Minutes Meeting, NWFSC of Trustees March
LLLU Minutes Specia l Meeting, NWFSC Board of Trustees March 30, 2016; 8:30 a.m. Building 400, Room 302 Members Present: Brian S. Pennington, Chairman Rachel R. Gillis, Vice Chairman C. Wayne Ansley Michael M . Flynt, Sr. Marijo Strauss Hayward Dykes, Board Attorney Others present: Mike Griffith and Marsha Sanders of The Bay Beacon; Leah Johns, Northwest Florida Daily News; General Don Litke, ISP Member; Randy White, VP for Administrative Services; Cristie Kedroski, VP for College Advancement; Aimee Watts, Dean of Students; Anne Southard, Acting VP of Academic Affairs; Deborah Fontaine, Acting Dean of General Education and Grants; Stephanie Pettis, Director, Marketing and Public Relations; Dennis Sherwood, Dean, Career and Technical Education; James Gentry and Tomi Salo, AV Services; Nancy Murphy, Director, Human Resources; Julie Cotton, Director, Costa Leadership Institute and Continuing Education; Carla Reinlie, Associate Director, NWFSC Foundation; Janice Henderson, Director, Learning Resources Center; Julie Nelson, Dental Program Director; Carrie Griffith, Office Specia list II; Greg Eller, Chief Information Officer; James Adams, Business Offi ce Manager; Ronnie Stan ley, Professor, Communications; Jeanette Shires, Director, The Mattie Ke lly Fine and Performing Arts Center; Joe Taylor, Coordinator of Choreography; Jeremy Ribando, Chairman, Humanities, Fine & Performing Arts; Deanna Simpson, Instructional Support Specialist- Science; Ross Hamilton, Director, FWB Beach Campus and College Centers; Philip Heise, Chairman, Natural Sciences Department; and, Carolyne Laux, Executive Assistant to the President. Call to Order Brian S. Pennington Invocation Michael M . Flynt, Sr. Pled ge of Allegiance Marijo Strauss Approval of Agenda The Board of Trustees approved the Agenda, as submitted (Motion : Flynt; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Flynt, Strauss, Ansley, Gillis, and Pennington.) Dr. Jarrell's Interview The Board of Trustee interviewed Dr. Sasha L. Jarrell, NWFSC Interim President, for the presidency position at the College. Pause in Meeting The Board of Trustees took a 10-minute break, allowing Dr. Jarrell to be escorted from the room . Reconvened Meeting The Board of Trustees reconvened the Special Board Meeting to deliberate on the pre sidential candidates interviewed . Chairman's Comments I want to reiterate a few items and then I' d like to start the discussion by each of us offering any opening remarks you wish to make on the process, the cand id ates, or any other matter related to the Presidential Search. We will then proceed to discuss each candidate in the order we interviewed them . I will call for motions when I believe there is consensus and there is an action to take. 1. I want to remind everyone, we are not obligated to make a hiring deci sion today. We should not be in a rush here. We are going to deliberate the merits and achievements 2229 of our candidates and whatever the appropriate path forward that we can collective ly agree upon- we will fo llow. a. As I've sa id throughout this search- a bad hire is worse than no hire. 2. We have received the PSAC's recommendations and interviewed those candidates. We have invited Dr. Jarrell to interview- and I submit to you that we are fully within our scope to invite anyone we wish to interview. The hiring decision is the Board's decision and whomever we choose to interview is the decision of the collective board. 3. The PSAC did a fine job- and I va lue their work and input. I know you do too. We received their recommendations and now we must choose the way forward that best suits the future of the institution. 4. I've heard quite a lot of rumor and innuendo this past week from unnamed sources. It's a shame that certain people have refused to stand in the sunshine with the Board or Trustees- instead they hide in the shadows, refusing to use their name- but they are the ones who wa nt to yell the loudest . 5. I am gratefu l for the conversations I have been able to have w ith staff and faculty. have been contacted by one individual who asked me for a conversation regarding our process. We had a very pleasant and very fruitful conversation and I applaud that person for reaching out to the Board in an effort to try and understand the facts. I have also answered three ema ils. 6. I want you to know that I was on campus on Monday and made myself available at 3 o'clock to meet with any person who wished to understand the process we have undertaken and the path we are on. I was not plann ing to be on campus, but I felt that comm unication and ava ilability was the right thing to do. No other board members were present with me. I received two staff members and we had a good conversation. wi ll admit to you I was disappointed that only two people chose to seek me out to better understand things, but I am grateful for those two persons who were willing to meet with me. 7. Our search consu ltant has provided you with information from our cand idates throughout the process as well as in recent days and I trust you have been able to review those items and form an assessment for yourself. 8. I am disappointed that our search consultant did not find some of the more im portant items that have certa inly drawn the attention of the media in the past few days. You are also aware of that information. I have spoken with our consultant and expressed my disappointment that it was not found ea rlier. 9. So, I've sa id enough but I'd like to just comment that we have many options today. Our options include terminating the search, expanding the search, interviewing other semi fina lists, making a hiring decision, along with other possible scenarios as well. We need leadership at the co llege and wherever that comes from, the Board will seek to find it and the Board is the one who wi ll make the final decision. Now, let me go around the room and ask you if you have any opening remarks to make on the ca ndidates, the process, or the next steps we should take as we begin our deliberations. LLJV Re-open Search The Board of Trustees voted to re-open the sea rch for t he Pres ide nt of NWFSC (Motion: Flynt; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Flynt, Strauss, Gi ll is, Ansley, and Pennington.) PSAC The Trustees voted to select a new Pres ident ial Search Advisory Committee at a subsequent meeting (Motion: Flynt; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Flynt, Strauss, Gi llis, Ansley, and Pennington.) NWFSC Search A motion was made by Mr. Flynt to do the Search for a President ourse lves. The motion died for a lack of a second of the motion. Terminate Current Search New Search Firm The Board of Tru stees voted to terminate the consideration of the candidacy of Dr. Anthony Tricoli, Dr. Juston Pate, and Dr. Sasha Jarre ll that were interviewed in t his Search (Motion: Pennington; Second: Ansley. Vote for: Ansley, Gillis, Strauss, Flynt, and Pennington.) The Board of Trustees voted to seek proposa l f rom other firms for a new Presidential Search Firm to conduct the second search (Motion: Flynt; Second: Gillis. Vote for: Flynt, Strauss, Gillis, Ansley, and Penningto n.) Mr. Flynt suggested the Jeff Hockaday Firm be contacted to submit a proposal. Interim President The Board of Trustees desires that Dr. Jarrell continue as the Interim President. The Trustees affirms the need for co ll ege leadership to move forward in solving college issues with all the appropriate autho ri ty as t his search continues (Motion: Flynt; Second: Strauss. Vote for: Ansley, Gil lis, Strauss, Flynt, and Pen nington.) Reapp lication (Jarre ll ) The Boa rd of Trustees approved t hat t he Interim President, Dr. Jarre ll, would be al lowed to app ly for the presidency posit ion, if she so desires (Motion: Stra uss; Second: Flynt. Vote for: Ansley, Gill is, Strauss, Flynt, and Pennington.) Current PSAC The Board of Trustees wished to express their appreciation to the PSAC that served for the first search of candidates and noted that they had given their time and best efforts. The board appreciated and acknowledged their service (Motion: Flynt; Second: Pennington. Vote for: Ansley, Gill is, Strauss, Flynt, and Pennington.) Special Board Meeting The Board of Trust ees voted to ho ld a Special Board Meeting on April 12, 2016 at 4:00p.m . in Building 400, Room 302 for the purpose of (1) Review Presidential Search Firm Proposa ls; (2) Naming a Presidential Search Adv isory Committee; and (3) Other Items as needed (Motion: Strauss; Second: Ans ley. Vote fo r: Ans ley, Gill is, Strauss, Flynt, and Pennington.) Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m. ~~~ Brian S. Penn ington, Chai rman Board of Trustees Northwest Florida State Coll ege