▪ - HAVERFdRD NEWS vOL. HAVERFORD (AND WA TO715) PA, OCTOBER 18, 1926 NUMBER 19 A. EDWARD NEWTON TO PRINCETON TIES SOCCER TEAM; cuslircornmon GLEE a*El %PEAT, SI% mus ADDRESS ENGLISH CLUB FOOTBALL MEN DOWN ST.JOHN'S m owmvE mod Amu. SING WO 1110126 IN MT JOINT NOE IMS SUM mew.. Mneemer Net Vet Mann; was -iT eree hper . Beek Celleellea et Fleet Mean, lb* Ebtibth Club elonouseem that It. Boot By Cary Scores Haverford's Lone Tally As Teams YJI ePeo ...ether of the one vrlii he Again Tie; Tripp Stars As Gridmen bY /do A. Edward hereto., ofikex Iv sell read • pope. eo 'The Clarn of rellike o t and r" Bury Annapolis Team 24-0 Sella' and rble'ot poor" Ole. Nntoo who is rapine of the nitrite owe wins sleeted ighbor friend. and benefaetor of • t edit the Chem Record of the class slow Nor000ndip CAPTAIN LOGAN STARS Colleen on well ma an sane boo AERIAL ATTACK STRONG President Comfort Styles of New 19213, t a owe of the Bent private collection of of the • ...47 7. T. Met. .3. L. o. rode hooks and reenericripte In thin pert Students and Fatuity at chosen IbLeal .board km week. The and program Selection to For the third coneeentive year the Dinplaying a forward pan attack flea e of the twereillW manger waa country. "One Large Family" deferred until the pee Princeton and Ilaverford soecer tem. labia Wee dulled the 8t. John's moth w. be hoe eneentell =m/°' oi board is defintel i y decide th tbe than name Items ol bottled to • drew, when the two elevy arm Ilaverford opened it. home meaboard board at . a FIRST PRACTICE OCT. 21 FACULTY SHOW SPIRIT T. a... 11•Ci to ..bah, tie tied at 1.1 le the mew glued et s. entdeionely with a 24-0 net., on varlen phase. ot -game," le reaming tall Money. A Ibl of sea aw la Wa ti wale. hen decided to throw the meeting Prin,e1oe,. Poturday. le oe name e.t.d.. Forward panne played a In J. W. Wee noes wan . aubmitted by Bones end be all endears ad to mem.. of of 'M. the Tigers emergedW ted... large pen in the attack of both Mama, Twee. members of the reentry of Hollander. t a new..7. meek, a new entree of and Ina museented 77. 7 by ....rd.,. Sheehy. Tie meth. will be held by • wore of 2 to 1. Two ye.n and the spectators were treated to a Haverftel College woe the rents of P. IL. on Money, October EL ago the game ended in a 1 to 1 tie. SD* eelthition of the modem open game Eat Friday le menetko. Raw the •"a' These bags, and (064 metered teem loll Al 1 10 Haverford KIM Handold Union. 1 We Walt be ran the trot km./ ebo.n to serve on the editwial board 7... ,mth while kat season the Mat wore ms Nth a Its Ibtttt.. Heyerford'e towerdither of the peat to oat Preeldent were Mateo Hort., Enos, Benda% dekko next week with even 2 to 2. Saturday. a. in former ann. ed.y in the department was sppenot Rhea, Bull, M. Melchior end Ha foe the beet nein la yes= t Aden'. ape Wrentwo extra porkoda were played. with thetterhout the mow A fine ethibition After the red had bent tested by louder. The busioeas board ctnnn pill the ...wen of loot tenors, who ate of passing was given by Haverfentla neither teem befog able to wore. the proftegne, end Menai songs. le- comet of M10.1 Wattle., teethe, latffela mmplmo.. in tbeir theree, In the romping period, Heeerford nee kelf.hacke, Tripp aid Renter, dual*. *anti Woo, 1.1 thn an liehrie led Bonen. Burgess W re• : .. .tala 1 71.7.t.W7baaa m. Tiernan, rushed their oppoentm off who. deceptive tosses completely be. Vt. IF. Wenner, Pen- alened lha 1.77.77.„th and will probably be replaced ..77 their feet. The tel woo In Niece. fed the M. Jelege Mann. drat of the Indeste' doseektiew ks• p. Haverford wan the toes med Morels trodece0 the rant. aad modem by Yltarderesoto (Wenn C. NM, dLetetor M lM ton territory meet of the time end s. Bath was elected pleterftellie Le Seek Open Combas" and neat neer.' one thane.. to ware were kicked off. Ilia boot milled Ler over IS* alfealkat at the college Ms tint Inawalter. condeetth of the Sae Carlo, ha. lam OW System Dropped Due ion. Twin Richardson crowed the the goal line. Rt. John'. put the ban raged not Be Mtn that • Onkel sworn to math the eleb. * Clangs in Club toll W front of the goat bet nch time in play on the twoly.pard line and edty dieser inveriebly gave him the la"aa• hem affected ma., then was no one there end • Peace. could e.t.a but five ,srde ma two tel. Constitution preselso that ea. large bane wins ca.t. nenaslastion of the WNW went bete noun membereMp eat ton Welt cleared the boll. Finally, through the boo Rowberr, panted to erne., all eedet the Metenton of Dee Ontethe In the fret apl.s. mm, then Gong to • flange made In the eon. Sam:dere headed s crime of Richard- TaillP on the Bayern/11 forty-fin. irether-Reverfon Conn.. It me Minim of de Cap ang Bella Club wed line Wetter Rued an opeato be no fennel trenta knee*. tamed the goal. nee. an recadwa to wbkh be inked The call for netlike. WO he WWII IMO Maio the "Wank mono" white. the ball out win, butFlorets headed ff tackle for five yard., bet WWI.on Gary rented longed Aid to willed that they might lest week, el. the first wenn MO Imp bew no awn' feature of the napped in an attempt demob the 10 and More it into the net. A few ie recta of the eolkge ter • t, one sere frethently. be held en 'Thursday. October SI, la meeting hoar. of years. win oet be bell this wood. letter the Bret q.rter ended. centre. Webster then es/M1 ter • M. Annual Fall Cantles of ColFeral NOME which completely fooled the Ontego Play Fa stworeste In Wren oesosane Is are GoarIN -tor Dean Palmer wake thortly on the Vane tryout& formed, were held TnPla renived the boll bone entre IONE Occurs Nat At weans the meek eed Daring the second period, sithouth .uniani et the "college mirk" of the .meta wavered mamba. of the of Ant 1.11 eel eOnalotael If two or three then wag no scoring. the tal. sea end. expecting en of tackle pl.. the Ilenth Fealty and remarked Ihot while le was liiates Whore the end..Meant fist will observe tle we material awl • apd furious. The Tiger forward. anon. Its oiled in on Met Tripp ...talest.d Tt 7; not maitre oddest in the .019004 giro ?Rea for the gamin 1011 Markt eenntke will make tea 'Yew" hd ofooy dances to wore. but their eetreated non he was alien to be to atbletic Mama or tbe deer tllahl v„hL nee to to, appro.! of dee emelt nethen wee inanimate, doe to the feet *mothered, when he serikkely twisted eateMeg preen. k We mivereheleon that they were berried by the Men- away an launched a besatlfel fortytba aaa." taw.' "Fa lea reol as that of the Menne Is e. A. an &reedy bong laid hr A. 0. Err tw Meleones ton' labacka The mean Of Ile ,boa LI' ".nrolier no yen pa. to Waverer, who was com11 se support tab he deal heetweet Wits Peeed, '27, who ow mead, Weeketnoponentame of We kW hens a Weer of Me ett . at of on of these Oaken' halfbacks was poor and OM plete]) uncovered. Webster Inn bee anted knee eel f O. he Anted. gnaw all 00 Vf•• lonely w naible foe the lack as head of the Cheri. Delve Loga, wto awe the me.owww, min be take Mealy poslidesea eies- gent. of Aeons to score that Ilaverford •eroen therel•Mg thin fot the where, and did net theept two Committee. msther factor ..ding 00 the eh..- ranked. Alsop mode entre' epee- touchdown. Trifp.• toe added tle enOrnate.. They will zone their *Iof the ell wenn of Ike BM- tenter elope In thie meant PrinceAltingit tonne/ to eel law La. nk roaedifes eth wedgy be a w isetiOn• oll the MN. Of: Ill Paddlnan tre wint me WeelehPiedneor el Beektlei. m. tml i manalliti.d ." 418e-isswdsollmeddt= agidegIthe :waste sow es. italr the elm. •en erg.. Inelved Lod the namparatirely keg •moilir of Cana.. Morrie kicked a am Mon roll feembenkip of the co.' toning deal *Meth. to km. the coacking these playahit the cr... thd dropped Ogle In Itiethee betwen =Mee is not fined and dose rem,. member el men rakes on age (31 toofeeson front 01 the goal. The Tiger toner& Eoick returned the ball to bbigivetes "Cake WOO" likthallo Teal thr two, the here ens oat general? ...alien will he mooned to neulons. Voice gal.. (4) TIM year • attempt win be made euthed in, bet Leg. eared the goal 'wed law before Flint Meealk Sim to ef eking, tr . as adverthed. Mean NM this The drive be beached about pretense. being dorm to candidates with a beautiful left-footed kick that e srth. After a three-toed kilo a Bt. erudition be in erend. enneenting the the middls of next months aed will oat the ball out of boned.. each division. as Mat tenon nine Obol, m the thnuel 0fall "Cattl e Wale" wilco Faculty aa being very ready to do so, for week. Donn NM drive each am- manila) le wane. (5; Clan. in con. at Flaverford hod the windtheir 7oluie back fumbled and Iletherford rehe Of a less kink. =tun thee And prelnd the likedine-Mwelty dergreduate wig he sacked for • Oen- man with the last eenaidentdon. It ban Is the third Quarter. and only covered for Reverter& Ilerverferd w. Rhan a aim he eligible on as • mono towards that end. for the renter trent. for the e.sp pony awoke. 1, the formed. kept held for down, an Monte pantel .t teeth. be the ...en.. fn. has not been dee:Wed whether upper for Ammo news PIA them from tontine etvent demo say emu. it le not tall. SW /Web. or lower donne. will be Men tbo end Belk na, in January. Coach Harman took Ile onition of er • &tithe goal win be. .et this year 7,,,reccoe, 11 le . ,theweieth whether. to T. Stokes, eke preoldebt of off tbe Prientno made the moat tally of the of boon. on Ns Jon'. ten-yerd Ilse. coil <Metter mad saki AM Om 'Toe the Mkt. TIO. will ea.* be to select Ileverford Line held and Rosefray when Stewart look the ball down mate rid that al he more •tandem body the eniversal In km tie- deeded Ong with mental of rinks h.o also thnotheed that mint- valuable in the fosse by nreut of their in.,saes Ran et the Haverford Flank, en n! f the Me wing and centered. W. Baryon berry kicked to naid6ekt Webster he Mew Ilkelect to be retuned taw of Per/a7 at the °WW1/ walaa• experle.e. es Fallon ad Sophia. One.. of t seal be look II en his head end neat it *pie- cbeoged hoe than ad gave the ball to the year when the bilk for don M. into a far corner a the net. The 11, the re After tide exc... WM radial Last Year Worth or to gin the admen. to made ol nephew., tbe tooth tweed to will by seat out to deb members with- remainder of the genre en fntored Middleton. who. Line plunge. woe Last peer 0900 was set as the goal viper clansmen In recognitioe of their in the wet three weeks knead of Feb. by tbe atnUnrb defethe of the Hes maWly responaible dor brio.. the lootbell the looked the student hay for Ile nelson in the genre at Mg. of the Charley Chen Drive. and 02700 endow effort in tryine our or engin, tare to the Sfreen.rerd Hoe. nw lighting arrangement which erford been Cann • determined Tiboo Ile promised eremite for IM was pledged by the College. The fonds In the Club. It, John's stiffened end the Rear/et will permit more complicated stage ef. ger titan. Captain Log. roe outreised by tho Y. if_ C. A. were dinflesdelles to Meg Ceptele hiliddlnon spoke Miele tribrand among earl°. charitable Or, fern la contemplated by the Cap end steed's., hie kicks being nwerate and and Mack could gain no wound no Eeeeptieg Int tenon, the materiel about the (Gotta prospect. sod er. ittawteo. adwhwented Rens Club to keep pace with eke im- bin "thehlleg" f•alealt three plays. Tripp dropped back to Men,- en hand la goad. Only two men have ps meets meek tanned by Lapp, repute of the Sebto the led Cage the tbirty•firesard line. and hie be.. ne Mae. la Introdnoing fonowee eeraw S. Caw. dre:llng rem. choke the Anemia. to eer Web- fetda cooltibeako to orlftWoed am*, been loat from each of the •Atti better enePort of Mere,- for the year. TIM yeae,.. la the 0.01, bet the fret teen were bardest hit Retells Hall tn. eneneen The Intint drop kick eleanly an the nekenedly good memo. teem. the drive will rein-meet the combined pomp.. their ...Hsi ban pear was amiltin of this new system al w ALUMNUS WITH QUEEN ben with yenta te 011•00. Logan remarked that inairmtach that Osman to ankh the College al at. limited. The eeterberablp of the Club dependent opoo the receipt. of the or the Ire rooters et Lehigh were Poe • St. Jen'. Mark Orin 8.1.1 MIN, TO Will AMMItpaey Mn. aad undenred.t. will not be 0M.,„„ 0., bo og or 2B, bout 7 sp zenfeatroo during Oho year. core than the 'teem needed ekes sacked MEM. during the year. tie, of Rameale, so U. S. Trier Morris kicked of red lit. Jann'e in each section. for the local comma J. H. INARSIUIL '26, ON worn a goal for each on Arcording to Information received aried their tot real drive. Two theC. 8. Veen. 27, chairmen of the "T. end St or 25 for trips. Foot alumni i„Erer..editoepto.f..:tp Membenblp Committee. ken announced will 4oe with th. h.', 4.. COLLEGE WORLD CRUISE erne, the Philedelphi• Monier Ram e en" emit down. brought the bell to lin. Punnet 1101, '70. widely known idea sad regretted that t6:e undone-al r lienrford forty-peed line ea the the "".1 del" tee .4an.a.a.- vet. the mew Material. free grad- Mein 141 ette• tern, cane to know the Nell. 1'01 Wooade.^ Dally Noes- lawyer and railroad Magnate, will ae- muter ended. ate waeilta/4......... aalP /-2r....C.,?aaa,..,_07.,..2.; mon who have consented to dente mil maul haw Mthilton, u<loo paper, a. Trip tan The second moaner wan the net III, “oupany Queen Marie, of Rumania, wenn m.,Murk* Ulm neark 100 per cent. of the Oblate their thee In dole way ore Newman. J. Howled Preet kkeof 19W. I ...ming period .0 the same. HaverMarshall, 11, of the Class Grecowell, Willey. and Williamson tolneed be tee ead Ornitint 1028, former Editor•In.Chtef of the Aer0thervrthef Itter16 ed weeted to dump alter gain. e 111ter." •Thieg who pledged the eapport dan has joined daring the pet week. Re ist doe for the Club win be News, is mesietset will editor begin of dab 'The week. Bin. ' Vogel. look charge of the drive In the ,_,,...." 31,..777. 0‘.thb. of the freshen ter an •reintith n-point lead. Early In the period a IS. Th. mirk," the daily publication of the Mr. HO. who hoe as inside. of hi, Rhine einn in person. end will also hold ecenorm forward two. and • 'Wear Floeti■LI . gnimo el••• when I rvitT. •t Haverford, dieted manage the delve in tbe Bead- Clan. Bret ::b7 7:7711,d71.71" on Haverfeed nee M. John'. 7,714 1 twTh .. uai plc. the rather Trus e ha on the Haverford Ileenty-red mtdd orner pUrems"ktarll' of .;hellT'''' IS, W • 1..." 000.1.4'd the second for Tuesday. October 28. WILD IN LIMP 1 to 1 meMberehlp li, lye J.a • • • /KO Y ',gen rnelle 'rl' rompaetea. 10 !a- line, the nearwt the Orange got Lo the ---. Thereelter the Club will muerte, eserY . an tine be in chief e tenth. of D. , D. moo. net hoe throughout the Remo Be. en. evening, Reerwary [WWI aft CIO Extent. t do one boar • do of Instruction work, her 'of bight., mow n latio' esoand bolde °he'll loot their sdraotare by few 1St hare been Mipointed ln the &pitoNew Slept Weekly GammItte. Anent. nil dente the reet of ble time to hie Menton/den to • number of railroad Win more as. on the neat play end Heeerford Durleg the beginning of tbe fee. on study. He Eighteen out ot de tweets wene prenbly eolith In companis. ema the eon. toed in will noteve.d teni. alitietWeebip Whet Os Other distiogniehed position. held by reopened- Throughout the remainder ben men M College nlarded the Met be selected The "University World Cruise." the 31.E I..who now mins in )kettlei the period Bailer team could *Geom. . most part from ism en e, for the Arewedieg to Teri • 100 per rent .„..,... Woottown Club meeting of the ye,, the of In kind, is designed to ash mueb on the affront, and MorWel W the tidedeotry of Lthyd Hnll enrollment of the entire tenement.. l',..i, pined and are"' etinVek'b Kr " ve all the advantaf e of a year t G.a '7 Biltal ferlrfho,rerebody is thtleifetted 1a put yon no smoothly foffeller, new all. will taw Tbured. sight et 0 o'ciock. mooe -an. to • canto selected gang, eon trod Wenn:stow; meroberof the rie and Roneherry eogand Is a p.a. The meth:, was rolled by D. D Tell. definite foe hos been met for member- introduced. The repetoke will be srbich, at the an me. Will nit Sorely or Earth Kneeled. of Ger- eel. with the former getting the ent of it 'Ot, who v.elected president Lam ship in the College •.Y." bet Otte ever changed every ernit, about two new Merin' points of intermit in lte 'roil, • many: member of the Royal Hoes.el 'Godsm hold of King Albertof Beleium, for aeOle heft' bled 11. wart rhea, • e-world Coors, Tbe nee, end was aligbily mere torrent than Rhin. al be expected to pay $1 ,,.. Common an one e. column 4 The repetotre will include three colthe chip beige teed. Commander of the Order of the pr %hitt :a...7 -e Ign unal. W. H. Withernhatit GO was t'. memberehle etard. Crown. o er eleeta4 ...Wary of the ink sod woo munkipal "T." ad Upper dustmen will I. ronduatut ei course In Music Ati *Le need ea ektalromo of ate telethon "'"gere"Wir H. S. MURPHY ELECTED predation at Efaverford, and the lot wernittee nominee' by the PrenldeM. 5, expected to contribute 42 FOOTBALL DANCE The membership delee .11 be ,... lowing: "Soma 0' Mine," "Moon CI4231. CLUB PRESIDENT ."'"gs-tra. ettgrat=""' r. 7111. rommittee will eo.operate with IlostO" 'Atha 01," °Melo. Walt reigna.o.Eort.rst =e seed ibe litudent Ex-pollen Committee of :deted by Fria. Wilt. Saturday, November 13 Up," "O, Heil Uti, ire Fen." aWe BIM R. S. Bads Clem. Montan al the College b, eternities Wenthewe wthlreener-e ns nein uwe. Renew We Like To." 'Reeedeo Boa AWIIII Taiga, FAN Otheidgatle. Wen. andergreduathe to Macedon'. Mao. Song, "fiong of the Fieni; 'Golfe rEVAMIth.IL 8. Money .elected President the definite ,tope proposed be the Clue Dolly" "Lullaby " • "The Haverfordians" ✓isitors In G■114110 Come Fres MUG and of the Chemistry Club at 1. wanks'The Song . f Ve Solly *Tre'. event. nemitteesee the diatrIlmOen mee.y-held last Friday evening. Blatmet Mee* lion of fret bete. or the Haverford• will play IL S. Deria wee chosen to terve as SecnaillaS,witnywita IMAM*. Recent Alumni Tinton to the College NMI setter pine at Deverford ea Noretary. 110. bleldrtun set forth the per pow of the Club for the benefit of new relent 13 to members of the Weattsawn fnm. a ding.. store Commencement ALUMNI 1122g wry. member. II wee decided 00 hold meet. Football with Drexel tarok!, melee, teem and tbe .10001 Ian June have ben: lee on the "eared end foceth nonJ. Hence Cook. '81. Antedate. Cal.; Dents thelnial MaDual-F44.011 *Weer mt. bonne • ""geb."4 ■=14111 y. .ps of each month at 7 P. IL Soccer with Penn she ell lth HMO Clith vi Mae 'we ailed from the Club end the prep Lea Lyndon Hebb., '70, Guilford Cot'we The nextnand. of tbe club will be ten. N. C.: C. J. Clausen. '07. Omaha, Bo Porohaeal W ereew teheld on Thunday.. October Mk The yen.. mente,* Is: in the afternoon minket.. win be J. Catkin. C. 0, Vasa Those mooed to the Club extend. Nebr.: ha. T. Johnson., '81. Urban, J R. *Meek flaltisala Mg, and C. A. Dile., 1, aecordatce with anthittee, W eddithon to Chaim. Ohio; Charles 8. Bekaa, '00. Rah.. earreened Paw Dr. Meldrunew amend.. orie telk will likkenhen, were: S. E. Fomylbe, rnr"AllalUermeti;gjae.e ter, N. T.; Samuel J. Gunonere, be on the MOO. of Cherehory, one on Brchardson, 18; G. 0. Garrett, nwrIllftbi-gaellwa Price12.50 • Couple May Be glajrrt at the Gate an agreeing intietelal development-of the B. C. Baker. 30. The CIO Othanteololie, MMus Emmett Reid Dom. Samuel E. teierl iret anwtay Star 112.00 went peen, end on on research i men about Onceevery no week. '15. Northanopten. ottb WM. Watt ',atom.- Cando expecte to sunk on Is fear. in etwordann with the Memo Millee, TO Cincinnati. Ohio: Leslie A. Dresden Mins, Melee. Bane, the lif anti ok P tly. a Dan Yell.. To J. T. San, 18, gon Me wi• noel Getinellon of bolding three make / U WS" IFOR CP/ AND BFILS 0 RAMS BEING NIDE FIR MC DST (St o the tF • t 'hi.e =Vit. hr zruil-tc.,aor la: IL= tnithirk".4 ruthistarrovni ains Mom :,112°4. XJ."7 °L"2:g r , „ flan., ,,,,,74, •,,,„,30 0„, • 110: few. r I• "" b t ▪ OCTOBER IS, 191 VERFORD 1.■ EWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS "11AVERFOltDIANS" TO PLAY rebramy 10. Mel gam or Imams y Memeterf • laotermalmt ffoamseeinst,Leaner Oentalat. .itan ma num. gurroacto-eBiler James W. Beevr. 'V aorrOk, Itastritau UM". aeon. V. Elena, num Reemew,ed cow OrekeetM fer Swett.. Dome The -1Ineerfordison- mostly r.• organised. hate been engaged On play at the football dance_ ...dins to Richard., Ili. chairman of the Comp. Erects Committee. in choree of News ent10Itil asnuseater aHneMe mnalate J. Ptionn ethlten, '2e WIlltwo 11. hreetle. .26 teem. 6 Twe, YRS NO "7- MEETING PETTY, 99, IS 0ECTED _OR. WATSON COMMENTS 74::--ZE TO COMPMY OFFICE ON ATIMIC MOODILY al'rEi4:::::4L Hegel. Wedeinday WO. DIMON DM te Leek of Bunker by A. K. flergent 'V' president "" b." Election to Vice Presidency failed to produce (Mumble reenita. nod ARTICLE ON COLLEGES secordlog to the new policy of the "s" Follows Long Period of the don.. hI rinr Irrtorero will not be anbsti• Service the Ia. minor. to enable the mind It' College Men in Business Dis- toted g b".1 Th".."'. re.l. weekly meeting to be bead ae nether and le holding prattle. Mr..' 'bees Herbert C. Petty. .8(a. eshednled. Proby Review in cussed IT. Lindh. et the drums. Be0W11 et o err...meatsba been earnP leted elected a Ace preeident of the eroder• OHMS 1'OR28010./.20$2, the piiton and Durham Kari= the Seciafogy lessor 01 ,rr PROPOOR.414 IICR to' data far • speaker to rehire. the Wheeler pee.r ek. ma„,,,,,,,,,... ,r.... Ilommtd w, Ittyltle, W 6werett Mmee, Jr.. III banjo ere freelimen who Met been .*T". oe °.1•11.• 27. h. • ‘•••'-'•• to pany, le the •nnouncement el the By Femme D. WATSON 'tows to be held on th. date, Harr, added to the pertiOnoek of the preheaOPPIDISKS IteRealta. Coder the emotion, -Are College Men g, way., edneatioton eerretary of the eked.] eentained in the Eleetried t.. Othernew men. not .104401. of Nterealleglate Prohibition Association, World it wee emred that Mr. NOY theasht. • of mitts. the Wentedr the eollege. are Vauelain and Ahem, -ISCRINUS ROPRD told.. the meeting of Nue.,In •COMlidered 'Into of the be. cow. will of home the article la July aotort e. Wane.. 'A Toodore P. Ihmsel. who ploy the .sapheue and the trom- nroce10, aurae' engineers to the cow... A ...part A Lisermet. the Atlantic mammy ,else. some ie. her 3. am. T. Waaealt. •• bone, respereirely. broad background of experience he mom man every to MeS, interest vital of en. The football dance will by held is mere'. wed sal. work. counted With tim II Meanie. for a ter., Ao r'la',191=4"7 the -021Inheintra DO hietutday. NOWL 1.king extenshe knowledie of mtlimeting concern • for manager entiplatenrtla 010401:ms or totem lop egyen mmettah01 ...kin ann. Ow Pierce 'err at •Iirs. Ems- bee 13. North wept.. hermoe. Warw.. Yet mod floperfonl ilwhich Jo RP .n=oel rembinetlon, mid. mid:d b..ty ve . •li.,, Tao By DR. M .tro ....Y . e•Avr. rille,„... ., erkh. tturn ambtosims towhe The theeteasee will be annotabeed . Plonk reomsetraolm. petty goatlike bite for bin vele execs. MU10 meet, later. five position.. the ohdectione that Sig Bodine. mime 10•144e we sows.. 112.11-20. MU eutmerlpiteet miss bite st May Postmffirte ashsrOwt. PI. A to muter of Entered as neeswl :Ism soften st e North Carolinian by Mr. Petty to the college man, esPeeMIO the hot, pmellestloti• homed yitso mtelller mitring. to the Poison, at Way.. Ps.. 14 Pe.1e5. teelmleary !mined, and Use counter or "Money Is Not Happiness" birth. and reeefre., sir edueethth et Nanhtor of MIA. knish. IsiewhAatektm len", ...Pa Mations tsar the college man nth.. to "." ."..4.. th. h. '''... 1"... °. of Lesson as Out Pointed Dig Hoek.. . now orgenieed. Gaillard heholaraldp to Ilaverlined. Re mut*_ es am womemae nom.. M. eel* r tr man Mast WO. The 1011 of iadielatent on the aideGreat Leader enWrod the menhir ela. here In flat. of Idg b.inese is: end received hie hi A. degree in 161*. THEY ALSO SERVE I. College met, emit When not of He Coaeh Harmon'. offer or a coo to the mom ...gime. follower of the Colpane...0 to lid. e7ta' .1tUht , Pjw" l". 8::i Jr. He U•1•• Rt•T•WU487:11' r'"w "f H " tha.terl anoci " rair le(* Geo lege tenon. during the year serves to rewind or of two fade. the heel of which Dr. Grant Back as Director above eremite parts. an and Dr. euemPle, enure faster then either their own de. ADRIA se a. theme elwide', of eerond the end is to well known at to need Mame, no ...foment. After Absence of Year relopment or the exigraelee 01 btleine. Joseph Foot Newton addreatied the T. EI1'''..1' CDP'Pee2 . Len. tot three the Union. nu Y'•'•' Pea held speedos A. C. IL FJosark•a• we, loot. repeating. and a Half Permit 13. Dr Emote, is ranter of la the Bret plat, we ere reminded that Harman. pontibly more thou oW IL The college men thinks too often -tober ort Deosoilits,1802.•• afltinted him. Eight etudento. four met and four lase. .11 with the Crock...Wheeler of other one 'tetanal out directly connected with the College administration. ha. 00, 71"•"6". Cfrr'n' .4. he 'Yen get rather than what in'Overbrwk. of End Weetern repreeenting 1170.1, • thee more pm. ea n sale. engineer la the tale. denf great e it lit a very real interest b Pleverfortre welter*: that giro nun be ante DOW College Quaker , , Sir the Dr. Newton told of the Chan... way In departamat. and bemuse inherently-els tort the comet of • teem..nd that hie es.t.ty for Increasing hie Pinadnalfl and thaa Mat t me tit,. never doubting lint they have whi.h a.of the 31,1111 ••• on lite sampan mem* walimited. aalaa man" [bet rere conabl.tbm of iludlitlea .0. covered tbra h • Aiscomion•between eget..aaIn H""" 6"."." gd"M" be was elected • inhere of teen's are quite capable of pity "r The second fact .1. that no celebrating Po tenth anolvereary ern Ill In dire-flog other PeOPie. a Pl." nod • 11..1141.4.'•1.1" .1; of the elonneety., the duties of which Ma really ...retie] Parte in iota... eonteets. Alm..% tree vimorie, mid perform. to ro.lnut oft be orb, 0 1‘• 01' 0' creditable ebonite. in defeat have been accredited to good aapport au meal ottra..' ,?„7,ittrih'm Eli. IL Greed, of in bete end sometimeh even ill' ...vial him thetemit ralINg •••••1•• He h. been genre tor • num.. Pm. that It is srereely pereansry to cite definite Memo., Dayerfordio. V:I 6 , 1 Liter.. at the College. ie nr-11;ca -reformer." of year. lo the activities of the Electric Cglege Maa's Objections SAM et key, hot to turn 'task n week In their football sehednie to tree a moot few+ again in charge e the Graduate School. Tolls Power Club. having nerved on the ens •••••• tlia The '4•••'••••• Sabbatical of Closerhots and M Board Tafelball Wawa. s after The story of Saint Frantin1 , fa more dithedit to forma/eta I:or:Lm lent so, Pl in told with empliaela on the fact that dent, end sea also been prominent details but itia rear test . muYh ea the wen.te possibility of no, cbaotie. he gave up his large inheritame and ell the Ammelstion of Iron and Steel b,„6„,,„, 1. The worst change of woer brought ,bout by a howling moil of rooters, a. it is in the ex , rear'. relief brunt the &Mee Of regident what Ls ahead of one bin worlay gooris to become a monk. trim! garb:teem eft t atom, the During DM. to director end tangible eupport ere real facture hia youth hr wag • gay perm, keen tabliahed truism aseerting that perm of Dr. Grant. the dirertorship or the one 10 left to flounder without dleeettoo I. the pursuit of money. He went to C. or instruction. effectine the morn. of toy aro. of Player.echo.] we. ...toned by De. HAVERFORD If. The tortes schedule does out war and in ettereadIng period of reThe trophy open.. up what is probably a unique Ovid of rompetitIon iu lit...1'0R. PraFeemse . TEA AND DINING ROOM eb•benge the beet brains armee thy- euperation developed a Define for the Coffege history, II, winner will have e.ablisled e red claim far reiugnition College. liwiettaerreligkra. college graduates. IMMA,FAST • . an aloe, to 11.erfordN nthletie utereary roar lecture comes are being ofIll. fig honloma la often unbusi- After deep meditation upon the sub LOME:HP.0N sod erre, meth.- Not of religion and after angetetemtle feted at the Undue. School Pile goer n.alike, DINNER Fm...1 .141 bin Meemed tether. eh neoel but two new members here foIll RINI bard to mariner of the eren.Bedded SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS Thencemo.atery. • enter te nee. Ardmore HMS ha, Cho., personal reletimothipN one of the principnl points ensphamined In been added to the lomat" of the .beet 4, it, forward be became known for his acts These I!' o„ "u of kitsch.. and founded the Como. the :tegument for the smell college. But there i. another important theme roar the fleet ball year. A course In Fritsch.. Order. ei.e e, Dr. Flits tertatie diderence between smaller and larger hintitutione which Is seldom Seville 7;heatre Chriellike Life other trait, M."1 .1. of the ertie, arkeration "7170 noted. since It (all to manitelt iteelf aa obriously as do tome that mine of these complelan Dr. Newton mid that he believed that Bryn Mawr There in adtriffed difference in later-Halm telatiurabip to ones .meth college. Jon.' ode. an Profe.or Ithibraggp. bepeven other. on minus. 'Paint Fennell had come Meter thnn facts, on toted •re samosa, roux for College he fit the ea lievrfani and in univert.t.e. winme muSent eurelheedt, run into 'be the.nod • mune In Quaker Maton to he_ dernmadlust hat .1 as. to be regretted. any other roan to flying a fife M. Programme that of Christ. He inentiOned the highroad with man roil., a many since a by Ml,. ARHerr TfernaY. Week of Gatoktot 18 outlook nee& big h.lateo. with fie rich Setup'. great lore for =tore and termed The esoutot ...Anion is talicktehtedly hatitral hequentoe to the Ii., Con- ins {noon el2111111LoWn. experience Rod sire vent, The writer Incidents of him deeds of merry. nequently. Continued and recessive straining of inter-tilinn reletionellip coonut 'The. great lesonn,'• Dr. Newton said of than review would rate. the query Lederer Moan Fir. but have at undesirable effect on .reoent nelationolnipa. tIrt,i,-Lbtat hint 1100011 Lire rte eetrhoelle ,,rhargett II moatad r Monday and Tuesday Mien Tieney Is a gnidim,e that foo=l ie Mot The ann.] Freekmarchlopbomere battle Ianeither detrimental 10 mornte nRaLnet a rh„ o of tb7onoo.:.7•" fe n, „egos It tam pointed out tbsd anti' he ., ra• -old tradition, and its very tradition nell University end Km had aide es. of itOr unworthy of continuation. it to 1111 "Mare Nostrum" in Insure work sod with eon- thou, eded,,the That the ma. in had given up all him material wealth. the fort.etely, rob, it of a person. element. remote grouse. She in the fleet wo. onembro are all the more 'devout. in tient was never 'reify content, but that Fes Hawn supremely 'Netter. istivh on epieede ae the whole. ,depredating of ideening ap- Mela no offer a comae to the Gradual. his case. Lie.• as in tar einottlltio. after 1.0 . tayotee, which tool. We. Co Tom., oight, vat eertanily exeemiii,It Is tiebool since It wan founded ten yearn of 11111 1.°"..•` "•i•"' bunliteee Reis- Lapp, for the remainder of hiv Life Deollnrid Eneaeglary denser.... the of thing a to enmity else. year. emilastionv Sophomore Wedneirlay and Thursday generally ...anted that after ago The other rutin dedered that the Asniai..0 .1;74 Enstantim Trelobig for Cellag• Mee hastens to ezniain that the affair was toOt- coffered nod le Bimicel W.. B. De Manes Preellierdoo Wet, The Sophomore CM.. That college men are often left to tife abookl be an emanate to ell men. 'Our'. a aNeverthele... group. it. tgry ..11 patrol by unantborieed„ ”verombitious members if .old of Rodin, by Dr.. Bounder in being enswered in some Be explained. that It "Sunny Side Up" quite naturally. the blame fell no the Clam. ea a whet.. It grand uproar fol- Great. and • sour. In Sociology by bueinea..oneerne by the eatablitihment when he Was down..., that he went eneoursged wm he where Louvre the to for roars,. tmlning %mhos-a...zed of of Prole... Wataon. greet D. no Frank end lowed. during which amities were- certainly not etrengthened ..The Swimming 1.trreiee IuMeor executives. that It ht eand to be Ilse sculptare of other.. °Hewn. of dm Sea" benefit ...a reaped by the othIctic Mame. Nen-contIntehnt Inhorpstoce were Sociology et Haverfonl College. Newton, Dr, mid way; mow the -In to exceat'ires to take limo to set the only coca who were nadi.turbed. listen to mage.lona from their nob., -Saha lerends bre Le ommetlaing to i".r SPe6.1 iadividual to when you ace Jet/mimed and Altogether, it yeas n ehpdiab. psintleee affair. """" 000,0 Minatten En being anawered in other took Friday and Saturday at the Eleadnate Selma., which arc bovine...en by the establishment of seg. feel tit. roil tool lead a Christian aid ti, i tan, e. To. l•I modelled after the confereeve or sedate- mutton vynteme and ' "Three Bed Men" POINT WITH PRIDE • t method. Jo addition to taking Nee rude. ma.. or guy initialise when- do it". Every Ileverlord undergraduate ix or should be Leite.nted in extension Fon Mead ademde roar., each student le .• Shore [mar' I eye ngn The author was least cone ISWORZWRIFS. work, and though the harden of this work is in the herds of eel...Nib Ill ter Arco Wu of the Ur' reve:enl 12111.1■111.11111 alware neierted by the individual. The student committee it is probable that every lieverfordlan in many ;:r6I L1 'I.' RIPC121111-4110.0cla feRsare awl T. prep seb.1 and high nehool etudentn gree Of Mester of Arm ix granted to is little chance for young seen to get Pictures, Plante PrInning • WO Spa Rothe glad to spend vansobte trine in M rrrrrr Wh.te 14 ', 1.04=4 2ROAD-Rathrtme .111•20•41r cue mtmlersta who meet the „ere. ahead in maay of them. Suck talk ahe In Heverford College. nm Bestir,' stigmatism an 11111■1.7.- and M...." Haverof m e.. for the degree. Sever& of athletic tem. and Murk. of the au. fenowoltip -1 number of men ilk the rtsnark • Abe 1V...7""* Three Bo.h.eve ford undergnideate Lie are the meet ranoistent minces of extellotan Penn.of Orin rate ability whom of lb. Gr.d..t° Ratan. The average Ileverford mat mulishly makes little mention of the cali- dent., Guy tiolt. Arabelle Mott sod falln to recognise it negligible.- The ,. Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Warn the College faculty" when talking to a pr.pective otedent, simply be- Evelyn Mott, ere gradnatea of Nebrns. feet ta=il, none the ten that pro t bre •wlier`selL4Les la. • km Central .College. Nebraake, and greadve ts.... he amen. ftweiti members aa normal nod permanent lug.. any edo- three. ]Levin . Shore. Anna L. Ing Poldlimll sYs r .Thi&410en.°Itiot grlit.' et Jerk ,stionnl Institution and folio to eee the publicity seine of the beillient record. Matas.Ull klettleek.hre discovery of Moab .known 0 Alet=zaw °gm KWh.Guilford College. Whelk. ability' in their own ranks end wheat is gmd.olten continually brine med. by Ileverford professors. Carolina. The other two, W. EL Mar- equally Saporta.. in the SIM., Ida. t4due sou, A giant. at the ootatundina achievements of widely known members of tier 0:71 4trolhe TetTlank. are geed. proveme. of morale of the whole mut1:4t."Zmi' repotetione the that fact the Pb, faculty shook point nadereraduates to ates minMon College. Ohio, end cern 14 the prolesucr. rank high among the easels of the College which may be Whittler College. Calif.., reapective.WM0 PI VLIT1211 ALUMNI NOTES bt an, etudent eating-PR in volintary ealen.loe Work, ▪ Alna tine member of the lInverford laaultY la non touring the Orient nt 'ZS AHD '29 JOIN IN 'Try. WY. ll'aftemor. Cherie. R. Hoover. of to widely the nrimitalea of the of Chemistry el the invilidMo of Ma T. Si. C. A. end Lecturing ?F NIGHT OF FESTIVITY head YI ....tryst, o veralty. woe elected to the ''Itto 47ro Christian., nmatter bay juat recently pubilithed a hook which km considas,. a mormia.•• °She et .111titrat Vice-President of We,gleakrefeent kern la -Maw Lam red wpm re to all others in It, particular field by oompeleot eritim, 00.1 a 8.111 Sephrm,M Group meet. Lary. 1O-18-1821. year the for tdvemity I ler. 8.1 Dimple/ Activity third hoe rev only received en nommintutent as Prof...or in a large E.terti g0Y-Olie, epee.. r. ''Tke Cots./ A 00.11 group of, eviCoiseraity. These Nebulas of the leadership of niejnbere of the linverford asmss We mere Welitin 10 MP' tot depot, limey Ellen, was teretty in the adn,..rinnoi world net oply fee selected from she theta re' lieraly intent i„ utter after the triumph of their duo tir eo Reed A. et fee tbtec roo t achievements, ye,- may be bolnied to with pride by nay ...dent boost- egainet (we:, won Tumaaibbi i ,.„ font "1 entronee to for one of die most eaten re he ing the soilage to blab school eon prop 0111101 frielida 14. II, Carroll II. hamplIn has Ware hold nt Ilncerbord In dumping prourorroo orroo rio, „ at college. d neteml Yetten „eh, Pennsylvania State College to nucceed f•°m equal to their innidiousneen hey Pro feomr [bold TO MR. JOHN L. GOLDEN Department of Edothe of timed been the alter shortly operatiom emitted fto behalf' of the :Senior and Junior Chimes and Mom oh the Faculty ty: afrtn; or !heir .DurtIonA telte,,df. , who attended the performance of "Pipe" of the Garrick Theatre. the News fee, theatre rolled to 1.EAD1NCI graczAt,nrr.. • emhex to extend this nomewlmt Imbued unofficial exp....Ion of appreciation and 10 the dale he OAP. of Z.N ltd nr..idener of Went CollegZ Ohio. lid. YOUNG SILEN.S. of the ErfucnP. Mr, John Gniden for his genero.itj is providing Om with no door' returned born, its bedo and bedding.. Champlin ban been bead the flag ride In don Petweitaaet et the Houthwentero about blab idlad Piece Suits were ant an evening's entertainment ns time of last Tuesday. Normal fiebool for the pear five yen.. • front of Haber. !loll. Ilamrdnelvoer Hata perform.ce ran be found A mnr. .ehnical critique of the evening's Sobsecuently. each sophomore bed In .difilm Me reolden.. work •t 1334.1336 CHFSTSUr STREI elsewhere In ltd. home of the Nes.. This In Intended merely to move, to wee depoolted out eneh sophomore win- Mote College he la giving advanced t0-8LOOSLP141A the doeor of the tickets the sincere thank. of .11 those who benefit...I by Juitflec 1•11h1g Minedir Mien vile Coneles tbla 'geometer eat Sunbury sod Johnstown• accomplice nod innocent bystander his Medullae. ID Fl. 10 W•ttet. tOmmtholo. Jp, lobo Pondentetm. sea Mown w lhlP,rItrowe. IMPS C. Pen, 'V ifi oF sr GRAMME SCHOOL NOW HAS EMI RENTS author The Gift Shop OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ALUIIM NOTES AVERAGE OF ONE TEAM Page 9 HAVERPORD NEWS OCTOBER 18, 1926 '50. Jamas Cresson Pariah died at his apartment in the Metropolitan Club, IASSmituNrE 'PIGS' GIVEN FAVORABLE BUY STUDENTS JOIN flaSITICTO Tab. social( 01".,7thn'...:,tr,d!: New shorn of Arreapawuta `.1,;,.°000' NEW MUSICAL Arrangements for the annual Soon, MEMBER PER FRESSIAN o)Ileet:11,'Alarthi, being in Me 85th yeer. more-Senior Dave were dhicussed •t He wee hero In Philadelphia on &moth of the Sophomore dos, last meeting at year 10, 1840, mid, after spending a MIN BY STATISTICS Haverford, was an importer of dry ORGANIZED BY REITZEL tholiday afternoon. It was decided et REVIEW BY DR. SNYDER English Professor Praises Work of Actors in Comedy goods from Great Betide ad Treece this time. that It woold bee smote 7r+. Mien for a period of twelveth dance. end a committee eras arlimithed e tiring from the importing bordinewr he Will BY EDWARD 0. BRODER take care at all othethary prethrs• spent a large part of his time In in Lt. connection. Thle committee "Pigs" a tbree.act comedy of cooEurope ad was active la rellroad orof Bevan ithatrmea), Ab teurpothry American hie by Aube Moe. conimmed is deatha roweled He work. madeados Tripp. let of Commodore Cornelia. Vthderbilt, Mon and Puttereon McNutt, proDoes for the year were fixed at five theds from a slow and rather on who died threesl years ego. to 75. Alonzo BrOinl Stella/ oat among amendment An .todent per dollar. dab A new undergraduate musical promising beginning through a mei. who thee devoted Alamos Llaverford An arena of erectly oth member last the clews tothdtutloo was moved end of amusing scenes to • conclusion of their lives to education. for he has been wth orraeleed at thmerford offi. of a vanity athletic team per student, dFnaih bomeed during the mummer Wednesday evening when a Froth el ordered posted, Mating that des. mirth. It would not be a far two ,,,n000u. malloyed with twelve Lent captain.. Is Meath for. Ms work. to Jane he completed 50 *indent. intethsted in chamber eerie ee,.e mar hold older COM PL7 for amateur. to ettettht, tton et cise ae.sassea tha.:airaitax. Sealer rear. L Unia e, rk th hr the ectivitith thrboration blanks of roan' service as an educator and was for few if any of the •Ituattoth conone form of Providers president brought to the etten the <Lea of IMO. From the records of Moored by the Alumni of Brown pee. W. and scomplithed planiat, sad formed Mutual Insurance that will of serene, tain "sure-are" comede. the elateeta iito who filled out sheet., parstory School at • dinner in testi. asesses, chasahas Made hc,, Ciao of class the conthisints Individual lines bete end there, Eke of hie work. Dr. Comfort wth "The B ducatioo of lout gotten back not guarsoreedwe hod they that membership. in ten differebt type. of mon7 tibiae., one of the et:waken at that dinner. Mr. mist)." Mildred's "Too underrate nth art a after the rush of two team number just dap-8t.. children, another flat wall moA. J. Meth. who I. eiving a three- oaks of mimes Brown I. codounder with his brother bet the cm' The tele sport. that FltherfOrd Fedi- of the Brown Prepthetoth School. • Pd. hour comae 10 music appredatioa no week. aro. The 9OPhomothe deeded describer," are noeldiar, Mk old your tem tees of the piece th now produced at clothe. In, In intetholleghtte thathetition vete thbOol now located at Broad and this 7••••• •• to let the matter drop entirels el tar to Provident hare thirteen former prep whoa mthil Serbia nerd. Streets, Philadelphia, H•"'/°"' Derrick Theetre 1.. chiefly due to of head of the execntire committee as they were thocermed. in view of the the saahshe one only for Maas. , g plea ah, ROLL was the individual then in wads our= the brilliant comic acting of Wallace with a web-eatabilabed thputallon for yaw which am fact that nothing bed been done to More then the number of leader.. Seven quality of work. Mr. Brown was fur- the whir.. 51 the o other memThe booklet, the Merkel for Una mite cod Ford of yout matt were member. of three teams rat Last year. ther honored by the University of Penn- tomange Sr <onttrt programs. Illbe `tare dieing bers ie the east glee ethellem eon"Kent Simprints His Rome". fostered at College. namely thriamelex, A committee. appointed by the Pied. sylvaida with • )tester of Letters de- othero named to the exec-With mat. port. particularly CM-trade Aegarde th thointhtles and fencing H. dent, to take care of the collection of thee at the June exercises at the flat mitt. were: V/. K. BeItaaL Math Troth Nth Grandma Spencer and May Buckley in vereity. Dorrance and Company, of Teeth debits the greatest number of Philadelphia, have avamared the plibll. her important but Micah part. ✓egedere, IS nod thekethelL football. fatten of "Von Lobe and Other Poems" Wallas Peed stars lbw I Also, sod Ithedelbeite. gloom Brown, it being Volume concerts will include trio., stringed by To the 'thither part of a younger order, with 12. 11. 8. S. and ft, seethe. 34 in the Dothan. Serie. of ContemPo- quartets, sod Moth, Pith,. nth 'ealo Bathethall and baseball sorb tare Potts. The book has bath very thlos. They will be open to members brother who comes up from behind two, bag hare three •r-captaine. thethr, highly praised in reviews for Its obit.- and their theets. and triumph. over may obstacles. wed football, track and tends one each. oPby cod evidences of scholarship sad worm Moretary-Tressmw Wallace rood add. th math droll and Three teen managed besketball. end In order to secure funds to MOM poetic Imagination. • like number tennis and soccer, while unwed chatheterisda that Ids perthosepre.. '88. The boitormy degree of Doctor op a mental two attended to the badness affairs of formance is mitotic it tales him but a was conferred upon William at the Dread:tattoo meeting held hem Lath of of each for one did as basethil teams few mhodes to get the audience into Draper Lewis, director of the Alberta.. Wednesday evening voted to make the four other sports, football, teach cross the of Deth former and aniline I Pee rs dues of the mdeth of laughter. Cootrastiog strongly conotry and ewiranifne. One triple reo- Law rwrem Law School. r. J. H. }mem., •op. was c tale and two double captains are In Univethity of Pennsylvmala hie Maiteting manner, the sake with at the commencement exercises of the secretary-treasurer. and Ithrerian of the dens. seff.ssatirthee of Moss Merkel es the l'etrethity held last June. the new society. and will have charge Nagy Actors cad Debaters snooping dapper completes • teem dm '08. A letter ha. Mau received from of all applicaUom for membership. rewrite the audIencesithoot difficulty: 77 per cent. of Sloth whole records Dr. William W. COMM. who Is College Twenty thdergmdtiatth have skied, The rerun of latercollseiste debM- and wimp these two joie forces in malt. were obtainable clale, to have had ye, not 10 which College, ma, the „del,. Our Green Room Is Now . cumin speech. they shire s dramatic experience and 70 oer cent. l'hysiolth et Canton Christian b• • .•••••the stricted to those who have talent for lea .t 11..erf°M brinan down the Ready for Banquet, Card have dope some cod of irking In school Canton, Chins, and mention, wiserstuyear's in- vaudeville skit GM which have confronted a musical inatroment, sa thee. log of the members of lest perlodithla there being one president thatthica and Doming Parties Dr. Cadbury Playing Union last home_ On the whole Pigs is something ,thcendy. the io China held in teams dent* krolase very ter members_ -The Chamber of a dramatic auk and two editors of ora in part: "We both had of a triumph for the theory that a comPhone Ardmore 3160 .terill not coatite wire the pees. Frith, Okra... newepthem among them. Thirty•two edy mu be both elven and toolr. fruit year here ie Canton. Ian me Sodeti:l Nine men with some previous otheeihave been interested in Publie Speaking. University ban come opt Diumphautly rot M mil (lob, though t member. tried to and teventy-elsht bare learn part In de- My. Some atacleato In Caton thip may overlap and it will not be co ve In debmith were ptheent at the Institution from competing bating of woe eont the letter thither, Ptheeut our any way comented 'MO, the Ceneeemeeting called by hlathger G. E. Faun a la the Athletic Meet now going on. but In tomgaining one debetiog captain sod one this era. ruled down by the government. dere. "27 for the purpose of uodertak. tone'' L'llmle ' president of a debeting club. Oar etudents the carrying of met of It was ernthised under the leaderim the nretiodthrien of the othenee Tweety-five freshmen pro/Rued some the prises now. MUD of W. K. Belted foe the purges. of 'Students at Haverford can have so ability to sing. mid an ethetlY meal la medic hoc of • deb to. team ,,,,, • 7...t the difficulties which oar of &ins stwkais tatswsise intereoilegiate of form this in number registered eit hating had ex- ronception of to inactivity pearand programs face in order to keep • chance to arrange Medea. bath perience of en inetruniental nature. on with their Mod*, ttre musk of a different character than competition •t the College Merm have some talent to Minting [respite the graduation of Marshall. of the prethnt Musical Club. Fabbeen dogs. of imperialists. The that or drewing. Remelt own have concerts will not be given by the !feed and Barton. the node. of the lie cc of oor boys have been overro.:), homes Student Coma members. nine ran lead as new Chamber Music Boothe. ththlth debating team pot out by Btherford in hr bthdlts. !thenwhile Government a cheers and two ear, had math. cot or other school. have deteriorated It le pothible that some recital. fifth tide year In felt to he • proMMILIth• sat Seowlore lathed. TM Ifermkno. boycott ha. Iw broadrtht from Oration WABQ Sr 1024.25. pitious one for thsuming intercollegiate the failure in Main.. of may In addition to these, varioth Morel. Its members tether.," Ithmth offices have been held, among of me students' debating. and A Fleet Freer.. width are the following: Crean maned No definite date has been set for the of wheel heedbook, editor of yea arse monthly concert to be girth b7 There le a wealth of green meterieL book; profethinual Pausidane, businees but it MU be held is the inch:dine the eight men who amde ort ethiety, he Meg. of menager of P.M,' methger week Mat the dude. thmetime Union sine (mo); cbaIrman of .cadent coon the Sophomore and ithiale rise. team. play • ot November. The program bth Mdl; member of student smote; while Sargent. Rorer and red; been !arranged by the meetly. Let ythr. manner; =eager of year book Meter. of taxi pearls Junior team. committee and will include three selec- ItotherMed. president of school community. and ade of real of Moe- have su had some orevioth raperiethe composition! the tram tmn ortheithnott. e school of vice-preableot and appemt. In intereollegithe eonepetition. Numcom. be Trio will Mooed The first aelection. The pork of oremithtioti ng, nourishing and pleted thme Mae at. week by thee's,. Mr 2 for violin, 'mil°. and Piano, rgizing — that's food tbe second. !desert Trio Number 5 for loan of o pabothf cooped med. up of china Kirk EXPrel.a. SallthsetIos the same inurement*, will be eiven be rentheootativen of each elthe elected thought and exerInlet-at Mapes. Mainthiniug. through Bo regular Mon. loin rev .ia0sa of W.K. 8etlaeI. pLr• by tbe member. of last yen... as Ift. For a good warm e Ilolleoder. D E. testae dem Alumni Mendel support of the Pro day othnieg loonisitions. the reputation IMMO Everett Went holder of the b • kfast on a real cold Bono budget is diced of last 'cm at the fur strirtheth that it &Rabbet,. early !IMO, wIll head thle council which will Violle Sonata time. Committee correepooding In year, the Cuetoms g 1 e........ cat the pWo co-operate with Dr F. D. &Oder. Pro. Rowell. IR thc2m Costrthationa received la respothe to rootioues to dolits not erknaire, but M J. H. Mmselt. Geiser of English, in controlling debatseat out to all member of the the ing et HareefOrd. highly neceseary dosthciation on September 23 tooled Men is thunders Mameer prethot em reth. At Approximetely a doses 18. 01a07.50 on Saturday mon Dembee Meg to arrange a 'bort time preparatakes ten of at each meeting. the me' Official Outfdterr. for a/atom approtheetely =WO at the Jerky of OM offenders being um re tion debate with Bryn Mawr College same time Wt leer. The. kn.. are cipieore of poniehment and not MOIL, for some time before the Christman Haverford College This 'debate is enamel/toted clwly< of moray cold In for Alamo' oat!. misbehaver.. The fiat lofting, holidsyn cc Philadelphia, Leading the first of • series of similar deAthletic Tickets. went of the year of the role prohibitStore Goods contribu. In Sporting teens 19011 to be held with other colleen in bate. taken Iron The 11 ing welkin, on the green from district during the 5176 of Street total a PhiLdelphia with the 812 Chestnut tithe to date be the enforced Inertia. of th lien rare of rent. . twelve teembete; IMO in a clo Md." made of the lop and bottom of " Look for the Green Canoe and with 91.115, sod DIN, Prendent • barrel. Comfort"s risen It third with 5156 from Barrel Used eleven members, 'the Cloth of IMO is The reel of title barrel was alBo the oldoet tithe repreventni in the tho• brought into use, as wearing apparel tributions, ice total being an. for a Ithinie noticeably la In general Althea the younger deaths. tweet, obeervanee of hie mimportance. The at member. of 1920 bath mothoodeds @Olin elan, for the past week the had ovine uns ut members twenty have to thermic, no each theeessive day, be. • total of forty.oth member. for tact twtha therlog Its eapa with risme over I924 the left and right vers. Thle was for Year). threoteen members of IF'6-mi, end failure to observe the rule of tipping fern., thirty-then for sethuteen member. of hi= (againg tape to senior., the part of their code generally dia. twenty-four members In 19101-2114.01ber that seems to be most dunes deththing mention for good set, obeyed. Yon" "Mode Chairman Collieon stherted that the -/Contains aB the BRAN. PROTEINS, VITAMINS Port. In proportion to ell dente as • clap. Cae whole had been reth gthd, and other food elements that your body whole, ere 1P02. BIM INK IDOL Elthl. theept in • few particalar math He the of spirit and dash HE 1912. 1008, IDIO. and craves in balanced 100% digestible, really also said that pleas are under way for American college men It woven Chairmen William T. Kirk, SI.'I8, or the annual IlbIole entertainment, which Meth form. modal k The delicious Merin the foto the !Lain e Committee. exoretheri sm. will probably take piece Inside of three Is dodge along the lain[ college isfactimi at these Improved rotor.. Mr. weeth. Mat Only takes a minute to prepare. Salt or rtwmnsr motored the attribuks Kirk thrment Oath 4 tht and sugar to taste and then sink your teeth into to Moreno of the Pro Bono 1.611 and tailored torourooentneaearmettat to the fart that the hilt fano of Oppeal crisp, chewey, luscious mouthfuls of Nature's in the careful Epwenti era,. In snort hOWARD clodse dire end pole the peopookion clearly, ton that no finest food. L11111 are mad. for the college man @Menefee reading is required la find oat whet amount In ouggemed of esch Make • daily habit of just Mr. two biscuits of Shredded While expressing sin to Mo. ow Mr. Li. Hill at Wheat and match your Kirk made It plain that in proportloo Is Oct. Founder.. nail. to the Ahmed total membership, the health and energy curve. and low, very is tes coo of t number go up and Stay up. that a second appeal to non.contribu. bee ben tent out In peM tote mock 7thes. will bath to be gen( out unleth the mmeaory WOO he reached without additiothlexhortation An additional report brought down to dale ..01 appear la the Newe of NoAffilffilffillgithAVE reedier 15, wben de. enerariamt min be Peeseuted. Give Private Concerts ,o of Chamber Music rioi. Monthly FIRST PROGRAM FIXED k'"' "°' mu"' *" Rhinies Have Twelve Former Captains and Thirteen ex-Managers MANY MUSICIANS Insurance to Fit Your Special Needs Thesis you in Provident 'Mutual 4"---•°=1""'"•*-- ; deus"'orti:71.6T'ae.otf, , th'''213 01. b•K* a .4 "*.' Thm"L' age. fuptessoistivi REVIVAL OF HATING PROBABLE THIS YEAR CASA DEL REY HAVERFCfRD Hotel Rooms For Transients Breakfast Luncheon and Dinner Special for Teachers and Students - bers 0 Last Meeting of Mem Year's Inter-Class Teams Held z of ISCU ITS • STRICT REGULATION OF RDINIES CONTINUES whole t, Crisp in Tipping Caps ALUMNI ARE SUPPORTING Laxness PRO BONO PLAN BUDGET Brings General Class Punishment e. the try EDW. K. TRYON COMPANY DDED WHEAT 4 a) atm.. HEATED and COVERED WITH HOT MILK or CREAM From Fabric to Fit fry i k 1111 Get al HOT DRINKS and I SANDWICHES at The Haverford Pharmacy $ 2875 ..4 83875 cLormEs ARDFOkyOU EDWft4ADF I OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE MAKE IT A DAILY HAB IT ▪ HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR: ALLEN F. HORTON, Jr. J. V. SOCCER TEAM SPLITS 11V0 TILTS OCTOBER 18..1926 ! ALUMNI ! TEAR THIS OUT HAVERFORD CHEERS ALUMNI ARE ACIMAS FOOTBALL OMAES ST. JOHNS GAME Continued bran gage 1. llama Tripe Reat Way Tata A feature play of the gone ... curred at the clue of the hearten HawHOORAHS erford had the ball on its own fortyHuralt-rteurferd Second Eleven Takes OneDean Palmer and Coach yard UM after rereverkaa another fumble. On the Prof ply Tripp dropped Haverfiref Sided Game From WestHalos Also Officiating Taam-Ttran-T.I. bath to pa. He 00014 not emd • DLO LOCOMOTIVE town at Games open, no he reversed ale Sekt and no RAN-.RAH--RAH Hay-a-fern The linverferd J. V. soccer team Fire Haver/rad Alumni are near* through the entire opposition until ea Reb-Rah-Plah broke even in the two rime. payed lest rented in °Mania at tollege football healed be was downed from behind on Nat-ere-ferd Rah-Reb-Rah week. Mutt.o sr.e defeated S to 0. games Oh re.wr, wale other. are act- the teem-yard Dna. Tripp had uleirewd elar.er4.1 ing while Frankford FBgh School won from officials at rad.. prep and twisted his wy for • Mety.,.. nonielnew•Team them by ascore of 4 to 2, In the 114.01 game.. Dean Palmer and Coach run. The garter eroded before 'attar SPELL IT OUT alw rd Hasa are plod officials. W. Churchill play could be called. Frankfo rd game, played at laverford, Plove rfell Morris again kicked of to open the the nigher. got or to • Stirs at., and Longatreth, captain of the 1013 foot. TemoTeant.Tenn Dthetithily clinched the gamegge the•fir. ball team. mu referee at the Harvard. nen°°4 hal" 8°.°° l°°" SnT'nn hr RA Y Poor fley-116110. half. The game obeyed it Weettown Willi. ad May W. on Sabred.. Ilay•Ray-Miftbowtaddlet. G. a „„a„,,,aaa midfield for the lest mieetes of the mu • walkover for the college team. The game with Frankford of thin we' even Bstaday. He olfl- u.rter. Tripp lutercoptad a ease on WAINNEAVAU Want-Weelde, W.-Week/a, marked by the splendid Mae of the for rioted At the Swathmore-lineettehasaa the Oily.-yard __. lie' Wagle""e,...,cod W., Wa. We, Homeorn. turd Be. of both teams. I. the first °o i"a'n, aged S'`"" none and idea ha. oa bit schedule Mehl. Team-T•on-T4a. half. Reepalti and Kulaan peered for enberg.OetOehura, rowroty D. Vic- the° P."' Tripe 10 lknirmn. took the SMALL MATTER Neonsh-leateirfarl-Flart Frauhford. while IRaverford failed to glide Military lastitote, cod Muhl. oval to the l'"the'eth.d ththIftereh-Fletoefa.-P19114 count. Polska took the bell down hia bey-I)ichltan. Crag eo0. '78. who Tic St. John.. line held the • MoueFINI Tem-FINN TUE wing tad centred beautifully. Rsetull played oe the great 1918 *bug is mall nod Trlpp'a "7foe „.„:„, fell abort. Oh John's couldkid notnon' ad. Cropped the hall and after a Mort drib school towel looked for ranee the ball from Its tweedy-yard lime bit placed it in the set. Jolt atom the M. A. S. C. A. A. Philadelphia. and punted to midfield. After two tinend of the ball a Doti ems called on a Solaro. Hr sal llama COUNTRT RUN IN N. Y. ,. Haverford bark end Kollialta converted I. „id., for u„, successful attempted through the hoe. Miller. Tripp launched a beautiful palm to this into • wore. Alfred all Us. Exported to Battle Haan, who wag not downed until he Play Er. lo Om./ tierf Or First are M ae The play am very even in the e The fourth annual M. A. S. C. A. Dettythord-Dieltinson AMC es Nevem- wire thirty node from the tool Ile end kelt etch team. Ube-Ur too goal, d. crow rotutt7 two will be held on beer 0. B.aree. la corded for six Once sato firwerford toad ovt gain hidtehttp courted first foe Fraokford Settled.. November 13. In Ten Court- Offil football tag On ad.,* be through the line, so Waage again resorted etweesefally to the ale. • abort or,e he made p,d apother Peaata landt Park, N. Y.. muter the aneepitee am field judge at the Lehigh-Mario. awn, Tripp to Hoskin.. moolted in kick. Richle scored first for Haver. of New Toth University. Applkatioa On October 3 he arced at the liarrefonga third tally. Tripp melded ford. after be received a Pass from blank. will be imued on Mond. he GettyshompLehigh dune and on Octa- the point. 01 John.s dmse to mech. to ktek• Wickersham. Frankforde final tally l. R. Hoopes. .eretary of the so, bet S at the New both Ifoirersity-Went off. Two line pike. and • long for. came when Haruki drove the boll into satiation. and will be doe heck by Virgion Weeleyen cit. Next week be werd age. are the 0.ege • Brat the net miter • lwrisomage in frost of Wedeeeday. November S. down on Haverfortlh thirty-fire-yerd Alfred, he. N. T. C. es. Rutgers. He opened Haverford's goal. Sharpie.. neared the Felon. ldllatre'o Lafayette, Lehlth. his ammo on September with the hoe au the period ended. goal pointer of the struggle in the last loofa Nem.. GRhiethoo. N. V. C. end M.o6attee Mohlennerg-Leforyettr none. He col la the fourth quarter both 0.11.0. See minute. of PIA, The Weattowe canoe was kw. one- will be repte.oted. It will likely be piers bin mown with Rutheea affsloat opened up with more 101.1.1rd Lafayette at New Brunswick on No- . that at Omni the much had the a, duel between Alfred and Union sided to be rem int...tine. but it acts of a basked.] game. Met r. The outattuding minuet, eke Tot. ermber It served to show thee the J. V. learn hes J. Tatnall. 'I3. will offriate at the a tot-of power. and Mould develop much tea. of Uoio.: Wen. of Lafayette: "tr ds0.y-Pee-y Wrin7aE ror' a4: 4ob."r; Brown. of Alfred; Mathallan. of Thankagiving Day combat between F. more before the ;tease. I. over. Wicker. erfodfno w unhamd • brilliant and me• dnam opened the noting in the first few Union and Boltog of Alfred Lest and M. lend Gettyeborg at Laranner. mined attack. By M.. of line buck., tributes of play whea he drove the ball year Alfred was first and Caen see- lie he. .ho been In chargeof Fe.. of tackle thrusts end forward pan., two of them from Webeter to Flint. 1nm the net from • ...rimmed.. On • ood. It as the Bret time that Guinn of Lower Merlon. West Chester. Bee- the Starlet mad Slack the bail pretty corner kick by Roan, Sharpie. .. been best. Moo, Cent Alfred nye and Cuturille High Schools. to the eleht.yard line. Here Henerford Dean Palmer is rule. Bruce. dol. former officistia. LEW.. mentor. took geared, and Richie dropped one in war was penalised for bola. aod the e for • touchdown Sub Tripp the end of the 1111.11. Ilaverford led at charge at the Schenectady fon1I1mtioe. sod .led a the Ltorrencevilie.klarct• ford School game early in the season barely mimed the upright. on a dropball-time. A to U. 1927 GYM MEET Conch MIa in doing officiating on s. kick attempt from the tarty-yard Mae Belles Sara far J. V. nm Aa.atle City rot taro' ode and oa 8aterdsy. "F. ref. at %;11".4 The J. V. aimt really oneeed up le sc.*, ma. engethe"Ual I'‘i tae em of the -Pean.F...lberbory game. yard fine, a.lJelni." the second half. Bullet took a pa. lidereabliate Cease ftZtielly erted to more via the forward pas., with Awarding to a pan Orono.. from Baker awl placed the ball out of the resole that on the armed *Menet HILL AND DALERS OUT the ,,,,, of the goallender. to start Robert Leeds. SI • movement 6 belt. Tripp lotereepted at midfield and ran thing. off. Wiekeridtion followed mit buttered to bold the IntereollegimeGym. Weett.I.M, - VW . Temporary hack fifteen yard. before being tackled. .ad *cored on a rear. from Helen. angle Meet at the Steel Pier et Atlantic C..Caoratry Cat. led Tripp, by ..or of end Shoed. then omde the tout beautiful City. The iturCultedil MAYA An lb InCoder the direction of Coach tied- rum and of tackle dubm, took the ball Mot of the /afternoon, He drove the 'Meath.. It to thourbt that • lame dleton. •ix men have been doing ere.- to Ibe taelee-toed Orr. ball from the maid. wins at a. Ma- audience of winter rialtors would be country work. 10 le planned to meet side pot the ball lark gee yards. Tripp Boerne TIONInTeed Ran umee of thirty yard. from the net. and attmeted by the meet •t the peuhore I school teams to practice meets Tripp now added the creaming touch placed It in the upper left-hall corner toter in the neamon.sod miter the soccer of his afternoon'. efforts. A forward Rulien and Wickersham bested th• net pear ply was wiled. and Tripp dropped In mkt. the Nogiutbo to Dr. Bob' schedule Is completed there will prob. beck looking for ha man. rin4i07/ . for the final counters of the tilt. bitt. Mr. Leeds moneyed his hope that ably be IA Interclass Mem. open to teammate free. he reveraed end raped The Acuute pesetas Of the college Revert...el might be repreeented It the memo.. college. the thirty yard. for a touthdow.. • team ewe ououtelleg. fteelloger played reviler meet a. it 6a. oat done ea for Wattebey, RS. hat tern eriertml tem- fitting climes to one Pb the best exwell go the delouse. while Thomas pera. time. Mr. Evea will work with penny eepthin hibition. of all nomad football P18.1 mid bee hem tom...and wand male by fine et... Light- any ..lad O the two by OW, Ho., a.- width Walton Field han seen for mare men wishing to Ater the cement • OM. foot toe Odip showed to well for ent. Ruediger. Morrison. Rat. and g The Bt. John's follower, gob • thrill Weettown, the former'. dribbling being WrighL Cross-country running dm. when &nark "en eke .et et.hof bark ...tarot. at Iir0141. Fre.ier'a ability HARMAN OFFERS CUP FOR BEST GAME ATTENDANCE he a bid ald In developing dittance meo Cu the Haverford thirtedive•lard to follow the boll wuc o hie Aid to Any further ambition. of Itt, John //overlord. The line-up.' team. Nue Clth Formed. at - Cumbe P14.111.1 fornext ecawa'e were nipped when Flint lutereepted a Freakier* Glime ee die Seat whintle blew. To Monona Tripe ii Gamer ramp Peuttenti J. It lout... ItIZT TRACK The line-up: ehrwhIseee ,, (Mal The s..esiiit, of famine some sort 8.14.1111 Peaktla. V- Jeer eau of . dub for the purpose cal earner.IOWA Jell. SNOW Wall 'ratably B. a. py rooter a Left a :Se lett halltuet leg attendance at athletic cooled. aka. fa R.N. NI llama. Roidrefiri .... Left suite hteex"., ." The teach schedule a-ill Ineinde elm. ann. toe mwel /ruler away from College wes diocese. by a rmN AIWA hatereeh , •thresh roeeting of thole who weal to Belli. entire], the ante opponent. as 1.1 .nor.s Men ....... St=aIAY- •••fatttr 711.1 leuelew more for the Jolene Rankine game on yes, with the reception that Ragan '""'" 14ter anne ✓ellute mwrl Mut UMW lute. risho um. will he dropped. with Hokum a probeYu. . Phut. Retarded the ninth. omoldre Uri Poe ,rehot.- MAP... Ateliehe.dits. The gathering, held downetaim in the tee subothate. Infamitte. Del• meat amerenth ...... ..... .... ..... . bohnienoom.-11neri ...tele... Tube lag Tuesday evening wan called amine. and Swarthmore will moat flhrIr WA.. 1041 ntaniannebe. Semi 0 ter Deeler. 1.1....1.q outlet: Walt. by Poach Rarer.. who elated be the other oppooente of Coach Had Tripe Pled tAte.hau. (C.) Pe Pure dieton'e men. Simerthottwe will he met 01101etos led .. em-haet P.-curs P.1117. etiocontifiL.. that it was hia plan to offer a roe for on Jnolor Day. ble, 111. Unlott College. W..... oetetiodau-SmenteM Worth. the rout enarminstic nod hilthful et Schenectady, N. T., will be the M. -Man nature .... hese.. member of the proposed doh Awl.. wet ter Cetus. oember of the Middle Atlantic States trade um. tee somas. eare tr durnewe. Aire W. Rowdy. 'At awe selected PresiMAU lolt-Piet Ade. hunter dent of the nopodulion. sod after meth The date of these content hen tiwousee for swear. rag for we, me, Moth ...... 1,4■11... he If .1.• • iwoo ter .therfem. Belot tag,fee 17111. IBS been set for May 20 and 21. here, one tee .man, W., tre Ma. BOP. several armseetione for name.. such thultle pit With only wren letter men and three fa., Mu. . 1.1. 141 Prlutiou mernea wool Ae owe. Omee ter u route letetenham an -ritr Rum.. Club,...nd 'The Cham- numeral men back la college foi track, It look. ay If there will have to he a tomb, we. ne mum tor run ea qw ber of Commerce?' it Wee decided to 1111.14. adjourn 1.171[11 this Tuesday night. At good bit of rent lard work by the tamed Teeddwroa-sulle, webs., Tree. Ple10 Pule-PloverAssi. of there I. to be 11011 team roao-Trio" ludoomw-Teloo. W.V... kW. for hie time a WM* will be derided mud up to that of 19211. llowerer,restsure' there Is h hate, 'Pendre-goeu. • lit.let PA baker Tout other more definite plans formulated ▪ nu gennil,ing ros terim m t he aresh. sme.e. 11..1 ihuates-ruehr. 111), A. mut death eeporially in wegbt men, mleut. st. a. 711. 4 wow-is mum. r the clen-enmpetitIon. /0:1■11.11e.•. CROSS- arbmore Vriutina eo, Printers and Publishers 26 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore Phone: Ardmore 2931 Guilford-Bacharach REEK FOOTBALL MEN RN TO CHEW IWl Nosed Out T.6 by Academy Team; Supple' Scores for College The Junior Var., loot t 1.00.141, O.ed gone of football to Chate0t - ISSIDITIALL TIJIII ETAS FIII1 Aar.. Wt Friday by the spot EICINIJIBr PIKIMICTS of 741, Baverford fell. to kick the Dol after touchdown. It was a dame flevairffeatom arm NW 411.1 New laelstag La thria. hot festered br or. la Prop lam. bream- Tbe hinge Mu mode nun. The "'ethyl. Mau has a member or ty lira elowee to the ...lbs.' the. a the era period Chutant Hill me who are had somidendie Nage, lacked off. the hal going over the ball experience, .4 altheyth there are gaol II.. The 9arnferd war doe One lettertneo ...sing It Mel. galte warted to ..tempted march from prohaNe that as. of la veteran. will their two 20.7erd lbw ad. tor.- hare le work hard to beep their podPaled in a touchdown. Supplee'a try for extra point weal wide. Late In tions. It is exported that preetiee the secood period the dent break came. set under way by the and of November. After bean brad for downs the wen to the maw with Prime:as ix school boys path. The bell leek • echeduled for December It. true... bested malt the Junior Durham, from St.y Bey. Medea.. Varsity eafety nun awl stalled acmes ha bad perbeN the rout esperiente. the Haverford goal hoe. where Che.thot Hill man fell on It for a He Pinved there for four yea. and WU touchdown. They added the eaten point rap.% kis Ian two years. a: and A with a dropkick_ The half ended with Suppler, both of whom played for Blair the store 74 It favor of Cheethut Academy, ale are former prep school Peirce le a forward who J. V. Skeet. Drive played two ran at Haverford School. The Joel. Varsity evolved at the opening of the wooed half sod newt. and Born was centre for two year, ed a parade toward. their *mount: mei line. However, ma the play that et Lower Merlon High School. ilymo woad hove Nan them • first down R. centre for two rears on the POW on Cannot Hip. 20-yard Ile. hold. Mr L. L. High School teem Martin. In. drew a 15-yard penalty nod forced the an. to hick The prep school. from LOW, Ife., elute forward am left tackle broke tbroogh and blocked the local blob achool See for two aathe pant. Thereafter the bell wee to the Haverford territory the net et .o the period and MOO of the fourth tVitb hie Be. vetemino sad the. men. wieder. lo the final five mluot. of play Coach Hal. should develop one of the the Junior Vara: alerted a powerful finest tem. that Haverford leas ever drive tint completely Goad the And- hod. Manager Armstrong fa Mooning Ibewick. ear boy. affithar feet. Sappho awl 1111.11 reeled of long a difficult wadole, and a fine season gab, thrryiag the hall from deep in le expected their own territory to the 18 -lard U. of their opponent, lest when n toorhdowa seem. • eertainty • for. BASEBALL TEAM MEETS M pass men loterrepted and fna 1127 few momenta the mote ended. rs. thu-11p1 Mout. J. r. PAU.. Cheetau If. LAPP. SeludIsla Aalleffeaml se e V.1. tueurod Lett art ..ewe *UM TO40 nom. irobee Leel A. Kato huts Left pure Omar ilabAser Warren F0 Glaoa bat be. W•Pormis Ou. Th. gun work on the 1927 bluebell ached th. NA.R...114141 al. rats wean. ule. With the additlae of two more tar War e.Wt .maw promising pitcher.. A. Elopplee WIL Osaournell tureen vWt Leh hel.sahi o.. aesshebtre Supple, to help out Rinehart, Hever .1... Mae tarrelork 0000., ford will probably irwrease fm schedule 11.a. ............ Po. Tele. Bea bauthea-mew. Ohio Rao. this seat.. 10 Ilft.111. or more gene. APeehdeerae-thertrin Ire ...- m a. to loclode a few more biter MU CI ars of ter: up.. Ore eat or ti. claw team, temetnume-elsnelor ter alum, us.. lee Thue far Fen. and Larnyetbe have puraunt tor Argun., Sues f Auth • Lturtelp tar RA., true . Weed to PUY Haverford. Swarth. Houle). ad Pere. Per I.. more. of, will be played I. two ARAI. st home and may. $6... MOORILSTOW/I-F. MILL BE NEXT SOCCER FOE Tech in another Douala,. with Drexel. Delaware. F. and M. and Al' IA., Fenno aweorford rurn Play bright also oa the tentative Int. tor J.oy Seek. Not only will Hecerford knee • The postooneme•t of the Lafayette mover mame tee left next Saturday m much improved corp., bet every re.. pen...d4teRsott the meetly ...dale. lar on lea year. ant with Use camp., of kler., will be toth for duty to come to Hererford on that day. Moorevtown Ode eyries. Infielders will be Lut. 6s. • clever teen mod semi former Timone.. Tripp. Renwick and HogHaverfo rd stare are to be found b their hae-op. E. Hackle, olcc- renter. Oat/eiders will be Abbott, on for m Puma* positim Ian year. Bearden. Richter and Offiwthrop. Beelm. rant. of the o team, ere playing. as are Weed sod ILO, end laraiam will tate care of the este.also member. of let aaan'm memo. leff detartment. peatsn.vmum " 01111.4AP4 britg) & a0.dela ad a PALLAPPLFIIALA Tlw Glgt Segglotin Brut Saw Open new UlameaW and Po. Jame* Wald.% Clocks. Siker, alba Gin. and NemItlee From whit* may be Wowed Dattectlo wetleleg. eHlt4y. Otedimr. Ao Other 01111e PRINTING HABERDASHERY road MOJAMII IL SNEAD" Yr. Ir CLOTHES MADE TO MEASURE on constant display at the Co-op Store When going to town, get an order on any of 15 haberdashery and clothing store. from S. Cook, Mgr. Co-operative Store? OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Win. R. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET r• hedeliplr. Pa. Hooks, fialttpkkta Pd Catalogs. 04e. awl..Dry nun .111.1.• lamb* Vila Me The Four-Piece Suit The Popular Suit For the College Man $40.00 $45.00 Smart DOMestie Twee. and Imported Fabric-Coat, Vest, Lona Trod.. and Plue.FourJOicker.. Every College Man will inetrened in thug unusual value. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market at Eighth Street RAvaciutoao NEWS -OCTOBER 16, 1926 THE 0113ERVF.It Ceeead. MI teatime, lot's imem • bag. *Met the hall a talleg-ated all loaf the la. Mow. Rewl Lep testi Moiled to its forward ass atbeck so conelsetly. Joel as et John. Hopkins the palm defeated ea a week later paaa offensive red defence awed us. Thla, erith the generebdaits of Webster, the Molten fink! runnieg of Tripp. the Meting of Morrie, the Melbr ad play of Reales, the poor line Pia cad cremation of ourrunning play. stood oat In the liners. One of the ...test co. In any erld machine 'should be Its quarter-hack. He le the mace who toe oftap win or 1o. single-handed. Saturday wee WebMei. best day. He ram the tilla tea• Meetly, coiled theta together when they needed prodding. sod use s Aloe Ham Ronne Poi Welts Web The rave. peas which Herod setertlen of in the drat few minute. and other paws seemed to work excellently for two restant. fiat, the protertion afforded the maser wee rood end. eecood, the wee. were ail-timed The Obeverer THIRD SOCCER TEAM PIS TWO YICTORIS COME NOW. ALL TOGETHER /he same Saturday With 8t. John'. differed from the Hopkins ause In totes WY. thee the Kona It was the fiat time In bleverford bienia that • or ate In ere., a net J. V.—DELAWARE SOCCER Remit of Strewth of Network Saar Mesa A ea... tot the soccer rehedule when Friday. Ode will be We In ection the Unlyereity of Delaware hooter. meet the J. V. tram on 'lei Field, Dd. ware Is an old opponent of Haver. ford's, haring been met previous to this ire... in every *Port ereent soccer. limeer Le a comarstively new sport In its first two games of the mason • t Delaware and Ilttle Is knowo of the the third soccer team woe se rasa ele - eveneth of their tear. m.., defeating Haverford School a The second team awe ehowed • Toted*, and Lower Merlon oe Felder. well•formotated murk, and a tight de• both by the arrow marsh, of one goat. teem In the two aten played tat Bath game. were herd fought, althaugh week. After s rather week Mart the former coateet was more ragged against PhIledelphia Normal School theta the tonteet with Lower Merlon. and Temple Velvereity. the teem The swore of the Haverford School seemed to hare !wed itselt Frenkford same wee 2-1. 71. third stringer. bed has one of the strongest teams in the the upPer hand through the Met.' High Scoot League. wed Weepart of the game, but are COMbl'Aeb Wen'. soccer rePotatlon needs no menoutplayed In the .eondquarts., In tion. According to their retest showwidth period the elation scored their ing. the J. N. •bould win from Dohs. nab goaL Suntan and Swift starred for the home testa and brown. • fat man and clever dHbhiers played beet few the Little BASKETBALL MEN Will OPEN WITH PRINCETON Haverford School and Lower Merton Bow as Season Opens; Sullivan Stars ...Mad wee e• May fee, let her tdhrhglot Chores Rig: Z. the geld for a twee. Verloey le wee Imlay, last mated Owe it, Nos tee WY were the Mak fir We-11.1t, Stortel WA.. EWA. Charge dew. tIM ENO ogee apMes, Sir. 'PI Maga *Mead. HO Itt HI Swarthr..00, OHRE merles FAIN. Yew, ler Malarial. HAWAII FAILS BIG HST NEXT SATURDAY remembea goestionIng the coach nv• real year. ego he to why he did set see • revere. peas to Rive the receiver as opportunity to go deeper. The coach aegwered that be bed trouble find.. Uneaten .who could eome out to glee mar0 proteetlon I sulked that Morris flattened the and well see• ral time. as Saturday. The hacks also blocked well on the pares. Oda the mums. time to pick their man Page Experienced Hamilton War• 11013 Ready to Battle Haverford's Grid Team Peep school dellrew Merle georleg Suliirao started the veering in the HAMM CLUB BOWS first Whetes of ph,. end the third teem held It. lead till the second garter. • • Hererfadk, fatball teem will meet b°""' the t‘ttn4 huts r'nh4 he messed t re test or the ...eon and took things Into their own hide. when It dash. with ihmillon College. Ube, vitriol °stelae (Oh .weed at Meta, New Teat For tbr last Haverford &horn only aid. kirk. two Year. Marls.' ha . triumphed, the bell into the net from one aide.. Pledmg with only - nine men the both times by a brilliant final garter that It hit the gaol peat ad battered ally. Is 1024 the wore wet 13.0 Ie.( le year it was 15-0. In the sseroed hall the third teem Ilermantoro Vricket Club Meetly • Ire lee short tate, ride battle. The teal more, 2-1. chows 77a for this nweeen Heralhon has land Wolf again. and Its ha three out of four games. When the Tan, who was subetituted for Mellor well what chill the lloterford learn St. Jobe'. rases were Poor", let of oPPoterste le ...Mad tad the when the latter was hurt, snored after mu. have Mid. Germentown hoe one thrown sod the receiver seemed to no ". the rm.', l• mmtsmod- Sulliven had felled to net the bell of the stronevel Dame is Philndelphia Neither fettle wy able to more in the dub rake., sad the remelt s•I the eame lark pep se did Wolfe and some of able. Nudism Lem. be Colgate .a.. UAW. laPt period, and the gator coded with the hod. well for the felen immerse of the ear other end. me hp 2., le evur 0, the third The Blue teem salted tha res.n eta, our heck, showed much more Haverford Club swerantion, in, Lear Merle. Game Cien Judgment and eadmion on pose defer. by holding the powerful Celeste Heverford was the brae to wore ehet weight Sheer more. 0 to 10 it to thine aye Lower Lderioe rime W a heed kluesteker plated a well directed boot than oe. the previous Soturday. The sad stand& orerrame the great 'fialarr fought enntent, one awl by San°m des into the set., Gentwotosso was not ,Obserrei would recommend mill more ha malt of the Clinton eleven. Hemthe until near the dos • peardee in pas dams.e until it be third elite to tie the more 'a Va'n' ilton'a opponent wee St IAA- ""'"' comes woad nature. tent The tam pi, of the thivd• of the erne half when Cupid oared rente. who created the no., lie. .,rtg,„„ gnu, ,mingderebtt In this. from • scrimmage. Peer • OwIre Play for • Wed-fought 13-0 contest. Garrett Stan Again We teetre play wee poor. Oar Meeting It. 161M big team In e row. starred for pass. to the beck e were better hot the - Blee resorted es gig:0i.:0d seer ilobeel.- Totespood Rieke. The amend all wee herd feusht an detest..e our centres lacked the tiger ward- pealed na wee to a 504 triumphHaverlemt end Tally and Ksioe for throughout end the Warne an not de. plan sonem., to a stood defensive ace the Universal, of RecheretirmLiet Lower Bohm. .,•• dried until with only two minutes to Sullivan eared hi. gal In the heat metre They were improred over the limerela the powerful dm6enl cleisag, Burr ptereeel the to • for ibe 0.1 Plan Keene., before but here a Ina way which bed held Princeton to s 14-7 tee mieeta of the game a e 14. neves., tally, Captain Parrett, Te. th rout.. was surprined at heists able to Shot Iran the 22-lwed hen Doti" e eed McDaniel starred far the Haverford to so. 007 o e la esseh halt ...test remainder of .lhe heft hall Lower teem. Our lime showed • connate raver.' Merlon toe ed the urging. hat w•• of form over the Saturday before. On the plucky Hamilton team for a 14-0 The Illarerford flub sone. noon WA, able to more. Horton making areal . both offense and defense they showed orgenised this weapon under the leader. • Ou "it ehip of D. McDaniel, '21. who amotht no drive and were boxed et wills 'art in ton' Hamilton P•letleg ferNwerlsnl but plaYiox. the forced team the two third With the tthros ngee the teem. The pmeacts for the "era or the the plays Lan which they come at of AY usable to add to lb, total. and the othooiir. Orel Mason seem to be especielly bright the line, they rerel, helped M the hp eriS If the rents of itsterdek'm game mem, the .."'" terfereme. I did see so. of them was* rather beat Haarleed then ay CO"" e'led &MI6. There will he eleven met, ins iinr-not ' following the bell Pretty well me .11 ore of the OPPYents mentleped chore. Game ow had ter the readoine mimes end he judged from the feet that we re - The Bloc Into hat wined a at ol e•team composed of old lisverford any ,.., "-uls•ser "7 t :sees John'. MI tit the. five in of oat covered lour nisei.. and confidence . My. Collette Mere elsouni ma • pod TYMet . fumbles. Inlets our lbw mows back contest. and should be at top form by nye. naellArtant eaunt of it.lf, The met flea, will be Let rarthart to form this week. we will Ma • Dr- nelt week-end. Harerford le ea of Parry tura PleYed on Retarder In Ildladelphin .• are.helf•mek ' nem.. illa drubbing at Hamilton. I have the major am. on the New boy with the Provident We Inarance e..`" been told that several of the linemen nehedule, and they. hare been pointing mr'n •••• Ow". m"Meh • • . K. teem. The insurer,. own are reputed rt nun Met independent ••• op. clawed hence weft.. were Mimed and to it tee weer soma. to Move row of the entelde oat deegatIOne in the rite. ...... Hoak., paha, was the meet seriFor the Scarlet gad Black, It will be The line-ups . pen Metre tem. ously injured of the gran. Yet 64 one its third tettfle.k &AY nea .'" Elliverlowl Peal.... 144-wa.l•We I' Seer. ..... tn.Oft . . Paul Wool Played the Lest game of any of the Will be I. Gwerferde Ile tip for the Cricket Club Scores 2 to 1 Soccer Victory Over Hayerford Alumni P. M. C. and Union College New Teams on Schedule Elev.° of fourteen Cames hove elready been whedoled fur the 1926.27 ...than aggregation. Manager Arra ntrone has been workine hard over tile rime of the schedule erer el lam ...woo. bat has been bawl...cod by •everal compliments's. Last peer Haverford jolted the Middle Atlantic Wales Collegiate Athletic Conference. Oman were immedistely assigned the Scarlet sad Bleck, by the league with the date end the plsre tbst they were 0, be Meted. In many Yee, Heverbard had plans for erheduling the opPee... Lau different dater. or bed home and sway ameements ash them. The matillitetItene failed In Its effort to sw'trio the Swarthmore game from the middle of the moron to the host gate an ha been the co•tote In the pet et. lusters will not ',pear Lan th• Haver• • conflict ford schedule this year, dee with • leagoe game that earrd be cane.. The conferenee else limed FUTURE OPPONENTS C. C. N. Y. and Delaware WI. Their Gamy Plegml Last Seterday Two of GoverforEn future oppose. tots in football won their lames on Saturay. C. C. S. T. managed to nose the doe ant the Upeak agereation by swore of 7-0. Delaware traveled . Ifimmerhaaetts to meet the Springfield N . M. C., A. College and retarded with a a-0 rittorY. lust to the strong Amherst eleve..1 the morels of two .lachdowee, 14-0, Janie. was not scheduled for • gam and Drekel wes Ow. Idle when off all football Is gesdember, Seta HaU celled for thin swami games PRINCETON TIES Cos... from page L. allow Tom TARR Period. At the mad of the Malabo. time It was decided to play two eatre minute periods. Neither many ehrancee to score. the team had IAA, being for the mat part uk the center of the field. Bolls tee= boa to take any dole at dm goal hat none of them reached their mere. the Itteeette game for the Engineers Dutch Barnes.. and Ceptaie Mceourt, hut Manager Armstrong it let ino Cabe played well for Princeton, while to establab a home mud away agree. end Eat. were Ileyerford, Logan went with them, es Marloed teem+ ni here journeyed Is Hoboken for the 111.1 eters. Estee. lesidee plata a fine four yeara lOwnwerd. 11- Priseetes ewe, for. Sw•■ room.. is-resipie L sus, January 4-, moo ssedrrt .-r JMINAF) /1■001. • s• geld frostrr game, wan all over the Games Helen Chrlsemas Another romplie•tiou wet ironed ...n t. Mat sartiug of the • st,thletie Caused. Leal Miring a Faculty rt ll. atm passed limiting the Harter ad Rime to a ten- eame erbedelo. !inn been shanged to • fbarteemesate th• Panic' tarred programme. 10 tenntion twn or three mt... before the Chritomes hofidaya The tented'. .rbedttle follows, setter rater T ..... Olt 1,1126ela . . MM.. awning klek-off wet StetatdafidapelkIon will have the mew worebsi;orret. 0-I Haien o rm. The Awned lest yea,* Eimer. mama ma 0 1 o Sao itmortord • . ford game. toe MOM._ Ora_lwr ha Twtl The itee.tesehlee of lousy thy • Sobsilattpas-Peroci 1..1 Mpg 'r 4..T„ sies, Powess st" boa tee. the Sleek bosky . 0111.... bet renters at the Hamilton tack, Warren Ind. Wit tows. sed Bosh are good men et ghat g aster. rich. Inkly ead YeGabl l emit*. eff eed erased end Lower Iderls• Gum OSPIde tient •• • .•.. Lane mar a ip • levier of strewth to tbe Its. lea .rte. Pal wt. Coal These wee JawMee in action last yar mat }Maya until the last as kuff,„ mluMra Yon Walt. Field, will remember his es• gess., Our offen.. oe holes open ream. failed to gett tang. ... *Heel work. Seined. end Doac ace Wwwwlywh &Mt IsSII-Wsee am a pelt of feet end.. sdept at mettehIng beds line must play la better and .I .' rye Yrt bad,. sure thee can for they did easiest forward.Wee. tient Tamer . The lineup: Tune land. dent Buil. teller llopkina. • refureetter . &Ye. Comm .:. =tn Oar esthete. pH,. Wowed. lath SWAY lyre. Aft nom. le.rtt tett Yak was jnIntaion Ilettepr.• . M•mla• ; le 0alettle . meows t Polieb-the loterterosee to. ..... MeLwer boles up instead of cleaning them out: 0-I 0 0 Pasteurized &Ann. 11.1.14 sit ame 0-0 0 0 0 I believe this wee because the running soma Merge demert• Lower '. . Anne no.1-anattes. BAeree-Itedomrt. Tram Mrect"er Clarified oiler. was alighted for the max of- :Z . SennItMA-Aat Mao. esertere-le ark "teree . l'LlAr Warms bye tee Oman. Toro . Tame, Mau, ten 1•12.0.A. fen.. Both are weemerr. Our Hr TrAn. . MAC My toe Watseka. Tor. me se.. newt.. cry whist the Pat bee teepee, imam tor ENNA sod. . AMA. 11Y,WWLer • MILK gadmelt amen. .1 • been due to our rumen. *tuck. 5 tied roan, thy* come beck and aided in breaking up the 'riser sttack. The line• ups r ams. rosIllee. curl MOW tyll-hart I, Warw.. Tuner . . ochnly. ...... Inas Limn r u1.1.1aack Armand. PM. nall.noet my. nalf.hael . . sneer act Kenner. ear Oww. heel EmIym . lean. Weed w Harsowd rent. Wwward RInassns .. dare Anadyr. 111-01ws. an-ammee, snot. etym. 11-Te.. Nene OnI.WW• Oti . Nieman Gn Cwwld-sCsrd. W. Daman, 11.21.11totWesCarr. Wdr Oar. Mew. We On, Veg. for Indoww-Ces 131.1ww .11.-Cenyzlay So. Wdereary 12-1WwwrInsww. •way retwlsw, A.-rmema -0ba ear INLawnwe. lowew. thenme•-atstme ONE TEAR RULING Cella. Take Steps to Enmities Pro. fesehmOsm Several of the Eastern college• mob a drastic step in their sthletle policy et resent tinge. Villattere. Geo., town Fanklin end bleretrall rd Irving are taking the lead in • chaste that tires promise of becoming universal among Eater, colleges and alvereitiee The additions to the Bit of eUgibillti ride" se am... by C. A. IdOCeaha. gradate meager at TB Moose College to become oared. on July,are: L Na Ittudent may particilate la Verwity Athletics dudes his hat year In college. 2. A stalest who hes rep ..... ted another college in any branch of •thelat this college te rmreett_w lte. .;. V may no and Provisions Meab William Duncan Spring Avenue Ardmore The Merlon Title At Trust Co. semen drive If Weiggins could get mart he could probably elite MAIM. • glow showed MMeo re. for muted Hover so suer lack of gild on &tartly. Murree didn't prove teach either. On 0101tairg Out playa our ha Ptheed the hest defense St. Jobu'a had. They al- halt.rt INSURANCE 717s Townw Ils e rdwasil m Mmes ebOo •1 000s.e or tee . FLIslt ••te. evert., /loan funeame• on mimosa] rifyeta ages.. Sem to tn., to ."i*". 'o'ne Ye A caddie. Is restored be idoodd hero re innworing. Ile an le Sc excellent broken-field run er teldrb requires Joel the right frame of and. meetly cond. dee.. Our beck-field Pier as req.', lox poets should be Improved. With • pad minter fike blonde toe should Polishop our Mehl.. loose all around. The Observer wonders if the Haverford loped eal s kb thee have ahead of them tide week. Ham . ilton bee Its stronast team in leers They Mae eltown terrific drive and skill in the aerial tame. Nest Halmday, Are to a gala ireek.rod et finality. thee will be le fop form. We WSl beet them only with the ardent hied of playing. Tide Some will be one of the hardest rernajnia on the scliedde. TYPEWRITER , Special Discount of 20% I re s Erse Serial $1 5 IttAnbilanott Corona DIrtelte. AnelAmte mid Rrtall Leading College Tailors 1g=1:` LIBERTY hestnut . 1 029f [ . OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE • On all Suits, Coats and Trousers to Students Only ow M. H. ROBINSON I BARGAINS . All _ $10,000,000 ?Iwo 1112 Erg. How. If you place your order here, you will secure garments that Are correct in every detail and at prices that are moderate for line work. /HS Walnut St. Total Resources LONGACRE & EWING 141 S. Fourth- Street rEMINIMMIIIMMININIWANMI 758 Lancaster Av. You just naturally want good clothes—clothes that proclaim the careful, well-dressed man. PYLE & INNES entmeoirtrt Apyrones entering deem.. car ad 11•0111° tor damage is sir-awry or ter War. to pe. DIGER Building Phtladoilento Highland Dairies, Inc. GOOD CLOTHES. Bale-Cynwyd la= Me., both bi this annore 'mein. GRADE Tripp Greet littroamat Several ether thiete these, Lae with nor epeetelor mulct tee. Tel. showed so mock Improvement. hgdian't look like the aure hack. Now thee hie Ardmore Narberth ma RE Maker of "Good Clothes" Showing Every Wednesday in Founder's Hall SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Ask the Boys on the Campus Free Insurance on Clothes RE am °Ivanummunincommeannumnanonsitemodi Ni OCTOBER 1$, 1926 RAVIIIIMMID NEWS Page 6 FIRST ISSUE OF "THE HAVERFORDIAN" WU_ APPEAR ON WEDNESDAY 0,0711bal■womowii■IN ALUM NoVES '00. Word has. ben received of the death on October 11 at Orlando. Florid.. of C. II. Cotter. He .1. elected principal. of Wentlown School three score ago. but before he mold assume hire dudes he nen stricken with the Stoma WABQ WU NOT ALTER WAVE LENGTH TO FIT FIRST PUN Of YEAR which Franked in his death. In Henry J. Csdbory has a review of J. IL Penis Smith's translation of the Psalms to the "Saturday Review of Literature" for September IS, '15. Lawton Moore. who Mot bete bombing history aed debaing for the lent two nem le the Leslie High Seboot Leath. bEchl.a in inatmetinit After mrefol rorodderoUca the plea By D. H. Heedley at the University of Vermont this year. to change the broad...lag ......... ein Readers of Who if '16. Ammeter... has been made !earth of Statioe WABQ from 211 to await with interest Ili. spoenneoce of of the engagement of MI. Nobel Hu- 365.7 meter hm been dropped, bad the November issuenn ... of Norristown. to Perry A. bas been deeded to operate the etatioa This number. which will be the find of Hoot on the old neve length of 201 mete. the year, will contain • more mire TB Cher. A. IL Dunlap teach- again this Year. accortliag to to angrouo of Pence and scree selections me et St. Lobe's fleh.L Wayne. Penn. nouncement made hat week y W. St than any ireue Ime Replayed recently. aylvania. • Allotted '27. preMdent of the CM.. It .111 aloe be merited by teeny other W. filimeth. Jr.. has been Radio Clete innovation. hedrsoced to the potitioe of Assigtaat A new The lea.. talkie will be -The me Iv power hem 105 to 500 Veneta ProfemOr of Cheek and Latin at Brows Shadow of the ( beet." an ineompkted Usher... His Princeton Doctor.. hod orleinalty heft planned mammy 0a detective story written anonymously by dilmertstion "A Study of the Can.. improvement. mole being mode to the a Haveeford alum.. for the beet cola- of Home's Ware" appeared In print Haverford etation..d aped.... was lion of which 'The HIrterfordlan" will thin common. mode to the Deparlateut of Conti.ree ex-'17. Announcromot boa been woodTwo $23. of otter a cash prism erer. week. Ago for perftiogiest to meta drawn by S. B. Mooney, 'II. MB made of the mania. of MM. Belau make the cheese. Later derelopmente the moor: and nee of them .11 Ilex. and D. Newlin F. Palma in New led to the Oral dec.oa to bgsableat York City. on Saturday.. October 0 meta. • clue to Its .lotion. There '(7. E. T. Peke has ternd.ted hie au the old wee le.. with • Minbi•Me will I. • Short prelate to -The Shadow connection with the Coati... Is., poorer of 500 watt. and a otatentlal of the float," written by the mailer sod atom Cion.Mar find la mw oboe. of power of 1000 wet.. entitled "A warning to the truriove." the Math... Aspartenest of White. To. Preen. 011tMew SP smear a see- Weld, and Company, 14 Wall street, In this Issue will Ever since the seemly of the oaknge mid .tors on the Burgle. .Miten by New York City. Peke thee at 24 Bolt year, ma.. Of the Rothe Ctpb bees who mem, Broa.10e, New York. J. D. ('an. "At. editorie-eh on alters.. te Mansworking been 'IT. Heck McKImtri, *be completattracted wide etteorlon lam year by ed *ladies La adsdng .01.7 far the milting and studio egnipMent. eat It hie story of that famous hone. entitled drerte of Doreor of Pidlosefer at is expected that the sta., trill be In "An Prink tbe Dead." Tide mnry will Renard University Wt June. M now eke,, to broadcast a test prom. by be a sequel to De predemmoor with the engaged in mina, work to Mexico. Friday, October 013, throe day. been '10 A son David Even, was bore the time amused foe WADO Imelo same eharactere cod the 30 to Mr. end Mra. J. Evan on the air with the trot concert pro. amend of remence toter- on August Smut of the year. amorous iotrigue. It will • Lem week • new foor.wire '21. A wee. E. Newbold Cooper, Jr., hem entitled "The Wee Carden.ban been biro to /dr. and Are E. New- poise over • hundred feet in Math erected la the re. of Amok . Moloolhd bold This constrwelon completes the 11.11 completed, hos Framer B. Hen. M. the policie. A new light in abed et. begun Wt Joe. Wttle of hitomoolita by Ur. Henry S. Pratt hie law cool. of Com. mid le now the creeloe of a Maty•foOt etreettteal Professor of Bioko.. In an article associated with Mott... Met., steel broadearties tower the Methnod Tear.. at 27 WMI.. mitten from Ida obvermtions whet io reeler, ...tern corner of Sharple. mroet, New York City. Italy last year. The title of the article. Agetig. About tea dam ago • new six-wke ego 23. The Reverend sad the two bete.. Megan wee aerial The Mae Who Ruled Keen.," en. Mutelt of Bryn Meor Dm a...m.1 goats its moment, which In a careful the erommement of their dectilder. M1e. broadamatbat towers. C. R. Thom... 17. studio director, Match, to the Rey. S. ma. of Momolini and his 'methods. he. been making • careful Muthof coupled with a theerlption of the Brooke Knowlton. pester of the Light broadesallee coodldon• in the studio. Farisim oromestion of Home in 111=. of the leadieg Plikkdelphia stations for n7dh.1.1re. e. " : of 714Cb et' hole& ' Thuterm. ,motributions to the Nothe Pent ft. neeks In order to make Knowitoo, of Harerford the moat modernmethod. vember imue of The Haverfooll." 23, glom. W. Hetet in with Ferns- certain that oro beim rommint of two lyrkel pane. • worth-Emma Comp., in Remolds, of stodlo dlreetion eat liarerford- Lod Saturday MAI he »mewt hr Hobert Barry, `26, last year's Tenne.m. HI. rapacity is anrotten mie • geeet of the management of editor, entitled "I SUS We Quietly." Tager for George FL klacEadden sod Station WEI At the homdcanting of a te ed 'The Song of the Sword." • loot Philadelphia concert orchestra horn Brother of Plelledelphia poem written by Frederic. Prokosot, I/0.1d F., Willsr and Him their studio. 24. This poem differ. greatly from N. 'Pottle were married nee EadmIn System Porkteted in Mbabeth the type of rove tonally Tuesday, September S et Bryn Mawr, Definite plan for the tatprover.nt -The lieverfordisa" end is a spirited. Pa. Bertrand H. Wilbur. 21. Iso beet of the Henri.rd studio equipment hare piece of martial poet,13. elneady been announced by Thome.. Philip be-laded when the end man. Wm Beek Heel. SPA.. Bor... 26. end Henry mid include the perfection of With thin Imote of "The (lacer. Shoed. Meth Evans, '20. Mr, and Mr.. Wilbur Isde-o ,.Lem designed be L B. Smithreediest" a new book pert.. matfett probebly be Are living at Montgomery and Franklin '27, Mat.° ewer... This sew ey.will be opened, ablely Flosement. wll rate the operator to mit. avenue, the meet complete maintained tom any 'M. Alfred Bundle. Jr, is from the studio le thr bat...tent of the retiree pobikation. Twenty-Ore book review. of recently written welds. rent architecture at Her.. UolvermitY. Unln to the remote control Amplifier Is Room C116. Robert Mor• in the Ardmore Thew, or to the emelt sod biography, moot of tbent short. will Hla addre. studio now belp equipped near the appear in the November number. Carr cis Hal. /larva. Uniterell/. '22' Itiehard O. Sagebeertral Inch present oludio without detection on the has ...minced that the rt-rpertetioo of Precentor, School. part of the radio audience. Swarthmore at fifteen Anomiean mod ni. K,.lieb otthA high tribute to the Haverford staliahern bso, been secured. and that 'The Swarthmore, Penumbrae., dart. the tion and to Hal... and Smith, echo Flaverfordian- will he regularly solo- year 1020-1927. designed and mestructed Appeered lande by three Plied with the I if tete.. le a detailed Ins.. of hru WABQ printed ln the radio seetion of N book review will be writThe leading MUMMA The Ilerald.TrIbune. York New the Snyder. Professor of ten by Dr. tt. Ce.07 11... imam Proem moide calls WASP -one of the most English. fee haelie. monehowr. hpawri.s. envoi. broadranting motion. he the oetAmea Cover 0..55 Cheer. es you the wo. gook row wdee Pelted States,' and Is illustrated by Other remove. of -The Hoverter. meek.. tomn mertom ek.a. Ad. Mean of the Medic. control room, end dm.. dm.- sill be a hulf.mne frontispiece traesatittleg room. it al. ohot e a SAMUEL COOK, drains by Prokoseh se an illustration of HaIntead Radio Club, pre., picture Me. C.O.. Item to -The Blue Garden." mid a new deaf. n light hoff room- design printed To Broadcast Test Program Three Days Before First Concert on Nov. I Many Innovations Will Mark November Issue as Unique PRESS 25 BOOK REVIEWS LAUDS STATION ware W. H. POWER co. 1:1.Vi • 13=1.11Mr...1 ratlal.111119011. 0.1.1bO em.Old MIME se dm wet. Wiltara Battery Madan All manes reale.g. teeel I pure THE ATLANTIC GASOLINE STATION B IN 551 Bryn Maim UM. CM.. W C. G. WARNER The Master. Shirt DRUG STORE and Blame Clammy WESDELIVER Telephoto Arita* 1372 1308 N. 3rd Se., Mhz JACON =MK SONS IMMuldll 011111111111111M 19L it '17.JO. were leetth m WO .... Ara Clean HL SON Hnoes hold* J. HARRISON, Prop. 20 E. Lesseasaor Avenue RUMSEY Amino:no ARDMORE. ELECTIOC CO. Elembical Appliances if Al Kiwis Aria" catnip CORM. 00 OCRIFLOPIENTS If THE TRADE-WINS NATIONAL BANK EDW. K. TRYON COMPANY WNW Clgtheara far . The Havoefool College Football Team SPORTING GOODS PHRADIII.PINA moan TOM mum Ica, goo. W. 9. Kerrigan & S.. 71$ Ave. Lye Mawr 1171 912 CHESTNUT STREET Oa t Sest Free& tat Cher Ws. P. U.S. Marl NM Leman Ardmore, Pa. Phlteadedda 0.0 with St. Mary's ELECTRIC COMPANY Mai* a[51,441 it Iforhkaw, reeitibut IY MA. leer area *. Zsgorewee--Ittie fismevek lidarshia. fig Iimiond 11.t gammottild sons dyer way kb red WM. OPPOWIlPit MAIN LINE SHOE SERVICE lhoder New Monagenowst of Jahn Olemoto A shop where the highest grade shoe service is maintained. We specialize in rebuilding athletic shoes. price to ETUDE 305 W. LOUGEOMOW Alm Ardmore, Pa. II. atIttetic a. ec, betil be paper. Thelien *wise wan executed by professions! malsom. and mkt.. • to. balanced on one Imo with arum. looldins In one newt • hook. and in lbe ,(her t,mask. In the o rooted background in the figure monk. -The Ilaverfortlh." bee oneouneed that the dee foe submitting mlutione of 'The Shod*. of the tiont." prided lam week's New was mt error, and that the. solar.. mom be In the heeds of the editor by November it; ettt /Peen.. Mt Pim CANDY 0114112 PONACCull CHEW WILLSEY & DORION Trw 114 W. LANCASTER AVE_ ARDMORE. PA. 0001.0 hImmlmhzuW8 L8.1170 ROOMS SOOT ORME* g Pt The New York Times Sport News Written by College Men ICI COSTELLA, BROS. Fancy Fruits and Vegetables Suburban Publishing Co. Sc.. 22nel & Sort. rtaladolehm. Oa. Sehewlaa Demme eh.-e, Pneke Wayne, ra. Get better acquainted with Quakerism and what it stands for by securing "A SINN Ifeury ef Qrer0L1.c 11. tau. Introductie. by Rehm M. Jae. Price Peet Paid $2.00 FRIENDS' BOOK STORE 302 Arch Street, Phila. FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Sheets 75. Envelopes 75e IOU Printed in Black yr Bliss Nearly every man on The New York TIMM extensive sports news staff is a college man-probe* a treater proportion than on any other metropolitan newslOpet. From the first football game to the last rowing event The Times news of college sports is written by keen experts, well infermed-and men who write well. No better staff for the organized reporting of college, school and all sporting news exists. The Tunes sports news is complete. The daily telegraphic correspondence from the colleges, the thorough covering of all games in special dispatches, added to The Thum daily stories of boxing, baseball, racing and all sports, give the reader all the news-and accurately. Follow all the news in TO Nem lurk Matra Order it delivered daily OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE