▪ ured for An. The • students in dame ef the Presnee! Clean Alf. Vida, Jon.. 1, has Inen eet n• ton▪ work am: A. Ihothinnea. the lent tern dote for the lthine. 17.1trthiP•leet'.1..: Junior Donee. won.. to le. e by IL Of i.W. e. Amen nrul J. NE Calm . Nomenhoth, Free.. Thr Tle no V hte CM 'A lete will be foreini d'wer heel dr 'o t io n.,," Ten Urea' GrAmotra. width Way. I W I the, fintlall Waren.. :1. wit tend. tin. !nue Only oeven tke fern. Dm from. oecordina to the plane an... New. of Haverforl ion wren Callow!. the moment. Aotioitio. F. end M. In Game • LEEDS GIVES $1500 er the seventh do partnere; win be Here, On Rm. 10 By Haddleton, Denied College Training, doom. at the optima of the nom. Week "Pop" by Week Cod It is Manned ;e.r. ributi d L 91100 Io hold the P. st Other Alown.:41., P'llyo'Vbieb eter ,P hr Merle. Tribette Hotme. lieselhorst e: •caret Haverfordiona Has "Listened In" on Courses Since ",711?"1:tre'l .e the glance." Derion. from W. m nee Morris H. Leeds, neaten/1y INen No . nut n In o 71., rem., Piton] shied. Koine.. Becoming Mentor 7 Years Ago . flrcwIlIIooc , REPORT ON HONOR SYSTEM VOL. XX. emurvew mar he to ebtrined • neer.. h. Iteltualme S1500 to the Welfere Fed. arently in no NOVEMBER HAVERFORD Ito text foothill la tond "OraM10.7 PA4 MONDAY, the weirdly of Ilaverford uniergratin.(AND son.yWAYNE), work here" 1928 Following the EMIten Is Etter.12, NUMBER 2B. el. but to A. II'. 7Pop" Harldieton. mom N.J. 'Re r• then gore., sod written Claims V.".12;.°X.T.;1.1r "trberigeltit:PA: 1=_, ■;* ?::•ele‘,1t.: Peon. &oriel and Thad track men- other el.mes of 1/r. lishbill•et ...hog to 1.0 papers. by CoanN1 Anti. mi. Hhinie Lanes Bel-Roar mon:r off. Cl anntonty nett phydologY. toe Other eitim. Mee given a total of Tic Honor Syn. Amine only dun r.-4:zonoved intlentintelye efter'er wag , the College epportoeity for Intelect.1 tat " Mese firet entree, to dote. S1100 ow Thome . aroused Pio* Wean Boxing GlObeg Evan,. 'AIL Hoover Fourth Succesehl fa;•11PLInst*ZhIeb Ina Measure noels. intereet I. college *sham. In sinotorgr e‘:•■■''d:fin:Tien:•,:t:e atticII nd los ite gel. fabb,_ and •Welter and 1 Nominee began to attend 00 Pic se mnny by ColleIg etion. made On nn official rtmort o he:9!belerner::oll r'olre'lwe'lre .;;AT, w Deprived of n chnoce to altemi col- tumid tiuri. moo.. hod.4,PrIctia from 77t:::“.f ' "Pep" Moiret... Council. pontroted t Nententhar 19.24 enettle: trowegterot IttniaZdt'learh.: lege et the lime when net nee inn. emoion. en wins of 0100 were received were In ...Me Damao. yerwa C.O.. teeth near vote.Facuity Conunftlre rat fieutlent ancessfally nrode INfele Alumnus Sells Jacksonville, Craft eat learn. instannto. Fla., of higher eaded erie dollen. Jr.. In nod Willionn Dr. Halm II. err co amutateInn1 week by T. C. Gmetimen. t. and rite+. Jaen'teos ndlee tor • week. R. EL Elver. '82, ing, -Popmarled tenting entler• in on ke preskient of the Student etf:171.5r:1 Arriving A...wk. hirlte'sor'of K5 wag sentenced the Condom "by Bums " to ComPhiladelphia, trade. els.eo Aortic after nano, Thr repon . made lo le e to roll • hoop with booing hi, 'lotion an conch hem In the fell Illeti egr,,Or.jVilliem by made lest week JOlunt's F College il dDVY elerretr.a remeot by the committee The Netts not- Chest. Slopes end year g Inge Eton coller Thursday the I.,, fee .d • pink Dow around the camp. the minis end wee en tile reed v re- of 1021. fa nv Sot. taken at co re ham been in*0•;geofra'rtg.71 SO., Het. Coaching far an indefinite at a !met. Abandon. hispert. proposed 3000muire::Lehark wee injured in Laney nod iBank.. Egez with l•• sou .erld.lee a5. Or. Pr.,. Pelts. BOARD TO MEET when FRIDAY he rel. from Una..., can. trip N. Y. to Modem.: be S. A.inHoskin*, 1. lid. with Ketwit The '27 4:tlnI VALI; /1:::::;.'helhie He, Nam Taken Exam ire ee etlemptior Dr. and Mrs. Brown-Of mere,weive Menem.. Will ITN; WI. Faculty punt from Chapel. New York City by wit a the MI... The remelt. U.. gnaw vow, "Will Leave No Stone Und -1/17"ofexplaiuni. Appi Meer at JacitoonvMe. Flex. two follow/ nay eltreo.n tours. no nag eat new VOW After.R.111141. Mauling Prominent Itykeee'inoEle: lippedHoskins. their ht. to rwed• re having of Ilntory, se tee. ll0l.y Hoover s Fmonewito. mg Machina atm Steven '27. re• work oempi. mon of tPr= turned out for moo Two Wins." lu contend attendance at the beepita ThllowP n..sod Hlo At SMITH time dada[ y, VOTES FOR the areal. part el him HOOVER tura. to rrrrr ord Thursday, the oe• Supporters Co:nr ala.'7Olaril'en eigi! man I catonot ?I:11g mom after May 1 lanich Deputed Declares bolder of the record 'Ls '.....ncoa et THOMAS TO SPEAK for what rot th1 peel'}. either. Naserrora aft. Met .. =u dote ,LaL. E .1eaelaetor individual Itt believed to be the long.. csn..pWilbur K. Thome...cret•ry of the the College office last week. Follow • :-.•:tgbir.lekt. up onerlY the whole of ever Inc the meeting. members of the loom. by virtue CLUBS of completing BUSY American Ft-lends Bemire Committee. etc.CAMPUS kl attempted gloar'I nllttr7TUN throuzh,my nun. Soccer in couffitionTeam HoldM.. Tigers SHAKE-UP Only . lin Windrow WIel" "Al" Smith rood IS approximately for PROBABLEwill dime with Facuity in Founders twodhirtle Ma ens-11 speak in collection tomorrow in a lua athlete.. 'Pop eim reading "I thine ann. war, gondildo. so I'm hot.ofwere explained I be. am wog eve. bed. defeutiughie A.1. Is not the preoent Gomm.- flail at 7.15. .1c1 •I movRthenniry. the Her Through Four Quarters; tione.r.1-41;.`:kg.;!`::"■: Surprised by Franklin nal Mir.. The November meeting le held rev SATIMKAY-lenner Lexenchint hl. do. on the .0111 wall menu. wenn. lastertkiV7e7r"; mot' ortrLda ned byFOritrefltee. matt7 hitt,regMar Pleld'elnli?1"12w'y'aTi e• Vo:::'retee ."1!tI,natio .,„?''.7`11'.! ar:d1 md battered hy retitiedy fienollton Iw •Iner ue etteervie• .ir'erlet'Orr br the commIttee. oriel:Tart eabfeel .11 he ..1se Ptate I t Europe owlellar Weakens of the structore in Overtime mud ..momm et Inwli eoPortan ry to do egoneire 'ItileVale1711ath.tocene71:1: The rollree. week-ends. a Gr. Hareem. Hetet. " bentgf aLdee 13 Ileouelicen T It Afte tb W e !Oterrldeet:: .ionli.ver. of the body. inestondafd-hearer material that , t:71vVreg'',4°:;7:7,71.Fri.l";07V.,1. of th bo d to net 'Mali In f.mOe Wileon in tint Im.tround Chmekoin Hirer on fnb For to the President, wee I.e. hi dip ,T,'Oealn.tirlrierlOgentr .00 1120, !Breen adieu he b.tiied • email gale, pe elorelf canner/7d with Muer- or Warren O. BROWNE TALLIES n Coolidge il„11/2.4 and Ilerrd. at Walton eriold. eel Delmer, deeming his rano. behind him on DA Hoove e Newark e l e. Pfndiva o n the following Anions Setutday. ranee aetirely engaged in Mt. ter The Iot he Hamilton, 12, Barer... tared o abet palled to he Ibe a10,1 et and Shirk minters hope to Scarlet }moved campaign was He Mit. M. «Diui. weir subs wanted dhyer the Scarl Prime. 2; Gum.. I. Jones, Pthletwor Philo..., nnl The whote story Igo Move. After , „. '"11.1:11.* "117•71.7,w; et, 'wort pervonol hired of the Prerldenbeleet. The Ion three ki.ot nom mken .1' iieltADT offs, lo et. primed to nen, the the wag soureterenneklner papal: hte oho delivered eddrent. at e the most surpleioua hr The News. Ind°. oho hellotfrail rat. through the lee-0mm Mover rail, in !Mae inot summer. htt ova under thy ormieer of the Aden admin./ern! to hie amt.., to ar. thin thombionlyeolow ham mole ChnekoL, Conewango and Atteshem. Ind at a relent luncheon of tile Peon- rue. rime. Club, and .1912 he the Main Line A.M. mer. etrl tem.. both grid nal Am., Ricer.. Al limn be timed the lilt meow., pied onilett of the 'glower-forof or. talmo at debate el -en l ir I'Llawom. toe. otIll harbor. hobo,. lame,Edineera Nador.1 ComerlOitterortg= tilt ful often", to return from fore,. rtr.:agrtiOi...oilittS.1 tau 0l the t,, mittee and represent...ea of the htefge•el.„1‘... 'e'rr 0d:0 ' that narrowly nempagl death MI, v. lognisms r.n their ...a rooter mod that several ribs of bl• rano, were rroehed, the only comment Emden turntel it effort to Mint ...Mel ifin , in a run- fat the Gob would make wan ./My dim. L O. Armstroar l r. .4:e,...h.orzfboys w. tryint to keep my MV. will pine on the fiehl the len, and attended • reception for A! Clint. N. V.. athere dn.... liar.. available.- rinoi h !borer in New York City. R. Hone M.. -If on.... then. Accord.. titie. J.., the loren• Woe Pt aaaaa le• 811,4.114111. 'ter sill be • then.. m brine the Sen. EXPLORER WILL LECTURE iet:".•Ol'Ben Reett tetoelr:e lieschint Pittsburgh. M.D. ebbe AAA RIM.... out of tile doldenin, pad with rue., for a fee, dam gm, t. filele.egg a • larded entirely on 10,00 astern En 1:::;.•tet IN ROBERTS WEDNESDAY 11::"OinO: 1i1heteqr/edtIe":111::: tot! The Hata, men have developed it ....tin. with Dim. then, peddled down the hie to Gov rr . n«kive left Nes Or lona. tnInliona. A aina n powerful combine this neo.u. needed to enter Ilseredo at. hot tho welothered eight the lom L. O. Anneta,le GA. 11,:tr.,d Hamilton the otOuria• death of hi. untie • Leek obtain rotc before going farther:, be re ..III Talk ea lad.. (Odere the Mehl. rayto of • full et Nateheo where he worked 17;:: Southern Moon he entered the mama. ,red to the Pacific Coen. fere. tin IOC t1•0 weeks Aoa Indian of G. pped atipee5111ne on .• tbe Blue nod Gold waded Or tin. em the New on the other hide of Lake Pontdat• o 1clieu his plena BOO acre cotton planation . the mable, t oi tip, • throngh the etrong mom.. olfreni Peddlint a. reeeivutt town down train. -It w. weird nod Orange. 1S . N Tripp and Kingbolt motioned the / Ng Neer- litewir turn. off Iota the greet cypress tn. Spenlab mom yeu..t.6.... in P.,. ete•the head BIIMO /ME Dons Paint nuke .g eat. demo doom to • 1.1-0 defeat. Haver. forum. but end he 1.30. thouoand inlets on every howl of the Alterimo Friende. Cone their for went for little when Om fanl bed nrevionly def.t..1 W.I. for feeding atnting Botha. Livery m rergency • of 1126. left b9 k. t tinder Ote s• • G mount Um nth, Orlin,. Of the ln ilemilton limp ;tonneauhe Gutth• the hon. bed of the I Germ. AHD. dining and •Iter had Weer." PlettinO:lehrigerewrO;"."al!rt":: he r cdonnwriiil err• ono. before it Meagan cloven Mea. it real nre Jniula. Wnhing• 1Vorhingtoto. lo C. mirk. nor ti,de ..,.e, The, m the Great Wee Ac or Dies too roar's., New book Agnes. Ileir• tee toed • PALM at Met e . the Meanwhile. at Prior... Conk Ai AML.142.,7,,,ref.„,;`,:r1„:1,V,'" CRITIC ENJOYS "ANTICS.' ❁❒❅duolDelaware on Upgrade thelernter'eleeeireim jut at tt,ht in eder to coned lb. heel of the nll't Neied bolters played what d te Nro• tree lading them to return.. he de- day, rud douglarr of Doreen. Jahn A Ott the o ther Mml, the ilehmari untde revend mum.. ---7 Montt celled their br. mom of do/ mob tho t' Lventuolly ramble nut Into the Gull, Fitter. elect to. sou 'rare poll 117 the clared elven Chrigtopher her tweri .111. roluto.„ Gleam. one Europe The Sarni. of Comm ..Wo.rkIng his..wey down through eyrie brat hi. way rho.* to the Omer, I teoVn rbt've'efunerelbeereen Emoomit. ao or.M.tion ridtloe ell the Gulf elates on his made. ::4'rionerrO:=:: ro‘yer'N.OrIO.:, madin m overtime recount._ ftiol the dolly neetium of the Kepublie. Muer. niter opondine his owe ph. rn cm no the no. luet Nee:' 0:rerair ietlenestrt:egeebt t Browne tallied for thy P.O. onol Saturday ": :Y t :7,"',..;::...17,:her"L''..7.°,:!Women of Penaryl.nin which were his two theetre Orin. 29. • week they g nu. their Mot ming. ttf the Iliad boll early in the Mot 1 ' 1e r l r r' eared ex his naren.rterrrams. held g. 1.1.0t 7:: the nftwrer-Corthoy no in the tern. mt. In thic now ph. wee mgr. tiding Dolintulet over tlir hen when Coed 5.11etWo oggregntin, on.5 a bIldo prienn Unto genelatirm hia name Seven mitre off the ow.. tide She ill. hr n 24-11 more. When Peered to be welloo the AL.15 In nilNov OriVileg 1001. ,olvr kenu !: = for all time in the Creole City with I II Y et::a n••P: Iwo boo-, Ito erfond in.. the home 0.1,1 of Amen. Sion an other nom the onoriona C. Fate brother., who glee he:•111 l'ortOICa:nol'irr:ele“tItkeiZI in'd weekn". yrrri.v ahvo.. ova the Newark oolleg.. it VII find a e Orange and BM. however. ited to 1.7 male a Amite •••Ltetl. brineing voter. to the Thry were Mar rimonnteces which o marlin( hood of Molder. ready Ote: ientre'rfeee-111'ere.":„fr r led and ':•eir/Ir;Se'• plots by Mr. y. Mley. devirion op. next." ons for naor ITO, ;lin twoet;Ol : O:Or'grsee7evree opt- noir. Hr wet tacked un and carCenthedin work in IM tr*I'ili'erOrtie;ioel' s :Lot" n art eirrIn I hoard motor wen sequined 10 NOW Or- ried hInt. P-neme PIG the neat mon. IAA corn The ; the Mend n'‘ wfil rbringelo•klaor '- dem ion/int. by eint!tinOr:A steoein,r5r111'nN";., , ,zetz: ient. to •upplement the .11 which Oar p tugboatl ""d "" t ' nns • mod. of nom. Loot New part• for hie meter cell. toy vertiOrd had proved useless Mein t the b.0 w0erreeeT I.:1r.ri•OO"ettome" the esedichttom, their ...1::: with Browne. Is a Meyer, since goal. ,heel li• uiatla of the and wet gualifinstietnt, a. aroused ids Me ran row punt 310,1 roles otrit mmork inh""trderettO Lny. co pare manna • Not Coo. llerrte took sir osea rennt"' Teee": the rel. of the 'Mere. in the rleetion IMPORT Moe' able remotditr. In Hugh.. proba.o Tawny booted Mc M. d ome. Ai a result of this intern.. • lame "t7tIr Irrl'AVIdere""e4Tr. Tim x. For the ;rot four reliro of DR. JONES ADDRESSES perreo m of the Menlo. undernnanerhack. l.t. Blue owl:Told 1111: the orogen ...eb mgt. the n ellgilde to vote took adg Minutes. lot anDien ended in tier. while Ion rm. GIRL SCOUTS AT BANQUET ezotived inn t to return to nntAge IossOMee'orrA,V. tio'nutre' Td. reoreall Th'ObegOrZ1 n„Vi„ighartertheerdhent Conthomll on Pa. Caa.. • Iten- wee preowned by tMeownlie INecno ef the thirty plays Woe Penitents, with Meer lb the greaten French thr led fifty man, In the the lead., role. IP.. hio It tire ■ Z'Int‘tillaTn:loy(••• TIrgr".' with chairman announced Is. ek. he :o"'"Vvelcr' firreTne:•:mic?` te 71:eir .1 - CV. p men tion In an : reer ant, STONERACK PASSES CRISIS moi Boom ;1•=re000po. 111: at 'Mee will yea AT BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL mender. for presentation by the CIO, Hells Club were eliminated by the MI 11.1.611.11 flexed n'rior rerfin° ' ""'1"fb eh:612. 61::1'01: '0511:: r,7,7 a .zonling on of contim rtiwitetter while the Hind aod Me WI.. preserVi ten mote ettrewern reit. tor. the river eat or in their seem the startling ew, and plane. at owe for a g000ldiroo or att..; vto'wf and a nen to In 'Can aenem. of Non... While need. II:. of Norrinown. meted for Or P.... Gomm. on nee e. • 110 47.?: Enntiti. WrighL at 9,, On.. 3- nonerin•nt • an an 1.1 "^" Track Coach Here Gets His Chance • ko oentidad for Education in Attending Classes HAVERFORD NEWS Play.`, gabled 1n Ii 14".1;:'7and 2, elated. evil "`""' GRIDDERS START WORK HARD GAMES WITH 111 DREXEL AND DELAWARE 4, lthololeACTIVE PARTICIPANTS I FOR IN RECENT CAMPAIGN Jones N4,:r17,1= Izer'; gr.n.ttertml; t II '.1:41:14.:=:: 00,11r..ed A-11,:nalla at ge;t7,7;'1 1"4".i';;77'7,'IHoskins 'Ve;7,.,1,31:.r., enrrlenOlO1 Adverse Conditions Force HAVERFORDIANS AMONG To Abandon Record Canoe Trip in rlIDAY-T4o1 .po. Viten low al t. Butt al Ma... I . "'A;r1g. Dray., GRIDMEN BURIED, 13-0; BOOTERS GO DOWN, 2-1 g0.Here 5 .e . T. Lecture TEAM 1,171150AT-Tart. torn•IWeatern Nate nd. ea •11HAVERFORD CRUSHES Rea AMA 1n Moor. enwea. teiat Nana NoTyl:Zire7".:21°7" d.r .1 n .glock. ;[," wtT■i!oldrirti! I 7."..7*."7.7° '"•°"" '" HAMILTON TInneer-bur .73; OFFENSE AT CLINTON rallArT-P51.1.41r. Wow. we at tha 1.1.1 altlobla at at.. I. IIItriteIr.-MI EIJI.. alisT rtzt. ; :; Ste CHRISTOPHER MORLEY ACTS IN HIS OWN PLAY ON TWO HOURS' da op ii the After 7.2 i ttl:' 1"" MI. zm t Polo °°,i` I , ANTI DUARY DELIVERS oar w A dee tif the unbent youth wc. hi .1-, Ind. 31 I.. I rote, HORNELL HART TO ADDRESS Y WEDNESDAY Flinn- DR. FRENCH LECTURE HERE FINAL HEARING ON INJUNCTION' CASE BEGUN Coo... on Tata 3. Column 5 e1I'lehoe'let"IrOl°1.•dveeotue:eerirOteern• Molest Rine. Stalin at e, banquet of Girl Scott. end lead• Dr. de Montauzon Discusses Legal MO. Medal od.•day held the Agennag to read • final molement Roman Remains in l'OOtileMr:OdareniegeOte." nu the pion roe au iojohetioe motroh,"Young peoi d r deb be binned for fm the opernlion of the new mon, South France ul,....Intiot of the Hondo. it.s. elOwo r "nrone:n"7U7):,„,7,1,..7....t`M Manton. Eamon arditertural Jo -Th ◆❄ mi. in And •Dout the P.n. town of hien... borne.. whieh mon grow Onot hboviar ot heorina ge. Dr. C.A. de Mon... rm. oat of thelr nen liven.. fere. of Malone Andouille. Cl the Neither MGM and the Mather Woo Ceiverolth 01 Illudrated ot korrieteso. of Lir,. ven the title of adds. dd " h Wed, so. broaden. last Mein by Dr. lone@ ore. nil., dm.. mood Th. petition fa, an in then... • • City. This twenty•minnte Annotice th:lUeer O. t o:rtr.. . . trin.,:r. 10.7 talk War, out of a eerie. of Bonilpt&b.rt of If d. night denentinational radio addresses by relief,. leaden, 1.ring v. November 22. when LW, ion ion... and Dinar Agree dow r the ...m aorn.. on the Ree •AeBCP" weene'OOte71 reeketitlyele- to the en. of the Nam. fajta. evidenm tormeoted Monotbm• Mundt. Geo, et on anD..onu p.Itical nreernee throughont the wed humor of the her C. nuns. theatre end a lire. South add talk. every Sunday. Prot unit of the amelon now ern Fen.. were peened. nod disco.. Tod. and Jam. P. Whalen toot., Jone• addrenni oder- ell .and detail. the teem. drecriblre the ;nide.. el Vale Cniverwity end air .1 Ardmore, tem .. atom Indents in Ow act.. '""HPOOirOOr}11:erPLtt Evidence for The nollee. tens e7... 11OrrIZOlte::;.iiitelr, die Ynie demi rs. Lettere Int one tanemn to hare beeeen built It"; i'eaberit; A Hee. Suottregaod Ill ono tonnuonly Denture "fen menet of Pit Monday relight. ad- nod nal by Mortor. of the Vernon... of now 110111a giVen al Vele by mi.. Collett- ilr. Lego W 11.1. noted Church Lade.. ivg of T11;'":" End nhly PLAY COMMITTEE NARROWS • 477. tworther or' 1hr Paling tomminginon SELECTION TO TEN DRAMAS Meriop Township. and In MOO the otter. -Joseph.. woo Final 0.1tio. es Cap a. Bang Pre. net", 1 ';:terrldoeteertIrCeO" then to io the theatre. anal to inna deellen to Be Mad. Next Week Itea- wet pigmented by thkeonedie Teeny of the thirty plays Woo Prenreisp with Monne. '1 NOD. the Hind mod Ile WItrInn orreetrTOld •!s wandered for presentation by the Can greaten French Inured.. thr Isxt 0,14 Belle Club were elinainatrd by the fifty man, In the leading role. ere 110 Wrighb .e doe Ih. von'wt or rooted hi. Ire are Entaltlit. nZrlatrtiten:lay'•:•enelgreet el.neV• with Nomietown. While Theodor II:an. SI. chairman, announced Is. eek. for the deLnlentO n"elveld'e' firriTee:Ortic?` of Norrintown. meted • oI the t 31[e to enerie .1 - CV. '" .tor r̀rfin° teemlon In an ence an. STONERACK PASSES CRISIS r4=ere eel 111: at 'Mee will rea AT BRYN MAWR HOSPITAL PRESIDENT AMONG 25 WHO MADE HAMILTON TRIP Addrossed Hawiltes Fagailly S Night: 3.,;:'Ira001111 M at Extensive Social Service Program Planned at Preston Center of 1 77C: e ••. er'nt:n:' Lle Proomon mew 't• IN TRACTION CONTROVERSY AGM, V. SIMON one TI.DM S. Gets Gat Undedins 'Committee Itenemoted by a mgonatee of Wideli 1_ Morton, .113, member. r Teton. t'ootIMP• "f MThIirttr;eoevat'inn:hholegr of relOar: me plot y 0 He .Clubsrl d mm tote .1,11,8 Mr of the Pecult, b of llama diem Sittureley night. „„%htlOtteelOV e e gg en t'ltdi. 11.1i,1 Comfort opine ta the mato. roll o Vi Vomit. Pi ChliTtOphOT Morley, '10 l W. 14710 va W. P. hepert, td Dome l=n0 opt eeelOir '"Y.11' at eh., he Re by lb...Pablo- Servire ' CnnatninsInn poor for the firm time eo .doeed Saturday old, The President Matt:Mingo 50 take over eel aeur 111 .r ein H1at rr far ILe tit loft ilaverfonl Pdloy oldt and re. r in Isis own Sleet ..ziertiero at o ode' root of MM.uu Et the Mal. Theater. itithoken. N. J. tonted And.. denta/.7 utrieriprodunt. Thom. A Gelm, Mt the maim ohne to soh thr trodeel of the groom. commit!, of to thir kr has made a non.lam. in the w.der lb. nom ",..:aarreliu.11..4-1.t.:„„r:,V. addition dsi Larlon ....twigs holden, .ton tired attuly of en...Dome. all over Sitekesprarenn enterpriae. La: the. trip o Clinton owe: IVO. the moat, roe e hog ml tine Ti, caum or dm oneglomed dee.. lit n T. ▼❉▼❒❉ "Al tbience of Metal Reitalonr." f theletin"rT'gz: P 'LOTirt„I: enema committee nankin/m.1y wiveit. 0.01 of the linerforol C. Ilietear. inth pit... by I, Hort 5 I', the romonvion't nionnom wos the ridden death of Wil. At: 111111Ant in nod o atan, for. Ated merptanee Wet.. Havre.. Prolog1. liani II CI al Pmf f it N be b , th • .0 • 11 la Hateiloo: Falwanl A Tad. Irr'regrOqe:•:"'relZittne; NV:7X sol o J. liamenniter. Comm Aothe Itiehent rt of Banded. COLLEGE CALklIDAA no. An ...he maid ovevity prone nin.r dont in Or innaorrnh. 1151 1.111 Cl the lloke of Ityria, Albert V ft bill be entird hr the theologhom ed to Meet bow. Ile Ct. thr Gen and winter Ar the ilitmda. ."'l taken ill III a memr,mi and died tax. on the way home. To meet Die Chriotopher RHINIE-JUNIOR DANCE the ere.. pall. oof PLANNED FOR JANUARY 4 now nontindlits even. weekly livery with less limn 120 Mum. later. wog gestieulating no the notke.heller.. peraident of Illyrie .gerdIng re/ V. Levin Orthattea secured tor A. :WOol'ede":11=7p"'ZOO"''''rrer mete of ...ley The students iu obante of the Preswhile lb/neat Claso Alfa. careworn mit. nem. the river ma lel Vida. Jen.. 1, Mr in• set o• ton work am: A. kbothinnes. in thelr the startling ear. 1110 Imitative dote th. IrrerthlOtrote./ And Mono. at me for a goodditoo denier Jr. .; Dame. etym.., to an le. W. II. Amen and a el. to IV Ma. sewn.. of monternma man J M. Colbo . lugt e. sir IL nemenhoth, Frerbnen prerideut. Thr i.The nn ocatnum on Pave 4. lagnal.n ie,,I V stn br Id g lover •will be Nen. wooer rh Von Intin fIrrimstre. wit. May. I the fontboll Novena. :1. titl tin tun.. Muir seven Mo.. ll ko tor ou the formal ner. apes gram. atoordint to the plans antonne. Classes Ind week. Following the mmtplethit 10100110 of 10° F. eel M. PINTA, Inbred II Game • LEEDS GIVES $1500 or the seventh deem win be Hr., On Heed Is A...vary dans. at the optiart of the enortg Haddleton, "Pop" Denied College Training, TIMIDAT-TPA4 loAto P.t. It is Manned etrdi. b.. 1e The taLI1100 to o bold the dance It Other Aluzi.r.Co; yttOich ere e ,u hr DeSon Tribute Hone. Itaxelhurst ender 4.1 1. Rued al Has "Listened In " on Courses I Since seen, Dreion. from nine to one Morris •.,71:Veel:tre'l ere' Inforrd ell uoer .e the Ftavne." ed In o st Id Leeds, AA recently eluded s'elock. Kalgenbach • v ism he tbtroN o Web o. I. Becoming Mentor 7 Years Ago r:r5laTIT15 """'. Convex =my be • nronenary evil to 1 obteined ha ate .51500 to the Welfere Fedgreatly in no REPORT ON HONOR SYSTEM Ill Imt wfoothell ea and “OrnIM7.7 ""e' the ...Sy of Ilaverfeed tamiergrathl- thee.. work here ' Following "`"'"' the en pro el. but to A. II'. ..Pop" iladdleten. saner N.B. 41.1 written Belem. trerOlie0eby etelterigtrIthtre lent '1:Oeltr,te.• V.,".12;n1= .f1.1r then mmoded EMIteg te debt by ding phyrlrite. to be Sled. and Mark track wo- other chutes of 1/r. Rabbillbt In adagrolio At • m. eordlog to loch] nape.. by Cooed/ Mal. an Hhinie Lanes Bel-Roar e the an ColIne nary nine. snotonty ond Other phydologY. ohm. tact Moen a total of The 1110, [Mann obtaing only dorrzanorml inteutantelyeeftereor wee morivolled opportunity far Intelleete. 'Moue fie. mane "M.Ar"4.. dote. Thome Even,. 'AG 11100 aroned Hoop. Wean Boxing GlObeY . fa;•1117;11st.ZhIeb Ina pleasure nano intereet In college nob... In ear isnotorgrilt‘n'd:lin:TitoOritett arOlic od .wife rove 1100 and .17alter ▪ A14. anti I began to attend se inn.. Gen. mode in nn °Metal report 0 he:gerbelerner::oldereOreebe'lre •e/TrOrt w Deneired of n chnore to wend col- mould dun. morel. hodm- -Pop"I Mudent.o 4,PrIdo totterel'UlglegOne" etorer; . 77t:::e•f ' Council. NOVelniar 1944 mem.. enttlebe: Onetterofe IttnisZdteltsrhie to I lege nt the time when no. inn coninued. In ottemerive yen. he at. Farm/. Connell-ler• rat Student en gifts of 0100 were teethed Mkt aum.sfolly evade thine eat Institut.. of higher low.. Dr. Haim M. Bonen/ roue. In 1,111 wrek by T. C. Dewar., 21. trio Jobe,. Jr.. 1/0. nod lee for • week.• R. EL Ebben '32, Meld Gonelrr th tee int, -Pon- started •IttIng in on ender. he president of the Student A...wk. au neatened by the Conon. Com- atbeaterir:1 grad.. ohoetIr after hirit'sur . of 0151 watt Oa.. Thr report cox made le reamer lalttee to roll • hoop with boring Ut hie duller the fell no coach in hem Strailluilare College requert by o the mennittee of rtes Chen. Singes and year a Inge Eton collor of 11121. be mina on/1 woe on tito reed .d • pink Dow around the campus reImo C. Berre'e cingn e'egetnthgerl tinO'efrartgrteceabei Study Coaching for an indefinite pert. at a !sleetin Laney nod Baukieg. the at. Or. ligmlerie Pains. Jr". tttlnback woo Injured when he rob BOARD TO MEET FRIDAY TA. 50A T-Japt. W eatArn eheirmnor Be A.. I'. Berm. Dttitled with Emelt 4 tlreT iOrigunler; trOetlyr.'icl :1:1•1 He, Nem Yak. Exam Atlempting Nara nd. ea III RP/ •I 5.411. In • ceive Manton. Will ITN; WI. Faculty runt from Chanel. 0td Moor. wont at 3.4e. .1.n -Of eon.- -Per explained. /1 TU. ea. oat ligtodee mem rennet ta tend tier Altmann tours. nor After -1111.1141. Mauling sub,. of INntory, Monaeleo. r re having tipped their nets to :CO ItrkeeeeineEle: flerltellteh,ie work oernpiee innot of toot The erinOlIt"e7s.T'111 Ooard ul ]lopes tara. '11 h old lu tonna. attendance It the hoepltel. time duriy the great. part of Nu SMITH VOTES FOR HOOVER shoe a Coetorela.'7obegnOrli[Ort ?1:111:: cr .0,'. c.r I cannot do mud after May 3 d.v .1 n .glock. 'Ls et THOMAS TO SPEAK tither. aft, not are indiridual Hararfo..=uLaUletofgeor the College office last wed. Foliate. Wilbur K. Thome., ncretery of the rallArT-P511.446. : . Z.ege.lebt. Wowee ataate Co Marla the whole of Inv the meeting. members of the boa. ekel InterelailettreeroN American PrIends Bemire Committee. ntomy Horouth,my am.. con0itIonam at tha Neial adtlobla 11.415 Smitbvotd fo homer-bur will lbw with Facuty in Founder. 11 speak in collection tomorrow in a log athlete, "Pop" explained 'I Dv eim reading dthint I'm hot" were Tate worov, gwertle.m. hie A Is ot he percent Gore.. Hall at 7.15. t .1c1 •I movR Nee sleety tee tIoefelahnr oefert•hers'eekg.;!`::"n':SAT/i The November meeting le held rev YMAY-Tunty Leta. itnron Ithierthi.7e.r:e' ortrLda ° ..1 by hlo,regnar nodes pre• Smith. 'SL a Pild'Ol„It'PelOw'y'te:viarnedl moth,. " Fmuk. e'ele br the enantittm. eabfeel will he 'TM Ptate ItEurope owleder of the ...ore and overoanortan Er to do ...Iry T It Afte th W alien of the body. irh e material that rig:71vVreg'eSolcift:ryr=larriloereontIorl of th bo d to eet 'lb la Clinton. N. V. ,VZ l 7', tint -- . II Y., 2.7-717!'ih;:aZ:Zr.V."!_i.,1"r2 7.1 'Z".2:FL4:.- "1 'hr 011.0 111111prii ""u" 47.?: pfly.ttittr. Meet, III • Track Coach Here Gets His Chancewi for Education in Attending eh:612. 61::1' 01: dept ,7r,,zr 4,r sell 1, f.;.'sg ' VIIM hairimm WWI an r,r; (1/1 ilar1111.,11 .214;:a.- Il tits, 051 41441111. t tn.:1:7,11TV 001, 7." ..7*."7.7° '"•°"" '" Elot:".11'.:.7..- =LI t -.47.114°,11:"Rrk, time ie7e0■;e:r 1:1" atftirn y;17.1 ' letti!"01, playhouse, at AnImufe and Bryn Mawr. Erred. influence gamin 10. 0Grant ▪ ▪ Even the frequently recurring bogey of examinations foils to daunt Stem, Prodarees ▪ • the ardor of the enthusiastic devote. of the cinema. In heat or reld, the th A Zrie of he ADELPHI—frvIlme Frederick in -The Scarlet Wore." elms weather, the patronage of the Haverford undergraduate of. which Sep 10000nrr Pet Snob Mom BROAD---neseola,- 0111 Raymund Huntley and Renewal hikes. body it n constant factor upon which the local theatre magnates an CHESTNUT—elle Right DirtMegfekre depend. ERLANOER—Ino M the rude daye. before the college man became the highly ri- Ifecreford pones, the dielloctime FORREST—illtude Mn." Cluenbotne." OARRICK—.Tbe bbed and i civilizeil product which he Is today, and when the Ardmore =1141:111.."4.4n.17. 1.: =Ss hen NAN1111Y011D Mery Dugen.Tr el ofNXWB BEITHIS.--The Theatre was the only playhouse within walking dire.° of the campus, ".. As,tarte_wesLa familiar frame among LYRIC--Try Royal there is a tradition that the Hrverford delegation was not always as welSHUBERT--Pany." I❒❅❍❄●❉❍❅❒✎✎✎ ✬ ❃❁❍❅❏❃❁❅✍✭❅❁❒❍❏❒✎✍✎✎✎✎✎✍ ❅❍❅❁ ✎ addition to the audience se it is in the premnt enlightened en Otnet.:ILZU'nee"rZPIT "ithlhZ:1: come Ler Lien. WALNOT—Tio, etyled cash [done of college spirit or irritated by some pm- of Gen.0._ .1Inny sod Slimed by an Pldadolphia Photeplays el Havereord students are Irnages✣✵✲✲✥✮✴ ticulerly inexcumble affront to the intelligence, 19. poise of the manager by inter. ALDINE—Joek Holt in nitoborerfor." reputed at Omen to have upset the perfect ADDADIA—row Cob and Aileen Pringle In 'The Rabe Cyclone." o Eamatorl al rammer derogarrY ltD!!agne'l'hO :. , llmo or (rankly 'tongs college Offerings <TV;r.V Stagerinb a.epersing 210•Nefrwith regular program theININ{radale Inemolant taceob:tgia en Inv 1EARLE—Dorothy Merril in -The Whip.comments, thereby inciting email riot and throwing hystericel pstrons eAre.1131 work at Beth his'30 onIV, lotion to amok n J. B., FOX—Chars Farrell sad nee. Nissen In -Fen.' 791,01.11.1M) tiresome preetration. Sheniesh before the West Cheeter into the ugdnies of premature FOX-LOGLIST—Cherien Farrell rod Dolor., Del 0010 in °The ]led If Helm.surrenderin H. either gond of g the support of the .tr=e Friere• meeting r.u. f am. on December r,ao Mg 11. Confronted by the dilemma francor." o memo woke sizeable revliming theMeet picture. talking cent tlef 100 Terror... staid and peaceful citizens of the Main Line orSPOIMINO KARLTON--Tne emmoratm ammarm playa meat. me CONTRIBUTIONS BONO LITTLE--Cm Ivan the Terrible:. with L. M. feronkloff. enue afforded by the patronage of the College boys, one far-eighted thea- PRO aret ion. in les. mire am e ceton tans Couldn't Prin F.I." In °Tbe Ringing STANLEY—At'lele. Inner College Harvard's rreme maDOLLARS tre concocted the brilliant scheme of Inviting the Haverford stn. er, rot rhed. VotUn TEN amebae With AVERAGE MI ut 10 of the Soo Prince e effects. sou. STANTON—^W ee gift moue the hamts of the the aid of an minwith dent body to attend one ahow eaeh y varsity rudeme who implied for lan willPholoplays FAMILY el $9100,000. Harvard thriversity THE ROYAL Local mutual agreement was reached where[heartudent guests same permitted IftM3-20 the to Pro ontributians Elle • Princeton onend In Wedotsdny pone et the ov Iota a group of NOVOITOTIN, Lyre Theatre the untrammeled freedom of boisterous razzing in return for • promise of Reno fund remind timer: to "grad Tunably, end nor n Inlet of SS SMIX0 buildARDMORE—Mears the Imo. refer...-Forgotten wen Um and don Seturdny. Friday trek silk by many of BING* room. end loot Thersd, Comarlered the receipt dlAng ..11. too( the hlasters": of the foremost decorous conduet at all other times. The date 20 ...hem more As a result of hills popular inatitrvion, Haverford screen devotees den the more of the day etilimelomn1 .firfrom 0 to 300 atudents who will Ilr!"';‘1111:ifr;: 'Ate' th 200 re:idestr p' Meehrer, MherbehalL from sLudy der. Torsos, -11—If behavior that the ''free some, eenl•bution NARVERT aver thesal patterned Univeralty, In their' theWranesdey. MVO, med. In . moue. sat inherentlyrem.. ec me no mcostomed to being on their good have bo IPILL.77.40"d ae110.78. date isThe 10 heed, rabforiber movie" idea appears to have been tabled by the Ardmore Theatre and en- .each Mg to the New York Times. we l'ambrelg, Royal and Oxford of the gee.. of routed, 1. World the ert=7.'"t 1e. newt a:1. tor.. to Mors "emptied by Alumni SETTIIE"±kl'clS7IVIZtrr'rW. th last month registration the Friday tirely ignored by the newer Seville Theatre at Bryn Mawr, without any Family_ re- SiAt hubbubnl statement the renowned renting to ofzfes abedew. "Four and Satordity ngle": ILa Thereby. =Mary Jolin leaMine-, "It Were prompt and effective expression of die- Itarrymore dissect,. resat.. Unless some County Boa. of Election intimate, limey. I. • Id.' itt whetet rend, in the New Tort Toon. EV4744:171. he glowedto.vot would students Mat Merlon approval la forthcoming, Haverford movie fans will be placed in the yogi will laugh PlitoarionsiF mom of Redness!". nod Tuesday No STREET—Monry. limit. obtain to made le MB attempt Au Pram Maned iffidsoire whoThursday, arm Haturry. Cathyradiomen Lrvee", Crithserd. . rte in limit. rather foolish position of havin g bargained away their Inalienable right. the time. mike an and the Main Line will be deprived of It in Aire all the way IhT.KIRIT. ex. [relent. for the mtlege from sun.. nogg. for en all too temporary concession. life, and emphside MIL be of student Don wIth nt "116 .0annter," ✓oviaMt= ene of these picturesque ...ion. on which the College boys attempt to t tene I mmtemord, sod me night !dared on of -urn. the nod Paten., ..nano, Frill., Thomsen,. mot.aortal the ions Coils-en Terry and relieve the ennui of the complacent townspeople by their rollicking anti.. relict/11y on the be Windsor. Claire andb> Corte. ate Wright. Ricardo withlog v., perfectly erre!. Iloldre nob in n large no vitae MrDun,fur Criote".• the tieJrrRrWmteea -The Perfect WAYNE—mend., Tuesday mal Wedhsesslay. A weber of Me etiereer l In Chaney Lon Spaeth Addressee Fore. &terry, and Prides Enter: You A. "Pry Fox, 'St Aphelst. V,. ...)E1 and Pullen of Std.. lo the renege will attend ...cwt. number lem11. IIofthe Mee,. Sigmund Spaeth. 'OE noted rather, lithe, City die "While William T. Foe, SE was appointol ere: eared.= mother. the reliant old actor Assam like other undergesdnate, hut cum. freeborn, member of the Co-operative I It . Moak riot.tor tb will tout admit to herself that her tTe"'F.hiciedelUhir"h7r= Ohs ma Ion lent week by D. FL hZert■troZaea. Committee Oh nour.P.rhit.lemnawn et Mega £005.00 during swam -Store INiereton in llve not did "L'Oracele GRAND OPERA Commune mu present PHILADELPHIA ot icigr Mb., the .bights ore, he homed Medley. TD. cloth-man. The o er sleetion night In the Aeaderny 00 in Me dormitories. In the eve months preceding election Me .Wins needier of rploion ADELP the u ttttt the committee ere do Ft Mimic. He lectured en the popular perhatin had who ember.. of,Mn Only them undergraduates LoLawreury tom a. ORCHESTRA,. President .11 !gored.. (IV HIA te.017, inter the NWT, CREED Room of the nineteenth NEWS EDITORIAL THE The Amu* In which ahe final- well. Dm W, parent Need t Princeton dean. the munmer. weld be feel to . me represent do not necemarlly The editorial. appearing in this column 031 S'""d" 3.°. 7,7,.:1,1 j', 1,0,tr.11Vt.. htsPo!:*t '7e; forms he believer irontg'tit'elsteln. but exactly. nes herself to ire that etre hr end Cembridge A. 1"1:r411-Ntr''c lido's., Wamoo. !..rwt:Ir pe;reen; and alumni D opinion d:11;114 1 geirisr undergradueles of the mejority of a 'end sentiment orfacuitY the nr with Me stage Is superb- And Mashed the election return. of manager. were memo. were greeted the thug E. Gutker. HAVERFORD HAVERFORD NEWS THE COLLEGE WORLD asking your friends? Any man who wears John Wards will tell the some story. lul . Monday, November 12, 1928 The leathers in John StoresinNese Weil • Breeklre Newark and Philadelphia repack On display at They have more style apPhileddel. Mere peal to men of the better immbm a our Eire Yam. 74.1.aelp.... Cll... a. VtasNres Neck gamma. c)rash lut-hat Gaut I:11.7 Li. WALNUT The prices? $9. STREET $7 and GLITAN The fiZoinol: better.p'Thlea EASTMAN, DILLON & CO. PHILADELPHIA INVESTMENT BANKERS Katprtrn. tkantre-i ra :« 11112 UN ootQOM. LIN I. ii 11:V . .1 MacDonald ECampbell - 11 IN NO IN E PHIL .°,.‘e of Ilarerford College. They relameet. ....h.. a ...rime attempt en Haverford rt of the editor to moue. intelligent dineuseion which the News believes merit the careful comideration of all pr problem. persona inter.. in the College. Article. differing from the stand and will taken in these columns are invited and welcomed by the edit, be printed in fall with the author's signature In the "In the Mail Col. umn," provided they do not contain virulent Natrona attacks on College °threatre or langumfe which Is generally adludget to be unfit to print. to the way. Albert Crveolla r;raVegt. ;L'onreerdne?das1. chi... of Melee Wrlaht Mx ar. in the fooled Mho !hee l the DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Tina Student Type lirmd Street Yollire certainly OUR ADVERTISERS nee seeing the rr,1 roalbal/t,6„..1t Aaserthag Mat the theory, that all rel • bell;e'ea "llut kLeme' under • very thin diereapethe gum may be recogniami !! alCaiii5 61514. .;1 1. l" is,_111EuA :2 for alt, melee Dm mere ere r. John Marry., he who amen- ialu. the Idml of athledro for the nitre. thos iha threethrivemIty Tbr xi the Ha. for the rimier, • oltiZ. lvedelst, nore gdoeful •tol smorer or the •=l;fdr.d mo 01 ⑤✺✛✢✚ ✖✂✎ ✎ ✒✑✑ entertein ong of the moat hluhly' of student tree the Ignores home, e odethree of • lerge one. ✰❁❒▼ ❁■❄ ✰❁❒❃❅● ❏❆ ▼❈❅ ✂✬❅❇❅■❄✂ .Peet• Merely social peatten. crew,- cf Me play he rumhe. I by the Harvard Prvillret Conned ocindite mit Mom Molly., fn. his four reare M 11120; n oirdol duel over a sal, 510 tel The Nat of the there medlar... gwept on to its inevitable oilman by the frantic effort, of the pro' the me sire/L.1s 111111.11 Imam. NON' It. Naomi "bosses." the "big show" has flashed serum the political zenith, ureet Ethel thin tomt hare a pea Opposes Compulsory Religion wan I. leokine ;111reavlinr the current lame of the Athen- corn st proles... athool, and rho arrayed in all its tinsel trappings, and honied on to the Lethe of things pbrt nee he ,,f to Europe Inaxactly a/.InMonthly. De. within' IL tipereg. in pall amid the blare of rival bands, the raucous shouts of milling crowd. n Man of the Harm. T.,logind Reboot, rcrlhirnleT. the heal temp.- daitos that rompuborY „Il e te aolat mind. He ehothi be al• and the lurid glare of multitudinous torchlight Precemiott. Aft., foe, the houerhehl re house more harm tben mod. Ile Days that • cared mental Hrs. iir net. the afi menthe of undignified tumult. screeching radios and jangled neree0. the in • turmoil. the Ina minute. it is .feoded the ground War' ers Te."Xo;e1e2. T41; lleid tioehlh American people are again displaying a tendency to return to ...NY. Memel an • bellhop to gads the eub. of Areipline. •ed that Ito proponents war rem ix not mired to Intend. the and wool be should engem, that i Ileve beat helped M • em. Holly Is from Intt work Imena-ctrom trrItt Lonmentranged Weill. are once more on ...king terms. a strong eroletIn outside. be vie m the boat which _will allow kith to Aim titer 141h;eer7eatilt he mem MIN ,1 "%le" 71;Z:he'Nft .11; but rah movement is to he noted on the stock market, and a feeling of CONmmee, Et1„-I Mummer clim. in tnat toe, student. get . the (amble conNrvelism neemn to have settled liken protective mantle on ix no lour. friendly Will, Edna Ferber. lireplrve, but ere left with a routed German Class Hikes a feverish and apprehensive Nation. mirth, toward religion end all Its roll • nnlia,. American dernorracy hos been vindicated and the United States is ;r:Irn'"frtirld at0 cheek a ploy the for it• Leliere to the wholeobi. of again eafe for prosperity. The menace of "th ose Smiths"' in the White lurid.. end rheracterlanlient P die. life: he goes on to No. -shod are ter (rout mintehneelert to the reekinsini mole,. took hi; Dena. House h en been dispelled once and for all, and a spirit of rampant Pro- nextele the tulle. ❆❏❒ hU' tn I Throe ht here ;titiVe.tiCe coneeraathe eh. on • walking tape testantism Mato through the land_ Crushed under an avalanche of hostre easke Is vo ream. There hinge. tile votes, repudiated by the State which he had faithfully served for o I e the scapegoat for die. not of the matter Is Zahn, nearly a decade. and rest adrift by the traditionally -solid" South. the keg, i.r„ 0„t„, of remind. No Mr Mantua of Happy Warrior has leen rudely thrust into a premature political grave rho things they oaw. tory rhepel are not people Mc ten Thome. hl th t th Prof ren much for religion, No nom who by the most effective Republican juggernaut in history. at happy be ran religion for rere Imre our otant tore Iry that poet who deIn place of "Al" Smith. rid-faced, perspiring, genticulating, the eht e°"'n37'llo"r tisZd.'eTthrXarir•re. the travesty of seraglio %bid, gore calm enigmatical figure of Herbert Hoover loom, out of the Titanic In mom. if ra t most remPublery the convenience of •tudent kitties tiara thr;17:o:t;' ,;( rh;t/ "' .J • as the "Man of destiny:" A product of the great Men 'Macre.. lin/t- sleep to Biutom rime I* recite that impel servirea" t!ri;!naTorl.,:11.°,,P,L7,1r,,,,! seven Sleep. cull he gem lane. the of threshold the on poised stands hem man, an efficient Presidency. a symbol of the mowing reapeetability of the American people. nrr"g' Mtra."1-11'; ',:Zar:ItIokeir7c= egret poetry ever while back in Albany the man echo hold. Hest place in the hearts of the too tea reot. of the SUGGESTION I "Maga When he walla he rot. M.O. of the "great unwashed" is preparing to write hots to hie colorful mrt en dew: end deliteratay mite a FOR HAVERFORD end dynamic public career. It is an mninently fitting and edifying, eld. Rayner W. Kelsey--o though somewhat impersonal, spectacle. Certainly, the stirring strain. =r0 relhourrr o' of "HIM. Hail, the Gang'. All Here," will sound far more appropriate than There is no holt coq Poiet, ren tam the snit:mental melody of -The Sidewalks of New York." when Hoeg to either radiral and therefore damenme the breeze along with the mrtional anthem and the Star-Spangled Banor JOU are conservative end therefore ner. 0.1. werthleas.—(C. was Already. the Hoover "legend" is growing with eurprising rapidity. arguingimt ire AnVe of an uphe so Bed. Johnoon While the student of the University of Virginia have been draping the win Moe. mil If be In goml enough 7: 1a A rural ...len free mperior. It campus stature of Jefferson in sable robes and the fiery logien.. Of to pull the wad ovre her eyeL we ree. "tense... mug legialate. the saws- thirve the eery con, be much If the klihemiPhi have been demanding the removal at the bones of Los and take hark rveryMitia ire said ahem him. .. must •dininbaer, •nd the rear. must Interpre t before the levee of lal Jones lety could wale good there— n to "Democratic soil," ...rising reporters and "Strvewall" IC. N. At home agents have mereeded in unearthing the former quarters of the It her imer. to cur ear. thee the Can k'. Prmidentelect in Linden. Here will Man r0p0.0 • roathle plaque coin- e. Delhi Club is in tereon. throm farmthe babit of -fellew-ing through'. F.11-0e1Iforr was Meaner to the old we rnemora,ing the sacrednem of the spot. Similar shrines are already being etlathVg groomed for • niche to the Hall of Fame by seldom and patriatie clervens that pow r, dam, Oneetter took two meth{ IVAIRIS n elk— than Net ran'''. dramatic bromide. r lame 'or to college instead of One one. erier ion and the geneee•I of the United States. to prod. mime. N. A/. klidualism em. ecIleeiriam prob- (AM. Beano In the midst of this pell-mell rush to touch the garments of the great When it is I II hoe a hellfire etc.will be .rt Of and became • corporate part of the story of the "man of destiny,'" Havright ."our etten ably Differenre betwees Monte a cr •tradeLor yearnbt: come. The Image • arc milk-rdsly mfr.rd should not overlook its dual claim to nationta distinction tanIt,YI°uh nuothia b tya peers] and were ix Met ,me elates me Hoover shrine. The President-elect is by birth and training a member of nohntiMlet smo•Tend ei Hong. Rmewl teem ~hile Me other .hest.—IC. C. 0.1. the Society of Friends, while, for nearly a century, Haverford Ma been a ked bee and bare -Dog.' Joh.. staunch Q.ker eentre in the heart of the Q.ker stronghold of the East. hong by one lea fruni the chandelier American t pelf ill u we If Neighbors Of peltle who lire le gmm Even more eignificant, popular legend MIN as that only the accident of • nod ply Ng, on the HIDe tombola, ford make. weeeld mei. their mirage komee one —(C. N. 11.I. during the Intermission. renew ride feeders in their ...numb family trek weetward in 1891, prevented Herbert Hoover from Om me memo of them would doubt.. an Mumma. of Hmerford rather than the Fitt Graduate of SMnford Why week eo lured te gel FM. ST n•liONI V• NT6111011‘ University. produce froth BEFORE would TALKS energy mote GRANT Tbe DR. Ilona affair, In the light of these mud claims to consecration as a Hoover .actugood enough to get by without It.— ORIENTAL CLUB OF PHILA. I it!" ary, an organised movement to make lisverford a tangible part and percel i Ini.'ired ' ni:m S•triet/00EL?gilari::1: (Akron Hereon doormat—O. N. 5.1. of the Hoover "legend" by placing • host of the President-el. in the here Very TOW now the feature. of College commons or commemorating his near matriculation here by piec- Oseeriata Egyptian Astarte Pimps''tf Uncover. at Bath Shank. like'L e; ing a suitable plaque to Roberts Hall would seem to be an tancreprrvto be &miller to all nod hare won widesprea Salmon P. [Nam poetlg mature. a .nuating of the Orien- min probienaer leaden M tbenght eod of u. 111. I10nr.1e le 100 0000 me tal El. of Philadelphia test Thum recognition ett•Inmeots sorb that 0000 I of .then. become mum Al. N. Dealer--, lirverfo.... trille!I' LlMititreV7a leader ✴❈❅ ✂✦❒❅❅ ✭❏❖❉❅✂ ✢❁❒❇❁❉■ arr rev. Harerwr0 expedition to. Beth I Mai Met preple mien "Watch the Harerford MO in page fen 550.1 pun at which ere ere Despite the milled intellectual etmoephere in which the college man .. mem time.—PC. A.I. roe one stafart 1117;;;"gi nine eZ life." is popularly supposed to live and move and have hie being, he is ether- rarr tay' sally .edited with a certain marked pleblan taste for that moat popular of by the expedition hat spring. !mother big horny. of sold if re. REMOVE SILT FROM POND The plaque done In the Emptim te the Removal of silt and gnarl from the all indoor diversions. thecinema. This deep-rooted s email Mt doh of terra bottom of the skeins Pond Me-n ;1131ter.t. ported inni!trriff;:. idols of the screen is as much in evidence at Haverford as it is at the Kal- etyle, It with rememmation of Agarts, cent ago wig ad completed reilb7p IC. N. A.I. amazoo Training School for Barbers, or any other institution of higher grAder, of love and fertility, the next three Myra greenling tu R. learning to whose tender mercies fond parents entrust the budding torten engem very elm., Impressed Upon it. Dr. Bon be Me 0, Johnson. superintendent of college of the adolescent prodigim of the American commonwmith. m u other.— Grout sold. In me bend the goddese 11 is achiere gemstone, and etili Almost any night in the year, the magic cry of "movies" can be beam a lode flower and in the other Mt[ done Ire n, lase The at g rr;Wm. you.—fleck FLardera heard reverberating through the dormitories. Immediately tilde knots of enneolrc.te to form around the authors of this cry heated iff',:oreto;n7"%ge;l: overworked students discussion of the most eligible picture follows, and the movie-hound bat- or mere then ids Inchen in leis. tali-rns of undergraduates slither at in the darkness toward the keel i. AMUSEMENT CALENDAR playhouses at Ardmore and Bryn Mawr. influence drown. or. 'Grant Emptier, to Even the frequently recurring bogeyof examinations fails to daunt Stem Pr...aloes the ardor or the enthusiastic devotees of the cinema. In heat or cold, trie of the th Await ADELPNI—ihaillab Frederick in -The Scarlet Women." Morro -r rigor weather, the patronage of the Haverford undergraduate of. which foss r„,x,.„,,_:,,:ty,yez, 0111 Raymond Huntley and norm. Juke.. hotly it n constant factor upon which the local theatre mognates can CHESTNUT—eTte Right Da, yr •Itoredie." Megfeld.s nd. ERLANOER—Pto depe pones, the diednethe FORREBY—.11tride in May." Bu tl M the rude day.. before the college man become the highly W- Herrero4 QARRICK—'ybe Cluentanten." ished and civilize.' product whirl. he Is today, and when the Ardmore '";=14"to'gr''."1;:r.'17=aa SEITOIS—"fEe Tele of Mery Mem,' Theatre was the unly playhouse within walking diatanee of the campus, Asetarte_areeLa familiar Havre among LYRIC—,M there ,s a tradition that the Hrverford delegation was not always as welend , hir! SHUBERT—ereilly." addition to the audience se it is in the present enlightened en come WALNOT—..The Leda. Lim"1fany and mrieuely etyled imed by an ogre-abundance of college spirit or irritated by some par- of Genesis._ . Sl Pidladdairla Photeplays ticulerly inexcusable affront to the intelligence, Haver.. Moderns are moles el ,V01,77,r,,,T ALDINE—Jeek Holt in chloborerine." reputed at firma to have upset the perfect poise of the manager by interADCADIA—rew Cody and Ail... Pringle In 'The INby ('!done." epersing the regular program with college aongs or frankly derogaMrY all,!! az' ' sbrainob:tgas en Invihn' EARLE—Dorothy Sleek. In -The Whip.commenta, thereby Molting email riot and throwing hysterical patrons tation to meek on him work at Beth FOX—Cheat., Farrell 711N1 fleets Nissen In -Fenn.Simon... before the West Chester Into the nhanies of premature nerve. penetration. FOX-LOCUST—Chaelea Porten md Detente Del lie in erne Red Confronted by the dilemma of either surrendering the support of the Erten, meeting on December 31. 1111oVer.. staid and peaceful citizens of the Main Line or toning the sizeable revKARLTON--Tee Terror,. 100 jet. rent [Akins picture. M. feonkloff. LITTLE--the seen the Terrible... with enue afforded by the patronage of the College boys, one far-righted thea- PRO BONO CONTRIBUTIONS STANLEY—AI'lole. In 'rIbe Singing Fool." tre magnet concocted the brilliant scheme of Inviting the Haverford stn. AVERAGE TEN DOLLARS STANTON--Witsmr• with sou. effects. dent body to attend one Mow eaeh year as the gurvls of the hour. A mutual agreement seas reached where [he atudent guests serve permitted Photeplare Local ontribetions in the 1M-2g P. the untrammeled freedom of boisterous razzing in return for • promise of Reno fond rearirrd n nand of SS =ISO ARDMORE—Mend., and Tuesday. "Ile. to Heart"; Wedneadey end loot trek with the receipt of SINUM They., -Lore. 01 the Mergers", Friday mid Satordny. -Forgotten decorous conduct at all other times. As a result of this popular 'petit lion, Hmerford screen devotees more Irmo alumni euberrthere The NARVERT-11-1f der. Tared., end Wednesday. -Mother Magna% have become no rvcustomed to being on their good behavior that the 'Yr. seem. eontHbution rem.. from movie" idea appears to have been tabled by the Ardmore Theatre and en- each mMeriber to date le 010.78.reW.CX=7.'"Ia;11[:' and the World to flares compiled by Alumni n'ilS71=1:;trr ' "±ki SETTIIE tirely imaared by the newer Seville Theatre at Bryn Mawr, without any 'seeding ropes a.... . .L Jobo. Thumb,. "If I Were Riegle": Erlday and Saturday -Four iN 1. dimetrous resultts. Unless mine prompt and effective exprervion of die- o.aertary et. None.It .4.. approval la forthcoming, Haverford movie fans will be placed in the SDITY-NINTH STREET—Monday. Dread., nod Wedneorbry. ]brio rather foolish position of having bargained away their Inahenable right. Ira [invite in "The Canlmmnt", Thurs., rdelny end gettarloy. for en all too temporary concession, and the Main Line will be deprived of 111j•7Ilinrrirtdoreelorr "life..0angeter," tant Doe TI)14111'2S1= 'Teet. ene of theft picturesque °cordons on which the College boys attempt to 11 i, :« Terry and ion, Collyem Thoredey. Friday and Wane, -twain of relieve the ennui of the complacent townspeople by their rollicking entire. INI IN Dinh.' with Ricardo Corte. end Claire IFInd.r. I UN WAYNE—Hood., Tbesday and Wednesday. -The Perfect Crime": . V I Foram Add... Sputa Tot Enter:Frith, and Served., Lon Cheney- he A. otNy Thommy, Fox, .11, Armlet. NNT 1,0104 n the number not Signiond Benefit .011, noted eother, eubscriMr. see: "While the City Steens." appointed Willem T. Fee. and IINNKINea Mu. freeborn, knout, of the Cocrperaelve Meek INV tTe"iFiblcledelPhlr'rr= Store Committee lent week hr D. He :VetntriZa PHILADELPHIA GRAND OPERA Dampen. mu present "L'Oracolo Medley. 'hi. ehriirman. The other election Might in the Aeaderny of lain member. of. the committee ore A, ft Music. He lectured en the popular UN d ;k1 Mil PH I Ittar_Age illitraRriteoWdlolt. non. ef the nineteenth ternary, inter Dm yoga S'""d" 831 erlrl ' tr:farelo"; um D. W.... fecuitY edge., ..nd A. VI:r411-Zar?;ronta'i min return. election the of manager. F. Gutker. our. I t The Crow's Nest n Collegiana 17 A geed rhos to ask far by name —HORSEGLIARDS We Welcome the Accounts of Students We believe that your opening • checking account with Girard Trust Company will prove mutually advantageous. It is our desire to entablish cordial relations with the future business leaden of the community. It should be equally advantageoue for them to form strong banking cons .actions early in life. YOUNG MEN'S am overage Slaws Gloom. It abordaelory llotoriol AMIN, IleimeoN• INN 1134.1336 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA GIRARD TRUST COMPANY EMLEN & CO. Broad & Gametes. SM. Phila. Warner's Drag Store 1, Arvin Under do Peremal Semenrie. al Ne. C. 4 Berme Your Patronage is SoliCited Reliable Reed Estate Service Sumeannes flatted ICH liflutemani Oeldet YdIN Nail taa 11. Mama an. 'se W. 0. unseen. os n a. t x. ateers... and Prompt Service Amend home. Ardmenv 13721-136401/0 HAVERFORD TEA AND DINING ROOM BREAKFAST LUNCHEON DINNER Pb,.. Ardmore 1504 I ri N NNW/ natio. rm. III 5o. PRI Stred, Madden. Compliments of Green Hill Forms Hotel Earning Power Is Your Greatest Asset Prawn It ADEQUATELY With • Neu-Gangdabia Arvid*. and Health Polley WILLIAM Y. HARE, '13 - enneamada. PN.ITINVVIV NM Amid*. to Gem Health THE PAGE SHOP 21 Flan. Road. Hmeefeed, Pa. Telephone Ardmore 1248 Vision Christmas shopping without parking worries in the rest and peace of the country We eater to the Bride We cater to the Card Player—the lover of rare es. The College Boy and the Debutante Come See Ur Onee —We Predict You Will Retmn Barbara Page Carmel., of course! Lill.. Biddle Papa men Morley, Wood & Company Investment Bankers 511 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pinto. New York Sloth Ervionm—Plailadalphie Stock Each... I begin , E OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Associate Member. New 'Jerk Curl. Joseph E. Morley Alexander C. Wood, Jr. Direct Privet. Tel Jaen. Warnock, Jr HoIrtein DeHaven Fon b end Telephone Wires to N. York Have you ever tried asking your friends? Any man who were John Wards will tell the .me .tort'. The leathers in John i p' tter! bL r.t:ic:nd fi Tlilea w7ri r:x.p. They have more style appeal to nun of the better cbms, lul Storo•InNeWTork •BroOklys Newark and Philadelphia On display at tar Pkiladdplis Sere 1001-1123 Chet. The prices? $7 and SY. A geed thee. ask far byname —HORSECCIARDS Hat Nat Clattaine Claarsina she the Immediate neenalled gam. gam. MS Field's kickoff. Field's the Winners the Iblegear. kickoff.which' Metier. er Year.Sitwoo which traveled ma of Junloroaniyr Juolor.rtenier and traveled"' "'▪ and Student Agent Ageet o a relief relief to me the ating-Sof,boomar,artwo twenty tweet, yikds. the ends nnds doing yards. On doinx the: On four 'excessive Hd: excessive Pays 0101 ,zernee sin meet ter fer Playa r&hiful sfrgrslAte2 atIng•KogoMan nhere he brought the ball tn oleo. Mum of the tiler. Joe MacNamee to the 20.yeed 20.ysed fine. rightful T The he oftener oftener en menrswhole wholewas weetromplete r0 0 T tor't...ea S4.23 $4.23 Saved! Saved! 11111 qn111.: r'not 're;pran:"a4,.. nt':"= "4 7., '., oYr,1! ne ehtIrdVIIrt: Rowe Figure it for h Established 1872 forYourself Yourself sloaday. November 12. 1928 1 to se oe& de we maw.. lemmtere lanatern Ed HAVERPORH HEWS Lenore bemuse of' the sang the direr, firies Pick We ben •• ores sous SESt. aat Hu t I. ees...... lg....a IL T. lg....a.. T. ' re 0;r4.6":,:w.g; :1.'n:relLerrZ; ... a rid wt. not The lim• not flEktine flee wee flitting herd rd Icon* axeinet roan. martinetHamilton. llemllton.Time Ti s h end end eanth Colikon was agniu wan tackled tackled before he hndmare hnd more marethen then thenstarted Masted onon • Ilue • Rue pl.. 50•Trip Pah 50Trip nab The The Importance Importanceofofa aName Name When When you youchose choseHaverford Haverfordtoto be your yourAlma AlmaMater Materyou youdid did soso because because the thename nameofofHaverford HaverfordRUM 3 HOPPER, HOPPER, SOLIDAY SOLIDAY&&CO. CO. represented representedcertain certain stanhigh high stanMember. Member. Philadelphia Philadelphia Stock Exchange and traditions dards dardsand traditionsthat suited that suited you exactly. exactly. And And so so it it is is when when INVESTMENT INVESTMENTSECURITIES SECURITIES buying buying any anyarticle articleofofimportance. importance. Walnut Street 1420 Walnut Combine Falters WEAKENS, Haverford HaverfordCollege DEFENSE College heats heats its SOCCER TEAM TO PI Y LINEbuildings Philadelphia buildings with withCertified Certified JeddoJeddoFALTERS GAME TO LOSE Highland HighlandAnthracite Anthracitebecause because thethe NAVY AWAY SATURDAY Princeton "Jinx" Unbroken; Is Haverford name name "Jeddo-Highland" "Jeddo-Highland" hashas reprepTiedresented Four Times, Downedhigh Twice Why Why pay pay ace aceMiddies, extra extra profit resented to Victory an anunchanging unchanging high in Last Without Six Startsofof Against Orange and Black the middlemanwhen middlemanwhen you you can standard standard purity purity and and preparapreparaThis Season, Promise save save $10 $10 go to $15 buying buying your your tion, tion, second second to toWORK ALSOP'S none, none,for forSENSATIONA the thepast GOAL past Hard Battle L clothes clothes the theEdward Edwardway!' way! seventy seventy years. years. jinx remains unbroken. Six lima in the last six yearn, After Ming eland from the 'let of The NY/Melon make.] t. low week le Me Coach MrPete, banters have fared the Tiger stemma in a determined Order OrderJeddo-Highland Jeddo-Highland AnAnpafaya,na $28 $2875 $38 75ee. 75 Pnd -ienmity $3875 effort to w in, and six times they have been forced to &Joh the game Emden. mil invade Maud,. either In thracite byname from from thenearest nearest a thracite tie or on the short end of a close scare. the 111. MIS Lm L. HILL HILL in a attempt to aet Me Paw* Rani.Itell KJ Sentra, mow area Thom, Saturday Thaw. the Scarlet and Black aggregation downed, 2-1,are distributor distributor in an and and know knowwar that that you you are wanweed Neer ..See. wont Cameral can Maine -overtime contest In the Tiger, corn lair. The line faltered the few NA. and crouton theirfaaseroof Carel CU, getting at the the rrost K I..aka a kulaKET heat bleAKILT for for grit. Pn every every Crites the Haverford forwards bad the ball within tha AV ago age Mare of the goal, end .,," ...0..a Mt'at7aa."7,,r's,. ...'•;,..r.c1 the gleam weakened, dollar dollar you youit spend. spend. had not weakened before It season. when .7T P/ Philadelphia & Wester Hamilton Crushes ilaverford at Clinton, 13-0-Booters Bow to Tigers, 2-1, in Overtime 24.47 ?P l s. ..-E-117:^:01 , iligrria.r.:TE N; ...4:___,, 117- GILBERT 117”-...t.;: GILBERT &&BACON BACON BUFF AND BLUE AERIAL trtarATTACK rarZiAIS: TAKES Photographers Photographers CONTEST 117”-..t.;:iligr Philadelphia & Exchange LT= M. o.= lam.. Sae saes PASSON PASSON JAYVEES BOWSame TO PENN E07 SO7%Aug %Am ateset tiAa rr ar ZiNna l t • Weate "." ■IttItZTilttg-f=: Importing Goods, Radios, 162 4 Chestnut 1624 Chestnut Street Street Clintonians Cross Scarlet and Black Line First Togs TogsNORTHEAST RESERVES BICYCLES, Time in Four Years;The Backfield Helpless The special special rate rate ex❅❘ ✍ Outfitter of the Haverford LOCKSMITHING Red and Blue Annexes Strong Athletic Defense tended ▼❅■❄❅❄ Teams Teams 3-0 to to Seniors Seniors will will bebe Mord. Meth. Repair. Repair. & & Before Aeeeee eeeee Triumph; Schoolboys given given to to underclassmen underclassmen D. F. F. Donohoe D. Donohoe Special Reductions to HanHav"JUMBO" STARTS to to East EastLances.. Lem..FIELDS Am, A... until until Dec. Dec.151h. 151h.AT END Hold 2.0 Edge Ardmore ensuing the Scarlet and Black goal Poe for the first time in the Ms. tory of the football relations of the two colleges, Hamilton defeated a game, but heavily outweighed lateertfOrd football team, 19-0, Saturday, a M. Y. A baffling pa. attack proved fatal to Gaurthrop, grid. dare, w ho Seeped to hold the Heft and Blue warriors morel.. for the fourth CongautiVe year. For the firet time this semen the Scarlet and Bleck INVESTMENT failed to Penetrate BANKERS their opponent's defense AM a tollehdewn. Despite two big gals on forward passes of Um redoubtable Ma, Tripp 1520 0520 Locust Locust and Rin.hate, Haverford St., St., Phila., Phila., Pa. Pa. never threatened the Clinton Coal line, end sus twice unable to -with..nd the fierce onsiattet of the Hamilton middiPi. In-Members an effort to botetee his Haar, Coach Harman started Members of of Philadelphia Philadelphia Stock Stock Exchange Exchange •Ju'reba" Fields, a promising Rhinie Mar, at end in place of Brown. Fields played . end on the offense, and shifted to Monis tackle on the defense. COIJohn John J. J. CoTher Collier M. Haines Wm. H. H. Haines, Hainea Jr. Ikon went over to the wing R. position the defense Morrie gave another d.monstntiob of super.veratIlity on the *idiron, as • defensive half. back In C011ison, place. &ore in Second Harter Hamilton crossed the Scarlet and Black goal for the first time in the second quarter. Campbell intercepted a peas from Tripp on his own 40. yard line to son the remrch for the flat touchdown. After two tries at the Haverford line had been starn red, Chatfield, me of the Flamilton offenee, broke *Way for a first down. The Buff and Blue received a gift of five yards when the Scarlet and Black wan penalised for off-eldm Two bucks at the line netted a second first down. On the eat pier ✎ Milliken Hopped Chatfield in hi tree.. Hatnilten'e Mee Catelbi. tiOn then exhibited Ita firma.. as Mt euuva • Chatfield haled the pigskin to Sher - You remit expos , who was downed on the Haver - on beat a beam. experienced glad fm Mt. That was the a:Mama 17 ford ELyard line hr liogenauer. rford wee up a... .•tordoy Chatfield tore for three mo re Comb Hernia nent la hose italnat yards through the line. Sherm an am ton. Ao +a. w, sow them added .other three yards and put Hamilton hope trotted onto the delft we the pig•kin on the Scarlet and BIMk had pretty vault Ides of Mat wa• two.yard line. With their barks to ale.. happen. 011 a ander nnw. the well, ...bray and hie matea on after all le net eone, is-My did the line held the fierce rash of Sher. Hervey Hem. Int la Rippled no,e. men Jambi. him on the twmfoot Oar. as take gather Warta when Wel. With but ono more chance to mom. trr MI. in wag to bring. to Sherman tuelmeged to worm hi• wer Welton Mehl Mk Smonlay thnt er111 are°. the line for Hamilton, ant chic erle nee his gelor=t ris!:? b* more emitiet El.erford in four years. Our line es a whole arse petwelehed • erford College College Students erford Students P.n. Phone 3313 Two dechar ,thank` were handed the Harerfonl Jeer sumer mare.. When When You're You're Hungry Hungry oral and noo during he pant week. OnSiker Want Want a aBite Field. Wednesday, theBite Penn Jarreen are the Bearlet and Illeek reeeiree Stop Stop of atthe the while oti Friday. Sortheat High School. ''LITTLE LITTLE EAT Philadelpha .. SHOP' SHOP'• rrost heat Public III. &hoot Outtakes, gay, Just Just Off Off the mted the kat by a the Pike Pike 2.0 marely nn mhoolhor. field. Princeton's Mack threatened Mat. In the Penn Any the 11•erefnrd rer p ,";,...t aa"7,77:7; 0 "Z, "Lank .' Browne, !Moritarecently converted by Coach Menet° from a half. format! wero nil term the Hal cud ann. in 1101, the Muria! taro. back Into , tallied Haverford, lone gere. Bentene mancnSlue smond.striogere took adraatit. chl.ADE FOICYOU antenna he hest yea, .4 the var. the bell in front of the Princeton goal after n ose rim of eliort passes of mem Mak. lEulbau emend the ,,.7,1„..7„..„hrld 3 Cricket Aye., Aran s 2.3 vie Sc the from the middle of the field early in the first quarter and drove the ball find talk for the ',Irma, on • neat gavp.a New Tow You,. Newest divan New N1119.c .Wanunorost .LIPASPINOTON Amen.Ctrs • 1/000. ism .7epon.e,ttil Amen.. Ardent. Pa. Pa. °peeing of , a clean tally after drawing Me Orange and Black goalie realty AIMArdmore, qr h as efer.the hoetilltna The Ilia I.Inent.readed Ihr '1111 ' 111" /1.11..1'1 'n holdlne their own for Me time being. At only one other period of the game was the Princeton goal aerI• the aim for all their beef mi nrawn , hut. before the balfdlmewhatl blew, OUR OUR ADVERTISERS ADVERTISERS ovely threatened While Haverford's rooters clamored fore score, the DESERVE DESERVE YOUR YOUR PATRONAGE PATRONAGE ooh Logan allied lin armed so, for Penes line .n the fourth quarter kept the hall within [Weedy yards of the Orange Tee Pbiledelphane am (arta to. ontely their wale Mg and Bleak goal for almost five minutes. All of the Haverford efforts the 171:t"t7o.4se's"ei''„ne ki .1.1111111.1.... score went for nothing when the Tiger fallbacks and goef-tender feemitt to Ileverford meld do little with the KEW Pr.ioe This Week Mai Itime defense end only thr their way through the male attack to send the ball hack into midfield. Anon. uomperative mores Mow work of Prom and Shale prevented that liardal hoir litt. ton fray from boo.. a couple. T o quarter w Hara rlf‘ trudge with lb. hlarylad agreation fraa'2Eird. The hall was continually in rat. Before a Princeton territory. and Jennifer, Deanne and Black goalie, was called r Otabem booted a Mird more to in. sr.. make numerous stops M order to save a score. After half-tiate, the metier ta teens mere. ol ado,. Snootiest had corn keel/ . chan linemen end defame. oras kept busy throughout the artifice's Abseem Wert. 011.'r tid h If, red the Tiger players INTRANDRA SOCCER LFAUE Ilmerford bon Penis were hating his teammates to the AnIt4it1 Northeast the Jayne. were l ball ansistently. The team seemed I the ahem, of Captain oar¢` tax vac S. nekton. Loneakee Hoskin. and ❐❅❇ ❐ to he worried by the feet that the we -la Our Met Prim-mos L.rti, Pot.. The make-eltift Roam (unwind grater height of the Princeton men Cars ure aim to work hard on then will line retool no nutria for the powerfel enabled them to play the ball in the assn more utleientr sehalboy backfirld .4.1 the play wa ru.air to ❂❅▼▼❅❒ ❁❄❖❁■▼❁❇❅✎ Me not tin fin thin year largely conlimed t. Haverford territory. Intercollegiate letelal. The Mid. Without any formality, the HaverVortkeem made both tan merlons le the SwAns„hou.try az , din . her 01, 0 e9r i.tri,h0„ele„,.. t1 ford line took the ball straight from omains pe riod The firm lea tallied ilarerfonl the kick-oft down into the simyard ben yet to PrImmon intermingle. mann hoe arta,where • goal seemed inevita. useesssof Black &deem. hie. The referee Mad minim, Comb IllePete Mil probably mart the am• aka,. line.. that held the fdrirl,telt 's'ine 'e' r'ne rtafnI1 ss rw.e. wild Times .01 the tear minute of down the field with hie Shrum Ulan.. mate. of short. rinewler-amna n Inns meter the ni I .1 ' Sot Halm Misses Free clever pane.. Plookett ndrlett flak ser• Whit ' ad were front within Mr penalty erre.. IIx mate le. h. not entirely beta] Play me lintel., , the ouch tee, and Wait, s male. LAFAYETTE AND LEHIGH IL H TIOPP.Intearo and halos last hie All-Amman halfback of de frny, with Nem hr.I consantly akin Mil he able to mart again. Amapa. K "KW, KINGUALI. Mae, threatening the def.,. goal. who barely mimeo ● e more ✭❉❒o be OR 1929 TRACK SCHEDULE lauded s ha been a reumat The Mew manna, the omo. r. al Mr '''''''''''''''''''' refumd to rale who ilererfoA , Pr. a. v. bm. thrioughoot th ale of the froai 3kier else nae Deal Neel with Marone April 24 or would start on the line Ile inPena wagon lthou gh their elm. slid nit ly miseed • more Men free kick 311, Bra.. end White Ma. Aeril 20 aneat nor may rom malty era Thiel me.i. with befeyette and Lebetr, fantatic..more and Ral. In Inn tau iw barely firmed the ena har. Fars to Make Peat and outplayed by the Hamilton line unnenel lame atine in in hole ume n the Handl. J' 111: At the errs biab ban. been seleadell foe the IIMP teav of Thee after time Monk end Sherri. seem Chatfield /ailed io hie effort to add mem. Pk se The dopmern feel gee ,anted., and Wi Lego harm . half Alan celled u trnik tenni 10,0M A W. Heddleton the extra rand by the deep -hlek route. luttered their way through big bolo. the manna erdhani may A PrInrela forsanl ...nod metals, Tbe date for Ilsrerford the kickoff and lineup. o mega the net tram there udile rgfr fir.1 71]:'er td. g1: the Leavens meet L. nut SCORES ,e OT FUTURE DEPONENTS t Mau Merkel an a enceensful offemilve •• a which mm. hreflol for Mg far mi. resew in esmileot fashion. hut he. alone • mt. led it will probably he either April the am_ By • inseamdive 3 maks an the tecklec auls to Tripp pass netted GRIDDERS START WORK a tat Lop Lop se. ale to deflect i 24 or April M The Lehigh meet Will sm urse Amen. Hamilton retained gotfleteelle to parent damage. FOR HARD GAMES be heLl A ril 20 ang Onna. by intercepting Tripp, nret keen, on pier doge behind the an to stop the 1003 the addition of them , mat., th the Bug and Blue 25-01rd Une. MAW.. et, agave o. Hamilton tam.. 11 they lame Mgr, Page 1., Column Sadie Mack ma. and &id me COACH HADDLETON PLANS 600 tit two heed derma ehieh aimed Chetfield panted out of Mt.. faineant fuse wee knurled tun them , win he enu re d la fire inurnollealat r Jennifer to 01,011,. Italie had n for ..d gems Inidgeld. Cot -metre iutereopted Tripp'" o antiost the Sarin ad Meek two are mote.. Arm sod Smithssors FOR CROSS-COUNTRY 11A11 cosssuum at done the 1.11 ..err the top. her Pawl eml rAtInle .kisluded ell Merck ?•.'Ndh Osirt. gloat la baf 1 heo byM Tel the 00 Track aL „.„ ,W io et " . L.Ettr. l.„Praetims he a better genie de7 hnr odd sa7. 112"0.iV:ln brae!: Moen. 111•Yed ed... 1Ingeteueir. Kin Tripp p akom. A '. 11] GOLDIE SCHOOL DEFEATS eml =ion lir 'eltms Fie them au el Magnin his Mil ankle. For err tor a loran, Doren, Brown, Hord. 511111kro are Haverford runnere the firot and lime thin prob.' be inIkeel thin. FOOTBALL JAYVEES, 6-0 ell gegen. Ina ininries amnia, Ale. Wept Bsay tunnel In the Penn Relays and th .tunas On lied moment week.. end de .01:412.1',47 Wal;Itt";itriXv: ,'" loA' lf.it13104..ghVinFlei,V= drew heavily nee. material do:g m=111.7.71"al etre t'IOVe nte g't n pol y" dophle. Inning the wiat h emer litlo rt' s rm I d it 0 4:rJA 1 : . 'rvIg".!;I: gale as the mean of a /mantled g dun. the Mlle. Prettier sisi ll nu "oldie Same immediately •fter i .trd , of Wilmingtna. 1 ra:figien , roll the „fii:,idowbnies r Amherst. The probable linemp for Saturday Me elate of the .6..11 ammo. , Attu. +kart .d hMtot wrh invaded Walton Enid on Friday. ad fair Job 71772 lire 'lari117. sem. • their the I Intl:: • gam tn get ahoe stem "Pr'71. and N. T, Fn named ban woh an to 11 navratene. triumph issy to limed -on-13 Mur-yard marker well. Jr- `fit tanager yr the tesm. f.geneude bell Moak, aid have ,:r by the aerie] route, Chatfield to Ober. one dm Jayvee foetball eleven. Th good teas before the winter In firer. hadIr Immune he re r mien. *ad four lino boa. Indy minot. nntchdowo was armed in the to hue hendicerped irrls,11:aio '];Teto7 nd ninng ◗❏❏● ❆❏❒ ▼❈❅ ❈❁■❋❅❒❀✎ ❙✑✐❃❃ ❏❆✡❂❅ lest four minute. of par on w Ilm the rm. l!f:7 1e .'er eed.rdro ' tr ok' 810.71:: work inn« In Mk line, ea., in the no , will be oak enter • loos pea Mel landed the this Hue. 11 oreponsan for miring Mcif gem Tripp ha proven Meisel' to be • bell on Haterford'a one-yardThee JAVEFS TO MEET UFE Cart Hotiblleton mem. tn find mom 1.dr,'11 rtte .prigPoil 1; 10.74, greet ...round 'netball plever. but he Moe. the `carte, and Mark Irf ■■❒ of bh, Boring illateme rummers in lime eh snore four INSURANCE TEAM HER E : = stlffrord and IhvTHec keeled back the fur the whiter uremia 'adonis b.-dal Ore. 1'111."It 4'0 plerlIttfirtfl; ebarring beck., but on in, ling Mat pont tat ht , ROO Herne a '88 Field Will Be for Me earl touchdown of the game. One 01 7 Oh" ' 1 Il e eel tyw'gfi ,'7,1 I1' I- ; re'" d '''' ''',,'Mr reuse try • keine. slab.. diriurb UPPER DARBY HIGH WINS Mao] bemuse Likeerfad tat arousal Tide dine Chatfield man] the extra Seaton, Hardest ,,..:outel M. a TO SELECT COACH right feekt• tank the bail min th. Point Rending the hall Maya the sea FROM HAVERFORD THIRDS last .. What ho marker. mete . with • welleinal honk ivs a .01001.1 .nd -.m e, ,e,,,,,„ ,1,.. • n•••-idee ,ss- •• • .• nettle Is more esmidena and a lot of W. the eaeeption of r11.1.. Coach With only too minutes remained. fa ter ¢deli (isht latilled In ha. With his weight cererrs:17.. NotTss EtIll% s m=" Harmon steeled Ho regular amen. Ilmerforti Mean stencil the onio rod Selection of g imigethell Incr MU Horan wan back in Me old plane at end ear h. K."gissi:°Iglojttti me]. Omi. 11.-4Tif ir r ""i''''.1;st r".ef ;I gum Field he aide thin week. Jame 0. 1,wit mingle goal by by nt 't 'll n be and Kkuthago cod Triers started at the teal. r• game. 'Eakins the hall 'sn '213. eentain of the Ifithi-9 much Steele, Third Train wee halfback ackposition.. on their own three Mini beer after II Celine, Weak ea Dafaso two saastee afen le the ro.o. . kfeated Tama, hal Senn "-kwai b'' halfb aketbell team ad member of the by.1311]...t.111/ Uy telodee Ise 011,,1•11 tee kickoff, the reran. reeled off mem J aye.. n.., . 1..1 The Reston of aka Morrie a the namIttee for the selection] of a • 'Mr..= :41: , 'rat. lam eight_ Gramm lb. "mm rTapab Tott Itnkfili Lid '"c'etl'rrttt: e ortaVe 'ti;Vti 0s'nfrin': fats hts'its's:.",g'''et I.rier. when Clispin "homed from tin Merehell last wea TemaU "ri!e distatire of the akar+ anal. i old, WIm1,oe our pinion. 00.yard line petit the Inner Ikr. otronier men any a sm. ItrOrwojolTir!!lo0r17gurtl Cm. imam A Middy field hendrapped iFeer both boot Into net. re tin other menders of the vont 7h,"7171,7:::. ^ Tiir ",1‘..n.'7.;;Al. 501%1. _ il,.1,. ;f17 s;dn:"U'a. f 0i:741 POST-SEASON SERIES r. the Meitor 77:P 01 tl:VT,,. ".0 n ntr for. Mtn. rilt•Ila r,,.,,, „tlit. kith ing difficult. Flm 'hle 'oh both Ades hi. clue la 131pre am. Bronn• Celan , Pre lateral a - s Football Games to Be Darbr. occurred *refuel thets eminent marked the Starlet els "fluring th game re fuller, nbouri tinnt 'oetrtile Coi glr, art of being The Played Roeum • &Medea After R.alar half Blink mum mail hue :engem whey Oh. sbereer Hakim with the Nwe7M..a= ent s.vreuem00 saremaxey Rm.... pp Y vv.. eat lameaw-arteme IMP tier of both Beer mummy Miami a little :aim. let end inr std Sue rod , 10p agent In the end play. Both Brown and teals. Mother' merles wiTI . hem“otifTat 1111. fill. A. 10. Haddleton, looser n1 Custom Shoemaker le Huemee, .x1100,0,4 iced itst '50 ant re de toterVe. ".riter. i:din: the eerly anon. nf the firm garOfil'Ittrop end the teekue getting One WLII, rte Expert She. Shinin g and under y7;4 4 11t".7" roots ehead of the drawn fads. op. MM. Coach ' F laddlefo Ttur ls aid that Inn she Not Clattaine ail. gam. Mold's kickoff. which ' traveled "' VtLohorn of Jiminnanier and Student Agave o relief to mu the ends doina tbeii atingtaut, yards. On four numessive Sophomore fumes., meet a • ....IL e rightful I A sm.. ehtire uf the he brought the bell to the 20.ysed fine. atm Joe MacNansee The oftener me re whole was mutate tet .ra $4.23 Saved! teg 1.1r CHAN,HAINES HAINES COLLIER COLLIER&&CO. CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS ▪ whIlestablrtn. EDWARD CLOTHES EDWARD CLOTHES LITTLE LITTLEBIGGER BIGGER end EAT EAT SHOP SHOP `MADE FOICYOU on 010111001 Ijuries Costly To Main Liners, Says Observer he la. battle woo ...eluded. Line °atm/diked and Outplayed; Close boottlettIllett, Play Hurts s, ton., oily Mal Venn Wel Navy 74.1.reel AndUp fOr 4.1; .11 . •ney Coat. Mat. rotanlented eeleolal- he t, nal Da, I. Nary e tem of orl on.. woe ‘u Tureen-Soak 24toltto Itorrlan Ilold o ire 'reLig'.47`17,r1,17.;,, 71:1-7:1.1 Arlo lot In 13.11.2L. 13,f00311. "rano. •1 ft OWL Cantlound .`gt1...r7,1'.1,":,!t,..?beth.7%"fl'ir..'.::l 1t4v1 te 1- tr -r^kh?.,.1;. :i.1-:,:!i4, Onlaneht to ntroon rIc• offneelne ol the .°:InhotVg Mt do t47 M;r4. 6".',:w.g; Rctln. en end near Immure of 'the direr, Ras The hue ea not gen.. nun. ...Met Hamilton. Tim e agniu entlkon wag tackled beton. he more then alerted on • Ilue plan. v rd e nd ?Pls. end 117”-...t.;:i ligrrdfla.r.:TE GILBERT & BACON trtarrarZiAIS: Photographers BICYCLES, LOCKSMITHING Siack Repair. & A eeeee D. F. Donohoe to East Lancaster Awe. Phone 3313 Ardmore .44.11 421:1retrIp 1i Ilo/111:77.4°;. r",". former .M.I.LIV I.r"..v0 A1trip ;',',..,7.0,'';;...1,d. ;W111„lnk.; llte .a Annepolse INVESTMENT BANKERS 1520 Locust St., Phila., Pa. -Members of Philadelphia Stock Exchange R. M. Haines Wm. H. Haines, Jr. 1,•‘''.t,.,-,.-. -, ',, "74. '''''le= aed Doran. HARRY PELLEGRINI The Importance of a Name Fipstre it for Yourself ek. maga lanater n Ed. We • arnis St. at I. We Bab 11.77 Established 1872 HOPPER, SOLIDAY & CO. Weate"." Philadelphia & run lemare saes Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange INVESTMENT SECURITIES IlLcre= 1420 Walnut Street Philadelphia PASSON Sae. Importing Goods, Radios, 1624 Chestnut Street Tops The special rate exOutfitter of the Haverford Athletic Teams tendedto Seniors will be given to underclassmen Special Reductions to Hanuntil Dec. 151h. erford College Students HAINES COLLIER & CO. John J. Collier tria ...7. Gad Me 'Pa. it lee, Play 2. It. 0.-.44 Noe 7001'4 3. Po .171°' 7 0`i.r,.n:.r':74,:: . . 21"3'. 3141rdo. VerV t reptile, e oe nu. Haluaa The deckling letly ad Mantle:IL 71!!"s211.;1,":.; .o'alebtr1121•111• Worn. natflado . rrfkel tb: 0411.. rfri.,... . ne,.... lin.-. 00 ... ...,., ..*'.1. 1. tr,:;th-1.•,,'""^r. ''' PEINCES011 001:72/;17g . Haag Mehl tonna] j'171.e7; MUM eolle13 1..4.1.......* , $11110.4.0.1 •,., ...„ v"„,„'T,-1;-. r;,.. --r„, rare r l 711ZI:o " 11-11TX: 11.'iiia740AtIt:'°; 4.1 Mee 11,47:re Bia. ' boyeenon. an bed on e ;17X' 00n1 end Coe. Ilene. Mill la..., Pe fennel-4 la tk;T417. urea-noon°, bill I rinettl bell to 7:311 mud Kinna I• wren Merl Well year "KR.- P.:7T nein. trlot Poll M. relornal serer.. ho Brownefrom. din wee Mental bell Irate the edno .41 l/o13 the for • eel, e ll.. .111 dent mane Mu follaelo Ilabsaf Pale lanemlollaak II. Oman nalflalt . Kama Outollo MOH aantroao ItOnemallar en. 2.oe .... Wane foraol 'bald Leona Ledo loom 411.Zonaa-llais. 111 0.oesolloft o of a4tt Oa. vas alnlau110117 17.F.I.,..T.IT'Itrr.vrtteehtt% atm. .o.-Itsmaoloale. Ns Lap. M tan. Berolair neat] Oat.Lloala," SO7 Mak. Why pay ace extra profit to the middlemanwhen you can save $10 m $15 buying your clothes the Edward way!' When You're Hungry oral Want a Bite $2875 m d $38 75 Rua. Noll a., HILL Thom. Slop at the ..LITTLE EAT SHOP" Just Off the Pike Cameral City SM. a • cal. a MAAKIIT ffrg. r Air go a EDWARD CLOTHES LITTLE BIGGER EAT SHOP 3 Cricket Are, Ardmore, Pa. elm thl.ADEFOICYOU ▪ New Yaw .1•41119.c OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR .lrumunutrotta Arian. Crrr • Nom°. PATRONAGE When you chose Haverford to be your Alma Mater you did so because the name of Haverford represented certain high standards and traditions that suited you exactly. And so it is when buying any article of importance. Haverford College heats its buildings with Certified JeddoHighland Anthracite because the name "Jeddo-Highland" has represented an unchanging high standard of purity and preparation, second to none, for the past seventy years. Order Jeddo-Highland Anthracite bynamefrom the nearest distributor andknowthat you are getting the most heat for every dollar you spend. • oyi tyo go: ilitaryNorms. su:e1 e1 et Nur.. g titthe them milita reedit..tote. raduatefonthall rally rallyto to Pe be bold held ,tin Ilmordny Tburodeeor orFrklay Fed*, night is in prepare. Pieper, ory'il'"Obtr[Ttri=":7 ory'rthoreTi717.n1"..7 she 1ThiTId'el: Main Main Line LinePrinting PrintingCo. Co. t hin i•tolney okonty ileolivel Morley. Striely. Philatiel. Mandel. It lIt ni 11'71CrIbro";;N Oh, te1.At dn'At .I WrgoretnI WITS-atet. him Mr. Mr.Tleneueln Plemotohis of the Better Kind h. Men Item wive noire ekeling ekolinscotoprement treemill present anon the evil l Printing of i t MS& MIN& Ise of of thethe American American foozion. Noe,. work. work. mit will to te ennt rentton na merlon motion WEAN. WFAN. 1022 10-12Anderma Ander.. Am. Ant. ins ins lor better bornine11.0. hoenleillegi. {{FA' woe Phfintinieble. WEAN arm -former', PormetlY A RDMORE. RDMORE. PA Page loPerideol the ID the rollege Rolle,rbob club ,ia i .vvol„Atlit o,V,Zionemleol '9=rien' I Ir,',r,f1..t„,Wsiit''r';ilIto.. "ir "11;Tert "11;Trirelil mole aideem euptsin ote In In 0;1 emu rim two two yems pmes In. ...el to the Inter rank Meru.' odof nu., to tke rank bit en mellinete tem.., elofineril. merit. e. At 17;:r11":" 17;:r11": ""Vt" " ""Vt" I I Ibe ibe member memberof ofMe themuff ruff 11( Ohe the Mier mo chief mereon e. ofmof theMe Ade., Ad.,Section M•ellen of of the the r CHRISTOPHER MORLEY Tedious Task of ST. ST, MARY'S MARY'S LAUNDRY IN HIS OWN PLAY Ardmore Restoring Relics ACTS Cool voceAgents: Item Put t, comma Agents: Occupies Natives Bobeteis." "Doc" "Doc" Leaks Leaks and and Roland Merchandise Merchandiseofof A moond call for eandidetes fee the Public.. sod Sports been la- Trelerdey 2. Semite Athineon• pop. 1,, New leek Authentic Style and Style and and . W•go"r44 publielty odium Tryout' .11 . and 1 Faith Fedi.mud sod Practice Practiceofofthe Quaker. .Raw Rao. M. M.paper's Jon. lene. dreeratie 0000 Woo 111HITRII, Fall theQuaker 02.00 02.00 was lb. Bret &end •Inore ok.N.WeetZ. k"Zatn7o. sad Mesas.., Trci ot ""frCt.t en Sarity" '. "' '"''' A''' Mew MOO thr Byro 1M. Kling Gnat, ofGfl' S Praia.. Admitted Admitted Quality Quality Candhlitts will beexpected tat' ' ankh. nod mule, it apPeortell the P' )Postage Get lowin, Them From: "Chrtetnpher ?Int, 11.11 LI tttttt etExtra. lavonlelemt ley Hoes llipfirty.liop at the Ohl MAI8.01111 lartallmant N In Hboken." 302 302 ARCH ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA Wo untem't Mpg. N Elf. sm4i1 "B el of being...Ie.], ittliete'" ="e" Xer' 1::11 trr" e! amiable blumelf. Chrimopher Morley ' Jr O'111"" Meta life amiable, teen" Mr. Atkinson nyetere of th It"wan. the My MyEvery )(ether ❆❁▼❈❅❒ ✍ Wm.. and then turning to the stmt work.. etening, on their wor ttttt brought all the of hie "hilarity." maid: home. the to. tn the mom,Haws& fur or.-eight ^John .50,1m tissoxk is a gr. gr.rtetrum, .we; Critics Apprehensive MN end all thetantrum abject. gml fragment. Life Mune. p, maytediapeasable." is is preairally incliapresuble.. of mow, Life nol previonooly deirenel, Iretiroslanros, bitterly Inigir Ly Even e entail there nature That That geol. time, rime,smelted oratlow, beau, he nos on right. right.compelled Mr. Morley tre deyx s. the Math. part on nothe cS ego to of le. then out. it "ensier to etudy rtreto, Bee. phi moo hones. Now. thIe heart, they were ph teed I het n -may.. poet. morel.. ...krt. Po b. &heed whiner end gourmet:dia. of Ar4.^:a 12:^ 1 " , had limn the noel the Lars insunsscscon„A.v newer atmeared on the liter Indere. I tried different people at spelling ahol Hume who del nol know him were .ol hit t. logrther. Nome &do t may e tspothensive Met he deep o trte ot Hoe be, we. mormnrieg rub his meson. (Mem, in tho• .ned Inn, `nor eel" wieb 1 were • Distinctive Distinctive ALUMNI NOTES Men's Men's 1883 Wear Wear "1"..V'• ZolnItri ihre 14;7'.er.41t. n '' . to ray! he .111 .7 h I-4, " :,1*' ya k:"1'71' '"1"1:' n "" ter "drt frnon' i teek e' ; o2 le„too„ foor leohlos Rune Imo.. feet. and whole ca.. gads t, '.e1 '"" map. , aud it; map. were o eromberetione of Ihe were Mown and lekrd-in. S11.1 Witnesses of T.11.13 A Inn. ehorri hx anent al Her, 0boot ohirh grime. mt. I wonder if vonellooertoollon :mold . help on nate °Adli Mims Jean ..d Harriet Strut Apartments of one, two, three orPastrynod more rooms, country was wild and slmeet mitta ce some Cream with kitchen MOROI.. and Om night dinette-furnished he deco( on a or unfurnished. Sendwiehm nd Coffee pittform built mere miles mt .1 ma Onters Daleweed Quality Delicateasen Tr toe."Rooms tin:P:2%.7. ' 17 4° for for Transient Transient Guests Guests Always Available Always Available art Oa tha 9r 1.-lust Ontre= Leupp mama lo leave open water. Hoak.: 00 Grill Room Intent itt• leading Raorn • ••••i 1.1 Restaurant Restaurant anon quieted uoinommary elan. the a nd 7' Until 42 detach 415:"" h toys; t' .'"VI7 ' 74•E: DESERVE o prised aL OUR ADVERTISERS ;or mt- t"h"711.7.7..L IFFr . ,17Sc . • tint prormlistir work Iry the neer home. Pre m.! ...les whnl. hr hen written Jibing hie trip here airemds Mem ne.11.4 for publication and he Expert on Fancy Show. n, L orto n• " r" O' flie goort r„. blue f. gr.,. .z Tent ttttt Aerstegentents Med. Wichita Yearly Mee11.0 Moles. ali:,91:;toVerroe irt?t. mosiiinted by nine 11.1r! st:,:rallZi „Zr EORGE SCHOOL Insurance Company Med tizaz Ba n .4 Ode at Rua &Ka Age "tretr r' Pree747 15th & Chestnut Street. A /Ode C- -• Bara n:317e"21.1.- V" .1f: Insurance for Students Ferment Effects, Automobile.. Amide., Piro Or Thoft while et mile. or el...ere. Rieke to propmey of men. while traveling in this country or abroad. Damage to motor cam, Liability for ladd.ets 10 menion. or property. 701 Packard Building Philadefrehia, P.. Suburban Publishing Co. J. B. Longacre S ummer I. Longaere & Erring 0,11111 Building 141 S. 416 Stew. Philadelphia, Pa DLLs Ream Ard Pa. FINE STATIONERY =XL McItiTYRE 'S OpM1 ad lo. TT-1111YATE AFFAIRS C1316- PARR CATERED 200 Single Sheets 715s 100 Roeelopte, 75e New Ideas in Clothes am first shown here. Suits and Top Coats 135.00 6 Upward Regale. Dinner, 11.30 Isaac P. Miller Special' Agent Provident Mutual Lilo /morons. Company Printed in Black or BIue JACOB REEpS SONS 1174-1420 Ch.M. Soot Philadelphia Stn. Philadelphia, Pa 401 Cll... toneetIon Hall under the direction oi Alfred 4. loan. lecturer on mink here ✩ 1477.L.Z"t CLUB NOTES 20 WANT SCORES ADIDADR,D111Plit of I hw nether. of Several Roeder. Phone Too Early far ortmlrorne la the 6 ttluLe Nene Sport. Resort. Satergay nod by t e se eve mar ex 91 put eookonoonic thtInt ratn Cr 'llut TemIt r1;*2.atat/112:e dl amigo fer Al Smith by the alumni Us AS 0 Y. a S D'al=d5rN7Iging''Ld 'Im7.712776';' I 11141 ioludy R,A1111i11131 College. With Ihe .81,88 'art one faith in the eim. mar me Anyerfod nn0. Iltmocrart TbEreday. X,,1, ter .T2. in the I sloeIt for hoof 'pin by the rood. of the election. tve rtery mow. Po the socresx. MI Republican fawn.. Herbert Moor. and look for.. te mote favor.. verdict far the Demertalir Carty in the rampsim of CCM" PHYSICIAN HONOR GUEST ott 1. o • reIllenT, se' =ge, '' ''&1"Ir pool, Brig. la the only eleetell te dale. bell Thursday or Friday night to prepare. ory' rthorsTi " X1" :7 thin county Ilet1Lel Foriely. g.: n 11I7lalloP17.61. ICI7gotet .d.74: t Mo. Mr. CM... Int. loven noire ill to prement en. ,the todiy i t Its l.1, of the Amer.. Legion. work- Mit be 'not out over notion WEAS. ins nor better hunduilistaion Neltitl. Phtinicinitia. WEAN icre. LormetlY att,VAir4Ione.teol ID the Celle. Hub 1I r Main Line Printing Co. Printing of the Better Kind 10-12 Andereon Ant. RDMORE. PA '9tWTV" The Vacancy That May Cause Disaster Many a business that would not operate a single day with- out insurance on its PROPERTY goes on taking chances on the men who are the real cause of its success. PRINTING Wm. H. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET Philmeishm, Rook., Pamphlets and Cataloguer, OHM, Stationery Mal ' ttttt /0111.111 11.11 The key men of your business should be covered by Provident Mutual Business In- surance that will provide funds for their replacement and in some cases for buying from their heirs their interest in the business. WEIN -10eI Send for booklet today 'Provident Mutual ST. MARY 'S LAUNDRY Ardmore Agents : "Doc" Leaks sod Roland ,---QUAKER BOOKS YOU SHOULD READ- 1 Fmlls sod Practice of the Quaker . Ran. M. Jong. o";;Oalree. Tri ltelrfr Ct.', :: S'.'"''' Postage irtnedaip hla .Tr 7017.4:. ":7n Ihi:tr:i:1., Mord only from AMY to GAO and from S ortuth. IkginnIng Saturday semen 01111 mar interoollegiate football gam. will be given out together with the rewrite e officer lInverford conleeteresponee to the demands of NPR, patron.. loot Pis, at e meeting of the eh& InIM tile hnerturnt of the 1 noudio I'll rgrX voptern In OM emu two ye.. Inter elreptol to the rank of nu.. •ith n teeti lleate of merit. e. Ae 71.:711" : """ ::" I member of the .rant the ehief sore. of the Mean. .40. of the EstAhliAod tem SCHOOL PIN. EIRSLENI. CHARMS The OP% ltT e rlfltd 1;17 " ,ZTZ...." The N.Y. am unable to Neoleb to Ire Henry Clneente. j., MU, en Hod. ph... of Wohlehencer In oyf su:rt tit the military sure.. graduateinertial! rally to be t G Menager National Life to.4a mnSte Nee 811nS it"" y" erite The deTt:;1"" se Swarthmore. ni. tioder nIte Nemo, ni will be o the their homes end ...lee [Mir fran. :' enft 4:attr1 "'1g man al no. Ain rehro: .ro 'thisieer by r77:. 'rr,24..30. three Tuesday. IL :tender, 90. teereled omen undergraduates trent,. the rrrrr eet tfismnee r ^ Ante. ming 'Aro mike to Mellor& Lake. N. Y., Nvr ,sky. L 1tcvi,ev n, ove,i Inn w ek e where he wan resirtered. compverd nentlter SM. and u short there were fire lieverfortlinne In the tt el.etio0 ,al orcheatra. "' Bier selling some eighi-nr: sop ,. armee. 11: 171111.0 Mendenhall. ; ,,B"- ""'" """ e t„,.t1r22" It i NOS) NSW: cI am greatli b. e ratified with next College 71.1.0° '°443 1D)1t. 114' ..1' 4" r"ett'lre"."1'.' the result of the el.. and Ind' rleiting the Chlisdelph. Antrim er Raymend C. Wood.* Mn. and Walter Qt Irish Hist Nee could bas e had a great. phew to heed South for the what. E. Len-Is. '04, Owe in aiding the rleetion of N. I -.- 4" ,''.1:11„.--;7,":,•el H. KENDALL READ, Lancaster Aye. (Just Opposite Campus) 11 Arced Bldg. 8.10 WM! Lan Are. Ardmo. in planningto publieh n complete ot. roma of bit reeonlbrenking journrt wabi n ter care r fn lore. ".7317."1,c..e:Mt trt -' -Icy,. lb to hero r!le n ' j loon ool. rteutt'm porente wax resented Bring in Your Old Hat We Will Make It Look Like New ante Ftnitelitt; ` .17 " 31;74:1.̀: 181 1 Millinuo L. Alvin. head of the wool deptirtment for Armour & Cuinpan Chiregn. lertuttol at the IMMerelly of Chien. Lot Solt on tbr topic. "17.1 Bryn Mawr•Ardmore.Wsyne 10% Discount Shoe Shine and Hat Cleaning Shop n tor Irelision morepoortb•it bi. role included mom. thing of Hamlet end n good Moll el brefeteak pie, The Gift Shop Pieter., Picture Framing and Noveltl. Patronage YOUR PATRONAGE ii ttriVTantili !Cas s 111: 1'1"tgi'at'"51.'qe;?' . A.' ;ot:,! ,;p goll , nut refl. et xa tem prof:v.0r 'of r7. r whieh e entabliebed Minrthain College, In at ‘lio-henertiory 'In MN. -in the. ontrobled muds Mr. M.ley the actor eanottaished Mr. Morley DR. JONES' "NEW QUEST" 918 tram mho Joseph It Wood re eitemelsted wirtr notenttoo of the Phys. Department./ REVIEWED IN LEDGER suspreted tom the piece was no greet Holler-B.. Colut...ef Bettlehem . s. olryikeR dm.. But obviously r. Morley I n hod tolo written it to ink• ""'""kb' nab, preestanort seetiftriol. which L" nb 5g:141 the minds by mon, wee al ant t.• lift, A mot pletv eery "The New a new Monk IP 1 921 Pleour %h awing Antarte. t ' he mother. Jere Ilerlehoor ne it roomer-PA with Dr Haim M. lone., prof... 01 „fINIPTrot riZioe' 07,7 god.. of the Enet. end Iwo little:do. r„' f b ir!"41,1.., °,,d7:7.' putilebed by the 1at0111. rtutre be Bimini Truett Comp.:. of Philoiltd. too mear-by. Ali the. nineteen. vent., fdayboome. hit. and a mood etone pd. tipped on 1. ne..14. ert ie lonerssial the "biberhoon. fleVtIt7ifofiolr led,. Rev Robert 0. Revein. MiloISIMIlt pa.. 7,.,. l ' 11;:=" 1:e"" e ' ''' •' -ere't": rt8 ••" :111e0 ... t: "a mien of 0:11•74" ago No veto of it Vol..,!, Taylor .4 norooll, gour of relaxed mi... tend eent • Pled hley .nl 'ier.ritgr, ILCrOnce!, war hto the llooring buebreen in Bulfeloo ia einem n tr .r lee metro... to [be religion. ,t; complete the rearrol.tion of the first out whether the kept need in the fir. r I ttlinZd 'ArwTo.elle:: hi. 111141.. sod e second retorter, reepertirei, ni.t wen Drop of' DAIL re into lb. m mien heath. n1 the sooho On April 25 they met ea. nth. in a ern ,wnmretlnn i+ nrAtve male anon, real." he said. tipprehomMon of the Comoro." deviated eubterrane. III ARAI nith a ftne erop Mr, Kevin. a Ile SARIS resultIns. A Immo he. of Marriott C. Mar- de.,, to tmporal, In mortar.. of Do Jen., Molt Mr. tor.. lay he sed on. of On , Otic- RIL.EY SCOTT, KENTUCKY wo " the T. Ervin .oe.oecsc.: POET, VISITS HAVERFORD ; ? ,‘1111nIlistc.. "".• 'flr" toble" :.let pallor neck. ee Burly groutorrtun the 'Itrint Wander., Bard Moot. His Own Vane Mr. end Ifre. Horatio C. \C.d. rid. • s votto tttt tire, in Po sense 1111 abort The films Poe. of 2922 Delano, PM.. 141findelphip le TogosCay CallsetiOa of mho lefty ntandard for welling and enh hell an Ino•h deep_ ell n• IVi in tgntuk'. 00 entier .gemnt of nor ilk1 n 7n Vng"7:..41,..72, n flrin11Oo0donee0 limn oreamped roue:rum reunited ,,,,,, orr , l'" olL:titaknZor October DI. 11, ha..? ttn ne(' inth.e 0, Iog 1 rn! hen been tennx• :131.;.n1",12:. rerco w fen.. no the No bnmoh tbe Inwithout Meteor. i o Prodicoler 1,17:.‘" -P.n. Company of North America. ere. of the obi South wall or the hot simply ...Bag all tax. III. Mott lectured before the Ille is 110 !Muth Clinton the working of t he Motel of a since. ...D.C. of 11r. tdavet. may rtran • N I tte seeker for the truth of thin.. they he . ey intact until official TrIelinglor the pa. eifibtt.year s rit etlIdler 1,t1 ht,Imo7. au o met lIl I' °A;^reran txd OPERA AT SWARTHMORE 'old in brit. to 2.1111 South lAurbert evrtrode i y-l'ot r Stoat : ert tu-" en- etrred Philedelphis. trty ' rt ty matudnee. 'etellong. readies and .11. 'mega the DM., to be R ttttt awl'II felt much light. he... , eitrr 0.4,0 Sweats Direction IT Ir.. Iiortked. lot."11" ::;, =1."bei! KANSAS ALUMNI PLAN TO -Mich the Drover." ntic hidIT. be orontInord in the next issue of ter then a vide.' ?if. Stott camp. lll e llom 'ldteM Nets. FORM HAVERFORD SOCIETY onildoors. preparee none awe novels and oIt HAVERFORDIANS ACTIVE IN RECENT CAMPAIGN Service, Inc. Solicits Your EARL'S •71 hr t'uurl h 11,,,41,vti7iiii'liton, 'rtr.e'lLrtiet"It That7; tro""U'e" kin ARDRIPE TAILORING CO. Even Evenif ifyou're you're "broke," "broke," you you can can Atlantic Gas and Canners and Dyers telephone telephonehome-just home-just telltell Motor Oils B. Schwartz, Prop. the thy Operator Operatortotoreverse reverse College Tailor the the Charge Haverford Sales Charge and ss Perim es. Dancing Dancing Every EverySaturday SaturdayEvening Evening eltre l"Sook Ile Beehelor of Soh en. dear. here .la 1 PeiIle.dwulain College Wayne, Pa. Okeechobee. whleh forme the morth• ern end of the Everglades. 1.rtdommeor New Main Main Dining DiningRoom RoomNow NowOpen Open on, Seoutor of Amerlea. whIrh awarded I rrUlrghtehi"th" :r4t)., 21; frier.'am: the polio ' a' rurpiitade "of Imetling (Mom woo N know that ottprtriouto zephyr, from an Mr... ; I'llyelet oullirner meld Idon• the man down. . . 'The. woe thenigger! strength Of ned His Mon. nest In his acting: his 'Actor Yantiniellea 'Playwright "He told ine-11 you don't telephone telephoneregularly, regularly,I Ihope hope 8.50, $12.50, $18 you turn outour to tobe beaalion Lion See turn them out at raday dieploy on Tamer!'" Tamer!'" Farley, Inc. Cti-Op Store ahmelen The remainder ot histototsPrivate Smola! bald Siltation Attention Given Given Private Dinner. Dianne sad la Dinner Dinner Deans Down M sold bully battered Ill-foot 1 " .1:: .. " Haverford Ion, hipped pereensl AND. effett. 3180 ARD. 3160 ' mos Pharmacy Ithe'S.m?1 n,e71,0, member .r th.riTrur:brfPltrfli it"od -1°7-4 dr--ri"1.49a .A.v ure issusascacom bank A complete assortment of popular /pert coats-a "Hefortold me-if coat suitable all kinds of sportyou wear. don't Three Price Croup, each offering a value: the revent Plorkle Loreto:Ire. All e Wall & Roberta Roberta he Extra. Get Them From: FRIENDS' BOOK STORE WOO 02.00 MOO Merchandise of Authentic Style and Admitted Quality WHITEHALL Lancaster Ave., at Haverford Station Haverford, Pa. Apartments of one, two, three or more rooms, some with kitchen and dinette-furnished or unfurnished. Grill Room Men's Wear Restaurant Even if you're"broke," you can New Main Dining Room Now Open Dneetion of Mom. V. Judi. -Johntisnowk is That time, at kart, he gm right. Wall & Roberta 29 E. Lancaster Ave. Dancing Every Saturday Evening From 7. Until 42 detach Sylvanian Orchestra Ardmore ups insussscscon„A.v "He told me-`if you don't telephone regularly, I hope you turn out to be a lion Tamer!'" Rooms for Transient Guests Always Available My )(ether mida great .mc; Life inn.. is preeti&lly it:di:pos=61e." "I put it square up to the Gov'nor-asked him if he minded when I telephoned home at his expense. Distinctive 302 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA 1928 TRENCH COATS Manufacturing WHITEHALL WHITEHALL Optician moms* trom mar 1. MI.. money, so Hoehn. neat to work with at Haverford Lancaster Ave., 253 South Station Ststion Sixteenth St. 1"!ti'l'e"Yrat".'not Haverford, Pa. GET 11r. and Mes. William 11. Sroll bare 15, Ir br.e'itr" 17:1 c17.7471 and urn. fm. *breed alid ere Wdlteg :1 Direction Direction of of Minor,. Haverford Minor. V. for e few. weeks with V.Smile. College &olio. red Itre'Inign "RP Alesander 111411e. ,- ig...17 5;e ret'gd.;, Seal Stationery the coast tor .ere going to :be- Virginal lint Spring, Paten uos parallel teral"horelred reilee. "Tired Tired and with hie motor aedlp Iv 51.00 a box Herbert Morels will veers as bent From • at sok. n: n,117"""" I . ✗. ✵■▼❉● -12 ❄❅▼❁❃❈ mon at the of MI. Ellsaineth Atter waiting for two steamier meta Iloyd: PhiladelKtitii 29 E. Lancaster Lancaster Ave. boa rolui tint did not arrive. seri...Ir . :1UL El Sodas, Sundaes and Sylvanian Orchestra Ardmore 1:7-1;: n :rd ow -^ Sandwiches at the Biel 711urre' bb . T:ellt1;"-. 914. mid- d PPAss.tuessrolsfranzef Maar. s-st WILLIAM S. YARNALJ. I tnrerlad."1 " 1"71.1 .1 4" FRIENDS' FRIENDS' BOOK BOOKSTORE STORE "I "I put putititsquare square upup to to thethe Gov'nor-asked Gov'nor-askedhim himififhehe Monday, Novembefi 12, minded mindedwhen whenIItelephoned telephoned home home at at his hisexpense. expense. Send for for booklet booklettoday today 'Provident `ProvidentMutual Mutual ▪ ' ttttt ttttt 11AVERFORD NEWS LorlAreS 10110.sel 11.11 1■11 Role W. 1063 1063 News Issues Second Coll For Sports Condideles Scattered Ruins Tell non, :It-emetic mitre for ttfr7::.,:r4 some cases casesfor forbuying some buyingfrom from their their heirs heirstheir theirinterest interest in in thethe business. business. ADVERSE CONDITIONS FORCE HOSKINS BACK peverotet1 hie reactions to the Mute Story ,--QUAKER of City's BOOKS YOU Tfiner. SHOULD -of Mr ItoodLirne" on READ the Mot pagedl t Z HeuerleN Philaortems thilasetento u• Pamphlets and Roo. Hooks Pamphlets and CaMloguea cm:don:es Oftlee Stelonery M., Stationery Spacial Siltation Giotto to Private Dinners and Diem. Danes ARD. 3080 OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE telephone home-just tell the Operator to reverse the Charge