
Women in French in Scotland: Annual Colloquium 2014

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Women in French in Scotland: Annual Colloquium 2014
Women in French in Scotland: Annual Colloquium 2014
Parliament Hall, University of St Andrews
Friday 19 September 2014
9.55am: Welcome
10.00am-11.30am Panel I: Chair Elise Huguény-Léger
 Maternal presence and female persuasion in Thenaud’s Le Triumphe de
Force (Lidia Radi, University of Richmond)
 “Elle eust mis l’Epée à la main tout comme un homme”: Widowhood,
Gender and Sexuality in La Devineresse (Sarah Townshend, University of
St Andrews)
 Hélène Cixous : esthétique et éthique de/à la limite (Elsa Laflamme,
Collège Gérald-Godin / IMLR, University of London)
11.30am: coffee
11.45-1.15pm Panel II: Chair Vicky Turner
 “L'amour, l'amitié et la beauté de l'art”: searching for meaning in Muriel
Barbery's L'Elégance du hérisson (Katie Jones, University of St Andrews)
 Femmes engagées: Germaine de Staël and Claire de Duras (Stacie Allan,
University of Bristol)
 Citoyenne française: Madame de Genlis’s Narrative Reconstructions of
Post-Revolutionary France (Danielle Berrow, University of St Andrews)
1.15pm: buffet lunch
2.15pm-3.45pm Panel III: Chair Julia Prest
 Forced Repression, Fanatical Remembrance: Leïla Marouane's Le
Châtiment des hypocrites (Jenny Kosniowski, King’s College London)
 Narrating Selfhood through Gender Performance: Marie Nimier’s Multiple
“I”s (Adrienne Angelo, Auburn University)
 L'invention d’une érotique dans le marquage du temps: portraits,
fragments et carnets de Sabine Macher (Elodie Laügt, University of St
4.15pm: Table Ronde (open to the public)
Gender Equality in Academia Today: Myth or Reality?
Chair: Frances Andrews (Mediaeval History, University of St Andrews).
Panelists: Bettina Bildhauer (German, University of St Andrews), Fiona Gray
(Chemistry, University of St Andrews), Tom Jones (English and UCU, University
of St Andrews), and Àine Larkin (French, University of Aberdeen)
5.15pm: Wine Reception, generously sponsored by the School of Modern
Languages, University of St Andrews
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