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▪ ti 1217 Wel KAVERFORD HAVERFORD (AND FAVIDD PA., OCTOBER 2& 1926 VOL. XVII. ATHLETIC ABILITY till1 NOT BE CONSIDERED IN CHOOSING FRESHMEN Statment of Faculty Stand on Entrance Released Through News SEEK ALL-AROUND MEN poaition of the Reverford Feud, on athletio is net forth in a reeokaloo width then tweead eh/ which rt. to be p.m... 4 Peeeklent Comfort . the meeting on the Peanut..k demeietion of Cone. PtAllikilt• aver wind he evesailed .a Oftener 23. While the pre..ma did nag hare the op., enmity to prem. the revolution In NM, emu Ma Mee sires to the fleece for release. The moot Importsot feature of the resolution to s cleermat straement that 'the rend, *mire. to record Ile settled ceMietion that Athletic ability, by whatever sm. we phrase It may be oak. Or demerlbel, ...aid be given no ...ends. as a qualification fur em• hen Hasorfeed Collett, tor for the granting d ant scholarship in the The Teel el 1111.111.1. The emelation was el.wu op by the Farodte toot mring bar [hie Is the h t time that It Jae been made pubLie. The teat of the remlution is ae fellows: The FM010 of Ileverford College ha. elmerved with rad...on that the seentema me receet ream In track and field sports ha. mane Largay from dad.. whose athletle Atli. was developed for the most part alter mambo mile.. It is also • mteworthy fart that the few students who have reCoMly come to Heverford Colle. with the Athletic totem. prom inmate it, oboe have almost usitoraely talked entirely In their acedeueb work or have Imo • tenstaut drag on their DemeleeMeet at AEA... Mae Wei The F.olte quite sperm... the de .1./Wito of mooring students foe the Collet. who are men of "...roe. W ho, It comeives, home., that th pride of this college It the pea ha bee I its pad.ten who hare excelled ben wholerome to rs1ectivitios. tad dean vigorous spot. etbletien to throw Mama their college career out of bat... 1 la to the ...sold derelopment of thl Woe et .11-aroundn liseerfurffien the the CoSege Mould dedicate itself. There are aome very iodate dewy in American collegiate athletlen. Th inched. of -physical vigor. emote entrance requirements or In the goal, ilestiesa for a etholarshir may oleo th door to all the evils of subsidized nth qualifieation for lea.. Serb Rhodes echolmetip ami enti.12 wholesome Menace of the Omens o In roltstlede Athletic. In Enabled. America the ememeloo °etude. Meta may reelny eennete special ability • lo that cod the ultimo. an result la that the collage with the high II est ming athletic scholuebion win meet of the athletic ronteets. Duper of It I. for this mason that the Fatah of Haverford GMe &entree to tree pomible from soh a emiree 1141 tar dame. above mamboed. It is no that physic. rigo r ift that • thlebe mo ons is =Wire& I 171 toterretZtteelt offe troll impossible to El. opeeill meet to tbom features without lower staneerds Aug approach ine t COLLEGE SONGS TO BE REVIVED THIS TEAR Rhieles OMAN Ia Noel. Led Cheers by Cheerleader. (Term. end Mead hope. to revive O1 10.0 Olir of the old rellege non. whirl, bare reseed out of They here been sorking with the MOWN, during the two week, tearblue them the college AALLf• and thee.. olio there have V.tu somodaiote from erv. reel 01 the ...ern of MOW,elesnox that the Bret year soon here not been singing In the denting mom. A mate rind doer practim wen held Net Wink-mot, eight for libinler. The negate, yell. end song. were goat. weer 'moral rimes. Then Mead loathe of the neeriority of know1ne eheer" It. also etreeneel the im.rtener of the mingle. In the silting ball an one ,d the bet rolls, tradition.. There will be n mud. with the baud Tharodet nrierlat in the Heverford Unless. This will give no opmettudte for prettier to both. The Noel will probably he token to Isehoware. Carman ad Mead intend to keep working with the bend after tooth. memo. en se to tor it et the baoketbell grime, FOR MID-WINTER FOOTBALL TEAM CONQUERS W.P.EATON TALKS ON PLANS DINNER ARE UNDER WAY HAMILTON BY 15-0; NAVY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY DEFEATED BY SOCGERMEN COMEDY Of MANNERS Sassaman Makes Touchdown and Safety in Third VicNoted Dramatist and Author Praises Restoration of Court Drama CALLS PLAY "BRILLIANT" 'The t7omedy of Namere of the Eighteenth Center," we. the .ohjoct of a lecture by Walter Prichard Elk., well known critic and authority on the drama inionnection with the retest of he School for licandel7 The leeture wan held In the Colon on (Yetober op Mr. Eaton began hie talk by pant,. out that although the Restoration dolma wee notorio. for its Immorally-. it nererthelem wentaksed much that G welt worth noting. H. defined the Comedy of 3111.31[11 MA •h.ora•dy of answer-romede dote with an tar, • distioction. a [whiten... olintter." he mid. 'Nene Pa chief chermtheistic." ks deelmed 11..0 its heal. MIS and ...me. were due to the ...al e.t.dn of the Restored. tourt from the extreme Paritaniam of the Contommeselth, but that it attained • o useosetioneble brIllboce. "For there-Martere of a century; he mid, IteM drama 1100/1AblIA, tortured by the glittee a04 distinction, of the court • with* reputed it: but when she nom. A serie• of very interval. experi- began no fail, with the advent of Mao ments Illuminant theories of tone .m- oerate- the Comedy of Manners also metion end different. were perforated failed.° Rama*. ash. lath Ceetery be Dr. Thou. Cope of the U. of P. After MS the greet. nentiment la • reseed. of tie SeNdifie Sock, I. favor of democracy deemed. more held lent Thursday emoting In the desuocretie plays then teem noire Phydni Buildlue. Dr. Cope Meowed 0011210•64, and the Comedy of Manners the bletory of the etudy of ...am was noperoeded by the neotimental deer. sod a ;gal Rhakeepese tome lit some length sad showed the If Played. "The lichoul mathents11.1 4mM-epee of the meat for Ocendet.° the Met. an well e. the important theori.. Br Momat wick gthatent of the Come... of Mame Mb some od the fined noilog fork; seed written". TITS "Clone Corot Wtheent fr." and tewontor ever made. Ono of the most remarksble MM. Dr. Cope mplained that the Momabout the Comedy of Mennen, accerd. elty eurre of perfeet tom followed in. to Mr. Eaton is itn permanence. the Mne rum, Ile teem pea.741.4 . Altho.b notch platys as The School show methematindly. grspbteally mad for &end." tool Cong.oes 'Tone for experimentally how beam resok from Love" were written nearly two hoedeed 'Pare ago. they nth! hold their two ton. whose (repute, in nearly the audieocen amt drew their leo.n en melt AN e ■.-. °The Rhoda" and The .me. litho. for Scandal° are lemons en the Theorl. et. Ter Tese He next odd that theories had two Maya that no esossont of bad or. been edvancod name time ego 10 ea. ling AAA 'pail; they carry on the nheer PlAkil the third note which a amnia. notumf ir ime ir They owe -nth.. orm enhee tol the ear beer. between two other tonee.• moere The trot of these thenri. sa id that and earehdly wrought prone" which is so clear in the twentieth neuter,an it yl0 In the Meldeenth. mad, note. the ire".4brVinothl :ett:ra.n.rn object white wan toot elastie.11,- nye, English istnewege ob..... It will he tudeleel with the bodies prod.-Omthe equally clear in the meentyonemsol. nerved theory original tone. Reeds Frew Play" ruslotatoed that the mood beed wan Mr. Eaten ennelfided the lecture by merely the beat note developed to a reading .me excepts from Conereve'. sotheintly high pitch to mond like a "The WAY of the Wend" end 'Tee tone. Aeloml for Wendel.° and then severe] Modern throne. lave combined the reeent Broadway more... He Painttwo, and he oho's-. certain yhasee et ed out that while every word of the tie _theory experimettNIN, 'meet eighteenth century ern nem perfectly intereeting experiment Mowed by intelligible muck or the el.. of the mane of Iwo onamenetrie Bern. re mode. /deer; was cr n now difficult to flected in a revolving neer. of sir- underetand. Ur, Eaton declared aunt rots. "hat the intermediate lone of the the modem see. like modern play.. me frequetracien eet up by too elbriale. mode for .ntin.1 clotneen of 'Wogbars equaled ale difference of their nos." hot they overlook the leakedfrequencies. awn, -the eighteenth retort' booty that castes our proem.. look ualy and a note hollow.° T blare. Eva., 97, Aeltelated Chairmen@ of Meer Committee The ann.al mid-winter dinner of the • Ammelation of Heverford College In nehedoled fur &turd. eights Feb..., 8 in Founders' Hall. Fabtie Service Herold Evan,. 97, ha. been appointed chairman of the IWO Dinner Committee by 11.. El. thinker, Jr_ Em., president of the Altoona Ansociation. Mr. Mane ban in turn appoluted the following committee: John M. Zook. Mk Parker S. William. 114; Richard IL Gummi, '02, J. P. Magill, Tff; John 5, litodome. "IL lirie J. Menaces. WI: Wesley M. 24. In additiou to these the officers of the Alumni Asmtiation: Harry S. Ranker, Jr., Mt president: Herbert V. armorer: John It. B. liellaniter, meretery. will eerie MN Tionles es-olleio members. winter diem. im pest years The midhave smarted learreetlea Meeker. and it large Alumni attendance. Mr. Enna nod hie committee ere planning to obtain suitable meeker. at en .rly date. and expect the diner itnelf will he well above the average. DRAINS TOMS TO SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY H. M. THOMAS ELECTED 10 BON/ OF MANAGERS Dr. Thomas Cope Performs Interesting Experiments Baltimore Physician to Succeed Father on College Board I P1 SOCIETY MEETS TO PLAN FOR YEAR'S WORK New Pahlitetien May Be Fettered Ey Lfterery Society It "nem dented at a meeting of the we. Ora. re Pi Floelety In the Union or Wednesday for men In the that. evening that the pone" of the organiquires exam...knee of all wbo seek zation for this year world entrance to the Frei... Claw. •Tha ' requirement has CO. murk be ale tearer. end constructive criticism of the two college publkation, the New. Contleued on hap 4 <Mame 1 and the Elmerfordian. A monthly meeting of the Society will be helO one week after the opPENN OAME TICKETS ,. aranee of each issue of the Hare, fora.. The publication. of the New* Game-Iletarday. Nevember for the Nor presto. weeks will also be at Franklin Field dlumsed at that gathering. lo this manoer eMb paper will s I. AmileMe Therwlay Oceeire criticism from so outaide waren tober 2fith. hay I. Emit tutderentduto ort•bei:tgl'rtf%eN17:::::nolt titled to•one aml• Natal aide after ere, ism. bat the point of Mew of larger number would Mensal Salmi en A. A. be of more velum seethe...kip, far SIAO. Ad. The time-honored ettgreetion of comdttlesal Sokoto at *LIM bining the News and Fleverfordien Into MM. one publication mune •t the election but mot speedily dieroMmel. lt was 3. Orders will be liked for also eeigented that the PI Society feeMemel awl trim& of eel. ter the publication of a monthly paper lop In mete le NNW, ,P take teeoboe of the Scarlet. how ford notice at $2.00 oat& deeeened. Whether thin propoeition Ns epiglottis. ferele WIII will be eel. upon ha. not yet been ed. ecid be Hat %It/7 1:',.1•44:143111%. he 1,16,1 MI d SWARTHMORE TICKETS CIAIM-Setualey. November 21, at Swarthmore I. AMMAN. Meet NoMMIter 1st P. lemersed mate 12A0 0000. 0. Amtiloatlee oar* will he ferwareled to Leal Aleetel November fitt. &OW SEAM fur Week AleMel tleket held. NUMBER 22 FOUNDERS' CLUB NOV. 2 Freellainte Ibleklalee le Fellow PAMlea; Baker, '26 le Se ledoeted The Founders' Club will hold its Ord meet.. of the year eent Meeday night, rr to the Mralele prweding lta reception vine undergraduates Masa. There e now In the onmehmtion and Bete, .20. will be induetedat Me mmtinx. The Prevent re Comm ittee ins working on plena for Ole eear end expected to obtain the 0.0•1 mod meeker. for the meeting.. AI the last m.tIng of the Hosed of Menem. of Revert.. Collett. Ole. Ramey Si. Throes.. Jr., '101, of Beiti• more, Mil. woe eleded to mowed his father •• member of that boort Henry M. Thome" Sr.. died on June 21. lie ws e member of the Chute of lust" dud. Its treat.. year. The new member of the Broad is member of the Chen of IOU. He won lip letter In minket In Ida limier year at College and wino einTed Wane Sete Rho Sieet. Frateruity. On Ids graduation from tleverford in 1912 he entered osedicel school and there dulled until 1910 when he received hie toobni degree. Ile .erred ieterneehip or the bloomthmette fleeoral Hasped duet., rhr next year and tottered the Work! Wee is 1017. In the nor he nerved an a Fleet Llemoment t del* HAINES SHINES AT HALF RALLY IN THIRD PERIOD Fad, ,teen pawning be the Revert°. oeuvre Olt!, OVAAAAMC the rnehing teeter of the Newel Academy team and the Segel. and Bleak 9•011•etell.pleyed rood battle el Annepolin on Maturday. Ortober 24, by a 4-1 'rote. The Mato Lines darted off with a nub. end otter a few tifillISIAA el play. Berton received n 1000 crone from Melee, which be drove into the net Nom close range. Ilaverford scored twice more before hatfointe IV. mated, end tech team netted one point to the Record half. Maunders toured the secant! Hawerford Root. white Baker added the last two. The uteeds downpour al rain did not detee the opening of the contest on the water.maked Annapolis field. with Hererford defending the lower coal. A few corm.. after the kickoff. flayretool attested from the right wing. Richt. evened and the ban nitidded through the mod to Berton. who ...A the first Starlet end Bk. tally. Durk. the remainder of the first quarter suoting aes done. bet Haverford elesrly outplayeel her oppowente The MidehiPmen played herd and were epeedy, but little commend -of the ball and had hada tembory to play the woo inetead of the bell. Bandon Mel* booed Seem S000 •fter the opening of the woad quarter. Saunders dribbled down the farkt and mot a low, bent shot no. Sehaeffee the Navy mate. Ilaverford wan awarded • penal gz. kick near the end of the ball, whe Hannon atop.d Borten'. .nt with Hs a wn. Baker". hard drive wee Irapoosible to stop and the helf-time neo o 3-0 for the Malting team. libe ee.ted hoofeal mare creole w itched. %km bertha here weer the Nary goal and netted Reverter:re tomtit telly with a long kirk. Raverford gr. pot on the defenolve several tam. in the lad period, but the work Evens and Logan was excellent sod the few ...es to score that came to the Midshi pmen we. ably domed by Marsha. Rainvo wee the backbone of the half-bark pl../ a tart. bard gamend covert. hi, sertIon of the fie. well. Navy Seems Near the el.e of the third quarter. Wenner dribbled down the left Bide of the field end to trod to Fradd, who hot the belt in the Mr and Planed It In om earner of the Revertant coal for the N•ey'st .le Point. The fourth quartet mon heed fought 00 both sides, but the Bekt was in such a condition that mod play wen next to impomible and neither team neer. L.. wan forced II lease the came with ea injored lea ten minute. before the final whistle Tbe game ended after the ball had been kept in mom.. with ueither nth able mivener. Hindering 117141Ruel reserve strength it the final "miler by twine Naiad. ...eh the opposing delouse for toucb• down, the Haverford Vanity football teem dm.. Hamilton. 15-0. on sloppy Walton bleb lest eleturdoe. October 24. ft wee the Heart. sod Ina. mesa second vimory over the New York college in two yes. and also Haverford's third deafen win this fall. At the nod of the firm halt with the rma knotted at OA the game seemed ermined to end in e seerelete is unloes Hamilton could m aaaaa to make mod the threat which had carried the Mal to within two feet of the home goal-line mely the nerooti gamier. However, it was a rejuvenated Scarlet and Blare elev. which came beck In the mooed belt. aml after winnisg the same on a safety in the third quarter. pt. ceded to pile up thirteen more point. Ia the Nit toned. only to bare ebe final Mantle Now before a third touchdown coda be moo.. The entire came was played in a pourMg rein which Cornett Welton Fteld into s of mud sod made Monthng of the Mill a difficult teak. The mud-alsone with which the Starlet end Black moo had been provided gave them en IA' root.< over their epitomets as ter ea He footing went..4 11..mmie alertnem turned two of Hamilton's had pose. • into zepree. The urns o5f "' th" ea l h ero ' H re7." ettrOe 'lin the third gunner. after Illeverford. ee meted the bell rosiest down the MN from Mel, men meaty-yard mark on four fine dowo, toes the bell on dome on Hamilton.* lit-yard line. On a pont foromtion, the .. from meter eluded the Hamilton biker's hands and the hall rolled behind the goal-line, where Sesame. tackled the realer, who had receptor. the pigskin before he could d art running it back. The Beer. and Black men, net unto Mot with no smell rt margs as two ;mime. ma theniseivem to forte the ball Nero. their opponents' goal foe a touchdown. It wee ehmiltoratho ball on her ewe thire7-Yeol oisrk. Several exchanges of punt.. its which flarrat's eenelstently benutiful kicking Wort gro.d. pushed the Ifemilton punter book of his own goal. Revert°n received the ten thirty-eteht mods from the Hunitton poste. 101441.0.. Mahan Tmehdeive A. steady drive. featured by Middleunit, effective line-plunging and • be.Cameo*. on page 4 AOIMO9 • ..l teitteetoterd nib by Lembetoi arm.] left end left Ilaverford two Yorde front the .0. with three down. Inn which to ems. it, On the firstWY Albert whose work throuthout Ptho sante had beet the feature, of RarerHemline/ ue Fifty Coto.. al ford'. hoe play. openeduu • huge hole in the ...Meg forwarOs .d Middletoe Ansa. Affair The 0,0.1 football and noteer dente Pleased over the line for e tontbdo proved hetot.ery enjoy.. aim a Vassamatie kirk for the extra porn; to nor eventfu day. Deep. BatordayO relay weather, e bme percent. "141 ' tl' h]ennt than three intent. left to age of the crowd which mow Ilarellton play, Hranedlton rho. meetr the defeated, 15-0. on Welton Field it the lock-uff. end returned it to their &tete.ftertuton etsyed for the dance. Then lard meek. A fumble. penal, and A we. shout oae hundred end fifty Led peen took Hamilton bade to her peoples no the Hoot. fifteen-yard line. A bed putt then the Oreheetra froro Wilmingtom out of bound. twentealx yards from the while it played very smoothly. at times Hunditan, coal. Lowry made nee mudl mull not be heard Erman the floor. around right end, but fumbled the tall Their musio however, woe mgreet bemovement over that foreinhed last year arid Hamilton recovered On the next ph. a hod pea. aim. eluded the Hamilton, Mek. .d 8t. en swooped it be The Thee Loehr minder dance we wee .brro , it foe treby Sant Armen... aotl )11. Elisabeth Farmwarth. Armstrong re. tithed the go. for calved a good- Looking pelt of broom Hmaiten again chom to receive, std hook end., representing °11. Thinter' ho lnyetIenifu:m bied „rit. he ba . 11 th tm ern. ed ppo tat. e,,.. end his partner VIA ghee a silmt i ii. stodgy .cam +runtd with the 1001. lege neat This feature was at Immo. hirty.theet-yart.1 line. The mmeanded. .1001.00 Capes dent and one very tonere, .tore the Harriet sod 13le. could more egain. welt reeeleed. The whole line showed up better then The 011141110 Eye.. Committee o an see., particutorty In th "Firth. to thank Pr. end 11.. Pale d hall. when they ...reed the Ntt, Coach and Mrs. Hannon. .4 Penfee.r and Me Lunt for their tiedCombo.. Pere 9. motion 2 ne. in receiving at the dance. •the USUAL SUCCESS ATTENDS FOOTBALL DANCE 0.. CONCERT SCHEDULE Northers The to Girl." Colleges le Pleeeal The whedule for the ..1.1 Clubs of the Cepand Belle in bele, m ade rep under the direetion of Mausger Mem., 'The Atlantic City trip has teen settled for the week-end after the mid-tear examination, February 5 and 8. Tee ens. Wed Chester Normal School coneen will not be tire. his year. but In Its .place there may ter substituted • con.rt at the Phila. NOMA Scheel. joint concert with Prince.. will p.b•ble be beld again. manage• noon is Bebe to arrange ante• weekend tel to two girt.' MINS. and to thie end has written to V.., Holyoke. Smith end Wellesley. Dertsnouthand Hood College have oho been writn te to ste pdedble ea:elements. tory of Gridmen; Good Passing of Soccer Team Features 4-1 Defeat of Middies Olt H. M. THOMAS of the IthrIne Corps mail the end or ho emit ire. Nopkies linhieet 000,0 hie return be wan merle Meldent PhynieLan of the 110,10, City Hoe▪ holding that posItion man 1020 when he entered the John* Hopkins Ronpital, Baltimore.. Ameistant RCMfleet Physician. Shortly afterward he woe promoted to fun Resident them Dr. Thom. N the author of modal nolentific artiei. In medical footman. He le • member of the Pithottou Cleb and Baltimore Club dire has also joined the Bachelor'. reaffirm and the --INIMMore Coro Club. Negro Menial end Cewpomr WEI Give Hie present noldr.• in LS Beemll Perforelmee me sten., Baltimore. bald A auto recital by Carl Ditto.. foremost oegro pienkt and commoner, will be given in Roberts Rell Wednesday evening. The reel.) will be for the Chews le Glatt benefit of the Bethel Afghan Methucry Not Yet Molded dint Eplampei Church of Arthhore, and With the exception of one ponition. ha. been arranged by !hook Mrs. 'who bee looked after the Cbenslatre election of officers for the lint hell year In the Feedlot. Isere Men was elected Peedbl boThaglettoiT:rbre. 7f/lbn :71:e col In- decided. Tripp, who was teresting hero of Ardmore colored Mot. Ives the only candid.te for any talent will be included. The. will be office to receire majority on the • vocal solo. Eva del le Acme's °Chen- tree ballot. According to the dam .. Proreocale.. sone by ..gret reastirotion e plurality le not eofficient Jackson: a saxophone mho °The En- for election. On the second ballot, tine iltar." frolo Tannbauser, played be Teen was'elected es Vice President. Omen. aer, Maier a. Treseurer and MacNexate a• A large etteotheure In anticipated. At Teeth Monger. A third rote win be the time of tains to pre. over 150 otooseary boom • Secretary. tickets lied been mild to under.grodu• Blanc. and AlseP are the ront.I.I.T atm of the mile. slone. eandidanto DITON TO GIVE RECITAL RHINIES ELECT OFFICERS ngra-Itzei mom, z ..r. 0:41- d-r- [mon RADIO CLUB TO MEET Ea.. Lanier Enrellmset The Last Tear: Breelewetleg to Battle 000. Offieern nf the Bedie, Club Me, much larger enrollment this year tbn in former yearn. Ameth. for new memberm will be held this evening hi the redin rout of Sharpie. Hell Election of Whore for y.r will al. be Lehi. Broad.sting from the eollege stn. lion will probably be eland. to about three weeks. No definite schedule Me been stemmed yet. but It le eutein that listener.-in will bear the new Ado ore.... at regular intervals throughont the year. The entire equipment In in process of reconntturtion end a new antenna will he Metalled this week. MLitt. 11117.0041 714711 WHIZ .4.44 TIMAIIATA.Ar• CNA 1177.7111.4,.. IL C. 4. In tics v.v. art Arm, 7144.1.1 1.4 Lao. Hal 41 dr. Wawa 1177741.1.7-214. Chartor CIO 14 74444 W. Ito.. ..711.. -Now 44. Memos rr bso. 7..411 with 7. a Y. scar wax BIONOKY-114.4 Boat Kam.. weirstrearmy-rastee miser wow 0141, 1.41114.4. vwv. 4.sa. Y.. C.. to tee mu. raMia-memes motion Two VA 11.14474rd .71..47-7.41.71 wials Nan of 7.41114 nem 2 RayEssopr. NEWS heel e r and upon the entire 9 HAVERFORD NEWS College. NOTES yeetaellybody , Inwilltorealize be boredthatdee(eh. 'RI Dr.ALUMNI JosephalMarkley theFlCalle, win orepn o Is thei r . and the Custom. e l o ausurati C Conttal lte their tranblelne InDAME. arence CookofLiMichigan ttle °redden work.it. ofDmtheClUnlearnt, EDITORIAL BOARD One et Ann loglienofItofthetthehe failure thorn..ofCommi tteethenyatom Arbor on November 2. the entire undergraduateGeneral hady to public renting motheent Ito emponet-I. aeYE. 11r. 'Charlet Wheat. Stork. bulky. Nome. . mew president of e Pete doefet, MIR heckwhenIts thethe slam. wen of Sophomore w Eon a, Isamen. --le of Ameri c a. wi l Introduce the vl etoitibene heck . 1 . , e 0 the p. m et three Poetre SEM. Afternoone do sayervinion molter held In the Foyer erne.M es . Sr ofttopto of the Academy Freeman I.s.lane. ti n rooti n g month. Theof Intermit for Elm•Harerford. •immi future depends o. enti r e], upon the "Fl e rgerI25i fHtdrnti ! . " 6::, Mr... Free-home clams.. Andfully the ,Fln1eywerd Thursday. November` ovemberNovemberINT., event.masson USWse Contorts to replete Atha 12.Mr.• mmanIng amiCommittee maid have detain. )E., October of gra rNme. thenene.Sophomore rithemesupport hut the ' and lifford DotardDel.IT,of ,1002 g.acme0.8emievtlnoawas W.n.2.neon. WS other ad,Maio Eden well. Liu Arm to is fiat or , k en street. Wilmington. an• miter.nutedrbelotine, cam garterBOARD the engagement •Se ofMaeda. their daughDR. HUTCH ADDRESSED :meth weiasi te John . Jr. BUSINESS Wi l t i e m It. Coder Bei n g at ON AMERICA'S HERITAGE Kennett Nem. Pa.. soil teaching in ga imeo, t h e Kennett :Spore lileh tech. L tun• Leafless. met' Ng spentSitmd.the mummer Btu-knell Sum. se Mawr aml PoorMieleter GherokSerge ernythe•ealateat BeamanI. nem. BrynelReverend Attemberss U.toPozen be. Andrew rhos moved Chauncey Match fr. Oereintono 114 Scull. ifertInge" the eubject of Y.him Intl(' worth Ned. Merl o n. weeMya•nssellog ofg.theOctober "22. Iticharl 31. A.to theonmerlins Sutton Wednesday In teerhine eveni n 21 el the11.Unlifornis of Tee.Oatarm held the Ihtion deue.Paaadene, andInstitute of theinstudent 3ICWa aelnehrt.rmir tr:tot. ateend a number body South "It's a Tough World," Cheater. Cal i f . '67L',Z1,7` /I. Cotes Porker, the who va,. .ted = mt.theMutt+ beganofbyAtnerie, ceiling attenti Weatero on frotothe. reneyleola Theo. remarked one disappointed Freshemacci PadImth owe' meti co "meaning l o al m i l Semi “ n ary and travel nFourth g with oftheJobpol*teethed. itic& liberty which nee shouli•dtom on hinePresbyterian wedding trip thiminer. n Emu-led man to a sympathetic Senior. s.:7= .7rietta r be Il e eomi n ued Smi t hfi e l d Ohi o . amino: 'Another ae etc it: F CwIrtrt' !': at ems great eefrat herittoteofisworship Arnedra'furs relwidth igion aneh. '23. John BryantEngineering I:RUA of ermi "You're not the ne Erie. matimuena one who The Master Shirt PM Orme thenffreedom chinks so," was the the cheerful anm emote the hi n , the Carnegi e Insti t ute of Trchnol o xy, no ley of the country illunteete It. If Pi t ni m egh, and Blouse Co. been one of ere. swer. Eetteriala tle not nernmelly M Mi x in loan a collectl. of in. the Corporati o n mehol e rohl y n oirlduala who hare netwhyasidecannottorethe c.Lc. inditute . Ile excellence civet, anntWiy f hotsetlythe . spiel. of the Wire Motet prejudice. end 1308 recede N. 3rd St, Phila. Ills stounmro been "Let's both Telephone the folks mane occur moon.l [tenons? devoted to wank with the Weetinzinane Crony., at home and unload our worries duty at A night editor itt -The third large lesson ewe to no Dr. Theodore Ri c herds, '85, one New. °Mee in the Ilaverford with theMute.end'Americe on them. They'll be sum to put a of the World War."finmidd a atan.therennet, moot noted of Ileverford every with Mahn. lining into our dark cloud, by phone or perm.' hatereie Neer brotherhood. There must E.reek- of an officer of the ieelno of or Phone nen} courtesy nod big boy!" Roston. Dr. um. Allop notion, are unavoidably Ardmore 11th. Rennie haw smelted eery large inPerham each other. Mena mean number degree. and man. i n cl u di n g Proving chat even under the Most exampl LI.. lb.',Ifrom Harerfard (1111111, the elm .rotherhaad oftheoftuitions la e of• burg MEE,decorati EndoPennsylvania Unlimited Cuts adverse conditions a College Man by cl`hrist the Andes." (19201. The n wi t h the Lee. ° al a rm between Chile eod ArHonor holm. made In recogni knows what to do. A very merilifetedle tendeney can ▪ motinwhieh g. to eelthem the meni.tionw al peamham en- neltionenoc,of heopeci mash.alic work lo the fieldRe. of cuttingin Ameri ofAlmore Com collegiate tered the author of . W responni O peyote b i on l i t y chemi on the c al students. R evphteiolueinhooka. d oubjecteHe hoehaston& also erted moulted in the Honor written overn.m PREP SCHOOL DAY BRINGS cowl tatenthin slidhaw amputate S maiColle.dl.en01detMates at number of unlvereiandlimis The nem step, which tipper. and nbrcsd. /VISITORS TO COLLEGE be comi end more ioitantendant, member ember of nearlyof thetwenty floor in Suits, Top Coats, OverAmerimeletieo can Awof abolnitgioAninnureofconeeremive Mae SFromCommi SetWitteel the Svianodwoodstino lor theandAdvanoonent atthecleaves nucoloraed Kenneled 'unlink Saheb coats e nte 191T, of the Amerle. )inn, mom. . m ice. from neighbor. don weimmure Hurerdendh. itrecestm Chentind Society In 1014.medal in 1010of thebe i u x ommi s dary school . were is w mew e. awarded the Davy lice IlionlIton mom orc Saturday, ie Royal Soci e ty 1914 only -Iinnuetion ut enobefore theprepadvert, wmther metre othe. Nobel London. prize forIncherub-el eche. acknowledged naming.the- at-Maned Mum. Thehype' men were enc resentel theIschool Student Eaten.. nue. f t I p I th i t h prel i n deary scheme we Maurer tothethe introduced Ft ateree atbet-MI nem. atbeetude. wi ettendance 'MHO them toround. JACOB REED'S SONS body. terdames evenIt•optional The .body weewho linden, 'graduate. antbentweerma orb. 1424 the ntudent are wookt believe raise theIt mem. echolnatie smote of waak. theImmediately via.. men wan i n evident that oneeetre—c•arthss them artMold, the Union eft, the thme, Last me telly of themember. it work woulldb a:,erttwhich u ofduet.the. dentsto attain e rapaci andty forthane y Itefrewl Woo metThree vinitom keepreek.It.withThis Is freolAetpeewit. ..... woul d it.widichoin i n i e ri m were nerved.atto this nly the molt Thom o oldocnonItY we. given the hge20—•thmatar men who are foe hel a w i f everforl thi n fi g ure i men woul to d i n tervi e w prep thaw mein matesesc taw Dressed up for Halloween enhoolwhoinert.were molemiled t toInter. oIti haveIn nee any nat be netriction effete ofvrool their former cuts future alt.Prep tooterschool will be eidered let thee ere the me who need Another special holiday wrapper on the favorite most to attend every clew ni( the 1.her1.131,onalthinntliich mooing thourtny, (foto-i.e. dine the Varsity grotdd•uot Isedaffected, teem wi l pl o y Pri n ceton Uni t erai t y quarter. mi a nom ef eack At r. Smi a 0, 0 00 i n Ito l i m i t Intercol l e gi a te wouldfoihave and will lc is heexpected lythewmany Fussy Chocolates keepgmenMophimhark those ling to• cheek entertainedfulntRetorts, theemen IMARIAT—lume Mean us 11workmere, would autometically . to the old eyelet, Thom who Imbitually would hemigivwhatever Wm endto ammeutente en meter Y. TO START DISCUSSION freedom Is a welcome gift at anyThetime.of Especi al y good work intereeleci them ••T nommiltm headed hY Baker. email Tama,cheers nem e of i t s creatures of wrap, en make in tee seldom mom, leciderili,, ni t hed In a col o rful pi c tured that three men ore mere, in their "20. wil tile year Pieter the continuafi t the occasi n o n.al assortment chasms Probabl y the fi r st speci t c ' t ' hcl a l e 7Trel l ' e ni d tcl e 7 t17. ! ' g ri . ! Sam atoms Professor. . are toindimpryel by thr chocol a te to cater en Indi ndutl taste name of no Berm mi l e from naming abilitie of men hi theirthe elem. "nu/ Erder:.f.r.,td,..Y,7,?:.,!::r,i' nee ofiditheomOrme. moodet about older members of Whitman's ....,. They wilO.ymbahly lhol:!,1.474„December ammaant the oubyeet ' e at t . the cl e vel o pment um rue ofyowl war 0 l e Wi n er ed etch-. eon. level lect.Theenddisneunal any member the chocol a tes. Nuts, nut ortheMebelbetter ow thiofstudent. s.theWithmere, ittiliprofemor nofdiethe d cornMons fur membetwhi p le nerd. teeWedOnmer is tlin emu. mete and thatrouge. ellwelyoung people In tide con1al deliciohidden us WhitInen.. mean bei n g c ome. nem wet teeter pee coo chocol i ng a te. Look forepeeist Hallowe'en wrap, In Moe sionelMomredeem me, member ic whichnotcould need I.thewehimml and FACULTY NOTES would enablthate updid en...el, .21;'ciani7":„n'follows: 4 need. It'• y'"Itlal :71t Whinnerea WWHITMAN n al y Contort In short Ile.been E. D.aprmi SnyderntedmadAneoci Mr, A.ate Prof. Orgy. it woulwed notnil-mete affectthimateri have thewl elehn. U. S.A. Sae Fe Inc, mem of Englieh firleutretia re. alt.., Wa- BREAKFAST t a m Tack • Damao get B aremeer. and d., woul d not ci g mt InInstructor structor ofMr.Pellet. for bee momideedand edMute one year nom condemncontiwhonuedereIntendance, LUNCHEON DINNER Reined emu mom wo remendued. at Newteethi Coltege finally it scradd •Iford poolmorenook. . op. Coforg. cudin one ofre Wed./Inn. nMr. g Phan, Aadmore 1340 cm e Colvermin their hest. 'olby Eugliheneh wibeenth coteri particular line. appoien]tedrefer,roannerMitomthee inetruction of the Freoh• Coruoson.presided, at the Kurtz Brothers Preohlent Comfort merdne Pensylvaohtwhich AeleOria. 1421 CHESTNUT STREET pm of Coliege Prenidets ol d wt Chembernburg on October Ti. without twi el t ogether cause. en.t•oncerni Menorah theCuetome under gemi n ate hod, o x the Maimedto regulate that thin Commi body Inttee.xInin its effort agemond; contaiWenthhocol Eradiate pieThecm FussyPack Provident Mutual enelPeron, oaing AlBradt Ed.ete . Mei t ner. beets. Nether Nurs.Mut;Pee., eleimml Mot mem Pest... Double Walnun, Peen Carmel, Triwi t hoot dbobeyellwlthetorope, ple tank,that ouch itntbethegrimed FennoBrittle, Almond Dates, dothemirani, questi o n el i g en—where it wholly with the tinw• Opportunity Commi1.1tscent tee? Itninwould not.Ma,Haverford Is The Gift Shop for I tranoition in • the whole Freemennupervision egantion, tifdomeInPeblenbelt.ofWilde Life Insurance Training yen. deed beenticalled fledmoments-11 nliming term, woeen fashi roelnybyenetibytheenodSudiet. tcho•in mom elem.emiThe Suphiunore hash. MAUEL Floral SWIM t AlA1U0 FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD step forward in t the ‘.01 Flowers.AD•PottedNPlanta G. WARNER. Hark erford, Pa. D. W EST, Ardmore,. Pa. way of organization. The Customs creme-taw MERION CRICKET CLUB, Committee wanlMe G. KEMPEN, Ardmore me and Goldos.Fie toe the repoonthi Freshmenin Pl.be-- nt.sitf aninsw9. Ity forward MAIN LINE DRUG HENRY PRESS, Haverford, Pa. Page OCTOBER 26. 19E6 as logriv etatiVatzet7noser retinal Hawn-ford 00.0121 th ,a Mein th den o a 0. arauarba. umr The Milk' it, and Thera. 110 Mn. Only Lash. 'N . I. cat 971!`"" Si. • I. Hein It loge is... tenit.1111.t:l 01,2to. end ...area nun tilt,. Let June at Noe Neatinell• te toe IN INN by d 'many 1e . e ...nine in rile he fon all ter e Mast Sa The b. itleardeti hate hv Brettstegaall W. Netting. except tletnrgelt ceive re- Ire. item. from any macro. must demented on isolotion. Ike nothing. silver Honor by Felten. Cooeul et Ardmore of Irmo oboe. crooned treaty h a 01111 i, the dit-istion• it and student g end ment. ter tiompiiittiry Nembar el y tim of superior character. Perfectly tailored present that It Ilia of sWie of m correct fashioning, $35 and upward. II aunt, and or th th sotkisrmsot e tee ttl I regreeente nteet• held ml with a a dm ork to SIN. la by those of that this the ti CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA Le ow: ..0•13—••■. .eked fee geesist.- Not altd we.. FOILLINT--mogre, Fagot "" Tye Note Watt al Ito Dee, our N.. he is on endeavor to amt as gelLIIIIT—cgrone et to beath gage. NOVL10 ...1.1)1ZZ—Lee CNN, Is 'egke non- Icy e- ver the League teat that the as trent preeent on Imo get high At plan Committee Plane Olatanalea Group* Brewed Beaeratoor 6 6 the 100--The INialm Mort- 1171017—Itary nett cal. .,' -Tea NitletioN, INNIVOl—arty Gore. to -SU N91110 .110.glet• Or NOILIO—Ileotlee- Met Wear INN. CNNn et all ebWr "01 ! GUNN Otte ee New Ilentc Ne4e1eoka Newlyn ins •. eu., NNW. Dream.' NI. RIM!Package for bbillOWAT because nuts Is now only of ONtlea. era Writ ttlid are roomed 10 keel, sta r of '4 gcnoP 11.3- en of (.Ike" the Fumy Penknife le MINN." nig. ftmeas mad galeelay Neat. MONlege.. •Islases:c ara. for PIN. ent4 engore: INarNt Yew FL .QuAlittr ,Intei ID a heavy of the be the Poore our not W IPlea. Nellelet. verazzanaer Itavg—rhaa. area. Lao ereeeon. end mooe., nude for More who prefer Elm it and 1.11.1. Wren. the How Peeing:T..4th of with selected mom. in ahem eve, neighbor. hood in the Inriik that ace agencies foe in th. nee system , lite ▪ tie bent .rodent., it ...ON encourage men to HAVERFORD so K. foe STEPHEN F. ti TEA AND DINING ROOM Mr. SON. for need ttl Partionty to studying ....wrote.* 111111 am tnri th ar m Tr, 110. * Slicitritfos 1■11,1.1.M4 n1 lb. Customs Committee woo i•riircot jilt! CSSONLYPRISD Uea Smokes—Soda—Magazines ie WILLSEY & DORION fi proper 11 Ie 114 W. Lancaster Ave. 11,4• besurniNtampany of Allaeldplan Almonds. Noma. Nut Sodden. Double Peenutra Nowt. Cermet.. and At Grantee Packed in boxes (tom half pound to three pond. Ardmore being 1,1131111ii no it 11 tow Pictures. Picture Fronting and Noveltim An Milt Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Way ne THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP 1.111 11- melons Paul Loder, Manager Philadelphia Agency of I 11 South Fourth Street BY C. M. STORE, Ardmore, Pa. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ▪ OCTOBER 26, 1926 EDITOR, ALFRED RUSSELLS HAVERFORD NEWS FRED ROEDELHEIII WILIJAMI MAGUIRE HARRIS G.T.HAVILAND ALLEN HORTON COLLEGE SPORTS Page 3 F. ANG M. SCORES F. AND M. WILL OPPOSE HAVERFORDTHIRDTEAM @MERMEN WILL FACE Elamittenhir se herd-hitting, well. SCORES OF coached rombi n on Saturday. Oyer. pmt of their harks amned on the d HAVERFORD THIS EH BOWS TO WEST CHESTER PRINCETON SATURDAY ties, battiesthe,for dosed penal do•pedmes,someparti-clulidaerlpenal l i g ertknoWe 2. mughi y from number 12. Lancaster Eleven Has Good Normal School Eleven Wins Closely Matched Teams Will seemingly turned feeble Promin theBelfirlestd balandl Harerford Record So Far in teem Meet in First Game of by Score of 21.0 in Hard Pena, 7; Chkei d t, beetl i n g aggregadon that woul d RR Hard Season I ntercol legiates Battle 7 dammedon notvictory. he stHamiltsod on is theoutweMl onlto yiteam The 13... Sera rthetere .. 2 Interaiiegiate St. Jen% 7. of the but we norwereechedul e that Hama. andhioutfoughtt' dearly fold College Reserves allowed the Saturday. October 91, with the 21, at Lancaster. protease., strong Iwhen I he the Primate. Inteamtheseemed Brat half. Bt• beaters invade to getmug and datet. Scarlet and Week territory. HarmSatwi t h 1926 FOOTBALL PLANS ford met the Orsrtge and Bl a ck team urday of 19-2. eve, thefootbeltilme samehas1910 BCH WINS, 2 1 1 wherde Garnet, •tthe of the League reason In won that •belI{mare laiverford managedon tothe preceding 1004. three inehoul a row.d whew The woy the DISCUSSED AT MEETING ame wan won the men g remai n i n g opponent. Wismar eteren 'tasted its battle. only one steady Eight Games_ to. Be Played. the difference that dole real fight FROM JUNIOR VARSITY makes InFlint • te.mReif Llellom Handicapped by the Including Four of This not to Sod re wItself io the inabibellityt 1. Y.Slippery and M. earprieed e Condition of Season's Opponents of mee team Penn Statealthough eleven ecorel esefinally for anamen. tire half. they fi r st down before Ward the Field veert year, weeks'atrent. At they NM wantedthe toStiberrembed. 1341. before the greater weight though ers of the Ex'Fr:neif 2:41,`:T.Itzr. To Bret home ecuti v e ono, the playa front.thatthe Newofder.tb ' s 7:`,":44°.= Lehi g h by 'AI, sevolition members university of the 1924 to It smoky hare bee i l u mme benched in favor glom of their opponents. The team the treader*. controlcondition of the belofl bombes of coded. Princeton meow of new material the glimRemand Get Three Downs l'orlsoeted. lioverforil dlesehed mer, field snit date missed. Lehigh, Good Shapee N.Y break irgriern7,1 I with • wee not se lienteam can gai n agai n st a haraer• ri , 71%17,,1 good orbit. erns. lc.. -chargi ntackl g line.ing and blocking were vs only handicapped W the later of r The on t tamable game, The fierce. asgma• Of the Jahn's May Be not ap. Moe a timer half. did A. soon pear paimotinfs le, on defense for long calm uoti1 the of the sinmus oa emended. tackl i n g ' h e peri o d. e er h Point. 'Why eredonInEltheeverford ot easy task winning clwokose oretheMUquarter the 3001et Vme-10 goat lieertmeking oast The team nearly arm? Ssmantnorehadowe star of (MOM di m i t y acme I d pl a ne encephala On theAlblertine*adthe Redone play Weewere not up riefenaMe work of-the ma the Main Liners likely toa he a tohioo.gtheilh.t eeemed r teenietor form. Oreenn andren Sumclaim moteal. al l o w thentrai to preen pre the Le•kept playsMartoo ofdeithe ty. Sasso- Lath goal ha period. *Meal FOOTBALL TEAM BEATS menautweeofthethe reel HAMILTON BY 15-0 bed though 1 do think that he is Impreve, tr.da,2entera:,.4"a,corner Showing ll kick. Fry 141: Starlet indsirentts et s Mocked, god To thitherto:11 rr a env: ateenfthened Rod her the tMasenien and To-day amsmen. bat he l o ng. eecti . distiekiruMbed bi r ovi f backfield was the defensive piny th e rate r II - • keepincgks.thewhibalchl were Inetrumeotal in kidrop cked. tit r r Men's redden. Lomberti changed end monad Saturday ay. bilmerlsrd ROHN, RUMSEY Raccoon Coats Web- haloes Haarford semolina atster neede mace Mit fordrive. hlis Lamed ELECTRIC COMPANY proved over the last two pines. Mid. tack by o• sorb., 0.0 Ele.ting Somali. end off.leadiItng himbaenough. the center' . t bell in front of faul t not bet i t certainly OilmanbeImproved 1 noticed with eppearsoce on the Ilarerford 1007 ARCH STREET BeldSaturday ofco.Captain Leh411 71fihrIvenue Rf 351c.Street operatioMiller. n Mitchell...Ms Raw PORK At Founders Hall HENRY B. WALLACE hidelen.bell PhiMt Often I Irma If Mr. J. S. Hirschman, Representative CATERER AND CONFECTIONER into th to be in It. If memos to Wayse and Bryn Mawr on the daThere Are Accommodations ter of deetre, for the bemh. corded the bell The up onshould down That Haverfordians IlarprIord the t he at the Hallowe'en Party CeMpIl eented find our whether HAVERFORD CLUB goal. (ETTER you are expected to modd, hi e phtyi n g 1227 Spruce Street, Philadelphia arbor limn wear your costume all hock. Our hied. Mimeo long find evening, or whether every Rooms from $25.00 per month up one will unmask and wear the ban aud hitting regular clothes later on. iheed nventiInIncreased ontheon second linwork e plaiy.nhalf. betterBetter blorldto.na Comfort Congeniality Convenience and passi n g At think any rare, nowclothes is the time he emphasised toFall new for Suitt : 'Topcoats and ofWinter. Buy Your Clothes and Haberdashery EDWARD CLOTHES Overcoats : Tuxedos teams at the —."Mode for You" 01 eir ram Q875 ."d p387' the rider, are kind you want to Two prica.only wear. fabrics They arebymade all. expertof mi. CO-OP STORE ton—according to the latest Edward K. Tryon Company $875 and $12" style dictates. A Sample Line of Official Outfitters for The EDWARD TAILORING CO, lacBrowning, King HILADS LP H 1A The Haverford College Football Team. we & Company SPORTING GOODS HALL EVERT THUlt3bAW . (Established-102 Years) THE OBSERVER FUTURE OPPONENTS some oar destined 15 F. API H., ill a a swept opped tame back Ice, a Varsity football game with F. end kg, scheduled for next liatorchm October enceinte,. of the Penn PO, ho to the hardent entree fader the Starlet and Black eleven this and H. downed Swarthmore last by the deeislrewore the Ideft`tdaY, had esee out a 2-0 victory' over Dens., Hoverford, other The any, schertele with an elm, siclore ever Albright, 1E41, the re being a good on :or ea early • game. The (phewSatitrder F.. th fouttall world la hoIdInt the etrong Delayers, 6; , co, ootruebed Pen. State St. Jahe's O... a together and they This Sr., Into sure I the trot th we. doe to overconfidence or to the two rate, inked half. In bed daring the were poorly executed. Hamilton presented a strong enrabit eleven. hot the labia trouble wee more to high ne playing than in th the deceptive thould understend that the beet tray to up hfildea.ball plays ie to get through to the backlield. On a muddy geld no for their ab.nee in the firm pert of the Mt the around the Ileverlord met left their feet In Wnking and rem. never bnireMotil of the 'gni. they entirely coo he Rama. alert for (arable, All year h. bee 4.114 hie eiMI.enee was rewarded by eight .han continue, to too Mow though . 'to getting down under punts and too easily the credit of stopping the Rine drive down tbe which erumbled nine Inehe• from nut goat. Rutherford should he nevem inclined to hose ia hl. play. The most impreesivs feature of ode On . geld when genre footing wee impound., the H lord Junior Varsity sobered ire hrt defeat ef the seen, toting to the Wore of one. The pre.nt ehamtwo ;onto pione of the Stem League were unable to VIM after time anent certain ecoree were heavy leant, mttd that covered the en. playing field. to the first quarter the Lehigh eleven assumed the ogeese at the atart sod coaled the ball to within wowing din. ranee of the goal again and again. The excelket work of Enna end Clifford, smitten by the half-hang prevented it wore In Toward th th dose to the Lehigh goal, only to be tuned away by pretty Lehigh Mons. Lehigh Yana Lead. continued In Haverford c the next oloose clot. remelted but the pining of Dickson held one Ifeaterford Hoe linwerlem to wore. Ten intoutee before the save resulted in kicked the bah from the opener, a welle0 pant Hasotre. Jefeuge 11..erfoni Ili .rortber. :41r,11111 1,.g. th:1‘a. Sic Garrett He seemed to make hell in midgehL Kilver4 hie style of running and gained some retool tackle sent. the fleet time 'thin year that he hoe The third mintier wan meneless for shown hie true ability. Lowry able both teen. After the reel betweeb seemed to ran with wore hr the and constantly kept Hawkins Fees ankle. Elle getterelship wee much Ian. sxl Anton ...Bed loeffeetive an the wet erford aroma. One the iddle of the Meld He seems to be genitally show period the Lehigh line Organ a series In getting may of short ormes end rushee which kept for the home seam. he should me:imbed. Feel till the period ended. In the Met quarter or the 501111, t at that the often. Improved began to melt s ow on whorl ...ea teed rushes. tickle the bell Iota territory and Coned. roll' keeping It there. Several antler. with the other to lark inn on often.. but on dittoes gnsr ently sure recites were lord on tngent whole benume the linemen could not lower end herder than hl Iler, diagnosed plays well. Owe whole gee- hen Unktin.:11,74:1.47gslitr"th'tritli ondary, however, seemed to le mucked tr hawks nod dribbled down the indite left! inoo too ettsily on the saw players in the interfer- The wont keeper tuned out bet Teat ence mina their oppencnte. itotnatirn. slipped the hall over to Eines la the net and Es tea' trappri it. drib. then wee no leterference. the linemen e evideetly forgetting who was anpn.,1 bled it dose, end then drove It With the wore tied the Havereve thet there net. ford team showed Improvement in their in no racy. for this et this time in playing. Reed. the Lehigh Out. field sde left. Then the ...it. If • ploYer by cheater( inn speed. neerepestedly misses his man he should ded the ball d d th he benched. Monies le wholly n It. stud if a player lecke the tred Two nab. were prevented by the desire he should third; it over for n flimby work of Enna end Clifford. but while on time teem he notion.' thorn the third hr centred to Neel.. wheysemed sada, the umpire's whistle. 1£ the tall-barks and chat the nning he peaelty ie on owe. anal from eine ten.. notemay refuse it aid take the ball Eva. Stars et berthed Point of adretwe. The hell-back nn of Haverford wee Tea. I ehould like to camping. the tena. strong, with. Silver. blinf, tog. the u Zga biT.' rlfeal'.oin't boiling 'alert. tbe Lehigh It onald be better to have edserene-attache being thaponelble for the the end. rind. in pt-rs tone He.rford telly. Of the full-borks never Neel, Saone get riff man accurate to break through for manta kirks. Clifford tackled•hie man withHaVerford• earnml the derieitin hy out roles. elogely following The line-nw Ifseselonif. 0, Poolliso nreili should Inekm tide week. There la not elnle mho.° of let-up Co be tolerated NIT; the reatot the eearam, I think the men showed thenteeives end the alumni that they can be a Smart team. They are able to win from th orb when they really Bahl with the *obit !het the showed in me .eond belt of over Hamilton. tin St, Jobe'. College, W. and H.% ant wee Er Is bat Inekiown with one of the been teems has had in rely,, won a hardfought battle with the Leneute. @loreo bs rt 741, store. Then In last Salerdeg'. mmL the ever-dangerous Swarthmore ]erect with Ita reeved of having scored Iwo Ingo touchdoirns on =detested Peen, wee ninth.. en.. and ids defense. end went down to, a 1S-2 Wal. end St bunts of a heavy, welltrained combination, inlet. depends en win atraitht f.theil sod herd (nth., to win ite mean. Co-ordination end tent-work have been owned ea me. 0orte for the Lancaster eleven's excelent record this very, and individual kers are few. Stilosta Is Backfield Vent Mahn. it left Itelf.herh, le maunder. the most inner°. threat In the him backfield his mwed end weight catkin rat running. Rein, et right tackle. prObittgy the mann. x nut fat the f0rw.rd hoe. Albright ,. o 26 IS Diekiesoe Ono of the harden games Pushed back by sheer weight rather then minium. football akill. the Lee.a went sesaon Pared en Writ Chester Normal School eleven to wore three touchdown for • 21.0 victory on Friday. Playing e brand of football better than en which thee have shown Ode yeag the Cole., teem gave the Tomat Sen. a good of West Cheeter, toundowns was gained by a drive down the fold. n Hnverford Noe Me cod e hog run through a broken Bela paving the wey for other tree, th Ceptein Oilmen woee the toss and elected to teethe. lie ran the kick-off beck thirty raMe. Haverford's often. reined Cbee• ter could fethom Ito milmnents' etrek. After nn exchange of punt, the Normal ftehool beano a drive down the geld from ilech in its oW11 territory. which ended to a touchdown. llopidne took the ball arrow on fourth down slier Hovel-ford hod held fur three within ite own 6.yard line. Henna neared the.ensuing Point as the OPtirillg Plan for fontbell nebedule were the main topic under consideration et a meeting Athletic Committee. held Met Wedanday. October 21. The other beelitree of the meeting wee the co. pomtment of H. C. Evan.. ee. retary of the COMMIttee, 0 which entitle. the holder to a neat on the Student Gooncit The bunchy.. !nitwit schedule for Fleet /Mv submitted to the content. in. offense whieh resulted In three ear, eluded gniller with at /east four of this Tripp Hamilton, 17:1!..? 7- li!rl',"f4nte'm ; yegie Het will probably elan iv. few X41.71 by three feet. end the third team was on. more on the defensive. elude o new with one of the hie unr. io en 192 Nebedule. either Late in the peeled a flarerford fumble Penn or Columbia. on the 211.-yard imet.d the szny for We. hewte's rod ouchdown. St. PI*Yee Llorerford seemed to stump end atetlisested new games, St lowed the Normal ehhool harks to tate John'' Cohese. of Aompoli., gi. through the kne unr surely herr Ma on the list, weal fine bad been crowed. The try inn one efflillit New England for point Wan blocked. but Heterford ranges al. be wheduied. It In off-sides gave Cbeater the also [Moly that that Juniata. one eat kept the bah for the year's oppments. may be teken ban. In all the schedule will Include eight bin THpI. V2.1,7'.1ZZ goWes. Several more enthral chine. the for neat year were .so muse, lielellotteil, end may be reedy for pub. exmdlent dejenive , while lication nest week. Tripp. Enewortb vard 011.n proved to e amouthamosina ,onthination in the backfield. The 0, hartbfought battle which ended In a 1-1 tie. This wagon both teem. mem to have Improved Iluverford hen oar of the atronges teams that the College has ever pro dneed. The Princeton tam ohm has greatly improved line-up and have made a end thowtog co for thin ...goo During the pate week the More we the inexperienced Williams tesm and dented them by the everwhenbi moat of 12-0. This indlee tea good georin posses on the purl of the Prineeto team. kn.,. illaiteete some sore., ready for e bin yin Harerlori In Flan fold's th Block is will not be able tak pa ri to the week bot expecte tit ban re covered from hi...juries by Swards, The re of the team it at sod i fee the minima Clod of It The some. or failure font's loternfiegiste League the outcome of thi foreseen that neithe game. It eau teen, will hare an The threrford Ant mowing system him many advantages over the usual milling type of play of Princeton. Thl sligh should advantage in whet ie The dirZirte 7:"" Condoned Innis Mg. eras nustaing forwards Mom. oansthei mod again n,ole Alberti el left gourd who fought ee, Warmly throughout the entire mane. tg~f even otter he Inol leen bun earl, PI 1m ter _le the ee,,,nd half. wortni Vs■t ir114: Nig'korilli4.NetUrrgt in the end positions. tooth of iietel using their need to whin., to trek ti■ no3 10n piece from behind idol 0, dEr31:1;:i" no I in the backfield. Iherrett's umutedul tinting. Lanhertre interfere..., work find Ions end rusk, bliddleton'a con.,etently powerful linehnelting and Webeterht generatehIP. hie Iona off-tsekle g ain and hie pinny Way after he hoot fern lenity hurt, nil co tined to form e strong threat which ahnehl prom [retire extend env Hinek's future opponents. The Mr inter,- Machinery Everything in Radio Gunther Preeivr, mak "= PHILADELPHIA 0 re Prat the Kmekeeneeluorthething w001 .kriamesseleseatsrate mono' P DISPLAY AT POUTIDERS J. LIN HILL lel CHARGE • - 012 Chestnut St., Phila. Stock OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Is Permanently on Display • ▪ • • Page 4 HAVERFO,RD NEWS SOCCER ELEVEN DOWNS MIDDIES BY 4-1 SCORE Continued Doha page 1. mama I The Considering the weather COndltiona the play of the Fleverford team was the eablblted this season The name. Merlon Title & Trust Co. beet were l, and occurate and the CC11.ternug of the wingmen wee good. The backfield work was greatly itoorneed. Evans and Logan both made Ions welt. placed hoot. end were thre in their tackling. Haines' work a left hall wan Ardmore the feature of the game, at the small Llarerford back handled the muddy, Narberth Bala-Cynwyd elippery bad faultlessly. The Ent played together welt. displaying more ma; than it has before during the eth. The line-rip: asteir" . Total Resources Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan Spring Ave., Ardmore SUEDE LEATHER OCTOBER 1111, 1111$ COLONIAL MacDonald & Campbell GRADE ICE—CREAM Bon[ A WiNTAREALERS Pasteurized Mee Smut Jackets far College Clarified Leas MILK Itne Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going SIAM Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Mee SHARI sea rrare ...p, =1 MT 110 Mg; IMAM WE Ahem Ma arm Meer 1125.00 LEADING TUNS at $10,000,000 mama `°eYwl Lg: t7:1 1. gram also. Bituminous C 0 A I. SPORTING GOODS STORE FACULTY GIVES STAND Anthraeite ON ENTRANCE EXAMS -Gas continued from pato I.. mimeo I Weiglanan BulldIng fuartacadensit staharidie. Idthough it prOleielh, 11.111WO. amino. Ne Entrance Clanlaleatisa II is of fundamental importance that lhere Hamlet-4s he maintathed. To tint s ad the Faculty desires to record lie settled conviction that atEetie by whatever mme or phrase it moy be called or deserated. should be even no consideration ail a qualldeadon for entrance fate Iforerford et CoLlege, nor for the anaina Wan scholarthip io the College. The re=n7 f. sreqr thnalaced that tees i1 the only course worthy of the heel traons of linverford College. Only tide way ems the development of 'all-around" Haverforellath be con tinued. 10% OFF On Suits Trouser Suite 1:J111' ULU la rod Vetterlain Fuel Company INCORPORATED 2 ONE'S APPEARANCE IYLVni.,17MIVIL'0: ro- seactmana TOUNO MEN'S ess.se STRAY/BRIDGE & CLOTHIER Good clothes do not make success but they are a part or It. Yam' appearance is ad nest people have to judge by. Don't underestimate its valve. False economy often causes a man to be MIAjudged. liabtimimIntrY 1:34.1396 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA Our clothes cost a trifle more at drat but they retain their shape and last twice an bag as a readymade sole. Why not get the best and get it here? Phladelplia Far Your Sporting Goods and Stationery PYLE & INNES Try LEADING COLLEGE TAILORS MAX ABROMSON 1115 WALNUT BT. 3 Wed Lancaster Meath Ardmore, Pe. HAYERFORD PHARMACY HENRY W. OREM P. o. COMPLIMENTS And Tuxedos of THE TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK At The PHILADELPHIA D. M. WEST Pharmacist CO-OP ARDMORE. PA. Pharmacist to r Th Tsatr a abat AID1110Ethil Mb STORE C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE COSTELLA BROS. Fancy Fruits and Vegetables WE DELIVER 22nd & Spring Cudgel M. Masada., ler. 3.1.thith bather Math Path, =AM Telephone Ardmore 1372 4gx ou'll never make an electrical engineer" FRESHMEN, SOPHOMORER JUNIORS. SENIORS, ATHLETES COblood young ▪ Do You Know? "HOW TO STUDY" Man named Hit firstactua/ order—the den ir The yeett0. 0 ettiok Irderr I. "meg ere get when they Taylor. just gradu- T trification of • ewe r int la tedrial rrirrisrtiorl Hair they epprr. rarity ILI 2001ite rrearive 'akar? Or err MI filmed nor therms ating so elm-Died scrap yed—vms greseth? engineering at the awarded to him University of Notth at a higher price glom itomethi.• ntha.nock or Praftkel BIM. on the Technique of Effective Riody by WILLIAM ALLAN 000010 d 0 ed 1.. 0 030 %,,01, "r 0 o", a. Icee m mat a lim anew am! Mama 41.53TIC n'.11SSOLTitesi ESPECIALLY lancomennislan ler overworked otodents and ethiettd nracraor's conviction was based on qua he had "lived with" the job and given owr papers and was amply justified. But the all the ocruicc this implies. "' "son "°"— I:orzr Some of the Topics Covered alms.nth ...Cc sea HI. smith. Dth Add* Tants.. re=o. for ...ems., Wride. Pe. ElefelAeltanv. mid lairestion in samba Sc eta 1.11, ao • Stt.. cones., E17 y.. Leetore sod aaus o thronzg..and Olmerstethes %V; Car Tutu Cetorme, wet ad- than that asked ✓ised by • comics- by any other dam professor, The bidder became young man we, not dathuraged; ire bad other hopes, be mid. Today—tea years lacer—he occupies a peculiarly important position with the Westinghouse Company. ntcnl'Tpe do, men coacts do cot them to be thry thong. Ate!. et ..44.11; the at hletes. are /thrwortel.- Trof. te,.gans .../, , -111enrected tabor, though hourst , tha,well ught. asthma Me Moil important th na or the NTteath mu efo tabor may be mrgeiy . mio.7 ,,gly.,.. atut. ggi7acFe=en .t ' .iet reed titte red an'natt .1'sf.7milibroalaZ3tt 101 yon how I to Isola all 1."6'. You Need This Intelligent Aesietarice CLIP AND MAIL TODAY. Pittsburgh Sala OfFre—the larger dial-- Sinn of the Westinghouse Company in Me surprbed at a repot from Lon fon an in- entire country. Today be has a Wes definite leave of absence. He wanted to organisation of sixty-five men. take • job with a marrufactura of steel mill To get the mummer's point of sinew go the limit to anticipate hit wants end keep hie '. satidled—tbia ie The Westing- Before Carl Taylor had completed has machinery, ire order betas to understand the problem of each mew of electrical equipment. His leave lined two yews, house min -policy. It u the policy of all had Feviously told clothing in college. He returned from the sopmintordeney of enlightened indunrial organimlians. Men He had telected an electrical engineering a well-known plant— returned at ft lower who on exemplify to u their panonal comae because he believed the industry salary duo the supetintendency had paid careen need have no question about their peornising for men of Ealing interims. him. But within thee years he wet fissres. Westinghouse Moeda.. enthral rthilawn. II Hat gam It, low Toe. Gentlemen: tongich"I'drecrILis Name thereat meagre of the industrial division of the is very 0 ed offart. ter this thett.both mod guies.risyw!'.. • ..'"(7 e • wk.,. SOME months Wm the Company was apprenticesbipwith Westinghouse he began to sell spparnos to unlity-custorners. He Why You Need This Grade Tad +frier ef dtdrelyetIllatett thrPON light to them feenietu. Lath .taper ere Mill a7 the acrd M. ohs rant le Wittiargkarte octoitr tar 1.0 air parr, immairtro, after grabdiM. of lral'esee;.'1" COMWa.41=.M.L.MMU.AMIMUMMMWM..MM.,VMMPIAA.,,,AAA OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE