
DANIELA BINI Department of French and Italian University of Texas

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DANIELA BINI Department of French and Italian University of Texas
Department of French and Italian
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
e-mail: [email protected]
Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (Italian, French, Latin), University of Texas, 1978.
Laurea in Philosophy, summa cum laude, University of Rome, Italy, 1967.
-Chair French and Italian Department, The University of Texas at Austin 2003-2011
-Professor in Italian, Department of French and Italian, The University of Texas at Austin, 1998-Associate Professor in Italian, Department of French and Italian, The University of Texas at Austin, 1992 1998.
-Assistant Professor in Italian, Department of French and Italian, The University of Texas, Austin, 1987-1992.
-Member, Graduate Faculty in the Program of Comparative Literature, 1990-Lecturer in Italian, Department of French and Italian, University of Texas, Austin, 1981-1987.
-Instructor in Italian, University of Texas at Austin, Summer 1978.
-Teaching Assistant in Italian, University of Texas at Austin, 1973-1975.
-Instructor in Italian, University of Texas at Austin, 1970-73.
-Teacher of Humanities at Liceo G. B. Vico, Rome, Italy, 1968-69.
-University Assistant in Greek philosophy, University of Rome, Italy, 1967-68.
Fellow of David Bruton, Jr. Centennial Professorship in Modern Languages (2003-2011)
Liberal Arts Council Teaching Award (2009)
Cavaliere (Ordine della Stella della Solidarietà Italiana) conferred by the President of the Italian Republic,
Giorgio Napolitano, June 4, 2007.
Dean’s Fellow (Spring 2003)
Harry H. Ransom Teaching Award (Spring 2002)
University Special Research Grant (Fall 1996).
Nominated for the Centennial Friar Teaching Fellowship (1996, 2002, 2008)
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship (Fall 1995-Spring 1996).
President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award (1994-95).
University Research Institute, The University of Texas (Spring 1995).
University Research Institute, The University of Texas (Summer 1989).
National Endowment for the Humanities, 1979-80 (with Martha L. King) Research Grant, Translation Program.
University Fellowship, The University of Texas at Austin (1976-77, 1977-78).
-Member of the Editorial Board of Romance Notes (2013-)
-Member of the Scientific Board of Quaderni del Novecento (2011-13)
-Elected Vice President of the Associazione Internazionale di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana (2006-)
-Elected to the Modern Language Association Executive Committee of the Division on the 20th Century Italian
Literature for the years 2006-2011.
-Member of the Editorial Board of The Pirandello Society of America (2005-)
-President of the American Association for Italian Studies (2000-2003)
-Member of the Editorial Board for the North Carolina Series in Romance Languages and Literatures (19982000).
-Member of the Editorial Board of Italica (1998--).
-Advisor to the Encyclopedia of Italian Literature (Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers).
-Member of the Board of Directors and the Editorial Board of the Pirandello Society of America (1999-2001).
-Chapter Academic Advisor for the Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society (1995-2001).
-Elected to the Modern Language Association Executive Committee of the Division on 17th-, 18th- and 19thCentury Italian Literature for the years 1996-2000.
-Elected to the Nominating Committee of the American Association for Italian Studies for the election of the
new officers (1996-1999).
-Regional Representative for the American Association for Italian Studies(1993-95; 1995-1998).-Nominating
Board of the American Association for Italian Studies, 1990.
Co-organizer with Millicent Marcus of the Thirteenth American Association of Italian Studies Conference at The
University of Texas at Austin, April, 1993.
Research on the Italian Opera and in particular the relationship between words and sounds; and on music in film.
Working on a book study of the vitellonismo phenomenon in Italian cinema and literature.
-Pirandello and His Muse: The Plays for Marta Abba. Gainsville: University Press of Florida; 1998. Reviewed
in Annali d’Italianistica, 16, 1998, South Central Review, Summer 1999, South Atlantic Modern Language
Association, Autumn 1999, Drama Review, Summer 2000; Pirandello Studies, 20 (2000); Italica, 78, 2
(Summer 2001); Italian Culture 19,1 (2001); Forum Italicum, Spring 2002.
-Carlo Michelstaedter and the Failure of Language, Gainesville: University Press of Florida , 1992. Reviewed
in: Annali d’Italianistica, 71, 21 (Summer 94); Quaderni d’italianistica, 1, 2 (1992); Forum Italicum,
28,1 (Spring ‘94); Italica, 71, 21 (Summer ‘94); Italian Studies in South Africa,7,2 (1994); Canadian
Journal of Italian Studies, 13, 2 (1995); Italian Culture, 12, 1994, Differentia: Review of Italian Thought,
Spring/Autumn (1999).
-Giacomo Leopardi. Zibaldone. A Selection, transl. with an Introduction by Martha King and Daniela Bini, New
York: Peter Lang, 1992.
-Fragrance from the Desert: Poetry and Philosophy in Giacomo Leopardi, Stanford French-Italian Studies,
Anma Libri, 1983.
The Introduction, “A Synthesis for Leopardi,” pp.1-21, was reprinted in Nineteenth Century Literature
Criticism, Vol. 129; Gale Publisher, 2003.
-Italiano in diretta. An Introductory Course, with Antonella Pease, New York: 2nd edition, New York:
McGraw Hill, 1993. (First edition: 1989).
-Workbook for Italiano in diretta, with A. Pease (first and second edition).
-Vivere all’italiana. An Italian Reader with Antonella Pease, New York: Random House, 1985.
- Italian Culture, co-editor with Millicent Marcus, vol. XII, 1994
-The Romantic Movement. A Selective Critical Bibliography (Italian Section) Locust Hill Press, 1987, 1988.
65. “South and North: Pulcinella, A Southern Thought” in F. Finotti & M. Johnson eds. L’Italia allo
specchio:linguaggio e identità italiane nel mondo (Venice: Marsilio, 2015). Pp. 185-197.
64. “Cesare ha da muri’ Or Caesar Must Die in Neapolitan” in Esperienze Letterarie , 1, XXXIX, 2014. Pp.
63. “The Value of a Critical Mind, Tolerance and Slowness” (hect gewicht van woorden) in
Nexus, 27, 2014. Pp. 249-54.
62. “Ritratti e autoritratti: un’esigenza espressionistica” in Carlo Michelstaedter, ed. Yvonne Hutter (Munich:
Narr Francke Attempo Verlag, 2014), pp. 9-31.
61. “High and Low Art, Inadequacy of Words, Self-referentiality in Pasolini’s Che cosa sono le
nuvole?” Italica, 90, 2, Summer 2013. Pp. 227-244.
60. “Operatic Appearances in Marco Bellocchio” Esperienze Letterarie, 3, XXXVII, 2012. Pp. 42-54.
59. “Marco Tutino’s La lupa: A Neo-romantic, Postmodern Opera” in D. Brancato & M. Ruccolo La terra di
Babele: Saggi sul plurilinguismo nella cultura italiana (NY and Canada: Legas, 2011). Pp. 31-42.
58. “Leonardo Sciascia’s A ciascuno il suo: The Failure of the Intellectual” in Dana Renga ed. (2011)
57. “ The Legacy of Pirandello’s Humor in Italian Film Comedy” Esperienze Letterarie, 2, XXXV, 2010. Pp.
56. “Giuseppe Tornatore, ovvero lo sguardo” in Daniela De Pau and Simone Dubrovic, eds. Zoom
"d'oltreoceano": istantanee sui registi italiani e sull'Italia (Rome: Vecchiarelli, 2010). Pp. 145-160.
55. “Un antieroe nella Sicilia del Risorgimento” in Giovanni Capecchi ed. Mezzo secolo del “Gattopardo.”
Studi e interpretazioni (Florence: Le Cáriti Editore, 2010). Pp.109-121
54. “Intersezioni culturali: Pasolini tra cinema e sceneggiata, tragedia classica e teatro dei pupi, Modugno e
Pirandello” Civiltà italiana e geografie d’Europa, Atti del XIX Convegno dell’Associazione
Internazionale di Lingua e Letteratura Italiana (Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2009). Pp.199-206.
53. “Fifty Years of Vtellonismo: Fellini, Monicelli e Muccino,” Rivista di studi italiani, June 2006 (came out
in Dec. 2008). Pp. 128-149.
52. “Der Last van de waarheid. De actualiteit van Carlo Michelstaedter” in Europees humanism in
fragmenten, Nexus, 50, 2008. Pp. 243-56 (translated from English in Dutch by Asker Pelgrom).
51. “Giacomo Leopardi” Encyclopedia of Italian Literature. New York and London: Routledge, 2007. Pp
50. “Reticence, a Rhetorical Strategy in Othello/Otello: Shakespeare, Verdi-Boito, Zeffirelli,” Italica
(Summer 2006). Pp.238-255.
49. “Art Versus Life in Three Plays by Ibsen, D’Annunzio and Pirandello” Il Castello di Elsinore, XIII (51,
2005). Pp.97-110.
48. “Why Il fu Mattia Pascal? A Question for Mario Monicelli” PSA, The Journal of Pirandello Society of
America,17, 2004. Pp. 91-104. Rewritten in Italian as:
“Perché Le due vite di Mattia Pascal? Una domanda a Mario Monicelli” E. Lauretta, editor, Il fu Mattia
Pascal. Romanzo, Teatro, Film. Agrigento: Centro Nazionale Studi Pirandelliani, 2005. Pp. 203-14.
47. “Da Tuda a Ilse: Marta, ovvero la rinuncia dell’eros” in E. Lauretta, ed. I giganti della montagna.
Progetto per un film; Agrigento: Centro Nazionali Studi Pirandelliani, 2004. Pp. 221-32.
46. “Umorismo e tradimento in Tu ridi dei Taviani” in L’angelo di fuoco, Torino: Edizioni DAMS, (4/2003).
Pp. 101-19.
45. “Pirandello e la musica del Kaos” in E. Lauretta, ed. Il cinema e Pirandello. Agrigento: Centro Nazionale
Studi Pirandelliani, 2003. Pp. 243-55.
44. “Women of the South and the Art of Carlo Levi” in Forum Italicum, Spring 2003. Pp 103-20.
43. “Luigi Pirandello” in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Italian Novelists, 1900-1945, Bruccoli Clark
Layman, Inc. 2002. Pp. 251-71.
42. “La voce del mare: da Oceano mare di Baricco a La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano di Tornatore,”
Italica. (Spring 2002) Pp. 59-76. http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu/stable/3655971
41. “Cavalleria rusticana from Verga and Mascagni to Zeffirelli,” in Forum Italicum, 33,1 (1999), pp. 95-106.
40. “Pirandello, Michelstaedter e l’ Espressionismo” in E. Lauretta ed. Pirandello e le Avanguardie,
Agrigento: Edizioni Centro Nazionale Studi Pirandelliani, 1999. Pp. 173-182.
39. “Woman as One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand in Pirandello,” in G.P. Biasin and M. Gieri
eds.New Perspectives on Pirandello, University of Toronto Press 1999. Pp. 163-188.
38. “«Il tramonto della luna»: Leopardi’s Last Song,” in Rivista di Studi Italiani (Univ. of Toronto), XVI, 2,
December 1998, pp.41-57.
37. “Carlo Michelstaedter tra parola e immagine” in M. Ciccuto, A. Zingone eds. I segni incrociati.
Letteratura italiana del ‘900 e arte figurativa (Lucca: Mauro Baroni, 1998). Pp. 165-179.
36. “«Candelora» e «Sgombero»: Dal silenzio alla parola, dalla narrativa al teatro, dalla gabbia al volo” in
Pirandello e la narrativa siciliana ed. E. Lauretta. Palermo: Palumbo, 1998.Pp. 141-48.
35. “Epistolario e Teatro: scrittura dell’assenza e sublimazione dell’erotismo,” in La Scrittura e l’assenza:
le lettere di Pirandello a Marta Abba in Il castello di Elsinore (quadrimestrale di teatro), year xi, 33,
1998, pp.32- 46.
34. “Woman as Creator: Pirandello’s L’innesto,” in Pirandello Studies (University College, London),17,
1997, pp. 34-45.
33. “L’attrice, ovvero il paradosso dell’esistenza autentica” in E. Lauretta, ed. Pirandello e la sua opera,
Palermo: Palumbo (1997), pp.153-160.
32. “Giacomo Leopardi’s ‘Ultrafilosofia’.” Italica (Spring 1997), pp.52-66.
31. “The Destabilizing Force of Female Language in Pirandello’s Theater”, in Rena A. Siska-Lamparska, ed.
Ars dramatica. Studi sulla poetica di Luigi Pirandello. New York: Peter Lang, 1996, pp.159-174.
30. “Il pensiero femminile italiano negli Stati Uniti.” Il Contributo (1996), pp.77-90.
29. “Pirandello, Nietzsche and the Good Mask.” Pirandello in Germany, Pirandello Society of America, 11
(1995), pp. 5-16.
28. “Il carteggio Luigi Pirandello-Marta Abba” Review Article, Italica, 72,3 (1995), pp. 356-366.
27. “Pirandello nell’opera lirica al di là dell’Atlantico,” in E. Lauretta, ed. Pirandello: Teatro e Musica.
Palermo: Palumbo, 1995, pp.213-224.
26. “La lingua del femminile in Pirandello” in Pirandello e la Lingua, edited by E. Lauretta. Milan: Mursia,
1994, pp.133-142.
25. “Enrico IV tra Pirandello e Bellocchio.” Quaderni d’italianistica, 14, 2 (1993), pp.1-11.
24. “Mia musa, mia sposa.” in Pirandello e il Teatro, edited by E. Lauretta. Milan: Mursia, 1993, pp.203-220.
23. “L’ultimo teatro di Pirandello come sublimazione dell’erotismo.” Italica (Spring,1993), pp. 46-59.
22. “Procreation Versus Artistic Creation in Pirandello.” Selected Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Foreign
Conference, vols. 1988-1990. Duquesne University: Pittsburgh, 1993, pp. 46-53.
21. Special Contribution: Introductory Essay “The Authenticity of Drawing” (in English & Italian) for
Catalogue “L’Immagine irraggiungibile. Dipinti e disegni di Carlo Michelstaedter, Gorizia: Edizioni
della Laguna, 1992, pp. 15-64.
20. “La storia come maschera” in Pirandello e la politica, ed.E. Lauretta. Milan: Mursia, 1992, pp. 199-207.
19. “La creazione estetica come sconfitta della morte” in Pirandello e l’ Oltre, ed. E. Lauretta. Milan:
Mursia, 1991, pp. 233-243.
18. “Pirandello’s Philosophy and Philosophers” in A Companion to Pirandello’s Studies, ed. by J.-L.,
DiGaetani, New York: Greenwood Press, May 1991, pp. 17-46.
17. “Michelstaedter, Pirandello and Folly” in Italian Culture VIII, 1990, pp. 363-376.
16. Il pozzo e il pendolo. The Precarious Balance Between Life and Thought” in Romance Languages Annual
Purdue: Research Foundation, West Lafayette, 1990, pp. 87-93.
15. “Carlo Michelstaedter: The Tragedy of Thought” in Differentia. Review of Italian Thought, 2, (Spring
1988), pp. 185-94.
14. “Il Leopardi di Toni Negri” (Review Article) in Annali d’Italianistica, 6, 1988, pp. 329-335.
13. “Fu Leopardi ‘umorista’?” in Italian Quarterly, (Summer-Fall 1987), pp. 59-64.
12. “Leopardi e Michelstaedter tra autenticità e inautenticità” in Italiana ( December 1986), pp. 219-227.
11. “Carlo Michelstaedter tra ‘Persuasione’ e ‘Rettorica’, in Italica (Winter, 1986), pp. 346-360.
10. “...Ma quale ‘commedia è finita’? A Pirandellian Reading of Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci”, in Canadian
Journal of Italian Studies, vo. 8 (1985), no. 31, pp. 173-184.
9. “Angelo di bontà e la trasformazione del romanzo storico in Italia” Italian Quarterly, (June,1983), pp. 5-15.
8. “Giacomo Leopardi and French Materialism” in Comparative Literature Studies (June, 1983), pp. 154-167.
7. “Kairos and Chronos in Svevo’s Confession of Zeno” in Canadian Journal of Italian Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2
(1980), pp. 102-107.
6. “Senilità e salute, ragione e istinto, scrittura e vita in un ‘buon vecchio’ e in una ‘bella fanciulla’“ in Forum
Italicum, vol. 12, no. 3 (1978), pp. 351-368.
5. “Il problema dei Messicani minoranza silenziosa” in Concretezza ( Rizzoli), XVII, No. 5 (March 1, 1971),
pp. 22-26.
4. “In piena rivoluzione le donne americane” in Concretezza (Rizzoli), XVI, No. 22 (November 16, 1970), pp.
3. “La questione cambogiana: il ‘profondo sud non ha dubbi” in Concretezza (Rizzoli), XVI, No. 14 (July 16,
1970), pp. 28-30.
2. “La TV americana vi toglie il respiro” in Concretezza (Rizzoli), XVI, No. 8 (June 16, 1970), pp. 23-24.
1. “Abbandono degli studi dopo le elementari in una borgata romana” in Scuola e Città, XVIII(August, 1965),
pp. 523-526, with Grazia Lacovara, Paolo Carpignagno and Mario Sabatini.
“Pirandello’s Humor” in SAGE Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, 2 vols. ed. Salvatore Attardo (Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2014), pp. 572-574.
-Luigi Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author, transl. by Martha Witt & Mary Ann Frese Witt.
Intoduction by Mary Ann Frese Witt. New York: Italica Press, 2013, pp. Pp. 95, in Annali d’Italianistica,
vol 32, 2014: pp. 708-710.
-Dominique Budor. Mattia Pascal tra parola e imagine. Dal romanzo di Pirandello a Dylan Dog. Inversità
degli Studi Torino: Carocci Editore, 2004. PSA. The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America. 17,
2004, pp. 139-142.
-Thomas Harrison. 1910: The Emancipation of Dissonance. Berkeley University Press, 1996. Italica, (Winter
1999), pp.544-547
-Maggie Gunsberg. Patriarchal Representations. Gender and Discourse in Pirandello’s Theater.
Oxford/Providence: Berg Publisher, 1994. Italica (Spring 1997), pp.108-111.
-Pirandello’s Major Plays. English Version by Eric Bentley. Evanston: Northwestern University Press,
1991.Italica. (Summer ‘93), pp. 207-209.
Contribution to Romantic Movement (1981-1987):
-Seventeen reviews on books and articles on Leopardi and Manzoni for Romantic Movement. Locust Hill Press,
1987, pp. 421-428; 430.
-Twenty-one reviews on books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: Garland
Publishing Co.), 1986, pp. 492-500.
-Giovanna Wedel Anderson. La Poesia neobarocca di Bartolo Cattafi (Sciascia, 1985) in Italica (Winter
1986), pp. 396-398.
-Sixteen reviews on books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: Garland Publishing
Co.), 1985, pp. 423-427.
-Valentino Belfiglio. The Italian Experience in Texas (Austin: Eaking Press, 1983) in The Texas Humanist, vol.
6, n. 3, Jan.-Feb. 1984.
-Sixteen reviews on books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: Garland Publishing
Co.), 1984, pp. 360-372.
-Eighteen reviews on books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: Garland Publishing
Co.), 1983, pp. 360-372.
-Fifteen reviews of books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: Garland Publishing
Co.), 1982, pp. 353-363.
-Charles C. Russell. Italo Svevo. The Writer from Trieste. Reflections on His Background and His Work in
Forum Italicum, Vo. 14, No. 1 (Spring 1980), pp. 121-123.
-Fifteen reviews of books and articles on Leopardi for Romantic Movement (New York: garland Publishing
Co.), 1981, pp. 350-361.
TRANSLATION of the essay by Mario Perniola “Beyond postmodernism: ‘Michelstaedter, Strong Feeling,
The Present’“ in Differentia: Review of Italian Thought 3-4, 1989, pp. 39-49.
“The Legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini, in Cesar Must Die; at The Legacy of Pier Paolo Pasolini Conference, Yale
University, March 7, 2015.
“Aida and Amneris: The Angel Cry,” keynote at the Symposium for Verdi’s 200 Birthday, Pittsburgh,
Duquesne University, September 30, 2013.
“ Leopardi’s Foresight” keynote lecture at Trinity College, Hartford (CN), September 23, 2013.
“Pier Paolo Pasolini and Marco Tullio Giordana: A Dialogue Through Poetry” keynote address at the XXI
international conference of the Associazione Internazionale di Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Italiane at
University of Pennsylvania, April 5, 2013.
“Carlo Michelstaedter and Today’s Abuse of Rhetoric” at The University of Pennsylvania, April 12, 2012.
Mini-seminar on “The Representation of Woman in Sicilian Culture,” Yale University, April 2-4, 2012
“Verdi, Woman and Nation” Connie De Marco Lecture at Florida Atlantic University, February 2, 2011;
keynote lecture at the symposium “Una d’arme di lingua, d’altare? Italy @150” at Georgetown University,
October 14 ; and keynote lecture at the symposium “Italy Then and Now: 150th Anniversary” at Duquesne
University, Pittsburgh, October 17, 2011.
“ Pulcinella: un pensiero meridiano” keynote address at the XX international conference of the Associazione
Internazionale di Studi di Lingua e Letteratura Italiane at University of Pennsylvania, December 4, 2009.
“The Legacy of Fellini’s vitelloni in Italian cinema” at the Western Pennsylvania Symposium of World
Literatures, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, April 16, 2009.
“An Antihero in the Sicily of the Risorgimento” at UCLA “Symposium on The Leopard: 1958-2008,” October
31, 2008.
“I Vitelloni Yesterday and Today,” at Middlebury College, October 21, 2008.
“Carlo Michelstaedter Today: The Burden of Truth and the Proliferation of Rhetoric” at the International Nexus
Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 14th 2008.
“The Legacy of Pirandello’s Humor in Italian Film Comedy,” keynote address at the Conference on Italian Film
Comedy at Yale University, April 26, 2008.
“Leopardi and Music” at the Symposium in honor of Giuseppe Mazzotta “Tra amici,” The University of Mary
Washington, March 29th, 2008.
“I vitelloni: Yesterday and Today” at Texas Tech, November 12, 2007, given also with the title:
“Fellini, Muccino, and the Vitelloni: Italy of Yesterday, Italy of Today” at Texas A&M, March 7th, 2007.
“Cultural Intersections in Pasolini” at the Coccia Conference, University of Pennsylvania, December 2, 2006.
“Intersezioni e geografie culturali: Pasolini tra cinema e sceneggiata, tragedia classica e teatro dei pupi,
Modugno e Pirandello.” Keynote address at the Associazione Internazionale di Studi di Lingua e Letteratura
Italiane, University of Padua, Italy, September 23, 2006.
Introduction to Fellini’s film I vitelloni at Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, September 2006.
“Perché Le due vite del fu Mattia Pascal?: Una domanda a Mario Monicelli” at the International Pirandello
Conference. Agrigento, December 7, 2005.
“Mysterious Women in Pirandello’s Drama” at Dartmouth College, August 9, 2005.
“Marco Tutino’s La Lupa: A Post-modern, Neo-romantic Opera” guest speaker at the Conference on
Plurilinguism at the university of Toronto, April 29-30, 2005.
“Reticence: A Rhetorical Strategy in Othello/Otello: Shakespeare, Verdi-Boito, Zeffirelli” Crisafulli Lecture at
the the Catholic Univerity of America, Washington, DC, April 13th, 2005.
“Da Tuda a Ilse: Marta, ovvero la rinuncia dell’eros,”at the International Pirandello Conference, Agrigento,
December 7, 2004.
“Monicelli e Mattia Pascal,” at the Casa Italiana, NYU, November 2004.
“Pirandello, i Taviani e la musica” at the International Pirandello Conference” in Agrigento, Sicily, December
6, 2003.
“Art Versus Life in Three Plays by Ibsen, D’Annunzio and Pirandello,” at the 10th International Ibsen
Conference, Long Island University, Brooklyn, N.Y. June 2003.
“Women of Italian South” at The University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 22, 2002; and at the University of
California at Berkeley, February 28, 2002.
“My Muse, My Bride: Pirandello’s Plays for Marta Abba” at the University of Notre Dame, February 2001.
“Othello: from Shakespeare to Verdi to Zeffirelli” keynote lecture at The Western Pennsylvania Symposium of
World Literatures: Shakespeare and Verdi: Literature in Performance; April 17, 2000.
“Pirandello, Michelstaedter e l’Espressionismo” at the International Conference on Pirandello e le
Avanguardie” in Agrigento, Italy, December 1998.
“La voce della luna” at The Rutgers University Italian Literature Conference on “Leopardi and Modern
Aesthetics”, October 17th, 1998.
- “«Candelora» e «Sgombero»: dal silenzio alla parola; dalla narrativa al teatro” at the International
Conference on Pirandello e la Narrativa Siciliana, in Agrigento, Italy, December 1997.
- “Epistolario e Teatro: scrittura dell’assenza e sublimazione dell’erotismo” University of Turin (Italy), May 7,
- “L’attrice, ovvero il paradosso dell’esistenza autentica” at the International Conference on Pirandello and His
Work, in Agrigento, Italy, December 1996.
- “Pirandello nell’opera lirica al di là dell’Atlantico” at the International Conference on Pirandello in Agrigento,
Italy, December 1994.
- “The Destabilizing Force of Female Language in Pirandello’s Theatre” at the International Symposium on
Pirandello’s Theatre, at Boston College, October 1994.
- “La donna nel teatro di Pirandello” at the Academy of Fine Arts, Rome, Italy, December ‘93.
- “Il linguaggio del femminile in Pirandello” at the International Conference on Pirandello, Agrigento, Italy,
December 1993. (This paper is the developement of the one given in Pittsburgh in September and in Austin
in October. See following category).
- Introductory Lecture for the opening of the Exhibition L’immagine irraggiungibile. Dipinti e disegni di Carlo
Michelstaedter, May 8, 1992, in the Castle of Gorizia, Italy.
- Presentation of my book, Carlo Michelstaedter and the Failure of Language, sponsored by the City of Gorizia
at the Antonini Bookshop in Gorizia, May 1992.
- “Mia musa, mia sposa” at the International Conference on Pirandello, Agrigento, Italy, December 1992.
- “La storia come maschera” at the International Conference on Pirandello, Agrigento, Italy, December 1991.
Also presented at the American Association of Italian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, April, 1992.
- “La creazione artistica come sconfitta della morte” at the International Conference on Pirandello, Agrigento,
December 1990.
“Leopardi Foresight” at the annual American Association for Italian Studies at the University of Colorado,
Boulder, March 27, 2015.
“ Pasolini’s Poetry and the Language of the Mother” at the AATI annual conference in San Antonio, November
21, 2014.
“Cesare a’ da muri’, or Caesar Must Die in Neapolitan dialect” at the SCMLA in Austin, October 19, 2014,
also presented at the fourth Symposium on Italian Cinema, at Indiana University, April 18, 2013.
“ Maternity and Sexuality: Pirandello’s Constant Obsessions” at the annual Modern Language Association in
Chicago, January 10, 2014.
“ Women Triumphant: Marco Bellocchio’s Sorelle Mai at the annual American Association for Italian Studies,
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, May 2012.
“Pulcinella, un pensiero meridiano” at Echioltremare Conference” Rome, June 17, 2011.
“Verdi, Woman, and Nation” at the University of Texas, Austin, April 20, 2011.
“Operatic Appearances in the Cinema of Marco Bellocchio” at the annual American Association for Italian
Studies” at the University of Pittsburgh, April 2011, and at the Symposium on Italian Modern and
Contemporary Cinema, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 2011.
“Pulcinella in Paris” at the Modern Language Association annual conference in Los Angeles, January 2011;
already given as:
“Pulcinella dans les Banlieues” at the Symposium on Italian Modern and Contemporary Cinema, at Indiana
University, Bloomington, April 2010.
“Leonardo Sciascia’s Aciascuno il suo: The Failure of the Intellectual” at the annual conference of the
American Association for Italian Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 2010.
“Pirandello’s On Humor and Italian Film Comedy” at the Modern Language Association annual conference in
San Francisco, Dec.27, 2008.
“Cinquant’anni di vitellonismo” at the annual conference of the American Association for Italian Studies at
Colorado College, Colorado Springs, May 2007.
“Il Pirandello nascosto in Che cosa sono le nuvole di Pier Paolo Pasolini” at the annual conference of the
American Association for Italian Studies and the American Association of Teachers of Italian, Genoa, May
“The Status of Italian Graduate Studies in the US,” at the annual conference of the American Association for
Italian Studies and the American Association of Teachers of Italian in Genoa, May 2006.
“ Teaching the Ottocento Through Opera” at the MLA in Washington, December 28th, 2005.
“The Hidden Authorship in Pier Paolo Pasolini’s “Che cosa sono le nuvole” at the Authorship Conference, at
the University of Texas, Austin, October 2005.
“The Impotent Italian Intellectual” at The American Association for Italian Studies, at the University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 2005.
“Reticence in Othello/Otello: Shakespeare, Verid-Boito, Zeffirelli” at the American Association for Italian
Studies, University of Ottawa, April 2004.
“Pirandello, i Taviani e la musica” at the American Association for Italian Studies Conference, Georgetown
University, Washington, DC, March 2003.
“Verdi, Women and War” at the Modern Language Association Conference in New York, December 2002.
“Witches of the South: Giovanni Verga’s Gna’ Pina, and Carlo levi’s Giulia Venere” at the South Central
Modern Language Association in Austin, November 2002.
“Sicily as a Woman” at the American Association for Italian Studies Conference, University of MissouriColumbia, April 2002.
“Pirandello’s De-sexualization of Woman: The Theater for Marta Abba” at the Modern Language Association
Conference in New Orleans, December 2001.
“La voce del mare: da Oceano Mare a La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano at the annual meeting of the
American Association for Italian Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, April 2001.
“La donna in Giovanni Verga and Carlo Levi” at the annual meeting of the American Association for Italian
Studies in New York, April 15, 2000.
“Cavalleria rusticana: from Verga to Mascagni and Zeffirelli” at the Romance Language Conference, Purdue
University, October 1998, at the Modern Language Association in San Francisco, December 1998, and at
the American Association for Italian Studies, Eugene, Oregon, April 1999.
“Giacomo Leopardi’s “Il tramonto della luna” at the annual meeting of the American Association for Italian
Studies” at Loyola University, Chicago, April, 1998.
“The Un-clamping of the Vise: Pirandello’s Play The Grafting”at the annual meeting of the American
Association for Italian Studies at Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C. February 1997.
“Narrative versus Dramatic Discourse in Pirandello” at the Modern Language Association Conference,
Washington, D.C., December 1996.
“My Muse, My Bride. Pirandello’s Theater for Marta Abba” at the annual meeting of the American
Association for Italian Studies at Washington University in St. Louis, April 1996.
“Woman as One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand: The Actress in Pirandello” at the annual Modern
Language Conference in Chicago, December 1995.
“Pirandello e l’opera” at the American Association for Italian Studies University of Arizona, Tempe, April
“Pirandello, Nietzsche and the Good Mask” at the Modern Language Association Convention in San Diego,
December 1994.
“Leopardi’s Ultrafilosofia” at the International Association of Philosophy and Literature Convention at the
University of Alberta, in Edmonton, May 1994 and at the Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference,
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, September 1994.
“Italian Philosophical Feminism: The Unheeded Voice” at the American Association for Italian Studies at the
University of Wisconsin at Madison, April 1994.
“La lingua femminile in Luigi Pirandello” at the Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference, Duquesne
University, Pittsburgh, September 1993 and at the South Central Modern Language Association in Austin,
Texas, October 1993.
“Carlo Michelstaedter between Word and Image” at the Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the International
Association for Philosophy and Literature, Duquesne University, May, 1993.
“Henry IV between Flux and Stasis, Theater and Cinema,” at the South Central Modern Language Association,
Memphis, October, 1992.
“La storia come maschera” at the American Association of Italian Studies at the University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill, April, 1992.
“C. Michelstaedter: la parola e l’immagine” at the American Association of Italian Studies, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 1991.
“Pirandello’s Antifeminism” at the Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference at Duquesne University,
September, 1990.
“Copulation, Procreation and Artistic Creation in Pirandello” at the American Association for Italian Studies,
Charlottesville, VA, April, 1990 and at the Romance Language Conference at Purdue University, West
Lafayette, October 1990.
“Il pozzo e il pendolo. The precarious balance between Life and Thought at the Romance Language
Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, October, 1989.
“Pirandello, Michelstaedter and Folly” at the American Association for Italian Studies, Lowell, Mass., April
“Il Leopardi di Toni Negri” at the American Association for Italian Studies, Provo, Utah, April, 1988.
“Carlo Michelstaedter: A Victim of ‘weak thought’?”, at the American Association for Italian Studies,
Pittsburgh, PA, April, 1987.
“Leopardi e Michelstaedter tra persuasione e retorica” at the American Association of Teachers of Italian, New
York, December, 1986.
“Carlo Michelstaedter tra ‘Persuasione’ e ‘Rettorica’“ at the American Association of Teachers of Italian, New
York, November, 1985.
“Fu Leopardi ‘umorista’?” at the American Association for Italian Studies in Tampa, Fla., April, 1985.
“Giacomo Leopardi and French Materialism,” South Central MLA, San Antonio, TX, October, 1982.
“Leo Spitzer and Leopardi’s Infinito.” South Central MLA, Hot Spring, Arkansas, Fall 1977.
“Kairos and Chronos in Svevo’s Confessions of Zeno. Conference on Twentieth-Century Literature at
Louisville, KY, Spring 1977.
Chair session of “Italian Cinema in the Present Tense” at the annual conference of the American Association for
Italian Studies, University of Pittsburgh, April 2011.
Organized and chaired two sessions of “Opera as Literature and Literature as Opera” at the Conference of the
American Association for Italian Studies and American Association of Teachers of Italian in Genoa, May
Organized and chaired the sessions “Literature and Music” and “The Italian Intellectuals and Politcis” at the
American Association for Italian Studies, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April 2005.
Organized and Chaired to sessions on “Music and Literature” at the American Association for Italian Studies,
University of Ottawa, April 2004.
Organized and chaired the session “Images of the South” at the American Association for Italian Studies at
Georgetown University, March 2003.
Organized and chaired the session “Real and Imaginary Cities” at the Modern Language Association conference
in New York (December 2002).
Organizer of the session “Benigni e la commedia all’italiana” and organizer and chair of session “Visions of the
Apocalypse” at the Modern Language Association in Washington (December 2000).
Organizer and Chair of a session on Italian Literature and Opera at the Modern Language Association in
Chicago (December 1999).
Chair and organizer of sessions “Text and Music: Italian Opera” and “Sicily through Literature, Cinema and
Music” at the American Association for Italian Studies at the University of Oregon (Eugene), April 1999.
Chair and organizer of the two sessions on “Pirandello and Translation,” sponsored by the Pirandello Society of
America, Modern Language Association, San Francisco, December 1998.
Chair and organizer of “Leopardi and the New Millennium” at the American Association for Italian Studies at
Loyola University, Chicago, April 1998 and at the Modern Language Association in Toronto, December
-Organizer and Chair of a session for the Pirandello Society of America at the MLA (December 95)
-Chair of the Italian Literature section of the SCMLA (1992)
-Secretary of the Italian Section of the South Central MLA (1991).
-Modern Language Association
-South Central Modern Language Association
-American Association of Teachers of Italian
-American Association for Italian Studies
- International Association of Philosophy and Literature
-Pirandello Society of America
-Associazione Internazionale di Lingua e Letteratura Italiane
-Chair of the Department of French and Italian (2003-2011)
-Executive Committee of Center for European Studies (2005-2007)
-Faculty Council (2002-2004)
-International Programs and Studies Committee (2002-2203)
-Committee for Promotion and Tenure (1998, 1999, 2000)
-Academic Advisor of the Gamma Kappa Alpha National Italian Honor Society (1996-1999)
Honors Advisor in Italian
-Italian Undergraduate Advisor, (1989-1994; 1996-2003)
-Member of the Graduate Studies Committee, Department of French & Italian
-Member of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, Department of French & Italian (1989-1994)
-Supervisor of all second-year Italian courses (1989-1993)
-Member, Committee on Awards and Prizes, Department of French & Italian
-Faculty Member, Comparative Literature Program
-Admission Committee, Comparative Literature
-Member of the Executive Committee (1991-94, 1996-2003).
-UT Explore (2001, 2003, 2005).
Academic Service Outside UT:
- Member of the jury for the literary Premio Napoli (fall 2009; fall 2010).
-External Reviewer of the Romance Language Department and Graduate Program in Comparative Literature
at the University of Pennsylvania (January 2000); Modern Language Department, Duquesne University
Pittsburgh, October 2007, the French and Italian Department at Emory University (March 2008).
-Reviewer of book manuscript for the Duke University Press (summer 1999), book manuscript for Yale
University Press (spring 2002) and essay manuscript for Comparative Literature (fall 2003), book for
University of Toronto Press (2008), articles for Forum Italicum (2010), the Journal of Pirandello Society
of America (2013).
-Reviewer of a grant proposal for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (three
times); and for Barnard College (2011).
-Referee for promotion to the levels of associate professor and professor for: Nazareth College of Rochester
(1998), Dickinson College, (PA) (1999), Princeton University (2001), University of Oregon (2001),
University of Notre Dame (2001), Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (2002), University of
California at Los Angeles (2002), Indiana University (2003), Notre Dame University (2003), Catholic
University of America, (2004) St. Johns University (2005), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(2006); Purdue University (2007), Bard College (2207), Mount Holyoke College (2008), Bucknell
University (2009), Texas A&M (2009), Dickinson College (2010), Wayne State University (2011), Ohio
State University (2013), Louisiana State University (2013), Temple University (2014), University of
Colorado (2014).
-Evaluator of essays for Italica, Forum Italicum, Quaderni d’Italialianistica, Pirandello Society of America.
-Participated to the National Italian American Foundation Conference in Washington D.C. October 2002.
Received a NIAF $5,000 scholarship for one of our students.
Fly UP