• - ▪ - ti HAVERFORD NEWS HAVERFORD VOL. XVIII. YAM MAY TO GPI POETRY nut IGT MY BONG WSW) to Broadcast Poems as Recited by Famous Poet and Artist AUDIENCE TO TAKE PART semi reeltid of his own paean in which the *agleam is to take part. wf9 ha afres Ly VaMel km. Asericse poet gad artig. to ifenday. Sok.. R.n IL 8 o'deek April 18, mt. meiltd will h. broaden. M WAN. Vsehel DJgam7 1... of the leaden h. 'N Eta." mem.. a keen go.. of Americas life at•I • rhynt. iota eet•••14.4. Him gem. ere cated for the feed play of a yield lx•ii.dol • militia. high mplrlt awl a game relationdile het.. ask chanting rhythm cep mute. Mardsdrfte Willtemo.. other Sony" ...T. of Mr.. 1-thWer of "He Is • men with the be.loatlem awl mositivity pt the hard. of Greece Rod the prophets of Israel. living in au Imo madam World-" A Stedeed el Art Be was hern I. SPrindfkid. Mien* om November 10. 1070. and resided to bis birth until recamk, the city wheal. mow.. iftelthoo. Fro. 1/07 to 1900 ktOattended Rlnm Cellepo after keeled millet. from fiwiegleld SIsh SobooL Fer the next four rears he gaged art. working ender William CU. and Robert Henri in the New York School of'Art a 191/11. After two years of Imbuing cad settlement work, he took the Bret of Ida keg tramps, welling through Florid., thiornis nod Carolina nail Readied the "gettpel of beitaty." On the. tramp. Hr. Lind.. reeked kis poem. to the 1.0Ple be Mob fee Ida feet Kul 3.40e4. and elatthetted • remoblee ef Seem. smiled "P.m. to Be Traded for Bread.. Fn. Amorket. thlegrel If el. wanderings Ver.] Lied.. Meer. steeped in the folklore. riur tom* ethics taxi genie of Amerks, end *toiled the Lire* of the 91010 Were Travel/img 00 s combined mhtsionmy and pooh be developed the Meet and sang hi• 'Inferetiou. gene of rhymes. ragtime, end MUM." s he ketheyed from pl.. lie piste. TIPS be became the first American Edema-el. Bet though Mr. Lindner le Pdmmriy meordit and ▪ 00.t. he I. also diany on the umeing picture world. To 1910 he pubikked "The Art of the Mates Pinson" a honk I. whieh the moll. pt.Ooeo .thed Its One emegeldon es • anis. art 140=0 foam stage tradition He Ms Meek.. • theory f 40.1g. erbkh Is am einberatim of he letter. of the akehalpt.. The Ob. Patio. L Ma books are of his owe , la 1927 he published • titt s:Of dr.... entitled "Going to the Sus" 11A. LAMM% Two Hr. Linda... lecture toen deried the seig ten Years hare taken him to 010,7 state urtheretity Mei to Otella en. deems In the Coked that. Cm. end Emil... to his toot 01 next Send. at Raverford be will glee wren DOetaa, atoned which are itome of hia moat femme cosspasitiomi. "Hamlet" mad °John Strewn,' • eturht of Dtgra spirits asid psychology, will b4 Mane. with the mid Of the .1.11eon. "Genera Booth Enters late Stiome." hi. .pmt pee. ermined... mil "Tim Chinese hipktivinek. 6 whilewhiled.' pinoopelled. Mr. Stephens, of !sew Trek Herald Tribe.. 'the fbre,itAtremberritte in ., Ate. rieLea tte e t d • TESPl eelugt. t. Protr,tilePen'a. eatiteer,"."' tmeastorke it"Zetriigrel The Cap '" mm 004"` and Belle Club taxa.. "Captain Applejack" A Comedy in TM'.. Aces PT Waft, 1.that ROSERTS HAIL Priamy, April' 23 at 8 P. M. Resamad 3...., 21.80 Jam C. Law, Mir, BOUCHER TO SEE FIRST PERFORMANCE OF PLAY Dew Belleareal le engorge Nall Etwoing The open].t performance of the Cap 0d Sal EMI. "Captain Applejack!' ill he 00 (AND WAYNE) NDIEBER 8 PA.. APRIL 12,1926 STUDENT COWER in HOMAN NES CURRICULUM LECTIRES ON MORAL PROPOSALS TO FACULTY WSW OF TODAY CHEMISTRY INSTRUCTOR APPOINTED FOR 1926-27 J. C. Farb•, Ph. D. McCall, to Ambit t Yaw Dr. Rearm Pan Dr. J. C. Forbes hoe ail Pied the Mire of the poeitiou of Lostrector Chemistry for the Peer 1928,17. I/0. Forbes will probehly hove charge of • part of Chemistry 1 eed of the anelytieal Menden,' them.- Tide Mrallotment will make possible the dirt▪' of the Chemistry 1 course litho two emtkoa, 00 mearstios thoee who hen had chemistry in permat0r7 school. from those who have not Dr, Forbes gredustel from the University of Saskatchewan with the de.. .4 B. A., in 1020. and received his Heater's degree from the same University in 1822 Ile held a mithi. amble awarded by the Research Council of Canada for three years et 1100111 University. Montreal. hod remised his Ph. D. from there In CNA Hie rematch work for hie Doctor'• degree en dour under Professor A. R ...Hum, aninternational authority 10 bthchemlamy. The Board . of Reneger. will be asked to rm. a formal eppoianneat of Dr. Forties to the position of 121inns-tor f0 Chemietry at its Ile, romt• FehleY, April it The hen of the met will be eotertained at a to • M the rolled, before the performance. Suggestions Presented and Rev. R. W. Thompson, Rector A dres• reholthal will be held In Heber. Hall at TM this Wed... M Bolton, England, Gives Discussed at Joint evening. The rehmeteil win Lot be open to the 0000 00 nalitie West Chester, Last Library Lecture Meeting which was the fug Mare IA Ms the 102)1 1.7, will we the emend ported. IS LARGE AWAIT FACULTY ACTION A1TENDANCE same sta Saturday, April 17, Two Maws have Gemmed ln the e auestiM of whether • thin etheiven Of the pky c.t mince ihe The Student.' Connell Comnalitm se bitel a alim nyt ofxas t which no one Is sight or wrong le oa Canieulunt premoted its auggestio. O. S,. ca decide. Standard... nice the .11 of Mr. Derigati, and II. to the Faculty -Committee 01 • meeting 1110.yourmlf bemusen of ethennalsoces, or in Lloyd Me.. 20, Mil appear bed on Tommie', April 0. The a.• ns.trie• or diemnt pariah , Mee- Penner& geediage were considered and dimaaml 111114rest gated the Bee. R. W. The Wm at ha heat 00 Friday, April RS, when the Home Pe - et the meeting and drafted lath . re- Bletep.. last Thersday, April 8, in themassest will he even in Robe,. elan, port odgele edit he prementhd to the the f last Librery Lecture of the year. It la expected Mat Me remit edges Fendt7 at a Enure meeting by Dr. W. tethiert ens let... Words About will have here on off Me work ot E. Lunt, Ash.. of the Fmk, Com- • the Out Whim three perform... be- mittee. Sew of Toady.. Moral Questirma." fore the ad. mosidering moral questions, firla Eder the mocking of Lem. tnosinel Pm.. el Commit. Explateel be Pure Mat there is • mere question,. At the opening of the nmting who eaperleoced in prof ...ties, lad poem.. • lint-band Mamba& '20. Maim.. of the Ilitodoste hewn Ile speaker, "No one Perlin can theinkal knowledge of acting aed of Committee, in response to • mandion Weer this mieetiOn for e•A other. BY the mmtlerbme of mitt the NW la be- of Dr. Lunt, explained the geom. of 'Ma proceeths of thinking, morslity ing polish. prepertitiem far the the committee mid its object.. He deo ma. even be eliminated. There are seven peefill••31.• 00 he Mr.. rimmed that the committer was an out- people who bellve that we are fordo. let for student.' ids. regarding roomer amstally creatures of Instinct. and that and other Mine matters, and was the bidet/rare of UM instiect Is to be most emphstindly not to be ronsliderld emkoned. To think that to want • Lmemitete• reithen fOr hoviag attach out the college admioistratios Wag It la most curious emeraiott Of the lo genera Tbo fundamental idea of Wolk. coneidering moral -queetiOa• the whole pl., he mid, we. to be We room mime teat we ere be.. of moral good, and we mud co.oporatioor mod the committee ese capable repudiate. the idee that momlitY entablished "in order to milms such 00- founded on economie eece.ity." Hetzel and I. Evans Vice Haverford Musical Clubs operstIon poesible and profitable." Ile God's Chelan. To U. atho mferred to the Meal* PerernePresidents; Ensworth SecReverend Thompson [Meted what he Also Combine With mow of the committee 1a an outlet of considers the greatett me,tease in the retary-Treasurer Old Teetemeat. "Re ye holy Mmes. I Princeton Medeet lama ▪ hply." Ile vomiter. It It ekellenge The meeting then premerted to conAt the 0. IL C. A. election, held Being to human kind to DM Mimesis with the Wilmot. iddondlon of the tome for disceesion ef tre Intivitebersose the human natore Mat Toes., EL Standeld Sather. was PP he the easu•htee and ensed Dartmouth College Mtn drs. dorled be the iltotleath' Asemibitiot is kin to the divine. "Assume that elected president of the college organ. Meal Club. vented the can of the Moth &to.. wee mitered about the lif!'1ag.,ezrablv,1 imams for 11100-41 te s.e.d Larb shove, season at dm lievertord Instru- first of them min., that dealing with aing The'kfetr'OrTeel Imo. as the you to lire, thee Borten, thlt. retries 00.04.0 Barmental •nd Glee Clubs. Both concert. more 9.11. Mortom of rut allovesnees gent woo 000 ed the ,Tee-prenidenin Of elarein•Son regoirementa Of the were00000 in PhiLdeiplea. The eon. aed L'et-te:41ively took up plans einggeMed to meet the ea. of eert with Princeton. the third met. stodeats, partkelerly upper Maumee. emnbor of moral questions that are the College .17-Seed leer. Slam remise. kleverford. Sargent us. He urged against libels go inn GC the two claim. wita held io the the P. of ofmeeting both for relieve. bee been active In extra-cmicular of, wa,,bieVrjhkrori reahoba. ortheVoom C FM. of the . Aeademy 0d Mmic and Mead. it bete•ya • invorthly Mani 25, two days before reemlow moot etemmi intelleck. end 1. often valor. Lint He le • member of the Glee Vert.. methods of administering lie Ong Club, one of the two repreeentatime lying 01- .r. t thmitmeeth Soloed with the Hathrford Clem mums were Jimmied. .ate Tice saiddemented that lyimg ort oath vise ready kw. elected from the Junior de. on the Chha in the Rose Darden of the Belk- pointed 4191,010m of the Wore danpnona then lying when not on oath. Students' Cos 7, threes manager far pointed oat an hens: first Mat It the &mem vmStralfoei on April 9. mum berm would Irc done. too mucb room/Debility It the Bolls mends were among Mr moot part ol In connect:err with murder. Reverend 1020, bolder of • Corporation Scholarattelmet1 axon& that it gave suoresdol the clobe here hed tido the ntodoet too tondo work to permit Thonspeon mid that Mammon won ,hip for the pa. three Teem. mod • ke more nitirdera than an! member of the fork squad Lard peer moon, from the point of rim of of hls Semler an7 outside nothillem rempottaible other canoe. He finned the modern excellence of mndltion. The 'felting third. th. It nemaeteted x tether worship of wealth. He al. omotiemd he ems • vice•president of the Y. M. A. and menages of thecer. the. the prem. meter.. and the 'words of Christ which Mate that orgrothatione were worthy competition fandly frOmiblY a Leger faculty than le el slwatlng Moen Aetire la Celle. In anger to poor foliow roan is anal the •pplanse of the audience inof Ihmerford. equivalent to murder. Aron. other The two vim-preeldeut• for 1920-27 toned to the good tenet.. debmi Blecess. forme of murder. he Included war, Mkt em Theodore B. Helm& IS, end John PSIBLeMe• C•Iltati the elyie g jot indi z i l i l t ala Mi r t eb The .seitillty of better co-operatiou T. Evans Helsel is en The Princeton Betide ChM town.' between the Graduste School alici the met mummer of the Nem nod core foe these was Isolated the Academy of Muer program with college ess dimmeed. by the Famity Cenoulttee Sul the nod mood Mot bmtherhood most dr, tre.umr of the Scientific Society, Jerk 1'1111-Toed Medley' • popular piece out thed no our onmroon relation es ehil- Emm is elisionen of the Comm. terms of the endowment of the Grad.. arranged by R, L Weever. coseb of ate Shoot merle it ...tee to teeth ire. of GO& Itontsaittee, holder of • Corporstloo the Print:ton and Haterford beano oply Mellen themes Ober& In considAmidnal (10.10. Steedard mental. Club. The Haverlord the eretion of the poesibility of eliminatWith reference to problem. of mond Scholarship, vice-Preeideet of the duplbotion of mots. at the Gradu- Perky. Reverend Thom.. advocated Sophomore clam, a mender If the J. Club gave too welf-sung mlectimie anti ing ate School end the college, the Sart • fight against the double standard of V. saver trans end of the second teethe Haverford Inane:mm.1 ('lob al, wee brought out that a smolution pee- morality, and also more ohivalrie atprimed for tbe fist time, plying ned the Student.' As...laden 19IB titude tow women 'Mid. would fol- nix tem. Lust year be wets secrete.rude It Loper:ebb to has women at- low the abandonment of the double treasurer of Die `SP•eitih ItheModr," by Cbabri,. tend the mauler tonere comma. and ottaler& Herbert K. Enotworth, 1111. eery...lamThe Priaretoo Quartette reedered en•seolcestly prechwied attesdance of Weaker the nutted., b-res., for MI.= I. ptraident of Tut, marriageerthrised levereI humorous and harmostioue ontga the (Indust,. School students lo three. towerd expremed in dm ores& with excellent to-operation. Their Glee memo the einem.. and modern fiction He alm the ithinie Miss and a member of the The problem of making tolimiloto football end truck semis He deo droned the modern tendency toward Club mom three emelt nod the Hater- " more Mao • nall.tell" woo taken en. frequent divorce. saIle[ that ',Mee se hot& • Melioration seholarehip end is forams took the ate.e a. the ..31- The Student Committee suggested the have owe taken op Innetiap we should In the Student Council. twee by storm with a series of dm. pssetelly of fewer sod longer toll,. Pt nodding lake take wit Poo It. and fevered COMM Appointed 0. ohould Make It emtform to our ideal, Market pr11 epecislidee. Following two song. by noes. with and talks of corm. interest. generally high, rise new Y. M. C. A. C•binet. which the Harerthed Glee Club and • Meth. potion Elmems in UN.. Rwegmalint. le made up of the heads of the monby Me Princeton Banjo Club, D. D. There ws short dimutodoe of the STUDENT DELEGATION anklets working under the direction of Sutphen, of Priomt.. played • num- rOigtarree ,:r .. nzenad., the ormonsatien, ha. already been so. en movenber of pieces PLANS VISIT TO RUSSIA mimed by Sargent. Jack Even. wilt 000 of Senior end Reeler years. ter's amw with , riolio bow. with stamp engemtlona were hide god pos. Afterkes Celle. Ile.dents to stiay edit the Handbook dietriboted to the Idling result.. The Priaceton Glee &mei freehmao and commonly known as the amothas In sada Club made its teal mthearanee and WORTH cutreidered. but the sub*. e• • whole vote left for later digresBang I iterim of Princeton mega. A rielt of tot Anterican Student Dele. Meek -Bible." Walter E. Hurtle, sion. Darimeoth Owed tettanttO Ilookt Houle In '27. will head the Social Service Comle being planned by the International ternational damn.p en page go MOM, 2 100010010 of Education mod The Open mittee. end Charles E. Bhutan '27. VoTi Clutrit1es. Reed in In-operation with the 1111.11•11 will head the 00041011100 waterers, which played for the dance COPE FELLOWSHIP re, the committee on Bible &Witt, for Cultural Reletkes. Per. following the concert, were the WeImbed. has heen obtained 1.001 the Study We been reelitend by a Dimes. n. of the filet cembleed wooer, of Awarded to Mon Droop Committee Much will aseras% Soviet Goveroment 1.7e Anterkan Stu'St WI. WM the Yinuerford 0. Dartmouth idealSeedy CM... of itar.rd dents to eater RM.. N*Pwiettem some the dud. formerly Mime cal Claim La th of the four cluh. C. IL Greene TS„ h been wanted have been opened to met-erten to whet charge of by the Bible Study Commitslimmed Mice mere the Dertmonth the Clementine. tee. Richard Wieser, Ti3, ha bee extent the Society foe Cultural fleCope Felletle for ellee nob, which meg but once. latiorm and other Soviet offirinis appolated ch•Irmae of the new contrtmouth. gat. nMgt rear. Thle.• annotthement IL Corman. of ma oteltUntio%.g. Slap denting End the male by Dr. Conefo. in Collection on undertake to pet the delegation In Verde 2123 This fellowship is swarthel touch with Roman scialente nod lu John L. liellen '27, will have charge Cirri e'en 1,7 At 4'4%11l'g- by the Welty to the beet instill... other wram re-opera. in nothing er- 123.7'1=m."4Thi eltrddvia71711073t: rheart which Is made up of Dartmouth pike. from Me senkr clam The re. nrofelneate. The delegalloo Oleos hi soli early hem of the Ore A. V. Fowler , /tisk, saxophonist in the or- Meek In motored to emend the seerum- [`meekallq C. Leber, both '27. The Memchestra. 00, 1two ise. Reim in • good ...Reg re. ha MP. at name 0,10. zrzz dship Committee "MR be heeded by eve or ferel. =eremite •PP7070 kora.. . oty-ghouird• Pee the [melte. Glee. !mend next bin examine of the time ithent in pem- Cori S. Vogel, '27. emeli:nra, gam • short pram. of year In the chemistry department et age both way& the &keel. .111 have et IoM six and posalbly right wileh: COMPETITION FOR NEWS selections on their 1.theMmt, See. Hammed University. U list they were fermented to Greene loss been • coroondlou to pod Iv the lvdy f ;12;1,7 scholar for the peet three encore sae.. Breen. He PHOTOGRAPHER TO END W. &Wed to Phi Beta Kan. Ina from New 104. Oita 0.o Men eetiIs besed on miniMP had hod led the etheoe in aver- mined .1 $400. Y BUSINESS MEETING Mom estimatee-Third dem travel, In- BnInsBa Ilitar for 111.-27 WIN B. 4. 1.101 ky Met Beard TesIght e.E....01.zool, and ree1000.00 4ortenlet7aralitrioott,wt: 0t, • Wthigerhs Pregi . CompetitiOn for Newevhotogrepher 011tere for two aft.. 1111.1 dant tweet7 4.0rotr and t!bedeiiraduath. giot 0oi7lo:e3 tbirrafetioalteet `1"c: . Th 1. O. A. was beld o":1?Zermlay, FINAL CHESS MATCH teed Henry C. Bent '26. who lias baed Y. 1 Vide:.'t4t1'0 plougglo%11:litroisl"trie April 7. in Ma UM., The enema for prone will be inekbn up •into mailer the position for the mot the yeire. the geode, year, Sarnosti Three Shied. ere workingout unProel• CM. Tem to Wet Ridley Park le Melte ehich woad 1m of • more wOrkdent: Babel and Eva., 70. vim presider the direction of EvEnn tad have Lan L.1100 MM. amaaa IR. oMrathey.. dents, a. En Phetegrapha c.0 the camThe Haverford Che. tem will Mar Mee termtes, YethTeZed. tag log of to eight mittehes the ra.tionT Zel z"r ucelop sill glide 4 pus sod the venous addend. teams for The mirth'peceideitt, H, Bartok the Let few weeks. The them candithe Me. the perticuthr project. which Caw. Laza .. z at TO, read report of the artfritle. a F iVi l ik kt team rbL F The Peeve of enedel thterest to thm ouch date. for Moor photographer are W. the omenistion 00 during hi. Worded Medi- Everett OMR, buteuel T. Brintom end • Owed In the Bamford as agri.1110. college end at the Wan.WIIfb10.0 keel. both •rt, Morello. &Base life, etc. Frank IL Briggs. all 79. Hiverford team if tieSilver Bay Contemom. The report of tenons in Ms mar* it will be the Thomeot The tubes. nimmgowr. of the News in fie prolect should the treasurer. J. Evans, '28., thaw. thud cenneeetiee eke.. end should write to Amerfaui-Delegmtion 00 Soviet for 102627 be eketed tonight to the to he on • sound linen. tir4e ireartari dal einoddtkie boil,. til teem a fair rank- Look, On. of The New Student, g0.20 nem. Fe T. Campbell, '213. who I. retiring free office. Bthethr. New York City. SWAT, '21, HD 111ITMNJ111CLUBSIBET M LAST DUAL CONCERT I, Y. M. C. A. PRESIDENT 01 ,mr,•&Vgat."arILI7 be et3•-1- BASEBALL TEAM SHUTS OUT STEVENS, 6-0, IN FIRST TILT OF SEASON Kingham Allows But Three Scattered Hits; Haverford Makes 13 Safeties LOGAN STAR AT BAT Haverford opened its [intake/I season by defeating Steve. institute of Technolo., 0 to 0, at Hoboken on Bator. de,. The 10000 WAS i good drape and Mowed the results of thme weeks of bud work- Hingham. Burt and Abbott Were new nen in the lie-up and all performed crechtaltly. Hingham pitched a One game, allowing sob three lilt. two of which were of Cm ociatob theieb, Bart mot three loll, and field. faultlessly et Morten.. whie Abbott Ea • slush and taught tire diee after heed runs The team as • whole fielded perfectly behind WogMoo ged hit hard in the phoebes. Surbeck, • left-hander, Marled pitch. ng for Steven. sad Vint well the fourth Lying, when poor work by 0120 eammates mai severe well-placed him moored two Ilaverford added two more run in the Welt and Ruben. took over the pitching in the sixth Haverford completed into scorieg with leo rues in the hire to on bite by Renwick, Bart, end Fistoodera Logan'. mongrel sod an error by Surbeck. Rome. Draws P.O. Retoncle drew a went to open the gene, Burt mcrific. hien to wod, bet he Ivan ten there whey Logan and Smoders runlet tot. Hartnett got the litet Mt of the game in fitavens's hoot nut his effort was futile, Mee Artehoff end Few mooed op Rea Three Haverford mee rolled to the infield in the moon& In Stevens'. half Smith teethed. but wag thrown ant at met,. when he tried to steal Van. Whim.. op.. the Wed with a hit, bet was moght Meath., Steer. net out in order in their ROC In the fourth Bore opened with a Moe. to left end on the alt-•dene Pi.r fares ,hot a mingle to right, mending Burt to third. Sounden eel. to centre, marine Burt, but when Logan triod to go to third he was croon ord. Saunders took smond on the play- &modem continued to third on Kinghton'n werrifice gy to metre end ecoted on Ahhottn hit to MOIL A WWI! by Aschoff the emir US. in Stemma'. turn Ventleala• SHOO Mime Venoms,, started the fifth by drawing oo Morse alao walked.. Renwick mcrificed, y..3=0. by 1,01T 141,:t ;:rtL,VIZ'CriNi et Ma, ellen be got • late gut from third. Cogan doubled, gearing Rum, but inomders popped, ending the be• dog. Steve. went .t in order. Meg om doubled in the aria, but WU left nissodeit In the seventh Renwick end Burt Angled, Lasso sacrifice& awl both mwred No &tandem's Mee. In the ninth Bort tangled end Loa. doubled. but Borg e. out at the plate. In the home half Flernett gaited with two own but Alrehoff hit to IMIthgbam, ha threw him out at fret, edit 010 N Play hy 1.•thga rmtftiverwm-mmem walked. Ban . to meow. Le., ilit00 N tra. "Irra"t"4.:7"..gale"=.1ii% ••••= ±.00.1:11.4p_orima to Ben. Anson rolled Ttudb:!..r. 'PM= 1=e "" .`"" MNI:774:1Et0Egi;4117i. rtot = 07.11.004 u P•P A etS0M11 • 001.1.000 TICS Ira= MONDAY-7a... e* Theat. haw. Nn are larder. *AM ildwitga sagav gar nor. 001 tame. ellaiDAT-Toe Calawineu shwa. eitb. oadoverodatto• to de twee. 7. wennriner-resais wiih II. Pt. seves. at 1.0 thaawil with .t bemo 0. thwitwh am C. A.. la Ow Va, An. IltII7L1PATFesene-tne see um The at .117 1A2IIIIBAX-Ssoalo with Dykema • alW71. hembll Mor man C. s1 ham.. III= 06 AleatZ fwd Neotlas. 00 .402. Mom 'Mold WM.. maw of tuna 11.1•11a MU. oa TV2117.106IIIVISIMAY-tanao with antes.. at Wan Z. C. A,, fa the take. flak TIVIVIADAT777BAT-Tehalo wIt1 lotalea. avow Pas Retain 710m. Nee awl Beam. tiATIMAT-Ilaosball with Wawa, ••■•••: 1.0 004es tun nano 'tube Inn ostmotar. ▪▪ Page 2 APRIL 12, 19/6 HAVERFORD NEWS ... . op" ACCOUNTANTS WANTED TUMO' POPLIAl New Preferlea ra to Jr W. GRANAMSPEAKS ON po FOR RESPECT Of Potations InCollege Mee of /tSh4C0011. STUDENT Inetitute 14 American The meninwith of °Winning &Moms 11111 the ''EDUCATION'' TO GROUP forarglwork education college TOURS 00A1'.7 PERSONALITY MADE BY Itmementos " EDITORIAL has ormn• neofewohon. 4atar WIOPZ 11 Saban w. Ism* ftla; . Polf":11::: geed h ote rd lett. mom. for • IN FOUNDERS' MEETING open with Poxitionsgraduates the work. 10number gdilmm. 'M golware Y AT WATSON FRANK DR. ropZcrizz, "Elecd areeptable of MemP. mum accomthig firm. In %grime cities . . Nemo. se mdlatkirlight Sun. HAVERFORD NEWS! Ix O ere 41 Nome, country at an initial Former English Educator throughout W. nonekalw... 'n• Pemedkets. Says Real Personality Is Be- my trSY • month. of $12.5 the the of one le Arcountaney and CH SON' ACCOMPANIED EA English Compares While Individual ing to lat Is deseb related anddereiotone. Carronessi professions PSC% COLLIDE A WILL-1010NR es ils bees hae 11 buriness. Wa n. m. 720671175 A A1117 MOOR Systems American q Good Acorancer Game" the "Playing mold. end the ....rmation offered am.= Miter wainakelystafftwa, Mork readily maimed al /Ma* and ohm. Mockery .11:"LitTLPZ RECOMMENDS HARD WORK Emma f7=7,:',7ga •••41.114 DESTROY TO EASY sraisrsie test if yeti 50-110 c the mauls. et clods srin as apportunit of functions bay fordebe m e Sal probated of . do ..1"" Umbel,. W. eonetancy John Professor t. L.a. 'IS w. W. P. Much. men'aviaries for p.m.... is -it dint deal at dr deli place. be .1K1 dents. stu moose trilndion ■ • whole world of som11.4 obtained by direct spplie•tian to the Swarthmore, who ham for meet of his min to ." =1*.lerleratt="mdlem Sffite to Top Coats principa life Hall in mamma of DaltonEngland. BOARD BUSINESSIMamm trey American and •at theT..mote 'hitculture' of Arcouutants. posh.emmead eMen.a.drama of Maneheeter, Fnivereity the been City. New York Cedar etre.,Institute 135.00 sal larrralel. Werem mareadamne, FranktimeD. der pernonalio." la r.Soslr.oessnMamba. a Club Founder.. Haverford e gore let Mr* Of. for regime( for pernunnlitY a made Mmes. Entitle'At , and Amer. INTERCOLLEGIATE between a. Perthe, 24. •1 the Y. 11. C. A. Mreling um Much new...ett"r, I T.itwandiall. aIt It• Hmet. ACM BM's SONS ontheMarch So- RECITAL Of REQUEST comparison wanHerdneetion Is Professor Dr. Willson a ciology 1424.211 cmumart 37 BUREAU means. 10 TRAVEL tusufBeint Wort on theofHer. • end Soled lamentedfor PHILAD6LPHIA Oft n Aarrarai...NYralerk Manalattaa 4ea0e gretultou• or cheap provision ;met Faculty. College erford C. GROSS GENALD or Ensiled in , end of frodueetiem gamete Secondary the that said {Venom Dr. 14444 uni45.000 are McHUGH Tower. there BY &May while yet that SOLOS morsolf. noted bettor in in perkomlity H. 0. rrua Y. versity students❑in England, there are lie deviated the ver being e of PerposOino thegerm aithoush tbet, " deco nowt Ming different. it Hyperion Concert Trio Pre- imputation Is"'three rou e that a sonality for mine ellowence Making gland. necesserilYmean bring either duneornot(math& sents Classical Vrzt..... v.. school.. prefeseloml odd COMPLIMENTS •■ • •■ SAO it Numbers Avein lessee thist included unitersities. EtigLiebin America Babies le Hewes Disempeet Mr arum England in two to 7 leMN 14MonJule 111,11 1101111rd out wane -‘ Wetern of 'nen mid He imputation. e name do.Iledanger if e manifentstipoo 2.7.7sr .4741E74,1.. etta theeof 1H1412111 midchileditmtila tenet'.tine personality. if it nut freir4di?I diereeperting area Ibis 1 at.ii rewl. make Mould imported, 1 ' 4l1n• o'clork OH March MT-in "hat effectually where home. ill merit often difference into the 1110 C411111114r THE TRADESMENS nu Mormon. from WASSI. little ensemble shssssi andbents dren are unwimly Trio exh.. niel playing future. ...mimeos Mall ofAmerican special their givendirviplintol is-There ensammetat rellent returnof the aarranged and Et°1:t7Vtliste 16.4"=•;::::i comideration Babied no is more im Mterests. ornether. 20tb the : for zd. hem • NATIONAL BANK MOT. to than 1441 being 102 lawyer when doZoll; a memd.rate to become eseetient an become hare might he For Principle PHILADELPHIA the testInthea is nee m feet.1.•"i•S cicalculated number Me rine tetherdirrehis Suck became gime, merely here Whind dIfileult our attention been It he. been polled lawyer." sucteminl brat thebelow ofp.m, abilitypart In England: agework exarths. ofcollethegemore andthethemovement trio. offmtatementa certainLPto the Men° ithich typical anent. often too is mreomlity 01 gent generelly there that year'. Get better acquainted with recent edi- II em oche... which allow moils to factInthatthempeared ,shoal rtework, oftorial et MP Esrsost With ri ,t'; dme The 1tIr Quakerism and what it -Fuotbell log through- wi out treft. Me Abram Freak.. 'cellist. Senn entitled be "regiment Madre the college to eetard ,stands for by so-celled The indirect..., es Swarthmore.them mod ol4410i441, noordiontent Nebular.. the very Meet dower of Moller. Harold are cam- omDr.many there NW mimerenve onthethereturn ifstoon securing .spoutanmete" all In Ph.° the touted 'Oil were .0' colleges Amereen A high order of eulles sthdenta throegbfavoring of a petitionto the or science, Lvve eacept need 00 odder. mof aSwarthmore 'Calle Soles bo three ye•ro before biking the Onion" "A Sheri Weer ef Qederism" lad -Zittenerweires. V101111 1...benet them..., who hone crone ocheduir foothell solos. riullo Two Vs, dare by S. 114.4 mot they aka came been by the m oin pointed been has 1W10 mall group of tuelergrad- chin. lie advocated admittine tie um Serenade, end .1Iejre tooby_Huboy. - he hail seen -were solnyole Vol the enniuped. Mr. Mid hum-prided al a maim the itudieatIon of n in college. One imt &Mite inter. ter, okillfuily errewho workectitig Introduction lby Rehm M. Jams mile them kind wrformed teethe. bemlifully mid ease ith III, some hr .1-Iyino to the Sue, ha mid ietriligetit Enti gifted in expo.- Prke Post Paid $2.00 him Ohio mat enthusiame few °amide in World grew, Reverence by on officialItspokesmen aeserteil intluetwer. lemt FRIENDS' BOOK STORE been Mad atmore oar.. no0..1prnsil•1.41meehe American o ArmIn....eerie. from tieltenemn C(.101•Iitter lu Leghleg Pointed wee it index., Engl.!, indeed their moor Frankel, ofthatthesome14:M40111re EA hard who increasingly it undergraduate. N individual to himself r showed by siert, rumm ingenious and more teethhe the reediting mit of 302 Arch Street, Phila. • ..- •Rorer throughof lierId% individuality• 'cellist.their concert In the tiro. not realizetohaIt, exorres “Itiot tweeterafter didmbecribeil the petition signed destructive mostlywhen they eignincenre Hyperion the audio, iliarerford up come to filiture the meor ascribed He julatiflable Lem for and xtinality been tom it source saws the From fur to English standard in 1.1tIlailelobla WIreThe breadrnot to Inchat of/remits .Esecu- rlon., in the Mhe it'ofMUM it urofImo reason., offurthefeeling dud theCommittee ilerued ailo Trin 11•• time. the morn.from nodmadeoft.) wheal herdtawork ofcollege, mar• broademt aurae beldame renducting to nate:trill ire Athletic nod WOO. Stationtruth from easy baringtoateverything Atlantain however. Here. renvert in antoreare. neaged 1920 the un mune Swarthmore • too blare being pupil the element. and and much consulted and Both hbchener utaulehrtstiderly n., appeered de.• Muter industrial feet indalged, infrom day ir become.andnude newhad almolutely nothschedule football Atientie at the discipline of laxity repent to than mom. "conimercialimo with do to ing t 4 Mile . a . hee m na Slam Artie Mr, firers. Theo Keith of Swertimide. part • on March ereloek rtt 0Poeta. distinctly) elated to tito Swarthmore ar. sing with uhrthente, vxmlinille. Keith 211. popular Melleinh. forat 11441 larkthatof inrereretieg ere i. mideill•IpIPP la no largeT .looker thatofileveriord repreeentallven ant mode ventral.. teem of programme tenor. n r ' Ho Ierstlerbrained.. Swarthmore the of any. minted spoke he condemn.] way wse This AR. n sot. to were of !eroding choice alandoptions thatowe'Invert...I dminixtrative policies, remain to n. ntimennerm mid we Sleiluelo the. Mr. by mu emits' mimed she I.e. Power atiponits rm. to College the from. bromic. beFifteen selection. were O11132 of lie believed 'bar merewith. germstempt le,e the menhiramsong, e popular no atyolk.% made pupilandshouldee of •know e141..' bear else or them above bared.. begin ta net wide • east . tiumhe emote. them of conthe number Mar Meunequal the n1111■1411 of ..ohm. or o .1mA num- William launch ...abeam of Ponailr but onlyproduries gradually Swerthmorr. p arreeg.I, amihjeer. farmighted tee diminish j.... Every policies in thoseconditions. ence I , Mr.. who eel •Keith vuudeville music of Personsilty Reagent. Piet. contained mid.and in foot-rd 1,demt• loam at Competing hie. secompany to ocheeltiled wan sons deem that heliport Walnut interest tete etre which drudgery. ditiverfo t from prevented wa. piano, the to tha Inativisahle ile of personality. It intensive rivalry with thel oreloreperter ball. neremiilted • herd, bees called mid bed by illness. the engagement keeping Him Mr. Ileofrailed where ehouldmademention. grind.andin,interesting merriment neeolopolni• his own played hirlinalt individualdenten..., &seinen cm..byitieldenth A vigorom re. 00 represented bo Mel .0. Swarthmo were solon Melugh's 01r. men.. mand individual the belittling imelomorbility the and followed. mew. season ellireledell delightful Me by Ihe cited He bins.hide children_ Ili% ehoice idat erman' wax looked subyect Athleticby the1:0144114114Pe The Esevotive W interpretation. His 41411444411 AURA. portant toward the reboreatinfrom al view. ofevendim:plea to believe were rendered with no great mt. homem points maniple of op- hero is • striking has been place. rentrel a takim nn toil lighter mlectinns. maintain personality. they in differences opiniinVothat of ine Mons pithatur of ism moat Rights Fight leesaidOther.' milers. thrimalony a.ofrt ."."lie Watrun be "ucarly Old and The nns. hilebree" ALUMNI NOTES wereTwo"Mother threeof Refrain." there thatl inn. alumni bdy," that flit. admacien lter ...John OMarelack saicharecterintle. 01410 in which mo MM. a or same Swarthmore the furn the firm iline brondmst wit. which '113. Charles J. Rhombi is chairmen First. tide for to onmuch beta ,Ina given he Mr. McHugh of dm Ploiledelphis contmittee of the would durivalry inmilethethis..n• forebode Nee id roup g ' easiest guard mir on he lo ere le d on the League Non•Partimn •rnie Neatens ofl'he atul the iondonten holSumo benefitwarofcamber the11401ber will air forJamtery. d. it• emaciation of other lest right.itsrutarelonl lbe mob furperarmalitir to kiltunethical To dm end Swmthopore. Harerford pm- cietitntleen& whio-h lutilute Marna of Illmtme ■1144140 pawls lo temple to theirthird SW•14114 audience SeturdM. on mike the Com e, tbe Ititx-Emiton Hotel notitied they cod e Ol tams.' tienlerly freegreat allow lo diem. tn oil..ron dom In religion. believing 1. in e May the 7 the loot of thatwould problem. 1920 seamen the Town LittIe -A ...+, whoever di. win] of the Amenably now one of.t . IM not spirit itChrist the 1.92t1ile achechtil T '23, Sims woeto irmin cuartusion. flu the 111001 nod louol-selmoo nen. halt served hes who Tr.. Guenther. Jarden J. arr.. stm. "17, Thnnolotem. Cherie.% whole a aim a fur pounible Eriareeel pant. etInIlmPhiladelphis the Churchomint•nt durinzIci7Fe minaImbed siderablerimed a mores. with 11.1xuare mine I piano0111011 ed preernuore. the evening at by. 'culture world tim.m.mlird Saviour of thea call They teersonulity &poor his is the sight of your two crisp-brownea become emaciate ham armed Viennoiti. 11 o' to.Goodoleri." re. One Swarthmore for reed, wrate• inoneself cline smoothing akingamot of two were Neon. AIM toasted biscuits of Shredded Wheatthe as Mon only not Mud m their ultimatum takemine. tolest fusedthe if'n7 eel.. rowel Two numbers. hem bin Mere mem 111114 1,01 nelmenintied, Creeks the winch aisteil and 11. J. S. Bradlee: co-mthor Wm.-by War. In thegiven nod Or. Home lee, -Little twin symbols of a perfect breakfast them to be opened. Promise Ai, -Oh. ford menexeneeht ,,,,,tamed Ibelieving entitled article too (1000th e N. Mr. n,. le Nownim..21. reu W. Ilaverford dm possibly. he States'. United the in Aid legal They invite your appetite-yet perClu Eire the with •0101141 AVON pOPO15011 CURRICULUM CHANGES PPM stared its from the of would reresel SIM No. Mg th of Pleb mei otinlin nrrist with the KM. mit of as rapid eating as your classItureau L hor Nutlet.. ilm ulthgether. game the SUBMITTED TO FACULTY lam gene 1111111 dropauthorities rather soy. mu, Rhenish of ornermettio n 5 On April uniethitoilre. ,ilndnuel from Ire 1, column music. 'The Ilaverford prodded conscience demands. Made and Indire Wed the for ontine t ' Swerthinore chef from brandento wen America. Smith solely of good whole wheat they instatingall.thano1 The .liscussion SMI7.7L17.LXTS6 ANOI all the of the Inomage re- WADI./ of No'eleek Geer, T. lino*. Uwe, HIM 7m7. that feel the ma brought vigorate your digestion while satisnoirentents for Artiat etudio nod baritone byfusedtilewax B. and EL was Hook 01r. II.. distinetion bruin Cubs 1011. Hamm AO at scheduled. la tura • '041 as nrcompanied hy Pm! H. Emlf. 'Eh at 111160•11--"Sba rellegesbefying your hunger. inf ell'mom Ou." iltaa • Ira Athletic Executive The distinction a Reath Lut " ON. Mum Heverfunt, Ill dievininin renresentative, throughforith the ticot required emrscs 1177171197-.11.441Rah" Teleo'clock 71111,17-111ar tWeenthme Oh. i'' 'irrknoh.Cook•Volitil Full of bran, salts, vitamins and all Via Chat tweak, nod complete lan• modernsmiler blame required thatdegree. and at 3.:10 afternoon Ws art I 11•14."Murtto... the Yesterday Concerning deak!, rumen . cracert broaden*, onlynoSwertimureIn the[ thge WAD.) furrequirements the other elements of Nature's whole fl general et Stotinn /UAW Tri other Imigimee french-Cmik.Vogel the, by tenn...Ion 1112111TIM-1,14111e.' Orval It 440140 opinion the xenerolSuit it wan1..ilranittee wheat grain, shredded to insure easy ninf ththe LT1.10-Mularer Orchestra Line The the Math ofArdmore the 1001 44130 01141b144 • Haverford. the Student the of feature Theetre. •nd assimilation. of Freabtosn n"iroloInte:b:117.1r.'der2. .kreu- IICOMI37-••Fr1arr language. Trio ofmoire required D Minor wasof tbrthemeet come. tot detither be Mould tears Sophomore celebrated ono sky. theorUmele. mmetn. no to eliminate ereased. works for combination of Mont W rikara Thaw. tam For bodily fitness that gives mental Inumages wasted uttto one.year purposes She wan meompliall creased. Danger vigor make at least one meal a day of Mem. 1.10717ire mall. requirement the whirl. es 61. ayratax-mlla ter:' unmeanttimewarheto1111tprovide This unmeant Itiltd,atudent, •Irasral Tarry ant'-Mular returned Tickets Now On N.V7 (4.1grt..`51:. h men 11441 11/4•411. included with n retionnabl. famillariti With two letbaro fromtoll,a longhly Varoord ma Thermos the perpetrsbeenwhich hove must last tlae4av siremire &ea"Tire Mrs Sale For of MarchIt languages. oulaselh ns, et's,. Considered FaMilta Agehten Swarthmore.. andeditorial -Football anof the 22attorhum ho plered role the of Comideration that demonstralyd oundusively certain from elirited McInnes Enmity The [hied" luxway." dangerous a a ' 7a74,011-"Stre 1.1 mvmortme the the Vacuity 11111177-.4e. the mooroflotthe least With..airing fault nee thatnotitCommittee "74 14744 end- ofe...Ions 211144.0 numnaptIons three]. that14. of theprolesnors Irate, and Ladoat4 latore. ra. Detara O Annual ',relent mypont to1 ',abetter wish Ifalse Wins pilyed advleuro 44044O Faculty Telday. 0144, 11117. of XVIII V he ram" 4 "bar effortx of given were Inetanees role. ch. editorial printed on counting * -rho 67/1.111.77.--Thamaa to emtablieb the part onmore of professors Junior Prom to brio{ knewlMlge. imperliliel onfacto bared and pentane' intimate The mildest. given ea •found ont egs 4.-0da •• a "Or most incontact which .mdrisees.. 0111 their the •canes thenperfirst. be factotheshould art enthusiasm were little with end condructire be ca. erilicism 7th MO= May one silo vy thewthat no loog The opiaion St hotly detrimental to Ivoired F 1•1211C-,11•041• haps more ACADEMY all Prof...0H mote. Cs. 'eTux targets. !argot esrseintaa g tondente with to eamultiteconcerning 1444, MUM,nears New. in theirready wee the writer28,toandtheDenimMayorI eche Limited Sale! their departments Irma Oa 4111. 4141. 644. NoveMbee of editorial. the Faculty pert played the need Mid roome situation, her T.toonthemtheasfootball active not bebya very eidvienre background having the point altereva.41 bra 441.artFriar $6.50 Per Couple r thin tweed effusion lathe: model/, ere one. Itraaar euegested Committee Studeithe Thr ab0.1 all is it what of inkling lernartla Orabaehr. 4141eallarlaris specific conenderation of Individual that he will letter thie that Anticipative, Stag $5.00 emote, =ell to left be et:ample of the departments tia • peerlem accepted 1,0000000 it edrocates type of criticism 4114111/. in the work of theme deport• J. IL HOOPES. ieterested veal l th a a Lieseata et. sums. he et• ma Its. th th of 28 The we their Oro, , th tee the: ,e the from • any were sdtolm It th th ed ml the amt have got. Knit" who w the line. eon out. the ot-A bY Si,, ude e hive. Trio of in bee ,o ,loo Hug nn ci y lus the worth th A. fires t from Statio 1 th , th re re be Hugh coa dime.- rev tide led welcome / as money // pm home/ we e h e rd dot it ilia. 1' Did , .sled of horn it of taking ) to 110 at St. F1ul'o L'tvrch. Mows oilier l Th 11000110 C. ml. Dad ,,stmt oho had n oat ion Pone 01000 this arartre-o for Shredded Wheat learning at the Faulty 0001001 Ito in cwt - OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE • l • ▪ ▪ PIMP 8 HAVERFOED NEWS APRIL 12,1926 TYSOWSTOKES F. WIIJLIAM R. BRF.ADY, Jr. LEONARD E. YODER DAVID C. .EVAN W. WENDELL BLANCKE COLLEGE SPORTS EDITOR , MLLE HORTON, Jr. INTERACADEMIC TRACK SPRING FOOTBALL CVCfgITM DOWN EIGHT MATCHES FOR Moat Will Be Held al Haver- BASEBALL TEAM FACES IVE Werk M.A.S.C.A.A. e• Frowlanatals Pregnews IR VARSITY NETMEN fon es Walta• Field. May 27 Ill-Weekly. Orilla so: W•1‘1,e• Field The Interseadernic Track 5feet will football be held at lisverford College on DREXEL AND PENN A. C. on has been the canto= in pri,4013, ri OSTEOPATHY IN OPENER VARSITY CRICKETERS thrt*e'vrol: ing: l oVAt.!11'10411bI I 'HUNS F OR MEET nearly •ellover. years. TM. meet to one of the moot There hoportuto whole:dn. track evento of A PARE Afar 27, hoe hem so If,, but em. ct rough or body contadrill, pitmen has limo old Ulk handbag the ball and place kiekins awl panting, A falr/y terse IU,001.0 hen been on hoed it the practices and smelt will lmee been accomptlehed when preetirr °nes In the fall. Prattler, trill be held this week es nut on Tasted.o and Thursday after. noon. There Is poesibility that few teams will be made up and some sig. usi drill on the nimpler oleos. Because of the fact that spring sports we well under way and that the Mos art getting longer. the hour lase be changed to immedietely after nipper rtmirtme II the beer future .cam and is elwaye witnessed by Drexel Has Lost to Penn and Opponents Fail to Take Haverford Competes for the a large number of prep sebod adherSwarthmore; A. C. Won ents. Pena Charter. klaverford *hoot. Philadelphia Cup; Large Set as Haverford St. Luke's. Germantown Academy, Saturday and Epiwopal Academy Chestout Squad Reports 7-0 Wins, m. beStudents Proposed roman. the Wane snd the keen. nissye baseball team has two g.ies is The thew @ebonite Eight mos. have been defiontely ar. tweenCharter the by overwhelmed was Osteopathy in and year bat won comAt a meeting of the executive wheduled for thin week. Drexel win mount the cricket schedule, which Peon Haverford College mimeo on fie.rder has beentorcompleted by Ma.ger Car- favored to repeat. Some of the mem• be met on Wednesday, while Peno A. mittee Of the Middle Attantie State. hero of the voile. vanity will act an afternoon by the score of 7-0. The CoUsglabe Athletic Auteciation, held will be bred Petards,. Little is Urkkel officisle, a custom followed fore mom C. Red god Meek not only made a clean Cyyol 1.17 Saturday. Cash Kandy, of Lehigh, of dm. ntrength of thew two . C yeare. of her will be met on the borne era.. sweep of MI the metchn, but did not ChM name. hat hand teasels ere expected, pkes for the hr..' meet, Following Oh match there will be IA jedgioo by the showleg made by Ravererre lose a set to their oelsoneeta. The Philadelphia Cop ...hes on comm.. to be held on Tester Field. Lehigh. Steve. some last Saler...Mat ford of bend • alt/10 of displayed Ohne but team All Harerterd Stetted... dye km, 21 0.4 22- He aroMeed to the tenni* far advanced for this early in committee the imadbIlity of mod. eseda7Tres rit:end ' ot tPeeloth awit allelelbrenarb 84rihrolZiLot,t(hrt; t.:._,, 111 the women. the hurdles on the grew on accoust One Ma May 1 m MP meat isa macs 10 date. Captain Marshall playing at the No. ta • non• and Uhl. on of the nrrowneta of the Lehigh track. In the wagons opener it loot to Pena. I position bad little trouble with The executive body, however. voted , to 3. OD Saturday. Swarthmore beat "ItelVetiou Herbst. of (Mtemnthy, eitenming the proposal don In Woe of monies it br ateuticioning rally, 11 to 10. Masai, mat. *Mb ,442erwk.. are ennui. Oct game. and • held ou APert 17, end.. Penn A. C. defeated Brookiloe Stloare only four in each hest. The result eietarcenBrookline on it driving inn from the Imo line. he utme oiau Informal nautr.iite ganwed. Sophomores Take Second; Club 5 to will ha that there wilt Loa a po.ible Square Club regigtered only one hil off enwkrook .4,indahnia-wwi wood placements at will on his point bet in both hualle remits me Ellsworth Wins Twice as 11..elbseher. while Penn A. C. hit the'andel Ihemdttfirelornmatch patient At times he experienced some end there will be 0011 four entree. In prairie probably will freely. rather tem-, -Weer Penn Princeton, trouble with his drives, but this tr. petition for. the - Venn, Macrame. Prow aneanims '27 and '29 Tie dm &MA The male buglerse of the Games With Drexel win protnivIr eiart Macoffoet by his general ell around Ple1thrill. Wier Wide' • meeting woo to pave the way for the and Navy Have Been toggle mUote. Moms than twice Pherson. • left-hander, on Wenesday. gag. A squad of ahritit tirebre-bre men mensal Maims. meeting of the amens catehing_ MacPherson for...intl.., with e nearest their many s esp.. end Crodsell Coach to Wall !anon Webster Scheduled the of Frkley don to be held the Beek Baker today on Con Field. God.II thep claw of 19.20 easily woo the enter. merly pitched tor IVDDII111.1. Military Webster was given • Little tuOre Pe. Belays. April :M. at the Hotel • me hr did oot pitet truck meet held last Satordw on st f grrierd from Canada on the Math. sod Three game. have been arranged for position, but the outcome was wirer ID has 111...71 nom second. ncor• against Walton. At this time will be voted t1126 again flwarthusore. will molt likely., taken over the reins from Tatter. 14,111 teens. aoccer 1 m ...Mth points.. beet out 192T and get the sagignment. The Drexel doubt en his wt. was working well .II. who wes la done of work In the en the at:pantie. for &destitution to the `hThe The Vomits with meet during the winter. There I. • 111211, who tied for third with 22 point,. is • bond kitting angfir. 01 in siteeesed NI. A. E. C. A. A. of Waning.. Cot- away. oh October 16; Navy. away. on with the mood. feet be scored many shed nsaibility that son. games will be u- mech. Bosworth. 'Mi. wen individual M the feet that they made Prier. hits November 4, etorl Penn, at home, on seen. There were some long relliea ; len. nitized fa the emend team if there is hinh scorer of the meet and eh. tee simian Swarthmore. V. J. three addition In 13. November .tddlY Webster which meloh Ibis include. tatting model. The XI has been may &table winner. The Pena Wintery Rote Prept.01 And three third teem lam. bareperbeen The 100.yerd dash. first ere"[ of the Gooier Solli.o. former Peso captain: and it boo for ended with • Muting drive. Letter severely bit by graduation It wed decided at this time to pro. scheduled by the notwer oftenoom, furnished on upset when Townerod. former Princeton int.., the not been decided who wilt MU the shoes Ensworth se.on. The Tinily schedule no control to feel out him man pow the adoption of an sbaolute one next broke the tape *event yowls and Heaselberber. formerly of Penn '. T. Garrett. J. Silver. Gordy,. Tiettler. J. more any before completed be run to numeeded then end wt. best II bare who cline Hogg, the wontd and of This Pos, Haines rule. Capin Stokes. B.'. year migratory ahead of State. Two former big league Pitchers V. gemm ere unwed. because these through hen men ease in the wetted N The tenni minims mid 11 Heinrich and Young. are atem on tbs. left college. These pusitionn will be mu f. s „42.7 mem an possibility of a own taking sm. r.z. 2.1 bli Kit derided this week. when the new men seconds, hot lager it wan discovered Penn A. C. nos td althongli the, part in-irmest. who MOD • year-hed will have their first rho... to oho,. chid the two had started from the did not DIED no SaturdaY, Prehbefore Varaityamtme., mot on Satin! chose to 1 Poraythe competed for another college. At p.m days sonny. their in. yards 105 ruo hail and line. wrong ably be in the prune neeiont Haverwhen unimporout games ea baseline game In his model. .1dPforced stead of 10% mi ',die iron given by ford. eat the rule MM. that any men who played away. ermine b many commit to Danner for In Haddieton armada. Coaeh 10.2 tel hae won • piece for another eh Y. Palmists monoevering lbie 'e mit Pis Cs,/ three only were there Vi11111 teAe the Frankfordliigh School, on blob., 12, first vanity match handled leintielf like rz; Cannot compete until be bee been own entered. Captain Hankies. of I. V. AND FRESHMAN West Philadelphia High &boot on .7 rldweeteass-C C. 'arms an and should develop- iota a vetiir. registered at hie pre.. college for land 1027, ma shed Met place. sod XS, October 29,.. on the J. T. schedule. ettolems C..C... SCHEDULES BEING SET ever, 1•_. Nom* sad Menhiewy.'n. took second war at--Cetesstal be played et Both of 'these, gimes lkit1:747i7f tT.t. to respectireD. The mile rut "ak play to •trangis for the noe-per- Haurford. be met •t will V. J. tom 1?-1= Itiu:-.4•■••".. which keptems hue tieiwthro of any special .deem. eras Peen on November 6.,PAlladelphi• Noewon ma vem inter...Ong or dose. Aut. Manager Leber OH F1711/10•111 Pithmager Hanna Arno. Dates Monied at the • meeting. trader ex- nta Pehool. _Went• Philadelphia High Mosnumn. 'Olt held the lead throughout ; il'Ige's7ttn■I''tiTt'4irr7e„,t,Idlt1 Assistant 51areseer Taber. in formIte. role.end tinenhed first in the ex. PLAY BY INNINGS isting conditions. no athlete can take *drool *Wend team and loather,, High tennhe sehmlole. hat nitvitioletely smoehered Aid...gyedinelr elow he, of:1,171-10. Wright. log the I. will be played by the third team. ,0!;::.:1■V= School • 1111, 11 ROW Diken011. and reedy definitely cloned a match with .'d::re';'1"'41,7h° ai Lehigh, fterarthmore and lireacent A. Somme tier Meier ne to mike it impoggible for en `XL and Whiting. IN. Ii111111kEDI in a dead Germantown High School. to be PIATOd i oetimAtedly be added to So e. Mgy 13. mid ether one for third. on heat special student whatever to compotehome at mettedtde, while Weattown egf,l " y calrala %.7":,"a" woome "`aa kwton• Lettere have Thom. Whet Bred Coach Keenly proposed • Menge In with Haverford aamitlfia17 " Thomas, MS. motorised by winoloR sten h.... cat to EuGeoPel the order of treat. for track meets Te'T above. The newly formed amo'1. r aseeqa the broad Pomp anti. • bop el 20 feet Pena Charter, Lower Merlon and held mein the •uspine of the mesons vomit, beep- Swarthmore College J. T. one fish lamberti. iloo. He suggested that. in order to Alumni I ' dome (.1 b •ll 1 all rober, did not enknO 1111 bis end stand• the trouble of homing time b. ability be played by butb the brat a. The went, with shorn mune, ord. and body snereeded in beating have been wronged onto. tee :moodJ. V. Ono during the couree of the the middle of meets due to the time she out Tomah. hio tmonnette. for second est set of Owen in this vicinity. They site rill be no game•between tog of hurdles. the high hurdles be the Bret event. This change met Swarthmore Verney .d Haverford J. shire. The duelers wooed sear. In are all members of the Philadelphia run z 1 the shot-put. Wittig first end amend. Interscholastic T.1113115 Aasociatlom with the approval II those T. new war. Hammer Sawed hopee p:A1.1 The only ponatele difficulty would be to have the first team Whedule con, Pewter. '27 won with a heave g.4I with the, exception of Renmes] And. high hdrdles one pined within the neat two weeks. 14 inches. feet the Moving of the 100 and areVe7 etobereTbrTe gire'lf■len'ree'd'etic. tweak closer to each other than they WINS HIGH dit4ium'r) 'C72 ' NORRISTOWN 11adge ry, "'21 1 t?". I leg f the freshman Hamilton. .44; Item " Vireo& ara• LLOYD-MEETS 11ERION t former winning out et the tape. Tatum. nulls team. is working 10 tonnuttios Feuer.. Helay Roell MEET INDOOR FINAL by good with Lobe, Their greateat 6fficulty dab gell.yard the man Vt. It nu discussed and promoted Mel CLASH DORM FIRST IN twee. finiohed margin_ Middleton. le to map out the two whedute. so the University of BM. Tahoe Six First Places eml Kingsbury. 'JO. .need sat Reber. they do geot conflict. Some trouCerni.1 Committee for 1021 be re- fkatadals Ogees Tend. sad Glow Sento@ Tom ma Freshman Le. me Net ble is alga bebsg eaperienced canted to inaugurate • Denman relay op May ID The freshman track trace wound up notrgetjrs71:4 117D.1.1! 11.•■ ottries rietti 7.9vilit: . sting enoneh matches rate for the members of the M. A. The Dlr.-mon] a mama will ita indoor 11111•1114011 Mk Wednesday. Mere. ZIkiZg It= TU"gli g17...mtni S. C. A. A. It waa fauod net there be opened neat Thursday. April 15. Norristown strong the to lento( he n. aswela. the of' were ehOtit six colleges Lloyd will meet Merino in the High School anres•tion by the wort of wh Mon definitely interested la the pro- ope7l 'Ole he "`"`' gatue. Althonalk little is known 43.2a cotteell Wee the hMli scorer of r. Sea member. of Clam A posal. They are the meet. winnim the :01 mid 3011 mini • 1, twitkekke kin1101•11, " .114 on; 1,, IL. Imfoyette, Lehigh, t"teVa'srine r2n,01ellos of"lle. tem. t7 2-5 Tlwr Captnin Ilammy of Xrerriotserg kk Johns possible .ill' Colou, Rutgers. ore composed mainly of Heinle., a hoed wan n "how second to Ain temsomte. You KZ! In Don,. lopki . "Lk*, ye... is predcted. The whedule contributing elate points, while Tripp e Hotel Wal- struggle The uteethUld at Vi nom, fur the spot bet Ils•kreant-DInnp rullrei 10.11 the find year men with • tote! Dr. `k.Lhon T.474 AD•Il Into all points. Thin wee a One exhibit,. IT.4. toh7t.: 017.4:1 Li 'ft Itt:irtroo:et.' ten his toed as hr was sufferiog front • ''DY. 47- 44:ri. rint...--I Washt- noteello. ;6,ohn heavy meld. rydreas. Hoop., of IllarertorAt ",ist ge, Ter high lump developed ince o dnel urn; Com+ Morrie REMIT: of Lehigh. between the two enataine. which tone and Dr. Babbitt, Ilf Haverford. The two • r: Ottre Atmoture sey finally won with a leap of 5 feel b 'gieinirftu Them is a cycle of fashion •• of the rommittee not_prement, were member. Inches..An unfortunate ho dens og'Wien "tr. L' I. T. Thomson. of Johns Hophl.. nor only for thc hats colclient] in the,30 geed dank when them mad P. E. Cramer. of Dickinson. worth slipped st-thowlart of Ms hem lege men wear but for the du9s..I.1% • The Pbil•delphila Official. Club. white line of work int0•Which 1111 "VI'rtitliette"T"t er :31 s tat17.11,!: EV:e' they go. Atm houteag a*.bire lead 'mail the min nentiel meet. THREE OPPONENTS IN lag. when Bedell! of Norristown win .ILL.... your job has to Or But o ofteifectly lituedePriPt nVerhanied ""' '2'"177.°.1.'11.7,.-" -',42' to a o atZe V. 24 WEEK FOR RACOUETMEN cod woo hr a want five rents. The te2te your bead as well as your , Yetterlein Fuel Company 7wole mem_ the of noisy tare won the beton ".82.l it has to fit your , for :"EllSLI hat, ..... &stain on eren race the entire The tenni* team funs • strenuous INCORPORATED .-.... state of mind. with the art here teen startle. off on r,,,.. ....11. ridge 4. 41, Th C CI A L Alltilnats : Cassell proved Got, d "'gry'71.11'Zurri.".1. even term.. an ftleom. eactic'b ,.!,, three by won and I Emma. 01011 hat also. your your week. LW. Like payed Th.". matchee will ne ., tr 1 -1..,. ;11241.7:11V'"."1"1":' .G. Seminaries: Drexel, St Joeeplin sod Delaware will job needs to St your purse. be met In the order maned. All three, we" Weights.. Balk.. . a Di defeated of them rear. were denoted. 1.4.1 In. Therefore,why not choose D bolt rear. A ny tuan Myatt. had cope. When You Are In Need one that brings not only ItaLtrrregkl=k1IIMO.V1::::*4 The watch *Ilk lammed •was interPictures, Picture Framing . rupted Aricot e with ordinan Pried' Of a. Real PHOTOGRAPH satisfaction in service but by robs last leer. but Here, inbmrprimamthcomouwa Drexel that molly no ... and Novelties winning toed wee in financial return. Get In Touch With dhourf I help end ozeviee forfeited the match. With three men from "alT 8°"1'60"0 . Dirk from lent year sod mite, the showSelling life insurance none THE ZAMSKY STUDIO se" ing med. on Saturday *Dermot, there of the few modern busiAt 902 Chestnut St., is Mlle doubt hug the rietory of .bot nesses that does lust this. Philadelphia, Pa. Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne .or will be repealed. "'rfp.,1 One Year Migratory Rule and Barring of Special EASILY WIN CLASS MEET WITH 561 THREEGAMESARRNED FOR VARSITY IRS The Ine .101 se. "."... l 1.4 Going the Bond Business? Are Tv,,r"'''tg:1"-t";70;.";■tii.: The Gift Shop Meats and Provisions Wm. Duncan HENRY B. WALLACE "-'- CATERER AND CONFECTIONER Spring Ave., Wayne Ardmore D. M. WEST rharmadat ARDMORE PA. . Pleetworlet to The Brya b4we Heepital • [LED. 0 ICE astnientan and lk•ra Mawr THE ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP U. D. MANUEL Foe Your Sporting Goods and Stationery Try Cut Flea.. NUDE Plea.. FIRM Asesewarim dire Canaries .1 Geld F. ratan, ARDMORE MO their Pasteurized fa .. t /MIAOW OE PNIXAMISLIPNIA Clarified The Gift Bult.ItIon Book Wan. Upon Flap.. Jewels, Watch., C.k., Inner sad Nevelt. From whine may be enacted China. G1w upwards. For further information, see DIsWnetive J. E. Forsythe Jr. 17 B. S. MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. NVedttlag, Blnoeer, Gradndlorg Aed Mar OHM Plea. ma errs Mawr enommounsawnsoonnanommis OUR fry ,17 1111 Correct Sportswear and Sports Eqaipment for Young Men Lumberjacks Mann. sad Pelee, campaign. "Time" pay. its agenta commianone of 33 y2 % A le,eners summer subscription selling & CLOTHIER PHILADELPHIA • DANKSE.Binl "Time", the weekly news magazine, wonts college men STRAWBRIDGE GRADE MAX ABROMSON 3 Weet Lamest. Av.. Ardmore, Pe. stC01100000MMODBEM0000000000000, to work an agOMR ire - THEN...1ES PRESS. 510i010 1313-29 coma sns Phamidphls ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Is take= Intelligence, Zest and Ability It givitv Liberty of action, the philosophic satisfaction of selling future securiry and present serenity to living people, and a response, mi. mediate and tangible, In monetary as well as mental reward. ceopine and ...Mood es. few abet, on wry.. can be *ailed by * JON' . .1 Lire 1 . r 1""' Sfrgit10 AA r .. 97 Clare Sweaters Knickers Windbreakers Skating Shoes Cape Skates Hockey Sticks ASmosuCouroxOnvglanTeMe it'arag.r., 4,17: cr 'AP=1.-sel O. Page 4 RAVI:170RD NEWS ward—M1 =ERB ARIEL LI LW P. 11.—Vial. nett. of areal .1440was Dm. theb. Rao.. wmgr by pour 1.1. 11.4.1 P. ..— Plbstra. snALIemu DWI.. Dm A. Norio *U. VD Pao litres. st the shoo AMU. 15 BAL3 e. et-strimwow of .41r. yeal outs by Fn. ✓f as Arttear Sem. POOL Ber ✓ise byDue. aw. Moro N.D. W. Serbia es. w ags[. H. Va. rear m amesnisto OW P. X.--Plase. NARA A. wlea neloLl by lires. Marrlootte. Wm Itsbis ret MD. MN P. 11. —Lam Mr. Ws. euti. mot suer mt. Rao see Rue.. Cu arsesla. wlnhm cwosel et Do rte.. AP= 11 Um P. 1A—P...lho bl earthoo Nr *Mtn by Taal 11•Ary. Ds CIE P. —yowl who by Met A/07 L. hitt., ems. usostoaals■ by M. Dopsist. 11..10.2..1e—Ardsen Yew. Pees. same. Dud erne eseit. Roo la•Klar at aka pdatata. am. • !Donn a1. Ile rano mod... DR. BARNES SPEAKS ON MOLECULAR STRUCTURE Celebrated Violin Soloist Will Broadcast Recital Henry Such Will Play Program of Classical Music at W ABQ Studio Tonight Welcome your old age It will be one big vacation if you have enough time and money to enjoy it A Provident Mutual Old Age Endowment policy will furnish the money regularly every month. And if you have the money you tan take the time. ,22 400• By Beatrice Sal Henry Burl. will he eccompented ;Ler erte'l: :yslileredmw him iff uri"n‘ and haa traveled with 4/: ide American and condo. Mora. Deter/. Such Will play at the Haw erten! Ittada0 Wen ort:Friday eve. ning wheo she will be one of the eccompenie. It POMMY gee. bT the pulls of the Arthur wooer Studios. Itazt7 a* Tian aist tol WW1.. Henry Such la eeleseted the worid reest tom. wbe Ls te bowls. OW.. over as • violin eoloist of greet technical skill and beauty of lone. hertog Peculiarly tender and delicate method and the enthimiselle reeeptloe of hie uf delivery. He he been soloist with teethes by the matiences in mentioned the time and again. ore cap[tale of toles Probed Ey E Prim ftlied ,.fora be kin. of England. f A clipping trauel=goot fined. Flenm kb paper my. Lrinly brio world re. Aetlawily W BMW Tellibe Roomed ylolhilsta have or heard Moe of of such beauty combieed with sorb Sato addition to Ming • meter LC Hem, [inch is considered one of ab., rirtneattor." Mr. Snell mowed his the lesillea authorities on the tuition atItaatlaa to s re rrr beat by his antoundof the violin. and omelet. • ensile rt ing lechaluue. hie Wong individuaditY, 4d81 Rens.. tone,. Philadelphia. snd the pony and art of his olefins.' Though be maiden. -in Philedelphia he Henry Ste+ Is elm Mehl, praised by wee born in London fed wee the prod' American masked critic, of 2aeoh A141.1. Wilh4■11, and Antony the ries:Ike selections whkh de Serena, will be pissed by Henry Sueh in his reettel at the Haverford Media ore The b an ,onmesitions by sorb manic,. as FiStal.taarl0,011, Hub.. and Moskoweld. A eomposid. by Wleniaseki. -11ameace nod Fine?' from Oh. ascend Coarerto 1;17.: in ro Minor will b. played et the tithe ekbarl9 eineed out for cronmeWletlost. number. D°04'. 'A.r,;`''Str27. PUPILS FROM SEYMOUR STUDIO TO BROADCAST TwebeeNeardlbl Bey Wring. Will 1110, It Flitter WASH Cement A vials piano rood vocal concert of fifteen ...berg will he brew:Wet by the panda of the Arthur Seymour Studioe from melon WASQ at o o'rtock on Friday evening. April The program that will be offered ineludee violin solo, itelectMen by a qem r ttttt , sod woe.. rantialto, tenor baritone nod bass 'mine. :timer itinldn. nineteen-year-old violin,. and papa of Henry Stet. relebooted .folio eololet who le to broadcast tonight from the Haverford studio: Franc. Vernon. pianist; Beatrice !loch mil Dilth Ilainri Tan Loan, reLooProirer, will ...Mt Mr. SeYeeenee pupils Mr. Seymour Unmet ha. • wide reputation n a musician, hating broad.. from WLIT and MEP. two Mg Philadelphia eMtione, and wee one of the artist ...tested to open the studio of WE A novelty of the program will be three nylon by Thom. Fisher, twelve.year.old sortatto of St. Mark's choir, Two number,. white will be PlO1.1 01 the ',one ter ?toyer flinkie me...Med by Beatrice Such are Schubert's "Ave Maria. end "Oevole in E major'. be Beek. `HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DINNER Pb.w. Mimeo. 1141 DR. HAYES TO SPEAK ON GEOLOGY TONIGHT H.. El. Drinker. dose, Jr.. '00, president of Ike Memel will preolde at . general ..!toad of ell grow, at witkh the Mete. cal eat of the of radon will be beige net forth. There will Hen he meetings of the Depend. nrtrouitte. with Minim.. interested la their probeadoes. Tech of Hem teem mate. red the eiddretlag ettadoote alt meet En • g m h thoe. i nreeePrrinrgGm W Tbe lamest of tim will he that emoponed ef eeffhomm fold W.. tetal woo. /Ida group will mom bi the T. IL O. A. ream. Its welas will he wader the direst:Ion of Ihrielorior Itittridoww. Woo foe owe Wm Ws oworrieed erileidee of in ibis field tbrongb ,trig= College, will feetore brig milniim Alumni who Intend to participate is Donn Meade , George H Comfenk110, serretary; Morrie 19. Leeds 9S' ABrnd Mamie, 'pp:_ C. C. Morris, Tett Philip 8. Dome. '11, John W. Meier. W2; T. It Whitson. '17. The eceond 0,0110 t ate will be 0001. P.M of those intereeted loolithar sod bushoess. Mi. groan will meet in the Brio. Reading Row melee the dim*. of Alfred IL Fleatte=1.. .2.1 Walter O. Jame,. 98; H. Hoot., tie; Clifewl C. Callinga. '08: Laring DOD, .1T; A. Ilewbe mom /wawanseent Somehiee 1421 CHESTNUT STREET IMSADLIALIDID IBM Be. L Lie aa Swab& MARCH 25th The Master Shirt and Blouse Co. 1301 N. 3rd St, PUG. t. Youlon 1334.1236 CHIIITNUT Mitt PHILADISPNIA WANTED— Energetic men and women in this and surrounding communities who tan give all or pert of their time TO MAKE MONEY by connecting with growing and EUSDNEfill manuhaturing concern. Exclusive territory to right parties. SAL-LI-LAX CORPORATION Box 110, Shamokin, Pa. Edward IL Tryon Campos", Offsial Oeifiteare far The lievaderd Game reeMMI Teo. SPORTUIG GOMIS 11112 asssanot St., Pkila. In, a field in sumsy Spain stands a stow mortar. Crows hover wound it picking up bits of grain and chaff---cawing. Here Marcheta, in the fresh beauty of her youth, CLOTHES—Midi for Yet; will come to pound maim. For years she will pound maize. The stone will stand up under the blows; college the pace numbers in fol- lowers q8" '11875 11. LONGACRE * EWING 141 8. Street Dean gegriag LEADERS; EPECIALEIPTE MEWS 11.16. OrowoOPO *WY Clarbor llabwrisiwor Ma..1.0.yona Crows E DWARD 71b, Wray, thifi8 (Pt melee Imo is the Enema* .2875 Tos HENRY W. FREES, P. D. INSURANCE mist soy leading university camp" suits and topcoats, as individually tailored to measure by Eowitart are a familiar sight. Two prices: HAVERFORD PHARMACY /11111.ADELTHIA -Ancient lel. n1 Patagonia" wilt be the xubMrt of a lecture on geoiegy to he delivered before • meeting of the Scientific Satiety by Dr. Mmes. of the Cmpadias Geological Surrey Nolo." went. The Dore Iv, will le held at 9 o'clock .hie evening in the rhemaln lee.. room. Dr. Hayer ham here for me. Yee. He ride/ of the government geological department in Csneils. Thin year he le serving es Profemer of Geology at LaNyelle. 11 hi of [tercet to Harerfordlme to to that he was so in. erector ut Weill with Dr. Iledrum. WSW Astarte& At a geologint Dr. Hayes has head o wide experience. Not only le Caned. one of the ricked bode geoloHeal in sating mme -of the okket rook In the workL but other part. of Ihe workl famed for their geological intertat Imre hems visited by Wale-life meeker. ONO erndews whom style ideas set foe America, EDWARD by the thousands. Co almost WE DELIVER Telephone Ardmore 1372 1007 ARCH STREET Scientific Society to Hear Eminent Canadian Geol- C. G.-WARNER DRUG STORE Eteryibleas i PAD* The Lawyer. Committee, which wit! meet In the confer.. reel. Decludee E T. Snipe,..04; Howard Burtt,'007 W. Milroy Weal. 112; Trion & Bradway, 11. Allikkomme0=271Jbakbiy.. Noe woe Eloririn Doti mei Dreidswy mato rump at 'mufti , g Provident Mutual Kurtz Brothers RUMSEY ELECTRIC COMPANY Tow re We/wry fewerwoo an ensilmW sweensi Meta wh114 at Wiese er Wham loweriti Trally leara.• OP PPOO.0 OPION 111RIRWee R la molt. In = Ms. both la Mb meet* one The animal interviews of the Alumni Vocational Committees with under- AohemArts Pew... owed., INMeas te ear sod W::11‘;.'AVril'13.brod7Vh1:1.Utra Or We warm; Or OPOrDA time representative. of Hawn* of Om College will Meet aluinat. W . p41 for discoed. of He Fourth midr. orpo . 'Mollies for employment by 1111f=1;:eng, This 101 hr the second of the regular oitAhl&Lr,ogramniee offered by the %V.? 11 Committees to Meet With Student Groups in Union Explains Value of Quantum .'owl Mechanics in Study of Molecule Dr. Barnes Pretenses of Miyake et Eno Mawr College. ten • comprehea. sive lerture on molecular atructure and the nee of the unantura theory Ill recell[ ineestliontlee of the molecule. •E a 014.114 of the Fkitnutic SWAM, held an March 28. Dr. Berme abased ems ad. of epester and pointed out the periodic increaer of the immune. of the lines to eaM other. Several people found that dole wee a function of the reciprocal of the we. length. Dr. Dann proceeded to Maw how evitOttate bed naked Ere Inforn.tion up with that obtained from other more., ootab, from Milikao'S remarch. in determining the weight of an electron. He proceeded re the ettchudon (bet mch mecca. as Hydrogen Chloride. the two atom. were whirling about each other, mod that when their rotation." Inertia changed It did ea by steps. Mlle es. planation of their behaviour le based on the quantum theory. Week at Harvard Twentymight limerfordiam are now flarzed cle adz. arteodue t: work al. th mast dletribetree fellowat Vita sad &renew Law. Si Medicine. Hotline. AWInietrition. 4: Lend. .0000&chg.-tom L ALM VOW NEM AR 13 Eight dentin! selertlon• br rendered by Henry Such. world renowned violinist, in his recital which will be lor.dreet from the Haverford eendio at B o'clock !olden. 'totem. the neleetions which will be played la one of ID. Soden awn compositiom The recite iss been stemmed ugthe court., et the Chart. thoh Mr S tleff Piano Comm, of DAMobey which recently indefinite, !netted one of the their dee. 1 m the Flub for see ie STUDY AT HARVARD 25 naysenrenas DDSS [loop, EDWARD TAFLORTNO. CO., INC., Phi/aft/0i.. Elechi, cItyhich w con 'dere woman from ber Widea hew enema, crested green/anon In American Winery. Wherew mankind Lahore, Crime Electric mama ten he food earryingleada, driving made. cry ad wring time and labs. And there k no broach delve. tr1tn1 development today to wheob Gesereg Ekatric Imam* madeitemortant contribotions. A eetimetOltedvertieements monies mime elemmeity is doing M many Melds will be met =regime t. Wicks WokSri 0114.1. s. not a dent has the muscle of three generations of women made .upon it. But the crows will burl their black gthes upon a woman aging early and bent with ton. Old Mardieta—still in her thirties. The American woman does not pound maize. But she still beats carpet; she still pounds dothek, she still props water. She exhausts her strength in tasks which electricity can do better, and in half the time. The high ideals of a community mean little where woman is still doomed to drudgery. But the miracles which electricity already has perfoemed indicate but A fraction of the vast posatilition for better living and the tremendous opportunities which the future developments in electricity will bold for the college moo and woman. GENERAL ELECTRIC tttttt , ELECTIRte CO ttttt OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE SCHENECTADY. MEW ROSE