• • t gAyERFORD COCIR7F kt4yaf0a) IA ▪ liAVERFORD NEWS , NUMBER 27 HAVERFORD (AND wAYNEL BA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1927 VOL. XIX. GRANT GIVES PLANS FOR NEW PALESTINE EXPEDITION TRIP SUBJECT TO OBTAINING LEAVE Swarthmore Student Body Votes for GERMAN ENGINEERING Football Relations With Haverford All- ALL-AMERICAN SOCCER Ain Schens, Supposed Site of Old Philistine ELEVENS CHOSEN BY City, Selected As Scene of New Excavations in February LEADING COACHES Undergraduate. Poll Conducted by Phoenix Results in 41430 Decision in Favor of Game with Scarlet and Black Ity on overwhelming ‘ote 30 the Swarthmore undergadtato ttO football votrl rittj.tit■i4erlO 1-10 algrVd Wolan 0; Swarthmore Totem!, mono Mg. Followi. the vale the swat- STUDENTS WORKING IN U. S. VISIT COLLEGE aim parr... first year by a sm.,. majority tbon they Mural the seti. of arranging farmer ...ilia. uwler whit+ • the torn. wan 11t. eon.. of the 7.1.1nr aladnie. Star Teams • Ma MM. Date ' dttari■ProtttittleirtMran= InI„ItO weabmrre dkl net rote on ti &dIon" an follow, QUAKER PILOT HONORED id. dole nei we are cont, to ow FAVOR what the Ilmverford ...Title. will of Won, 1t0,..rordEloceeritee ar e at • hofure maims a derlsestion for n Five grodootto of Dorman waive, more and Haereford rooked ...IL apeeihe hot it ganeenitv under gibe, gent Allatmericta eleven. neleded by leadthin taunt, It the Gerr t intaftter! td"„ndettodtatet.■ ttf:tid t Vf Vifi Covernoient to din Proahni ing Lotertelleglate roadie, hulas MeII-e"itt!lbtla■tit itt'."1" 110 at° irr"ttl. man la favor ent only wenty-one one. kneaded. of Ameriren b.ineen nod Pete. Haverfortil. mentor: A. L. Niel, regard. aim hod Olds te gluing thr game an ,Lx f. engineering methods. =aka Haverford of Primer-tun. 00,1 Dotal.. Stet... of mike ills 0.1 svertoria as we oho of AAP.. Di visas of the miS Yesterday. Alter nmYtng n Nile of the Pena. Este, Iloverfordie brilliant blM,':°. °°r° e11etTeirt;ottir 4" Colide under the dada. of Perak :148ZZTerofThite ttgretOta a ttotint ade right. on. throat: by Stewart ee • the Scooht rantr Moro dent .11', la, Comfort. 10 11, ne All-dmerIcau Cada, end bse been atudento of hal Entheioid and rtr"fttd:ItOrtelnttrt./.tilig TOZ:111 0m tn he radigned a berth on all three mythka Swethea. Col,. have while an!. thir. voted ennieet litteti77;j:71: elevens, en honor obiett he ;Mitres with Lii?;"thrb: to bow the two their Jeri. far doubt wane la he piny tea he sphere a eitine, II feature tehlt erre Pathan! and Crocker. of ranee.. 11.. one to etudem bodkin feet terwo andercraduale xontlinnel la. in. onfortuuntely lean. in 0e inetropoli Sinew both mrheitolea were nrronted Meier awl Frasier. of Haverford: 1101.. fur to,teile= ao, tn....rtde. who rade the 40 universities 01 Urrisiony, they said without poiviAtine, nal AIM, of Cement Suing atal teaer mine. mod Sleek tea, sehedele to 'TM forage via... Ileum BeerStewart, of Print... and Edgerton .0 the he erode/al lot note netatiotIonn with o boa se MORRIS P. ESTES end Lula, of Pe. Stet.. appear en two thr SenrOdnore. Thia 0111 put 0e inat• eer. Ohl, Maier, Mexeller end Piemor. , rietrintent l ehould la out of the titre. line.uort. Who f ulna to Cowan= IlePete Aney•no gan.. ix aware played the ter emote= before our authorities Tile 0,0. the Philadelphia eon... Ila 125 engineering and technical both rotas. srfih Nnturdny after TbonkonivIne arat. front nralersrailatoes o Ni ItcPete placed Minim., of Priem• .f the o. hi le hel, und ▪ grednaten Bele... by the Her" egriiolt t retri et„.. eft id goal a position the Tiger goalie 1 sas thing Mild en foodornetaally ""r. 0711;."; ■11-Zile ..fel genie. The liaverford aud herth. Douglas mon Onventrecnt to unnerve the 4P1.111• o. held on All-.Movtann teams fat two Stewart elm add otter-edam got. leak their void should be hen.. ova-ford, creek faverot playing ran incluoltial Snal.nt in dr.. perm P.TiOun yearn. for hie skill nod light• 71101 all unlade Of he mythiCia Rev.. f th, United SOO. Mae terl Al.p. cool du hold regular constructing i I OBERLIN COLLEGE COMM: Jae goal-1mM, and Melleteie thole. toetneerha job.. with t e General less year. was a close tamed to lind INSPECTS DORMITORIES Shark. cmpany. Bolt.. Locomotive for am berth. in the Baer. SWARTHMORE MAN WINS nouw M'Ve Leave Early to Work. end Aber lora ImIttariel roe. New Lloyd Nall Addition Drat. ord eamit's opinion. fain. on amain mad .1 0445 with the tan.. in. As the 10 s eland atm. the exited, Favorable Clamant of ...beat molls of cantles... No Heeded epptirant wee num will leave crab la February. .tore im order to get the working. Crocker. of Princeton. at right MA :=10,,I,,t,fizrL41;72;ec=1,2..aeltdee:tc.. laded fore Rhode. Lichaarehip in tee Onemitorr =ail.. own,. point of vivo. Thu have mi. Dr. J. C. meetImen of the Rate eommitteee sod of hack. anticipate. pled well. and demten.= Nan In the rated Pea. for 11 peueelegnia. year and an. to morodo here for am N.. he- onstrate., a powerful boot. 11., Oaherein mu. held tamed., Three 'miler earn left full•bark. Naha up short other soar. -We would like rewmin nen... 1. ennie Inrl:ero t ltiZtult eradiates lad roe members of the Lame., and lum the bum fend= of Schaefer. In lode," one a than edhlieat aat In the low eltitudea of lb, conntrY melee filed of '21 had applied for the schol- Ming Bile to play all over the field lfiith meli aro wool... of uur ems rime, permit only n o• without bang rattan out of ...tine. arship. in the three Staten ;tear lams Perhape we ninth O ".. " fingEintg°■C■ItLI te°7:firltst rhee're' °'" liel'ete moved ltdrierton. neat of State. G. A. Wiedemann the Merl.D. r of !den tom ake William C. O ld, Ct North Smith America when nor titre bete attack. Dr. Grant elated ins he es. o from rent. hen . hal end rehr...i1.1 it0 eli-fry =wad to dead at least Oro Samna ea Maio *greet. Oberlin, hio. of Oberlin City Daily; the work In an effort to t it an thor roUego, wee the Redman... scholar plamd 1Vetten of Be Garnet eleven. et 1140miniri. no. or 1. filiari.ippl. Mart Fatuity Members the key 10.1tion. Both roar bare heft; Audience itepar. eubmitol hy the commit.. After attending the linverfail 72.0.:7 . ,i •hip. Aepording to L, ArnM Pe .7.v.̀,1, r 1117117;j:" 'ull att 'e' inol plane de hall well for the hr Millard tin Oberlie offoit. le der-Friends Meeting in the lnomine. the be refilled tottlease the land in an nn autent prfeuer of Greek. eetary of the Peanulainie Commit. 11. Maier. the little Quake.' Cap. rane Mr new, bee maiden. Geman tiaton• had dimmer in Founhole sod Similar to Telyea-Nasheb erected at tbr Ohio tn... or Selection, Hambold lartaila- alm.elect, le alai; and reliable. ded Hal with the end ste.relag to Dr. 0.010 de.Opflon. ted In no tabled. or execorricular ae- cut at. lo coward on to 0. .ding me in the 10 interview alik a Nal recod deot tar =reed., otaurad as 0ow main, or arrter. De. 11craheigh and Mr. claring that ihe argument. of the Ebro were Introduced 14 11 1111 Ale Sebum ie a .11.11 ellnlIr h char, [ bride. Mace mitering .1Iege. bat hat In Mt pawn. audente by IT. A. Robin.. `Al awl T. Qr to the hill of 011 of abAWN garcon.= foe sueak illettos roper. Imehaefer special= rommeeted the erred debar team had she their • tenon*. food of information . MePete". LOS Thu event the afterkm. IL A. Wiedemann. atothrtnnt to taw addin. original 1.1nin. dor.. tar meow of Lloyd Hell Pont ramnoon t the hoe. Of Dr. ogieb dated him themish the final Refer M. Jam= Menele mod the Fleverford end the buNielier of the Philadelphle B.ttflrr°".• shoot sooty miles do. filetol jam. MM., ...nil Mime- the debit. with Laurette kit Thom ,'-fees Pf Philetophy. where they;t e=mleation. The Hoverford appli- Princeton comblontiont. Packard .ml 0100 Belle. and Oa =add.= of lent, on 00 rained es.. from Penanylvamla were All. Smiled of Prineelon. and the Frt.- Poor Elden! Cltda Pods, Mehl td- P.. of the hailing. Huth memar. day eight in Bantam /tall. five Dave. Mel oteveral member. the Bryn Mawr fool waderof he amount.expremad partIme` e rode...4 ...anneal the verand Havearte-facaltlee and thei, er, C. Thant., BE cad J. T. Stokes, RR Itlelurdoon poi, of Reverted. Pad. =awed Ea au the Lty of .thrd8ottirtetkIti' Mil confer.. of loft-a ss et , Whiet. DWI the the Mite, .Aarang tbowenrosent were 0DI, foothill. of the ordallail Reatarro coup In Kew likeerfeldanderil d1W y thic.ho_MtakiAowne Nair MORYTlafteetwar,Whvd Age Ane of the Afiende Statirei o.leeA dpi ortary for Ineir net.k on he proper al. MR. Marotta Hut. of BM. Mow e ered Jame 311ii iineKellfej gmm aa emheate fa. Hat ee.11.1.1 fee • leter-olleelate Newt. ir4n.."elitwrr,o,g1 "30:c.'"Fra: War ity Ataariatiao Torun, ROnotooC That Ana.. Pa - College: Pratt.. end IDA W. W. top of the mom= her de see la t. mit avenue. Summit. N, J, of Swarth. total at 111011 took doria. oh. W.. la. 'Mtn. Deily New,Wprr nt • hen. tentiatent =shod fruternitieve i=ior to olnitio. Haverintd. De Ma ✓ete investments ia foram, cowrie. Comfort Dr. end Mee. Feenk O. Watdisease Jade and the 11editerrusee ttaee (kande. Dames the pant ee.. oration, end rid the two Shonehni ama held in the old °T" roam. Found. Cneettegh mul Mr. fiebrafee made • oh.= not be protected bY the Fatal eon. Dr. and Mrs. Don C. Barrett nod New tan he won a football letter, playies nehoetaaten, Kat tad tiounee. Non. ern Halt Together with • party of fellow ladle. He le one of the fire Open make • trio that would he herd to surrey of de Swarthmore iNdlate tam. Goveromeat." De J. .A. Kelley. of Haverford, The 31te duties and method or Ike now, durotittorieo. After lean., the colof lost spring's expadluon, Dr. Coing for the frot time here a eye visitors were mom nine by Mn. Grant Oran mule • tr. to Ain Sheoe to Panders of the chi. of IRA.. honor Mcrae charade...alinverforda pilot Ditherer have undergone little change lege. the committee waited the 1'a• mot whereby the midienee del take Solomon, of Swarthmore Colleee. look over the peosperts. and the mop lam Mr erbolantic and athletic ability no "the sameforward have end Mam doer Bible time.. Mr. Blettentun mid, emit, oat Pentaylatain and atualeted the wiener, I be ortemy-iles etudeole where they were meetly enterfaieed. 0 was fa.rahly interemed. mach 0 Haver. ing ray experienre hot the development of moiled eivillu• it. toil. at John. Heal. littiversity. who •Itendal the initial debate or the meek wan a city converts' and burned When shown Ow Library by 10,., ford." Nana, not hlamell • atelier by the Hebrew. red when rehallt the a hen creamd • labile better able Bathe., toll.. Oder =than.n semwe voted on the prop.itiou bath ilea Comfort end IA. loons on the= shooter, in e Ma Andre drib.. a. wale wed left destroyed. Profess `""l t:a0 1:00.7112.011." ,!'" e: rendcal Interpret mew. intellleent- on maid. Md. vatted by manta before and after the awaking. Only tour of the mem= tbe foreigner. were Gram exit.. th, expedition to Bon O feria, , There are now 11131 dale 1.101.- taco from Oltalie are Phan.. .010. dune en.. 0111.0 iihoyeel I impotent be the ...Ode a mart emene other thinge tbe retterlations of ifrd'Z' the New Jamey arhnlanh(p. n0'1`tereetitt a etneTeikttthr1:7. r711: II the Felted Stet. with 11 the old wall.. PretiotiavinattLfirlm end marentredon. which dry attribu. Dartmouth. Anthem, Wil end performs with de Mein ▪ Sedated Maryland Wane. ...Need tinkled. of 110010.000 jeml, Hanned, laimeton end rfli. Titit'It'etni'iiZtrilAjg1:713.1o afoe?! uted to the ahem.. of =amities he the .0On passing ma. a I., H. Beanholt, agint Ma. areal., JOe rapid and the pahlither of today in live wording a the emlaatio v rmkr;tri fine.. atch •.. one dn. in a Mtge roods before they fitaehed the job. Thu Geltimove, /dd., of Johns Hotta. twee... ant would he on nen. to .0 hosed with the peableta Of rho aaeotala meeting FRIDAY, MAY 4, SET AS wia we had tome identified the off wenn. clear. out • Ilelverettg, wen the hear1ag scholar- Ham. sum, of Flare, plied xm m,- :sutra e t itt•t;O t t rtt e t ff.:!Ltte 1, tt'et! !I0. of a widely diveralfled elientele. like thethig in tier.... BlaNalse dam. II one tool, and 11. goo K. ek Hod., sin ae, drib. elde DATE FOR JUNIOR PROM Michael deone./.. demoted that 1110 roll-gee tled. condi.w maul. that mom tiered tombs lice city. candidate for the klaiTland 1=44 flee determin., 1.1.. 0100 and indi- of eel lade city univereities° one or Ding and acorn. passing. but and at ail. but did not teach the them =mild be el.., rea.ble, taseention 11, Seholanthip from flavarford. AcconlComteeraing to de lade Baseball, Trash tied Teo.. Events cate to Mild molide they awarded the The Haverford Inter thaw an cm., sm. In the Immediate vicinity of the bill i to a aaremeot made 1.1.711. e victory, . 1.. Seno11110 110 CO•tre.. Let is • railroad tardion, Wearing good ids, All. at /irate, for fullandi gt Antral `1114:7:1Vranri:7, Aide/ling to Mr. Wiedemann the ile 7ttf Frasier. of Haverford, nx half-bock. Panetta] diffie„Ity thertinTegtoOttiLVat:rdtfttItZt dtetT:X.7Z thar opinion Oar football in 1.0 with it who roe the Junior " 0°00' t .°'°° Proa Coma... D. C. eriolo [melee of the Rhoda, Fund, and Readmit of Penn State, . ne r...Ph..ised. "I ma Nick of Narunlit ° 4 ' 111 3F.S.E5th. the., The hill ■„:.`.": a it.° sad another a the oinked: e of the oredentiela of 0r o1 he nee on OIL:me.,Fiehtlit. °t'ff.= ▪ hn not occupied by any sacred Imekxr Dud reef high led tbree Ifooerfort1 titt;'"fl t'lltittrtItZkot""1:M7::•trut',et r tttt tombs. dwellings or permanent move wifhon VitgerZ'Of It being 9.xheal at mad. which would hinder id dm- old; the exeeptium of Om. of Mao- rittl;fortilii, e;Oettadt "reer= red the tartan.° 1!/11. 01'..7 ...E11011 .,; ,iii'„:11;n1:fonol deem. Amman. Lug poeseettioa of the . Fi r 1 pate exeavadett. It eat compowell ben arranged a loose for tent The renuitement fort Rbodea Satoh fall. Metre new Maraun play ebiefly of earth ited mend in mawrite, nor Inaerarrien of flea. utoii date including a baawball owine seals r. 3.1, nob hi. To. itallroolow aolerdetenelge yome. with genies REITZEL SAILS FOR EUROPE twit to the the awmpasite collecti. of erahip la either outomading .red ,alum of that tooted him 0•J' Ian who wok p r{ In nureesive benign,/ clone end -seer heavy material hip rZ.r.1%1`,1:'041P xrM "Ing-eark," which hen taken them in all hut Otte gm. during Oa 101t."1771. g oats °. indium Eeelleh Glam. Dismal.. ' 7'1.„ the mattnet NO.; 11: excavation of Tama. the bow. of the Moly and the halt Hafor er in the 0.10 0 w ead.. °Ai, who to ono completing Penn State ason. hile0 . It aro o 0.0600 1110rlt. nee Dotil aaaaa ry eleven hail end Oven them Oa ripportimity . rd. re en ot he Thrn men on At the law mooing Mob for ,brut 5011MR from New fork Badm ealnine ground for duel. the rem. for what tbe Ma Oe Carrit ti 7 ; 11Rbt=ielat4a7rs t t a a' 11:::;7: Iran the Orien ll 01%.,.010. ..otorteat t. SOPHOMORES TO GIVE on ti,ZO ttrf ;it"' ford hue been audessfel It winning Bomar eters: Ea.. Snare mal lira will ant. oeet ,t nt age we lontructor in Engliett. left did al toSENIORS DANCE FRIDAY neholtirdtlfin =nee the ...titian wart M.P. made kin natation. ath. depaullam HU Fated nral to tad! the (Owlet.. haul ..,911,3 eel noly from [ha.,11,111.1.1. 174bat: ttJ ett 1VV1fItte" kiitititio Aileen Agree eh... Mr. Wiedemann watt. ' Tr !tt 161, :0: ti on. Amami Interclass MHO to to Held at ' Atconline Lr,"P.V1 that there in a good future "'' `I"'" for tri,P1(711'4.41rrten".7'its0717ro anY Comnrifte:!: °41elZtirattie°1;:t"PttirtYt rtinn Cream Hill Fenn. Feel ial emoil bin young or. in new-gm. work und he red bytt7.." 11CO' llIretatt.'17; tin.. tax II. Penniman. provoot of the Uni.rsity mtid foe weal reeding =Ideal id attending leethat tolled mat are preferred. A 1111 lime 1. letting a LI =n11 Sent, Fdelth7... re Pa.t1,tr!tttts Ila.rad, 1'000, P.0,OOmle, Cornell, illuotration of this Inch he painted trobehh lo decided. ° tt"ttn't" t oolttetOrototi. roVni rein plan he e:IteZr:gt lino of the tliolleee year. and r. firitsel with his wife nail child cut that fort'-.van eallexes are reo. J. 51. Dotal.= a the Ore. Hill Farad Hotel, at the thr NomineeIn Nemadatin, Var. "ri•Zithf•L Ite ” as■"Otf ClelItee, chnttal lOZ1 thlrotie.O° 117714 ;■217..T.'" Op. hit rnItirli in Set.. tentitii:" tt 4.1r4. "0 4:: WRIGHT, TURNER AND B. F. t tZt Ittltlie ttl.;:att!ticrOlZi b ti:71 and the mare.. rd Mo. of the suraml of the fitted v BLAIR ELECTED TO NEWS Limnos formal effalr ...ibis of twelve co Lafayette hAh the =donation nod eract In prevent overcroodime In die honoro three M., of the New Jersey cementite. xl hill eon u - :111 worn with biol. donna and will last from 11 to 12. The I' aMeehe field he ettid. Alt Cro 1 rt. NI el 1 . % .1 m dm bent Lila nbn Rash.. From Sperling Board d Ant amain vellt runtitlad by Al Myer.. Kali trams fatal. anon! 1111.1, .duire to young men planning to la. Buse Alter Jahn. irontiitmottitIlis.”Zteg°Itis Florian. Nepali elnea.e aopped m e the Food Twe Yearn' Sena= 1 iteh.len. Of Philetleinh. tenTon into forrien mantra. to mainVV111 11.4.rt. con nmlof ranker. oat jouniolaitie work, Mr. WWI... oclotrul.t.y In =a., All can Stewa ith ...Initition on 11,1110.11. Mtn. dote W. Reid and lira Jame. 11. Wright Rot, nod J. A. Turner tain ord., eipt ..dna nob ittlaato dal Dem an Stewart. conch of Ihati • quoted Polonium. word. to 14.1. in will he rattomed until hath I'0 he OOw Rog beard . by the Aineriesti Diverament hewer team-n.10..1 Fat. as cap.= Makespeareik ",hales." -To thine are r7.7., . 1.17b';' the raliilt(yt'Trren•ahtt ItfluT,'' FOill ti ter '011, s elected Moans of iiroleett. for Ami,. ori .wek die ceonnt son .elf he true. anti it meet Mild of Me 1111-1110..714.nnotke, motion'. Wren niece e! r Ann., go 110,00 rate intereem avail: lath ark. of his persona 010111. and 'for Pieta.= . the eight the dnv. tans dna not the business bOard rel wite nothe. Bribe FINAL GLEE CLUB CUTS Mooney night_ .00 the Koine tl to t held the prod... of Ihe Donnie -I the in handling team tot the Pe'd Cl, brine he rale, to ens man. IaT, of r m., '1"2"1":7°. rattling position ..r glee Inradiation irine in she Tharsi.y might debate. with He at it. strength in tam." o It Re 1n MADE AFTER TRY-OUTS tinges Frasier. plod, Ifiinher bait the Composition comma. ea Par mope v the ...log Word ass :atop 11 0,1'. only the aniline teem =oar la re- dr.. tal The :1",1;77.1. Apron-al 11111111rntlini to Americo.. hit., Ilev. Pie Memhanhlp C1 tie Ponta; Fifteen back. urria Grief Near. Cam/411e. oh. rTatiroiryel;7Vtiate■Jitrilial°: 01.11 fere.. In forage Iona .11. . _made. 77:1°L. P. i4.0k.:11 FVZ:T.I-," r 7 New Hen Added ContIonee on Fen. 3. theta Pritetira completion of the Scientific eg. agreed, mama., tai the necetaitY Society drive vt. an- I, J1t;ettiffieei°24;OtI1Iriziotittie0r ". tiit.° Announcement of the final member, t.O.0106 Er mime rmee.. a Marian tr oar will hn1A his teals 1:11 the first to lEr'ce„:.rbflrg" mounted lent mak oI la F. It n:I t ...zitted owing to hatt .. hut Lafayette oda the legal ive a Sopountore-Semor dance when Milp of the College Glee Club era. mule 69.1EAR-OLD NOTEBOOK currant. activities of the matter by the courts id Only one Freebie.. M. A. Arthu she SHOWS STUDENT THOUGHT 131earialby" . 119.'1 1112 0 1e °T172.17 Tines . 11:tat° 11.0tn1:: :gat the a COLLEGE CALENDAR GsttZtfet. eit, ° °Pt: affair hen be. held rah leaf. In Eke Thunder Iliteertool Pd' reed peoreful mode. h[ W Ne Colon, A. e Vellowlee Pages Centel. °Santheatie" taller December 12-Ift clue, or n exrzeseil the hella fir lia.rtgLerlinillr= 117177f an /111411,-.0.1.11 Obtained by Reedolpb Woad. 'Be i few wfnhioa 3::‘ltiatill°42i!,°(;trinntiMO"tt° the Chi. The Mae loose-hacked notebook of would be w it kt WW1. b ri; rin of enno the club area Rot Rn 40. with Howard CI. make, heitaine ihe toted eurodment dohs to bee TI/TagAT.-firesennot os a toe root. on of about ten men in earh Randolph Waal, '114, whichSwarthmore WORK ON POND COMPLETED ournamer 0 of the society welt above 75. Johonon. 0, MO n'elock.a° ttt'titt tBererxl moo "altl. chain." College loud and sent to Francis IL im mono mot rt rvlvM tre FOR SKATING SEASON mod N.1 made with the idtten of et0theoing Taylor, 'Oil, and Me. Toler retedilY alt to the Erni end second tenor.. Fen. Imamate. In APPeam...1 BeIltrinio' MID-YEAR EXAMINATION SCHEDULE, 1527.28 : 1"11."11:10•11.rt Nan to the ault thin yen, nog eleven eelpts Loa Year, $1359 oak reed., mat arphomorea, one I st 1044.admhot... Oa. elantulre art foe.. Imo Ow... of Ow V.rtztt.i?..y With the completion of the mewoft. uants of the taate;t1A. te 11.1 and one cashaue taudent. Tb si Schaal 117Pat' v.s:"soFignds,!...°: tar text in 'Itiate. .00 Igenti o far hr ?“.1' oltiter seta. lam Leen finished, ta On =Riding Poe.. r- ,hat tour romar loll io eru. lot which Inv longer us dtoday with the Prot affable exp... of "I. VIM S. IL Cray, Oil; R. W. Gebel men, aotograpbed acmes:go Itjur the enclosure tall la opened, to ono 9I; heritones t.. .L_Stall. Froth The thaw under the game gamer.. ipso.. e• 1,4 .1.. R Rota P, 11 Be As lest sort Ch "li"°.°"titiOtgl v lo hertl. littrdrat' ne . roloe el Love to Tin. Thy Simple mu The fear, is to initeDiventeni is itO antnew-dentoroonakode. tame a tL 141 ink of Heaven." Motto. netwonce unly. anil verarding to Itu.1, fen toren 0.12. mid English normaint old haerIntentlent of latildingn Wilt, .31, snd ff. W. Rehm it 0.01 lt-up fantfiter on the depot be ex... to eke. lames Veteran memblvr. M0111147-11.beret 1. Seas ore We. O...pob¢II r Xere tat {eel t .01050.50ro L" Willtrad Lt.lrettetniall, '01. M. IndS. I. l■fit. P'1!"7:41. one of The ofirsate ethansien of .2.50cents pett• f Deleon= thun courts, Watso, Mitt...Buxton,. R. will be continued thin rate... the sluedof e ntebook .meiled ma T. W1.1.. .1maeait ee 'rerve:n1:1"1 1858 When Randolph ettemded college. ell tenor.. O. W. sida.oIIk~ Peeellre to 050 0vlw .1 ;V! L'Vl. hone. ';.`.a7Vnt !"' 01"Mewl 11aesto1ph entered In 1857 with c. 'Damn. ilea the Padre Midge Briamall, Ins the x, Johation =Danced the opinitie 7. G. Hartmann, A 11 T1TEen,111 We el. Hot the pond ',mold receive greater tat-Rona. J. W. Wall. 'ill Colao 7; luteumenne too XelallerlZe °101P1tIlt"teln itro t O. F, orer, 'ilfic. IL oo. 7.41 corremitordIn ' ttoZZI to" settnOl' al =au3it00001 °Alt and t000rs, - 0. J. See., '231. WM.l "seadimicel 17,6/11141f-ad.lia. V.2.113 tat, 'Ott T..E. Rater. 791 D. B. Mettle lag to the modern preparatory taboo!. . • /amid reemeal of the moll . • .scam Ele was then gale thaleen Yee. Md washed don is th t MO, and A. T. Hill, 110, Announcing plans for participation In a second archoologica1 expedition to Palestine, beginning next February, if • leave of abaend can be ...mired from the College antlsoritiett, Dr. Elan Greet, Pride.. of 1: 1tb1leal Literature, to Oh intorvieW grated the News, stated his in.. tjan of Organizing an independent oxen., chiefly loom jiaverford, and pi. dna, to excavate a mound in the neighborhood of Jerusalem, known Ain Same, and generally admitted to be the famous Philistine ate Of Beth Sbemenh. In undertaking this project, Deo Grant stated that he hoped to reveal something more about the culture of the Phitiatinba MEd that of their eommerers, the Hebrew., 1,11 annaueteing the independent character of hie proposed exPeditioth he added that he hoped for bath 11nantial and pere010.1 Sapped MOM the neighborhood Of linverford and from among old Haverford Readmit.. From the hater group also he hOpee to deal' his personnel who will Mist in the work of photosred ;MOP. ury of live,Mttinttnit every dis.very. He registration intend. 0 depend for the actual MStokes, inor cof the excavation on the LOOM peaaantrY, led by a email Staff of skilled Egyptian exdvators, as Was done by the Tel-en-Naahall enedio lion of which he was a member last Estes, Maier, Frazier and Richardson Included on Studying Business Methods Here as Government Appointees SMALL COLLEGE HAVERIORD APPLICANTS ELIMINATED IN FINAL RHODES SELECTIONS Hollander, Thomas, Forsythe, Heller Unsuccessful Candidates PUBLISHER DDRESSES DELEGATES I I. N. A. CONFERENCE BANQUET wV1.21"=",..igdein'1171.'"uttl:', ag‘,....-gteaera ter _oar°n IHAVERFORD DEBATERS WIN FROM LATAYEIIL IN OPENING CONTEST Speaks on Dr, Comfort Addresses Members Verbal Vote Is Necessary in Close Decision by 4 PAPERS REPRESENTED CONSIDER U. S. POLICY of gr-rgat.r.".:-:=,!i .:7,,L, L.... 10 r 1; r , r :,`,.'„`!:;`::y..7Z1L.,1,::2::',',1 1',1;;!". "^0 P "''" 7' horn .nm, p zond.,1r."0 r h`l rick".?"CL4'0:T. .ar,171.r..,ig `'"o",31 - *rn .„1=4.1'.!',"wo.frIZ.110:'` '00 F w ▪ ▪ MONDAY. DECEMBER 12. 1927 HAVERFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS Es./od EsArsow 1/1. f=ne Ilews of tolonipe Moat. ALUMNI NOTES TIE COLLEGE WORLD aerao Comment of Our Contemporaries "The Gifts of Your MscDenalaCompbell William H. Meer, ee ....Ideal 01 Dreams" the Harper..Fee, Electde Ugbt all cowPower Company and ot thr Horton Conference Why go around the world or pvalee, Sheamdoer Pulp Company and SOITOR-IN.CHILF RESUMING RELATIONS into the crowded city when A eouhrence of priori*, .1 he.. Ikrperhi Pe, Paper Com.. All H. . PhIladetphis papes neticle on . women of schools of the Middle Atlan- Mese eompanieo hare Ph* er mind SPORTING EDITOR you can find The Very Things Leonora L. Team. SA to be held a[ mutter at the juncture el the Shemedoah and tis- 011111.1 f:art:er XatiTe't• You want at the 0fi's7Z2447trilorT. SPORTING BOARD Per.. neat riven Hoene lei Westmeathiy. Derember 14, Potomac Blears He Moly armMeow. After s very ' end treiniont. Mr. Sneer President Awlelotte will pre., s, we have been able to OM mos the dim, torte Wahl.. Inelude Dorothy Cm- 1.1estelphis reprmaeottm the openk, 117=11 1=:: Imartinuare College no.. held Pielwr awl Dr. Abraham Flexion.. companion, end IN well known to many F. H. WristA. 'ZS mted yeatenlay to remote remit. The wiwrier ad the eonferento Is to Harerterdlam. J. A. Twos. •JO finverford on the football Selo. ▪ work with sa e airmen .lime A musu bowed tMt old frmowd the J. Mendell Stolen. nmother of the '02,1 Haverford, PD, he wormier, ortionl prop. rehretre stra., 113VrZt' 9ton:et 0717" nnel inn of modem. who will prormal Board of Managero and la 'bah weld Shloolheod. •ofs Starr PHOTOGRAPHER voted to resume relsnons, Fooeinoting Handcraft. From Polloge to read for Honors. A re- Anna., collector. Sao reeently remod. 004Mau 000,0 la favor of it. while 'On upend the Orient he the elled he residence to Ifurelogdon Valharem .11 iliereesion of topie lated pued the tam. BUSINESS MANAGER rinds bare not p.m Vivid Bite of Cal. in Loather and vial CIS ertonmlon of able (Nehmen from °All- ley. Montgomery meow. Penneyleenia. detester, ows thermer college so. in Emlieh. Ilia collection of antique furniture, Once VA Pottery From North SW, ADVERTISING MANAGER CIRCULATION MANAGER Oa game Atte 1.7. to MI Ilawrford. the In unique mint the of one Is whine ma Mathematics fore. Immo. mil d officials The Letcet Delightful Nee... foe A me decided by Memo' YOUNG MEN'S the they may an On lit once with more vicinity ad 11hIladelphia Is houseel In that ownethowee Imo too eraser, ano BUSINESS BOARD Ia Chrietm. Gift. sdesored tautly. About a hundred swim the old farm hoe. le abide be Over decided to end ...Som." sm. nen... Saone GloAlueo Eeebcnfi0g Tors for Child... clods end members of wheel admies• The landompe egret. seemed hie house Ileherdssherr hlotorWA Apnoea' AMERICANISM ALL Miler baehrouna for tae mations have oimified Inenintention of form Wolter N. Telles, •31 Meted... Bass behind weim. Another year of football OsInerhey nHeeling the conference. el TN. NEWS N what. owelle ftilon tia...ilmee year ei eV•ree UN. en for me, Prices to Suit Every Purse rm. Out the mason ix MOD 1334-1336 CHESTNUT STREET ISho Ilormoluosro Phew,' o.n.o., homier wed home. Charter .1, Allem nee prestdent of mom., PHILADLLOMA Melly INR/Thodte All•AmeNcilo aud fee,, him orlertutw. The. An-Amerman team K L Allen end test retureed from a firing rootor hip are mese and drink for Um 1110n ,en0 Industrial Democracy ma contribute correspoudingly t ow momst primer- wo ow Porton, st wee.. PA. N wane throurh the Routh as far se New Or. ers • We NOM that much euedeueed mintann code" The ennuel intercollegiate confer- trans and melt irde Tense by railroad. Ortr-emphatas liteteter •I WAN Mk.. Isurallsesto Iftwopswo Ana. Ears omen.. for weeks following !hi of the League for ladmitrie IM in the Intermit of hi. compeer. Re re Insurance for Students mow, will be held in New York. port+ Mot there is a greet des] of Ie. einem; clwom of the tone. ms. EDNA. es RN smouarthr era eHlee el Ye eetin etudelt Grant nub rept In Valley Misermipti the In theme rat lorember 28 to 130. The meta P I Men, Armonnablirm, For Sodas and duff Menem end annume.. hire. dubs lure, well Lend tlat and damage, Baal the of of the coneention will he 'The Modem oration Accidents, Fire or Theft while at like garde, Hot Chocolate t ' wattage elemelmm. Rieke to "e: istglism al:7r'r efs="1 end the Rowel Order." Such-lapis am there are goad pennants in rmpanae ee rerstui., .mom Day Capitalism In America,- rucking industry he Southern Texas. terareserer (nee the Mentz ProP.,) or permao while traveller Al. on much derogatory comment about and rmd-slinging at mod- ebroed. Demo. in MI. 1002 "Literal Activities o0 hhf Campus.. 'L Special Christmas Box. to motor can. Liebility for senL.71 ° ;'17'-`71:Z=,ZT,141 ern oyetents of imparting learning. it is most gratifying to read a Rhodes •ICWHilon s Bowl to Freedom" Shipley Brown, over Nashua. loll or INo any tn. air...hence for Her d.* Is pone. ee ProSoMP. Scholar's view or "What Is Wrong With Our Collegm?" in a recent TM Valor of Pendent Anion," old et the letter's mummer Cana, in .reepmreive Rein; elALrrrowlr'7rAno"r::; /liar of the Pennsylvania Bulletin. In anmer to this much bantered -The Chan Struggle and labor Felon- lb. Adirondadso. has returned te his confermee winter home at Lake cherm, Arent owl ettualb We Mail Orders qaery, le say, "Nothing in earlier'or is wrong with the colleges. The in, will b. diwussed. The will be held in e.t.a.'. with the P. he • Cod? Wavier ito■rt ',:roT',1::; 'I 111 1 ` Ardmore Arcade Rollin R.N., college suffers from those maladies incident to all human endeavor- 101011a Kemal robin. Club. The mu. where he to eases. raulm'eh major aueportance played in they here their fair share of mediocrity. there is considerable 'tante of dent emb oss. colon.. coml. of ' 1415. nth Same Philadelphia, Pe, INC Ia the 100110, ad m rile mart, there ore oceasional glaring examples of intellectual cowardice in rameeeee Wirer of Union Theolorleal Franklin E. Bort nay recently Ladle 005.1, Figh pia,. But in the main they approach a difficult tmk with some- Ks...1,, Colombia. Barn owl. Iltrmak elected to the Cotenant.. of Wensoes of Year, Harvard. C. 1' wood. N. Y. thing more than the overage. hero of courage and effialency.e mama me.•tru • he law Amowbolos sal PhIlmblphie. In mo, the poweibilitiro ing those qualities es- N. Y. and Penn. ▪ rite with maw ...le at ometie. the play It isinteresting to note that a man pea eins ge. if Mat, oat to judge inn attorneys deli committee oomph. the. sential for the Rhodes award hos not been carried away by the wild emi,unon ;Minty a siarlet,110,ten./ 00 • Moon, nominee In msboolul. The Well-Groomed Man notions of thow envie who And little or no comfort in 'Memnon as it College Cruise ,21, duly or condo. OP Althe ethim of the leml nrolmeloo. eries today. As he points out, true education results in culture at • den.. Wants devalre• weep • come IMaI The University Travel Anowietion Product. The to types of individual. who go to college, saya the anwell-groomed man upholds his reputation and The comaeted qtly ake err rwier Brown IL Then. .,ad eT=tel aaneuncel the ...OtIhrial aferi'r:nerfle. ther, are the man of the -practical'. tom of mind and he of the eacademka ms. Ryndoto are unloose., mhos The obtains the approval of his friends by appearing in mot an one of th• talltoro of the to coincide with any ...tate wrte Wet. The former moue is characterned as an essentially alien type date of milioy 1,.. been ow for ben- Cloven namplifeed Diathermy. Thie garments that are not marred by loud effects and cheap 10111;117; nta'CltFrr■luf" 'Ille to wham education is applied as mere otucco. -Souls," writ. the essay- umb., lib CCM After scowl ma mw- dictieenry. which is obria,l. le on en. i difference he tremendone male. fine tailoring. ist, "are not mbfect to mans production." Extra-mutineer merlon'. as holf noon.' cretin. of moo rthend meet Oren' original monk, rmitIng a now men. Ihe •Amest of None •10ached. lo hie retara hod for the type of heiremphy. Dr, -aloe. Bo Iota th• Mernsth of the oldie, a mopense to this alien imaoion should lee guided rather than restricted, by land eel sea, the °n meal for meek of the to Nrw York on May 4, Ms. Th. eV- home la for given We eater to the well-groomed man and can place credits with degrees, different two have would lie the F belie... lamp immurated rollownl will he 1.0..1 to 355. few.. end mealy of Ito omen. "%rartfalterid. thimm the 11111 All-Aulerienn you right in that group. extra-curricular aehiemment. And indeed this practice of crediting work During the criiiw twentroweree ler. le.1 01.17 different. All the rrrrr done outside the dustmen isrecognised in many imtitutions by the sign trattoria. nre visited and the wens to Harmed. 2001 umssionely ran thirly•teeeei aldforeet giving of three credit hours in English for editorial work on college oteo. seamed J. Commere hen Fevered ills Yale. or P1'10[4400. Cody Suits $65 to $95 umaid, break lam the encl., pone, mailing weraward the Ryntieth Wein.. relotions In Mi.eonolim Mirk to form Mew. thm through 11. owde. mad Inn ormed to Nem York m area Mee mi Isle matter But these two distinctly opposite types of individuals attending col- oath. drat sat Hoven, memo ...ate of the hem players. College Tailors Pyle & Inns! Poloti and 'by lowing the noneltion. pan at him al timed. Venal, Pnewi. foothell exrelleer eon. • ream, ie leges today, it seems to us. may be further analysed and classified. There `ams. Writer lo Nan Prowls., And the W sal I Ifinnotonl for a time. wadded fe MS Walnut Street Alfa ie the student who gets his chief enjoyment out of delving into mamive from there orrorm ibe Panne to nor Nn 11110 Amerlawo atoectiono le %lumen in the seclusion of a cloistered library. Then there is the men Hemline bdann, home, Chne, the Adler W. Floras it not armoriated longer have we the Seal authority of Alm desires definite training for a profession. His schedule for four years phTmelerm Sin 11. the Shreds SettleCeylon, Indio. with the 11, V. Den roper Comment is planned while he is mill a freshman, oreven before he enters college. ;mew Java. Sumatra. Asa.. Egypt. rehatim. Turkey. the o the rrrrr el Bendier. Philadelphia. nemild. to wt.. excem for Al h The man who comes for a god time, the one who has no particular ens to the Philadelphia repress. • The bleb 11editerrnnewo anni Euro,. For Christmas 4 07 "fk;er l.„7 of many eat the lenting paper season, but follows the erased, and the man who comes merely because alt Almost the cermat. whale. to Ilia The the environs of college represent ''four more years to sponge on the mall Is Brown., 11127. was deferred tills of the 0.1. spechtining in merentrondenee. for perm. Wien, rhenowl 1.4 Wel .L.Lztlizlentliliolts. fly," all represent distinct types. And the college must regard each es a for nor yrar. Mr. Phelps mated the Works Endo. Road. Rarnfori. Pa. 1011 separate case. This is a problem for the college of today as OPPOSed to pommeement eva. 'ro. wahine I.. Kleine will mil en nor . meal..., thane difficulties of the pant, when • man genemlly entered college with Ow hick of ;naiad, LINDSAY, 30, ILL 01. lat. amminmenent sal the seolembuo- The week after Exelusive and new gifts for earnest views in mind. remltwl to the ...melee for at trip thnmgh gorland end Fran. wadies The undergraduates of today rest/en the various types within the nor, 1011/ latraiwie for /kr 2.120 tom (Ha verf ord. 1910) all purposes. A wide choice 8°°""*Oitsi5g: Osrsttr". H°. irmefilormot 1111010w la, fold. of the college. And they have no scorn for the man of dominant A ;laughter, Morgeret Roane. wm Ind In the new P. W. Inellow, 10. oho has bee Christmas presents. We of S. Ito.. mrsorml power who contriver scholastirally nothing better than the m- the Ilt.ei trio. Mr. Pile!, alma mnim iemn to Mr. and Mn.. 11 * Wine, 00001,01 the Pal Amen, As trouble en. Deeember 2. we Haver( ord Ed ition oaned "gentleman's grade." "Faculties" says the Rhodes Scholar above !hot ihr Renewal tallier soli its hmtlitg. of New Ile, Ponneelieut snake a specialty of reermetrelleceal • ca. bee M. movnt to me Polyclinic Hospital. ylIONNI. "must PAM, or later recognise emulously what the students rec- for ell evert Autographed mn. the affect, hasly 0.1, whim anw IVO s'•"! ognise instinctively, and must accept the consequences--which may be ef the toll. wain.. Foam lie.ont Ise Barbara Pose CanmneU Lon 0. Morn. io Ineso,i with the cont00. 11.,wever [ether fammaehing." If ber6 ronotruction Company, 12 Volumes 1,11111 rmer 1.1.111 -1 111111 111,1111) hh cow te ing la the foilure seneral met... of tar .kerelers, toreIne nuoilwe id irgIotrellon Open Wednesday and $50 Favoritism or Fairness? ,7; t .51 h!!..Ar pre 177,2' I ...10.4 ma it le exrmetwi that he '""" = :.' (=Z. .rtiti„iti .lfd" Saturday Evenings bow maker the ran. of epeciallem boot Mom ad :170 TAB . One of the principal argument. advanced for the small renege as , 1:ictstahe '1 Bee Winne ntand In u eek. The dale Order Through Revertant College opposed to the large university is the opportunity which the Danner ofUntil Cluistinas balmy, Teem to ell,. win eh Sawn. K Wood, Jr., Imo or... AnorlatIon Alumni of thei erode she mem ,s51 2101 fers for more intimate personal contacts between members of the underto J., N. mewl from theorestowri, Bider tam Wool. Ardmore. P.o.W. loonso'w graduate body, and between student. and faculty. Indeen, it is largely John R. 1180pel, Ran. Secretary Educational FaClOrieS ode. upon this assumption that the vogue of the small college of the type of P1V1101111 AMUSEMENT CALENDAR • Ilaverford continues in the face of the mdeniabh advantages in meSOCIOLOGIST ADDRESSES TINIAtees . chant.' equipment and extensive pereonnel presented by the huge insti- .rn bah or 'In7117ra' ADICINII-atom WW, la "Moe endowment Its whose and week het thou:mode proposed were mutation the HAVERFORD FORUM MTG. tution whose crindlment rims into professor of Barnes, Meer Barry Dr. RECAD-Riewm Law, is she . many times extents the million mark. nt Nralth Vollecr. who nol, Dr. Nom. Hart Links en 'Selene While they is link Jima. as In the fact that student+ attending a before. the Uherni PIM ad Ileverford at SeCal 111.1111.e ltam. fning weeks. a,. ,Ilege with a maximum enrollment of two or three hundred men acre.aosa-mme. onto, Ideorwd W Ikenirmte1a At the :blot of the luemetter manes VoAddrarm Readynnide Ids.. Lys Paoli and .ani quire the widest possible range of undergraduate friendship, the common he nteetinne sae. Il And Cat to order 011o Fa belief that they are therefore naturally more intimaDly linked with osantelt-Marme, r ame ess; I•thtilette-teltrnInit new-in-red teat men .1 Madam. the faculty dare not tecessarily follow, Even at mt. institutions. the v boomer •t Ilir ESTABLISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY tuckel Fu, 0111: 13; Iti;;I■7"iriZeie"91'17tifd" ;11' traditional spectre of authority and the Immunity of the lectors hall ■ METROPOLIS. OPERA STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL IT' rowdeF al bar smeller vial ItZt7OZ.'” .17t1Vr' usually conopire effectively to esmblish a sharp line of demarcation be.13.1'; salTa:e Tenn.. me outarm.t of the ern, CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED ormat wir. ▪ tween prafmser era student. r whkh the Forum ammo. amine1 work of impi meow, sennernr-sre. Intime SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. e November red. ol uteetInEs. la In the majority' of culla, this classroom atmosphere ten.. to car. oho et those who nre really capable Omen, Hone WALNUT-ern mil their.: of lemming N,uI'oolwr 2t. over into the relations of everyday life. The undergraduate sees in the Non. uf dee enrol. which nem at- B. t rek n0 Marten Plater. profermor n human outshine. capable of grind., out a rennin number of bob,. to the and, (0 learn would en h w • inst.. smaller the ol mint another farts in a mended A.. alvd the instroctor sees in the student the ma., were monobline era wmponine his I stn uric yea eaniofilt-moder nad 1ireints, l tent.. land le lo • lissh■ a• a thee. and foot theneand nem. mechanical devim with an intellectual quotient of so and so per rent. A Neter' Illetteeplay Led 'nen. bettors -marmite.' them in regard normal appreciation of common interests. aims and ideals tends to be sum het, arm sumo nuts m Am Ma "0 II 11 opportunities and erma, ees relationship, restreined mow, name .1 unnemsormily Jones, rennen preened hr One m man thnle. ehle;trat'S Om But. an "0 n'airren0 111;10 Fire. motet Me et is it essence, .7.11 her f • for nommen cont.. of matual helmet are often entirely lost. EARLE-Wore La The., N Tenet Woke held no Richmond. InI1 Serious efforts have been meat at Haverford to establish intimate to t kit! dio.. ninny the hot molt In October. Suits .40, 6.45,'50 overcoats 01:re4 Itna ' wo woo,. wr. 4. SI, o he f..11nerirm Sunday. I. 00 acquain.nenthip Ihrtmeen faculty members and students to a degree con, -.05.01 ,al.:711rr L17,1 nonmel J. 81.. op:ahr 177e;re 1 ' iVi r e :O' •1 1 1!:1: 7 1 small a by offered telationships watch for advontaxes the sistmt title Ifovemento In Chino.' Mn Mine. who TOR-LOSVIIT-Al Nam to •Ter. of :;e1■1100r1tt k11711,'..'clitentir`rs h7.:3:41 has tom otorinned 111 Chinn for mme college. gnvulry adrisors me alffeeieted each Yea, for smell .1.°1]a' RESTLLE-Mowlso,TN*, and Yr, ex a Mfielmory of the 1.1, Fresh., Ian I hr resulting con., rarely develop beyond the formelity Bea., Wedewdoe. RANet Awe, Is of Friends. woe recently forced to ro. 14' Bomb sum; elected by the new men. Student-faculty o f 0,nnrev no tuns to mem wen. or th. Camels Hair Camels 14.1. sad W.. ILA Resseet, elell Me IRlee eau.] comiltims promote to dun* ymr academic the throughout am.rvals at dinners held Coat Saw. Botmorlsoad.°1 north Coat the in MSS litliory. between prolmoom and undergraduates, usually find them Wr. Rod La Low Is oOndoe The In meeting of the preseni se. aloe of the furor mis• traditional robe if instructor and instructed, while faculty receptions; to +DOWN. fo•mlunillon wee advorsted In n num. ammenten sr.-Mer. the morass of teach- when the Fordo will P. Pb, That rinks' to undergroduntes see apt to, be invested With a conventional stiffness and ..tent a Woo Wed/NW, mod . M pg...■71 ,,J the HachthImoen. .7'74:: Id restraint. In fon, honors course, for undergraduates electing advanced '" T1' er, Setaanter Thursds, Prldse :110.:::=0.4:!'. work oftentimes wen, to offer the sole opportunity for inform. good fel11mm. OW. Tama. mars lowship heterven faculty members and small group. of student+. Penndashery Always Has the Very Latest! gam mu Owen Rowroft. atol undeatraible no the eminence of ouch an unnatural sit- Other "upsets" ocCUrring show Men tale the system is to be trusted as an STAIILLT-14wlen Owlet, le IN, It will pay you to visit Peondashery, the leading untion may he ill -10.11 college, it rests upon an unreasoning WM of to- indication of pure !whetstone ability. The designers of the tent themrev nee, admit C., D. Waohington, Edncallon, on cu. Council American the Anyds." selves, effectively, combat to seserox-uare-m Haberdashers Shop on the U. of P. Campus. Penn. yornisin, whale inehme it extremely difficult "heat. reetre Brent aed Owen between pro- that It is not ha purpose to reveal he student.. high school preparation dashery is in the lead always with the largest assortthing Mtn* 111111, a neinumm of more or /eat formal Intimacy a.herora. or his industry. "While the scores do show ronghly the mental alert. ments in those styles College Men prefer. few. and student es almost certain to draw upon the undergraduate in neon of the student, they should no be thought of an measuring MenMINIR question the youally unfair stigma of attempting to sec re "pull" or ad- tality with any high degree of accuracy,.. their statement reads. The MORBAS-rl h Orolowm. acted sitvance ulterior mottoes. Absurd as this reaction may anima, it Mare- system reveale an undergraduotee ability to appraise an th S.A. Bruise. em gbh. FLORSHEIM SHOES saints n conventional attitude so deep.rooted that only a eneteinneg op- nation and meet St quickly. but the are Inane constituent. of general will will sae, et Ike Academe el It inhere. enpreciatim of fairness and common same ability which it does not show-constituents which determine a man's value Mao et CS. eradicate in College Men's Lasts. to the College as much as mental alertness,. 00 It. pool Tft/111DAT-1.74 PILOatet/hte The reason for the inconshtenciee in the results which Dean Palmer Own* nut proem Mon Dobbs Hats in the Latest Fall Shades and Dimensions presented lies in the fact that tbe human mind is the most fickle and Why Psychology et LW. Gone. of We NTe• Charter House Clothing Tailored at Fashion Park changeable object there is. Byeeing alwaya different, it is oometimes the vicious ma. erwass> Webs., will the sante, and thus we have dialectical refutat , Dean Palmer loot Wednesday In Collection reported on the rem. necessarily Row Roger, own. so ore Ito Capacity Is like you? To attempt to of the payMologiest examinations given to the freshmen just prior to circle, or what have Rollerwitrafferd a Republican or Democrat will be President the Thanksgiving holidays. and inciden.11y compared the present rank- trying to determine Whether Itallmo m st CIS 1980. in States United the of three teat similar a in nerdy marks their TRIDAT tam ■■71112.1-The ings of the senior class with the p.m. leader of the senior class echo. that fact the of view In College Men's Apparel should ed•hala Ordeals. hits Zan, which degree incomistencY of years ago. The rem. Atoned a ins average torte College highest the attained has who Dtelelles 'wit,. student a arter, run lastimlly. value relative the carefully consider to 9713 Sperm. St. U. of P. Gamma, Philadelphia came the }feverfew] authorities t third quarter of Ma Marten, ranked only Vacetel, s■hnee. ee of the practice before deciding to repeat it next year. It for the past is and play et the Lewes of reduce ability to to attempt the teat, freshman mental his in aaeoclates some was there bemuse Hass Football Tickets on Sale Here P. fretehmm of U. previous wet. not given to the Nolo st EN POW sad 111.18 exnumerical constant like that of a machine become one a those doubt in their mill& as to Its value even thin. falardas. which President Comfort and Dean Brown have nave. The freshman ranking highest In the fleet quarter report this year penshe traditions and uaeless. unprofitable aboliehing-the Mted test. mental Thanksghing the in ekes his of middle the near placed The International Shop Stop at LANG'S p This Modern Education L' Longacre & Ewing t4 Cl -. The New Page Shop BI Christopher Morley I :,::"1.,.,.:110".7,..r4°'171,,;'10.7.1,L M CLOTHES T 'g7.47,1 hrtr-tvc owe he - Examinations? PENNDASHERY s OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ▪▪ ▪ Records Show Three Ties, PENN BEATS PASSERS Recent Four Defeats, Eight Wins for Penn Som. IN SEASON OPENER Main Liners SweptAside by Red and Blue Rally in Second Period Operdtd tin 4021-70 Keegan al thi Pew 3 HAVERPOILD NEWS MONDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1927 Miring Past Five Years, Close Rivalry in While Tennis Has Twice Been Deadlocked; No Baseball Games Played VARSITY HAS SCRIMMAGE WITH VILLANOVA PASSERS Sayer-Mal Fl. Dowsed In Prolimeml lithirmat Prunes Tilt The Varsity MeketMll five was downed In en informal and irnatby IDADDee tilt it Van.. 1,,Ineedn Bldg 6110ough the snore ale urn at the end of the. realer fell-nee al.. VIII... masa. to roll up a et.ffu count In twenty minion of ex• tea play The mon twee warmly ennoetad, .th plenty of sped and attloo. and nand nmuinlaly in iodinate weak, nag., to be one. mg A. auppl., aye. the euttre,gerne at teat., uh NORTHEAST SOCCERMEN CAPTURE CITY TITLE Forty-third Basketball Came for Oliter Melchior When Oliver blelstior, 31. ote i tturder:ret:::1 ■ 1 'JUNIOR VARSITY ENOS FAIR SOCCER SEASON Beat Franklin and Marshall Victory Over Penn Charter and Delaware; Failed to Following Satordars bMketball defeat at the hada of the UniWins Havertord Cup for emelt,. of cameo In nny versity of Penmylvena quintet, reeearch was made into the recorde of Win Majority .Ion romilln by arean the athletic mint.. air theffenelat and Black ad the Red and Btue toe Third Time athlete in lbe rmorde ihr the peat Ave yeare, resulting in the discovery that Penn Ma won eight rimy Merida.. Pao lire. awl five .1, r a lost four. vaHOm sport cavteste from Maverford, tied threed Ily virtue of a men aged eicena nnto ne. I. rather mediae. acted Pabeen lent Saturday erenlagiblnletari: With but two exception. the games between the two Institut.. ' Pen Char. lam Friday. the inn 11124. whim lir r,t- Hererfenl, 1027 Junior Varsity, hate been rather clone, hard-tot` htaffair, although it is true that three Northeast Ilia School mar tea *net tea. Irani.s were ettoinca nail paean posaglon of the IVA% of the Starlet and Block victimise were not in the group usually rated neere Franklin elm Maroholl Vomit". major sports Ma:on top which le donned can . of the firstflalf. the Starlet irA Black \Veer Philioleluhi. High &he. Philo. Penn amend. be to as foothen in ChamCity do of winner the at math ite Year to five earned jun behind c:11;otwith pionship. ',ord. tar the surrt-rofd stft one thre: tTar 11!:711:.' cOU 1:!■nengi. fo' In Ike ten..b far rm. marmite in Olohin Sonnal. nal the Culver...3' et • oil glad es. nate The er opponent by • cam two-gond our. rompletedy crushed the salt erre,. random the un Jefeeteel the Peon Mole, Pimping end getting used tho ISKeffi einem. Ileatuning fishmeal •lean .bat fiewerfeed pal in the held Delaware. while Om armlet and Mori/ altrinly. In the past three team the position. Radnor amt galankine, lean field and the P-1 vlaory of the May anise. bleblenterg. he run ftld e•tud'tf;::IL,„,`L.r eo Norther. 110.1 School, Pena bowed shove ehemplons nehenl lootationie lame not met on fit Plead most of tee game at forward Mac tare a wins tin io siehtes ho the areal perlod-a leave who. In sorter Penn hart woe by redrew xo J runny, Hirai Cane. George raise. One of the varlet end Black riontIone and Downward guard ay clearly the rad. merits of e School. School. And Frankford High Mita. y";r2e an ere. x, Penn Vrie ‘ ';,%1 ro. Margin. in the years 10=-1033. In. +lodes ant In 11.1 sad two in 1024. piny. ehe whole dom. merlon nenrly the twn teams. t: •, -r, e ;elle 11711 td.,:. liunriD, H. goals. Ifewn31 the and ha T Irt tie awe are amid with two Tbe , Flom tbe open.. wa, the onion of um golds limit elusla but meant • decided salmi. tied under he ne nett ecniluloa the at alternated of record teal lr.nrhMr rnivemily and the Devaland uuL Trade final le the 1063 Nen.. when Hererferd was Liners and yenned almost entirety nboul lhe [eft no doubt se to the gamete 0174 here mel on the 1 Penn Watt hold &- r. do. &ma Club. imman. 1-0. Thia ran. the dab outs. In an:r"silutor."•.„ Chort. ma. After a mimber the match., 7att .20 11:7•ilth' and .7. i" and budwilball, in Mao dn. rim, plan of Io the firm few minute. The lase meolkoned tie ono. the it extra period to were deadlocked 0.3. but In the Olio., gam to Releuer'eno Kam. and Humor aimeemfad them.. Plucked 111 lam mie• broken by Melehior Y., much form and Were fought through oeither team to, nano. The Haver.. goner clot, nab a beautiful men frem Int rent the Ned and litre won 4-2. eultalltoted fan Fees n. oh. be rimed again. Waoln 3 d Duck bon lamed to, be cautiously testing j! Valanova .. eel it. regular team nil drove it into the ort. Pene chow .4.:Ire.=gie Dori. hi. inenn composed of alumni. former Anoxia linverford hoe ram Penn twice In it Nr,:d .r4r:z!, et t the atrerath of the other. neverbut by cont.. mahmitution rare four ea male lernbein yen. mil km wen.. nod Blank are, way short several 6" 6bi wrok vtieniun an find /eld at paesnion off the .11 when haeketban end on both men.. the ten. • leorknt in the course of the she of ea, ho when the.we, 1,1arni by "tier. men. min the etre te R. and Dinn her emerged tartrate.. Thema. otegiomes. Noile eatingPutting ben ha the game the Northeaet aeol. bul the bell soon nommen. blelehior Amman! In etg but Inet it • few neceetile liter br Iv 1924 a Scarlet aollABlaele quintette the diamond lo the pen Are years. al- the Met team, femben. he a to ent•• fan the ranks of the J. V. eta,. lbe return. to th• oda ad p.m, [ono, flit to for athrkili ...etn hie. not toward Dilemu orearbehned 20-0. failure to more though n game war scheduled for lave breathing nen.inamounted the hat twenty 1, whirl, hummed yea nearly on t. tent was eelloce off doe to raiv. sh... of goals seam. getnie at ate In n. iti•te:e thinees it , mend-aria s4iy Self toe than more In the for coeds the the ball thrown !Maya. ant line Daley attained the hemline RHINIES DOWN SOPHS IN The Scarlet and Week hod a ens caked up I t Northeast. a Treiteseetlethei:h meteorite rim; Mann of win.. Ihia troy. end with Cah Brown wile tonna. taking al the han rolled eau. the line fur !Pan which Inter mr.r.d off V :Fr.% INTERCLASS SOCCER, 3-2 We santlnually deedineked and In • ye-teeny team. harm to fulfill IN sethe oral] mime within five minute.. run. the Cone, flarerford ilt Downward aod Tholes r Msa. did ,e " ,2,7,1e 22=X" Llirr,.7" en lead tire, palate on Penn fouls. 'The Web • drum. fighting teem wan Ilene Ion FwnkninI t iDlnne a he Red nadtng war the men kn. reltedr, Rennewier Scores W1.1. M ..... le roll. well, although they hoe. lust Made shifted ban and torn aria downed hy a much almoner ode. not yet telly adapted themselves int r he who aral. to Me quota. He got Lan MN. of Mare FesMe Fray by ff 1 seame. Wret PhIltidenhis wee the drew le minvtn In b obi. I toradnewi dele. oin-toma. reedy rather me dermiled of more • by 24 "4. , 11. ' ;Lt1. it `tr, owe. the Ithinie Ned., repelled the 4.1, end in the following mt. X'. & nor. O. the oft., Mere wee game of beaky... hie • browner. hirt of kin oneler eubseque nt amp. to worewere HUMBLED IL defeat In Peas work under the basket wa• PENN CHARTER the h ..... with Mitten fellowing on lomat up by My Pene C haer dePhIlmlelphie of defeat 2.1 low al the high keep. bounced neon Shots 0OrIpolorl etiurable. BY HAVERFORD J. V. FIVE of non thy el. raild thew mond Freshmen In the neaten for it. late manna at the horde anon the beekbaard in a hada bolo re'ee Stic..4 Period Faith En. of the Frank ing the mm, TI. Kan sad Rela.r Usoovarad aa Stan re a bit more Clan title which will le derided snot without The pem. period bard Minh terbooll. FOOTBALL SQUAD GUESTS piny dun to ten nod w rk of in Easy wan. 37.17 we TIN Temple and enemy d e Tin- hr. ed Ihn bete eheto till 1hr TONIGHT extend to ASSN. failed ALUMNI Charter OF Penn a trip. otho mons Temple Polarnod nude rim.winno, the motleys Mlle of the one demo, made a fine attempt when lie win n played genie it in team V. 1. flereeford lad on.It aned Lanny but tack It wee the Mole Moe, In alt., 0. rattans., VS, to gene as Toast. dbor tit. btu h,1 nIM1~ of danger ann.. dm latter at It my 1.1 goals. There wastorn in In the ale. mmitemium on Tue.., Torn Ligament May Keep masts& allartat to SI. neer the first otelon• 1-1.1ey ...a bad an .gent the R. and Blue machine. flavor- December A. The final tare read 37Thirty-Bye metoben of the football rent to score. bm hin Mot ...Mort eon. :111.. tint e of Delswore. The lint three Main fonpa quintet am quick to elm an the 17 ..abort the Queen IAD* ...boys. Captain Al Thomas the meole the Alumni range went ofde. Northam! tea bell a- a ennalamb in Haled dimotrounly Mr the I. V.w ore allned Anmistion at the annual dinner brim, hay Pena • when market fourth ;:g!' into a Toll potential are woewavered .' " '"'""o^ From Line-up held •1 the Art Clula among the lhaerfordlane ii the a.. in front of dot t • DPW man heed. Khoire biab maim. erheasse V1" Pg. will aerie ler Renymnin toward the goal amt Daily fa.. non. of Rola end Ramer. Idavarfen Lead. roSnine sit AM:, DIY CIO. of dm mt. ..lorool ""'1'..""L After she tonere eat edema,. • to•mma•ter a. will intro.. n owed. left ilm Innenbr'r" rill. the ball to roll The Scarlet and Black courtmen were Pier inn Dalt the Hain Line for. ,ant calm ed inextremely Into est wealber. speakers (Mato. Dolton. Copodu.eleet den ided the hett o again nnp4on ward ...Jaen of Kara and MO.., by Penn Mal week IdaVerferd .111- Gawtheop, fighting bard. Time addition tLe ttotl atnl Bnovo Harman,.'n 1biach oars Z 74.1.," " V7,„1 red pis ear lel till hart a double eakese on in -.1 ran cal wt off ihe goal moo put ty kEtchant prow.. impala, Nue., Katie un• bon. ash. It talim the floor eon real of the AtIlr'hintr.C1'111..t ml cif Ib Ilnr, are , "nun good for on- erring ere netted twentgeme to the tart dint t. tim.honlorr Inane • nu and Linteheck. a threatening owl out for their co. e fin of dant, but always ehe Bain Line the meowed ettingess, emote, to M. 1.. A. e. avenging tbr defeat of last O. =7: 'PZ..Wrk"...I.L., mare rose bark Gahm leans for n feat the Interne quIntette dale. no; mil gaining It. Prot Manny of Mt a 74: itnIte",•V:15e-,:r.cP,:‘, ' d It. w. .. an 1;1MM o pton to lam Sean. that It wa bonded. Wiener wee at to effetelye xenon nutlet Coach Itromo, tutelage. fatencenmented tthhee Wow. enen„ 1. 1 ha Cameros, ode impeable to get through by rumblitg under the Make, but hie wort with the The game win he played on Thula, .11 node. neme poleetiona. al Du until 401. !Belie. the Ilarerleed forwards began hall tile wh to the inenibere of the Kg,f°11=.1,.", Ina S "z-";,.= SOphomonoi did muM r h.lp ,ire tram eve bin iletwalbte 15. et the Clubman arm en fourth &teeter W. Fenn on, em to drop ban end try long shots, with bm meat later in the season. n Rittenhouse Sae. O. dm hod rebound.. from good remdts. fur the field guala whqh air tuffback mist 1b1 in rWe]y 7ea:a7rele"erredgelg7. did na Mow Why sod 7 04 1 grade from run.. Mead of Haserford less. One the nun.. After thin wore the exhibiterine to beg.0 dened. h. been bean alt emoting .en Wen Md been Invited Tornty.bre of the bid whale. .ohe tined! a ma Preolinien wee woad high are, for the J. h.e. Peen Is Oa game. ong it won from his wan rally ...mind 'n1 team. Reno., eat., Alumni have aubperiled to male the had Ina snored. rant the hall In and with len ilme • ininme in stay de... and gnarly an at& re Vrtt ea 17.: ei=alede raging nr. errarat. Ibn And anent. fee side of the fifteen loot mark. igen.. I, hande the neat time it nese hi_ Vann, air, the means markgillg„1:1710,ertnrettefgrat he der the Make., Sunnite fell ban to Atant4air :12;lfil=rh,;, chile The long shots Punk by the Unieersity The earn. of the Alumni to mike • akevril the Harerford a somas are greatly Cefeo'r r Into dmHahn, n twaielful urn, dribblers emote for am Mon he amutitralwaially The line, •• drzthebabtVtinreltget wallinall- Northeast trom dn. In r erri eb tLhe third kick fn. done INTERAC TRACK DATE The lin. oil,, Thin re feature of the aa, atMtlI tee rimming 11.14 Aarm hear period lone 1, 1628, will be the halt of • bela.mono ust later Melchior to. Dowswann r atibrlin Itri"kr ..... X.T.7 tach. Andean. sier forward being Ifr!IL "Mat% "no .... !DM amen. inns themnual latennelernie Tn. Meet. Vuortom whole aimed primer, foe the new time. Gem. . . . from all mime of I. npurt. 'intVIZethewe torgtory on icrrd • render netng snort tenure at trat. d"th!h;nrto" be Gott, Daal= deadly tie `ban 't:n7L mite • few reaelon. It. Heber micdemonLea oulay's a• e inot I.Dar 7.1.7. Thin nud 'Lon fon. had.nork P.M hedd no. Tie Onto Ora. eased !Inman ... in gen. hip head on a ern. mow, mated dm ad for die gimlet lind ALL-AMERICAN SOCCER stand date Is about . two week. later than 1-.1.10D nova.. Pear . bon of bin free abets and Meer.. toallow time for a greater alma I.-ft Illaek 1.. get the ter Ile ottock Cobh elli:henetO.etsweiteg' 111..1.01 ELEVENS CHOSEN Penn Charter from atom. - • •••• her of deal amen among the roere.e. .11.1. =7 • to function propped, Coornin Ilarmaa rla•NI:71n"Vr7a. ' n a .XL. rr n" a the dn., which was increased tans. 66° 1 Conch mcNichel began jockeying the ronl■-iinvwfa'01:[..a. I: nostendy °alma. Wolfe. the Can... Dom Pnv. ,L from eve co tT■r&l.firr non. 1mn ono., and toff Blue Pue - A!• enn m.o. mil thin feet mime than ..... eon nome e liwon no the ms, awy oMer nab. /Inert°,.1 to keep ationl.nen eirramT WatT1:::1-LZ.11 :aa'n"i'mw pa with the Red and Rlnr. Thomas' trta'N't VZ; pin inr them. Tile ihrobblPe n!: Injure Nana bandiesPled the than. Rm. Iret totbann malt ELEVEN LETTERS AWARDED 77tr, daxr The rater dale balabrvb. duarlord. he Red end Btu, quFblett end life TO 1927 SOCCER PLAYERS "Iltd= uvl.k Lae le Practice lh!lellol ail etitteeneig7eee of play. t • • 17.2,..V I, by RaIlted adse NamHr•It at Pale Sir . Prineman Harerford Mowed Ihe need of more h... iamb (nor thou.. Santora wee. teem. ' to the fasted kind of bankable.. • Ea.... Athletic Cemalltlee ten. neen-enkten maiming. That ehm,are nee us yet rapidly shifting &Hoek wan Canter Sad eete of nem. Elev.!, lettere Ind rranysleeYr=itypa■-:ottleronstehele to member. of din t174; mots were emarded ▪ alroe inr "oar ow of ot seer. id number -Weepers- at Penn NETMEN FACE PENN A. C. team et the fervor eTEMMI.11 rLIK a.. oho •reatall.v mesa eirbwr nt totality te sad defense ehr anima took the lead when pithead dropped the 'Idnrrr;I:orri: the offea to consistently get the bull or Parlitet.V"'e' Er.". M W sonnemer of Itareeforr tithletne. :InlettLentretimble shouting het f■717‘111':. boners, bob n reemeem. Indo, toning addition. the elections foe the 192A Yowlerr Ada tamlf1.11. LNaerrrarn plaid Artion, eemer a'f.barb. M nun. itavertarda tann, tenni wilt Mu., individually, Pee Main to `1,Z.,1;,1"11:.Z: welt. Down.. played Mal gaol. itt,oierg,tito Sfelehles‘zrroud Mg gar nod Hewn. likewise, iefie ""..r d It 0. Stater, `A 17, Tgh the nen wl:hont eyen clipping roe the replidury Mtg .tdtor.• then litt cool, sal both teems air. term ewe mad on. Sod Howell ..... dug... two 41.1... ILerron ders411. taelde left Peoal Writhe. ward mien their firm onvonnen IT Ida the more 18.14. WaDe Won off. Meat of tbe ler reunnitted by Km. nit were 70. flair. F. lieniamin and TO. Schaaf Re. Wild `I eradicate Ind the nu time that Dione moms, no spanned nint f e die inleraulen n different A 1trim dhulLrt good mitemintitien Purin wit pit u ^n w on to men The renbealaly. no menage, Mini. Jo fn tint bolt. ••II" eras awarded li"Pena "ke.ntl whom thr e(lietler;ellrj= ;1. ent o r Ah. lt: to do den. favorite. F minute. of play the Paitarlel- AID enplAin bistee. Ceptelumbrt aloe The tn. wilt D0... vilely for bout MePETYMUNEMP d put the aim on Ire. Same, nblen Rent gait at guard. too m 1:7,1 %V ftoO 111 beer in show honer form , L'" a her own hen. mid with a- Molboally. and Wk., 'Numeral a blewhinner. Rerlin• e looped urn field Mode we. amenity! erate While victory Is not Inoinniltle or itlreeed"h e Mange before le at te- Yee, Ter. hi. `ler, Horn. and Wick• beirnhabl• It would he it Mennen serPinelom. termer Inimeillegiato ebanm. • evened mitml ve. II rm., lane fan Penn ton ri 01/noteen. Itood owl Won hol WhIttelney. erim, from evertoed's book and began mminterial •11" to.T. The nee-unit their •134.1 "Rt. Thin le on enemy... the letter k for its shoo with `n. dmpnieu imrtir 11.11.0, mew. a.m.. Didnomaa 7;4 lariats of on °Fr with .r under 11!reltre!rl" A. dopp.... ir Are.demi!. ntato Contra The eleakom of Thane Grrthenn. Downward tine la the re, blindly nod madly tried lam mid. lera M. home Ownli iron defense when- •79. for nosier of the football tea. Ikornm run tb ugh asbillearm-Alleo, Daard ram Moir. and of Lionel H. P•Parn. nit and MM. , ne big • e.i tt, kledionortl. HO, for enrage, end cud Blue w CAPTAIN THOMAS INJURED ratified. Idea were Immune, of meats. coin. the whole pert. Arta ben, Ceptedn Allen I'. Thane. 'Olt The Merion Title & but the nalaium for football the InR the b • bliedelphie. tongued m the in.. tern were referred hark to the Co tl AI:erikiltilkirrj". Nab' in arniltIV. ywith a to rn lisanal addend In . Every SparlieLteit ...1 bone tt. fiat half of the Penn ante la .1:n i r '" rft1 a, t?.. ellesideetlthe nPtltln "'""onAw at nee test mourdny. It w. lamed aim. Ca Trust Co. Min Tana Nun, Ia. handicapped ot ran a herniae upon Its bew11who twee tole. u original number euggeneed. hlx Iream la the Reel Mid Site game. THE SPORT CENTRE we with tio feet no sm.. t t ide Itto nide A en Hatlen may Illmeem the Scarlet and Black cue Penn A. C. ca Thunder. Decem• with Penn Panda.. Po nan an unaneesion of the hall the, her Iff Spacial Discount to Students it by poor peening and their Ardmore see floor was fighting herd• So men nn 'Oran* 110:;,,r the in-or er than Bevan rad hi.won when • etave- at the enend'ir but the other membere 1:Tf.: ri i 1L . 1 1 ter..1" 1 1V10. 1 O.7. Belot.Cymayd Narberth .5 seemed to hay. Iron all Mars Imre the brunt of the ettack mid Mtb the aneasurea end tore Indle• Sanem of the form that rondo down ante their Beet eV]. .hawed Wm. H. Pile's Sons outelandIng last semen If the beetle bad audgeoly been them The lintel,. Into a zone of Ms. eh 422 WALNUT STREET • Total Resources (he minutes to tint. the fic;IZ. >a:IV"' DI.: 'rot= 1",•• t A DD.. PallaMMI., P. Inter rh,s Iwo w 11= ....... u lma " Battu, Pamphlets and Cetalognes Is your Psychology 'way below par? atm became ribarmr end amother teem began tounder to rage Office Stationery 512,000,000 nit Buren tole under the b. Mil Does it look as though that Political the ken edia. nue. .11 •Mos• eltler'et" rim Economy quiz will he disastrous to you? Aim 7•01 tuna 161 nuoreesion, once from short range ..„ ;".toq J PENN A. C. COURTMEN PLAY HAVERFORD FIVE .0 " ,7r,'":,7":!: 17.4r,z,.:= 4z.odor M n Penns te re , eon the tie that binas ough going? Velt;orree Ttstrille Alleltrintri rem. inenvies moeement. t tnnIty, end die hist few minute. tliillent:InitlieLleglei; Its nee. In the aiming honor.. e latter served •perk•plog eh Penn Ilre. The minute be •ntered eh rem, they were a tiabtian team inat Ad of Mr slomm, melee. quintet Pe t began the mom. Have you discovered that the old bankroll is fast diminishing, if not dieninhhed? Give'a Cameo Wilton Rug for Christmas elleZfiertild ner;feed reilins for Pet Be of good cheer. kn Casa Del Rey Harerford. Pa. A telephone talk with your Mother and Dad can help turn disaster into downright Joy! A Gift for Him When Settee humor mad want • TIES85c to $3.00 bile. Soap ii the "Little Eat SW Int off the Pike. BERK BOYS Tb. Picturesque Ping. Coon Patton One of the Preen Luncheon, 85 cent. Dinner (full course), $1.00 Hotel Rooms for Transients Phone Ardmore 9160 LIME BIGGER EAT SHOP 3 CRICKET AVE. MEN'S SHOPS 8 Lassuster Avenue, Ardmore Arcade Como and Vie. Oue A.eoeimeof. Round and Oval Shope. HARDWICK & MAGEE COMPANY 1220 MARKET STREET-PHILADELPHIA Ardmore, Pa. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Telephoning Mother and Dad it norm iontidered a "Major Spur"! • - ▪ Page 4 HAVERFORD NEWS ADVOCATES BALANCED LIFE AND OPEN MIND ANNUAL PRIZE COMPETITION OPEN TO UNDERGRADUATES Cge . finftnez, A;oialo rd for WALTON TO SPEAK ON SUBJECT OF FLYING 1 927.28 PRO BONO FUND t,:a ,. ,rr.u..',;; ';::::1:: tin. teen..., to December 101 CLASS. N. ofnSithstrip. tfiro Altboulth tie nirtool ottonits low ..s. mmuisol, natier. for ony" 18.1 141 11 in the S. 11. Lipplacon History and 11,1 111 14 Com5 1101 1111 the Conies 51001141 leterstare wise se 1994 133 10 ram be obtained by apply. pares 1914 13.5 12 ng to Dr. W. Lott. professor of 119,0 13 itT Moo, And Dr. D. Moho. ex. 1912 protewor of Eng., .16 lio Ilarorford Y. M. C. aromentits. 11317 togni in the i Woo of the nt.r A. 0 1.1 ...hold, porlicultir with af need by the College Sr. for the 11120 II the nerfnenolme of 'B.ini:="17e6lot L 11110,1 profioleney " certain nmeifled his owe 1111 lb. Mine. Kenneth R 101 on limn Wes. their b..1ownt th. being 05.'''"nYirrlivil1:11.71....t Renoir. .22. will oldrren lilt Benin, 01524 noir. PO 11 11 Moiler eighb Ihemmlio 1.10 101 p The Newton Prise for the heel or- e Awl, 19191 0 9. WI iginaloneey In Literature IMO Time mho froto omit tho mew. to 310. and the el. 11110 /Junin. Jld 00 "'w"Yr 11110.Pr.nP:‘ %11: nolo III 3101. rot the limornt to 10111 0 d"C :rg;'4:■Vnrol 11017 PO 8 the hen eon, sou ...nolo.. lows dungen iu denims ttneot sh oo pro. with respect to erIdrosr Mow norm lions, mein. 521` /ins Elizabeth P. Smith Prier fortimiltee sof F. Ithsot.,IIiti. P.,211 .34 III d I ri en unto. book,. two of 323. are grouts' Laced. 'Not nn rnainev. ha will JO std. of re- lust of din 1 ton osolity toderidesi by lb. to olw Alden, dol. the mold satinthought. aod ...0, la,, llo maid Poo, toots.. autolemenloy mad. Philosopin and Biblical biomeFog., ram t0o tr1sof" tre„r.aal .. The Iwo undergo... writ111.111.4, meter...ugh toilmn hire Walton wort bin sse. he Wet vow Wring the year will eity °ittot tt soap. no. in fant1.311,11 Lsokelbnil .and o the Pommy prin. fur 323 nod ht. sitspheol tmlet• dored no the hmsebell trent. He wax ler . Mit., lid W'r ref rnnolrm l•. In„ rap Aunt, the awarlieltranted tor high • worked Malmo are In onoleor eta take ze SS6 for marked profit., in of it catwai Is Tolmology he mot chemist, or matheitolice RI hor in Wee, afterwerd to or tooout for io the student Ati. the hest wort In o Rutland in otatwelion with lbw won, in it ro 1.1. and the Nome mothomatits. I. While stood he 1.o Dont row el., the Liman Ile Dalt Prise of PI, rlrr toolograduale with the highest 1,1 .111 ',KWh roe nor M • itl:M1.7111s:i 1 ttol:V„rene btirrot ...Moto cheniintry soil atom Strew.. the impoiroore of wart43.the won.. promise. a. Ell rown1 ., out new low of ohm., for New and Old ising,.:1 111%.1biltet . 1 1 titn, gtyor.e., Miter dentoreney. De. Eon. U. orriruin' ntOto. 17,61.=.1,7t.V.:!`wI,tt . e, 05 bretinti MIL 1Item a small Multi Ono Joon, .namsor Indlimophy, Nil. of nor m. lion to th.e Wool lo My Walton. thi lot slowed the New Engle. Moiety of unit so tat reform,. to 1'-‘:''.;tie7nrete.l■r" n hien flicht from Now Y.. intlindeloitie so its nnnual dinner WiL1 Wm shown the ...Wel Al• tty night et the Delleveu-Stradord otholomi. improvement io fon. icor". 01 MI.( entlo e e wan M.Vot la:Mr%) on Dv loose oolt I. hie oubiect "A Nov nt abort Adventure."' mhf Muria, Mtn .161 Own Wain, BO, este in 0 workbe:1 otbr Ilse eon. I. N. re Y.d fix 1Iy. ma• 111r111,1 .:16 freedom. w fr.. lo topretel. nod witli Min mount.. coo of throe, .o.. 12011. Free,1.'1=toVblunTt and iro oswirolittri imagine he won Ansi. In eon somerolon." Mad t•nunv llr. Witolomnah allareen. lont 37110 In 1..11 lot sone IsYOVt'oght Among the other mon de. nt the 1'52 rats at W. W. Pouliot briefly re. tits an Me onoill totterolrbor tench, dinner woe Dr. Cam., II. Tim,. by i,st.t.ol of i. stl the biota, of ouslogrnolunte of the torore. of Mks l'eleersity. Dr. Samuel B. _ . ie town wore aortas. lo el Motion. at Hsreelonl ood notined Morison. of Harvard Univermity, dam. ulth the ...lento who he 'clic,' to be Ow primary HAVERFORD e ra Mona, Jo. mahoor and Noah H. dd... of rile oudent nempanor. The .suelltmoom sof a oillete muter node In o:tlay. I, Donee dinettes. '-Hindu ihmmers• pointed so Itto alengerti of 11 ler 11P „ woo, woo,, he maid. t , find otit who mimeo. Seven., 7tko Oil 000111. Mem- ■ ..ty ",!1 ".'1'his'1 ,?,; 1174eli"1.11tvr N" :ye"' Yn' e Y're o r rn‘kr b::: 11,01. IO the fart that ohm. Icoll to Tit OS, of the lemon amliear. Br, Ram o!si "goutt iobi" Oti milione atoms In torn.. the. Wooed newon by Dr. J.w at. Soo.. llorrford undertow' illostratien of Ili. ,0111i two mesn' romelonee, tinder. 01111. 1. rothome. It in even more important r 111 Ye " el l ireTrtfi , . ..,,,, by II,. Al,., lrhet otentninds1 ensoth to so. Ivo. Vohs tor nt oilcan pulticatisom oft hods .. Iry dingier .lio. ire sinied that a - these.. mourery Th. for moss., rhr moroln, wrOer yeeterdm. ..;77sisr;',10e1:1 one ho eon ineleu to .1 ono.. tot lowing a talk In „Alma. hot Wednew o dailies. Jehnllowil Oran., well Woos F `President Conde. aho tok tbr op• loy by the to-.. A. VC 11.41. .inmentallst preacer suel Me ortunity of hin ollnapproni mw. les toie talk to Preobyteriau or ask* enamons1 hy Dr. Harry Ihnereou froshmen in. esontontitiot for wo,. of the undorerclusts when the monorript its dollorsi to the ues, odem. an holeu to the miff of a inillege Oholuenday. 11s. MOM stinted out calene. benefit from Win Wo n pe r. lin,1 mar men end It moo- shot odnee many men 611 CoLloge live tot n Dr. Gloom.. who they Weald love eon. wv to cotail their etollen ist rot, 6,„ .o4 sno., Or novresafolly in who le rienr• nis on. g.rorh7 ore. bo Kai. gee not mirth. try Class Started at Prsattoi . mu. of the Hoe teriane now attending Ilmerford. Oney astuninteol with md.te Other VOW., wars Nat Mom . &ohm scat el 1 fit ha Iselfully with Ihr owl go Mtn.. weeksuolo. od (si tadi Harerford. slay. A romnro close ha. been %bolsi (reedy r ol. of gathering torso. Aye., ford alutonue on the wholule of `Y tie rot Pre•itlent Cofort. the nob, Tfirrretr• at Prem.. hot rolimeere h • o. not emote. for thin yet.. Appolimately at fl. to rowtom the Moot troop Frodroon attendol hin brief Moos. n7tOrt. 7111, ' "erlrZr:73 whmrai hotlorn with u inunley mot,. '","; " r4,:r mirk or NI! .1-!'7. Id oge xt u....,cuccu, emir, Twenty Delegataa Atte. number of girl. Dom 11,n Moo nod ° Prof ..... Snell Entertains College l ln MNwl have eleolniten nut the With 1421,11111olea Sales Nwtrtionore Phoenix. the Ihin. 0,-il ntemberthiw et the Bryn Mee mote, ,'Alw ',ill be directed by A. J Rooming to Ow Haverforsi Moan. Ilar 1,lows. Envier and the 1 Melee). All. Chun, role room la. week after hoing Hoerfonl Nets attended the Woo.. in 130 and 1011. -Pro. ...woo ' .oil tenon from 330 COMPLETED ititternot monirinn. sho clock to 11.30 was held in Gs., Union D. M. West be e.o.m. Among brought Fla. Plots. to Forms, Call., colleare owl transmits e op ler dieenevion •■ thie 1.11111. woe, onor. Railit SUR, Mode FrIolay Pharmacist 1. man,. eloroolood Darer o emitildixholott fo woo moire by Moleetroloottes ot booth Weiler... ilre Interstlicen. Nron 12 E Lanese., Ave.. r Anemia- ths.!""':;e'llgo'rtr" IT with a nOttreturae of hammiest nolon. .. methods. of Sow., ow;tae rmado. Ardmore. Pit Plolletirlob, tobliontions the host ntyle and •Trufewor- anvil Wet.. the doge Pharmacist to the he wk. of the Ironer linverfoni otn• -loomed to Jrrd.. for the rollege nom and on o of bin protest... oral melts Frday whe. Bryn Mawr Hospital tho of college publimty110-mbm.n tomb' n' ehr k the la' Memen Th. Mimeos offending the confer. Chic h wit. Mal 1 stos ere. Ind, W. Robinvon. oss Bot ouotbini ie. dr their indial paymeost Devember ho multi a. Asti no Me ober Wori to of Delaware Rotor: H. Pron. have boot divided I Wood a lost of mom Oat woe." Roc monis. editor. sad J. E. 1 . mos... with ...nouns,. made by Men's Stein-Bloch Suits, month.. nn he told of hit lTator. tionincos manager of Ow he Bad. "Wee sore,. •.I hoe to pay las roor ore! ['rebels Wohly, Rho EWA,. Dean Erederie Palmer. Jr., 11r. Leon Ina lotting ed., J0013 WHOM, w. 11. 1111.4., nodose... Enetneero Imo now oboe." Int. "Profveror Ins. owl Jnho IL Ilnovvvo I., 3, .3, liu.• Ti,trri..atntrri by. h.. of want itn. looppened in monk Martin. Junior boot moo ten. Such clothes as these give . end A. le triideol mem,. the barn m be bah formoto. kr de- of the Soso.. l•1. II o RA editor: D. IL Holley. '211 olerrol. N. 11.1.1 , you not only fine woolens, has in sorry. Mood, thot f twins. -1. is b‘ I P t' t' s T1tIfit. 96,TC, tailor work and fine styles. • .unit E moonset manages: nesule no mno.but a fine opinion of yourself, oinslot.1 manatee. not IX W. Meld, 'toted sod alsooll, ornown.1 H. M. Jon, Inc W. J. Wokof us! and Misses Jean and torn OM J. 11. Illorkmen. 1 3t11 tiller. ',It A. S. Homitorti. 'lib W. Harriet Straub Say It With Ftersom N. Teller, '31, grid F. N. Muslies, '31. Pastry and Ice Cream art.tormiorn. of the lInverford New Manx Tweed Ardmore Flower Shop Sandwiches and Coffee News Dorton provided at the after. •. noted ea aosferonee ORDERS DELIVERED H. D. Manuel noolomoster ut the Woo. Topcoats, $55 Flower. and Flew. Quality Delicatessen Fish and Canary Birds Our new Chilton pens hold Phan. aid. 3013 Jost 00,116. Collor, mom mdmore 19v• An... Po. twice as much ink as ordinary Strawbridge & pens. Try one! Dr. R. M. Gummere Campus Activities of Past and Present Scientific Society Plans to Hear Alumnus; Owner of English Plane a IT Ye. '"' ""1,11:71•4 • MO Ill S' MU 4 li"")1 •111:".414 me- 12r 01110 for MEN JOIN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. . . 1111111•111ii C bY Waoh- ,trrolit lean, Pm, I. Column DR. JONES ADDRESSES NEW ENGIAND SOCIETY Stresses Importance New Type of Education at Dinner Friday PUBLISHER ADDRESSES A. CONFERENCE 111011 "` In. fl-mlrgo rpirp, the Oka.1 iin 112 igl) 1 lay. ..... ,.0 van Ion l'ul.k• "17 C IlLotIC,1 on reLiKtrrlog e....a- bettn a a. Y JOBS UN FILL ImPron Twonty dologo.v roproxontlnit playml Ikon. h STOKES AND YODER TO PLAY LEADING ROLES Experienced Cast for "Miles Gloriosus"; Unusual Stage Setting T. Stoles 'MA leadim male Onto net, of the Cap and Belle owl Latin chino for the lam thrwr }ex's, .10 egke 4 pot of Pyrtopidialom In Ow .6111see Gtorimte DI 11401., to he presented by lite Claw,. Club to .. .s,:svu owdzflenteon and meal, In Rob. The rote of Ow flow Palawleln. .11111 forwent of Pleuelolec B. E. ▪lownerhey, 130. and retinue of Pyroupoline, will he take. by E Yoder. ',I. an oxperleneed Ea sad Ileite player. Philommoitna, former emstbea. of Plemicleo sheeted Ran Athos. by Pyritopollato mot will he blood by I'. A. Cartoon. '21. H. E Ilanhenhorn. 'Mb will take Pimrole of Amoroso". narnsite of win' In die A l 11°,1,1 ie... i.r;" Well-Trained Mind is, to ta Saaass. G. war. of whisk laded. all sans.. avd .11 isdoatriu. We shall bo elad to disco,. deo rat-loom Flows of Ws boats... with ash Eudora is New Ideas in Clothes are first shown here. Suits and Top Coats $35.00 & Upward Eastman, Mon & Co. ham.. of elm Sow l'at. w PRINIPM0 nosh Ramos lavestoest Poems Row P. PAWL .1 .110•3* JACOB REED'S SONS 1401428 Ckewm 3tross Philathigida 7 Law SUBURBAN CAB Ardmore 3000 Hilltop 1000 Anywhere--Anytime AfrO101eUt11.14.1. TO1IIC 7:71r0■17tonlintot a Or old bach•le, and ritisens of Ephesus. will be play. Ystwa,nd o. 1 Lox, "motet of 1. ON lc ttool by A. le ttocker..-11. W. 0. mow TB end W. I. Blerhiont, will be,aemants of Pyrguyofihnoo wolos A. IL Moo, J. 44,,. J. T. Dolding earl J. H. Homton. Ill. will be thow PerIplertotueum. Temple an Owl Sill A feature of 11. year's production will he Ow utivel arrangement of the Oa, for a lady play. In -Ribs Marion, the tool two W., cont ran 146 Trains Daily Between HAVERFORD COLLEGE & 69TH ST. TERMINAL Philadelphia & Western Costello Bros. Fancy Fruits and Vegetable. ::-Igg077;T:trIbe'77:::1•711r to 22nd & Spring Garden Si., Philadelphia. Pe. Suburban Delivery. Pk Pop. 5208.09 M and the will Im pinweed one odd, Ito accordance with this unwool rostuteement the has bon I Otreol, rennin.. and re- 11,11 el, 111,t.p .101 lighting onto. have abs n "And He Left Her Without Life Insurance, Too" Wee lostalled, he staled. The time of the afternoon pert.. ▪ ho been rbansool Iw 4 o. t. 41,01 enhi. in moo to allow a;1.3 Y o. a rm... of preparatory and high school ntoilett• possible to he performants will Of course, he didn't leave her. He went --before the time came when he had meant to take life an insuce. Pictures, Picture Framing The Gift Shop and Novelties Suggestion Bryn Mawr•Ardmore-Wayne Both Phone. Established 1878 Write Us today for Ia. formation and rate per 31.000 of fife Inourante at your sae. Wm. A. Bender Provident Veinal Snit. Cleaned, Repaired and Pressed-Hats of All Kinds Cleaned and Blocked Walk c.11 .a Fw and Delivered ERNIE'S Valet Service and Bootblack Parlor The Arcade, Ardmore, Pa. NW to Arthiaav National Book Shoes Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired Ph*. Ardmore 653 14 WHEN YOU NEED ICE. CALL W. B. Kerrigan & Sort 730 Lama., Ave sirs ariraid -The Best Butler, Egg., Pacdtry and Cheese HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM St. Mary's Laundry BREAKFAST LUNCHEON WABO SALE DINNER Phone. Anima, 1944 Ardmore, Pa. See Frank at Chem Lab. tarkodliM l'un■.onny, l ose.111111l 1'4'4 112. 11,mimIlfee, , tije 1,111Mil re re XV 0.11 olltrr I m ..41° 2131' tioOtgefivt $55 to $75 1tad war. by cantato aipt,4-- alga, cal gitara '1Vnt Eamlut, Avamm A. Vassallo WARNER'S DRUG STORE C. C. Carhart, P. D. Get Sodas, Sundae. We Welcome the and Accounts of Students We believe that your open. Mg a checking account with Girard Trust Company will prove mutually advantageous. It is our desire to establish cordial relations with the future business leaders of the community. Sandwiches Ref Ardmore SUPPLIES GRADE Hard candles,. rd. chocolate. Mestenger Boys and ortho shapes provide sweete for the wee and the ehildlett c.savomertynesto osecsnow...omes Ti,. grow variety and Mee of Whitman.. peckage. maim selection easy and pleasgon Foe lam minute all. thew era ideal, old all WhIrmen ascots will mall them for you. Whir-own packet/et may be had In foxy atom baskets, balm old bags. See them at the the nearby UDR the le egent for Whitman... Ask the agent, or write to Stephen F. Wb itmen &Son, In, Philadelphia, for folder of gift amen., Wayne, Pa. A MILK FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Sheet. 7Cc 100 Envelopes 750 WHITMAN'S FAMOUS CANDIES ARE SOLD BY Printed in Block or Blue Highland Dairies, Inc. Hardware 758 Lancaster Ave. BRYN MAWR Pa. Phone 882 Bryn Mare be gifts nothing con more Imbued with Ma ,null Chat,. than the SAMPLER in In gold and 'teen end red holiday wrap. Other In Whicmanh guilty Group, some of which are shown he, will fit every individual preference. Duncan Spring Avenue Suburban Publisr' '.,g Co. Clarified WILLIAM H. HAYDEN William Haverford Pharmacy GIRARD PhiladolOrd Meats and Provisions HAVERFORD GARAGE J. J. Iliaaim STORAGE REPAIRS at the Pasteurized TRUST COMPANY candies for Christmas Market nt Eighth Street Est. 20 Yea. ...v.,11631.3441441.3.403.4 oUTS. Mv. It should be equally advantageous for them to force strong banking connections early in life. Brood & Chcstnui Clothier Y. M. C. A. Barber Strictly Sanitary 7.1..,'"371717:1. 08.5.9s. a 5uw. IaCs OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE . Beakers Packard Bonding raw rob Philo/WI& c ..... Iltiglittltimio ITINERANT MUSICIAN HERE MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1927 HENRY PRES& HAYEEFORD, PA. C. C. OARH/l1T. HAVERPORD, PAD. M. WEST. ARDMORA PA. HERION GRIMM' CLUB, HAVERFORD. PA. MAIN LINE DRUG STOKE, ARDMORE. PA. G. KEMPEN. ARDMORE. PA. 331.3100DO • o.o. 'mere me 'I-