trope.. to all college men of Hinerford was tumble to make head. The outlook el the Clubs In ex. ... anything ponnible by the noted eligible age to register their rote in tre noweerb Hrno,Ole Toogood. '20, Haste. Chanel recite.'" Clentlem of w ay through the middle of the fine, treteely good for Oda *neon, a lent ✓ye. the coming election. to the Alumni Secretary poet, Feeds far Meg Awed Tower TWO Up no °Ger' again took the lull armed reeponding to the Co-amentlen With Swarthmore Ober. Adds from the publicity that the mother of new This yeses officer, for the Radio right end for thirteen mode. Lem. the members . addition colleges +teeing this vete will ettin It first call. eatery' were elected at p meeting held on herti was ...eyeful in two attempt+ Club Med. Moods, On Seer. last from left trend the note will be intereeting to • Pew It will be neremary for noree CHESS TOURNEY BEGUN ler erening of Tuesday, September 30. on left end. Although be aught of a portion of purely college thought September 2p. ell rendidetes for the her of the Aetr000mical Club to be no S. Halstead was elected preeklent frcon Bill. no the beet play. the emend W. on the polltirel wrestle.. Thin, of Clubs beembled to the t mon. The old the obeerver'a portaloe almost every .ffirient. An attempt dub by Meehlamtion. The other • ool w ax the of Is Match letenatioteal far Compattlen emirs,, le hardly poesible in the elee• members sang three of het "Men Imeso night to keep the cram hairs of the Hamilbut blocked. was kirk drop n at ricoSmith. R. electedwere officer. to Ken Awe. Cost aaaaa under the leadenhip of Rieman. nod tion itself on November 4. telescope trained on the star under A chess tournament to decide what president: &helm, weretary-treenunto ton did not hold the bail long. Bol• the news of the new men testing out measurement. The lehulatles of data four men will tarot the Haverlord team Groan. traffic manager,, and Blatt. toa- lingehend reeovered n fumble on the taken. DANCE PLAN PROGRESSES were nest play. Middleton picked op s loose is helog dome now in 1 47 Oxford University by Radio d. me.ger. They wee. each sealer.ed a period on raer eat st Swarthmore College. and Haverford h am been •reatiged by Winthrop Semi, Leeds woe ppointed to ohorge of the ball, but Nilo wan towed to punt after Plant for the Football O.. a G- for wire tad come tirne during the wi#,gooteerete with Dr. Miller. chief chairmen of the Chese Committee for Nelertioe of the Mayer+ who are to rempan had been grounded. next two they,. The men trying out lobe 25 Motoring Fast The lffle made two of their four first of the Swarthmore Obeereatory. Much the Radio Club. The ,semetineliete oval melanin flxford In the oboes match. Are...roads ere befog feet win- ere: Notices bane been olacrol on the College owu. in rapid noweenmo with . eel Wright. J. Sneer. Ribbed, M. valueble rewarrh may be done to this will form the own tulless flaford pletod for the football dance. Chairmen and a Pa., but meld not advance run boards. ',Anti.; feld. elm thin In nirea • faeulty member. Miller, TO. pre out information to the Haines. booboo. J. Johnston. Tethall, bell beyond the middle of the field be help to for rolled were Volunteen Dr. Post or Dr. Studer will, probably, effect that he was aide to ware Med- Brunelle, Ale, Pieter. Grog. A. Silin Itetthog the atation in working order. am' had to punt. Billo egeio made dimple, one of the four. HelDem.., Ambler, Miller. W. ver, TO usan• '23, Newark, from TALK BORTON, den's Orchwars Thi. 02.110, will be teetered el the The emend.,n of moans the aerial wn me of Ida ...stinted rung when he nettneed in a previoue leave of the ler. Bevnee, J. Fowler, H. Bates. It was deckled to erect en. went thom. the Clinton gridroen for Scott. Keith. Grey, Marron- BEFORE WEEK'S Y.M.C.A. newepepere and movie, ...wen disci/seed. NEWS. the country. For thin en• other tower on the roof of the 'Owen.. n gee. 01 twenty•the Y•rde tout before throughout Olin. Well, Stokes, J. Scarlet end black decorations of the e.e, Arnamerons, wmpetition among orderemiu. building an noon an pewit'', le• Obi. t he mad of the Ant period. nenat wort will make the GPM • plow. Mob Flint, Ranh. Ritchie. Meador. Mori. Pictures of SOW Work It sou verinntion the wining of Riede to com. The keen. very in Middleton Charles Over Goal enthusiantn rheas rite Poled to Be Skew. at Meet. ant /Petting for the first of the year. Pretty, fillle„ Premerey. Olinger. Bern. we first round tome be nleYed 137 int.. M a. this mrolioneet et the The sewed [meiod started with I 00000 mental Ceedhlates Called John C. Horton. '23. will give at nodal funetione. A committee of &hut., I. Heverford in ponneadon of the ball, The nemeo of filo. DTI,. not for rooting picture talk on the work of the 19. The international match will not dineueord. The hoetymen who Moe kindly con. appointee! wee lecke. and Smith R. take place much before the middle of but they won loot it on two onsucee.s. to motive at the Dente moo the Inetruntental Club were taken at Friend.' Relief Work In Pound at the winter when the weather is most favor- to take this in eb,eno-----.\ fill petrel. Hamilton's punt tren hurMrs. Look...cod, Mtn Carpenter and the mom time by the lender. M. Miller. Y. 11. C. A. Ibis Wedneeday night. He able for transmIsaion Me.. ried and did not gain much ground. TO. The mandoline end violins. the two left this notary Met September and Bra Herman. York New the TS, Middleton end Bill,, took turn. .-er. Flogenatter. J. N. by moat suffered Polish City High Seised chew champion; C. NEWS -TRYOUTS CONTINUE wing the ball front the 32.7erd lee. A theta revision In the prise an- deo...meets which o for six month. e.g.. aemic. last week he taken ph.. A graduation, have the greatest 'number relief work. From then Mail August H. Greene. '20,. IL S. thins, '20, and the 'amen run being made by the forohorge of one dollar and fifty nob will of spplkonto There are fifteen candi- he wee in Berlin anau inspector of ROMS. to the Gee ur when he bucked through center for Made Fhelleg New promising most the are '20. Leede. eight for the (lemma child feeding. be made for both couples end et.. date. for the fencer of tee Nowt Orbs Telephoto, tweire yard,. Alter a couple of atoandklates. Members of the Vanity Rooter no latter. This talk will be of nperial interest Two more Juniors 'maiden those an- tenth.. he again went over a pile et D. Baker. J. Meads. R. S. Mein, J. The following are the candidates for to Liaverfordietut, es • coneIderable part Football teat. who bee taken port in lieFerland, R. C. Bette, 111, Halebeo nounced last week leave been trying Molter for three yard* eud a touchdown. this to gore money two games this manor] will be presented the lostroraental Cluj: Wartield. Charities Of our A. B. Cann., E. L. Gordy, W, A. out for the NEWS hoard: OIL Hatch Ilificia try for point wan blocked. with wmplimentory tickets admitting berd, Nook, Reedelbeim. Jackson, work. The vied.n kicked off and Barbeson Johneton, C. H. Greene, W. IL Leer,. er and A. EL Carman Beth of these Lords MscOowan, TatnalL J. Bake, In college, Barton wee a resident of I. A. Jokostoo, F. C. Bart.. Jr.. C. teen are interested in the general new. brought the ball 'leek to the 34-yard one roue' Ilex, W. Saunden. Scarborough. Reth• the Y. M. C. A., • Member of the Henn- department while Peering, Mnimiremnd hoe. Lambent broke up ao attempt Powell, G. Halstead. Ranks. Student Co... and a star on the H. Johnson, F. Prokeetio N. J. W. P. Hardie. are .cities articles for the ram when hr threw the renPolitical Conference Called at, Thompson Evens, C. Rowe, H. r, C. J. ▪ Hong, Gait Am- Soccer Team. Since leaving college be net. for • lose of ten yards. 11011.1Stake, J. C. Lobe. W. IL Huber, D. sporting department. bler, Atte.. Armetrong, Alcorn, has followed the lead of eeverel of hie Vassar At a meeting of the News boards ton punted, hot there wan not enough C. Leech FL F. Behlwin. A. lerieht Rieloardnon, Elba, Pitted, Olinger. elsesmetee end hem renolly become on. Sargent, S. S. Wertneedny, lent hehl time left for Haverford to threaten and W. Leeds hare entered the tourna• The nalion-wide Intercollegiate Po- Keith. %TOIL Sbeele Barry. '27, was eleeted to the bunineeo hoard. another gaged in the marriage list. rent. i liekal Conference to be held &la week /decEetee. Shank f Ad 111 1101 g ft Th Haney Reamers Fumble at Tense College will be rate.ed be ...rented, this position to be filled by •IltiverforrPs kiekoff started the tee. delegate from Reaction". if the Melte. Wayne Jeeknoe 020. and bete The Blue player, obtaioed Ilugh Borten, Hon extended to the 'Redeem' Goner 1 TO THE ALUMNI was appointed Intercollegiate Folder. a flab dorm but were forced tom APPEAR TO RECORD ck Is .cepted. The choice will likely ft Tour is needed I. order M. Hebei oerao. wok. •od Because of numerow unpaid tele. won after. BIllu and Middleton re other meth . Pro pot+ coo tar o ge wilboar On W. Jackson. TO, to represent th • phone rolls nude lest year. • new rue Plttemet awl Bentley Wig Gee Tee followlas MD. of moor... 1. endesIed• mint the NEWS °Moe tele- Cent on page 4, column 2 tag conrornine Collegeto Itle POIleatlea hero merle, Only menthers phoce tal•- f• per men Alt' it was previously elated I0.-41 la.-1,2 par moo of the NEWS board may use the tele• I•18- It per cone that the Record Ibis year would not elsDI.-e.PD man 101.7- per e. FIRST HOME phone for long distance cans and out pear. tbe annual wilt be published as ent.O.L. tureen. 171-1.1 ear .450 DIM-. pro Dan olden may one the phone for lain formerly he the Beeler elan. me per 1017-1110 ors• Pon ouly when a member of the board GAME • CA astan ofwodas tooarlasa HID The management of the book is All elm.. pow to 13--110 owe men plat*, la De He. If noorie. to peewee •• ear ntigbtly different from previous years. Alble. no. be bead. at Ad each . Alva. for for. •• amber of aa m .nee non. in. SATURDAY WITH I.omelree lice an good for all borne a.role The editing end managing has ben tend.) errrtlteg 1147 :t00 rasa. D..6 met to Ow Swortineme .1.11 roe*. TIMIS BRIDGE ENGINEER TO TALK eheed in the hands of three Senior.. . AND SIX PAMIR MONDAY. Octolow 6-41.3.1eni 01.0 PORTS HORS ObeTILWIT. IRMO:DING STEVENS D. Eamon C. Pittman'and W. D. 11111.18. THIS TEAR. TTLIDAT, TO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY 1•nat Bentleys There is no definite dietineReal.. Two em.d. tot. 114r• mamboed item• In rammed here wow ra with Wort Pk.o GET SEASON as deletta tion of Editor or Deelneee Mwager .... for roar ..akeeeo The fins meeting of the licientifie VISOMMDAT. lr.T. To WILLIAM H. HAIN., rfe. Wen.. formerle ALUMNI TICKETS on Union the in held be will Soden ImerreaMReg. Work is already being etarted on the 7nLts'atVar4a., Ira Thur..' evening. The epesker will be grab. •• MDR. to Saelaa. air ebeelo enema. The photogrepbs will be taken A. at aro mat emeetati..rlbatIon Mr. Were. Bowden. the enaineer who ens by Gilbert end Bacon. of Philedelphia. (1.1.1 wend .Hite we. in charge of theobersey aide of the illATTRDAT. Dotal. 11- het them earlier eppear wilt Record The GALi OR ALUMNI roTearo. at en. nee. Phiterieltibin-Camden bridge. He CUM etwomee peer. the board expectiog to have It will likely talk on the Interestine Pointe OFFICE printed .d in the hand. of the mob. tot. Rh hi ' k. ctio cribere by June 1. That elm HAVE MUSICAL EXCELLENT PROSPECTS u e, 4 OCTOBER 7, 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 THE ALUMNI NOTES ARDMORE HAVERF'ORD NEWS ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP Y. lii7. Frederic -11. Strawbridge la H. D. MANUEL NATIONAL. President .0f the Philadelphia Riders' Cut Flowery, Polled Planta, Floral • wITIMPALtSli:am end Driretrol Ammonot., which will Araesearlen hold • h.. aloneon October 10 at BANK Also Canaries and Gold Flat t he Four Horsemen. lierple, PHONICI A11101140ZE MTV EDITORIAL BOARD Under U. S. Government Francis H. Royer Is connected Mbar with the Bonney Motor Maks. Iterullitte Supervision Dr. Norwood Unable to Keep J. Henry Scattergood, '96, Ford. -the universal mt.'. et 4181 GRADE 17W. 36U. ... OS Jaws w. Waeltington So., Roelloilale. Massaelto. 470 On Savings Accounts Speaking Appointment Appointed to Public Serv- netts. . d1VmatVgr' " 11'.d 1,2. -The Great kfueir." a symphony t..V.15476?. Difference IleGv.en the Christ ice Commission by C. Lion Seiler. has been dramatised INSURANCE and the Owlet of Exper- HEARS MESSAGE PROMINENT ALUMNUS i FROM DR. GRANT HONORED BY PICOT of Thousto ience.: we% the .able„ t chosen he It,. Grant for a brief. itoprompto talk be• for. the Y. M. C. A. an Wed...cloy Dr. .Norwood. of evening. Os-totter At. Notre Epintopnl Chitral in Overbrook. one mapped to speak before the record ottendone. of undergraduates and -remit,' which turned out to hear Lint. However. be was unsble to heap ton the nispointment auti Pr. give II .hurt BUSINESS BOARD Som Mew. Cd..1 Kt.busvi IP:intfunt!"1:' w. a 5.11, 71.1 letweenn ..e. se Man... ''" 115801 • I I to talk. Reath:mete el Christ lie beg. by emohnriaialt be ,luxe The News I. published weekly dining relationship of Peol and ebrirt. lie the College year. romeshed that 'Tool ondermoml Christ Subscriptions may Anglo it any limo. NCI. then Wyse doting his Price per Eon., 02.00 lifetime or io the first hundred years attenverd. ales. bud a grip on tattle Ter Dingle WRY. 10 cent. personelity, Paul lived in tilirbd end Address all comontolcatione to 'heist lived in L1KFERFORD NEWS., Pa. eon,. by Mori. Moon mad opened at the , New York. on Earl i'aeeoli Tli Ortober 2. '07. A daughter. Edith Comfort Heerr Scatterg.d, a member of Tett all. erns born to Mr. moth the chow of 18101. and 1.morer of the lioverford College Corporationsince Loaning. Men. Toloall wan PHIL rim appointed by flower., Pit, e member of the Pullin, Service Mite Eleittior premier Auetln, n daughrhot licintlitSwItin on Ortober 2. Mr Stoner- ter of Mrs. Entaande H. Austin. of good's appoint...Id • T. klorria Lommtreth bar dediMed to Howard Hunt bin latest book. a member of the commission. Sin, 101/1/ Mr. licottergotel ha. The lake Superior Country.. by the Venturi, Comtmo.V. been_ st rorioun Omen. co.ected with 'Cal. The law offices of Giel. Cloches approximately liftem biota... organisation, cod corporation. and in st trod *broiler. of which firm Howard ore... no salver of to del fir., in- Hunt In iodine the Aniericno Polley Comsat., the limn Emote Tr., Building to the new Porkord buil4lee. Fifteenth A CONSIDER P.R.T. PROBLEM Pasteurized Men. Edward Comfort Tentell. of Port Washnmon. Long Island, on July 'II. 1k. fore her J. followed vionely the resignation of itatiturl M. Clement. Coneetedlle letaceseen COTP.7a dame. to car and finhally fur damage to property no Mr Mow. m penman. MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. LONGACRE & EWING pub- inhed on personal rearlate "too.. Immanence teeing, rulm in two., In egrets 11telnA eta. both la iota coaster ea. . Clarified of cil. opi tt ttt as never bet.. college They by summg or tannin vote three or Pour more iniluetime through Roth the Repuldiruna sun! Democrats. are inakiug e ttttt nom. dal., (unite poll in college rotten. La FatIrnr bebdovitttel. Alpo believe that their intaildal...s .111,0iog towing men of coping. talibre will be sorprieing. Tin- ern definite bid for mile. of their cure thi- part of the motor 1..ittical par. 011Y of our College monotony or to It,coulertotiou turned to the lelbtivsi thin -141” for Davin." ibtverford voter, .1 appre, of thin the League the inner and ,tend Nations•-und those are tbe iinlY Iwo things I tore Motor,' EvideotlYlied tile lent. For if this Davie moue. abootoft io• isortiler prate ,idler cies of one nomanit. life kr tick., AU 1.11 Professor or Englith Itistury in thi two Gone tut the first eriekot eleven. Univrmity of Minnesota. winning the Hai.. Fielding Reit. He v college . treemorer of the teistni. envbfintion viAltilly during Kettiliocure arc- and ite Arent Or. In ii. lass secitem during Junior year and tostoures of Lis A. 5,0,1' V. M. leM4.1.03 lie nos himioe.. monger of g004 the linverfeelino. He ...Ile general Itcholuc.hip. ohm' Li Fine, Honor. honorn at graduation n tonnwinotirts. He wan elerted to the Phi Reto Kappa Society mod to round- Ile sets, of lul argument he had to support hip oln The sold aim tool pun., behind tool! for votes for roolitioel Of evict...1y perflin he I'. S. of A. is 'hat item, never should nay octet situ, Its ballot I. a Prenident likely to .trine to tnek.. it in, better. Are we art../ it. ottestorciono of rho looms ot note iu the pooling elerion ohm the opportunity to Mood a Justify the ottani from us hind porn means. nothing to us? title • h of view or eke leave Are wr so Ityporritiral in our dinronsupported it for one which eon •..ine of war. re, and ludoetriali.lo that boncdis. k. %lip ibis optetrtunity Thepresidential Alston' vote Itt lin , ,tulle tla,e win, work end those who orlon! should brim, the renlisittion . Link it.a 1111,1 party-a party free iimlergrrolontre whither of voting ore Pot Ihmte•ium tool political' or nor. thnt . lotellitgent opinion In from T.,. Stwiorerity, n port, founded in ilk... sh-nninded, that other. will point In that and plmlged to light the haggle for a sold that Cite wide publicity that better world? mammy of college rote will receive the mammy ROC. 11.• Nor cottor, will Mit.... to o great extent. the of many others No hasty fuelkh Th •11 b It tt orld wait for the TH2■7113 mos.., ■21111.111111 thoughtful vole hosed tin,.ohm m to bring home oti campus to eoilegr men lint it soak. a vast of difference to tivi lsat ion and 111,M111 world how own of high learning end c ud intelligence rote. To have railcar ntraw vote form.. tarn to take .1mot oh the p.m,' tstmen end then to 110i111 inr11111 the voIr 0,11 true A Change of Attitude Three leers of training tinder Condi liar., . are showing in the football errors of fund. moral. The mebtal sortie. ore fast disappearing. But octet untivenbly. the former Pit.burg mor him brought obit. an entire foothill] squad. isirauge of In the Ilntnilton 1.1Itr. winner sena, bettor thatnor of the i.gentlesnattly lio•rri,who teke the field with the aka -.till of wore ne tamed... The train is itot perfect. It le nearly isit good an the mon+ and the mtge. hopes it .11 le liner in the ..6016 Rot Mr ootelty of wiimios lip the process of wearing Wino the elevn scot.. it on longer roises its hone st o the ski- owl says, more. "1...,, a miracles." Instead after saenter direeteil 1.1, effort iliv TItits %pint at ch.... Thin inure tan at, responsible. fiir thing I,•ilt I may Is. the tontine point in hintory. TM. Modem lioly line the Ins tar maintainitio this new anionic of wind. noiir•I, lItne,nit is 'motioning to his invettnent of them. ors el work with Ilinerfonf% finalist! sh- oltitude in the a holding the ooponeut• to an 11. off. 10111'1.1.,Irn or &III g nl. rraliLP !ligh.•• ■13£1.P111--11. 11110LErkbo"Nor....4.7.'%.1. halm .1th O11e114-07 .117..1.111..• 04e11.701Orr".41... thaced Twe trefrilt•sobubliv. 171110-.7, P.., .6 DoesSti .416 Latt BROZZ12-iiettrios Prem.. .Ito got. Nato 1..t mak. w sin-ono 7.1 Yee, woo Sria •mild. Last melt. MAIM, PICTURES ALCIINE.X11. -T. Sea ••77.1"r. "°?..'1,” ."rdItle". Bata, J.. Irlday an, Cs.. Iv ••■ Soy le Tue.., 70I-11. W. Oneidas ••anterlea•'. LORE-IS.. gmbestlide Is -Leo itt.l8;706t-OVnt now in -won lAMIC.2-2kentat Maltase in ."21ta Idadraa'• STLYCli - annalist "Ran.. Rt.. ▪PAIIVitJake e. mare is 'R. STA1774172!.;61106.ICids.•• SSETROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE 0.1ive 16Jostuldea Loselves. vrith pt. au.. avet a.m.n et st. Puha. Iatlat• vattatme tn Itttm '..V.S go: MacDonald & Campbell UAW.. SPYEiALlssa an YOUNG MEN'S Seim Ovorsoar• BoorteClorbe. Ilateemleahora Motoring Apparel 13,4.4336 CHESTNUT STREET PtilLAIIPLPIRA WI. Irvin C. Bryn:. an at Mot week tor the purpose of Leadtwomi. Him mew addremi Itelvey Street. Philadelphia. N. end 13. Thomas Perk in ',pricing gift the John Wereen Wanton Cotenant Philadelphia. preparing to he:vow s stet:Maur exemnive, and vslidg-the Democratic Ilaverfonl aloa.• on the rm. dot There in a danger Stet er,' ChM. • told Enrol. Irma bark recebrly ot. Mutual ttttt ttion hie experienes and se.. Lie woo morel. in INK endool. int `Provident jaf• lest race Campo.) cialloda&iti. th.. political posies of the =Sou may amlgroup about home is ot Tdluno,a 'The hurtle .mi deneritr non ehildren. - beet. f change rashly to the ride of roe party Americo. is such non of es lot Attitude Tenant Appolateteet nuother without touch thought on the serial tides t ore agolo after oe het, When notified of his nutnittotion Mt_ nt rite underlying in.. at make. EEurope.too cl enter thr Sesttergood Its order to 6111.1. Intelligent dia- •quesker. I us. 1111. with a ',aril Mon anti an open mind. 1 have nhsl mission on the major imam of election if woretrip for this noirvellms miantry An Opportunity offnim tittle rootaet with public n prenidetithil elms vote io beinit ..1 ■Iorx. 1he tttttt minim to the inventor in nuel. modem LI except i•ertain Eantera mul- orl1...' and then proneerbs1 to exhurt nooncired not emoritiee. I Inn not destructive in for 1,. la- the flucerinGI News, The to onr their innuener at attitude, hot f shalt try to do to1 port istersollesiSts weekly, NewStudent, • oldie to II13111.III 11I..1111. in main. impoosiltle hereafter the kind ot p, lag sometillog on the moue What a beautifully niugedr Anti power- of gitior we have lo Philudelphis where Life Insurance Traininjg order Isstionoths. Iles Immo, equally rt.... reatammhil• mac* bt oos. orstergradte Philadelphia Phone 1182 Bryn Mawr s partner. hare moved from A. TALONE Shank., Dymond Emmet Company. Will Tailor the United Drenood contention. the Cheerer., Ste., Philedelphia. Firm National Bank. and the American let. Allan Wilson Hobby, was marHe motiumsl. riling his owls .1.- Water Softener Company. tered at rust Office at Haverford. Riehie and Baldwin Fe. 0. ried on ntep tr teher 4 to MIFF Nell Weir. etrond no. mail as provided for ienre. 'lint a boy I found the power of (allege Agent. Experlettaed In Beetle/ They will lie at Chapel MIL where Mr. in Section 1103. Art of October 3.1917. Jes. Chet.. It her new become mr authorised November 22. 1018. personal trensure, Wm power ram, sins,HIM he ban bee, tome trust er Hebb. in a member of Ilie faculty of ware gam each been and inks admittance. It of 111613, estates end hen had consider- ebb Coirersity of North Carolina. rhnosrl ate expert...v in banhinn nod in in- '12. John Hollowell Parker to vbi BROWN BROTHERS' mime to Paul and roliroly There in also the thought Fn. 1908.1011 he wee the eased to he married to Minn Roth uwober at 01 OVers0110.611 bin life, Ass.161.1. Christ. end the Owlet of the heart president oi the Union ingot.. Cont- Hunter. of Baltimore. ORCHESTRAS hich is Met. or les, %me. Theme too puny and of the Innocence Compact '17. The engagement of Herbert taw. wrengthen each other. but it in the of the Stitt. tit Peonnylrente. He wee ten, 1524 Chestnut Street donee to Mina Catherine !deem,du ot Ediorials n nece.mily rePres heart ('heist upon Mitch we noel de- one of the founders of Ow origin.' mock. of Norrietown. hair been as t Philadelphia Omanittee of Seventy end served as bonced. nest tbe oviniow of thr entire student pend" He concluded by eating -Friendship Registration Commissioner of Phibs• '17. William H. flhataborlain will re Is analyse. to noir:ull 'O.n.o. dolphin on the &BOW Inert He ha. foras year third his for Human In main and Your direction is what counts There been very active lariat, .heritable eign oorrepoodent al the Christian A College Man's Vote indescribable ushfl in feeling% of educntional °resolutions. sad nerved is tiob• in Freer+end Brien, Monitor. Ile has articles The poiiticni thought of ih. Ameri- feirodehip as, there ie also in prr000nt with the Red Crone Betted in the Septesober ...Atlantic Monthheaded the Amman Friends' Senior ly." Haverford can college,. %ream in genend Y. follow relight. tstPeelenlTiin the September -Review of ICsCommission in France during the lele Co hoes. party geogrophir Ow usual ' Negtd.bss 1116too.." woe eaints the East it pi visitor,' there Slid the October number,. of -Forum" 'lAppel. for ertirlex written lots fir prevoiling sentiment Pm t'oolidar. Pharmacy Political Views earl peeper. e rennet for Cub- and the "Atlantic, Monthly.Among Southern mihernitien the 1.111.• .. sin -French Spoliation Claims." 'PC A daughter.' Ehoor Crowell erotic nominee, Jelin IV. Davis. Mande Arab two others he edited -Hominy- Clement, war horn to Mr. and lien. viiiitiOsedly ill tit, les& In the Middle Clement. Wayne. IVent 0101 Far Went the thr,-cornered Oil American Itelittion.. 1017.1P2Q.". D. 11.1T111 Special Discounts to d.d IA at member of ten clubs. moot important June III, 11124.. ina-e between La Follette. Crillidge end iim. en of width are the PeirersIty Club, the The marriage of Chester A. OsPante id reflected to ondergroduate ex, College Students the Club. Dominion thr Club, City ut , Hull Clothier Mem Mins to ier opinion. of ,rea:Sa(10. 1:17r.Z.4V.1.1' ihreraol Club and the Amerfran Alpine b arthniore. took place tictober 4. Malt the Republican and IMmoreatic Club. He is n;governor of the Merton w'fill Thomas E. Morrie wow mar. Natintoil Com:hitt, hate endeavored Club. Cricket ried to Mira Katherine M. Coghill° WI ruluvr eateweire or/Ionization iota PrOIIIIIMI In Callow June It soda:nal clots in all eollroos. In riddlr. Morrie in in chart, will he he. en.. her. swoop op osis.ily The remand, which hr bar .1207,11 of the branch office of Ohio. Monti, tvitivatt blurb neis, linyen. in oft.. lif. es. festinated In his bril- & Co.. In Bethlehem. Ito. Hear Sirs The other day while talk. liant mile. tuner, lie played to • ed organimlool. David II. Willnoa is Assistsso partiesndhA the .slue mom no the college football testa. nod The the Paul.lament Christ is Great HO, 141 S. Fourth Street Bullftt Building 758 Lancaster Av. BRANROM FROM the colic) 'mauls point of view mom be tied right. Hallam, menus simply don't get by. The new John Ward Shoes for Fill on tied right-jots the Myles sod lechers collej men vent. Hoterforti men mill Strad that our Phila. driphio shop at 1221.1223 Chestnut #6.1 No than to she that an worth seeing. Open doily from s am to opm-Soeurdays I I pa, we are now paying for the sins of thr The Publ. Servire flioutaleitioo In a committee Which rep rrrrr the ',mut in again: conrerning the public orid rtes. It le •othoriasal to &Me whether an inerease In rates in jontiflehle complaints In nervier me ...Memd by the commission. The aroblern facing them et present to whether or not the expense. of operation of the Philodelplata Rapid Traoolt Comp., Justify nn increnne of thr fare from even to eight Paul Loder, Manager olu\Wadd yens Shoes Philadelphia Agency III South Fourth Street INC ORPOKATIIV PHILADELPHIA E. S. McCawlek & Co. RAG. V.S. PAT. OSP. BROOKLYN NEW YORK NEWARK STATION AVENUE D. M. WEST. Pharmacist BOOKS ARDMORE, PA. Phatreatiet to The Bryn Mawr Hospital On Your Way to the Station GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS Wayne, Pa. Suburban Publishing Co. S Qr Las O TRI.CMIONN: A•1.010L 1.15 o- 1824 CHESTNUT ST. FINE STATIONERY Official Photographers fee the Record 200 C RANE'S PPillasfetplu. ICE CREAM risen! Single Skeet. 100 Envelopes Printed in 111 See This exhibit 76c 1 75c Black or Blue of correctly designed tames clothing carefully tailored in the English fashion from distinctive imposed and domestic fabrics. AnInt. bil READY TO WEAR ixhibitiv at WM. T. McINTYRE Fins Groceries Victualer, Confectioner, Caterer Dionne ?artier and Weddinea 19-21 Each Lancaster Avenue DENIM; HALL al /A Ardmore, Pt.. un.. NEWS ADVERT' ERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE OCTOBER 9th, 1924 3/3rotberti • Oriztt 40 WEST Mph SCAF-ET, NEW YOE': &risme hoe a SHOES ea HABERDASHERY ▪ OCTOBER 7, 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS -• FROM THE SIDE LINES olwalwel do ool OwnDers a the earne Ondenl Soar Maw W.I. wan. v. ear Swam el Hove.. *.earl In. elverw alma. • • PRAM COLLEGE SPORTS FRED. ROEDELHEIM EDITORS ALFRED SUSSELLE STEVENS DEFEATED SOCCER MEN UNDERGO 15M BY C. C. N. Y. DAILY SCRIMMAGES SCORES OF FOOT. BALL OPPONENTS Stereo,, C. C. N. Y., 16. Lebanon Valley. 01 Butner,, DC Waabloglon. II P. M. Ca S. Delaware, St St. Jomph'e. 0. Innista, 7; Geo. Washington. 0. Swarthmore. 20. Sumparas.e, 0 (rebut, lit Drexel, 0. 3 ADDRESS COMMUNICATIONS Wm SPORTING DESK HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD, PA. THE OBSERVER Coach Harmittni comment on the Hamilton game: -The team showed improvement over form diepiuped in the game last week. No glaring imam were ...treat in the Hamilton game. but there is still r.m for proe EDITOR'S NOTE—Tlds enema In writeam by a friend el Hum-lord lith. letlen whet pre/en gel to have kis ... published. His enchain on the athletic situtien coil wear at totervats denim the fall. H H H Coach Merete erne drank.ed with O'Callaghan Big Threat for Shooting Greatly Improved; Keno. of bookies, I could mot falthe attitude of several men who •re low the tram to Hamilton and my re. Hoboken Engineers; Team ont for the soccer teams. Some of the marks this week •re int information Defensive Positions tendidettes for umbra. on the fiat gleaned front the meek and the posy. Lacks Punch two teems have displayed a derided leek Hard Fought of intereer on practice daps. This not THIRD FOOTBALL TEAM TO 'r isitk from winning. the thing that Steven., our f.tball opponent for only weakens the glaring strength of Coach MAN.. put bin soccer tom Pinged me moot wee that we had four the rooting Retarded, wee down , the team, but ft aloe tower. the morale 00 e HAVE BUSY FALL SEASON hocks who went thromh the entire IA-0 defeat before the City Cone. through a hard workout last week. MonOf the entire ..tiad. mune. At at eight oil mud seem. of New York in a game played on the d.ey mot Tender the tetrad hold ',owl" There ere none to goad hut what latter', held loot Seturdey. Steve. ...ace in the driving rain. Thin won Selland, With Peep Schools Arranged: big, but when the cripple.are we they might be better. II • man la not not. sotnetinten have ma enough Interclass Football League Formed foiled to show the puna It eahlbited doneantitingtian ia willing to gt,e hie time to help Haver. of being forced to men to ecrinunage. Mont coaches Met year, and etre. for • few rebutters In hie power. ford the Little that playy Leggua mane on • 'loopy field. At n meeting of Coach Ihm Wilbur'. pkk their tame fur three trio... name. in the third qmrter played very loose it is Dr better for him to remain away mond Wet Wedneatirty it was decided to ly. fight. skill and ability to Mad the Tole defeatnl the amity, hane year. due from the field entirely Mod riot make Outcome of New York Game Botha/I. hare two dintinet schedules Thin fall. aft Thin mane that only eleven The chief fault of the Engineers woe o the fact that they •were the half-batted attempt. The Coach woeNext Saturday Is The mansgers •re trying to get at men no be pointed for games Al in their bleb of roordleatiurt. the backs footed on the mem-heron. nodremarked that if a roan le not Hamden!. the math never knowa who lass four often running games the ends with without inter°utak oat for uncle's regaletir• he to to A tent look plan evert Uncertain hacks hein going to have from Salference. Frequent fumbles, most of in not wanted. • afternoon. Friday no plated., wee held • pert of the progrsto. Thew n. ina:1.4 game. or Perin. there will H H H In meeting the Cm... A. C. flamer which were recovered by C. C. N. Y.. will probably be in the nature of be a dui., for the firm too teal. rile,. enabled der unreed their neon. to mre. Char Leader Bata wee greedy dis- teain, of New Tort informal practice a.m. with near-by , next thlturder. SUN Finis Himseit Steams Sinai le Mendel appointed st the small number who t he Comb to. look over the materin prep ad will he scheduled toth I am told (bat Bale made .sorne The WWI. of l'aptalo O'Cellanhen on the third nod fourth tea.. made the trip to the Columbia game. the vanity team faces • timed bodr. i• few clay. blotsbefore they are played. pretty end ruins Perhaps Ceti has Galen bad made mean...out for a The Creacent team ein• defected lost was. for Steven.. the mont encouragThe nerved pert in en interclaw Lane bus to accommodete all thane who year by Ileverford. AO. This wore, bra feature of the game. The Vanity Imposes le Sown' Ahlkly league. Candidates will Iw required to found hinmelf. Our p.m.n did sot work. We moot improve La that decould not gm, train fare. The men however, doe. not chow bow evenly lender of the .Hoboken rlereh consiatIn the menthes the Vareity line hen under. al host one day • week of 1 this week. I Mau .derstand entity booted the Ma/ fifty lards. °Calwho had signed up for the bun trip webbed the test. were, for the for- le* woe Oyu thn mainetay of his tam been steadily doming sig. of imProve- training. A:Smash there ore very fro the, we err not getting the maximum hem.g to bark out. A r11/1111 smaller upperelanamen ita the scrub sound 111 oat of our eermulary defense. bus then had to be proeured. whkh ward, of the Creennt flub were clever On rated, gaining chiefly on off-tackle merit. Their goal Mooting ability mine. the prevent rime, is hoped that The clipping and tackling hovered. took only thirty men. Ahout fifteen and dangeroue men who were often a bans. Stevens' neerwit opproen to m hue Inereaned. The right side of enounh will he In tttttt wi to make the but mill hoe n land one to go before a wore now In the third quarter. Wheo the line IN 14.1111 behalf -bummed" their way. A few went by men.e to the Hnrerford Posh leerree t spirited tom Conch Herman it is perfected. fluty once w. there they were held for &Man on the threetrain. retortion Team piny in being perfected offered a cup Io the nioning temn It la impoosffite to tell ro early In any chance of a runner of the vOyoiyard line. The forwent PIMe etteek H H II meeting on Monday. September Al, Whet ...led to the many etudes. the ael.11 hole Well thle year. eleven which the Engineers opened ha the sod • strong rombineti. moot., ente. when scitetitile ann drown up 'Pe, tbn breaking away. Our tine must bare been clinging who did not attend the game? It le compares with that of Imo ammo. The cloning nano.. of play failed to take the Intercollegiate League amen. will he onommeral later. and tackling. I bear that their opponot likely that mveoly odd men an had only test the ve rainy bee had la • soy submantial gain. Mg. telltrark For the ...item nents coneentrated their attack on The fare that Steven* made his Eva. and 11. Heinen are minas. • imperatire engagement. the elseraoll l a l ' t .6' antrZeles S' et9 . 1ortl Y bO n eth ten so Hard 1925 Tennis now which an. otucharging theirs. Schedule greatest bid for fame in the served nay of the 1.4.11 se.on. The support of the entire nutrient rompktely outrlaneed their opponents half show. the they are bet beaten clone no e. Both hove ann.,. .doef Stmeas Dengeron body wins f.tball games. If the hack- that they did not need to show their until the final whistle blows. The line- law year end me more sure of them- New Rivals for Tennis Team Despite fhv wore of their game Seting of the students will help the eleven, meOle. up aminet C. N. T., selves, It. Ilemee hap been moved fnm urday, f to remain that Stevens will Lime Improved ,, S. Woo the hoe to a hellion* lomitioo It le our duty to be out on the field Thin sohag the rennin teunt will en- bare e gowl. hard.hitting roam. on the The forward line ham dm...Int. and cheer the teem at every Plow. J. T. and ;a lordring animus et MO am. gage in n (other of rontches now he. laghen he punting fifty yank and o Rllkr Y: Don't wait till the Swarthmore mune better ability in !shooting in the last Flange.. Mara in oboe. real other Ina arralmed by Manager Sidelnnn• The to reach • freexied pitch of earl.- few premien, and chow. more punch ways. pito of !set year's regulorm The -Conch event touch time with the and ocarina power 1.1.111r Will Mohnilly he tonere then emoo than earlier io the . Sign up for the Mrs ride to Colways. emond-string men Inet week preparing to he worming o the bench Thin mama The Snide" snot Black have legeville and Newark. them for their opening game with bare. In year. when elev.. ladle.. were tem. !het their n 101..1 he betfor Nevem) you.w been noted foe glair Intertcholastic Soccer Cup to H H Philadelphie High tomorrow. met. Neeulhationa are being 1.11.. wire ter It nimitig be tranie worth seeing Be Presented Again each Harman ham exprenned the • urenese on the defeuee and, in spite Osteopathy. Dreael, 111.1.0. Freak- and we sh•Illtare to bit hard to win. •orlets that he might have •hundred men of the Into of Wood, Fiber and LongThe lanescore run up by Columbia • lin and Marshall awl tinqinlonon for agninet SI. roe The oup ...sated last ye., by On SCOREBOARD PLANNED to football uniform.. Ile nay, that he treth. the comb feel that hie ban. Was uningenies -et Harerferd. It is hoped that WIWI. I Mol.14 not Will not require any too arduone drill field material will tawnier to hold thin college to the inter-mhobudie snorer ourprieed to reputation. championa will be again offered this Flees ere now being made to provide the Swarthmore mooch can be arranged see Columbia complete the reason with of the.third tam armed, but want. them le... A nempionehip game is *p- Welton Field with the aware-hoard for Junior Day. Stevens. N. T. t_ no defersts. or possibly one. II/night. to have • good time et it. To thin end eal between the winner in the Private which he, into Seen needed. Coach Ursine,. end Moravian will be met on hay a good ten. he has offered • rep to the sera... of WEST CHESTER DEFEATS thin year. School League and the winner In the I. 'Idinating the project. net their own anemia. football genies. An in DonThe boy• 'with whom I milked Wooed 3D FOOTBALL TEAM, 13-0 Mob School League. Last rear Frank- Hannah tau year eten th tam turned in nine pleased about winning. t hope hope. to eta bide some time this ner. competition this excludes men on they (ord High def.... Germantown week. By th, time the bid+ are in it victories. Pau Wed played to e tie the versity ...Id. The .17 requisite mates that they should win the mat ▪ hopwl that enough Money Will bc hul Swarthmoreutu in that the coonntanto shall have spat Rettheefard Stan ler Gallop; Lack Si Frienda for the cup. omed Iti win ant oI this year'. come it they will try s" Team.uierk Guts Watery The committee In Merge of pventing procured fn. ...where tot etry the in • hard-fought numb for the aetv at kits! one afternoon • week tonetheir beet and not Mere any mane unThe ateerfont Third Football Nom the i-ttp is woronomal of three Haver- Aran to ...Milan. Orin. Thin rate In to get out the upper defeat of the year. turned In their tom-mention foe awes. Ion, to Went Chat., High 13-0 at he ford midergendumen mid one repre•en. tWworn. who do nothing with their led before a crowd of About lathe Prom endh of the lesgues. Tbi. Mete in the Itherlann. one thou...rid. The Haverfonl line won ....Mee hire not met to ler Mie year. • tl II H atrong between 'schlep, but the en& but will be reorganised moon. The nor Speaking of a football wureboard, and backflehl were unable to Mop the one of the candidate+ for the NEWS ad runs of Ha rman. the fast echonl In kept for one year by the winner and then presented In the main winning the ward wrote: ”A neoretemn1 Le one of ark, Newman mul Uile.m atte mred ehampionnhip in the following o.n.o. the ',inlet but need* that few, but the rem teat for his Caine. Itaverford Deka" On offenmni. Haverford team wag almost unlit& to atimnro the .11 STEELE ASSUMES DUTIES Plaice ad Goldberg crashed through SWARTHMORE DEFEATS AS M'PETE'S ASSISTANT any terkles and the the line for •— FIRST RIVALS, 26.0 Haverford an Attack wm uselees. Penner Weston Star Is Combing Coach Wilbur mitt that conehlering Third Samar Team' Ilarerford teem low the lam tat the Garnet Open-Wark Eiffmnive Aslant Mr. William Steele has been oppoint never pleard inaether before they did a—Wileen Suns Twine Such cal coach for the third and howl. Am-TAW Saturday Swnraltinore open.' rem well and are some prandie of tee rem.. Mr. Steele Ix an employee Ile football manna by defeating Sra. we.. for the rel.... Kamm .4 the of the Peoneylvania Railroad and hae quehe.a by a 'LIF4O more The result Aeon prominent in ilhiLssIvlidaim ark. wee at no time in doubt. Evaun ,.cried liZairlomer 111. 7 for reveal y snow A geminate of Norththe ball over the gon1 line in the fleet man High Sch.]. lie Hyatt for three period. There was no more moving ymire on the terrify tenet there alid t until neer the end of the half when 14 loptslor of the trn from that Wile. went over for the anoint wore. hoot wifirit'won the eity championship. • The Garnet'. other poleeo were mode .• Sinn that time he has played on the In the third quarter. A thiety.yard env • "rot,: Diemen elver tate an independent -It from Richard. to Kant resulted in n t'Writrr. team id the fir. division in the Allied touchdown, while • few minute., later nifir Leanue of Philadelphin. Wihoa made hie emend ler the after11r. Steele hoe not Maned up to pl. noon with nog lento that eaMenn av his ..End Neu Are Motive .hales at Hnverford will notnylon the Nwarthmore'a bent offense wan the time. The new merit altrensed hito rot]ran which It hex be. 1.11. SO WEST PHILA. WEAKENED eel( to he very much pleawal with the effectively- against Hendon the UM Mowing of mote of the le. 1,:orml few yearn. Paso.. with Knee nn the InIerles to Ten Hell.bsehe Greatly his charge and furl. 11101 am. of the, Cripple Deluelve Play receiving end, were elm effective. In are qualified to replace Wooed nliel hest West Philadelphia High will prevent .110 imp the Mot quarter annuli,. of twlextititlo their position.. crippled line-up when they ploy the tionit weed made. Miring the norm of the mime rewind team tomorrow in Noce.. Weat Swope. veteran Hornet linsulaw broke Philadelphia him a clone game to CPPer GARNET SOCCER his erm In a serhantate ■ ind wee re. Derby. i hp 3. Twn aka periods were SCHEDULE moved from the game. nermienry to determine the Mogan Teem Hen Eight Games: In the entre towne., 1:1110. the left Swarthmore Open Susan With Haverferd hittf-haek, receialiwo t tom ligamems AUTO BUS TO MAKE TRIP The Swarthmore starer team will in hie aide. end Belden. the cent.' meet Haverford first nmament TO URSINUS AND NEWARK luilff broke his foot. on (knitter 10. The Garnet mount inn Them two injuries have given the been practirine vies September 2fl. Accommodation. Mode for all Students team e eerie. 'Whack and Mee ruin- hut hen no practice amen previews lo Ga to Both Gotten on Forel. ed the pennant chance+ of the Speed- to its confect with Coen Siel'ete's Soil bow, for the title of the High School Men. A number of new men have reCheerleader Bates is making the Ina, The Ormute and Blow with ported to C.. Dunn .hie of whom nenemry arrangements for a lane their crippled detente. will be on equal are reported to be rem PremildeA. The Swarthmore eapenta to and apart°. km to make the trip to terms with the tow. line which. m. hare hie team whipped into good con. A very special appeal to the taste of those who want Collegeville on the first of November for. Ins been very week in Mooting dition for the Hoverford pone. Swarththe beet nut meats the markets of the world afford, comfor the Bothell game with Crain.. goal. more.. complete arbedule follows: Negotintiom ore aleo being made for bined with chocolate of Whitman's Super Extra Quality. IS—Ilsvertate ensile. Or Unnerved noteeer 31-14..... ru. Voisin the mule lam to Journey to Rework hven. There nee Imo combination ceneen frt dd. peckage—nothing dovenner 32-11averreni al Ilarrnleol for the Delftware ante on the followbut num whole nue mems.thicily coated with delklous chocolate. Whole Not hIcara NovenOwn le—Mel. atWe 1.111... ing Saturder. We believe the kinds are aesorted to epees] to mom Matra noun Thom buses are the same type as Cont. from page 1. column 6 -1114■Prii'd7. FIK•W =Z 11 We know thee the peckapc Is • first favorite with many good Judvt Mien CM.. the run on the linusrvelt Boulevard of fine confection., and in popularity hos Increased muddy for Flaw the line will abets up againet Man. W... Close. under the noperrinion of the P. B. T. Crescent of the of thin week will meol Teen Almon] Cron. Tiler are double-dened, the top deck he uncertain, for ail Nuts Choerdete Covered le one of Whitman's the competition wan Third Soccer Team to Play Peanut Clunen Wag cowered. with a resting novelty not of high calibre whirl. DualtIrk preQuality Oro, . of special candy assomments fon die. 14c nmtm. of sixty. criminative beers cf swee. West Philadelphia 2d sented. The exact rant of these trips her not Coach MePete Wen non. committal Thie package has epotial Hallowe'en arnappce for been determined en pet. However, it lifter the The third soccer team h. two gam. thee holiday. game and retuned to make will be roman. All teen desks. to make any stater.nt on the proepecte of scheduled to far. Manner Heilman All Whilmen's chocolates are cold only by selected ee of thin mann of trennimrtation to he tenm for the Korea remainder of the en- ennonnees. The grin of these in doted In every neighborhood that arc chosen as seen hese two games should give their on October 7. with the gerund felon of for the sale of 'erttltres. . Emory agency receives putuea to Bata ne roan nn pomible. Mw.. 110.. Wert Philndelphla High Reboot The frequent fresh cupola" direct. Every package of Mod,. Mal' other in With Haverford Schee! nod In Whitmath is guaranceol to be fresh and to give comnet for Cletober 27. Other game will Sporting Desk Loses John plete satisfaction. 111‘ ImIrOa. .% lendoo probebly be sehedIded. 11... Helier Several Freshmen are showing on STEPHEN F. WHITMAN & SON, bac., Philedelphia, LI. S. A. 1::fLannd . `T.',''.,'..T-':v. Abe maim of 101annon,Irs........r.oroLs. Cems and MorslanoltworPio la.. very well In, practice. Itichardnoti. Todoim Helier, renigned lost idle Oman t.. and Alcorn doing trartleularty good week from the Newn. Ile had been On .11 work. The third tram has not nrvo. C. G. WARNER, Haverford Pa. 1 ... Dor.s.a.h% tired the ...log desk of the News Mil Ions sou 11 In have n definite his electioo Met year. Pressure of Bornitterle.-411on■ lee Ilamov. et. .rde line-up yet, but Conch Steele will steel CLUB, M..r Inoins—risour. Untenn—Alten nebolastic work mooed hint to take no picking out his bent ono in the prac•nd Wholow. Laallo—nadier. I: 111r.O, 3; this ateP. MOM. 1. • tice this ammo, SOCCER ELEVEN WILL NY CRESCENT A. C. NUTS CHOCOLATE COVERED SOCCER rEAM WINS t --- V,:g; D. M. WEST, Ardmore, Pa. Hayed ord, Pa. GEO. KEMPEN, Ardmore MERION CRICKET MAIN LINE DRUG COMPANY, Ardmore, Pa. NEWS ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE OCTOBER 7, 1924 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 DR. FOSDICK TO LECTURE VICTORY OVER HAMU..TON When Newnan Books by Mon& no Rated Mel. Will Glee Le:vary mo Coal. from pm 2. Mame 0 non les March teethe no Maud. end "GeV , Unseen,. it, for... thin year in 110e7 I.' A penalty for holdiuS boning en opportunity to bear Dr. ands ..1•11:11e1:1en the Chink. teem. Tee Hurry Emerson Fondle), of Union Scarlet and Shock men were given flu Theological Bernina., Dr. Fosdick bee shame to tally agile when accepted the intitntlon to give the excellent fell on n fumble nn we Hnfi rd instead of the 1.rery Les-toren on Line busk. March 0. He is • figure of especial not. 20.cerd line.ornwan intercepted not effective end p Interest tent no present becnade of the Poo. wore the rule thereafter, es attention which Ws Liberal vlene bane neither defense would yield sufficient received in theologise/ elect.. remind through the line. 01110 and Middleton Advance Bell Burgle* Soon efter the beginning of the Boni Capital FRIENDS' BOOK STORE $500,000 $500,000 For 70 Eaard Strawbridge & Clothier or meermytor Philadelphia's Representative .Sttrar sAT IT SITE HOOKS Store DOUGHERTY COLONIAL ICE—CREAM Headquarters roe- Enrollee That Toast Men Wear And Everything 302 Arch SL, Phila. PhilearelPhie• "ragair Best ARDMORE SHOE REPAIRING CO. V. GIRONDI, Proprietor Spode! mid Crepe Seim LESS Rubbers beds PM on While Yon for Wait 20 Ardmore Avenue dolmen All Indoor and Outdoor Athletic Sports -lioN ~spantt•d. the air Rare nod ilsintIon got all a IS-yard pun, nod 'ben. a fire,ar/ gain the em. coot. Their punt o ettalt by /kilo .and THE LARGEST e back to Ms re-pord net. -fret' il -Middy" 100111 ndranced the hell BANKING AND 40 .0 Jura to the 1.1e. where the tonnes rook it and ran thirty-seven nerds to TRUST INSTITUTION 'Intuition's 20-yard I,. Plunges and num area. right rod eleadily ran/mete ON THE MAIN LINE FROM the hall. and Middleton earn,' II oven Sur hie second touehdm v. Bitlu drop PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER lurked for the ooint. There 1.1a 001$ • few 111S11101/1 to and Hanilltoe nod names in Lam effort 10 won, but nil of them were Ideeked by the rialto.' secondary defense. THE so T. note: • N11VE1110110. POSTE. oasOl.TON Merlon Title and Trust Company About Friends, Conlin The only woo, in Philadelphia vibe. the Stein-Blede and Also Chokes, and am own Wickham Clothing. Shoes nod Hata ma be bought Quality Made lTg Quality Keeps Cs Going Hooke. Eighth and Filbert 9t.. gatgNis trees MI 070 By the way—you'll need clothes for dress wear, work and play-iVeat. If you'll listen to us. we'll give you a course in higher mathematics— how to buy good clothes atprices you'llgIcally pay. WM. A. BENDER 7..0 Lesson, Thos. A. Ryan & Co. printing—Engraving Butter, Eggs and Poultry $210 o. Sloth Areoer Reeding Terminal Market •• f.-°11:71.;• .. OF ARDMORE, PA. 1714^V;:°•* "i',̀ NA RBERT H ... and Novelties ra.7.1.7_%',17 The Gift Shop BALA-CYNWYD M Represented at the College by J. Linn Hifi Twelfth and Market St., PIE. . Pictures, Picture Framing . Waal. 1.1 7, Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne ARCADIA RESTAURANT Under New Management' QUALITY II SERVICE $3871 170 EDWARD TAILORING CO Msp rte Ina 22 East Lancaster Ave. I rt,, fabrics in unusual- ly attractive patterns and colorings. Reed's Standard of rind moderate prime make Reed's Clothing esymiali ly desirable_ Sons, Toe COSEK Overcoat. j.IS and upward Teaming JACOB REED'S SONS 1424 SO CHESTNUT PHILADELPHIA. Ardmore, Pa_ Ards,. IS 11..1. Tat, George F. Kempen Caterer and Confectioner Eatabhnked 1798 incorporated IMO 27 Wee Lanca.ter A Ardmore, Pa. .1 Gibson Mclivain Company AZPELUS Ardmore Theatre Building LUMBER vt.."11;10307:Lam..7,k,11,Sridr Office and Yards. 58th and Popular Sheet Music Woodland Ave., Philadelphia Kurtz Brothers Eche. K. Tryon Company Official Outfitters for Havesford College Football Team • SPORTING GOODS - ROI...1.e Square Real Eetate First Mortgage Rea/ Estate Va 1421 CHESTNUT ST. STARTER TROUBLE Call Ardmore 1826 An Maar Steen lama Cm.d ha airG-Uno Plotter, & Electric Station 912 Chestnut Street au LANCASTER AVE. 1.11$11110ME-F, C$5.11118 C/OKRETTES TOBACCOS PIPES CANDY WILLSEY & DORION I l4 W. LANCASTER AVE ARDMORE, PA, EUVE, VERY ""2.E. LFIATI1ER GOODS SOFT DRINKS SUCCESS! Many of our customers have told us that we have helped them in a very definite way to achieve success in life. These men say that first impressions count for much in business and that personal appearance is the basis of first impressions. That is where we have been able to help with carefully tailored, good looking and well fitting clothes which make their wearer appear at his hest, put him at ease and give him confidence. Prices are moderate. May we be of service to you/ PYLE & INNES Leading College Tailors 1115 Walnut Street l 'sq RACARr W OTOZ,ZO N ONTYP wuzsc er Sailing West to India eVINCE the days of Christo- - been bettered, voltages have pher Columbus men have felt been still further increased. the call to "sail due west to find One striking contribution of India." In an organization like Westinghouse research engiWestinghouse, such pioneering neers has been the perfection spirits find happy haven as re--' of an entirely new insulation, search engineers. Their every material—Micarta. Possessing thought is a question—every many .of the qualities of metal, energy bent to discover new paper, fiber, mica, gum, rubber, and more effective answers to Micarta differs in radical rebaffling problems. spect fro I of these. It serves in ustry indirectly Immediately Westinghouse began to build alternating cur- as improved insulatilin materent machines of high voltages, rial, and also ,directly because for example, the problem of of supriorities when used for insulation became acute. For gears, propeller blades, and thirty-five years high voltages the like. and insulation have formed an Only the imagination can endless chain of problems. As set a limit on the field for the voltages have been increased, research engineer—or for an improved insulation has been organizatiOn that centers demanded. As insulation has around him. Free Demonstration MOLD ON MSS ISFIELESIT EMI G. C. T. REMINGTON 45 East Lancaster Ave. ARDMOR1 ACHIEVEMENT i OPPORTUNITY E. F. MILLER. Salesman. Pk Ardmore 1977 NEWS ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE • ST.