ENGLISHMAN TAN ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Declares That International Agency of Justice
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ENGLISHMAN TAN ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS Declares That International Agency of Justice
00 HAVERFORD .NEWS VOL. XVII. RALVERBORD (AND. WAYNE) COLLEGE NAOCASTING STATION, WABQ TODD IOSERESOECRICERTS Main Line Orchestra and Ardmore Theatre Organ to Be Features PAUL BLANSHARD WILL DISCUSS "STOPPING WAR" MR. IISHA DISCUSSES AERIAL MAPPING BEFORE THE SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY Weil-Kea. Lederer le Ada. heal Sate. Clab Toe.. "Slopping the Next Wee" will be the eubjeet of the lecture which win be delivered under the auspices- of the Soda) Science Club by Paul Manthard tomorrow evening .0 eight. This tall wee abeduled for Mon., Meth. the Ifith, but It was found e.'..eery to change the date. The meeting will be open to all the member. of the Cone., and anyone else interested in hearing the talk. An thoetrated lecture on aerial WOMr. Bahia. le now making • tour wan given by Mr. Dee. of the of the college. in this section of the country, having .paten et itherthmore. Fairchild Camera Compatra, before the Werette and other college.. In eau Scientibe Society lull Tuatara. Mr. case Ms take have proved to les Yea Deals not only explained his caw panyt eyetem on "Aerie 4.1•Pffilrf." Polthlar, A. was stated in teat week.. News, but told of many fest. they had ...m11r, Blanshard le a well.known lecturer el.. with it which could not hare been done by surveying. The lecture who has bad a very manseedul career. Hoeing studied the .brecla upon which wL 111.trated with a large member of he epee. at gra hand. Mr. Ellawheed elide. photographs, map. and Bp.can shwa. be counted on to the ratue. end a number of sample. of the established fact. op any qu.den he ...at work were eihibited. Mr. Deem pointed oat that contem OP. As Field Secretary for the League ditio. were saitable for aertsyholor for Industrie Democracy, one of who. .Pbe only about one des out of Saar primary erne is pea., Mr. Blanammi eo that the ma of an hour's work fn has aespecial y. ettection to the the en averaged about 0200. One of anhjert of war, minter'.00 and the pre- the eldel fn.. In the economy of election of theme two heal diseseme. the system Hee h. the feet that In Ms talk 00 Th.. Wad will thus aerial map ea be made to gbh only be the remark. of an authority on the several conditions. Ti. the abject which he ie taidog cad of detailed work when only geeend knowledge Is wardedNape Are Colepeeltee The Lana are made by compered end combining a lone number of photograph taken from an aeroplane at the heat of several thesthand feet. Tbe pieture• axe taken 1.4 rows which overlap only slightly. The e Representative of Fairchild Camera Co. Tells of New Mapping Methods PA.. NOVEMBER 16. 1525 NUMBER 26 . ANNUAL SPRING PLAY TO BE "CAPTAIN APPLEJACK" elmikett Play le Probate* CM. COmmilthe For the Cap ad Balls Medea. It ie very prober. the "Captain Applejeck," by Walter Hackett, prominent aloe-writ, will be the animist Cats mud Bela Play, to be Pre..ted tut oit'thee o or erany'beTheehmcnt'eid'...1 7.; moment but it seems likely that it will 50504. "Captain APPlejack" was ghee Pone larity by Waiter Eddie., who prodoced the Pl. entcuffiy -M dee three year. ego. It consist, of three act. with two month effect.. There are ten parts of which ex are male character. Of the none Tamale hte there In none of especial prominence ellatiasting a female lead. One male part We. me end is supported be Iwo cub-leade. The play has difficolt pleas, he of whir, rel. for dtlect work and excellent acting. One of the female parts, that of it girl who impersohtem • bandit. will be herd to fill. "As the eyouts will be bed io Febthere sae. who can secure • ropy of the play now, .d .lest the Pert he wish. to try out for, will have the advantage of longer fetniliarity with the text and rendition and will be that much farther ethead." eald Mead. "M. charm= of the Play Cornelia.. DELAWARE CRUSHED 1841; SOCCERMEN BEAT CORNELL Middleton's Line-Bucking Features First Victory Over Delaware Eleven in Five Years; Strong Wind Holds Down Soccer Score FINAL COUNT IS 3.1 RESERVES START GAME The Haverford either team defeated Havarford scored Its tint lootbell The college broadcasting ea. the Cornell bootees without extendlng victory over Delaware in WALK/ will resume Its eerylee east five year. themselves in the genie plated 00 'SS nunday. November EL when the Main when the Scarlet trod Bleck eleven nod oa Heturday. November 14. The trounced one of It. oldest Vit11,771 rie Lino Orchestra compoesd of alts-Ova final ere. win Tbe etrong vend that musicians, will brosdami frets the vale. IS-O. ou Frs., Field, Newark, Mew acre. the Held throughout the hist Saturday, Nov. 14. Coach EarAnimate 11.10. heath" at ISO game vthe • Boar.. to good ...the P. M. This arch...a has bees premath me. ..Pia. the Blue mod Gold and neither teem east • brIlliact a- squad (hidated. by Philedelphla's ...paper washout the game. and .cored hibition. Have-deed tallied first when 011e touchdown in each of the sem.. one of the Shod musket critics Rahn went a low. curving ball Into amateur 4111.11 aggregations be the ea throe, of the net from twenty think and fourth quarter.. Only in the 001111t17. nada out. The awned goal for the Ira period did Delaware sedately When WABQ goes "on the air" fean• Scarlet encl Black able • little later ...ten. and then Ilaverfordt reserves da It will be with may thee the WeIn the first quarter when Mthartheon held their OPPOaltIll for downs meta er formerly ,.ed. and with the very followed • shot and tharged the Con. within the ten-yard lloe. latest microphone. and ampliners pee epite of the ebeence of Garrett. nail hal-keeper kite the net before doeal by the Weetern Electrie Corm whose omen. bee been • failure of the he could get rid of the bal. peg. In the testa which have been The second quarter (hod IL eerford season, Greene. the Altar of the F. and carried on for the last -week palace Plana •Laiat the wind. The attach hi. genie. and Somme. speedy end reproduction of the Ardmore Th.tre of the Ithacan. was more forceful in who he the 00100 /tang player in the organ. from the 'hetet baa note to the this period but they did pot actually Hamilton game. W three of whom were bailee Nara., wee *Gained. threaten the Haverford goal. The injured lea week, the Haverford team The 40•134 of WABQ'. test...one Math Linens teak the hall into Cornell showed me moth power as It hat ell will equal di. of- the American Teleterritory end had seven) good op- xenon. The first downs from scrimportunities to note wren. The Con mage seethe Delaware's four sr. Judi. f.'', .04 TdePhone station WEAF, width is employing the same type of nen goal wee peppered with ddla after cane of Haerfordt comeback after ealeropholne had by the oohing. Idaho. two or theee liaverford ed.°. In The Penn defeat. Moreover, the Sorbet The mIcrophomes were obtained through this quarter but the full-backe of tbe sod Meth le the firm eleven which has the co-opention of the Weetern Elanailing teem did along work on the created Delaware's roe-line more then te. Company and the &medal led of defensive and kept the Hayed. hes- onee this roe. the Ardmore Thee.. Without the t.... scoring. Reser,. Held Delaware Sara.* Centel Shestine Peer Liter. the new eon... procured at Haerford took the Odd with nix The Vesicleo a the emote half .mod . erne. of over • thou.od dollars, -etring men in the o ..ch 'rV :e: tss ' 47Z Or, ''t az wee played lialeseth by the Haverford could not have been obtained. t it ieneceseary to have two picture. of hree of whore had ether played men. Cornell look sdvanthge of the Theenaed MII. Rasp before to • Varsity tome, sash “ction of the [...ltd. Thou .lump end kept the tell in Searle' will and be the It is exptned that ;Few; pairs ere examined under •me.'eared broadcasting station in eh Black territory for the gr.ne Pert of two of whom played for the first time order to show the roam. soup., a hell before. A minute or Iwo eter Lotion of the ronntry. tbOugh it will The east for "Wureel-Ftemmerr the third period. The shooting of the the The League of Nation. was the sob of the mot}. have ve the diets'. range of the play start._ Delaware had run the Coaraf forwent. was poor and twee of which i• the play selected larger ale.. Len year the normal led of an informal talk given by the the Cap Where he land is forested, it is noball for a Oat (kWh 10 Haverforda their ehoe endagared the klaerford itheroalmately .meant lengllsh anthodty. Mr. thetreelmirdeff redw wee • isomee to draw in the contour lines and Beau Club of Haverford College pia Near the end of the period, the twelve-yard line. Three play. more MO mg. at niglbt, but with the recent u, to a few tuselergrohte. and mem. with meth aecuracy am the height of in the coming Peen :Bete competition, Ithacan loft wing netted only three yards and a deed. bares. In power the egad. from took the ball down the station shade be heard remalath Imre of .the Faculty on Feld., No- the etheentions may e577 ter... or bem been chhen 117 he by committee. kith enema wag hacked fie. Hain ied W. Mad. 'SS wet 1.5iVI.e.-erar WI end shot the ball alord the hall. at • distance of nine hundred or • vae. IA Mr. Garnett, Ida la one of thirty feet Excelled results have rawer in the lead'. male roles, while thend th_goal after short wine thousand miles. The waveleugth, Ni the hied.. of the Brielab Leah. Of Mtho mem, Pl.. the Seselet and have been obtained n making maps of T Whit-dealer. IS. will hold the female map. A Haverford beck kicked the henawe. meters. will remain the Black fumbled end Delawa. recovered emo Union. was at lieverford only ricer ground. PAL le;ad bell but Il lid from his foot Into • Deaha said has coop ,The Ardmore Theatre Grand Othao for a short while Supporting them will be R. Bel. 28. corner or the goal for Cornell'. only for • het down oil the eight-yard lloe. h. of Mr. pany bad made satisfactory mare for is • dee.roanual console type. and ha Bed Coach Barman'. rem.. eosin In the remaining female Pees and J. t/lx. The quarter ended goon after 232 map. It it, the lergest thee. Mash. fon.he off • score, me after four water power protects in Canada. where D. loth, 'Oil, comelie r. tb .e net thls wort. organ in the world, and sorhenes Me. Garton started hi. talk by The Quaker team braced end marled do.. their ...neut. hod been forced tone, volume, and rendition both the pedalos out Chet it is outs within the the grouts! wall open but so nearly beck lo the ten-yard line, and Renwick r 21.11' t e" f ca"c7rtle the ball Into Cornell territorygainst level that an error of • foot in the 4, 'Ia Germ.town Theatre Ores,, one a Punted out of danger. tywo-day competition. Franklin and the wind. Bolter pounded Ina century that rich a thing as a abate contour meant that may aceee might the boa known in the country, and the Toward the cud of the quarter, after Marehall College and Drexel Institate toward the Bk.o goalie end nerrovera Wanamaker Organ ie Philadeled. League of Notion. could be even eon -• be gooded. Del.,. had earned a Ora down leas will preeent their playa on the same missed scoring. A comer Mak from particathely hived of. "ln 1830 It took as long The Ardmore Thhtre efeeentme Cada. Determined Ridge almost resulted in • score when than thirty yard. from the liaverford well gated to this instromeat been. Hailed beaded the tell to one corner tea. the Scarlet end Black varsitg fleet. Coach Later The contour letervath ore oat ooly of iv atone. properties. to the did In 11::Thi eltZetTer!' went In en ma. .1 eta *wearing A coach will likely be !secured to put of the at. Have.. kept hese. a broadcasting team almaa lack of dis- with the Invention of the rellrotd that spproximsted by examination of the t breeplays for toe. tool the boll on the time he bean shortened." Now photograph under the etereoscoh, but the finimhing touch. on the Par be the 0o.. defense and wee rewarded torting echoe. yr. nodeable. tore ite presentation, boo at preeent that this thee ha been 001 down to . also eatculated maltemetleellr from Ti Bredelead Llerery LW. Chemo on pea 4. mica I liewerford Malta 03-yard rebeethale •re being mooted by the The organ recites will be broadcast emaB fracdon of whet It used to bet knowledge of the height of the air met alone, A. Silver. '27, ahmtant It wag in the second period that the rerularly on Monday and Pd.y he- the world Ls relafeell .017 a naell phelie. the distance spare the picture. aage nuthger, ie in eberee of rehearsal Heverford Wren. .bowed Ile real pow. nnas., beginning Monday, November BO. fraction ea big as It used to be, and were talc., ad the chose of phition and nage settings. Loveland had just made a wetly A teat triusamthelon will be made be- Medd.] nation. ea no looger lire of a given point Is the two picture. The play le • one-act offer with one run run of thirty yards from 'midfield aroused tween the bouts of 11 apd,I2 Monday, the secluded life posefide in the eighThe Fairchild Camera Company ioterior seem. It will require approvi. teenth century. Only twenty-three of the origihl November Et mapped an eetenare territory In South matey • half-bony to penman. Two forty.four Rhinies who ego. on for left end. On the next play, Delaware Lift Nemeses, fumbled and Dohen recovered for Hai The Rada Clots will sporedate 51,0 Alan., where the jungle. were ImPe the to be Offered, one to each of the Cep and Ilene tryout, appeared rford on the afteeu toad, There the reports op these transeathelone from Thereto., U. speaker went on It penetrable for aurveyors. Of thothe lbel first Iwo teems. at the preliminary .adinge held In the Scarlet and Mock team leaned a drive Alumni toested near-by or a • distance. wa. Inevitable some eort of an the contour could pot be,aceurately esIt to ihmible that a dee. reheermal Palen on Friday. Nor. 13. Of thia which carried the The Maio Live Orchestra hadatio. savory or of luatice should thete:I but the maps were ealrera will hall eighty-he yards be even in Robert Hell on the number only a few were dropped due down the field through six earned first O now arthoghth n merles tif intimate be evolved. No historian amdang the sallefectory. an they thawed In what or Thethra preyed'. the caw to the sise of the cant of the peahen! dowem until Media. piths. aro. 0.11 .0 recitals, to be held a the Ard. facts,could be of soy other opinion. satiate geologic.' conditions med. Monde, ration to which he admix.. *II Ida)'.. more Theatre, at wrath t= win hive Mr. Garuett omit on to point out se,- probable the discovers of petroleum. for • touchdown lees than • minute Pact, Fre... read a literary .elec. before the half end.. etel other inevitable fhtnree which Napa an InlerreatOnale L0000 •• ano made of swampy Ba117, .A1 Ion of him own cholac and wee judged broadeset each of Beet of the gaining In hie 10ng an international union neeheary. tton, of ist. WABQ of Florida, which were imp., Richard Crawtheer, M. P., mod damnified by the Play Committee the. hocatr. The The mount Lathe, be went on is Leal to nine, w done by Middleton through as W. Mead. 20 endcoaehes. Aenouneement will be drive Program from the college studio the Snd sellouts attempt to fill Ale the crater of the Hue. Delswere pot Merge-ref Crowther, hie wife made later tole week am to the .0will be returned Moeda. November 30. crying need. and It is fining It in four different men et sight guard lo theta R. Bull, candidate. '213 .d the pats .• On December 4, Prefe.or E. 0. Conk- fully. Mr. Garnett hlutil out tthe o ca. effort to eon Middleton or block Viola Cheek., hie daughter. signet to them from the play. to be lin, of Princeton University will deliver recently settled In the Balkans by the the holes which Albert was maki. in T. WhIttleeey. ased. • liaverford College Library then. Lessee ea oh phew of its hem.. se Richard leer., M. P...T. Stokes, 28 The chosen men are requested to the Blue aud'Oold line. Webeter end on "Why Teach Evolutioor in Rabe. well as the fact that the Loearno Pact. D Job, '20 width the bulletin hot.. eed learn Lambent atads few gabn off tackle Het Tee lecture will be transmitted are all based oo the Lego.. "Diplo- Frmlomm-deelar awl Sepheworm-flea Denis ChB.. lawyer ler Affair. et Merles Bethke their CIO pens and rehearsal bourn and to over WABQ. ma ts no longer smile when the Leone db...t' er0V, tiPo0a,'"odelled0d eight. e1e0o,yards see their respective methee a too, es riTe The Merl. Cricket Club has been b. mentioned. Becretariet at near midfield. Delaware emote stop40alble. selected for both of the .nual interGenera Is no longer hang 'Will D. to the fact that the number ped the advance, on their thirty-yerd the lad session?' The genes. Ito- class dances this year. The Eresb• raing ont deer...Ned so cunaiderablY ea.-Junior affair will be held Decesn• le that the 0017 Caelthed On Pa 0. minas 2 Leah. bas Sheath WIII Beel. by Peensyleamla her 11. end the Sophomore-Senior 015,01011 It Himerford Doles.% to a committer ha decided to peace come to e." lad Mell• Short LI. only three plays on December 11, IIdance oat week later. Both will be Adept. Net Faelbls Prlegete. Conference and of fire. This will alesr reduce the Special trains to the Flaverford formal sod will last team Moe I Adoption of the Leagne by ag the twelre. TO has At • meatng of the Students' Coon- .aehIng amlf to tbar. Swarthmore football game u be run enabled Meyer w Rehearse,' will smart as soon en the e Saturday oa both the Penny/v. 1e Rail world cannot he foreed, said Mr. Gar- eth-Pleee Preece. from the Bellevue ve';:r r:P=iat'I' the Neen of Stratford, end Brown Brothers verl Vettlatth: U eating is to al and the Medi. Short Line. Th nett. Itwin be only and 1.4. redolent, Tickets for the Swarthmore genie e001.011.44 loin will leave Brea the world realize that it le meanly furnieh the mush for the ten dance college to be sent toothe Intercollegiate of Arta are notified. will be un esie all week Mad may b. reet et LE) and Weet Philadelphia end loraltehle that It will fain the on the 2S-2/3 programme. Rot Conference on the World COLInt at mo.1 lacking owl...nab that Is dance. will be programme alai.. Princeton on December 11. Tbe council uhtai.d Iron, Aessietant MmgWll1.24. arid. et Swarthmore* • necessary (wanted Preedent Marshall on delefor Its complete ruction's'. nni Leder, 12 LJoyd. Already ha 45. A renew nen will leave Swarth The Sophomore committee mode gate. Mr. Garden eta. the he consider- of K Fox. Chairman, L'thoe, Bono COI alumni theereetio. have bees more at 4.415, leaving at Broad scree 211, hgrested that the suede. but there are ale • number of 5.10. The Media tr. will Ie. ed that 101. lealleadon could be brought and Mitchell Those in thane te geed reale remaining. Sixtythintb tent between 1.15 and about by teach'. tbe aloe f acte of the Rhin. are Rorer. Chairman Co, pewee& of dm recent foothel den. he need to porchu a motion picture Arredthemeete for Shaker at Neese Mato, 00 ebildren..d in college. sod eon, Corp. Abbott and Smith. so. bar M.S .' Awake alteration. madame for the Athlete Atheation. urged that this be done. ofFlobseis He Marehell appointed a committee coooommtos =ma* meting of Richardson. Mead, '20, .1 The Selentthc Society nth hope. to lakanedanat P10.11347 MI WPM 1010004.. 211, to investigate the mat. secure WIllthoi Beebe td theek at F•61 =TIM ▪ smell Wen. ter. their December meeting, but it will affrff OT POTPIPILIC 111.1 TOPILPLT-Pedie 171.1 It wog mooed that the honor roles be hateable to have him preeent ca. Oath •t h lee. am see. spill. Nee. PI, La P. a-TN of the college he revised le. Roberta and the mMill has bee. altered to Large Member el Men Tthleg 0.1, Bee arta ata. rembria: atelot' placed in the by•levre permit a of poblic the kale illustrated Ira O... 1ecthre. a Satrtree akette palely for 11.1alle PpsMLu •0.911 IWtler Student.' Aseacietion. A omens hut William Beebe' s trip to the Sore.. rtee. Pear. el er. In Va. at ILL Mee Col et Mr. Weave. preeented the Inane also cased linking it • duty of the g.. See from which he hos recently eleetral ea 7. larestaelal 01.0 at A. Le. mental Club lath • new piece of big president of the hue. to read the returned. resulted not only be the disSeEPPEPOLT-T, N. 0. S. , lb. o armament at the. lea prat. 5010LT. N.. 1.1. 11.01 e. Ira 71. honor rel. to ewes incoming doh. covery of may nth sped. of Oat 1.1111 WIN 004 etter TL Z. 0. Prldu east. The uumber is celled - T_t par. tam Cs Yd. A dlechalon wee held roncermag but oleo In lemming a great deal about L Tint ea.... • P. er. the "Sp.. Rhapsody" owl I. one rata coudttloh of decorum in the dining the life of chock. He has dune a TH17111COLT-77.1 wet re. Lad of the most difficult others that the PAZ IT Oar. 11.0.a • room. and It was voted that eR throw- good deal of diving In some of the dub has played in years. The PhilaP1.1.1.1.. PLO So..1. odes!secluded coves of the Galapagos. ers of table...ma during the eine. IMIPPLT. rye 30, 7.•• P. IL-J. isettamatal delphia SymPhenv °rehear, ha played attar now, Fro points of ramose about thine of "Wee. Watt" be reported. 111090g-aeam •rta New Iree• 00. the "Rhapsody" in the pest. and its wereTWtrr 0004 01.a feet be/ow the surface be wee eble presentation ham been atteoded with at ices., Ow 0110 to watch eormoreats Bang after Bah. etre Loa. mueb suttes. Golden hoppers, yellowdalled town 711957. Pea et 7.a. E. 71.7Lutt 84.777111LAT-Platall wite. The followleg ere thaw who are tryrtEmme belong,.. grey hark and myrk. Of Wm rem the 0.0m .um. La P. a ing oot for the first the: Violins. Mamie for the Swarthmore fhtlan smell Played around Ina A thrNETT AMAX 7.1. P. 1L--theal Oa. .4. Sugawalt end Carter,MacNamee ee which he eatiro•ted ea welshing 710111102-Part 1.371 Leda. .d Meilen. '29. 'Callen Meer& and 5.M P. way,. Oak. 10. reT.: rtrdhebytot- SOO pound. floated over hien and eon TOTIPLT-Itutraertal Bucker. 29. Saloplsonen Smith. TB. L posed of twenty piece.. A. In former Moue therred within a few lathes of Isser 0eleX1. b Peer. 0..0. IrSOPPLOLT-Tlate... mamma Martini Michater. 2P Trumpet. Leyears, the Deem., clan le bearing Wm. On teething the a.. he Oa., r Prbal.. beam. • P. a. n.. 29. Mandolins, bras. Berge, the hoe.... Arragemeate wed caught .veral wan gab Online and TIMILDLT-leacer 'lac Saab Ivaat wth new. Pitzeimnione and Riehardson. '23, as hen as they begat to she. Sight SATITIPAT.Iston ath Harted. le Johnson, Blank, end Bosworth. MI r%. btrinT107=7...T 'th'r es71 of Met re.. the ed.. •ralved from Flutes, elaeland, 20. LI Ight. conelderehle dletaces like vultures. OL. duo h S.- ENGLISHMAN TAN ON THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS COMMITTEE PICKS CAST OF `WURZEL-FLUMMERY" Declares That International Agency of Justice Is Inevitable Mead, Stokes and Whittlesey Have Leading Parts in Milne Play and rims TWENTY-THREE RHINIES IN PRELIMINARY TRYOUTS be INTERCLASS DANCES TO BE HELD DEC. 11 AND 18 TRAINS TO SWARTHMORE be the SEND REPRESENTATIVES TO COURT CONFERENCE Th. TICKETS ON SALE "";1274:rst's.s1,11:74Zi?"" SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY HOPES TO HEAR BEEBE FOOTBALL INSTRUMENTAL CLUB TO USE "SPANISH RHAPSODY" HAVERFORD vs. SWARTHMORE At Swarthmore Saturday, Nov. 21 At 2.15 P. M. TICKETS, $2 Obtainable Through Alumni Office or E. H. Kingsbury, Mgr. OBTAIN BAND FOR GAME Ww:0.1:01e w ▪▪ Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS FLAVERF'ORD NEWS OnneintiOn. then the Honor System ownnot be given a trial. Similerly. when Le laStwarnat Istlerewaleata newenow et mien, dances am hell in the gra tinder the liOnn Of the en.lien; nnfhlni• lien the [tide on be tonged not Maio the us... of intosieating boor.. But IM such A ilsoce be reEDITORIAL BOARD 11.11Veli o nrarny Out, then o nett. mum, corronittee" mot he nopointed tu loots after the mond. ofthe college. If the rent end decent kind of etas Idmadoe gait. dent government I. to he coated on at lloverfor5 no further dab., Comgem raters mittee is needed. beymul the student's tuna cg7 H. deIlmna. on monclation itself. If we areto gor• 7. Limn. II u orselmy at MI. it AMMO] not he mom, rdlter ▪ Hin twe here to fro) the curbing rein of the administration at every TN. la the awed et a eerie, of atlas. Sends. VW, torn The re. neibility in BO 1.1 er IN nedlegn antbeelliee desibm d num.. le .inea whom we have a superior author- with U. S. otrerge lato the World Mamma 7.110n every new OrarL Timm ere release. thou. departure or dtange of may. If we the courtesy of the Yale Daily N.B. Ws rwa have student government. let it he stueats Warsaw le We are informed by the sdroomse of denteovernment. and unt merely sniour -Joining' the court that the new de., rsoinOlflon Or famally polietea. BUSINESS BOARD international court ie a cherlahed Amergad,. gm* November 12. 1125. r. r. Oman. T. ican !dealt that It aubetitutes • juWag owistVr .a. • ITLAMer• dicial court for enheasend and temporary athlete! tribunals: that it aubetis T Erktd■ ° Yone re to be congratulated nn your lutes adjudicatMn by lee for ndyndlo. 'et rritoe '"nir editoriat of November 9-, emeemin. the lion by force and decisive by law for footbell game with Penneyleannt It decision by compromine: that the Issue seems to me that ail right...211MM Ifay. Is between those ',oho went to act up t rfordiene tampon TOY In your machinery for the settlement of haterBo Bon t keep oporm at free from remmemIslism. national dinpubea according to Lew and .1.71timn4, There can be little flambe that Met those who in disdain of all effort raid .2. 17 en ti.r week', game wee Played for the gate continue the pregent snerminertute. that receipt, It eau nnt be Pleerant fo r • Haverford ainmnun to Men him tea m the new Mternationel Merl iv urgentlY mimed,* war heels at any tura mom mt ma n , Na trounced and battered by a hostler op. needed if pence in to be ensured end eer Oasts en, le man potent. nor doe. the team neednth proctice for the Swarthmore gem, .tor that by me7ing out we are Working 8.mesir. . r enemy year. 1 fume Keen Harrierd Ida the world'. effort.. for a.m., that it waraa, emelt college elevene st the beginning I. either thin worid mum or WC, tto roe On. ks. err:. of the • n and it wan so obvious Mat we would he under no oh/nation to that the only mason. for the wetter submit to the court any ampere we chfora .1orteis do .1 nean.rby name edam ▪ promar wee one. aired tu keep from it: that the eon, inn the willies of the moire ettulsof Mot I was alweys thankful then It wen. ham no melons connection with the not Ha...Hord which cane being need a. Lenne of Nation, and that we would bony. a scrub team. laitke tesarVafigne !unwed, entering. The ,,sanne with Pennerlranie neat eaveat again.. any maiwintionwItte the A night editor Is on duty at The yea ;inencl lecLif , .it le •t at lessee. New °Mee in the Haverford thew The oppouente of our th ; every evening, ascot SatardaY, to rs. no disgrace to Ilerarfo%.1%.“ court Kneel the court le the e child child of reive by oboe. or personal toterriew drawai. provided P'ennalrania is Irbi- the league and the map proponed would any new items from ate source. Phone l... end Iran hardly Imagine it will locale.* draw us into other commitmake nor difference to her, The ment. to the league: that it In intended Ardmore 2176 sehedele. are not rompleted and rata of it. proponent. a., en en. Pennnylvoni, ran get env one .4 a tering wedge to the Moo, that the number of millegew to play her. jurisdiction of the court In not ebbLoyalties Yours truly. FTERBERT LANOFIELD. Estimates of the total number of NOVEMBER 16, 1925 Political Issue Strains Popularity of World Court E. M. Bonham!, Yale Law Professor, Discusses the Varying Character of War Issues nose in Haverford studeute attending football An Eyesore nd .eon*r contest. ism week put that Harerford Collette is far I m for andber at not mom than • hundred. the beauty of campus, annd 'eor juntty rood of *v be" Perhaps tat; were occupied in either Haverforcline feetCPI mom will admit that were bloat 'the -or ' playing football or soccer skatina .ponal anything -vent n hint with imam roanageriel taloa When tbst Manly. n veritoble errare. leeef the remaining need [nal Hare, esperially when out of groan 'it he• forciterm? Answer—in many canes ath lgen irrissiru're.u''has foreordained ramilog "her college' football game.. ' e.net it umet , Lie .!anted in the font Cl, begin to wonder it Elaveriord unity believe in the eat noted men clean athletic miler in action as well Ea in word. Several week ,. ago a onanimous reeolutan wan passed a the Student Body ...inn imilaf tn such an athletic policy. Anal yet id. moat hail of the etudent body turtle big college commercialised football on Saturday. It a man in enough of o individuate either toeth.li or ist not to move. there mar be s decent earoae. But when a tuna seeks bia teethe]] en. torment by watchina a foreign Name in which he rennet woollier Pon.e the inane feeling otrached to watching hie not college team—then he is cheating both hinted and the college of which he is • part. At Haerford he refoing IMP.. to the Haverio ford athletic potter In Which he pro/env. to believe. A loyal Haverford man will let more pleasure Le natchina HIS Maio put up a good battle. whether it time or Lone., than be en hope to gala In aneing ititt heat Penn or Prim,. tea wallop Yak. This week everyone will tamed the Swarthmore game a matter of ours, College Interest is soffirteedY memor to snake thin eermie. But why Mould cot interest . n audent's own tenor niwan take precedenre over that of nor other eithletle elongate [we've.: two remote colleges? "Student" Government? In a remit( editorial. The Nee,re. marked cm the One spirit which hoe Miamerormod the ro-operotion of the delininniftnfiOn and -rhe nfOlru1 iwatir In record ts. the grunting of certain priv• ilena no the rotten. Thia iw•operatIon recent, to ham undergone are nertuo breach on the quemlon mf Ma low comoletely the rat-tilled '-student government.' abet be government by he MIAOW, The aisslal emoted mei the dude:, ...elation. are ocluitruhle ivalitutione for the porpo, of ratifying the anItuirs of the edonioistrarion. Na one Omit. shod_ lisp it Le anemiashin whmber Modem ;government oboist.] atop More. No mie ...manila Mot the anal,: body is +noes..., in judgment or wind.. to the- older and aura experienced I.,. Of the foculty but the object al student government—if there in lin, .011fOOf at all—, to foster v. nen.. f. responsibility in the college. If mch model. le mode to feel doit It, reapooxibilim of upholding the high mutolunie of dn.. college &pen& on e,t . on every USW, him as well hem „ ad then onb conyatudatt reraliment be effectively Innintetned. If the administration ...hen to make Itpulite force. sof self the aml of e.- hieh the evident mond. ore II, poc then the student goveransmst lien will degenerate Into • game of bidet:DJ-sc.-melt between the council. mem. g here and Me rest of the collee--or thei st who du not Ooze to rbom ;her the miew When the sohninixtration chose to ; the adoption of the Honor System System io .1011138. then the atudent a.. amid:ion won allowed to. pose retinae Mel pot it int° efent. Evidently the administration considers n room full of Mud.. enough to overcome any otuone'. temptations But when to dent might hare thi nape nn a raga up ea ceat h noubserved, tS:"Tool. :■""di?;;epeurIathi:* 7'17: fence at present etageres teen around the enclnaure threntening for mom.nt to rentro In Job of keepme the rabble at or the rattle in. The idled, In no better ronditEna. efflak de• Sectedly to pub its roof over its ma. in an effort to hide ahatuefully from the sore shown onto it. Iropoverialted its ir ot, nom. •hrseh, thm wood armor come of ne.cly Doe tee homired nn dollen from remipta. mast 'roes thin bate;generally town nned sum hen ii• the cavity canned ie the athletic" " "r um by our Fadniceoce in sport. arm. likely that this year no orh rarity will exist, at Ina not in than tooth, whet better emcid I, done tru th earner eelsit pro ne'viionabib:e:tin n edn7t bhe " t beta eve. greamr luomee in future seam. PRES. COMFORT AT "Y" we AMU, MoaIIa Wodeood-O Night; Prof...or Merray December 5th. President Comfort win be the emeltar at the realer meeting of the 1, et C. A., Weduradey nIght, Iv the hoe not as yet announced the soblect of his talk. No eusher has been obtained for ro,, l1rein m g.,e tee be tIng , 2zhteh i. p,.. 111 be !woo of Lehod 3tanford QED= alieduled to deliver the eddies. on I,..ember 9th. LettelnIsMIS Taunus .ELWWI—Ermst Oren le orb. ran snoan—rwine. Oman Le —ft. CaMallitIIi —NIIM• Odors in -sb gar rOonotr—Se letalres ••Ledy Be Resit.” tan wadi 0/147.10Z--Lmar Sands to c•the =If 11--Vanesala. Mon.! normal AROMORE—Maeda. Toeaday Wulaewliy. Betty 1.re.. Ooldee 0AffItl ••• Rama.,BeRa..'. Rea Setn.rday. !Wag. Behar atralaft ✓ox—alma Reba. ta 11e whore. occryanyrrn or.gr—Wommt. Pear Ream.: T111..7 P..• day. aatur”, Bebe Beet. Is atanatne.111/12fET—”The Read To T.ay.. OT.TOna-earent Limo la 'In RUBIO BOADERS Or IMPIOnidey as. awl name, .mewl at m. nimbi ..men Vasa, ereIan se Las 111 •• Coaporle lap few Wee Oreher.s. Thaddeue see ielaist. ..es tale - etrantudry -La Ohm, TInfleibLI am:1w Itelmid Hama. amp Maw. in the romerame day meals, Fans Baloamd woke, Dam, YET1.01.0LIT. Org. ROIMIE2Boatay moms. men, laie.t farestaledf 11.171443,57; . smith. Mole Macs Oman, Is “Trbe Smelt el V. WISMIRSPOOR BIALL—Brlday am. Ing., Mast. Moat. shah, lagliereggYgeTTOW BALLROOM meaue. re 1/.10, aIm. -bat aelhbarR. ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO MEET NEXT FRIDAY Conferences With President, Dean and Students to Be Included in Program Nee., leopeniee the Cane, goon& ad 'reedit'. for the cousin, Cm, rosary will he moldered by the Alumni Adrian Committee at Ito meeting oral Wilda. November ZO, The Isplaarem meeting of the Committer wilt be held at ten n'ele.ek A. It. A DOW rhelrman and secret., will be Miami tat ma-ad Penal. Enhleumn and Joseph hi. Brattyoboe memo bore expired. At 10.10 the Committee will talk with reprementatioes of the student body on mulct at problem, and at 1230 '173 .1k cooler with the Deem with V Ardmore Narberth Bala-Cynwyd bind he l r ad than h e cnat ont of the ( n moo r. !settee the nation. In aubolt their Merton to peaceful adjudicadoe. On the Ian; whether the court will fersiels abatieute a for War. It I. wen to examine the eowl jut...dialog'of the court. an provided In Ica statute As la well horn. Ito Jadeite-Lon is eaeInsignias to Imre question. over pelf. tleal question. the mama has no jai., dktion, War lam. Net Legal But more important Mill is the feet that the tenses that hare led to woe between nations •te enrelr gal in character. They are pott..c1 and mooed, of a type width Lew cannot on2...t7::1,47 .d.ittic . ,b° ,7' ,.0 jorietilraMe. Proteraor Ruda' be:, et CwtseRn IPr. Total Resources LEADING IPI.D.e.untra la YOUNG YEN'S $10,000,000 2 Trouser Baits usassemarr hate 1334 - 1136 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Kurtz Brothers fawner.. Seerwiti. 1421 CHESTNUT STRICT IIMEASLIMIno tem C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1972 RT:1*a $9 C Provident ?Pining( 0.10311B Oar P6laddplia Slay An Opportunity 1221-1223 Chemeet5t. Get better acquainted with Quakerism and what It stands for by securing "A has ism bees that an mrd.. mein! $7 be Maio& a. Ramat Pd. Jones Price Poet Paid $2.00 FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 302 Arch Street, Phila. Inanrance Training Pali Leder. Sort Watery of Quakerism" Introducteon by Rufus for Life criak:W. 61n e e ILV COACH HARMON SPEAKS ON ATHLETIC POLICIES flatulence Of Haverlord ideals I. Sports Olseemed Defers Conch Hermon spoke on the athletir cuddles emend, eunciated n by the Haverfad faculty in the Y. H. C. A. meeting on Woltietulny. November lt. The talk wee Owed with comment on the recent genie with the UMsash" of Penualvenla and the different polley to be panted Inregard to the Penn gems oa t Peaoati , C Hansa then .poke on the problem that (need Vinverford in competing...1th college., that mooted Midair nebularships. He Mid that HarerforWang should Ihnt blame the ethietwa of comb inetitutIone, but rather the authorities in charge who permitted the prettier of granting these =Miamian!. The coact further declared that My. erford wan improving in etbletiestandlog, and he felt are that noon very anemolul Irma mold, and would. be daeloped. He neld that be would pit ethe n Haverford Jotball team evilest ; teem of Its weight in the country and "bet hie salary on the renal:. 111 South Fourth Street Vetterleht Fuel Company INCORPORATEIR Elltualeo. COAL Aallaraelts Zs. `fie Man "W keeps himself posted on ho fOOTasBALL NEWS printed in abotigeStillituu does not have to back down when he talks foot Stationery Try MAX ABROMSON 3 Weet Lancaster A Ardmore, P.. HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECOONER Wayne and Bryn Mawr OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Manager Pid1erkeiphis Agency Alumni oZ:r President Comfort. At 2.30 they will dleenes m urban, AEI problems that map have erisen 1.11 the Mu. of the conference. during OW de,. 8.30 4 Jain meeting with the Exerothe Committee of the Beard of Managers will IM held, and a ton of the camp. and buildinge will be mede nith the purge. of suggesting needed Improve men.. at TAO A dinner in Founder'. will be attended by Preeldent Comfort. the Pernik,. the Aliment Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee of the Board of blenagere. Committee wW attend the Swarthmore foottMil came on the following day. The member. of the committee are: Alfred C. Mantra, Mk Henry S. Drinker. 'Ni Bernard Leiner. '03, of Pitteborgh, Rosml 3, Dab.. VO. New York: Gamed C. Withers. '04, of a,' York ; nRicha rd . CaTry.o m'm . of e L. Ba lsIt.o BalPmodeoce. Rhode bile. 'the last two men were alerted to occeed &Nero. end Dr. Bradt/. For Your Sporting Goods and rotary; and that the strongest .tione It ere the fret to denounee the *Wielder, chime; that there is no poor-Won for the enforcement of :te &Odom" that other nations cmnotate-cell, outvote W in the assembly Is the election of Joao: end that to viemtibe the court an agency for peace I. as Wotan Imes WeltOpe The arguments thus downed on bath Mdea lodiote that the lane has become political hi nature. Underlying the arguments of the PrepOnegla Of our "ninny.' the er, rolled world eourt row the major as oumption that the Mout would fantail a:batter foLger, at leant infolt. The Marion Title & Trust Co. ▪ ▪ • NOVEMBER 16, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS SDITOR1 ALFRED MASSELES FREDLLIROEDELHEIt h WIAM T.G.MAGUIRE HARRIS MAYILAND ALLEN HORTON COLLEGE SPORTS Page 3 THE OBSERVER and outguessed HAVERFORD SCORES HAI/FIORD HAS EVEN I. V. BLANKED BY FAST SWARTHMORE SCORES 1926 TENNIS SCHEDULE a sTheHaverfgameordwioutthfoSatDelughtuarday. wareStretford fob 0, Colombia. 59. In, F.Sees.elvaele, 26. CHANCE WITH GARNET GIRARD SOCCERMEN, 2-0 27: RAPIDLY TAKING FORM geserehthe, 7. lwetwa.oWenstheoriaftersetotothethemany . . .0 . 0. reversal atthePena.obiIt 19,4, ***** whether Rival Elevens Present Equal- Haverford Line Forces 2. Del a ware. on theshowed squadmehad beentheki•pll reid.t ofThea- IS, Hamlin, 0. ly Impressive Season Game, But Girard Backs 1:7. PriF. andncetoM.n, . 13. whigreatch iseneeded totthryiotianyme 6;0, Isethsylvaele,7 68 greeable. Records Prevent Scoring same t h e back, r t h an at The finimalbednl gameeofwiHaverford' this seethe. Herefordon Saturday. played its best Mt twoteam om.J.. 131 0. Froethrth for • nouceenful l 21,be plwianyedo eCoal1925 gene ardplofColayitwothenleggeofgoal neats me,V.Y.BYablbytheOmetheUitohuteonrdefeat soccer theme ereonlexcepti olnalost lythbriroughghtthaws Saturday, Htherford November threeofofthethemeson former repute. net inwith IC: 7 el . The y man gtthihd-s s to none. l i a rt a t h d. men Meade Swart h more. The uati o n Met @mei . was Gi r Captai ard scored n John. di r ect from • corner, Garnet tea one of the bl o b Center. SevereThewetrufesthe . M et Hershel dl . e Webster ti t the htl Y fire half. Girard thy strongest and Lester the &thinhaaandnotBlade-tt the: netrrretitote"Let. alltheme yetithereeor.teen,. rune •Forayt eerie= forof last • me.strong schedul e. andolondeetHaverford notdtopit.Nr",,rni I siend,ve bcootie.entldowntroetafelkeeout. ofPoo.ourareotdeterheeloatog SOCCER TEAM TO MEET 1918 Bon. Resi d es t cl o th corner. feated Ito Heal ea the fame= Rendre b e and failed Hart l aiendclforseomcapto nave Webb gams.Htherfordthe roleBlfewoodiyear. . v:1,41 tv :via •Vat second team.these Rod indlprep nly ireturned Rhiatlnonebool nferioritpunts y to Delfarther con-to-the aware.anDelwe.- N. Y. U. THIS SATURDAY thowever, o tai n . three former l y thwore f o urt h f o ot b al l t e am dropped tai n , c th the poi net n t h l ei i fol v t el h l ed o y wi scri St n h g rt m h . moreds margi n bone game did. Owin Nothalfh.binackag eboul d practd. ice OM ward. one of the stranded telthex IP tory, tandl12.ast0three scores being 25-2, ,nname Fig eldtogaretheFriTempl dpoor ay afetexhi ethelrnoon.ibtheititoiiann,.)t. year. ntolla iethhatt7o'il n:tiled fWet. Roth • 15-0, . Should Be Easy Useies outReplplaayedyedbroken Dele DelaGelware NYMPH him Eagla"lthiTrit"PrZel u mbl i p l Othti a l ee So far Ibl hoond• e year, s"' the Garnet s occ%* Mai d h: s / uu r ththrel t h bdr o Our : 1 1 occasi l o n, The t h ci t y age,for herogN:47 awarefrom lime. record part not i c ul a rl y good. thr:gedhuTe. g et l o n present e d t h e et r ongest The kn. . t hrethi v enesa absent bei c rsIedInt h ed7i n ef i ' l v ' e l n ot t h t h e Three erten. . and t three o arrange to defeats New at t w thee i c e e them onsiied dlae tothetousepethenne utherned.HemlTheinDoe.e game. The seated mother thme seethe New beenthree theendo&tenth aandms,May forbetthe30 haslatterfell throah. down wionlthiynscore pansecond of May. a fewoffeettheofgame recorded se forwinHtherford. the goalsem- Engl e four victorles ofdeethe°lstarted sethod peri d, the l dee i n e. thethe Fenn witheetssAh fire holtigame mee. onretegethe defects the *bort Wi l i The unl opthed thd med. the path. Scarl e t and York Mee Uni v ersi t o ed t y wi deddel mark l be hol Harerf d on anot o rd 088 h socer mat c h nmde by be O. annexed , nth broke for through for Delawareonlidefethe. ne look Unbar like • etrenodwhen e andl downtimMeri Itned,theyHann d apunted p. ve schedule, touchdown lceiarerford had00. sem.Thetri[rotati y betteMarna r shovingofthantheirhas Swarthmore •cer.takeworeTithembalseemed tehbale. .Oebb butsafwoul when outIns toonltheafter Bus- andfieldH.bedentthard tbey chtthiafteen•yard Iiwoe t Tem, the hatay, beforethethe20.endYeeaof lstake or Fl a verf o rd' h miortolgetwere e stowioddouter nionnthdefmore ense. Curt Earl weed boot the l l o st whet, e t y . r d othrten gil 12-21747r1" month Lae of. .fon theeir feetNew York-Me. OWN!suchgreeta.Wreat cklonyeanddlde-y. er.thewere ethorered st first-ratthee outeidea,sodboreGraham, gotohothproved rough theebuthark thethirepeat peewee line Duthie on their own 11111,7r4-4r . two Wrord Fenn, hwhiagaichncrumbed ri f e the bred of etack, Fete' s men. who tattl e d eIght ti m es. hf a l a Li n o f•MietCapt htruete.chelallelnader the bal l Into Hathrford terno ware for N. T. U. Thi s was Mi l e r was• beady all over the Mkt the lareet store piled up by the Ha.- Swarthmore darted Its meson by sythe itn ritbronghout tory and thd then centri nEvan. g. Meths, For. thy la-Witm. met• h meth Marti n. were keptandbury d attheand the than. yes, and but three nuki 11N Forn g • game stand agai r rat oftahaltheytdihenvel h art7lumen,he tookone. 1 re, oferfotherd eleityevenretell. web. score, theveml In a g re-11117 .' 1 r f i n al l y theng weloutesedi es star. Saturday thePena,NewRI,Yorkthe auminmiutec.e of wi20.nni1The3nafg UniInterthevcomiersithattnyg within ltheegamiMtlinnaeeandCarydriwasetbblevery i l , f o remadame pored bySonvosl Tema, •wer se Injury, got hi s charge al opportuni t y. l o ne t plrelaiyededonon.a Mead, Eat. tal l y bei n g . t t h ree. by It h spi good r o form l e -a.- mow et eel d these l e st tw I n l a te sol d form, trounced He can altomgeta. hrthrough Rut h erf were o rd matte. of the H•verford see' cent r e f o rward. ir Ilaverfwaord 08-rol0letwdounder, &tenth. but The ViN.olY.et downed weeks22-0, ago. Seethe- ettack. The One dineddthenotterrisnood mitoryen halmostfsontheof U. Tab tuna dhadt hend.eertwho ietow"gen who&roe.Brown •PtMthreethe. heed.thorned Mor. Bove, , Haverf19.7o,rdthebayiprethedi Xt./."74Z ng trimnmedgbyweek.thethe tholDier,erlaltneedhoughDirtiiuout 24, 1-0, In Yalbate' ontleOctat oNewber Garnet ntytWhe more seemed be the thee Oren. eart h u al def e nne. pl a yrel i a bl e . Of Del ing course a ware, their Cl whew o two wt h rop, ' newel S t r et f o rd fel-back. remi t e d in wore on 11:e n d . e . n yor Hoopeo and LJpei ta showed Ineathri wtht bybaCoach notthede zeirat.i,z.u.d.d.irtr:14. 41 'rri obriothethlyscori , neeng 18-0 thee.Mi all three showed er. - biggerrdit lelateam. outbarbel 2-0len.astLsnodSaturday, a Blhard Witeam Meeecked ven get.iSo.n theback Phone, Ardmore 1944DINNER reee F. and hel d by Cornel l l amt i n t h e ' G M ddleton was the realpremi eta, helped fulthellatoBennis, a ck to 7-8 Peri o / d e rred t h e game. find Bighands othr oug:yiei.d.tt FhlladelPhits end *dear Sractke il Start Until .WariGarnet thebeenendItof theofweek. totinlaofrt.elthThe folg18.forced lo2wivinc'PrIthetoe. gtorytistorda, ger. ajchampi severe i n ee oo Ms bark. t o A the great deal e ven who has the lett two lbanket nethoo1b11a2. drawi e I attri ofg b ute the fact e that "Si ext he Three. eirnde Mont h •mobWiclstarted on amount of otse.noth thple ifnaootyithebnalgthm11. InJune, alwaver l practforngioralctoel ethifolly• theiSwati f toLambent • fastertookearlshowed r for thanbruntinMstheofarra,ltheast beexpects to twin. IgiandrFete ell team 19-7 ed. Seethe Gordo. Sas foffense. eotwofgames. the l d nores l a st hare, wi t h l Versa, . 0 conquest W oos.hmderesul week thiton aIn0t ofs . tpledveayelinbeneven.18.Coach footle/atilkt. LiCoach gbudge ht workouts were held SaWalaa &nthele pl a yi n g def e net v e end. uni ht preesi h week on pol l a hi n g Mercer' up the forwards t o hot t h e Phowo.roolth =oath new theabltheWebster true foothel l Insti i n dot o o rt l t . not that thei r scori n g power wi l be at i t s materi l i a l t h i n ebanSpi courage.t el'rhweloedl. be kept out until be he goodPhysi '71= two night, until Thankegivina sewc al , . t h ool d Swerthefore A:ethol d ed. Ode week' . eon, after whi c h regul a r ethni c . wi l thane foe Fri d ay' s game. LoMeatankl troelellelantThe htdrape ly betwholtewireeondi tioexcepnsquad forfolthe 0rot12 amine with I l w r::: mn start whogeneral la notwitotohgood Isbetter betthatet.eraWeb. Int. be•e Pthni thlHeirplrecovered twelhanl muscl fromCar-bis ammo Htherford. onTheDecember Gartet •atbarb good back one w l a thy. In . a yed t h the lowihereng nave fi includiforng roues s hi p tweeted than ✓ el l on Searday, and barri n further bar r i g end. t who i o n st of a w. badl y thee farorro.repotted thyth Mayed timine eniblanunienrol For showed • troubl e . *booth be to reefed condi r l o n squad: l a thed game n g bi t end, bat the other. ti l t wi t h N. Y. It. No other si n ce thee to pl t h. witweakens =ariolinsg.e team. Thetheeprobabl beene•thtal erforde regul ar. wil heGreene. unabler-e Serlinger and Vaal Star ea Def.., me. nley.. RiFichardson. re of hreat ptcoulhthldseftSihareend, nt aithen dwhoedleeInwgame. thelatoaround lim!..ey.e..edfolbylow:the Two TTIOlt•. ARDI■Onl ate tobackerleliaHtaandnghethane gw•rthroon, le. niendty,enIMiMewhi tdchelCfootle/ used Lox. e quart Mettl , sod • Z. e r. it mmi n g playing everwel the i a bl e mi n t e r. or Mi m soccer i n g 70111. In.ciDawn but 1 Imagi deput out of condi teant, t i o end n In wi the l not Peon l i e abl e to report A . . by Sl e ek i n the l a st two dOured toInterference. save ne thatforwhithatthele notcoacher week.yet per. Ita"m' aw...ur theme whenMerithtoneo'derknenn how. . i,nshoul dInd bealthl etablhlotawhe enabl it shame folsthilForth. owrdthetomade bals 44l. until ot er Mistakable. Improvement. Haney by shoul 11.47 .... °Ng.°: Kameda, e d l o wer teen seemed the Ithe of sny of the anent. recei v ed mi n or j u ri e s to hol d the Haverford Inmecoodary, Interference. the game DohanlandooseandMihetcalhelTiivml tehafter roughever/sometiafmbtraeeirntmanter-saw 's"" Irk it111 197191: 07."ththeeScarl biglefeutthlteand.b(acklerneee betendweentower whoackbiipract i•- ork.Throughtht wi l y beat a worth printing Bl d eat e Merlon's Les][.= broke e. had LsAerobi headed g gest ference. We mi m ed gol t e a few tackl e , thee. lf t h ey eth / d oe Mot. B CO I t batheed eetneone al w ays 18. seemed to be on shoed be abl e to vei n wi t h rem. to atop the pl a y. Repeatedl vhteto.esee.be superi Andth Wior tolt. Stedman Inowlnot conof DelaGroat waremodbadImpravemeet iBean, ned smot heredy the gnarl but with ein ' Mae.go• on eF.idrotitered Blnegckrefoffense h cl whom e Hnverl l e Me t h rew f o r homes atfohrward In eat fththell thethew,cotton. fourth down. hl i c hl l e ton tore through ata mthtivrodeoAthl Both In passi ofinoaththeetic and defense IAthseer. Center ea • fake . . playfrom the%dExecuti snd wee werecelshowed a great pol o . Several more Mi d dl e ton. Lambent and Webster onl y downed . Coupon . l y e wi l hol . shoul d have the b compl e ted. but the are al l Omni tenors In the Scarl e t and Unto. on Toted. November t he di d not them In the Blscene ackForward theme andnewsiwioflerbear watchiusedng dieenth 44bonewsrdthe here both-the • sighttoandgaM plaony,aretMihe tdawn footbalfarl compl dodl/loewitononng chum nod 11,etedto proper place.thenOurtomoat pass. worked whenh. ".bucked soy eleven Haverfortre schedul e . an thus vredayTheneeded . Ims been for1928. t h e mark, coaches l d t h e t h em on Thot andlingHaverford The l Conference belabery' plpoiungednst w.path a (MeeConference, across Itmodel 3liddlede onStateshotthe nigareandht thatGenet,Greene. wia ltuhmpIta brokth hbothproved thnir Swarthmore na enceeth. Both teeth. thee NCFootbal tothrough Mitchelril gfarht orwitthei withthaw, onetoalthehisos g al e rt i n tel theMeed.TheBewai Western extra grounded. bead, out for the l onponentn' mi s take. It Is t h umeeed l s doubtful i s Sathaman wi l set i n eofventhewhitcihescanandwi beet VIM! nnedon tor-. ilwherder arthtoroore.thentheWiethrtteem h orbefore wiwithl- her ownDelmethod thethat awareyhalardWanf hadMe.forcedhardl out these tandoypuntfibroke cokeReorder. thebreak. oftheIleelopportuni l twihenn broughtand Fethayl a, ng Mendilno. forty. Debar, hare toWWIligthtthree on before thevaniawni t h rough end bl o cked t h e ki thlMercer c k. e mean. Rom. On neat Raturdey' s t canton. ri o n4l after e r' matchi n g I h net h wma h emes of t h e aet h on. Coat h Mee ron of thi r ty. l i v e yenta for wi a. . l r ehave hi e pl a yers pri m ed Erfli Vele lithe! stmootextent ck. fortouchdown. tbe eaten pointbswent IleZttawl ltoiothetthroore okthefoThefulr thleeHaverford ilatheyretforteam hlthlhove veetwiegame. ambed/1 fhave rfoeom drophi thee............ wifoldde'. amend that Pena lhohater Qaarawhael kiegaikhins duel , WeW= hit ratTh ..... Casteatle I LLOYD HALL dalto beat. lte very best to next .. laelrdevenquartbrierowat. ablt ea Addi to twos on Ardmore WW-1, siwonded hooter. byDelaware,WiToward nd. out• detherate othennterodd theofeffort Dela P tripretty heroneowngot RUMSEY rty-ere liende.aMdthel l inmtercepted Centtenithe from oatofhtheI. columnperi5 od ltothioosewiscore. t h a rothl f and al Opento 7.• Ora... for a tothkdown but Snag. , downed ten yard. from the . 0 51. Mi d . ; had pawed when Hoag dri l e d a l o os embed theattempt linoute fourdrove shot thepast IlAnal e stoned CO-OP STORE fourthyarde thetheoboeatItgame. butpeallThe ihithomtender. folgame lothewedended c Sapplti.handin Radi Machio nery inwigoalandth dlontouchdown. frometonthethree fordroplttbemed.dacross thiwasrd ElectriEthrythi drove for Itenwi r k' s th ofHaverf ord OM recei onwhivDeltheicnhaware isvta7edgenetritheedkiended actkoffhforwa nifewandce 4WD Haverfol d team wastheldundoubt. Buck l o tercepted wi ai better than di g catch. The Browning, King e tthtrodehThreeat i o n. oteethol ent ettl . tweeds before Hereford . 0 010 the reason that ON feet di d money. The Rarerfoeodema rdappearamenoughmore di d hot take the 11 game I h kewere Owl andseven y of Tetaall Left & Company LatLoftLadd* notthewasCorthl withthin byal gPOW theoutethdi storeThere ofconsequentl leegoal year.abont e g the Lama :17.mlee"leg:ellere,b1:4 Vtre backf LtIttataaeat Lanka% ford. ield, did the best workEvRanfoiarsniMeertil= Rietbrr-.. thereon 'cl117eri llehverfeforthtrtretetee l i. haus Ow ethos. amen iatalrhal ' 1213 ▪ a Pl e e. L17;:- L'a■re7.= 112:1". torovralg e rain. RoamrMtlegTle beer tees 'es • Mi. .'ter vet taWea. 2 nth ood Leant loot cameo. .onions the tool acme 12 Matches Aiready Secured by Manager Jackson; Prospects Bright mad N. F. m Uremia. 0. Delaware, football the ales. m stood dare the all-bathe order has Violet Scadet and Black Booters for for ban a tom ltho November tat Uoe nut 11 Hard inept be teem was runt , ' a hot B.. titer eas Mae He a the brae. toe testa J. V oewer. • Left Setteder. Sweetener* le Bettor Ceedttlon ae e 1C Searle( h aa rho Sew`` t 0 goal or Ales, Impossible tin Mat soh. to termite h oron' eal ability 111110. CONFERENCE DISCUSSED time ad Tun tone by Storm oe Blocked Peat It genie. the MU mem. e We ter'. I The HAVERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. PRESS, P. D. Ten of wily nix or eight teem. rIt47';V:"TeniVIDZ:Zifr:. me ter woe Saxaphone Instruction mut eases tr.= litteroeste Pam Houma PIES. Weiner. y1120 Sleet awe Pheedeltata Idea of or Piety hen Idle halo bee- ball q ome too early sow to lama Maine. axioms Oo• worth Misfits risk. Goo tag toed printer. tens Athletic Cattail to Dimas reetliatt °Worsen sal Now Sahothilea As Is the e hies.. the t II wan Her•rford'n Will-id- "MR tow be THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP pt Matter • Centnined tram out 1, Put. een U eoe D. MANUEL Ala Cat Flowers, Paled PRAM FIRM the Beholder. Thomas Richter, Atemsorlam Harem!, Hematite. Johmos LOWER MERION H. S., 4-4 Homer, Also Castries sad Cold Meh hot Men seam gott DELAWARE IS • CRUSHED, be 141.r 7C: r:autu r Mimeea feet, showed Ito Fancy Fruits and Vegetables 22nd P.. Divan Freshmen expected has Aa Garrett, a din Mw! whoa .E.4 ha Om Met game of the must. THIRD SOCCERMEN TIE and has for Injuries bin Korn, COSTELLA BROS. W l Net Alto TINeltoultler Holidays wee Gtr than is Delaware. =Pr; BREAKFAST LUNCHEON BASKETBALL SQUAD GETS PRACTICE IN GYMNASIUM • 7 Vic red HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM (row to 1 Ye1m rinh, g72:111g117-r"All::t1; 1w Nam, net In the line-up. lt2= Beaoista ry tol = . mere, znonld Hereford belt &Melee seined Its mot r assn Yi and room sin the rely as pooch ev an showing Mat °national', May mem to mutter the pewee' to a oholouro'noonIrsZti nil bell a in a beef-fought hot IIMMote. Asals • Star the Our DOWN hero pie .rat low eleven. of play, noon tel mV fral the termite teens s the m Cary .00 Satin Mar P00.. are stain la the be oted tree o -fool to tame Reno. PlOrolwarthmors Clams Clete eoomp Wt On th.,vsst..., linesn. On htiVrtik:s:toe gent. [dal clam, whereas Coach Mercer'. men have Ma- th I. for own Nth Al h ld d week-end et Bees le este e ALFRED E. BUCK nettle, instently from eamintage. Won the SOCCERMEN BEAT CORNELL, 3 - 1 Buy Your Clothes and Haberdashery the to pets THE HAVERFORDIANS Six fro It minute. ▪lane ELECIRICCOMPANY Dew Beet i ROBINSON'S e Into Well-Made, Exit...Trousers, Suits blocked forting the NV. edt, at the fen Eneme•eonh shoe Theeltegiuins ad it lihmerfard DeonssMetet wood ard Cornet bier s did mom ARCH STREET ;22.50 anOw'eYauS's7ses ROLL gaDAe (E.tablished-102 Edward K. Tryon Company Official Outfitters for The Haverford College Football Team BB SPORTING GOODS Arillt A Sample Line of OVERCOATS mgm e ... ran 1007 PHILADELPHIA more main. =... te ..- he 00 beep has Frid well s eel and mend u into to dare time of vin he , Merida Mem en-Lesback le Leeeals Played Game no.. In th hie he n n In wash N THIRD FOOTBALL TEAM BOWS TO TEMPLE FRESH Bon. to oat. 912 Chestnut St., Phila. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Stock Is Permanently on Display Page HAVERFORD NEWS 4 5mokes—Seda—Magealase POLITICS STRAIN WORLD COURT'S POPULARITY WILLSEY & DORION 114 W. Lancaster Ave. Combined Unto car 2, cantata 4 Ardmore the most ardent ideate. of the 10% OFF On Suits And Tuxedos At The CO-OP STORE D. M. WEST Phanoadit ARDMORE. PA. Pharmacia to ma Reyes Moor HorpRol rourooddror Arenas am League and the booth admits in hie recent book that: Is chiefly with reference to nen. Juridical quentione that nations are likely to fight, For the moat part, the kind of twee that come. before the court., the kind of caw that has come before the Permanent Court of AYnitration, for iostooce, It not the kind of ease whirl, lead. to wile.; and -It is trua that the larger questions about which Ludlam§ might go to hr will ,noLgenerally,eollte hee tTreneett ' hee' r' d'r'the '"o7po rT7ii Ametica's lolning.the court are obstructing the ',world, peace" deserves re-essmnatIon, The nowilliegnese to attbsnit to ▪ eettlement is conditioned lay on. Jeering factors inbereot it theastatine imernetiOnal system, which persuades nations to decline to sitit what they consider Important lame. to the arbitration of impartial dodge.. Note the almost universal exception of questions of national honor, Independence and vital intermit., from arbitratin trendiest The judicial proems. is weakened by etipbtriOn that there nand be no sobmisainn of anything important. Goer/ Hales Wall On the other hand, it Mita be sold that the Permanent Court bas dams fer done tta work well. While confined ItInanst entire!, to the interpretation 01 the treaties of peace and the armee meats effected under them, and while ocomied principally with advisory opinions, it nevertheless! has demonetneted its nee/allies.. The advieory ophaion, though not braising strictly a judicia/ function, has hem arrived at with an the thosoughnesa Lod technique of e Sodicial proceeding. 'Monett there aril eeeme to be some support in the court for the secret opinion and the decteion of canes where the defendant Vabsent it la believed that the court will hardly think of adapting these eWecHOasble //eats and Provisions Win. Denten Sming Ave, Ardmore . GRADE ICE—CREAM A lkilaisiokia Bre Pasteurized Clarified MILK Quality Made Us Highland Dairies, Inc. Quality Keeps Us Gulag 758 Lancaster Av. =11 soi 21M11= 1•01 Pha.a SU Mein Mow. COMPLIMENTS of THE TRADESMEN'S Suits, Top Coats, Overcoats of superior dunatter, PerfectlyWand in correct feshioning, $35 on upward. NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA JACOB REEDS sate 11914.-20 St Aina Pts =22 ROBINSON'S Well-Mado, Entra•Trosutara, Suits . PicOro, Roan road= . OVERCOATS 422.50 The Gift Shop WITANITHAT FOIWIM. HAL. Roo Mawr•Ardmars•Wayas gelOWSNO argrthnt if 1 Judge correctly the temper of the world—at least down to Lamm.— to on *ad grey 113.50 $13.00 srare M.30 105.00 Thou a. $22.50 there is probebly lea. idlopOtitigtt to adopt the eivilimed methods of adjust. .11fileting Interests than there has been for some time. Heald s• In the light on the fact that the so-called World Court can have but little relation to the orebtem of peace, the issue as to whether the Vatted States should oow -join" in or not can hardly he pieced on the around that prate will thereby either be promoted or betteded. That Ewa, I belErve, le unreel and fanciful. Perhaps we ought to aid any movement that even Make to the Judical settlement of dispute, hot wheh one of the announced Inducement. for our joining the tout; thgt we would ever hare lesubmit a rime to It, encouraging an Inference that probably we never would, our may properly poem. don the purpose that it is Intended that our joining anal! aubseme. Moto al nominee& Going Up ALUMNI NOTES and '18. Her. Henry C. °Herman of the Ifamma Divinity School. SPrin - $23.00 to red and Irmo Ow. SPORTING GOODS STORE STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Philadelphia The Master Shirt and Blare Co. 1308 N. 3rd St„ field. Ohio. receotly ntoarbed for Re . Harold S. Mier. 14, in his ohne!. Cl Brooklyn. New Toth. Ie Bev. end airs. Mould S. Mi • ler ore heing ennareduhlted on t e birth of a second daughter recently. Id. H. Alden Johnson is with the lestrom Stehilator Company. of Note • eril New Jersey. at 238 Central avenue. Newark. New Jersey. '21. Harry G. Timken is Mot/vine medicine at John, Hopkins Pnivemi Y Medical SCheeth and in living at 2101 Park avenue with hie (nosily which includes two &udders. '21, lieu. Edwin H. Miner. who C married last Aping. is teaching !Ebbe 1 Literature in Fukien Christian tin %Peaty at Foochow. Chinn. '21.. C. Berne Stmyeris at t Harvard c:e.auett Paiml of Busine s admiaito ration end M 100500 at 10 As ton Place, Cambridge, Maevehosetta. FRESHMEN. SOPHOMORES. JUNIORS. SENIORS, ATHLETES RIALAhr ALLAN BHOWI. forAvertee and hOnoe Ittldegt• :anr;v:gglo.oggLgs.,10. The AL.. and ilk mod OW Dort.. A1111.1e TratMen H er be Seedy Madera LaT.W.Ha, so stay mossiee, taxer oa,„. least one Westinghouse engineer gradrotal who is barely ten years off the Thu ,erica of edvertuesserte army, tight Athletic Club, (K nevatanto. usesamen et, et, e.. gl'A7.1 WV- PT of tern for Electric Elevators", now standard throughout the building industry. Here you have the type of o ldt, panne,. Eeth adrertefengoo rah: 4 the record rf a eelltge roes mho newt auth rho Wretiagdexer Conway noodle the Oat era yore, Sacs.. toteA5after gredgetisa freer hit •Alflillify. problem that confronts the design engineer in an organization like Westinghouse. Not all are as large as this, or lead to such sweeping results. The design There was no practical method of using a .ternating current, and He starts with en analysis of the customer's needs and develops apparatus to meet those needs. only with alternating current, a voltage of the generator, and serious handicap existed-. (among others) to a young man His responsibilities are varied of thirty-three—R. W. Owens, and heavy. The jobs of the di- mottle generator to convert alter- Illinois '14, now head of the rect-current section of the motor nating current into direct current, direct-current section of the prac- motor engineering department from motors for driving ventilating fans to those for dumping tical taw WI ow. Why You Need This Guide 14.1.Y.' sin u7% "Variable Voltage Control Sys- engineer works for the customer. but when that was done no as to Canis at, we lifted by the ingenuity of at M! genrise u 1101.11111f/ need Where dr rail- are* get toirs th y rate. • large iaa'intrial ergasiratier? litre they epperteraily re earn-ire ereadve Or ere they forted ill& Barmy for instance) you engineering department range system of control was avail- —came the special problem of able if the elevators were to be designing an electric generator whole cars of ore at the docks. operated at high speed. The sug- that would perform as one had A force of 1,000 men is con- gestion was made that the control never be accomplished by varying the performed before. Many were associated in the stantly occupied building themotors designed by this section. -Misdiected Iabor tbougb honest and wee ntentlotted, Ia'g pad le to gr. naught- An,ng the,Linott tmpor,nt Otto, foe the iay.P. %lila tor I e de of title h. labor may may he lamely le Prof. oftoe..I'elMtrfeseth'r,t' ■ 11347:11e= .net, 'Hew to atvdy; work l frOA-STNA..T;r1r■let you bow to avoid all misdirect:0 effort foe L. :re Oolne:VrIer ,1°O;v7se • boner '""`"'' as " You Need This infeiiigent Assistance m .• CUP • AND NAIL TODAY. ! W . Med aadkog Westinghouse s reb ie 1 aw ran. 117 A4 rat Mir rgh;lrist`;b!2.5," generator design, but overcome, and there emerged the speed elevators It was possible to employ a Some of the Topics Covered . eventually all difficulties were (the Chicago R. AY. Pans in well as ing having high- since many districts are supplied lw LAITIC RZWATS a allekaum wet of Ow, energy eau fatlyTA WPIW1ALLT ILLCOMMKOED rot sveraorred steam.. eon athlete. let Whew. neering in control apparatus as a modern build- quired direct electric current. the•• by for Letettrze. undertaking, for it involved pio- you go upin Until three years ago, high- wee Ittondente Hand-Rant at Prothro Illnts as Of star tea soar Bre. oaf Illgewee '. taddoo . n.dy. Itlerog. Telie Lan. sad Fwd.. VERY ti me speed elevators invariably re, "HOW TO STUDY" myHai E earnpus. Do You Know? grtengile Sheets., COLONIAL Prattlers. SUEDE LEATHER WINDBREAKERS Smart Jackets Jar Cage 51.- woo en NOVEMBER it 1925 to Nemo Add OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE id