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- NEWS VOL. XVIII. HAVERFORD (AND WAYNE) PA., NOVEMBER 29, 1926 NUMBER 25 EIGHT CONCERTS. NOW Harman Reviews Successful 1926 Season of Footbqll DEAN PALMER TO ACT DEFINITELY ARRANGED Coach Praises Entire Team for Six Consecutive Wins di1t1 AS PRESIDENT DURING Looks to Bright Future FOR MUSICAL. CLUBS NEXT THREE MONTHS NComb Hamm Negotiations Being Made for Five More Appearances During Uason CONCERT AT ARDMORE Mere.. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL CONGRESS TO MEET AT ANN ARBOR THIS YEAR witt the game. Even thou teams which hart a mean very high. They were MOO= rm., r their team determined to fight. That happy 'kw," of gap quickly with • neat Ater feel a they made "'err effort "o• pardonable ride at theromplettov of ahem:. when the team PeRible fought anint that e. • rk whfch Moen. team. to win n spit• of the °ram p Tht f •°°°° de "65proud of tearViUtteral :Lyra, alt m eet scholantic 10 and l. had hell and a b°"°•team that limes the hair- "aIbla bread of difference tweet. winning n t wee • ewe and, m' ilfoniOirkt tr sore he dint uoderstand. FL k tk l i e college wee full credit elendidly behip e .°4 only the 'Yawl', Mt", Mm due the cheer leaders. Meteor Ent the b°°°• whom "mmm" Bread,. for theit anlendid gab in at lent three Vella. Nenee keeping our "twelfth man"work an dna fan and many of win. Mend Meer. mom It can truinanebe said that a football team fa tes Nile lane. Flanotally ti geed or an poor or Its . Lrt., the eft, Lt.!. dik-11-ii-it Will Hold Office While Dr. Comfort Is Absent on Chinese Mission TO CONTINUE AS DEAN Haverford May Send Heller as Delegate; Student Council Gives Aid 160 COLLEGES BELONG J. I.. Heller, '27, ofot member Eight oaken. here been definitely Ireao Frederic Palmer, Jr., him been armedd for the Haverford Musical faoprd poc ittige.ctotiog r.op.r" eidd pec ntw.ofwDe covenc, of the Student Council,"wkil probably CNN to de. by Id A. F. Horreprennt inneeford at the second ass ton. 'V. and negotiations are being coal con,. of We Natio.? Student fort daring th e absence of the letter in made for the more joust appears.. Federation of the United Staten, to be China as a member of a special educa. held at Ann Arbor, MIL., of the Glee Club and the Inatrunnental for three Rona comminion to Unman UlmerRaining December 2. Ao age Club. p prlation of us hem been net •. Two concern which avowed on lust ht7the student Conneil E. DEAN FLINT, '28 to help meet the Fs schedule Dartmouth mad Gerof the trip._ lac [elle over the office Let hate, Who ha. been elected eaptain of theestrous. mantown have been droned thin year, . 4. a '26. editor of Ti.. day, when Dr. Comfort left Haverford 11127 football team. e has corny our, repreliented the college but nveral new comerts have bmu for Vancourar, where he will Nee the plated hies the econd as peer roI hack us noe h oh. 41.117 to". Ill re lit•Z added, end it Is rtnected that the Mtmi- and steamer, ''Etapreas of Canada," tot on the Daverford eleven. 'f ' M Re ha ism year. :Cur the Feer:: Pri"."'' wk. I always feel miter ce in the lomitnt. cones. In our be" Cana on December 4. Dr. Comfort to eel Clam .11 Nan appear at Swarth. outcome ranked. and Haverford johteer.. orclan '' end pertly hen.. of will be secompnied on lila minion by mere and at the Brookline Square Club Appreciate. to Memel Membenhlp end Perpene an Fanny litre. Gave-L.6 ealkeen. Jerk 11 Gunton, Dr. To date 10.1 colegea after • lapse of a year. Before I take up • dim-union of the a.° Dr- C.a.' w" that Mmm/ME. a t a thri K. from rirr „ow, States are regietered for the thlrty-six According to anent pion, the Nat „rroo. ; would kkk Lester could provide the neatened Sad Provost of John. Hopkina Univerreeetima menu-ding to Lewis Fox, of Princeton sity, arid Dr. Satoh L. Watle, Dem of mem.. of either of the Musical president of the Federation. in a letClubs win be on Thursday, imeery 0. eeff Pretesyleanis state College, who have t, to J. W. Baker. '27, editor alao ben lamed Making as memtwrt of the edof The at the Ardmore Theatre when the Ole. ken rt the .asonb• sumeas. mm m•RWMR bm" News. Med. of little details Them to be attended ucational conneinion by the trustee. of ChM will an at 7.45 and again at I/80. The child purpose, of the Federation small, but impose Lineman Untrereity. W. J. Laporte. manger of the Ard- timer hen, who love to feel the thrill te eve. toner any urati0On ma to the It expected that Dr. Comfort will . 1 morale. Tee. need or the mi., taut In keeping 1 more Thera., ha. also arranged for of a Clean, hard Near sterh ea organization and Its eontribu.. "be abeent from Hmerford feeling of • klmeh welinseeuted kick, or "°,,,,,°:e okii Club to appear at the Name o Irhenngr. hoe, to education. In general, thoy thank. fag 4.1027, and during this time Dean Paltime on Jana. 7 and 8, end is p1.• pass, or bit of interferon.. For the k, did work ir k mer will hold both the office of Pegg. Soccer Election Ends in Tie; beret dent dm to advertise Chia seriv of con• tarn ho comps the Vanity Mired r,.;,,,°,r:,,̀. 4!,„rugǹ1,:::,,:n4P;r,.,, ' gbr ui wr,„ ° end Dean,. with the Pew.. of led', .rta ntensively as • seme feature something el. meet be supplied. - •-9" -4° • • •-•-• • , pendent salon to the in the end former that al capacity. There Hartzell must -obeli the be and some Whittelsey otIntulus that will •°4•„•°°,.Pm r of the theatre program. em „, This will be the second Unit that Dean from be espenee. of . them over the fells. period. rwto• " wer •-•% Fleet Darted al Ardmore to develop understandingone: Tar pelmet bas held the office of Preeldent. between Elected that will make them refese to noti. king Managers jtln, ". mRk rko: Di the arming of 11109 he acted In this the Cod.. of Ameriee and foreign This will be the fast time that con- hard Neat. and push them on- to eve rit. meli_out o countries. and third. to further rtpacity for four month.. while Presicern et the Ardmore 'Mentes have • an laeNowt TIM has been celled by one of At a meeting of the 10011,11 monad telligeat student opinion on qu.ciono metered on the .hedge of the Al the start of the season. with • dett fanny eharelese was in California. held Monday, November t o teams "the twelfth man." A E. Den of metional cod interuational No Chun la Pell. eal-COn. Li preview year. the Home arra, sekry wArkk. eramr .„.. rwar rew•rnachirm all and two week.' imenrFn. wan elected captain of the 1927 W°°°' concert end the prathke .ocert at the ruined by the twelfth inc. which There will be no change In the pollkm lirntk" lb.° no° ff.' W-m" °O" .1. of the Work of Federation Bryn Mowr Onnintar school have been lew. with only thr. regulars a College during the absence team. The carver <keno. for allot m' Them eson by which the Frderatio the oaf lineerMitea of either of the bla7erb.ed'Soni cTram beet et figth ' ht beca th.m.Vers • me. did Mat of Dr. Comfort, and every effort will milted in • tie and • re.electiou bas eat to eChieve these purpose a: dub, ie the immediate vicinity of linv• coach mak. them fight. Thla kind re black and dreary. ToWIT ma e neaten be made to conduct the adnunistretton been held. W. K. Hornet, '28, im the hopes various. The If he were atilt to direct called for thla nen can be manufactured only once Annual Conn..' will control, - origino yffoi-d en rite. „remlelid ..11 or wow, manager, while T. Whit- 9."°•ie • men. of ...intim each kkrrow other Era, last year WE met ts seen of ...MI to be given nevem. or Dem Pam. stated when be took over neve football koo,.. delegate with eduentioni problem. the ore. last Saturday, l'ains some , will the Brat week of December, hetdaring md l It was leanot fight for the love of the game the • Prove m other colleen of the lea. aniden emergency should arr.. De. aggregation. felt that this dote woutd not penult r deCaltheetieas have be. erdablish. Palmer will merely' mperrtee the toothe Oleo Club sufficient time for Oboe- feetM Hot ° Eliot played rurw,,kr We m•w• UM- imo, th. e. . wth the American Amociatim n thin work of the Prealdenen office end to win tr„....„ their we, for tw, Merle Milken Chia Strawall. of to act mainly in the rapacity :LT nco ,tePeen "= . the combined Mewled college they repermmt. That la [bele 'arnr °.° w °‘" cod motion f i .r;i:dgI PRVIT rd=c7cri of Den of the College. former Club. wadi have Men definitely sa Y to serve their Air. Mater-by elped C ;trol Veen Palmer, who received hi. B. A. the back. although interference for Lemming, rumbling Federation roust] mots. schthltded mei An appearance 01 the bringins athletic Nora. niember. he himself never t o bort at their disponi the wink" degree Dom Harvard in 1000 end his Poinsylranin Hospital In PhiladeWa The coaches felt all eesson that Larehertl Ana Greatly itefaiLessret Nowt the same intake- carried the ball. Ha was also a star on of Men on January 18: a coma. at the HOW most of the fuel., nearly al the, Barkeeid-roach Haas took hold md nderernerm•.trokfdant.41Kiditi lel% Dente I. Atlantic City on k.wkkio, korw,tra 174 6.4 Modena and • mnort. of the Musa Vie lambert! gave-earshiebie-aertite. Dru theea-operation of foculty'Malt*. mid Neel Col itl e or the -were Vailhtg-thell-Wift. rnmetimes Coach Haddletori established -ad-a emeertoenterH and etude. pest twenty-two yeara He cams to attack.. Flint played ouerter.baca on himself Hal on the followim night, an.ap- w need the 'twelfth con" to the in the f.tball grottos by Capably the interIbreerford m 1004 an detractor limit One of the occulons was the Liman. Captain Weskrman's Ibe the Ph.7.1n department, after teechigg the team in Ins freshman year, but In soother inee"turo7; student toots =tont Daman avne. We were fiehtt‘g derbotts." Several members of the for r:17.? ,1"1.7 ° a was tel at two college yeses at Worrell., Acedemy, in 1925. In Me of Europe in the aummer will mired with Princeton mumicel Clan over•confidence. We knew that es be proManseehosetts, and m 1908 he became freshman year be rene one of the eo.operatien with the lialliond two meted In tbe foyer of the Academy of Mimic roads. we could not do any more to Continued on page 4. column 2 associate profenor of physics and student ornointkrte lettermenon February 18, aniameharaince str the the 'Belem Delia In 1010 Deem Punier me made cowarlee. A special to group of odlcied Gradated From Storm King pretence of phyetc.. student rep.sentaires will travel to P r_UrgAnaurd'"the. Ito onsr "ee„ be The new grid leader. who hem in Europe DurInd De. Comfort'. absence in to stUdy Marne conditions. naverford on March la. China, hie Mans la French will be New York. readmit. from Storm Also, the Federation will act ea Of these mem rnocerta two me new. host taken half by WIlllaenon end half by Prof. Carpenter. The Concert et he Hotel Dente sepia.. the usual conve rtrt at the Chalfonte Hothe ball teem for two peen. Pa.-A."44n tel in Atlantic City. and the concert at ke .orkw, DroblthlY two PALESTINE the RESEARCH Bummer of 1028, the name rehtions far Wilm ngton, whicb may be held in eon. Alan on ire..eleve'n-' from, Friends on wi the Musical Clubs of Grin function TO BE LECTURE TOPIC Academy, Long islandlane At college, Flint ......wo eenmil°•. ""b Johns Hopkins Have appears on hen eanwht on the teem for two Gann. to Enrolee Or. W. F. Allriaat WIll Streak a. the mhedule for the first time. Yee.. He oleo Anse pe In the Glee Club At the requeet of th• German Other .ncerts which have not been F. W. Smith, '28, Attains Panalielam ewe, as Enatiesti. Unreal Ceiee. the Federation will Awed Popular Orchestra Again the amend definitely yet Include the nuni elemental Club. "Beset. Yearn ofAh 11 Eso Germany in the limner of 1927 con Cott at the Bryn Mawr Best Individual Grade; the new football On,, suing k coaches and dirathort Picked From Among Noratton in Palmettos" will be the orb- "Hartzell, of athietirt to Grammar School. appeimencea conies from Treichlern, and N'a Germe teacher. in the p.c. Moorestown Field Club and et the ken of a Itimerford College open lecLeads Bids Brookline Some Club, a duel .rwert ture by Dr. W. E. Albright on Thurs- lie tetrt !:m trelateClIgr=d: t :gel?" of Am'riC'n rod wor with either Barnard Cotten or Whit. reeeeeee The Junior clew, Lloyd 11111. and F. day evening, Derma.. 2. The lecture Howard Lamle and bla Ben Franklin hat A Ilat of foreign nludente in'"""a. Plan High School In New York, and W. Smith, '28, atained Ameri• hr . , Witttrteolett,.11127 me.rd.mhine at: higheet ek Victor Berardino Orchestra..ld will be sanpkmented by Memo Md. net k 40..C.11tIzea o bra • dna concert with Swarthmore Col- ethane. ayerage.emm lb. igie to be the foremost some. orcheetra in Met the meeker...e roller.' in hi. renned ggrerrerwi lege et Swerthroort. Dances Will fol- dormitories. Arno end individual tient. for committee :will have ebaree of th:. Philadelphia, will be the lending fea- wide range. of remora. ,He has low preakelly all the ...ern, and the a.rter just ended. :re been die Atlantic States Cross The Sunnite Can ture of the 1028 Junior Prom. anRon entertslemem Magic will be farlaMed by the -me- led withaggrerate ...dent. of 79.3, no... Even, 78, ehairmin of the Director of the Americen School of in New Dirk o. Never:Mee 13. Foe two eons the year. In the Wee, same manner, erfordIfflas^ except at the SwarMmore Lloyd withan Th.5, andgrade Smith with • let Pron, Committee. Lenin'.wooderto: Ostend Hewer. in Jernakts for Jean he ban played the bulks female Infionith the Notional elodent organise. center, she the "Garnet Seremdert° role in Cop mul Belle Productiona. seven monk years at and Int in oleo nn antlmr of addition to year'. Prom wee lone in Europe and the International all play, being o of lbr orp nide. The Oa. of 77 trailed 78 by three nation of the collne year. the tren- ...end well-known banks in that Federation. Aeneeierta students coed and Bello Chili member SORZInfta tenths of a point and, South, with 77.0 IndivId.1 favors, mel and dls- of actlyity. miwurir, ir the pewee.. wrorrer o foreim colleges will receive introT an A OW ea. at A.m. see wee second Ise to Lelogd. Five points imp- timelier:, .11 be Prevented to the girl, union to India. Europeau ntudents en. Although among Lbe younger achol- of the ffeerefordien rod le pi,lee nested Sophomore@ the Buffet from the nippem haru nd edueatere. le in to be nerved no the ore of Oriental research. Peneortmais frorolmi. gen far the tinnier] board of the New • Nee Cons... Shortly Otte the Michhe In otte las la or in. Oman. onamet •t errs Mem k.. end the Rhin... average wee an- lawn outside, nder the light of SimoInfertuarlon will be Bret other Ore points below that of Tli. ne. lanterns. The ale of tickets will the ben informed, co bining a ...- Ile is on tee businen board of the to all ttmtartwO. eeAardlea the various There were ten °A" student. In col- be limited to MO, prieed. ear Nat year, prising.thorough knowledge of anew. 1028 Record Board. I. the first hall warner court. offered Y. oh Meal Ovals by Butopea. ology with the ability to impart his of his mapholuore year he wan clue ha a Bout Barn mg lege, five among the Seniors, four j43.50 a couple. knowtedge to other* In a plena., and !meets.. Whitteleay gredoeted from niver.it4O. Pean. new cantors Don Ventatmatool. emeng the Joelers. and one Moon tho falleeP11011 IN Mien Somme. of Federative Interesting manner. 131a work in the Flemaloaton. N. MM. In Prtomlos High Soplas. These tutu •re distributed School. Tbirs in the words of the Mane The track event. of the afternoon Holy L.d has been estreately eau.VW le. anumera as Lloyd, Founders South. and of Friday o Mr. Fna's letter. ''In no Mane 15th Include the track No to general culture mine. Palestine notaeloh• Nona Yen Centre, these dorm. havlog rouk ethree, meet with the would we be meter ...thee othonln Karen a. Iroonmenra leratelmi. warthmor and Newhall Me caught the crne-careems of roan, DEAN FAMES TO GIVE nezithaieely. Th Ingr.ou March U. Caw reek (matelot or arm, and te onis with Delawe,re. a Netiona Student Federation A cricket dellkatiorm from thecave dwellers TALK' ON LIQUID AIR ton. matchtr probable, but u yet onmhed- down to the Moe of the Crandera. f A erica is a group of IndIrlduals RIOCSSITIlLaTION Mann M. nroolltne mum Itoramaml. earned to the Miallsaion of Amer Dr. Albright'a beet-known work ie Demoneration to Take Plan Lamb SP. noom rors•rt dm. Before ran education and the further.. A. The nual mention will lake place o h EA.mmo Society Debemhar amain CaltaRt ....... ........ 11.a In the Man, following the aternoon ..IM",•MO :=erft 'il■ e%21;r2.:g 2ifiegie .119 you. GLEE CLUB CUTS Or. Frederick oP r,al. whine city of Karla& &ohm ildeekt ta. er,,,I2l. &lire a 7114 °°. ritLfearndgueeds and' tale Leo .% It tow., also valuable in minding 740 EIGHTEEN NEW MEMBERS .10 the evening. The committee is arrana. iv rrgred 02otten.civilintions.much Doe Ing for the entertainment in the Colon. he Imperatore of liquid It. coInala omartma Senn Tenn learns. to ON. Ma- wee with wives of fecal. members chimer. been • roureter4c4 b:rteA 174 r iblerietg ht. gem wine *: sir at the December meettna of the ne Voles.; Ratetteal 'Denny reewra ming of a limited number of - girls thvo n Tea Scientific Society. The date of the KON0ST-111wo Dm. moon.. 7: Noee coming Dorn a diatom.. A maid will meeting Tat 'hae v not eat been fixed, but it maim 116,... MO: awe cot, 1111=11."It h'731:01 Tea he in for their convenience. among the government alleles of Pal- • expected that It will be held either the Brad try-tot. vow. Innovation in decennia( .1.1 be eerier. in innovation eznins,g tem , on December 0 or on December 13, a. TVE110.-041ftWa. IL•hoem Iran, Wt Monday .d Turtag... Rae Ms Foams. laws 177. • Miamering beekarond for theoraxadn We A Southerner by brnh, Dr. Albright Monday evening mema to be moo con• chestra. Special lighting Is being de- is temperate...0db. Mta.. Yews nee, I, Oter tamer club from tarty to forty Member. In Ithfiadelphla. renlent alsmotooddr Inawom loribout lo ed by Taylor, '28 clan elect* The ma were heard moaraely and RHINE TRYOUTS BEGIN ?N ye. for the January ...tin have In ale seller"), several p Although o nod ENtvaatong or amid. by Mt. Nice, tbe director, who the et matured, hot the original TUESDAY OF THIS WEEK 'ell:ere. :Art am el. el.. of having • meeting addressed by stumade all the cots from the renit• of 4.01:1Vhoe WEPPLIPACelloale.. Ulerte engaged asaberotehL who waer then trial. rtheunction In to be Andrmta is Riper, TomaMeW MOM fortunate In. aecurbilf dents will be followed Amon; the ne• . MO; T. K. O. a., la the Math 01 71 ...fa In gear. Habanneld is well ▪ man fitted to Oren th en additioas Id the membership talk on mr meclal e speakera win be Fr.klIn Smith and 7. Mreleir•Saik ElectIon Toeight Maranted with the gym and the prob- subject In the lamest., XignIgnag-semum. Mee a. K.: Richard Winer. committee. style for The club I. now tom... of arse RhInie tryouts for the editorial and lem. It present. The hall will be com- which he la noted. be Dr. W. T. Albright ea "tea a Veers et grebe. lint tenor.. twelve mooed tenort, nine sporting board. of the Haverford News pletely never. with new material. FurMRS. PATTERSON , COLLEGE moo. Lastonthra la rahaelac baritone., nod eight banes. The MON bean dd. week and .11 centime netit ther NNW MU he when the HAVERFORD IS AWARDED la Indan ar •t tho deroretor'a or forty Is .mpleted by One accota• Chdlamaa. All members of the class now aeon arrive. HOUSEKEEPE R, RESIGNS litrOilT-oalloott on. vets.' Mmist, the Otartner. and the leader. of '80 trying are asked to report in thi. manna. GOLD MEDAL BY SESQU1 , The number of second tenors was In- the News room at 8 tomorrow everting ttialriOST-Oonsake. Zoborts• Pn.11fea at Mel Warketion ae censed to obtain more volume for the for Interaction. $2004 SPENT ON KITCHEN Celled. Wins FhemeatIoe ler Service AcceptsMeaning ow ens ••m, La. Fleenteeper The Junior and Sophomore el.tione melody', according to Well, '28, Me In Higher Farrell*. lire, Patterson, college honekeeper, to the News board will be held tonight New Felder. Are Madam Elailremst lender of the club. MS WET. The Intermtional Jon of Amamis left Int Wedneeday_ to accept 6-071,1■T-oe .A•f• Olton. '80, Wrigain, '30, Watson, el 7o'clock. The retrain hart been a petit Efaohla Arrangement of the &sea-Centennia 11011.1.-.41.. owns sea: S. l Internetion tion a. Managing Honnekeeper .ao, ,ss. now on the fatal- working for the met three weeka an- The 1122410 allotted Mu_ Swineborne the Hotel Warburton, at Twentieth and O... arenas. 7: Now eat, ty a. an intructor in French, and der the tutelaaa of the Sophomore last for kitchen ennipment has 'flmISoKITeld* AMA o. ti ge'a tg ld fU r7'irt &Allem street., Philadelphia. Her dunow• gradosta student members of the board. The choke been yen Gasmen, 22, epent On improvements In the ettli- nertico In the 'neap ofahlgeer Weerta. Wit el. begin December 1, and will be re," ore the new 5r. tenors. The UK lee. 111 depend lattelY • en me recom- nary departmen including don Diplom.. t fork on•Lo. of Award are hang WWIar to those here. The hotel is ond tenOre an' P.bYtt, Ia. Abernethy, mendation of these woperviaers. larelneallAS-aPalla atica, date gee mop. modern 31.bleta. mineral Vented, floorand will exclusively be retailed for by the 20, Bayles, 77. (keret, 77, and Nichols. don for the editorial board win he ing. and women, under the ausMat, alai T. A.. r new metal tables. talloge A more during elthe early part pice. of of 1027. Emergency 'lit The other new men me Reed, '00, made from Burgess and Whittelsey, of Win 7: LamerC.tests: Aid be arrangement hes Ameencement of the sward wee This year wee Mes. Patter.a'a third Mellor, '20, Leer, 'Mt, Pretefeld,_210,_md the Junior chase and Hamilten and to cot We ',to Ntlia Is Manatee. and Nveed needof ofopera• received on November 22nd from 0. the campu. an he tame with Mrs. ' see We.' lone. '29, bet-Rote. and Ha '80.,19N- Fox, of the Sophomore.. One Junior Han. Ride ItAlefte tables, with .nvenbotly C. Steam. Secretory of the Executive Ow ineurne In 1924. AA at e. and 11cConglay, V, Mese. will be Ceded, and the number of located articles a hounekeent to be removed by Jury of Award. by John R. Hoopes, THInitanlY-Kmelsa, iddle. 7 he the aceompndst. Two me's, Sophomores Is, a. yet,ttneertaln. A.• nitres, line the mil. leaving ample Alumni Secretary. who directed the 17r,;::g7i".1' garnST-Colleallaa, itaiestal Nan. lioeking, '27 end (kicker, 79, were en- pinion for the 'porting board IMIude .dElffidert.e l lerpsCrp , Te"table to he at the kl-not. aid Ma hmoa. Brow,. Jones and Lowly, Boor mace In the middle. Changes In preparetion and maintenance of a mom tiering innectlen tonn nmat umanor-Colloodes, llotrorli mall. lighting end ventlintion add to the com- Fla ford booth in the Parke of Edu• will be given • trial .0e. be forgotten. -She wee et N.M. all of the clan of 79. be fort of the working quarter. cation et the Balmeition. an athletic mites.. . C2b"■,,,ptit wee, to r 1,,,Llehe liee 1.2;tr", =at m„...74; 'pz2.7.".= trizng „.,, „.„ der-.n FLINT WILL CAPTAIN 1921 FOOTBALL TEAM c C,:t. tdprria, ooped lobobeeLIT bent H1ua mme to EotT. , ??, or, the h . MI JUNIORS TAKE LEAD LANIN CHOSEN TO PLAY IN QUARTERLY MARKS AT 1928 JUNIOR PROM Lloyd 1.1 .0! 14 '11,"11a:.'""irrrn,°4t°Z, `,7,n; Many g Ho be Itg,.°4°P:f':° `°°°' ""° °°' roeentb761.."Cl`t.gdu,i3 mfrs. Is Lem the NtrIlt` 4g; Matt 0 eight at - ▪▪ • ▪ NOVEMBER - 29, 1926 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 4antrforb News Alumni Comment DR. SNYDER LECTURES ON TOE AND WHITMAN' Seville Theatre critka, Drys Ma. Programme te, tfdtl 114.4.1 A. raammarlaat Ogamanteaate nwenemar thweateme Man e aMrt m Dame. FROM THE CLASS OF 1924 The December Harerfordiao prePeary ma am IQ.. Week of November 29th sents a baffilne array to the Tetmwee November =, 10211. sorrontneoune in one hlodbig gape. au "artbstle To the Editor of the New. and dinner to-monthly rendar A 2P01112 2131.11 Fourth of Talks on Dory.. cielod.matie character sketch Monday, Tuesday and Delivers CINovem the of raveling butane. Paameed a. Tose. ea • lurid horror 'dory, the myeterieu ber wee held Tharaday eve.. myateriona detective tole, ending of Poetry at Merlon . Wednesday ISM, By • owl.. rote it was Deems and retie. galore. Yarleer decided .bat the class extend In con• aantarANT sreeett 101700E C.. C. deed-and likrly to be the death of nd e Middleton Cattalo to gratillation. '92 Unman 2 TP11%1•10 Rudolph Valentino in .meteor strletly ecitir squad football Haverford entire the .22 w. A. in .. ....o .n.o. the .0 Speaking on the .object of 'Toe and for the euceenatel Ileffi•011 jet ended. fume c. Braun la talented The spirit of the team, the eareful Whitman," . tke Merlon Cricket Club ittibutIons of the magazine's coaching, end the natur.1 abllides of this afternoon, Dr. harder continued ..,mo, .. ... oo..... ,....... the men, have brought to Haverford the series of Talks on Poetry, which "The Devil-Gun." I must Ede., Is , bet thera'• 91.17 athletic honors, and these honors have he and Professor Cray are giving be- lamely atmospheric PRIMP cooseroans. 21,17 PU02112114PUZ2 .. earned ID the traditional 13.12.1321I fore .71e audiences on Honey after• of that! Ito no o moo.. 0.,,,,,,A u, Paula W. aleme. '23 brilliant and lurid More. fit seta. -by scholar. mid antlemen. The son. moon. -Poe and Whitten." ..31 the era- for . then. ... hoe. them, The of Harerford may well take pride in 1.11.111N2112 112.1.12022. the record of the Itall feelbel team- er, ',Land at opposite PO.. 12 • 212 picture is the plot, mach ae it is, and 1 Thursday and Friday Jahn an same every particular of Dade theory mid found it-but that was ratically allth ^2°.'0: 2:::," udt..d,11.7":;;;.: d.r724 R"'Ir'n JETTA, GOUDAL in ii11..eni ,. rredetill. audit almilficance of their ., no mmen BOARD Rebut Q. SM.., II ten T. Pr.M.IL b., than ens; Bee, That it is rolorfui. ..„ !,.!_v_•,•___. rogn.,:morybe.,...-.4 ONLY EIGHTEEN POINTS other "1"..., there to tittle doubt: but its merit gas 11.5011, A. hive... "I however peat or emell." Lot little further. P. yeti who en/or Dear Sir color-llossian color at that-it he Ns Faall to Fled Noll.. I tabtiletion of football cifirtot Poe, Dr. Yon the thing. You won't lad en,. ror inn, a... Ina New yore ikhad nallai er. Saturday row dm ler.. plot. But If your mind's eye I. robe. ...non tan or, W.,. men me. pelage lb• ants. 07717 Tria New. la evalupon . little bUod. Meet dear of "The Devil-00n." perfect " , Tr, ..d.". 'meat artistically o. t ,,,,„:7;z: „ T.!°. sty gem.. Wee. h hat 190 009000, 0001099•0 W. Ince presents Ralph emc Ho .., rema .b., . rolleee He. 4?».4 ty.s2 toe. Plitmainm" OM ....., "The le adorn. ...... Irani• d.sretol?rhtt ,,,..,.. ,to.b.e: ... . pril pole. geri The lame anther bas contributed anara. ford Mande forth in having lean Paos,ineena rut Nal, et sir awe. Palm per mamma, 22.812-oat peer olotd1 bletX07." whlenlz,,,I: 4. O were less lin• • I...too-1 Bp* Mu matter at the Poetnetica. Pareutere. Pa. lapant tar Lumen at " ki laimme end peon awe Raven." end. The Bells,"and IiVre'iff.'.,:, paereaa others it' jec than "To HOW." .ran. nor mains. onrilepe ea be Pale:Era at Viatue Pe.. la p.a... rote ahead of Haverford. Notre *1004 generallyg 1i.ou't Tothio, iii" one oo. ;in.,. oboo„.,wellnoi4to velt.i. the movement le les. mechanic. tor,n..e. 1... eon ben ,,,,,, ...........,bads I AYe have no loll to find with. tt Mos. •1' 121211. etante lesseelerlate weeper mere. Do poem, but couldn't help Alabama and Penn one h. so ni this "Whet It, n read hieVne I ne ... P.71.4 tnise. a w position . thinking.. f.. h. ..Th e i , . Harerford's what but tell can VItartgla ela ade aamatuar v...t the mad. of tas ed. Mast... get. through Ma old remand. and me/ be still further bettered. nii back to earth End hintmlf (after iii•. ""inni nna ...., form comee A.,ii.In"6.. Naturally it is not otrotanot in the lid cultin...... and .ea thinking the • of for .6h. melting beat the ou. .... .rhytkmical for Incr. the Dem. to art -of . t. THIRST to"ra" 1: o t b. ,,,,,,fral .,.. niii. ' i: 'fli.,o. Drinking fountains for the Library and Gymnasium were viTNally irreTrot ■roontilil 1 I ... ." I. ."', a ,,,'....„ enni.n. b:* "1 ,, Mag. • ne cap," Vg .11' .:4;,.tin:' L 1° . anticipatory promised by the authorities two years ago and, it spite of a renewal of mentioned team. but it I. neverthele. rt'f Lon .OL.; fooi that If...7olod7o;,,,g, log his poetry slimy. In in is generally admired`la Browning, m.d, wondering what the author of ;,f,ord. Have ...menet that e that hope last year, etudents still have to descend to the locker too. or thinks her W the which " atte vtrillre Oirlitn iiiiin"thin h disgrttio:a anitiers"trow71 in crow to Founder. Hall to satisfy their thirst. The single fountain in- ri olinrdierrit'ileh o the 't.illi% Brownies's 'Soliloquyernken read There le soother poem that I may tem. mid &mere* • great ,... ei....., ...lied in Chase Hall has seen large um. The other two buildings Wei. college . well mention in ...Jog. It Is "The MIlifillIll of credit on the ...oh show"New Poetry" Plibielplia Stare, connidered no less important when the students made their request foe inn. Cow..." If its Obviotudy sensitive The neetttlittn of alma. ••••,iniiii author coeld con... Care. fe fol Dam all to the M.o. Hamm.. bah drinking facilities. Mai 1s inht.flk to the •••". "O•it7 examition to clothe his thatioX to and Haverfaed fa geom. 1221-I 22 I Magog The gymnasium fountain would be used chiefly during college dance* sesietant Yours Sincerely, , tr." l..,- his eon and others' mind., he would . F,'" nait . th.d ."?....„. .......o... eA.., ci,rtan:‘, ,,r7 oti otoone, t-otItt;,:.17 ..ti turn oat good r, more eaerectly, betwhen the demand is large. The notably dry atmosphere of the library far Stmt bas Mon ts r•", -r '' rot ,....,,, orez.... :bm,7ip. e, i7,;,,,,B,,h6 ,,„,,, ne Eb. ';fly ber:atL Editor'. Note,-SInce the wrill. ef acre prop pa is a constant urge to depart in search of liquid refreshment, Certainly this letter Notre Dame. Pen. and o-na a prophet, and pa the powers that be should take notice of this equal emphasis on athletics Alabama show dust an south all have had t. or more Wellman deliberately mere byre poet. tee. and scholarehip and reward the parched undergraduates with the mosn. Marta retired maim. them. Tkle ionform to Mal, et the Pc12c1P1e• there 1,.....cliy, form. noise Mares lieverford . the top of U. ter forth. of slaking their thirst. .•whinnn. intenaane ban been „tn. The "artstic" stem meatio1M1 above lint of one hundred 4 twenty colleges, ill 4 tie with (lb. .i.„ "Y int° that ,, -', :empty .,.... Celle. of Ohi. mg steadily in Europe and to moue le .“ „,P.2ii e Celni." ONE ASSISTANT MANAGER .° -""." ' "..".`"'" "'which the • boae author overlooked. extent In this country:ever since the ., e1 ch.i. .4 ttobes. r both o,,, ut.titr n„ ea. It h. Wig been the custom in athletic managerial elections to have End. bay. lord eighteen points scored find edition of leave. of H..." eo tare, f of kis .1017. The ...led efforts mainet it ,, in Utio5to, f! .to., iftn" : c. two a.ismnt managers. Under the prevent eyatem, one man who genher and more ensod a In emitelf .0 7,, election_ .h., the in defeated is opponent hie btot as 4.d hard fern W. .,..." works 1 erally PRAISE AND CRITICISM aced critic fall. to nneaml the had to ..l, as we read Carlyle-not per intrieate maze of the Daedallan pmplace the site of Haverford can nut one man do the work of an assistant for the way in which be said it." Dear SD: let- th,dolfl et forth. The effect, so ear manager? A large Corp. of competitor" can do all the ' requisite manual ..ded mere Ms to ed. Wbitmfdt op your column I apt Through mold dented it. wee good. 1 i "" latitude Ms ectentricitie. three by en. Dom my to offer the labor. gat many of the flee. yeartio. pretty .1.011.111.••••••01095.00,1•0111.0 team. eta roach and .o .en towards tom, Id. uee of a free Ter. ntsr.o,, ... autboirf loiel le,....._ Under dual ansietant managernhips in large coUeges and univeraitieri, Mahe!! If oth. ilearly. Butthe for all exceedingly surreseful men., whirl rumiellniew degenerates into chronicling .„ ,,‘.. . ,,,,,,,, ,lp,.... ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,y,1..,,,,,,,,, ,._,,,, 1. tia... hina ro .. oodero"ih:b1 iovesoto,t isk;o0 neither teen. le altogether disappointed. The candidate who does 000 7o- Al the Mlle liens make law.. eriticisms. prone. end b.r a of talh the been be. which yf one . inmany at more ceive the managerial poet becomes freshman manager, and nu her much • gym. r. Border Mid doze" hen be did. oxenwe enet.d Dai om of lin i-rrirraltagelloyam stitution. is elected to a meter honorary society. In any cage, his entire ;erre* :a ala'aal for a could not Mole", mind . m7 Viral. let ter atty that 1 vernesmed that the -inventory.' or catalogue hsbit work of Junior Year is not without reward. immamblei It he. MN'. f"f f the neMbelogY or the efelfootball i„%ear-e thin ., o( Tw „ itree w t game.. ro was to hint an.. A eyelet,' wherein there is one assistant msnager, although it would POnumb eode, 'ern Haverford and C. dden Poem. h o Me I Prire Story Exalt.. f_erd rind proael, ned the addl. both tirenemelod. .beurd. o decrease efficiency gained by competition, should Ithme th. mmiet.... Whitman did he 'Taal Ye B. Not J"dged" I beer Get Ffder neloware Univesmay. We nom explain why In tbe bonitnin to step Into the manager'. nhees with complete knowledge of the t tilde sy. The them. leer In.rielege (10107 sod we Insy end fa few thrall la working order of tho office. The change would only mean that competiHOT-DRINKS port "bit or Mach " tion would be transferred to Sophomore Year and the defeated condi• Lgr the aad eaLle L'aedianil year. ftecloenfil-eve. Mi. 'Mown et year third their in activities other in date. would be free to take part and elar. I bad bop. Mat the conventional en' earentiong. has college. enemernent would be diemarded for I co TEAM TO PLAY Weo the • 41 711111 tin co I` orenated Inni• manner which bespeaks e°, SANDWICHES PRINCETON IN DECEMBER .c She hm o wn inter. for the ability of the twain. aod he RADIO PLIBUCITY to for these of hin daughter and his kickluti I have ad moo evened on ens at The 0 Armee. far jrtend, An ,,,,,,,,,, a, To a majority of the undergraduahe at Haverford, the College Radio foot. Bald .hie year, me the, in- metal, With Swarthmore Jaestary should any, 11th only onestionable saeClub in just another one of those organizations on the tampon which one clod. ma. others. Pennaylvenie sod Hatch. With Princeton sod Swarth - efall. and n god deal too long to be joins if he has the time or inclinatiOn, and whose broadcasting statiOn, its oprornta, and Princeton. I beChase the by Haverford Pharmacy ill .,.,,,r trotemon7 mime,. noire N. MI ng arranged WABQ, is larrly the pinything of a email-and reetrieted group. Re- in., to "%w garded from t is natural point of view, it eceives comparatively little . lit.:1 ter,olto t.b.i neeT moo sono ost important of under- at the college. l 'tvould film to me more will take pls. December 11 at Prin.- w het oammeel student recognition, and yet it Le one of them o ol, olt,,,nit, va.......,kr bare tmit x i. et,r edt 111:vz Fii representative Maws •cboeen to be ton. ftwarthmere will he mr. graduate institution, in its actuai service to the Co/lege. ..... ford Jenne* 7. Starting as • modest fiftypwatt broadcasting station in the fall of played neat year eed Welt that ran ,,A he Other nuttehee the Philadel Ma •mi lb Mehl. of the tompatne, be. • /923 are operated heat. a practical experiment is radio telegraphy by :!.,72.! 2tiall.,....:1 ...,:j!let n: order ....te m in ee. r 4 t "...M. rbeo:embhm a few determined entituaiseta, WABQ has grown rapidly until it has at o'ir'Xeie,.,",.";.,cl , ;1.7,7., .." "'" 111.Z"s":47.1 trtit.reketCluty DerembeP of flonoo 0. Both ere in orthodox sonnet form me. this time the second most poWerful transmitting set in the State of The erittases. •re Ka follow, ge. and with he Ito defeat ch.n.tit7, After 10. Omember vaitia Marino, • the been has minting *bread. even Slatee.d It The Pen.ylvanta, and ie {mown throughout the United ofore mbnient ten. to oh. macro. ...,.. Heverthe Mercantilethe by me to The phenomenal groWth of the HaverfOrd etetion ii in itself a ro- /1.77 of great clIsmamintoma e. that . m.or Qf the Yen. hove h.. ford (lob i. apeoding meth time to should venture to escribe them to lb markable achievement and a tribute to the ability of its organizer.ezchanged from my mars in liege I pearlier etai in preparing variations for ___ no..., I Shed ho. of theo., e Merino Title & Trust Ca operators, but •tbe value a the station tO the College . an organ of num. a for “enk may I end "..". month. tumbler. mot the of match., dielcult the talked. here I whom to her of alumni The conclusion of 'The Shad. of tension work el911103 be overeetimated. die Do." win quite an ingenious . In a majority of collegee and uni,eraiti. the athletic teams repro- th at the present. yells ere it inferior ALUMNI NOTES the begiettieg me. WE., It tab. emsSent the only link between the undergraduate body and the everyday bus- to Ille old onee tad •re decidedly ere tais ...Hy a mind far more nophiatiratad then my (-adh Benjamin 112. deem not do leaders. eh., The tend. educational partiffular a of knowledge man's average The world. me cheering been elected preahlent of the Board of own to acorn loch mental exert.. as institution ie limited to the records of ita Mama end hie ...Mint. of lita to get the no-operation of thespeamodir sad Me..n of the _Aporenticei Library !vier mystery ...ea and . mt. fa eertion awl the yells are h.q.. a th Ardmore , reputation io hon. ini...i, on .he ly too few. During the Drexel COIIIPIIII, the admit free library In the keener then mine to solve this one. This sitnatiOn immediately places a small college at • dieadVantage .6'.'re 1 timed the Interval lastmen two country The Hamm ve. organized In 11. Oct I. off to the author who hin. Bala-Cynwyd In late relation to the outside world beyond the immediete here of Ito -of the cheers al.. Me bfill7 eight and Doe by. . number of Philadelphians and hived It. to the Heverfordian for Narberth • to the msn pried.. it and most of ell influence, and thin diaadvantage can only be overcome byemploying a me- a half minute, A teem orefle more bee Meg hod ts number of Haeerfordin. better baking fee. the Welk,. rounected with It. The retiring tread - lit wee. I have heard. Freshman!) diem for disaminating information of general interest to the public which Iend Mawr., Mate the, the old Inn and dent is William Dottie. Coate, '0.3, who wee able to solve ID to reach the attention of the average Man. equall the prom, in its ability. ' 02, end ,,,In ...Ilee p.m, "The Song of th Celli. I....trete. William that will . [gala need fell undergraduate. The growth of WABQ to • prominent paition among the broadcast1)6, are elm, mem- JettY Roger," end nine ray erdeueM• II, Taylor. preoele college at ond or Me mooDal ing stations East has given Haverford such a medium, and h. will eerilre s cheer whirl, will ail only n.r. or 0. Ao....... 1,...ry genre lug book reviews eamplete the I.o . ifill. On NOVember 17, et a meeting Ms the whole, I Mould any the Decenr• brought the College continually before the attention of frost numb.. of anund better bat tire he thin Mr nee. Total Resources of Groot I of the pentiehnole Mee, be Ilmeefordian I. good, but amt up persons who In all probability never heard of Haverford before or knew Dame,. confidence white it needs, The second critiet. M directed at .. ......, hold in phn...., o the stand.. or the magasio. little more than the bare fact of its endemic, N. D P hi the„. members of the ondergrednete Artier T. &tort., eke president a • • b•di DR. BABBITT TAKEN ILL P" WORK ON LLOYD WILL $10,000,000 e en . t tb. At?, I,!°k: in. le. a d rend..aAnnuities en ea directed to those who do 0;1 .cl moo.. 111111, att taaa.ay ad 11.8.2ENWL111 START DURING DECEMBER Presamt Condition Mach Improved; tindarly attend the football games, On the dal Company, were elected membe. of •tbe, enanoe Immadlab Freeovery Weber or rho Drexel /re I happened to be mitt" ° the• ."" "the Addition of Four EMI. Will Held It O'Mara awl am • orning 1202.2.7193-22.7dola neer t P sidelong Rod honed •"° Mending attack Dr. .01bIl wa• aria. with la -Alcoa aral LosaaU Fifty St ..... s pa a ...MU. between an under.... 'iew'mnn W.. to •The Maw The Booed of Ilaossere haw decided of pneumonia during the looter part ofnod Y.en' Children • lure to betendent of the Kaman another whom of widely ▪ . egad,- 7w wt.. the gintI look to pro.. with the construction of thr past week. The Ilia. wan sudden ate .dergradaste, W. and Berri. leen. witb en.1 of an four more entriee Nord Hall. as the mid quite earl...ed. ,khording to .... carronn-na U. Oman fire. In Topeks. Newnan five. at 1321 he leavine the fooLli ifehl ben.. repine...ea of tbe present emelt genii, th e moot mu . 4.4 1.. nick-1w". etre. Topeka. a„,. oettect ie more comforted. „,, dm, by • large Freshmen dam .11 mill now. bet Ntrit la Pa.. tee, • 'N. John W. Charles, '04, we. grants em. erious overcrowd'. of the twee. probably 4 ranee. to b.. bed for 701.27-...1.. area ma Aar. 'at the i.ion, : ,,enienno• . Rdr." n egninft th.t l'on the balance of the melt M dormitory facilities. Tembiss is 'Ms lea. memoir asi mass The plane have been drawn up atol meat me h "Lon in • WW 2 have be. in the Imo& of n +pedal PRESS CLUB HOLDS ITS m ja•••7 ", ••••"" •'" ••• 1Ho'r: rola .. ..T.:,; tbArortbi4V Iwo wales of Ike Board of Hammer, zrato-nee maw sous. Tare. for MEETING it, HiemmitmT etth•i°3thn •nd •••• ORGANIZATION form lina/ nonsideraten. Serer. con.7% "44.7403' Iit.Vin;" sot D. Wet 71.7w Teachers' State low. at out carded io on, "Th• trzneur, pore utede tilli111211,11 on the Hz profenor been deg he when Cele., expected that the "Radio. Utter,. NM OUR. Find nil foollfon 7.17frio. fo, ronstrurtion. and 68931317-Yes. time 7013,11el Will hr usrorded s 51100 since 1918. Le i-74,Wiemisr:tt• st college, that I. to my the home of adoration Fill. to Malmo '20 A son, Benjamin Feldman. D., that the work-will begin before the I was mar was Non Mrs. and , Mr. to BO October Do &len d""' s".."•• dormitories mli. noattion new "radio A of timt Yee, Ise w.h. end of she year. The lemee :nony.4. Benjamin Emblem., of mar on, ob, "heinn on ,: will be ready for ....Om are tor." 1.1.14 ammo nor.. et Ito YeeelY .ossolamos moan, Isst member Itfutretr tOottnii dor:- pine, PhIledelfghist 1.1377.-.... Oa. •.os 'Mt A recent letter from Roderick Tared. night. The duties of the office mg Tatar in anydeonz-noular outdo. of the of char. dean Is take he to pin, be that trip. will regale Scott DR. KELSEY WILL SPEAK rha Roar waft.. to q Coed Appearanse e . ar the Radio Club, el tue• 6..eide Dirk: to New York. to pl. Demetment of Philoaepby II , beni e th Fukien In - • roan., ham a. ream to Roble. that yo, lt,traratte t o Total, to Christian University, Foochow, Chins, broad... reriel althea readily attained at wiii P100115 at Meeting 05 "ffooleateln Illthaeet" radar se Trinity Caen. CO liethlebent tom, to He !totes that the revolutions It Fo0seam. Interdependence of Natlooe," Deo. 0 leso sse rat dno1,4° r6.41,..1"1 212' prey ornettinekon, r „,„, than to severe nod . n more ocno r,opini the ere cbOr ploy moderate coot if you 0..47 la Dr. Kelsey will preside at a pedal leer ....go of petered. or cession. Ar the opening of the meeting, (1. gaOb _em. weyo0a "slay of th e Cenference of Dieter§ Monde. deal .I Ile right plan. to X.f onttieed redent, , eldr...Meet the with novernorth for rental. which nal.. the With Teaching to he held nt the Beilevue• Teaching PDX-J.ot Gene a. 01. B. tor- tee team next year and the tenactend ral.h. If' the soldiers of the redden Stratford on 1/ecember 4, Her will "'lye Suits & Top Coats erm. le "The letara of 'Ara nom end method. of the orgentsation coned.. which the men Mow in their Feuer.. do not leave feet enough. He open the emend dishseion of he rend • mi.".ry he! eonet, there hi no remeon whe Haver- • hoping for s viii from M. Jotter • nomic Intenleiwodeoce et Ned..." $35.00 upward., OrT2124-.4.1 sag Wed. Moab. atm- nod Dr. Comfort ontbeir preeent Chiford ohoold not have ne Cohen. who will ommit will be J. Run- Yee.s eenvitire, tte Atka Sven eat Dane. Fell Smith of Columbia. on the "'Geo- E. filien, forme, Predd,ot-elect for ceseful neason neat yertr, even If the nese mission.. IformPea et. ta SONS '10. Dr. Jobti F. Wileon represented ncbedule is made Mice a. bred, prowow Monday. FM. gas grapher's Point of View." sod William thin yeaSeemly. 2arp2 Sakilltapilt la Various maskers were diammsed a. riding the ondergreduntea will lbsd jfamrford at the cerement,. conducted L. Fisher. of the Philadelphia Comma. 1424..26 CHESTNUT ST• 22.92 ?dam, of the by the ...Meat, trvetn., end fseolties riot Museum, on the "Economie De- being available for the several smell their team semell . a number PHILADELPHIA alltiMr-enste Oarbe eM Cleveland, Ohio, pendence of the United Brett... The meetings of the club throughout the lovs1 arida.. who attend the otliiMic of 'Nugget, University, MOW no Norember 12 and 13, commemoratlore., raid-winter eventa year after_MAIr. meetine will he held tinder the auspices /oar. end for L LEIDY. log Ite Centeno. meeting. of the Philedelphia Peace Connell. "THE FOUR HORSEMEN" "Meet the Prince" `'ilL,TP°11.141,`P.P 'The SEA WOLF' , ,,,,,., .... .. iaAW5 $9 C t-„,t be ,....„1,:-,,,,„,,....d-,,,,,, $7 crahlits , sIntrw_ .Th02.101,.:khr,..tesez.1.; , x...,,,,, ., i ..e r,,,,d, a o. I JACOB REED'S OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE •▪ HAVERFORD NEWS NOVEMBER 29, 1926 COLLEGE SPORTS "0/T011 g s0141111 a, YODER SCHEDULE BASK Victory Gives Inter-Class Football .Cup to 1928; Supplee Runs 80 Yds. By a touchdown scored in the Bert n.rter. the Junior clans football teem detested the Ithinlee. 74 thereby winning the Inter-Chou Championship. The opoer-elasemen held the edge through meet of the same. but after the ant Perin the Rhiniee emended holeini them whenever they got Iambic the 15. yard line. Chitin the ball in their own territory soon after the start of the game, marched down the held the they made • first dawn on the man 8 - yard line. Hogeoseer was Freshman Fresh thrown twin for a loss buton the third try, "Thomas took the bell am tackle for the only touchdown of the gone. The Junior. tried, pass foe the tetra point, and after bottoming off two Ithlelee, it fell into the hood of Richter and the en we. good. • Rh.. Held in the second quarter the Manion Webster. BEST SINCE GREAT 1916 YEAR Schedule of 8 or 9 Games Is Planned; New Material Ties With Oberlin College With Least Number of Points Very Promising Scored A gainst It th The Oateopa 00 thy Lich 7„r11.',IF'gugi.7g47bItirg main net FOOTPAIA cement., Was. L.. P. 0. Oat. Seoltereers. . . 00/ 1 AS liaise,ir oval. aseenetl N.. mew.a– ..... LohOrs. Auto at .s n p.a. Plot Pleat mad.— i.e. ....Wham ilsblam Ileite Olesa I.e.. 613 Ilir NilLairtrv tr .. maga am. .... eine earl 1=1:r' Northeast H. S. Mid Clermanteem Frinda te May for Trophy On Tneeday afternoon, Northeast lfigh School end Germano.. Friende, respective chant.. of the Public and Private School Lents. of Phila. delphis. wilt rant on 148 Field at o'clock to deride the seholastle soccer championship of Philadelphia end 0101011,. Tree sinner will be ewarded the handsome H•verfont College Tgll'er. trophy ems (int awarded to Pro the tan of 11M. when It was won by Frenkfotd High ht the _121.17-arh (Memento Friends The year It was won by Eseerterd School • • wit Central High Soh woe won by Northup. Last seat from Ftiende Select. Germantown Erten. has the tenet.thin of turning out good emcee teams, tiat Herrn years the ln School Lehgue bes been In xitance. ip he. been won by a the them eight timer, Northeast has a tie good, end this reputetion year they have turned out one of their best te.m. Formerly the two all.lentue kenos battled for the stspreman. but Iii 1923 game Patented members of the .1- in ara• not in e atm. b A the IOW Cup will "r"VtIrthetwPo'17ats eggem rerlir be main for dinner sled winner by Demo pretreated to Palates Sophomores. Anot bee from vire shottootle wee Ivo. WOO. were e &Ow tinil Hat-kiss . WO. OWe. Arthur Perry & Co. Investment Rankers 1519 Lerma Street,Philedelphia E.loa New Ye.. Providence, Portland Tam MATERIAL ave the e th Wallah tie national rattily e. Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne AGENTS no. have earned so much u the Km. as fifty dollars ill three tta days. We seed more agents. TIA11401Ang Pine. geri.110 111.9 Or. Inset Phalwistobie You wed more money. Write for agents terms to I THE NEW STUDENT 2929 Broadway Willard Battery Station lees pult. Direr York The Four-Piece Opportunity and inclination to excel in athletics may have never been yours. Yet every man or woman demands at least sell-consideration as first team material—during college and in after years. Suit The Popular Suit For the College Man, $40.00 $45.00 and Smart Domestic Tweeds Imported Fabfic--Cmt. Veen Long Trona.% and Plus-Four Knickers Every College M. will he inetrested in these unusual values STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market at Eighth Street C3fry this system Make just one whole meal of whole wheat every day. SHREDDED whole WHEAT contains all the PROTEINS, SALTS. CARBOHYDRATES and VITAMINS your body craves, properly balanced for complete digestibility and assimilation. Also BRAN—all that you need to regulate your digestion for the day and to throw off the poison of less healthful foods. Have your Shredded Wheat served with milk or cream and sugar, with fruits and berries or in many other appetizing ways. Start now to get fit and keep fit. If interested, write for our booklet—"Filty Ways of Serving Shredded Wheat." THE SHRLDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Niagara Falls, All mak.a reelisnod .rd pared at Phone: B M 931 Bryn Mawr Alumni SAMUEL COOK Ce-Op. Stem ARCS IT OUR N. Y. SHREDDED WHEAT THE ATLANTIC GASOLINE STATION liwkal Ord. coon. hisesto.oeserits. OwGetP AA at& yea matlwr=istastr.W. letla ww. war red soh. la es.... tow des, -0=istomma- Arena. K. of C. Glyn LIND Trouble: Whole Segni Sees Action The 1903-27 beeketbell mason was opened hy Ilaverford unofficially Ind Toes., night with the Ardmore K. of C., and the Scarlet and Black won deplete elctory. Although no regulet The nte boll Was mettle.. but in recoil was kept of the game, the score the third period found the net mre 40-12. for the Sop. with a ehort The Haverford squid eat set. r e enure The scrimmage_ tang time dotter, the game. and soon after. again • Mot in a nth. In front of the goal. The Ardmore came on the floor one eon rat quarter wes sorrel.. with some abort. Garrett and MIllikeo In torn Din slops by both inehtenders tenor- filled the extra position for the visitors. The whole team showed the need of Tripp. filling i tbe Rhin. at practice before the ern game of the full-back, showed some clever footwork regular schedule. Ma the showing of while Shirk and Evens starred In the the new material w. good. Melchior Sulthatt and Erb. played a good and A. Supple,. starred for Branford, for K. of C. saw for th 11. irk awaliwellewals.wlswessessel*Wwweeralswe W. H. POWER CO. HAVERFORD FIVE WINS PRACTICE GAME, 46-12 IL', d year It Soh lost SOPHS BEAT RHINIES .11.a. last has college on to boy pelotas,' m wane titan or other. Ile can vokl a Lot of disappointment y calling co • good printer r We IRA Solliraa and Urhae Star Ise .29 In 2-0 Sooner Victory More inter-class competition was inaugurated last Tuesday when the &pph . tamers soccer team defeated the Ehhde teem. 2-0. flutit team, were made op of third and fourth-team men. nithough the Rh... on account of • scarcity of players, were forced to borrow three Khrgham me-biter. two six-pointer* each and Hoskins also receleed credit . gt, freshman strati', for • eaten. being ones Haverford prepared for annual intererPted • f•rw•rd Im•• et nd re, arm. for a score. bettle with Delaware. The Rine reputed to have Tole so, the beat grown for Nave, and Gold Delmene ford sime 1910. The team woo 0 contests and dropped L The one defeat Mpi '[ cod Caewn kbHcbaH bud been was suffered in the S. encounter of meditioning his men for the Quaker I They were on edge /my all the year spinet Hop.. Fben g"gyie, cad teg,, "..bsring for this the gar e of the .a.n. seven new men bowed le the Blue and which if wen. meem • ....Mel year at the Newark intaltation Black, 12.0. Brat Harman too had been leaking Five Oppo•sellr Held Soma.. Into the future. BUII the Starlet and for 1.1.%trfTiVtilptIe:::e=getrstic'tel Brack wee in a toroteh Mope]title th foes nom period at V:77;j,..,T,Pie; hoe St. John, DeLaware °P' In the and quarter ponent on the schedule, wee unable to , solve a beautiful fireweed pass attack found Uemware bddlog [o mnal Benumbed. 240. ;hytheir 9-yec oe. After a r ilererfti".• e'rei He."Wn Word bad ol trouble in end ng soother down 'hesreerla've erto rd threllat'' be °. 'llt7.. fawn. Iced ever 725 Irani.. The Scarlet and 5p el core Black eompletety outplayed the hearier Ste Cameseetin Vienna moms rand more experienced tiers It was the third consecutive The Delawere triumph g ScarHarman'. me v have downed let and Black • record or els tense.tire victorlea. Ilaverford areraged 20 the Cdolon egirregatien per gem. to 3 for their *pentpoint. folTraveling up to Huntingdon the season. entire dm ane.' Salon. the Scarlet and Mach rots, daring With Ober lin College. Haverford Came thro with en easy 33.0 verdict. C. C. N. Y. wee then met ma shares the hoar of heving Th' Ft g he I 0 d g i I It than site other team on the eehetiole. Ilaverford er. out. In the country. Hach team Imo eish• weighed natty /5 pound. a roan. Feely teen points regiatered it* oillmsentr, in /second quarter Tel broke scoring column. The other colleges Loon on a beautiful 45-yard run for ranking near the top Fn the only score of the game. Twin in of defensEve pLaying •re Penn with the ono. halt the Lave held twenty palate white ir Alabama with for downs on their foe lag. The teenty•rour end Some Dame with Quaker. clearly ontpleyed their option- twenty...Ix ... and Novelties WE DELIVER PIM of the eleven rolled ay • total of 137 points The rne1.51 we. the ei"e"ei m- There were natty to 18 for Its opponents. Webster note •e• tek' eat oat usual, unmet= for the lead- t50 .10, end tame-out, the Scarlet and Klock was Ins tog scoring bonen. 37 to 30, Tripp better P"neh'd end tallied then touchdowns, nevem twin. Mr tow roo, t.'"d ?I'"' atter touchdown, cod "0.0 total of 20 points. Emilia& sod ..rer.el.e The Gift Shop Telephone Ardmore 1372 a' eats and the wore does not s,i ,theuennirrstive artength of the t,entn. HsnHord ha. fop omDkted one tu reen wee sr. _1 of its most successful football mum= the Eldbmetsmia Memo bowed. :t9. in years The Seed.- and Black Pictures, Picture Framing C. G. WARNER DRUG STORE "" SCHOOL SOCCER TEAMS MEET FOR PHILA. TITLE Willow. 0Gs." was 'wnrilwan, Pr W. A. Mode one OH The committee le to Mien. the suggestion of electing only one sonsMot manager of each apart from the sophomore aubumistant mangers, iumead of two. es has Leon contoreary. This idea hue been followed lo the moosterial elections of the Cap end Hells Club. soil bas proven setisfactory. The committee also make the awards in f.tball and soccer. sod will approve the basketball, besehall, Some and 1027 football schedules. before Thur... afternoon there is to be a meeting of the Student's B. RUTHERFORD, '27 Anociathro to elect • man to melon Who for two yearn has maned at a F. 11. Logan. VA on the committee. tackle pan on the Scarlet and Bieck teem. He In one of the four men to to the team by graduation. be time A TRIO OF HAVERFORO STARS SCRUB QUINTET MEETS PENN J. V. ON IAN. 19 FOOTBALL TEAM ENDS SEASON; •Ity is likely to =el %hes exseal. willDean eaPY whit art elirtnea. Delmer Tripp. Vt. stellar half.bach. the was one of the moat imminent emend'27. half-ban end field genera and maned is hie open-field running: general. who in the Madinat Heirerford soire e with :17 .1.0. to his credit: Morris, '30. mckle, who dropped back etc do the minting. He outpour-0 bi. Made opponent inevery tome. hie kicks everning larger schedule for There sill be the Junior Varsity basketball tam thin year than any prat scrub basketball team st Havarford has had. Although been scheduled ham teams only two oe far, seren or eight games, if tin M.. before 'err•°••d, will re. the name in over. Feed.. team will Jar.ry 7, .d the he met Varsity on January 15. Little is or Varsity known about either of thew temms at present, but Penn has a reputation for turning out Wong bone/bail teams. It am gulf. certain that this will he the hard.t team the J. V.'s wIII hare to t7a..,7hZ face, since no other college Junior Oar. Vitehrt.e rLollk itViTelihnrt" be played. • Fenton 20-yard line, hot the Ithieles At preeent the basketball. mange. held mid punted. The Juniors were melt lea=rint,:osemille4h er setin pia. scoring distance al•le when Thomas led eta pen and ran to the Brown Prep., andhe team of the 411 15..ravel line, bat again the Ithiniee re- tral Branch Y. M. C. A. In Philadelphia. tuned to lied and Thorn. mined • Lest rear Heverford's J.tor Varsity Plme kick. Tire Ithini." were w team timely manned to beat the I short aed soon the Juniors were once It. C. A. Ore In caraway contesteti more within the 20-yard line. With at Heverford by • Ileld goal, Wt ten ...oda to PI. Is the int hialf, which was made in the last ten eeconds lineenatter threw • pen to Thomas, of play. The remaining two or three width was Intercepted by Supple, Humohs down the sideline, the Elude half- ht Inds back resealed the Juniors' 10-yard line school end preparatory school teams before he wee downed, and the danger 1.1.y Veterans Rotate of a score ended with the MIL Meralsers ol last year'. Junior Ver• The Jordon bad one mornoPPem the Varsity will /unity to score halfway through the sky who do not third period when W. ran back • form the nucleon of the team. Any Iihtmie prat to the Fro. 35-yard line. OddtlyaffreTht et 'n'....:4' The indier.cleannen mode two first neon. this team Enshrine a be downs Maxine the 10-yerd line. but Richter. Mawlatoon, Honer, there the Rhinies held, end Hoge...lei. of attempted foreord went over the goal ltaTt :;;"s".1:gn 7IPtrest7 Terrg: line. cakes but one or two or these MD Thom. Start Varsity the of *owe in play Probably In the last quarter It watt too dark gamer. Amon th e freeman bsaket• -sawed to do anything and the ball ball candidate.. Morrie. Pearce, nap. hack nod forth lo 'near. territory. .5. SePPlee tort Durham have been Suppled anSims Marred foe the Mee, up very well and should be showing Rhin.. owl Thomas arsl Ficealmmone strong additions to the J. V... If they anide do bet for the Juniors. The Juniors ‘ make the Vanity. eight drat downs to three for the Freshmen. The lime-up: MP. P.P., moire K.sir to be broasht opiroportint matte. nextaremertist Ir AMER MOTBAII MEN DEFEAT RHNES, 1-0 ton mare Leiter. to Be Awarded In Fall Sparta ...tan Mgrs. to Be Dinened Sea.. before the of the /Breathe Athletic Committee, which will be held on Thursday afternoon, November 2. Due to Doctor Babbitt's Illness Me place on the mmill be teniporerlir taken by will Dr. 'Parlor. Lap ltitteohoua Dr. Comfort'. and ANDO Nan Will C. Go Re By suc. The final game of tut ennui soccer season will be Played et Amin.. Saturday, December 1, arab. the strong Nary team. By Ming the Blue sod White combat.. ' Coach blePeta.• proteges ten lay on, joint claim to the champlo.t. of the Kann now claimed by Princeton. The Midehipmen were defeated lam Ynr by the more of 4-0, hot comparative acorn of thls year's tesro point to • very close game. The Admirals best Swarthmore 9-0, while Swarthmom Ina downed by the Scarlet and Bleak 4-1. The Nan team al.. for. they play an nigh. stiff opposition, entirely dIffereet MM. of same frost that of the Mak, Lions. Coach bloPete it driving hie men hard in prepartaloo for this fray, as a defeat now would mar the consecutive taring of victories compiled Moe 11l eer. far by the bootees This , saandr man. aMet appearance o Ba halmt, Armstrong and Vogel se mom• ben of the sneer team. somas.. Fleet Jag. 111—SabsylltIll Cell. awny. . tame. J.. 5—F, Jas. 42-1A•Me4n ( ttttt the), Jae. 15--Draxel, away. J.. 22--Sterne, nerey. FN. 5-011.pathy, he eway. Fn. Feb. le et ii — Wombiesten, hems Fels ift—Priseetert, snarl. Feb. 23-1/11111., tem Fee .F—Stain, hems. Horeb 2—Lehisb, hone. WreS 5--Osleware, heel* EXECUTIVE ATHLETIC COMMITTEE WILL MEET SOCCERAffil WILL MEET NAVY TEAM SATURDAY Oro IS—Yewpk Uolv away. WILLUJI P. WADY. A. DAV.0 ItSVMe w. WENDELL Of-MICAS ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE A DAILY liAB E T ▪ ▪▪ - • Page 4 HAYERFORT; NEWS THREE NEW RHINIES IN CAST OF 'QUEROLOSI will take Rutherford'. teem.. HARMAN REVIEWS I. another Am. who retiet hie way to a Tet.itg berth. He 1926 SEASON Rained 1926 _ fifteen pounds tiering the we.Boll nod pet better every•rame. Wt.from (."U"ed gins should prove valuable, far he has ..e. ''' "'""k ' faculty took • band in keeping the bor.h° ..,_._ en _ ni elFb1 rL l ee_lteed .__, and L .th--littek. in mental trim. More than ever the Tec o,„.g •ZoloLatteaecog. ea.' .....:::, conch. and players felt sod spared- great Improvement. Mow. came First Rehearsal of Latin gt,...114::1,,11.,1,41,:Lh•17,:,,,,„ul,Vg Comedy to Be Held rbe neawna snort was awe o[ Wt through in great tile. r belle,. be as make ° of the beet linens :::kiV1 NOVEMBER 29, 1926 RUMS EV ELECTRIC COMPANY Eloetrie Supplies and Machinery Everyeting in Rothe ' 1007 Arch St. PhliadelPhla seal InIg7tjk best footbell gamee hare wee. It Tonight °airfare/ Md. Pat ohm marked the eloee of the gridiron At centre Winthrop, Supplee and , eareer for four ffinIOUR we FeUewieg the soon meet a t the lain Bob Sliddleten, Webster, Rather- Downward _did tgauchj better than . comPleted met f or me Classiest Chth Surd and Hopkins Teo much .anat :potplay. -Querolos.. by Dr. Lockwood be .aid in pron. of thee, Mayers. Each licagf:Ignwrie ting plsp and puts pep in the line. Mat week and the diateibution of the ;.c. supplied soWe Doter. T eheoln; Supplee did vem well for a beginner parrs Just prior to the Tbankesiving d .rfe nee" an e Iva. an and should do bettr-nest yer. Thin tan recd toot,. comedy will be held io Roberts Hall Wi:reVia'('IllfsIZ.alorthfaonfriyaeani" :: .pta r Helfhack Malmiley ▪ nof reams (.41.11 teams MI IA tonight. For two years Webster hem been our a cheerio hid mid also kept up the Bpi, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 A nohow feature of -Querolue.:' ha lfback mainstay. He directed the of- Ira Of the W. 'foetid bite. which Is en annonynesus Lone comedy lenge and could ran the ball Braid. these players Vannentan. of the fifth rectory. It C.. trenelated well and parts accurately, besides re Renwick. Rex and Lester, rendered especially for the acessio by Dr. ris",.r valoabte 1■01,i, as did the 'New." toll. Lockwood, is that all SET° of the winch labored valmatly to keep gateLtath'tthago. He was cool apenkina iedes are male. female etal—nervy on defense and sin offensive =ht. rattg'''ata7lite a7lfaart.' e chereceees at all seater in the el.. threat on passes. itutherford emcee...- ford football two astkell: Three Moles a-ere selected to WA, fully mastered hie opponents through• men, Dra. Babbitt and Taylor. the unasentned roles ut fipol tryoutagatiteht rte There ere few Haverfard has the beat opport.ity Suburban Publishing Co. °Vbje in yeses to make herself rig in "14 1k" M°""' ""'bef"" 1:,f;i1r4ti's.e'1,■!71Lir br■a•cFe::::■: tercollegiele the wven leading pens will taken :°tato:. football. This will be beat by fret year men. Those ',elected Mat Dear Flint had the [hankie. Joh doreh br aefterg:tacealfati week to complete the can were: B. on the team, from the spectate.' Wayne, P. Abernethy , who will take the part of standimlet, not the rescheet. Ile had a The greateet mistake a smell college makeisto go out of its own chum Pantomains. • servant: W. C. lianaa, itio•nattf tee-, egtogroeeer PICT tee n. ah,e, did it'a isevil for small 'college* to step not who mill appear in the role of Syn. to'orn° larger ,6,7,: aaathgrron te:t.tektra'Z' To.,,,pgyngth,eont oii Plieeta• a palette, of kleedearerea. not get hie man be looked had, and proles and J, Blared.. who will elm.' whett ha did get his man some nee elite sloriarlism. a4 as Arbiter, the neighbor of Querolim. looked goad. did re. well. The other member. a the mtsh who th eu.ldted the, neeWeei. 'wen Meats and Provisions e broken woven .14 ...point- He Is • were °nen.'" 'ace beck and ehould make • mune FINE STATIONERY Motel, Vt. Lae oe the prologue; L. forforhimself before he graduates. Neat William Duncan Yoder, Quernhis. or "GettanDe: Year he should weigh more cod be .hle J. II. Bosse, '311. the fakir Standee. to add interference to his accomplish. Spring Avenue • sod E. T. Boron., '20. sat- men.. Ile 200 Single Sheets 75e • toed weal gresnc cod denapolus. a mtelllie of 117.* Ardmore [MN. at the dome of season. He a nate. Seg.! to .A01.1.1a. rally cool and feat. With Bosworth , 100 Envelopes 750 Although it wall written seven hue. cod Speck we have a Rood half.-back HAVERFORD dreg year. tater than ['hiatus' contedr, fleet." fee emit rent. Ihetwoecer we. TEA AND DINING ROOM ..Aultilaria." which teal a greatly 'mitre's,' hock, see Joint BREAKFAST trim by the Cisesical as pre-Querolkie.. But, alClub. Printed in Black or Blue J. practically e sequel to the older Debate Has Played I. Every Dame LUNCHEON title Ple,, act In arcing lodes A good squad of ends la neee.ary DINNER Ill appear the m end.. the soy team. On the left cud was Hoban.. wIre r. whose part heime Phone, Ardmore 1944 aimed In the Pee- who has not otiesed sante the two formate,. of ..Aulubria. YO I. he Ir. on the nowt et had A. - Awle/wrie." the plot of mot.. eaaatteta., aog ,th„ a reliable cad Quentin', merely.. ND,. a hidden POI a ll Of the e ther cad, of ttuld. Thie treasure bee been left ue„thea. wag tag tgaatta. They a.e„ CASA DEL REY • [1 aloe hie e'Ph", her nod saw quite a bit of 6 so diesels. flint the ender will be both aond ththends „the. throat, otaa aeon.. HAVERFORD misled by orb...ranee. The fable, atte ice a he gear theta, to go to. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' hetiedeeti.e."- "ee. "tee" whet.. the good offensive MI defensive end,abat • Hotel Rooms For 'wt..,le aerated. "nee.'" is te•hi". little weak on pagers Wilt alw played off with it during the performance of a rand Ginty. The Dal few yr.'s. Transients "•'" reeeineteee• h"t deBevan seamed in bit hle made, relred anlechinee• Breakfast Luncheon pot a Rae through to be one of the meet Querolus."el. window eahItortin firoeerl o the teem a. the pessimisticoars recovered b s He lo ett and Dinner ,1 e placid treasure RIO Is rinutged to in more Special for Teachers rny, wee to of the ag reasona our tackle tiara were working. and Students Some '91 ...nob. use fin. Hiner playere at guard bur In our ',elm the glint,' most be Our Green Room Is Now aith big. to work line plays, sod fact. Ready for Banquet, Card because be come. out of the line on and Dancing Parties moat ploys. Morris was eo valuable we could not robe him nut at the game.. Phone Ardmore 3/60 Robinson lay I gdg egal Dregel and. Delaware,dal better than he had ever done before. Per.. he rver!: as Both the beauty and the comfort of every home have their beginnings in the floor-coverings. • Fine rugs and carpets form the basis of the entire decorative scheme; they lend coziness, art, charm. Above all else, Hardwick & Magee Rugs give years of service at astonishingly low cost per year I Backed by traditions of quality manufacturing, they offer a range of design, size and price that meets your every demand for any purpose. Importers of Oriental Raga HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. 1220 MARKET ST. PRINTING PHILADELPHIA ECamphdl KKDonald Wm. H. Pile's Sons 452 WALNUT STREET P'trandshAda, Pa. Book., Pamphlets and Catalegno, Oface Slatiefiery ant 'Tbs. Ewa Thar rash. loll Eat. NU MAIN LINE SHOE SERVICE Under New Management of John Donato A shop where the highest grade shoe rebuilding service is maintained. We specialize in rebuilding athletic shoes. Special price to STUDENTS. 306 W. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pa. LEADING SPECIALOSTS fa YOUNG MEWS 4 Piece Suits Hem Haberdetalseer Edw.. 1334.1316 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA WHEN IOU NEED ICE, CALL W. B. Kerrigan & Son 718 A... Bryn Mawr 1176 ------ COMPLIMENTS f ed Goldensky Studios 10 ITOS Chestnut Street. Philadelphia Official Photographers to Haverford College Insurance to Fit Your Special Needs SO% Dlecotent Given to There is one form of Provident Mutual insurance that will giuranteetheeducationoryou children, another ant will protect you in your old age. Ask a Provident Representative to work email individuslplan for you, or wrire for the booklet, Kent Blueprints His Future". Provident Mutual 1410watheweCosvenyelPhrbelelpleejle. Faculty and All Students of the College COSTELLA BROS. Fancy Fruits and Vegetables NATIONAL BANK PHILADELPHIA HESSON PIPES Henson Pipes Are Clean Inside 1308 N. 3rd St., Phila. Ardmore, See Frank at Chem Lab. Ardmore, Pa. la HARRISON, Prop. 20 E. Lancaster Avenue Ardmore Edw. K. Tryon Company Reverters! College Official Outfitters St. Mary's Laundry Pa. of IThe Master Shirt and Blouse Company ARDMORE ELECTRIC CO. Electrical Appliances of All Kinds INSURANCE 7.•:.% 4'5= 4:011.114:V= ' Man-power Demesne abating ...o.n.o....owl effeemegottest so des. In in ate.. both In orb inonlre cod It solosioNt. fenarboar cora.. damage to ear .d Itahalty for . property or far Min.. to wan. Four millions of the best man-power of Europe perished in the Napoleonic conquests. Military conquest is non-creative, while industry is always creative. LONGACRE & EWING 141 S. Fourth Street Bdlitt Building 1.1111.10,111a GOOD CLOTHES You just naturally want good clothes—clothes tha proclaim the careful, well-dressed man. If you place your order here, you will secure garments that are correct in every detail and at prices that are moderate for fine work. PYLE & INNES Leading College Tailors 1115 Walnut St. --: =---:.--,, THE TRADESMENS 22nd a Series Carden SM. Pkambiedds. Po. gash. Dsbeorr noes. Prot. MM. 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