
Q1 In what zip code is your home located?

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Q1 In what zip code is your home located?
Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q1 In what zip code is your home located?
Answered: 524
Skipped: 3
I live outside
Answer Choices
90% 100%
I live outside Salem
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q2 Have you ever visited Minto-Brown
Island Park?
Answered: 525
Skipped: 2
Answer Choices
90% 100%
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q3 In the past 12 months, how many times
have you visited Minto-Brown Island Park?
Answered: 527
Skipped: 0
More than 50
Answer Choices
90% 100%
More than 50 times
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q4 By what means do you normally travel
to Minto-Brown Island Park?
Answered: 520
Skipped: 7
Motor Vehicle
Answer Choices
90% 100%
Motor Vehicle
Total Respondents: 520
Other (please specify)
I will be driving when I visit
11/20/2014 11:39 PM
I've never been
11/20/2014 7:27 PM
Hopefully disc golf soon too!!
11/20/2014 3:26 PM
would use a foot bridge from river front park if one was built.
11/20/2014 9:44 AM
I would if there was a disc golf course there. That is what usually brings me to parks.
11/20/2014 8:15 AM
11/20/2014 12:15 AM
Walk my dog off leash without having to many human/dog interactions.
11/18/2014 10:26 AM
I run along River Road, but am anxious the whole time about vehicles driving 45 plus MPH. I would very much
hope that in planning there is a comfortable connector so that families could bike from their home safely to Minto.
11/11/2014 8:18 AM
But in summer, I bike to get there.
11/7/2014 9:51 AM
canoe and kayak
11/5/2014 9:04 PM
skatebiard, skates
11/5/2014 4:13 PM
Most often by bike, rarely by motor vehicle
11/5/2014 2:25 PM
Previously lived in 97302 and sometimes biked to the park. Mostly used my car. Looking forward to walking
across from my new location in downtown to the park using the bridge!
11/5/2014 9:38 AM
a long walk that includes a loop through the dog park so my dog can have some leash free time to run and play
11/4/2014 6:45 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
When we visit MB Park we have our dog or our grandchildren and their scooters with us, therefore we travel by
car. I think River Road is unsafe for bicycle travel.
11/4/2014 4:25 PM
Marathon training
11/4/2014 3:13 PM
Nearly every week I run from downtown with Gallagher's Fitness Resources to Minto Brown.
11/4/2014 2:45 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q5 What activities do you engage in at
Minto-Brown Island Park? Please indicate
all that apply.
Answered: 514
Skipped: 13
Taking dog to
off-leash do...
at the Picni...
Bird or
Organized runs
or other events
Answer Choices
90% 100%
Taking dog to off-leash dog park
Children's playground
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Reservations at the Picnic Shelter
Non-motorized boating
Bird or wildlife viewing
Organized runs or other events
Total Respondents: 514
Other (please specify)
My primary activity at Minto Brown park is horse back on the equestrian trails. I use the horse trails 2-to-1 over
other uses.
12/1/2014 7:09 PM
My husband is a wildlife photographer and he takes pictures of birds at the park. He is also a teacher in
Salem/Keizer high schools and has taken student groups to the park for observing nature.
11/29/2014 6:46 PM
Rock collecting
11/29/2014 12:26 PM
11/22/2014 10:54 AM
Picking blackberries.
11/22/2014 8:12 AM
Throwing disc
11/21/2014 8:56 AM
Roller blading
11/20/2014 11:48 PM
I've never been
11/20/2014 7:27 PM
None yet.
11/20/2014 8:15 AM
This park is a beautiful park and big enough to support a disc golf course. I would come to this park even more
often if there was a course here.
11/20/2014 7:45 AM
11/19/2014 6:01 PM
Daughters Field Trip
11/19/2014 4:47 PM
Disc golf course
11/19/2014 3:48 PM
I would like to play disc golf here.
11/19/2014 3:46 PM
11/18/2014 8:42 PM
Enjoy nature quietly. Pick berries
11/14/2014 11:53 AM
Nature photography
11/13/2014 11:55 PM
11/13/2014 5:31 PM
Sitting quietly Taking photos
11/9/2014 11:52 AM
11/8/2014 10:11 PM
used to enjoy the agricultural activities
11/8/2014 12:39 PM
Sitting quietly doing nothing.
11/7/2014 10:30 PM
Bird and other wildlife photography
11/7/2014 2:28 PM
Showing it off to out-of-town and out-of-State visitors.
11/7/2014 1:12 PM
11/6/2014 8:44 PM
Berry picking.
11/6/2014 1:31 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I used to take my kayak to the pond at the end of the road, by the gazebo. Then, rocks--and now big sticks-appeared under the bridge. Now, it is very difficult to get to the next pond. Before, I could paddle through the
second pond and into a third pond, and I'd see red tails, great horned owls, beaver, wood ducks, and lots of
herons, and occasionally river otters. Now I am confined to just the first pond. It seems like it would be fairly easy
to reopen the channel under the footbridge, but I am 71 years old, and I cannot do it.
11/6/2014 12:35 PM
We go to the dog park daily at least once a day for an hour and sometimes twice a day. Would love to see more
dog fountains throughout the area.
11/5/2014 9:33 PM
canoeing and kayaking
11/5/2014 9:04 PM
11/5/2014 7:41 PM
11/5/2014 2:51 PM
I take my dog on leash as well
11/5/2014 2:25 PM
picking nettles, blackberries, mushrooms and other foods
11/5/2014 12:08 PM
11/5/2014 11:42 AM
photography outings
11/5/2014 10:32 AM
Taking pictures
11/5/2014 10:00 AM
Reading, journaling
11/5/2014 9:38 AM
11/5/2014 9:33 AM
11/5/2014 1:19 AM
Events - like the Walk and Wag (fundraiser for Hospice) also. I've gone to pick some blackberries sometimes.
11/4/2014 8:47 PM
Taking Photos, picking berries
11/4/2014 6:31 PM
Citizen patrol. Removing ivy, clematis and scotch broom.
11/4/2014 6:14 PM
Native plant identification. Photography.
11/4/2014 4:44 PM
Member of Minto Park Patrol
11/4/2014 4:23 PM
Our church used to have a yearly Sunday potluck & service
11/4/2014 3:56 PM
11/4/2014 3:24 PM
Walking my 3 dogs on leash along the paths
11/4/2014 3:12 PM
11/4/2014 2:58 PM
Walking the dog ON leash
11/4/2014 2:49 PM
We expect to get a dog soon and will take advantage of the dog park.
11/4/2014 2:45 PM
Walking the dog on leash on the trails.
11/3/2014 12:12 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q6 What value do you place on preserving
the natural environment at Minto-Brown
Island Park?
Answered: 526
Skipped: 1
Very important
Not at all
Answer Choices
90% 100%
Very important
Somewhat important
Not at all important
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q7 Are you aware of the plans to construct
a new bridge and trail from Riverfront Park
to Minto-Brown Island Park?
Answered: 526
Skipped: 1
Answer Choices
90% 100%
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q8 The new bridge and trail are expected to
open in the fall of 2016. Once it is open, do
you plan to use it to access Minto-Brown
Island Park?
Answered: 524
Skipped: 3
Answer Choices
90% 100%
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Q9 What important issues would you like to
see addressed during the Minto-Brown
Island Park planning process?
Answered: 367
Skipped: 160
better trail maintenance in the off leash dog park area in the winter
12/7/2014 8:45 PM
12/6/2014 8:36 AM
It's a wonderful asset to our city! I used to go out there every week to hike, but don't do it so much anymore
because of my age and declining physical abilities. I still enjoy a leisurely stroll with friends at Minto occasionally.
12/3/2014 7:53 PM
Preservation of wildlife habitat; restoration of native plants. I applaud the idea of the new bridge; it will provide
bicycle access to the island without requiring bike riders to ride along (fast and dangerous) River Road. I hope the
new bridge can be accomplished without compromising wildlife habitat.
12/3/2014 11:02 AM
I go to Minto-Brown about 3-7 times every week. The thing that I would like to see most changed is for the big
fields to not be mowed down all the time. It would be nice if these fields could be left to grow naturally or if trees
could be planted. I don't understand why there are so many open fields. Thank you
12/3/2014 1:04 AM
A long-term, sustainable plan to remove invasive species and replace with native species.
12/1/2014 9:36 PM
Please, please keep and expand the horse trails. It's hard to find a place to ride that's close to town and suitable
for horses that aren't conditioned for the hills of Silver Falls. This is an invaluable resource for folks in the region.
12/1/2014 7:09 PM
It would be great if you could pave the parking lot adjacent to the off leash dog park. Lines don't need to be
painted, everyone is considerate about parking. Every winter the pot holes get bigger and deeper and after the
rain you can't tell how deep the may be. And just filling them in with gravel before summer just doesn't last. With
all the great improvements that are being done to the park, this would make it more enjoyable.
12/1/2014 4:13 PM
Dog park fencing.
12/1/2014 11:29 AM
Maintenance of the park as a diverse array of habitats that provide the foundation for wildlife conservation and
wildlife-related recreation. This park, more than any other in the parks system, can accommodate diverse public
use while benefiting wildlife if its managed for that mix equally. Wildlife benefits will be fostered by maintenance
regimes that are keyed to critical habitats and critical life history timing, such as not mowing grasslands in bird
nesting seasons. Also, as habitats are transitioned toward different functions(such as removal of invasive plants),
there needs to be accommodation for habitats lost while new ones develop. This park is unique in its dual role of
public recreation site and wildlife reserve; planning needs to look for ways to always maintain and never reduce
those attributes.
12/1/2014 10:26 AM
Additional bathroom facilities and conspicuous police presence in the more isolated areas of the park. Additional
dog waste collection and disposal stations at trailheads, along trails adjacent to the river or sloughs, or trails that
lead to isolated parts of the park.
11/30/2014 10:06 PM
I'd like to see flooding addressed. It would be wonderful if there were dikes built to divert flooding of the park
during heavy rains.
11/30/2014 8:20 PM
My main concern is preserving the natural environment in all of it's diversity. While I understand that the park
needs to be user-friendly (with paved paths, sign etc) I am concerned that it could end up looking overly
manicured and less like a wildlife area. I would love to learn more about how the native plants and trees are being
supported as the plans are being made. I would love to see MORE trees!!! The bird population needs small trees
and brush, as well. The blackberries are a sticky issue, I know, but we need lots of understory native plants to
replace the blackberries in order for the small wildlife to flourish. I would love to see more native plants added...
whatever is appropriate, but encourage variety. We love the dog park. I would add more trees (street-type trees)
along the edge near the main path (the one opposite the road) to add more shade. I would also like to see an
educational kiosk that talks about human populations native to the area and how they lived on the island. I would
like to have access to the minutes (or a summary) of the meetings so we can stay up to date on the progress of
the plan. Thank you for allowing this survey!
11/29/2014 6:46 PM
safety cleanliness shared use by pedestrians, cyclists and others
11/29/2014 2:57 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I am a long time user (about 40 years) of the park. For the most part , my use of MBI Park has been take our dog
for her afternoon walk (and have taken or dogs preceding her), during which time I like to enjoy the natural
beauty of the park, take photographs, and sometimes look for rocks along the river. I have always opposed any
kind of intense development in the park, which at one time was planned for the area that is now the dog park. I am
a naturalist (actually, an entomologist) and must be honest and say that I want as much as possible of the natural
part (well, as natural as it can be) of the park left undisturbed. I know it is a moot point, but both my wife and I are
not pleased that the bridge and all it will entail are coming. Too much development, and I can but hope it goes no
further. Also, I am wondering just how much money can continue to be spent controlling blackberries and the
like? Now, I don't like that invasive thorny plant (except for its berries--ha!), but the way it had been at MBI Park
was, in my opinion, preferable to how it is now, especially considering the amount of effort that will be requite to
keep it that way. The bottom line in this regard, however, is that the thickets provide such good cover for wildlife.
Then there is the issue of homeless encampments, both large and small. I think you probably have discouraged
the large one but outside the cold of late fall to early spring, I have seen folks settle in for quite some while,
notably along the "pipeline road". I fear the new bridge will just increase this, so the opposite of what so many of
its proponents believe. But we shall see... Bottom line, and in a nutshell: preservation of natural qualities over any
further development, perhaps even to the exclusion of paving more paths.
11/29/2014 12:26 PM
Keep impact down esp from new bridge, north pond area has large numbers of wild birds. Will allow for more
homeless to access area over bridge into north area. good luck
11/29/2014 9:30 AM
I'd like to see some outdoor racquetball courts!
11/26/2014 11:51 PM
Sugns which hold up addition of drinking fountains addition of proper bathrooms lighting
11/26/2014 8:21 PM
Preservation of existing trails, natural areas.
11/26/2014 7:35 PM
I think you should consider outdoor racquetball courts they are greatly needed as the racquetball community here
in oregon is huge! Even 6, three back to back, racquetball courts would be used greatly
11/26/2014 6:47 PM
Outdoor racquetball handball courtsthese are something that hasn't caught on yet in Oregon but with the growth
in popularity of racquetball and handball these would be a huge asset to the area and if enough courts were built
tournaments could be held there which would drive revenue to the city in California the courts are everywhere in
schools and playgrounds and at the beaches why not here
11/26/2014 6:37 PM
Keep homeless out
11/26/2014 4:20 PM
I would love to see a new local Frisbee golf course placed in the area, as there is plenty of locations to do so.
11/26/2014 2:03 PM
Cars regularly speed down the main straight along the dog park. I've even seen burnouts. It needs many more
speed signs and SEVERAL speed bumps.
11/25/2014 8:06 PM
1. As stated in the introductory portion of this survey it stated Minto-Brown Island Park is a nature park.
Therefore, it is of utmost importance to protect the natural habitat and birds. This is especially true in the winter
and early spring when the Dusky Canada Goose is in a portion of the park. 2. The emphasis needs to be a
balance of the public's use and a place for wildlife. During the nesting season the habitat needs to be left
undisturbed so the birds can successfully raise their young. That way there will be more birds for the future. 3. It
would likely be a good idea to work with the local Audubon and other nature organization to enhance the natural
habitat of the park.
11/25/2014 6:55 PM
Preserve dog park, put a fence between the walking/running trail and the dog park along the stretch of road
adjacent to park to separate park walkers/runners/bicyclists from dogs since more ppl will be using park. Thank
11/25/2014 6:09 PM
Add an excellent disc golf course
11/25/2014 4:55 PM
The park would be an ideal location for an 18 basket disc golf course. Alton Baker city park in Eugene has an 18
basket disc golf course and there is a charge of $3.50 to use it for the day. This discourages panhandlers in the
area. Game players are usually first to report park problems and the Capital City Disc Golf Club would do
volunteer work in the development of the disc golf course and make sure the park where that game is played is
kept clean and drug free.
11/25/2014 4:45 PM
disc golf course
11/25/2014 4:37 PM
Disc golf would be great. Construction of access to Willamette Slough for kayaking would be useful as well.
11/25/2014 4:03 PM
A disc golf course would be fantastic
11/25/2014 3:34 PM
Please add a disc golf course.
11/25/2014 3:13 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I would love to see a disc golf course added to that area between Riverfront and the parking area at Minto Brown.
11/25/2014 2:49 PM
I would like to see single track dirt trails for Mountain Biking all over the park. By making a these trails will be
great for safety by separating the walker on the paved trails from the faster mountain bikers on the dirt trails. I
would also like to see easier access to the river from a parking lot for paddle boards, canoes, and other nonmotorized boats where visitors can easily put there boats in the water, like a sandy beach or a dock. It would be
nice to have a point up river and a point down river. This will allow visitors to put there canoe in at the upper
portion and paddle with the current down to the lower point to take there boat out and get picked up.
11/25/2014 1:50 PM
The current construction of signage throughout the park for the purpose of electronic/cell phone use and
information is kinda imposing and takes away from the character of the natural beauty of the park. It gets old real
quik and is kinda useless unless your a first time visitor to the park. Work out stations (pull up bars, sit up
benches, etc) should have been integrated with the upright structures making them dual purpose. I cant wait for
the new bridge and subsequent trails on the Boise Idaho property to open. Hopefully in the near future
permanent restrooms and other picnic area's can be established. Shallow ponds and water areas that fill in winter
1-2 foot deep that will freeze hard during cold weather would make for good ice skating when weather permits.
The Salem area is home to lots of people of Nordic and Scandinavian decent yet Salem has no Ice Skating Rink.
I use to live in the South Bay Area of California and we had a lot of Gold Medalist - Olympic ice skaters come
from these few Ice Skating Rinks. Peggy Fleming, Rudy Galindo, Wendy Nakamura, etc.
11/25/2014 10:14 AM
Maintaining trails and natural environment.
11/25/2014 9:57 AM
I would like to see the park maintained as a natural wildlife reserve. I am also concerned with the ease of access
the bridge may provide for those who are not as conscious of preserving the environment and not respectful of
other park visitors. I appreciate the new signage but do not want to see much more of this sort of thing. Since we
will have more ease of access and more people we will definitely need more volunteer patrols.
11/24/2014 7:05 PM
Already you do a GREAT job. Could you post the name of the crops (if any)?
11/24/2014 11:32 AM
Improve restroom facilities. I realize that being in the floodway is limiting but does that mean the current situation
is as good as it can be?
11/24/2014 7:47 AM
Keep the rustic, nature refuge character of the entire park, incl. new areas developed. Do not build athletic fields
or more playgrounds, we have enough of those all over town..and they destroy the rustic character. Use minimal
signage, too many now. Use that money to surface all walker trails with wood chips. No gravel roads; too hard on
feet and bike tires. Use restraint in clearing underbrush and tree limbs; small animals need that habitat. Trimming
branches and briars back from trail edges is enough cutting...no need to clear cut. Enforce compliance with dog
on-lease rule on all park trails or ban dogs on trails altogether; a rule not enforced is meaningless to a scoff-law.
Again, keep the rustic character of the entire park. It is a treasure rare among city parks. Thanks to all volunteers
and city employees that keep the park safe and maintained.
11/22/2014 3:45 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course installed in the park!
11/22/2014 2:19 PM
Removal of invasive species. It looks like some effort has already started in this regard. Would be happy to
volunteer Ian van Wesenbeeck [email protected]
11/22/2014 1:00 PM
Preservation/enhancement of wildlife habitat. The new signage is great. Would like to see more.
11/22/2014 12:10 PM
safety of the new path for joggers and walkers
11/22/2014 11:15 AM
Keeping it as natural as possible. We need places where we can experience nature close to the city. Keep long
loop trails that are not paved. It would be nice to allow horse back riding on these long loop trails also.
11/22/2014 10:15 AM
Keep it as wild as possible. We need to make clear to all users that the trails are "multi-use" and create a
"culture" in the park where safety and respect for others is practiced. Anchorage Alaska does this via very
effective signage. I feel the paths at Minto are too narrow to allow for safe co-use by bicyclists and
walkers/runners and need to be widened. Many path users are rude and seem not to think or care about safety.
We could encourage a culture (as there is in Anchorage) where runners or cyclists approaching from the rear call
out "on your left" or other respectful warnings to allow safe sharing of the paths. In Anchorage, some trails are
designated seasonally for specific uses. That might be considered here. I'd like to see interpretive signage about
the various ecosystems (the ponds, fields, wildlife, etc.). Though I do not own a dog, friends who do suggest that
there also might be better and more respectful "rules" for use of the free-run area.
11/22/2014 8:12 AM
I would love to see a sic golf course put in.
11/21/2014 3:53 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I think as a family with young children that lives in a "close in" neighborhood, we enjoy accessing Riverfront Park
by walking/biking as much as possible. We are very excited to access Minto Brown without having to drive the
children there. I hope to have a safer and more accessible way to first get to Riverfront and then Minto via the
11/21/2014 12:19 PM
I would like to have a plan implemented for maintaining Minto-Brown as a natural area with trails for access.
11/21/2014 11:17 AM
Can we get a disc golf course?
11/21/2014 8:56 AM
I would very much like to see a disc golf course installed in the park. Currently, I have to make regular trips to
Portland in order to play on a Pro-level course. I'd rather not.
11/21/2014 8:49 AM
I would like the city to focus on restoring more of the soft surface trails. While visiting the park a few weeks ago I
was amazed to see the soft surface trails that parallel the pavement paths after some extensive blackberry
clearing was performed. These trails are more comfortable to run on, and would provide an excellent alternative
to the numerous cross country runners in the Salem area.
11/21/2014 8:37 AM
Safety and crime prevention.
11/21/2014 6:20 AM
Disc golf course.
11/21/2014 12:23 AM
A disc golf park would be great
11/20/2014 11:48 PM
Would love to see a disc golf course put in, which will bring more people to the park.
11/20/2014 11:39 PM
Concerned that the added traffic from the downtown bridge will degrade the park's natural environment.
Concerned about the safety of visitors of the park with increased traffic. What law enforcement will be responsible
for the park with it's new connection to Salem?
11/20/2014 11:37 PM
I would like to see the sport of Disc Golf be considered as an additional recreational activity in the park.
11/20/2014 9:49 PM
Install a disc golf course.
11/20/2014 9:43 PM
Well, I'm a long time disc golfer and followed a link to this survey, so, naturally I'm interested in the proposed disc
golf course.
11/20/2014 7:47 PM
A disc golf course would fit brilliantly at the Minto-Brown Island park.
11/20/2014 7:27 PM
A disc course and biking trails with smaill berms and rollers All around!! :)
11/20/2014 3:26 PM
Add a disc golf course
11/20/2014 3:18 PM
Main concern is safety and the homeless and criminal activities that have tarnished the park and how that's going
to be addressd. Also the ability have a tent only camp area paroled by the parks service for safety would be
11/20/2014 3:10 PM
I would like to see the addition of a disc golf course at MBI. I took up the game a couple years ago and now often
play with my family and neighbors. Great activity for families and groups!
11/20/2014 12:40 PM
Access to main trails during winter months via the construction of boardwalk or similar improvements;
construction of fitness stations; guided nature and history tours.
11/20/2014 12:11 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course built at minto-brown island park, either a 9 hole course or a 18 hole course
would be better, salem has some nice courses but needs more of these type a places to enjoy and grow the sport
for users of all ages.
11/20/2014 9:44 AM
I wish to express gratitude to the City for the fine work that is being done in the park. Cutting back the brush &
blackberries was long overdue. The park now has such a warm open feeling. It is beautiful to look through the
trees and see the depth of nature. Before it was so dark. One project I'd like to suggest is to figure a way to drain
the water from the pathway next to the river. The low spots fill with water after a rainy day or two, and walkers
detour around the puddles leaving a muddy mess and eroding the trail edges. We walk & bike the Wallace Park /
River Front Park frequently. We are so excited at the prospect of adding Minto Park. Regarding agriculture, I
would continue to lease it to farmers. A community garden may not be great there and would bring more people
in close proximity. It's nice to have your space and quiet. I would like to see the farmers add a sign to tell us what
crops are being grown. Little education.
11/20/2014 9:21 AM
Disc golf course
11/20/2014 8:20 AM
I would love to see a championship level disc golf course at this park as there are none in the Salem and
surrounding areas. This would bring a lot of foot traffic to the park and make it a destination spot for a lot of disc
golfers around the country if this was constructed correctly.
11/20/2014 8:15 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
A disc golf park would be nice.
11/20/2014 8:15 AM
I would love to see a disc golf course added. I would definitely travel down from Lake Oswego several times per
year to play the course if a top quality course was built.
11/20/2014 7:50 AM
Please include plans for a disc golf course. with the beauty of this park and the space available it would be a
perfect place to place a course. It would help get more people involved in teh sport. Since disc golf is a more
social sport it would also contribute to bringing people together.
11/20/2014 7:45 AM
To preserve the feel of nature and the wild life I also hear they will be considering putting a disc-golf coarse in as
well that will be wonderful
11/20/2014 7:07 AM
Would love to see a disc golf course here!
11/20/2014 7:03 AM
Make a disc golf park
11/20/2014 6:08 AM
I would love to see a disc golf course. Minto Brown provides an ideal location for a new course.
11/20/2014 2:40 AM
Do the bridge!!
11/20/2014 12:15 AM
A nice disc golf course would be good. Keizer Rapids DGC is not well maintained so I don't play there and I go
play Woodmansee almost every weekend. It would be nice to have a nice course closer to home.
11/19/2014 11:00 PM
Build a Disc golf please
11/19/2014 9:22 PM
Better access to fishing areas and a disc golf course would be great
11/19/2014 8:23 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course put in at the park.
11/19/2014 8:05 PM
a disc golf course would be awesome, it would definitely attract a lot more people.
11/19/2014 6:35 PM
Disc Golf Course
11/19/2014 6:21 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course put in, my hubby and I love to play and have played all the courses in
Salem and surrounding areas.. I think minto brown park would be an amazing place....
11/19/2014 6:17 PM
I would like to have a disc golf course here!
11/19/2014 6:16 PM
Building a disc golf course that is a community involved to help keep more eyes in the trials and less vandalism
and drugs. I know that when I was in college, I got pulled over because they were doing random searches on
men with younger girls or boys in the car to make sure they weren't getting raped or drugs. I don't know how
legitament their searches were, but to even have that problem in most Salem parks in the past is not good. Disc
golf helps grow a community of healthy people and athletes as well as recreation.
11/19/2014 6:01 PM
Build disc golf course
11/19/2014 5:47 PM
I would love to see a portion of the land get dedicated to a disc golf course.
11/19/2014 5:38 PM
Just moved here and heard about a proposed disc golf course in the park and support this whole heartedly! I've
been playing for 30 years and it is a great family lifelong activity bring people out to parks like this. Please include
this in the plans and have the local Capitol Disc Golf Club help design and maintain it.
11/19/2014 5:35 PM
A new place to play disc golf
11/19/2014 4:59 PM
Disc golf
11/19/2014 4:58 PM
Disc golf course.
11/19/2014 4:57 PM
A course for disc golf
11/19/2014 4:55 PM
Disc golf course
11/19/2014 4:53 PM
A nice new disc golf course.
11/19/2014 4:51 PM
Please get a disc golf course. I play with my daughter, nephews/nieces, and friends. It'd be a great addition to the
park and the community.
11/19/2014 4:47 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course there.
11/19/2014 4:28 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Maintenance and safety is in dire need of attention. The park looks absolutely beautiful with the clearing of the
blackberry bushes and the trail signs are nice but there are a number of hazards, that should be given priority.
Examples: 1. Remove the unnecessary, extra posts designed to keep cars off of trails (no need for extra rows of
posts and posts in places that are shaded and hard to see). Move and paint the rest of the posts in a bright,
visible color. My wife and I have both been hurt running into the posts on our bikes. 2. Cover the guardrail at the
south end on Homestead road. It's extremely dangerous for people on bikes. 3. Install a railing at the end of the
guardrail at the gate. The slightest error on a bike will result in the rider being thrown head first down the pond
bank. 4. Paint crosswalks at all trail crossings on the main road and patrol the park to ticket speeders (there are
plenty of them and in 21 years of using the park almost daily we have never seen one stopped by police).
11/19/2014 4:24 PM
I think it would be great to see a family friendly disc golf course as well. The course that was recently added to
Willamette Mission State Park is a great example of how a course can utilize the less used portion of a park for a
great activity.
11/19/2014 4:15 PM
I would like to see a bus stop inside the park, that way those without motor vehicles would be more inclined to go
there. I would also like to see all the newly purchased undeveloped land be turned into a disc golf course. Both of
these ideas would tie in more participation from unique parts of the community to this park.
11/19/2014 4:00 PM
The construction of a disc golf course would be awesome!
11/19/2014 3:50 PM
Disc golf!
11/19/2014 3:46 PM
Add a disc golf course. It will bring people.
11/19/2014 3:25 PM
Please add a disc golf course
11/19/2014 3:19 PM
I would like to see a disc golf course put in, as long as it doesn't disrupt the beauty of the park.
11/19/2014 3:14 PM
A 9 or 18 hole disc golf course would be amazing,preferably 18!! A great location for a great number of activities...
11/19/2014 3:05 PM
I'd love to see a disc golf park constructed. That would increase the amount of times that I would bring my family
to the park.
11/19/2014 3:01 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course put in and I would freaquent the park more often.
11/19/2014 3:00 PM
I would to see a disc golf course at the park!
11/19/2014 2:56 PM
Adding a disc golf course would be a great way to attract even more visitors to the area! The sport is one of the
fastest growing sports in the world, and beyond the initial investment, is a very low-cost form of park-use, IMO.
Local disc golf clubs would be more than happy to help build and maintain the course, too, I'm sure.
11/19/2014 2:52 PM
Creation of a professional level disc golf course. Preferably using the services of John Houck @
11/19/2014 2:49 PM
I would like to have a disc golf course put in there. Because the park is tremendously beautiful and it shall bring
people together to share the fun of disc golf and other activities.
11/19/2014 2:38 PM
I'd love to see a disc golf course out there.
11/19/2014 2:28 PM
I would love to see a disc golf course installed in the park
11/19/2014 2:26 PM
Disc Golf Course in the Filbert Orchard
11/19/2014 2:14 PM
Maintain large off leash area for dogs. Keep it free to use.
11/18/2014 8:42 PM
Perhaps connecting bike paths to other surrounding paths, as well as taking "security" type issues into
consideration. I realize that would be a tough feat to even begin with, but just speaking for myself as well as other
people I have spoken with, sometimes Minto seems a little sketchy and is avoided for that reason.
11/18/2014 6:20 PM
Trails! Lots of them. Thank you ! Safety concerns. ( as a woman I will not go there alone due to the transients).
11/18/2014 6:15 PM
Maintain the trails and the wildlife and natural surroundings. The crops grown there are ok too. I think having
watch groups keeping an eye on the park are a good idea too. The dog park is a great asset.
11/18/2014 3:17 PM
Strong definition at the thresholds between active uses (trails, picnic areas etc) and natural areas. Let the
natural/habitat areas maintain their integrity as habitat but also allow people to encounter those areas either up
close or from a distance as appropriate.
11/18/2014 1:14 PM
Creating mountain bike trails.
11/18/2014 10:26 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I am a runner and a mountain biker. As a MTBr, I know that sometimes trails are too wet and muddy to ride on
them without damaging them and making them difficult for walkers and runners to use. Apparently not everyone
'gets' this. Now, especially with the new field trails, closing some trails to MTB use during the winter should be
considered. These trails get ruined in the winter and take a long time to recover in the spring. As an example,
OSU closes some popular trails in McDonald Forest to MTB from Oct to Apr and leaves others open. Please
consider such an arrangement.
11/18/2014 10:04 AM
More convenient restrooms (not porta johns), Regarding the new bridge expand parking at riverfont park.
11/18/2014 9:49 AM
That the park remains pretty much as it is with little or no further infrastructure development.
11/17/2014 7:56 PM
My plea is to please make more walking trails that are not accessible to bikes. My husband and I walk in MintoBrown Island Park about 5 times a week and we are constantly having to move over or dodge bikes. I'm sure bike
riders would also prefer to ride on paths that don't have walkers. Walking paths don't need to be wide or paved, in
fact, we enjoy walking on wood chip paths covered in leaves. I can't emphasize enough how wonderful it would
be to for my husband and me to walk side-by-side without having to jump aside to let bike riders pass. Thank you
for considering this plea.
11/17/2014 10:38 AM
I want to be able to commute to work downtown via my bicycle. I don't feel safe currently riding on river road and
so cannot currently commute via bike. By connecting the two parks I can safely commute. Preserving as much of
the natural habitat as possible. An additional children's area would be nice.
11/17/2014 8:31 AM
I appreciate that people are dedicated to making Salem a better place to live by improving parks and recreation
areas. In the 15 years I have lived in Salem, much has been done to improve Riverfront park and the footbridge
to West Salem. The most important issue for me is that I am afraid the new bridge will increase the homeless
population in the park. The trails on the north side of Wallace Marine Park and the entire Marion Square Park are
not usable for families due to the homeless, intoxicated and drugged out people hanging out/living there. My son
and I used to ride our mountain bikes on the trails north of Wallace Marine, now I would never go there. I do not
know how the city plans to keep Minto-Brown from becoming another failed park. There are already homeless
camps in Minto Brown and it is not readily accessible from downtown; imagine how bad the problem will be when
there is an easy access to Minto Brown from the Union Gospel Mission and the free food distribution that takes
place under the Marion Street Bridge. I don't want to sound crass, but downtown Salem and the parks I
mentioned before have been overrun by intoxicated homeless people and are generally not inviting to families.
Until the city does something about the issue, a bridge to Minto Brown concerns me.
11/16/2014 11:44 PM
1. Consistent, regular maintenance of walkways, paths and trails. 2. Maps/signage/ mileage for pathways.
11/16/2014 11:20 PM
A plan for removing invasive species, such as ivy and blackberries More restoration of native plantings and
habitat for wildlife More walking and biking trails, but should have a minimal impact on the environment More
signage: directional (including maps and distances) and also explanatory/educational, i.e., signage that identifies
plants, birds, wildlife, habitats, etc. I love that there is an area of experimental native plantings and would love if
the park would collaborate on more projects with scientists, botanists, wildlife biologists, and schools Thank you
11/16/2014 10:23 PM
I want to bike ride the new bridge before I die
11/16/2014 4:24 PM
added parking; security in parking lots; open space use
11/16/2014 11:16 AM
I would like a safe bike path along River road.
11/16/2014 8:23 AM
accessibility, hard and soft trail maintenance, mixed use, to include agriculture
11/15/2014 6:52 PM
Keeping it natural and safe. There are a number of spots on the bike trails that have potential for head on
collisions because they aren't wide enough.
11/15/2014 6:22 PM
1) Ensure there are funds reserved to maintain the park. There is no point in creating something and then letting
it deteriorate. 2) While planning the South Salem Transit Hub and Routes, it would be great to include travel from
parts of South Salem to-and-from the Park. I'd rather not have to drive but I'd have a long and steep trip walking
there. 3) Consider raised walkways so the paths can be used during the wet seasons. While the flooding is
natural, there is still opportunity to make all walks accessable during any season. 4) More signs to show what is
growing, animal and bird notes, etc.
11/15/2014 1:40 PM
Creation of continuous biking/running/walking trails connecting Minto, Riverfront and Wallace parks. Improvement
of path in Minto along Willamette that connects to the forest trails near the landfill. Current dirt trail has drop off
from river erosion. Perhaps create an alternate path to the area.
11/15/2014 9:29 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
I would like to continue to see large open areas in the park. I personally liked the blend of nature and farming
fields in the past. I have a concern of trees being planted throughout the whole park. This would decrease
visibility and could increase safety concerns. When you have large public park areas with woods, that are easily
accessible by people walking from the urban area, there could be increased risk of assaults.
11/15/2014 8:30 AM
With larger numbers of people coming to the park over the bridge and while this is good I think some thought
should be put into security and how to assure that park users are safe. I know that 100% safety can't be assured
but with the increase in numbers of visitors security and safety should be considered. I will continue to use the
park 1-2 times a week in any case.
11/14/2014 6:56 PM
Biking is my prime form of transportation and recreation. I am interested in tying together a network of safe biking
trails, preferably separate paths. The cities of Monmouth and Independence, with hopeful cooperation from Polk
County, will be proposing two formal bike routes on the West side of the river. We would love to tie these into the
city of Salem. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Marshall Guthrie, Monmouth City Councilor,
at [email protected] Thanks, Marshall
11/14/2014 3:42 PM
Cyclocross course Connections north and south to river trail from eugene to portland
11/14/2014 3:10 PM
I would like to see more permanent bathrooms wherever possible and at the very least, permanent pit toilets and
honey buckets at the Homestead Rd parking area.
11/14/2014 1:45 PM
More signs identifying water areas and potential safety issues/ danger involved when approaching such areas.
11/14/2014 11:55 AM
Keeping the park a natural area as opposed to developing ball fields and event facilailties. Regulating noise, such
as portable music and large events that conflict with preserving a natureal environment. Managing foot traffic vs.
wheeled traffic. Managing park hours to prevent overnight camping.
11/14/2014 11:53 AM
Preservation of its relaxed, natural, sanctuary feel. To have it dressed up like an urban city park would be awful.
We are strongly opposed to the new bridge & trail. Unbelievable waste of money, time & resources and we
strongly believe it will negatively impact Minto-Brown. Trash, people, camping. Park is inadequate to handle this
influx of people. In summary: Preservation of its uniqueness and relaxed, natural, sanctuary feel.
11/14/2014 10:40 AM
No ballfields, and absolutely no lighted ballfields. That would spoil the natural setting. Bike traffic and running will
increase with the new bridge and trail. That will mean a much greater need for improving the walking paths
where dawdlers, like me, and families with small kids don't have to worry about getting run over from behind. The
presence of dogs drives away natural wildlife, so their presence needs to be very strictly constrained. Dogs need
to be restricted to the dog park and clearly designated paths. There should be a stiff penalty for having any dog
outside of the designated areas. Any dog off leash outside of the dog park should be confiscated and euthanized.
11/13/2014 11:55 PM
Safe access for all.
11/13/2014 8:17 PM
I go to the dog park the most often. I would really like to have a water faucet for filling dog bowls and perhaps a
hose for rinsing dirty dogs. The paved entrance has reduced the big potholes that develop in that spot, but the
whole lot should be paved, as in the winter dogs get dirtier in the parking lot from the gravel and puddles than in
the rest of the dog park. Dog parks in Portland have paved lots so that dogs can be wiped down by the owners
before jumping back in the car. Portland dog parks also have restrooms. The Porta Potties make Salem's dog
park seem pretty poor. I do like the large area, bark mulched loop trail, etc. A swimming area for off leash dogs
would be nice. The parking lot for the dog park should be enlarged; on some summer peak use days there are no
parking spots and the lot gets jammed with cars waiting for spots, making it more dangerous for the dogs coming
and going to cars in the lot.
11/13/2014 7:45 PM
Homeless camps and safety
11/13/2014 6:32 PM
I miss the seasonality of the farmer's efforts
11/13/2014 6:26 PM
Raising trail profiles to reduce flooding closures
11/13/2014 5:31 PM
Paper copy of maps available. I realize there is a cost associated with this but it would be a great help in
exploring new areas.
11/13/2014 5:29 PM
11/13/2014 3:49 PM
it would be a shame to take away yet another natural area, we have so few left. Lets keep Minto- Brown as it is
11/13/2014 2:18 PM
I would like to see more natural trails (not paved) for non motorized use. It would be great to have a mountain
bike cross country style trails. Although, a free ride area would be fun, too.
11/13/2014 2:18 PM
Enhancing and adding to what is already a great asset to the community and making even more accessible.
11/13/2014 1:41 PM
Increased safety in the park for us elderly with walkers & canes who enjoy the trails! More bike cops, on horses?
11/13/2014 12:03 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Putting a bridge from downtown Salem to Minto Brown Park will make it more unsafe!!! A lot more garabage and
homeless people moving in...HORRIBLE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/13/2014 11:47 AM
Flooding in Winter makes large sections of the park unusable. In some cases the flooded sections are less than
100 feet. Would be nice to see raised pathways or some other form of flood abatement so the rest of the park can
still be accessed during wet periods.
11/13/2014 11:00 AM
To have benches placed for resting and for reflections on life, as we enter Minto-Brown from downtown Salem.
My walks and bike rides throughout the park have helped me process many things that have been challenging
me in life. The dog area is also very important. I would like to see an area developed for small dogs, and/or a
puppy area. The larger and more rambunctious dogs can have way too much energy for the safety of the little
ones. Thank you for asking for our input.
11/13/2014 10:38 AM
Plans to patrol the park to reduce homeless use and make sure there is safety between downtown and the park.
11/13/2014 10:18 AM
promoting bicycling and running and walking the entire length of river....so I can walk from west salem.
11/13/2014 10:17 AM
The new signage is great! This makes it much easier for folks to utilize the extensive trail system. Maintaining the
vegetation along all the trails is paramount to safety and accessibility. Continuing to clear out the blackberries
increase the trail system is important to me as a daily user of the park.
11/13/2014 10:00 AM
Invasive weed control and habitat restoration
11/13/2014 9:10 AM
Safe for wild life and humans.
11/13/2014 8:15 AM
Paving dog park parking area Maintaining trails in dog park by laying down hog fuel and filling holes.
11/13/2014 8:11 AM
Water. The last time I visited the park, I learned that there is no potable water. Also, improve the rest room
facilities. The playground is not all inclusive. To my knowledge, Salem doesn't have a park that is accessible
enough for children with disabilities. (Note Harper's Playground in Portland) I have to confess that I'm very bitter
about Salem's lack of investment in its children. It hasn't bought or built anything specifically for kids since the
skate park, to my knowledge. Every community surrounding Salem (i.e., Turner, Silverton, Stayton, Dallas,
Woodburn) has a swimming pool. Eugene has numerous aquatic centers throughout the city. Salem's Parks and
Recreation Department had to merge with another department and cut staff. But the City found the money to build
a bridge that serves a relatively small portion of the population. The City is looking to invest more money in
Minto-Brown, but hasn't finished Geer Park. Isn't the 'investment' of millions in the pedestrian bridge enough for a
long while? Parks on the North side of town pretty much can wait for the neighborhood to improve them because
the City doesn't have the money.
11/13/2014 7:47 AM
Maintaining the Natural environment while keeping paths clear for use. We love Mintoo Brown!
11/13/2014 6:25 AM
Quality of the area and living space for the animals that live there and quieter space to enjoy the outdoors not far
from home
11/13/2014 6:18 AM
It's supposed to a nature park, but every time I go there I see more and more of it being turned into lawns. Many
people have lawns at their residential lots and most people have a park near where they live that has sufficient
lawns for their activities. We don't need more lawns at Minto Brown. Lawns require a lot of a care (removal of
natural vegetation to put them in, mowing, weed abatement, etc). The natural vegetation is beautiful and doesn't
require all that, and that's what we're going there to see. Also people do not take seriously the signs that say their
dogs are supposed to be on a leash outside the off leash dog park. Just yesterday I ran into the same ladies and
loose dog, twice, even after I spoke to them about it, and another couple with an off leash pit bull. I don't like it,
and I don't feel safe around that. And the dogs loose could get lost and suffer a nasty fate. Also, I pick up trash
throughout the park and find cigarette butts everywhere, hundreds of them. The reason the staff may not know
it's such a problem is because people pick them up. Banning smoking on the trails and near waterways might
help. Enough with the interpretive signs. The rusty posts are ugly and some are put right in front of the viewshed,
like the one at the beginning of the main trail along the river. That needs to be moved. Also some of the old trees
in the interior of the park have a bad ivy problem. The guys who won't be putting in anymore lawns can still keep
themselves employed but cutting and spraying the ivy.
11/12/2014 10:46 AM
The construction of actual restroom facilities instead of the current port-a-potty situation. Especially since I have
personally observed increased park usage. Additional picnic shelter structures.
11/11/2014 7:11 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
The off-leash dog park needs clearly-marked boundaries. Walking my leashed dog on the nearby sidewalk, I am
rushed by off-leash dogs in the park that want to play or challenge me or my dog. Some chase cars and bikes as
well. The owners shout, "But it's an off-leash park!" The sign at the dog-park entrance shows a boundary well
before the sidewalk; but owners don't realize where it is and assume that the sidewalk along the road is part of
the park. The sign also instructs people to leash-walk their dogs on and off the field. I've never seen anyone do
that. It seems that the park is used by people who have little or no control over their dogs and find it handy for
them to get to run loose--which is fine for them, but not fine for anybody else. Please, either install a fence or
patrol the area!
11/11/2014 6:26 PM
Protecting the environment from degradation by homeless who will take advantage of the easy access by the
11/11/2014 4:53 PM
The effect of the construction process will have on the deer (plural) and resident cougar in the north section of the
park. I'm also concerned about any residual chemicals that might still be in the soil from Boise Cascade's use of
the area. Finally, how is potential flooding being addressed?
11/11/2014 3:15 PM
1. making sure the park doesn't get over-developed and over-improved. I like walking in what seems like the
woods or the "country". Putting in more trails, removing blackberries and other brush, mowing the fields, and
putting up signs all make it start to seem smaller, and look like any other city park. Please keep the park more
like Forest Park in Portland, which has very little going through it other than trails. Creating a manicured park will
take away much of Minto's appeal. 2. Preserving space and habitat for wildlife. I enjoy birding, and they use the
cover of the blackberries and brush to look for food and rest. I also enjoy seeing deer, which also lose some of
their cover when you created more cleared areas. 3. Keeping people from setting up tents and living in the park.
This will be even more important after the footbridge at Riverfront Park is installed.
11/11/2014 2:36 PM
I'd like to see wide bike paths so there is enough room so it is safe for walkers and families with children. I'd also
like to see the city ensure that homeless encampments do not expand in Minto Brown Park once the access from
downtown is easier.
11/11/2014 2:32 PM
Get the bridge done sooner
11/11/2014 2:13 PM
Lighting and running paths and safety!
11/11/2014 8:18 AM
connectivity of downtown area to riverfront park via bike. Currently Riverfront park does not have good bike
access from other parts of downtown. It would be great to see a dedicated bike route up state street connecting
the park to areas east of downtown, and connecting up with other bike routes. With the bike park in Wallace
Marine Park this will be increasingly valuable. -Joe
11/11/2014 7:31 AM
A fence separating the dog park from the road. Not necessarily surrounding it, just to keep dogs from the road. I
don't want to see the park become too manicured. Keep it wild and natural. Once the footbridge is built have
regular patrols to remove the homeless camps that are sure to pop up. At the present I feel safe walking alone in
Minto, but never in Wallace with all the bums there.
11/10/2014 9:52 PM
You've done a great job with the fairly recent signage. :) I also appreciate that water fountains have been
installed. Thank you.
11/10/2014 8:43 PM
homeless camps
11/10/2014 7:42 PM
Safety from vagrants
11/10/2014 6:28 PM
complete the direct connection between downtown and the park on the East side of the park (between the park
and River Road). More isolation between off-lease dog area and pedestrian paths. Aggressive and poorly
controlled dogs are a problem. Even a low fence would be helpful.
11/10/2014 4:51 PM
safety at the park
11/10/2014 1:52 PM
Maybe a bigger parking lot.
11/10/2014 1:45 PM
Minto-Brown park is not very accessible for cyclists and pedestrians right now. The only way to get there is via
River Road, which is unsafe and unpleasant to walk or bike on. I really look forward to construction of the bridge
so I'll be able to safely walk or bike to the park from my neighborhood. Please don't think about expanding
parking at Minto-Brown. Many people who drive to the park now will probably be able to walk or bike there once
the bridge is built. In fact, you might be able to get rid of some parking or have car-free days at the park when all
the roads are reserved for bikes.
11/10/2014 11:29 AM
Support from Salem Police Department with respect to posting of transient camps and occasional bike patrols.
Removing or, at least reducing, invasive plant species. Additional signage for direction finding and park rules. The
proposed bridge will become a traffic safe passage to and from downtown Salem.
11/10/2014 11:14 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Just thankful for all the park provides!
11/10/2014 9:21 AM
I completely support the new bridge but since I live in South Salem, I doubt I will use it much. I would love to see
access to the park at the north end of River Road S. I would like to see better dog leash enforcement outside of
the off-leash areas at Minto. There are so many unleashed dogs. If more people begin using Minto (this is a good
thing) maybe there need to be better "rules of the road" posted encouraging people to stay to the right and to try
not to take up the entire path, or perhaps a line needs to be painted down the middle to encourage people to
walk/bike. I also really wish there was a better bike route which connects South Salem to the River front park so
one could do a loop from Minto to River Front Park. The bike paths along Commercial and Liberty are dangerous
and extremely unpleasant for cycling.
11/10/2014 9:05 AM
Preservation of the park as it was originally intended and not as a haven for the homeless.
11/10/2014 8:47 AM
I want to see the new bridge become one of Salem's landmark attractions.
11/10/2014 7:28 AM
paint a dotted line down the center of paved paths and include in signage that walkers, families, etc. should stay
to one side, be aware of bikers & runners approaching from behind and needing to pass (share the road). And
make it more well-advertised that dog owners must keep their dogs from jumping on other guests, as well as
where the off-leash area is. Too many people think it includes the pedestrian path.
11/9/2014 9:46 PM
I worry about the safety of Minto Park. As access becomes easier for people walking from downtown via the
bridge how much more unsafe will Minto be? How park flooding will affect the bridge access and the new trail I
hope there will continue to be soft trails and that paved trails will not take over the whole park
11/9/2014 8:16 PM
What impact do you think all the homeless people, who will be free to migrate from downtown area using the new
bridge/trail, will have on usage of the park? Are there any plans to control this? More police presence? Cops on
bike-patrol? What about all the broken bottles/trash that they will certainly discard? Safety of "normal" citizens?
My wife and I certainly do NOT look forward to this new bridge/trail opening, for the likely reasons already
11/9/2014 5:11 PM
Add more FUN and light-heartedness. Where is the fun in your plan? What is the fun in your vision?
11/9/2014 4:37 PM
First of all, I LOVE the new maps! I have explored parts of the park I hadn't seen before. I really appreciate all the
efforts that have been made in this park, including efforts to address the spread of invasive plants. I really like
having some trails that are not paved. They provide more opportunities for solitude. I know the needs of people
and wildlife need to be balanced, but I would like to see us protect as much wildlife habitat as possible. I love
seeing the deer, rabbits, osprey, bald eagles and geese. I even spent part of a morning with an otter. If this
means keeping certain portions free of trails, I think that's a good idea. My heart goes out to homeless people, but
I don't want to see transients camping in the park. Because of campsites, there have been several times when I
haven't felt as safe in some areas. I also worry about cigarettes tossed around the camps, because of the fire
danger. THANK YOU for all you are doing. This park is a treasure.
11/9/2014 11:52 AM
Keeping areas natural. Having some unpaved trails. Real restrooms would be nice. Keeping the park safe for all.
11/9/2014 10:06 AM
To keep it a wildlife preserve.
11/8/2014 10:11 PM
With the plans of the new bridge, it is vital that the wildlife preservation stays a priority over a silly bridge
11/8/2014 8:29 PM
Is the whole of Minto Brown an off leashed dog park?. If Minto Brown is a wildlife reserve, maybe the staff should
find a way to control the off leashed dogs on the trail systems. Almost every time I walk the trails there is a least
one, two, or more dogs running wild without leashes. This makes the park dangerous for leashed dog, children,
elderly, and disabled. Many time I see dead squirrels, rabbits and other small game. If this was from predators,
they would of been eaten. Most likely it is from dogs hunting. Please find a way to control this problem.
11/8/2014 4:53 PM
Increase the number of trails that are gravel, bark dust or just dirt. Potentially adding additional porta-johns to the
far reaches of the park. The addition of a bridge that would connect the paved path along the river across the
ditch that connects to go back into the county section of the park.
11/8/2014 4:47 PM
I think the most important issue that should be at the forefront of this process is that the park should continue to
be a place for the Salem community. Development is an important piece but that development should be smart
and carter to the Marion County community, alternative forms of transportation (See: NO CARS), preserve animal
and plant species both wild and domestic, be family friendly, and free of violence and vagrancy. I would support a
footbridge that I believe would add character and easy access to both parks. I just want the park to stay free of
commercial development, thank you.
11/8/2014 2:43 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
1. I am a long time user of the park (since the mid to late 70's). Preservation of natural areas and wildlife
enhancement in an urban reserve is of utmost importance to me and follows original goals of providing habitat for
migratory waterfowl (look at original purchase/funding agreements with ODFW). The removal of active farming
(which was a provision of original master plans) has significantly reduced migratory bird numbers. This has, in
turn, altered the variety of species (birds and mammals) formerly seen at Minto-Brown Island. The significant
secondary invasion of blackberries, related directly to the recent transition to "natural" wetland enhancement from
cultivated areas, has been disappointing and unnecessary and may be in violation of original financing
agreements for the park land. (I am well aware of the purchase agreements Salem made with the federal
agencies for wetland restoration projects that essentially eliminated select park uses). 2. Safety is a huge and
ongoing concern. I often use the park alone and do my best to be mindful of safety precautions. I have noted an
increase in camp sites and foot trails scattered throughout the park, likely due to recent economics and
homelessness. Reports of and witnessing drug transactions is no longer uncommon.We cannot deny that
increased transient and criminal activity will increase with the connector bridge from downtown. I would request
increased safety officer/patrol presence be included in any planning and budgets for the park, especially
in/adjacent areas newly opened by the bridge access. 3.Good stewardship and maintenance of current park
facilities, and resurrection of trails lost to past budget cuts. The new informational kiosks and maps are a nice
addition, as is the dog fountain. 4. Restrict public vehicle access to current levels. New or extended road systems
do not belong here. Thank you for your consideration
11/8/2014 12:39 PM
I support increased access to Minto-Brown Park from downtown, but hope it is done in a way that preserves the
natural qualities of the park.
11/8/2014 12:01 PM
Keep the park as natural as possible, & especially keep the part near the soon-to-be built bridge wild & natural. I
hate to see wildlife lose yet more habitat. Continue to clear blackberries, etc. near paths. The big walk/run events
that are held at the end of summer/in the fall are a problem for others who come to use the park then. I belong to
a Sat. morning walking group, & we often have no where to park when these events occur, which is every Sat. in
the early fall.
11/8/2014 11:45 AM
Maintain the natural state of things. Provide lots of trails with connections and views of the River. Ease of access
is important and the new bridge will greatly improve getting there without a car. The pedestrian path on River
Road South is downright scary to use.
11/8/2014 8:29 AM
Long term maintenance plan to keep the park beautiful and safe.
11/8/2014 6:20 AM
Better bathroom facilities. More water/drinking fountains.
11/7/2014 11:07 PM
I want that bridge to be beautiful! Why not ask local schools to make "bridge design" a project and make
presentations to the Parks Board? Maybe we could increase the variety of flora; encourage insects, butterflies,
birds etc etc...
11/7/2014 10:30 PM
Way to prevent motorized vehicles (motorcycles, and other small motorized vehicles) from using the running/bike
paths. How are you going to put barriers in the start of the paths so motorcycles cannot drive onto them?
11/7/2014 9:53 PM
Address the flooding issues,
11/7/2014 9:03 PM
Maintaining and adding additional soft surface paths.
11/7/2014 8:34 PM
Keeping the walkways cleared as they are now. 10" cleared of on the sides. Returning some of the fields to
plantings as they used to so the geese would return. We have noticed that the geese are no longer stopping
down there on their annual migrations both north and south
11/7/2014 8:15 PM
safety and preserving the natural environment.
11/7/2014 7:20 PM
The empty lot along riverfront park needs to become a parking lot, short of that a restroom on the other side of the
park would be nice
11/7/2014 6:42 PM
I'm glad to see the soft path areas being cleared. I hope they will be kept clear and efforts made to control the
black berries. Clearing the black berries has made the park more open which is more aesthetically pleasing and
11/7/2014 5:38 PM
I would like to see the park managed for wildlife habitat as much as for human activities. I am not really in favor of
how aggressively the fields have been mown. I understand you are trying to control the berry vines, but you are
also destroying habitat. I don't want the park to look like a golf course . It should be left mostly wild. I visit the park
5-7 times per week consistently and have done so for many years.
11/7/2014 4:51 PM
try no to cut down too many trees and keep it as natural looking as possible
11/7/2014 3:53 PM
As much public access as possible
11/7/2014 3:47 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
development of more soft (non asphalt) trails.
11/7/2014 3:41 PM
I would love to see Minto-Brown be one of Salem's most prized possessions that attracts not just our community
but people from all over the world.
11/7/2014 3:27 PM
Preserving the natural environment. Not disturbing wildlife habitat.
11/7/2014 3:18 PM
I would like to have another trail designated off-leash for dogs. The area along the river on the gravel/dirt path
(not the paved path) is an ideal spot. On leash till you get there, off leash once the trails split for the approximate
3 mile loop.
11/7/2014 3:03 PM
It would be nice if winter flooding could be addressed so that the park paths remain accessible year round.
11/7/2014 2:52 PM
I assume this is outside the scope of the Park's planning process, but access to the park via River Road is bad for
bikers and walkers. I'd like to see that improved.
11/7/2014 2:36 PM
safety and the environment as well as recreation.
11/7/2014 2:35 PM
Continue to manage the park for the 150+ species of birds and wildlife, as well as for its human visitors and their
pets. Please keep dogs on leash when not in the leash free area. Restrict cutting the fields, shrubs and brambles
during prime bird nesting period: April 15 through July 31. Many of the birds that nest in the park build their nests
on the ground or in shrubs and brambles (including blackberries).
11/7/2014 2:28 PM
Add more soft (i.e., non-paved) trails consisting of either crushed gravel or bark chip. Many runners love the soft
trail surfaces, similar to what is currently lining Bush Park. Please consider adding soft trails in addition to the
paved trails!
11/7/2014 2:26 PM
Preservation of the land. If people object to the Bridge because of the homeless population, let's address that
separately. And, let's address it at the appropriate 'table'. Maybe the possibility of creating the water bridges over
the pathways like they use in England so that you can continue to use the paths when there are heavy rains or
flooding? p.s. the recent addition of the maps and the bathrooms have been great!
11/7/2014 1:12 PM
I'm not sure how possible it is, but it would be nice if the flooding on the north end of the park was addressed. We
have tried to walk toward the area where the new bridge is going to be built, but it is usually impassable due to
watery conditions.
11/7/2014 11:43 AM
1) Please leave the dog park, it is the best facility in the park and used daily by many 2) Paving the entire dog
park parking lot would be helpful; every winter the potholes become car killers 3) More signage to explain the
wildlife areas and why dogs need to be on leash in those areas - for example, the field east of the dog park is
becoming an extension of it for some folks with an access trail from the main road and two path points of entry
from the tree tunnel on the east side of the parking lot 4) A larger playground would be appreciated at some point
11/7/2014 10:58 AM
Preservation of natural areas. Greater separation of the off-leash area and better signage at edge of area (for
example, the asphalt path next to the off-leash area is not part of the off-leash area, but signs don't make that
clear). Ways to encourage users to help pick up litter, ask dog owners to leash etc. (signs: "Litter: if you see, it
pick it up.") Safety enhancements on blind corners; I've almost been run over by bikers: stripes. I think the new
signs/maps are tasteful and helpful. I also think the city has done a very good job of trying to let users know that
dogs must be leashed. Don't over-sign in the future, however! Park of what is wonderful about Minto is the
wildness. Volunteer park patrol: Needs an update in how it operates. Park patrol is so important, but potential
and current volunteers find driving to the Courthouse to check in and out burdensome and even dangerous on a
bike (on-line check-in/check-out possible?). When I was a member, I found that lack of information was
embarrassing; users asked lots of questions, and I didn't know the answers. Much more frequent E-mail updates
would be useful, both about operations (what's that machine doing?) and nature (what are those new trees,
which birds are in the park now, etc.) Thank you!
11/7/2014 9:51 AM
Fence around off leash dog park. Would be nice to have better separation.
11/7/2014 9:18 AM
Improved trail maintenance. Invasive plant control.
11/7/2014 9:03 AM
Preserve the natural surroundings, leave the park as it is. Fewer amenities will leave the park as it was. No man
made signs or structures will continue to make the park feel like an escape from the city. Look towards Silver
Creek Falls for ideas.
11/7/2014 8:12 AM
Accessibility and keeping the park natural . Mowing at the dog park and near trails has been great!
11/7/2014 6:38 AM
Lighting! Emergency phones!
11/7/2014 12:08 AM
Increased walkability and bikeability (for people of all ages) from down town all the way to Minto Brown Island
11/6/2014 10:47 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Improving access/use of river (access for paddling) Improving/adding facilities for picnicking
11/6/2014 10:18 PM
Mantain park as a nature reserve with wildlife and fauna preservation. Bike Safety rules need to be posted, ie
yield to pedestrians and helmets for youth.
11/6/2014 10:18 PM
Keep it natural and beautiful! It is a wonderful place to walk and get away from the city. We are very lucky to have
this park in Salem.
11/6/2014 9:31 PM
Keep it an attractive natural park area.
11/6/2014 9:00 PM
Somehow make it safe for walkers to be able to walk the trails and not have bicycles come around the corners
and scare the heck out of us! Maybe set up some bird blinds so you can be out of the sight of the water fowl.
11/6/2014 8:44 PM
While having nice walking and biking trails, it is also important to set aside wildlife habitat.
11/6/2014 7:00 PM
1) Preservation and/or rehabilitation of natural areas. This is a nature park. 2) Need to better manage the former
agricultural fields. Either use for organic gardening or restore to native habitat. 3) Need qualified park "planners"
on city Parks staff to evaluate and plan effective park management.
11/6/2014 6:27 PM
I'd like to see the park kept as rustic as possible, knowing this will be difficult with additional paving, trails, and
bridge. I do like the increase of community events at the park. I hope that continues in an affordable way for many
types of users. I also hope that security at the park will be enhanced. As the park grows and attracts more people,
the unfortunate side effect is that there will be more evil-doers at the park and adjacent areas. I would like to see
more police presence at the park, on the slough easement, on the new bridge and on the pedestrian bridge to
Wallace park. Also, I am not an advocate of restroom buildings being constructed at the park. That would just
encourage problems as the ones currently at Riverfront park. Plus, it's easier to replace a burnt down port-a-potty
than a building. Thanks for listening. I appreciate all your work and that of the work crews at the park.
11/6/2014 4:46 PM
Many of the asphalt trails are in bad shape: cracked, bumpy, rutted, grass-filled, etc. They are especially
dangerous for skateboarders, inline skaters, and elderly people. Hopefully the quality of the existing trails at Minto
Brown will be upgraded to match the quality of the new trail(s) being built as part of the new pedestrian bridge.
Many existing trails also are overly narrow, making it risky when bicyclists and pedestrians pass each other. The
restrooms need major upgrading. They're portie-potties with some minor landscaping. It'd be nice to have running
water for the restrooms. The dog park parking lot should be paved. It would be good to have part of the dog park
fenced, with different areas for small/quiet and large/active dogs.
11/6/2014 3:22 PM
More natural surface trails. More rules or guidelines for use of the dog park. Designate specific areas for remote
control cars and drones in the park (or banned in the park), particularly use of these items in the dog park. The
dog park should not be used for high school running events. The City should look at other rules and etiquette for
dog parks in other cities such as Portland.
11/6/2014 1:32 PM
More dirt single track bike paths. Some basic maintenance on some of the small dirt trails (Simple cutting back of
black berry vines, limbs and grasses.). Maybe a bit of gravel for the muddy spots.
11/6/2014 1:31 PM
Making sure that dirt/bark trail is made available even if paving must occur for ADA access. Community art
possibilities and community participation/input (such as this survey) along the way. Thanks!
11/6/2014 12:39 PM
I also used to be able to put in my boat along the road that goes to the dump, but now there's a fence there.
11/6/2014 12:35 PM
Ensure you're looking at it in the regional context - Willamette River Water Trail, upstream and downstream
paddle-access natural areas, etc. There are a lot of great spots already and more coming (Hayden Island)
11/6/2014 11:45 AM
The bike path to Minto-Brown on River Road is in terrible shape. It never got cleaned after the roads were
graveled during the snowstorm, and it is also full of plant matter and other debris. Tree roots are coming up under
it, making it very bumpy, cracked, and difficult to ride on. This trail is a huge deterrent for people who want to bike
to the park, which is a problem since Minto-Brown is one of the most popular riding destination for casual cyclists
in Salem.
11/6/2014 11:11 AM
More natural surface trails for running and walking.
11/6/2014 8:13 AM
Traffic access from the parkway to the bridge area. With the current traffic on the parkway, and limited access to
the carousel area of the Riverfront park, it would appear little planning is being made to alleviate the increased
congestion in that area nor attention given to the safety of the children/adults who frequent the carousel area.
Minto - Brown Island park will attract a lot of the homeless who currently congregate in and around Marion Park
and that surrounding area. With the limited funds for current policing in the downtown area, how will patrons be
protected and have access to a secure environment when the derelicts will be able to set up housing at Minto?
11/6/2014 6:50 AM
Separated trail facilities where appropriate to reduce use conflict.
11/6/2014 5:51 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Would like to see the reduction of non-native plants ie blackberry,ivy etc. I think the use of goat herds could be
one useful way to help with the non native species. I would like to see more use of barkmulch on the dirt trails,this
would help them be more usable in the rainy season.
11/6/2014 5:33 AM
Safety is huge. What about several satellite picnic or rest/scenic areas throughout?
11/6/2014 12:15 AM
I would like to see the wishes of the citizens respected for a change. There is plenty to access in this park without
crossing the river. Our taxes could be better spent on maintaining and repairing those road the city is responsible
for. I believe there are enough bicycle byways without adding this bridge. Automobile and home owners are
bearing the expense, not bicyclists, who do not even pay licensing fees to travel on our streets. Before
contemplating building a bridge, the money would be better spent on educating the bicyclists on the laws
governing use and on common courtesy in sharing the road. Too many bicyclists ride double-wide, fail to be
aware of their surroundings and do not obey the laws when coming to a red light or stop sign. Automobile drivers
are most usually aware of their responsibilities and the damages or injuries that can be caused by not being
cautious around bicyclists; however, bicyclists should always presume that their actions can cause accidents
also. A bridge from M-BIP would increase already dangerous traffic when entering or exiting the entrance to the
park at Front Street. With the exit from the Marion Street Bridge and the through traffic on Front Street making
necessary lane changes, bicycle traffic exiting that park will create a further hazard. There is too much activity in
too little roadway area. A bridge is a very bad thing and I do not believe we need to impress anyone with our
multiple bicycle lanes and bridges. Respectfully, Rosemary Scott
11/5/2014 9:38 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
*******Please re-route the walking paths hat is adjacent to the dog park to the opposite side of the street and put
up a fence along the road so that the pathway is available for people who need shade for their dogs to walk. This
would also eliminate dogs chasing after joggers, bikers and cars. They would not even get as much attention on
the other side of the street. ******Add a covered area area for folks who bring their dogs in the rain or if the dogs
don't do well in the heat of summer. Rules******* This is a playground for dogs, not children. Do not let your kids
run around, scream, pick up and wave sticks, or approach animals that they do not know. No bikes, motorized
kids cars or people jogging in the dog park because dogs like to chase them. No children under the age of 16 will
be allowed unless closely supervised at all times. While it is not recommended, children are welcome - however,
child's play is not. This is a playground for dogs, not children. Be sure you teach your child how to behave
properly in a dog park environment. Playful, unsupervised children and playful, unleashed dogs mixed together
could result in injury. Please understand that this area is provided for dogs to interact with other dogs and that
your child could be considered an interruption in dog play. If you choose to bring your child within the park, you
should SUPERVISE VERY CLOSELY!!! Teach your child proper dog park behavior. Children should not run
around, scream, pick up and wave sticks, or approach animals that they do not know. Keep your head on a
swivel at all times as there will likely be groups of dogs running around the park and having fun. People standing
around are obstructions. A dog being chased may try to run its pursuer into a person in order to gain an
advantage. Stay alert! - Puppies under 4 months old are prohibited;They should be kept away from the dog park
for their own protection and that of other dogs. Dogs in heat Are prohibited. Do not bring human food to the dog
park. Small dog treats are acceptable since that's what one uses to train a dog; however, human food or longlasting dog chews should not be brought into the off-leash area. Many dogs are on diets to keep their weight
under control. A normally well-behaved dog can jump at or lunge for food, especially tasty human food, when
hungry. Also, do not give any treats to a dog without first checking with the dog's owner to see if that would be
permissible. Some dogs have food allergies and that treat might make a dog ill. Each handler is legally
responsible for his or her dog, and ************ City/County will assume no responsibility for any injuries to
humans or animals; therefore, each handler is responsible for supervision of his or her animal. All handlers must
remain in the park with their dog at all times. Rules for the Unsupervised Dog Park Prevent A Dog Fight Before It
Happens: Learn the 4P Warning Signs: Posture: A dog’s body language can communicate fear, hostility or
submission. Learn to read and respond to your own dog’s body language, and others. Packing: More than 4 or 5
dogs packed together can lead to trouble. Break it up before it starts by leading your dog to a neutral area at least
30 feet away. Possession: Whether it’s you, a ball or a treat, most dogs will protect what is theirs. Remain aware
and consider not bringing those items. Provoking: If your dog is continuously annoying another dog or dogs, or
provoking attention, it’s time to leave the park. What You Can Do To Prevent a Fight: Pay attention to your dog
and be aware of where he is and what he is doing at all times. Stay close enough to control or protect your dog in
the face of a potential fight. Keep a collar on your dog at all times so you have something to grab, if needed.
Leave the Park. Some days it’s just a bad mix. Go for a walk or come back later. You and your dog will be better
off. What You Can Do If A Fight Occurs: Never reach your hands into the middle of a dogfight. You may get
bitten, possibly by your own dog. Distract the dogs and divert their attention. A blast of water from a water bottle,
loud whistle, or a pocket air horn may work. If a fight occurs, control your dog and remove him to a neutral area.
Maintain a cool head. Getting upset and yelling will only add to the frenzy. When warranted, exchange contact
information with the other dog owners. If you can’t because you must attend to your dog, designate someone
else to get information. What to Do If You or Your Dog Are Injured in a Dog Fight: Remember: An injured dog
may bite anyone nearby. A dogfight can be violent and is upsetting to everyone present. Attitude: Even the
calmest, most pleasant, well-adjusted person may become upset, angry or belligerent, if they or their dog is
injured in a fight. Emotional behavior is automatic; try to remain calm and as objective as possible. Legal
Responsibility: Owners are solely liable for injuries or damage caused by their dogs. This includes injury to
another dog or person, no matter how it began, who said what, or whatever. Exchange Information: All involved
parties should provide pertinent information including name, address, phone numbers and vaccination records to
each other. Report the Incident: Minor scuffles occur frequently. In the case of a serious fight or injury or a dog
that clearly exhibits aggressive or dangerous behavior, call Animal Control or the Police Department to report the
incident. You must have information on the offending person, even if it is only a license plate number. Your Dog
is Your Personal Property. You Are Legally Responsible For Damage of Injury Caused By Your Dog.
11/5/2014 9:33 PM
Maintain the natural environment of the park. DO NOT commercialize it - ie; no buildings, etc., carousel type
items, such as is downtown. Maintain paths in the natural environment. Maintain farming activities. Do not build
and do not allow concerts, and events, such as is done downtown. KEEP IT SIMPLE, AND NATURAL!
11/5/2014 9:31 PM
A save, user-friendly paddle boat access from Riverfront Park. The Riverfront Park dock is to high to safely get
in/out of canoes and kayaks, and you have to carry the boats to far from parking. The Willamette Queen also
poses a safety hazard.
11/5/2014 9:04 PM
restrooms and water. safety. parking lot monitoring.
11/5/2014 9:02 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
1. Homeless people camping in the park. But there needs to be an overall effort from the city to reduce the
number of homeless rather than simply pushing them out of one area and into others. 2. The new maps in the
park show the 2016 bridge and trail as a done deal. But they aren't open yet. This could confuse visitors. I
suggest temporary stickers etc. on the maps to address this. 3. Less asphalt trails and more wood chip trails
11/5/2014 8:31 PM
Be conservative while spending taxpayers money.
11/5/2014 7:41 PM
preserving the natural wildlife, keeping it safe to run and exercise with the homeless population
11/5/2014 6:51 PM
I would like to see some of the land used to put in a top level Disc Golf course which could be used as a draw to
folks visiting Salem area and future top level tournements. Thank you Steve Moore [email protected]
Hawg Farm Disc Golf
11/5/2014 6:46 PM
ease of parking for handicap
11/5/2014 6:29 PM
The most important thing to me is to preserve Minto as a natural environment. No buildings and no
commercialization what so ever. We are so lucky to have this huge, magnificent park in Salem. "In Wildness is
the preservation of the world." Henry David Thoreau
11/5/2014 6:03 PM
11/5/2014 4:17 PM
Preserving wildlife that will have their home ruined and invaded by extra traffic.
11/5/2014 4:13 PM
Additional porta-potties in other areas of the park.
11/5/2014 4:12 PM
How to humanely prepare for and manage, in a supportive compassionate manner, homeless people who may
find comfort in the park with it more accessible to foot traffic from downtown.
11/5/2014 3:55 PM
If possible, it would be really nice to have a second off-leash area where dogs could access the river for
swimming/splashing. I believe there are several parks in Portland that offer this feature. I'd love to have it in
Salem, too!
11/5/2014 3:29 PM
I want to keep Minto-Brown Island park as wild as possible. I sense that the coming bridge will largely destroy
much of what the park has come to be - and the associated wildlife.
11/5/2014 2:37 PM
As a cyclist I am VERY excited about the new bridge and trail - I will definitely use it to access Minto-Brown
Island Park and will use the park more often. I do not like riding my bicycle on River Road South from Owens, it
feels very unsafe and I have been yelled at by motorists who are exceeding the posted speed limit. Being able to
access Minto-Brown Island Park from Riverfront Park will be a much safer and more pleasant experience. I do
believe in preserving marsh lands used by water foul and migratory birds, however I do not feel the new bridge
and trail will make too great an impact. There needs to be a good balance between preservation and usability.
Restricting bikes and dogs to the trail should protect wildlife in the area. Thank you for surveying us!
11/5/2014 2:25 PM
Sometimes as a seventy year old lady I feel a little unsafe going alone, wonder if there could be a way for single
women who want to use the park, to contact other single women.
11/5/2014 1:32 PM
Keep most of park in undeveloped, natural landscape. Minimize conflicts among different users on trails:
walkers/runners vs. dog walkers vs. bicyclists. How to maintain the park, especially maintaining control of
blackberry, ivy after cleared out by inmate crews. Reduce invasive species, esp. the yellow-blossomed water
plant taking over the slough. Good trail connection between Riverfront and Minto-Brown Parks. Regulate mega
events to ensure they do not over burden parking capacity and detract from the experience of other park users.
11/5/2014 1:30 PM
redo the path markers with milage for running. and more trails if possiable
11/5/2014 12:41 PM
I would like to see more unpaved trails for running or walking to enjoy the park. Strategically placed trash cans
are always important to ensure people keep the park clean. Trail markers that show the master plan and how
Minto is connected with Bush, riverfront, and Wallace marine park
11/5/2014 12:29 PM
Please do not over-develop the park. Its beauty and significance have to do with its being a rural area
immediately adjacent to the city. I hope it can be kept natural and rustic without too much in the way of
hardscape and constructed "improvements." Roger Hull
11/5/2014 12:11 PM
Address urban camping by providing camp sites.
11/5/2014 12:08 PM
There are old vehicles rusting away inside the park. Please keep them, they are fun to photograph! Some other
rustic views to photograph would be nice!
11/5/2014 11:42 AM
the bridge only goes to one end of very large park... and as the park maps are set up that North is not always at
the top, it's too easy to get lost as is.
11/5/2014 10:32 AM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Continue improving wildlife habitat. Consider Park Rangers to cite people with dogs off leash on trails. Have
farmers include more features for wildlife in the agricultural areas, such as, hedge rows, viewing stations, wildlife
11/5/2014 10:11 AM
I sure would like to see some safely issues added to the park. As a women I don't usually go down there by
myself. I know it is fairly safe, but things have happened there. I would go down to the far end parking log by the
river if it is busy there so I could walk and see people al lthe time, but I can't always do that.
11/5/2014 10:00 AM
Please plan for increased concerns regarding the homeless population issue. I don't think people are being
reactionary when they worry about the park becoming more accessible to homeless folks and the problems that
come with that: security, homeless camps, littering, harassment. We can look to Portland's issues with the
Springwater Trail as just one example of problems we want to avoid here. Yes, Minto is a public space to be
enjoyed by all, but it also needs to be respected by all and preserved as a gem of a natural habitat.
11/5/2014 9:47 AM
Sustaining the wild, urban nature of the park. Protecting the park from habitation by homeless population. Hope
they use it during the day, but do not want to come upon homeless campsites (periodically happens now) and do
not want to find homeless individuals sleeping around the park during the day. It's a difficult balance, but its
important the park be welcoming to all, but not become intimidating to day use secondary to individuals in
unfortunate circumstances using it as their default home.
11/5/2014 9:38 AM
Camouflaged viewing ares.
11/5/2014 9:33 AM
I have been going to Minto Brown park since the early eighty's and have always loved the feeling of being out in
the country when actually you are in town. I would like many trails for exploring minto brown but of course keep it
as natural as possible. It would be nice to have one area designed with a larger playground for children. I love the
bridge going from downtown to Minto Brown Park my only concern is it makes the park easily assessable by
transients which will lead to some of them moving their homes out to the park to avoid the police. Over the years
that I have been to the park I have only ran across a very few street people but with the easier access I assume
this will increase in the park. Other then this concern I am very excited with everything going on in the park
11/5/2014 8:14 AM
I would love to see more single track dirt hiking/biking trails within the park.
11/5/2014 7:00 AM
Allow dogs in limited areas. There should be a portion of the park where dogs are not allowed.
11/5/2014 6:33 AM
Clear maps throughout park trails.
11/5/2014 1:19 AM
Preserving and improving the off dog off leash area.
11/4/2014 10:57 PM
Safe and comfortable active transportation access from South Salem to Minto Brown. Lighting and trail
maintenance for new path and bridge to make the path a viable year-round bike route for people living in South
Salem to access downtown jobs and shopping.
11/4/2014 9:55 PM
1. Maintain year round restrooms 2. Encourag travel to the park by bike or foot rather than car--don't take up
more space with parking lots! 3. Put on events, like trail runs, that encourage people to see the connectivity
aspect of the bridge links to Riverfront and Wallace Marine Parks. 4. Get input from running groups like
Willamette Valley Road Runners, Salem Area Trail Alliance and Run Wild on optimal construction of soft surface
trails for running and mountain biking. 5. Get the goats in there to work on the blackberry thickets.
11/4/2014 9:33 PM
Sometimes I feel it is a bit isolated. Also the flooding makes it difficult to enjoy during the rainy season.
11/4/2014 9:15 PM
removal of invasive weeds, and return to total native plantings. enforcement of leash laws, picking up after dogs
improvement of wildlife habitat through plantings, and land management. removal of feral cats alternative places
for homeless people to live as they will be ousted from the island when the bridge comes in.
11/4/2014 8:54 PM
1. Clean up or remove the ponds near new access road to Riverfront bridge. 2. Add small bridge where, approx
100 yards from N. end of riverside paved trail, a large dip floods in winter/spring interrupting usage!
11/4/2014 8:50 PM
To not loose the significance of the beauty - natural surroundings - access to the riverfront - the way the
environment allows for easy access to all parts of the park. I value the park a lot.
11/4/2014 8:47 PM
Let's get this bridge done with out delay!
11/4/2014 8:39 PM
preserve the natural areas as much as possible Make more places available near the water to picnic (have a lot
of tables and benches available along the paths) enable visitors to learn the history of Salem through markers
along the way showing old photographs and areas of interest lots of kayakers use the area. Enable a launch area
to be available ensure safety of visitors to the park through adequate lighting, paths that are wide and open
11/4/2014 8:32 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
After moving to Salem, I was disappointed to find that there is only one park where I can get a decent run in
without repeating trails. Minto is the only such park. I visit Minto-Brown at least once a day; oftentimes twice. I am
very discouraged and unhappy to see all the new "improvements" (your word; definitely not the word I'd choose)
to the park. Here are a few of my top concerns. - Since you added the signs, I have noticed an influx of
irresponsible park users depositing their trash wherever they please. I would like to see this issue addressed.
Beer bottles, candy wrappers and other similar items now "adorn" many of the paths - I am concerned with the
natural beauty of the park... and therefore I don't understand why it is necessary to use a tractor to mow down
much of the foliage throughout the park. Repeatedly. All throughout the park. - I am concerned that the back area
(near the dump) will be paved over. It was a nice haven for those of us who wanted to get away from paved trails
and city slickers who are afraid to get their shoes dirty. I hope it remains that way, but I am concerned. Salem has
nothing in the way of trail running, this area being the closest we have to nature trails, and I would like to see this
area remain unpaved and un-rock-covered. - Rather than spending so much money on the new signs (which by
the way, have several errors), I would have liked to have seen better bathrooms in place of the porta-potties at
the first and third parking lots Further, it would have been great to have installed drinking fountains at the first
parking lot instead. Thanks for your time.
11/4/2014 8:31 PM
I dislike the new maps that went up at the park. Since they have been installed there has been an increase in the
number of people that walk on some of the lesser known trails. This is somewhat ok (I know the park isn't just for
me) but they seem to be irresponsible park goers that are now trashing many of the trails that they used to not
visit. I would have liked for all the money spent on the new signs to go to adding a drinking fountain at the first
parking lot or maybe some better toilets. I also hate the fact that the park gets mowed-down so often. Why can't
we let nature take over some of the large fields instead of having them mowed to the ground every year? Wouldn't
it be great to let some trees grow in the fields? Or if you think that nature shouldn't be allowed to take over
because it would lead to too many invasive species then maybe trees could be planted in the large fields like they
are in the back loop area near the dump.
11/4/2014 8:29 PM
Spread of downtown homeless population across the river into the park, creating potentially dangerous
opportunities for confrontation with unprepared casual visitors to the park.
11/4/2014 7:28 PM
accessibility for homeless to habitat the park with easy city access
11/4/2014 7:13 PM
Plans for the new bridge. Please don't overdo.....keep the park natural and not overdeveloped or interpreted. We
do like the new way finding maps.
11/4/2014 7:03 PM
Get it done!
11/4/2014 6:59 PM
Don't cut down any trees!!!
11/4/2014 6:57 PM
Just assuring park user safety.
11/4/2014 6:45 PM
Please use quality construction to build it. It would be a waste to have to fix things that do not last for years to
come. It should be esthetically pleasing and attract people. Also, crime should be reduced throughout the
process. Make and keep Salem beautiful for all.
11/4/2014 6:39 PM
Don't build a bridge for the homeless to travel to Minto Brown. I already don't feel safe on some of the trails and
probably will not visit the park if the bridge is built. I'm still angry you agreed to pay the rat trap stern wheel as
much money as you did because you are "taking away his waterway."
11/4/2014 6:35 PM
I'm so happy this process is moving forward. I love the bridge design and concept of connecting Riverfront to
Minto and know this project will bring a lot of value to the community.
11/4/2014 6:31 PM
Continue the public access to the amazing trails and keeping the natural beauty of the park.
11/4/2014 6:24 PM
Don't let it become a hobo camp when access to Riverfront is finished. Glad to see the improvements and
progress mowing and widening the trails, thanks!
11/4/2014 6:14 PM
The potential for increased use of Minto by transients, homeless camps.
11/4/2014 6:10 PM
I would like to construction of any kind conducted a safe distance from the water's edge and preserving and
promoting as much natural habitat as possible while allowing visitors an engaging experience of the park.
11/4/2014 5:31 PM
Ongoing trail/pathway maintenance.
11/4/2014 5:27 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
My husband and I are extremely concerned about safety once the new bridge is built. We have tried running at
dusk at Riverfront Park, but we have always encountered people who are not using the park for appropriate
purposes. We have seen people having sex down by the acid ball, we have seen people graffiti-ing light posts,
we have seen homeless people hanging out, and groups of teenage boys smoking and swearing and hanging
out. I am not normally afraid of teenagers because I teach high school, but they made me very uncomfortable. I
am afraid that once the bridge is built to Minto, there will be so many transients and troublemakers in the woods
at Minto that it will be unsafe. I am fortunate that I run with my husband, but as a single woman I would feel this
park is no longer available for me to use. This park will need regular and constant supervision to ensure that it
remains safe for everyone. With erratic park funding, I have no confidence that there will be funding for security
on a long-term, stable basis. In addition to this, the foot-bridges that are currently in place back past the dog park
are falling apart. The wood has rotted through and you can see through holes in the decking. The chicken wire
that protects runners and walkers from slick surfaces has not been maintained. I would rather see the park be
maintained fully in its current condition rather than take on a new burden that the city is ill-equipped to maintain.
11/4/2014 5:22 PM
Wildlife and nature preservation.
11/4/2014 5:17 PM
Restoration of natural habitat.
11/4/2014 5:15 PM
Signage!!! I understand signage is supposed to improve. Signs now show where you are, but not where you can
go! Clear signage with mileage would be great. When I have gone walking there I am usually interested in the
number of miles the loops provide! I have gotten lost a couple of times walking in the park with someone else! It is
not a park I will walk in by myself. I do not feel safe on the trails by myself. I am not sure that is an issue that can
be addressed.
11/4/2014 5:07 PM
the access to/from the bridge- to build it in a way that it can be used year round and not flood or at least not too
11/4/2014 4:55 PM
Not displacing the homeless community there.
11/4/2014 4:50 PM
The park has many uses for humans, which is great to accommodate - and we humans need this space. But
always, protecting and enhancing safe habitat for the native wildlife whose actual home the area is, should be of
first priority. The factor of dogs that are uncontrolled and off-leash outside the dog exercise area is a severe
problem. When I walk in Minto, there are ALWAYS more dogs running OFF leash --- and not under electronic
control either --- than those whose owners are responsible and have them on leash. Not only is it disturbing to me
to be met on trails by barking, lunging dogs with no owner in sight (this happens all the time), but off-leash dogs
run into ground nesting bird habitat, and are disturbing nesting birds. I think much more could be done: for
example, place signs about WHY dogs need to be on leash and increase the fine for violation and enforce it (I
have seen, in CA, for example, where local police stay in the parking lots and actually ticket people who disobey
if they are caught with their dogs unleashed). The dog problem is one reason I don't go to Minto as much as I
would like. I oppose the Riverfront Park bridge and will not use it. I expect that there will be even more people
with off leash dogs entering the park there -- easier access, unfortunately. I would much rather have had the
huge amount of money being spent on the bridge to have been spent on habitat restoration and enhancement. I
am very disappointed in City "leaders" who are pushing this bridge -- I think the values behind it are misguided
and wrong.
11/4/2014 4:44 PM
Public safety Crime prevention Elimination of homeless encampments
11/4/2014 4:39 PM
I want to keep Minto Brown as natural as possible. I want lots of people to feel free to use it. I would like to be
able to access it from downtown. I want to be sure that biking areas are prevalent and that there are picnic areas
for everyone. The dog park should be kept with strict requirements for leashes for animals not in the free run dog
park. I want places for birds and other animals to feel safe.
11/4/2014 4:32 PM
I think the bridge is a great idea in theory, but I also think it is going to make MB a very, very unsafe park area. I
know many people who no longer walk the paths, because of the many homeless people who use the area. I
work in downtown Salem and I see the number of homeless men who are in the area and I worry that now they
will have easy access to camping/hiding areas in the park. Since the bridge is now a "done deal", please continue
to clear out the underbrush and blackberry hedges so that the line of site around the dog park and the walking
paths is improved and the area leaves fewer places for people to hide.
11/4/2014 4:25 PM
Keep the park as natural as possible with trails but don't add anything, no softball, soccer fields, etc.!
11/4/2014 4:23 PM
Although the new bridge is going to provide Salem with a great connection for pedestrians and bicyclists, there is
concern it may lead to encampments by homeless folks and close monitoring should be a major priority.
11/4/2014 4:21 PM
Safety. I want to feel safe using the park. I don't go to the park now because I don't feel safe walking my dog
there. I don't use Wendy Kroeger park in my neighborhood for the same reason,
11/4/2014 4:16 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
Management for increased traffic when bridge is constructed Better quality wildlife habitat along river Control of
invasive species in park
11/4/2014 4:06 PM
Keep it open and accessible, but control misuse and vandalism. Pretty inane, but I think that isvw here it is at.
11/4/2014 4:03 PM
Keep it as natural as possible. Limit motor vehicle activity to use of parking areas.
11/4/2014 3:53 PM
The importance of having wildlife viewing areas available from bike paths.
11/4/2014 3:41 PM
There may be additional safety issues. We appreciate the new signage we find in Minto Brown
11/4/2014 3:40 PM
minimal development. Enhanced safety, feeling of security all hours.
11/4/2014 3:37 PM
Many people are concerned transient population will have easy bridge access to the park and the park may
become less safe.
11/4/2014 3:33 PM
Environmental factors
11/4/2014 3:30 PM
A loop trail heading south of the earth ball along the east bank around the slough and connecting back north on
the other side of the slough to Riverfront park using the new bridge.
11/4/2014 3:27 PM
love the leash off dog park and would hate for it to become smaller.
11/4/2014 3:24 PM
I am not excited about the bridge because I fear it will increase both visitors to the park & pollution/crime in the
park. One of the things I love most about the park is the solitude and cleanliness. It's been a few weeks since I've
been out, but one thing I noticed was the sand around the information kiosks by the dog park. When it rains, it
makes a huge mess & leaves dogs covered in mud. I was wondering if there are future plans or if that's a
permanent feature? We LOVE the new drinking fountain! Thank you!
11/4/2014 3:15 PM
would not go there alone due to homeless/dangerous people/men there. More police presence
11/4/2014 3:14 PM
Balancing access to the park for all types of users: how to keep the trails walker-friendly with potentially more
bicyclists using the paths once the bridge is constructed. How to provide easy access yet prevent damaging
effects to the ecosystem. How to increase safety for users as well as protect infrastructure such as the porta
potties that were burned down. I am excited to see that the drinking fountains were re-installed but the water taste
quality is inferior to other neighboring parks such as riverfront and fairmont park and I wonder what can be done
for this.
11/4/2014 3:13 PM
That the park and all its walking paths are protected and maintained
11/4/2014 3:12 PM
Making the park more accessible by bike from downtown will be fantastic!
11/4/2014 3:02 PM
Can't think of anything.
11/4/2014 2:58 PM
Extra consideration and standards for the maintenance of the public structures. The playground, for instance, has
been closed on several occasions over the past year. Also, please publish better quality trail maps. Please also
post these throughout the park to aid in wayfinding.
11/4/2014 2:50 PM
Ummm, newer maps. I know you all just replaced the maps, but they really look like they were designed for a
large display format, not to be shrunk down to the small sign size. The fonts and trails are hard to read.
11/4/2014 2:50 PM
It seems that some bicyclers go to MB to take leisurely rides and look at nature. Some go to "work out." Those
who are working out are dangerous. They overtake walkers, families, etc. way too fast especially around blind
corners. Is there a way to discourage this use of the trails? Or can separate trails be identified so that fast bikers
and pedestrians are kept apart?
11/4/2014 2:45 PM
Trash abatement
11/4/2014 2:44 PM
Ensuring that the park is a part of the larger effort to restore habitats that support riparian fish and wildlife along
the Willamette River. The park is a very important link in the chain of habitats in the mid Willamette. The master
plan should keep open the opportunity for back channel reestablishment to help support the recovery of Oregon
chub and Willamette Chinook salmon.
11/4/2014 2:42 PM
Connection to adjacent Marion County property.
11/4/2014 2:40 PM
Esthetics, the new public area should be a major point beauty, elevating the natural spaces and allowing all to
access them. I would want access to the off leash park. Possibly improving access by moving it closer to the
central area with fenced areas for the dogs safety.
11/4/2014 2:37 PM
I would love to see a nice disc golf course at Minto-Brown Island Park.
11/4/2014 2:36 PM
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Minto Brown Island Park Master Plan
The access from neighboring areas is abysmal. There should be a separate and safe running/biking/walking trail
along River road because the drivers are bananas.
11/4/2014 2:36 PM
The park needs to remain a safe, family friendly place to visit. Patrols need to be continually done to ensure the
safety of visitors and to make sure homeless do not decide it's a good place to set up camp.
11/4/2014 2:34 PM
A thorough impact study on the effects of the new bridge is important. I also would like to see a better plan for
flood mitigation and wildlife habitat using more native plantings. On a non-natural side, a better kids playground
would be nice.
11/4/2014 2:33 PM
situate the off leash dog park so that NONE of the trails are shared with walk/run/bike/skate activity. THE
11/4/2014 2:33 PM
Please consider limited trail placement on the new portion of the park. That new site has lots of wildlife values
that should be protected.
11/4/2014 2:31 PM
11/4/2014 2:31 PM
I would like a much better and larger playground area for children. And good clean bathrooms please.
11/4/2014 2:30 PM
Bathrooms, safety, retaining natural environment
11/4/2014 2:29 PM
Opportunities for residents to access and walk along the Willamette on the west side of the land acquired from
Boise Cascade. Opportunities for more trails on and around the ponds.
11/4/2014 11:54 AM
Preserving the natural environment at Minto-Brown Park as natural as possible. Consider careful balance
between nature and wildlife and the use of passive recreation.
11/3/2014 12:12 PM
I'd like to see the park trails cleaned up a little.
11/2/2014 11:34 AM
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Fly UP