• HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD (AND WAYNE) VOL. XVIU. EXPERT TO TALK MIT CONFERENCE BELL ON VOICE TRANSMISSION WIiN FAIIILIYTO U CURRICULUM MIS Inspection of the Thorough Requirements and Courses Is Aim CO•OPERATION SOUGHT Following genial dissatinfatdon with certabi plumes of the cerricelmn ...teased by the etudent body, the Students' Council Last week appointed aloe men to • delegation to reprevent It in • condemn. with various protestors on tele subject Thia committee will knee PS Its sewed ern ...Onnon bengal the fwd. ad the •tenen In regard to courses. and will sabletestr DV give remmeable criticism of the corriteltun of the College. The members of the committee were Chown se men etally iatereand Le the sobint The Stednef Cowell ha. &sensed for Wee time the .abject of • eon of merges by • atudent-famity committee. end the groop of men anointed by Ft IN a cry...Manion of this and general elide. feeling. Weisel Reependitlitty 'The mend roorement, sponored by the Students' Conn., for • thorough end tbonghtfor consideration of Haterford's carricolom o0 the pert Of Inonlq and abide*. sloe, lines of ” t. been, proms. touted 00-0r..itt.f.h. middle no cot7wen, hut Ir1wIlek Modena rattier by the arm belief that the Menet. may here Ideas that will ma Uri., nate.. to the inditatimis propene." mid Preeidnt Wankel of the Rodent.' Connell. Be went on to remark. -Mon a. more &merino student. ore amenable some of the reoponeibinty ea to bow they thall ho educated. Unearthed hag such movement, largely experienced becao. then M. been no opportalT for the assumptIon of such respondd. hility; the Student,' Conn. hope. to kelern thownefotw leyMig eno et the me ere mem.. angseations for corricolom TO Met Tani. The member. of the committee are, chai: Kingsbere, blame., of '776: Ba Wood /Wk.. andBarton, Sargent, J. Rakerand Rebel., from '27, and Roll der, `28. TH. cement. is meeting this reenth. to decide definite white which it will ermine to eertMet binity members later Among the moat important embjects on which it la thoeglit mme worth. while dimusaion wil1 take place arc Honors eeurines, unlimitedcuts, mal. deaden of required tour.. with poledble eutertitutioe of prerequIelse profemorthip., ami degree requirements The dude. attitude on .veral of them was brought out in the -If" meetine of Wedeleday debt. Ms. le Raped Program The committee hat lone OMPointed with the idea of relineeefine ehe Beth of • majority of the uneergrechmt body. Any of It. member. will be ape ...don boon the rem of the mu dealred that worth .d i , at .., dd. while projects be brought to its attest carry the molt. o The News the work of tide committee each week n order to keep the student body I touch with the developments. w•04--mo MaDDE • Vaa P. 1s.-.1mmin by DaMassa Tana Istalmwr a CIO. 'Bola. Plan a al, usenuam, win ealwal dameandam. ate P. /1..-Mtm anw Palma vat wdos ko 1NV 01 herraear. Meta eameand Ma. Twat 111 It ✓ia 0, Dna A* Ohre, Br. huh*. achuhaloi 17 117. Osern T. Wars. Ma Ilhullu Za711 , mr. Oh. to T. Mita. ant P. la.-MIsta by Me am. Mkt Beanie V. law M. rowans taW TInt •wertem Sas wisk.• trim P. Ig...-Masem nacos*, neseaunt Rua am nt. tram raw at tm awn maw Mart at a ph.. Mal= IA 7.1 P. S.-Lastare by W. Ras D. Ia. Plena at rethe.... ft "a al Imm." SAO P. M.-.0erm an la Oa mita. Tana ilea el/ D. sc.-amain se ale In TM Haaam bra. lion P. atm masst as nal. lam lane at tke war. at th. mm.. wive. tuned es P. Glad D. ale, Mena tr ImIlsb, out law m -Nam arta lone. m.-nmovet by me DmE thomemso Sawa frim rM Baal wl Taw • Ia Mdlallenkte. 11.1111 P. m.-mmeme rms.. Meth- oanair small tams mend Mem Rather et the ...b. wmk. amen at ma dma Solenthle Seen. tit Hear E. 0. Tattle Ttomeereet Engl. E. B. Tottk of the Hell Telephone Company will speak on “Hpeorb trans. raise. end the tharecterkithe of the liomao voice et a meet. of the Scientific Society to be bed in the Ceemlorry Building tomorrow evening at 8 o'eloek. The .abject of mund bas been men Medied later not only in connection wtth teepee,. bet la coanection with mono tranonimion, reception, .4 am. plificalon, and i0 connection with the reproduction of music by phonottraph• The study It. been Ereetb Delitend In resent rears be the inventioe of the Obetrodelk by Poole... Miller. While the subject in lte breeder ea peet Fe known Lo some through the Musics I none, the practice] det.• ha not geberally known. It le hoped thee the lecture MI] present Um misled with regard tO the Ineetleel thilleetiee encountered as well an to theory- CAP AND BELLS ALTERS CLUB'S CONSTITUTION Two Years in Play Is New Requirement for Membership The mein contltution of the Cep and Bells Club ban recently been remodeled- The evened dertiment been accepted by Me Enerotive Colin tonne aed win be br000tht before the club for adopthei or reMetion at the annual meeting this spring. Three imere rontained in It. Pertmit The chief revision In the coneltution le In Section 2, of Article VII. obieb cower. the minim:meta for mem. ohs oriental.. TG Prehere. a is tot follow.: ction ened se Regelromeds for Membervhip "oho enderffradnle benme. ellgiblo foe memberohlp in the deb when evidence le presented to the Membership Cement.sbneing that he het fob filled the following condition. r tEe eRbtehl a eerier Maned Chiba or to in the c. Obtabied three Monks/ Club. (toemberebip in ooe dub for one year constitute. Doe num): or 14. ottr.V., e. A pt in for cal Clubs sod appeared In one ual 4117. Tone requirements may be waived to the came of seniors Lod poet-graduatm. who may he elected by tbeoh1miller I, their senior .r pont-greduate yen.. one count dining that year.MOW/lee ot Asst. Maneger The amend emote cowerns the elec. tiOns of ...intent manner, it 101. the 'One sadden mummer of the Monica] Club. one anytant manager of 7 am? one asalstant Meer manager eltall ho chow. for the following yen . tote end of tbe current Femme, from smote the /Sophomore eandldete. who bare worked through teat mason. They meet be in good scholastio atandleg. lime than be selected by • committee '''Ary' relent of the club. the dee- Oneldent of the club, the manager of be activity, the sseistent manager of the moiety., and the leader or cloth-Man of play committee.' The last important chanee cower. the selection of leaders for the Mooted Chiba It specillea that the melted. shall rest upon three counts: the vote of the deb, the coach'. recommendation, and demo...wino of leadine before a committee composed of the president vicapreed.t, retiring leader Mid 0.7 earned members. "JACOBITE BALLADS" Seetch Meister to Deliver 111110. Lee. bars m Fdday EMI./ The Rererend Oliver Hessen, M. Ao minister of 8t. Stephen's! United Free Church of Edinburgh, will deliver • e.At. !Actif... Bhi QQtoy ,. 1. Narcb 12. retch. .nouwed ee "Jacobite loco The genre public an students of the College ere coolie. invited. and Rn CLUBS GIVE CONCERT AT PHILA. NORMAL SCHOOL Illoo end intreetedld Glebe Preelel Prmitomme Before Teacher. College Menke Cie. The rerf the e0g:rni. f'lf;N pl:4Po' isn* rch .Sperort!tiorr School Alumni Association. on Tuesday Tuesday ereelng and played ad meg their programme for a large audience. They prenented the same progruatoe of eonge and_pleces a• ID all the Maio. counta this year, with the eddition Of a powder pine Mated by the Inettorneatel Club. Plano waltet by Cherie@ Tbomgoon, 21. one well received and the won noalderable aptem with their jam teentlon. 8mit '27 led Valtheemn, '213, dare. in es. rendition.. The Glee Club'. 'hod. of cleaning Dew"wee especialle lood. A dance, for which meek was played by the Normal School °menthe. fob lowed the nand. The denting took tbe gymnalurn of the wheel Man intwit 'Ik t2 al d Is LOCOMOTIVE PRESENTED Eselneerleg Departerset h Moen Plena el YelEade Elegise The Baldwin locomotive Works. through EL Conte,. Peirce. 'OE has presented to the Engineerthe Dthenmelt of the college. • complete act of Hue ptints entarleg the construction of a Imre@ Mikado type of locomotive fuleh el Ike Baldwin Won. has been buildbm for the Chicago, Milwaukee & RI. Pad Hallway. The detail in betted la • large toluene Mended over two hundred On7 of prints, and will be used for draving.rooto practice. ANNUAL HOME CONCERT N ATTRACTS MANY; INICE YiEll ATTENDED Musical Clubs Give Varied Programme Featured by Carpenter's Solos ' 'HAVERFORDIANS PLAY Vont min by Jam. McFadden Carmeter. '12, end • aelertion from 'PeeMed" pilled by the Instrumental Club mere the room atrikIng feature. of • Mal balanced programme egeted by the eombined Musics) Chin of HaverMed Cone. at the enneal Home Concert held in Roberts mat at 8.15 Ithe - Haverford by Hour Lectures Fria. enteng. . A lat. and appreentive audience as Professors College norobering Elmo .hundred ws. Advertising Plan peewee at the cowed and elgorousle by college facolte applauded the work of the Clete, Fob Edension work concert. • lava mm. dhntg members a. being tie moat effective lanais the donna war held in and dedeetle means of forwarding the made up of twelve interests of the college was advocated like mina= sod noted from 1020 when the heads of meander, school. to I &clerk. Moak won farina.. by tie Iliseerfordiam. • am Men dame met with Pres:Beet Comfort Hen. oteentra Tonle up of Ilaverford men. Orin., Jr-, land.dent, end John R. Mona Secretary of the Ahmed Ate MI IMO yenRound" moot br hoth mention and John B. Catkin. '26.. . "Ceme Gahm. chairmen of lbe undergo.... Eaten. Clubs behind the egg, introduced the don Committee et the Univerety Club pmersmme for the ...coin, the net egmber woe Elise. "Edot which of for supper on Muth 2. Alter a disensaion of adyleathe &Ether- preyed by the Intrumenta] wth topic to present for anceeelon at the dab A neleeti. from "Kenny" when the enthniastio reception Pelladelphn Alumni icemen.. eaten- given 4 the ant pine milled for en encore. pion work wag dieramed. ",Innis.- a Lennonnonp. and LAMM I. Selthele thohme, °Lolled" were then &one ho The plat wa. proposed Involving tip tine Club which rempundell to the the Met that • Ilat of one hour lec- mil for en neon. with -Some o' tures or talk. by vario. member. of OA Hendon Faculty should be cunt Masa Sales By Theme.. to secondary mbool principal. offerTeo photo ,aloe by Chairs Thomte ing the agree. of the profemsors on son, '27. eomprioed the fourth omober their reopen'. made,. Web., 00 the programme. The 'Trend. in G thaw. This wood remat in subtle Moor' by Haehmeninoll and 'L•Clair de mid effective advertising for the college itergonimeque" hy lain- from 'Mu end wOuld make possible to the win- =a . r ewr extina:121, randered,aby a: BON A &Ambler Lemstation le the regular routine which they woukl not lured the admiration of the audienee. In feel free to eth for colleen It were Teepees. to the aeon..., he placed - The Rustle of Spring" by Sleeting •• Offered voluntarily by the renege. . final eelection. ne school nada present lotted. A human,m meg by the tike E. IL Wilaou, 144, Haverford School: "Faun[ Dew," whtoh wee swag m sn Leslie It Seely. 715' Gerroanto. High mare to -Tbou Art Repose" by Sheand -Gay Old WorN" were thee..., Peon 412. Genimere. IL &hoot: II. Mined by the eedienee. There Charter School: Willard P. Tomlin...- eethE no lark of volume In the einem. '10. Swarthmore Preparatory School: of the Glee Club. and the words of E. N. Cooper, Ott. Kennett 8qmre the eon. we. well heard, -Thou Art High School; Joh. A. Lawler. 110. mas- Repose. Imo Men one of the mom popuyeer end ter at Hlll School. Pottelown, 8. E. lar 1501). of the Club Ode again teetered. dowering • prune 'tor Dortn, itepreloteedent of School, lower Med. Toothed,. C H. Penny• oh!Illeu:"Vpanish'llgiTi!■ VP' hg OM' pricker, pewit., lower Merlon 00100 Was presented by the leorommi. School: Chester L. item.,, [teethed at flub following the file. Club en. He A impulse pier, 'Thee Moorestown Friends' School: De. Bar. oore. Happy" wan given he request. Chahr1117 I. Join. prieelpal. Friends' Cenwell-hnown eommoition was •7tral 00010000. and T. L. Entwinle. @mist- 7410of17 rendered and drew down rem, ime principal of Haverfad Township tne aplame, hot the requeo number ...mei to It the temper of th• ono. Hieli School. SCHOOL INS FAVOR NEW UTENSION PUN of man-e .rely. Prof. Carped. Map The elegies of James McCeddeu CarPeater. Prof...or of Free,h, ow.wd the andiee. toore than ear other Angle number on the proeramme, sad Cr. James A. BIOME le Relies College he was willed on for three encore.. Athlete View ▪ doh baritone voire be mug 0.040 Philadelphia Alumni of Revertant Dorn three irdiguages. -Devotion" by will gather nt the lintel Adelphis at Semen, n German nont ten* hle trot 1220 P. II. err' Monday. March IS. :oletroZi"-1::g for thee snood 1.eheou of the pr.- 147V5"';,ed T71"11."'itr titre, and a Oiling song in the Adoteh eat year. The first Inntheou, width waa held dialect ..1.1rwie Liodle." The fourth tn climoseleu of mind. wt. • compomition ho John in 'Dn.., Alden Cerp.ter, "Mae. The Maiden.ltr•O;nrZilroxec!riVon (Thart'ert, Cwatland po pco. 4. teems I Reboot and Dr. John A. Lester, of Hill Pottstown. The nubject f ill PRESS CLUB MEMBERS on Mondry's progrennie will ethletic mem, Dr. Hobbit. be of he TO SEE LEDGER PLANT being the prinelps1 meeker. Dr. Babbitt willtline Ibrerforde positive ▪ connection with the motet ormenso. Jenne. E. Reseda, '10, Alembded Hon of se ethletic roofer.. of small Ned coy Edible Pennedrattie eollegeo Hie telk wilt Eight members of the Pre.. ChM be followed by colreneemeat of Idea on ha. dined up for n tour If the new ellednate unauthorised hand- Public Ledger plant In Philadelphia bow ho athletes an nth. out. to which will be noducted by Welter near, S. Drinker, Jr., preeldent of `27. No date hag yet Men be the Alumni Association, AM 11010 be for the trip it In exported th. more Adman of the luncheon. m en will decide to make the tour In one at The table. will hr cleared the next few den. o'clock and discussion will be reerimed 3onalute E. Moan, Th. Is the newly to RAMO mitten time. one editor of the Ctob. He Alumni from outede of Philadelphia altImlared surceed. Bidden.. Harper, '28, who held are invited to attead If they •re the office due. on of the boxiest ha( h he In Philadelphia at the bare. saris of the collest yew. It 1.1101 tinder • eirmlion that reporta of the foot• boil and soccer award. were sent to DR. WILDMAN AT Y the rations peep Brent and town Dr. Tweedy flelhhIeff 1.0 Meech 171 rwere ietereeed In the alru 00 the teams a* well an bibblier reports of Bee.. Mee./ blereb 24 atefeltie. The T. H. C. A. meeting ten Wednes- other D. F. Edemas, '20, was the fire day evening, March 10. will be ad- city editor Ude jeer. deed. by Dr.'d Wildman. Dr. Wildman has recently been appointed "GREEK FEMINISM" director of the Departmeet of SCUMce in the PON% Schools in Frolladelphho Him .object bee not yet been mmouneed. Dr. Pool le Denver Led.. le the Dr. Hee. Hallam Tweed is schedMeath le TM. Hen Le uled as the meeker on Mooch 17. He "Fended,. in Greek Literature". ix is,agatet of Velt mto Fhe trerej rne ,tte 2ND ALUMNI LUNCHEON AT THE ADELPHIA MAR. 15 &tie; Haretford several dror. before. De. Twee,- will ten.t the oollege for few daye to meet y stodeas or Femme of xtudenta. The Wed... eveoler beton the Swine Vanden will tenably he re. . rted for thy annual businese teething. MINOR 5 PA.. MARCH 8,1926 Ition on Zech The .70Ject :rill be treated In reletioe to Qs end, of the • old Creek there. eenloses. Dr. Post hoe made amoral notable ynria ...Idiom, of Greek rentethed as an othhorito on eod the aded. ARDMORE THEATRE IS SOLD TO STANLEY CO. Chu. Will Not Aged Oroadeastlag of Org.; LaPorte to Remain Announcement was made a and time ago by the BUM. f`empany of Alden. that It had purchased the Ardmore Theatre from the Man Line Amomment Compeoy. The Manley cols moat of the Company now controls theatre. in better etas. Philadelphia and dean. At the same time it was announced dem the peewee orrangemeete by which the Ardmore Theatre Organ recital, are brosdnat throe. ntation WARQ will not be Alarmed. Mr. Witham LaPorte who was Mate awe under the former ownership will confine, in Obi. catorith. LaPorte, bimmif a cohere endue, ham built up an entomely cordie .loo tionahip between the student body mid the 111.00170 daring the met three inn. Through bin generosity the Ratio Club obtained the complete moipme.t withh it now moans. and ha. been knelled to bromic...t be organ reckon twin a sent. BASKEtBAll MEN BEAT DEIAWARE, 22-18; LOSE FAST GAME TO URSINUS Second Victory Over Delaware; Ursinus Barely Wins in Closing Minutes LOGAN NETS 22 POINTS For the snood time tide mason Reverford allowed Ito emperierity 0.r the Delaware Cohere. quintet wben on Tee... March 2. the Scarlet and Black defeated the mammies' men Pa the Newark Fonmanium by the more of 22-18. The mime woe slow and Eneerford appeared to be In • bed *temp Only a .pirited crovrt in the loo few mitten of play enabled the team to win. I. • .m. which onle can be compered to lave Fraley's straggle with Mublenburg. Hmerford loot to Orden on notnrday, Match 6. Cretin en a heavy laterite to win before the game ..m erred, hoeing won fight and tort meth game. It Val only after • terrific bdtle that the Collegeville quintet Ph able to wow ice ninth victor,. and that be the musty point., 32.80. Programme by Stieff Artists margin of two Delaware Gm. Ilahrfoll took the lead for a short and Lecture by Dr. Jones time at the start of lb. game when Friday Evening Garret made good on s lout shot Del. ware eoon retaliated svith a field [metOne of the finest prowersonee offered iers, more foul goals and one field by station IPABIO this year will be anal for Delaware brought the score brosdreat tonight from the college to 4.4 m thy and of the trot nuance. e telle. Two lemur., by men of note. Haverford mooned to be hampered by tooaL eiolin tool Mam recital. by wen- the merest gyeammium •nd OMIT mown seen.. and a grand or.. re ohm.. to were front the field were cital from the largest theatre ors. Int. A foul and a field goal by Logan In the world will make tbis proem.. ran Himerford'e total op to m.o. one of unusual neellesee. Delaware pulled away on three bold At TEE De. Frederick Palmer. Pro• 3pdr end Ilarorforti was uslabIr m &poor of Phyein. wN Ignore on more lumber in the period. The half Pleamnt and Unpleasant." with ended with Delswere an the long end experimental demonstration& Them of • 10.7 wore. demonntratto. will be a feature of hie Logan was reeponcthie for fon of mid.. mid. novel experiment in redie Haverfort. seven points and Thome. broad...tine white. will be followed with D. find Garnett with one ford with interne. goal were the only other men to find Reeled 0 Sile5 Artists tbe basket. Delaware on the other A rood doll, and WAIN, teen. he 11..1 meted ati of Its posits Ong boo 811e1 artists of Philadelphia. two of field goals. miming all four of Its free whom are members of the fenny at throws. the Judson Eldridge tithed at limbo The graelet and Black team took the win be put on the air et R o'clock. Ilar lour with renewed energy mid with nee grand pion. hatted to. the Radio eunniderably imorned den. .cood hant.:sened Field goals nub for oo indefinite period through ▪ ed Me merle., of Frederick P. Brief, doe 1b v ell-trepan. Delaware L'[. oreoideet of the Rtleff in time bon • for lost la wt. only will arrive !downy afternoon cod be the method belt Haverford scored used for the lint time In this recital. three ronsMetive foul goals mar the At II o'cioelt the Hononble EreMmin end of the mime .d raled the ton] V. whith wee Nufheletir to clineh P. Loth., Iteernentatire from tbe to the virtny. Fire! Coogresuctone Dletrict in the Logan Stara State Legislature. will deliver on adThe finverford oh Delaware hor• der... on 'The Auterieno Leder," 1111a imo anolo overtly the reverse adder. will In bendnet from the Col- from tear of the tiro half. Haver-ford l.. studio by Mr. Ludlow at the re. foetid the net for font field gas. two 1100.cod II,e Bolloek Poo each by Logan and itownward. Close guarding prevented 1/elaware from No.27 of the American Leeloo. more boo on double decker in The fine mitabar of the hhioa, rearing *frond het. Haverfoner tool .hootho the grand °Tree re- tn. ores-rano. ing wan better then Delaware's ait noel from the Ardmore Then- the figuren 12 out of 21 anal 01 out of elwor's defeat may be to testify. attributed to lark of oroficienee Sigoal7 •:e the oieno. Thin reriMI is n regular feature In this deterenteut. Lone was of WAIN'. toveratonte .d 1. broad. responnible, for 10 of Haverford'. tont at 10 o'clook every Monday and point. and wax eaelly the beet man on li. Boor. Friday evening. Urania 13111110Dr. dame to BrOMIOnt Coonniu Garrett opened up the Rearlto Friday. Starve Et. there will he en ing with • foulshot, With Thomas mooing the top-off conehatently. Haver. well-knowe eutlo.r end lecturer. ewer ford's playa fonetioned well. and field Jonen has refused goon by Luau. Downwerd mid Meover the rstlia. goo NxI~A~ mese rare. to broothwo his ad. ig""I'lett dams both at. homy and abroad. but a07.rerf:a get oarterAl thel°71t1 el the will enure from the College medics at by 7.45. Tim ambled of hi. lemem mill Best quarter Hsverford woeofleading tbe seemingly safe margin I0 10 3. be -A 8Idh Some." Erdeter. h slat th at ence , io metre, eve tempste Ilad ...keeContinued NI fah A column I. to l:mil. one up. toed four field in nmoomion wen RUBBER ELECTROPLATING •or beven teem.. The mooed quarter was bitterly fought, end with three DESCRIBED BY E. P. LAUG minoten loft to play ilaverford co.. chili Alm Dean Telks an Crys- ,,Innapt,. IS 10 14. Oninue made good tal Structure aed Transatatroll orkielth •rr".01::dit■tftote the be half. -17.1rellreplatiag Ronne' was subject of a telt by Edwin Pewee comtatied on pew 0. M.. Lang at e meeting of the Chemistry Club. held last Tend. renter D. C Lewis roes • Milt.obarrylllarectre. 0013E02 04100e1 eine Ur= forma .1 emnlarcryea.b: end 'the' 1711: 110111■17-71eh 4501 111.110a. GAO of attack which proved so euccerobil io otololog the arrangement of the 7177531117-4.111.1h .0eI•17. Boo. molesees In • crystal by X-rayn. J. e. Orennetathe-e. lb h. F. Rhoads spoke ea the tratismote. rah. a... shAsr. nr. Lahni Irlignea, one Club. ay T. at. that the new 'IV! UT 74:32:1‘ proems, etectroplabog rubber, 1■11 SORSINT-..11.0.1 .rurta. hosed upon the fen that nee robber. A. At WIC Whom. Huh, Ian, was in colloidal mapemioo. enek that the particle. haying beet deo current electric an Of the pamtage oreas. Mika litemnesa. 7.1.0 probed them on the anode. As .1. P. Bat nla. "Whet Zs Sena. ober lens will be likewise deposited of W. arta ratimis the anode loader thither wilaitEww. It he. proved . simple matter to get the ISIZT VTIE neensery proportion of ou/pher mixed LUDLOW AND DEAN TO BROADCAST TONEHT In the 1..0.e. Th.,. k' coatings as much as • Ilfth of an inch thick have been made by this pron.. So for however the pron. ha. found its thief ow to rah. horning galas and Da leadating 11.01fDAT-Mm Day Maniac CO. ItrE6DAT-Olum. Men,OM. u wgInI2SD1T-T. m ton halm. tab, mask.. Dr. Tan. ▪ ▪ - Pare 2 HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD NEWS In Closing " m . ire sr.. L aW aff m itself out to an. noteecry and unmerited length., I IT to confine this letter to • mere EDITORIAL BOARD ...lemma of the feet. LAW The Tear 1225-28 was very fortunham M. Llano .77 Krauts. 2May ately chosen an no example of • nuesseas 0. BanaMor. ceneful mama. It wet the only ob. in game Mars IL IL Hotter. .10 the lost few years. According to the stent reports from the preaident. the elm. Bmw tomes thi. year will onfortonstely ex. the gain of ista. PPM lantern Sean, ago the (1p and Icha D. main 'bloc swabs Rasa bode over the aontod tunakni comedy. its debts of sod divided .asaat cub e. it into two dation activities. Since vf. W. anachoW that time we have accumukted a machL. S. Tote, TS D. C. nee.. It ine capital of S151/0. This repreartne the total net profits of both clubs in ROSINESS BOARD liflevn year. It is the lowest psesible oolsoos Itasoaar figure on which we no Mance as o• 7. °castoff IS Want.. Manosen. non. for each branch required an ad. J. L. Pena., VI ran. exp.. of approximutely 4, IL Unchain. IS The profile do cot route to until the am 71. C. tonthruu •71. hour 'es a. IWO, 'ft The money or hope to d.nte for stag Ittaton”. the improvement of Roberts Hall hats tot nom from the profits of either club. °ottani, it wan a fund unab000lni sukto linhed by some of one Iftlftdavrglennt Alamo' member. to give u. • working capital. It ems faa 1.tic net amide en a bolds for negotistiog tohoalistima oar Nob at oar an. lone If ...yarn,. or the priatrint0 Pena ame coaoos !nisi. be used for improventente. Zoa aeon, oats. It mats ace Robert. Hall is now to be re. I1 orrt Croattr. 41 odeled &kerning- to the new are Lew.. . am, rant .•=...1f those improvements can be made at . xceptionany low mat. Thin e ores hope it Metlfied,zilb or with.. the lr:e velment of .the 'Ft of the cola.. sr WO. nioce it will 'hader the hall twice to. useful to the college and the common• ity. Thou Shalt Not Unit twenty per rent of the almaui Time Coen.. Committee ima this attend the home parlor...a. Whet bet year been the ...leer of much mitt. they do or not mak. no difference fu cam, Many of the student bodY rteem the overhead expen.e. But should dissatisfied with ita COLPIPB,Ptive len- we try to iire the dub credit for iency. It 6 undoobtedly trne that some thou. attending a. haring paid sell., of the Freohno.0 reguations Sr. being non rather than dors. the bet.. openly diner...led in ouch a m inner would !dill favor the play. Were moat that it do, 041 seem noesIblo that It of the members are menthe. thronsit theirical dub activity_ ran enanne the mak-, of the hod. might add that the revision. of the Lads. however. to the Thi. of the real 0141411l4[443 made last foil. which will more Impormot probably be accepted •t the tent Bobenefit of the. rules 6114 even of the treinet right of ummrelnenneb to .41010 shalt" bo. meetiog does give and "thou shall mot" the drat yen Mare in the election. to the club. to neriougorne of whole. Bat tee still refuse, and with men Evidences of the subject lira In rile feet that numer- hoter, to have our flub ellicern elected 417 a bonia ous college, me modersting time- In tion.members. of popularity rather than ability as so honored customs end s few have zone often Imppene. Our fio.t. •r. toe no fee as to Mancini them entirely. notely ronnected with the Middy The thief nspemeot edimertd in one. mid efllcierey of our leader., fatal of the niles in that the. nohdoe II the mem.. of the adobe will renpert of their ono., freshmeo great on hotter con.nitioo. harder pored be tter.. For the find few oveks of college tie, iv. per... true. Aft. work. sod a more attitude then _r. their compulsory renoert the, did this year. we will be able to that. ho guerentee them caner PP110011 o411 molten In rum. mown, .log replaced br greater recognition sincere admiration, a astern argurnre Yon., Intimacy. Any to their W. E. Mead. oterturna or miteninsion which follow. can only be due to ...Basil or es. rearatful esteem. The 6.v. of the Customs Committee begin to d nnnnn Bells their own porta.. Without wishing to quibble ebout the tholinh But it would he otoorke financial record of the C., sod Bella the °regent netem entirely. At the wemoan resist saintly eat that se. realize beginning it makes n inning to the ....en records. dun that hr ten no longer be • .dice int the Ism two years the Cap •nd power en he wen In la. senior year L et Bonn here only paid the comblord prepared.. ...hoot end makes it earl. 1/.1.1 Clubs five hundred dollars with for the torotberata the cis. to become which to start the sennon. Thle is OM, acquainted and organ. ea well. ly the man lbe clubs earned le. rear. The moat Mgt., nelotion eemns to It Krems rather ohcioun that io loile be n combhmtion of the two .Phase. of the fart that It was the raoital of the Foto,. strictly all rands.. from Cap and Bela that wan contributed the ...nine of rolleee moil shoot the toward the 325.008 alteration. to Role fifteenth al November. After this orts MIL thi. we. only parable throueh rimy. with the the earning. of the nerOot abolialf them clubs. ...apnea of that onr which regain. font year's schedule we. a more freshmen to be at the mervire of mare eon/7. oneshan this nod Joel eters of ell node[. activities. Any why money tbas made imo yrnr mod will ona who by that thee has um taken be tont thle year seems • little obscure. i. proper On. 101 the enticer ore.• As a matter of fort. noinione the isation in not Lindy to be beneatted by matter diger markedly. ettoletite noponmaioe oporension The attitude of the Con and MI6 alb.t than those in his own el.. towards leaders Ls more vital. The on.noon of pernonelitien end oolitien /4444.1 In be en troublesome an the Carriestinne .polarity" esp. , ematialty when To O. Eaton of Ito Ilaoarforo New, onll • few men are interented. Also Dear Sir: the Musirel Clubs' officers ere distioct There hea been roneh discuraion of from those of the fat. and 10.110. lute as to whether atudent, shell have Th. excellent Bowe Concert itst volke in their own education. Some rendered will testify to the lack of co. olleges. notably Dartmouth, haro ad- !operation. hard work and enneet attivised with the students concerning • tude demi./ in the letter above. stet c orncob., Many decry this oue that will lead to no noontide steo sod ever-chsneue state dependent MI rho whims of the etudente. Granted. however. that coarse nom 'IS. Irvin JakIl4 Poles le lamming are immatere. alluded that they are lo• with the Heinen. Timnre Players ✓aterienced. the fat remain. that they this neuron in • numb, of playa insod a liberal boa, a ',oboes, of youth eluding "He Who Dets Slapped" and outlook which ere ensentlal to .1tornantic Age.There Is little Monte that their vigor 'IS, The engagement of Minn Mar. and euthuolenni will load to undesirable guret Fitts of Ardmore to G. Mon. 1141.14fil by older and 1 Corn ha. been announced. No dale extremes toilesa head. teat theme older and wiser hen been set for the wedding. heads nhould recognise the value of '17. The February nn bar of the Leads Review of Review. cooled. ao article atdtruled. If.e e. are are co tianotiy RnlntrD il.ev:lottE"g; rh educed. is ono. of the most redo. It r stow m ro rlAwn".ais at St L - c ALUMNI NOTES phases of one, life. why should the andeot non have s role. in that which vem vitally concern. Mtn? It to not thet he wish. to meddle In the aff air. of others-this Mainesa of minced. bd.. as moth to him es to thear who moth him, perhaps more. A college administration may well di..ard May atudent euteestioa.. ornonni or Impractical, but 10 dieroursge the olio. of new Ideas ern. too harsh and std too unsympathetic. co-operation Is strongly adrocetedlo many professors and undergradnote. D.. it cot ellts bare s place,In the or minimal. of the curriculum. Sibeere17_,Tonre. IT. Dee ton typonraphical error Ex, the New. Mat meek poi:dished • notice Crew Dun -American Silhouette." wee written by Arthur Crew Inman. 'Pt J. At,, Illeey has left Chios.° and be Mooted with she Rocklin Moto toe, an 200 W. :Mk street. New York "V..11. Jo. F. Reuctly, a stoical at the Law School of the Un'iversIty of Peno. sylvatil. and • member of the Phi Delta Phi Fraterolty. ban been selected Fry the Law School Facultyes Note Editor of the Pennsylvenla Lew Review dad. the College year of 11TRI27. Ileadly wee oar of .Ire the honor of being amigo by the ferule. FLAWS IN CURICULUM DISCUSSED INFORMALLY AT Y.M.C.A. MEIN More Courses and Improved Faculty Said to Be Chief Needs DEPARTMENTS ATTACKED A general rilseuselon of the fertile of the curriculum at Ilaverford College wee held at the weekly Y. IL C. A.., meeting on Wetluend. PVP414, March Y. No attempt wile made, to ebb. • ...alter. no the object of the meeting wa. VP procure some etudes. °Outou on the sobject prior to • roaference of Enmity tool Study. Council member.. A number of mod.. expreaea the view that the Water Brown Graduate School mon taking notch of ice directors' time Mid thereby rarluding torero! "doable non tartsaosat onnfanof fanm the college. It ens poloted oat that of ecru.. offered to the few nucleons ut the achoo3 oat fonne exact moires of more. given to under. 'radio... As a remedy it wa. ended that the cornet. of both hiedode. be examinni with the intent of • autteenuatiog doplitotte course. This would make the pr......onahon of subteen. toonnible. &Wish Department Peered The general °pinkie named to he that the English Determent 6 In need of muck improvement. Several gaode.. declared that it ix nesradary to hare one moo at the head of this dirboion of the Faculty. • condition doe t not exist at present. There wan notne dinagreemeot tn lb. .1. of thr required Junior course is Mimi Went re. It wen maned out that. whether or not It ...on be required the Subject rould undoubtedly be taught in an Mtervatio. manner. Gear student end that there Is • demewl for n Imorne in Expertmeethi Psychology. He .60 poninated that ¢u saalotand by spwau.d o.• Dr. Jaen. Freshman Cerricelem Demerol dinodisfaction wan expreanni with the Freshman eurrknIum. One speaker sold that many of the are fereical arid I bet firet year at Heverford in 4 -glorified Senor year et prep nehool.- The Freshmen tomes in Enelbh awl Biology psperially wer critirited. Serena men felt that too nutty re. quieted corer., are 11140004M dories the 8.1 year. A ougeention wan made but Frenbioni. n subject which ban been popular at other ndiegen, be pl..' in the curriculum. Toe Minh The general frellst +seated ro be that too many yr.. of en required both for entrance 'r and dories the four yearn at collets. It na• Hive fed sod the nachelor of Ad. degrees: that their eignillesore will conform ° more to those of other lustitution. The Worth., of Feculty advi.r. w. clintamard. A number of the stolen. nand Mot there profe,sorn nodal be rent aide to their group. where. they no an a hle. ...reels more than mimetic. of their schedule. FACULTY NOTES Dr. Jones will glee aerie, of four tithe.. It the Rideview l'ongrega. 6.1 Cherrh, Whine Plaine. New York in Sunday. hfonday.and Toesday. birth 211, Mk end 30. Ili. general topic will he -Inward Ilo!. • l'onaideration of Ire Building .rf the loner Liles' The obi.. of the four addrresea will be 'A Conquerini Faith," -Experience and Practice." 'The Armor of Light" an The Benediction." Dr. Jane. ad retired the Vow. College Chapel o ander. February 2-8. aw riggagsze A DELSICIE - s omc• SZOA - sUo r 6 -Mesa dearuso AA 4. fht1TIOIL-Som norm n •'S•noota Maws.- Pao mon oaolf. ilfITICS-Taa4selflo LYRIC "La not Po1.11V3LAL-Yo way ht Maks.° Len waft. WAL79T-Otto Influar Is -Gnat 710•00 PICTOILS ALDLES-.TIso lie Panda.' Altalt017.-Yoaelas. Tamed,. Oltal• oto, As.. Masem 6 vats. Ilotisolt Mu, I. "Mut mine. te ten Ma la 'Illy ton rel..' 701.--11. mew lanheat, maeLY00-tave Bat M Monfao, ISII71,1111fTli !MILT .4447.7. Predwrohir. "Games et Miner. rairolan Itatad.. o1Svasosoft.- °TANGLY ••n. see pplawan. mid STILIITON-foto litermars Io •T to flaa as t won Acumen. or rum 0-11tear goo • Kotropollhaa Opera amp., of. Olds In., sat "0. .veil. oaf- with Mon. Tolley; Vona, thy MOS. in ere.. some. Tolsmoaahlffnao• Snot rave Ifs ma admen *a. Pkustidylas st, mama. XILTZOVOLIT. OITInt 00,15Thyrala7 rhuntant. obis Otos. °worn. "7. ITITITIMAPCOY HsLI.-Soldos dos. 07111fotas lase. sluts,LI:0MM 5007 nfl COLLIOL-Wolooc . Do Remo Corn. ,IThar. La. mauve re Is ," MARCH 8, 1816 DRAMA SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERED FOR SUMMER 01Mieethr Dna. Selmal Oger. Free Teal. Is 8.1.t. The Gloucester School of the Little Theatre, situated at Rocky Nnk, Gloucester. Monacbusette. offers free tuition In the replier 1920 ammoet course to Iwo college undergredustesone • nran.aod one • woman. Cmlidates for echolarthipe ✓hould gassers, secording to the no.on and out. "Normal role, and potato.; descant< ability or ability In wen Wendt of producdon": pq most proe.t elmracter reference. Candidates should apply in pentwo or by letter A. /WOO n poseible to Miss Florence Cunningham, 112 Charles Street, Beau. Mameho.... The autamer con. le given from July S to Awed 28. Caere. lu Diction. Pentondme, Reuling. Daimon Eurythmics, Reheareal•, Lighting, DI. tertian, Makeup aod Public Speaking e given. Oo Eddy see unites, ada.. public of piers me gleam i0 lbe wheal theatre. e WI tip WILL FEATURE ALUMNI PROGRAMMES Address by John R. Hoopes and Guitar Solos by Eiseman on First The find programme by Alumni ems nommesfully broadean from WABQ test Monday seeming. John IL R.P.0 Alumni Semen.. .poke on "Alumni ,Letivits and Yore.. He what other institutions are doing toward procuring Pnoitions be their amt.. after ...Ma d. cod dueler the Emmet atone. Seeman Hoopoe well on to sang that boat..e mile.. advert'ee that they .5 secure good teatime. for their students and Technical coll.. alto• obtain job. for their etudente. Liberal Arts college. like Flaverford bare not yet developed this deper.ent, but with alumni inrereet and co-operation d should not be dittleutt to oboe Hererford men in the rocations.they desire to take up. Following Mr. Boob.' edit... bond. Eiseman. 24. sane nerani anat. to his own accompanimeat on the guitar The. .1. we...II re. tenant by the radii. etmiee,e .d fay. aridity commented 11404. "1lertimy's Coot Bieck Ito." was particulerly effective. RUMSEY ELECTRIC COMPANY saws. ..a Evernblean a Radio 1007 ARCH STREET PHII-ADELPHLk CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Luncheon and Dinner $1.00 Special for Teachers and Students Our Green Room is Now Reedy for Banquet, Card end Denehra Parties Suits, Top Coati, Overcoats of superior character. Perfectly tailored in correct fashioning, $35 and upward. JACOB RUMS SONS 1424.26 cmi3r4UY ST PHILADELPHIA ceoluitts $9 Phone Ardmore 3160 Oar Plguhiplia Yap 1721-1221 Chestnut& loo aeon to all tin or word. mint $7 Cfatkistis HAVERFORD PHARMACY MERRY Wee Tod. Gas W. PIM% P. D. Itedie EquIptent Omelets The finitin Club is to run +Bono Pnflestntte• by ...era of the aloruei an a regular feature on the Orel Moody evening of each month. The egnimeent of the broadcaellog audio of motion WAN will be completed with the inmallation of the now Stied grand photo and new draperies The draperies. winch are needed to tire the ethdlo the sandotIC prOpertle. necessary for a.m. beanie...dsg. hare been purchased with the ald of the College and will be inatelled by Friday evening. CHESS CLUB SCHEDULE Rada Match With Beek.11 Preamble Ermot The limn Philadelphia Hist School Clams Teem in to be met by the Flayerford Ile tonight over the Franklin hoard. ft IN -.penal that IROverfOrd will hare moat of ita first team in the d th brighter than they bare been all seal/M. The next match mill be played on Friday. March 18, with the Merlon Cricket Club on their hoard. The Soot teonaament match has notas yet been ✓et fear any Particular line but has been definitely postponed until after norm a Vacation. Ruehnell's challenge to • radio match wan accepted but I. .1111 rather uncertain am it depends 111P011 the attempt of the Radio Club. of both .11eges to extablieli communication. Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave., Ardmore . Pictures, Picture Pommy and Novelties ... The Gift Shop Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne HENRY B. WALLACE CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Wayne and Bryn Mawr THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP IL D. MANITEL Cot Flower., Potted Flub, Ateamerlem Alm Gianni. nod Geld FM THONif ARMOR. tae rural OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE MARRIAGEs twixt Ed. and Co-ed result from that alluring institution, the sorority "At Home Lunch. The ideal food is something light, yet satisfying, appetizing without being elaborate-in short easy to prepare and easy to serve. Shredded Wheat fills the bill perfectly. Thousands of fair young stewardesses all over the country can testify to its popularizing, energizing qualities; its adaptability to a number of out-ofthe-ordinary menus. Try Shredded Wheat at your next party lunch and see. The same biscuits of golden brown whole wheat that you have always preferred for breakfast, you know. food for thought and health MARCH 8,1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Pals .CITSCFN STOKES COLLEGE SPORTS Karroo, ALLEN r.NORTON, Jr. WILUAll R.•READY. Jr. LEONARD E. YODER DAVID C. BEVAN W. WENDElL BLANCKE TOURNAMENT RAVElifORD FIVE MEETS SCHOOLWILL NOT BE HELD SWARITIMORESATURDAY TRACKMEN OPEN NO TRAINING CAMP 1929SEASON THURSDAY FOR FOOTBAU. MEN Scarlet and Black Never Has Downed Garnet; All Games Close Fall Practice Will Start at College on Monday, September 20 ON Athletic! CAM.. Repot. Setartle mere aid A metks of the Athletic Cabinet, which cond.. laud, In the reading of the reports of the Melee. committee*, we. held on February 18. Pr.. Ide. Garrettrepotted that the propoeed basketbail tournament could not ro be plata lb. then Of the schools take Heythford and Paso Charter The basketball game Saud.. }larch 19, between Havertord and thuld not enter became of a ruling of Swarthmore will by the seeentb meet. the Interaradmoit la.o. Low. leg of the rivals- on the- court The Merlon did not deeke a post-aseson Omelet and Slack hes not tel downed game, and neither the Prrolle or CatboSwarthmore, bat in the post Mu years [Le High 00014 see their Wee the omelie of difference bas been from dear In partideate. The remit of the Trophy Commit. ope to three paint.. In the first of the ...1 contorts tee wee read by Heller. The Committo 1820. Swarthmore came out a the te had lereetionted all the mephitis/ ked end of • 2C18 count. The year and found that a large Somber of the Hemet registered Its moot dedges rIttOry. winning 21-13. them had deteriorated to • larga estent The 1922 battle wes decided in the and many of the old hansers were last second of play when a field goal moat onrethrilsalde. S*0111.1 cove oath Swerebtoore in 18-10 010. here not been given for ft oinnber lo 1028,Hererfoed took the letui and 1021.20 BASKETBALL TEAM maloteined it midi the dolling minute.. them Diemention centered onwhat Sta.... Coach Ilalae. Logs. beetChim A long shot front the centre of the wee to be done with these the... A r.mato Boornetted the win.. tally and H definite pin of future dleposal will be ItImmget ltrodelholm. est Mould op at the neat med.. Downwerd Bevan, Vo el • Htherford rally fell short end the Dr. Babbitt apeke of a meet.. with Swerthistone eve returned Odor... Dr. Mercer, of Swarthmore. cotter, 24.29. Swerttleithe Wee 19.16 Lath Year ins future athletic relations. From no La./oar the them met Swarthmore editorial le the Never, Swarthmore del le the Mary loons &Irani gm...a. not know whether Haverford WaS in The game was • do. one, but the lever of droppi. all game. in the Chlroet emerged 013 top 1A-Id. steer future, Incleding thou scheduled for leading at half floe 11.11 tat. ther. It was derided that De. This seseon Swarthmore has split Babbi tt make a retort to Ibthrthunore thee In it. schedule, having won six sta., thee Hererford wee in every sod Met *IA ems. It started off the way &grow of templed. all athletic et.. propitiously with toe streiget .otracts the, tear end bad no dee. triumph.. [shine the measure of Otheo. to lank off tabled, relations in the pth,. Drexel. Delaware. and Ur... future. Another meeting of the daverfOrd, 1211171CM • longer ethedule. Cabinet will probable be held that hras woo Eve out of fourtoeo goes. ee,. Beth teame hit a dump .d bet See Dr. be Roy Mercer, of Swarthmore Afthe traitios the University of in • row. Swarthmore did not em College, chains. of the Middle At- Pesesylvanie ..cod team daring the e erge from Its laving etre. until Saturday when it defeated temaue. r.the Maths Basketball Conferee., first four events of Saturday's Inhen.. 39.28. After battling Petoce• has decked schedules of gennes to be formal gymnastic Haverford's ton to an es. period. Ha.rford pl.ed between members of the coo- teem leered 101/2 Whits in the last broke Its losing streak by besting twi n. for the seazne .1916 .-27 dand two numbers of the programme. Thp Delaware. Knee thee the tool couot was 30M to MM. in fever won one game .d ion onetogame • '. of Penn. l eoce-tave%ardn't:' .71,41 rptur week. Pt..* and Drexel Swan and Lehl.h Taylor. of Peen. was hie. scorer ef Cemparalive Sew. d bating 1044 points to Continuative emir. pre Intel-Wiine. the 17;3•VV.::. ""Ilelosn treat; tr. ;711; although they prose little. Theonly resin. me, end Lebanon Vallee ned mecerroolle Met 9 ode. io teams which have been met be both Swarthmore at home wUl be met due- the three events thotili winc he mitered. colleges are Dea.L and Deb. itm the follow. ..on. The bome learn wan capped by ware. The Cornet met all there op... Undoubtedly Swarthmore, Steve.. lael af experience ethouestie proneut. In the find port of its aebethtle Drexel and Delaware would have been cedure end alm be in the fact that moot It the Bret game of the ...OA Natconditions, hot It of the men did not have enongb variety .1.e rare* APRA Menem.] played under rford n.end out Drexel'. 4045. while lest 8rSaturday by the few epeeist., la doubtful If Lehigh Lehigh end W.hIngtoo to elver two series ea well se one. he followieg week Swarthmore de- who went to the board to watch would bare been met. Washington Pee n. et7 off t i feated the Philadelphia teem, 34-13. the headline meet- DueMick to the length Swarthmore next met Delaware and of the gym thspegfelon mm cal of the InellatiMorigd*ItVektlitotto the A•11111 borineetal her. an eve. in wha Herwon, 24-3) Haverford he twice de- races were takes el Academy. It defeated Haverford by • the magma erford is rather weak. Taylor wan feated the Newark aggregation, one* and other shorter owe anbelituted. A store of 53-22 in a hard.fought sem. esarded plain for his giant by six points and once by four. Romero F.led M.. Pelmet. and three-qoarteronne nee took the place with a ballagirt and ce Penn Saturday Heverford bowed to M tbe 880-yerd dank edit probably be scheduled nest and the rink r Oro TIrsio. after • bitter otrogale. %bet/. sod-o •pedal two-Lap re. was roe In. tree In addition It the ronference He' mplolll, of Itiverford. woe third. the 440.thad dash aide heron Da the the wet thent. McTfibe. OfIrgtevi?le"trI In 80-yerd Call. de.. easily Sargent. won with Bret place. Meted. ronsparkene ' show that mother them • hatsclinm of two, feet, woo Cftel:Iretif Taki te b„e. eil MIL of Revertord. caromed rtersel" oea: Sur by defeathas a derided advantage and the game worth. who wee on scratch. Middleton -Mg Morse foesecond place. He did Mould be as moist herd-fought. e ' s ali To addition to ite regular line-op. who also had handicap of two feet, tear. The reason for this k that Ms two good eerie. without InfullISS. finlehed ehled. In the three-quarterHempel!' Takes Sawed On Parallels Swerthmore ha. valuable. AutostItutea Netball practice taken too much of the On the parallel been the epretatore in Sam sod Bartlett. forwards. and mile ran Greens took the lead .d I. Ir... close struggle between Mode and Mdkire guard. The Her- held it for flea lens, when he wee rnkrua e, uled maim or ore Chtletmee.cation. Ilemplik of Haverford. and Taylor, of erford re.rees who mutably will eve timed be Heller. Althoolth the Mt never beaded den. the remain- 'Hue membere service are Vogel, Bevan mad Reviere d.iroue of short Pen. IHemphig seemed to hale the edr.tage La the Brat stele, bat rolesed le.. The probable !Martine line-alt der of the race. letawkleney made a mint eras. by play.. 12 arse ...met at the finsh and came the gomes even landing in the second, end Tes 1a: omen between February 12 land and r ve. awarded fi.t. place. Mc.f. Pr= In three yards, behind the win... March 12. Call& was • poor third. On the rings Serpa. WI. LOW Sienese In addition to the games played wit hewer. The 30-yard low hurdles were eun members of theythnfereeee oral sea- Peen took all three pieces, Taylor, lette. Umnt from scratchSargent man first, son. contest. ith Swarthmore and Morne.d Stein eniskins in the order WWI breskIng the LAPP In 4 2ff second, He ileheware will probably be arranged named. Captain Campbell. of Herm • Omnt w. deed, followed by F. lberlellielm Gradoetc Manager Hoopes and th foil. did well on the "W.' leimed out lo his M.S. exerdres sod Eineworth, who fiolshed second sad basketball management are Oready On themete, the lieverford team third reepectlrely. The last event. the work on plane for the 19211-27 .bed The teems under eo.Weretion did its beat work and stored S i two-lap epeeist. tree by tee the molt SCHEDULE excirlog rate of the afternoon ere Rutgers. Franklin end Marshall eolith. Hemphill. with him seriee eon beige:ix a roundoiff and back kiliNiapPlej F. Roadelbelot took the lead at the Pe. .d Princeton. Princeton be bellowed Freehram *1N1-11W Three Miteals; good nape Mid Itipe, won held LL fo eye nod • offered a date for • game to be planed Hayrack `s Initial firm piece. Speck Intrasand Needles. Balm* early In Derembar. This is being ouly boll la ps °He Wee wood. surprising the onl.kery Competition in track will be resumed . who wasted the etasisdre tentatively thoeidered ie the hope the with beck fiip. Captain Campbell un March IL when the Free.. Team nt the distance unchelleuged. Sat! of slier the intercollegiate ethedule eke gore • good exhibitive end tie] will meet Lower Merlon High School_ stayed In third piece till within about planned. TInverford may meet Prince Taylor. of Penn. for third piece. TM. will be the first real teat for the Ave Teed,et thm thee, then Im. e .terrilic ton some time in January Inhale... the meet with lasreenemille motet be managed In pea* Hoedelleim wa. called off because the Freshmen aod fiviala the rare in second 'flare. Vetterlain Fuel Company Teem bad too little time to empire. Eneworth. the victor, nemadated the A track meet wIth Northam. Hlgh Iliataitre in the fast time of 38.8 eeeINCORPORATED Iwoodlownot Seemdbles School wan to are been run of on wlet. n nos aturd., bIatek O. but st tbe req.. Mullane. C O A L Anthracite 1421 CHESTNUT STREET t Norrhstown the met lins hero poetMine MIne.eard dsett—lax N***** . the° -Gan tm.d S7 March Mk sweee. Mwereeet fneoe term. t mme,a eseeetnteltnn Mee (In the 13th the intremurel hendleap wbnlwrA Welliatman Baildlau meet will be run en oririnelly echtolded 11,14,1afloproll. wwPhle by TInIlty The 18th will brInx liaverford School Yana., ilerrbleney yardel• Oiler In the board triter to meet the Fresh. 1111.1.WwS C113 yawl., Toe, a 011011. SSP wee .quad end two days later the in. woad.. Mammal relay races will be held. Thin IlArty-rang low eort,:eelas will bring to • dose Intrentord corn- welth/. Wm to Nm m.. Rent. Petition In track on the boards. Prob. trim; Ole,. swwicte nee. ems metwee. Mo. ear y th lost of three indoorautd.r ell— IRS. Tiro meets will be run of on the 2.10d. the emewfic 9aedel ea,00l wee . Rhinle-Norriatown ,oaten. brim rite, Mt emmtire gwwm at Rayless' Ed HAVERFORD WU RAY HAVERFORD GYMNASTS CONFERENCE GAMES BOW TO PENN RESERVES 1926-27 Basketball Team Hemphill Scores Nine Points Will Not Play Games as Team Loses Its First Before Christmas Meet, 30-23 SARGENT SCORES 13 POINTS IN HANDICAP Mawhinney and Ensworth Also Star in Meet on Board Track k t ex VITI. . le "Cr.. ayau- FIVE MEETS REMAIN ON BOARD TRACK Kurtz Brothers M. H. ROBINSON Mr. J. Hil EDWARD a as CLOTHES—mad, for Yost KAMM II Glile yes EuweeD show- Maker of ing of custom sittings and COpcostings, and in P.MWAID style, yOu wilt find she newest ideas as worn on the campus by "Good Clothes" SHOWING EVERY WEDNESDAY well-dressed students. Choice woolens from American and British looms—the correct garment designs — individually cut tailored to your measure. IN FOUNDERS HALL Offers and SUITS OF QUALITY With Extra Pair of for Trouser. $22.50 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Ash this Boys all 12875 5875 The Raw.. Tee—The new eype of dinner tether suit, booth in fine mud. 428" Tin EDWARD T•11.012140 CO., 11OC., inthrodeitais OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE %Oak. Will Opp.. 81thee Lower Marl. All..ties The freshman treek team vrill open indoor seams March 11 in a deal meet: meet with Lower Merio. Suburb. chempioos of an yeer. TM. meet h. ermined emielde.hle ioterest the Red and White will enter a strong vet. role armed, confilkot of repeatiog their Melon of lam epees. Ensworth, after his shelving in the handicap met, ie counted on to store as M l the eetieee, Log will be totted ithoni oboe hie best form to detest Ekonman and Deere of Lower Merton. Mewblen y. who fit rapidly developing Into abet/ a toilr. will tece a farmer whe be nlines up inject Hold. of Lower Merton. Because of the fart that the fird Lotereollegiste to-Atoll .me of the 1826 e.gon mei eol be played until Ortober 9th. there will be no two weeki of Graining before the openor more of .0 of on September 23. It lepla nedto get a large number of ✓endldstes to report on the Mond. preceding the opening college. perbaps a few demi miler 01 for eom. of the me. Coed.ed from pep 1. Memo Another rear. for on training MAW .way from Haverford i. idol latch litherferd's foul Anode, wes below amps Ore very .d the feot- par. end hod the tin ire Black beil them. blurb no kr...entitles bee., able to maintain ite foul goal neat eesson, will not brims in n secrete of the last five emotes a die. m moth three. ea in the 1925 ev eta i (event moth might hare been written. son. As it M expected thst the foot- As it wee, Crain. WM tot too trove ball teem wilt break even financially. a in ebb Oecertatat. caging eisht out training ram, } su h as last yearn ope of fifteen trite. es masa. twelve oat o Chembersburg. n is am of the mien- oft eety-to. for Heeerford. Nearly t ion. all of Cmines'_gosle were made doe s Early Proof. be to the basket. Hoage,y being espededlY If the entire squad on hand h> ....a cellos eight two-pointers. Monday, September 20, the team will Hoag.. scored over half of his teem.. have over three weeks to net in dupe m. Logan for liarerford was again before the fir. intereollegiste game. h scorer for hie team with twelve nth to his credit. There le A po.ibilite that • smell eol• Pointe lege will be seheduled for Itcrobse Delaware Game but it be more probable that e teem of Ationel will be played Out date , Seri. football will probably not be- newsesni .n until eft. !be owing thermwtmt Weather permitting, informal practice o.mds .0sere Pnwaser may bogie after the dose of the basketmod ball ets.e. Coach Hamann do. not ....wiltretlanw-1-1•Waylowt. ose. Ise aiwish to have football practice conflict Ablempb lwotwea. in apy way with other spring sports pw.1 Calbeset tre Cr...Amor. SIOA and the intethal between the end of ram. Itereceent Hell. Ce the baskethel .ason /wove ramie roamer n rod ...11— 11ewswapl. 2: Mown 2: teem. Gene, o !Aortic... Miorwee. Nett 2. came... Drs.. Caws Y.. 'II nod Bleed. '21 El.. to The lineoini moues. Snel0 Beath Mire. 500.. theme LeonardE Yoder end IV %%maid' lait•See .• atstacy Skim. were elected to the tektite Offing ay Board et a meeting helot on March 1. at . Olb1n1 ans. Roth these men were elected to the mean . Omani Noy. roomer depertm eneYoder Is a member of the Sophomore ma. W... 1. Teem. s. ,Son mr Ala.e and has been prominent in college Memo. Mom*. roe Z.11. trete, cm for Supra., ertivities. He is .aistent soccer man- rota ame—te.s, mehetre 2: cane.. ager, • pitcher pis the baseball pont Pewee... ensess, Hoene a: canto Msmember ef the Comm. Committee, 150, Aram. Mow earn goel.—Lope. 0; Vire-President of his ekes. mod hoe 1.1.c■sm, been a member of the Ch.M.' Club Maar, mom for the pasttwo cones. Blanche ot tbe Cis. of 1829 member of the Inter...nth) Club, and took part le the Freshmen play treoute BANKS&BIDDQ BASKETBALL MEN BEAT DELAWARE, 22.18 ai NEWS BOARD ELECTIONS Mena Me*. Bele4iote4 2121 2-812..MMLPRIA COMPLEMENTS of The THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK Gust Suggestion Hoek NOMA Um. Request DInthrste• .end Prone Jewel., Ratchet, Clad., Wee, Chine. Gleam and Nankin Flea. W0100 may be minuted Disthiethe Wedding. Bethany. orad.tlou and Other fible PHILADELPHIA STCA is hfi nd the mast ansat nnitTig history, ea' 006.see? We It 4 think he would • have traveled S T C A. is the interesting 74) 111 CQI way and inexpensive. $ 1115 ROUND TRIP To EUROPE HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE Every Saturday on the ships of the 21 State Street, Now York See your 5041.11. organ.. J. A. VANSANT STUDERT ThIRINIABIJ/ ASSOau vrioit • MARCH & 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS PIP illatinYtalete.,AW•••• "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ANNUAL HOME CONCERT AGAIN ATTRACTS MANY MacDonald 1 & Campbell DR. CIIIERA LECIIJRF_S AMERICAN EDUCATION?" Weep I. 4 ethane page ued e t Coot yed a pl wen na e pl . eme puha.eddypapal Several sappremi EXCAVATOR OF WORK ON Gone editoriaol. nendof tthheilceasedby The Errerfordlaus • lettere Take up Iwo ▪ " 0111011U1011 Silks of 111•111.• from The nod he thwart stage playa moving pictures numberTwo,of tEyes Difficulties and Ex- were the subjects , discussed by the of Blt.huee,audi" andence"FiLorefvoer Describes Foot A. dinsgtumlahem'on MOO weekl Mythe donee afprepared in Work of periences . lowedgoalthe la sC.meeti teGlr theee concert l/aestel assniyght.T.sanoOnced as, . Censorahisub-pfol b u Cl . the of Mesopotamia mntor. ordimeg,tha.and.AL diflithidee attendant upon the I. Some of TheChlolie'neerf or imtannes It recent ofpartthemeswere . ltwso.Colandlege- song. eleppearenee e lo.. aith Irenewhicdiheems, mator,Mileesofwelhiml. expert lege work tathed h t of ee h t e h t inof, andChian eestiunusual eEdward Campos. and . "Upon TheInk"Colwere Dr. s Thi t" a Lari r o "Bayl 1 01. of tor re u ct e l ed amia,,' ship becrom ntgeratReduced. n ion.ColiilnlueMesopot tortobe . .demandbiz edie man forced Rea/eWnded" we Eddelentiivtered Well"Paal givAenDetecti "enlisoterten Dour edDr.'Matacerat l ya a pl of a` ProAuden:et n I n e Chi e . of ere. eppearauce al n i f e h t o i ken a t be l wi ttg r e o me o w t pest The Th . c i t Semi of nent t Depari the n I emor Club.everIt leatonetemptofedtheIn si theleUnicturerversiandty of. .Peoneri thtrumental Imost nsolitPoleda, mad L'onskiItWopre-to yAmeriwicnananddealthei'watriitorelhni'amt"ti'aroon 'ements, eluithrthen . e of cantor ea- ofq rendition wasof blnobue . .0Dr.00nsChiwhienctolh badd howbeen vi he Cldiufb,iculyett npiigtesce.performance thethe oontandi partical.taUrsh recondary ofThecolbetlme.ead.hgeg ioono.01510 emet theedwati opcourses ned Iaodnit;■ Rex. dwelling made lotiadocolotalkeethhool andedaci eveniubsng.nagEven.the<Alrunema anMater,e combi o redar k part "CornClrade, sod ge on d i a l Cailabor.nne- justment, esherUr.obtai number of the we- brought doAdethefactthisactltiwint.rrethoal nnThe- a.workthe anal Haterford.In relation to our Prettier. tug bs u Cl herford t l I tbe of y rl o ul c i part r o excavat e h t of . .ref. ] bltoisexerci the beat an let ord. Ilentwere Concert. thnosis year. VISIT POWER PLANTS Ianyn theofHome winotth, S cone" houslof-.ys,emiOA Speekl their concert done E./lorries fdIittthdeil could Eleetriaal IMS.. InAMMO l tttohheen.est.aObvi 16 credi . of Meat. M. e Merl Cluofb, wethe,J. Nock, ofler,the"Mtt i• doeleaderFronds etrusneetal Inmon member. 1," Today,Wi(tMearch hat " remark. a =77,0"..Pr: el.-ion Both itove get more. Cltheiub.r respect ouses s ol Byname of out ered the e St Work mut e i t g n Encodi are , r! e i r t ChiMegba Os. ione of the AmeriofcantheInPhistiltaudelte pofhiuElaalesectMedan his . eexcsrat g eneouot lralginki. benpe When e hi rthia.. rI red ct a pol h 34t Dthre the concert fInolthoewigytngdnieedans Immediweeafuheltel lyyddecorat beer. d hel . e bel `bonedtheretreasure" n i , o contenti ew whiet sadch• helogatoththereMacewee that dance . me scarl e e stthee Celstreamer. tapaper was iT,i, Bead,. andte- M.o.] to dig Chienwen l. colon.were pat. to ele47"1.c,"ll .prower Mack thtenhisheardhe 7:101140 ir;,`<ptits%°7s9,, trimeall-. of otherbuteanniat •ddiionsgereet gemant of tbe runolweretahnrcmg from h t mode ne glraiobeslsodingoverhead /ledeOrainlathemenet and """' r"11r1*14 Ib7;c:a,7..... w ck a bl were ns o i t condi f i me to ere went M., y morewasfaatvorabl markt were rouged andhe aibride.dgefoedrlathmpsIne scroarodanon AND DEAN TO t. t•hatMethtelweofoctPLuthree LUDLOW gurprIthtnuthmisort.poieHe.inntshowed intermleadona 501-tbrought BROADCAST TONIGHT ofalong t&wen pare L team.wi.l be ofe brand.Coati eientn11,11ei.enrdere.tIihnnen.terval one Maned ocean lolckauthaw Ate. eno'atcthed h t wf e h t h c whi tpiimcte,umreinapetand Ardmore the from drat the rhoued. was huni . folbemask. o t wilTheatre p. f i f r o f ectly andfiat. lplowed country wasw perfmuck heanend damn of programme e by the n i nod gaol ns. a i ol o Heverf The by yed a THE ZAMSKY STUDIO e h t he d i a l number Theater. NEW DAILY TO REPORT recital Dorn the Ardmore GOVERNMENT ACTIVITY rert by the Lit le Symphony Orebeetra eldegecdons*toolfrulomofadr s Daleery"lidt eBeata. delassiphic.Elaof. dtrriMorthowski PhiJudson Musi 11 "Caned StaleNews cllanumber. tbefromlcnigthei.nhterand rtala Brai arn e l o t ever y earl o o t d e l cal n, o i at c i publ neve A by this neldene ees axiom.. One Stste.utrioDainelyNo' sodthatManed nosigedined4,- rchestra.wianyl be.eltelhiasndt " It ,unt.oniwnysMeech ngiPrinnorth Anythi liescoandhs. no comment or e psi l a ri o t DO g n i t n monk the o l . el d sni e v terpremti o i or -ridren-"o'f rees eeb'the. eisfMawrto • good printer. t MnIniodesed, of its publwiishers, words de Phihasipiltsaldelno'ad7a'omkt.hista. fMade. n.pthe"be derthe imote ttelhl outtheopi-Iexact eetthenewnpaper. fEvery 5and from IIutnemn,dexm ofmud nal It wil be indexedAB mad .hp4.7.7 fgdeigt`i,..7C177,g1t m .,.r.`ia7 Sather.onProfessor D.y.ecture can y Ameri odern miishedd yearl M y ' lwil yntbe. colweekl daiori5114 l l wi Gent Poet Government the of statement. e " r iy. nregnIfullnendtioasalwil l be wilt publ Houghs Poith. d n • orders primed completel faileadehia STRAWBRIDGE as "Angry," sad of IL Baby" The Wrongs" Hight Lady The th The reel r played amen, wen vividly brought out b, sea s th raglan was th cen• the e LEaDYNCI SPECIALISTE I. SM.. 0*. Meerdwelethee ILmeelmilareend 1334.1116 srnErr I. at th TOEINGMEMO n m lb, r th flawenlmehoore gi CHISTNUT 14411ADELPSIA rat tube seder b' shows d Glee me.. b owed 01,111 th Lack, mon th disappointed in Me. anon bows , the the Th Cams` and ong` al the lest, ed low coot, and th or 0001111 ex l bare When You Are In Need Of a Real PHOTOGRAPH Get In Touch With 'rata He hat a keen sense of responsibility. Both to himself and others. Ha Tolophosos hos Mahn mod Doi osa every tusk. He is happy. His instructors are happy. And so is his family. aritol Ude meagre loth lanewt. dmage eneen7 or Mahn Ivfer damage eareeeedWarr. yen.. LONGACRE & EWING 141 Philtheivida COLCFNIAL eect@ s ear 116•14....0.11 Oa law elate In 0.11=1 leeerloos S. Fourth Street ROM Banding ICE—CREAM Meledeinkas k Lea Ns to Least the -1; nited "{c.a. In He plays hard. be a nett Fri-wins et rte. 31.11 STUDIES EAST.. The rent., eiAnd emu At 902 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. all I. rause Al an " INSURANCE Pro. el Mbar., from pop bow, ne Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Wee 70 Pe.. wUl ellUer atine 141011= a• srfn. The 'bier 1313-29 Own Bemst D. M. WEST & CLOTHIER Pharmadat GRADE A Pasteurized Clarified MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Pb,.. sea Br, maw, PHILADELPHIA ARDMORE. PA. Pkartaadat The Bryn Mane fleapits] 1,010,011003 00.0M0162 .0 C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1372 For Your Sporting Geod. and T,7 Stationery Lumberjacks Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Shoes Skates Caps Hockey Sticks LanmaterPa.Avenue Wm.Ardmore, MAX ABROMSON to Correct Sportswear and Sports Equipment for Young Men The Meister Shirt and Blouse Co. Amazing! Whitman's Chocolates are sold in every state in the Union, and In nearly every community. yet- 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. Edward K. Tryon Company Official Outfitters The Have:ford for College Football Taus SPORTING GOODS 912 Chestnut St., Phila. Plan your insurance If you will ink as much thought into the selection of your insurance policies as you do into the purchase of your golf dubs, you will have more time to use die golf dohs in your old age.A Prayident Mutual Old age Endowment policy oak al out now will give you comfort and independence in the lam yeses of your Provident Mutual IV. ,--- You will be pleased with our selection of exclusive fabrics for your Spring and Summer clothe s. Smartness and style in every garment and at moderate prices. Best suits in the City at $65 and 675. Have us make your clothes and they will always be right in quality and lit—and at a price only slightly higher than ready made. PYLE & INNES Leading College Tailors 111$ Walnut St. -WHEREVER a package of Whitman's Chocolates is opened there is a double wonder of quality and freshness. Whitman's are distributed direct to each local store acting as our sales agency— not through a jobber. Every package is doubly guaranteed to give complete satisfaction. STEPHEN F. 'WHITMAN & SON, INC-. PHILADELPHIA New York WIUMANS FAMOUS CA.NDIES AkE SOLD BY C. G. warmer, Haredord, P.. Marion Cricket Club Main Line Drug &OM AM...4 Pe. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Charsno Son Fran:Iwo D. M. Wear, Animator., Pa. G. Kempen. Ardmore, Pa. Henry Pram, liararford, Pa.